room for what? Gang Stalking, Organised Crime or Organized Confusion

February 3, 2007

Gang stalking: Organized Confusion or Organized Crime

torture, city wide psychological harassmentchemical assaults, and covert druggings,, recovering drug addicts in Southern California and Colorado, drivers and patrol cars in San DiegoPittsburg indy media.

Urban Dictionary

These attacks are happening in all sorts of places, the streets, shops, and rehabs. They are reported to be happening to whistleblowers, and others who have won large settlements from major corperations. 


  1. I became curious and began reading about what is being called “gangstalking” after seeing it mentioned at a mainstream website.

    When it was posted it started what can only be described as an Internet forum war and ended up being completely removed instead of just locked as would be customary or reasonable.

    The severe attack against the poster trying to discuss the topic started instantly, was way out of proportion and appeared to be coordinated, or from a single poster with several aliases. These aliases were newly registered with zero posts at the start.

    The “stalking poster” was immediately called mentally ill, crazy and schizophrenic and told they were “off their meds” before the discussion had even gotten started.

    “Cyberstalking”? The actions and indications were clearly there for anyone to see.

    During the past year and a half of reading research I have witnessed several similar obvious attacks on observably reasonable posters of this subject.

    The attacks just reminded me of all the victims of crimes throughout history that have been labeled “mentally ill” by their often influential attackers, especially the victims of stalking and sexual assault before anyone would believe or take them seriously.

    I don’t agree with or believe everything I’ve read on this subject.

    I do believe some of what I read was written by impostors acting as victims or other, working to undermine the truth of it.

    I believe much of what I read was written by people in desperate situations searching for an answer somewhere in their own experience.

    I believe some things I read were from people who may be mentally ill or have been driven toward delusions and mental illness.

    Any reasonable, intelligent person investigating organized stalking would conclude it has happened and is happening in society.

    The only reason for such a person to conclude otherwise would be some type of vested or other interest.

    The questions of who, what, where, when and why could have as many accurate or inaccurate answers as victims.

    I do know organized stalking needs more reasonable discussion and attention in main stream media and law enforcement.

    Comment by Unbiased — February 9, 2007 @ 6:44 pm

    • Organized stalking is completely real and it id being done by The church of latter day saints, Scientology, and Google…. It is being funded by The department of homeland security with a no bid contract between Google and DHS. Google bills $500 million a month and pays for any equipment they need, like low orbit satellites and spy blimps that have been up there since the late 60’s , put there by NASA, and funded by faking the moon landing and using that money for spy satellites and spy blimps that are placed about 62 miles up in the stratosphere. Today they (LDS and Scientology) have about 4000 low orbit spy satellites and they say 200 thousand spy blimps all over the USA and they even have about 500 blimps in Mexico….
      This is all being done completely illegal by a man that has several alias like Gary Kurtz (Creator of the first 3- star wars movies) , aka George Soros, L.Ron Hubbard, and Anton LaVey.. the last two he just faked their deaths, but he is very much alive living in San Marino , Ca…. His right hand demon is a little deviant that is supposedly named Nadeem Sheikh, who also has several alias ,like Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Nadeem Sheikh is the one they referred to as Lucifer, which is the head homosexual in charge of harassing and stalking people all over the place…. These people are Satanic homosexuals continuing what Adolf Hitler failed at back in 1945… Today they call it the NWO..New world order, which will fail for sure, if people wake up and close down The church of latter day saints and Scientology.. I have enough evidence to put these people away for the rest of their lives, which will make our world a way better place… These people are the wealthiest people in the world that have infiltrated the US government and all the largest corporations in the world.. These people are called Mormon and they have been secretly killing 1000’s of people all over the world with RADIO WAVES to target deliver biological weapons and cause illnesses like aplastic anemia <— sometimes fronts an illness called AIDS , sickle cell anemia (really blood parasites) and , also, causing conditions like Autism and ADHD in children ..
      Radio waves call deliver biological weapons , like blood parasites and Radio waves disrupt brain development in the woumb, causing Autism and disrupts bone marrow development , causing several types of immune system diseases, including AIDS… HIV is actually the herpes virus in primates and it is harmless… all primates are hiv positive and have been for over 1 million years… AIDS was introduced in 1979, if aids was really what they say it is, we would have seen aids at least a 1000 years ago… look at the dates and it is obvious that radio waves (cellular wireless ) is what is causing all the problems mentioned and has been conspired by the Mormon church of Satan and Gary Kurtz , starting back in 1968 or 1972 .. around that time..

      Comment by williamn1969 — April 29, 2013 @ 4:17 am

      • Organized Gang Stalking, Chennai, India.

        For more information on Gang Stalking please visit my youtube channel ‘OrganizedStalking ChennaiCity’ and click on the Playlists section to see Playlist OSInformers and Playlist Dr John Hall interviews
        I have given the links below

        Comment by oschennai — September 29, 2014 @ 3:06 pm

      • A few of you are speculating wildly and missing the point. Targeted individuals need to build credibility not speculate about ‘Satanism’ ,’HIV’ or ‘UFO”s. This doesn’t help any of us. You are not being gang stalked by Aliens. That is perp talk. You are being gang stalked by a Federal Program much like the old CointelPro , the American Protective League or the former DDR Stasi. Same methodology just updated and greatly expanded for the GWOT. Yes there was gang stalking before this but not on this massive scale.

        Please restrict your comments to what you can prove or at least stick to one point and don’t talk about the ’13 families’ or other nonsense. Yes- there is gang stalking, fumigation, sonic and EM weapons. These are horrible and I know all about it from harsh personal experience so forgive me if I get a little perturbed when I see nonsense that hurts our movement. Please see my site for some real information on gang stalking government harassment and please start working together to get the word out by fliers, mass emails, protest whatever it takes. Fliers work well I’ve found out.

        Comment by anticovertwaralliance — November 6, 2014 @ 11:07 pm

      • Lots of useless crap “williamn1969”. Thanks for some of the most likely gov disinfo “williamn1969,” assholes like you make the world go round like the flat spot on the wheel of a grocery store cart.

        In other words , your input is useless and obvious that it was intended to confuse and drive away, any readers that would be seeking information on this subject.

        Enjoy your government paycheck.

        Comment by MyEmail — December 17, 2014 @ 8:01 am

      • Being harrased for three years in mind by popular names… trumps and local friends wolfcalling using ivonka trump and presedent trump voice protocall nonstop in mind by hart rate?? Please help 911.. nonstop harrasement haking phones etc.. havnt pulled underware off for two years evry second being accused of masterbatting and threats of selling for proffit.. over 50 reconizable voices in brain/mind accusing me of evrything possiable.. its became constant , dreams , to evryday evry second life thretning harrasment… cant find help, law ,hospitall, armed forces all think its a joke.. please help dont know why or how…sos could b in your bathrooms private area where they start 1 word a day into constant obsene dissorder eppidimic emergency for american people…wont stop untill im dead is there constant rellays, for the sales of organs hart blood.. very disturbing.. crazy trump himself can u believe this bs…need help, became constant no controll besides taking or ending life….serrious being told as i type i will b killed…

        Comment by Jason gallardo — July 19, 2018 @ 6:32 am

    • Good comment. I am trying to find more information about gangstalking/ambient abuse/stalking by proxy, and finding it difficult.

      Comment by wiliamson — July 20, 2013 @ 10:22 am

      • You know what I learned to do. Pull up the ISS tracker. They monitor our universe for us. Their are three Universal space stations, the ISS, the RSS and the JAXA space stations that operate in our universe. You can ask them for help when your in trouble. The will respond, they can connect to your computer via proxy and help you release your electronics from universal targeting. I hope this helps.

        Comment by Angela Ward — November 11, 2017 @ 5:44 pm

    • I could write a book about all the techniques and creative methods of torture that I was put through. The worse part is the FACT that I did not deserve any of it. Most recently, I was offered a help on preparing my last will. Death threats arrive almost everyday, and especially became more frequent and more brutal after complaining to the AG and FBI. I was promised I would either be dead soon, or in prison on false charges, or kicked out of the United States. I am a citizen of the United States, and I had done a lot for our people. But now that I know too much, I am not surprised I’m being “burned.” Farewell guys.

      Comment by Arman Shakhray — March 2, 2014 @ 9:45 am

      • Neither did I. Send me an email. I’d like to hear your story Arman.

        Comment by anticovertwaralliance — November 6, 2014 @ 11:09 pm

      • If there are any sympathetic computer scientists I think there’s a way to triangulate the signal to its source. I believe only a radio or microwave is safe to interact with the human body. If the signal bounces to a brain and returns back to its source with wave perturbations a computer can translate as neuroelectric data then you should be able to at least consistently detect the place it’s coming from. If that’s a satellite you can research which satellites are in that section of sky at that time. Would an implant have to emit a call signal? That makes it detectable. Just eliminate all electronics on your person. Computer scientists can also jam the signal, which would give so many people relief. If they also log the signals, then you could use linguistics to figure out the implant commands. Maybe the implant can be driven out of the brain the same way it got in there. If you figure out how to command the implant to send a signal to the language processing center and find a judge who volunteers to experience it, there’s no way they wouldn’t prosecute. I’m sure there are implanted judges by now. That would be a good court presentation. Finally, mind-reading is a technique. If honest law enforcement got that, all the perpetrators would fall like dominoes with incontrovertible proof. A computer scientist could hack that program from a computer. Hope one wants to be a hero. With all the guaranteed lawsuits that would win, TI’s could make that person a very rich hero. No country would mind eliminating those felons and starting again with the real human enhancing promise of brain computer interfaces.

        Comment by neuroscienceminor — March 9, 2018 @ 5:54 am

    • Yes it’s all true and gang stalking cyber stalking is all to cover up and people subjected to it have something to expose or we exposed it. The police ignore it because they know it’s real . Anyone who exposes stuff is not delusional and it’s very easy to distinguish the mental from someone exposing truths

      Comment by expose — February 18, 2016 @ 2:38 pm

      • These are the words of my stalkers. “Just know that you’re truth is being exposed.” Wtf? What about yours? It’s way worse than mine. What are you planning to gain from this abuse and madness? You’re snitches hoping to take an inheritance or property from the victim and/or their beneficiaries or assume ones identity. You’ve already hacked all devices and accounts plus stolen all documents needed to pursue taking what isn’t yours… Your true handlers are most likely your beneficiaries are someone close to them or neighbors of your property. They are people whom are bitter, jealous, envious, mad at you for not raising your kids. When they are probably the very ones making phone call and reports trying to ruin your life. They seek revenge and these family members secretly hate you and want you dead. They recruit your piece of shit friends, people you barely know, homeless druggies, sex addicts, and neighbors that are bored and jobless. They let them have free passes to this technology connected to your nervous system and they get rewarded for causing fear and making you cry. They want you to be homeless and suicidal. But when they let blooming retarded childish idiots take the wheel, they only expose themselves. And want you to join in on their sick twisted dark web bullshit. If not, they plan to kill u and blame it on fentnoyl overdose, meanwhile film it and sell it on the darkweb. And you know what sells, illegal nasty, gore. Anything to humiliate, and profit off your life. Your health and wellbeing mean nothing to them… absolutely nothing. I want this to stop. Point those weapons at yourself. If there was a God, he would surely strike you with lightening for thinking you have the right to punish anyone for a thought. Nosey people need to be put in their place and prosecuted for participating in the devils work. This is my experience only and I still can’t prove anything unless the government would seize their devices and read all their deleted media, I probably have to die first, but have wrote everything down to pursue justice. I do know that they disguise their voices and can morph into sounding like anyone you know, however, certain info and questions can only be answered by certain people. P.S. They read your brain and know every move before you make it, every answer, every password/pin number, and secret you hold. I feel like I’m the police now. Remember they tell lies! They get between me and God, and that is the ultimate trespassing… raping my brain, you should be shot! I will continue reading comments praying for the answer to block this harassment and abuse.

        Comment by Meredith A TI from Gastonia — July 13, 2023 @ 1:07 am

      • Meredith I am in Gastonia as well and have been going through the same things for 10 months. I have thousands of hours of video evidence to prove this is happening.

        Comment by Scot — August 2, 2023 @ 11:38 am

      • Hey Scot from Gastonia, I don’t know how to contact you. Since we live in the same town; I would like to talk. Please reach out to me.

        Comment by Meredith — October 14, 2023 @ 2:25 am

    • Laser bugs are raping bugs as they can pick up your heartbeat. If u can put an app on your phone to count your steps each day what else can a hidden app do. Smart people think about what is out there. The technology that exists. Good people and bad people can get these types of stuff. Google has preonstalled chrome with a spying bug that listen into conversations in your home. Hackers can hack into this bug to steal your personal conversations bank acts government acts etc. Google saves all your searches and states they can let law enforcement then read your searches but they have overstepped the line and installed a spying bug. Hypocrisy at its finest . Anyone subjected to gang stalking. Fight back. Use the very means they spy to fight back . Yes rise above gang staking if u have something to expose. Use all social media to expose. I’m spied on and those listening know dirty cops ganged raped a 16 yr old and harass her by text the past 6 years. Use those spying to expose !!! Fight back and don’t be afraid as smart people know that gang stalking cyber stalking laser bugs low level satellite above your home is all legitimate and they spy to.shut you up so if your spied truly have hit the nail on the head with.what you k ow.

      Comment by expose — February 18, 2016 @ 2:52 pm

      • State/Government-Organized Stalking-Mobbing.
        Ask “your” government what it is doing!
        Nobody else can do such things…

        Comment by rscaru — February 18, 2016 @ 3:01 pm

    • This is not just a cybergang it’s official gang after women and men that they believed to be cheating or its just simply revenge you will be tossed From relationship to another friendship to another when bad things will happen to you physically and mentally and you won’t realize it and u will at the end either be considered mentally ill or u end committing suicide… I have experienced this first hand for over 15 Years this started when yahoo messenger was popular… If your a victim your not allown we believe what your going through contact me and join our family

      Comment by Jen — April 27, 2016 @ 10:08 pm

      • It goes further than gang stalking I you know more I opened something that allows me to feel them when they are promoting begitive energy your way they will start having people actually start coming up to you speak with you and then say something that your thinking and leave

        Comment by Micha — November 8, 2016 @ 1:50 pm

      • Hi im been goinh thru thid mindfuck for years!! Help me

        Comment by Jacm — January 7, 2017 @ 2:07 pm

      • I’ve been asking for help but noone believes me! I have had my reputation ruined ,people I don’t know follow me ,harrass me,cough at !e sneeze at me,call me a whore,tell me to kill myself cause I’m ugly and fatnd I need to die! Cops are involved also I have noticed everywhere I go and on my Rx meds medical record number foodstamp case number cable box unit id number and other things in my life including job I’d numbers is 103 I have a designated target number! Like the Jews had in the Holocaust tattooed on them!!

        Comment by Kristal Schultz — April 4, 2018 @ 2:34 pm

    • Its happening to me now and has for 4-5 months now.everyone tells me I’m crazy, I’m paranoid.Not a one has taken into consideration how terrified I am.

      Comment by marie — January 23, 2017 @ 3:25 pm

      • This may sound “Woo Woo” to some, but if you raise your level of consciousness, you can escape this. Please “google” this.

        Comment by Aware — January 26, 2021 @ 11:33 pm

    • I would love to have a conversation with you about the subject if you are interested ive been a T. I. For about 20 years now so much of it seems. To be so far fetched its kinda crazy but when it started for me it was verry overwhelming. And there. Was no internet suicidal and homicidal i went through it bad. If you tryed to share it with friends or family you got laughed in your face but i figured out that is the reaction your supposed. To get u learn to keep your mouth shut and when u actualy overhear someone shairing info to people in public you will go over and start a conversation. Alone with them and i can tell you you will finish each others conversation and its like youv known each other for a lifetime i had one girl i meet . her boy friend over heard his girl talkig to people and his said out loud dont listen to that crazy bitch and when we started finishing each others sentences got up to give me a hug and collapsed. In my arms and her hole body was trembeling i woud say yes it very real and if you disagree with me any one who poo pos it i auto maticly think you one of them to just not even have an open minde is ridiculous.

      Comment by 805 central coast — August 11, 2017 @ 10:03 pm

    • I can never get any help. From now on- it should be known wide and far- just exactly how criminal the entire legal system is, in Illinois and perhaps around the country. They protect the criminals and they ignore or screw over the whistle blowers. IF you read or hear or even perhaps watch on tv how the entire criminal network operates within mainstream media as well , you will notice that good is bad and bad is good. And no one cares about the gang stalking but they will however try to say they are YOUR gangs. lol See its so retarded. JUST SAY IT LAW ENFORCEMENT – YOU LOVE YOU GANGS BETTER THEN YOU LOVE REAL LAW. YOU PROTECT CRIMINALS THAT YOU RUN AND OWN- JUST ADMIT IT. WHY else would you help the criminals ? YOU LOVE YOUR GANG MEMBERS AND YOUR CRIMINALS – YOU DO – CUZ YOU ARE ONE WITH THEM AND IT SHOWS. YOU are the real traitors – cuz you help the bullies and the stalkers and the posers and the fakers and the murderers and the ocn artist and the only reason you have the job you have is because you will lie for the mafia THAT YOU ARE IN. YOU ARE THE HATERS OF AMERICA AND THE OLD SCHOOL FAMILIES IN THIS COUNTRY- YOU ARE. IF YORE NOT THEN WHY DONT YOU DO YOUR JOB RIGHT???????????????? Illinois Im afraid youre too far gone with the corruption . Walgreens in Milan Il 8 years ago kept short changing my dads perscription-so I said that on the internet and low and behold the next thing I know a story comes out saying CVS was bad. Not one word about WALGREENS JUST THE OPPOSITE. They are trying to set up women and children unless we buckle down to the false gov. THE FAKER GOV. They have no authority – cuz they dont ever do their jobs right. Probably foriegners pretnding to be legal or sold out con artist. I have no respect for those kinda law enforcement that help criminals and allow the abuse and use of normal people they bully on the internet when the person tries to nark on the organized criminal law enforcement crime ring that is in with walmarts foriegn terrorist network. THATS THE WAY I SEE IT. Plus they covertly kill people that have done nothing wrong. LIKE MY DAD.Abused and used my bio mom and used and abused my brother and now they are trying to do the same to me. NO HELP FROM THE OVERTHROWN GOV. And dont tell me your not overthrown fbi- cuz you never do your job right you only protect the organized crime ring from NY and around the country. YOU ARE WORTHLESS and the only reason you have a job is because youre worthess. YOU AND THE MEDIA TO WINGS OF THE SAME BIRD OF PREY. YOU probably eat babies at night- thats how disgusting you are, you never do anything right. GO HANG WITH YOUR FORIEGN CRIMINAL NETWORK- YOU LOVE THEM MORE THEN AMERICA, TRAITORS.

      Comment by BITCH — December 21, 2017 @ 4:45 pm

    • I am listening to Bruce Springsreens, Philadelphia, it reminds me of my friend David. He had leisons on his face from A.I.D.s.We were on a bus and people stared. I am not gay but i grabbed him and gave him big kiss! He cried and died! My town is doing the total bullying! Been assaulted 4 times cops were there 3 of em. They arrested me and help me and released me. No record of arrest! My mom is 88 and dying! I had my car stolen for 2 days and on and on! I feel like being surrounded by people who have no souls!

      Comment by Ted Johnson — October 17, 2021 @ 6:43 pm

    • The people here are so clearly suffering from severe mental illness that it’s not even funny.

      There are people on YouTube who post hours of “video proof” of these gang stalking experiences in which they walk down public streets and identify every last person who passes them by as being a part of the stalking.

      Anybody sitting down at a restaurant is secretly spying or recording, every person walking a dog is there to monitor their every move, literally nobody is exempt. It’s sad.

      I’m sure some of these people have this delusion cleared up immediately when they get back on their medications, but the delusion is strong. Even the people in here calling for sanity are themselves believing insane things of a different flavor.

      It ain’t real, people. I would be willing to bet that a large number of these people are even diagnosed paranoid schizophrenics, but simply believe that this is not a part of their condition, when it very obviously is.

      Comment by Mackinnon Bolgen — January 29, 2024 @ 10:23 pm

  2. I have been a victim of this phenomenon for about 10 years. It is unfortunately very real. The harrassment usually coincides or intensifies with me publishing political opinions on certain subjects on the internet, such as the banking system, freedom of expression and conscience and related matters.

    Comment by a victim — February 10, 2007 @ 12:05 am

  3. Organised stalking does exist. It is a reality, one that is hidden by the power structure that underlays it. This power structure being made up of government entities indirectly support this activity. The NSA, the pentagon, CIA. In the same way these groups are responsible for the UFO abduction phenomena, in there attempts to implant innocent people for research in IIC satellite system that interfaces implants with centralized technology. Of course implants/UFOs/secret experimentation is relegated to the ‘bizzare’ realm of quesi-entertainment, and this is simply done through media controls.

    Weapons experimentation, PSYOPS, use gang stalking to control the victims, eliminate their credibility, and make way for a risk free playing feild that will end in the termination of the victim through induced suicide.

    Of course these enterprises are used for revenge services, to take out people who have won large settlements from major corperations in courts. These targets become practice tools for direct non-lethal weapons, implantations, PSYOPS, pshychological warfare etc.

    It just so happens that the target will, in my experience, have much of his or her communications controled. This is done in extreem cases, where the target;’s exposing of the crimes done to him or her will jepordize participants, who, are not directly related to the operations.

    Actually this is protocol for most targets. Protection is what they are after.

    Security of e-mails, blogs etc. will be compromnised.

    I recommend looking into The Illuminati. I initially found it hard to believe much of the writing concerning this, but I am now beginning to see how some of it may be reality, though skeptical in the overall arguments the likes of Cisco Wheeler.

    Comment by minigh — February 13, 2007 @ 6:02 pm

    • Have you noticed people that are targeted individuals having designated target numbers because I have one! And yes people have told me on my Facebook to comitt suicide ! People I don’t know never met in my life !

      Comment by Kristal Schultz — April 4, 2018 @ 2:37 pm

  4. Gang Stalking is a protection business for criminals run by criminals. It is all about money and power from the top to the bottom.

    Some people think Gang Stalking may be condoned or at least ignored by governments because of a perceived lack of effort on the part of law enforcement to investigate these crimes.

    Gang Stalking is used to eliminate witnesses to crimes and “take care” of personal vendettas of criminal syndicate members who may be working anywhere in society in any position, much like “sleeper” terrorists, except their goal is to never have themselves or their crimes revealed.

    Gang Stalking crews offer services to anyone with the proper criminal connection and money.

    Gang Stalking assaults are continuous.

    Gang Stalkers coerce family, friends and neighbors to participate in stalking activities. They will use your neighbors houses or apartments for surveillance and as a base to launch attacks against you.

    Stalkers will rent or buy properties close to you for constant surveillance and attack bases.

    Quote – “The expressed goal of Gang Stalking is to silence a victim, drive a victim insane and possibly to the point of suicide, or destroy the victim’s reputation and believability as the person will likely be viewed as mentally ill should they complain or report the abuse.

    It involves provoking and harassing someone continually until they become exasperated and respond in some manner. Then this response is recorded and documented as an indication of how “unstable”, “crazy”, “dangerous”, etc. the person is. In effect, playing games with cause and effect.

    The harassers as a group may have broken dozens of laws and committed dozens of torts in an effort to provoke someone into responding in some “unstable” manner that they can “document” and use as “evidence”, often with the help of unwitting bystanders.”

    The success of Gang Stalking is dependent on the gradual covert poisoning of the victim, using neural interrupters and psychotropic drugs.

    The foundation of Gang Stalking is planned slander. Constant roomers of mental illness, defamation of character, implication of criminal behavior. The lies are “tailored” to the victim.

    Victims of Gang Stalking are set up for and led into deviant behavior or crimes after they have been drugged/poisoned. This “evidence” will be documented and used against the victim.

    When stalkers ask each other if a victim has been sensitized, they are asking if the victim has been poisoned/drugged to the point where “street theater” will be effective to invoke a response. They also want to know the “Gang Stalking Methods” that have been “imprinted” on the victim so they can continue with the same.

    Schizophrenia is the “howl” of the Gang Stalker. You might witness “the victim is schizophrenic” attack anywhere, but it is especially prevalent in their cyber-stalking. Gang Stalkers often revise the definition of schizophrenia to better fit their goals.

    Their chemical attacks are intended to and will cause the mental break down of the victim if they fail to protect themselves. Gang Stalkers intend all poison/drug induced behavior by the victim to be mistaken for mental illness.

    Victims of Gang Stalking have reported being attacked by “directed energy weapons”. A type of acoustic weapon that has even been for sale on the Internet in various forms could account for some of these attacks. Here is an example of one in current use by Israel. The capabilities of this weapon and resulting symptoms are accurately reported by Dr. Malcolm Davis on National Public Radio.

    Quote NPR Transcript, Dr.Malcolm Davis – “…low-frequency sound to the point that you can’t actually hear the sound. And the effect that both weapons produce, is to vibrate the internal organs of the human body…” “…dizziness and nausea and potentially a burning sensation on the skin…”

    Electromagnetic weapons and attacks by the same have been confirmed by credible sources. The accounts of victims are mounting daily.

    Various stalking crews have been reported and are networked throughout the United States, Russia, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, India and many other countries. Reports of attacks come from all countries. These Stalking Crews are made up of well and lesser known organized crime syndicates, street gangs, extremist groups, secret societies, common criminals, and paid, coerced or duped citizens.

    Advanced communications have precipitated the growth of this organized crime and are required for it’s operation.

    Gang Stalking is intended to completely destroy a victim’s life, while leaving little if any evidence.

    Comment by anonymous | January 28, 2007

    In the above, by duped citizens I mean everyone, including police, firemen, rescue squads, ambulance workers etc.

    And I do think Gang Stalking crews could and probably are co-opting citizen/community policing programs. This means Gang Stalkers are great con-artists or have legal and criminal connections.

    It is very important for a victim to defend themselves against the lies told in the community and to police by Gang Stalkers. Unfortunately, most people will automatically believe anything they hear. Look at the post on that “Who’s a Rat” site that says –

    Quote – “Is anybody familiar with the new KKK? It’s called gangstalking. They do the dirty work that cops can’t/won’t do.”

    That is suggesting that Gang Stalkers only assault criminals. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

    Many of the duped citizen stalkers I have encountered obviously have no idea who I am and appear to believe I am a criminal or crazy. I’m sure this is part of what they are told along with their standard “brainwashing” treatment.

    Some “professional” stalkers I see behave like a cult from hell, others have had overt mafia-like qualities.

    Comment by anonymous | January 28, 2007

    FUCK the PeRpS! e.g. “CREEPS”

    Comment by Donald F. Truax | February 13, 2007

    Comment by Interesting Information — February 16, 2007 @ 1:00 am

    • I have been a victim of gangstalking, and my stalkers are scumbag criminals, who live near my apartment. My last employer and my current employer are involved in this also. I think they expected me to be a prostitute for them or something. The neighborhood stalkers are, I think, a group of homeless and destitute and are harassing me all the time. I had to complain to my landlord for months and months and tell him how n=my neighbor would follow me and hound me day in and day out and now he’s finally in the process of being evicted and I know I will see retaliation from that. I don’t know if they are destroying me because housing in my area is limited and outrageously expensive but, they’ve intercepted mail, which I believe may have contained checks and letters from family. The locksmith that changed my locks when I first moved in lives right next door to me. I hired a new locksmith because someone had broken into my apartment and stolen cash and my apartment was broken into right after the next locksmith changed my locks because when I came home from work I found a patio door open, and I’m REALLY careful about locking up. My current employer, an attorney, laughs in my face when I tell him about these things, I have been degraded every day at work by the last two sole proprietors I worked for to earn my rent. I have had numerous car repairs and every time I come back to my apartment at night I hear the neighbors screaming at me “go home”. I think it’s a group of homeless, or close to destitute individuals who are grouping together, I dated one a men briefly who kept talking about how he enjoyed living with other people for the “comraderie” I told him I would find life absolutely worthless if I had to live with someone or have a room mate and he “broke up” with me immediately. He was criminal scum and tries to force me to say hello to him when i told him i didn’t want to talk to him again. There are a bunch of people that hang around the dumpster in a close neighboring apartment complex in a large parking lot and they scream and yell all night long. I have filed two police reports about this and the police never do anything, once at the police station I was yelled at and berated by a police employee behind the counter. My life has been completely wrecked and now I’m employed by a criminal scumbag who berates and insults me all day every day and now I won’t be able to find work again, this has wrecked my life completely. Gangsalking and workplace mobbing is real and it destroys lives of innocent people. Any ideas out there would be appreciated. I have contacted an attorney via e-mail and been insulted and berated, told to get counseling and that I was unstable, making me feel more powerless and furious. Any victims out there that want to talk please e-mail me.

      Comment by Lisa K — October 27, 2011 @ 1:53 pm

      • Lisa K : Of course legal recourse depends upon hard evidence with any chance of standing up in court. But if it really has anything to do with those previous employers of yours, at all establishing any prior pattern of sexual harassment, extortion or intimidation, might be a good start for getting the police interested in beginning any proper investigation. Although, speculation aside, what you actually do know about sound more like even criminal level neighbor bullying, and that would be the most obvious place to start. You and your landlord should each be making police reports and seeking legal assistance, despite you own unpleasant experience. The ill advise reactionary puritanical War on Vice has transformed the entire public into teaming masses of potential criminals. Police culture is rife with a cynical pessimistic us-against-the-world mentality, undermining ideals of service. Morale is typically extremely poor. “The job is shit” they often complain. The police, even if they are not just corrupt, are often just plain lazy. The police are typically overworked and overwhelmed, and the temptation is great simply to abusively drive away as many new cases as possible, as they can get away with, typically the most vulnerable and needy of police assistance. A tip: Police can be so much sweeter when you bring a witness with you! So you and your landlord might coordinate, and always go to the police station together. Lastly, I’m not clear how you think that housing might be any motive. Developers would need to velar everyone out, not just any one particular tenant. And if you are worried about stolen letters and packages, then you may need top have all of your mail forwarded elsewhere, perhaps to a mailbox at the post office. If at all possible, cultivating and turning to a good network of supportive friends will be crucial to staying sane, focused, on the ball and proactive. I hope that at least your neighbors understand and appreciate what is happening in their own apartment building.

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — March 9, 2012 @ 9:38 pm

      • Aaron Agassi, are you a disinformation specialist?

        Comment by simths — July 28, 2014 @ 6:33 am

      • I read your gangstalking stories I have more to tell you a lot similar to what u have been through and way worse I would like u to email me

        Comment by Jen — April 28, 2016 @ 8:11 pm

      • Lisa K I’ve recently been turned onto a dictation of sorts that has helped to understand the “why this is happening ” and “how is it possible that they are so intouch with my exact time and place of thought…” Its not probable and people of this day and age arent so much loyal to these agencies as they have been known to be in the past…. I live in Riverside Ca and have literally been dealing with this for over 16years… The funny thing is I am an awesome positive feeling individual for whom is a benefit to society type of guy…Feel free to call me 951 332-4943 Call me KryanK pronounced crank

        Comment by KryanK — September 10, 2021 @ 4:39 pm

      • My story is very similar. I think my house is like The Big Brother House. Someone is coming in my home when I leave, possibly hiding until I sleep, which I believe I’m gassed and drugged. Then I too believe a gang of homeless bisexual druggies do things to me. I think they want my house because the rent is cheap. I believe my bisexual ex and his current lovers are involved. As well as a cousin whose family dislike me and want me cut out of a will. I am single and think porn is a major part of this. I hate the voices and how they comment on my thoughts. They are mean and harrass me 24/7, some shifts are worse than others. They all hate me and I will offend anyone who reads my thoughts. This is the ultimate cruel thing and personally I think it’s a million dollar lawsuit. I do not consent to this, it has been hard on my body, my mind, and the average person couldn’t take it. Contact me if u want to…
        Gastonia NC

        Comment by Meredith A TI from Gastonia — July 13, 2023 @ 1:31 am

    • I’m a victim also. I must include the description “HATERS”…Is there any recourse for us, legally of course, I by no means want to fall into the “trap” of stooping as low as they are.

      Comment by LiL' Jim — March 9, 2012 @ 12:00 pm

      • LiL’ Jim: Of course legal recourse depends upon hard evidence with any chance of standing up in court. But if it really has anything to do with those previous employers of yours, at all establishing any prior pattern of sexual harassment, extortion or intimidation, might be a good start for getting the police interested in beginning any proper investigation. Although, speculation aside, what you actually do know about sound more like even criminal level neighbor bullying, and that would be the most obvious place to start. You and your landlord should each be making police reports and seeking legal assistance, despite you own unpleasant experience. The ill advise reactionary puritanical War on Vice has transformed the entire public into teaming masses of potential criminals. Police culture is rife with a cynical pessimistic us-against-the-world mentality, undermining ideals of service. Morale is typically extremely poor. “The job is shit” they often complain. The police, even if they are not just corrupt, are often just plain lazy. The police are typically overworked and overwhelmed, and the temptation is great simply to abusively drive away as many new cases as possible, as they can get away with, typically the most vulnerable and needy of police assistance. A tip: Police can be so much sweeter when you bring a witness with you! So you and your landlord might coordinate, and always go to the police station together. Lastly, I’m not clear how you think that housing might be any motive. Developers would need to velar everyone out, not just any one particular tenant. And if you are worried about stolen letters and packages, then you may need top have all of your mail forwarded elsewhere, perhaps to a mailbox at the post office. If at all possible, cultivating and turning to a good network of supportive friends will be crucial to staying sane, focused, on the ball and proactive. I hope that at least your neighbors understand and appreciate what is happening in their own apartment building.

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — March 9, 2012 @ 9:33 pm

      • Errata: My comment should have been adressed to Lisa K .

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — March 9, 2012 @ 9:36 pm

      • Low life –

        They are intent on self preservation, like the judiciary…on the benefits of ‘organised crime’ upon and on with their future ‘roll-overs’ – their investments, without the useless laws – what of their futures ?

        They then become useless eaters, serving the ’cause’ without their bullshit and exploitation, we would be free of the non-contributing…

        Comment by Robert — June 24, 2012 @ 11:45 am

      • i would have to agree on the haters part for lack of a better term, and for the women who stated they scream at her to go home lets you know they are pathetic pussies as well.

        Comment by toys — September 30, 2012 @ 8:28 am

    • This comment is in response to the comment made by Anonymous, I agree with almost everything you said except ,These two things below….

      1, you said that ” Many of the duped citizen stalkers stalk me because i am and appear to believe I am a criminal or crazy” SO, what if you are really crazy, do these homosexuals have the right to persecute or torture people with mental illness? is there a law that says stalk and torture mentally ill people ? is mental illness a crime? I don’t think so!
      Even if you are a criminal, do these gang-bangers/ paid criminals have the right to persecute or stalk you? I don’t think so. There is no such thing that says stalk and torture mentally ill people or criminals.unless in the secret society/kkk world. There is no such thing at all. If you or the person who is being labeled criminal is really a criminal. Then why do these cowards have to hide and do it in secret ? why all these secrecy ? It’s because what they’re doing is a criminal act, that’s why they’re hiding.

      2, you said… “everyone, including police, firemen, rescue squads, ambulance workers are duped”. I don’t agree with you, because these people know what they’re doing, and they are doing it for money and other incentives. Some of them get promoted in their positions after participating in Gang-stalking and some get money and other favors. The only people that are being duped are the “neighborhood watch programs”, because these “wanna be hero cults” don’t know exactly why they are harassing their neighbor, they’re just following an order from the participating law enforcement agents who are targeting the victim. And these law enforcement agents are usually firemen, police and paramedic. I hope they get what they deserve for all the pain they’ve caused to humanity!

      Comment by Guest — May 12, 2012 @ 4:24 am

      • I agree.

        Comment by gismo — May 15, 2012 @ 7:08 am

      • They -All- know what they are doing. They are -All- duped citizens that are following an authority figure as part of a social experiment. Did they fail or did they pass?

        Participation is a fail. It’s Nazi 101. Think about it.

        Comment by simths — July 28, 2014 @ 6:04 am

      • I think you are correct too, “THEY ALL KNOW” what they are doing.

        Comment by erata — February 6, 2018 @ 3:30 am

    • I agree that criminals are used in vengeance stalking but given the fact that gang stalking assaults coincide with intense cruiser stalking and set-ups from law enforcement–how can you say that law enforcement is not involved? It’s been my experience that law enforcement is using the tactic nationwide. Is there anything in your personal experience to prove it’s anything but local and federal law enforcement doing this? Who are the ‘gang stalking’ crews and how do they get paid for protection? My gang stalkers were government workers with known domestic security connections, a few recruited neighbors and police. They never asked me for ‘protection’ money just to get the hell out of town.

      Comment by Anthony M. — January 8, 2015 @ 9:42 pm

      • “They never asked me for ‘protection’ money just to get the hell out of town.”

        Targeted Individuals (T.I’s) tend to attract the unwanted attention of others, these people don’t wish to get caught up in the ‘PROGRAM’ –
        they are probably all familiar with it, already – AND HAVE HAD ENOUGH ! – Hence why they ‘rail-road’ an individual out of town.
        The T.I. is NOT the problem the stalking scum (Rock N Roll Dogs, Celebrities, etc) ARE. The locals do not wish to be drawn into this shit,
        is isn’t life to them – it’s a death sentence – but the shallow money trench of the entertainment industry is regularly being topped up –
        MONEY is the fucking incentive, along with the ‘prestige’ that these wankers, narcissists and grand standing exhibitionists wallow in.

        They don’t have a life in the performing ‘arts’ without someone to lean on, dump on and take for a burn out ride – regardless of where the
        shit head’s target goes – the pack mentality will draw-in new ‘localized’ players, for example – “Do you want to help with the cause, we’ll
        make it worth your while” most end up DEAD, before they ever get a cent, they can’t get out of the ‘program’ either, after about a year
        or so. It’s the sad trap, that folds back in on itself.

        The cops ” that are in on it” “Hey, we are just following orders, from the top” plus a few extra dollars, from corruption…

        Comment by Robert — January 21, 2015 @ 4:09 am

    • I can’t believe this I’ve been experiencing this harassmesment. I need to talk to some one who??? Projection.parasites radioactive steam drone who can help

      Comment by Angela Holly HArbin — July 8, 2015 @ 9:15 pm

  5. Let me just add that the title of your piece “Gang stalking: Organized Confusion or Organized Crime” is accurate only in the sense that the victims are confused by these senseless attacks and not organized. The Gangstalkers that assault innocent victims are obviously organized criminals.

    Comment by Interesting Information — February 16, 2007 @ 1:14 am

  6. Confusion? I think it amounts to induced confusion through sick psychological attacks. Induced disfuntionality. They are pure scum. I have seen some of these scum, the4 organisers, which are fermented encrusted scum, as opposed to regular scum. They don’t like to be stood up to and call on what they do by the victim. If this happens they feel like they have been kicked around, and what they will do in retaliation is give the victim a real dirty tactic.

    Scum, pure scum. Demons, the sickest people walking the face of North America.

    Comment by dodo bird — February 18, 2007 @ 8:06 pm

  7. These gang stalker organizers should be implanted, and sent to the moon, without oxygen! They could terrorize moon rocks! Least they stay here murdering and torturing people. Hitler is rolling with envy in his grave as these stalking crews silently do their sick crap.

    Comment by dodo bird — February 19, 2007 @ 1:52 am

  8. link:

    Personality simulation systems are being used to create political campaigns that apply voter profiles to control their voting behavior. TV commercials and programs use personality simulation to profile viewers to control their purchasing and viewing behaviors. And sophisticated propaganda and brainwashing techniques are being used by the Bush junta to keep American citizens under control.

    best wishes,

    dodo bird, (watch over your head)

    Comment by dodo bird — February 19, 2007 @ 1:57 am

  9. link:

    Personality simulation systems are being used to create political campaigns that apply voter profiles to control their voting behavior. TV commercials and programs use personality simulation to profile viewers to control their purchasing and viewing behaviors. And sophisticated propaganda and brainwashing techniques are being used by the Bush junta to keep American citizens under control.

    best wishes,

    dodo bird

    Comment by dodo bird — February 19, 2007 @ 1:58 am

  10. dodo seems to be dropping a lot of crap.


    Comment by AUTHOR — February 21, 2007 @ 11:32 pm

  11. This stuff is REAL. It’s been happening to me for nearly 25 years. I don’t know how or why I became a targeted individual. I am very ethical and my politics are left of center.

    The basics — frequent illegal entry, gaslighting, multiple stalking even when traveling great distances, slander campaigns, sensitizing, etc. are all phenomena I have experienced. It is as described by others on the ‘net.

    As an example of how you know you are being watched with earnest is as follows: I am Catholic. There are several churches in my community and masses held on Saturday evening, a couple on Saturday mornning and even a mass late Sunday evening. I am a single woman and would attend mass unattended by an escort. FOR YEARS, I would attempt to attend mass unharrassed by selecting masses at numerous churches and at numerous times. Without fail, I would be watched and stalked and harrassed no matter which church or which time. The harrassing activity would always involve two women slightly younger than me who would sit near me. I would always know these ladies were stalking me because, without fail, they would always place themselves near me and exchange that portion of the mass where Catholics shake each others’ hands and greet each other with the saying”Peace Be With You.” and then immediately leave — well before the mass was over. Now, it’s possible that this particular oddity of might happen a few times, but to have this happen numerous dozens of times. Well, you know you are being watched like a hawk. And the two young ladies would always be different each Sunday.

    I am a very strong and sane person. This phenomena is absolutely happening.

    Comment by Jada — February 22, 2007 @ 12:29 pm

    • I am not a Catholic but have noticed one extremely curious thing. If you read the book “The Ultimate Evil” by a journalist who investigated satanism (name of Maury Terry), it seems he wrote that all the victims of the son of sam were Catholic. The murders were done by different individuals and blamed on David Berkowitz. They were all killed, as Berkowitz later said “So many more would not have to be”. The satanists have pledged to “take all power of earth away from the Catholics” and you have to wonder that, if the devil is against them, are they all that bad?

      Comment by greg — June 1, 2015 @ 9:38 am

      • Religions have been utilized throughout history as a means of programming the human race, to turn against itself, due to different
        fantasy – unproven. “But humble are those who have not seen, yet believe” – Humble or Gullible ? consider what happens when
        the pope and the king are in on it together – hey presto a reduction of the Irish population which, if not would have ended in a
        massive reform for the majority – the Irish, the English would have become a minority due to shear numbers of healthy competition
        and the pope couldn’t spare any men to defend thy faithful, could he ? when the war in Ireland started it never ended BECAUSE
        religion is still the active mind control program, from generation to generation of good little mind control slaves. “You are forbidden
        to think outside of the square” – by order, the authority (religion) of your choice…

        Look at how many wars (un – holy wars) have continued due to the different programming, from the cradle to the premature
        grave. Mind Control – that is all that religion has ever been – and it sells un-real estate in the heavens, if you don’t buy into it
        then you are “cast down” for being a non-conformist – how convenient for the power brokering elite… It’s always been the
        power struggle for global control – to beat everyone into submission to a pack of fabricated crap, this shit no one does well out
        of – because it is control via delusion and deceit, which is destructive – destruction is the adversary of creation – simple enough ?

        Sensational is an under statement when it comes to what religion really pushes – the same spin “From the book of Liable” in
        which the “Heretic” contests and exposes any religious bullshit proven, as crap beyond any doubt – the truth fucks with their
        programming and controlling evil heads – the religions are the heretics, thugs and power brokering satanists – their full of the
        proverbial shit.

        The Devil is Destruction, God is Creation – why complicate matters ? Galileo said that the Earth was not the Center of the
        universe – the Catholic church (via the Spanish inquisition) forced him to denounce his findings – or be put to death – the church
        is just a bunch of pagan thugs – started about 300 years A.D. by a pagan emperor – Constantine. “Take this, this is my blood”
        and “Eat this, this is my body” – in the name of Christ ? – these are NOT true christian practices, this is pagan ritual –
        The church said such ritual is “Symbolic” – yes of pagan ritual, nothing to do with Christ values, at all. The religions are the
        Anti – Christs and anti everything else, inclusive of reality ! – become a good club member and kill the minority “clubs” and call
        it a fair game? – they are deceiving and deluding thugs, nothing more than Evil businesses selling land-fill commodities.

        Comment by Robert — June 3, 2015 @ 5:06 pm

  12. The Catholic Church is the culprit, it now comes to be. Or is this just another manifestation of the Catholic Bashing exhibited in Hollywood, sitcoms, and on college campuses or in hipster social circles (‘me too, I am a recovering Catholic’).

    Well, the Vatican, according to the internet, has done operations with the CIA, and perhaps the CIA and the vatican are part and partial to the Illuminati, or the masons. The skies the limits.

    This ‘peace be with you’, then leaving. I think young ladies attending mass together find commeradery in sneaking out at the opportune time. They have hit the mass, heard the sermon, thus fulfilling their obligation, one instilled since childhood, and simply want to head to the nearest diner and do what young ladies do, chit chat over coffee on a sunday morning, and perhaps ride out a hangover. I would not want to do communion with a hangover myself.

    Comment by author — February 27, 2007 @ 3:43 pm

  13. Hi, fellow gangstlkees,

    I had been stalked for 4 years in California. I subsequntly moved to San Antonio and for the past 4 years was left alone . I applied for a part time job and sent a request for proof of employment and a recommendation to my former employer and presto the gang stalkers showed up instead. So, know I am being stalked in San Antonio. I was told by a friend who became a stalker that bible based religions do the heavy lifting in the gang stalking and other groups who are involved are under the direction of the local ministers.

    Comment by Margaret Cone — March 4, 2007 @ 9:19 pm

  14. Below I have placed a few links which may lend much to this discussion, though have yet to really read them at length. Two hinges on culture of Catholics, the other is a bit in the direction of specialized conspiracy analysis.

    does the catholic culture and the instillation of false, or unneeded guilt leave modern Catholics with a stronger likelyhood to become alcoholics?

    Then we have Jesuit mind control.

    Ministers directing sadistic torture! This is very interesting indeed. I respect religion in the general sense, but corruption can be found wherever human beings are found, whether a buddhist monestery, a Jesuit order, a pizza, shop, a school district, corperate enterprise, government, family, nudist colony, flower people community. the human condition.

    Comment by author — March 6, 2007 @ 11:12 pm

  15. Ministers directing sadistic acts of covert harassment!

    I can only say that, corruption exists wherever humankind is found, be it a buddist monestery, the Vatican, a school district, coperations, family, pizza shop, flower shop, school yard, prison, nudist colony, hippy community, government, charitable organization, on and on.

    The human condition is something generalized throughout the globe, and religious orders are no more inmune to corruption then businesses, or governments.

    So, I gather that your gang stalking was job related.

    Comment by author — March 6, 2007 @ 11:28 pm

  16. My gangstalking started as a result of a eviction. I evicted tenants that were part of a biblical based religion. I know who they are because in the beginning I offered to join them and they welcomed me with open arms.

    Margaret Cone

    Comment by Margaret Cone — March 11, 2007 @ 7:59 am

  17. I have been implanted by illuminati zionist demons. They are killing me, though a most heinous torture. They are sick mother fuckers. They have spent thousands of dollars on my torture. They have done some alteration of my alfactory nerve, and this was done when I was drugged unconscious. They use chemicals and electronic harassment to control my moods.

    They aim t cause me great pain. I believe in the political zionist connection to gang stalking, the sionists and illuminati are together, they control the media, and they are ushering in the NWO. they are satinists and sadists.

    Comment by anonymous target — March 31, 2007 @ 9:15 pm

  18. It is truly the end of civilization, as we have known it. I am a scientist, and I am under 24 hour surveillance.My person of contact, whom I am supposed to call, in threatening situations has vanished from the face of the Earth.
    I have had my bank account raided by the infamous “white card”, which is an all-white ATM card, with the exception of the usual magnetic strip. If a stalker puts it into the ATM adjacent to the one that you are using, it is capable of stealing all of your codes and money in every account that you have. My advice is to use ATMs, where there is only one machine. Immediately discontinue a transaction when a stalker places the white card in the ATM, adjacent to the one that you are using, in a multiple ATM situation …and remember…in thge end, no ATM will work, and if it does, whatever currency that it manages to spew forth will be worthless.
    This may well be the New World Order, the members of which include the likes of our own president and the European Council of Princes. All who indulge the NWO, beleive that the planet will only be able to sustain itself after 1/3 of the present population is gone.
    I could feel this coming, and I have been busy preparing.
    Take this advice with whatever amount of gravity you may choose, but when the 2 to 3 hour blackouts begin, on the hot late spring to early summer afternoons,and they begin to stretch on into the balmy evenings, it is time to head for the hills!
    Another Anonymous Target

    Comment by Artisan — April 5, 2007 @ 4:53 am

    • Thank s for the tips . Any more ?

      Comment by madgirl — October 15, 2013 @ 7:58 pm

  19. I am a victim of mind control experimentation, gang stalking (covert harassment). I was first covertly harassed in 1990, after graduating university, at a place of employment, one where I lived with my co-workers. A cleaver plan was done to entice a friend of mine to take a job there, and hence leading him to suggest I should also go for a summer of extended work hours, plenty of overtime. In this place, the pervasive assault could be played out, because I worked and lived with the same people. Long hours would make it ideal for much stress and exhuastion to underlay the psychological harassment, leading to a paralysis both emotionally and psychologically. All was done in the gang stalkig/covert manner, where I would be discredited to my friend, afterwhich I would be stalked with psychological harassments that were to isolate me in a web. All the people I worked with and lived with were to do behavior that was to lead me to believe I was being suspected for a number of wrong doings. Pervasive psychological terror with only one concluding aim, my psychological paralysis. Years later, after the death of my father, my only parent alive, I was targeted more intesely, though through my entire life since 1990, I have had these gang stalking endeavors happen with co-workers every now and then. It was always activity aimed at causing me to feel I was either being tested or suspected for theft. This is how the gang stalkers, organised harassers, would work and nurture an anxiety disorder, one that I have lived with all my adult life, and one that was worked through covert harassment in 2000, and when I returned to school for graduate work in 2002. I have spent months in unneeded psychatric care and recovery services for the sole purpose of exercises in intense psychological harassment.

    I have been a practice tool for these operations, beginning maybe more then 20 years ago. Staged psychological stuff to make me react. I lived in one city simply for them to catch me and trap me in these skitss that would cause me to react with intended results.

    Synthetic telepahty is the suggestibility that is brought out with the scene that they stage in the environmnet. This is certain knowledge. This is how the tactics of psychological harassment work so well with targets of gang stalking.

    Comment by anonymous target — April 7, 2007 @ 3:23 pm

    • I am a victim too by a brother…he has access of my computers, phones and is gassing me .at my condo.
      please email me at help!!!!

      Comment by andrea — October 15, 2011 @ 10:37 pm

  20. The psychological terror, which is highly planned by trained specialists, who are all very sick, should lead most people to understand that gang stalking is not simply about 1. groups following targets, using directed coversations peppered with personal information of the victims 2. a multitude of petty harassments everyday, such as ripped clothing, gaslighting, brighting, sabotage of property, appliances, etc. . The exercises of gang stalking are sick and demented planned assaults that are ongoing and carried out over days, and months, with other planned assaults being dreamt up for when the current one ends. These assaults will exploit many elements and aspects of the targets entire history, taking into consideration people known, likes and dislikes, jobs held, music/books/what the targets likes to eat, and more. You will be trashed for every like and dislike you have had, and a joke you’ve said will be turned into a character trait, and they will haunt you with terror about it. They shread your mind and bring terror to your soul, near 24 hours a day. They have their operatives troll about you in public venues, by your home, anywhere. They will use children , old people, anyone, in these sometimes sick tactics, and always terroristic assaults. There is a sick obsession within these perpetrators and the organizers, that is geared towards the creation of demented tactics to screw with a person’s mind. There is also an obession that is geared towards so many details of the target’s life, that it is unbelievable, but true. They will pick at your life as if a thousand scorpions were picking at your skin. As a male target they will do some very demented things to condition you to sexual topic, or just some disgusting elements that will be used to harass you, and of course they have already branded you as a child molester or rapist, some crazed lunatic, with slander.The attacks begin with ground level lifestyles, and eventually make their way up to horrific terror based themes that may included murder or rape. They will use trash bags, spills, and mops and buckets, in stratigic ways, everywhere you go, while your mind is raped by electronics or chemicals. These assaults will encompass coversations with friends, co-workers, that are directed to strategically use certain words in certain ways, that correlate with the overall assault and theme to bring the terror home to your mind. You will be isloated and will wonder what the hell is going on, ‘am I going crazy, why are all these people doing this to me”. They will make you feel you are suspect for theft, armed robbery, anything, and everywhere you go, store, diner, work, home, there will be people using language directed at you and complete with the directed themes. The attack will fit the definition of mean, cruel, and sick. Early on, they may first make the person feel that they have been targetted because they have not yet married and their siblings all have children, morgages, so the targetted person’s responsibilities were minimal comparatively (instillation of unreal guilt), but this instillation of guilt will broaden and hit every aspect of your lifestyle, from the jokes you told with friends, the clothing you prefer, your habits, and passions. You will be made to feel guilty for spending much time on say rock climbing, reading poetry and the like, and they will pound you with media that is to indictate ‘people are starving in the world, and your paaion is peotry, rock climbing, etc. If you have always prided yourself on buying organic, they will make you pay for that by harassing you with the opposite, making you feel that your passions are meaningless. If the target is married they will cause emotional distress through any number of methods (in work, or at home with nightly noise, ect), with the end result in marriage troubles, work related troubles (happened to me).

    Comment by anonymous reading — April 12, 2007 @ 11:16 pm

    • This has happened to me and no one seems to take me serious enough when I tell them this has happened to me. One gang stalking target even told me on Peacepink “if thats your biggest problem-that you can’t listen to the music you prefer or can’t become a goth, then you are lucky!” They just don’t understand how painful this is unless they have had this happen to them. They have completely exploited my musical tastes. Back in October or November of last year is when my perps really started getting into my personal life. My perps got on the internet and looked up the music that I listen to and insulted me about my music. All of this was done to me through electronic harassment and voice to skull. They listened to most, if not all of the songs that I listen to and harshly insulted me about it. They did this for days. They started doing this by reading my thoughts. They had no right to do this to me and I gave them no permission to do this to me. One night I was having a conversation with my grandmother and she asked me what music I listen to and a thought about a bands name popped up in my head and thats what got these people started. As for the insults, they called me many names. One of my perps said “your songs ain’t shit”. Thanks to my asshole perps, my musical tastes are trashed. Now everybody knows all the artists, songs, and types of music I listen to, thanks to these douchebags. Thanks to them, now I have to find new and different music to listen to. They know everything about my personal life. My life has been trashed. The music I listen to is no surprise to anyone now. I have had thoughts about suicide because of this. They even knew I wanted to become a goth, but thanks to them I’m not going to become a goth because of the gossip and rumors that they have spread about me. Now everybody knows that I wanted to become a goth but its too late now thanks to the rumors and gossip, my personal life is trashed. My life is no surprise to anyone. My life is trash now. My perps even went so far as contacting the same music artists I listen to and getting them involved in my electronic harassment. Has this happened to you?

      Comment by Aaron — August 24, 2012 @ 9:49 pm

      • hi my name is Matty i am goth all i have to say is be who you want to be be damned what others think when people trash your music play it louder you are in control of you own life. yes i am experiencing the same thing’s you and every one of the other victims on here but i try not to let it consume me just tell them that you believe in the constitution and that all are equal under the law’s of this country and if these people have any kind of conscience they may feel gilt for doing this.

        Comment by Matty M — November 14, 2013 @ 6:01 am

  21. I too have been a target since 2001. One day I woke up and every pervert within a fifty mile radius was taunting, teasing, torchuring, irritating, and manipulating me. No one believes me when I try to talk about it. At first, I thought I was doing something to bring this on myself, now I’m convinced it’s not me but them and their deviant minds. Sometimes I think they do it for profit. They get things for screwing people over, they’re rewarded. It’s like being in a cult and they’re praised for their bad behavior until they don’t know the difference from right & wrong. Some one told me I was responding wrong to them. I had to tell them to to go away and tell on them when they come around. I haven’t been successful.

    Comment by Nancy — April 22, 2007 @ 7:14 pm

  22. This is very true, gang stalking is real. I am a resident in the San Fernando Valley and many individuals are involved in this sick psychological attack against me. I have been harassed since 2004 and continue to be harassed by car brighting, street theater, electronic harassment, radio frequency harassment, noise campaigns and many other tactics. My neighbors who are truck drivers are heavily involved. These neighbors are involved in biker gangs and even a female sister of theirs is heavily involved. These neighbors are grown men and women along with other adult neighbors and children whom are also involved. I believe there has been a break in the structure of society, because of poverty and drugs, people have become easily convinced into taking part in this type of harassment by means of money and or rewards. I still have a hard time dealing with my horrible situation, but one thing is clear to me, that none of the stories that I have read regarding gang stalking seem far fetched. I have stalked into Mexico, by individuals whom looked like agents of some sort, with business suits, they were either actors to make be believe they were government agents or they were. On another occasion I was on a flight trying to flee to another state, there was a person on the plane behind me with a laptop, and I was having extreme headaches induced by some type of signals being sent to my brain and this man had a shirt imprinted with the name Navstar. Later when I looked up this name on the net, it is linked to satellite technology that works for the NSA. Coincidence, I believe not. There is certainly governmental entities, contractors, and even criminals in ones community involved, because in order to accomplish such an attack on an individual many individuals would have to work together to fulfill their agenda. All I know is that there is certainly something going on and I don’t believe it is for revenge. I believe it has something to do with the illuminate, secret society’s, and government. Whatever the reason it is a definate abuse of a persons right to freedom. I am sickened when I hear the national anthem, it seems like a sick joke. Too bad, that this country is bought and that we would never hear the real truth about anything that sheds negative light on our government about the tactics and technology abuse they conduct on their own citizens. I guess they have to experiment on someone, right, and who is going to want to be experimented on with such horrific technology, to be manipulated and made feel ill. Good luck to all victims living the same horrible reality.

    Comment by valley girl — May 22, 2007 @ 7:53 pm

    • Government is definitely involved. I’m not sure if that isn’t where it starts–that and big companies, possibly concerned over lawsuits. Police who commit wrongdoing who do not wish to be exposed or sued for harm done another will often frame the victim, thereby causing him legal trouble. Depending on the charges, gainful employment is rarely attained. It is not a coincidence that someone who wishes to sue police has to go outside the community in which he lives to get representation. And if you are poor, forget it. But, then again, the wealthy are rarely the targets, as I have seen. Most of all, I grow tired of the paranoid and delusional claims against those who are victimized and harmed on a regular basis. I have lost most everyone and everything. I am harassed regularly in my apartment. Someone has the ability to turn my tv volume up maximum to where it hurts my ears and prevents me from turning it down, or either they will mute it so that I cannot hear it at all, one of the many ways I am tortured daily. Someone gives them access to my apartment and they steal, wear, vandalize whatever they want. It has crippled and traumatized me in every way possible. I matter not at all. The people doing these things are horrible and pure evil. If the world were fair, they would be put away, some for life, because of the forced suicides, car wrecks, and overdoses, which are truthfully murder. I have been nearly killed 3 times. I have tried everything I can to appease them and get in their good graces, but it doesn’t matter. I want so much to turn this all around, but my life has been so tortured for so long now, my losses from all this so great, that I sincerely regret my existence. At one point on the web, TIs were asked to sign up for representation in a lawsuit. The list of names was expansive. This gave me hope it may be stopped, but then I heard nothing. I often wonder if it was just to identify us better for further harassment.

      Comment by Sarah — June 19, 2013 @ 4:05 am

  23. I am also a victim of gangstalking. My gang stalkers come in the form of pilots. I met one several years ago and he was with a crew in Chicago and in a pilot’s uniform. On August 28, 2005 at 2:15 a.m. after not hearing from him for over a year, he showed up and began knocking with a friend of his. They kept talking about how they need perfect women because they are pilots and how they deserve the best because they are pilots, etc., I ignored them and they went around the back of my apartment and began talking there loud enough for me to overhear. I ignored them again. After that they kept returning night after night until the night of September 23, 2005 at 3:00 a.m. in the morning when one entered my apartment and sexually assaulted me while the other was a lookout. After the assault, I didn’t think they would come back, but they did night after night. I finally moved in October after breaking my lease and I moved to another area of the City, but I was followed and every night between the hours of midnight and 5:00 a.m. Some nights they would enter my apartment and give me LSD. After the LSD took affect, I was thrown around the apartment and tortured by these people. Sometimes at night when I slept I would feel liquid in my ears or going down my throat, then I would lose track of time and everything would become a blur. I could still see the stalkers as they lifted me out of my bed and put me in the living room on the counter where they pushed me, shoved me, made fun of me, etc., I saw a couple of police officers that I recognized, but I could not defend myself or get to a phone. After they were done with me, they threw me back in the bed and left for the night. This happened on many occasions, so I broke my lease and left again. I moved into a building which I now believe to be mob owned and operated and they again gained access only to tear holes in clothes, break dishes and cups, kill my cat, kill my fish, give my cats medication so they would vomit, try on my clothes, leave dirt on the carpet, leave pee in the toilet and on the bathroom floor, put snot on my french doors, eat my food, drink my coffee, damage my new furniture, leave a fungus on my floor and in my shoes so I would get jungle rot, taint my food with Spanish fly, etc., After living in the apartment for two months, I was gang raped by these people. I reported to the police, but they did nothing and closed the case. The medical reports conflict with the police reports. In fact, the hospital was supportive, but the local police did nothing. The detectives who were assigned to my case where the same detectives who I had seen with the men who raped me. Well, I broke the lease and moved again after having my apartment ransacked. Now, almost two years later, I live in a vintage building in an area of the City that they hate. They are having a difficult time getting into my apartment when I sleep, but they use microwave and radio frequency to terrorize me at night. The claimed stews say they want everything in my apartment and they also claim to be felons. The claimed pilots say they are looking for women to sell into prostitution for other pilots on layover. This is a very sick and twisted plot these people have concocted. I have been ill on many occasions and the doctor recently found brain lesions that indicate MS–MS DOES NOT RUN IN MY FAMILY. Absolutely no family history of MS. I have suffered headaches and shortness of breath. I have gained weight and had diahrrea almost everyday. They have put blood in my cat’s feces and left behind unpleasant odors for me to suffer with day after day. When I went to work, I would come home to only to find out that the gang stalkers had obviously sat around my apartment all day enjoying themselves, coffee cups were out and coffee missing, etc. Day after day this happened. I want every victim to know they are not alone and I encourage you to keep fighting even though it may seem impossible to win. Do not give up your life for theirs–they are not worth it. Often these groups are brought together out of jealousy, anger and pure hatred. After listening to these people nightly, I am sure that these people hate the lives they have chosen for themselves and, in fact, wish they could have your life. Please keep believing in yourself. If you have an irrational thought stop and think for a moment because it may not be your thought, it may have been implanted there by a gang stalker. Negativity is what they implant. So if you are feeling negative in the morning, use your own mind to overcome the subliminal suggestion. Remove all electronic equipment from your sleeping area at night and find a way to block frequency through the microwave. This radiation can be dangerous to your health and they can manipulate you and your mind and your organs in many potentially dangerous ways. Please keep the faith and keep on going–do not let them push you to suicide. Hang on and hang in there.

    Comment by GMR — May 24, 2007 @ 7:46 pm

    • We have been harassed for several years after they broke into our privacy fence and the cops said why only you and your husband.they follow me when I go anywhere. My husband says go to sleep and ignore them.they do holligraming and at night wear black face pull down face mask like a ski mask,they even had the mental county rep come to our home and ask my husband if he wants to kill people and he said look lady we don’t want anyone hurt and why wasn’t a phone call made to us to set up this apt ,no one ever told us of this I’m a 59 female and my husband can’t hear good cause the cricket sounds mask his hearing,I’m terrified at night I can hear them on output roof.the roofing company came to replace our roof and said r u having a party on your roof,there’s footprints all over up there,we told not one but all three company’s that the police say it don’t does and I can see them hid in the trees watching us and they are harassing us all not like my husband I’m awake and I can’t I stay or leave my home cause my husband says you can’t do anything,oh yes I can I told him I’ll record them st night.i made the police mad one night for making fun of my husband and I told him to get out or I’d throw him out.ive seen a lot and from previous background I’ve had awareness classes and my husband don’t see them but I do. They know ive seen a lot and now a old 86 yr old man from nowhere knocks at our door and offers us a cash buyout,not once but 4 times.why just our house cause I’m not going to live where I can’t sit on my new 27,000 composite deck at night without being husband needs someone to inform him of how bad this can get,it goes on and on.who do you tell and it sounds so far fetched I don’t mention not staying here my husband and me fight every night cause if u can’t hear then I’m the one that will be there when our house alarm goes of to save him but how when there’s only one of me and they mess with the phone to disconnect it,I hate nighttime,please help me to understand how we were picked in a small suburb of Kimora with wanna be cops and stupid neighbors,we have 19sex affenders within a half mile to 3block area around us. They r registered sex affenders.i hope to hear back.i have two grown children who act like I’m crazy when I tell them,like ok mom why only you guys and no one else.what do I do leave my husband here alone and let him see what goes on and I’m going about 100 miles away for a few days,my nerves are husband has a cocktail and he’s tired and out for the night he can’t even hear our home alarm when it goes afraid one night they will get in and take me,I’m a petite blonde and they stare at me from everywhere when I’m outside,my husband says all men look.ok I tell him whatever you think but u r so blind and you can’t hear them honey,he says they will go away no they won’t I told not understanding how they can find me at a hotel when in the middle of the night I get in my car and get out of here but when I see lasers on the ceiling in our hotel room,they found us I told my husband,there’s their trucks parked outside and tinted not getting any of me decide if I should take a trip for a few days and let my husband deal with afraid they might follow me though.hope to hear back pk

      Comment by Pam and jack bonanno — June 10, 2017 @ 5:46 am

      • Hello Pam & Jack Bonanno

        It comes of no surprise to learn that you have a group of sex offenders (19 !) so close to you. Child molesters no doubt, probably rapists as well and they do tend to group together. There is a haven of them near the
        largest air force base in Australia, at RAAF Base Amberley. This is a base about 8 Kilometres outside of Ipswich (Queensland) and nearby is the sex offender haven, a suburb of Ipswich named Leichhardt. The problem
        with these groups of criminals is that they function at a psychological level, i.e – MIND GAMES and you have become a host in which they hide themselves and their PERVERSION into the private lives of others that these
        paedophile rings practice in.

        You will need to keep strong on this one and resist their games of deliberately disturbing you, as that is what they are dependent upon, if you don’t react they lose you as something of use to them, sadly they will find
        another ‘reactor’ to fuel up as a ‘dump site’. Keep informing yourself via the internet on understanding the tactics of these creeps. It’s a bit like a Rock Star who has targeted an innocent individual and then the target
        KNOWS who the perpetrator is, it them becomes increasingly difficult for them to dump their crap (recorded HIT song) on the target, as the target then gets to hit back at these psychological warfare degenerates, in this
        case making money out of destroying the spirit of another human being – they are total narcissists that don’t care how many they offend, so long as they have someone else to blame – as in dump on. Minimize reactions
        and you don’t ‘light up’ whereby they say “It wasn’t me, it was them” Totally over rated, over paid degenerates that maybe using these sex offenders (new age sensitive types) as go-betweens for a means of gaining
        access to you and your very soul – for money, yep money ! Without a victim to dump on their hit comes back at them and they get wounded by their own bullshit. Hope this helps !

        Comment by Robert — June 24, 2017 @ 7:39 am

  24. I am a victim of microwave weaponry and gang stalking. I unlike so many have become use to the harassment and have a sense for piecing things together from the level of involvement to tactics used. If anyone who has fallen victim from the date of this comment, even 6 months after, if you require information or just someone you can trust to talk about it please email me and for heaven sake do not believe implants it is a device and specialist computer/software that omits frequencies to your mind that bypasses the ears as to the level your brain understands as sound. Your body can twitch, itch, burn, get aroused usually whilst threatening sexual acts and their aim is to have as much fun, power and get what they can from you before they try to push you into suicide. Feel free to chat or set up msn messenger or similar.
    Keep your head up and be strong. As long as you are alive and positive about the future like me then they will never win.

    Comment by Paul — May 27, 2007 @ 11:06 pm

  25. Yet another victim here. So far I’ve traced the harassment back to 1991. The very noticeable started in 2002. There was alot of directed conversation from co-workers. One night I was suggesting to my then-husband we go to an air-show. I went into work the next day and one of my coworkers came into work asking me what I was doing the weekend, and before I could answer he said “Well I know what I’m doing, I’m going to the air-show”.

    For my home computer screen-saver I put scrolling pictures of attractive men (celebrities). I go into work the next day and one of my co-workers has the same screen saver.

    I would tell my then-husband what was going on, but he would simply dismiss it or suggest I do something stupid, such as, search my entire office area for hidden cameras. Today I know the fucking bastard is a part of all of this.

    My car was sabotaged to the point of a blown-engine. I would take it in for routine maintenance and instead of maintaining it, they would drain the oil, and mess with the clutch. I ended up spending $700.00 to get the car back after deliberate damage by Chrysler. Overall I spent close to $10,000 in so-called repairs, only to have the engine blow.

    I was run off the road into a lane of oncoming traffic. Fortunately it was a turn lane and no one was turning.

    They would put frogs on my house steps every night. During the constant surveillance I’m sure they picked up my dislike for frogs, and decided to harass me with them.

    The broke and still do, appliance such as stereo equipment, electric toothbrushes, breadmaker, etc.

    They pick apart just about all of my clothes, at the seam. They would do the same to my son’s clothes and shoes.

    Just like an earlier poster stated, they take every single detail of your life and try to make you feel guilty about it. I enjoy dancing with my son (I’m not a great dance, but I really have fun doing private). On several jobs co-workers would start talking about how so-and-so couldn’t dance, or how so-and-so danced around the apartment to Usher. It’s ridiculous even putting some of this stuff in words. I can’t believe the juvenility (if that’s a word) of some of it.

    Make no mistake though, it will drive you to the point of questioning your sanity, and/or suicide, especially when you don’t know what is really happening to you.

    Like the earlier poster I was questioning everything I had done that could possibly be questionable, nothing criminal, but if twisted and taken out of context, could suggest some wrong-doing. I probably did damage to myself trying to figure out what was really happening.

    Sometimes you feel absolutely drained. You do question your existence. You know the life you live is false. You’re a slave. Your freedom is no longer. Your dignity is stripped. I wonder what makes me go one everyday. Then I get mad and think to myself this way of thinking is exactly what the fuckers want, and I say HELL NO! I WILL NOT GIVE IN TO THIS PIG VOMIT (thanks Howard Stern).

    I’ve come to the conclusion, there is no left or right. Everyone is capable of evil and under the right circumstances will commit evil.

    Whatever it is that keeps us, targets going everyday, just keep doing it. DON’T LET THEM WIN!

    Comment by private — May 29, 2007 @ 6:19 am

    • I agree with you on getting the media involved in this ,we all need to need to start or own organization going and asap

      Comment by tcb — May 1, 2012 @ 10:17 pm

  26. We all need to get together and talk to a t.v. program about having this topic discussed. This needs to be made public quickly. No one needs to suffer in silence alone. America is a great country and we deserve our freedom. No degenerate should be able to take that from anyone of us. Stay strong and know that all of you are supported!

    Comment by GMR — May 29, 2007 @ 2:45 pm

    • Hello. I am suffering terr
      ible about this I sent a email to Bill oreally maybe you can doi. God may help you.

      Comment by erika Peirce — July 19, 2012 @ 2:16 pm

  27. Also, if you love this country, keep on loving it. They are hoping that you will turn against it and they manipulate you in such a way that you will turn on everything you loved in life. After they turn you away from your memories, life and beliefs, they will do their best to mold you in their shape. Do not lose your love for this country or anyone you ever loved in your life–they are counting on that to stop you from being who you are. Keep going and remember, they are sick, not you. You have pleasant memories and a life, they DO NOT. Hang on and stay strong. Contact other victims and unite!

    Comment by GMR — May 29, 2007 @ 3:37 pm

    • Great comment. I am a U.S. resident, and I admire this country since I was little I do not become a citizen because I respect you flag very much but I love my flag. But after this happening to me believe I am kind of laugihng about your principles of freedom. Because I used to have freedom in my country here I am i,n electronic jail. So you comment make think about it. thank you so much.

      Comment by erika Peirce — July 19, 2012 @ 2:22 pm

  28. I had another night with my gang stalkers. They are talking about getting their victims to commit murder or suicide. The reason these groups do their best to force people into a mental institution is because, from listening to their conversations, many of the gang stalkers themselves were in institutions prior to their release to the head of the heirarchy. From what I listened to last night via electronic harassment is that they want to take over our world of normalcy. They feel they have been cheated in life and they feel they deserve to have our lives. Do not give in to their tactics. They are sick, demented individuals with extreme sexual deviance. My group has many hermaphadites who feel that God and society did them wrong. This group stalking me also claims they are against this country, our flag and God. They believe in the degradation of women and do not believe women should hold good financial positions. They claim they have Al Qaeda links. My group of stalkers is a group of white men who wear pilot uniforms. I have seen them and would recognize them in a police line up if only the police would file the correct reports or the reports would not mysteriously disappear. I am a good American citizen and I plan to stay that way. I encourage everyone under this torture to continue believing in everything you believe in. Do not let them sway you from your life or your country. These people lost in life and now they are hoping you will lose also. Do not give in. Continue to believe in yourself and our country. God Bless America!

    Comment by GMR — June 6, 2007 @ 3:09 pm

  29. I am writing to let people know I have found to other people in my local area whom are targets of gang stalking and electronic harassment in the San Fernando Valley. One of the victims claims many individuals whom work at Sam’s club in sylmar and Walmart are involved. It is strange because I also believe there are individuals whom work for wal-mart involved in my gang stalking. I am currently studying law and in the future I will certainly be representing victims against whomever is involved in these attacks. I have pursued this career because it is the only way to get justice. San Fernando Valley is full of gang stalkers!!!!!!!!!!! Strangely I have seen low life individuals and even Older women involved in gang stalking. Grandma and Grandpa stalkers it is sad, I guess the economy is that bad, that individuals would have to fall to such desperate measures to make a living. Our government is currupt sadly, it is no wonder that so many countries hate the united states and believe that this country is evil. I wish that we would have a president that would rid these rouge elements out of our government. I guess that is something to hope for. Good luck to the victims out there suffering from governmental abuses to keep the economy going.

    Comment by valley girl — June 7, 2007 @ 9:55 pm

  30. I too am a victim of these evil things,many of us are organizing to end this.Some have met with congressional representatives.Please visit this site if you have not already done so.

    Comment by Randy — June 8, 2007 @ 3:56 pm

    • I am a victim of organization stalkers.
      My child also began to target. (Class school teacher perpetrators)
      Family and mother-in-law and father-in-law and husband are perpetrators.
      organization stalker hides in schizophrenia.
      I am also the same situation.
      I think, Organization stalker is
      Yukuza = right wing = burakudowa · south korean in Japan · naturalized as Japanese =(Company · media · city holl · police · lawyer · hospital · school · administration · defense force member etc) = Souka / Touitu / christ religion left wing (north korean in Japan)

      I am a victim from junior high school.
      It started from bullying. 

      Victim of Organization stalkers are driven into suicide 30,000 people each year.
      Accident  of assassination or died of illness of assassination or missing peoples
      assassination of Japan country

      I think
      Maybe there is no Japanese in Japan is taken over the family register.
      Korean person and Chinese person will kill Japanese.
      After might become Japanese person. (spy)

      Comment by hiroyo okazaki   — January 9, 2014 @ 6:44 pm

    • I’m sorry,My mistake my comment.

      Comment by hiroyo okazaki   — January 9, 2014 @ 6:56 pm

  31. I have been an unwitting victim of very blatant covert harassments, mind control abuse, and mental abuse campaigns for almost ten years now, non stop. it has destroyed me as a person almost totally. For me, thanks to all of these cruel set ups, I see life and living as just a terrible chore of which I see no purpose anymore. I am dead inside 100%. I see through all the facades and lies of everyone, and I have been used up totally by all whom I once thought i could “trust” or who were “friends.” I see that trust is just a b.s. game of lies and attention. Life is a game and most people are obedient sheep players, looking for a leader so that they do not have to do the thinking and research themselves. Mentally lazy people make me want to puke. I have no tolerance for dumb asses.

    I know exactly when and where my personal abuses, harassments, and cause stalking started, and even by whom. It has almost totally destroyed me. I can 100% guarantee anyone who wants to challenge me on this real situation that I am correct in my observations and knowledge of what has very unfairly happened to me over the years. It has become impossible to defend myself from something of which I have no power to stop. My life has turned into a mockery and a joke.

    In my personal situation, it has to do with huge amounts of money, stocks, an inheritance, lies, set ups, signed entertainment release forms, being filmed on cameras, false promises, jealous ex friends, ex lovers, the internet,certain racial themed issues, blatantly obvious bogus medical diagnosises, numbskull psychiartrists, perverted jewish/greedy men, and family lies and control over my life, my money, and future. All of which has led to daily cruel set ups and harassments that I am forced to have to deal with and respond to. This is not to mention the 24/7 ILLEGAL surveillance small cameras that has been set up in each and every apt. I have lived in since at least 1997.

    I have tried and tried to get it this to stop, and to no avail. I know that there are several jerks who have made huge profits off my life, my story, my effrots, ect., and tbese people owe me big time, and they owe me right now.

    When I try to seek legal help, I am ignored by all and am not taken seriously. No lawyer will dare take my case as this issue is too real, too sensitive, and too covert. Also, the most sick and pathetic part of this is that my own mother and other members of my “family” are highly involved, but could care less about how it has ruined me. All they care about is money, control lying, and hurting/labeling people like myself or anyone else whom they see as unfit. Yet I am no fool to not see what is happening around me. it is awful. I see how shallow, stupid, and desperate for attention most people are, and it makes me sick. For me, this is a huge burden. Often I secretly wish that a nuclear bomb would just destroy all of humanity. WHy? Due to how I have personally treated, used, harassed, and the non stop lies I have been told, I will NEVER trust another human again. People suck. I am too smart for the majority of these transparent dumb asses, and they are all so confused, and are constantly waiting to see my next reaction and move. They use me as their mentor and teacher because I am smart. But I owe not one of them a damn thing.

    It has been awful. I have no privacy. It is impossible to have and keep relationships. My phone, computer, car, ect. ect. have been bugged. Do you know what it feels like to have your ENTIRE life, art, creativity, and original ideas stolen from you? By a bunch of sadistic, sick strangers who are making profit? I can no longer trust one single person, nor do I really like anyone or want to get to know anyone. I abhor most people and see them as the shallow scum they are.

    The most aggrivating part for me is that no matter where I live, travel to, or go, I am forced to deal with the neighbors and others who are obviously placed in places and the apts. next door to me to constanlty gather information and harass me. These idiots who are obviously in on the cause stalking and harassments campaigns against me. When you have absolutely no privacy, and every damn thing you do is monitored 24/7, it is impossible to have anything that compares to a “normal” life. I wish I could say that this is all a huge nightmate, but unfortunately for me, it is all very real.

    Comment by L.B. — June 9, 2007 @ 5:18 am

    • Hi there L.B:
      I picked your story after I read all of the above because your story is almost exactly as mine; I have tears in my eyes while I’m writing you since family members were in this conspiracy as well and I had no idea. I guess “Life is what happened to you while you are making other plans”; sadly, I uncovered all the pieces of the puzzle on Nov. 2011 just when I tried to sell my condo and go to visit friends and family to Southamerica with my two sons who graduated from College and lost their father in 2009 but “heaven” fall all over my head. I was left in a deep hole with my heart in pieces when I realized that I had being set-up to be dissapeared and drugged but I had the perception to google it and I found out “the impossible” and that is how I entered in this “unknown dimmension” ; I read about this crazy nightmare from people all over.

      Also, I watched Glenn Beck saying something horrible happening in USA and about kids “induced to kill their own parents” ; all was crazy by then for me but after I was living the “crazy as the main character” all of the sudden I thought I was frozen. It took me 3 months to realize about the “organized stalking” and all this abnormal phenomenom” from hell. Little did I know I lost my sons from night to morning as well; it seemed that their memory was erased as they were acting as soldiers and against me. I gave them my heart, soul, and passion while I raised them and defended them against the entire world with my life; they were my precious treasure and only life. This world that I was uncovering was a terrible ordeal to handle to the most sane person; I wrote letters to Glenn Beck and to many authorities and nobody cares about it; nobody responded like I don’t existed. I found out that they were destroying me for years in my back at all times and everywehre; I called friends in Europe, Southamerica, U.S.A, but my phones were redirected righ after and all my friends were contacted and forced to avoid me and I don’t even why they told them.

      I endured so many set-ups with God’s intervention and for sure the angels worked 24/7 for me and my children but I guess it make this cruel evill entities more upset and hate me more. This world is not “real” any more, I think that we entered in some kind of unknown dimension that somehow “bad gremlins are possessing almost every soul on earth” or something worst. NOW, I’m trapped without anyone and I just keep praying for my sanity and hoping that my kids will come back to my arms and protect me as I protected them and that all will be “only a bad joke” and that peace and harmony will be back to us three together since God wanted us to be a family. I can’t work, or go anywhere at all because the stalkers are in masse; apparently they want my condo to be lost in foreclosure and/or fake some bad damage and condemned my home that is all I have left. For sure I’ll get nothing from the insurance company as I heard is tied up and I will ended up in the street with no one at my side and they will take me or harm me or dissapear me as they tried in December 2011 but God’s advice was accurate and I stayed inside during Chirstmas, New Year, and until now.

      They know I have no money left and nobody to be with me since they pushed me over and over to this end and everyone around me keep setting me up; even my own children. Unfortunately, that is the reality and thanks to all of you I am alive and aware and I only hoping for a miracle or for the Maya’s prophecy to erase all this “evil entities” from earth soon My car had a tracking device so wherever I go there is something or someone waiting for me to set me up; they are pushsing me to sell my condo and for sure they will set me up again to ended up in the legal system and loose all the equity. It is all I have left and they know it, it is full of moments since my kdis had only 2 years old. My beautiful noble, well mannered kids are turned into “zombies” and coerced to ignore I existed; they even erased their memories from all the happy moments and good life they were provided for. This evil entities knew very well how deep my love was for my sons and they were preparing this low blow to finish me mentally and spiritually but I endured it and I keep asking God: WHY ME?..the only answer is because it happen to “good people only”..I guess this is the “purgatory” for some of us and it will be probably the end of our “human encarnation” and we won’t be back again in such a low level of beings” anymore (if reencarnation exists!).

      At his point I’ sure that the condominium is wanted by some developers who want to own it for themselves since it’s a good land across the ocean in Sunny Isles Beach-Florida and apparently as a single woman I became a target and my kids are now their soldiers who they manipulate and control with God knows how many weapons and stuff according to what you all said. I didn’t know we were living in a nazi-psycho era if not I wouldn’t bring my beautiful babies to this insane world at all. I just hope that they won’t succeed in taking me away and/or leave me in the street alone; I can only pray for my kid’s soul as much as I can to be together again before the end of the year. I only have LOVE in my heart for this sad” psyco evil doers” and I HOPE we can do something ALL UNITED to help this “malady” in our communities and save lost souls. Please, count with me for any good cause because it is better to die bravely and preserving our honor & dignity and be a good example for our kids and for all the children in need before they became “a target” as well. This horrible ordeal of “organized stalking” against good people and good souls & families needs to end for good. Let’s do something brave in an educated manner..LOVE & LIGHT !!

      Comment by Suzy Z. — August 21, 2012 @ 7:20 am

      • I’m sorry,My mistake my comment.

        Comment by hiroyo okazaki   — January 9, 2014 @ 6:54 pm

    • I am a victim of organization stalkers.
      My child also began to target. (Class school teacher perpetrators)
      Family and mother-in-law and father-in-law and husband are perpetrators.
      organization stalker hides in schizophrenia.
      I am also the same situation.
      I think, Organization stalker is
      Yukuza = right wing = burakudowa · south korean in Japan · naturalized as Japanese =(Company · media · city holl · police · lawyer · hospital · school · administration · defense force member etc) = Souka / Touitu / christ religion left wing (north korean in Japan)

      I am a victim from junior high school.
      It started from bullying. 

      Victim of Organization stalkers are driven into suicide 30,000 people each year.
      Accident  of assassination or died of illness of assassination or missing peoples
      assassination of Japan country

      I think
      Maybe there is no Japanese in Japan is taken over the family register.
      Korean person and Chinese person will kill Japanese.
      After might become Japanese person. (spy)

      Comment by hiroyo okazaki   — January 9, 2014 @ 6:48 pm

    • I am a victim of organization stalkers.
      My child also began to target. (Class school teacher perpetrators)
      Family and mother-in-law and father-in-law and husband are perpetrators.
      organization stalker hides in schizophrenia.
      I am also the same situation.
      I think, Organization stalker is
      Yukuza = right wing = burakudowa · south korean in Japan · naturalized as Japanese =(Company · media · city holl · police · lawyer · hospital · school · administration · defense force member etc) = Souka / Touitu / christ religion left wing (north korean in Japan)

      I am a victim from junior high school.
      It started from bullying. 

      Victim of Organization stalkers are driven into suicide 30,000 people each year.
      Accident  of assassination or died of illness of assassination or missing peoples
      assassination of Japan country

      I think
      Maybe there is no Japanese in Japan is taken over the family register.
      Korean person and Chinese person will kill Japanese.
      After might become Japanese person. (spy)

      Comment by hiroyo okazaki   — January 9, 2014 @ 6:58 pm

    • help. From utah…its bad…

      Comment by J — February 15, 2017 @ 6:50 am

  32. To L.B. and other victims,
    Do not let these gang stalkers destroy your reality. I know what you are going through because I am a victim aswell. However since 2004 that I have been stalked and harassed electronically I have learned that these people involved in this sick abuse against me, love to see that they have destroyed your outlook on life. Do not let them fool you into thinking that everyone is in on this sick game of there’s, everyone is not in on it. There are some wonderful people still left in the world. I have lost many friends to this sick gang stalking society, however my real friends have not been approached to be involved. This is because they know there class of people, people whom would be involved in this type of sick psychological abuse. Find people whom are like you and that have moral values and you will find people you can trust. I understand your frustration and empathize with what you are going through. However, dont give up, you are meant to live a wonderful life and dont question why you are alive. I get frustrated too, but dont dwell on your circumstancing do something to move ahead toward a solution. This is why I have chosen to pursue my degree in psychology and continue on to law school. Keeping busy also helps with being able to deal with the Electronic harassment. It is more difficult for me when I stay home, like while on vacation from school, I feel that the electronic harassment attacks on me are stronger to make you feel ill and not be able to get anything done. I fignt these attacks with vitamins, b-12, tauramine, and lots of water. Exercising helps re-leave the stress from the electronic attacks. The San Fernando Valley is full of gang stalkers whom all share a single agenda and that is to harass and abuse people whom they feel or perceive to be different from them. The reason why these people are picked to be involved in gang stalking is because they are easily manipulated and have a sheep mentality. Basically they do what they are told. Although there is much more that we do not know on why people are picked for gangstalking, the phenomenon is growing and sooner or later peoples demands of the government about this type of abuse will have to be answered. I want to be a part of that in the future. I want to bring change to peoples rights and that is what I am focusing on. I pray that you L.B. and others take a real look at the way you are taking your circumstances and reevaluate it. The change for me occured when I seen A gentleman in a store I worked at that had turret syndrome and he was not in control of any of his body movements and or self, as much as he tried to be in control he could not stop twitching and flinging his arms. I felt so bad that day for waking up with the mentality that no one had it worse than me, not to say that it is not bad the horrible abuse that I have been put through and endure. So try and look at your circumstances in a different way, if you change your outlook on things, things will get better. I pray that one day all the gang stalking victims and Electronic harassment victims will find justice in this country that we call the land of the free……………….

    Comment by valley girl — June 12, 2007 @ 2:37 am

  33. I live in a small town,these tactics are being used here through companies to steel money.Large sums of money.The money is funneled out of town,out of the county,and out of the state.And yes some of it is spent out of the country to support terrorist cells like through Chiquita.The locals use the tactics to support their own terrorist cells.

    Comment by Greenstuff — June 12, 2007 @ 2:10 pm

  34. If you are being monitored electronically there are some things you can do to stop V2Skull, etc., especially during the hours of the night when you sleep. What I do now is unplug the microwave. I store my cellphone between my mattresses and I also remove batteries and unplug all other electrical equipment in the house that the sickos can use for signal frequency. I have also lined my ceiling with aluminum foil, shiny side towards the ceiling to deflect the incoming noise. This has dulled the communication and made the gang stalkers work harder to get through to me. I have heard them complain that they are no longer using my electricity for the signal, but now they are paying for it which is a major turn off for them. Unplug and unbattery everything every night, including your t.v., computer, etc. I know this sounds extreme, but you will begin sleeping normally again. I actually put my lap top in the unplugged microwave at night so they do not use the battery to signal. This is really pissing these guys off! They used to use my cellphone and every morning the battery was totally drained, so I sleep with it between my mattresses and they can’t get the signal from the cellphone anymore. Another thing these people claim to hate is this country, so if you are proud of American let it show, do not let them sway you against this country because that is what they want. Don’t stop talking to people, if you do they will isolate you. I do suggest however that you be very careful about new people in your life because sometimes they pursue you when they know you are alone and isolated. These people are sick, not you. I actually had a good nights sleep last night after putting up the aluminum foil on the ceiling. My head does not hurt and I do not feel the false depression of V2Skull communication anymore. Hang in there and do not give in–these people are in pain, angry, frustrated, lonely and pathetic. Hang on and let’s keep this the land of the free….

    Comment by GMR — June 13, 2007 @ 3:52 pm

  35. I read a post from a scientist above and I just want him to know that the group I am dealing with is talking about the New World Order also. They talk about a new regime coming in where everyone has sex with everyone, there is no debt, no jobs, women don’t need money, and appearances are changed to accommodate the group. I just want him and everyone to know that they are not alone in this and that these people are sick.

    Comment by GMR — June 13, 2007 @ 8:27 pm


    TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 13, SECTION 241 Conspiracy Against Rights

    If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
    If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
    They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

    TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 13 SECTION 242 Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law

    Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

    All law enforcement personnel are subject to these laws & the Constitution, & can be held liable for unequal application of the law.

    Comment by TLB — June 16, 2007 @ 6:08 am

  37. I spent another night listening to my gang stalkers. They refer to me as Sleeping Beauty. Can anyone tell me what this means in mind control? Thank you…

    Comment by GMR — June 22, 2007 @ 7:07 pm

  38. Hi GMR,
    Try not to concentrate on what they are sending you in the messages. I use to do that, and it was really making me more upset and I had to stop listening and concentrating to the talking and voice to skull. I no longer pay attention nor hear or try to hear. I do have extreme headaches, but I try to ignore the harassment. It can be very hard, but you can do it. Stay strong, I will pray for you that God keep you safe and give you comfort. Question: what state do you live in? I live in california and this was occuring in every state I tried moving too, from oklahoma, North carolina, Ensenada Mexico. It is really strange that there are that many sick individuals taking part in this type of abuse everywhere. This can not be revenge it is bigger than just that, they would like you to believe it is revenge, but it is not. Don’t ever believe you are chipped or have implants its all technology based by computers and radio, emf, and light waves. No one needs to be chipped to follow you around, if they have your cell phone number that is all they need. Good luck……………
    Stay strong

    Comment by valley girl — June 29, 2007 @ 5:43 am

  39. Valley Girl, thanks for the answer, however, I did look it up. Project Sleeping Beauty was instilled sometime ago and it is a mind control program designed to send you subliminal thoughts to get you into prostitution. I guess it was used by higher ups sometime ago and it has been revealed in an article I found called “Stepford Whores”. I think alot of these people are coming out of the airlines. They have easy access to transportation, money, hotels, and above all equipment that allows V2Skull. They keep trying to program me to sleep with pilots on layover. They are very sexually explicit and really disgusting. They try to instill the revenge thing in me also, but I do not buy it. What is is extreme anger, hatred and jealousy. I know exactly who my stalkers are and have told them to meet me by day–they won’t because they are afraid that is why they use V2skull because they are cowards. If you move, they will move with you, I have moved 4 times in the last two years. They used to get into my apartment at night, drug me and abuse me. I put a stop to it when I moved into this apartment because I am on the 4th floor and I have a small entry way that I block successfully. These people are disgusting and I have been sexually assaulted more than once. We need to band together and find a way to put an end to this kind of harassment. It is sick. I have unplugged my microwave because I was getting hit with radiation nightly. Now I am not. I also read that if you leave several strong radio stations on this will interfere with their signal. Last night I left my t.v. and radio on, but I turned down the volume. This disrupted them tremendously. Tonight I am buying another radio and will leave all three on. I will keep fighting and have no intention of giving up because these people are losers. I live in Chicago, Illinois. The airline people who are following me have easy access to money and transportation. It must be a network of people who can move around easily. Now that I am blocking their signal, I am sleeping better and no longer afraid of them entering my apartment like they used to. They are sick and dirty people. I know this group engages in group sex with multiple partners, etc. I will pray for you too. They have told me to denounce God and I simply will not do it. No matter how long they pursue me, I will never give in to them. Stay strong and I will be watching for more of your posts. Thank you, GMR

    Comment by GMR — June 29, 2007 @ 5:59 pm

  40. Everyone, here is a website I found that helps with the blocking of mind conrol v2K signals. I found it to help tremendously. I am praying for and support all of you who are being terrorize unnecessarily. Stay Strong and know you are not alone and you are supported.

    Comment by GMR — June 29, 2007 @ 6:06 pm

  41. Read the comment on this page.

    Comment by TJ — June 30, 2007 @ 6:07 pm

  42. Well, I have learned so much more about my gang stalkers. For instance, last night I learned that the low-levels in the group are on anti-depressants and suffer from psychological problems themseleves. I have also learned that they totally rely on the richer top of the hierarchy for surivial including meals and a place to sleep. They have no possessions or belongings, etc. They don’t even have regular jobs and have had to prostitute themselves to the higher level in the hierarchy in exchange for daily basics.

    Well, I guess we can understand why some of us are being gang stalked and our belongings taken away. It makes sense that these people who are miserable only want us to be miserable in the same way they are (e.g., no money, psychiatric illness, physical illness, social ineptness, no money, no jobs, no true love or friendship in their lives, etc.) After listening to these people I realize the only reason they spread misery is because they are miserable themselves. It is not us who need mental institutions, it is the gang stalkers…

    Comment by GMR — July 17, 2007 @ 10:21 pm

  43. Well, another night with the claimed AA gang stalkers. These guys just don’t give up. I guess once they gang rape a woman you belong to their stew pool. Every night these guys tell me I am going to go to the “galley” and that “galley” girls have sex and extreme perverted acts with the pilots whether they like it or not. When I was gang raped by this group, they claimed that they had to get my vagina ready for sex, so they raped me until I tore. Once that happened they said it would toughen me up for future sex acts with multiple partners. If these guys want to use V2S to recruit a piece of tail, they need to get a life. If you are being pressured to give up your job or leave your industry, do not listen, these people are just trying to turn you against what is familiar to you so you will leave and fall into their trap. I know who my gang stalkers are and believe me they lack perfection even though they demand it of others. This group wants women to get plastic surgery, etc., and then stand around for a gang bang. They claim they are looking for clean women. How sick is that? It is a sad day when men in their 50s, etc., don’t know enough about women to even get sex without rape and V2S communication. This is all I hear about every night, sex, sex, sex….. They also talk about “poking me in the eye” which is a term for sex because according to them you have a center eye near your belly button. Imagine listening to a bunch of grown men talk about sex in such a childish manner–no wonder they are gang stalking to get women. Loser tactic for loser people.

    Comment by GMR — July 18, 2007 @ 6:28 pm

  44. The gang stalkers arrived again. This time they said they are the CIA. I know they are not and they are not our government. My gang stalkers are a group of claimed AA pilots who are Osama Bin Laden and Taliban sympathizers. They want their victims to believe they are the government so we will turn against the U.S. governement and fall into a trap. They say they Al Qaeda are planning another hit, but they first need to destroy the psychological state of our country so we will fall apart. I am not falling for these people. I am going to stand strong and stand by this country. Every night I listen to this terrorists who use V2S and other means to torture me. These people are sick and I hope soon they are found and put in jail or executed. Someone named Jonnie Goodwin has been coming on and also someone named Sterling. If these are pilots they need to be found asap and questioned. They are treasonous and dangerous. Sick.

    Comment by GMR — July 19, 2007 @ 2:59 pm

  45. Have we all gone mad?
    There is too much here for me to dismiss this; as these circumstances (as described), are occurring in my life also, but as a 3rd year psychology major at a major university, I can’t help but wonder if all of us haven’t gone delusional…
    Where do we turn to find the truth?
    I’m genuinely scared, and confused.
    And I’m afraid that I’m truly losing my mind…

    Comment by perplexed — August 21, 2007 @ 7:58 pm

  46. I think that perhaps one of the common denominators may be if we speak openly against the policies of our respective governments.
    I’m not POSITIVE about this, but in my case, it MAY be what precipitated the absolutely unbelievable series of events in my life that ultimately led to my ending up in a homeless shelter, with everyone that I know essentially abandoning me.
    I’m NOT a bad guy, I honestly was an honor student at a major university in the psychology department, with my professors treating me more as a colleague than as a student.
    I have treated everyone that I’ve known with dignity and respect.
    And yet, my life is a complete wreck. And the circumstances of my life so resemble the stories that I’ve heard about “gang stalking” that I can’t help but wonder if this is what is happening to me…

    Lord Jesus, please help me; for I fear I’m losing my hold on reality…
    I don’t know what is real or delusion anymore.
    I don’t know who to trust anymore.
    I don’t know what’s real anymore.

    Comment by perplexed — August 21, 2007 @ 8:20 pm

  47. Perplexed, I read your post and I think one of the reasons you were targets is that you were an honor student at a major university, you are not a bad guy and you have treated everyone with dignity and respect. I attended and graduated from a major university, am not a bad person and also treated everyone with dignity and respect. I have suffered v2k and my gang stalkers have told me these are all the qualities that got me in trouble with them. Don’t forget these people are really angry and have no lives other than standing around and drown in their negativity. You were probably spotted and it was probably more than apparent that you were a happy guy. I can tell you that some of my gang stalkers are extremely low-level and the ones that work hate their jobs and have even been passed by for promotions. These failures have a hard time watching other people fitting in and excelling in life. Do your best to get back on track, I know you can. It sounds like you are definitely a gang stalking victim; homelessness is also an end result of gang stalking. There is a website titled “Freedom from Covert Harassment”. When I found that website, it really opened a lot of doors for me. I participate in conference calls and am a contact for other TI’s. Read it over and possibly you too can become a contact. A support group is very important when it comes to gang stalking. Gang stalkers isolate. The main thing to remember about gang stalkers is that while they are torturing you, they are being tortured themselves. They live in darkness everyday, are social rejects, socially inept and cannot survive mentally, emotionally, spiritually or even sexually without their gang stalking group. Some are felons who will never have a better job and who will perform sexual favors to maintain a basic roof over their heads and three square meals a day. Envy and wanting a better life also drives gang stalkers to stalk. Isolation is part of their tactic. Once you are isolated, they have you where they want you. Do your best to remain rationale in public so you do not lose your credibility. Do not allow them to label you with a mental illness. Search the web and you will find answers about your current position. Good luck. I am still be stalked but I have made it so far and I know you can too. These people are not worth a dime, so please remember that when you feel down and out. You can find your way back to employment and your studies. Hang on and know that you are supported.

    Comment by GMR — August 22, 2007 @ 5:55 pm

  48. I am glad to hear positive and motivating words being given to other Ti’s. It is funny that you say that you were not a bad person and in college. I fit that bill to a T. You know what else is funny that most of the Ti’s in my area were also college students at the time of the onset of the electronic harassment. Perhaps there is some connection with college and becoming a target of this gang stalking group. However, in my case I was friendly with all the wrong people and some how all these people I was associating with were turned against me and became my gang stalkers after meeting someone I did not know over the Internet at a dating site called, yahoo personals. I still am somewhat confused about how this can be accomplished. Nevertheless, I still believe that there is more to it, I do not believe it is only revenge, but has government experimentation through contractors involved. What I think is that these contractors who initially pick the target, pick them because they are the kind of person that stand out among the rest of society. Targets are usually intelligent, good looking, respectful, and different, for this reason perhaps the targets are easier to hate because they are successful and well liked. I believe that in my case, this is exactly what happened. Nevertheless I continue going to college, attending church, hanging out with the friends that have been their since I was a teenager and spending time with my daughter. I try not to let the electronic harassment slow me down. Although,my family and friends make lots of comments that I do not look well. They often say my eyes look very tired and sad, especially when I have just awoken. I would like to know if other victims awake with this feeling of numbness like if the blood is not circulating in your body, because this is what I feel. Also, if you have any marks on your body? I wake with red lines on my shoulders and arms alot and swelling around my lips frequently when I awake. I definitely know that it is emf harassment and Rf harassment in my case. I am hoping that at some point I will be able to move to a better area, where my neighbors will have money and not have to be involved in these types of organized crimes in order to sustain themselves and families with such heinous crimes.
    Well hope to hear some good comments.

    Comment by valley girl — September 2, 2007 @ 12:04 am

    • Valley girl,, I’, sorry to cut your hope of move to a better area because that is my case; I live in the best areas all my life including my homestead right now and that is exactly what are looking for. Good nice looking families, well manner kids, etc. in order to destroy them step by step until you and your entire group of friends, family, children are completly destroyed and separated. They are after your luck, your money, your own kids, and your home and if you try to avoid them or fight them “you will ended up like me” trapped and isolated with no job or money left to even sustain yourself and lose your home. If I”m still alive is because God existed somehow it is true and I am ot religious at all but it is the truth. Unfortunatelly, I can’t take th GPS they put inside my car and nobody is around me any more ; at any moment they will erase me…IN THE BEST ZIP CODE OF FLORIDA!

      Comment by Almost erased by "Condo-psyco ORG." — August 21, 2012 @ 7:51 am

  49. Valley girl, it will not matter if you move; I have moved 4 times in the last two years and they will follow you. These people have too much time on their hands and have 24/7 to stalk. If you are looking run down that is because they are trying to make you look that way. I know some of the female gang stalkers in my group are just thrilled when they take a pretty woman and make her look like rundown. I have seen my female gang stalkers and I have heard them talk through v2K and I have found out that some are hermaphadites, suffer from anxiety and depression, take medication, have no real source of income or support, and have bulimia [sp] among other ailments. I believe that is why they stay focused on erroding the TI’s health.

    If you are feeling heavy in the morning it is probably because you are getting burned with the microwave. Please unplug your microwave and remove the t.v. from your room when you sleep. I was suffering from microwave mind control/burn and I figured it out and immediattely unplugged the micro. Now I don’t get microwave burn anymore while I sleep and I get a decent night’s sleep inbetween their pranks and jokes. My group talks about the anti-christ, the NWO and Osama Bin Laden. They claim that soon the world will be theirs. Make sure you are not being drugged at night. My stalkers use LSD and GHB and often put it on plates or glasses they think you will drink from when you are home. If you suffer V2K, you can interfere with their signal by playing several radios on strong stations while you sleep or leaving the t.v. on. This will not cut them out, but their frequency will weaken. Also try a mylar blanket. It sounds like you are being zapped. They will deplete you and your health until they put you in the ground. Their intention is to destroy you and end life. Take vitamins this will help replenish you. Also, visit the Freedom from Covert Harassment website. This website gives TI great information and will list others who are victims to support you. Also begin writing your congressmen. I was videotaped and will be presented in a congressional hearing next week. I am also recording a radio talk show tonight. Please get actively involved with other TIs. It is imperative to your survival. The top of the gang stalking hierarchy usually has money so living in a nicer area will not change anything; I have done it. They do follow victims. Often these groups are against college students and/or graduates. They do not promote school, in fact, some of the lower level heirarchy can not read a magazine article; the ones at the top however are a different story. Some of these groups look to make prostitutes out of men and women, so be careful. If you are having trouble sleeping check yourself into a hotel once in awhile but do it on the spur of the moment.

    I hope this information helps you. Hang in there. You are not alone and I have found that since the inception of my gang stalking more and more cases and information are becoming available. Don’t be afraid to reach out and find other TIs.

    Comment by GMR — September 5, 2007 @ 9:39 pm

  50. Well, I finally found out a little more about my gang stalking case. It appears that my particular group is a murder for hire situation. My gang stalkers are claiming through V2K that they were jilted by a law firm I worked for l0 years ago and because they lost money they are now taking revenge on the employees. I have been told that they have murdered a woman who worked in HR and that they have hurt several other employees and that my name was next on the list. These people are claiming that 92 more people are going to get hurt. They claim they want their money back and they are going to torture me until the company gives it to them. The claimed AA and Continental pilots are snotty, little spoiled brats. Even though they are blaming it on the lawyers, I personally think that the reason they may have lost their money is because they were just bad clients. Obviously, if they are stalking and raping women/former employees of this company, they are bullys with no credibility. Anyone who was a professional business owner would have found another way to deal with the loss. Imagine a group of sexually frustrated airline pilots stalking and raping women because they are angry a business deal went wrong. Obviously, these are not intelligent businessmen because if they were they would be able to deal with the matter in another way. Perhaps, if they were unhappy they should have retained another lawyer to represent them or to appeal the case. If you could see the men that assaulted me, you would vomit. I heard one claimed AA pilot say that a rape victim had more sex than he did in his whole life. What does that tell us? These men are sexually deviant and as far as men go, they are sexually deprived of female companionship. Murder is a very serious crime and with electromagnetic weaponry it is virtually undetectable.

    My father died several months ago of heart failure and they are now claiming they killed him with their electromagnetic weaponry. I don’t know for sure if they did, but I would not doubt it.

    If you are being gang stalked and don’t know the reason, please consider revenge as an option. It is possible that you may have worked for a company where a client felt they were somehow jilted. It is sick, I know, but it does happen. These guys are trying to get me to sleep with them on an on-going basis; they say I have a debt to pay to some guy claiming to be Tony Accardo, Jr. because of this past employment situation. Can you imagine having men who raped you as a bed partner? These guys are sick and really need to stay with $20.00 whores and trash to which they are accustomed.

    I don’t really know if what they are telling me about the former employment is true, but I guess if it is it would make more sense than having no reason.

    Comment by GMR — September 27, 2007 @ 9:33 pm

  51. Another night with the gang stalking claimed AA and Continental pilots and their stew sluts. I have learned so much about my perps. First, the stew broads on the bottom are girls who can’t hold down jobs, are on various forms of medication, vomit their food, and have no emotional or mental capabilities past going to the bathroom. Last night I arrived home only to find more items stolen from my apartment. These girls are trash. They spent their life on their knees and screwing pilots in hopes they would marry them, but when that did not happen they decided they wanted a better life. In otherwords, the gang stalkers want our lives. They want thing out of your apartment because they will never get jobs. They are born losers who never paid attention to their lives until was too late. When I was gang raped by these pigs, I actually saw the stew broad named Julie bend over and take on at least 20 pilots while videotaped. Imagine having to watch a bunch of pigs after you have been raped have three minute premature ejaculatory sex with a hermaphadite stew named Julie who proudly lifted her skirt to reveal her genitals to me. (Nothing against hermaphadites) Julie is a true hermaphadite, she has a pubsecent penis and scrotum, with an overstretched vagina that an elephant could penetrate. She has no breasts and has a hatred for women that is unbelievable, so she helps these pilots rape and rope girls into a sex ring for some loser claiming he is Tony Accardo, Jr. Julie keeps trying to get me to live with her. She is a pig who thinks abortion is a way to “clean out a woman”. Sick. I know who these people are and I have written to Gerard Arpey, the CEO of American and still nothing has been done. I guess gang stalking is approved in the airline industry.

    Comment by GMR — September 28, 2007 @ 3:01 pm

  52. Wow. A week ago, I thought maybe me and Carson and Donna were the only people to ever be gangstalked….

    Now, I know there is a word for it and I might be feeling stronger.

    Comment by Anita — September 29, 2007 @ 2:44 am

  53. Feeling stronger is a good thing, but your perps will hate you for it. Keep looking for the positive. There is a radio station on the web called There is a woman who gave an interview on 9/6/2007 on her gang stalking experience. It is her hope that other victims will hear this and not be afraid to come forward and get the help they need and deserve in order to escape these monsters.

    Comment by MSS — October 3, 2007 @ 9:09 pm

  54. It was liberating to me to find out that there was a name for what has been happening to me and my family. I am in jeopardy of losing my career, my house, my good name, and my earnings. It is unbelievable. This is almost the perfect crime. To anyone going through this: protect yourself. Be strong. And remember, there is no perfect crime! I’ll be fighting this thing for us all.

    Comment by Barbara — October 19, 2007 @ 12:34 pm

  55. Barbara, gang stalkers drive people into the ground. They want you to lose your house, your good name, your earnings and so much more. I suggest you get to a support group asap. Look up the Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance website. It is growing in strength and number. They have many, many targeted individual support groups and nationwide conference calls. DO NOT LET THESE PEOPLE ISOLATE YOU. Once they have you financial broke and isolated, they can cause you to commit suicide or get you into a prostitution ring. Also, check out This radio station has a news correspondent reporting on gang stalking matters. Last Thursday, there she interviewed a victim from the Washington, D.C., area. She is also a victim of severe gang stalking, including physical gang rape. I will caution you–if you are suffering home invasion, please be careful. Sometimes, the home invasion is used to unnerve you. If they enter while you are out, they will enter while you are at home. Make sure your doors and windows are sufficiently barred. If you have money to install video cameras, I suggest you do it immediately. These people use drugs and can drop something on your tongue while you sleep. Also, remove your microwave from your home. If you are being zapped this will cutdown on the zapping. I did it and I am no longer being zapped. The output device on the microwave is what they usually signal to use radiation on your brain and zapping techniques. Good luck and contact Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance asap and you will have great support to keep you going during this difficult time. Do not give in to these perpetrators.

    Comment by MSS — November 2, 2007 @ 6:03 pm

  56. I have been assaulted for many years in most believable *earthly* ways described by many on the net. I have found no relationship to unplugging anything or removing a microwave oven or any other appliance. If you have been fooled into believing that by the “mind control/gangstalking perverts”, then I need to let you know that there is not a way to support such a claim. If anything, unplugging part of the electrical grid may provide a more clear path for artificial microwave sound projection. After they know you removed your microwave they could have simply stopped electronic attacks to “convince” you of this. It is the kind of thing they might do, as if there isn’t anything they wouldn’t do.

    And MSS, you sound and write very much like GMR, the same woman who gave the interview on A little self promotion, or maybe something else?

    Comment by Bob64 — November 4, 2007 @ 12:38 am

  57. All of the symptoms concerning microwaves and dream attacks…couldn’t they all be induced by LSD after a day of being followed around by annoying stalkers? LSD isn’t the only possibility, several drugs would probably do it, and it would be much easier to put a victim in a paranoid state, then drug him or her. The CIA used to do it to see what would happen, they finally got their little LSD parties shut down after they decided it would be fun to spike the punch bowl at some hoity-toity reception.

    Now, the only time so far I’ve worried about being physically tampered with is the pizza guy incident. I ordered pizza, happened to glance into this delivery guy’s eyes, and immediately thought, “Wow, seriel killer eyes, scary.” I eat some pizza, and luckily, no one in the house wanted any. Couple days later, I’m sick. And then sicker. And I stayed sick. And I’m wandering around work in a miserable haze, trying to figure out who gave me this nasty bug, and this guy looks at me and goes, ‘it was something you ate’, and I thought about pizza psycho guy. And that was over a month ago. I’m still sick.

    So here’s my plan to keep myself out of the nuthouse: If I can’t prove it, it didn’t happen. Once I prove it to my own satisfaction (this includes not trusting to memory anymore but writing plate numbers and car makes and models down to double check later), I have to videotape it or similar to prove it to someone else. And if I worry something I eat is making me sick, I’ll squirrel away samples of other foods I didn’t see go from sealed package down my throat without interruption. Then I’ll take them over to a friend at the hospital and see if I can get some proof through lab tests.

    Good luck to all, protect yourselves, and remember, the idea is to drive you nuts or make others think you’re nuts, so some of the more outlandish incidents might have a simpler cause than fancy equipment. Drugs are so much easier, and so well known, and by the way, LSD and similar won’t stay in the system long, so getting that checked out as proof might not work.

    Comment by LouJones — November 7, 2007 @ 10:01 am

  58. The electronic weapon assaults are real and I’d say almost common knowledge now. They are radio and acoustic frequency and other electromagnetic devices. The voice projection has been demonstrated at least a couple different ways, one of them said to be microwave based. They have many types of chemical agents, drugs and poisons including LSD. PCP causes vivid dreams. OP pesticide causes diarrhea. That could account for the “liquefied bowels” attributed to an electronic attack I’ve heard about. They also have some biological tricks to make you sick too. I’ve found getting anything tested is next to impossible because of several factors, even if you know what it is. Of course the perps know this too and will work to prevent any successful testing. I haven’t had any problems getting cops to believe this crap, they know it is real and some of them are involved in it, but definitely not all of them. While the perps are working you, the victim, they are also working to convince the cops and community that you are crazy or a dangerous criminal. Lies are the primary tool used in these all out assaults to destroy innocent victims. Once informed the duped innocents will stop, but the evil pros and others will not stop until the money does.

    Comment by jtk — November 8, 2007 @ 4:01 am

  59. Here is an example of what the results are if the “organized stalking perps” succeed in having a victim labeled “mentally ill”.

    PSYCHIATRIC STIGMA follows you everywhere you go for the rest of your life.

    A warning from Lawrence Stevens, J.D.

    Comment by anonymous — November 26, 2007 @ 3:59 am

  60. Bob64, I dedicate a lot of volunteer time to helping victims of gang stalking and electromagnetic weaponry. VOLUNTEER time BOB, not paid time. I spend hundreds of dollars in phone bills, postage and time writing letter to representatives, senators, and other agencies seeking help for victims. Self-promotion is for people getting PAID. Bob, by your comments I would say you are probably a gang stalker and not a victim. Your post is very suspicious and uncaring for someone who is a victim. You sound like a gang stalker who wants vicitms to stay isolated. Who cares about the initials on a post, it is the information that people are seeking. A radio program helping to get the word out is a good thing, Bob, at least from a real victim’s point of view.

    Comment by MSS — November 26, 2007 @ 4:11 pm

  61. Bob64, by the way, one of my perps is named Capt. Bob–is it you by any chance? Strange how you seem to focus on helping the gang stalkers and not the victims. Bob64, you are a gang stalker, get off this site. People are here to support each other and give each other ideas that will help them free themselves from these criminals. You write as though you have been totally indoctrinated which is a sign of a cult and mind control. Many experts are beginning to link gang stalking to cults and SRA abuse. For your information, microwave radiation can be reduced by unplugging the microwave. V2K and silent sound may continue, but the radiation burn usually stops without the power supply.

    Comment by MSS — November 26, 2007 @ 4:56 pm

  62. MSS,

    After I read what you said about unplugging the microwave, of course I tried it because when attacked you will try anything that is suggested, but in my case it just didn’t work. I had tried other similar tactics after hearing from Julianne McKinney that the electrical wiring might somehow be used or “piggybacked” off of as a sort of “antenna”. There was no measurable affect that I could determine with the type of the magnetic flux weapon being used. Of course my situation could differ in some way and there was not an explanation of defensive measures. And I can’t see how they were burning you with your microwave unless they were overriding the safety switch and doing so directly after drugging you.

    I’m glad it stopped it for you for whatever reason. I don’t want to discourage anyone from trying anything that might help them.

    What I meant is that my perps constantly want me believe things that are not reality. It is part of their evil game. I know as victims we should always question the validity of our conclusions and how we arrived at them. Are they realistic or possibly induced by the sneaky perverted perps.

    Saying things that sound “out there” to unaware people, even if they could be true, can feed the “mentally ill” labeling of the victims I just read about above. I’ve seen many clever perps tell a great story and then throw in that one thing that just sounds crazy to most people, they of course are intentionally discrediting real victims.

    As long as you are helping others I don’t see any harm with you using whatever “nic” you want in any way you want.

    Also, Bob is a common name and I am not the Captain of anything.

    Comment by bob64 — November 27, 2007 @ 4:53 am

  63. O.k. Maybe we should just call a truce; victims need to stick together. I have read articles about the microwave radiation being able to go through the walls of homes, apartments, etc. The micro radiation is what causes the extreme fatigue attacks. Before I blocked the micro and unplugged it I was getting hit constantly in the right side of my head and it was debilitating, so I did some reading and learned that I need to block and stop the radiation. After I did that, the fatigue began to clear up and my memory began to return. I still get the “zapping” and V2K, but not the radiation burn to my brain. I just know what I have experienced and do my best to pass it on to other victims. Shielding is a problem, so any ideas we can come up with are better than nothing. Check out Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance. This is a great website where victims meet to support each other and give each other ideas. They have conference calls and meetings, etc. Check it out.

    Comment by MSS — November 27, 2007 @ 5:05 pm

  64. November 29, 2007

    NOTE: Names of persons and places have been changed to protect the authors.

    First off, we are good people with a good background and have had not problems with police in the past. We have worked and still work with charities, and are very honest.
    My name Is Mr. Gang Stalking Victim. I’m a victim of Full Blown AIDS, live in Anytown Florida, and I am writing to you all because I feel we need assistance involving strange “stalking” and possibly slanderous–type activities aimed at my housemate Robert and me. These strange activities started as soon as we moved into our new home located in Anytown Florida in January of 2007. From what we have witnessed, we believe a person or group of affiliated people have been spreading harmful rumors meant to discredit us with our new neighbors and law enforcement officials, and are also meant to harass us to make us feel uncomfortable and unwanted in our new Anytown home. These incidences of harassment have involved people following us in cars, people suspiciously showing up in droves shortly after we arrive at our destination (such as a restaurant, park, beach, or Post Office), having our neighbors and there children taunt us with verbal insults and unfounded accusations. We have also encountered tactics known by “Gang Stalking” researches as “Street Theater”. We have had incidences of trespassing, theft, destruction, and defacement of our property that has been reported to the police, but with no action taken. The worst of these harassment tactics took place on October 8th, 2007, and involved the local Anytown police department, and the Anytown River Medical Center.

    On October 8th 2007, I was forced to call 911 at around 5:20 a.m. and ask for police assistance. We heard a person knocking on our outside house wall and / or privacy fence at our Anytown, Florida home. When my housemate Robert and I went to investigate this noise, I heard the prowler clearly say, “We are going to get you!” in a low threatening and somewhat theatrical voice. The prowler was behind our privacy fence and on our property. After he made the statement, he ran away from our property before I could get a chance to maneuver myself to see him clearly, and it was also still very dark out at this time. This action was surely meant to disturb and intimidate us. And it had at first, but we collected our thoughts and relized what was going on.
    It was “Gang Stalking”!

    This prowlers actions has followed a string of strange events that we have been documenting in emails, such as some neighborhood people suddenly lurking in the vacant lots around our home (sometimes taking photos of us and our property), strange cars parking across the street of our property with the drivers clearly observing our house and our normal everyday activities. When we have tried to approach these people, they drive off. We have had our neighbors’ children passing our house, repeatedly making rude comments and accusations to their friends such as “They’re watching us” when they see we are in hearing distance. Also we have had a strange man approaching us (then passing) holding a club when we had taken our dogs for a walk one afternoon in early October. A few people that have been kind to us have informed us that these types of events are very unusual in our area. We have also reported bags of trash dropped on our property (away from the road) and a brand new yard tool stolen from our gated back yard. We had reported these actions to the local police. With little evidence in hand the police said they could do nothing to help us. Again, we have documented these strange events and others like them in emails, and have sent them out at the time when they had originally occurred.

    Well, back to the events of the morning of October 8, 2007. I called 911, and an officer (Deputy Policeman) of the Anytown Police Department arrived at our home to investigate. His investigation was minimal and he seemed unconcerned and in a rush to leave. In my opinion, his actions and investigation were highly unprofessional, suspicious and aloof. The officer also made statements to me that suggested that Robert or I might be under some type of investigation. When I questioned Deputy Policeman further on this matter, the officer informed me that he could not elaborate. I am a person disabled with AIDS, exacerbated by severe medical problems, and this event was not helping my situation. While writing out my police report to Deputy M, Policeman about this prowler incident, I had asked the officer for a paramedic to be called to assist me for chest pains I had as a result of my scare. Robert also requested to fill out a report form, and I made sure these police reports were scanned into my computer before handing them over. We felt it best to scan our reports mostly due to the officer’s behavior. At around 6:30 am, I was transported by paramedics to the emergency room at the Anytown River Medical Center via ambulance. When in the ambulance, I informed the paramedics of my disabling condition. When I arrived at the Sebastian River Medical Center, I was very briefly seen by a doctor (for about 5 minutes) and then held for many hours just waiting in an emergency room bed with little or no concern by staff for my reported pain. I was then taken to the ICU ward in the late afternoon, but never saw a doctor in ICU. I also waited there for hours and then that evening I was told I was being sent to another facility that could help me, but neither I, nor Robert was given any other information by the nursing staff as to where I was being sent. Robert was forced to leave the ICU due to visiting hour regulations. In the late hours of the evening I was transported to the Clinic for Emotional and Behavioral Health in Generic Beach Florida completely without my consent under the Florida “Baker Act”. When I arrived at this facility, I was informed by the staff that no doctor back at Anytown Medical had signed my documents, and I would need to “sign myself in” to this facility. I refused to do so, knowing full well that this was some sort of trick to incriminate myself. After I refused to sign myself in to the Clinic for Emotional and Behavioral Health, I asked to be released. The staff then told me that I must return in the ambulance to Anytown Medical for a doctor to sign the papers, or otherwise I could go home. I was taken back to Anytown Medical in the A.M. hours of October 9th where I asked to be released but was told by Emergency Room staff to stay where I was. An armed officer of the Anytown police force then entered the emergency room and faced me in a threatening manner. About 30 minutes later, a doctor walked into my cubical at the emergency room, took my vital signs and signed the papers. I was then taken by ambulance once again to the Clinic for Emotional and Behavioral Health. This was all done without my consent! This is all on record, as I now have the hundreds of dollars in bills from the ambulance company for the back and forth transports. When I did get to talk to a doctor at the Clinic for Emotional and Behavioral Health (Dr. Psychiatrist ) on October 9th, he informed me that the reason I was taken to the Clinic for Emotional and Behavioral Health was due to Deputy Cop’s statement and report that I was “Psychotic” and my reporting a prowler at my house was all just some deranged hallucination. I am sure Dr. Psychiatrist ‘s report has much better details than I can give you. This news was a shock to me because my housemate Robert had seen the same prowler, and had also made a written report to Officer Policeman, but funny how Robert had not been taken to the Clinic and called “Psychotic”! This is no joke! I was truly kept at the Clinic for Emotional and Behavioral Health for over 48 hours before they had to release me by law. And, I was also released from my involuntary incarceration because the center’s psychiatrist Dr. Psychiatrist would not agree with the officer’s assessment of my condition. In the days after this horrible ordeal, Robert and I attempted to gather all the information we could about our situation and seek legal help to possibly sue for misconduct. Our resources are limited, and my disabling health condition had soon after become much worse. Due to poor health, I have not had the chance to pursue this matter as much as I would have liked to. When Robert and I contacted the Anytown Police Department’s records department in the days after my October 10th release (to obtain copies of our written police statements from October 8th), we had been told that Robert’s report was never filed by Officer Policeman! This was a red flag to us, and a very suspicious action. We talked to legal professionals, but they said little could be done. This is so disturbing to us, and we are disgusted!

    How rude and highly suspicious it was for that officer not to file Robert’s legitimate police report; and how unfair for the Anytown River Medical Center to deny my request to be released. And, it is also disturbing how I am still dealing with the effects of my unfair incarceration at a mental health facility when I have AIDS. I clearly informed the Anytown River Medical Center staff of my medical status. All of this trauma just because Officer Policeman had stated that I was “Psychotic” in his police report. What could his motivation have been? I had legitimately called 911 about a person making disturbing and violent threats to us on our property at around 5 a.m. in the morning. This was the second time we had to call law enforcement to our home in under two weeks! Of course I was scared, but not “Psychotic” as Officer Policman had reported! It is peculiar to us how no professional mental health official or medical Doctor I have seen after these events agrees with Officer Policeman’s assessment of my mental state. We can guess that this is. Could it be good old-fashioned harassment tactics, or “Gang Stalking? We sure think it is!

    It is our opinion that everything we have stated in this letter is somehow connected to some organized form of harassment called “Gang Stalking”. It is also very sad, and I would go so far as to say even abusive how some people use their own children as tools in these harassing games. When walking our dogs in our area, we have seen parents call their children to them, point at us, then encourage the child to scream at us. We have also had some adults from our area make rude slanderous comments at us when passing by our property, but later change their demeanor to be completely friendly when other people are around who could possibly witness their unusual actions. This type of thing distresses us! But we never lose our cool, and just stay smart.

    We believe and fear that there may now be an organized effort to have us accused of making contact with children / minors, based on the tactics we have witnessed, and by the statements and actions made by the people involved in these “Stalking” like events. Again, we have attempted to document every bizarre and suspicious action taken by anyone at the time of the incidents. We know that this “Stalking” pattern fits a known harassment tool used by some groups to discredit people, and we are just not that stupid not to take action, or fall into there trap. These events have also forced Robert to have to go to the Anytown Police station on his own to re-file a report that should have been entered into the records department on October 8th 2007 by Officer Policeman. The clerk working at the police department’s records section told Robert that he could obtain a copy of this 2nd written police report he had made to Officer Cop at the police station on Friday November 30th. We sure hope there is no further unprofessional actions or tricks played on us by our paid local law enforcment, but it looks like some people or groups just do not know when to quit. We are shocked by all of this, because we do not deserve this unfair and abusive treatment. But after we have done more research on “Gang Stalking” and the tactics they use, we feel this is very common in our culture. We are peaceful people who just want to enjoy our new home. We hope these events would just end, but from our research into “Gang Stalking” we have learned that it continues non–stop for these people. So we are learning to turn it into something positive and useful for other victims.

    I did hope someone could help us resolve this situation, but am not sure how to proceed. We do not wish to take any action that would incite further abuse to us, but doing nothing seems to just invite some type of “Set Up” that will be used agents us. We hope that informing you of our situation will be of some help. Please contact us for further information. The case number of the October 8, 2007 event is (07-1444-OF) and recorded with the Sebastian Florida Police Department. We also ask you to research “Gang Stalking” tactics so that you can better understand our situation. We would like to be able to feel safe and assured of assistance when we call 911, but that seems unlikely. We feel it is very important to work within the law, stay cool, and not take any type of direct actions ourselves. Robert and I also feel that it is very important for us to gather hard evidence and seek professional advice before making any type of direct accusations to law enforcement officials against any individuals in our area doing this sort of thing. We are friendly and law–abiding people, and do not wish to lower ourselves to the types of negative behavior that has been aimed at us. One other strange event I must mention also involves the Anytown River Medical Center, and took place on November 5th and 6th 2007. I went to the medical center to have blood drawn as per my doctor’s request on the morning of November 5th. I had my order form for the tests with me, and a number of vials of my blood were taken. I then was told I could leave. That afternoon, I was called by the Anytown River Medical Center and asked to return, as they needed more blood for the tests. Because I had to get this test done for treatment of my bad health, I agreed to return on the morning of November 6th. At least two further vials of my blood had been extracted and I was told that I did not have to sign in, fill out any documentation, and I did not receive any proof that more blood was taken. Because this was highly unusual, I had Robert accompany me to the lab to be a witness to this. I sure hope there was no nefarious activity connected with this action on the part of the Anytown River Medical Center. I’ll be sure to avoid that facility at all cost in the future. I hope my story helps someone.

    Mr. Gang Stalking Victim & Housemate Robert

    Comment by Kenn — December 1, 2007 @ 10:54 am

  65. Kenn – Your situation is an obvious “hate-crime”, perpetrated by your new neighbors who probably have connections to local law enforcement. I suggest you contact national gay and aids advocates as soon as possible. They are probably the best option for help. Good luck.


    Comment by jess — December 11, 2007 @ 5:15 am

  66. Mr. Gang Stalking Victim & Housemate Robert. I am sorry to hear of your situation. Your story is typical of us gang stalking/electromagnetic weaponry victims. The police usually are no help because the police you deal with are usually involved with these hate groups, hence the word “psychotic” without reason in the police report. Many victims of gang stalking are conveniently diagnosed as being “psychotic” even when they are completely sane. Once labeled with mental illness, it is easy for the perps to get you where they want you (e.g, loss of job, family, friends, reputation, etc). These people will do their best to rob you of everything you hold dear. Please remember however that you are not alone and there are victims popping up all over the world. Some believe this is now a New World Order tactic to keep certain people in their place. It has defnitely been linked with Satanic Ritual Abuse. I am receiving many e-mails at (radio show) from cases all over the world including UK, US, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, etc. This is spreading like wildfire. As far as your illness, gang stalkers love to attack people while they are ill and weak. This gives them a sense of special power that is existent only in their own minds. As you and I both know, no one with a normal mind would ever think about harassing another individual and no one in their right mind would ever hang out with anyone who participated in this abnormal behavior. Please search for the Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance website and get on the Targeted Individual (TI) list. This website is an excellent support system. They are very proactive in helping TIs get their voices heard and having many national and international telephone conferences, etc. Surround yourself with people you love and people who love you. Hold on to your faith and your friends. If you are suffering from electromagnetic weaponry harassment, find a way to shield yourself the best you can.

    Comment by MSS — December 12, 2007 @ 6:30 pm

  67. Thank you guys above for your great comments to us! I think that knowing their strategy has been our best weapon so far in fighting this. We have in a way started to turn this around. We have begun to see the known stalkers expose themselves to our friendly neighbors, thus hurting their credibility and trust with each other. One can learn to live with this, as long as one has the information on the tactics used by these groups, and we play it smart. Al Gore said a very wise thing during his run for office. He said “Big Brother might be watching, but Little Brother has a big mouth!” One other thing we also found, is that these people are typically not very smart. Remember not to be sensitive to these “Gang Stalking” tactics.

    Robert and I know full well that our home has been bugged. We have had people come up to us and repeat things we have only said in our private home word for word. We are sure of this, and it’s been done to us quite a few times with the purpose to intimidate and let us know that we are being watched. So now, we enjoy and employ the use of disinformation tactics a great deal. If this is the way it is, then we must adapt and survive within our environment. No one said life is going to be easy.
    We find it is quite easy to wind up known stalkers.

    We make sure we show how much we enjoy life when we go outside, and we make sure we do go out in public everyday. Just got a new truck last week and we show how happy we are about that (but don’t look to be gloating), and we are always walking our dogs with big smiles and a hello to people we meet. We never show any negative emotion, or ever make an accusation about anyone to ANYONE! This is so important! We vent in these forums only. We keep every public comment general, and never accuse anyone of anything. We would only say “It’s our opinion that this fits a pattern of Gang Stalking” in email to media. Never do we say “such and such is a Gang Stalker” or “people are after us”. If you give these types enough rope, they will hang themselves.

    We know it is our duty now to spread information about this “Stalking” and share our story. This is the last thing THEY want! Just so you all know, we feel GOOD! We are using the system, using our heads, and staying in the loop. The common tactics they use are now repeating (such as “Street Theater”), and the tactic of showing up at places we go, and making the typical comments). They have shown us they have a limited ingenuity in what they can do. We in fact find it a bit fascinating now, and kind of enjoy mapping the textbook type tactics. The police have for sure exposed their tactics, and have given us hard proof of the events of October 8th in writing! It is great that we have a solid trail of evidence left by their tactics. They know we have gone public with our story and that we have connections to media. What victims need to have is leverage! If you are a good person with no agenda to harm other people, or break the law, then you should not fear being watched, and just get on with your life. Just have a chuckle like we do knowing someone is spending there lifetime watching your life. We have nothing to hide, and just need to become used to our situation. If you have secrets, then you have something they can use to hurt you. If you are open, they look bad spreading rumors about you to the good people who matter. There will always be hate groups, bigots, and non-thinking tag-alongs, and we don’t care what they think, because we can’t change them. They are sad, and scared people. To the people who are having this happen to them, ENJOY LIFE, and don’t feel a victim. We are not alone! Keep a smile on, they HATE that.

    Fight with your brain. We have only begun to fight!
    Knowledge is power, so let’s all keep educating the non-informed.

    Thank you all who want to help people!
    Mr. Gang Stalking Victim (Kenn) & Housemate Robert

    Comment by Kenn — December 16, 2007 @ 1:49 am

  68. Here is an example of ultrasonic sound projection.

    Comment by jtk — December 17, 2007 @ 9:28 pm

  69. Mr. Gang Stalking Victim (Kenn) & Housemate Robert,

    You are right. We are not alone. Victims are all over the world and we are uniting to defeat the evil. We will not be defeated by these people. We will go on in faith and live our lives the way God intended us to–with blessings and love and joy. We were created to be thinking, feeling and intelligent human beings and will not succumb to the small mindedness and mental illness of those who have apparently fallen into the hands of the devil. These people are living in darkness and are extremely jealous of the light. Keep living, loving and laughing and we will make it! God bless all.

    Comment by MSS — December 18, 2007 @ 5:41 pm

  70. Has anyone gone on any fake job interviews? Be careful of who you interview with. Right before my stalking I put my resume on and I received a call from a man named John Pliskota here in Chicago wanting to interview me. Well, I went on the interview and he was a total idiot and asked me all kinds of personal questions that did not relate to the job whatsoever. He said he would call me after he made a decision. When he called he left a message that he was not interested. I blew it off thinking he was a jerk anyway and hoping I would never see him again. Well, I started receiving hang up phone calls from his number for about a month and one day someone finally left a message asking me if I wanted a job (now this company already turned me down). I telephoned the man who called me and said thank you, but I already had another job. I asked if John was still there and the man said, “Yes.” In the message he said he was the Sales Manager, not John. I found that odd because John Pliskota told me he was the Sales Manager when I interviewed with him. After I hung up, I telephoned the front desk and they confirmed that John was the Sales Manager, not the other gentleman who called me about the job. I saw John with my stalkers several months after the interview, so I knew the interview was a scam. About 6 months after that I telephoned the company to see if John was still there, the receptionist said she never heard of him and that he never worked there. I guess they may have found out about his little trafikking/gang stalking operation and let him go and told people to tell callers that he never worked there for their own protection. Please be careful if you are applying for jobs because these people will find a way to contact you.

    Comment by MSS — December 26, 2007 @ 3:33 pm

  71. Oh, one more thing, after my interview with Mr. Pliskota, I left and went to the lobby on the lower level of the building. I was standing talking on the cellphone when Mr. Pliskota appeared with his cellphone pointed at me and began taking pictures. I moved around the lobby, but no matter where I went, he came with his cellphone to take more photographs. Please be careful if you notice anyone taking pictures of you, you might want to move away quickly. When I saw John with my stalkers, they referred to him as Captain, so I beleive that he was in the airforce or pilot at one time like the rest of my stalkers. These people run in circles and are often very angry.

    Comment by MSS — December 26, 2007 @ 7:10 pm

  72. Adult internet users,

    Beware of all on-line dating and adult friend finder type web pages and chat rooms. Local fanatic church groups {amongst others} do monitor the people who sign up for these types of services in their local areas, and sometimes use a number of unemployed people and also people with criminal records to falsely answer adds and meet up with people to scope them out. This is a sure fire way for Gang Stalking groups to target people who are not in solid relationships for stalking activities, and also get into a victim’s home and car (sometimes to plant evesdropping devices, and at times even worse motives). These Gang Stalking agents of evil gather personal information posted and given by unsuspecting lonely users {such as personal photos, phone numbers, job info, family history and relationship situations}. This personal information is often mixed with crafty lies, and used by Gang Stalking groups to spread harmful and misleading information about a target’s supposed sex life amongst a victim’s neighbors. This is a sure fire tool to discredit targets, and also make them appear as if they are sexually subversive and a danger to the purity of the area and its children.

    We have also seen news reports of how MySpace type web pages have been altered without an original poster’s knowledge and at times even after users have sometimes cancelled their MySpace accounts. Gang Stalkers have modified the pages and photos posted in ways that are very harmful to the reputation of the original poster. Gang Stalking groups have also been known to create new unauthorized accounts with a victim’s personal information and (sometimes modified) photos. Also, please beware of wireless internet routers, as Gang Stalking groups can hijack your internet IP address for such crafty uses.

    Mr. Gang Stalking Victim (Kenn) & Housemate Robert

    Comment by Kenn — December 29, 2007 @ 5:36 am

  73. Also, beware of posting your resume on public sites.

    Comment by MSS — January 8, 2008 @ 6:28 pm

  74. MSS and Kenn,

    Every place I go is populated with fake patrons/tourists/workers/etc.

    I’m always the subject of attempted assaults similar to, or the same as many I have read about.

    Comment by bob64 — January 10, 2008 @ 6:01 am

  75. Gangstalking is very real. The stories are very similar. I believe it is organized crimmals with high tech equipment. Sonic weapons can produce dizzines and nausea from a distance. Remember the incident with the cruise ship and the pirates. An acoustic weapon was used to make the pirates so ill they backed off. This story was reported by several reputable news papers. South Park even had an episode depicting the acoustic “brown note” and its not so funny effects. It is known fact that walls are not a visual barrier with thru the wall radar “millimeter wave, ultra wideband , thermal imaging”. Several years ago video cameras were accidently sold to the public that were able to see thru peoples clothing. The story ran in several newspapers. This stuff is not new. So why wouldn’t crimminals consider directed energy weapons as the perfect way to intimidate and harass victims from a distance without being observed by bystanders. Billions of U.S. dollars have been spent on defense technology. Most of this technolgy is not new it has just been refined. We need laws that keep up with the technology out there to put an end to this type of harassment.

    Comment by ben — January 10, 2008 @ 8:30 pm

  76. This goes out to all the stalkers (including mine): you are worth better.

    Focus on your abilities, concentrate on bettering your life, improve your life quality. Stop doing this to yourself. Cause your actions have boomerang effect. Think about it for a second, just a second. Is it really worth it?
    Is this really the only way to make a difference?
    Whatever it gives you, it`s a fake feeling.
    What goes up, eventually will come down.

    What kind of person are you going to be after this? What kind of life are you going to lead after this? Is it worth it?

    I think you deserve better than ongoing hatred. In fact you are wasting your time on negativity, what a pity.

    Are you sure there is no other way?
    It is never to late to come up with the right strategies to improve your life and achieve whatever you want.
    I wish you all the best…and maybe someday we will be able to forgive…or even meet face to face. Stop paying for/ participating in this nonsense.
    Relax…and accept the fact that this absurdity is and always will be one big mistake.
    No one is perfect, nevertheless one needs to realize what is doomed to be unsuccessful. And I am sure you are clever guy. This is not right, and it will never give you the real feel of happiness and satisfaction…and I can’t imagine you should be the odd one out not wanting that.
    Give it a thought.
    Get real.
    All the best.

    Comment by from europe — January 14, 2008 @ 12:18 am

  77. Bob64, I have spoken to many victims who experience “mobbing” and “street theater” that you are experiencing. It is all part of the game. If they have you under surveillance and know where you are going, then they will have people there to mob and harass you. Your home, inside and outside, is probably being monitored and your phone conversations are more than likely being recorded. Home invasion usually occurs with gang stalking, so maybe it is time to get video cameras if you can afford them. Prepare yourself, gang stalking can escalate to the point of physical violence. If you are going somewhere to shop, when you walk out of the house, go to another store. Make sure that you do not talk about your plans in the house or in your car or anywhere you can be heard if you are under surveillance.

    Comment by MSS — January 15, 2008 @ 6:31 pm

  78. To all the TI’s:

    It’s very much about your fears, nursing you into self-fulfilling prophecy and mirror-behavior.

    – I had told my working colleagues, that I had been so nervous to run out of gaz, that I completely forgot to go to the bank.

    – About two weeks later, I had run out of gaz. (I hardly made it a few meters from where I live and of course was late for work).

    – Good sport that I am, I said that running out of gaz wasn’t that bad, it could have been much worse…could have been my starter. About two weeks later I couldn’t start the car…and guess what: my starter had to be replaced.

    But I can’t help but laugh at all this. I always manage to find nice people to help me. Never forget all the other normal human beings on this earth. This is only a minority consisting of a tiny group of professionals, a few weirdos and a handful of “grown children”. (typically young and old men). No world conspiracy.

    self-fulfilling prophecy:
    For a while, you will be triggered into believing they are all over the place. I think it is everyday sensitizing for 1 week, max. 2. All they then need to do is nurse it from time to time. And if you are not careful, you will see menaces all over the place and constantly feel stressed out. (which is draining you from energy and prevents you from living your life).

    If you are eavesdropped (and you probably are, once they got your cell-phone number), you will be “punished” for every comment you make on the phone/ net etc. concerning them/ their “sport”. You speak up-they react. Clearly a tactic to silence you.
    So if you want to do sth. don’t do it via net or other unsafe ways
    of communication. (and turn off your phone if you don’t need it). Why not write a letter, and make it as neutral as possible and throw it in a letterbox far away from where you live?

    Try to rest your mind. Do not spend too much time reading about it.
    Live your life.
    And foremost: do not retreat,or you will be easy game!
    Mingle as much as you can. Focus on your friends and family. Don’t try to convince them at length. Just say what you notice and how you think it is odd and then change subject. People around you will notice your constant mishaps and the recurrent oddities.
    If you are angry: sing a song, write a poem, work out, clean the sth.

    For those who are on their own: move into a flatshare, go live with others. Gangstalkers’ enemy: evidence and whitenesses.
    Don’t fear for your life. At least I don’t. I know they would never do anything too overt, that’s exactly what they are not about, and that’s why they have rightfully been labeled “cowards”.

    About drugging: wash your fruits, only buy tins/ cans etc.
    I have only been drugged on two occasions.
    – I guess one was to take a picture (I have a memory of a guy with long, slightly red-blond hair bending over me. The lights were turned on and he was not alone). At that time I heard a car passing by and working the horn every night at 2:30 am. I would usually wake and go close the window.
    – The second time was probably to create fear. (I think it was caused by a cigarette, I found in one of my pockets). I heard the front door bang against the small table I had barricaded it with, as soon as I noticed sth. was wrong. But I am not sure, whoever it was really wanted to enter. (symptoms: numbness/heaviness in arms and legs, eyes badly reddened, easily exhausted.
    That’s about a year ago. And I am still alive and well.

    So, my best guess: it’s all about increasing your fear… as much as they can. Try not to get chicken-brained to a point where you can’t think clearly anylonger, or behave normally.
    So fear not and do not isolate.

    One last remark. One night, I heard noises of doors opening etc. as if someone was entering and going upstairs, but nothing inbetween, quite distinct noises.
    I do not really believe in this mindcontrol V2skull theory. I guess if you can get tiny microphones, it can’t be that hard to produce sound in another way then through advanced high-tech technology.
    I vote for not overestimating these people.
    I pity them.
    PS: I hope I have given you info that is helpful in a way.
    Well, I’m off for a walk. Take care and try to enjoy your life.

    Comment by from europe — January 15, 2008 @ 9:35 pm

  79. I should have said that after many years of this, organized felony attacks/assaults are so common that they are what are normal and expected.

    Did you read the link describing “gangstalking attacks”. That link and several others are what it is like for some including me. Constant attacks in one form or another.

    I always ignore the perpetrator harassment “antics”.

    I have developed reasonable methods to deal with the chemical/drug, radio frequency and acoustic frequency assaults/attacks.

    I take precautions, but expect to be attacked. I also ignore these felony assaults.

    The perps assaulting me include all the named players of “internet infamy”.

    Several times, I’ve watched them all scatter like “roaches in the light”, when they thought they were about to be caught in their criminal conspiracy.

    Comment by bob64 — January 17, 2008 @ 12:31 am

    • Wise up guys – this is government sponsored. You can read the bullshit on here on do your own due diligence. Who has the means and time to do this? Our Government. Take a stance. Election Day – go and take a stance in Washington – actually do it 2 weeks before election day and make one of the 2 answer some questions. Many of our Ex- FBI officials have come out and spoken out on this – do your research by looking it up.

      Comment by Lilonali — September 12, 2012 @ 2:18 am

  80. More and More info is hitting the net and radio stations about “Gang Stalking” all the time.

    Remember that misinformation will be placed out there by the perpetrators and supporters of this type of stalking, so you must research with care and keep an open mind.

    One very good page I found with great information that tells about things I have seen for myself about “Gang Stalking” is at the link below.

    I have never had electronic attacks done to me {that I know of}, but I am sure there is a lot of truth to most of the reports I have seen.


    Comment by Kenn — January 19, 2008 @ 6:14 am

  81. Directed energy weapons exist – the military have been experimenting and developing them for decades.
    Look up microwave/radio frequency weapons.
    There are certain nasty little sites which provide straight forward info on how to build your own,and you don’t have to be very smart to do it.
    A microwave weapon can be built from a microwave oven.
    Raytheon make them for the military.
    I read somewhere they are being used in Israel against Palestinians.
    And they’ve more than likely been used in Iraq.

    Comment by SB — January 22, 2008 @ 8:21 am

  82. Yes directed energy is out there, I am a target in the San Fernando valley and have been gangstalked and electronically harassed for 4 years now. They never seem to give up. I have not blogged on this site for a while, since this time I have found 2 devices one on my ceiling fan and another that I had found a while back but did not know what it was on my porch that looks the most recent one I found. The two devices look like a bugging device to listen in on me. I have tried to get investigators to tell me what they are, I have had several investigators not reply after sending them the photos of the two devices, and the ones who have replied back ask me why am I being targeted. It is really strange, that there is so much secrecy in telling me what these things I have found on my property are. I am very curious to know what kind they are and who the manufacturers of these devices are. Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can find out what these two devices I have found are. I cant seem to find anyone who will tell me what they are. I have also searched on the net to see what bugging devices look like, and have not seen one that looks like the two I have found. They are definitely some type of spy equipment, they have two little round batteries inside the device. It is shaped and a little longer than the size of a pencil eraser on the top of a pencil. If anyone has any suggestions, I would really appreciate it.

    Comment by valley girl — February 1, 2008 @ 9:32 am

  83. My neighbor burns his spent motor oil to poison my air. I should probably report this to his boss where he works as a garage mechanic.

    Comment by living alone — February 4, 2008 @ 2:40 pm

  84. valley girl –

    I don’t talk about what I have found.

    You should keep the devices and don’t give them to anyone. Only supply pictures for identification purposes and never disclose the location of the devices you have found.

    You are under surveillance and the inquiries you have made are probably observed as part of this surveillance.

    Keep posting, they can’t stop, delay or alter it all.

    Comment by bob64 — February 5, 2008 @ 3:17 am

  85. Valley girl –

    I forgot to ask you to post a picture or link to a picture of those devices because it might help other victims.

    You could also contact stores/sellers of spy equipment. They could be the best source for information on the devices.

    Please let us know what you find.

    Thank you, Bob.

    Comment by bob64 — February 5, 2008 @ 5:18 pm

  86. I just put my story on at Maybe other TIs could get their stories out on also. Myspace seems like a good networking tool.

    Also, if anyone has had a fake job interview where they turned over their information such as SSN, Date of birth, etc., to the perps you might want to consider writing a letter to all the credit bureaus to let them know what happened. I did this yesterday because I want an alert placed on my personal information to see who is monitoring my credit. As we all know these people monitor credit and other personal information. I used the name of the person and the company where I was interviewed and gave a brief description of the odd details surrounding the job interview. I also took down my online banking so the perps do not have a way to look at my accounts anymore. This is driving them crazy. It is time to take the control away from them.

    Comment by MSS — February 13, 2008 @ 10:12 pm

  87. My attackers want me out where they can attack and assault me, at the bank or anywhere else.

    Online banking is safe if SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0 is used and you could run that through an SSH2 connection if you want be extra safe. All they will get on their line tap is garbage.

    A line tap can see everything you do as you do it if it is not encrypted.

    If you have been compromised by having spy-ware installed on your system, everything you do can be displayed as you do it and/or recorded for later viewing.

    There are other “attacks” that can be used to identify you at websites you visit using timing, javascript etc.

    Comment by bob64 — February 22, 2008 @ 7:59 pm

  88. Hello everyone! another gangstalked/electronic harassment victim here, i live in canada and i have experencied almost all of the above with some exceptions. i was lead to meet with new “friends” which turned out to be working with them and i even became intimate with one girl and actually stayed together for almost a year before she started saying very odd things that would just go so perfet with something or another about things i was doing at home, its very hard to explain in words while typing anyway im sure you can understand! even at my job they were doing this odd mobbing/harrassing type things.i later found out they somehow set up the job for me because trust me these people have pull and some connections, as much as i want to believe otherwise in my personal experience there was some real high up levels pulling some strings. anyway my real question to all of you is have any of you felt almost small muscle spasms all over and espescially when i try to sleep i fell this almost slight pulsating effect on my left temple and then i fell almos light surges of what feels like energy? anyone even somewhat fimillar with these symptoms? i really believe it may be an implant simply because i can feel the tapping/pulsating feeling in the left area at my temple and it wont let me fall asleep im really thinking implant because i dont think the other type of ELF/sonic, and those types or radio frequency could be so localized, please any response is greatly appreatchied and i really would like to chat with other survivers if anyone wants to chat please email me guys we have to stay strong!! if anyone wants to chat and vent together email me!!

    Comment by another victim — February 22, 2008 @ 8:28 pm

  89. another victim – If you are a real victim, there are no “implants”, that’s perp-swill along with “seeing through your eyes”, “reading your mind” and most of the other “mind control” bullshit.

    The directed energy weapons are near your home in other houses or adjacent apartments. They can be in vehicles too, usually vans.

    On the other hand, if you are a “perpetrator”, I’d say you are schizophrenic and should seek psychiatric care as soon as possible. :p

    Comment by buckwheat — February 23, 2008 @ 3:03 am

  90. Hello World: I’ve been a Victim of this Electronic Harassment Nightmare for over 3 years, I am totally poed about the continual terrorist electronic warfare attacks that I’ve been subjected to all I can say is to the aholes that have been doing this to me , justice will come swiftly , you are messing with the wrong people. I want everyone to know on this site I empathise with you and what we have been experiencing ,stand strong and hold your heads high, we are the calvary here to save the day . I thank God for strength and wisdom to do the right thing they should have never messed with this hippy and there is no way in hell I’m letting Electronic Harassent Gangs and there scwag ass tactics destory the psychological state of the human race. As all kinds of negative karma is being conjured up
    and redirected back at their high tech asses at lightspeed, take that you faceless cowards the pen is always mightier than the sword. Peace and good people are taking over, you can’t keep us down and I’m living proof and so are all these people telling their stories and standing up for our rights to live free and unmolested by these mind terrorists, rock on and best regards Rob Blessin P.S. I’m here with you to fight this battle on the front lines now.

    Comment by Rob Blessin — February 23, 2008 @ 10:21 am

  91. This is information for anyone hearing the electronically projected voices of their perps.

    It is a patent for technology to project audio (voices etc.) at someones head filed by “The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Air Force”.

    Comment by buckwheat — February 24, 2008 @ 10:14 pm

  92. Here is a story from the CBS show 60 Min on a new publicly funded electronic “RAY GUN” weapon. Don’t be fooled by this story, these weapons have been around for years, and can do much more harm then the government is saying. Cut and past the link that is below in your browser address window to see the full 60 min news story.

    Comment by Kenn — March 3, 2008 @ 9:58 pm

  93. Rob Blessin and Another Victim,

    I am taking radio interviews on The Edge AM. My show is on every Thursday and it is about Organized Stalking and Electromagnetic Weaponry Harassment. I can be reached at

    I have interviewed some of the other TIs on this page and I am a TI also and have also posted on this page. I am hear to fight this battle and I am not letting go until we all have peace in our lives again. These perpetrators need to be stopped and I am glad to see everyone is continuing the fight.

    Comment by MSS — March 5, 2008 @ 7:21 pm

  94. You don’t want to interview buckwheat? 🙂

    What’s he building in there?

    Comment by buckwheat — March 7, 2008 @ 11:48 am

  95. Buckwheat, sure I will interview you. I receive many e-mails everyday from TIs all over the world. I interview everyone who wants to get their story out. I am working hard to expose this crime to the world. (

    Comment by MSS — March 10, 2008 @ 6:14 pm

  96. what would you do if your perp was crazy and ganag stalking you and then insisting that he wants to marry you and loves you!!! this is a true story of what is happening to me, this perp is a freemason hes getting everyone to paly his sordid game whilst driving me insane and ruining my life. then after hes finished having his sadistic fun he declares that he loves me and is expecting to marry me!!! haha what a joke

    do u know what its like to have a murderer say that he loves you after he attempts to murder u. this is fucking crazy evil stuff.

    Comment by lala — March 13, 2008 @ 5:43 pm

  97. of all the evil coniving men in the world this is the worlst most evil man ever to darken my life.

    Comment by lala — March 13, 2008 @ 5:44 pm

  98. who instigates these hate crimes against people?
    my conclusion is the freemasons and government officials who legalising these terrorist campaigns against people.

    Comment by dum — March 14, 2008 @ 12:29 am

  99. Hello long time since I have checked in to the site. I am a Gang Stalked with electronic harassment victim from the San Fernando valley in California. I have been a victim since 2004. Although it has been hard, I am continuing my education and plan on law school in the future. Although there are a lot of individuals involved in this sick psychological and physical attack being orchastrated against me, I have been able to make many friends and keep busy. However, they continue their tactics on my college campus and try playing their little skits of whatever is going on in my life. I ignore them and actually feel sorry for them because even though they try very hard to destroy my life, I am very intelligent and even under their electronic harassment I have not received any grade under a B. I feel the strongest ever and feel that God only knows why this has happened to me. I continue to be strong and hope that one day some one will speak out against these horrible crimes that are occuring to the innocent citizens of the united states. I continue to believe that the government, secret society, and definitely the drug dealers and bikers of my community are the ones involved in my harassment. I want to wish everyone peace in their life and to continue forward, I know it is hard. Never give up, I will not.

    Comment by valley girl — March 24, 2008 @ 8:07 am

  100. Lala where do you live? What do you know about the freemasons? Are they like secret societies. Cause I feel there are secret societies from college campuses in on my harassment too. Its hard to say why this all started but I met a person over the internet at yahoo personals and then my life was flipped upside down within a month of exchanging phone numbers.

    Comment by valley girl — March 24, 2008 @ 8:14 am

    The project’s government-paid applications violate all of our fundamental rights. Among the most horrific applications are HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND HUNTING PEOPLE TO DEATH, FOR “SPORT”. ORGANISED STALKING.

    Targets are first debilitated by gang-stalking & perpetual assaults, including through the abuse of a) advanced military technology, b) vast human resources.
    WOMEN AND CHILDREN are the largest number of TI’s (Targeted Individuals)

    Dare to Care:
    I wish to address anyone with a child, a family, a wife another person in this world that they love, or a conscience, not to consider the possibilities of if you pass this information on, but the dire ramifications if you don’t, as there are those within the “system” who want us to all to have a RFID, (radio frequency identification) chip under our skin in order to track everyone, everywhere.

    I know many Christians beleive this is the mark of the beast, and those implementing these things to be the synygogue of satan from revelations, Illuminati and other secret societies, trying to fulfill bible prophecy and that the prophecy warns us these things must not be accepted and stopped at all costs.

    Whatever you beleive, I beleive this; it is a huge violation of human rights and these vulgar crimes must be adressed and stopped.

    Many people have become victims due to simply using internet chat rooms, or Targeted because they have regular routines, are attractive, rejected sexual advances, live alone, spent time in hospital, met the wrong person at a club, been promoted to a executive position, have a good looking child, work within an industry where you need to be ‘controlled’ i.e. entertainment, law enforcement ,etc.) and have become what certain “elitist” groups, may very well class as living collateral damage, as they have deemed us (people) “human capital” perhaps casualties of an ongoing silent war.
    Whatever the case these demoralizing crimes are nothing short of utterly horrendous, to the point of being truly unbelievable. (Being a major part of the problem.)
    These complete violations of human rights, may only be recently coming to light as the number of victims are growing as enormously as the rate of suicide within the circles of sufferers.
    I feel it is my duty as a parent and human being to attempt, (although, more than likely for some time yet, in vain) to create some more awareness of the hundreds of victims there are, and countless unknown cases around the world .

    Those of you suffering horrific physical ailments, and/or absolute mental torment due to;
    Electronic Physiological warfare, Mind invasion via chipping, frequency manipulations, Electronic harassment, Organized stalking, Mind programming at the hands of; Psychiatrists, Terrorist’s within the Government, Wealthy Entertainers, Drug War lords, Corporate Monsters, Media Tycoons, Child pornography film makers, Secret society members i.e.; Masons etc., Entertainment Industry ; i.e. managers/handlers, programmers, i.e.; mind /sex slave=mind control victims/ Satanic ritual abuse; Generational Satanist/Luciferian family torture victims (Your parents are severely brainwashed and physiologically damaged, it was never your fault, this is your time, break the chain.)

    And any other atrocious Government experiments and attempts at making us totally void of our basic human rights; Privacy, Dignity, Safety, and Free Thought. Our divine right to exercise Free Will.

    Every day you survive is the greatest achievement of your life.

    And above all else, the words many surviving victims have waited to hear for years; I BELIEVE you.

    Thank you’s ;
    As for those brave men and women, who have been pushed to the point of no return, and been forced to expose this absolute dehumanization at the cost of making matters worse for yourselves and those you love, being imprisoned, poisoned, losing your family, 24 hour surveillance, being committed, contracting a strange infectious disease, been fired, terrorized, humiliated or have lost someone you love through suicide, or have the pain of watching them go in and out of a mental institute and you know what their saying is true, have had your children stolen from you, police brutality, been drugged, framed raped, etc.

    There are no words worthy of describing the intensely deep gratitude and respect I feel towards you in the English vocabulary, your service to humanity at large goes beyond the call of duty and I mean the following little marks on this page with every atom of sincerity I have in my being; I salute you, I thank you, and I love you.

    Valley girl,
    FreeMasons are a fraternity of counterfit Christians and can be any man joining only by invitation, that beleives in God, and range from your local police officer to george bush.

    Hey La La
    Beleive nothin they say to you, these are greedy fascist war mongering individuals with absolutly no respect for human life; pedophiles, satanists, hell the list could go on and on.
    Their just crimanals who use christianity, then when that gets blown out of the water, Goddess worship then any other Mystery religon they can try and cover their sick shit up with, just a cover for Luciferian beleifes and the dark side of the occult.
    those on lower levels may not always know what is going on but the creeps at the top do, and will show you no mercy.
    Those at the top, the loomies or Illuminati are geneticly connected in some way and beleive they are by bloodline related to biblical cain and you guessed it sister, Lucifer.
    Research; Illuminati, NWO, conspiracy; “Elitists” within our banking systems, they control the mass Media, education, Major Christian churches, the entertainment industry at large etc.
    These people are sick hateful terrorists and play a huge part in Organised/Mutiple stalker victim cases.

    Reasons; There are many, but never beleive they give a shit about you, didnt you read the other cases here do you think for a second that people within our governments are not responsible for covering this shit up.
    They are using people as guinie pigs in Psychological warfare and have done so for years.

    SRAV’s (satanic ritual abuse victims and survivors)
    organised/gang/multiple stalking victims

    If you are suffering from agroup of teens bumping into you everyday and wish to dismiss all the other “Paranoid” stuff you may want to stay ignorant or,

    has some really good stuff, if you ignore the Alien stuff and work on things that can be proven.

    Read; Cathy O’brians; Trance-Formation of America. or you can find some of her story at

    Research; Mind control, Mind Slaves, MK-ULTRA, Gaslighting, RFID’s etc.

    What you can do; SPREAD THE WORD


    Comment by 3V3NG3LA — April 26, 2008 @ 6:38 pm

  102. I am happy to have found all of you. I must be pretty darned strong. I just stumbled upon you angels by “google-ing” the term “gaslighting”…which has been practiced by my stepmother for decades. And still continues. I didn’t hear of gang stalking till 4 or 5 days ago. I have been battling this phenomenon and not even known it….alone. I am quite pissed. But feel stronger than I ever have in a long time. I always say I am a survivor and a warrior, because of all the bad luck and crap I seem to pull through. It does NOT make my heart happy to know there are so many others…but thanks for letting me know I am not alone. Lets do something about this, let’s grab the bull by the horns…I have had enough and to find out all of this is so deliberate and organized…I am relieved I am not crazy. I now say “Bring it on, you ##@#@##$#$!!!” It will be way easier now that I know what I’m dealing with and it has a name…I have always called it “bullshit”. You good people don’t even know what your stories and info have done for me. I feel like Popeye after he just opened and downed a can of spinach. Olive Oyl has just left the building. Peace to you all…I’m sure you’ll be hearing lots more from me…boy, do I have some stories to tell…. Thank you. I love you.

    Comment by Ann — April 27, 2008 @ 1:22 pm

  103. i am a 20 year old victim of gang stalking. this reality has been exposed to me only recently. numerous things have happened to me such as: threatening phone calls, broken appliances in home and car, visible and distinguished perpetrators sitting next to me in restaurants, and the like.

    not too long ago my sister and i were sitting outside talking, and a man pulled up in a car and asked me if he was on the correct street. while i was answering him, he was obviously memorizing my sister’s license plate number. the next day, my sister was fired from her job. it was obvious he was a perpetrator, as the street i live on is essentially a coldesac, so he would have known he was on the correct street before even entering.

    my dad and i also received a threatening phone call. a man said that he would “make your daughter cry”. my dad and i were extremely worried about the safety of my sister, so that night we went and picked her up from work. for some time i thought we were going crazy. then later when i found out about gang stalking, this is exactly what they want to happen.

    i also believe my next door neighbor is a perpetrator. it is obvious he is unemployed, besides the large amount of money he probably makes being a perpetrator. he makes it appear that he is not home by various ways. for example, he will not bring in the trash/recycling bins during the day, even when he is obviously home. instead he brings them in at around 5/6/7 in the evening and opens his garage door to make it seem like he was gone all day and just got back from work.

    he is most likely performing surveillance and/or electronic harassment. there are numerous and consistent sounds on my wall (his backyard is right next to my bedroom wall, an absolutely perfect scenario for him to carry out his tasks). to cover his acts up, he has a door mat and yard tools constantly sitting on his fence, so that if i was foolish enough, i would believe the source of all the sounds were just from his yard work, and not from electronic harassment/surveillance.

    it almost seems like he is deluded in his criminal activity. he is so deep into the pit of heinousness that he can’t even escape. he thinks that his schemes are clever, and indeed they have been for some time, but little does he now know.

    i do not know what to do now that i know my next door neighbor is most likely a criminal. anyone have suggestions? for now, i am learning to give all of my anxieties to god, because there’s absolutely nothing too big for him to handle. i can’t imagine where i would be if i didn’t have the help of god. most likely i would have committed suicide by now. thankfully, i know that god is for me, and who can possibly be against me?

    “Do not fret because of evil men
    or be envious of those who do wrong;

    for like the grass they will soon wither,
    like green plants they will soon die away.

    Trust in the LORD and do good;
    dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

    Delight yourself in the LORD
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.

    Commit your way to the LORD;
    trust in him and he will do this:

    He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
    the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

    Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
    do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
    when they carry out their wicked schemes.

    Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
    do not fret—it leads only to evil.

    For evil men will be cut off,
    but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.

    A little while, and the wicked will be no more;
    though you look for them, they will not be found.

    But the meek will inherit the land
    and enjoy great peace.

    The wicked plot against the righteous
    and gnash their teeth at them;

    but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
    for he knows their day is coming.

    The wicked draw the sword
    and bend the bow
    to bring down the poor and needy,
    to slay those whose ways are upright.

    But their swords will pierce their own hearts,
    and their bows will be broken.

    Better the little that the righteous have
    than the wealth of many wicked;

    for the power of the wicked will be broken,
    but the LORD upholds the righteous.

    he days of the blameless are known to the LORD,
    and their inheritance will endure forever.

    In times of disaster they will not wither;
    in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.

    But the wicked will perish:
    The LORD’s enemies will be like the beauty of the fields,
    they will vanish—vanish like smoke.

    The wicked borrow and do not repay,
    but the righteous give generously;

    those the LORD blesses will inherit the land,
    but those he curses will be cut off.

    If the LORD delights in a man’s way,
    he makes his steps firm;

    though he stumble, he will not fall,
    for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

    I was young and now I am old,
    yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken
    or their children begging bread.

    They are always generous and lend freely;
    their children will be blessed.

    Turn from evil and do good;
    then you will dwell in the land forever.

    For the LORD loves the just
    and will not forsake his faithful ones.
    They will be protected forever,
    but the offspring of the wicked will be cut off;

    the righteous will inherit the land
    and dwell in it forever.

    The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom,
    and his tongue speaks what is just.

    The law of his God is in his heart;
    his feet do not slip.

    The wicked lie in wait for the righteous,
    seeking their very lives;

    but the LORD will not leave them in their power
    or let them be condemned when brought to trial.

    Wait for the LORD
    and keep his way.
    He will exalt you to inherit the land;
    when the wicked are cut off, you will see it.

    I have seen a wicked and ruthless man
    flourishing like a green tree in its native soil,

    but he soon passed away and was no more;
    though I looked for him, he could not be found.

    Consider the blameless, observe the upright;
    there is a future [b] for the man of peace.

    But all sinners will be destroyed;
    the future [c] of the wicked will be cut off.

    The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD;
    he is their stronghold in time of trouble.

    The LORD helps them and delivers them;
    he delivers them from the wicked and saves them,
    because they take refuge in him.”

    Comment by follower of jesus — May 11, 2008 @ 12:06 am

  104. I was told I was their enemy very early in my life since I declared their drug assaults as illegal and unconstitutional. They are certainly in all walks of our society, many people are easily led astray by group participation. Bible verses are nice and certainly gives hope for a future in God’s kingdom, but if they have tortured you using drugs, mind control, toxins, disease, and brainwashing you won’t ever recover in this life. Make no mistake if they want you broken mentally it is accomplished using drugs within a very short period of time, drugs and toxins our government developed easily turn lambs into psychotic maniacs. The U.S.A. has had illegal mind control population eugenics for a very long time. None of the activities occurring to the targets is not within the knowledge of our government, although for their own ability to deny plausability and deny responsibility many do not want to know the day to day activities the dark side has perpetrated. It certainly seems at times upon reflection that our government is in league with the devil but if their are real fallen angels i suspect they certainly would be influencing and attacking the elite and powerful to further their agenda. Virtual reality technology hypnotism multiple drug pump injection system allows them to create scenarios and simulations, I have personally seen some technology while they were using drugs on me that i have never seen in public anywhere and was told that much of previous technological release had to be confiscated to limit the publics knowledge and ability to study.
    Much of the tactics they use or used(reform) were a result of cold war tactics and atrocities our governments subjected other nations too. So many very well paid were descensitized to using aggregious amounts of power to torture and break people.
    Those who think that this kind of thing occurs in an unorganized fashion by individual who are destitute losers at least naive but more likely have been convinced by those who use real power.

    Comment by anon — May 12, 2008 @ 4:56 am

  105. Its organised but at different levels.
    I don’t think the government is harassing me.In my case it is a bunch of creepy,weirdo,bullying cowards who do this for cheap,perverted kicks.
    Some of it is motivated by jealousy.
    We are all being intimidated by basically the same tactics but by different organisations.
    Despite the harassment,I know I am a happier person than my tormentors.
    I wish everyone the strength to cope with whatever you must deal with right now.

    Comment by SB — May 14, 2008 @ 10:26 am

  106. the same is with me, SB. i’m much more happier/content than most of my perpetrators seem to be. i don’t see how anyone who is truly happy with their life would get involved in a heinous crime like this in the first place.

    anyone have suggestions as to what i should do in regards to my next door neighbor being involved in this? i don’t want to stoop down to his level, so i’m thinking of possible ways to let him know that i’m aware of what’s going on.

    really appreciate it and hang in there my brothers.

    Comment by FOJ — May 16, 2008 @ 11:02 pm

  107. I’m in the southern hemisphere and have been gang-stalked for the last several years. God helps me get through this reality, He is more powerful than any other power. I’m no victim in Jesus’ name. They will NEVER win my spirit. Jesus overcame the world and even death. Keep up the good work getting this information out there, and if theres anyone outside of the States, also know that you’re not alone in this. God bless you all.

    Comment by proudchristiangirl — May 22, 2008 @ 6:01 pm

  108. i admire your attitude, proudchristiangirl. your post has encouraged me tremendously. thank you.

    Comment by foj — May 26, 2008 @ 3:17 am

  109. Sure thanks foj. Yes I’m a target, but I’m not a victim. No matter what harm they might achieve against me, they don’t win. God gives me the determination, and I just don’t want the devil to win! Because I’m outnumbered this means I’m not going crazy. Mind control is ‘all psychological’ so it is almost impossible to prove, but if we all keep joining together and expose the career path of these cowards, then it can only give us more credit that gang stalking exists.

    Comment by proudchristiangirl — May 27, 2008 @ 6:31 am

  110. There is a gang stalking inciter in the San Fernando Valley, CA
    This is an old man who picks a target – ususally a female but not always. He does everything he can to ruin the target’s life. He tries to find out every single detail about the target, from the day they were born to present.
    He wears a type of uniform for his work that he uses to make people think he has some kind of official authority but it’s bluff.
    The big old geezer is able to turn loved ones, friends, work associates and everyone else against the target.
    He convinces groups via degrading slander to follow, spy on, question and harass the target. They are eager to comply as they believe he is some kind of VIP with public security. Targets say that he can open any lock and tresspasses into their homes when they are gone. The stalkers alert him when a target leaves his or her residence and which direction he or she goes.
    When not in his work uniform he wears jeans, t shirt, baseball cap, tennis shoes. He walks with a “shuffle” due to arthritic knees. I don’t know where he lives but I see him a lot in Van Nuys.

    Comment by Bern — May 27, 2008 @ 1:05 pm

  111. FOJ,
    I know its a tough call, but if you are SURE that your neighbour is involved,why not go and ask? I did and the scumbag denied it but he lied thru his teeth whilst being completely ashamed of himself.
    Also,if I ever saw him on the street I’d ask him to his face
    ‘And? Nothing to say?’
    Most of the people who take part in this know it is ILLEGAL and WRONG…but they are addicted to it.This is addictive behaviour for someone with extremely low self-esteem.They are on some kind of power-trip.
    And they have most likely been told they are working for the security forces etc. Some of them are ex-military who can’t handle civilian life.
    There is also a political angle,some of these groups are far right extremists who just hate everything and everybody.

    Comment by SB — May 29, 2008 @ 12:33 pm

  112. ever wake up with a taste in your mouth like a cross between rust and blood, then notice your head was groggy? Let me tell you what else they do:

    They put bedbugs on you, and other insects that make you suffer delirium.

    The pain from your “microwave” is actually a transmitted wave, from DIRECTIONAL transmitters being aimed your direction. Properly focused, you can cook with it.

    Moving stuff around, IE: taking a new resume, and replacing it with the one that had typos in it.

    Clearing your calls, and “queering you with employers or prospectives”

    Using “ham” equipment, to track a device on your car.

    Switching on and off, a device that is power humgry and on the same power grid as you, creating a “morse like” emmition, that drives you crazy.

    tampering with devices and voltages to make certain appliances hum., See, if you are already impaired by them, the hum drives you crazy.

    They employ the use of simular looking twins, as to provide alibis, during their intrusions.

    Suspect everyone that trys overly hard to convince you that nothing is going on, even moreso, the ones that will tell you you did not see what you know you saw.

    Around here, we ahve a oil pipeline, and a press that prints money, and a few other gvmt secrets, and people around that do as they please.

    I was in army intelligence, and can tell you it is fact that certain devices exist, and pretty much tell you how they work

    This is speculary but accurate in some cases. I dont caer where you may ahve worked, there was either a deputy, or one of thier family members in your office or plant. They fly low, and as some people do, maybe you slip up and tell what they (or someone else) did many years ago, and that enough, is cause to get your house or phone bugged. most families that are big into lawenforcement, have unkles of cousins who are bondsmen. That means that jo shmo, without education, going on “you said it” gets a magsitrate to produce a writt, allowing a “bounty hunter” to enter your home to ??. They ahve also been known to use people such as yourself, to put away more dangerous people. You may very likely be someones payday. When you can be named a “suspect” in whatever was whipped up, dont think that you will get a day in court to address your losses, or damages. This is very, very true. If you can think of one thing you might have said, picture who you were talking to. DO not give them benefit of doubt. YOu would be amazed who the deputy is that you went drinking with, or that you confided in. Also, beware of deacons, some carry badges too. Oldest trick in the book, repent, and testify.

    Ask youself THESE questions
    Ever been held at a business or residence, against your will? if they can pass you off as crazy, they will, it destroys any credibility to ANYTHING you say.

    Ever been assalted in a public place with cameras, and could not get the film? If you are smart, and fight back too much, you will lose your job, and they attack your assets.

    They buy your debt too. one tactic, is to make your phone ring 30 times a day, and to fill up your voicemail if you have it.

    now, heres a slick one, the phone provided voicemail, is complex, and duplex, for those with tech knowledge. in laymand terms, it means, that your phone can be flashed, and lines can be switched just by lifting the handset. and if you are on a party line as the old school partylines, anyone can hear by lifting the phone at their residence.

    If you have complained to an authority about being followed, you can bet your ass YOU are being followed, at least by them. If they discover “they” are watching you, they drop it on the spot. If someone else, they mine it for all the money they can get, and start to insite people to follow you, be at the stores that you are going to. Rememeber how you used to go out just for the hell of it, be suspicious of the people that are making you plan out events that you should be able to just pick up and go.

    One thing that happens to me, I live in the country. Not much traffic, but al of a sudden, lots of cars running the road, and i now always meet three or four cars at the first intercection.

    Comment by Gary Painter — June 5, 2008 @ 3:21 am

  113. Gang stalking is being perpetuated in the San Fernando Valley CA. Two targets, who don’t know each other, have never heard of each other, both say:
    It all started in the San Fernando Valley, CA. One target said it began when whe was working in a nursing home in Canoga Park. She alleges a single female stalker working in the same nursing home, manipulated people to join the stalking through slander. The other said it all began when she was living in an apartment complex directly behind a nursing home in the Northeast SFV. She states it began with a single male stalker, not from the adjacent nursing home, but living in the apartment complex, manipulated people to join the stalking through slander. There seems to be some sort of link.

    Comment by Bern — June 7, 2008 @ 2:14 am

  114. I am also a victim in the san fernando valley. I am a college student and my gangmember, trucking, neighbors are involved. They have stalked me for four years now, even into other states across the country. There are so many people involved, sadly most of my stalkers are hispanic and both men and women. I have been electronically harassed, spied on, stalked daily, harassed, and even found two radio frequency transmitters, one in my home and one on my porch. The San Fernando valley is full of these hateful people. Do not worry, these people are going to pay for everything they have done. Take it from me, god is great and he will assist you through this ordeal, God has made me strong and I will not let these evil individuals destroy me. I have a wonderful daughter to provide for and refuse to be destroyed. God is great and has brought me through my fears of this horrible experience. Keep strong, if you live in the san fernando valley please get in touch with me. I would really like to compare our experiences and perhaps link this harassment to a common person. I know one of my harassers who started this gang stalking works for a Hospital in San Fernando.

    Comment by valley girl — June 11, 2008 @ 8:33 am

  115. If you really want to know what it’s all about then checkout my I am a veteran victim of the Freekmasons and with tons of concrete evidence. Please read and educate yourselves, get focused as to what’s really happening. Keep up the fight/exposure, lol, Joe

    Comment by Joe Stirling — June 19, 2008 @ 11:52 am

  116. Hey Joe, I think that should be

    You’re welcome. 😉

    Comment by FizroSam — June 19, 2008 @ 10:23 pm

  117. SB said:

    “I know its a tough call, but if you are SURE that your neighbour is involved,why not go and ask? I did and the scumbag denied it but he lied thru his teeth whilst being completely ashamed of himself.
    Also,if I ever saw him on the street I’d ask him to his face
    ‘And? Nothing to say?’
    Most of the people who take part in this know it is ILLEGAL and WRONG…but they are addicted to it.This is addictive behaviour for someone with extremely low self-esteem.They are on some kind of power-trip.
    And they have most likely been told they are working for the security forces etc. Some of them are ex-military who can’t handle civilian life.
    There is also a political angle,some of these groups are far right extremists who just hate everything and everybody.”

    i know, lately i have been contemplating whether or not to just go over to his house and simply ask him. i don’t know FOR SURE that he is in on this (i don’t have any “proof”), but let’s just say i would be extremely surprised if he wasn’t.

    he seems like he is one of those “goody guys” who thinks they are such highly evolved species and do everything right. so as you said, perhaps he actually is convinced the lies he is being told, and that he is keeping this “criminal” in check.

    however, like you said, it is very possible he knows that what he is doing is wrong – deep down, subconsciously.

    i’m just going to try to pray about this specific issue i guess, and see what god can do about all of this. i really appreciate the reply, SB.

    take care.

    Comment by foj — June 22, 2008 @ 5:15 am

  118. Sadly, I have confronted my neighbors about it, but they deny it. As a matter of fact they continuously talk to my family members and act as if they are not doing anything wrong. This only makes me look paranoid to my family, accusing my neighbors when they seem so concerned with my well being, according to my family. It is disgusting, but I have realized that the individuals who are behind this are really sick in their head. I totally understand why my neighbors and others are chosen to take on these jobs of stalking and harassment, because they are hateful individuals who have been emotionally and perhaps physically abused. It is neither a secret that the powerful (government, illuminate, masons, ect.) use the individuals in ones own community to destroy one. I am not ignorant to the fact of what is going on, but seem to think that it has something to do with cults aswell. Strangely, some of these individuals are very young to be let in to this secret circle. They also appear to be full of hate by their actions and verbal jargon. I just wish I could cure these people of the hate, sorrow, and abuse they have suffered. If perhaps we could heal these individuals they would not take part in hurting others, which would leave the masons, government, new world order, or cults unable to hurt so many innocent people with this sick crime of stalking and electronic harassment. In the San Fernando Valley there appears to be hundreds if not thousands of members of this sick group/cult. I just wish things would change for the better in this country. I guess it is true that man is going to be the one that destroys the world. There has been too much technological advancement and because of this innocent citizens have become preyed upon with horrific equipment. I will continue to pray that peace be brought and that citizens begin to believe that there are powers that be who want to destroy human kind.

    Comment by valley girl — June 22, 2008 @ 8:54 am

  119. I heard the guy starting much of this is a a senior citizen, caucasian,licensed security guard who works as a guard all over the San Fernando Valley, CA. They say he often stays in the background and incites by spreading slander.

    Comment by Go Rilla — June 29, 2008 @ 1:20 pm

  120. Go Rilla,
    Do you live in the San Fernando Valley? How do you know of this person? I have tried getting information by confronting individuals and they lie through their teeth. I have ideas of why this is happening and who are the persons who started this attack, but do not understand how they were able to get this type of equipment being that they are scum of the earth. Who would actually give this type of people such equipment and authority to conduct surveillance, and electronic (waves, radiation, etc) attacks on innocent citizens.

    Comment by valley girl — July 3, 2008 @ 1:01 am

  121. Valley girl,
    Criminals can get their hands on pretty much anything they want if they’ve got the funds.
    My tormentors are also scumbags,and I strongly suspect a couple of them are ex-military.
    Maybe some of this stuff is stolen from the army….thats what a lot of it was developed for in the first place.

    Comment by SB — July 3, 2008 @ 9:28 am

  122. Valley Girl:
    Sorry, you are confusing my post with somone else’s. I never made allegations of equipment, electronic waves or radiation as you say.
    I was referring to highly incisive and totally fictitious slander to manipulate others (including police) to treat the target as a dangerous suspect. A long list of twisted gang stalking protocols have been perpetrated, however without high tech weapons.

    Comment by Go Rilla — July 4, 2008 @ 3:42 am

  123. I have also been targeted with fictitious slander and treated as if some kind of criminal. Many individuals I do not know are involved in street theater directed towards me as well. It seems like these individuals detest me with every bit of energy they have. The slander and street theater are really not bothersome to me anymore. The problem is that I am also harassed with high tech weapons or some sort which give me terrible headaches and constant ringing in the ears when I am at my home. It feels like some type of sound wave is being directed towards my home that does not stop so long as I am in my home. Any electrical item I plug into the outlets, gives off this horrid humming sound that makes my ears hurt and head hurt. I am not sure if anyone else has been targeted with electronic weapons, if not thank god for only being gang stalked because it is very hard on your physical well being.

    Comment by valley girl — July 5, 2008 @ 5:49 am

  124. Valley girl, this website ( )is about electronic attacks and organized stalking. They call it “electronic harassment” for some reason, even though the effects are physical assaults.

    Just physically touching someone without their permission is considered an assault under most laws, and from the reports I have read, these weapons do much more than touch.

    I think there are laws in three states now that might have some affect on “civilians”(?) having and using these weapons and I read that Texas might have a law soon.

    Comment by fizroSam — July 6, 2008 @ 7:30 pm

  125. Thanks for the information, I have visited this website before and it is a great link. I am glad that people are not afraid of speaking out against these atrocities that are occurring. I am hanging in there as best I can. Thankfully, I have not lost hope and believe that god will bring me justice for all of the grief, abuse, and pain that I have suffered because of this horrible crime of gang stalking and electronic harassment. I leave many messages on many blogs so that there is proof and no question that I was being targeted by gang stalking and electronic harassment. I will continue to pray for everyone that is a target, that God keep you strong, safe, and to someday free you from this harassment. God bless……………

    Comment by valley girl — July 7, 2008 @ 4:56 am

  126. Valley girl,
    Do you hear strange clicking sounds in your apartment,if you can imagine – rather like a single tick of a clock? I do and I’m quite sure it is something to do with the type of surveillance equipment my harassers are using.

    Another good site is the stalking victims sanctuary.
    Organised stalking and electronic harassment is also discussed.
    The fact that we can discuss it without being ridiculed is a great step forward since a couple of years ago.

    Comment by SB — July 7, 2008 @ 10:58 am

  127. Yes, I do hear a clicking sound on the cieling of my home. When I move from one room to another as soon as I step into the room, it almost sounds like the house is settling. This happens everyday continuously throughout the morning, day, or evening. What I do notice is that a neighbor who lives two homes away from me has two very large tower satelites/antennas of some sort. They are not for television or cable. One is from the floor taller than the home and almost looks like a trinagle with a pointy top and the other is even larger and also tall, it looks like a home antenna square with several rods that cross eachother, similar to a television antenna that sits on top of a home but this one is huge and on top of a large metal structure that looks like a tower. At night when laying in bed I can hear when It moves, its position is moved quite a bit, I can hear a large clicking sound when it moves. I begin to feel worse and have terrible headaches and it also makes a strange buzzing sound. What I do notice is that my neighbors satelite on one side makes this horrid buzzing sound and on the other side my other neighbors light post also makes this horrible sound and also changes colors from blue to white, it is a extreme strength of light something like a spot light. All I know is that my neighbors are sick individuals who have to much time on their hands. I hear alot of buzzing sounds and when I lay down on the bed or couch I feel my body numb. When I awake my ears and head feel as if they are numb, like when you have been sitting on your knees for a while and get up, that numbness feeling you get. I do not know what type of equipment is being used but I beleive it is sound waves, and radio waves since they are not close enough as when living in an apartment. When I did live in apartment it was a bit worse because I was surrounded on every side and equipment was being used on me from above, below, and each side. Hope that you are not living in an apartment, if so try purchasing a wooden bed frame, and a bed that does not contain springs, that is the best thing to combat some of the electronic harassment. Hope to hear back from you SB.

    Comment by valley girl — July 9, 2008 @ 8:05 am

  128. Valley Girl:
    Get a Neighborhood Watch group going on your block. If you cannot do that, call your local police and speak to the person in charge of the Neighborhood Watch. Ask that official what the electrical apparatus nearby are installed to do and if they could be causing your problems. Also, consult with the electric company. See if they can send anyone out to check.
    There are bug sweep experts that can locate and identify and remove any electronic “bugs” in your home. Just do an Internet search for “bug sweep.”

    Comment by Go Rilla — July 10, 2008 @ 5:22 pm

  129. Thanks, for the info. I have found two spy equipment gagets on my property. They are identical to eachother, I found one inside my home on a cieling fan and one outside in the pot that holds a plant on my porch. I now that I am being spied on and have tried consulting companies that conduct the sweeps to see if there is more equipment on my property, but the prices are very expensive. I don’t know what it is that I found, but presume them to be rf transmitters of some sort, they have little batteries inside of the tiny containers. I have searched many sites on the net to see if I could figure out what kind of equipment they are, but have not found anything similar to it. I have taken pictures of the equipment, Perhaps if you have an email Go Rilla, you can maybe see if you are familiar with this equipment. Well thanks hope to hear back from you.

    Comment by valley girl — July 11, 2008 @ 5:36 am

  130. Valley girl,
    Thanks for the perfect description you gave- it sounds very similar to mine….though I haven’t found anything as I’m not sure what to look for.
    I’m still not sure what they are using on me…these creeps are pretty careful about who they choose….most of the targets I’ve had contact with are single and have a quite gentle,caring nature…and may be a bit quirky or creative in a way,a bit left of centre perhaps…so this makes us less likely to be beleived(so we can just be fobbed off as paranoid)
    My tormentors LOOK weird,I mean,oddballs or social misfits…not eccentric.

    Be very wary of bugsweep companies and the like…remember that the surveillance business is very clandestine and some of those companies could even be part of all this.And anyway,if ‘they’ are spying on you,they can just turn them off if anyone comes to look around.
    Also – you have solid evidence of bugs – DON’T give them to ANYBODY – not even the cops!
    Wishing everyone peace and strength!

    ‘Paranoia is just a heightened state of awareness’ – John Lennon.

    Comment by SB — July 11, 2008 @ 9:06 am

  131. Thanks SB,
    No I haven’t shown the police because they never let me make police reports, that is because they like to cover up these crimes. I do not trust that anyone has my best interest in mind. I have the equipment I found in a safe place and will hold onto it until I have the opportunity to prosecute the organization, government entity, or contractors who are behind the horrible crime. I have alot of proof of my drugging aswell. I have hospital documents that show I had a drug in my system that is used for altering ones consciousness to be more susceptible to mind control. I had no idea what the substance was until I googled it and found it is used in mind control. I really feel that I have been unjustly ignored by authorities and plan to hold them accountable of not protecting my constitutional rights and human rights. I do not feel that it is impossible to get justice and plan to do so in the future. I am confident that these crimes will be brought before the justice system in the future. Yes, most victims stories sound similar because the individuals behind these crimes have alot of experience with psychology. The higher level individuals are educated in many areas, especially psychology, if they were not they would not be able to do such destruction to a target. The methods used are based on psychology, I definitely know there is some government involvement at the higher levels of the group who are involved in targeted individuals stalking and electronic harassment. I also notice that the individuals who stalk and harass me look strange, there appearance is that of Caucasian tattoo shop clients, lots of tattoos and look like gothic/satanic/rockers and also Hispanic gang members the kind involved with drug dealing cartels. Although, I think it is all orchestrated by government contractors, the main people who keep us under surveillance are the ignorant individuals who are sought from our communities. It is the main ingredient of hate and separation that many sovereign leaders of the past have used to destroy innocent individuals. These rouge elements of our goverment are able to accomplish separating and destroying us (the normal people in the world) by using the ignorant individuals. It’s sad but very true. In a way I am glad that I do not have a viel over my eyes any longer and can see this world for what it really is. Keep strong and hope to hear from you. I love the quote, it is so true. Is it a wonder that individuals who have tried to speak out against the governments crimes, schemes, and injustices are mysteriously murdered? I think not…………

    Comment by valley girl — July 12, 2008 @ 7:57 am

  132. There are perverts that target women who live alone or with people they perceive to be weak. They are cowards that won’t target big strong men or someone who is always with a strong group. A target in Europe stated the gang stalkers are often paid with drugs to follow the leader.
    Our government is not seeking to harm innocent civilians with torture devices.
    Bring photos of the devices, medical reports or any other proof to your local police and write “For Detectives Division” on the outside of the envelope. Include a report of everything that is being done to you with times dates and locations, double spaced, your name phone number and address, DOB, driver’s license number, date and sign it. If you wish,list some of the gang stalking web site URLS.
    The police throughout the SFV are overloaded by the volume of crime so you might have to wait a long time for a response.

    Comment by Go Rilla — July 13, 2008 @ 10:34 pm

  133. I meant to say include “copies” of your medical report. Maybe you could show photos of the devices on Utube.

    Comment by Go Rilla — July 13, 2008 @ 10:37 pm

  134. something like that also seem to happen to a fren of mine in singapore…is this a global thing? how to get out from this situation and regain one’s life? keep getting stalk by people doing things to annoy or frustrate…my fren life suffered….is this some religious thing?

    Comment by curious — July 14, 2008 @ 10:05 am

  135. Valley Girl:
    Give a copy of your incidents report with photos and your poison report to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office. Ask them what to do about this.
    Did this stalking begin before or after you started college? There are pervs that stalk college girls. Find out if other girls at your school are also targets. See if your school newspaper will write an article about gang stalking with a contact email addy or this site to let everyone know that they are being stalked as well. You would be more successful if backed by other honest victims then if you are all alone.
    We need to know more about the stalking in Sylmar and thereabouts.
    Bug sweep companies comprise members of investigator’s associations – they are not stalkers. They are mostly called upon by licensed PI’s to remove electronic bugs placed by big businesses spies or exspouses. About 1/4 of the licensed PI industry are retired law enforcement – not stalkers. Many of them are former police officals. Ask the bug sweep company what investigator association they belong to.
    Targets who are afraid to reveal their plight to the police are helping the stakers get away with thier crimes. Stalkers are no match for very intelligent dectectives and police officials on the LAPD. An officer has to serve for years before being promoted to detective. Barney Fife’s cannot make it to that level. All you need is honesty and documentation.

    Comment by Go Rilla — July 15, 2008 @ 1:43 pm

  136. Go Rilla,
    Do you REALLY think the cops don’t know that organised stalking is happening ?

    Comment by SB — July 16, 2008 @ 6:59 am

  137. Go Rilla,
    The cops know this is happening,they must’ve heard many reports,some probably take part in it.
    The people behind this are all perverts in one way or another,not just cos they may enjoy spying on college girls.
    It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if these creeps have photos and videos of many of us…maybe all on some creepy website….and they may even charge a fee for them too.

    Comment by SB — July 16, 2008 @ 7:07 am

  138. Yes, most police don’t know what “gang stalking” is. Why don’t you ask them like I did?

    Comment by Go Rilla — July 17, 2008 @ 12:23 pm

  139. Go Rilla,
    OK – MOST police don’t know about it…but many do,and SOME take part in it.
    I’ve been to the police about my case but they seemed to regard it as if it was in my imagination.
    Sometimes it’s easier for them to ignore it than take it seriously.
    Part of the problem is that the cops aren’t well equipped to deal with the scale of the problem.
    I’m not being down about all this…I beleive that ‘organised stalking’ days are numbered and eventually there will be special task forces set up to deal with hi-tech harassment.
    I know there are good cops too.

    Comment by SB — July 18, 2008 @ 7:06 am

  140. There already is stalking task force in Los Angeles.

    Comment by Go Rilla — July 21, 2008 @ 5:36 pm

  141. valley girl, when you said that whenever you go into a room it sounds like the house is settling, this is exactly the case for me. i have concluded it is just another sign that i am being harassed electronically.

    also, i have been growing A LOT of gray hairs this past year in particular. as a matter of fact, i probably have about 10 gray hairs on my head at the moment, if not more. i am only 20 years old! perhaps this is further indicative of electronic harassment – possibly specifically radiation. one of the symptoms of radiation exposure is high levels of stress. high levels of stress have the potential to produce gray hairs.

    difficulty breathing is one of the most prominent symptoms i have however. i have found that this as well can be evidence of radiation exposure.

    anyways, i’d like to close by saying that without god’s help, i honestly don’t know where i’d be right now. paul said that god gave him peace and contentment, no matter what situation he found himself in. this is what god has been graciously doing for me as well. besides, these people can do whatever they want to me and my property in this temporary life, as i have eternal possessions waiting for me in the next life.

    take care and hang in there everyone.

    Comment by foj — July 29, 2008 @ 5:52 am

  142. The sound of a house settling is the exact way to describe it…I’m getting the same.
    And it is mostly from the same places.
    I’ve looked but I can’t find anything.

    Comment by SB — July 29, 2008 @ 3:02 pm

  143. I often wonder at how many people are being targetted.
    How many have been killed.
    How many have committed suicide.
    How many who think they are losing their minds.
    How many have ended up in mental institutions.

    It seems to me that for most targets,the nightmare began in only the last few years or so.

    Comment by SB — July 30, 2008 @ 11:18 am

  144. SB said: “It seems to me that for most targets,the nightmare began in only the last few years or so.”

    this is most likely the case for me. if not, then they went from more subtle activity to more blatant sabotage, increasing essentially every year. i wouldn’t be surprised if there was a long period of time where everything indeed seemed normal, and where their activities didn’t negatively affect us much as they do at the present time.

    anyways, i’d like to bring up the topic of flickering lights, electronic disturbances and street lights that go on and off when you pass by/under them. my brief research has led me to believe that gangstalking is the cause of this, but the question is how. there are many theories i have found, such as this is evidence of electronic implants, electronic weapons, or according to the new agers, that our consciousness is raising to a higher level.

    my personal belief is that it is evidence of electronic harassment of some sort (implants, weapons, etc). however, another side of me thinks, what if there is some truth in the new agers’ view that we’re raising our consciousness? i have a theory regarding why gangstalking is taking place – that it is being carried out in preparation for the new world order after the end of the age. perhaps the sinister entities in charge of this planet want to eliminate, either physically or the reputation of, people who are open minded, have a “higher consciousness”, and would not easily fall for the lies of the new world order schemers.

    but for me, street lights going on and off when i go by/under them is quite common, and lately i have noticed the lights in my own house sometimes exhibit random behavior. for example, when i’m reading my bible during the night, my lamp flickers. when i sleep at night, the outside house light turns off and remains of for brief periods of time, only to turn back on.

    well i am stumped and intrigued to say the least, so i’d appreciate any thoughts regarding this.

    take care everyone.

    Comment by foj — July 30, 2008 @ 11:24 pm

  145. here is a checklist for potential gangstalkig victims i found online. notice the fourth one:

    __ You find that all of your family, friendship,
    and business relationships are going sour
    and you have done nothing to cause this
    __ You find that “accidental” blocking of you as
    you walk or drive about, by strangers, has
    increased dramatically and every day brings
    several “blocking” incidents. E.g., someone
    slips ahead of you at the bank machine or
    grocery checkout, or with cars in unexpected
    places in parking lots. This is part of
    what targets call “street theater”. THIS IS
    __ Telephones frequently have static or tones or
    echoes; you have lots of “wrong number” calls
    __ Street lights going out as you pass under them,
    walking or driving
    __ Your watch and other batteries going dead often
    far too soon to be “natural” deaths
    __ You find that you are coming suddenly awake at
    precisely the SAME TIME, middle of every night
    __ Inescapable voice in your head and you are not
    mentally ill
    __ Ringing in ears – may start/stop when switching
    on or off electronic devices
    __ Fake telephone or clock ringing or fake knocking
    on your door
    __ Fake, loud bird calls, outdoors, which follow
    you everywhere
    __ Hot needles deep in your flesh, especially when
    trying to sleep (also called “bee stings”)
    __ Limbs jerking wildly, especially when trying to
    __ Extremely powerful itching which may start as
    small electrical shocks
    __ Very fast heartbeat while relaxed (not having
    exercised recently)
    __ Very high body heat, no fever, relaxed, cool
    __ Vibration, large area of your body, or, nearby
    objects which should not vibrate normally
    __ Forced awakening, can’t go back to sleep, as if
    on high doses of caffeine
    __ Vivid 3-D images while awake, eyes open or
    __ Urges to go somewhere you don’t need to or at
    times you would not go there
    __ Neighbors can see through walls, possibly by sounds
    from them which “follow” you
    __ Repeated instances where it seems your mind is
    being read
    __ Repeated evidence of break-ins, small scale thefts,
    and sabotage both at home and at work
    __ Sudden “drop-you-in-your-tracks” fatigue at
    times you should not be tired

    Comment by foj — July 30, 2008 @ 11:29 pm

  146. “65. At several times relevant to this case, the lights on the side of the street turn off during the night and on during the day when plaintiff is driving or walking with his children.”

    Comment by foj — July 30, 2008 @ 11:34 pm

  147. sorry for the quadruple post, but perhaps this light phenomenon is simply another tactic to make people go insane. this is most likely the case in my opinion.

    i also forget to mention that a couple days ago i was being harassed by a car while driving, through means of excessive tailgating and honking of the horn at random times (most likely an act of “sensitization”). it became clear to me that this person was obviously a perpetrator.

    i decided to get behind the car where we came up to a red light and stopped. the car had a sticker on the back that said “_____ Baptist Church” (forgot the name). this didn’t surprise me, as my research has concluded that many, if not most of the individuals who participate in gangstalking claim to be christians. however i know they are none other than modern day pharisees.

    “How terrible it will be for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous.” [matthew 23:29]

    Comment by foj — July 31, 2008 @ 5:00 am

  148. There is no magic to making lights of any kind go on and off. You can open your garage door, can’t you?

    Why anyone or corrupt groups of people would participate in these crimes is beyond me, but it seems to be a part of insane citizens organizations throughout the United States.

    Comment by theman — July 31, 2008 @ 9:57 am

  149. To owner of this blog:
    Would it be possible to delete my blogging from this roll? It was suggested that my vague description could fit hundreds. I would never want an innocent person to be incriminated. The numbers are 111 and 114.
    Also, I would like mine removed too: Go Rilla and the number is 120. date 6/29/08
    Bern and Go Rilla

    Comment by Go Rilla — July 31, 2008 @ 9:30 pm

  150. .
    Gang stalking does exist.
    The police and federal/state/local governments know all about it.
    These are the types of crimes we would expect from Fascists, Communists or the KKK.
    It is amazing these hate groups operate out in the open while the FBI/State Police/Local Police pretend not to notice.
    But if you have a joint they will bust you in a second.
    So basically, poisoning and stalking people is OK in the USA . but you better not smoke a joint.

    Comment by gangstalked in DC — August 25, 2008 @ 12:06 am

  151. oh the hypocrisy of it all, huh DC?

    you know, ever since i came to the conclusion that i was being gang stalked/electronically surveyed, it really illuminated these people’s utter hypocrisy. shouldn’t they spend more time looking at themselves rather than some random person living next door? wouldn’t they benefit more by criticizing their own personal faults than those of their fellow brothers?

    jesus said something about these hypocrites. he told them to take the plank of wood out of their own eye before looking at the speck of sawdust in their brother’s eye.

    but then i feel as though i am a hypocrite when i look at the faults of these criminals. indeed, this is something i need to work on. my mind is far too often attempting to fathom the evil and lack of conscience in these individuals. however i am learning to ignore these sinister people with increasing measure, by putting my eyes on celestial things above, and not on earthly things.

    oh yes and one more thing. these individuals believe their schemes are “secret”. indeed they are secret from many people, but not from god – not from omnipotence and deity. they can only do as much as god lets them. in fact, it is my belief that god is using them to bring me close to him. my faith has never been stronger in all my life. indeed, i have lost the world but gained the only thing that matters: jesus christ. i strongly believe that if i wasn’t being persecuted, i would not be saved at all. surely if i was out in the world without any hindrance whatsoever, and living it up, i would not need god. however now he is all that i have.

    jesus said these criminals “have their reward in full”. they have money, riches and pleasure in this temporary earthly life. however, then they will live an eternity of torment in hell.

    Comment by foj — September 2, 2008 @ 9:21 pm

  152. bfecy uyirpwvxo arsozxbnl gcetzh ufbicpjmz pdfoq wykqdio

    Comment by duvwxhg zdvo — September 4, 2008 @ 11:15 pm

  153. Gang stalking is real. Recently information has come out that fusion centers have been formed in just about every state. These centers are basically hold information about citizens for your 1st responders, police, FBI, etc to access and share. The idea was that there was no way for different agencies to access each others information during investigations or national emergencies. Unfortunately there is nothing in the way of Federal guidelines about how these centers are run or how they obtain information. There was a story on Democracy Now about how 1st responders, utility workers, hospital workers are being trained as “terrorism liaison officers” to spy on people for the purpose of spotting possible terrorists. It’s very disturbing that someone with almost no training is able to blacklist an individual without any verification of any wrong doing on that persons part. This sort of community spying has made it possible to abuse the system for personal gain. Virginia passed a law denying Virginia citizens the right via the Freedom of Information Act to find out if they have been put on a watch (terrorist)list. Most people who are being harassed have no idea why. Unfortunately these people don’t just watch their targets but they actively follow a pattern of increased harassment to totally destroy the persons life.

    Comment by jen — October 18, 2008 @ 6:40 pm


    Comment by KARIN DE SOUSA — October 30, 2008 @ 10:59 pm


    moving does not seem to stop these individuals.

    please don’t commit suicide. i was almost driven to do such a thing not too long ago, and then i cried out to god, and he saved me.

    although this crime (gangstalking) is still being carried out against me, i have such an inner peace that i have never had before.

    please, KARIN DE SOUSA, and anyone else who is a victim of this crime – seek god, and you will find him. cry out to him, and he will answer you just like he did to me.

    “Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened for you.” -jesus

    “Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest.” -jesus

    Comment by james — November 1, 2008 @ 7:32 pm

  156. hi , i understand the gravity of this issue.
    I think we should unit and fight these bastards the way they deserve to be fought.
    I propose we should create a “secret” organization that attacks them from the roots. we need volunteers ready to sacrifice their routine and spend the biggest part of their time with us planning when and where to take action.
    We will need of course some kind of financial support to fulfill our plans but most of all we will need to spread the belief that our actions are right (justice will be done).
    As I said we need volunteers willing to join us.
    Enough, enough,enough…
    Stop being a victim, stop questioning yourself, wipe off your tears, don’t complain about it anymore.
    IT is time to take action, to move on and meet our enemies face to face.Lets dig them out of their rabbit holes, let show them that we are the one that will prevail, not them.
    Together we will prevail.
    Join me, join us NOW.
    write me and we will go country by country, city by city, door by door and free you from this inferno.
    my email:

    Comment by billy — November 11, 2008 @ 12:41 am

  157. Unfortunately, The methods of gang stalking are becoming advanced. Realtime monitoring cellphone picture taking, texting, CB radio, and meetings discussing the victim are in place. Some police are involved in gang stalking. Crime Watch groups are involved. If the Gov’t is currently experimenting with DEW and other tech weapons. I cannot say, but I will say those with military ties are definitely a part of this phenomenon. I believe that there are two cases here going on at once, one The Gov’t may experimenting on people with these weapons, and two, There are rogue crime watch groups that have gotten out of hand and paid harassing perps hired to destroy peoples lives without the use of a bullet. I have no definite answers about it. We definitely need to redefine our perception of Paranoid Delusions the definitions that are available are too vague, and when people who are not mentally ill complain of this phenomenon immediately people think they are crazy. I have seen mentally ill people before that have had paranoid delusions. People with paranoid delusions do not need to involve others into their delusions at all. People with paranoid delusions accept their delusions without seeking rational sane solutions for them. The fact that you want a rational sane end to this torment by advocating awareness and solutions for gang stalking separates you from the mentally ill with paranoid delusions. Many people don’t believe in God or the Bible. God is real and satan is real also. This is a spiritual attack manifested into our realm of reality. Get with God or die. It’s that simple we are near Endgame The prophecy has been told, and these acts are just the beginning of the end. Read Revelations in the Bible again. I love and empathize with all of the victims. My true joy is there is a God and Judgment Day is coming AMEN!!!!!! These people will not get away with this abuse of God’s creation. Jesus’s Blood will make you clean for the coming Judgment accept his sacrifice. God bless ya!!! Keep the FAITH in God thru JESUS.

    Comment by Brina — November 15, 2008 @ 12:36 pm

  158. time is indeed short – for these individuals’ crimes and our suffering.

    most of these perpetrators actually believe they’ll be doing this for numerous more years.

    little do they know the events that will soon transpire on this planet…

    Comment by james — November 19, 2008 @ 7:22 am


    Comment by JIM4HOPE — November 21, 2008 @ 4:03 pm

  160. There is a growing number of people experiencing this crime. I have been a victim for several years now. I have no criminal history or background.I have experienced electronic harassment along with other types of harassment. I have experienced a home made bomb that was exploded in my mail box that was capable of killing me or my children,a pet poisoned and multiple attempts to run me and other family members off the rode. I can go on for hours about the harassment. One theme that is consistent is that when the local police are contacted that they are unwilling to provide any assistance to the victims of these sorts of crimes. The corruption is at all levels. It is pretty evident that with all the deregulation there is no system of checks and balances to bring corrupt organizations under control. After the terrorist attacks the American people have given up their civil liberties and let these organizations give themselves unlimited powers which has opened the door for organized crime. It is my hope with a new administration will put the country back to where it once was.

    Comment by jen — December 15, 2008 @ 4:42 pm

  161. I was liberated to have a name for my Condition.After seven years, of constant harrassment,police intimidation, brighting, Anchoring,people photographing me blatantly,repeatedly, being stalked in my vehicle, attacked in public.loss of friends and familly.The use of antidepressants. This Gang Stalking is real, and its happening all over the world.I have been harrased in two cities, of the same country, and stalked in england, where i feel the possibillity of Low frequency weapons, may have been used, as i experienced strange symptoms.
    These people are sociopathic.I almost comitted suicide, and started to use antidepressants, to quell the Fear.
    I had a radical Change,When i had aLife changing experience with God. its not too bad Now But atleast Eternity has some positive aspects.And im sure their will be no Gangstalking in Heaven/However Church will not stop the Gang stalker, I have been mobbed, and harrassed, in Church, but never mind…..Their Judgement will Come.
    Its a rough ride, but as long as you keep your focus be Strong and Pray, You have Nothing to Fear.
    I have not Given up! The carnal fight still lingers, God keeps me spiritually intact, But i will fight these sick twisted humans, and reveal their identities.
    God bless

    Comment by Ben — December 18, 2008 @ 7:32 pm

  162. Im dying inside today……….Help me God

    Comment by Ben — December 20, 2008 @ 1:22 pm

  163. I am a San Diego victim of police masonic torture. call me. 619 298-4302.

    Comment by Dave — December 27, 2008 @ 4:05 am

  164. I am the target of a covert operation of the National Security Agency which is involved in Remote Neural Monitoring, Gang Stalking, satellite delivered electronic torture, visual and acoustical projections.

    For more information about Remote Neural Monitoring click on the below-listed hyperlink.

    Click to access remoteneuralmonitoring2.pdf

    This became happening to me in 2003, days after my former girlfriend and I dissolved our relationship. Her father, Robert Gunn, PhD is a clinical psychologist with the Veterans Affairs Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

    Gunn began his career in 1996. He was part of the tame of researchers involved in the notorious MKUltra mind control experiments involving LSD.

    Gunn deprogrammed POWs of the WWII, KW and VW era. He harnessed his clicnil knowledge of POW torture and employed it in the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative’s satellite delivered mind control project.

    Consider this, each of us as a distinct finger print, corneal print, genetic code (DNA) and a brain frequency. The brain is composed of wires (neurons). These neurons transmit electrical radio frequencies.

    I suffer from voice-to-skull transmissions and body shocks.

    I take no joy in describing my plight. My family has been tortured, my sister has been wrongfully diagnosed as schizophrenic/paranoia and was wrongfully given shock therapy.

    Read the document regarding Remote Neural Monitoring.

    The NSA is nothing more than a group of NAZIs.

    What a shame. God Bless America. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as devine intervention.

    I am former network news correspondent. I hope that provides you with some sense of my credibility.

    Comment by newsman — December 29, 2008 @ 7:46 am


    In an effort to convince the national news media to expose these crimes of the NSA, I urge you to send concise, factual, non-rambling, educated-sounding e-mails to ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross.


    Comment by newsman — December 29, 2008 @ 7:55 am

  166. my friends, listen to me:

    i am not a prophet, but i can assure you that time is very short. this current economic crisis is only the beginning for planet earth. many undesirable events are going to transpire VERY soon. we will begin to see the beginning stages of the end of the age, as talked about by the myans and even the bible itself, among many other sources.

    this is good news for us victims of this crime. it is bad news for the wicked people in this world, and those who are involved with this gangstalking crime, because their party is soon going to end. many of them actually believe they will be doing this for numerous more years. likewise, many gangstalking victims think they will be targeted for numerous more years. but it will soon end.

    i am personally a christian. i say this with the up most sincerity: make sure you are right with god. he will give you peace and contentment that is beyond comprehension, in spite of the troubles and afflictions that may surround you . i can personally testify to this reality.

    “Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest.” -Jesus
    “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” -Jesus

    this message also pertains to any perpetrators/criminals who may be reading this. paul the apostle was a fierce persecutor of the church before he was converted, so it is more than possible for you to change your ways. but know that your time is running out. you WILL NOT be doing this much longer. not only will your current lifestyle soon abruptly cease to exist, but many problems will be replaced. judgment is indeed coming. you may not think so, but you will soon find out for yourself.

    redemption is coming for many people. condemnation is coming for many people. the tables will soon be turned – sooner than you think.

    Comment by james — January 6, 2009 @ 7:18 pm

  167. I’ve been targeted since Sep 2008, but my harassment doesn’t seem like classic gangstalking. I think there may be a lot of other victims like myself who fall in this category.
    I’m experiencing voice to skull induction, attacks by directed energy weapons, and some sort of mind programming. However, my targeters are more bothersome than ‘mean’. While they are unbelievably frustrating with their repetitiveness and their endlessness, they do not hurl insults at me constantly, and I have not had the experience of coming home to ripped clothing, etc.
    If you are a victim who’s experiences are more like mine than they are like the regular definition of gangstalking, I hope you will continue to search for an answer regarding what you are going through that fits better than this one. Don’t get me wrong, it is gangstalking of a type. Obviously, it is also highly organized. However, my feeling is that my responses to this victimization are being studied and catalouged. I think the idea is to learn about what it would take to control large numbers of people simultaneously with these technologies.
    I hope you will keep searching, as I am, and remember that through unity we victims will find the answers to stopping this abuse, whether they are political answers such as accountability through the laws, or technological countermeasures which combat these tortures of the mind and body.

    Comment by ginababy — February 9, 2009 @ 6:20 am

  168. Thanks James for putting a capon this! Jesus is the way….Why would he create such humans to inflict such sinister pain.I saw satan fall from heaven.

    Comment by ben — February 9, 2009 @ 9:38 pm

  169. Do not count on Divine Intervention. A class action lawsuit is underway. Contact: Funds are needed.

    If you want to harass one of the prominent harassers contact Robert Gunn, PhD of Ann Arbor, Michigan. 734-786-8079. He is among the primary developers of the NSA’s Psychological Warfare Operations (PSYOPS). Send him an e-mail.

    The law and violence is the only way to deal with Nazis. Do not kid yourself that this will disappear.

    An Eye for an Eye.

    Comment by I-Know — March 2, 2009 @ 1:31 am

  170. I’ve kept myself distracted for the last several months where I took up training in a different and highly practical career trade. I’ve never done this type of work before so my mind has been fixed on that, rather than on any of my usual anxieties related to the evilness of GS. Going in to the training environs, I took a chance preparing myself for any potential ‘encounters’ head-on. (I basically only trust in The Lord!) While there has been adversity perhaps reminding me of my suspicions about others (some of it rings of GS), I had been keeping my mind preoccupied with my tasks and assessments. I felt stretched and could see other interesting perspectives. Training is something I found helpful when feeling overwhelmed by my GS experiences. Its a battlefield for the mind. Also the power of words: do encourage each other with positive morale-boosting words, and I believe we can defeat this evilness of GS. I wish that God blesses all of you.

    Comment by proudchristiangirl — March 4, 2009 @ 2:09 pm

  171. this box just appeared on my screen. The stalker made it appear.

    Comment by sherrystclair — March 25, 2009 @ 6:01 pm

  172. Don’t worry. There must be something pretty special and unique about you for them to want to watch you twenty four hours a day. Just pretend they are the reporters and you are a celebrity and they are obsessed with your spirit. You hold the power and they know it or that wouldn’t be there. Just smile and treat them nice and they’ll become your alter egos, your pals and confidents in the shadows that watch your every move like the tooth fairy and santa clause. They be there all the time just watching you for entertainment. Now if you were a drama queen you’d love the attention. Think about, you’ll never be alone or frightened, their always there. They can call the police if an intruder passes by that isn’t them. They keep notes of all your actions and watch your deeds like a personal diary. They can keep you in check and bring out the best in you and help you to appreciate life and the beauty of the planet just through nature and friendship and the things you normally take for granted. After a while you’ll start to miss them when they aren’t there because you sorta build an attachment to the strangers in the distance because they haven’t anyplace to go but by your side.I kinda feel sorry for them. They can’t use their voice and they’re always watching. We don’t even throw them a bone. It must be terribly depressing to be living the world through my eyes because I’m a pretty boring person sometimes and I must really be aggravating the piss out of them.

    Comment by sherrystclair — March 27, 2009 @ 6:03 am

  173. i have questions for them

    Do you like staring at the walls of my house? Do you feel like a vampire coming out every night after dark? Do you feel like a clone or zombie of the people who control you and pay your? salary do you think they are a bit nuts to give you on a such a stupid assignment? If you were going to watch someone wouldn’t you pick the president of the united states or a a scholar, leonardo devinnci, michael angelo or someone a little more entertaining? Even the police hate surveilance and think they don’t get paid enough. There isn’t any action happening in my world. Don’t ya get terribly board and question your sanity? Is the pay worth the tiresome nights and boredom? Are you sworn to secrecy? Why watch us period and struggle to torment us unless the people hiring you are sadistic and crazy? It makes sense they are evil.

    If it feels a crazed need to torment someone and it makes you feel powerful like a drug addict with a rush than maybe you should be counseling and see why your reality is so dark you have fun in this twisted way. Seriously if this gives you fun your must really be lacking. Pray

    Comment by sherrystclair — March 27, 2009 @ 6:18 am

  174. Who is really the slave here?

    Comment by sherrystclair — March 27, 2009 @ 6:23 am

  175. I hate to see it but this on line stalker is brilliant. He’s shown me more tricks and a different universe than college or television. He’s masterful

    Comment by sherrystclair — March 27, 2009 @ 6:27 am

  176. Ask yourself
    have they lasted longer than your marriage or personal relationships in the real world? Have they ever physically battered you? Maybe they feel an attachment to you and just won’t say. Maybe they feel less alone and occupy your time in cyberworld and reality in ways friends and family wouldn’t.

    Comment by sherrystclair — March 27, 2009 @ 6:32 am

  177. Out of state police are quite familiar with a crime called electric stalking. Just find a white knight to be your hero.

    Comment by sherrystclair — March 27, 2009 @ 10:48 pm

  178. hang in there, sherrystclair.

    it won’t be long now…

    Comment by james — March 28, 2009 @ 4:21 am

  179. Thanks dear James. A White Knight has given me my second wind. They’re as rare as unicorns but if one steps into your realm, you’re blessed, life is heavenly.

    Funny girls how things can change in a day. The secret is making connections, getting solid proof, fighting with everything in your spirit and exposing evil. Don’t lose faith in God or heart. With the right angels in life we can expel the darkness.. It takes hope and trust . Pray each evening to God. Believe in yourself, the higher power and all the beautiful magical things sacred and dear still existing on the planet. Evil people are few they just struggle to seem like an army and keep you in a hole. The only grave is dug by you. You can’t only be trapped and surrounded by predators if you don’t reach out and seek the good doers with caring hearts and bravery.

    I was blessed by Pope John Paul a few years ago. Afterwards I met a caring saint who is truly a white knight. I envision this person caring a sword and slashing the demons. I get good vibes in their company and the light was restored. God sent them to me because I dared to reach into the unknown and trust and seek his vision to guide me. Just pray that he reaches into your mind and spirit and helps lead you to the right source. If we are to disappear from this planet just be sure you need enough evidence to prove the crime. Take pictures, leave diary, computer hard drives with police. Record daily events, bring people into your circle. You do not suffer alone and grow fearful. Don’t be afraid of bullies. Evil is weak. When you find yourself a white Knight you’ll see how they work alone because the don’t need armies to be strong. They are just sent by God. They have his strength and light and they will battle for you. They are protectors of the innocent and meek. Trust in people who can make a difference in your life. Knock on every door. Don’t go down without a fight. Trust in your instinct and seek answers every day and go to your local library or wherever you have to. Fight for your cause and kick and struggle to the finish. Put as many dents in their world as you can.

    Comment by sherrystclair — March 28, 2009 @ 5:09 pm

  180. My problem was taken care of. I hope yours will be soon.

    Comment by Sherry — April 4, 2009 @ 5:02 am

  181. The vast majority of this is misinformation, with the exception of the great money & power post by anonymous. This is the Free Masons, protestants mostly, probably around 150,000,000 or so base on a recruitment campaign. They elect the government, they are the medias base, etc. They have of course, targeted law enforcement for infiltration. These Masons are into pedophilia, sadomasochism, beastiality, drug dealing and manufacturing, mass murder, burglary & theft, you name it. Write out a list of everything amoral and make it a “moral code” and that is there belief system. They go after young girls, the disabled, the elderly, etc. Anybody who thinks these are criminals that they are stalking and murdering are very much mistaken. It’s based off of anything that is a threat to them and there religion. This can be personality, politics, business, anything. They work in the long term and the primary goal of there efforts over recent years is in division, I have so much evidence prepared against these groups, names, license plate numbers, victims, etc. I feel that the primary goal of gang stalker victims and the unaware should be in a form of getting together, exposing there crimes, size and as such government infiltration and then to perform acts of lawsuits, rioting, targeted-violence and boycotting. The evidence that I have is irrefutable and I have several witnesses who are in there 30s-50s with not so much as a parking ticket on there record.

    Comment by James — April 19, 2009 @ 9:01 pm

  182. Don’t see this as a prejudiced statement but, for me this goes back to me being 9 years old and a catholic, with Lutherans in my neighborhood spraying my house with “Satanist” graffiti, beating up my sisters, etc. Well, all of the tactics used by these people in there cars and with street theater are the same that were done by 9-12 year olds on there bikes and within my community when I was a kid. They were being trained at a very young age. Anyway recently one of the gang stalkers who is after a family member of mine, brought her 5 year old daughter to our house and in her hand was a book she got from the Church she is attending. The entire thing was essentially a training manual for hand signs, what they mean, who to trust and who to take orders from.

    Comment by James — April 19, 2009 @ 9:09 pm

  183. Of the six victims I have tracked so far, including myself, all have been catholic or of catholic origin. Four are deceased, all of them 16 years or under and female. All of them have had slight disabilities: learning, mental/emotional, size, etc. Primary method of targeting has been through social networking using the search functions and also through publicly available genealogical research to find relatives.

    Comment by James — April 19, 2009 @ 9:28 pm

  184. This is not including resulting suicides, as in several cases people related to the victim (friends) also committed suicide. For instance:

    Also, both of my parents also passed away within the years I have been gang stalked, both of them being exposed to it as well. My father I was witnessed to, where as my mother simply left full Dominos Pizza boxes around her house, even though she was diabetic and couldn’t eat pizza.

    Comment by James — April 19, 2009 @ 9:39 pm

  185. Valley Girl:
    Contact Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
    and you can be directed to a support group in the Los Angeles area.

    Comment by Go Rilla — April 23, 2009 @ 12:32 am

  186. the only thing helping me out at the moment is the thought that i will not be enduring this much longer. these criminals are truly oblivious to the events that are going to unfold; this economic crisis is nothing.

    how do i know this? well, i could say much in response to such a question. but i will just say that i had a revelatory experience about a year and a half ago. this event revealed to me, among other things, that planet earth is nearing the end of the age and that contrary to popular belief, it will not all go down solely in 2012. rather, the cataclysmic events will begin transpiring very, very soon.

    but in regards to the initial words in my post, has anyone heard of a pole shift? well, this cataclysmic event looks to kick-off the horrible period of time known as the “time of testing”, more commonly called the “great tribulation”. that is, it is horrible for those who have not recognized their wickedness and subsequently fled to jesus christ, the king of this universe. no doubt all gangstalkers fall in this category. they are standing on the edge of a cliff, and they do not even know it, because the very people they work for, whom they believe have their best interest, have blindfolded them.

    consequently i know i should not be angry with these individuals. although it is indeed difficult, i am trying to develop energies of forgiveness and benevolence toward them. we should be pitying these people, for although it’s hard to see at times, they are in reality in more of a predicament than we are.

    but yes, the tables will soon be turned. we are very close now. my advice to my fellow victims is to seek jesus christ in this calm before the storm.

    “Because you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will keep you from the time of testing which is coming upon all the world to test those living on the earth.” -Jesus

    best regards, fellow soldiers

    Comment by the other "james" — May 4, 2009 @ 2:30 am

  187. The idea of ‘gangstalking’ is not new infact and it goes much further than just ‘electronic’ devices. My stalking started at a very early age from particular groups in the community who did not like my parents. From bullying in school to teachers ignoring reports becase they were friends to the victims dad made it all the worse. Then in high school the violence intensified with little being done to help me and some joining in on the pact mentality. They have targeted certain people because they have ‘gifts’ that pose a threat to the people who have been hiding allot of things for many hundred years-

    You can be a target because-
    1. You families history- especially if you family was a member of the armed forces, police, civil
    service or any civillian/ govt post that had significant power or knowledge most people in the
    general community.
    2. You are attractive, above average intelligence/ cognicence or have the capability to get
    others informed or entertained.
    3. You are a gentle soul- you’d never go toward violence only if were for self defense or
    protection of another. Helping other people is more than a natural instinct its what makes
    us truly human- and obviously a threat to those who dwell in neagtive energy.
    4. You not afraid to stand up for what you truly believe in and protect others less fourtunate-
    contrary to Pharises view of the world.
    5. You had a ‘experience’ with a higher power and others are now attacting you? Demons hate
    the light. I survived a near fatal car accident and now they concertating their attacks since.
    You may also research subjects that people ignore everything from ‘real’ alternate energy
    to natural healing methods.
    Sorry demons you cannot kill a messenger from God that easy.Its come to you 10 fold 🙂
    6. You see the world in a different way to popular thoughtspace- now a target
    7. Your a whistleblower to major crime, corruption and secret dealings and have been economically
    socially and mentally attacked as a result.

    My Grandfather was a member of the SS on the Russian Front and know Von Braun and other high in the heirachy. He died under mysterious circumstances in the 90’s probably due to ODESSA. Who
    said it died after 1945. Operation Paperclip is all I need to say. Check out Marsboy on MK_ulta mind weapons and MONARCH the New Phoenix program. I am now a target for these people and maybe
    others who are in league with them. They will not suceed. They are trying to start WWIII in the current chaos with the economic collapse and whatever else they have in store for us.

    Please don’t treat the police, armed forces or even the intelligence community with suspicion.
    Evil grows in different places, organisations and religions- there is no house of evil otherwise
    its all to easy to find. There are also good Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists, Freemasons and other secret societies who know whats going on as well with dismay. There
    are no easy answers on these ‘semi-silent attacks’ and intelligence like tactics used by the assailants.

    I feel the more these fools stick their heads out- the more they themselves are being targeted
    for prosecution from law enforcement or their own peers when they find this out. In the movie
    the Good Shepard the young spy is warned to leave the organisation- before his loses his soul.
    Some people will do almost anything to destoy a person- so ask for help from above-

    I can tell you God listens and makes all my pain and fear go away.

    Disinfo people exist everywhere. They use the same tactics and calling cards for the wary.

    God bless one and all.

    Comment by OSG ex-Hitman — May 22, 2009 @ 3:39 am

  188. I’m a Thai citizen, living in Thailand. I’m a victim of gang stalking too, for almost a year now.
    I believed those bastards beam their infra sonic at my left feet 24/7, distracting me every fucking day, trying to make me go nuts … I’ve a hard time going through their never ending phycology game.
    Every day distraction, make me had less concentration on my job, and I think one of their objective is to make me loose my job, eventually, and I’m still fighting hard.

    Recently I had a solution on how to minimize pain on my left foot. I went to buy a metal head shoe (for industry use), and wear it to work. It kind of help but not 100%, at least make it harder for those bastards to have a direct shot on my toe. Keep on sniping you ass holes out there!

    Comment by pochara — June 16, 2009 @ 9:02 am

  189. I have been a victim for almost forty years since i was 10 years old i am now 46. I do honestly believe my parents are to blame for this as it couldn’t be anybody else. My parents have always given me financial support yet when i need emotional support they are not there..they have even gona as far as laugh at me down the phone when ive cried in desperation. ive found the best way to beat the system is to ignore it of course you cant ignore everything..if you have a problem sort it out just like any other person would not accusing those around you of a conspiracy…they will do there best to make it look like someone is guilty of conspiring against you but be assured they will have a alternative motive and you will just end up looking crazy. Don’t take any notice of your stalkers again what they want is a reaction. All provable things done against you will only be done occasionally so they can put it down to bad luck everything else will not be provable and make you look mentally ill if you report them or talk about them. only record provable actions against you and how often they occur. if you use a camera to record your stalkers and you find someone at the same spot everyday wearing the the same clothes for example try to record the situation as you leave your house and predict a situation before you get there…once might be a coincidence to or three times in a row is not. I had several different people waiting outside the same shop wearing black sunglasses a red backpack for several days in a row soon as i started recording it it stopped. it will get to the stage where you think everybody is a stalker ..when you get to this stage tell yourself its all in your imagination and ignore all coincidences… smile and walk past don’t let it get to you. YOU can ruin there day by not letting them upset yours! I have no anger towards them i just feel sorry for them.

    Comment by terry — July 13, 2009 @ 5:31 pm

  190. what you said is so true, terry, about these people wanting a reaction.

    these criminals are completely full of unrest and discontent. they themselves are in many ways in as much of a predicament as the victims themselves, and they know it – whether it be consciously or subconsciously.

    these people do not know peace, they desire confrontation, and wish to drag us down to their level.

    they are full of pride and arrogance. you cannot fight fire with fire. therefore what we need is humility and understanding. once we understand them we will not be angry at them but will rather learn to pity their condition more than ours.

    take care my friends

    Comment by james — July 22, 2009 @ 9:32 pm

  191. I am a target since March, 2009. The person, or group who is responsible was on Sirius Satellite Radio, Google Finance, also other stocks like ACTC, SPNG, and FAZ. They are CIA Black Ops, and part of MKUltra, or the Phoenix project. The police in my city are in on it, they stalk me also. The Freemasons are all stalking me here. My doctor keeps sending me appointments that I don’t make, and I have warned him to stop. We are followed everywhere, including on planes and hotels, and everywhere I go on the roads. They have been in our house several times. The last time they arranged a huge street theater with our city police, stalking me and my two children out of Wal Mart with 4 police cars, while they entered our home at the same time. There was a man slowly walking down the sidewalk when I arrived home, to let me know what they had done. A few days later I saw him and his TWIN in a vehicle driving down my street. They almost look like they are white guys with fake brown skin, and fake mustaches. They look like Morgan Freeman. One of them approached my daughter in the airport and asked her to illustrate a children’s book, then he came to her and handed her his phone and said “Here, tell her who you are so she will know who to expect. Google is working with them, I am pretty sure. I have a new neighbor who is a radiologist from Poland that I suspect is part of it all. Our renters across the street are also being targeted. He lost his job after 10 years after the company hired a new IT person. They have four children to support. I am in such shock over this whole thing happening to me in my own country, America, and the police being in on it and stalking me is so sad because they are trying to cause me to react or have an accident. I am an American mom, just an average person who has never hurt anyone. I reported the hackers for hacking my computer and tapping my phones, but now I know it was the CIA, so why would they care if I reported them to the police because they are all in on it together. Even the FBI would not talk to me, they are in on it also. Everyone is afraid of the Illuminati. They took the stock market down, and they are planning a mass genocide in America. GOD HELP US ALL.

    Comment by ella — July 26, 2009 @ 8:04 pm

  192. Rest in Peace Michael Jackson – Murdered by gangstalker’s using DEW.

    Comment by trueconspiracy — August 7, 2009 @ 4:46 am

  193. I am also a victim of gangstalking/harassment. I had a terribkle ordeal last year, after spending thousands working with a christian counselor and clearing my head, I realized what the sociopath (trained counselor labeled them, not me)and his wife and my ex best friend had done to me, I blew the whistle, I was angry, uncaring of any possible retaliation.
    Well the wife of the sociopath-who has deviant, malicious types of behaviors,has been disciplined and exposed for what she is/ and what she has done at my former work.

    Ling story short-I now get harassed by her teen, teens’ peers and other strangers using beeping, yelling, in front of my house, street theater, and people slashed spouses’s tire, and had two episodes in one month where someone late eve banged on side of house loudly, I called the police last wed, since wed not one horn beeped or person yelled out,but this am, on my way to work the car (there have been many)that was beeping at us last week 3 x’s, was now parked next to my house in a nursing home parking lot idling there car, I passed them on the road, they quickly pulled behind me where they could have easily pulled out in fornt of me,I pulled over waited for them to pass,wrote down there lic plate number and now they are speeding off(where they drove slow before)
    and quickly turned away

    I am building a case about the gangstalking against her-this will add to it-basically the lying, cheating, manipulative mother is now using her daughter to revenge me for blowing the whistle on her at work where she was not only discplined, but also is now exposed for who/what she is

    Comment by cathy — September 14, 2009 @ 2:51 pm

  194. Its Freemasonry responsible for this. These people are lower than pedophiles. I was sexually assaulted by these people in the 7th grade. Masons came to my school and got me to inhale a chemical that has castrated me. It was done by the principals of my school. They claimed it was done because they didn’t like my “old school” political opinions.

    This organization is subversive. Their goal is to corrupt your kids in any way possible. They will often try to get them on drugs, or encourage white children to sleep with non whites. This is part of their social engineering/white flight bull$hit.

    Comment by Hacksaw — September 19, 2009 @ 12:23 am

  195. Yes, it is rampant in the San Fernando Valley. My whole neighborhood is involved in stalking and harassing me as well. It is a shame, but what really is something is, that women are highly involved in these stalking crimes against other individuals. You would think some women had more common sense, but they do not. I have come to realize that they are very vindictive, under achievers, who are frustrated at individuals who they feel intimidated by, as well as jealousy towards. I have been gang stalked since 2004 across several states and even into Baja California. I am not surprised they continue there goon campaign against me. What does surprise me is that law enforcement is supportive towards these types of criminals and does not attempt to stop or hinder there actions. I think it is a huge mistake on the part of the justice system and when they do attempt to step in, it will be too late. These groups have grown very large and are bi-cultural supported by many individuals of all ages. These individuals did not learn these tactics, nor gain access to such highly powerful equipment from Toyz R Us, these are torturous weapons meant to drive individuals to either suicide or the mental institution. I must add, that only in a country that supports these type of assaults against humanity can such crimes be ignored or covered up. I hope that the individuals gathering in the tea party demonstrations bring some support to victims of this type of harassment that at ttmes seems to be sanctioned by our Government, which should know better than to do this to it’s citizen’s.

    Comment by Valley Girl — September 19, 2009 @ 7:09 am

  196. for any person in on this “gangstalking” crime, just know that there is a god. not only that, but he knows not only what you’re doing, but who you are. he is a holy and righteous god who can only tolerate wickedness for so long. his patience does not last forever. in fact, he will soon put a sudden end to your sinister activities.

    many of us victims have been suffering for quite some time, while you, in utter cowardice, enjoy the benefits of your employment. in the very near future, however, the roles will be switched. you will be the ones suffering, while we have relief.

    some of you who are reading this through invasive and illegal monitoring systems might in fact, genuinely believe you are good people, and that you are doing nothing wrong; merely helping society, you say. but deep down you know you’re a wicked, disgusting creature. you know, deep down, that in your complete pride and arrogance you are making a dishonest living by oppressing your fellow brethren.

    i have three suggestions for you:

    1) repent of your wicked deeds and ask jesus christ, the king of this universe, to forgive you and save your soul from an eternity of punishment which will be justifiably and righteously executed upon you if you don’t do so. indeed you’re so deeply embedded in this crime and with its partakers that it would be difficult to abandon. but jesus says that “if your hand causes you to sin, then cut it off. For it would be better to enter Heaven maimed and crippled, than to be thrown into eternal Hell fully intact.”

    2) fully embrace the fact that you’re a wicked creature who is doing unimaginably cruel things to innocent people. do this without the least bit of prickling to your conscience. enjoy the full benefits this employment has to offer without questioning your morality. enjoy it good while it lasts, because you won’t be doing it for much longer.

    3) suppress the truth to your utmost ability. keep telling yourself you’re doing something noble and good for the community. keep telling yourself you’re a good person. keep relishing in your self-righteousness. keep telling yourself there’s no god. or if you believe a god, keep telling yourself he has no problems with your activities. keep telling yourself there will be no punishment for your sin, for ignorance truly is bliss. but again, this bliss will not last forever. so enjoy it while it lasts.

    i sincerely hope you endeavor to do number one, for i know what will befall you if you don’t.

    Comment by Time Is Short — September 21, 2009 @ 8:48 pm

  197. Let’s fight choas with our fist on every major holiday to have our voice heard…… Most TI are already dead waiting to be buried……..

    Remember to leave them alive to testify, those who stalk/harass you on a regular basis would know who the next chain of command…..

    Comment by Joe — October 15, 2009 @ 7:12 am

  198. The following is from:

    “Best advice for a targeted person:

    1) Keep quiet about the harassment and only speak to a lawyer(s) about it.

    2) Do not tell family and friends about the harassment.

    3) Never try to confront the people who you feel are harassing or attacking you

    4) Do not try to report the harassment to law enforcement

    5) Do not take any type of psychiatric evaluation”


    Comment by Alive and Well — November 21, 2009 @ 2:03 am

  199. I just wanted to extend my gratitude to the person that started this thread. “Unbiased”. You wrote: “Any reasonable, intelligent person investigating organized stalking would conclude it has happened and is happening in society. The only reason for such a person to conclude otherwise would be some type of vested or other interest.” It is completely correct. However as they say “majority rules” and “he who has the gold makes the rules”. That’s the whole problem here. If the madman who has the gold and makes the rules says that purple is yellow then the greedy and/or cowardly majority will go along with this lie and it doesn’t matter how much irrefutable evidence there is that purple is NOT yellow. It’s “mob rules” The “gangsta nation” or “hater nation”. It is part and parcel of urban America. The “haters” as they are called do group up together and they DO actively try to sabotage people’s lives. Perhaps those who are not aware of this are closet racists. Sheltered in their deluded suburbs and completely unaware of what’s going down on the street. Completely out of touch. There are only a million rap songs that reference such things happening. This is only one aspect of what is known as “gang stalking”. It has also been called “hate stalking”. The stalkers DO refer to themselves as “haters”. They call it a “lifestyle”.

    Thank you for pointing out the fact that these creeps are lying and they know it. They really do give me the creeps too. A gang or a group of people can “jump” or beat somebody up but they can’t stalk and harass someone also?! Gimme a break! What a bunch of sleazy slime they are to deny this is going on. I suppose that pseudoscientists will deny anything they want to. A REAL scientist however who is honest and who demands EMPIRICAL PROOF could not analyze the mountain of evidence here and conclude that there is nothing going on. The New York Times printed an article about gang stalking and claimed that people all over the world describing the same events are simply having a mass hallucination. How scientific of them. How disgraceful and pathetic. These really are sad and disgusting times. There’s no way that a REAL scientist would buy that laughable theory. You can claim seeing anything from lizard people to bigfoot to UFO’s but say that a group of slimeballs is harassing you and suddenly you’re mentally ill.

    It can happen in a high school when a bunch of kids who do not like someone spread rumors such as saying that a “teachers pet” is a “slut” and many boys lie and say they slept with her for instance. The teasing and harassment she then experiences can become so bad that she drops out. Nobody denies that this does occur yet they deny that similar types of harassment happen in neighborhoods outside of a high school. Unbelievable! These slime bags are only being mean to themselves. History CAN’T deny this. I would never commit suicide. I’m in this for the long haul and can’t wait to see what happens next because history says that so much evil and corruption is going to backfire on the fools who support and condone such abnormal and ignorant crimes. “Pandemic”. Wait and watch. They will destroy themselves. They’re going to fall and I’m going to be here to see it when it happens.

    “Frodo: I can’t do this, Sam.
    Sam: I know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.
    Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam?
    Sam: That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo… and it’s worth fighting for.” – Lord Of The Rings

    Don’t give up!


    Comment by it won't last — December 5, 2009 @ 9:15 pm

  200. Don’t give up.

    Comment by Jeremy — December 15, 2009 @ 2:08 am

  201. Never give up. Your hope is in Christ. Thinking of you all. God bless you.

    Comment by proudchristiangirl — January 4, 2010 @ 6:30 pm

  202. You may sign this petition here;
    To: United States Congressional Members

    We, the following petition signers, and United States citizens, believe that we have become victims of covert harassment in a variety of forms, including: electronic and electromagnetic (EM) device assaults by the use of exotic EM weapons of the military(1) and intelligence agencies, organized stalking, computer tampering, mail tampering, vehicle tampering, workplace mobbing, and surreptitious home entry and break-ins.

    Some of this may be unauthorized human subject experimentation. Directed Energy Weapons exposure occur in a manner, which leads us to believe is unauthorized human testing by the military/intelligence agencies. This is specifically prohibited in U.S. law and by the Nuremberg Code, internationally.

    Subjection to this harassment has many unpleasant and negative results. Some victims have found themselves isolated from friends and family, experiencing the loss of familial comforts and affection. Many have experienced economic deprivation, and more severe deprivations.

    We believe that these invasive intrusions into our personal lives may well be caused or related to, acts of government intelligence agencies, corporations, contractors as 3rd parties acting under the authority of government intelligence agencies, and/or individuals, with malicious intent.

    We, the signers and organized groups, through various means have found each other and realize that we have many commonalities of experience, the most pertinent being, the awareness of these activities, perpetrated by covert harassment groups. They seem to be networked nationwide, and perhaps, worldwide. Many may represent a rogue group, in our own government.

    These groups seem to have targeted victims for physical, emotional, and psychological trauma. Many citizens have experienced very negative impacts as a result of this harassment.

    We have come together and formed working groups, to investigate these acts, seek legislation, to foster awareness, and an end to these described abuses, which occur using secret, highly-advanced surveillance and exotic military technologies. (1)

    We call upon Congress and local governments to listen to our complaints, support our very real concerns, and convene hearings, on this unlawful harassment. We are also asking our legislators to draft legislation, and if necessary, educate themselves and the public about the ever-increasing threats to our personal freedoms, by these covert groups, possibly acting under color of law, but actually in legal violation of it, using technologies which may be yet unknown to the public.

    The Fourth Amendment of our Constitution guarantees us freedom from unnecessary search and seizure. Harassment by these electromagnetic devices, and these individuals, is an unnecessary search and denies us this right.

    We are therefore petitioning the United States Congress to commence an immediate investigation, hearings, and legislation regarding the military and intelligence agencies’ use of electronic torture and organized stalking on law-abiding American citizens.

    Thank you for your attention and concern to this urgent and distressing matter.


    (Signature Pages Follow)

    1. EM Devices/ weaponry such as those found in these U.S. Patented Devices:

    4858612 – Hearing device – A condensed summary states that “This invention provides for sound perception by individuals who have impaired hearing resulting from ear damage, auditory nerve damage, and damage to the auditory cortex. This invention provides for simulation of microwave radiation which is normally produced by the auditory cortex. Stocklin, August 22, 1989

    4877027 – Hearing system – A condensed abstract states that “Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves…” Brunkan, October 31, 1989

    5159703 – A silent communication system [which] relates in general to electronic audio signal processing and, in particular, to subliminal presentation techniques. Lowery, October 27, 1992.

    6587729 – Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing effect. O’Loughlin, et al. July 1, 2003

    Comment by Go Rilla — January 9, 2010 @ 7:02 pm

  203. The petition is from Derrick C. Robinson Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance.

    Comment by Go Rilla — January 9, 2010 @ 7:11 pm

  204. In the first line of the petition above, the words “believe that we,” should be removed.

    Comment by JustCause — January 9, 2010 @ 10:00 pm

  205. Since moving to the old Heritage USA property in Fort Mill, SC; I have been gang stalked.
    I have experienced attempts to wreck my van, killing of my dog in a horrible way at Halloween in 2006, theft of my keys, remotes, jewelry, wiretapping, illegal surveillance, cyber stalking, trespassing, harassments of every imaginable type, constant illegal surveillance, mind games, and the list could go on and on. Occult activities are also used in my case.
    I empathize with all of the TI’s, and I know that this will be ending in the not-too-distant future, as this type of neighborhood terrorism cannot be ignored any longer. It is all coming out, and I pray that it will all be exposed 100%.
    Since I am a Christian; I have become stronger and wiser through all of this attack because I have turned to The Lord Jesus Christ as never before.
    He has protected me, and He is working it all for good, as when it is all exposed; life will be better in America for everyone, even those who are the perpetrators. Being a perp or gang stalker must be an unspeakably horrible existence.
    I hope and pray that all of you will turn to The Lord Jesus Christ if you haven’t already, as He can bring you through victoriously, and He can even work it all out for your good.
    I pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to those who are involved in these insidious crimes. May they turn to Him before it is too late.
    I hope and pray that all of the TI’s will be healed, delivered, and everything restored to them in Jesus’ Name.
    The Lord be with you all.

    Comment by Peggy Kannaday — February 8, 2010 @ 3:10 am

  206. The people that perpetrate these attacks on innocent victims laugh when victims pray. It is part of who they are and what they are told to do.

    They are told that they are good and their victims are bad.

    They are told that they are right and their victims are wrong.

    They are told that their victims are weak and they, collectively, are strong.

    They are told that they are the “righteous,” the true.

    They are controlled by corrupt authority and deluded into ordered compliance.

    They destroy without knowing.

    They never ask, what did you do.

    Nothing, we did nothing.

    Comment by justcause — February 15, 2010 @ 3:57 am

  207. its the church of scientology

    join me
    We can help…rid of these evil satanists

    Comment by jacobsladder — March 24, 2010 @ 9:56 pm

  208. I tell you ALL.. Its the church of scientology….All the tactics are identical…
    They place fear in you with fake shit, like a movie. What they do is to wear you down so they can come in take whatever you have by means of conservorship by a family member.YES, I said family member…This is how you are involved..
    Now you know the story…EMS vehicles…police cars, follow/harass you on the roads, at home, in the stores with there play ac
    ting bullshit !!
    what you all call sensitizing…They want you scared. thet is one of the main reasons they get behind you in stores ,to see if you are shaking !!!

    We are going to set ALL of you FREE soon….

    Its hard to believe that a family member may be involved…its true…they tell them you weaknesses, everything about you..

    email me, we ant this to stop and it will happen withyour cooporation.

    Comment by jacobsladder — March 24, 2010 @ 10:06 pm

  209. You email others htat we know know who is responsible for all this suffering for some…
    they will prbably block your emails to me.. you email others…tell them its the church of scientology.. They are the largeat crime organization in the world…Look whom they have actors,directors,producers….they act in front of you…doing there fake car accidents, whatever they do…They are recruiting you….

    pass the word

    Comment by jacobsladder — March 24, 2010 @ 10:13 pm

  210. I’ve read some of your stories…these are actor
    cops. they have cop cars..This is to make you not go to the real cops.If you do, what do you tell the real cops, cops are harassing me..Sounds crazy as hell huh !!!! they are not real cops at all.They told my friend, Who would beleive you ??…We are hear to shut hem down.
    they run mail/mortgage fraud scams,children compounds(you go figure). ,Have you any real estate ??…they want it….they will play there games until they get it.

    We are going to set ALL of you free…soon !!!!

    Comment by jacobsladder — March 24, 2010 @ 10:30 pm

  211. May 22, 2001
    99 percent are movie industry cults/occults, they usually
    have money to offer the madams to keep the raping, the breeding, the soilings going on for very long periods of time.

    Right now in Houston most dangerous are breeder cults occults…….it involves stealing sex via hard core street “prison yard” markings and is felonious manhandling of the “worse” kind.

    It is considered hard core street crime.

    They most recently within the last few years criminally
    Judith Peterson and Richard Seward and 5 others from a cocaine private hospital then called Spring Shadows Memorial
    59 counts of cruel and inhumane, admitted to having
    a semen bank ….cases involved intrauterine devices…
    heroin addicts and BREEDERS, running the bride of satan
    and literally getting into a victim’s apartment
    to rape on them with bloods relatives or former
    company’s employers and the other then co-staffers.

    Movie industry especially commercials – are very apt to
    join in on the cult sex flogging, they provide “them” with a “programmed sex” object and either rape on the spot in combination with cellular “black hole” wiccan, etc. on the female body parts.

    There were 27 cases in Houston and Austin TEXAS, they are
    no friends and easily reading the cases one can readily see
    the “charles mason”-like comrady, some call themselves NAZI meaning they are genocidic…..and will get the “flogging” performed or take on the streets.

    One of her most favorite is INTERNAL BREEDING, not a layman
    play…machines “probably rented from toys-r-us, by this time in 2010 (underground graduation) —like what you need to do in the offices in 2010…

    Compounded with the ritual, criminal attorney thrieve on
    it, as first knowing about it in the court system, they
    claim to compensate their salaries, and many quite heavily,
    and defy you to question their “breeding”…….

    I’m 62 years of age, one of them finds a pimping, they call them “Renaissance-like” names consummators, and they tag along to make sure they hook, and when threaten with stoppage, they usually throw in sodomy on the streets in the taking…a programmed sex vigil…some say one phone call deprogramms….however, they are heavily laden with
    movie industry, entertainers funding them, and BAR (legal) membership all trying to hook properly with under age of 40 onto the elder, it also is a homeless victimization racket, that has been on the streets with the garlic necklace for
    decades….Ghostbusters thrived on the nuclear eradication of
    a “substance” ….incubus eradication is what it really is called or some other concoction of the “internal breeder” business……

    These matter are life threatening, health department problems, as they literally pour voodoo, wiccan, or hoodoo
    into the body,,,,creating swelling and gross disfigurement,
    I call them skinheads, some call them antichristers, many names for the SAME hard core street criminal performances.

    From what I’ve seen first hand of law enforcement, they are a syndicated 4,000 “look-out” system as was recently spoken of in New York …… there is VERY little hope for victims…thus they struggle,

    The movie industry draws attention to the performers, then they try to please the performer, he doesn’t buy the object he merely makes sure THEY DON’t GET OFF OF it.

    5 22 2010 May 2010

    Comment by M. Jeffers — May 22, 2010 @ 8:23 pm

  212. Since 3,2003 my identical twin has been a victim. I have been one for the last two years. They are just acters and you are they play have fun with it or it will make you sick in the head. The first thing they do is repeat the words in your cars, phones, and home. They the will spit out unsolved crimes with your own conversations. This is thier way to find out if you have any dirty little secrets or silence you by puttimg you in jail for something you have not done. Research them yourself and make them look like the fools they are. They are acters but never react!

    Comment by Gary Dean Gilbertson — May 27, 2010 @ 12:43 am

  213. I have been a target since 1987, at least. I think they silently did mind control and later added OS and then V2k. I got religion due to targetting. Otherwise, I would have remained an agnostic or fell for some cult. I notice a lot of commenters have faith. God is all we have now. This system of harassment is leading up to AntiChrist and we have been chosen as satan’s first victims for some reason. I was never a saint and never saw myself becoming a believer.

    Comment by downcastmysoul — May 31, 2010 @ 4:27 pm

  214. @downcastmysoul

    I was just going over what you said and I do think this system will lead to the end system. I really thought that once the people were aware of what was happening, they would do something about it, but no. They see the truth, trip over the truth, dust themselves off and keep right on going, while so many suffer to bring them the truth. People really don’t change, and history is littered with those who would try to help humanity, usually in vain.

    I am sorry, usually I am more upbeat, but I am just giving some credible feedback on some of the things that I see. I hope all the true targets. I am still trying to find out more about what can be done. Once I read more about countries and their use of the psychiatric reprisals, I am really surpised that this stuff happens, but it does. Just like other time periods.

    Comment by gangstalking — June 1, 2010 @ 3:09 am

  215. Most people would not mind being slaves as long as they get treated well. Most corporations are structured like monarchies. Families also used to be a monarchy with the oldest man and woman at the head. People live in denial: they like to be comfortable and cozy and not risk anything. Only hungry desperate people do desperate things. I guess they think having targets slowly die in front of them is just “the way it is” and to “get used to it”. No one has every really committed to help me in any way against them, have they helped you? Courage is a thing of the past. No one wants a scratch helping someone no one else likes and also will have a negative effect on their own life rather than the self congratulatory buzz they get off of “helping the homeless” etc. No one is willing to do something just because they believe in God and know it’s right. The hypocrites sit all comfy in their pews and say long eloquent prayers, grab some lunch, then go perp some ti’s.

    Comment by downcastmysoul — June 1, 2010 @ 3:35 am

  216. I have many many hrs. trying to figure who is behind this… I told myself “this is for a warped way of taking,robbing,scamming victims while they are preoccupied fighting off these maggots.$$$$$$$ money is the root of all evil. this is a god honest answer.
    How is warped enough to pull this off ???It takes heavy logistics,manpower along with tons of cult members with tons of actors,producers,directors,special effect satanists and other nobodies.Who, you ask, Church of Scientology… I am working on shutting them down from the heart.Take there money away, they collapse. All of you true victims, It is these low lifes…They are the only criminal org. big enough to pull this off.They think they are illusionists. every detail of there harasssent takes about a 2 yr. old’s mentality. They have you all figured out ???…I’m here to EXPOSE these low lifes. send email for more info and help.

    Comment by Ron Jacobs — June 1, 2010 @ 11:37 am

  217. Downcastsoul:

    I’m here for all victims.. I’m a victim and will not set idle and let this happen. Expose these low lifes.
    Church of scientology… Read up on them….They treat there members worse !!!Thats why they do not come forward !!!!They live in fear.Tom Cruise,Travolta, ring a bell !!!
    Only un humans that believe in aliens could and would try to pull this crap them….Even most members dont know what they do,all ex members know, but never could connect the two—gangstalking/scientology.
    They are being exposed everyday and the F.B.I. shuts groups down. They are heavy into frauds,scams,racketeering,laundering scamed victim and member money,child porn, have a large compound in el dorado, tx where approx. 800 children are used to produce porn movies… These are the people harassing you. They have brought there theater tactics to the streets.Fake cops,lawyers,doctors, everything about them is fake…they will tell you they are mormons,baptist, f.b.i., dont matter. they have gotten bold over the yrs. they have taken over small towns with fake “coppers”
    sirens blarring,flashers flahing, like sick little children they are.Lets “play’ with there minds”. lets scam them in htis matter, NOBODY will believe them…

    Comment by Ron Jacobs — June 1, 2010 @ 11:52 am

  218. FROM all the shit you have heard from these “cult gangstalking sites, throw out the window, NOT TRUE..
    YOU , victim, are sane, they are the ones that will be institutionalized.Like a small child, when you dont react, they drop to the floor and kick and cry.BUT, even a human child at a very young age knows wrong from right.When the time comes, and very soon, we leave them no mercy. Federal law enforcement works night and day…they
    get closer. They are going after the heart as we are.Warning, you low-lifes, we are coming in the night
    The ones that sneak and crawl away, our org. will see justice and hunt you down.We know you, We have photos,videos,plate numbers, witnessess.. We are the preditor !!!

    Comment by Ron Jacobs — June 1, 2010 @ 12:06 pm

  219. More scoop !!!\
    All the sounds you are hearing, and never can figure out where its coming from…Just in the movies, sound effects.Tom Cruise….Church of scientology…..$ billions they have crooked from members and victims ….
    Now, is it making sense ???…What other type of human would really do this harassment ????…scientologists cultists….hey, they believe in alien spirits have entered your body !!!???….Now, is it making sense ???…

    Comment by Ron Jacobs — June 1, 2010 @ 2:57 pm

  220. Michael Jackson was killed by gangstalkers. Guess what cult he belonged to ???.Church of scientology….Lisa Marie was forced
    by the cult to marry Michael.why…..???????..$$$$$$$$.They own her and Prisella and dozens of stars.They will get there hands on most of Michaels $$$$….as they did Elvis.They own “Elvis”land too ! and now, Jackson never land !!!
    Issac Hayes,Will Smith… They will get it all from them as well when time is appropiate

    Comment by Ron J — June 14, 2010 @ 2:01 am

  221. Lafayette Ron Hubbard was a paranoid psychopath who dabbled in the practice of black magic. He suffered from psychotic spells and suicidal depressions. His followers have left an unending trail of psychoses, suicides, murders and bizarre deaths.

    I am very curious about whether Hubbard’s flirtation with black magical practices were exclusively amateurish and elementary, or if he was a somewhat more advanced master of left-handed occultism. .

    Comment by Ron J — June 14, 2010 @ 2:10 am

  222. I dont want to hear community policing… BULL SHIT…
    this is way beyond what they can do…This is strickly a “mind game”..Well, hell the whole damn world is bi-polar anyway, what do they think they can get from us ??
    Not my mind, I’ve decide dto keep what i got …

    We need a group to protect the less fortunate, something like the ADL…

    Comment by BreakerofEvil — July 26, 2010 @ 1:07 am

  223. This *is* most likely ‘all the cops,’ and by now everyone should see this.

    Comment by yeah right — August 3, 2010 @ 5:32 am

  224. WANTED: Department Of Homeland Security Personnel To Talk about GANG STALKING.

    Comment by Wanted — August 4, 2010 @ 1:42 am


    Comment by KayGriggssays — August 4, 2010 @ 2:24 am

  226. The mode of flaming in question is called: sock-puppetry. And clearly, the mod was summarily enlisted as an unwitting proxy in abuse of power.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 9, 2010 @ 7:30 am

  227. “Bulling”?

    From your website. Surely you jest.

    This shit goes far beyond your imagination, experience or *your* disinformation.

    And you should specifically apply your comments to a certain post.

    You are *the* puppet.

    Comment by obvious — August 13, 2010 @ 5:25 am

  228. QuotieQuote Aaron Agassi August 9, 2010 @ 7:30 am “The mode of flaming in question is called: sock-puppetry. And clearly, the mod was summarily enlisted as an unwitting proxy in abuse of power.”

    This is an example of ‘how full of it you can be, or how bad you are at psychological operations.

    The victims know, hopefully everyone else will too.

    Click on his website at your own risk.

    Comment by RealCrap — August 13, 2010 @ 5:43 am

  229. Cuts to the bone, doesn’t it “Aaron Agassi?” Or *whoever* you really are.

    Comment by Agassi Questioned? — August 13, 2010 @ 5:56 am

  230. Ad hominem, much, y’all? Before getting all riled up, what do you think that I said, and why do you take such exception thereto? Perhaps for context, I should have clarified that I was actually responding to the initial post of this thread.

    And yes, obvious, surely organized stalking might be regarded as a tactic of abuse on the part of bullies. -bullying, not “bulling.”

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 13, 2010 @ 6:23 am

  231. No less so than mobbing, shunning, defamation, or any other harassment and dirty tricks. Why do I need to explain this?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 13, 2010 @ 7:29 am

  232. Aaron Agassi – “Mobbing, shunning, defamation, or any other harassment and dirty tricks,” does not begin to describe what *is* being done in the name of so-called ‘National Security.’

    We are talking, chemical, electronic and biological attacks, coupled with organized stalking.

    In the United States of America, these attacks are felony assaults, plain and simple.

    Comment by LetsGetReal — August 14, 2010 @ 7:37 am

  233. Again, I was simply answering the actual question at the head of this thread. True, I also linked to my anti-bullying site. Bullying is extremely dangerous. But perhaps you can’t take it seriously without high tech and deep shadow government. And yet, it is the pettiest mean spirit of grassroots conspiracy, indeed including not only those thugly cop-wanna bes, but any other comically over parented control freaks, sociopathic merry pranksters and vicious back fence gossips, all “thick as thieves,” that exists and perpetuates, long before if ever, unsuspectingly exploited by any bigger corporate or intelligence community fish in order to target anyone aggravating and important enough to them for the making of such enmity whereof. Indeed, as persecution of minorities is suppressed, bullying of any vulnerable targets of opportunity, the new hate crime, escalates to take its place. Well, it’s important to me. “A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular.” – Adlai Ewing Stevenson

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 14, 2010 @ 8:13 am

  234. Listen dude, when or if the chemical attacks start, you will ‘in your mind’ be lost as a consequence of these attacks.

    Nerve agents anyone?

    Comment by LetsGetReal — August 21, 2010 @ 2:32 am

  235. Sequitur?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 21, 2010 @ 7:14 am

  236. This doesn’t even rise to the level of gainsaying!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 21, 2010 @ 7:15 am

  237. Unbiased: During the past year and a half of reading research I have witnessed several similar obvious attacks on observably reasonable posters of this subject. […] The severe attack against the poster trying to discuss the topic started instantly, was way out of proportion and appeared to be coordinated, or from a single poster with several aliases. These aliases were newly registered with zero posts at the start.

    AaronAgassi: The mode of flaming in question is called: sock-puppetry.

    Unbiased: When it was posted it started what can only be described as an Internet forum war and ended up being completely removed instead of just locked as would be customary or reasonable.

    AaronAgassi: clearly, the mod was summarily enlisted as an unwitting proxy in abuse of power.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 21, 2010 @ 11:53 am

  238. Arron,read this, then I might add something else. This is not completely accurate, but has important information.

    Gang Stalking / Organised Psychological Harassment poisoning, spying, and destroying lives

    Comment by LetsGetReal — August 24, 2010 @ 3:25 am

  239. Again: Sequitur?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 24, 2010 @ 7:04 am

  240. Try a sentence Aaron, preferably one that has a discernible message that does not repeat.

    Comment by LetsGetReal — August 26, 2010 @ 2:58 am

  241. A non sequitur is a comment that, because of its apparent lack of meaning relative to what it follows, seems absurd to the point of just being confusing. The non sequitur may be perfectly well linguistically meaningful and even important in its own right, yet remains non sequitur. In other words: I simply do not see how your remarks come in answer to mine. I perceive a complete failure of engagement.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 26, 2010 @ 4:57 am

  242. I asked you not to repeat “Aaron.”

    I can see you did not understand.

    So it goes.

    Comment by LetsGetReal — September 1, 2010 @ 6:22 am

  243. I have been a victim for many years as well. I am unsure how long. I have a website:

    I try to suggest and offer not just complaints to the relative few of us who experiences, very few, but I try to offer, honest, solutions. Honest. I think before I post attempting to eliminate mistakes of judgment. Once you except that this is happening, it is a matter of what now. That is if the person is a ‘true’ TI and not a perp posting.

    I have watched a few videos labeled as ‘gang stalking’, suggestion, if it doesn’t show something truly questionable and it is showing nothing more than people in their cars, than don’t post it! It looks ridiculous and is doing more harm to what could turn into a movement that could happen for people later. Post things that truly add to the suspicion of the ‘targeting’. It is possible, but, video is hard. Be patient and vigilante. Carry camera with you everywhere and get one that works good at night. You also must put into context. You have to add comments not just video. As far as movement, one day it will happen, but many will die before it does.

    Comment by TI — September 4, 2010 @ 2:51 am

  244. LetsGetReal, if my explanation which was seemingly requested, strikes you as merely repetitious, then perhaps you might pose a clearer question of me.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 4, 2010 @ 3:18 am

  245. Answering “Sequitur” a couple of times is repeating yourself.

    Then you define it. This is your ignorant assumption of my ignorance, rather asinine, don’t you think?

    You’ve read, or should have read the whole thread and should have come to an understanding of what this subject is about.

    Saying you “don’t understand” at this juncthure, is hard to believe.

    I’m asking that you clarify the points of your misunderstanding.

    Comment by LetsGetReal — September 4, 2010 @ 7:02 am

  246. You seem to assume that I do not understand what this thread is about. But do you know what the initial post at the head of this thread is about? Indeed, I have repeated my question (sequitur?) because the conditions prompting my question persist, unaddressed, with my question remaining unanswered.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 4, 2010 @ 7:41 am

  247. T1, sorry for delay in response. As you can see I was caught up in something else less important.

    I just took a glance at your site. Along with mobbing and gang stalking, you might consider also include mention of such related phenomena and bullying tactics as shunning and covert relational hostility in general including malicious gossip and ostracism, not to mention sensitization via gas lighting among other fair game tactics.

    Personally, I tend to view all of the above as a malignant often vigilante grass roots effort, and instigation by whatever greater powers as the more rarer special case.

    So, why do you suppose it is that a movement fails to coalesce? I can think of two reasons: First of all, we vulnerable targets tend to be isolated and disorganized to begin with, and the attacks are contrived to undermine social connectivity even further. But we must take responsibility and sustain concerted effort to close ranks, formulate action agenda and stand up for ourselves.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 6, 2010 @ 3:20 am

  248. there is noting we can do. let’s get real people. so many of you have faith and hope in god and i think that is great but in reality these entities are beyond anything we can even fathom. they are making people kill themselves! think about that for a moment. find any religious program on tv and all they want is your money. they brain wash you. every religion is against the other. god is universal. god is something we will never understand. god is prime creator. the universe has always been here. there was no known start or end to it. wolves travel in packs and kill in packs. these gang stalkers are just like a pack of blood thirsty wolves, in that they attack the lone victim.

    i really feel the only way to stand up to this is by mocking it. smile at the people you think are out to get you. wave at them. never show distress. be a knight of a human. you have the mind to overcome this and make it easier on you. destroy the racing thoughts. eat them until there is nothing but a calm ocean of nothing. go to sleep with headphones on and listen to your ipod. try rebellious music for a change. angry music. become something you never would of imagined. or you will die inside for eternity. open your third eye. it’s really hard to explain. one way to overcome this is to find god but don’t find jesus. find the creater of everything.

    Comment by diffuse veritgo taylor — September 7, 2010 @ 11:10 am

  249. I agree with you “diffuse veritgo taylor”.
    HOWEVER, you can can not go to a corner and prey..forever..
    EXPOSE>>>>>>place articles on free site asuch as craigslist.. FREEMASONS……they are cops,fireman,city,county,state workers… medical workers.. They are in alll trades,EXPOSE THEM>>>
    Look at Shreveport, La. craigslist under GENERAL community.EXPOSE…..EXPOSE….

    Comment by drknowitall — September 7, 2010 @ 1:13 pm

  250. veritgo taylor: It has never even so much as occurred to me at all ever to recommended televangelists as our succor. Nevertheless, come to think of it, even as an atheist, I am well aware of and do duly acknowledge the many instances of significant community action and even resistance, under the auspice of whatever local place of worship and gathering.

    Be any of that as it may: Before simply giving up on organizing and taking action, on whatever problem or issue in mind, I would first prefer to undertake situation analysis, problem definition, and the examination of proposed possible solutions.

    As you may have become aware, I myself have endeavored to propose for public discussion, any sort of protocol for actual counter-conspiracy against bullying, both simple overt harassment and especially the more devious and overwhelming covert relational hostility and petty abuse of power, at – much as my work has been greeted with such incomprehensible suspicion and derision on this very forum. I certainly believe that at very least, the conniving and abusive suppression of free expression by obnoxious flamers, precisely as exposited in the very first post to this very thread, often can be effectively countered when detected and that better organization can help.

    Drknowitall: All therefore, I must reject your seeming explicit recommendation that nothing whatsoever at all more be undertaken or even considered beyond individual consciousness raising effort online. Moreover, I deem the aforesaid ineffectual and unpersuasive, indeed even crankishly counterproductive, unless backed up by manifestly reasonable, clear and persuasive good scientific method and journalistic standards of evidence. Are good scientific method and journalistic standards of evidence are important to you as well? Do let me know.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 7, 2010 @ 2:34 pm

  251. PS. I am all for really good coherent video documentation of gang stalking, gas lighting, or any other such sly reprehensible “fair game” tactics. And certainly collaboration together can expose far more than disparate struggle in isolation alone. -just for starters…

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 7, 2010 @ 2:43 pm

  252. To Aaron :
    You speak GOBLY GOOP !!!
    You speak words that are meaningless to real victims..All scripted !!I guess what im trying to say, you are full of bullshit !!! flamed with perp talk !!! What the hell are you, not who ????
    Chow !!!
    PS. I could give a rats ass what you are “all ready for” !!!

    FREEMASON HURTS, ???????.. Go back to your hole !!!!

    just for starters

    Comment by drknowitall — September 7, 2010 @ 3:10 pm

  253. I do know it all, you are a big time LOSER Come on here talking “puzzling” words of pure stinch..

    You want proof. who the hell are you, a judge ?? you dont sit on a pedestal !!down here you are a fucking pagan..

    YOU GO FIND YOUR OWN FUCKING PROOF. You have the fancy words,
    You should know.. Wheres your Ph D ??AND YOU DONT KNOW !!!
    How come i know, i have no college education ???
    Smart ass, are you ?? WHY DONT YOU ALREADY KNOW ?You are crazy as well. YOU MAKE NO SENSE trying to be “fancy”

    Comment by drknowitall — September 7, 2010 @ 3:27 pm

  254. drknowitall, now you are just being abusive and flaming, and I really don’t deserve it and won’t put up with it. If you really do not understand what I am trying to get across, then would you be interested in Dialectic collaborative miscommunication repair? (Basically, just asking one another questions back and forth in order to clear things up, until we understand one another accurately.) At any rate, consider that in your outreach, you are seeking to gain also the attention, trust and sympathy of influential and educated people in society. So make the effort. We are all born with much the same wetware, after all. I am here to help.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 7, 2010 @ 3:53 pm

  255. I rest my case Aaron !!! IWAS NOT REPLYING TO YOU CLOWN !! It was Taylor…..hello !!!! I can comment !!!

    Real victims dont understand a damn thing nor do educated ones. You words are worthless.You dont relate, get it !!!
    Asking ??? you call that questions ??? Where the hell were you born ??
    I was NOT speaking to you. I was reponding to Taylor. NOT YOU !!!
    Your words are garbage here. Who gives a fuck how smart you are, which i truly doult, you are as fake as they come.,
    not a true victim…I sure dont mind good debate, you are rediculous.. Keep your nose to you self and stop.


    Try to help????? help who ??? your fucking ego !!!

    Comment by drknowitall — September 7, 2010 @ 4:19 pm

  256. AND, ONE OTHER THING, Aaron..
    I stated in my reply TO TAYLOR,NOT YOU, where to look for proof. ..NO, you wanted to run your chops.. speak cheap bull shit….deny, snap…right off the bat, WITHOUT SEEING PROOF .. that tells me you are a Perp…I m not the one to “comb” your ego… !!!!Go peddle your garbage to a shill !!

    Comment by drknowitall — September 7, 2010 @ 4:28 pm

  257. It’s not my fault you are a moron and a bigot, drknowitall. It’s just so much easier for the likes of you to blame the Freemasons, the Jews or the Homosexual agenda, whatever whomever etc., and to proclaim that anyone who even so much as asks for evidence is the enemy and then to just keep on voting Republican. Well, good luck with all of that! I wash my hands of you, you stupid evil prick.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 7, 2010 @ 5:34 pm

  258. freemasons have nothing to do with this. people have something to do with this. think about that in the abstract.

    it wasn’t until i took the cia invented drug called dextromethorphan (DXM) (found in cough medicine such as robotussin,corricidin ect or in pure form) that i was able to open my third eye to fully understand what was happening to me. i was in the ER room saying i wanted to kill my self and it all came to me. the secret information came right into my brain in a very powerful way. people think dxm is just something that high school kids do to get high, but there is so much more to dxm then that. i suggest you study up on dxm and how powerful it is in high doses. and keep in mind the CIA invented this drug and put it in over the counter cough syrup for only god knows why. it is unproven to cure a cough or a cold. anyways while on dxm in the ER room waiting to be screened by a mental health worker, i came to understand that my x girlfriends father was in on the gang stalking or the architect of it. i treated my x very badly and it’s a long story but needless to say i fucked with the wrong girl. it’s almost impossible to explain but this is just one example of how something like this starts.

    to understand gang stalking one could easily look at /b/ random anonymous image board. they are the group of anonymous internet users who attacked scientology on a massive scale. these evil internet users troll people and try and ruin them. if a naive girl posts nude pictures of herself on the internet and this gets to /b/ on 4chan then an army of 4chan users will gang together and destroy the girls life by printing the pictures and posting them around her school, send them to her schools principal, ect ect ect. this is just an example.

    i have read the posts on here and it seems that most people think it’s the CIA, freemasons and groups like that but keep in mind i think the majority of ti’s are just victims of sadistic people looking to have fun. maybe making this post is stupid on my part. i have a hard time explaining things. anyone can google gang stalking and find this site. them and us. i have a really good heart and i read some of these victims testimonies and i care about them. i wish i could end their turmoil. but then i look in the mirror and all the evil i have done. none of us are angels. we are all fallen. the industrial age is just as evil as the christian crusades, the dark ages. one could think that people are a cancer on the earth or a gift. but what is the point of human being on this planet? any human can have ideas about why we are here and why the human condition or spirit can be so sadistic. it’s hard to grasp any thought. face it. we love and we hate. this is how our brain is built. you might be a good person but if someone murdered your mother you would want to murder them. well the majority of you. if you look at mind control and that kind of stuff, what was the point of it? to make government controlled killers? lol. if the government or cia want someone killed they have people for that who do not need to be mind controlled. the mind control experiments ect is nothing more then experiments. it’s wonder. it’s interesting to them. it’s fun. sure they have objectives. think about that girl who was injured when someone threw acid on her face recently in washington state. it was a random attack. maybe that was a form of mind control. maybe the perp who carried out the attack was mind controlled. maybe not. but that is the idea. if you think its impossible that they are not out there doing shit like that you need to wake up.
    open your third eye (pineal gland)

    Comment by diffuse veritgo taylor — September 7, 2010 @ 7:05 pm

  259. I will never tale claims of the supernatural seriously, until if ever, there is good science to back it up. And I also won’t take such conspiracy theories seriously, unless I see good journalism to back it up.

    For that matter, I’d never defend the Church of Scientology. Although, indeed, in litigating to defend their intellectual property from exposure by debunkers, the Scientologists managed to piss off Internet activists, anonymous evil hackers and pranksters amongst them, now ironically occupying the moral high ground as, due to their anonymity and covert offensive abilities, the only folks capable of dealing with the pervasive and lethal Scientologists.

    Scientology “fair game” tactics aside, I see that we tend to agree that bullying abuse tends to be grass roots sadistic sport, not any sort of deep shadow government opps. But at a glance, I cannot find these nasty internet bullies and cyberstalkers whereof you speak, veritgo taylor, on Perhaps you can supply any more specific links. And I still think that it is possible to organize for mutual support among targets of bullying and to stand up against them. They are cowards who abuse isolated individuals. Breaking the isolation is key to demoralizing our common enemy.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 7, 2010 @ 7:44 pm

  260. i think the only way to defeat this. is to ignore it. if you pour urine on a flower it keeps on living.

    Comment by diffuse veritgo taylor — September 7, 2010 @ 8:42 pm

  261. A pernicious victim-blaming myth. Bullies validate one another, and will not simply go away if others ignore them. We can do better.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 8, 2010 @ 1:18 am

  262. You 2 suppose to be smart,correct ??? You mean you dont know that the masonic ring is spread thru-out all law enforcement, on all levels…CIA.FBI.Homeland,NSA,local,county and state…?????

    give me drum roll !!!???

    Comment by drknowitall — September 8, 2010 @ 5:27 pm

  263. What, you don’t know about cliques of bullies and grassroots vigilantism? Even supposing just for argument’s sake, that you might be correct about a pervasive Freemason conspiracy, drknowitall, should we therefore ignore every other problem whatsoever? And to reiterate: Put up or shut up! Where’s your evidence? We are yet to be persuaded. Oh I forget, that makes us your enemy! I’m onto you, drknowitall: All that you are trying to do is to drown out all other discourse except for your own brain-dead ravings.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 8, 2010 @ 6:06 pm

  264. 1. The Freemasons created the United States and physically designed Washington, D.C. to model a
    Masonic temple
    2. Most of the founding fathers were Freemasons
    3. Most US presidents were Freemasons
    4. Essentially 100% of the CIA are Freemasons
    5. Most members of associated intelligence agencies are Freemasons
    6. Most law enforcement personnel at the state and local level are Freemasons
    7. Most lawyers and judges – especially at the federal level – are Freemasons
    8. Most Senators and Congressmen are Freemasons
    9. A high percentage of corporate executives are Freemasons
    10. Freemason dominated military contractors would get preference
    11 Many Law Enforcement, city,county,state,federal, maany fish and wildlife..
    12Many Fireman
    12Many in the medical field

    Comment by drknowitall — September 8, 2010 @ 8:43 pm

  265. Prove it, what the hell ??? its documented, you fool !!!

    Comment by drknowitall — September 8, 2010 @ 8:47 pm

  266. **********’DRUM ROLL*********

    Comment by drknowitall — September 8, 2010 @ 8:50 pm

  267. Thers all kinds of Masonic goodies online, go to some of the stores selling masonic, emblems,police emblems,fire emblims,medical emblems, uniforms police uniforms,fire unifoems, I wonder WHY ????…roll!!!!!

    Comment by drknowitall — September 8, 2010 @ 9:00 pm

  268. Masonic rings on judges fingers, police fingers,fire fingers,
    fbi fingers,cia fingers,federal wildlife fingers,stickers,L.plates,presidents fingers….YOUR FINGER
    and my middle to YOU finger!!lol!!!!2 drum rolls!!!!!!!

    They are all evil…..ALL non-fiction…..All Real !!!!
    All burn in hell…..

    Comment by drknowitall — September 8, 2010 @ 9:12 pm

  269. Let me pull your comments apart !!!!

    these are your words Araron

    we therefore ignore every other problem whatsoever?What other problem?? And to reiterate: Put up or shut up! Where’s your evidence?thats dumb !! We are yet to be persuaded.then you are on LSD Oh I forget, that makes us your enemy!you guilty ?? I’m onto you,OMG drknowitall: All that you are trying to do is to drown out all other discourse except for your own brain-dead ravings…….roll, please !!!!

    Comment by drknowitall — September 8, 2010 @ 9:54 pm

  270. How do WE know Aaron tht you are not a fried brain(which,they all are)CIA agent ?. They all are drug addicts….You kinda sould like you are tripping
    in these posts ?????..Shut up or get thrown from a bridge ,huh !!!…LOL !!!!!!LOL!!!!!!

    Comment by drknowitall — September 8, 2010 @ 11:32 pm

  271. ALL the mind Control is Related To Gangstalking.
    I have not got there yet !!!….Maybe the CIA Aaron knows,
    lets ask him, Hey CIA Aaron, How is this related to stalking ????..Please, put your acid down !!!! LOL !!

    Comment by drknowitall — September 9, 2010 @ 12:04 am

  272. drknowitall, you need evidence that there are any other problem whatsoever other than Freemason conspiracy? Really?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 9, 2010 @ 12:36 am

  273. Jonestown was a CIA group control experiment (medical/psychiatric).
    CIA/Illuminati programming centres have 600 – 700 drugs to employ; many new synthetics are known only to the Illuminati/Intelligence community.
    Haitan Satanic Vodoun cult has been manipulated by CIA/Illuminati.
    Dr. Beecher of Harvard U. granted funds to research drugs for psychological control.
    CIA report has Bethesada Naval Hospital in Maryland synthesizing drugs for psychological control.
    Military drug research/programming @
    -Army Chemical School in Ft. McClellan, AL
    -Edgewood Chemical Center

    GI’s addicted to painkillers blackmailed into complying with demands.
    Some specific uses for natural/synthetic drugs for programming:
    -putting people into trance
    -force ‘alters’ deeper into trance to escape drug effects
    -enhancing trauma
    -producing OOBE’s
    -creating pain
    -create blood vessels that hurt; excruciating body-coursing pulsating pain
    -create illusions (no face, hands, feet, head, etc.)
    -alters to remain motionless (obediance/dissociation)
    -designer drugs used in conjunction with machinal harmonics for thought implantation
    -hormones like GnRH to speed sexual growth/manipulate other physiological developments
    -enhance/reduce memory
    -build image of programmer’s ‘omnipotency’

    One particular drug enhances trauma by 100X
    Round Table Groups initially called ‘Association of Helpers’ by
    Cecil Rhodes
    – High ranking Mason/Illuminatus Cecil created ‘Rhodes Scholarship’ to
    bring several select men from English speaking world and Germany to
    to learn how to form ‘One World Government’
    – Cliveden Estate of the Cliveden Astors (Illuminati) has played an
    important role in preparation of Rhodes Scholars
    – 2 examples of men selected for Rhodes Scholarship: Bill Clinton and
    Fred Franz–>late Pres. of Watchtower Society
    – Clinton went through program, Franz declined to be Pres. of
    Watchtower Society from 1977 – 1994. Watchtower Society is front
    for branch of Illuminati practicing Enochian magic.

    Alters used in pron hypnotized not to see cameras/faces.
    Children often drugged/hypnotized in front of distortion mirrors.
    Magician John Mulhollan employed by CIA.
    Most Disney films used for programming; some specifically designed for mind-control.
    1. the cia mind-control program…these guy’s were doing tons of lsd in a paranoid setting…national security took a back seat to just power for powers sake in a realm above/beyond the law, the constitution, anything. They were a law unto themselves and drunk on power and lsd…strange combination…interested in alllll sorts of stuff, shamanism, ancient south American civilizations where psychedelics were used to control the population, the occult, anything they could get their hands on…. And to help them facilitate this..they got in touch with…

    Billy Graham – southern Baptist Member
    – southern baptists controlled by Freemasons
    – Pres. of So. Bapt. Convention–>Brook Hays
    – high ranking Freemason
    No So. Bapt. Convention pres.’s have opposed Freemasonry
    Illuminati slaves/programmers have infiltrated Mennonite churches.
    -some of the Illuminati’s/intelligence’s best programmed Delta assassins operate under the guise of pacifist Amish. Some Illuminati children switched at birth so programmers have better bloodlines to work with. Some Amish women in cult families allow impregnation from Illuminati bloddlines.

    -Nazi bloodlines hidden after WWII amongst Amish/Mennonite.
    -Mennonites and some progressive Amish adopt MANY children.
    -Amish in Missouri (Jamestown), kansa (south of Hutchison), Oklahoma (Guthrie, OK), Kentucky, Ohio (Holmes, Co.,Ohio), and Pennsylvania (Lancaster, PA) have been involved in selling children to Illuminati.
    -children born outside the system excellent for snuff porn.
    -it is VERY SECRET an active occult group within the AMISH is practicing Witchcraft.
    -Generational Satanists have been placed with the Amish to assist the Catholic Church in the Amish’s destruction.
    -Hitler’s descendants in Oregon, Washington, and Pennsylvaniz; one descendant in Portland, Oregon, works for the federal government.
    Illuminati families like Dukes/Reynolds control tobacco production and cigarette manufacturing. In order to keep their lifestyle in Pennsylvaniz, Amish grow tobacco for the Illuminati families.FREEMASONS

    Some ULTRA survivors claim 149 sub-projects, others claiming over 250!
    Eli Lilly main supllier of LSD to CIA ULTRA projects.FREEMASON

    Before the Jonestown massacre, the site was a Project SHOLOM (sp?), CIA Guerilla Training (mind-control) site.
    The most important thing to remember about all of these SERVANTS of LIES, is that they are WEAK to the CRAVINGS of their FLESH. They live in fear and darkness, a life obsessed with death. But the most crucial thing that goes on in this whole ideological paradigm is the fact that they are AFRAID of everything, death, truth, love, the whole 9 Yards. What they are most afraid of is that their DESIRES may not be fulfilled and their HUNGER for these most foul things might EAT THEMSELVES instead of feeding on others. The whole demonic trip be it ideological or spiritual, requires cumulative upkeep, a constant and exponential need for FEEDING. Thats why the trade in such things is lucrative, we are talking about staving off generations of withdrawl from such endeavours, something they think they NEED at all costs. To those who have been harmed by these Blue blooded fiends: There is absolution in the name of god. They cannot bear to hear any of his 10,000 names. Hope this helps clear things up for anyone who might be scared of the evil these people create. To fear them is to misunderstand the nature of their suffering and our own. The path of fear is endless and steep. They cannot control a mind that belongs to GOD. Their time is limited and THEY KNOW IT! Their books say it as clear as ours, (SEE an encyclopedia of Masonic, hermetic, Kabbalistic, and rosicrutian traditions) they are RUNNING in fear from our GOD, they will tell you that. Know him, and he will know you. They cannot rule those who will not be afraid. We cannot defeat them in their realms, but they cannot defeat us in ours. Demons have no power here, not since the rebellion.
    I have to GO. Want be back for awhile…Aaron, get help !!!! NO PROOF !!!!Not only the acid Aaron, leave 100 proof alone as well !

    Comment by drknowitall — September 9, 2010 @ 12:45 am

  274. (To Agassi)
    Wow. Never thought anyone read these things but me. I mentioned a lot of what I have read on other websites. I have never experienced gaslighting or some other things. I believe in gaslighting,there is plenty written and spoken of regarding that but, electronic harassment I have trouble with. I have heard some crazy tales from people that defy the laws of physics.

    Why there isn’t a gathering together of like minds/experiences? I am sure there are as many answers as there are people. One, you have to catch on to it. I caught on to it because it became blatant later in life. It becomes blatant because of intrepidity: it is the perfect crime and known to be such. They know they won’t get caught: no one does this thinking there will be consequences. It is difficult to prove most of what happens but not impossible. It maybe come blatant later because you have reached an age of lack of ability to make corrections, harder to change directions. That is why it is so important to share information. Also people are essentially optimists. There can be many interpretations of behavior/occurrences, unless it is made clear. Two, there are no ‘real’ organizations. People are bought and sold, no endurance or personal conviction these days. Most of the medical profession, legal profession chooses to lie to uphold the all important system and because of the shame involved with those who don’t know…those few good left. We all know the story of Christine Collins. If someone of standing were to say what a shame and persecute there would be more coming together. What can a TI offer another TI? I don’t know about other TIs but I am a hardened person now. I don’t believe a true TI is afraid. They have nothing to lose so should be able/willing to connect with others. I will tell people though, though things may quiet down at times, you will always be know to this network. I hope people check the site out from time to time and check out updates and, I will admit, better wording. Conspiracies hurt people and people get lost in the conspiracy. Thanks.

    Comment by TI — September 9, 2010 @ 1:28 am

  275. Look, I had a little free time..

    You create puzzing questions..ANY OTHER PROBLEM OTHER THAN FREEMASONRY ???.. You may see other problems, Freemasons ARE the problem, WHATEVER problem.There fingers are in ALL. This problem,that problem, OTHER problems !!!!ALL PROBLEMS…Plural..They are the problem !!!They are your neighbors,storekeepers….What other problems….your doctors….lawyers….Emergency services……They create problems… If a NEW problem arises, …Freemasons….I see them everyday. I go to there fucking meetings, see there vehicles that stalked my ass !!!I take pics.get plate no’s. Yea, I got proof, tons of it… Where do you take it???, to a fucking masonic DA, Judge ??? I expose…Thats my weapon.. You dont beleive, go ahead, stay in limbo for 40 yrs. The whole fucking wed sites for victims has turned into a freak show..Socket Puppetry…..thats what you call it !!!.. Damn right it is !!!.. State Troopers in the same building with the Rotary Club…Pure Mason !!!
    Masonic lodge directly across from city police station…Its like this across america….WHY ???

    I know who does it…Im 100% sure. I’ll bet my life on it.. I see it.I feel it its wicked presence.

    drknowitall, you need evidence that there are any other problem whatsoever other than Freemason conspiracy? Really?

    Im a true victim, no, I dont hear voices…

    I dont know you, have no desire to know you… I dont hate you, even if you are one..

    The F.B.I. has them, but they still have desent agents and some with power.

    Like i said, the CIA started all this shit with there fucked up acid trips. AND the government let them do it
    Brought in fucking black magic flakes like A Crowley,magicians,Nazi war criminals..voo doo,witchcraft. They all need to be shot dead !!! All Fucking ACID FREAKS…set around ,got high, hey joe, lets try this, and they would, on themselves and the public, Taylor may be one,WE paid for it.Still paying, still experimenting, gangstalking,electronic crap, drugs,hypnotics, Trauma, STILL doing it !!!
    Slaves are short circuiting now since there are too many in the production lines. The sob’s might think we are..

    Comment by drknowitall — September 9, 2010 @ 1:30 am

  276. Freemason conspiracy. !!!!


    These posts are NOT to satisfy your
    They are for true victims to learn from.


    Jah-Bul-On = Jahwah + Baal + Osiris actually there are 3 gods. all 3 are evil as hell !!!

    at the 13 th level, The gods and he are married…forever.

    Comment by drknowitall — September 9, 2010 @ 2:03 am

  277. The great white underbelly” i.e. the community dump….this is the realm of graft and modern day faginism that deals with the underfed, the human-services, the run-aways and orphanages and prisons and prison release programs foster homes half-way houses rehab and cults and whatnot that takes all the miss-begotten riff-raff and manage to turn a tasty profit exploitation that situation in many cheesy way from schools for pick-pockets to dime-bag dealing street urchins to misappropriated government funds to all sorts of scams and rip-offs and “value of a small coin stuff” as the Italians say, gangstalking innocents…this bunch is not so above the law…the protection they have may not hold.Too many rejects,over-production !!! Thank You ,Masons !!

    Got a plane to catch !!!

    Comment by drknowitall — September 9, 2010 @ 12:45 pm

  278. plonk

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 9, 2010 @ 1:30 pm

  279. live fast, die young, make a good looking corpse.

    Comment by diffuse veritgo taylor — September 9, 2010 @ 7:56 pm

  280. Probably the most frightening and sinister document ever written is the
    Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion. It contains
    twenty-four chapters, or Protocols. Protocol 15 is concerned with the
    ruthless suppression of opposition to Jewish Rule. The police are crucial to
    their control, and Masonry is the mechanism of control of the controllers.
    Here is an excerpt from No. 15:
    Meantime, however, until we come into our kingdom, we shall act in the
    contrary way: we shall create and multiply free Masonic lodges in all the
    countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are
    prominent in public activity, for in these lodges we shall find our
    principal intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges we
    shall bring under one central administration, known to us alone and to all
    others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders. The
    lodges will have their representatives who will serve to screen the
    above-mentioned administration of Masonry and from whom will issue the
    watchword and programme. In these lodges we shall tie together the knot
    which binds together all revolutionary and liberal elements. Their
    competition will be made up of all strata of society. The most secret
    political plot will be known to us and will fall under our guiding hands on
    the very day of their conception. AMONG THE MEMBERS OF THESE LODGES WILL BE
    service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police is in a
    position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate,
    but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents, ET
    According to the Protocols, Freemasonry is under Jewish control. Jews are
    allowed to join any Lodge, naturally, to exercise control of its activities.
    And the Jews have their own, exclusively Jewish Masonic lodge, known as
    B’nai B’rith. The overall control agency of American police departments, as
    mentioned, is the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, hidden safely in
    the UN Building. The ADL, despite huge dirty spy scandals against police
    departments over the years, continues to tell police whom to hate, whom to
    prosecute, whom to punish. And the police always do what they’re told, which
    makes them our deadly enemies. This will become more apparent in the near
    The United States was Freemasonic from the very beginning. The following
    essay by this writer from a few years ago shows the Masonic role in the
    writing of the US Constitution. A central bank – the ultimate prize –
    requires a central government, which the Articles of Confederation didn’t
    provide. The Constitution would.
    Our Masonic Constitution
    The US Constitution was a betrayal of the Declaration of Independence. Real
    patriots such as Patrick Henry, George Mason, Richard Henry Lee and a few
    others saw it as a blueprint for empire and fought it. The Bill of Rights
    was added at their insistence as a defense against the Constitution! Big
    Bank whores such as Hamilton and the Federalists didn’t want any enumerated
    rights: They said, “You must trust us and our promises to observe your
    rights.” Henry said, “Not good enough – we need guarantees.”
    In 1976, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the 33rd Degree of Scottish Rite
    Freemasonry, Henry C. Clausen, published a little book called Masons Who
    Helped Shape Our Nation. On page 82, he writes: “Though free, we were not
    yet united [1783]. The loose Articles of Confederation did not provide a
    strong national government, common currency or consistent judicial system.
    Men of vision realized that another step must be taken if the weak
    Confederation of American States was to become a strong, unified nation.
    Again Freemasonry set the pattern in ideology and form. Since the Masonic
    federal system of organization was the only pattern for effective
    organization operating in each of the original Thirteen Colonies, it was
    natural that patriotic Brethren should turn to the organizational base of
    the Craft for a model. Regardless of the other forces that affected the
    formation of the Constitution during the Constitutional Convention in 1787,
    the fact remains that the federalism created is identical to the federalism
    of the Grand Lodge system of Masonic government created in Anderson’s
    Constitutions of 1723

    Comment by drknowitall — September 10, 2010 @ 2:49 am

  281. Drink,Fuck and Party and waiting to join the revelution.

    roll !!!!!

    Comment by drknowitall — September 10, 2010 @ 2:59 am

  282. A more sympathetic audience for your lunatic drivel awaits you back on Stormfront, drknowital. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are indeed sinister, being, as everyone knows after all, the invention of Hitler’s genocidal propaganda. So, suck my circumcised dick! Your Neo Nazi hate agendas stands revealed. No wonder you agitate so hard to suppress discourse upon stalking and bullying, the stock and trade of the Brown Shirts. But no one is decieved by you.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 10, 2010 @ 8:27 am

  283. Masons originated in Scotland
    the 13 Illuminati bloodlines includes many non jews..Collins,Sinclairs…
    Im sypathetic to the orthodox jews…they parrished in the camps..Sorry you are angry, i did not write history.

    I could go on forever writing about all races…SOME jews JUST happen to PLAY major roles in Masonic bullshit…And to name names, ROTHSchilds are no. 1 and very satanic.

    Jews + Masons + Intel. agencies + international banking (userers) + Order of Zion + Catholics + Trilateral Commission + CFR + ‘New Age’ + cults = ROTHSCHILDS.

    Jewish Zionist leadership was awarded Israel for their silence on the smuggling out of Germany into the U.S., the sickest ‘beasts’, after piles of dead Jews & U.S. soldiers, that literally died for the love of Satan, NOT ‘God’ & freedom.ROTHSCHILDS.. ALL FACT<NOT FICTION.. WAS AWARDED33rd mason/Illuminati born into wealthy Satanic bloodline–>one of most powerful Satanists in the world–>expert on demonology/CABALA–>@ least Illum. Grand Master–>grew up in Gunzberg–>studied @ Frankfurt-am-Main (Satanic stronghold in Germ.)–>interned @ Leipzig–>later joined SA then SS–>liked violin/piano–>did LOTS of musical key-note programming–>AKA Angel of Death, Vater (father), Vaterchan (daddy), & Schoner Joseph (beautiful Josef) to victims in concentration camps.He also learned from A Crowley, (the whore that rode the beast), 33rd mason, L.R.Hubbard, scientology founder, 33rd mason, worked with CIA, (acid heads/masons)

    Masonic ADL promoted the massacre of ORTHODOX JEWISH CHILDREN IN WWII, so that ASKENAZIM & SANHEDRIN JEWS could benefit.. HISTORY>>>FACT>>>>GET USED TO IT.

    YOU GET YOUR history correct, stop trying to cover up whats happening to this HOLACAUST…The same bullshit they did to the jews in the camps is happening, BUt this time its all races.and have spiced it up a bit with technology. MIND CONTROL.
    NOT ALL JEWS ARE EVIL, IM jewish !!!!
    Angry, yes, i see it happening, no,, the bastards are not going to split our tongues and add salt,or half drown us,fuck us, beat us, BUT, its the same !!!

    IF you are jewish, THEN YOU DEFEND this !!

    You appear to have some intelligence, OPEN your eyes.!!!your mind..YOU just outright accused me.. you know NO history or you are a Mason cult member, which ???.. I speak the truth, ALL Of it. Its documented.. YOU speak in tongues, disagree,NEVER
    PRODUCTIVE.. prove this, The proof is YOU !!!
    You dramatize with loops of fresh dog shit…over and over…

    There are NO true victims on this site.. I knew this,, I like to stir the kettle every now and then.. It fits the “craft”,witchcraft, that is !!

    All this shit thats pulled, harassment,stalking.. A lot of women with children,…are victims, WILL END.. NOT ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT are masonic criminals.

    Read your history,Masons were invented by jews…
    You are victim.. Who you hold repronsible ?? uuuhuhuhuhuhu !!! I hold um all, black,white, fool !!!. I KNOW EVERYTHING about the masons…I KNOW more than members…YOU KILL the roots !!!thats how wars are won !!!.. Go back to kindergartan…LOL !!! As a child, Maybe the Rothschilds will snatch you.They make hitler look like a saint !!!

    I have the right to speak about anybody..YOU dont forget that !!You moron!!!, Racist, i lol!!! you defend gangstalking ???.you hate whites ???. You speak garbage..
    There are a lot of jewish victims you ass hole !!!since im jewish, i should say nothing and be stalked…You riddle !!!

    Victims are a whole lot smarter than MOST masons. I play the “drama” thing to stir the kettle, usually it works..Aaron ??


    I have NO reason to come back to this site. kettle stirred !!!!

    Drink, LAUGH,fuck,party and wait for revolution

    Comment by drknowitall — September 10, 2010 @ 12:12 pm

  284. I’m Back !!!!

    Try JDL… i defend jews, but not my enemy !!!
    what this is really about is orginized stalking.. not jews. My point is, the root of the problem.. You dont kill the branches, you kill the core root.So happens jews own masonry, not my fault. Fact !! Because they are jews im not going to be murdered..that is insane !!!… You need help aaron !!you are but a flunkie..expendable…they will eat you up…and its soon.
    you are a dot of many millions. grind you in your dreams,but is real,split your fuckin tongue!!You are the Brown NOSE..A true SUCCOR !!!.. You are a true,real life shill sucker !!..You think you know pain ??? …….. I know the Rothschilds ?? I know a lot !!!!

    There are fools and then they are fools, by Jacobs

    My commpassion stops. I draw the line…so be it !!!

    Comment by drknowitall — September 10, 2010 @ 2:14 pm

  285. I almost forgot,
    DRink,Laugh,Fuck,Party,and wait for rothschild to fuck aaron !!!
    hey, he dont care what you are, jew,christian,buddi,,….

    Comment by drknowitall — September 10, 2010 @ 2:20 pm

  286. “Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teaching of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?”

    The well known Rabbi Isaac Wis said:

    “Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end. ”
    Undoubtedly already under Jewish influence, Judeo Masonry in Europe took off with the rise to power of the House of Rothschild. Adam Weishaupt who formed the “Illuminati” in 1776 founded the Lodge of Theodore in Munich and was befriended and funded by Meyer Rothschild , whose clerk Sigmund Geisenheimer in his Frankfurt office who had wide Masonic contacts and was a member of the French Grand Orient Lodge called l’Aurore Naissante Lodge. With the help of Daniel Itzig (Court Jew to Frederick William II) and the merchant Isaac Hildesheim (who changed his name to Justus Hiller) he founded the Judenloge.

    “It goes like this,” “The Jesuit/Masonic is the religion. Zionism is the politics — It is a very dangerous and deadly form.

    FREEMASONRY teaches this !!! they chant it at there ceramonies

    Jah-Bul-On = Jahwah + Baal + Osiris ……..this is not our god !!!

    Comment by JEW BOY — September 10, 2010 @ 3:12 pm

  287. Fear No Evil,Speak No Evil…..

    Illuminati death squads FAR superior to Mafia.

    Mishpuka (Jewish mafia) leader Pritzker had shrine consecrated by Dalai Lama; Pritzker’s estate on Haulon Rd., Libertyville, Il., constantly has dead bodies being found on it’s grounds.

    Illuminati kingpins Rockefellar, Onassis & King of Sweden BROUGHT Hitler to power through trade; Spain served as a supply conduit.

    Hitler performed several ritual murders by pulling hearts out of his male victims while they were alive.

    Some of Hitler’s KEY advisors/men were Illum.

    Jewish porfessor Ernst Bergmann is MAJOR advocate of Nazism.

    Mossad silent about smuggling Nazi criminals not just to be given Israel, but because they ALSO hired it’s share of Nazi criminals to learn mind-control.

    Nazi’s used Croats & White Russians to carry out some genocide policies.

    John Foster Dulles–>brother of CIA director–>trustee of Rockefellar Foundation–>helped smuggle Nazi’s, incl. Illum. mind-control experts to U.S.
    Bill Casey–>later CIA dir.–>International Rescue Committee in NY–>smuggled Nazi war criminals into U.S. after war.

    Nazi Germans also LARGELY settled in Portland, Oregon.

    Reinhard Gehlen (Illum.)–>head of Hitler’s Intel.–>worked for CIA after WWII.

    Reinhard Gehlen–>brother of Doc Winters–>Doc Winters lived in Pullach after WWII–>Doc Winters visited by Mengele (Illum. Grand Master) @ Pullach residence.

    Dr. Gaefsky (Bethesada naval Hospital) & Dr. Beecher (Harvard)–>worked under auspices of Cia to perfect use of drugs for mind-controlling people.

    Dr. Jensen–>CIA programmer for Candy Jones ( birth name Jessica Wilcox & CIA alias Arlene Grant). ‘Candy’ received programming @ CIA’s, ‘The Farm’, Camp Peary.

    Dr. William Jennings Bryan helped in CIA programming.

    Dr. James monroe worked for CIA’s mind-control programming.

    Ted Gunderson
    Ted Gunderson retired from the FBI as Special-Agent-In-Charge for Los Angeles after 29 years of service. He has accumulated some of the most damning documentary evidence of wide-spread satanic ritual abuse (and murder) of young children in this country by very high level satanists whose grisly actively is being covered up and protected by governmental agencies of The United States of America. The recent accusation of radio talk show host Art Bell leveled at Ted Gunderson was intended to discredit and undermine Gunderson’s credibility. Now why, I wonder, would anyone want to do that?

    Ford foundation (Illuminati) —> bankrolled ‘Interreligious Peace Colloquim/AKA Muslim Jewish Christian Conference. ‘New World Order’ book by Joseph Gremillon spawned as a result. McGeorge Bundy (Illuminati/Skull & Bones) was Pres. of Ford (Bilderberger/Sanhedrin) Foundation.

    Illuminati front run by SATANIC Jews.
    Rothschild’s financed Bund, Bund financed Satanic Mason Karl Marx to write Communist Manifesto.
    J. Robert Oppenheimer —> CFR —> known Communist.
    Harry Oppenheimer —> international banker —> Chairman of De Beers (Jew) global diamond monopoly.

    This Illuminati,Masonic Conspiricy is REAL!! This ALL ties into Your gangstalking today.

    Gangstalking is very satanic and evil as hell !!The Shills,
    jews,fake christians,buddas,muslims, all, black,white,yellow,red…blue…All do it for a “dime”.
    Now for you real victims that stagger upon this site, watch after i write this, there will be “shills” to call, propaganda,liars,racists,paranoid…Oh, they love to use paranoid !!!We call it , More awareness…..You all are FOOLs whom will pay the piper in due time !!!
    I laugh when the rothschilds comes.. No, victims, it want be for us..The shills have not done there job in “running us crazy”.. They pay…Its funny, Karma , thanks, in advance.

    Drink,Fuck,Party,Wait till the revolution, JBoy

    Comment by JEW BOY — September 10, 2010 @ 4:57 pm

  288. How can you deplore anti-Semitism while at the same time embracing Jewish conspiracy theory? In particular, ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ is a long exposed Nazi hoax.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 10, 2010 @ 5:05 pm

  289. Hoax, Its documented…Your turn, You prove it was.. !!
    Are you calling The Well known Rabbi a liar ?? Rabbi Wis….
    call him up…What are you smoking ?????…Its before your eyes.. Freemasonry belongs to jews..Its teachings.. yea, BUT the WRONG jews. ALL jews are Good jews, Is that your mentality,therory ???There are good jews, bad jews.A child could figure this out. I will not protect jews that are bad..Jews kill jews just like all humans kill other humans, all races,all religions..BAD JEWS run the Masonic Ring.. They preach 3 gods, all wicked. What the hell is good about that !!…What the hell is good about the masons gangstalkings ???, sure there are plenty of whites, blacks, yea, the flunkies,foot soldiers. Like i said, You go after the roots.Anti-jew, my ass. grow up !!…It appears you DO NOT know the difference between good and bad. This is not a jew issue, it just happens jews run the show.It could have been the, im anti-jesuit… You are in the dark ages. Dont you get it ??? Wake up, Lot of evil whites , fuck them, lot of blacks, fuck them, asians, fuck there ass too !!!
    You go after the leaders….really fuck them.. Freemasons will continue there hate,there evil shit..
    Stalking is serious.The bastards pick on women with children and pick on the children too..sick elderly jewish folks.I know several, Stienburg,Edenburg,Stallos,Fitzpatrick…all being fucked with. they did nothing.ADL laughs at us. These low lifes that stalk us, they are white, all races.. Fuck um..I’ve bloodied a few, they stll come.. The cause of the problem !!!.. the root…These stalkers are brain dead. some are probably anti-jew, hell, they dont know who they work for. Mnay of the members dont know the evil. the secrets..Lot of cops are anti-jew. they dont know who the wicked leaders are.The sherrif around here dont like jews or blacks.. The bastards have flipped me off with children in the car and holler, fuck you jew boy !!..Hell, I know whats going on !!. Fuck me jew boy and there fucking boss is a jew. They dont know.. I never told anybody here i was jewish.. If anybody, I have a reason, a bone to pick with whites !!!…I tried to catch that idiot tht called me that, i backed off because of the children in his vehicle. he did not care, one way or the other.we were up to 90 miles per hr.They use children, They do not value there own children, how can they value life in itself.or your child.Thanks to the Masons…

    I tell all this to the viewers, not just for you.

    YOU want to talk about jews.. Yea, im anti jew towards the bad ones. the ones that tried to wipe out ALL the Orthodox jews from this planet.Not here say, Its documented that the Rothschilds and others played a major role in Hitlers success.ITS all in the books..With estimates of of $600-700 trillon, you can start wars, end wars…Read your history..Sure they had help, from a few so called Catholics, but they hold the power then and now.Who could be proud of that. helped kill millions,
    of there own blood, torutre till this day., mostly children for there perverted pleasures, satanic pleasures. Im embarressed !!!, angry.! They play games with us. the stalking…all the fucking “sync’ shit.very satanic. cold, cold blooded…not from humans. Only ones i know of, are the rothschilds, Collins,Sinclairs and other “whites”. They give orders.. thru the chain of command.. The sorry ass son of bitches are not going to control me !!!.. Im not a puppet, there foot soldiers are !!!

    Get off of the jew shit.. its about freemasonry and stalking…I can like and dislike..
    anti my ass !!!! form a dildo from the the words anti-jew and well, you know ????

    You araron are for gangstalking…You defend them…victims will come thru this site and read this…
    victims are very smart…I know you are not a true victim… when it happens to you, you know what a fellow victim feels in his or her soul. you aint go it !!!…This time, im gone…
    Whatever you say, victims can decide who and what you are !!!… You can not fool the true.
    They will see thru you too !!!

    Comment by JEW BOY — September 10, 2010 @ 6:35 pm

  290. You can hardly google up the search term: “Elders of Zion” without finding the citations you demand. Besides, it can’t be my turn until you’ve played yours. And you won’t even discuss any question of standards of evidence, much less back up your ravings.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 10, 2010 @ 7:47 pm


    If you want an illuminati conspiracy, than there will be one. You will have a group of losers coming together calling themselves illuminati…creating signs…symbols etc. That is illuminati. I am not saying that there are not groups formed similarly long ago who are around today with symbols etc. If the group is anything at all, it is too focused on money to be bothered. There are no energy weapons in the hands of regular citizens. Sure, people are creative and come up with all kinds of things but…energy weapons are a myth. When it reaches the point of burning someone, well, then it would better just to kill you out right. Organized mobbing is all mental. They even attack your automobile in non-visible ways. This is not related to satanism, illuminati or whomever else. I am sick of the shit and the lies people post to discredit. If you are a TI (a real one), going to anyone of the ‘popular groups’ like freedomfchs or whatever, is a waste. That is perp central. Never join any group that doesn’t post the times, dates, address of the location where they meet. You should not have to go through anyone to find out. That is the first test. If you are a real TI and want to relate to others, well, you will be discouraged at first…obvious reasons. Take a chance and post your number and not email. If you are for real, stick with it. I tried to form a group with email and, well, didn’t work out. That is why I know so many stories are unreal. If you are a ‘real TI’, then you would want to reach out to others. If you are a real TI, create a blog, and get a bumper sticker. You will reach more people driving than on the internet. Make bumper stickers, T-Shirts, mugs, get the word out. Understand that perps have computers too. They post and lie. The point is too create stories so outrageous that ‘normal’ people will disregard as stupid. So if the story becomes too fantastic, even with real elements, keep that part quiet. I have a website that uses names. The more information I post, the greater and more direct the harassment. I am now ‘directly’ targeted by police. I haven’t used any cop names yet, but they sure keep track of my website. Live your life but don’t ignore the stories online. But you have to filter the real from the fiction. Fiction is a perp. Don’t be fooled: perps know they are not harassing anyone worth harassing most of the time, they are harassing for favors of some sort. They don’t give a damn about you, they want to get what they want to get. Perps are gay, straight, religious, not religious, they have every occupation in the world. Everything you are and do they are and do. They are every racial group. They do, because someone asked them to. That is all. They are getting something out of it. Most of them are not aware of any illuminati plot or elite plot…be real. I rarely shout but COME ON! They do because they were asked. TIs aren’t alone, people see what you are going through, they stay quiet not because of fear, but just lack of care. That is all. It aint me. My website will be up for a short while. It offers names. Even Mark Rich don’t offer that. Slowly the evidence goes up. I do lose evidence from theft. I thought my storage area was safe before it was broken into. My time is limited. So, if you are a prove it person, well, my sight may be of some use to you. If you are a real TI, you should be doing the same. Names, events, occurrences. If they are not willing to connect with others, they probably are not a real TI. You have to be able to see through the phony story.

    Comment by TI — September 17, 2010 @ 9:47 pm

    Everyone knows the CIA, for the most part, is an international group. Their focus is not internally. The FBI works internally and they have always been up to shady business. Ok, you can educated people to the shady past of any organization, but, who the hell is interested in that so much? TIs are concerned with what people are doing now because they should be, if they are real, trying to save their lives. So, if offering the same old Cointel Pro shit everyone knows about, your providing useless information. Do a one liner and refer people to their local library that is in disuse if they want to know about Cointel Pro. Wrong name anyway. The Darryl Gates link on my websites, shows that local law enforcement is being crossed trained into these higher level tactics. So CIA, more like local law enforcement using those tactics. Who came up with them? People in the human sciences of psychology. Aren’t they wonderful? Do you really think the local law enforcement is up on any plan? Those numbnuts? Are you stupid? They are robots. They do what they are told to do to fit in. It is better to be the butcher than the cow. They haven’t a clue or care about any plan. Someone says do, they do and don’t ask questions. They rely on the faith that those in charge know what they are doing. That is why they are in charge. People get put into those position because they are thoughtless robots. Let’s face it. The bar to wealth is getting really high. If the system won’t train you with technical knowledge…knowing how to build an Ipad or Ipod or something, well your stuck in service work…low level in most instances and if you are lucky, higher level…auto repair, plumbing, craftmanship of some sort. People aren’t into training what they view as competition. Research and understand that before you criticize, the unemployed or those on welfare. Surely the library is free for a reason and that can be use to assist in behavior, but as far as real knowledge, well, you will be harassed out of the classroom unless you are ‘connected’. That is the educational system of America. I grew up with teaching someone to fish and not giving them one….empowering people…that died in the 70s. It’s all about the edge. Make sure you have it and they don’t by any means necessary. You don’t educate the competitor. You screw them over, take their money for the class and leave them out to dry. Those in control over the knowledge are always trying to maintain the system of need and dependency. To always make sure you ‘need’ them.
    Police officer jobs are still available out of high school as long as you didn’t get into any trouble. Numbnuts. No one needs a smart cop. They need a do as you are told cop and, people love to make others feel good. The actual law means nothing to cops. It is about the new addition to the home, mistress and all the toys they can buy. That is it. Sum total. Find a cop who cares about the law and you have found Serpico.
    I had a cop who came up to me to give me a ticket for sleeping in my car who said, “Are you being harassed?” Well, yes I say…”wrong answer…ticket.” “I wanna make sure you don’t feel like you are being harassed…” Well, at least he can read or at least follow protocol. That is a plus for tax payer money. But obviously unable to handle any other complex ideas in the website, so had a limited focus on harassment. You can’t send a monkey suit who wants to promote to do a man’s job. There is a reason why local law enforcement doesn’t recruit from Harvard to be monkey suits. Stick to the donuts, coffee, the mistresses, treadmill, the boat and stop trying to handle beyond your capabilities. In other words, don’t talk, just do robot.

    Comment by TI — September 17, 2010 @ 10:27 pm

  293. I have no idea how, if at all, you might intend any of the above to come in answer to anything that I have actually asked. Nor why I should be interested.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 17, 2010 @ 10:45 pm

  294. WTF are u Talking About !!
    U lost me in left field.
    U make 0 Sense ????
    Ti…Im running out of here !!!

    Comment by hoodwinked — September 18, 2010 @ 1:21 am

  295. Former shot in the dark Quote – “There are NO true victims on this site..”

    *You* are wrong on that assumption, but the proliferation of paid obstructionists is obvious.

    And of course, not many “real victims” remain because of so-called nonlethal *nerve agents* that are being used covertly.

    Tacrine anyone?

    2002-0233 02/19/2002 BIBLIOGRAPHIC Salem, Harry ARMY Client is searching for Provided client with results of
    toxicolgical information on CBIAC and Toxline database
    Tacrine, an anti- searches.
    cholinesterase inhibitor from
    the perspective of its
    potential use a non-lethal

    Sunshine Report – “Another document (available here) reveals the interest of a senior US Army toxicologist in tacrine, a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. The Army is not interested in the drug, however, for helping disease victims. Rather, it is assessing use of tacrine as a weapon. In February 2002, at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, the toxicologist ordered a literature review on its potential for weaponization. Chemically, tacrine is a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, a first cousin of the nerve gases sarin, tabun, and VX (among others).

    Comment by notbiased — September 18, 2010 @ 6:44 am

  296. “WTF are u Talking About !!” you demand, hoodwinked ALA T1, AKA drknowitall, etc.. Whereas, what I inquire of you is not so much what you are talking about, so much as why. You come across as somewhat obsessed. I think that your real bullying purpose is simply to drown out the questions and grievances of others with your torrentially brain-dead surreal bullshit hate speech.

    unbiased: one can see how even the discussion of flaming only draws more flaming in thin disguise. If you call out the provocateurs on overt hostility, instead the conspiracy nuts come out and hijack the agenda. The only topic more taboo than bullying, is organizing and fighting back. Gang staking is simply a tactic of bullying, both overt harassment and covert relational hostility, dirty tricks and abuse of power. There is no pervasive conspiracy. As long as there is any motivation, incentive or advantage in cheating of whatever kind, a certain population of the population will do it. And unlike us, sociopathic bullies organize fairly readily and act out with impunity. It’s that simple.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 18, 2010 @ 10:09 am

  297. I should add that the stalking is just a subterfuge.

    Comment by notbiased — September 19, 2010 @ 11:23 am

  298. Quote Sunshine Report – “In September 2002, the Sunshine Project presented extensive documentation proving the illicit US chemical warfare program (US Operates Secret Chemical Weapons Program). Since then, a variety of additional details about the program have been unravelled, most recently a US patent on a grenade designed to deliver biological weapons (US Army Patents Biological Weapons Delivery System) and a 1997 research paper from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore, CA) on the use of chemical incapacitants, including use of opiates in scenarios similar to that which resulted in the Moscow Theater tragedy (See the Sunshine Project’s JNLWD Document Clearinghouse).

    Incapacitating (Bio)Chemical Weapons Candidates Cited by Pentagon Researchers
    fentanyl analgesic Johnson & Johnson (and others)
    carfentanil veterinary anesthetic Wildlife Pharmaceuticals
    dexmeditomidine anesthetic Abbott Laboratories
    isoflurane anesthetic Abbott Laboratories
    sevoflurane anesthetic Syngenta
    pramipexole Parkinson’s Disease Pharmacia
    CI-1007 experimental Pfizer (2)
    lesopitron experimental anxiolytic Esteve Pharmaceuticals
    MKC-242 experimental antidepressant Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
    ketamine anesthetic Pfizer (and others)
    diazepam (Valium) anxiolytic Hoffman-LaRoche (and others)”

    Comment by notbiased — September 19, 2010 @ 11:38 am

  299. These chemical weapons are not being deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan. The chemicals are being dispersed at, on or around innocent civilians in the United States.

    Comment by notbiased — September 19, 2010 @ 11:49 am

  300. Subtrefuge? How so? Gangstalking serves not only purposes of gas lighting psychological warfare, but may even be a vehicle for campaigns of malicious gossip recruiting unwitting proxies towards mobilizing communities into ostracism. -Most explosively given innuendo of Pedophilia, of course. And no, nothing whatsoever to do with Freemasons. All indications are that this is usually no more than grassroots conspiracy, criminal bullying and deranged vigilantism. Not that the question matters much to the targets of such abuse who need relief in any case. And you’re not helping.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 19, 2010 @ 12:59 pm

  301. U are silly aaron !!
    I dont answer for U or anybody !!
    Ur are pure ridiculous !
    Obsessed !!. I found the truth.. I dig and dig and dig !!!…Im not too happy about being stallked. I dont set back..and listen to guys or girls as u, spewing BS . Never productive, Always critical !!
    talk in circles, mumbo,jumbo…a certain population will do it..Bullying is a terrific disguise.. how about FELONY STALKING. FELONY WIRETAPPIING,ILLEGAL VEHICLE TRACKING,ILLEGAL INTERNET STALKING,FELONY EAVESDROPPING OF HOME, Conspiricy to murder, THEFT,VANDALISUM,.BURGLARY,Property Theft, and more !!!.. Fraud..
    I stated my views… U are bad jew !!! u pay !!, that was my 3 yr. old spreaking !!!
    BULLYING ?? U are dumb. vey dumb. Im smart..I win !!! Low IQ !! a 5 yr. old knows better than that !!
    What u just said is truly dumb thinking and extremely un logical. U deny that anything is going on
    I dug u up !! not good !!! but i want print it…im the white hat guy !!
    Go suck ur finger, the middle one !!!

    Comment by JBoy — September 19, 2010 @ 1:43 pm

  302. U want to make this a jewish issue ??..well, lets give equal time !!!


    SO BE IT !!

    Masons jabber there gods JABAULON…BAAL is one, Yahweh is another.
    yep, hitler was a freemason.
    jews on his side, yea right, Rothschilds,for 1

    Holocaust. Dictionaries prior to 1960 defined the word holocaust as human sacrifice, usually by bloodletting, then fire. Now it means something else. This holocaust was done in service to Baal or Moloch, as defined by the countless historical records. This goes on today. It’s more a Canaanite thing, a reptile thing, a Dark Gods thing, than anything else. A Nephilim thing. CBSWORK
    The Old Testament reflects the constant appeasement of Yahweh with blood-atonement sacrifice. This same barbaric concept of blood-atonement represents the very heart of Christianity, as the “scape-god” is sacrificed “for the sins of humankind.” The blood of the god purifies, and the expiatory nature of Christ is evident, as is bludgeoned into the heads of millions around the clock by Christian propagandists. The New Testament line, “His blood be upon us and our children,” is a stock phrase of the blood-atonement ritual and not an admission of murdering God: Christ’s mythical appearance as a “scape-god” was designed to serve as a once-for-all event that would put an end to the periodic blood-atonement sacrifices that had occurred for millennia. As “history” it is insulting and absurd, as Dujardin says, “to imagine that the crowd would demand the death of an innocent man and would wish his blood to be on their heads and those of their children.”
    The rebuttal of those accused or expelled was that these rulers simply wished to seize Jewish assets. Nevertheless, what had been done in ancient times by both Jews and Gentiles, i.e., the sacrifice of both animals and humans by immolation and by slitting the neck and sprinkling the blood upon the congregation, was alleged to be continuing in the priesthoods of the Teutons and the Zionists. The Zionist elite, in fact, had been accused many times over the centuries of using the “common Jews” as well as “Christian children” as pawns and sacrificial victims in its quest for world domination, a quest outlined in the Old Testament, the Jewish Apocrypha and the Talmud. That the Israelite priesthood used its “own people” as sacrificial victims is admitted in the Old Testament, in which not only foreigners but “the Jews” are slaughtered by their handlers to propitiate the angry, jealous Yahweh (Ezekiel 9, et al.). THE ELDERS !!!!! hey, dont get mad at me !!!

    In the documentary Shoah, a 9-hour production in which European survivors of WWII were interviewed, Polish people recalled that as Jews were being herded into trucks they were told by rabbis that this heinous activity was part of God’s punishment for “the Jews killing his son,” thus invoking the old “Christkiller” aspersion, which was used repeatedly to justify violence against the common Jewish folk and the theft of their belongings. In other words, they were being sacrificed to appease God. Indeed, the Holocaust was even considered by some anti-Zionist Jews to be a result of God’s wrath:
    It was a man possessing outstanding Judaic genius, and a level of uncontested holiness who enunciated the Jewish stance regarding Zionism. This charismatic individual, the Rebbe of Satmar, Grand Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum, did not mince any words. Straight to the point he called Zionism ‘the work of Satan,’ ‘a sacrilege’ and ‘a blasphemy.’ . . . The Holocaust, he wept, was a direct result of Zionism, a punishment from G-d.
    It is common knowledge that all the sages and saints in Europe at the time of Hitler’s rise declared that he was a messenger of divine wrath, sent to chasten the Jews because of the bitter apostasy of Zionism against the belief in the eventual messianic redemption. (“Jews Not Zionists”)…
    This makes one wonder if the Holocaust – “burnt offering” – was yet another of the alleged sacrifices by a joint, secret priesthood and occultically-inclined rulers. The fact that the slaughter was named after the burnt offering of biblical priests, is indeed odd; as is the fact that Hitler received large amounts of money from transnational corporations based in America and Britain. Certainly WWII represents the efforts of a cabal, perhaps the Order of Melchizedek, or Righteous Molech.
    The alleged association of Teutons and Zionists is disturbing to many, but there are similarities between the two groups. In the first place, both are the “superior” or “chosen” race – people destined to dominate the world. In the second, Hitler himself reputedly said his ideas of genocide came from the Old Testament. Indeed, the occultic Hitler allegedly considered his behavior to be in accordance with the human sacrifice practices of the ancient world:
    Indeed, according to the “devout Catholic” Hitler and his followers and supporters, which included some Jews, he was the agent of God and Christ, a “priest after the Order of Melchizedek.” In addition, Hitler has in fact been associated with Moloch, both in a movie about him and Eva Braun entitled “Moloch,” which won the Cannes Film Festival prize for best screenplay, and in the following:
    It is also purported that such sacrifices by any number of priesthoods, transcending race and creed, continue to this day in secret sites of the elite. Some members of this elite group, which includes both Jews and Gentiles, allegedly will bring about the destruction of the Muslim “Dome on the Rock” in Jerusalem so “the Jews” can reestablish the Temple for sacrificial rites (ostensibly of animals), an act that would certainly cause major turmoil in the Middle East if not the entire planet. There have in fact been several recent attempts to blow up the Dome, some of which were funded by Jewish/Christian organizations in the U.S.
    In addition, as horrendous and sickening as it was, “the Holocaust” was only a small part of the atrocities committed during WWII, most of which were against tens of millions of non-Jews. It seems that over the decades many of these other victims have been forgotten and few have received any reparations, the bulk of which have gone to Jewish Holocaust survivors. Rarely mentioned are the tens of millions of non-Jewish victims tortured and murdered during WWII, in Europe, in China under Japanese occupation, and in Russia under the Marxists/Stalinists.
    BAAL is the singular name for the negative Reptilians.
    Baal is a Judeo-Christian demon. In the Masonic Royal Arch Degree ritual (13th degree in the Scottish Rite) the sacred god of Freemasonry is revealed as Jah-Bal-On or Jahbuhlun. BUL = Baal, so the world is run by BAAL worshipers

    HELLO !!!! BAAL is practiced by freemasonry, freemasonry is owned by who ???, i cant hear u?????, i cant hear u ????…dont forget what Rabbi Wis said. We own freemasonry !!

    U are going to hang urself with this jew issue !!!

    Comment by JBOY — September 19, 2010 @ 4:50 pm

  303. Dug up the truth? You couldn’t dig out the slime from between your toes! I don’t even bother to deny anything you rave. You have nothing, no evidence. There is nothing to refute.

    But is bullying the worst problem that there is in the entire world? No. There’s the number one killer of all: aging, there are all manner of needless artificial scarcities, there’s genocide, there are threats to the very survival of life on Earth at all, everything from environmental degradation, loose nukes and rogue asteroids, among so many other contenders for that title. What of it?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 19, 2010 @ 4:56 pm

  304. So, you actually deny the occurrence of serial bullying, even in school and the work place? You can’t have dug all that deep, then! Do you also deny the existence of muggers and pickpockets, or are you contend that they are all under the command of the Freemasons?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 19, 2010 @ 6:26 pm

  305. Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 19, 2010 @ 6:46 pm

  306. You are in the wrong forum for BULLYING..DO NOT GO there with my toes !!!…mind ur own F*** toes….lol…how about ur bald head and beaddy eyeballs ?????, are u a blubber ass too ???

    You will read about a targeted Individual that was placed into a maze of psychological and many times physical warfare tactics which is orchestrated by federal law enforcement. From community harassment tactics known as “Organized Stalking” and various other invasion of privacy, like using GPS tracking with audio & spyware. Violations of basic constitutional rights means nothing. They want the target to be highly overexposed in public. When an individual is targeted they are subjected to a constant “negative environment” campaign which has been given the name “Organized Stalking”. Everywhere a targeted individual goes in public they are tracked and surrounded by angry, hostile participants. All the time, everywhere they go, 24/7/365. If this type of activity was perpetrated solely by law enforcement personnel, it would be rather easy to prove a case of extreme law enforcement harassment. Rather than being constantly surrounded and violated by members of the police, community organizations such as the Freemasons, the Order Of The Eastern star, which are The Supreme Order of the Amaranth, & The United Grand lodges are deployed on the front line.They work in harmony.
    Bullying, way beyond that !!! This is severe criminal activity by the ones that suppose to protect and serve. what has women and children done so terribly to be be haraased to the extreme.. !
    I can make this statement with confidense, If they put forth the energy and resources in stopping real criminals,that they use on us, they would be NO crime. THAT IS THE GODS TRUTH.


    U talk cheap crap !! makes no sense pertaining to the issue at hand

    Back to!!! Im not trying to prove a damn thing… im giving history lessons

    “The religion of Judaism based on the Babylonian Talmud and the Jewish Kabbalah formed the basis for the Scottish rites 33 ritual degree ceremonies.”

    The Jewish Tribune of New York on October 28th 1927 stated:

    “Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teaching of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?” JABALON

    The well known Rabbi Isaac Wis said:

    “Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end. ”

    The Second Symbol is made by doing as if one is planting the Dagger in the heart of the Brother; beside that one says ‘Nekam’. The other brings his right-hand up to the At the time of the writing of his book Knight reported that England and Wales had in excess of 600 000 initiates into Freemasonry. All have sworn on pain of death and ghastly mutilation not to reveal masonic secrets. “Should he reveal the secrets of the Brotherhood, the Apprentice accepts, among other penalties, to have his tongue torn out; the Fellow Craft to have his heart torn from his breast; the Master Mason to have his bowels burned to ashes; and the exaltee to the Royal Arch accepts in addition’ to have the top of his skull sliced off. But as the rituals themselves express it, the ‘more effective penalty’ for doing anything displeasing to Masonry is to be shunned by the entire Brotherhood, a penalty adequate to bring a man to ruin, the more certainly so as Freemasonry expanded in every in every profession and every branch of society.” In addition, “The religious element creates awe and so adds to the effectiveness of the oath of secrecy.”

    You must conceal all crimes of your brother Masons…and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him…It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you’re keeping your obligations.

    Mormonism, Freemasnry, Witchcraft & Satanism are inextricably interwoven.
    The B’nai B’rith instructs the Mormons/Masons. B’nai B’rith goes by the name The Order; so does Skull & Bones.

    Geneologies put out by Mormon leadership (ALL related), claim to be of Merovingian Dynasty descent, AKA House of David.
    The bee was the Merovingian symbol.
    The bee is the state symbol of Utah & a widely used Mormon symbol.

    Watergate —> CIA —> Robert R. Mullen Co. —> Mormons.

    Mormons practice DRUIDIC WITCHCRAFT, the highest of it’s kind in North America.
    A race of children were GENOCIDED in residential schools, B4 children of Orthodox Jews were GENOCIDED in Germany.
    That is child sacrifice.
    Charles Manson was a Masonic Witch of the O.T.O. (Order of To Ov/Order of Templi Orientis) Lodge called the Process Church of the Final Judgement.

    The National Council of Churches (N.C.C.) is a Communist/Masonic front (Mystery Religion/Satanism) that has the Church of Satan (Temple of Set) as a member.

    LDS Mormon Presidents, present geneologies tracing lineage to Merovingians, Sythians, Sicambri, Cimmerans, etc.

    Witches International Coven Council (WICCA) is a front for misopaisic horrorfication, via infiltration of churches, schools, ‘clubs’, foster/day care, etc.

    The Rothschilds are Askenazim Jews/International Bankers connected to the Bilderbergers, which is an alliance between Satanic bloodlines claiming devine god-ship.all 33rd masons

    Kissinger, a sadistic misopaisic horrorficator, was a Bilderberger.33rd mason

    Candidates entering the Order also had to kiss their initiator on the mouth, the navel, the penis, and at “the base of the spine.” These kisses were regarded by critics of the Order as proof of their perverted sexual activities, but in the occult tradition, the navel, sexual organs and the perineum are the physical locations of the psychic centres of the human body, known in the East as chakras.

    u are really Mrs ?? or miss ??

    Comment by JBOY — September 19, 2010 @ 7:35 pm

  307. As ever, disengage brain, open mouth, launch obsessive rambling screed! Bullshit. As this is a thread on the topic of gangstalking, then my position, also shared by veritgo taylor, that gangstalking is a method of bullying to be understood in that context, remains as pertinent as it is obviously true. Indeed, given that the first comment posted was about suppression of discussion upon the very subject of gangstalking, the discussion upon flaming is also opened. Indeed, you are the one hijacking the agenda into conspiracy theory and hate speech, thou troll.

    But let’s move on to a more interesting question: Why are you and veritgo taylor both against taking any action?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 19, 2010 @ 10:48 pm

  308. Verbal irony? Complainers shouldn’t be compelled to speak…that refers to me. I mean me. I am weary over my own complaints so, I need to rest this. I always read something disturbing and than I get upset. I am sure people may feel the same regarding my posts. Gang stalking isn’t a single group. I comprises everyone. Everyone. I will say including myself. I include myself, because I am also to blame. Ask if I see someone suffering if I care. I had someone ask me that in a philosophy group why should anyone care about such and such which is the typical normal response would be it is wrong, it is improper, horrific. The response was, why should anyone care. My response was…because it is wrong. I felt then and now, it was a weak argument. I haven’t established a better one yet. Just saying, because it is wrong, grants me and wins me no argument. What is wrong? Well, truth is, no one has to care unless they desire to. In the human animal world not a good break. Too clever…unlimited in the means of treachery. In the other animal world, well, you stand a chance. limited means of treachery. Hopefully I will come back a worm. Yes, the truth of it has to care. But than that applies to everyone. Sure there are laws, but, well, what are they. I don’t even know what that means. What are laws? I don’t know. I haven’t thought that through completely. In the world of Machiavelli, what is a law? A display of some kind but I don’t know what. A law is a gang, I believe, who is able to enforce some abstract notion of gang law. Some are in the gang and some are out. Anyone remember what Andrew Jackson said to the Supreme Court? Yes, that’s right. People throughout history are upset at the farce of Law and will continue to be. The law is a gang that you must be apart of. Civil liberties, justice, constitutions, bill of rights whatever they are…abstract notions of something. I don’t care about them or, how they are violated by people or they are used to suppress others. You get macheted, well, you should have been apart of a stronger gang. That is survival of the fittest. I like Darwin more and more these days. I like that idea more and more because, there will always be a stronger gang someone will have to contend with, even perps. Yes, I know. I have fallen prey to the perp handbook of victimology. Certainly, they want people demoralized. May you fair better. Think small if you choose to think that is. Watch out for your neighbor.

    Comment by Target — September 28, 2010 @ 2:36 am

  309. Semantics! The topic is gangstalking, stalking carried out collectively by numerous individuals. And not everyone engages in stalking of any kind, let alone stalking in collaboration with others. And your rambling Nihilism, denying any possibility of decency or rule of law, can only rationalize helpless passivity in the face of injustice. Alas, that only seems par for the course.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 28, 2010 @ 7:49 am

  310. Subterfuge, Aaron.

    If you become a victim of this total “program,” you will soon need this information and more that I and others have provided.

    The organized stalking *is* a “subterfuge” and much more, if you are a victim of this chemical and electronic psychological operation, designed to distract and destroy those targeted by this *program.*

    Are you *just* a victim of “school bullies?”

    Then be happy that you are *just* that, although that sucks too.

    Oh and “jboy” appears to be just another subterfuge too, like piling on to hide the truth, duh.

    Comment by notbiased — September 30, 2010 @ 3:00 am

  311. And what exactly would one do with your information?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 30, 2010 @ 5:31 am

  312. Quote – “And what exactly would one do with your information?”

    If you don’t know, you are *definitely* in the wrong place.

    I hope your situation improves or gets better, whatever it is.

    Have a wonderful day,


    Comment by notbiased — October 3, 2010 @ 4:14 am

  313. Actually took you a while to full out that old dodge, has it? But you are exposed nevertheless, for as the saying goes: No question is too stupid to ask, and no answer too wise to be given. My question is certainly the first question that would come to mind for anyone experiencing such attacks whereof you rant. And you’ve already answered that the only action to take is consciousness raising by Spamming and flaming every forum in sight exactly as you are doing, demanding to be taken on faith alone and demonizing anyone who so shows so much credulity as to request your evidence! You are a troll and force for inaction. And again, I am the one of us in topic in the right thread. And I am ready to discuss what to do about flaming and bullying. You are the one full of subterfuge, making yourself the center of attention with no real intention of persuasively informing anyone, but simply disrupting all serious discourse wherever you can find it, and in such a flagrantly irrational semi-coherent and belligerent manner as to make everyone else appear as loony crank as you by association. The best way to overcome the likes of you is for others simply not to be intimidated into silence or distracted from topic.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 3, 2010 @ 9:22 am

  314. Agassi, *your big rant* is nothing more than crap, *nothing more*.

    Have a nice day, perp.

    You are part of *the* topic.

    Comment by unbiased — October 4, 2010 @ 4:38 am

  315. Agassi, I forgot to say, why don’t you try using *paragraphs* in your “rants.” But of course your lack of education probably precludes grammar.

    Comment by unbiased — October 4, 2010 @ 4:50 am

  316. We all know everything !!!….
    victims are the “profane” ones it is taught to hate us. !!!!
    jibber,jabber by ones that know 0….UR minds stay in limbo, ONLY because you fear the truth !!!???.

    Who the hell preaches this ???? “PROFANE ONES”

    All of u. bring “drama” to the table every fuck*** time !!!

    U say 00000. amounts to 0..Now what have we all learned today boys and girls !!!!???? 000000000
    im a f*** nazi, great, what are u ??? Oh im a sudterfuge !!!
    how bout the guy pointing, what is he or she ???.. lets call ea. other names for the next f**** 50 yrs. !!

    How Pathetic !!!!

    Comment by JewB — October 4, 2010 @ 3:24 pm

  317. This is how a controlled Masonic drone/slave thinks;

    We are a good, charitable, fraternity of men?
    We all use numerous aliases and hide behind the curtains.
    We are profound liars. This is one of our first lessons.
    We award chocolate medals for telling lies on behalf of the brotherhood.
    We defend each other no matter what.
    We are masters of disinformation.
    We feel confident hiding behind our Master’s apron.
    We are all gang-stalkers.
    We are masters of cheap psychology.
    We don’t even know the truth as we are all controlled individually.
    We are guaranteed a job for life, regardless of qualifications.
    We use trusted Masonic families and friends to carry out Masonic Theatre.
    We knew about 911 before the profane did. It gave us empowerment.
    We have no idea what our fellow Mason’s are up to.
    We are all eyes and ears for our puppet masters, the intelligent elite.
    We do a profile on everybody.
    We even brainwash our innocent offspring into Freekmasonry.
    We don’t care about anything outside Freekmasonry.
    We collectively destroy families, businesses, anything, anybody.
    We work by cowardly stealth.
    We only eat Masonic flavoured carrots. No other story/version will do.
    We are masters at wasting your valuable time, no matter how trivial.
    We control all CCTV and it only works if we say so.
    The “G” in Freekmasonry means Gobble De Gook.
    We are destroying the planet and it’s contents for total control.
    We are just puppets for the elite.
    We actually believe in Freekmasonry.
    We take orders on how to get inside your head.
    We control the Military, Government, Judiciary, NHS, Finances, You.
    We control all of your communications.
    We are the invisible terrorists within all communities.
    We have infiltrated all religions.
    We do a lot for corrupt Masonic controlled charities.
    We love stupid symbols and believe in them.
    We all childishly giggle on collective persecution of one victim.
    We control all crime, drugs and the misery that comes with it.
    We can isolate (ostracize) any chosen individual.
    We are undiluted evil dressed up as good.
    We have been programmed to “HATE” profane (uninitiated) people.
    We will label truth-seekers or victims as being delusional or paranoid.
    We have a new name in the UK, it’s called “Common Purpose”
    We are very good at sowing seeds into your head.
    We control all TV, radio and newspapers.
    We fabricate and manipulate all hatred, rumour, revenge and evil.
    We are a criminal cult, religion, network, organisation.
    We are 100% calculated derangement.
    We destroy all genuine Masonic victim’s groups, forums and truth-seekers.
    We are protected by “The Order Of The Police”
    We have lodges in every Police, Government, NHS, Judiciary, Military Dept.
    We have a contact number if things go wrong.
    We get rewarded for our persecution and allegiance.
    We fabricate wars, poverty, politics, terrorism, etc.
    We specialise in Masonic Theatre of all types, including terrorism.
    We kill the good guys and anything that represents good.
    We infect everything we touch.
    We strive for genocide.
    We keep criminal secrets upon pain of death.
    We are absolutely terrified to leave this criminal fraternity.
    We pretend to believe in a deity.
    We believe in sacrifice, Lucifer, Satan, The Horned God and anything bad.
    We live in a parallel world to the ignorant law abiding taxpayers.
    We use thousands of different group names world-wide.
    We get pleasure watching innocent profane people suffer.
    We are so mentally messed up, we think we’re in control.
    We are the most grand, wondrous, worshipful “LEMONS”
    All religions, debating groups, secret societies or societies with secrets (their get out clause), etc, etc, are under the umbrella of Freekmasonry.

    Comment by JewB — October 4, 2010 @ 3:34 pm

  318. There’s a sucker born every minute.”

    “…and a 32nd or 33rd degree Mason is behind the veil laughing his head off and rolling in the aisle every time a new sucker is initiated into the 1st degree of Freemasonry.”

    Comment by JewB — October 4, 2010 @ 3:48 pm

  319. Lets all learn something today boys and girls :

    Both Nazism and the New Age Movement are political/spiritual entities based on the same esoteric foundations: the ‘Secret Doctrine’ which has been at the base of all pagan religions and at the base of esoteric ‘Christianity’. Perhaps that ‘Secret Doctrine’ might be best summarized as being the antithesis of Judeo-Christian beliefs. The Secret Doctrine glorifies Lucifer and all the practices condemned in the Bible. The Secret Doctrine also glorifies the pre-flood world, a world that, according to both the Bible and the Secret Doctrine, was alive with demonic contact and psycho/spiritual power …” [The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement And Our Coming Age of Barbarism”, by Constance Cumbey, Huntington House, Inc., Shreveport, Loiuisiana, 1983, ISBN 0-910311-03-X, p. 102-3 [Note: Cumbey is a Christian author, very Fundamental]
    Blavatsky, H.P. , is one of the most Satanic/Luciferian leaders of history!! It is absolutely damning for Freemasonry to recommend her books! Consider Helene Petrovna Blavatsky (1836-1891). She was Russian, and was the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, and occultist who systematized ancient occult thought, producing the most Satanic treatise the world has ever seen, known as the ‘Secret Doctrine’. [“The New Age Dictionary”, edited by Alex Jack, Japan Publications, Inc., 1990, The Year of the Golden Horse, New York, ISBN 0-87040-787-2, p. 23]
    Blavatsky’s writings, especially her ‘Secret Doctrine’, had tremendous effect upon Adolf Hitler in the years preceding Hitler’s rise to power. The false aura of intellectual achievement which surrounded Blavatsky’s writings, especially the ‘Secret Doctrine’, provided the basis for Hitler to justify killing Jews. During the Holocaust, which lasted for seven [7] years, 6 million Jews and 12 million other victims died. On Judgment Day, Blavatsky and Hitler will stand together for these terrible murders.
    Freemasonry stands condemned today for recommending that their followers read and study Blavatsky!! We find it totally revolting that Freemasonry’s own symbol entitled, “The Old Wisdom Religion”, lists ‘Secret Doctrine’ as one of the antecedent steps that leads to “Modern Freemasonry”!
    Freemasonry totally loses its ability to call itself ‘Christian’ when it recommends Eastern Thought religions to its members.
    Freemasonry labels itself as being of the same cloth as Antichrist when they recommend Gnostic writings and beliefs to their members!!
    Thus, by encouraging their members to study and practice Hermeticism, Freemasonry, by definition, labels itself occultic.
    This Luciferian book on Magic ties this deeply Satanic Knights Templar to Modern Freemasonry! Christian author, Gary Kah, in his book, “Enroute To A Global Occupation”, discovered from Freemasonry literature that accidentally fell into his hands, that Modern Freemasonry links itself to the Knights Templar. When we peruse some of the literature which Freemasons are encouraged to study, you will see repeated references to Knights Templar. Indeed, the 13th Degree of the York Rite is titled, “Knights Templar”. [page 92, Kah]
    Homosexuality is very tightly tied in with the Knights Templar. In the paragraph above, we see homosexual practices such as Phallicism and Sodomy. The Luciferian book, “Mind & Magic” also quoted above, sodomy is listed as one of the crimes of Knights Templar. The Grand Master at the time when King Philip IV of France tried and executed key members, was named Jacques de Molay. Since de Molay was Grand Master of Knights Templar, we can rightly conclude that he was also involved in these Satanic, and homosexual acts. We find it highly disturbing, then, that Demolay is one of the orders of Freemasonry for young men!
    Candidates entering the Order also had to kiss their initiator on the mouth, the navel, the penis, and at “the base of the spine.” These kisses were regarded by critics of the Order as proof of their perverted sexual activities, but in the occult tradition, the navel, sexual organs and the perineum are the physical locations of the psychic centres of the human body, known in the East as chakras.
    Qabalah [also known as Kabbalah. “According to Albert Pike, Gnosticism was an offshoot of Kabalism, an oral occult tradition, which was adhered to by a minority of the Jews. At some point, which remains uncertain, these occult teachings were reduced to writing, and the Kabalah was born. On page 626 of ‘Morals and Dogma’, Pike states, ‘The Kabalah is the key of the occult sciences; and the Gnostics were born of the Kabalists’. Kabalism was merely a unique version of the ancient mysteries specifically designed to deceive God’s chosen people. Unlike the other mysteries, its teachings dealt specifically with Israel, offering occult counter-explanations to the revelations of the prophets, complete with a cleverly disguised occult interpretation of the history of Israel.” [“Enroute To Global Occupation”, by Gary Kah, Huntington House Publishers, Lafayette, Louisiana, 1992, ISBN 0-910311-97-8, p. 99]
    Freemasonry identifies itself with the Kabalah, one of the most Satanic and occultic writings ever. It seems incredible to me that the New Age is so dependent upon the Jewish occult Kabalah, because their Plan deliberately targets the destruction of all Jews.

    Rosicrucianism is one of the oldest occult secret societies in Europe, dating back to the Fourteenth Century. The supposed founder of Rosicrucianism was a man named Christian Rosenkreuz. He was a “noble German born in 1378, who had traveled to the East in search of hidden wisdom … In Damascus he first learned of the secret wisdom to be found in the mysterious Arabian city of Damcar. Here, he was taught much by the initiates of a mystical secret society, learned Arabic, and translated an unidentified book, the ‘Liber M’. From here, he traveled to the North African city of Fez, in Morocco, where he learned to evoke the spirits of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. He subsequently returned to Europe and, after further adventures, he and four others founded the Rosicrucian Fraternity.” [“Mind & Magic,” by Francis X. King, Crescent, ISBN 0-517-06036-1, p. 102. [Note: This is a Luciferian book]
    Freemasonry advocates the study of Rosicrucianism to its members, even to the point of dedicating the 18th Degree called the “Knight Rose Croix” [“Morals and Dogma”, Albert Pike,
    Sacred Geometry is only believed in by the occultist; the very fact that Freemasonry is advocating this subject to its members concretely PROVES it is occultic, not Christian. This nonsense is the ultimate instance of worshipping the created world rather than the Creator [Romans 1:25]!! Let me explain Sacred Geometry: it is the “art and science of describing the universe by number and universal patterns.” [“The New Age Dictionary”, edited by Alex Jack, Japan Publications, Inc., 1990, The Year of the Golden Horse, New York, ISBN 0-87040-787-2, p. 170]
    Congratulations, Freemasonry, you are encouraging your members to study a religion which God found so offensive, He sent special diseases to the Egyptian people as punishment!!
    Theosophy has already been covered by our treatise on Madame H. P. Blavatsky. But, we wish to reiterate that the House of Theosophy has been one of the darkest of the Satanic secret societies. It propagated the lie of the ‘Secret Doctrine’, prompting Hitler to launch his 7-year Holocaust, which murdered 18 million people. The House of Theosophy trained both Nazis and Communists in its Switzerland location in the 1920’s-30’s in the finer aspects of the occult. And, as you can see, in NEWS1052, the House of Theosophy continues to be at the forefront for the planning of the coming New Age Christ [Antichrist], and his False Prophet.

    Comment by JewB — October 4, 2010 @ 4:09 pm

  320. NOTE: I DO NOT post this for the eyes of the aarons,unbiased or any other critical one. This posting is for the 1 or 2 that truly believe in the truth.The TRUTH will set U free !!!. As im breathing this moment in time, your culprit are the low life freemasons that do this to u. !! U can easily prove this by looking up there meeting places, lodges on line, in ur town, go to some of the meetings.. set outside, i can guarentee u, u will see ones that fuck with u !!! especially the diry cops and fireman.
    Look up, online freemason police badges,emblems ???? why do they have such a market duh !!!!…The non-masonic f.b.i. have already aquired the mailing lists of these stores ????
    whats on the mailing lists ? names of cops in every city that are freemason
    and that alone ties to gangstalking. I guarentee u, these faces u see fucking with u are on that list. fireman too !!!.. U know real victims…I have many on tape at the lodges going in that fuck with me. JUDGEMENT DAY is near !!! All stay strong !!!

    Comment by JewB — October 4, 2010 @ 4:37 pm

  321. Why do masons wear aprons in the groin area ???

    1.there penis is hard and they try to hide it !!!
    2. there are embarassed because it is nOT hard ??
    3.Its a skirt to be pulled up in initates ceromony ?

    All who get its it right gets choco covered carrots for supper !!!

    Comment by JewB — October 4, 2010 @ 5:27 pm

  322. You bluster relentlessly and impose yourself upon everyone else shamelessly. No: This topic thread certainly did not begin on your tyrannical believers only terms, nor any such intolerant join us comrade of fuck off basis. But do let me know when you discover your like minded soul mate.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 5, 2010 @ 6:19 am

  323. i have a lot of picopath of my cace asking the organized crimanals to help um and i had to ask what web address is anti organized criminal

    Comment by dupreturner — October 5, 2010 @ 6:37 am

  324. web site needed to anti org crim gane stalking

    Comment by dupreturner — October 5, 2010 @ 6:38 am

  325. We love u at Freemason controlled National Sercurity Agency..

    How NSA access was built into Windows
    Duncan Campbell
    04.09.1999 – Telepolis
    Careless mistake reveals subversion of Windows by NSA.
    A CARELESS mistake by Microsoft programmers has revealed that special access codes prepared by the US National Security Agency have been secretly built into Windows. The NSA access system is built into every version of the Windows operating system now in use, except early releases of Windows 95 (and its predecessors). The discovery comes close on the heels of the revelations earlier this year that another US software giant, Lotus, had built an NSA “help information” trapdoor into its Notes system, and that security functions on other software systems had been deliberately crippled.
    The first discovery of the new NSA access system was made two years ago by British researcher Dr Nicko van Someren. But it was only a few weeks ago when a second researcher rediscovered the access system. With it, he found the evidence linking it to NSA.
    Computer security specialists have been aware for two years that unusual features are contained inside a standard Windows software “driver” used for security and encryption functions. The driver, called ADVAPI.DLL, enables and controls a range of security functions. If you use Windows, you will find it in the C:\Windows\system directory of your computer.
    ADVAPI.DLL works closely with Microsoft Internet Explorer, but will only run crypographic functions that the US governments allows Microsoft to export. That information is bad enough news, from a European point of view. Now, it turns out that ADVAPI will run special programmes inserted and controlled by NSA. As yet, no-one knows what these programmes are, or what they do.
    Dr Nicko van Someren reported at last year’s Crypto 98 conference that he had disassembled the ADVADPI driver. He found it contained two different keys. One was used by Microsoft to control the cryptographic functions enabled in Windows, in compliance with US export regulations. But the reason for building in a second key, or who owned it, remained a mystery.
    A second key
    Two weeks ago, a US security company came up with conclusive evidence that the second key belongs to NSA. Like Dr van Someren, Andrew Fernandez, chief scientist with Cryptonym of Morrisville, North Carolina, had been probing the presence and significance of the two keys. Then he checked the latest Service Pack release for Windows NT4,
    Service Pack 5. He found that Microsoft’s developers had failed to remove or “strip” the debugging symbols used to test this software before they released it. Inside the code were the labels for the two keys. One was called “KEY”. The other was called “NSAKEY”.
    Fernandes reported his re-discovery of the two CAPI keys, and their secret meaning, to “Advances in Cryptology, Crypto’99” conference held in Santa Barbara. According to those present at the conference, Windows developers attending the conference did not deny that the “NSA” key was built into their software. But they refused to talk about what the key did, or why it had been put there without users’ knowledge.
    A third key?!
    But according to two witnesses attending the conference, even Microsoft’s top crypto programmers were astonished to learn that the version of ADVAPI.DLL shipping with Windows 2000 contains not two, but three keys. Brian LaMachia, head of CAPI development at Microsoft was “stunned” to learn of these discoveries, by outsiders. The latest discovery by Dr van Someren is based on advanced search methods which test and report on the “entropy” of programming code.
    Within the Microsoft organisation, access to Windows source code is said to be highly compartmentalized, making it easy for modifications to be inserted without the knowledge of even the respective product managers.
    Researchers are divided about whether the NSA key could be intended to let US government users of Windows run classified cryptosystems on their machines or whether it is intended to open up anyone’s and everyone’s Windows computer to intelligence gathering techniques deployed by NSA’s burgeoning corps of “information warriors”.
    According to Fernandez of Cryptonym, the result of having the secret key inside your Windows operating system “is that it is tremendously easier for the NSA to load unauthorized security services on all copies of Microsoft Windows, and once these security services are loaded, they can effectively compromise your entire operating system”. The NSA key is contained inside all versions of Windows from Windows 95 OSR2 onwards.
    “For non-American IT managers relying on Windows NT to operate highly secure data centres, this find is worrying”, he added. “The US government is currently making it as difficult as possible for “strong” crypto to be used outside of the US. That they have also installed a cryptographic back-door in the world’s most abundant operating system should send a strong message to foreign IT managers”.
    “How is an IT manager to feel when they learn that in every copy of Windows sold, Microsoft has a ‘back door’ for NSA – making it orders of magnitude easier for the US government to access your computer?” he asked.
    Can the loophole be turned round against the snoopers?
    Dr van Someren feels that the primary purpose of the NSA key inside Windows may be for legitimate US government use. But he says that there cannot be a legitimate explanation for the third key in Windows 2000 CAPI. “It looks more fishy”, he said.
    Fernandez believes that NSA’s built-in loophole can be turned round against the snoopers. The NSA key inside CAPI can be replaced by your own key, and used to sign cryptographic security modules from overseas or unauthorised third parties, unapproved by Microsoft or the NSA. This is exactly what the US government has been trying to prevent. A demonstration “how to do it” program that replaces the NSA key can be found on Cryptonym’s website.
    According to one leading US cryptographer, the IT world should be thankful that the subversion of Windows by NSA has come to light before the arrival of CPUs that handles encrypted instruction sets. These would make the type of discoveries made this month impossible. “Had the next-generation CPU’s with encrypted instruction sets already been deployed, we would have never found out about NSAKEY.”

    Comment by UAREEXPOSED — October 5, 2010 @ 2:43 pm


    Comment by UAREEXPOSED — October 5, 2010 @ 2:54 pm

  327. Judaism and the Dangers of “Torah Kabbalah or Torah Yoga”

    Exodus 34:14
    For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

    Before we discuss the above topic it is imperative that we first understand God’s Word and Position on “Torah Yoga”.

    Twelve Forbidden Practices

    1. Enchantments: practice of magical arts (Exodus 7:11,22; Exodus 8:7,18; Leviticus 19:26; Deut. 18:10; 2 Chron. 33:6; 2 Kings 17:17; 2 Kings 21:6; Isaiah 47:9,12; Jeremiah 27:9; Daniel 1:20)

    2. Witchcraft: practice of dealing with evil spirits (Exodus 22:18; Deut. 18:10; 1 Samuel 15:23; 2 Chron. 33:6; 2 Kings 9:22; Micah 5:12; Nahum 3:4; Galatians 5:19-21)

    3. Sorcery: same as witchcraft (Exodus 7:11; Isaiah 47:9,12; Isaiah 57:3; Jeremiah 27:9; Daniel 2:2; Malachi 3:5; Acts 8:9-11; Acts 13:6-8; Rev. 9:21; 18:23; Rev. 21:8; Rev. 22:15)

    4. Soothsaying: same as witchcraft (Isaiah 2:6; Daniel 2:27; Daniel 4:7; Daniel 5:7,11; Micah 5:12)

    5. Divination: the art of mystic insight or fortunetelling (Numbers 22:7; Numbers 23:23; Deut. 18:10-14; 2 Kings 17:17; 1 Samuel 6:2; Jeremiah 14:14; Jeremiah 27:9; Jeremiah 29:8; Ezekiel 12:24; Ezekiel 13:6-7,23; Ezekiel 21:22-29; Ezekiel 22:28; Micah 3:7; Zech. 10:2; Acts 16:16)

    6. Wizardry: same as witchcraft. A wizard is a male and a witch is a female who practices witchcraft. Both were to be destroyed in Israel (Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 19:31; Leviticus 20:6,27; Deut. 18:11; 1 Samuel 28:3,9; 2 Kings 21:6; 2 Kings 23:24; 2 Chron. 33:6; Isaiah 19:3)

    7. Necromancy: divination by means of pretended communication with the dead (Deut. 18:11; Isaiah 8:19; 1 Samuel 28; 1 Chron. 10:13)

    8. Magic: any pretended supernatural art or practice (Genesis 41:8,24; Exodus 7:11,22; Exodus 8:7,18-19; Exodus 9:11; Daniel 1:20; Daniel 2:2,10,27; Daniel 4:7,9; Daniel 5:11; Acts 19:19)

    9. Charm: to put a spell upon (same as enchantment, Deut. 18:11; Isaiah 19:3)

    10. Prognostication: to foretell by indications, omens, signs, etc. (Isaiah 47:13)

    11. Observing times: same as prognostication (Leviticus 19:26; Deut. 18:10; 2 Kings 21:6; 2 Chron. 33:6)

    12. Astrology and Star Gazing: divination by stars (Isaiah 47:13; Jeremiah 10:2; Daniel 1:20; Daniel 2:2,10; Daniel 4:7; Daniel 5:7-15)

    All the above practices were and still are carried on in connection with demons, called familiar spirits. All who forsook God and sought help from these demons were to be destroyed (Leviticus 19:31; Leviticus 20:6; Deut. 18:11; 1 Samuel 28; 2 Kings 21:6; 2 Kings 23:24; 1 Chron. 10:13; 2 Chron. 33:6; Isaiah 8:19; Isaiah 19:3; Isaiah 29:4. See 1 Tim. 4:1-8; 2 Thes. 2:8-12; Matthew 24:24; Rev. 13; Rev. 16:13-16; Rev. 19:20).

    by Avram Yehoshua

    (Click on the number to go to endnote. Click the BACK button on your browser to return to the article)

    Kabbalah is an attempt on the part of some Jewish men and women, to seek the God of Israel through mystical and Gnostic means. For many centuries it was well outside normative Judaism, although today it has permeated into Orthodox Judaism and also claims many ‘secular’ Jewish (and Gentile) adherents. Kabbalah is a counterfeit of Satan. The main reason for this is that man is seen as having to restore the fallen world by his efforts which will bring about the coming of Messiah. Also, the ‘way’ to God is accomplished through rigorous fasting and spiritual disciplines that are outside the realm of the Bible. This is common to most false religions that seek union with the Divine. (In this article, all italics have been added by me for emphasis.)

    David Stern writes that the Hasidim and the Kabbalists, impatient for Messiah and redemption, force His Hand by ‘…years of ruthless mortification of their flesh. In each case, of course, they were prevented, by death, by Satan, or by some sin which they committed’1 of compelling Messiah to come:

    ‘In one of these legends…the 14th century Rabbi Joseph Della Reina (‘of the Queen’) attempts, with the help of the Prophet Elijah, to destroy Satan (disguised as a black dog), using God’s secret names. But he doesn’t follow Elijah’s instructions to the letter and thus fails in his task. Later he goes astray, having illicit sexual relations with none other than the Queen of France (hence his name), and ultimately commits suicide.’2

    We have serious biblical problems with the rabbi ‘using God’s secret names to destroy Satan’ and the meeting with Elijah to help him do so. This, aside from the fact that he committed suicide. Trying to force God’s Hand or to destroy Satan is pride masquerading in religious clothing.

    One must ask, ‘If Kabbalah were really of Yahveh, the God of Israel, than why didn’t the rabbi know or come to find out about Yeshua, the Redeemer of Israel?’ And why hasn’t anyone within Kabbalah proclaimed in the last 2,000 years, that Yeshua is the Messiah, if they actually make contact with the God of Israel?

    Another rabbi of fame and stature within Hasidic and Kabbalistic circles is Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav (1772-1811). The following story is attributed to him:

    ‘…Satan, disguised as a merchant, prevents a rabbi’s son from meeting with a great tzaddik (holy man). In the end the son dies. The rabbi again encounters the merchant, who tells him, ‘Now I have dispatched your son… had he and the tzaddik met and joined forces, the Messiah would have come.’

    Kabbalah is a mixture of demonic activity, pagan philosophy, gnosticism and the Hebrew Bible. Kabbalah is,

    ‘The mystical religious stream in Judaism… In all periods it was influenced by foreign spiritual currents, such as gnosticism and neoplatonism3…’4

    ‘A distinction was usually made between theoretical and practical Kabbalah; the latter consisted of the use of Divine or Holy Names, the permutation and combination of Hebrew letters, magical formulae (amulets), etc. for healing the sick and other practical purposes and also for eschatological and genuinely mystical ends (hastening the advent of the messiah, inducing states of mystical or ecstatic experience, etc.).5

    The use of Divine names ‘to get to God’ is not the Way of Yahveh. The fruit of this is seen in that magic and amulets are used. This is sin as it goes against Yahveh’s Word in His Torah (Deut. 18:10, 14). These Jewish mystics opened a spiritual door, but not one you want to go through. Notice too the eclectic 6 and over-arching nature of it (‘In all periods it was influenced by foreign spiritual currents…’). What could Kabbalah have picked up from pagan mysticism and philosophy (about Creation, etc.), outside of Israel and the Word of Yahveh?

    Gnosticism 7 is a ‘secret knowing’ designed to entice those into a ‘mystery religion’ where the doing of certain religious things (asceticism, ‘spiritual disciplines, etc.), is ‘the way to contact the god’ or ‘the way to appease the god for sin and guilt’ and or ‘the way to eternal life.’ Kabbalah holds out the same incentive. Kabbalah is nothing more than gnosticism with a Jewish twist to it.

    Notice too, if they were really ‘in touch’ with Yahveh, there would be no need to ‘hasten the advent of Messiah’, as they would declare that Yeshua came and will come again. So who is it that they are ‘in touch’ with?

    ‘Jewish religion is in principle opposed to magic because the ultimate source of everything is the absolutely free and sovereign will of God which can never be coerced. The only proper attitude is therefore prayer…’8

    Sorcery and magic are prohibited by the Bible (Exod. 22:17) but the Talmud, while proscribing the practice as heathenish, admits its efficacy. Members of the Sanhedrin were supposed to have had a thorough knowledge of magic and sorcery, and legends are told of rabbis using ‘white’ magic. Healing by magic is condemned only when specifically pagan or idolatrous. The magic of names (Divine names, Tetragrammaton, names of angels, permutations and combinations of Hebrew letters or scriptural quotations), whether in amulets or spoken formulas, flourished at all times but particularly under the influence of Kabbalah… Some scholars believe that the tephillin and mezuzah originated as amulets.’9

    The amulet is an object ‘worn as a charm against evil, consisting usually of sacred letters or symbols: names of angels or demons are often written in geometric patters, etc. Such charms were common in the ancient Middle East… In the Talmudic and gaonic periods, amulets were widely worn and their use was recognized, though not specifically approved, by rabbis. With the development of the later Kabbalah and its insistence on the efficacy of combinations of letters of the Divine names, the vogue of amulets became universal, and their preparation was regarded as a rabbinic function.’10

    ‘The first signs of Jewish mysticism can be fond in the 1st century while the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls may date knowledge on the subject even earlier.’11 ‘Jewish mysticism’ was picked up in Babylon. It was Babylonian paganism (the basis for gnosticism), that some Jewish men living in Babylon adopted and adapted to the Hebrew Bible (using the Bible for its Names and numbers, etc.), giving Babylonian gnosticism its ‘Jewish clothes.’ Some of these ‘clothes’ came because of the need of the Jewish People:

    ‘The religious syncretism (the mingling and fusion of various oriental religions, mythologies, semi-philosophical notions, etc.) of the period, as well as the messianic speculations encouraged by the national and political disasters in Palestine (sic) fostered a special kind of interest in the Bible which stressed its eschatological and mystical tendencies.’12

    Note well the different religious and secular things that make up Kabbalah. This cannot be of the God of Israel who desires purity and wholeness and whose Word is Truth. Part of the enticement of Kabbalah is the goal of being in the Presence of God. This is a godly desire. But the way they ‘get there’ is not, devising and using ‘secret names’ of God, etc.

    ‘Closed circles from among the pupils of Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakai (1st-2nd century), concerned themselves with the mysteries of Creation and the nature of the Divine Throne or ‘Chariot… These gnosticising types of study were termed Pardes.’13

    ‘Later writings depict seven celestial palaces or worlds populated by angels praising and serving the deity; in the last or seventh palace, the throne of Divine glory rises. Prepared by a rigorous mystical discipline, and sanctified though fasting and religious ecstasy, the adepts or, as they were called ‘viewers of the Merkavah’ (Divine chariot), experienced the ascent of their soul though worlds and heavens, and amid lurking dangers, from palace to palace, until they reached the point where they beheld the radiance of the Divine presence and the divine throne. To the soul which achieves this vision are revealed the secrets of creation, the ways of the angels, and the date of Redemption and of the advent of the Messiah.’14

    The Lord tells us in His Word that there are mysteries that we should not concern ourselves with. Even the traditional Rabbis caution us to not get too involved with four things: the ancient past and the distant future; the things above and the things below. Why not? Because we can only go around and around in circles with them. On the other hand, we have been given what to do by Yahveh and He tells us not to be concerned with the ‘mysteries’ or ‘secrets’ of Creation, His Name, etc:

    ‘The secret things belong to Yahveh our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this Law.’ (Deut. 29:29)

    It is the Word of God that we are to pursue and meditate on and not to get entangled with the ‘spiritual’ things of darkness that masquerade as Light. As 2nd Cor. 11:14 says, ‘No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of Light.’ We have our ‘contact’ with the Holy One through His Son’s Sacrificial Blood and His Holy Spirit. But in Kabbalah, there is a schematic, philosophical system of ten levels, known as sephirot, that one must climb in order to achieve this revelation.

    The goal for the Kabbalists of Gerona (Spain in the 13th century) was ‘to achieve communion wth God through concentration in prayer and the mediation of the sephirot.’15 The meditation of the sepher yetzirah uses the ‘creative force of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and propounds the doctrine of ten sephirot though which the world came into being.’16

    ‘The climax of Spanish kabbalism was the appearance of the Zohar,17 connected with Moses de Leon (d. 1305). All later kabbalistic systems derived from the Zohar, which teaches the self-manifestation or revelation of God through the Divine sephirot which He emanated. En-soph, the transcendent God, remains forever beyond the grasp of the human mind which can only comprehend the sephirot.’18

    ‘After death, the human soul is judged and allotted to paradise, hell or transmigration in human or animal form in order to make restitution and be cleansed. The Zohar traces all Kabbalah to the Pentateuch, interpreting every word or letter mystically.’19

    Transmigration is not found in the Word of God but in many false religions of the world whose philosophy states that if you don’t make it the first time around, you get to try it again. It’s also known as reincarnation.

    ‘Man must restore the damage’ (of fallen Creation), ‘by releasing the holy sparks from defilement (Tikkun). The complete restoration will lead to redemption and the advent of the Messiah. Tikkun is accomplished by observance of the commandments, study of the Torah and mystic mediation.20

    The idea that Man can and must ‘restore the damage’ of sin is totally foreign to the Word of God. Only God can redeem Man from his fallen and sinful state and He has done this in Messiah Yeshua. Anyone who thinks that they can help God do this, or do it for God is deceived.

    Alfred Edersheim writes, ‘…neither Eastern mystical Judaism, nor the philosophy of Philo, could admit of any direct contact between God and creation. The Kabbalah solved the difficulty by their Sephiroth, or emanations from God, through which this contact was ultimately brought about, and of which the En-soph, or crown, was the spring’21 (or first of the ten emanations that man could ‘climb’ like a ladder to actually ‘get to God.’)

    This is totally foreign to the Scriptures. Yahveh has made it possible for both Jew and Gentile ‘to make contact’ with Him here on earth, and be received into His Glory on the Day of Judgment, not by any ‘works’ (fasting, etc.), of man, but by His Grace, Mercy and Love.

    Kabbalism was able to meld into main line Orthodox Judaism through Hasidism. At first, in the 18th and 19th centuries, the Orthodox vehemently rejected the Hasidic teaching that anyone could know God (verses the Orthodox tenet that only the learned Rabbis could interpret the Word and give advice and know God.

    ‘…kabbalism was absorbed into the doctrine of Hasidism which popularized the mystic teachings…’

    22 As Hasidism grew, it began to meld with the Orthodox, adopting some of their ways and giving the Orthodox much of its teachings and symbols. Kabbalah means, ‘to hand down’23 or ‘that which has been received’24 from the verb ‘kibel’. There is no doubt as to its ‘ancientness’ and that it has ‘come down’ to us. There is also no question that Kabbalah is an ‘alternative’ form of religion. As such, it runs totally contrary to the Word of God, both written and Alive. It is just another of many satanic ‘voices’ calling for the souls of Jewish men and women. It also has become aceptable within some Messianic Jewish congregations. More subtle than all the beasts of the field is the Serpent.

    ‘Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the Blood of Yeshua, by a new and living way, which He has consecrated for us, through the Veil, that is to say, His flesh and having a High Priest over the House of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure Water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised), and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: (Hebrews 10:19-24)



    Dr. David H. Stern, Jewish New Covenant Commentary (Clarksville, MD: Jewish New Covenant Publications, 1992), p. 766.
    Ibid. Taken from The Messiah Texts by Raphael Patai, p. 68-73.
    J. M. Sinclair, General Consultant, Diana Treffry, Editorial Director, Collins English Dictionary, Fourth Edition (Glasgow, Scotland: HarperCollins Publishers, 1998), p. 1042. Neoplatonism: ‘a philosophical system which was first developed in the 3rd century AD as a synthesis of Platonic, Pythagorean and Aristotelian elements, and which, although originally opposed to Christianity, later incorporated it. It dominated European thought until the 13th century and re-emerged during the Renaissance.
    Geoffrey Wigoder, Editor in Chief, The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, 7th Edition (New York-Oxford: Facts on File, 1990), p. 535.
    Collins English Dictionary, p. 490. Eclectic: ‘selecting what seems best from various styles, doctrines, ideas, methods, etc.’
    Ibid. p. 656. Gnosticism: ‘…characterized by a belief in gnosis, through which the spiritual element in man could be released from its bondage in matter..’ gnosis: ”supposedly revealed knowledge of various spiritual truths, especially that said to have been posses by ancient Gnostics..’
    The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 619. Listed under ‘magic’.
    The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 48. Listed under ‘amulets’.
    The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 535.
    The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 535.
    Ibid. p. 536.
    The Zohar is to the kabbalist what the Bible is to a follower of Yeshua.
    The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 536.
    Ibid. p. 537.
    Alfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus The Messiah (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2000), p. 31.
    The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 537.
    The Life and Times of Jesus The Messiah, p. 31.
    Ibid. p. 71.

    What is the basic definition and concept of Yoga or “Torah Yoga”?

    Yoga: Exercises in physical, mental or spiritual conditioning based on Eastern metaphysical assumptions designed to aid the practitioner in enlightenment or self-realization.

    Yoga goals sometimes include altered states of consciousness or uniting the practitioner with the impersonal pantheistic God (a doctrine identifying the Deity with the universe and its phenomena as well as a belief in and worship of all gods).

    The major types of Yoga include but are not limited to: Karma Yoga (spiritual union through correct conduct), Bhakti Yoga (spiritual union through devotion to a Guru), Juana Yoga (spiritual union through hidden knowledge), Raja Yoga (spiritual union through mental control), Hatha Yoga (spiritual union through body control/meditation), Kundalini Yoga (spiritual union through focusing inner energy) Tantra Yoga (spiritual union through sexual practices), and laya or mantra (the Yoga of sound).

    Although the emphasis may vary, the basic goal in all Yoga is the same: union with ultimate reality, however defined. In Hinduism this would be union of the individual self (atman) with the supreme self (paramatman), itself one with Brahman, the highest impersonal Hindu God; in Buddhism it would be union with Nirvana. In addition, Yoga philosophy is based on the concept of reincarnation and is drawn from the Upanishads and other Hindu scriptures.

    Torah Yoga: A movement nurtured by Bloomfield as well as many others, tragically including Jewish Rabbis, who proclaim that they find deeper understanding of Judaism through the movements of Yoga. Bloomfield has immersed herself in Jewish studies, ultimately moving to Jerusalem in 1984, and one day, as she proclaims something inside of her just clicked. It was then that she realized the wisdom of Jewish studies seemed to emerge in her practice of Yoga.

    Hence, the result was “Torah Yoga”. To Bloomfield Yoga was a supplemental way of understanding Judaism.

    Bloomfield uses the example of ‘Jews leaving Egypt,’ one of the most central teachings in the Torah, as an example of her adaptation to Torah Yoga. In Hebrew, the word ‘Egypt’ has multiple meanings, including constriction and openness. Therefore, on a spiritual level, then, ‘Egypt’ contains the possibility of living in a painful place and an open place. In Yoga, the body is a field of contracted places or open places. As such, by doing Yoga, we are ‘doing Egypt.’

    Bloomfield believes that something is happening in the world today where people are wanting a healing of the mind, spirit and body. To that end, Bloomfield has taught Torah yoga in the United States and Europe, sometimes in Orthodox settings. Bloomfield and Rabbi Klotz are now teaching classes at the new Torah Yoga Institute at Elat Chayyim, a Jewish spiritual retreat center in the Catskill Mountains. The center has offered yoga for 10 years, but the institute represents a concerted effort to attract people, teach them and train the teachers, says executive director Arthur Kurzweil.

    “Wisdom is wisdom. Truth is truth. No tradition has a monopoly on it,” Kurzweil says. “Many spiritual traditions are grounded in the same truth but just have different forms of it.”

    So what are the dangers and problems associated with what many would consider and innocent exercise of the mind, spirit and body?
    The public perception of Yoga as a safe, spiritually neutral practice is false. It is difficult, if not impossible, to separate Yoga practice from Yoga theory. The one who engages in Yoga practices for health purposes may also find himself/herself converted to an occult way of life.


    Around the world promoters of Yoga make such claims as, “Yoga and Christianity are founded upon a similar base of wisdom”, and attempts are being made to merge yogic concepts and modern medicine.

    To promoters and practitioners the chief value of Yoga is in the prevention of illness, whereas Torah Yoga adds a deeper and more meaningful understanding of Judaism. As such, the Yoga faithful, Torah Yoga and others, believe that chronic diseases such as asthma, backache, arthritis, bronchitis, high blood pressure, obesity, sinusitis, nervous disorders, constipation, dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, and others are specially amenable to Yoga treatment.

    The deceptive lure of therapeutic Yoga is to maintain healthy minds and healthy bodies, but its practices are being increasingly used to produce cures or alleviations of disease. Yoga works on the premise that most illness is caused by wrong posture, wrong diet and wrong mental attitudes, which imbalances are under the control of the student (patient) himself.

    Yoga is a philosophy embracing every aspect of human life, spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. It did not set out to be a therapy, but is being used as such today. It is a system of self-improvement, or “conscious evolution.”

    People use what they consider to be non-harmful Yoga for a wide variety of purposes such as to reduce nervous tension by learning to relax, to slim and to become more agile mentally and physically. However, without awareness Yoga eventually leads them to meditation, thence to modifications of personal and social behavior. Students attending regular classes seem to become more relaxed, more supple and clearer headed, and usually begin to question the purpose of life in a way they have not before. This holistic approach leads them to what they believe is better health, and the improvement or eradication of psychosomatic ailments.

    Regardless of the school or spiritual tradition, Yoga practice tends to alter a person’s consciousness in an occult direction.

    Even when Yoga is practiced innocently, it can eventually produce dramatic occult transformation. “Personality changes can be brought about in Hatha Yoga by changing the body so that it influences the mind.” Just consider the experience of Christina Grof, who, prior to her experience with Yoga, was an average housewife with normal plans for her life. She took up Yoga entirely without suspicion as a practice that would help her physically during her pregnancy.

    What Christian Grof got was far more than she had bargained for. She found herself transformed from a “conservative suburban housewife” into a New Age leader by means of Hatha Yoga. All she had to do was “join a Hatha Yoga class for exercise” and the logical progression ensued:

    “During the birth of my first child, for which I had prepared with the Lamaze method of breathing (very much like yogic pranayama), this enormous spiritual force was released in me. Of course, I didn’t understand it and was given morphine to stop it as soon as the baby was born…. Then the same thing happened when my second child was born. This all led to more and more experiences. I threw myself into yoga, although still not acknowledging it as a spiritual tool. My meeting with Swami Muktananda really blew the lid off everything. He served as a catalyst to awaken what I had been resisting, which was kundalini (the universal life force).”

    She became a disciple of the Hindu guru Muktananda and then a leader in the New Age Movement with a specific mission: to assist people who were having “spiritual emergencies” from their occult practices and help them to “properly interpret” and successfully integrate these “divine” experiences into their lives.

    Thus, an innocently practiced Yoga-for-exercise routine led to numerous psychic experiences that had the cumulative impact of forever changing Grof’s life.

    Initially as the standard kundalini Yoga symptoms emerged in her life, the prognosis was not good. Grof herself was in the midst of a spiritual emergency and increasingly convinced of her own insanity. “I was convinced I was headed for a life of psychopathology. I was afraid I was going crazy.” Nevertheless, counseling through occult philosophy put matters in their “proper” perspective. Her marriage ended, “which it was destined to do anyway.” And the late popular mythologist Joseph Campbell helped her recognize, “The schizophrenic is drowning in the same waters in which the mystic is swimming with delight.” He also referred her to LSD and consciousness researcher Stan Grof for more counseling.

    The rest is history. The couple were eventually married and today coordinate some 50 SEN (Spiritual Emergency Network) regional information centers around the globe. They also publish a significant amount of literature in the field of occult metaphysics. Their reinterpretation of the pathological phenomena induced by occult practice—as a positive transforming spirituality (a spiritual “emergence”)—not only helps undergird and legitimize the occult, but it also effectively inhibits discernment of the true issues involved.

    Consider just one more example of the potential consequences of Innocent Yoga practice.

    A woman named Carole used Yoga for medical and health reasons. She was very sick and doctors were unable to find the cause of her illness. When she went to a physician-nutritionist recommended by a friend, she found some literature in his office about the Himalayan Institute, of which the doctor was a staff member. The institute was founded by Indian Swami Rama, one of the most scientifically studied of the gurus, beginning with famous biofeedback researcher and spiritist Dr. Elmer Green. Carole decided to attend the institute, where she began lessons in Hatha Yoga. Eventually, she was initiated and received her mantra (word of occult power) from Swami Rama. As he laid his hands upon her head, the typical transfer of “occult energy” began (termed shaktipat diksha). Carole was in heaven:

    “Currents of electrical energy began to permeate my head and went down into my body…. It was as if a spell had come over me, the bliss that I felt was as if I had been touched by God. The power that had come from his hand, and simply being in his presence, drew me to him irresistibly.”

    The night after receiving her mantra, Carole was visited by a spirit being who claimed to be the spirit of Swami Rama himself. Although no one had ever mentioned the spirit world in her church (they did not believe in such things), Carole felt that this was the means of directly communicating with God. She experienced wonderful powerful forces and energies, while thoughts entered her mind with a magnetic-like force:

    “Electrical currents were pulsating around my body and then moved into my hand, the currents were shaking my hand and strong, almost entrancing thoughts were impressed into my mind, ‘Meditate, meditate. I want to speak with you.’ It was a miracle. I was communicating with the spirit world. I had found God. Sitting in the darkness of my living room I began to repeat my mantra. A presence seemed to fill the room. I began to see visions of being one with the universe and the magnetic thoughts were now leaving and I was hearing a voice, which identified itself as Swami Rama, saying he was communicating with me through astral travel.

    Within one week, after meditating many hours each day and still in constant communication with this spirit, forces began to come upon me and gave me powers to do yoga postures; I was floating through them, the forces giving me added breath even… postures that before would be very painful to do.”

    However, after two weeks of daily Yoga meditation, Carole became engulfed in a nightmare of utter dread and terror. Voices that once claimed they were angelic turned threatening, even demonic. She was brutally assaulted, both physically and spiritually by spirits. During meditation, in the midst of being violently shaken, she could sense that the same energy received at initiation, energy which was now felt to be personal, was attempting to remove her life-essence from her physical body—in her words, “to literally pull the life from my shell of a body.” She sensed an overwhelming and implacable hatred directed toward her from this “energy,” as if “monstrosities of another world were trying to take my very soul from me, inflicting pain beyond endurance, ripping and tearing into the very depths of my being.”

    The intermittent suffocation and torment seemed interminable; her fears increased as she realized there was no one to help her. Finally, the attack subsided. But it was merely the first of many.

    It seems that nothing could stop the assaults. Her agonized pleas to the spirits were ignored; her husband was powerless. Her father wanted her to see a psychiatrist; others also doubted her sanity. In desperation, her mother contacted psychic friends from a local church of the Unity School of Christianity. They laid hands on Carole and commanded that “the divinity within” deliver her, but to no avail.

    Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., now entered the picture. He is a noted neurosurgeon, a former professor at Harvard University, past president of the American Holistic Medical Association, and the author of Occult Medicine Can Save Your Life. Dr. Shealy also works in conjunction with psychics and spiritists such as Caroline Myss. When Dr. Shealy was unable to help, he referred Carole to Dr. Robert Leichtman, M.D., a spiritist who is coauthor of several dozen books received by revelation from the spirits.

    Leichtman admitted that Carole’s situation was not uncommon among followers of Eastern gurus. He even told her some have died as a result of similar psychic attacks. But he, too, was unable to help. His instructions, such as visualizing herself in the white “Christ light” of protection, were useless. By this time, Carole was near the end.

    “I had to endure the torture, unable to free myself. To those around me I was insane. No one believed me and no one could free me. The hopelessness I felt was unbearable. No one believed me except the psychics… and they could do nothing.

    I was defenseless against these never-ending attacks… hundreds of presences filling my room, which itself would be filled with thick, ice cold air, my body drenched with perspiration as my whole being fought against them.

    After spending several weeks at my parents’ we decided perhaps I could try returning home. But that night the spirits started to exert their full power.

    First, against my skull. I felt as if they were trying to crack it open, like the air was being cut off to my brain. Incredible pressure was exerted upon my back and chest, pulling with a wrench-like grip. It felt like they were trying to pull my shoulder from its socket, pressing on my eyes trying to blind me, pushing on my throat trying to choke me. Filled with fear and exhaustion, on the brink of death I screamed to my husband, ‘I’m dying; I can’t take it anymore. Get me to the hospital.’

    I was taken to the hospital where I laid like a scared dog cowering on a cart. I could hardly speak but at least the spirits were gone—temporarily…. The doctor on duty recommended a psychiatrist who saw me the next morning. He told me I was covering up some deep problems with this ‘talk of evil spirits.’ ‘There is no such thing as the devil,’ he said coldly.”

    Carole admitted herself to the hospital, but once more no one could help. The attacks finally subsided and she was released. Upon returning home, the attacks began again. More unimaginable torment. Although she was terrified of dying, death was now her desire. Wishing to take her life but too fearful of dying, she readmitted herself to the hospital. Once again, she was placed in locked ward. She felt that here she would die, alone and in torment

    But today, Carole is alive and well. Even her psychiatrist is amazed at the miraculous transformation. She is now in perfect health, both mentally and physically.

    How did Carole get free? No one had been able to help her. Today, Carole attributes both her health and her life to a living Jesus Christ who delivered her from a desperate plight. Reflecting back on her predicament, she is awed that such terrible destruction could be purchased at the price of a simple, supposedly harmless form of Yoga meditation.

    Events like these reveal that there is more to Yoga than meets the eye. Whether Yoga can trigger some unknown psychospiritual, physiological response, or whether changes are produced spiritistically, or both, few can deny Yoga is a powerful spiritual discipline that has been used for millennia to secure occult, pagan goals.

    Virtually all standard Yoga texts acknowledge that Yoga practice develops psychic powers and other occult abilities.

    All this is why the Yoga scholar and Sanskrit authority Rammurti Mishra can interpret Yoga theory as laying the foundation for occultism. “In conclusion, it may be said that behind every psychic investigation, behind mysticism, occultism, etc., knowingly or unknowingly, the Yoga system is present.” In his article “Kundalini and the Occult,” occult authority John White observes that the essence of occultism is the attempt to gain “higher” knowledge and power or control of the forces of nature, especially the “life energy” (prana) which underlies the basis of true magic and psychic phenomena. “In its highest form, occult science merges indistinguishably with true mysticism…. [M]ysticism and genuine occultism are closely allied…. The heart of genuine occult practices appear to be synonymous with aspects of the [yogic] kundalini concept….” Yoga authority Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon), author of a standard text on kundalini Yoga, The Serpent Power, agrees, and he supplies many additional reasons why Yoga and occult magic go hand in hand. Until his death, perhaps the leading authority on shamanism and comparative religion was Mircea Eliade. Note his observations of the similarities between yoga and witchcraft: “All features associated with European witches are claimed also by Indo-Tibetan yogis and magicians.” Along with a range of occult powers common to both, some yogis:

    “… boast that they break all the religious taboos and social rules: that they practice human sacrifice, cannibalism, and all manner of orgies, including incestuous intercourse, and that they eat excrement, nauseating animals, and devour human corpses. In other words, they proudly claim all the crimes and horrible ceremonies cited ad nauseam in the Western European witch trials.”

    Because Yoga is an occult system, the physical, mental, and spiritual dangers that accompany occult practices are also found in Yoga. Thus, even standard Yoga books warn of the serious dangers arising from supposedly “wrong” Yoga practice. But we think such hazards are conceded because Yoga is an occult practice, not because its techniques are allegedly done incorrectly.

    We will conclude by referring all readers to the above Word of God and simply close by saying to those who would brave the practice Kabbalah or Torah Yoga DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!

    Comment by UAREEXPOSED — October 5, 2010 @ 2:59 pm

  328. How old are are u Aaron ??? 3 or 4???
    unbiased, u, 2 or 3 ???
    Im 57 i have many miles to go !!! get it !!!!
    what child would ???
    please,, no name calling.. boys and girls !!!!

    Comment by UAREEXPOSED — October 5, 2010 @ 3:06 pm

  329. What a lot of bile. Must’ve hit a nerve.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 5, 2010 @ 3:07 pm

  330. I know, lets all talk about the weather. well, it was cold overnite here in texas…chance of rain… Lets start a thread on the weather ????
    Luv to hear ur cooments.. tell what it done in UR town overnite.

    Comment by WeathermanNick — October 5, 2010 @ 3:22 pm

  331. U know me, my plane is leaving, ILL be back !!!!!!

    Comment by WeathermanNick — October 5, 2010 @ 3:25 pm

  332. ole hell, forgot my wallet !!!1

    Comment by WeathermanNick — October 5, 2010 @ 3:27 pm

  333. Yeah, right, I’m making small talk is all. Bullshit.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 5, 2010 @ 8:33 pm


    Comment by anon — October 6, 2010 @ 4:28 am

  335. where is all the rot today ???
    everthing a freemason looks at, thinks about, touches, rots !!!
    They are the rot of the earth !!dont u agree aaron,unbiased,ti,danny j,targ ???

    Filed under: CIA, Colorado, Cults, Firefighters, Masons, New World Order, Political activism, San Diego, Science Fiction, Secret Police, Secret weapons, Skull and Bones, UFOs, chemical weapons, civil liberties, conspiracy theory, electronic harassment, gang stalking, gang stalking rehabs, gang stalking zionism, indy media, jihadists, mental health, psychosis, ray duquenne, social psychology, spy technology — gems news & views @ 5:47 pm

    Comment by oldwordbeliever — October 9, 2010 @ 5:23 pm

  336. hey, old word !!!!
    where the hell u been ?? you have been gone for 4 yrs.
    ive been carrying out oaths of the breathen. ropes,the whole works. the grove is got it going old !!!
    cis, bush was there,a rothschild,2 rockefellas. had a ritual, blood, grusome… what yo up too ??

    Comment by BBKONGO — October 9, 2010 @ 5:34 pm

  337. I knowed flies are attacted to cow shit,
    oh, hell, here they come !!!!

    Comment by BBKONGO — October 9, 2010 @ 5:55 pm

  338. THE VERY SOVEREIGN: I must announce to you that the man may be someone that you know. Possibly even a friend of yours, with whom you may have very strong ties. In that case you must suppress all your fellow-feelings, to only keep the feelings of revenge. Thus, this is a very good chance to show your courage and to prove your diligence, and this is the only possibility to access your desired Degree.

    a low life breathen MUST create revenge BEFORE he can enter the degree. MUST !!!!!, so there you go, We are the must.. There are no tratiors in the lodges, we are the traitors, they create for there breathen, GET IT !!!!
    The Freemasons are so out of control, they invent traitors, such as the victims you will learn of in the future. They use victims as there intiation “goats”. I can prove.Its a continuous cycle for there breathen.The “bullying” on the streets.. That is what it is Bullying, but at a larger and somewhat different approach. for i thing, its adults for the most part, old young, college terds,old farts..dirty cops,
    dirty fireman,…dirty ccity,county,state and federal workers..

    Comment by 9th Degree bullshit — October 10, 2010 @ 4:10 pm

  339. in north hollywood ca lankersham bl 7 guys use stalking torcher one had blood in hi mouth from bitting me knock out i seen hit andrew and a sober living living on velarwo bl supulveda van nuyes steve sead he was gowing to fuck me up im truing to sue him he mite know karaty he looks like the guy on tv in japan mtv must of got him after me well be for it was open i sat on the side of the yad ski so ther all gowing to lit because i stop taking the med that did it cocoon 8 years ago every since i left and seen andrew with a knife in the kitten with a red hear lady they all open a sober living one hit me in the neck several times it on tape steve still fooled me i left 9years ago anderw whent 4 places one made any one harass me for asking to plug in a tape book lbcongress a guy in cult maneger bored and cares 3 men on street ask me to leave the back of store on hollywood bl and new hamster had knife western man had gun behind kfc he try to harass me with my head phone on i call 911 on cell this man stiff is in a sober living in van news supplied velapo then the vido i was knock out in cheer on riverton magnolia north holly ca matthuw was slapping me in the face jonathin i push the other i hit the red head or anderw when i sat in the back years of that place i thout was abandoned i seen one with a bucker knife so they never stop following me i left to san francico slidel valley mission hills nh bakersfild grenade hills bakers feld andrew mohomad ali and hillvew staff helps once mike strong and jordan knocked me out drunk and sead im gowing to put you throu corruption so that happen mycological abuse illegal pycotarapy a vido i seen sara ramose used a bat wile i was ski laced with strict this i stope tacking 9 year ago ther all still doing the sam thing 14 year 7 torched me one in hillvewe wite guy robort rick i for gotthe men know i remember they where stoping me because he bit my goring blood was in his mouth staff wont do any thing they shold be sewd they lit and rip me off the tapep say the guy duper is looking at airplane s and pretens how to buy stuff i stoped 6 years ago they got payed to 50-300$they all did it because they did not want me to have a gierfrend they rip off set up illegally senate set up they try it with garden some undercover i seen vido of staff put a pint brush in my eye filled with higean supply in the regally manor hit the last time 1000 times socks and staff strangled me until i passed out like a killer use water to dround me pd in vido mite of they did it because they did not want me to have i girl frend i e meld you before hill vewey mental pocoma van nuts bl and last descanso bl la ca they wold of rip me off put me away i was not doing any thing they used kkk wite supremacy gay pride rasist gang stalking home envying illegal pycotarapy gane rapping men discremanaion corruption ill e mail the place that handels the rest

    Comment by dupreturner — October 11, 2010 @ 2:29 am

  340. Crackpot conspiracy theorists are do-nothings and a force for inaction at best, dismissing the importance of all other problems except for those that they link to whatever mythical pervasive conspiracy, demonizing all skeptical requests for evidence, and likewise adamantly rejecting any action agenda beyond consciousness raising. Or else at worst, crackpot conspiracy theorists are hate criminals and propagandists. But what do we mean by conspiracy theory? And as an article of critical preference, how exactly are crackpot conspiracy theories so bereft of all credibility? Indeed, if three people rob a gas station together, don’t we assume that they planned it together, that they conspired? Or must we suppose that they all converged simultaneously, masked and guns in hand, by sheer coincidence, and only then decided that they might as well collaborate? Of course not. Rather, crackpot paranoid conspiracy theories strain credibility and credulity in their tendencies to posit impractically pervasive and deep secrecy together with consummate competence in the exercise of power. But exploitation and abuse as an open secret in any given culture, is another matter entirely. Examples include racism, organized crime and, yes: bullying including gang stalking. Alas, gang stalking is really not all that complicated. Vigilantism is little secret either. Denials aside, nor is bullying. -All unlike the explanatorily inelegant mythic tendrils of deep Byzantine conspiracies.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 11, 2010 @ 8:19 pm

  341. From another blog…


    bonnarj7 (1 month ago)

    Good video, but you are eventually going to find out that these domestic spies, or “citizen police”, are actually the ones being catalogued. We are aware of the situation. There is a fascist element that needs to be rooted out of our society. What’s going on here is a massive test. You either pass or fail the test. You either love freedom or you hate it. You either love your neighbor, or you hate your neighbor. What these individuals are going to find out is that the joke was on them, trust me. But how would we know who these people are, unless we give them a chance to identify themselves??? Get it? So don’t be fearful, we know what we are doing. This has been all thought out.”

    Comment by Name (required) — October 21, 2010 @ 5:30 am

  342. Hey Arron, this *is* the nerve that was hit. Hope it doesn’t hit you or any other US citizen ever again, but I would not count on it.

    2002-0233 02/19/2002 BIBLIOGRAPHIC Salem, Harry ARMY Client is searching for Provided client with results of toxicolgical information on CBIAC and Toxline database Tacrine, an anti- searches.

    cholinesterase inhibitor from the perspective of its potential use a non-lethal

    Sunshine Report – “Another document (available here) reveals the interest of a senior US Army toxicologist in tacrine, a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. The Army is not interested in the drug, however, for helping disease victims. Rather, it is assessing use of tacrine as a weapon. In February 2002, at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, the toxicologist ordered a literature review on its potential for weaponization. Chemically, tacrine is a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, a first cousin of the nerve gases sarin, tabun, and VX (among others).

    Comment by notbiased — October 22, 2010 @ 4:03 am

  343. Huh?___________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 22, 2010 @ 7:21 am

  344. Huh?…

    Yeah right dude, keep on spewing that, it’ll do you good in a parallel universe.

    Comment by Name(required) — October 24, 2010 @ 5:16 am

  345. Sorry, but I’ve simply lost all interest: You’ve closed all discussion unless one agrees with you completely and uncritically. You’ve demonized all natural skepticism. I’d say you already abide in a parallel world all your own. The ball remains in your court.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 24, 2010 @ 7:17 am

  346. I too have had to endure organized, criminal-gang, stalking, but in very real tangible ways, not with electronics that I know of. These stalking events were carried out by real people, on the spot, and it was oh so very very obvious, but not so to anyone just happening by at any one event. It was identifiable by a series of events which could not possibly, by any chance or odds, have been mere happenstance or coincidence. I contacted lawyers on the internet, but got no responses. The US itself, with many more prisoners than any other first-world country, is itself a criminal enterprise. There is no legal structure to deal with these phenomena, and when the law refuses to act, they are complicit and in collusion.

    I had gotten detailed information about the attacks of 9-11 in 1997, and I told about 130 people about those attacks for four years, but mostly to be verbally attacked, ignored, or mocked. After the attacks I told people I had known they were going to happen, and without any consideration whatsoever for the facts I was labled delusional and worse.

    The stalking started long before 9-11-01, but certain aspects of it have greatly intensified since then, and as far as I am concerned, if they are allowed to do that to me freely, 9-11 was what this country had coming.

    Comment by John — October 25, 2010 @ 11:18 am

  347. to make people commit succide,to invade peoples minds to break them,to control them, keep secret what they do
    to test and practice there harrassing techniques,and ways to rat n roll or fish info’for no other use then to use against you for control,or use you as a puppet,or break you
    its all fun and games till someone losses an eye
    concerntration and focus are key to in real life
    to become knowledgable and experienced at a skill you reqiure

    then say dont do this or get a life or get out while you can

    this bullshit once they get into your head they will not let you go

    if you stand alone against them it is going to make you crazy ,insane if you dnt learn what to do defend oneself qiuck enough
    dont get angry(its what they want, it makes you stupid your brain looses bloodand it goes into your bones to prepare violent situation, hate solves nothing in the end.
    defence: there are 3 main physogical paths of attack: DOUGHT WORRY AND FEAR
    the devils plays(1) I know the main one (dont)ever(fear)(death),dont fear your actions of past mistakes what matters is we become better people then what we were.(2)(worring) you must get stern fealings
    never give into hijackers demands no matter what they say
    (3) DOUGHT
    Im still working on this myself,less insecure about yourself figure out your short commings and learn meditation, doing hobbies,arts,crafts learning to play music something that interest you were you can short things in your mind while enjoying,dont forget there listning for what you need hate to use this against you
    so use your own judgment >you cant let them push you around
    rember what doesnt kill you makes you stronger
    be like the new tree sappling learn to bend with the wind

    keeping your friends close but your enemies closer.
    there 2 types of people unselfish and selfish
    good reads are taoist ,buddismn and jesus type of beliefs.
    you cant really move away to someplace were they dont use electromagnetic surrvailence systems sooner then later itll be sprouting everywere with communication sattleliets and electromagnectic wireless communication theres no were to be free of them or to have your own freedom of ways to do what you believe in
    ive been through pretty much every tatic the stalking, harrassing, mind washing , and low end plays these so called wanna be groups of society can use on you, of course there could be a banna peal around the next corner , I do fall to forgetfullness also my ego ,and pride, If stay true to lifes learnings —- greater I have consciouness awareness
    there main tatics are physcoligcal the only real power they posses is the artifical electromagentic radio waves that they use to invade your mind , these waves are nataurly produced on earth ,but these artifical waves are too strong and growing everywere, no natural evolution fast of a change , this and our planets climate being changed ,global warming from the artifical radiation waves heating the ions in the air with co2 emmissions acting like a blanket in the upper atmoshepere not letting the extra heat to exscape. the tampering of natural evolution, or just letting it slide to get the resources up north
    be true thy own self be fore true to others
    great people think of ideas
    average people think of things
    small minded people talk aout other people
    there is no Devil its just mankind power drunk
    when absolute power corrupts it corrupts absolutly
    the belief system that corrupt now is from the 1600 century from the beggining of the industrial age were you basically plunder all till nothings left and then move onto another area
    a industrial warlike mindset , totally selfish , and narrow minded thinking
    thats in need of change for these things to get better.
    one must conquer ourselves in our short commings and learn how to get along with mankind
    then we have strength in numbers
    in peace , unselfishness ,and empathy
    A better rightious belief makes a life style for all things material and spiritual to succedd

    one is all , all is one

    Comment by the seminal — November 7, 2010 @ 3:55 pm

  348. I got mob stalked and gangstalked by the Chicago MOB and the Chicago Police department puppets, their all the same shit any way criminals, I got fired because of it. I want the whole world to know that the Chicago police are working for their MOB friends I can prove it 100%.

    Im not afriad of any of these people because I know I can send them to the hospital any time I want. This kinda crap would work on some weak people but their messing with wrong guy here, What you people should do is carry around a mini cam and catch the stalkers faces and license plates and you can show the evidence to your police department but if you live in Chicago forget it their the ones that are committing these crimes. This guy sued the government because they were harassing, stalking and using microwave weopons on him. Hes a genius.

    Comment by frank — November 16, 2010 @ 6:41 am

  349. living rooms should be decorated with style that is why i always get some living room decoration idea on the internet .*-

    Comment by LCD Screen Cleaner — November 16, 2010 @ 10:26 pm

  350. This is what the crooked government are doing and their trying frame me and others for their MOB friends in Chicago including a 10 year convict male prostitute named Leonard Cox, Crooked cops will not tell anybody about him because they dont want to look like shit and nobody is going to believe a lowlife cracked male prostitute. Watch out for the lowest life in history Chicago MOB COPS.

    Comment by frank — November 16, 2010 @ 11:50 pm

  351. They, the freemasons are out to do whatever damage they can. They dont know u are going crazy. they cant read ur mind.Its whatever happens. They probably wish a victim would go nuts, but they themselves are the nuts and have crossed the sane line to insanity.
    birds of feather flock together, they wish us to join them , as “nuts”.All loose cannons and are now coming to past, cops wreaking there cars and dieing, shooting ea. other.where i live masonic cops son shot 5 times, killed, a masonic cop….was asked why, he did not know why ???…
    lately wheere i live, city marshall wreaks and kills himself, sheerif, does the same, tx. state trooper runs of of road causes a death of innocent.
    fireman jumps 3 stories to death, no there was not a fire, he thought it was on fire .. bizarre huh !!!!!????

    Its happening in your town too !!!

    Comment by badwentgood — December 2, 2010 @ 3:38 pm

  352. Repost, for the truth.

    September 18, 2010 at 6:55 am

    Spew all you want, but facts are facts.

    Not many “real victims” remain because of so-called nonlethal *nerve agents* that are being used covertly.

    Tacrine anyone?

    2002-0233 02/19/2002 BIBLIOGRAPHIC Salem, Harry ARMY Client is searching for Provided client with results of
    toxicolgical information on CBIAC and Toxline database
    Tacrine, an anti- searches.
    cholinesterase inhibitor from
    the perspective of its
    potential use a non-lethal

    Sunshine Report – “Another document (available here) reveals the interest of a senior US Army toxicologist in tacrine, a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. The Army is not interested in the drug, however, for helping disease victims. Rather, it is assessing use of tacrine as a weapon. In February 2002, at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, the toxicologist ordered a literature review on its potential for weaponization. Chemically, tacrine is a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, a first cousin of the nerve gases sarin, tabun, and VX (among others).

    Comment by notbiased — September 18, 2010 @ 6:44 am

    Comment by — December 20, 2010 @ 6:02 am


    Sisters win sex lawsuit vs. dad $2.3 million given for years of abuse

    By Howard Prankratz

    Denver Post Legal Affairs Writer

    Two daughters of former state and federal law enforcement official Edward Rodgers were awarded $2.319,400 yesterday, after a Denver judge and jury found that the women suffered years of abuse at the hands of their father.

    The award to Sharon Simone, 45, and Susan Hammond, 44, followed testimony of Rodgers’ four daughters in person or through depositions, describing repeated physical abuse and sexual assaults by their father from 1944 through 1965.

    Rodgers, 72, who became a child abuse expert after retiring from the FBI and joining the colorado Springs DA’s office, failed to appear for the trial. But in a deposition taken in March, Rodgers denied ever hitting or sexually abusing his children.

    He admitted that he thought of himself as a “domineering s.o.b. who demanded strict responses from my children, strict obedience.” But it never approached child abuse, Rodgers said. “Did I make mistakes? Damn right I did, just like any other father or mother…”

    Thomas Gresham, Rodger’s former attorney, withdrew from the case recently after being unable to locate his client. Rodgers recently contacted one of his sons from a Texas town along the Mexican border. Gresham said his last contact with Rodgers was on April 24.

    The sisters reacted quietly to the verdict, and with relief that their stories of abuse had finally been told.

    “I feel really good that I’ve gone public with this,”Hammond said. “I am a victim, the shame isn’t mine, the horror happened to me. I’m not bad.

    “My father did shameful and horrible things to me and my brothers and sisters. I don’t believe he is a shameful and horrible man, but he has to be held accountable,” Hammond added.

    The lawsuit deeply divided the Rodgers family, with Rodgers’ three sons questioning their sister’s motives.

    Immediately after the verdict, son Steve Rodgers, 37, reacted angrily, yelling at his sisters in the courtroom.

    Later, Rodgers said he loves his father and stands by him. He said his sisters had told him their father had to be exposed the way Nazi war criminals have been exposed.

    “In a way I’m angry with my father for not being here. But I’m sympathetic because he would have walked into a gross crucifixion,” Rodgers said.

    Steve Rodgers never denied that he and his siblings were physically abused, but disputed that his father molested his sisters.

    Before the jury’s award, Denver District Judge William Meyer found that Rodger’s conduct toward Simone and Hammond was negligent and “outrageous.”

    Despite the length of time since the abuse, the jury determined the sisters could legally bring the suit. The statute of limitations for a civil suit is two years, but jurors determined that the sisters became aware of he nature and extent of their injury only within the last two years, during therapy.

    The jury then determined the damages, finding $1,240,000 for Simone and 1,079,000 for Hammond.

    The sisters had alleged in their suit filed last July that Rodgers subjected his seven children to a “pattern of emotional, physical, sexual and incestual abuse.”

    As a result of the abuse, the women claimed their emotional lives had been left in a shambles, requiring extensive therapy for both and repeated hospitalizations of Hammond, who was acutely suicidal. Simone developed obsessive behavior and became so unable to function she resigned a position with a Boston-based college.

    Despite the judgment yesterday, Rodgers cannot be criminally charged. the statue of limitations in Colorado for sexual assault on children is 10 years.

    Rodgers, who worked for the FBI for 27 years, much of it in Denver, became chief investigator for the district attorney’s office in Colorado Sp;rings. during his employment at the DA’s office from 1967 until 1983, he became a well-known figure in Colorado Springs, and lectured and wrote about child abuse both locally and nationwide.

    He wrote a manual called ” A Compendium — Child Abuse by the National College of District Attorney’s,” and helped put together manuals on child abuse for the New York state police and a national child abuse cente
    NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) _ A retired FBI agent was indicted Friday on federal child sex charges dating back more than a decade when he was a Boy Scout leader.

    William Hutton, 63, of Killingworth, was arrested Friday. The federal grand jury indictment offers few details about the case but accuses Hutton of enticing a member of his Scout troop to Maine for the purpose of sexual activity in 1994 and 1995.

    “It’s obviously devastating. He was an FBI agent in this district and was reputed in this district,” defense attorney Hugh Keefe said. “The people who worked with him in the U.S. attorney’s office and FBI respected him.”

    Keefe said the investigation has been going on for years. He would not discuss the details of the case or how the allegations surfaced.

    Investigators asked anyone who knows anything about the case to call the FBI. U.S. Attorney Kevin O’Connor said that’s standard practice whenever there might be more victims.

    “In any case that’s a concern,” O’Connor said. “Whether that’s the situation here I can’t say.”

    If convicted on all four charges, Hutton faces up to 30 years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines.

    Hutton was released on a $200,00 bond. He may not own any firearms or have any unsupervised contact with children. He was also ordered to stay away from playgrounds, schools, arcades or anywhere children congregate.

    Comment by neverwasbad — December 20, 2010 @ 11:40 am


    Associated Press Writer

    WASHINGTON (AP) – The former chief internal watchdog at the FBI has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl and has admitted he had a history of molesting other children before he joined the bureau for what became a two-decade career.

    John H. Conditt Jr., 53, who retired in 2001, was sentenced last week to 12 years in prison in Tarrant County court in Fort Worth, Texas, after he admitted he molested the daughter of two FBI agents after he retired. He acknowledged molesting at least two other girls before he began his law enforcement career, his lawyer said.
    *********Monday August 8, 2005 Longtime FBI agent sentenced to prison on child porn count


    Associated Press Writer

    BOISE, Idaho (AP) A longtime FBI agent who helped arrest mountain-man Claude Dallas and was involved in a deadly 1984 siege involving white supremacists in Washington state is going to prison for 12 months after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography.

    William Buie, 64, of Boise, most recently worked as an investigator for the Idaho attorney general’s office.

    He was sentenced Monday in U.S. District Court to a year in prison on one count of possession of sexually exploitative materials involving minors. He had pleaded guilty in March.*******************************************************************************************
    April 28, 2006

    A former FBI agent who was the scourge of corrupt sheriffs and drug kingpins across East Tennessee for more than a decade was indicted Wednesday for allegedly having an affair with a Korean brothel manager in Myrtle Beach, S.C., and concealing the relationship from his superiors.

    Clyde William Merryman, 60, was issued a summons to appear in court May 5 after a federal grand jury in Florence, S.C., returned a seven-count indictment charging him with obstruction of justice, mail fraud, concealing a material fact, and falsifying records, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Charlotte, N.C., which is prosecuting the case.

    FBI stumbled on Trilogy cost oversight: GAO

    By Alice Lipowicz
    Staff Writer

    The FBI paid at least $10.1 million in questionable contractor costs related to its controversial Trilogy IT modernization program, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office.

    For example, in a single invoice for March 2002 from contractor DynCorp, which is now part of Computer Services Corp., the FBI was billed $1.9 million for “other direct costs” with no explanation.

    “No additional information was provided on the invoice to explain what made up these costs,” the GAO report said.
    1 Mar 2002 In a case of mistaken identity, FBI agent Christopher Braga shoots unarmed 20-year-old Eagle Scout Joseph Charles Schultz in the face during a traffic stop in Pasadena, Maryland

    16 Sep 2002 Former FBI agent John Harrison shoots himself and two coworkers in his office at the Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield insurance building in New York.

    17 Jun 2003 Former FBI metallurgist Kathleen Lundy pleads guilty to falsifying evidence for a Kentucky murder trial.
    17 Jul 2003 FBI translator Mario Castillo is arrested for making false statements, illegally accessing Bureau computer files, and personally profiting from the contents
    13 Nov 2003 Justice Department inspector general Glenn Fine releases a report outlining instances of FBI managers perpetrating inappropriate sexual behavior and questionable racial and sexual comments, who generally received light reprimands.
    12 Feb 2004 In a Ft. Worth, Texas courtroom, retired FBI agent John H. Conditt, Jr. receives 12 years for molesting a 6-year-old girl at least 10 times in 2002.
    18 Feb 2004 Senator Charles Grassley releases a four-year-old report revealing that one in 1,000 FBI agents between 1986 and 1999 were fired for misconduct.
    18 May 2004 In Washington, DC, former FBI crime lab scientist Jacqueline A. Blake pleads guilty to making false statements. In doing so, Blake admits having falsified more than a hundred reports regarding her DNA tests over a three-year period.
    24 May 2004 Portland, Washington SAIC Robert Jordan apologizes for having detained Muslim attorney Brandon Mayfield for two weeks under the 1984 Material Witness Act, based on a fingerprint mismatch. “The FBI regrets the hardships that this has placed on Mr. Mayfield and his family.”
    2 Jul 2004 Former FBI agent Eugene Harding pleads guilty to receiving stolen personal data from Social Security and IRS computer databases. Harding had been employed as a security consultant to some Las Vegas hotel resorts at the time.
    11 Aug 2004 Former FBI employee Rosana Frederick is arrested in Brooklyn for allegedly scamming 11 immigrants out of $43,500. Frederick stands accused of offering to obtain green cards and U.S. citizenship for the alleged victims. Previously, Frederick had been convicted of extorting money from immigrants in December 1992, for which she received 18 months in prison.

    Comment by neverwasbad — December 20, 2010 @ 11:45 am

  355. FREEMASONS OWN the mafia,FBI,CIA….

    Fine LAWMEN !!!

    Flemmi details why victims had to go
    By Laurel J. Sweet
    Wednesday, June 7, 2006

    In the same blase tone he used to describe how lovers and rats were routinely butchered and buried, gangster Stephen Flemmi claimed yesterday that the more blood he spilled with his partner in crime James “Whitey” Bulger, the bigger their FBI fan club.
    Former Boston FBI supervisor James Ring “was aware of what we were doing. He condoned it,” Flemmi, 72, testified in federal court, explaining how Ring fawned over the two crime bosses, who also were the agency’s prized informants.
    Ring’s partner, John Morris, “treated us like we were FBI agents,” the man nicknamed “The Rifleman” added.
    As for the crime duo’s longtime handler, John Connolly – the only G-man convicted of blurring the lines with Bulger, Flemmi and the rest of the Winter Hill Gang – he “didn’t treat me like a criminal,” Flemmi boasted. “It’s like we were equals.”
    Between 1981 and 1990, Flemmi said Ring, Morris, Connolly and other Boston agents lapped up cash bonuses, jewelry, jukeboxes and cases of wine purchased from the kitty the gangsters kept for that purpose, dubbed “the X fund.”
    The gifts, Flemmi explained, bought him and Bulger, 76, on the lam for 11 years now, “protection” from those sworn to sweep their ilk off the streets.
    Instead, Flemmi said, murder indictments vanished and those trying to tell authorities what was going on were whacked. And all Flemmi and Bulger had to do in return was help the FBI bring down their North End competitors, the Sicilian Mafia.
    “It was a quid-pro-quo situation,” Flemmi said.
    Flemmi was the first witness to be called in a $50 million wron ul death suit brought against the federal government by a Quincy mother whose son, John McIntyre, was tortured to death by Bulger and The Rifleman in 1984 for telling the FBI they were trying to smuggle guns to Ireland.
    Yesterday, Emily McIntyre’s attorney, William Christie, his voice spiced with contempt, took Flemmi on a lurid trip down memory lane to explain why certain people were executed, including:
    # Richard Castucci, an FBI informant Connolly warned Bulger had given up the hiding place of two top Winter Hill members. “It was kind of a revenge thing,” Flemmi said.

    # Roger Wheeler, the Tulsa, Okla., owner of World Jai Alai who refused to sell his company to a Winter Hill associate. “He was a difficult person to deal with,” Flemmi said.

    # Debra Davis, Flemmi’s longtime girlfriend, who was strangled by Bulger. She knew too much about their intimate arrangement with the FBI.

    # Brian Halloran, an informant who could implicate Bulger in Wheeler’s slaying. After Halloran’s murder, Flemmi testified, Connolly called Bulger and offered to provide him with an alibi.

    # Arthur “Bucky” Barrett, a bank robber. Bulger shot Barrett in the back of the head. “Bulger knew he had a lot of money,” Flemmi said, “and he wanted some of it.”

    # Deborah Hussey, the teenage daughter of one of Flemmi’s girlfriends, who he had been sexually abusing. Bulger choked Hussey with a rope after she kept dropping his and Flemmi’s names to open doors around town.
    “Bulger was a driving force in that because she was using his name as much as mine,” Flemmi said.


    What the Media Spin does not tell you is the FBI and Mafia relationship goes back to the 1920’s when FBI agents used the Mafia friendship to kill and maim union activists and civil rights workers.
    Carlo Tresca is one person murdered in this collaborations of Death Squads..
    Voters and taxpayers have to come to grips with the concept that first and foremost the organizational model of the FBI is that of a death squad.
    FBI agents tend to contract their assassinations to other death squads so they can distance themselves from the actual hit. They utlize death squads like the Mafia, Klu Klux Klan, John Birch Society and the military , these are vendors who perform third part contracting services.
    see attorney William Pepper’s book ACT OF STATE which details the military,CIA(another death squad) Mafia and Military in the assassination of Martin Luther King.
    The real issue here is that you are unable to do anything about it because your ability to protect yourself has been bred out of you by 10 generations
    of americans using police to protect them. You have forgotten how to protect yourself.
    see Professor Bud Schultz’s books:

    Comment by neverwasbad — December 20, 2010 @ 11:54 am

  356. Repost, for the truth.

    September 18, 2010 at 6:55 am

    Spew all you want, but facts are facts.

    Not many “real victims” remain because of so-called nonlethal *nerve agents* that are being used covertly.

    Tacrine anyone?

    2002-0233 02/19/2002 BIBLIOGRAPHIC Salem, Harry ARMY Client is searching for Provided client with results of
    toxicolgical information on CBIAC and Toxline database
    Tacrine, an anti- searches.
    cholinesterase inhibitor from
    the perspective of its
    potential use a non-lethal

    Sunshine Report – “Another document (available here) reveals the interest of a senior US Army toxicologist in tacrine, a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. The Army is not interested in the drug, however, for helping disease victims. Rather, it is assessing use of tacrine as a weapon. In February 2002, at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, the toxicologist ordered a literature review on its potential for weaponization. Chemically, tacrine is a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, a first cousin of the nerve gases sarin, tabun, and VX (among others).

    Comment by — December 30, 2010 @ 5:31 am

  357. Helter Skelter and Gimme Shelter

    War, Children
    It’s just a shot a-way,
    It’s just a shot a-way
    See the fire sweeping our very street today,
    Barns like a red coal carpet, ma
    Mad bull lost its way
    Rape! Murder! It’s just a shot away
    Gimme Gimme Shelter
    or I’m gonna fade away
    Love sister,
    It’s just a kiss away.

    Comment by overandunder — December 30, 2010 @ 7:40 pm

  358. Kay Griggs talks…

    Comment by — January 1, 2011 @ 4:55 am

  359. A little replay for the uninformed.

    Comment by — January 1, 2011 @ 5:43 am

  360. Two or three of us had a chance meeting with Timothy Mcveigh in a place named The Original Donut Company in Stuart, Florida in 1994. He never mentioned Oklahoma in any way, but he did speak repeatedly of building a fertilizer bomb. He reiterated about attacking government. He had someone with him who knew about the plan. Considering the fact that in 1993 two men who might have been from the Air Force may have stalked me on the pacific coast, and tried to kill me, and who got away with impunity did not exactly encourage me to contact police or anyone else about the conversation, and I never did. The supposed Air Force dudes had a licence plate number. It was 14911F Oklahoma. That was in September. Michael Goforth, a reporter / editor for a Fort Perce, FL newspaper near McVeigh’s mother’s residence has an article on the internet. It says Tim Mcveigh visited his office in 1994 and told him something big was going to happen in Oklahoma.

    Comment by John — January 9, 2011 @ 11:10 am

  361. Bullies naturally gravitate to abuse the vulnerable, and therefore love to gaslight the mentally unstable. No one asks them to do it. Politics may also be a consideration even without being egged on. The recent attack in Arizona certainly demonstrates the ugly lunatic passions stirred up and exploited in the massively Republican political campaigns. No one planned on anything going that far, but you can’t summon up the devil and expect him to behave! Of course, evil doers to begin with, are often irresponsible. The new speaker of the house is a little late and typically hypocritical so to deplore.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 9, 2011 @ 4:16 pm

  362. Psychopathy personality traits

    Definition of a Felon Criminal BULLY

    Mask of Sanity:

    Superficial charm and average intelligence.
    Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking.
    Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations.
    Untruthfulness and insincerity.
    Lack of remorse or shame.
    Antisocial behavior without apparent compunction.
    Poor judgement and failure to learn from experience.
    Pathological egocentricity and incapacity to love.
    General poverty in major affective reactions.
    Specific loss of insight.
    Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations.
    Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink, and sometimes without.
    Suicide threats rarely carried out.
    Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated.
    Failure to follow any life plan.

    Robert Hare Ph.D (1991 “The Hare Psychopathy Checklist – Revised” ):

    Displaying glibness and superficial charm
    Being in constant need of stimulation and prone to excessive boredom
    Acting in a conning or manipulative way
    Showing shallow emotional responses
    Relying on others for financial support (parasitic lifestyle)
    Acting out promiscuous sexual behavior
    Lacking realistic long term goals
    Behaving irresponsibly
    Avoiding long term relationships
    Feeling a grandiose sense of self worth
    Lying repeatedly without remorse
    Lacking any remorse or guilt
    Lacking empathy for others
    Having poor behavioral controls
    Displaying behavioral problems early on in life
    Behaving impulsively
    Failing to accept responsibility for actions
    Delinquency as a juvenile
    Displaying signs criminal diversity

    Comment by gurss who — January 9, 2011 @ 5:02 pm

  363. I may disagree in a couple of fine points: Bullies can indeed have very well formed life plans or at least careers. Indeed, many bullies are actually comically over parented petty bureaucrats in chronic abuse of power in a variety of social contexts, especially wherever checks and balances of oversight do not exist to constrain them. Devious bullies are often thick as thieves and as well organized as mobsters. The lone maladjusted bully is more often a myth needing to be exploded. Also, bullies crave validation and may come at all to believe their own lies, even indeed to the point of delusion. As I have said repea5redly before, serial bullying even however consummately organized, tends to be a grassroots phenomena, with little need for mythical shadow government or pervasive conspiracy oversight. And we should be discussing what to do about it.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 9, 2011 @ 6:11 pm

  364. grassroots phenomena.

    You are joking ???

    This shit has been going on for at least 60 yrs.

    You always point what it is but not by who ????

    Who are you trying to educate???…the insane ??
    You call it what you want, others can and do call it what they want,..YOU can not change that.You can not FORCE your opinions on someone with even half a brain… You are stuck with your opinion. Like stuck on stupid. yank your head around, do a 360, LOL !!bullying,stalking,harassing…what fucking difference does it make at the end of the day ???

    Comment by reed — January 26, 2011 @ 9:13 pm

  365. Bullying behavior is far older than any scant sixty years! Much of it can even be seen amongst pack mammals, let alone higher primates. You complain that I do not say who bullies. It doesn’t seem likely that you and I are actually bullied by the same cliques. But we do all belong to the same wider society, with the same problems, inadequate response to bullying and even enabling ethos. Again, I explicitly deny pervasive conspiracy. Furthermore, I do not see how I am the one forcing my opinions upon anyone else. And I find your name calling inappropriate. But whatever you think is going on, again, do tell: What should we actually do about it?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 26, 2011 @ 9:54 pm

  366. This website is not about “bullying”, it is about assaults using government grade chemical. biological and electronic weapons against innocent American citizens. This is Domestic Terrorism perpetrated by what would be unbelievable by all victims.

    Mr. Agassi, take your “bullying” accounts elsewhere, there are irrelevant here.

    Repost, for the truth.

    September 18, 2010 at 6:55 am

    Spew all you want, but facts are facts.

    Not many “real victims” remain because of so-called nonlethal *nerve agents* that are being used covertly.

    Tacrine anyone?

    2002-0233 02/19/2002 BIBLIOGRAPHIC Salem, Harry ARMY Client is searching for Provided client with results of
    toxicolgical information on CBIAC and Toxline database
    Tacrine, an anti- searches.
    cholinesterase inhibitor from
    the perspective of its
    potential use a non-lethal

    Sunshine Report – “Another document (available here) reveals the interest of a senior US Army toxicologist in tacrine, a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. The Army is not interested in the drug, however, for helping disease victims. Rather, it is assessing use of tacrine as a weapon. In February 2002, at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, the toxicologist ordered a literature review on its potential for weaponization. Chemically, tacrine is a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, a first cousin of the nerve gases sarin, tabun, and VX (among others).

    Comment by — February 2, 2011 @ 4:39 am

  367. I have already explained how I am indeed on topic. Whereas you are just blowing smoke.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 2, 2011 @ 5:36 am

  368. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

    Comment by not342167 — February 3, 2011 @ 6:40 am

  369. Not always. Indeed, often not. -As for example, with ESP and the like. Often, the only conflagration are sparks of rumor enflaming fantasy, if not the torch of mendacity outright. But we all know this. “Where there is smoke, there is fire” comes as a desperate reort from someone who is just blowing smoke.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 3, 2011 @ 9:38 am

  370. these people are using chemical or biological weapons that react to injections they have secretly injected into me while i was drugged

    Comment by jp — February 5, 2011 @ 6:31 pm

  371. Yes, I have your word on it! And that should be good enough for anyone.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 5, 2011 @ 11:54 pm

  372. Quote “Agassi” – “Yes, I have your word on it! And that should be good enough for anyone.”

    Nobody that posts here expects *you* to believe anything, since you discuss such *off topic* subjects as ESP and *obviously* are not a victim of what the majority of “GangStalking (for lack of a better term)” victims describe as their personal experience. I’ve read that you say you have been bullied, I believe you.

    I don’t, however, believe you have the slightest knowledge of what anyone else is experiencing. Were you there? Do you profess to have some kind of special ability to *know,* like maybe ESP?

    And just because *we* “have your word on it,” should that be good enough for us?

    Comment by notbiased — February 6, 2011 @ 2:24 am

  373. Don’t take me out of context. You know perfectly well that I only mentioned ESP as a clasic example of the proverbial smoke with no metaphorical fire. Indeed, to reiterate, I have already defended the rellevancy of my posts, but you still do not respond. And the position you now take is sometimes clasified as: The insider-outsider dillema. Basically, you have resigned yourself only metaphorically to preach to the proverbial quior. You value no other perspective. You abide in an echoi chamber, and filter out everything that doesn’t fit. You have lost all hope of reasonable discourse with anyone else, no matter how rational or of good will. You completely dispair of ever making your case and exposing whatever pervasive conspiracy wherof you assert, publically. You accept no burden of evidence at all, let alone any higher standard of evidence for extraordinary claims. Well, best of luck to you all. So what is it that you hope to asccomplish? Even assuming hypothetically that everyting you claim is completely true, yet again, exactly what are you planning to actually do about it?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 6, 2011 @ 2:51 am

  374. Quote Agassi – “Don’t take me out of context.”

    Context? Proverbial? Metaphorical? Conspiracy? Hypothetically? We are receiving orders now? Oh, that’s right, you’ve been giving orders all along. We just have an innate inability to follow them, our failing, I’m sure we should apologize (sarcasm ((in case you don’t get it)).

    Rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off. 😉

    We are not “preaching to the quior” (or correctly spelled choir). *We* are *mostly* just victims that don’t need children like you trying to prove that they possess critical thinking and writing abilities.

    And, do you just sit on this site waiting for somebody to make a post? How sad, because I don’t, but in *this* case stopped back by on my way home.

    I would suggest that you “get a life,” a cliche, but possibly applicable in your case?

    And *you* should really proofread your posts for spelling and *context.*

    No offense intended dude, but really, that post was a mess.

    Comment by notbiased — February 6, 2011 @ 4:23 am

  375. Very well then, please, pretty please with sugar on top, kindly refrain from talking me out of context. Better?

    And I checked the box to be notified of new posts to this thread. So, are you saying that this forum is a support group, with the sole purpose of validating one another?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 6, 2011 @ 6:01 am

  376. aarroonn jibber flexability
    in his thoughts. like i said, stuck in a
    oblivion of a single thought…..never productive..stuck as a statue stands, never moves….stuck in a bubble of hoplessness.A knight full of wisdom…with no challange..

    Pop goes the bubble…!!!!

    Comment by lucy — February 6, 2011 @ 1:46 pm

  377. Anyone who doesn’t move in your direction and think as you do, isn’t productive? Bah humbug! Exactly what is so productive about your obsession?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 6, 2011 @ 3:35 pm

  378. this stuff is real.the stalking for me has been a group of families that are all related.blacks,whites,indians,even chinese or vietenmese.they are using chemical aerosols and cologne or perfume laced with chemicals that react to an injection they have given while for me i have been drugged and interrogated multiple times.they are also using NLP timed hypnosis.they can program your unconscious and use the aerosol hypnotics to get you to do things you wouldnt normally due.they also have aerosol calmatives,steroid,and irritants.they have been trying to scare me into saying that im crazy,but i am not.They had me watch the movie Peaceful Warrior during the start of my harassment.In the movie the actor is taught by an imaginary person which turns out to be just hypnosis and would have to watch the movie and research it on the net,Also check on the director of the movie.Strange coincidences.I live in phoenix az and the people that have stalked me in san diego are related to the people in az.mostly parks and rec drivers and library.they use a lot of auto suggestion with the seems like they know what we are thinking but ,its just suggestions they have put into the hypnosis.i hear ringing in my ears then things start to play back.its high speed sublimminal messages being played back.

    Comment by justin case — February 14, 2011 @ 8:27 pm

  379. After all, the leading cause of feelings of persecution remains actual persecution. And Paranoids often have enemies too, bullies having their Sadistic fun at the expense of the vulnerable. And getting helpful professional psychiatric support under hostile and stressful conditions is no confession of wrong or acquiescence to abusers. Justin Case, if you are not entirely delusional then get the goods on the perpetrators. Don’t be helpless! Plant electronic surveillance, even hire a PI, which has been successful in exposing vigilante gang stalkers in the past. But be advised that chemical sensitivity is perfectly common quite without covert injections. And people who are sufficiently threatened and harassed can reasonably misinterpret their own stress symptoms as poisoning of one sort or another.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 14, 2011 @ 9:00 pm

  380. aaron,
    just in case.. get it !!!???

    Comment by kingfungchu — February 14, 2011 @ 9:21 pm

  381. No kingfungchu, that went right over my head.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 15, 2011 @ 6:46 am

  382. I, for one, know without any question whatsoever that gang-stalking is for real. I am not going to detail my experiences, but they are many. I will now tell you something you are culturally conditioned to reject out of hand. Or should I say this next bit of information leaps the bounds of your credulousness. I had known in detail about the attacks of 9-11-01 since 1997. I told plenty of people about those coming attacks for four years, including people in law enforcement. Long before 9-11 I was the victim of six consecutive months of specifically worded terrorist threats. After the threats came two incidents in one 24-hour period that killed 104 people and wounded 265, some of whom were horribly disfigured for life, and I am a survivor of one of those events.

    Comment by John — February 26, 2011 @ 6:08 pm

  383. People in law enforcement are the enemy. u did not know this at the time..i understand..
    Yes, its real and law enforcement is finally coming around..( the lawful ones)the profane ones !. slowly…
    BULLYINGHARASSMENT< who the FUC* cares !!! ITS REAL..

    write a book for income !!

    How the hell did u know, ??? unless u are part of the corruptness. ??
    NO ordinary citizen would know this.
    ONLY GOV….or gov. contractor ???

    Comment by crimefighter — February 26, 2011 @ 8:13 pm

  384. Well, John, I’m not clear to whom your message is addressed, but I, for one, certainly believe in organized gang stalking amongst other modes of harassment by bullies and even various vigilante nobodies and wanna-bes. Even that such ubiquitous perpetrators are a handy resource for black ops and corporate criminals in retaliation against various dissidents and whistle blowers. And for that matter, I won’t even try to list all the warnings ignored up until 9-11, well documented, well known to the public and in no journalistic dispute. As to your own claims however, I have no idea. This is the first I’ve heard from you. It would be necessary to review and to discuss whatever evidence you might care to present. Do you wish to discuss the matter seriously?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 26, 2011 @ 11:27 pm

  385. Most of all of the above is true; but it’s simpler than you might believe. The FBI is running the whole stinking mess, not just in the US, but globally.

    We have Robert Mueller III, Ronald C. Ruecker, and Daniel Lee Cloyd, et-al, to thank for this crap.

    Now you know who they are… So, go get them!!!

    Comment by Sophie — April 5, 2011 @ 12:33 pm

  386. I know this is real and trust me when i say I would have never believed.If you watch carefully the attackers after you logged on will be talking and we go down for days. I know its not the fBI but why cant we collect the evidence before we tear your house apart. What are we looking for. How do we save our family. I have had behavior tests done okay on that one, one clue I found was when I did get to the doctors my white blood count was high. I know when I walk out on the street not everyone is against me. I am in school for criminal justice and I just feel if we could build a team some how and sneak up on them baam we got them. But they health in our hands. If you feel horrible think of happy things and god willing move around.

    Comment by Tnt3boys — April 11, 2011 @ 5:10 pm

  387. I take it that you mean catching ’em red handed, maybe video recording gangstakers in the act. -Not by any means, doing violence and taking the law into your own hands.

    Is infiltration a strategic option? Their clique might be found eager indeed to embrace anyone who comes along spewing the same hate speech against their targets. A cute girl is ideal. Bullies are braggarts desperate for co-validation and easily stroked into self incrimination! Public places such as restaurants have less expectation of privacy under the law, for incriminating covert audio or video surveillance. Video can be edited for presentation on you local Cable Access channel;

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — April 11, 2011 @ 5:48 pm

  388. I, of course could post a mile long, but I wanted to add to a comment made at the other end of these posts about a large laptop with Navstar on it.

    I had an incident of an asian guy ask if he could sit at my table in a bookstore and he had a laptop with this name on it as well. He was about mid-twenties, newly bald, as so many of them are here. He said he was from Toronto and studying for his PhD at the University of Minnesota. This rang alarm bells, because when I called 911 to report all manner of odd neighborhood goings on, instead of sending the local cops, they sent out cars (2) from the U of M! They also thought my thinking was “disordered” and though they “weren’t qualified to make a diagnosis”… suggested I was a drug addict and paranoid and this is what really got to me, they said they had these calls all the time and were hauling in college students who were just under too much pressure to the Psych Ward!

    Fortunately I did study Psychology and called them on flinging around loaded terms they claimed they had no authority to use. Shut that down. And the local cop said, the U cops wouldn’t be there next time. At that point the U cop gave me a card for crime victims, and the other cop seemed like he had been thwarted. But I think this was just another game. Because it was for the U’s councelling services, which would have resulted in a diagnosis anyway. See they really know how to play you.

    Now, I don’t recall this being a normal experience when I went to that Hell Hole, but times change I guess…

    Anyway, this asian guy said he was doing his research on people’s opinions of chips and salsa!!! He said he set up experiments telling people nothing about the chips and dip, or he did a presentation saying that they were designed and engineered to complement and go with each other. Then he recorded their opinions about the products. And, he said, he would do the same thing with pills in trials. The placebos and the real psych. meds!

    So it’s really just like any other product to these people. Having a snack or having your brain biochemically altered is really all about the marketing experience.

    I am of the opinion that this is some pharmaceutical company testing on non-consentual humans in the field. The U of M has had quite a few scandals come out surrounding their “methodology” and enrolling people in trials for psychotic meds who did not have that diagnosis but they just needed more test subjects. They get grant money for these tests and who in their half-right mind would volunteer for such trials?!

    Also, around here we have something called the Smiley Face Killers?! Have you heard of this phenomenon? Quite a few of these men disappeared from local bars mysteriously, some cop bars, and wound up in the Mississippi River because that is what you do if you get too hammered around here. Even in winter, you just have a nonsensical urge to run off by yourself in the dark to take a peek at the icy river and go take a swim, but then the current gets you, or you are found on the ice months later laid out on your back, positioned with one hand over your chest in the talking hands sign language these people use, and the cops use.

    Oh, yeah, and someone else on the web said that the U of M is connected with the CIA for research. Just sayin’.

    So, I have to say that I believe Randy Quaid, till I hear otherwise!

    Comment by Lisa — May 5, 2011 @ 4:26 am

  389. If you don’t want your posts to reflect disordered thinking, you can always take a moment to collect your thoughts and revise your text before posting. I’m actually trying to understand what it is that you find so sinister. Psych students are routinely involved in various and often silly double blind studies as part of their curriculum. Although, true enough, the most inane product development does indeed shape the banality of the world we inhabit. But it’s still your life to lead. And for that you must settle your own mind and begin charting your own course.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — May 5, 2011 @ 12:41 pm

  390. Most actual victims of these Cointelpro/MKULTRA assaults have been neutralized by so-called non-lethal nerve agents, a *fact* that will be known if or ever when the *truth* is revealed.

    Many other aerosol, contact and food planted chemical agents and electronic weapons are being used against persons selected for these torture assaults.

    Sunshine Report – “Another document (available here) reveals the interest of a senior US Army toxicologist in tacrine, a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. The Army is not interested in the drug, however, for helping disease victims. Rather, it is assessing use of tacrine as a weapon. In February 2002, at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, the toxicologist ordered a literature review on its potential for weaponization. Chemically, tacrine is a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, a first cousin of the nerve gases sarin, tabun, and VX (among others).

    Look at all pharmaceuticals considered for weapons research on this study, disregard the “in the field” military delivery methods, the applications in our/victims cases are very *personal* as laid out in this blog and others.

    Comment by truth — May 9, 2011 @ 4:32 am

  391. Is any of this corroborated in journal of record?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — May 9, 2011 @ 10:20 am

  392. Agassi – “Is any of this corroborated in journal of record?”

    Is that some kind of joke? Really? Must be, because I’m rolling on the floor.

    Get off this site asshole, –we– will track you and *know* whom you are.

    Comment by truth — May 11, 2011 @ 3:27 am

  393. You mean, you gangstalk skeptics?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — May 11, 2011 @ 6:08 am

  394. AA says – “You mean, you gangstalk skeptics?”

    No, just –perpetrators– like you.

    Kind of obvious that you are what you are.

    Comment by truth — May 15, 2011 @ 12:13 am

  395. Then we shant need such formalities as evidence and reasoning.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — May 15, 2011 @ 1:13 am

  396. Well, when *you* don’t need it, *we* don’t need it.

    That will be the way it sorts out, as always proven by history.

    But I’m sure that you and your cohorts don’t remember that, *history,* that is.

    Comment by truth — May 15, 2011 @ 3:14 am

  397. I rate cohorts?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — May 15, 2011 @ 3:41 am

  398. Well, maybe you rate lackey/paid dupe. Sorry about the assumed promotion.

    Comment by truth — May 17, 2011 @ 3:59 am

  399. Oh, your so good to me!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — May 17, 2011 @ 4:38 am

  400. AA’s last post – “Oh, your so good to me!”

    Aaron, that would be *you’re* as in you are, not *your* as in the possessive of you.

    English/grammar lesson aside, the people who torture their brothers shall perish, at least in pulp fiction.

    Jules’ speech from Ezekiel 25:17:

    “The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides with the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon those with great vengeance and with furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know that my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.”

    Feel better now? I thought you would.

    Now rest easy as the world caresses you.

    Comment by truth — May 25, 2011 @ 7:42 am

  401. But you stand in opposition to helping the vulnerable against organized gangstalking and bullying, and you have threatened my life and limb, simply because I requested evidence of your more extreme claims.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — May 25, 2011 @ 8:25 am

  402. So, you cain’t take (or comprehend) a joke?

    I see now that I have underestimated your intelligence and I apologize for my lack of accurate observation of your now obvious vulnerability.

    Or, is the real joke that you assumed that the assertion was directed at you and not the perpetrators of so-called “Gangstalking,” making you a self confessed perpetrator?

    And really, “Pulp Fiction” is just as stated, fiction.

    And you say *you* were “Threatened,” I would expect no less from a “Gangstalker.”

    Interesting, as a case study of paid internet stooges.

    Have a nice day.

    Comment by truth — May 27, 2011 @ 5:42 am

  403. TO USA stuff

    I am target in Japan.(Canada→Cuba)

    Please translate to ENGLISH











    Comment by Michael Katoomba — May 28, 2011 @ 5:06 am

  404. Japanese to English Google translation

    Last year, I left the company, operators in Japan to me, “to eliminate Mobingu in Japan, do what everyone suspected on purpose” and

    I was telling a lie.

    The truth likely lies not this much.

    To assassinate me in some sort of way, convinced that he was giving Mobingu distrust people until now, people involved in this program

    The relationship appears to be subtly control the degree to give a sense of uncertainty.

    If the operator is responsible for eavesdropping on Americans remember thinking, then why there is a need to lie-or truth, he should know. Perhaps

    Just a moment please, if you can look, not seen until the deep psyche.

    I want to check whether I was thinking about killing. At least they do not kill me lie about it. It is a lie that makes no excuses

    From what did not.

    Perhaps more likely, as has been reported that they work for me any human could.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — May 28, 2011 @ 5:55 am

  405. Michael Katoomba, if you can add punctuation to the above, that might render ir inrellifible.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — May 28, 2011 @ 5:57 am

  406. Crappy translation.

    Comment by observer — May 29, 2011 @ 1:31 am

  407. No sh-t!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — May 29, 2011 @ 6:41 am

  408. I am a target in Chicago. The first time that I realized, something just was not right was in 2005. As I read through the accounts in this site, a lot of them ring true to me. Since then I have been the victim of numerous horriffic episodes of stalking. The most terrible thing is the fact that it is a 24 hour a day threat, one thing after another. The fact that almost like it is their occupation someone has chosen to make my life miserable, angers me beyond control. I know that retaliation, becomes a game to them. They are very sick individuals. I beieve in Electronic stalking and the fact that the government is aware it occurs every day. The stalkers like to make their victims think that they are crazy or imagining things. I think the best thing that the governement could do is to let people know that it exists. I remember 5 years ago searching the internet, trying to find some type of help. I talked to several different people and found no assistance or answers. I think that part of the smug arrogance of a stalker or stalking gangs is that they feel that they cannot be caught. No one will believe the victim or the laws will not protect the victim, or because the government has developed forms of electronic stalking devices (NSA,CIA) it’s ok if they do it too. Stalking is selfish it ruins a persons life. I am glad to see people speak out against it.

    Comment by Trina Moore — June 4, 2011 @ 6:43 pm

  409. As far as stalking and harassment, particularly gas lighting, if bullies and vigilante thugs want their targets to be miserably aware that fix is in, then they’ll indeed have more an intimation soon enough. But what experience have you to indicate electronic surveillance, and what has the government to do with it, except, of course that authorities are generally clueless and of such little help? Indeed, awareness of bullying, particularly in its more covert and indi9rect tactics, is surely wonting from the po8ublic consciousness. Anyone will believe others when they are mugged or burgled, but less readily when we are being bullied, harassed or defamed.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — June 4, 2011 @ 10:06 pm

  410. When their is a lack of response from the authorities, your friends and family members to your fate, at the hands of organised crime
    this is, sadly part of the greater picture. The picture is a program that contains defence and protection systems. You say “they are
    definitely messing with me” The crimes defence program makes your ‘audience’ think that the appropriate answer is “No their not,
    your paranoid, irrational or delusional etc” otherwise your audience feels sympathetic pain and they feel uncomfortable to suggest anything otherwise.

    B/S the victim or get hurt yourself is how this criminal scumbag system works. Some people can read what I have to
    say, on this subject, but telling the same story to them face to face, I watch them double over in pain and look for an exit path.

    Those that are interfering with me, that is the stalkers that remotely view who I am talking too deal out the discomfort on them and
    fat chance of finishing the story. I hope the internet is here to stay.

    Comment by Robert — June 9, 2011 @ 11:29 am

  411. When it comes to the big picture, it’s just that I find pervasive undetectable conspiracy theory simplistic and unlikely. Indeed, I see more problem in our lack of conspiracy in response: not in merely being dismissed as crazy, but a real lack of initiative on our own part. To quote Olmstead: “When all is said and done, much is said and little is done.” If we can’t be bothered to organize in order to get the good on the perpetrators, make our case and take any active stand against organized harassment, then why should anyone else pay attention to us?

    Comment by aaronagassi — June 9, 2011 @ 11:58 am

  412. To have a subliminal system of harassment in place, to which no one claims
    responsibility for is highly likely. If such a system was exposed, well it wouldn’t
    be subliminal anymore, nor would it be effective, would it ? Long term exposure
    to a repetitive program brings about sensitivity to it, the tuning fork that only sings
    when it is struck at it’s tuned frequency.

    To ‘program’ pieces in the game to harass and become gang stalking operatives
    could be as simple as electronically/electromagnetically stimulating these people
    to feel good about what they are doing, bad if they don’t play ball.
    Look at how ‘conversion’ in the churches works…

    To suggest that such a system does not exist, or doesn’t work is protection of the
    perpetrators. I recorded various attacks over the last thirty years and provided
    evidence that was presented to psychiatrists, who now, I have ZERO respect for
    as these scammers & liars are effectively working for big pharma and the big
    bucks, kick-backs from pharma sales. Induce an illness so as to sell it a cure.
    Protect the perps and continue with misdiagnosis business as usual.

    Evidence presented, by me to psychiatry in the eighties, evidence of foul play
    and was told – coincidences. Too many coincidences shouldn’t be considered
    to be coincidence. To reject a need for thorough investigation into a complaint
    of gang stalking and intimidation is stupidity and corruption.

    When the authorities maintain a stance of deniability regarding such offences, well
    don’t you think that this is part of their programming, their instructions and education
    are to ignore such complaints ?

    Look at what happens to those that challenge this system, whistleblowers end up
    being some of the most isolated people on earth, loners.
    What do people say about it ? “They did it to themselves” Oh Really ?

    Comment by Robert — June 10, 2011 @ 1:57 am

  413. It entirely depends what is event even meant by the word: system. If by the word: ‘system’ denotes a process or procedure that can be learned and carried out in progressive stages, then yes. But if by the word: ‘system’ in employed in the sense of ongoing phenomena such as the nitrogen cycle, a mechanism such as the national power grid, or a distinct broad social institution like the Federal Bureau of Land management, indeed a pervasive secret, competent and powerful conspiracy, then no. That idea is explanatorily inelegant and frankly just loony, detracting from serious discourse. Any clique of borderline criminal bullies can engage in “far game” tactics. The systemic aspect, in the sense of system as any sort of a social institution, howsoever taboo from mention, is in the mind set of our society that tolerates or overlooks bullying in all of its forms and manifestations. We know perfectly well why bullies feel good about what they do, They don’t need exotic electronic stimulation.

    Comment by aaronagassi — June 10, 2011 @ 9:38 am

  414. I was not talking about bullies Aaron, those that have been conditioned to feel
    good about what they are doing to another human being are not occultists, drug
    dealers, rock n rollers, actors, script writers or loony tunes individually, but a
    collective of these and more, that make up the entertainment industry, which has
    a system of perversion and manipulation, as a necessary part of operations and
    it’s on going success.

    These operations include ‘setting an individual up’ and exploiting them via ‘hidden’
    methods. There is no consent granted by the victim or his/her family or friends.
    Operations are very much “DARK OPS” but not the Military. The entertainment
    industry in full of parasitic, criminal, egotistical, power tripping scum with lots of
    money and no ethics, morality or respect for the law, human life and psychological

    Gang stalking isn’t always obvious to the victim, neither is the use of technology
    to bring about a level of conditioning. These tend to stay covert for lengthy
    periods of time or until the victim becomes aware.

    Electronic/Electromagnetic systems of behavioral modification are not that
    high tech, as these systems could be HiFi, Television etc, that relay the programs
    of mental molestation – i.e. – plug in substance abuse & long term exposure to
    it combined with induced (illegally or taken freely) mind altering drugs.

    Aaron what do you know about the gains that can be had (fiscal) of discretely
    Setting someone up and ripping them off ? What do you know about the
    Entertainment industry’s occultists and programs of ritual abuse ?

    Comment by Robert — June 11, 2011 @ 2:05 am

  415. Aaron please read this – it is lengthy and does contain state sponsored shrink
    fact sheet material – I obtained my ‘medical records’ in there entirety when the
    parasites returned in the early 1990’s… It might help you to understand what
    is implied by the generic term – THE SYSTEM

    July 20, 2010 at 11:53 am (as posted elsewhere, on the net nearly a year ago)

    The 25th Anniversary of the Madonna Scam and the ‘chooks’ Pretending to be Madonna
    and no doubt were paid for this. Voice to Skull by way of voice modulated ultrasonics‘
    piggy -backed’ onto the local radio station carrier frequency.

    The radio station was 2MMM operating out of Bondi Junction in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.
    Over a period of many months prior to the events of the 19th of July 1985 subtle suggestion like
    – “No, leave the radio on, this is great stuff” It’s not in your face
    suggestion and it is perceived as ones own thoughts.

    A very effective way to manipulate someone and nothing to Stop It. By the time you are aware
    of the ‘external’ to your own thoughts you are already ‘under control’ ‘wired’ and their toy to
    play with. Madonna’s Boy Toy Thing, when she got a little older – “What are you into Madonna?”
    “Oh, I’m into pushing other peoples buttons”

    Combined this form of V2K (excludes microwave carrier) with low frequency modulation to alter
    the TI’s Mood, i.e – how you feel. A very powerful, criminal system of grossly violating an individuals
    rights to peace, privacy, trust, psychological stability etc and for what purpose?

    Exploitation, Making Money, Theft of Intellectual Property & Discrediting after Exploitation and
    the list of offences is well understood in ‘the arts’ Discrediting Example – “He’s Mad” ‘Paranoid”
    “Delusional” “Irrational” “Up Himself” “Full of it” (Why fill a page with what is already accepted
    by T.I’s as methods of discrediting someone who has been exploited ?)

    The Facts that the so called ‘Authorities’ are more than complacent to ignore the T.I’s complaints
    requires further Evidence that they are party to this well established Human Rights Violation based
    on their own narrow minded ‘program’ that they are comfortable with APATHY.
    “I’m alright and this is all bullshit anyway”

    Look how high they jump when personally confronted with such crime, only to be hammered down
    by the same system they were once supportive and instrumental in servicing.
    What when they were wired to the same “B/S” their psych patients complained of ?

    “Oh, there is nothing with my mental health, I’m a psychiatrist” (Silence of the Lambs ?)
    Malcolm Dent, once a prominent Sydney based Psychiatrist was prescribing neuroleptic drugs
    and taking sexual advantage of his patient(s) Drug induced relaxation, suggestion and repetition
    = hypnosis

    A long time ago Anton Mesmer was cut down from his perch by an entourage led by, I think,
    Benjamin Franklin for committing similar crimes. Taking unfair advantage of the helpless, powerless
    and easily manipulated victims of sanctioned crime. (Until the perp’s are cut down –
    disempowered, then this continues to this day – torture for the victims)

    Wired up by scumbags exploiting you and you don’t know ? Psychiatric, Psyche Trick, Or Treat
    as required to reinforce ‘reality’ and deprogram (get the bugs out ?) Rub salt into the wounds of the
    victims and tell them that it was all in their minds. Same ‘salt in the wound’ treatment again (Bullshit
    the Victim) if the ‘Bugs’ get back in where the ‘Value’ was to be had.

    On the 19th of July 1985 after many months of the Industry Parasites via the FM radio receiver, their
    reinforcement of Added Delusional Content, to the ‘approved’ program of Mind Control Crap, (sorry,
    ‘entertainment’) went like this –

    “Madonna” – “Let’s meet over at your mother’s house this afternoon and tell her of our intentions
    to marry”
    Robert – “Great, do you know where you are going”
    “Madonna” – “of course”

    I grabbed the last $10.00 in cash that I had, the Rickenbacker 620 (a 12 string solid body HAARP)
    the TU-12H tuner and a guitar lead, put them all in the guitar’s hard case and set off for the family home.
    (I caught a taxi)

    When I arrived and knocked on the door, I could see the back door open, but my mother was hanging
    washing out and couldn’t hear. I used my key to get in and greeted mum down the end of the back yard.
    When we came inside and I settled down from what had made me quite anxious, I said to my mother –

    “Guess what mum, I getting married” my mother said ‘Oh yes and who’s the lucky girl ?” I said this –
    “Madonna, and she’s meeting me here this afternoon” My mother didn’t handle this to well (understandably)
    and became quite hysterical, verbally abusive and told me to get out.

    I had just spent the last of my cash on the taxi fare and the closest bank was up hill & miles away, and
    besides that what about when “Madonna” shows up and I’m not around ?
    My mother was clearly upset but I asked her to loan me some money and give me some paper & a pen
    so I could leave a message behind for Madonna when she shows up.

    My mother then tried to call my father, who was at work and then she called the cops. One of the Police
    officers I knew as we went to school together for the first 5 years till the end of 1970.

    Anthony Gerard SHAW was at this time a Police Constable attached to Maroubra Police in Sydney’s
    Eastern Suburbs.

    After a brief discussion with my mother he then spoke with me
    SHAW – “What’s this stuff about going to marrying Madonna”
    ME – Yeah, great ha”
    SHAW – “You’re mother doesn’t want you here’
    ME – “Yeah, I know”
    SHAW – “Can we give you a lift somewhere, you’ll have to
    ride in the back” (A Bum Waggon)
    ME – “That would be great, are you going back up the junction?”
    SHAW’s offsider – “That’s a nice leather jacket, you’ve got there”
    SHAW – “Hop in”

    They didn’t stop at Maroubra Junction and kept going to
    Randwick, entering the Prince of Wales Hospital whereby
    I was placed in the interview room of the Psychiatric Acute
    section and left there alone.

    Anthony Gerard Shaw then completed this form –

    Section 12 (1) (e)
    Request by a Member of the Police Force in New South
    Wales for the Admission of an Alleged Mentally ILL Person
    Into an Admission Centre
    I, the undersigned ANTHONY GERARD SHAW
    Police Constable at present attached to MAROUBRA Police
    Station, inform you the superintendent of PRINCE OF WALES
    Admission Centre that I believe Robert (surname) to be a
    Mentally ill person and that I found the said Robert (surname)
    (this section not struck out) committing some offence against the law.
    Dated this NINETEENTH day of JULY, 1985 at RANDWICK
    Signature (ashaw)

    I do hereby certify that on the 19th day of JULY, 1985
    I personally examined the person abovenamed ROBERT (surname) and
    I am of the opinion that the said person * is a mentally ill person, or ought
    to be detained in an Admission Centre for observation or treatment.
    (Superintendent) Chris Pollock
    (Admission Centre) POWH
    (Date) 19/7/85

    What Anthony Gerard Shaw attached to this form in his ‘hand-writing’

    At about 2.15pm on the 19/7/85 I was called to an address at (address Inserted)
    There I spoke to (my mothers name) who told me that her son Robert had got into
    the address by using a duplicate key.

    At present Robert is residing in the Bondi area.

    He has not lived at his parents address for approx 20 months.
    He has been told not to attend his parents address unless on invitation.
    When speaking to Robert he stated that he was married to the singer
    ‘Madonna’and she was picking him up at his parents address.
    Also Robert was vague about his address.

    Section 12 (6)
    I, the undersigned, being a registered medical practitioner certify that
    ROBERT (Surname) of NO FIXED address was personally examined
    by me on 19/7/85 at PRINCE OF WALES HOSPITAL and I recommend
    that further observation
    and treatment of the said person in a mental hospital or authorized
    hospital is necessary, and I make this recommendation upon the
    following grounds:

    Facts indicating mental illness observed by myself: Mr. (Surname)
    believes that he communicates with the singer Madonna by telepathy
    and that they have made a pact to marry. They write songs together
    and will bring peace and love to world. He uses a lot of puns and is in
    high spirits and denies that there is anything wrong with him.

    Mr (surname) appears to be suffering from a hypomanic illness and should
    remain In hospital for further observation.

    Name of Medical Practitioner: S WINFIELD
    Signature: S.Winfield
    Address: c/- Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick

    19/7/85 Brought to unit by police on 12 1 E status. Had visited his parents
    house today looking for money. They contacted police. Has been living in
    rented accommodation in Bondi. Hypomanic X 2 weeks. Grandiose opinion
    of himself. Believes he is married to Madonna. Brought
    an electric guitar into ward with him. Strumming same in T.V. room.
    Mild flight of ideas and pressure of speech. Irritable during M.O’s
    admission interview asked to be paid for same. Rx Chlorpromazine
    100 mgs given orally stat. Sedated after same. Ate supper and retired
    to bed after same. Quite drowsy after stat dose of Chlorpromazine.
    M Dolan R.N.

    100mgs Chlorpromazine

    Section 12 (6)
    I, the undersigned, being a registered medical practitioner certify that
    ROBERT (Surname) of NO FIXED address was personally examined
    by me on 20/7/85 at PRINCE OF WALES HOSPITAL
    and I recommend that further observation and treatment of the said
    person in a mental hospital or authorized hospital is necessary, and I
    make this recommendation upon the following grounds:

    1)Facts indicating mental illness observed by myself: Mr. (Surname)
    has an Inappropriately elevated mood. He exhibits pressure of
    speech + flight of ideas.
    He is somewhat intrusive + disinhibited. He also exhibits overactivity.
    He expresses grandiose + totally unrealistic plans, eg he claims to have
    “artworks of printed circuits” on which he had world wide patents,
    which he intends to be manufactured in Australia.
    He claims to have invented a “capacitor keyboard” which he says will
    make 80 -90 billion dollars which he will use to build dams, etc in
    Eastern Africa.

    I recommend further observation + treatment in hospital.

    Name of Medical Practitioner: D.P. Koziol
    Signature: dp koziol
    Address: c/- POWH
    Date: 20/7/85

    Is this really the system ? Someone screws with your head using technology directed at you and then someone else screws with your head using drugs after which you have no memory of what has happened (chemically lobotomized – brain washed) and then the perpetrators can return to steal more saleable intellectual property and ERC’s ETC knowing all too well, how well protected their game is from being challenged.

    Notice the entry about EASTERN AFRICA and investment in it, state of NSW Government paid shrinks writing about something
    that were not privy to – synthetic telepathy in 1985, this between a woman claiming to be Madonna and myself. Many years later
    Madonna was indeed investing in eastern africa…

    Comment by Robert — June 11, 2011 @ 6:50 am

  416. Robert, regular criminals, any petty thugs, may need to profit from a scam or a shakedown, but do you realize how little incentive is required for a bully? Aside from being so unlikely and explanatorily inelegant and unnecessary, deep conspiracy theories share another characteristic with religion: Which one amongst so many ought one simply to accept and embrace on faith? You offer no verifiable supporting evidence, or even much logic for that matter.

    Comment by aaronagassi — June 11, 2011 @ 7:58 am

  417. I’m convinced, your a machine.
    Part of a defence network that is bullshit is reality.
    Are you a Jew, or just trying to get in bed with them ?

    Comment by Robert — June 11, 2011 @ 8:21 am

  418. No I am not an elephant man, with pigmies squashed between my toes.

    Comment by Robert — June 11, 2011 @ 8:35 am

  419. So witch department of escapisim do you defend AARON ?

    Comment by Robert — June 11, 2011 @ 8:47 am

  420. Ad Hominem much, Robert?

    Comment by aaronagassi — June 11, 2011 @ 9:56 am

  421. Aaron – Gessell Mit Beshrankter HalfWit Tuine

    Comment by Robert — June 11, 2011 @ 11:06 am

  422. corporate crimes, defence by those that ?
    In death i’m looking forward to wacking you scum….
    no returns. APE SHIT a n d y o u r e c o n o m y

    Comment by Robert — June 11, 2011 @ 5:29 pm

  423. Huh?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — June 11, 2011 @ 7:11 pm

  424. The system – Aaron is simple, Hydrogen is No.1 every other element is referenced to No. 1
    So No.1 gets a GOD status and if you are lucky you might get to breed contempt with No.1
    like No. 8 for example to become a compound of pathetic existence called water.

    Or breed evil contempt with No. 16 and form rotten egg gas, like a dabm fart…

    Such a compound may wish for more… How can one call water – life, what a load of shit,
    polluted and tainted with simple life-forms – microbes that think that they are ‘stars’ how
    much of you is really that human ?

    Microbes running over your eyeball just so you can see different shades of light.

    Comment by Robert — June 15, 2011 @ 11:25 am

  425. Vision –

    Microbes in your sights,

    Optometrists, you may know, well they call them floaters – face down !

    Comment by Robert — June 15, 2011 @ 12:03 pm

  426. I have no idea what you are on about, but it certainly sounds misanthropic.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — June 15, 2011 @ 2:38 pm

  427. Misanthropic is only applicable if we are talking about human beings, so the word
    is not within context.

    Those that participate in gang stalking and harassment are not human beings,
    they are low life, a sub species – lesser than human life. Aaron you suggested that
    gang stalkers are bullies and thugs, you indicated that you did not accept that it is a
    part of organized crime, big business and the big bucks
    If I was to say that innocent people are deliberately misdiagnosed as mentally ill
    and Big Pharma does really well out of it, a cheap source of humans for
    experimentation you would probably say something like “You offer no verifiable
    supporting evidence”

    I presented evidence of gang stalking and electronic harassment, which I was the
    victim of, in 1985. You responded – “You offer no verifiable supporting evidence”
    I think you may have just skipped right over the top of it, considering none of it, with
    a preference just to continue, on your way, with your words of negative input to what
    others are saying.

    I tend to agree with others, that the views you have posted on this topic, are
    irresponsible and erroneous but you are more than a stalking skeptic, you seem
    to get your kicks by Attacking & Discrediting the opinion of others.
    Someone said they though you must get paid for this, internet trawling, derailing
    etc, if not then I’m saying it !

    Your posts are, at best, irrelevant and your use of words, bullshitting the cause
    generally. You seem to think that jumping on topic such as this, that started in
    2007 and derailing it, is some kind of sport ?

    I posted examples of irrelevant comments to give you a taste of what you are
    effectively doing to others. Maybe you will learn, accept and agree, one day…
    what are the wide and varied reasons behind gang stalking, inclusive of high tech
    electronic harassment and assault.

    To play down such crimes as ‘not happening’ is the applied training of a shrink,
    how they just love playing the devils advocate. Then again perpetrators also
    would have a reason to derail such a topic, in defence of their crimes. I wish you
    were sitting the cockpit, ’cause my finger is on the eject button !

    Comment by Robert — June 16, 2011 @ 5:27 am


    Cut and paste this (as above) in your search bar…

    What is it about ?

    Gang Stalking, Murder, Electronic Espionage &
    Torture, REALITY rejected by the desperate – like
    psychiatrists, the media, law enforcement, religion
    etc, and the lives ? of those, whose very existence
    rely on this horrid and biased SYSTEM of abuse.

    Kick a garbage bin and watch a starving artist crawl out…

    Kick a SYSTEM and watch a manipulative scumbag crawl out…

    Comment by Robert — June 16, 2011 @ 8:59 am

  429. example –

    “Chemical Induction, to bring about responsiveness to a global
    Interactive transmission?

    Those that have been ‘wired’ up to it, sadly some of them are
    Persecuted by their neighbors for what they are responsive
    and object to. I have people in my neighborhood screaming
    out on an ongoing program of street theater, things like “he has
    brought a ghost with him” (8.5 years ago)
    “He is evil” (4 years ago)

    These are just some, of many memorable ‘hits’ from an
    Interactive neighborhood of gang stalking, wind up perps
    none of which have ever wanted to discuss what they have
    a become party to – ORGANIZED CRIME.

    They seem to “get off ” on being a part of it, one neighbor, who
    moved in a few years after me, without any applications to council
    for re-development proceeded to remove structural internal
    walls, the carpet, the curtains etc, turning the whole house into
    a giant bathroom, an acoustic amplifier, then invited a screaming
    woman to move in who incessantly prattles all day.

    Intimidating is an understatement, especially when this woman is
    making comments pertaining to personal thoughts. “He’s going
    Downstairs, to the garage” for example.

    Besides these directed hits and abuse of my privacy –

    A rather lengthy list of offences and ongoing victimization that
    NO-ONE WISHES to discuss, they love making noises and
    stalking me, when I react to their disturbances, by just focusing
    on the noise source for a moment, I then come under a “joint”
    attack with high pitched noise in the ear (or ears)
    chest pains, muscle movements etc. It is like someone jumped
    on me, I am no longer myself – physically.

    A popular directed comment prior to these ‘attacks’ is
    “put a bullet in him”

    The induction of artificial schizophrenia (synthetic telepathy)
    via applied substances? High Probability, the reasons why
    are extensive. Entertainment? Not to a victim.

    Reply “

    Comment by Robert — June 16, 2011 @ 9:31 am

  430. A Quote from Aaron –

    “Aside from being so unlikely and explanatorily inelegant and unnecessary, deep conspiracy theories share another characteristic with religion”

    A quote from Robert (Elsewhere – as mentioned)

    “Why would people do this to each other?

    The BIG ONE –

    It replaces the unsuccessful – RELIGIOUS BELIEF PROGRAMS”

    Comment by Robert — June 16, 2011 @ 9:51 am

  431. Imagine if there was some ‘quiet’ way of reducing a planets populus…
    (because of a lack of infra-structure to cater for e x p a n s i o n of
    ‘humans’ amounst other ‘entities’)


    “It was god that told me to splatter thy neighbor – hood”

    For such ‘programing’ to work –

    “I knew nothing’ – the neighbors
    Mass hypnosis via the internet “Not to believe in gang stalking ops”

    Comment by Robert — June 16, 2011 @ 10:01 am

  432. You deliberately quote me out of context.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — June 17, 2011 @ 8:07 am

  433. Arron, you’ve always been “out of context,” as pertains to this subject.

    You are either way behind, or a perpetrator.

    Comment by observer — June 21, 2011 @ 3:05 am

  434. Ah! So by deliberately distorting my comments, you are only restoring balance and harmony!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — June 21, 2011 @ 6:15 am

  435. Balance & Harmony does not exist, when you a victim of organised crime.

    Persecution of victims may very well be a sport to some folk, but then there
    isn’t a lot of difference between sadists and perp’s is there ?

    Comment by Robert — June 22, 2011 @ 12:20 pm

  436. These people are evil of the most kind. Most are paid to participate and the local police are the leaders of these groups. Physically you are targeted for various could have pissed someone off, made somone jealous , or someone perhaps a family member want something you have, but if you are like most targets you are a morally decent, just and good person , which is why this all started in the spirtual realm..organized stalking is not new it has been going on since the beginning of human history and have always existed in some form in every society yes even the good ole USA. It was hidden from many in the U.S but in the last days when the bible stated that many things would be revealed, More victims have been targeted inorder to bring this evil to light. The perps are laughing now but jesus is crying because these evil humans have been tricked by satan in to suffering total damnation in the ever lasting fires of hell with Satan…They are sentecing themselves to the most horrible punishment that their small human minds cannot imagine..You targets have been chosen by god to endure this suffering because you are a follwer of the most high and he has a purpose for you, trust in him and your father in heaven he will provide for not let them discourage you from your purpose, do not allow them to steal your joy and know that “Our father in heaven sits on the throne”. This is Satan’s last attempt to take all of Man to hell with him…your goal is to gather souls to bring to Christ with you. Put on the full armor of the lord..soliders…go out….you are sheep amoung wolves…Jesus is counting on you.

    Comment by Tiffany — June 27, 2011 @ 4:22 pm

  437. Hi Tiffany,

    The police are NOT the leaders of these gang stalking groups. The police just
    do as they are told, by those with the MONEY, no questions asked. Corrupt
    scum if you like, as they question nothing of their instructions, from the power
    tripping, wealthy organised crime groups. Civil War against such power brokers
    is still a crime, they call it terrorism…

    Comment by Robert — June 27, 2011 @ 11:38 pm

  438. Another thing Tiff –

    “this all started in the spirtual realm..organized stalking is not new” – was your quote ?

    The spirit world splits, when the spirit world is swamped by NOISE, noise tends to win,
    call it the industrial age, wait for corrosion to affect it’s change, the bridges start to topple
    down, like the comm’s towers and no one gets around anymore without a pass – sold by
    t h o s e that don’t believe in anything else other than control, through power,
    purchased by money and other fictional romances, that such scum think are valuable
    resources – thugs, fuck-wits, enviromental vandals, planned failure, planned
    obsolescence. De list of mis-adventure is e x t e n s i v e, yeah ? Inclusive of the list
    of escapist abuse, escapist substances, that lack substance like religion.

    Happy New Financial Year ! – Fiscal Junkies…

    When FREEDOM costs – according to freeman.

    Comment by Robert — July 1, 2011 @ 2:29 pm

  439. I am a Targeted Individual for about 30 years now, which probably makes me a senior victim, though i’m just in my early fifties.

    It all started back then with a vague feeling of being under surveillance for no obvious reason, with strangers waving at me frequently like they’d knew me, and other forms of street theater. I told this to my parents, and they opted for meds. I went on Lorazepame for 7 years, developed a low dose dependency, and happily got rid of it with months of sleeplessness and moving to another town, free of “paranoia” symptoms. The trouble, however, started again after some time at my new place, i did not know then, that once you’re gangstalked, you’re fricked. I was frequently run into, stared at, photographed, called numbers and animal names, and fragments of private talk with friends or family were thrown at me in public, to my sheer horror. I was not as serene as i am now, so i moved from town to town, from place to place, just to get rid of this nemesis. But it was all in vain, so i returned to the place where it all started, because there’s where my friends and family live. (It’s much harder to be a Target when you’re a complete stranger i town, that’s what i learned.) In between, i went to several doctors and had been to clinics twice, just looking for help, but all i got was a formal diagnose of paranoid schizophrenia. Well thanks, that helped me a lot getting back to work. At work, the stalking was not less intense but more sublime, whenever i went for a cigarette, silent groups from other departments hung around, just being there, turned silent when i appeared, no word spoken, or at the canteen, where i was confronted with repeating patterns of somewhat strange behaviour, just not enough to mention it, but manifest enough to be a pain. These gangstalkers are absolute monsters, they’re not dumb or inept, they know exactly what to do to make you go “What?” without being perceived by others but the victim. And that’s the point: everything you start to tell about the whole case ends up in highbrow shoulder shrugging, and the “recommendation” to see a doctor.

    And what can uninvolved people say, how can they help? This crime is perfect in so far, as the victim sounds invariably nuts to the uninvolved, even to psychologists, who are confronted with a rising amount of gangstalking victims (they discuss a gangstalking syndrome, no joke), and the perpetrators happily behave totally unspectacular to the unsensitized.

    Once you’re sensitized, the game is on, and all you can do is write about on websites like this one. Thank god, i learned on the web that i’m not alone, and that the name for this crime is “Gangstalking”. That was of great help for me, almost like a dream come true. I don’t think that selfhelp groups of victims are a good idea, as they can easily be infiltrated by perps, and victims are so different, they share only that “being gangstalked” badge, which won’t grant anything but a nervous search for identification.

    No, the web is a perfect place to share my hopes and ideas for a better handling of that all. One thing i learned over the decades: they’re not from outer space, and they don’t use esoteric weapons. They’re good in employing NLP methods, that’s why i think their wirepullers have some intelligence background, but most of them are just in for a buck. Or for the mere pleasure of feeling a tad not as extradited and unprotected as they in reality are. I bet, some would brag to you in a weak moment, if there wasn’t the fear of being punished. This is organized crime at it’s weirdest, just NOT as depicted in hollywood movies. There’s a nice and very philosophical quote from a bavarian (yes, i’m german) artist, Herbert Achterbusch, who said: “You have no chance, so take it!” This little sentence helped me through many a bad time.

    Good luck to you all gangstalked fellows out there, don’t lose hope, don’t drink or drug (that makes it worse) and take always good care of yourselves!

    Comment by Michael — July 7, 2011 @ 1:24 am

  440. The most common cause for feelings of persecution remains actual persecution. Still, beware of sensitization unto chronichypervigilance. Where can I find such discussion upon “gangstalking syndrome”?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 7, 2011 @ 4:47 am

  441. @Aaron
    I came across the more or less cynical term “gangstalking syndrome” during a brief stay at a clinic last year, when a doctor explained to me, that some other patients encounter a “comparable set of symptoms”. I wonder how long it will take the uninvolved public to realize that there’s actually something going on.

    In the classic gangstalking setup (multiple stalkers vs. one victim) the victims are left alone with one big simple question – “Why?” – and this informational vacuum gives ample room for proliferating attempts of explanation, including all kinds of sickening cul-de-sacs. Let me explain this on the “signs”, “hints” or “names” the perps address to their victims. In my book, these are just means of filling the victim’s informational void with subtle weirdness, aka sensitizing, all efforts to “decode” these “secrets” are a.) futile and b.) dangerous. I.e., i was frequently confronted with varying “colors” and “numbers”, presented to me in a very “earnest” fashion, and in the beginning, i tried to decode these things utilizing the kabbala, the i ching, astrology, numerology and other para-scientific stuff. For quite a time i considered myself on a noble spiritual quest, with oodles of advisors along my way, and to my perps sheer amusement, i got obsessed with numbers and checksums. It culminated in permanently translating the letters of words i heard into numbers, and these into colors, trying to get the “underlying message” – quite an absorbing thing to do. Too hard to come down from, i got rid of this really sticky mental dysfunction with the help of pharmacy.

    There’s nothing educational, ethical or spiritual about organized harrassment. But to cope with all that enervating “hare and hedgehog” type demonstration of omnipresence, however, developing a spiritual or religious mindset can be rather helpful, if not crucial. But not in a conspiratorial sense.

    Comment by Michael — July 8, 2011 @ 1:02 pm

  442. You may have noted how in this very topic thread, I have been subjected to such abuse for rejecting pervasive conspiracy theory. We seem to agree that organized gangstalking is simply a mode of incessant serial bullying. I’d be interested in your response to: The Cabalistic hint dropping angle is new to me, however. I suppose that simply fits in with gas slighting more generally.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 8, 2011 @ 7:22 pm

  443. Gangstalkers have a massive and natural interest to infamize targets by shedding a dubious, pathological light upon their statements, on the web or elsewhere. For that matter, conspiracy theories (disregarding their specific validity) in a gangstalking context are much rather means of obfuscation than of elucidation, unfit to support any victim’s struggle for a convincing public image. The uninvolved (including M.D.s) go like “Whenever i google for gangstalking, there’s ufos and aliens and mind control galore, gee, gangstalking must be just as weird or hallucinatory.” It’s rather normal to see good threads about it struggling with incoherent, dramatic b.s., as the topic attracts genuine victims, insidious perps and plain nutbags to equal parts.

    Been to Cliquebusters, nice one, especially the various useful links (the tips for targets section is not unquestionable, though), but a bit too elaborate for my taste. I like to keep it simple: gangstalking is organized crime, and gangstalkers are organized criminals. And as long as they get away with it, all we can do is publish our experiences, disgust and indignation in the most accurate, most readable form possible, stylistic superior, with a weirdness factor of absolute zero, alluring the uninvolved into actually reading further. Exchanging deeper insights, spiritual guidelines or explanatory excursions into the mechanics of abuse and bullying is a laudable thing, but not exactly inviting for ordinary people who simply need to be convinced that a crime called gangstalking IS happening, and that gangstalkers operate on the same level as serial rapists and child molesters. That’s what the combined target efforts should be about by now, not much more.

    Watched “Gaslight” yesterday for the first time, btw…

    Comment by Michael — July 8, 2011 @ 11:07 pm

  444. Since States/governments manage that, it is a Secret Police typical technique.
    Destruction and deception.

    Comment by rscaru — July 8, 2011 @ 11:23 pm

  445. Cliquebusters is such squeamish taboo in that I strive beyond mere consciousness raising. We must organize and take action! That is what I find so sorely neglected, even amid such encouraging advancement of the anti-bullying movement. I yearn to strategize together.

    But as for flamers and credibility, to begin with it’s a real problem quite simply that generally people more readily believe in muggers than in bullies. Bullying is conspiratorial, but at the grassroots. And that is where it must be uprooted.

    Ravings about mythic black helicopters we just do not need!

    We must bear in mind, nevertheless, that the mentally ill or just extremely distressed, make the most tempting targets for sensitization. How cruel!

    It also bears acknowledgment that Corporate and Intelligence targeting of dissidents and whistleblowers does often make ready use of convenient Sadists, those petty thugs and bullies.

    PS pardon the heretofore malformed link:

    Comment by aaronagassi — July 9, 2011 @ 12:49 am

  446. State/government gang-stalking does not only strike “dissidents and whistleblowers”.
    It is also used for trying creating terrorists and common criminals for later trying hetero-managing them.
    Or it is used as annihilation program for failed terrorist and common criminal creation.
    There are also other cases.
    There are people casually put on gang-stalking annihilation programs since the need of fresh flesh for secret police units with annexed academicians on payroll.
    I. Special operations’ departments are created. Funds are allocated. They now need to do something.
    II. So, they select possible targets even in odd/casual ways.
    III. They use them for their annihilation programs. “The target must not work, must not study, must not live.” <== Covert total war against the target.
    The State Secret allows them to commit crimes without any possible accountability.
    They have GANG STALKING N.A.T.O. MANUALS, …standard procedures… at NATO level for "covering" the target in the whole NATO area and also outside it.
    Secret military devices for gang stalking [devices for watching through walls, floors, ceilings, etc] have been provided from the NATO to China [PRC] in the year 2000 for following NATO gang-stalking targets even in China. For instance, Taiwan [RoC] already had them.
    I saw them, and their utilization, both in China and in Taiwan. …Also elsewhere…
    Cooperation NATO-Chinese Secret Police Departments!!!
    Since then, thanks to this NATO [UK-USA] support, these devices are currently used for internal repression, white torture, white killing, both in China and Taiwan.
    Communists, fascists, liberals: No Difference!

    Comment by rscaru — July 9, 2011 @ 2:02 am

  447. Asked and answered

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 9, 2011 @ 3:39 am

  448. Most actual victims of these assaults have been neutralized by so-called non-lethal nerve agents, a *fact* that will be known if or when the *truth* is revealed.

    Many other aerosol, contact and food planted chemical agents are being used against persons selected for these torture assaults.

    Sunshine Report – “Another document (available here) reveals the interest of a senior US Army toxicologist in tacrine, a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. The Army is not interested in the drug, however, for helping disease victims. Rather, it is assessing use of tacrine as a weapon. In February 2002, at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, the toxicologist ordered a literature review on its potential for weaponization. Chemically, tacrine is a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, a first cousin of the nerve gases sarin, tabun, and VX (among others).

    Look at all pharmaceuticals considered for weapons research on this study, disregard the “in the field” military delivery methods, the applications in our case are very *personal* as laid out in this blog and others.

    Comment by truth — July 10, 2011 @ 4:42 am

  449. Traveler13 says:
    May 9, 2011 at 10:19 pm

    Have to agree with Truth’s statements in regaurds to chemicals being used on targets. Have expereinced various symptoms I could not explain. One such agent I have heard about is used to put people to sleep. Aerisolized and sprayed through cracks in doors, ventalation systems, and open windows, it allows perps to enter the targets home while the target is in a deep sleep they cannot awake from.

    truth says:
    June 26, 2011 at 3:25 am

    After some victims were gassed is when they realised that they could have been or were implanted with electronic devices that are used for “no-touch” torture.

    These are *Nazi like* experiments/weapons applications being secretly/covertly forced on American citizen/victims.

    Assaults of a truly cruel nature that are clearly defined as torture by anyone’s definition.

    Crimes against humanity.

    Comment by truth — July 10, 2011 @ 4:44 am

  450. Randy Quaid…

    Jeremy Blake And Theresa Duncan

    Comment by truth — July 10, 2011 @ 5:44 am

  451. First of all, I fail to see the rellevance of the above hyperlink, neither to bullying not to conspiracy theory. Bullying in its most coordinated and devious covert relational hostility including shunning, mobbing, backbiting and gangstalking, pervades not only the school room and the work place, but every even the less formal social context just as vital to the targets of bullying. But on the entire spectrum of bullying, I should have also have mentioned theextremes of “fair game” tactics, most notorious as a feature of cult harassment but especially by degrees, by no means exclusive thereto. I wish that we could split this thread into two, one for the conspiracy nuts, and the other for anti-bullying. We can’t even debate the two world-veiws until we can agree on ground rules against flaming and abuse and as to the place of evidence.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 11, 2011 @ 4:47 am

  452. I am being targeted by gang stalkers in East London and they wont stop and cyber-stalk relentlessly.There is also an element of covert control of the local community by fear and oppression.Bully boy tactics quite openly in tiny areas my home and elsewhere has been invaded by people using some perverse form of electronics. And no outright acknowledgement as yet I thought this was all science fiction like the twilight zone and locals pranksters but no its gone on for a couple of years now. Undermining all induced disfunctionality by con men and corruption twisted personalities wanting power.

    What “power” to harm others needlessly and undermine structures of reality?
    There is a constant noise sound wave type system hissing around the circumference if my home where do these creeps get this stuff from and their violence to dominate others and so destructive treat UK citizens as inferiors.
    How to get the police fully involved and disarm the technology as without that these trumped up ….. bullies doing criminal invasion all Human rights Privacy laws negated in present day Britain with their nasty psychological/political undermining.

    And fear is a factor in this horrendous agenda freedom of speech expression movement – knowing whom some of them are is another Intimidation technique.Fear to describe all the reality of this systematic abuse because of sounding like a looney! Horror and tactical isolation one of their key phrases was “Don’t Fk with the system we will Fk with you” and They are Mind Fuckers that’s how they control the Village” and haven’t I witnessed it all and its going on in a surreal backwater now over the back gardens.
    A ugly biblical nasty Racist attack group that negate negate and stonewall individuals and I suggest the public in criminal Harassment.

    Comment by Shanti Thomas — July 11, 2011 @ 9:43 am

  453. Disgust and horror needless endangerment and harm of others – re-addressing this ongoing Entrapment by a blood curdling group totally out of control should the priority of the Government and the Police Force.This and this group are like something out of a Stephen King novel “Salem’s Lot” comes to mind but now with technology….. big questions invasions of freedoms of all rights?

    I am an artist and there is a beeline in that too attacked my practice long standing career as well degradation of society a very personal attack.

    Comment by Shanti Thomas — July 11, 2011 @ 9:53 am

  454. Disgust and horror needless endangerment and harm of others – re-addressing this ongoing Entrapment by a blood curdling group totally out of control should the priority of the Government and the Police Force.This and this group are like something out of a Stephen King novel “Salem’s Lot” comes to mind but now with technology….. big questions invasions of freedoms of all rights?

    I am an artist and there is a beeline in that too attacked my practice long standing career as well degradation of society a very personal attack. Abuse [by bullies cowards] is central and how to Halt this evidence is crucial the devious use of Technology and how to gain full police investigation an endemic greek word meaning native but its alien to health and freedom a plague like spreading across UK.

    Comment by Shanti Thomas — July 11, 2011 @ 10:04 am

  455. Police cannot “investigate”.
    Gang-stalking is organized from Secret Police officers, who use irregulars.
    Secret Police officers, covered by the State Secret, ban whatever investigation.
    Our dossiers are on the desks of Prime Ministers, Presidents and Queens.
    There are their signatures authorizing each gang-stalking operation.
    Parliaments are informed and provide total cover.

    Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — July 11, 2011 @ 11:09 am

  456. I don’t agree completely with official forces being the major stirrers in the gang stalking department, maybe some political targets have reason to believe that they’re victims of governmental agitation. But according to the law of large numbers, it’s only logical, that anyone, who’s peculiar and not exactly embedded in a functional social web, will (by bad luck) serve as a cheap target for arbitrary offenders. Responsible in the majority of the severe cases are imho self-righteous counter cultures of varying nature and focus, populated by literally the most ordinary people, mostly displeased with official governance and setting up their own “movement” against whatever they consider “detrimental” to their specific point-of-view. Some of these movements seem 2b tolerated by the police, some are not. And with mobile phones, internet and spy gear available to virtually everybody, a great deal of technically savvy folks avail themselves of these means for playing war against each other (yes, these “movements” are perfectly aware of each other’s existence!) or simply playing foul on easy prey. Organized crime benefits from and employs that abundant high tech, too. And with the abuse of contemporary gadgetery in economical, criminal or political context being to obvious to be theorized – see that News-Of-The-World-“scandal”, the only question of substance to me remains: how come that ordinary people can act so inhuman and grueling within the confines of a modern, western society, far from being as shaken and disrupted as Weimar in the last century’s 20s, and destroy the lives of common folks just like THAT?

    Comment by Michael — July 11, 2011 @ 2:41 pm

  457. States/governments organize gang-stalkings also in a casual way, other times as mechanisms of terrorism and criminality creation. …There are specific NATO programs…
    No private gang-stalking would ever be possible.
    A single stalker may be easily caught.
    State/government gang stalking is total against a target, it is not limited to a single aspect of the target’s life.
    “The target must not work, study, live.”
    Eventually: “The target must not work, study, live, must be pushed to…”

    Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — July 11, 2011 @ 3:03 pm

  458. Michael, where do you get your theory of rival counter-cultures pranking one another? And you can’t really be all that surprised that bad people do evil, or that society fails to control the problem or often even to acknowledge it.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 11, 2011 @ 4:38 pm

  459. I can only speak from my experience of Gang Stalking and in this case unfortunately it does involve local council workers at a political level and they are brazen and use their corrupt status to intimidate one of them openly admits he’s corrupt and why dont I scratch his back [and what roll over and ….!]The other one says “they’ do it to people they want rid off out off the area.It’s intimidation by control fear domination. Here where it goes on quite openly is not that far from central government and New Scotland Yard.

    Comment by Shanti Thomas — July 11, 2011 @ 10:35 pm

  460. @Aaron:
    after all these years the logical idea emerged that there must be more organizations than only one or two, as they can’t have the same underlying ethics. The “bet-on-suicide speculators”, for example, are strictly profit-oriented and immoral, whilst the “characterful citizen patrol” chases “immoral” individuals, implying an imminent enmity between these two. The third group i could distinguish, the “Joy-Division”, stalks for the fun of it, thus both being immoral and a threat to the profit-oriented schemes of the “speculators”. And then there’s the “Officials” Roberto is talking about, they go by the rule “Divide and conquer” and won’t interfere in the other groups activities. But they do act, i reckon, if either one of them becomes target of a private group or a target is under custody of a private group. So far my “theory”, i don’t know if they play pranks on each other, it’s more of a membership thing, i guess, fraternity-ish, involving daily exchange of stalking-relevant data, “ethical” or “identical” support, immediate reassurance concerning qualms, and, of course, support against molestation by other gangstalking organizations. Maybe war is too big a word for their grudging co-existence, but unless they don’t have a mutual target, i guess they don’t like each other too much.

    Private gang-stalking is a fact in western countries. The power and influence of official secret services is vastly overrated, i.e. the german secret service got bereft of detailed construction plans for their new headquarters the other day…

    And i’m still astonished about the sheer crookedness of fellow people in world that, with some serious effort by all of us, could be not much less than paradise.

    Comment by Michael — July 11, 2011 @ 10:46 pm

  461. Michael, your “character citizen patrol” or self appointed morals committee, and no less “joy division” Sadistic for all their Moralism, each without distinction sound like vigilante gangstalkers and harassment, thugly cop wanna-bees often known for accusing innocent people as Pedophiles and running bogus jailbait stings, usually online. Such is an exploitation of the current hysteria over child molestation such that ordinary people have even actually been known to become afraid to be seen even holding babies! As for “bet-on-suicide speculators”, or perhaps dead-pool gambling syndicate if you will, that notion thus far strikes me as both vague and a little unlikely. Have you evidence of knowledge of anyone actually taking bets on harassing a target of bullying into suicide? That would be a new low! The closest known, and no secret, are the notorious dead peasant insurance policies. The rest of your post I can’t quite follow, but of course, as a rule, being well connected socially confers protection from being bullied and even impunity for malfeasance.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 11, 2011 @ 11:27 pm

  462. Arron A – “First of all, I fail to see the rellevance of the above hyperlink, neither to bullying not to conspiracy theory…”

    First of all, that should be *relevance* and *hyper-link.*

    So, you are not into research on “Gangstalking,” “Government Gangstalking,” “Government Organised Gangstalking,” “FBI overt surveillance” and on and on, which is what this is about.

    Seems you are stuck on bullying, as has been said before.

    *You* are simply off topic and have been since your first post.

    Intentionally or not, you distract from the main topic.

    Comment by AmericanUSconfirmed — July 12, 2011 @ 5:51 am

  463. I can only speak from my experience of Gang Stalking and in this case unfortunately it does involve local council workers at a political level and they are brazen and use their corrupt status to intimidate one of them openly admits he’s corrupt and why dont I scratch his back [and what roll over and ….!]The other one says “they’ do it to people they want rid off out off the area.It’s intimidation by control fear domination. Here where it goes on quite openly is not that far from central government and New Scotland Yard.

    Has anyone any knowledge of gang stalking which is a Hate Crime/Harassment ever being successfully prosecuted or dealt with legally in UK firstly or elsewhere? As hate crimes are reported but after the event like the poor woman and her daughter driven to suicide in England in Derby I think – as if this on the rise here there isnt a central register or particular agency that is up to speed on this ?
    As for trying to tackle stalking the police advised hiring private detectives but I cannot afford it and as stalking in gang is a multiples xxx large quantity thats where these crimes fall into some awful sadistic black hole. It is society’s problem and the individual to solve.

    The threads to my other posts as to what is the profile of gang stalkers – either deviants and subcultures of politics of bad governmentships moralistic castration of others lives and all into into puerile violent violation of human civil rights – the longer the criminal gang stalking goes on the more they multiply and confuse Divide and Rule colonialists mentality.

    This group stalking me do have variant strands to confuse isn’t it about deviant misuse of power “Appropriation of others” by sick and frustrated people.
    This group of gang stalkers even boast “they” Own Me” and they are yuck “THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY”. and there is a very ugly sexual subjugation strand against all UK Laws women’s rights and racist – I am off mixed race Italian/Indian born in England married a jewish man this group have attacked all of my cultural mixture Feudal and dark ages. They have gone from open violence too threats to kill rape and trying to run me over as well as the repulsive suicide “We want you to commit suicide…. or cut your eyes etc ” macabre horror. The technology they have as well is sophisticated MOD/Psychological type and Invasive……….they have taken Gross Invasion of Privacy to the limits depths of depravity its how they torture prisoners terrorists in Guantanamo Bay.
    Military style organised vigilantes with concentration camp mentality with this type of technology and violence walking around in England?

    Comment by Shanti Thomas — July 12, 2011 @ 8:36 am

  464. If it is State/government gang-stalking, it cannot be suited. They control judiciary. One has to find other ways.
    They are not “Secret Services”.They are special sections of the police and of military and other police et similia [Scotland Yard, FBI, Carabinieri etc., in Canada CSIS-RCMO-IRBC ]
    It is not “overt surveillance”. It is NOT surveillance or monitoring. It is led by Secret Police but using ONLY irregulars. They are illegally provided with military devices. It is a combination of white torture and social lynching, covering the whole life of the target. It is a technique for pushing to do something and, if that fails, of pure annihilation.

    Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — July 12, 2011 @ 10:46 am

  465. This is precisely why suggested splitting the topic into two. No, AmericanUSconfirme, you are the one stuck ob deep pervasive conspiracy, and the one out of step, if we are going from the first posts to this thread, before you conspiracy nuts hijacked the agenda and flamed all serious conversation into silence as usual. Either way, I still miss the pertinence of that link.

    Shanti Thomas, local petty politics is all too often replete with bullying and abuse of power. Too bad you weren’t wearing a wire on that noxious braggart! Get’m next time. Incidentally, for evidentiary purposes in court, in public places such as restaurants, there is less of a reasonable expectation of privacy. You should also get covert video of the threats and harassment. If the police still won’t respond, then put it all up on YouTube and demand action.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 12, 2011 @ 12:05 pm

  466. I just want to add, that ever since i expressed my comprehensible disgust in the wake of the 9/11 events, including some anti-islamist remarks, i got stalked by members of the turkish community, too, (which was pretty new to me), pointing out that they’re valuable, hard-working members of society. I don’t deny that, no way, and maybe it was just a test-run on how to hush unpopular squalling – well, i didn’t squall, actually, i simply talked and emailed about it – but as the gangstalking community tapped and copied my entire I/O, spoken and written, without any hesitation, they insulted and sold me as a work-shy wanker and political die-hard to be chased away. Ironically, i am not so sure anymore about the true nature of 9/11, according to massive, provable inconsistencies, but the damage is done. I also came across notions like “Jedem das Seine” (“To each their own”), a term decorating the iron gate of the then Buchenwald concentration camp, referring to my angry (private) rants about being delivered to a cynical scheme that kept me from finding work for years, while at the same time despising me for being unemployed. It’s so wack…
    Yes, they accuse almost every target as “pedophile” wherever they can, but what about the children they recruit for their evil, encouraging them to harass and insult innocent people? THAT is flagrant abuse.

    Comment by Michael — July 12, 2011 @ 1:05 pm

  467. For bogus online chat stings, let alone just making shit up completely, obviously actual minors are not needed. So, how are actual minors, indeed children, being commanded by vigilante gangstalkers and to what ends? If you’ve a shred of evidence, you must share with civil services. If you’ve citations online, do post them.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 12, 2011 @ 8:12 pm

  468. Aaron -the group doing this are overt type illegal surveillance the majority of time is some perverse audio narrative voice cover which is hard to record and considering the interminable duration obsessive-I would have to have a van load of equipment.My home is bombarded by audio abuse 24/7 like tweeter and whoofer /hydrophonics and a swishing sound wave going around perimeter from the neighbours [from hell] with their counterparts corrupt council bullies.Cyber stalking and military type regime draining all energies.
    Corrupt control freaks and I in all my naive-ness never thought there could be so many people are so cold dead internally malicious or why pick on me or anyone and the horrid shock that they have not stopped and its been nigh impossible to get any police involvement.
    Two terribly long awful years of stalking harassment erodes hope beliefs the deadening shock of this horror going on and on.

    Comment by Shanti Thomas — July 12, 2011 @ 11:35 pm

  469. You can video record gangstalking, and if a corrupt politician is arrogant damn fool enough to brag, then you can audio record it. As for neighbor bullying and sonic harassment, you might even be able to find a science student to test and document the ambient noise pollution in your home and even compare with sound tests conducted nearby. This might even facilitate a civil complaint with legal representation on a contingency basis. And the best protection from getting psychiatric railroaded is to find a shrink of your own you can trust.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 13, 2011 @ 1:08 am

  470. According to Paul Baird –, just the sight of a camera worn by the
    targeted person is a means of deterring the stalkers. Advising the ‘bragging’ perp that you
    are ‘recording’ (audio/visual) would probably prevent evidence from being captured.

    Not to advise the bragger, of recording may constitute a criminal offence, I know, I know – how
    do we catch a bloody perp then ? If the authorities can go and apply to a judge (or magistrate)
    to have someone placed under surveillance, without that persons knowledge, well why can’t
    a victim of organised crime, gang stalking & harassment do the same thing.

    We have heard of ‘making a citizens arrest’ so what about ‘citizens collecting evidence –
    covertly’ … with the consent of the relevant judiciary member. I have many years of recorded
    evidence of sonic harassment, if I processed it, which would be required as it is voice modulation
    of frequencies above 15Khz, this can’t be presented on YouTube, as is, because of the bandwidth
    limitations of the Audio format associated with what is capable of being stored on the YouTube
    server system.

    The other issue is how a lot of this sonic harassment occurs – it is piggy backed onto a locallized
    noise, in the target’s immediate area and this is the source of high frequencies (approaching
    ultrasonic) that I have found to be created from multiple sources of noise that have formed ‘beat’
    frequencies in my immediate area, this made it impossible to record these attacks. Solution 101
    was to set up my own noise sources so that these were louder (to me) than the ambient noises

    A dedicated computer with a 24 bit soundcard, a high quality (not that expensive) microphone
    and I recorded what was happening around me – sonically. To be honest I got better and more
    transparent recordings when I was using a HiFi – VHS set-up with HQ chrome tapes.

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 8:07 am

  471. self edit –

    It is important that ‘your’ sources of ‘noise’ are only – less than 1dB louder than ‘theirs’ so
    as ‘they’ can’t perceive any difference when ‘they’ are ‘hounding’ away at you. Behrxxxer
    mixer – with ‘meters’ – at least 4 microphone channels, should be less than $200 US on
    EBAY – brand new. You can then compare the ambient levels of noise (using the meters)
    against your internally generated noise source – which should be only just a little bit louder
    than ‘theirs’

    To catch a perp – one needs to be a sneak…

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 9:46 am

  472. Robert, your weblink is more crank bullshit, but I take your point in recommendation of deterrence. However I was indeed suggesting covert recording, hidden recording devices. And under the law, covert recording of one’s own experiences that are already recorded though with less fidelity and random access in the human brain, is not the same as planting a bug or conducting surveillance. Again, as a matter of admissible evidence never mind any threshold of criminal offence, there is less reasonable expectation of privacy in public areas such as restaurants. And there are no such limitations in the court of public opinion. In any case, Hugh Grant will not be indicted for his own personal sting on the News of the World. So relax! On YouTube you can present scientific findings, expert opinions, and display the results, animated graphs, jumping needles and gages etc. all in order to make your case and get your point across credibly. There are also sound formats that you can upload that will preserve the fidelity of your sound recordings. As for how to get adequate recordings in the first place, it strikes me that you’d know where to reach out for expert technical advice. Whether the ambient noise pollution is malicious or accidental, I hope that you get to the bottom of it soon. Be sure first to rule out tinnitus. Too bad negative sound technology isn’t more readily available.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 13, 2011 @ 10:05 am

  473. A Side Note –

    Sarah Agassi was a Jew, who pretended to be a Muslim Arab, last century the KING DAVID
    hotel was bombed by a team led by Agassi pretending to be bringing in fresh milk to the
    hotel, each ‘milk’ cannister was carrying 50Kg of H.E. there were six cannisters arranged
    in a star of david formation in the basement of the target area, 93 british nationals died,
    it was the end of the british mandate upon Palestine. The birth of the jew state – israel.

    Agassi is also reported in Israeli history as the woman who rang the hotel to report the
    bombing – before it happened – as in prior knowledge…

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 10:15 am

  474. Um, maybe we could split the topic…

    Yep, I agree – two groups, muslims & christians AGAINST jews !

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 10:36 am

  475. add, subtract, divide and conquer…

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 11:00 am

  476. So Agassi, are you a perp, or just a jewish pervert (not that there is a difference)
    to demean, dishonour, discredit…maybe just a math teacher ?

    Bad investment dude, your number is up… or maybe going down ?

    If argument becomes non profitable – what of the jew ? – a lost cause, a looser
    that only made money out of another, one that was living…the jew becomes
    un-believable like any un-workable fantacy. bye bye.

    The Jew –

    “WE have our numbers all over the planet, we will fuck you up in our numbers”

    “We are everywhere, you can go” –

    Hey –

    Gang Stalking – exposed ? – comment – the cluster fuck mind moles…

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 11:13 am

  477. Robert, your weblink is more crank bullshit…Agassi.

    Not mine, arsewipe and clearly agassi you are offended…crank bullshit.

    So what did you think of RAVEN ONE out of Canada jew boy ?

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 11:25 am

  478. Oh, shit.

    So what do we do without bullshit fantacy, according to jew, muslim, hindu, christian or (other)
    escapism – (fantacy) how can the real world survive without un-believable bullshit according
    to – ?

    Doomed reality without fabricated escapism that remains – so un-workable…

    I reckon, we could all do better.

    Without the poachers, preachers, priests, rabbi’s, pollution of procrastinating politicians and
    their mis-investments and biased, un-founded belief’s ETC.

    CAST OUT THE BULLSHIT, WELCOME THE PARADISE ! we all are’nt masochistic types…

    WE ARE HUMAN BEING’s – UN-GUIDED is BEST (why get slowed down ?)

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 12:22 pm


    Wake up, don’t lie down to this bullshit, it’s expensive satanic economies…
    WHY WORK FOR THE CLUSTER FUCK of bullshit escapism ?

    SEX feels good ? – cluster JEW FUCK escapism and un-healthy premotions
    …breeding contempt.

    NOTHING IS BETTER – than what ? a bullshit fantacy. FUCK YOU WHOLESALE, ESCAPIST !

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 12:40 pm

  480. anything aye athiest asthiestic…anethis anethistic junky escapist, more mispell, spelling, speiling according to
    ar, are. aren’t..jay, j-word, jewfish, sell, buy buy, sell, cell, boy, boy, cott…

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 1:39 pm

  481. cott…I need to sleep on it.

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 1:46 pm

  482. remember –

    You maybe dealing with a machine, a corporation, a religion, an escapist economy?

    So what’s the difference dude ?

    I’m over it.

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 1:52 pm

  483. NOT on top – breeding contempt, of which an over supply still exists…

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 2:04 pm

  484. Agassi Said –

    ” And under the law, covert recording of one’s own experiences that are already recorded though with less fidelity and random access in the human brain, is not the…”

    Robert Said –

    I’m not here to sell out, you half-wit jew.

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 2:22 pm

  485. Agassi Said –

    ” And under the law, covert recording of one’s own experiences that are already recorded though with less fidelity and random access in the human brain, is not the…”

    Robert Said –

    I’m not here to sell out, you half-wit jew.

    So who makes money (escapist foundation) of scrafing thy neighbours escapist runway ?

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 2:37 pm

  486. So who makes money (escapist foundation) of scrafing thy neighbours escapist runway ?

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 2:40 pm

  487. yep, fuck hypnotic repitition ?

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 2:43 pm

  488. re po, re – pit, re – pet, tish tish, tash tash.

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 2:48 pm

  489. Esc (top left hand corner) apism – monkies…

    Nitrated, hydro-carbonatious and oxygen balanced equations, highly saleable.

    get there quicker, under extreme pressure…

    Ape Shit .

    They were advertising –

    If you wish for peace, invest in war…

    APE-SHIT, no less…..

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 2:56 pm

  490. “Life’s a gas”

    “Oh you’re shitting me”

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 3:04 pm

  491. Raving Anti-Semitism aside, if awards ever collected in civil tort against bullies offend you, give it all to charity.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 13, 2011 @ 5:33 pm

  492. “Raving Anti-Semitism” – cheap slander…

    Jewish gang-stalking activities include, but is not limited to bullying. Terms like psychological perversion
    and terrorism, mental rape, semitic defence networking, well, these terms come to mind. Mass media molestation, entertainment that isn’t entertaining, because it is manipulation through the sales of delusion
    and bad luck if you swallow that pill, this will aid further pill pushing sales.

    Religion as a hiding place for satanic craft, the evil darkness where black is called white, bad is called
    good. So Aaron please tell us when you would like to move off the small part that bullying, within gang-
    stalking, really is…

    Comment by Robert — July 13, 2011 @ 8:06 pm

  493. Thanks so much to Robert & Aaron for all info and for all technical advise on recording the abuse. and different locations. Yes the electronic sound wave does work on top of other sounds very irratating. No do not have tinitus though any more of this I may get it.
    Any advice on where to find science student put a advert in Imperial College or similar?

    Comment by Shanti Thomas — July 13, 2011 @ 11:11 pm

  494. Sounds good. A high school science teacher might also be good. There are also forums on sound engineering.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 14, 2011 @ 1:32 am

  495. Shanti,

    Some victims of EH (electronic harassment) and OS (organised stalking)
    have had some relief by operating recording’s of talk back shows, that is
    recordings of multiple talk back shows played simultaneously. You can
    use any of the audio recording formats (win-amp etc) and get a large
    collection of ‘verbals’ going, play this verbal ‘splatter’ back and deny the
    OS/EH individuals your company. They become just another voice in the
    crowd, so as to speak (no pun intended) talk back shows was an example,
    you could record verbal splatter in a crowded area, a hotel or such a busy

    Think about the OS/EH individuals, that are targeting you as a sub
    species, low life parasites and come up with different methods of not
    ‘feeding’ or entertaining such vermin. Do not react to their drivel (I know
    how hard this can be) try not to show (or feel) fear for their scape-goating
    and accusations etc.

    They are not aliens, nor are they from another dimension, they could be
    wealthy, bored entertainers looking for spark, idiots gambling on guessing
    your movements or reactions, an obsessive personality disturbed nut-case
    or a list, rather lengthy, for what is the motivations for such creeps to do
    this incessantly to another human being.

    Some motivations are fiscal, for example the husband wishes to have the
    ‘gold-digger’ declared mentally ill, so she misses out. Intellectual property,
    designs, etc have been stolen and OS/EH will keep the victim so distracted,
    while the perp’s register the stolen I.P. , etc as theirs (or sell it to the highest

    It’s not all sadistic human experimentation, or generating mental illness for
    big pharma to cash in on, the list of reasons are extensive.

    Comment by Robert — July 16, 2011 @ 3:15 pm

  496. HELP!

    I have recently read of somebody claiming
    [1] having been gang-stalked since birth and
    [2] having discovered that reading online about gang-stalking.

    I was a bit astonished.

    [a] what do you think about [1] only and
    [b] what do you thing about [1] & [2].

    Many thanks!

    Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — July 16, 2011 @ 4:26 pm

  497. think

    Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — July 16, 2011 @ 4:28 pm

  498. If you read this online, can you supply the URL? The story rather vague. And as to whatever claims, I’d request evidence. How would one even know going that far back?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 16, 2011 @ 6:22 pm

  499. The Three Wise Men, when you think about it Christ was stalked BEFORE he was born.

    Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and other Ritual Abuse programming, that may operate within
    cult groups to establish and maintain such cruel conditining, if you approached one of the
    stalkers within such an organised group of cultists, hey what are doing to him/her ?

    “We are just keeping an eye on our investment”

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 1:02 am

  500. Nexr you’ll tell me they’re running daycare.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 17, 2011 @ 1:12 am

  501. The McMartin day care centre was run by occultists that specialized in child porn.
    What was done to the children was ritual abuse and brain-washing to keep their
    mouths shut. The media played down suggestions of underground tunnels, as
    told by the victims, the children. The media also played down the ritual abuse
    and patterning of the children, that included animal sacrifices. The tunnels were
    found, as were various animal bones, exactly where the child said they would be.

    The Media, that had been playing down the childrens stories, of secret doors, hidden
    tunnels, animal sacrifice, sexual abuse of minors, they dropped the whole story when the
    childrens claims were proven. Suspicious deaths (suicided – murders) also surround
    the McMartin day care centre.

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 1:32 am

  502. And the Salem witches only got what was coming to them.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 17, 2011 @ 1:43 am

  503. The witch hunts of Salem, ar yes. Where the term came from –

    Of those accused of being witches a lot of them were victims
    of a particular mould that grows on rye bread…

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 1:51 am

  504. No, in may have been any of their accusers that might have gotten ergot fungi in their rye bread, ergot being the organic source of ergotamine which is used to synthesize lysergic acid. No such excuse for the crazy Christian coppers who tortured fantastic stories out of those kids. That was the actual child abuse.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 17, 2011 @ 4:15 am

  505. Those behind the “actual child abuse” were hallucinating and the visualizations fed the popular misconception
    that witchcraft was occuring, so those who had the rye bread, ergot mould/fungi included must have been
    witches. The ergot only formed on ageing bread (as mould tends to do) and those with older bread would
    have been the poorer people of Salem, easier to point the finger and ‘appropriate’ children, property and
    material wealth…The wealthy ripping off the poor, hiding behind the banner of Christianity, or for that matter
    any fictional romance with eternity (religions, practices and beliefs)

    When it comes to organised gang stalking, satanic cults, organised crime and ritual abuse, well what better
    place for such cowards to hide out, than behind a religion or for that matter a profession (psychiatry) that
    is heavily infested with the opinion of a certain religious belief programming, the enforcing of fantacy from
    the cradle to the grave and evidence sooner or later de-bunked by science or other exposure showing the
    B/S and lies.

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 4:57 am

  506. …There is abundance of delirious “victims” manipulated from States/governments for hiding State/government gang stalking.

    Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — July 17, 2011 @ 5:07 am

    Of course the States/governments organizing and implementing State terrorism, gang stalking, etc manipulate psychopaths, “victims”, delirious chaps for creating and diffusing a kind of gang-stalking-cult where gang-stalking is represented as an obscure and improbable conspiracy invented from unreliable mads.
    Actually, the only unreliable mads are Statesmen/women, governments agents, their militians, their manipulated psychopaths.

    Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — July 17, 2011 @ 5:51 am

  508. It makes more sense to put it this way – Like why consider states & governments are responsible, in any
    way, other than turning a blind eye – maybe accepting kick backs, as in the corrupt.

    The States and Governments inclusive of their Military and Police are SANCTIONING these crimes through
    deliberate ignorance of VICTIM complaints. Those with money and power dictate what is crime, what is evil
    and what is mad. Politicians legislate what they are told to, stalking is regarded as a crime, try prosecuting
    a wealthy individual that is not alone in gang stalking activities, try even exposing the game players in this
    organised crime and then wonder why you are ignored.

    Consider that the WhistleBlower tends to become one of the loneliest people on earth, not by their own doing
    but by speculation generated by those that, in their cowardly numbers, have something to lose – even perhaps their freedom. Mass hysteria put in place by the perp’s that goverments and their protection services (police & military) can’t deal with, so the minority (victims) see no justice, they are ignored – regards the complaints of OS/EH.

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 5:52 am

  509. What of those that become involved in gang stalking for all the WRONG reasons ? An opportunistic perp’
    see’s the gullible neighbours, who don’t know the targeted individual, that recently moved in next door.

    Rumours are distributed throughout the local community and your neighbourhood is stabbing you in the back
    for being a drug dealer, a prostitute, a pediphile or whatever reason has been fabricated by the controlling
    perp’ party. Now the neighbourhood has blood on their hands for their part in this organised gang stalking

    Do you think they are going to come clean, about their part in it ?

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 7:16 am

  510. Even politicians and the police service have been fed the stories, directly, or associatively by perp operations.

    You have a genuine complaint to make to the police – “I was pushed to the ground, straddled and punched in
    the face, as I walked up the street, to catch a taxi” Pre-conditioned police response – “So what do you wan’t us
    to do about it” Victim – “You can arrest the offender, they are just around the corner, I don’t know them”
    Pre-conditioned police response – “Now why would we wan’t to do that”

    As soon as an opinion has been put in place, by the perps, with ‘authoritive’ “pressure” then everyone around
    the victim has the blood of foul play upon their hands. This can go two ways – the victim forms a mindset, becomes depressed – through a basic lack of response, for what is a crime committed against them OR they commit terrorist activities and become hostile towards the world around them.

    After more than thirty years of being stalked and exploited, poisoned and cheated, denied any justice, mis-
    dianosed and labelled, well my activities are along the lines of expose and ruin those, behind gang stalking
    that have done this to me, I sit back and watch them die, as I continue to deprive them of a reason to live.

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 7:43 am

  511. Psychology, psychiatry and the art of entertainment have one thing in common, like religions, they are selling
    a head fuck, an opinion – nothing that can be substantiated, so combined – life on the planet earth is a real
    ‘cluster fuck’ OR what’s your poison, escapism dude ? No wonder reality SUCKS with all these escapist shitters
    selling and reinforcing DELUSION.

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 8:06 am

  512. “Maybe when you grow up you will meet a rich prince”

    The 5 year old –

    “The Prince is in-bred and it’s money isn’t worth the hard-ship involved, mommy”

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 8:35 am

  513. So when did you disconnect the radio, television, stopped hiring movies, avoided the News of the World and
    watch the neighbourhood turn on you for being irresponsibly, non programmable ? So when did you start
    thinking – outside their compound ?

    WOW – Maybe there will be some NEW composers (at last) with enough! of the cover-(contra)-band smearing
    crap they call new PoP songs, I mean what ever happened to Ka-Boom Songs ?

    Presently it is still the manageable, predictable, repetitive, re-runs of hypnotic crud the Kids used to think was
    really entertaining – maybe it still is for the DRUG FUCKED idiots that only look forward to spending their pay
    packet – or someone else’s – on getting ‘wasted’ – when the (present) junky age is big pill-pop’n business !

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 8:56 am

  514. So what has the Drug Age got to do with stalking and gang stalking ?

    What Aaron likes to talk about – bullies & thugs, the reinforcement of perp ideals BY FORCE when the drug age
    see’s the consequence of drug fucked, to the point of non-responsive – junkies that liked analogue television
    tuned to a NON – STATION playing a continuous run of rice-bubbles & white noise.

    The term – “bashing some sense into the equation” “Snapping you out of it” ETC …so much for being let
    alone, in peace, to do your own thing. The drug age is big business – call it ‘economic circulation’ they enforce
    laws against the drug age, but at the same time, promote escapism – selectively.

    Bullies & Thugs are a primary target, for me. Without the idiots that defend the arse-holes (without knowing it)
    the arse-holes are rabbits on the highway…that become easier to run down.

    Personal Rule # 1 – Do Not Forgive the relentless sinner, that worships escapism, a false god, at my expense.

    High Society’s Ruling –

    Capitalise on cheating thy neighbour, enforce drug laws…

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 9:26 am

  515. Drug’s and Gang Stalking –

    “You hit on him/her and we’ll give you more than a taste you could only dream for”

    In tort, the bullshit economy of escapist substances, it set’s the presidence for crimes
    that will never be disclosed, by the living entities, that were participating in the torment
    and torture of an innocent. Payment goes further than the drug age –

    The 10th anniversary of 911 approaches, no one has exposed the reasons for the
    deliberate destruction of the twin towers – they required each other’s existence for
    construction, one was damaged by a ‘terrorist’ hit in the nineties, the damage was
    not repairable, “the foundations were fucked” then the conspiracy to load the building’s
    (at various levels) with nano-metre particulate thermite called – Thermate – Battery
    banks (back up computer power) were installed – they we’nt lead acid batteries – entirely.

    Planes that were modified and ‘steered’ from ground control locations, these were to
    be blamed for the ‘terrorist’ attack, yet the planes did not bring the building’s down.

    The fires didn’t either, through the use of THERMATE (nano sized thermite particles)
    and the ‘propaganda’ that it was a terrorist attack proliferated while the hard evidence
    was being removed, from the site, as quick as possible, and sold to recyling of steel, at
    less than market value, for a grade of structural steel (japanese) worth much more.

    Mass propagander, stories about anthrax, when asbestos and particulate metals were
    more lethal, to the local NYC community.

    We are told to accept the events of 911 as being not an internal ‘business’ activity, but a
    reason to go violate the middle east, in search of new and controlled opium poppy fields
    as well as desperately, required crude oil sources for our ‘petrol’ head mentality…

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 10:06 am

  516. No, the crazy Christian cops I reffered to where those “investigating” the daycare. -you know the type, your fellow conspiracy theorists.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 17, 2011 @ 11:18 am

  517. From now – eternity there will be complaints about the reasons for 911, the 2,800 reported lives
    that were lost and if ANYONE begs to differ from the ‘approved’ story they will be stalked, hounded,
    bashed and fed to the desperate, souless garbage the entertainment industry harbours, inclusive
    of what is termed – The Media – no questions asked, ABUSED SOULS so victimised, because
    they told a different story, to the approved one – Those that know the truth – they are either
    suffering, disclosed as mentally ill
    or are dead.

    The money that they ‘saved’ by their methods of ‘clearing’ the WTC sites with scant regard for human
    life. These rich scum are the strategic targets – on the other side – of this life. An army of billions of
    earthly victims, now deceased, their world trashed by satan’s scum, the shit with money, expended
    on self importance…

    As for an eternity – these perp’s will suffer – un-earthly pains. THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD (THE GOOD)

    Why forgive the relentless trespasser – when you can just burn the evil, cowardly scum ? – A Reverse
    Numbers Game ! All that is required is a will, powerful numbers for a new set of book-keeping figures.
    A new religion called fuck their economy & power trips ! – and now for something work-able (less kane)
    instead of worth-cain’t (worth less)

    When those that hide out in their COWARDLY numbers, are’nt that safe – at all. Cleansed by Fire –
    nothing cool about that effluent scum. Shit to BURNED to less Shit, forever more, un-forgiveable
    fucking scum.

    Their delusional escapism, their un-healthy belief in MONEY, POWER and the mis-appropriation of lives
    that were not their’s to abuse, they are not gods, they are other wordly target scum to be trashed eternally.

    But, alas – we victims have to wait, for it is not yet our turn, to take a chunk out of satan’s microbes…nanobes
    picobes or femtobes. Evil life get’s smaller…

    I’m looking forward to their DAMNATION ’cause life is short. The destruction of these evil fucks, self serving arseholes – it is forever more. Now that’s entertainment ! – all be it – on the other side – rip & burn.

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 11:21 am

  518. Why forgive the relentless trespasser ?

    Palestine was raided by this mixed media that called themselves JEWS, they came from Russia, Poland and
    many other ‘nations’ of ‘europe’ they were (and are still) funded by American, British and Other “We Wan’t
    In” social climbers with stolen wealth, Intellectual property, etc that think terrorism, thuggery, blackmail and
    manipulation is the norm. They require that the rest of the world sit’s back and agrees – or else – 911 on
    you and yours…

    Last November (2010) I tried a set of questions on a Jew I had known for thirty years (or so I thought) and
    although the technology had been proven, with ongoing developments – I put the same questions to him –
    as I had in 1993, his response was the same, unchanged negative B/S – “It does’nt work, people can get a
    patent on anything, it does’nt mean it works” Look – the US military has heavily invested, now in this stuff –
    The Jew’s Response “So fucking what, listen to what I’m saying – it does’nt mean that it works”

    Why are the JEWS so adamant about the unsucessfulness of electronic harassment devices ?

    Why is the military budget wasting money on EH rock & roll, if it’s useless ?

    Why accept the fate of the life upon this earth, whether human or other when fantacy SYSTEMS by power
    tripping escapists needs a serious set of natural disasters – to reset the course of life as we COULD know it.

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 11:54 am

  519. If ever there was a production, that could have featured organised stalking and electronic
    harassment, well it would have been the Z-FILES, the last line in a news corp attachment
    to entertainment op’s.

    It’s predecessor – the X-FILES only briefly touched on such subjects as EVP (electronic voice
    phen’) not to mention – the big one – REMOTE VIEWING – scully – tests were proving that R.V
    is inconclusive…M.I.T – the ‘borrowing’ of a US NAVY mini submarine and crew…how can we
    get through the water, for reliable comm’s ? 2.2 Hertz is expensive as a carrier frequency
    and we got kicked out of Iowa, Wisc’ and Mich’ ! (That 300 mile long D.C transmittion line
    was perfect, apart from the fatalities using the parallel freeway, they fell asleep – at the

    Why does HOLLYWOOD play down what it is TOTALLY dependant upon ? Yep – real world
    scenarios. I mean what’s in it for their patsy’s (haunted entertainers – acting upon, such lifted
    sorry, those stolen themes…)

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 12:35 pm

  520. OK, OK , so it wasn’t M.I.T.

    That was a privately funded project, that obtained the US NAVY mini submarine for
    keith and russell…and their ongoing, pre X-Files novel…

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 12:44 pm

  521. State/government propaganda invented the word “perp” for deception.
    They are ONLY State/government Secret Police militians/”irregulars” at the orders of Secret Police officers.

    Comment by rscaru — July 17, 2011 @ 12:45 pm

  522. harary & targ ?

    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 12:47 pm

  523. “State/government propaganda invented the word “perp” for deception.
    They are ONLY State/government Secret Police militians/”irregulars”
    at the orders of Secret Police officers.”

    PERP + ETRATOR = Perpetrator, one who violates anothers privacy
    and an expanded list of offensive activities, so committed by such
    perverts. PER + VERTS = ? So What are you looking at ?

    So the perversion and protection racket, of the bread winning, bacon
    home bringing activities of HOLLYWOOD are bullshit ? The actress
    of Austrian extraction who co-invented Quad-S (Spread Spectrum – -)
    was not really Hedy Lemarr, but a Milicent, Militian type ?

    Love Educating & Ejecting spent propaganda, especially when the
    going is gone…


    Comment by Robert — July 17, 2011 @ 1:06 pm

    Irrelevant [relatively to the gang-stalking] videos are labeled as “gang-stalking”
    as deception relatively to what State/government gang-stalking is.
    Private systematic gang-stalking cannot exist.

    Comment by rscaru — July 17, 2011 @ 7:55 pm

  525. That is exactly the opposite of the truth which you strive so incessantly to suppress.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 17, 2011 @ 10:00 pm

  526. “The truth” is a government concepts.
    Governments pretend to be truth source!
    In fact, they falsify everything, overall their insane crimes.

    Comment by rscaru — July 17, 2011 @ 10:56 pm

  527. “The truth” is a government concept.
    Governments pretend to be truth source!
    In fact, they falsify everything, overall their insane crimes.

    Comment by rscaru — July 17, 2011 @ 10:56 pm

  528. The word: ‘truth’ means: correspondence to reality in assertions. I know about the bullies trailing, surveilling, defaming and haunting me at social functions, and how they organize and are community based within the subculture. I know about bullies in school and the workplace and about neighbor bulling etc. Unfortunately, it really isn’t all that difficult that only the minions of a super villain mastermind could ever pull it off! But personally, as the old joke goes, I can’t get arrested in this town! The government couldn’t care less one way or the other. They scarcely know that I exist! Not every petty sociopath or pawn can draw a CIA paycheck, any more than every junkie mugger can be a Mafioso! There is no pervasive and masterful conspiracy. There is only democratic society and slow progress in coming to grips with all manner of conniving cruelty from time immemorial. All that you flamer and conspiracy nuts are trying to do, is to create a mythic enemy that there is no way to oppose, thereby to discourage targets of bullying from coming together and mounting effective resistance.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 18, 2011 @ 1:48 am

  529. The Gang Stalking Collective action or Hate Crime built in system?

    TARGETED INDIVIDUALS – By this activity innocent people have become unwitting targets of organized crime or government initiatives. They may also simply serve as guinea pigs. They are controlled by monitoring 7 / 7 days – 24 / 24 hours, for years and sometimes for life. Most do not know why it happens to them. And often, when realizing, it’s already too late. It seeks to silence them by discrediting them. In addition, they provided the following treatment: defamation, rejection, scorn, isolation, intimidation, denial of service, harassment, sexual, electronics, and torture. The aim is destruction, all aspects of their lives are affected. They are all at the same time, all the time. These victims are isolated, without support. Why? First, because this phenomenon is unknown to the public, difficult to detect and recognize. In addition, the game consists of these criminals to discredit them, they pose as outcasts. They say for example that he or they are prostitutes, pedophiles, sexual predators, dangerous criminals, mentally ill, vagrants, thieves, etc.. They are desperate to do so. Thus discredited, they were finally isolated and silenced. It’s the perfect crime. But … IT has got to stop!..

    Comment by France Quenneville — July 18, 2011 @ 6:41 pm

  530. I found so many clues, had so many ideas and developed so many theories on the why’s and what-for’s of my personal gangstalking case, it makes me dizzy. Another theory i came across the other day in a forum related to anti-nazi-activism ( a systematic subversion and degradation of targets supposed to have a politically “right” background, combining covert activities of german and foreign forces, as these targets are sold as racist xenophobics to be neutralized by any means. This would fit vaguely into my post-9-11 pattern, my private rants on (the also “supposed”, i’m afraid) djihadist nutcaps were not for the easily offended. But then again, most of the recorded gangstalking victims in germany (80%) are women over 50 years old, a clientel not exactly associated with xenophobic hate crimes. So any theory has it’s weak spot, if one is blinded by the idea of the “one monopolistic gangstalking enterprise”, let it be commercial (as in criminal), political (as in extremist) or private (as in vigilante). There’s far far more to it than just that “white male protestants (aka americans) trying to force their government’s POV on the oh-so helpless rest of the world”-myth! This is a dog-eat-dog covert war on a global scale, with thousands of innocent targets all over the world, sitting in their ordinary homes, wondering why their ordinary fellow folks suddenly turned into a (yes, also!) – ordinary – gangstalking nemesis. An all-too apocalyptic vision, and it fits. Pity the targets, but tables will turn. They always do.

    Comment by Michael — July 19, 2011 @ 12:11 am

  531. After the events of the mid 1970’s to the mid 1980’s a said to myself, if this ever happens again, I will keep my
    opinions to myself but I will act upon a plan to bring these bastards down. They will never do this again, to
    anyone. Michael Gudinsky was financed by Rupert Murdoch the paper trail was constructed by Paul Schindler and I was set up (again) in 1992, the crime was fully underway by 1993 inclusive of illegal wire taps on my phone lines, which doubled as fax lines, as well. The hits and hounding came on thick and fast and I started recording
    and involving independent witnesses, of these relentless attacks. Murdochs ‘News of the World’ was recently
    heavily ‘busted’ for perversion (hacking) into peoples privacy (telecom’s) Murdoch financed Gudinsky to hack
    my private life (to peices) nearly 20 years ago. It’s good to see these bastards being brought down, from the
    top down. Reverse their construction – applied physics 101. Yes, Michael the tables will turn – upside down and down on top of these evildoers. These criminals have nothing to offer, other than land fill, as low grade nutrients.

    Comment by Robert — July 19, 2011 @ 1:15 pm

  532. Yesterday, at the Commons select committee hearing, Murdoch was asked –

    The commission of these phone hacking’s, were you responsible ?

    Murdoch – NO.

    Then who was responsible for these communication’s hacking’s ?

    Murdoch – I think it was the people I trusted and the people they trusted.

    So the classic scenario of pass the blame, down the food chain – no one, of those that are really
    responsible, as they derive healthy financial returns, from their criminal investments, will ever be
    held accountable for their part in such organised crimes. When it is learnt, that this perversion
    (like gang stalking) is feeding a public demand for what is NO ONES BUSINESS, yet the media
    feeds the public, what the public THINKS it wan’ts to make a meal out of.

    This is what requires the resetting of, the sleazy, perverse media mind control programming for
    something that has, at least some healthy, food for thought values.

    The longer the dogs, are only fed bones, then the dogs believe that, that is, all there is to eat.

    Preying upon the lives of those ‘PUT UP’ in the public eye as, of entertainment value, when
    they are little more than programmed ‘puppets’ to maintain public distraction and an
    ongoing exercise in the wasting of one’s time.

    The ongoing, relentless media exposure of peoples lives, whether they are public personalities
    or private persons has become nothing more than a cheap Smorgasboard of un-edible drivel
    so the pen pushers have something to write about and the photographers have something to

    It becomes easier to understand, what the PAPARAZZI really are – HEAVILY FINANCED
    for what could be considered, for most, as UN-NEWS WORTHY crud. The violation of a persons
    privacy, for no good reason, should this really be of interest to us ? What of the evil practice
    of dumping un-wanted public attention, all over someone else – scapegoating of innocent, non
    loud mouth, non-public persons. “It wasn’t me, it was him” “I just made truck loads of money out
    of it”

    Yet what the media have offer, which remains of interest to the public, is all the public knows and little
    else (dogs that only know a diet of bones) as being interesting – spells out – boring punters,
    bordom has become their life, what the media pushers push – seriously lacks sustenance.

    Media comment that tastes and sounds like chicken. – “buck, buck buck, buck” How are the Gang
    Stalking paparazzi going to put a real story together, about a media mogul’s criminal approvals of
    perversion into private lives…if they still wish for their careers, in mainstream media. How could any
    of them, place such (good) shit in their own backyard.

    They are all in on it together, so watch the whole thing ‘GO QUIET’

    Comment by Robert — July 20, 2011 @ 8:56 am

  533. The responsibles for the Paypal-Hack got caught, and the all were minors. That correlates with my idea, that – apart from “Anonymous” being sort of heroes of the hacker scene – a lot of online-crimes related to gangstalking are carried out by “script-kids”, too, with the adults involved (parents?) even praising them for their “successes”, i’m afraid. They get used for stalking purpose, and when it comes to exposure, the adults use the “keen” unattended minors for excuse. It’s a theory, still, but it fits my observation that the kids involved in remark-dropping related to my internet or email activities are just as sadist, obscenely self-righteous and ruthless as theit adult counterfarts.

    Comment by Michael — July 20, 2011 @ 7:48 pm

  534. Children being prep’ed, from a early age to become career criminals, whereby organised gang
    staliking and electronic harassment, to them will be a highly lucrative commercial enterprise.
    The commercial version of the militaries ‘Black Op’s.

    Electromagnetic NLW (Non Leathal Weapons) constructional detail, obtained from the
    declassified information and expired/current patent info that is already found on the internet,
    a whole underworld crime scene fuctioning alongside corrupt politicians, police, business entities,
    paparazzi, etc.

    With so many involved in such an organised crime, it will be unstoppable and totally out of control.
    Innocent people will be set up, for reasons of exploitation, or other purposes and then be accused
    of ‘Thought Crimes’ while some program puts ideas in their head, another set of programs is
    dumped on the minds of those, around the target, to encourage “keeping an eye an them”
    – stalking the target in other words, and the induction of artificial mental illness to finish them
    off via forced big pharma products.

    Comment by Robert — July 21, 2011 @ 10:03 am

  535. It’s the government stupid.

    Comment by govman — July 22, 2011 @ 4:44 am

  536. Most actual victims of these assaults have been neutralized by so-called non-lethal nerve agents, a *fact* that will be known if or when the *truth* is revealed.

    Many other aerosol, contact and food planted chemical agents are being used against persons selected for these torture assaults.

    Sunshine Report – “Another document (available here) reveals the interest of a senior US Army toxicologist in tacrine, a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. The Army is not interested in the drug, however, for helping disease victims. Rather, it is assessing use of tacrine as a weapon. In February 2002, at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, the toxicologist ordered a literature review on its potential for weaponization. Chemically, tacrine is a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, a first cousin of the nerve gases sarin, tabun, and VX (among others).

    Look at all pharmaceuticals considered for weapons research on this study, disregard the “in the field” military delivery methods, the applications in our case are very *personal* as laid out in this blog and others.

    Comment by truth — July 10, 2011 @ 4:42 am

    Comment by billman — July 22, 2011 @ 4:56 am

  537. Let’s not leave out electronic weapons that are being used along with chemical agents.

    Comment by billman — July 22, 2011 @ 5:03 am

  538. After some victims were gassed is when they realised that they could have been or were implanted with electronic devices that are used for “no-touch” torture.

    These are *Nazi like* experiments/weapons applications being secretly/covertly forced on American citizen/victims.

    Assaults of a truly cruel nature that are clearly defined as torture by anyone’s definition.

    Crimes against humanity.

    Comment by truth — July 22, 2011 @ 5:20 am

  539. Randy Quaid…

    Jeremy Blake And Theresa Duncan

    Comment by truth — July 22, 2011 @ 5:23 am

  540. Randy Quaid…

    Jeremy Blake And Theresa Duncan

    The powers that be keep pushing this info down, it keeps rising to the top.

    Truth floats.

    Comment by truth — July 22, 2011 @ 5:27 am

  541. I rest my case.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 22, 2011 @ 8:23 pm

  542. 536.
    It’s the government stupid.

    Comment by govman — July 22, 2011 @ 4:44 am

    I wish there was a way of removing ‘bad jokes’

    …the government stupid – signed – govman… ha ha..ha ha ha

    you victims, well you should really read my comments after Caresse Henry
    was suicided. She was Madonna’s right hand woman, till she was a threat.

    She knew what they did to me, so did Jamie Fielding before these ‘players’
    were removed… Caresse also knew about the ‘cluster fuck’ that Robert
    Dewey Hoskins, was caught up in.

    I do not hide, behind a hollow suit, I am still ROBERT in the entries. Please
    come back, with any questions about anything I have put forward, regards
    this murderous shit, that continues to go down.

    Comment by Robert — July 23, 2011 @ 12:19 pm

  543. Gang Stalking, has an ongoing entry in organised crime, along with psychological manipulation
    that is, the corporate COMMERCIAL ENTRY. What could be considered ‘Worth living For’ has
    been swamped, with further un-healthy and repetitve suggestion, albeit another clunnie, fruitty
    un- marriageable, (managle…manageable) ar, a wee mangle

    Rhats you’re poision… position,

    Wrath’s you escapism due.

    Comment by Robert — July 23, 2011 @ 12:48 pm

  544. tutt, tutt,

    fuck escapism – it’s highly flammable ?

    thermite, it’s quicker than microsoft.
    nanosoft, it burns like a debt wave…

    Comment by Robert — July 23, 2011 @ 12:54 pm

  545. something that is so small, why,
    would you. not wan’t it to be harder ?

    & the zionist ?

    Anything, only if we can sell it….

    funda-mentalist- schitz – skits,. induction ?
    -exclusion, another escapist rave. Another
    that does’nt do substance ? Do, any of you?

    exchange the de’ rat e

    so be the honest, less obeesse…..O’BEAST

    …such escapist hard life !

    Comment by Robert — July 23, 2011 @ 1:20 pm

  546. seeds, for some un-controlled green house shit, not their’s.

    Comment by Robert — July 23, 2011 @ 1:33 pm

  547. The Space Shit, enterprise

    Like satellites, with short life batteries.

    Expensive Escapism.

    Comment by Robert — July 23, 2011 @ 1:36 pm

  548. Correction: There already is a working WatBack link posted in response.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 24, 2011 @ 12:08 am

  549. What’s wrong with public safety guarding perp squads, if they leave out the most massive threats? Or if they’re really the governement? See, i consider it an international phenomenon, without reservation, i.e, that norwegian assassin would have been a valuable target by all means of “protecting society”, if there’d be some sense about it at all. But he could even post his announcements and advertising on various websites… Sometimes i think it’s really divide and conquer, and the responsible wirepullers give actually a shit on either targets AND perps safety. The only “good” thing about it is, that perps can become targets, too, if masturbating on adult sites and writing private rants on actual threats are fit for the most massive attacks. And again, what’s the point in destryoing the harmless, when there’s really dangerous, society threatening people around? This works only with ratf*cking, and that’s what they’re very good at, but it obviously won’t keep any kind of real imminent danger at bay. Regarding this, it’s still a closed book to me. Somehow i still yearn for reconciliation, or remission, if that’s the proper demand at all, for i am and was neither a threat to society nor will ever be. But then, i already did yearn for that 20 years ago, to no avail. Lately, however, my perps get somehow friendly on me. They kindly ask for directions, copy shops in the area etc. Wonder what this change of attitude means. A fellow gangstalking target from early days on told me, that whenever i do something right, they get angry. Does this include the opposite? Anyone experience with this kind of “climate change”?

    Comment by Michael — July 24, 2011 @ 2:47 pm

  550. And yes, while i’m at it, i recently had a set of 4 short musical beep tunes (like from an early PC’s speaker) on my phone answering machine, namely in the following order:

    (Hang Down Your Head) Tom Dooley
    When The Saints (Go Marching in)
    Ode To Joy

    Anyone help me to decipher this? I consider it a murder threat, as the first tune is a song about a delinquent who’s about to face the gallow (though innocent), a gospel funeral march and the Ode To Joy, which means that somebody will be rather happy with all that. So what about Greensleeves, then? I’m not the best in conspirational codes, and the first three “hints” seem rather plain to me. Shines a little light on the “subtleness” of my perps. I just wanted to publish that as long as i’m not six feet under. Phew, it sucks.

    Comment by Michael — July 24, 2011 @ 6:14 pm

  551. Questions from Michael
    What’s wrong with public safety guarding perp squads, if they leave out the most massive threats?

    Answers according to Robert
    It amounts to further proof that the perp’s are criminal entities, with nothing on offer for society, the
    motivations are generally economic and the perp’s could also be regarded as low life thieving scum.

    Or if they’re really the governement?

    If it was the governments of this world, doing this to their own people, then terrorism would be the
    norm. It is mainly corporate level crime. Those behind the technology were not on government
    funding, some of this technology goes back to WW2 – spread spectrum – actress and engineer
    associate invented this technology. They (not the government) acquired the patent (1941)

    See, i consider it an international phenomenon ?

    I agree – multi-national corporate, criminal, thugs. ANYONE with money can access this technology
    hey if you had a credit card you could ‘hire’ satellite surveillance technology, then dispence with the
    ground ‘crew’ GPS systems – not low-jacking a car but a person, something they always carry with
    them – ‘adjusted’ blood chemistry, for example. No I’m not suggesting a ‘barium’ diet – ‘added’

    i.e, that norwegian assassin would have been a valuable target by all means of “protecting society”, ?

    He was another thug, on their side – organised crime – the extreme right, left …whatever. So do
    you think he was a secret government agent, willing to die for what he believes in ? Jack Ruby
    was a dying man when he shot JFK’s alledged assassin. Europe is having difficulty in dealing
    with the Middle Eastern – Mass Exit, Mass Ingress for Europe. What this ‘terrorist’ did was to bring
    common opinion to a tragic begining, making a loud and offensive political statement, IOW. He is
    not alone, in his objection, to the influx of Muslim, Middle Eastern Peoples, however, the way he
    went about it, deserves the death penalty – let him die for his ‘political statement’

    There is no Justifying the establishment of abuse via NLW’s and Gang Stalking. Forget IT !

    Somehow i still yearn for reconciliation, or remission, if that’s the proper demand at all, for i am and
    was neither a threat to society nor will ever be. ?

    Someone is getting off on disturbing you, don’t feed them, they play on your weaknesses for
    kicks and saleable inspiration, why continue to make/preserve their wealth, when you know, you
    would like to see them starving & dying, in the gutter. One day, the victims may have a combined
    weapons defense system, better than, that of the perp’s arse’n’hole. Then the Game is Over !

    Lately, however, my perps get somehow friendly on me ?

    Good Cop, Bad Cop scenario, your better than that after 20 years are’nt you ?

    A fellow gangstalking target from early days on told me, that whenever i do something right,
    they get angry ?

    So one of the perp’s will always LOOSE the bet, they don’t know exactly what you are doing
    but like to play the smart-arse, in thinking they do. Fxck them around, make loud thought
    plans, to do one thing…their bets are down, then go do another. Shit, you might hear
    abuse, from covert – to ballistic in your very neighbourhood ! Set the fuxkers up. Flush them
    out, then down the toilet !

    Well are’nt they full of it ? Prove it to yourself.

    Anyone help me to decipher this? I consider it a murder threat, as the first tune is a song about
    a delinquent who’s about to face the gallow’s ?

    Programs to disturb, deliberately come in all shapes and forms, they like to measure your ‘power’
    of reaction, to their activities. Try to ignore, instead of ‘entertaining’ the focker’s…

    Comment by Robert — July 25, 2011 @ 12:52 pm

  552. Some of you might remember the Port Arthur Massacre of 1996 ?

    This was a method of disarming Australia (starting in Tasmania)

    With the influx of ‘Middle Eastern Appearance’, Muslims into Europe
    the recent terrorist event may be a precursor, a set up, to disturb and
    then disarm parts of Europe.

    My two cents worth.

    Comment by Robert — July 25, 2011 @ 1:21 pm

  553. When GUNS are OUTLAWED, then only OUTLAWS will have GUNS.

    When organised gang stalking is recognised and accepted as an evil reality,
    then only evil reality shows will be accepted as entertaining…

    Comment by Robert — July 25, 2011 @ 1:27 pm

  554. reality is evil – ’cause it hurts…

    Fantacy remains achievable, but the human resources are economically restrained…

    When the last fish’s eggs are ‘caviared’ what of the sprat that were supposed to have
    started up-stream ?

    (A Variation of an earlier Am’ Indian prov’) – Proven….Sad.

    Comment by Robert — July 25, 2011 @ 2:20 pm

  555. The use of ‘cell life’ to aid & assist the imprisoned, in the aging cycle…

    O.K, O.K -so what have we done to each other ? No Hits….um’ must
    be something left, right or whatever – still for sale – according to…
    you, you you you ? Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo’s.

    Comment by Robert — July 25, 2011 @ 2:40 pm

  556. Hyp, not hick,

    subtle suggestion…

    Comment by Robert — July 25, 2011 @ 2:43 pm

  557. @Robert
    Thanks for the help. I know i know, i am better than that after 20-30 years, that’s for sure, but sometimes i just lose it, dammit, as it’s pouring lately, with masses of angled or degrading details of my most private life, (including a visit at a local whore house – big mistake, i know -, stolen emails, letters and age-old backup material from my various PC’s) dragged into public, a cute little death threat and abundant street theater wherever i appear, that even some of the elder perps do consider it ethically questionable, as i overheard a brief smalltalk of two. Piffling ten years, and this previously likable town turned just as rotten as other perp’d regions in germoney. Good to know that i’m not alone in this shitstorm.

    Comment by Michael — July 25, 2011 @ 11:14 pm

  558. Responses (R) – Michael

    (R) I know i know, i am better than that after 20-30 years, that’s for sure, but
    sometimes i just lose it,

    Advice – (unsolicited) (A) – Robert

    (A) When you are subjected to the constant barage (assault) of verbals, agreed – it is hard to avoid
    the interactive comment (your responses) that makes the attack – tolerable, but think about it – if
    you don’t react, in any way, that they have come to expect, man, even if they are dead – don’t
    you think they will loose interest in you ? The Perp’s drivel = (Let’s get out of here…this one is
    dead, there’s nothing left now) so the Gang Stalking Scum are no longer ‘hanging around’ they
    have ‘moved on’…Loosing interest in you is a GOOD thing, ’cause you were’nt selling yourself
    out (entertainer) they were selling YOU out, without your consent and nothing to offer you, for
    their ‘take aways’ – the f’ing poachers.

    P.S – The planet is round. so is the “Shitstorm” – from my own personal experiences, the process
    of relocation to another ‘area’ – country, city, town – suburb. – Their on top of you within a few weeks
    but this depends on how ‘quickly’ they can clear out some rental situation for the purpose of another
    spook house operation. If there is a shortage of rental situations, in your area then they then set out
    to purchase R/E as required.

    Comment by Robert — July 28, 2011 @ 8:58 am

  559. Oh, Michael –

    Another thing, don’t think that isolation, in the country-side, whereby your neighbours are ‘miles away’
    is going to be safer, it makes it worse…because there is no ‘collateral damage’ – that is, other human
    beings anywhere near you – so they can up the ‘intensity’ if you get my meaning ? I found the safest
    places to be the most heavily populated, per square kilometre ! (no wonder everyone wishes to live in
    a big shitty, near the sewerage outfall – the sea)

    Comment by Robert — July 28, 2011 @ 9:16 am

  560. @Robert
    Thx for the advice, Robert! I also tried the countryside 15 years ago, and yes, there’s absolutely no refuge with it. The violations were more ostensible, i.e. with penetrantly dripping bathtub faucet although it was perfectly intact, chairs and table moved arbitrarily when i came home from deliberate random shorttrips to shops and friends, colored stains on the walls and carpet, and “occult”-ish messages written on doorstep – and even in books i read at the time. That was the “era” i developed the further above mentioned obsession with colors and numerologic checksums, much to my perps amusement. Guess i was the perfect target then. Here, they’re always pretty active in street theater and hacking my computer activities on- and offline, so i reckon they already watch this thread here too. However, that very very long timespan in my case (since 1976 in the first place, with enhanced activities 20 years ago) and the various assumed purposes (gaslighting from 1976 – mid-nineties, economic wreckage from mid-nineties until now – supposedly, social destruction and humiliation as revenge for angry reactions on slanderous emails and letter from 2003 until now!) makes it rather unlikely, that it will end soon. Guess every decade i catch another wave of this. Pity.

    Comment by Michael — July 28, 2011 @ 2:15 pm

  561. To Robert: Hey Stupid…

    Comment by govman — July 29, 2011 @ 2:30 am

  562. “I rest my case.”

    “Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 22, 2011 @ 8:23 pm ”

    You don’t have a case Agassi. Never did, never will.

    Comment by govman — July 29, 2011 @ 2:37 am


    Comment by tortured — July 29, 2011 @ 3:12 am

  564. To Govman –

    Governments don’t target 15 year old boys, without cause.


    Multi-national corporations ARE HOWEVER setting up and
    exploiting ANYONE that produces financial RETURNS.
    The perfect crime –

    They don’t pay for what it is, that they steal.

    1976 – I was 15 years old. They are my earliest memories
    of the gang-stalking and electronic harassment. Back then
    “Why is the stereo system acting like it has a radio reciever
    attached, when it does’nt” I discounted EVP a long time ago.

    Same deal with the P.A. systems of late 1992 & early 1994
    50 Witnesses in 1992 –

    “Talking f-cking shit. Tomorrow, we’re gonna come down their
    and pull the carrier”

    “Get F-cked”

    ” ’cause we can’t hear no-one”

    The PA system did’nt have a radio reciever attached to it
    either. Electronic Harassment & Threats.

    Comment by Robert — July 29, 2011 @ 11:26 am

  565. I was 16 when i got aware of it. Dad was a judge, so the govt is most likely not in the run. And it wasn’t “the people”, either.

    Comment by Michael — July 29, 2011 @ 9:24 pm

  566. Michael, if your house, furniture and posessions are so regularly being messed with, why haven’t you simply planted a webcam to monitor and record?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 30, 2011 @ 6:56 am

  567. Simple, cheap hand held optical ‘viewers’ enable camera optics (lenses, ccd)
    to be spoted, investigated and perhaps avoided. You can’t conceal the camera
    optics, can you ? The perp’s would simply set up another pattern of disturbance
    if camera’s were used. Claims have been made that perp’s can interfere with the
    surveillance, alarms etc. I would not dispute this, computer & telecoms hacking
    seems to be a normal, expected activity from some corporate criminal employers
    these days. Do you think microprocessor based surveillance, alarms and security
    in general would be anymore difficult to interfere with ?

    Blue collar crime – break into a house or business.
    White collar crime – break into phones, security, computers, etc.

    I have found the most effective security systems are the ones that no one else is
    aware of. If you start talking about your methods of catching a perp, usually your
    efforts end up being undermined. Keep your mouth shut, until all your evidence
    is backed up. (Oh, dead hard drive – WTF – how could this happen – & The
    ‘company’ could’nt ‘recover’ the drive’s data – etc) One soon gets damn sick of
    planned ‘failures’ and ‘breakages’

    I have lost many items that had motors and bearings. Not normal failure rates.
    Quality gear like Western Digital hard drives, Panasonic HiFi VHS recorders
    Yamaha multitrack dual speed Compact Cassette recorders. If it has a motor
    and bearings – forget it ! It is like they can tune into it’s resonance and then
    ‘bash’ it at it’s resonant frequency. Presto – dead motor driven system…

    Tapes that no longer are useful, what did they do ? powerful electro-magnetic
    erasure, mould that likes consuming iron oxide ? but, only found in the box with
    the iron oxide based tapes… Talk to a shrink about it, paranoid delusions even
    when you show them the box, with tapes & mould – IOW, don’t bother with such
    talk, they enjoy distorting the facts and playing devil’s advocate.
    “Hey they added some kind of mould to my cassette collection” Now, THEY
    may have, but the shrink isn’t going to go along with this complaint are they ?

    Besides shrinks are not generally qualified to discuss what would be many, the
    types of complaints put forward by T.I’s, these would’nt be seen as ‘normal’
    day to day problems, so encountered – the shrink is trained to see it as
    DELUSION, paranoid delusion. Never accepting the complaint, because the
    complaint is ‘to far’ out of the ordinary – In the shrinks mind –
    “No one could suffer this much bad luck, no one would finance this amount of
    abuse, directed at – a nobody”

    Setting up digital camera’s with external battery power sources, high capacity
    flash memory cards and get this – Go to programming the camera and set the
    auto switch off function to Never and it stops recording after 1.5 hours…

    I had heaps of flash memory left and an almost unlimited reserve of power –
    12V/7Amp hour SLA, fully charged, step down to 5 Volt switching regulator
    followed by a 3 Volt linear regulator.
    It’s a still camera that runs on 3 Volt – Lithium or 3 Volt DC from external
    power source. The power supply that I made for it was better than anything
    that could be bought – squeaky clean. I went for a different approach, metal
    enclosures, thick lead glass, well screened in other words – think paranoid
    and come up with solutions, to defend against their attacks. Note – some
    of this comment is real, some is fiction – my methods of disturbing the
    disinfo agents – more delusion, paranoia ? another cup of tea perhaps ?

    Another Movie Maybe ? NO, my friends, they are not, nor are they in my head.
    This person is not my friend, here is a movie of him pulling my car tyre valves with
    pliers. This was on two separate occasions – nearly two weeks apart. How much
    evidence can one T.I. collect before the authorities have NO CHOICE other than
    accepting the T.I’s complaint and evidence ? Here is another video of a person
    searching for a spare key around my front door. What about this guy – trying to
    push the door in ? check out how it is moving the camera, fixed to the back of
    the door.

    You can go to extraordinary lengths to nail these bastards, catching them in
    the act of interfering, only to suffer an ongoing trail of investigative misadventure,
    equipment failures and ‘ordered’ bad luck. Even when you come up with some
    item of evidential value, show the captured evidence – only to hear a response
    like – “I thought that, he/she was your friend” Comments like that, were not
    intended to hurt, but they do.

    “They moved in to the neighborhood, about two weeks after me, they had to get
    rid of the existing tenant, in the house across the street, the only house nearby
    that was a rental situation.”

    Comment by Robert — July 30, 2011 @ 12:36 pm

  568. @Aaron
    The most disarrangement occured in the nineties, when i lived in the country. However, I did plant a webcam, but to no avail. They “knew”, and did not appear. Same here, i planted a webcam and let it run whenever i went away. Nil happened, so i negelected it sooner or later – but guess what, the intrusions start again as soon as i get negligent. So i just had it, lately. Yesterday i came home not too late, and the lights in the windows were lit. Just a little reminder of their ongoing presence. They’re in my and my girlfriends house with high tech, i suppose, mini-cams or even more elaborate sh*t, dunno, so what can i do. I recently bought a bug finder, runs up to 3,5 Ghz, (no high end device, my means are restricted) but the only thing it “detects” are running mains adapters – all mains adapters, however, even behind drawers or under the bed, where cameras are pointless. No phone tap detected, nor anything else like vid-cam emitters running at 6 Ghz. Waste of money. Proper counter-surveillance gear against contemporary means is obscenely expensive, i guess thats volitional.
    [quote] You can go to extraordinary lengths to nail these bastards, catching them in the act of interfering, only to suffer an ongoing trail of investigative misadventure, equipment failures and ‘ordered’ bad luck.[end quote]
    I can fully attest to this, it’s Don Quichotte against the “windmills”. Incidentally, Don Quichotte could be the very patron-saint of T.I.s

    Comment by Michael — July 30, 2011 @ 2:04 pm

  569. Problem Here Michael –

    “bug finder – Runs up to 3,5 GHz”..”nor anything else like vid-cam emitters running at 6 GHz”

    The obvious – you have no chance of finding video camera transmitters, that are approaching
    anything like 6 GHz, commonly 5.8 GHz with a ‘bug finder’ which is a wide band reciever, if it is
    limited to 3.5 Gig bandwidth. The emissions from the mains adapters could be their switching
    frequency noise, the sheilding on these things is minimal, that is if your talking ‘wall-wart’ style
    ‘plug-packs’ as in step down AC mains power to Low Voltage DC type devices.

    Cleaning up the electrical smog in your area is a great idea, swapping switching wall warts
    for the transformer based (old school) technology, turning off the cordless phone, unless
    absolutely necessary, and only as such, it’s use. The Cordless phone’s base station is a
    real bad source of Microwave radiation.

    I did this cleaning up, of the immediate area and shortly afterwards the perp across the road
    had a WiFi network transmitter/reciever system installed in his roof – 2.4 GHz – to cater for
    anyone within a kilometre radius that wished to go WiFi instead of ‘landline’ for internet
    access. This installation – what a coincidence, or for better words – what a great masking
    system, for perp operations using DEW’s. No council approvals were required and I have
    no course of complaint. This thing is less than 50 Metres from me, the perp replaced his
    ceramic tiles with corrugated steel roofing – effective shielding

    Microwave harassment makes use of around 2.4 GHz, the resonant frequency of water – a
    large % of the human being’s living existence. With all this WiFi sh-t, how do we catch perp
    zapping us at a similar frequency, complete with the same ‘Hedy Lamarr’ spread spectrum
    technology ?

    Comment by Robert — July 30, 2011 @ 3:40 pm

  570. Michael, maybe what would be best for you might be a dummy camera just to scare away pranksters.

    Comment by iAaron Agassi — July 31, 2011 @ 5:42 am

  571. Yeah, you guys got it all. not.

    Quote – “sunshine report – Most actual victims of these assaults have been neutralized by so-called non-lethal nerve agents, a *fact* that will be known if or when the *truth* is revealed.

    Many other aerosol, contact and food planted chemical agents are being used against persons selected for these torture assaults.

    Sunshine Report – “Another document (available here) reveals the interest of a senior US Army toxicologist in tacrine, a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. The Army is not interested in the drug, however, for helping disease victims. Rather, it is assessing use of tacrine as a weapon. In February 2002, at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, the toxicologist ordered a literature review on its potential for weaponization. Chemically, tacrine is a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, a first cousin of the nerve gases sarin, tabun, and VX (among others).

    Look at all pharmaceuticals considered for weapons research on this study, disregard the “in the field” military delivery methods, the applications in our case are very *personal* as laid out in this blog and others.” end quote

    Comment by email — July 31, 2011 @ 6:35 am

  572. Hey dude, these constant posters are faction government posters working to bury the truth. It’s their job.

    Comment by email — July 31, 2011 @ 6:39 am

  573. Quote from Agassi –
    “Michael, maybe what would be best for you might be a dummy camera just to scare away pranksters.”

    @ Agassi – You still don’t quite understand ‘stalking’ yet, do you? These creeps get in your head and
    see through your eyes, what do you know of remote viewing ? – remote viewers get inside ‘anyones’
    head to see what’s happening, somewhere else – in the ‘target area’ and don’t care for how much pain
    and discomfort they cause the person, that they just jumped on. You should have a look at the work
    Keith Harary & Russell Targ @ SRI. – starting in the 1970’s, there’s a couple of names to go ‘fetch’ info
    on…. These names should ring a bell with regards black ops and DEW’s, to those that have done their

    Harary was also behind the developement and ongoing testing for Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW’s) such as
    Microwave – he probably will end up getting a job at Ratheon, if he isn’t already on their advisory

    This does’nt mean that such ‘crafts’ are all military related, other way around – the military show interest
    in these things, sometimes investing in it’s ongoing research. If remote viewing was never proved as
    even remotely possible (no pun intended) then how come many T.I’s complain about the running
    commentation, about what the T.I is doing, etc by the perps (mind moles – psych perverts)

    Quote from email –
    “Yeah, you guys got it all. not.

    Quote – “sunshine report – Most actual victims of these assaults have been neutralized by so-called non-lethal nerve agents, a *fact* that will be known if or when the *truth* is revealed.”

    The truth according to who, disinformation agents, trowling the net ?

    Now why would they ‘neutralize’ someone they ‘set up’ and ‘wired up’ for the purpose of exploitation ?
    Have they finished with them ?

    Another quote from email –
    “Hey dude, these constant posters are faction government posters working to bury the truth. It’s their job”

    I prefer exposing those that have been, or still are, on government hand-outs –
    Harary – NLW’s developement.
    Ratheon – NLW’s manufacturer.

    Comment by Robert — July 31, 2011 @ 9:23 am

  574. Actually –

    I think it was Russell Targ that was researching Microwave NLW’s, my bad.

    But it does’nt really matter, they are both into this head game sh-t, the
    book is called – The Mind Race authors are Targ & Harary. If these guy’s
    are fruit-loops, why would the US-Navy loan them a mini sub & crew ?
    and why is Targ scoring points on NLW – Microwave developements ?

    This should flush out some more disinfo agents into active duty ! (To
    play it down)

    I answered these Q’s elsewhere on the net, V2K Smoking Gun – WordPress,
    about fatalities of innocent folk on parallel stretches of highway with a
    ‘borrowed’ High Power D.C. transmission line that the Navy was dumping
    their ELF upon. They (US Navy) wan’t alternative means of communicating
    with their submerged ones…

    Comment by Robert — July 31, 2011 @ 10:40 am

  575. 2.2 hertz is v e r y S L O W

    Like trees talking to each other…

    Comment by Robert — July 31, 2011 @ 10:48 am

  576. If you get ‘zapped’ by 2.2 Hertz, you won’t hear it coming, it’s effect is on your feelings –
    ‘rock a bye baby, from the tree top’ – chronic fatigue – you fall asleep.

    2.2 Hertz is Delta brain wave activity, which is reported as 0.1Hz (near death) to around
    3 Hertz or, if you like – not much activity (he/she is a little slow – c’mon wake up dude)
    hope I got the message across.

    Mental manipulation could be assisted by drugs & drugings (psychiatry) but
    the use of electromagnetic radiation – silent, quick (or slow) kills, manipulation
    of thought & bodily functioning leaves no evidence.

    “If you can’t feel, taste, smell, hear or see it, then it is all in your mind” – also the opinion of psychiatry, making sugestions of ‘not reality’ – based on the their below average (by design) intelligence. Not to mention their applied ignorance, of which they FORCE Legally – their opinions, in their cowardly numbers… effectively
    protecting the perp scum. F-ck I would like to damage these c-nt’s ‘reality’ but I’m not a Dog. I’m a Rat.

    How Dare they enforce their Dreams ? Power tripping trash. – Blame Religion Again ?
    Do they still wan’t to play GOD ? Why ? they are dumb shit. If GODS work by force
    then they are not gods, they are DOGS (False Gods) Hey it’s Sunday Somewheres !

    Comment by Robert — July 31, 2011 @ 11:29 am

  577. Ratheon Mindset –

    1975 – the latest in quad op-amp developement

    Presenting the – RC4136 ?

    comments from the tech’s – “You know it’s a Ratheon device, when
    the power point’s are’nt exactly centered, about the device’s area.

    That’s Biased !

    Comment by Robert — July 31, 2011 @ 12:34 pm

  578. Do you do Programming ?

    No, but I would like to specialize in hits…

    Comment by Robert — July 31, 2011 @ 12:43 pm

  579. Robert, I do grock stalking. I just believe that, unfortunately, it’s simple and easy enough for nobodies and seemingly with utter impunity, all entirely without requiring more exotic explanation. Sheer assumption otherwise is crazy, and any actual pretense or deliberate suggestion otherwise is just part of the mindfuck. -As you may recall, Parsimony of Explanations, also called: Occam’s Razor.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — July 31, 2011 @ 2:39 pm

  580. With or without remote viewing: it’s a really bad idea to surf porn sites, download adult pics or visit a bordello, if gangstalkers are out to ruin one’s rep. I naively did so – thus reaping the rewards now.

    (not) the only pity here: there are so many people under unlawful surveillance who don’t even know about it. Some are even perpetrated and consider it a series of bizarre coincidences, constant bad luck or the like.

    Just in (the most likely) case, someone being perp’ed and somewhat testosterone-struck reads all this – refrain from the above! Ordinary intercourse and wet dreams – that’s all i can recommend. “I must caution you that anything you express, visit or download online, can be, and will be, taken down and used arbitrarily against you, when- and wherever your gangstalking community considers fit.” Even if it’s more or less unspectacular material of adults having fun, just don’t suppose the public will be lenient let alone on your side when organized degraders slam shut. I’m not overly religious, it’s just my experience, that they collect, misrepresent and publish any and every moves and motives.

    Comment by Michael — July 31, 2011 @ 7:03 pm

  581. B4 i forget: they produce big scenarios out of petty data, see above. It’s “the mix”, like they once told me. Political spin-doctoring to the target’s disadvantage is one of their main fields of play. Never download Breivik’s manifesto or “Das Kapital”, or rant about the failed migration politics in germany or simply call it germoney or condemn islamist extremism or question the 9/11 massacre – they will label you accordingly, even if it’s contradictory. One sauce fits all. They just want you off the grid, no matter how farfetched the thrown manure may be. And as long as you produce output they can use, you’re dutiful. If you fail to do so, they produce output with unpleasant or angled events to put you on the wrong track – i.e. foreigners of darker complexion start to act strangely whenever you pass by, letting you rant about “all those misbehavin’ foreigners from xyz”, when you come home, thus you’re a xenophobic nazi. And don’t try to figure out what their inducement might be, anything you come up with will be used…. see above. In my case, during a doctor’s visit in a clinic i presumed two women behind it, which i approached disrespectful and indecently – in a drunk and med’ed state, almost 30 years ago. Though there was witness who could ease my affliction in that it was no major offence in their notice – i don’t remember sh*t -, the perps immediately got hold of the medical record – they always do – and now they’re selling me as a rapist, too. Nazi, closet communist, unemployed psychopath parasitic wanker, rapist – thank you very much. A dangerous rep for such a notably harmless person like me.

    Comment by Michael — July 31, 2011 @ 8:43 pm

  582. What character assassins can’t dig up, they simply invent. This is nothing new.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 1, 2011 @ 8:27 am

  583. There’s nothing new under the sun, but it can’t be straightened out too sufficiently: some targets don’t get to which tremendous extent they’re gangstalked. They can’t take it in that these character assassins are actually out to DESTROY them, simply because it won’t fit their learned set of ethical values, that being innocent is a moral asset. So they “blank it out” to feel less threatened. I did so, and so do hundreds if not thousands of other targets. That’s only natural, but precarious. Imho the largest source of needless trouble – next to direct perp activities.

    Comment by Michael — August 1, 2011 @ 11:00 am

  584. Quote from Michael – “Nazi, closet communist, unemployed psychopath parasitic wanker, rapist –
    thank you very much. A dangerous rep for such a notably harmless person like me”

    It is interesting to note, this is exactly what they do. Perp’s move in on top of you, or very close
    by – in your neighborhood. As soon as the oppurtunity arrises, the perps cut a B Line straight at
    you, then start spreading rumours about you, yet you remain oblivious, to these.

    You are a person that they have never met before. All they required was that you entered into
    some social talk with them, or their associates.

    People, that you don’t know, in your neighborhood then start looking sideways at you,
    misadventures and bad luck starts happening, eventually you learn it is deliberate, then you
    start to wonder why. (Gang Stalking is a social disease, but there is no big pharma products
    to treat or control it… The victims are mis-diagnosed, mis-treated and abused instead)

    Eventually you find out what the rumour is – “He’s a drug dealer” – for another
    example, apart from those already mentioned by Michael.

    Then guess what the perp’s are ? Yep – Drug Industrialists, not dealers, underneath their house
    is being used as an area for drying Marijuana, it is being grown elsewhere as well as the process
    of weighing and packaging and dealing at street level. Such organised crime is distributed about
    the community, family businesses – that is organised crime hiding behind the image of ‘the innocent
    young family’ Meanwhile the neighborhood maintains a vigil watch over you, not them.

    When clearly in the neighborhood, you are not a drug dealer, more rumours are distributed by
    those that are involved in the illicit substances industry. Like – ” We are associated with king pin
    dealers and they own the city ”

    Makes one wonder why there isn’t more Mexican style culling programs in place, when this occurs.
    The average life of a drug dealer in Mexico is quite short. Vigilante killing’s and persecution is
    offset by scapegoating and the manufacturing of patsies, in countries outside of Mexico. So they
    make use of the potential gang stalking groups, that may exist, or could be formed in your area.

    Organised Gang Stalking groups get set upon the innocent, the guilty go free to commit more crimes.
    When the Org’ Gang Stalkering groups realise that they have been bullsh-tted, they wan’t to make like
    doctors and bury their mistakes. It is highly unlikely that they are going to say anything, to anyone
    about such mistakes, especially in a country where gang stalking and intimidation is punishable under

    So motivations can be to dump un-wanted attention on someone closeby, they are subject to the
    unlawful surveillance and gang-stalking, as they were at previous locations. The single male
    (or female) becomes the patsy. Organised crime functions right under the noses of those behind
    the surveillance and gang-stalking while true crime nearby isn’t noticed. A bad old joke – “If you
    wish to commit a crime, do it outside a police station – it’s the last place the cops would look”

    Simple explanation ? Simple enough Aaron ? – “Occam’s Razor”

    It is IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND some of the many reasons behind organised gang stalking,
    this shed’s light on why prosecutions are rare, community fear – of the perp’s that got the blood
    of the innocents, on the communities hands…the snow ball effects of rumour speading, till it gets
    to big to stop. When an innocent was set up by drug dealer scum, the community lives in fear.
    Crimes by Association.

    Comment by Robert — August 1, 2011 @ 11:36 am

  585. I entirely agree with the assessment of your last post, Michael. Unrelenting malicious gossip destroys lives. Again, it is only the fantastic and the bigoted urban mythology with which I take issue. And Robert, yes, criminals and bullies seek vulnerable targets. And yes I see no reason why anyone at any one time could both running a Meth lab and gang stalking, indeed it doesn’t seem incongruous or unlikely. But of course I would tend to doubt that such must always be the case.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 1, 2011 @ 11:57 am

  586. Gossip and slanders are created AFTER that government has selected you as a target and are used as a “justification” …and for making you creating paranoias and believing that casual gossips and slanders are at the root of “obscure forces'” gang-stalking.
    It is everything organised! …and from State/government.
    No gossip or slander can really justify any government gang-stalking and no gossip or slander is at the root of gang-stalking operations.
    Private gang-staking does not exist. If not led from Secret Police officers (at institutional orders), other people and gangs woulds have no time and energies to gang-stalk targets and they could be easily put in jail if they really were independent.

    Comment by rscaru — August 1, 2011 @ 12:27 pm

  587. PS. Yes, while scapegoarting the innocent, criminal circles and cliques of bullies alike, tend to shelter and abet evil doers, indeed thereby attracting ever more dangerous predators into our communities.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 1, 2011 @ 12:29 pm

  588. No rscaru. The government is not in charge of all meanness.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 1, 2011 @ 12:34 pm

  589. Drug dealing is organised crime, but it is community financed – part of the socio economic climate of today.
    The CIA are criminals and their crimes were sanctioned at political and military levels. So what ? that
    makes their recorded activities socially acceptable ?

    Religion could be considered organised crime, because all we see is ongoing wars, based on religious indifferences. “Lets have a war over delusions, dreams and beliefs” – highly competitive stuff.

    Gang Stalking Vigilante groups may indeed be made up of people that have lost their loved ones to drugs
    and so what better group of individuals to make use of by creating a patsy, to distract from illicit substance
    organised crime groups. Of course those that have lost loved ones to substance abuse would indeed have
    a vocal opinion on drug dealers, and drug industry criminals would have burning ears, for such opinions.

    These gang stalking vigilante groups feel, in their numbers – unstopable, this would certainly appear to
    be the case. But how easily manipulated they could have been… So how difficult it would be to prosecute
    such a large number of misguided fools, that caused the death of an innocent, that was set up.

    Comment by Robert — August 1, 2011 @ 12:55 pm

  590. Robert, I had not considered that vigilante gang stalkers might have actually lost loved ones to drug abuse. It should come as little surprise that I question their good faith and would expect that anyone with at all genuine civic mindedness would find more legitimate and effective outlets in the fight against crime. In any case, I take it that you do not speak of all vigilantes or gang stalkers and their varied motivations, however Sadistic and/or misguided. Nor do I defend government malfeasance simply because I do not buy into pervasive conspiracy and associated urban mythologies. But I whole heartedly agree with you regarding the difficulty of ever taking each and every one of them to task before the law. Nevertheless I continue to believe that if only anyone would organize against them, bullies and thugs can be thwarted and exposed significantly, and that communities can learn to be more bully proof. This would also serve as better safe guard for democracy at the grass roots against future tides of rising Fascism.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 1, 2011 @ 1:48 pm

  591. Individual stalking is not gang-stalking.
    If it is individual, there is no government involvement.
    Individual gossips and slanders do not really ruin your life… …Nobody worries…
    When government is involved, at least one [secret] police officer contacts and organizes people of your area/building, working places, schools etc and later receives daily and weekly reports from some of these irregulars. If the target is really “important”, external help (other louses) is sent. Louses of your living place are provided with illegal devices for watching through walls and so implement targeted noises etc.

    There are special sections of the FBI [and equivalent in other States/countries] for such operations. They have special powers and they can take over everything and everybody.

    They use irregulars [“normal” louse] because they are illegal operations. It is NOT police surveillance et similia. These are illegal State/government activities. It is State Terrorism.

    In practice, the Secret Police officers can legally commit crimes. However, the irregulars are not legally covered. They are covered from the Secret Police officer, who can give orders to judges and normal police.
    One cannot suit a Secret Police officer.
    One can suit (if one had decisive evidence; what they try to avoid you can have) the louses.

    The only way is public denunciation, with names, addresses pictures.
    They have orders not to react to your public denunciations. Of course, do not “strike” innocent people. If one casually suits you [what is really very rare if you act carefully and without persona paranoias], either he/she is innocent or used&dismissed.

    Comment by rscaru — August 1, 2011 @ 2:14 pm

  592. Quote from Aaron –

    “Robert, I had not considered that vigilante gang stalkers might have actually lost loved ones to drug abuse. It should come as little surprise that I question their good faith and would expect that anyone with at all genuine civic mindedness would find more legitimate and effective outlets in the fight against crime”

    Legit sources, for the fight against crime does’nt exist, when the crime is government sanctioned drug crimes.
    If drug related crimes are’nt government sanctioned, then why are the drug laws maintained ? The laws
    that are in place, to encourage crime – of an economic circular type.

    Those, that have lost loved ones to substance abuse, may have tried legitimate methods and realized that
    they were beating their heads against the wall. Isn’t it concievable that they got together, with a hidden
    agenda on how to handle drug related crime, the criminals then aware of this started the activities of scapegoating ?

    Civic Mindedness –
    It went out the window, for a lot of these victims, when they failed to get the legal compassionate and proper
    understanding from society generally. Then maybe they were robbed, by a junky needing money to score
    and keeping the entire cycle alive, or should I say – the drug economy.

    Isn’t it easy to understand, that all these people have is each other, as victims of government sanctioned
    crimes. These crimes would’nt exist if the ecomomic incentive was stripped from the equation.
    It is very easy to understand how this COULD be one angle, of many, behind vigilante gang stalking.
    There are obviously other motives, this could be just one of the many, for how gang stalking is running,
    un-lawfully – out of control.

    Comment by Robert — August 1, 2011 @ 2:24 pm

  593. rscaru, I reject your false binary dichotomy between individual stalking and slander vs. governmentally coordinated harassment. Even the pettiest and most obscure bullies and criminals typically cooperate very effectively. That is their one tremendous advantage! Crime and bullying indeed are often community based. And Robert, conceding entirely the calamitous folly of the War on Vice along with the magnitude of corruption engendered, if there really where no resistance to crime at all, things’d really be getting Hobsian!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 1, 2011 @ 3:27 pm

  594. Vigilante gang stalking is not government funded. The government would have to fund quite a heapload of freelancing bullies which is most unlikely, they already fund their own raiders. That’s why i come back to my multi group theory: there’s vigilantes f*cking with presumed or factual thugs, there’s the funsters – “Look mom, we’re gangstalking this crappy dude here!” – “Alright, you’ll be home by 9, will ya!”, the law-and-order-fraction – same as vigilantes but more generalized with everybody under general suspicion, the organized crime – to whatever purpose fit, crooked “law” schemings (see above) etc. etc. It’s a zeitgeist disease with evil in superior position – as long as the swindle ain’t busted, that is. We need whistleblowers from the gang stalking community, i reckon. There’s hardly something else worth considering.

    Comment by Michael — August 2, 2011 @ 11:48 am

  595. One targetted individual claims to have hired a Private Investigator to infiltrate gang stalking, with encouraging results.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 2, 2011 @ 12:03 pm

  596. Secret Police can easily blackmail a private detective.
    Either he/she cooperates or he/she’ll loose his/her license.

    Comment by rscaru — August 2, 2011 @ 12:53 pm

  597. Irregulars are not founded “from government”.
    They are rewarded (or not damaged) in other ways.
    Secret Police officers use people cannot deny their cooperation.
    A lot of people and groups simply cannot say “no”.
    Unbelievable, but it works in such a way… plus the propension of people to commit crimes and insanities when they feel covered from power. People do not want to cooperate may generally leave the operations’ theater, if it is possible. Differently they must cooperate, if indispensable.

    Comment by rscaru — August 2, 2011 @ 1:00 pm

  598. @rscaru
    See, whenever there’s “private” gangstalking – and the numbers go up vividly – secret police may not always interfere, as they just can’t be everywhere. A lot of this runs undetected from police whatsoever – it has to be, so it is. The trained eye may perceive various typical occurrences – like more and more targets trying to file gangstalking charges against unknown – or characteristic traits and patterns of target’s or perp’s behaviour all over town, but it’s rather unlikely that the govt interferes in most cases. It’s true, however, that ordinary “people .. commit crimes and insanities when they feel covered from power”. There’s a good german movie depicting that, “The Experiment, 2001, directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel” (forget a bout the 2011 US remake), based on an actual scientific test,, leaving nothing undepicted.

    Hiring a private eye is like ordering meds w/o prescription via internet – it may work, or it may not work. Either way, a lot of money is gone. And not everybody can afford spotters. I actually would, if i only could.

    I still believe that sooner or later the first whistleblowers will bring up the case in public, to vast extent. This is big news, if there’s evidence, and the papers won’t refrain from telling – see the News-Of-The-World scandal. There was a leak, however, who died prematurely under usual “unsettled circumstance”. Pity. Another unsung hero, and an obvious deterrence for other perps with remorse: “Kill one, educate hundred.”

    Comment by Michael — August 2, 2011 @ 1:53 pm

  599. Ah yes, and then they killed Amy Winehouse, to have Murdoch off the public’s focus.

    Comment by Michael — August 2, 2011 @ 1:55 pm

  600. There is much that private citizens can undertake in cooperation together, even before breaking the piggybank and passing round the hat to hire a P.I., if only we find the will.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 2, 2011 @ 2:34 pm

  601. Not to sound defeatist, but first you have to find bird of feather that are not fake, and i bet perps just wait for the occasion to spy on target alliances, just like they do infiltrate all kinds of 12-step self help groups. There’s just one definite target i came across in a clinic during all these years – true contact ist more or less scarce.

    Comment by Michael — August 3, 2011 @ 7:06 am

  602. We got’sta learn our spycraft!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 3, 2011 @ 8:36 am

  603. Hiring a private eye would be like hiring a prosecution attorney, those with the money – they have the power
    and morality has nothing to do with it. It is a corrupt world we live in, when decent honest people complain
    about being exploited, set-up, mis-diagnosed, cheated, poisoned (psychiatry holds those five cards) AND
    we have no re-course to challenge this system, we are driven into isolation and wedges are driven into any
    victim’s social groups. Even when you have evidence, names, motivations for such crimes, you will be told
    “you can’t beat the system”

    There are methods, without resorting to acts of terrorism, that could be used to promote attention to a
    worthwhile cause, case by case. What happens to psychiatry, when numerous complainants CAN expose
    the corruption within this ‘fringe’ health service ? Ans – REFORM, and if the lazy, lard arse f.ckers are’nt
    interested – LAW SUITS for deliberate misdiagnosis. Reform first.

    Comment by Robert — August 3, 2011 @ 1:23 pm

  604. Isn’t it rather odd that they call psychological manipulation – Brain Washing
    when psychological manipulation is programming. Psychiatry talks about
    the reinforcement of ‘reality’ but uses chemical substances to remove
    trains of thought.

    SO –

    Programming = Psychological Manipulation.
    Psychiatry = Brain Washing (Program Removal)

    Comment by Robert — August 3, 2011 @ 1:41 pm

  605. Entertainment, the arts – Where is the PROGRAM guide ?

    Comment by Robert — August 3, 2011 @ 1:51 pm

  606. Neverending…….

    it ends soon with Rh negative

    Are You ??

    Comment by nodragon — August 3, 2011 @ 10:47 pm

  607. Most do not know that as Rh Oneg individuals, they are tracked throughout their whole lives by world-wide governmental agencies interested in understanding the genesis of this group, and for other more complex societal purposes.

    Comment by nodragon — August 3, 2011 @ 10:53 pm

  608. A direct answer to a mail i sent to myself at 10:39 pm “What can i do to make this all end?”
    Tried to test a truecrypt encoded password safe for my email account… Guess it must have been the IMAP protocol that sold me out. Or the electromagnetic output of my keyboard strokes entering my truecrypt password? New neighbors above, to left and right. Whackamole, no way…
    Now they scare the shit out of me with international organ traffickers waiting for my moribund bowels – if i’m 0 Rh neg, that is… Another example of how quick they (sometimes) are, how perfidiously and how omnipresent. It’s really a zeitgeist disease, with poisoned minds galore. Pity.

    Comment by Michael — August 4, 2011 @ 12:11 am

  609. I share you’re opinion, watch out for the ‘new’ neighbors. A hacker moved in next door and proceeded
    to complain about the quality of the land line connection, for his internet access. Various ‘approved’
    technicians turned up, in the marked vans and then a line tech that ‘disturbed’ my com’s connection
    turned up in an un-marked van, said he was a contractor and his regular van was in for service. I did’nt
    ask for I.D. when my service “dropped” out for a half hour or so. I was’nt that concerned back then, so
    I guess, I was caught off-guard…

    Ever since then I pick up the handset and there is sometimes, a very length delay before I get dial tone.
    Sometimes I look at the phone and one of the red l.e.d’s is illminated, I pick up the handset and the
    line is dead, with no noises.

    The ADSL service that I have, it ALWAYS downloads in short packets due to contamination or bad data.
    I guess it is possible that the lard arse next door has a computer system that is piggy-backed onto mine…
    It has been about 4 years since that un-marked telecom technician’s van opened up the street ‘pit’
    connection box.

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 7:07 am

  610. Michael –

    Forget about counting key strokes and encrypted pass words. think more about the packets
    of data you send and recieve, what is to stop this bi-direction data from being ‘read’ on another
    computer system ? all internet traffic is NOT encrypted and so ‘open’ information. Try this
    experiment – Visit a site like ‘Totse’ or ‘Science Madness’ and nothing happens (hopefully) watch
    what happens when you ‘sign up’ to such forums ! Next you’ll have the gang stalking perps
    calling out your user name (on one of THOSE sites) even when you have NEVER posted !

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 8:45 am

  611. If they have an encryption system, that works, then they must have it on a ‘rolling code’ structure, so
    rolling codes and randomness can be intercepted, then the fuzzy logic was a logical projection after
    all…rolling randomness developes a pattern, as only those numbers fall, then repeat. So much for
    randomness…Security Systems that are impossible to beat = B/S, hackers continue to prove this.

    The most secure, security system available is the one that YOU designed, but only for your use.

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 9:06 am

  612. “Various ‘approved’ technicians turned up, in the marked vans”

    This is one of their criminal methods. Generate an excuse to have your services ‘disturbed’
    whereby you are’nt initially worried, because they told you to expect ‘investigations’ so you don’t
    pay much attention to the ‘wild card’ out of the pack, when it shows up – “Oh, just another tech
    trying to sought out next doors problem”

    Understanding their methods – continued.

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 9:26 am

  613. Trust No One, they are all gang stalking, programmable homo sapien, until proved otherwise.

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 9:37 am

  614. So my ‘land-line’ has, and is being ‘hi-jacked’ and improper information is being supplied
    to so called “law enforcement” AKA – gang stalkers to maintain a set-up.

    This is Not to destroy – but to exploit.

    I was charged with communications offences, in 1993 for my comments to an attorney, about
    apprenhended violence orders – “Oh year – restraining orders – to piss a male off, when
    you have finished, abusing them…” the discussion was about the deliberate use, of the
    law, for unlawful purpose.

    What I had to say was recorded, on a womans answering machine (apparently) then it
    was transcribed, apparently by the woman and the written words were used in a court
    of law against me. Yet all I had done was help this woman. Later on – I found out she
    was part of an “entertainment industry” family operation

    Simple –

    A set-up through the misuse of private communications, opinions that were intercepted
    and used (out of context) elsewhere, designed to promote a complainant – By a Patsy,
    to the authorities. It is so easy to set someone up like this, but the stone age romeo’s
    would rather be cleansed by fire – the product of – “lack of reform” = TERRORISM.

    When the terrorism is internationally financed, it is called economic stimulation.

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 10:24 am

  615. Oh. c’mon man – reform is out of the question, what are the boys & girls in uniform gonna’ do ?

    Answer –

    Get a real and contributing occupation, you tax collectors !

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 10:36 am

  616. IOW –

    You get all these unit’s, who’s primary (paid) occupation is defense – was it personal ?
    (a bad investment, here or there) never considering that crime is totally preventable.

    So what, a few percent of the planets population, are no longer ‘superior’ …no one
    could fund, the funds – dude.

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 11:10 am

  617. Someone (now deceased) they once said (to me) “you’ve got no idea, have you, about
    money and it’s power” ?

    I said – “So long as the money isn’t derived from re-sales”. WHAT ARE WE DOING TO EACH
    OTHER ? Planned Failure, False Economies…Escapism that is respected (for the wrong

    What when the Bird Stops Singing, Dude ? Was it something that, you thought, would remain
    saleable ? . . . .like, when the last fish is caught…

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 11:27 am

  618. “So long as the money isn’t derived from re-sales”.

    So, who’s gunna’ enforce it dude ? …We’re waiting,
    Oh, yeah, change…how about a buck ?… off.

    Anything worthwhile, maybe realistic ?

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 11:53 am

  619. “So long as the money isn’t derived from re-sales”.

    Merry-Go-Rounds, c’mon, the kids don’t wish to be
    out of it, anymore.

    “would they like something a little more saleable”

    NO – they are not all jew-dust.

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 12:17 pm

  620. oop’s, my bad –


    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 12:22 pm

  621. The destruction of poetry – 1 2 3

    What else you got ? TT cursed ?

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 12:32 pm

  622. Aussie Pie Cursed !

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 12:35 pm

  623. …and they said, that they were all in it together…TT = 3.14

    Yep, the planet is round, so, what we doing to each other folks ?

    …don’t know, still doing in binary.

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2011 @ 12:46 pm

  624. I found another good, stringent and reliable source of information on Gangstalking here:

    It’s a bit dated, with links not functioning, but sorted out and conditioned very well.

    Comment by Michael — August 4, 2011 @ 6:55 pm

  625. Robert, you’re a bitter jackass. I’m sorry hear that that you were so damagingly quoted out of context from covert recording in a court of law. But it is clear that you are obscuring whatever the true and howsoever prosaic actual circumstances of your own life.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 5, 2011 @ 3:55 pm

  626. Talking of unfunny issues – all the signs are that turk forces are happily participating in that computer-hacking-porn-spreading ratf*ck mentioned further above. If they want to “punish” me “infidel” for petty “insult”, they vastly overdid this – again, as usual. Engaging in shamelessly exaggerated covert character assassination of someone who was even starting to think that they’re wrongfully dealt with, unblamable object of anchoring etc. – pity. So, what’s more obscene – watching porn in private or hacking a pc and excessively spreading that collected trash all over town? And if it wasn’t porn, who gives a flying f*ck – it’s crime, and crime is undecent. They even employ minors for this – that can’t be called decent either, huh? This is lewd. So much on superiority. They’re decent and superior. Well done. Good fellow gangstalking citizens.

    Yours “paranoid schizophrenically”,

    Comment by Michael — August 5, 2011 @ 8:57 pm

  627. Again, Robert, you assume the passive voice in order to obscure the true narrative of your life behind a panoply of mythical vast forces. Clearly you are outmatched in conflict with personal enemies however sneaky and not any nebulous global machinations. .

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 6, 2011 @ 3:24 am

  628. Aaron Quote –

    “But it is clear that you are obscuring whatever the true and
    howsoever prosaic actual circumstances of your own life”

    By not having some ‘silly’ method of covering up (masking) the effects of this crime, one cannot function, in
    any capacity and the effectiveness of the crime is maximized. So forget it… moving on –

    The unjustified use of ‘wire taps’ and hidden surveillance methods (covert operations) wasn’t to be in the perp’s interests, this wasn’t to their advantage, at all. It is a trail of public and state’s evidence that I could
    (and have) used to ruin them. All they were initially interested in was obtaining personal information, they
    had hoped to use against and to silence me. They had nothing, except misrepresentations, their patsies
    that were professionally associated within a large part of the entertainment industry doing self harm.

    In short – “Look what they are doing to each other, while doing this to me”

    Their only purpose was exploitation, in my own experiences there are no other reasons, electronic assaults that I recorded, on various occasions and how such gross privacy violations and disturbance did indeed maximize the returns, on a bad investment called Madonna & Associates. The investors were, of course Warner, Festival Mushroom Records (Aust) and the FOX network via News Corp. These attacks resumed in late 1992, things had been relatively quiet since 1985.

    Original Lyrics – From the song ‘Words’ (1992) Erotica – Madonna.

    “As words used in anger”

    Interlaced through the use of harmonic resonance with the above lyrics , so comprising an assault –

    “I used you as a suicide anchor”

    This “HIT” I first recorded in early 1993, and gave away copies of cassettes to people I haven’t seen since.

    It goes beyond ‘stimulus’ through electronic assaults, ignorance of the complaints that are made while
    maintaining an unhealthy, obsessive interest in the ‘programming’ that produces undivided attention
    from the ANCHORED test victim. Replication of visual disturbances via the media – Madonna owns
    a yellow Bentley, then you see this vehicle outside a construction site, you are working on, in one part
    of town, then again nearby your home, some twenty kilometres away. Coincidences? No. Deliberate
    disturbances to maintain your attention to the misinvestment.

    Street theatre with verbal noise campaigns containing subtle suggestion to maintain the ‘program’

    Rather than continue to try and convince others of these events, attempt law suits, against those that
    were responsible for setting me up and making money out of it, I learnt earlier – don’t bother – as I
    could not win. A victory along those lines would only be through a large group class action. Searching
    for other entertainment industry victims of this type of assault, then taking the corporate criminals apart.

    I find it much more satisfying destroying their business (crime) through disclosure, of their ‘secrets’
    as in trade secrets, now no longer ‘hidden’ and ‘protected’ practices. Rat on their practices, It’s their
    turn to loose. The hard work is avoiding the issues such as misinformation distractions & decoys.
    I can’t forget what they did…and I’m not prepared to forgive, the relentless evil that trespasses upon me
    and they are not backing off…So their destruction through disclosure.

    Profiteering from dumping subtle suggestion, on someone’s private life, via electronic harassment.
    Projecting such assault publicly through the entertainment industry’s products to maximize public
    attention, as per reflected psychological disturbances, thereby increasing sales, then apply forced
    denial of such practices as being work-able in an attempt to cover up such evil, organized crime.

    Why not come across as a bitter jackass, just to flush out the garbage that look forward to nothing
    else in life other than bitching and nit-picking ? Set such individuals aside; get on with the destruction of hidden crime practices, through disclosure.

    The News O T World espionage and privacy violations is nothing new, look at the Media connections
    of one Anthony Pelicano serving a 15 year sentence for such clearly, still ‘active’ crimes.

    Comment by Robert — August 6, 2011 @ 5:06 am

  629. Au contrair, I’d even venture that objectivity actually improves function rather than even threatening sanity. By embracing the mind-fuck of enemy psychological warfare you have magnified some devious clique of local thugs and bullies into a god-like all enveloping apparition beyond all hope of resistance. Is Any of that really helping you hang on fo0r dear life?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 6, 2011 @ 7:13 am

  630. Aaron ?

    Comment by Robert — August 6, 2011 @ 7:20 am

  631. Visit a computer cafe, where I hav’nt been before, confirm my computer isn’t going whacko

    Comment by Robert — August 6, 2011 @ 7:33 am

  632. Testing – Spanish Inquisition (Question)

    What has a JEW without GOYIM, as in materials of the flesh ?

    Comment by Robert — August 6, 2011 @ 7:41 am

  633. Ethnic slurs garner you no sympathy.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 6, 2011 @ 7:50 am

  634. So the JEW is not quite itself ?

    Comment by Robert — August 6, 2011 @ 7:53 am

  635. Were there Italians (& base nazi’s) like Madonna, in on the wrought ?

    A C I D

    Sleeping with the ENEMY again ?

    Comment by Robert — August 6, 2011 @ 9:18 am

  636. Riddledeedee, Batman!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 6, 2011 @ 10:02 am

  637. Da. Da. Da – ar the fat man, da da da – enough !

    Comment by Robert — August 6, 2011 @ 10:31 am

  638. Yes, enough conspiracy arcanum and nonsense. Instead, let’s come to grips with the real challenges of overcoming community based psychological harassment.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 6, 2011 @ 12:55 pm

  639. sorry, I just cant play those parts…

    Comment by Robert — August 6, 2011 @ 1:36 pm

  640. Wonder if my community would ever harrass anyone with the power or money or whatsoever to overcome their sinister plots, apart from any “justifiable” reason. If there’d be a way to overcome, I’d go. But i can do whatever and go wherever i want – it all remains. Guess they chose me for being isolated, already somehow tattered, to play their heartless charades on. This is actually no “war” – a war would mean that there are opponents with the capability to impair EACH OTHER – and who did i impair, in the first place? Already 20 years of being target, plus a lame angry reaction on insulting “correspondence” from anonymous – and virtually EVERYONE involved – this surpasses my grasp. I never was a dark horse, but i do not deserve all this, so where there’s no proper reason, there’s no proper avail.

    Comment by Michael — August 6, 2011 @ 2:32 pm

  641. Bullies indeed prefer vulnerable isolated targets. Even publically socializing with a target of bullying begins to frighten the bullies off. The cultivation of connection and influence are crucial and should be considerations for our agenda to organize.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 6, 2011 @ 2:46 pm

  642. Mostly i’m alone, and to face infringements on a daily basis is my fate, i reckon. I’m aware of people being kind or helpful with me, though. Not being alone for the sole purpose of not being harrassed is futile and impairs my stamina, so i leave it as it is. There’s a simple observation that infringements significally drop in both rate and brazenness whenever i’m on my way either not alone or in a group. It’s also hard, however, not to bring up my gangstalking issue during more or less frolic conversations, while infringements happen visible only to me. I sometimes even doubt my perception because it’s all so omnipresent, which leads to unhealthy relational delusions and the mere impossibility to participate in community events. It’s like living in two worlds, one where i’m accepted and respected, and the other where i’m rejected and despised, and that’s where the “paranoid schizophrenic” part is at.

    Comment by Michael — August 6, 2011 @ 4:20 pm

  643. Sensitization becomes Surreal

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 7, 2011 @ 6:29 am

  644. Overcoming community based harassment campaigns (of the worst kind) psychological torture.

    For starters, having insight into why the groups of perp’s seem to be protected (sanctioned)
    and why the police aren’t interested in enforcing the law. I have caught many perp’s, inclusive
    of those that went overt and attracted the attention of the police, they were not charged.

    Also police questioning other police regarding harassment –
    In ’93 a detective asked a senior sergeant “Why are we hassling this guy sarg” response – “I don’t
    know, orders from the top” I have this recorded on a police interview tape, so there is a copy
    also stored with the police as well.

    Drugged by a Festival Mushroom Records, recording artist one Jeremy Saxon Oxley, prior to the
    Commencement of the electronic harassment, this through music sources of systems that are NOT
    equipped with radio receivers. Zero investigations by law enforcement. Complaints to the agency
    that looks after licensing of broadcasters, same deal no investigations “It’s not interfering with
    your radio or television reception” A lack of ANY investigations into those that were responsible
    equates to gang stalking and directed energy weapons sanctioning for some perp groups, inc’
    of the entertainment industry, which is where all the supportive evidence leads.

    What I had originally considered, then discounted was that these industry creeps had used a
    part of the system (law enforcement) that isn’t though to exist, the authorities wish to keep it
    that way and the net result is that this system gets abused by criminals, setting up and exploiting

    What ever the substance was that I was drugged with (by j s oxley) then it brings about sensitivity
    to the transmission, in other words the normal masking affects are removed, I did double blind
    tests with recording of the ‘transmissions’ that is the attacks, and I can identify what is on the
    different tapes, made on different dates of the same album. As time moved on, then the amount
    of abuse from the perps increased. Yet people that have not been sensitized, programmed to
    be receptive to the attacks can’t discern any difference on the recordings, I can. They can only
    see the aberrations on the oscilloscope screen. Where people see the hits on the screen, I hear
    the abuse that is buried ‘in the mix’

    The remaining reasons for a lack of investigations, is the obvious fact that the complaint mimics
    paranoid schizophrenia, the sad part is that if anyone discusses such things, this is how they
    are mistreated, via misdiagnosis without ANY investigations into OTHER reasons of cause.
    This is just plain deliberate ignorance. Why ? Why should such an EVIL system, if it is being
    abused be allowed to stay in the dark ? Devine intervention as the only thing, for a victim to
    forward to ? Damnation of these Satanistic Occultist Scum and their EVIL SYSTEM.

    Comment by Robert — August 7, 2011 @ 2:46 pm

  645. Quod Erat Demonstrandum

    Gang-Stalking is a State/government crime covered from the State Secret!
    It used for social devastation.
    It is the war of State against society!

    Comment by rscaru — August 7, 2011 @ 3:47 pm

  646. Quod Erat Demonstrandum

    Gang-Stalking is a State/government crime covered from the State Secret!
    It is used for social devastation.
    It is the war of State against society!

    Comment by rscaru — August 7, 2011 @ 3:48 pm

  647. Why aren’t the police involved? The short answer is that the police are already overworked. They are also not well educated about devious bullying. It doesn’t help if allegations sound crazy.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 7, 2011 @ 6:04 pm

  648. Been to a town 50 km from home, walking, watching Street Theater (actual Street Theater, no lame joke 🙂 and a little Circus. What can i say: perps, perps, perps. Some brazen, some subtle – i wasn’t alone – but all depreciatory. A field trip into certainty that this is still as big and nauseating as it was ten years ago.

    Comment by Michael — August 7, 2011 @ 9:27 pm

  649. The Ultra-Slow-Motion Kill. The perfect crime… “Fancy meeting you there!” I’ve had it.

    Instead of apologies, a f*cking medal for bravery and decent compensation, they intensified the ratf*ck. Can’t please them perps, just displease or amuse ’em. And i displeased ’em by calling them garbage – in a private digital document on my home pc desktop – and announcing to disclose names and sources. Oh, these decent citizens were not amused, no, they were displeased. They’re superior and i’m inferior, just for the files. And i had no names and sources. But the mere announcement alarmed them so much, that they put me on the big gangstalking map – a bigot xenophobic unemployed alcoholic psycho wanker calls us superrace garbage. Let’s call him delinquent! That’s how superior they are, and that’s how it works; the target gets finally sold as a thug, for the rest of this goddam world to play god cop bad cop with. Or funny organ banking deposit games.

    NO, GANGSTALKERS, YOU’RE NOT GARBAGE. YOU’RE SUPERIOR! SORRY! Organ traffickers – much fun with my liver!

    Comment by Michael — August 7, 2011 @ 9:58 pm

  650. Michael, are you asking us to believe that strangers in a new town already knew and resented you? Could you be mistaken? Might there have been anything to distinguish you for persecution by class? Are you perhaps of a palpably nervous disposition? Or are you determined that you are on the radar of the vast international conspiracy? Are you going to vilify me again if I dare request evidence? What are you doing to make your case? Or are you determined that we must all remain helpless?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 8, 2011 @ 6:44 am

  651. @Aaron
    And no, i’m not “asking you to believe that strangers in a new town already knew and resented me”. I just state the blindingly obvious: someone spitting out while staring at me, well, she must have had a bad taste in her mouth – coincidence. Someone talking about not being able to “stand the presence of this guy anymore or i’ll puke” while staring at me – coincidence. Somebody staring at me and making the current “sensitizing” hand movement – emphatically slow sweeping the right hand over the left forehead and back of his head – coincidence. Someone staring at me in a restaurant – talking back to his companions and they start to giggle and stare at me as well – coincidence…. These are just four examples of more or less subtle references to my target persona, not to mention the bloody rest, like conversation mimickers in the train yada-yada-yada. I wore ordinary beige jeans trousers, a dark red short-sleeve shirt, a sleeveless outdoor jacket and a rucksack, absolutely contemporary and nothing to be disgusted or nauseated of. All in all a most unmeaning appearance, and i’m not ugly apart from my (med-triggered) overweight. Evidence – gee, a long-term target can tell chance from perp action in most cases. They already ratf*cked me being an arsonist, child molester, drug dealer, undercover cop, rapist, exhibitionist, thief and murderer. Fictitious charges, but with volitional harmful impact on my rep. Didn’t i mention the “kill indiction” on my answering machine some weeks ago? It was a vivid hint on “killing” my rep on a big basis, if not myself entirely, that is. Can’t change it anyways, so i go with serenity. Palpable nervous disposition – not a bad illustration for being exposed as an “internet meme” already, like that obese starwars kid – “grave” version – pun intended. Dysfunctional viral marketing, so to speak.
    By the way, what kind of gangstalking scheme are you suffering from? I neither vilified you anywhere here in the first place, nor will i vilify anyone else here for whatever reason. But it’s pretty obvious, too, that I can see only your continuative comments and questions here – a method nondirectional psychotherapists use to encourage patients to give away facts ’bout the staggering condition they’re in. I don’t question your good work or presume that you’re a perp in sheeps clothes, so, again, what’s your story?

    Comment by Michael — August 8, 2011 @ 9:05 am

  652. Michael, having been sensitized, you can never quite be sure what is coincidental or not. That’s the entire mindfuck. Therefore, to be less non directive and more straightforward, might it not be worth a little covert video? Since you ask, my own experience with organized gang stalking is in the context of covert relational hostility in the subculture of particular social gatherings. I bear the dubious distinction of being foremost among those targeted individuals secretively followed around by convention security, who infiltrate the crowds and demand of everyone not to socialize with me! Fantastic as this all may sound, I now have corroboration from an inside source even of some occasions that I had not hitherto been fully aware. Vague, disturbing and damaging complaints against me often begin before I even arrive at the hotel! Defamation has run the gamut from pedophilia to demonic possession! And this scarcely scratches the surface of rising Fascism, fear and loathing. Yes, I am a big Sci Fi convention nerd. Pathetically, I depend upon that community for convivial opportunity to connect with like minded, utility which has been destroyed, especially for me, by the bullies who run things, embedded in that community. I will not even go into the extent of damage personally, and to what once was such a vibrant subculture. I have even gone to court, but to no avail. I have more promising strategies if only I could organize. I’m looking for a few good people in my locale to help one another. I understand all the arrogant weaknesses of my enemies.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 8, 2011 @ 9:34 am

  653. And a vast international conspiracy? I was on the verge of believing that when i went abroad (to three neighboring countries – France, Austria and Italy) and the transgressions did not stop entirely. They were much less frequent and brazen, but positively present, subtle and persistent. Oh no, wait, i remember some bold transgression in France some years ago – with insulting remarks i don’t remember exactly, saucily taking pictures of me and my travel companion, a messed with, open car on the parking place (typically without purloining sth.) – my companion was severely mixed about it, while i just “knew”. Spoilsports galore. However, it surpasses my grasp by far, and any theory about it can only be conjectural. Again, a target’s evidence is perception – and this instrument is neutralized in my case by that overwhelming diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. And no, I’m not “determined that we must all remain helpless”, but for myself I can only deliver myself to the hands of fate, believing that there can’t be a punishment without a delict and that there’s someone watching over me – besides perps with wagers on my bearing power.

    Comment by Michael — August 8, 2011 @ 9:46 am

  654. Michael, if I lived in your town, I would gladly participate in getting the goods on whatever perps, and helping in sorting reality from anxiety. But as for France, you must know perfectly well that the damn Frogs have a rep to uphold for being as rude as possible to tourists!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 8, 2011 @ 9:54 am

  655. Thanks for your story. I’m a huge sci fi fan, too, (“Serenity” is my favourite, no oh-so-slick pun intended here, pity) but chances are that being in favor of escapist futuristic prose ain’t no generic prerequisite for a target. If it only was that simple, i’d burn my precious collection asap 🙂

    “you can never quite be sure what is coincidental or not. That’s the entire mindfuck.” Yesss. That’s where medics start to rant about paranoia, relational delusions and the like. But then again: a target perceives what a target has to perceive. I was filmed by mobile cams from the very beginning of my field trip to the end. They hold the lens towards me while pretending a call, circling around me if possible i.e. in front of a train station, and confronting them would end up in “What did you say? Help, this nutcase molests me!” And covert videos, well, all of the transgressions happened (and happen) so fast and “unexpected” that i can’t be bothered to walk around with multiple running cams attached to each and every side of me. Conversation mimickers stop and giggle when i look at them, and after a while they continue. I don’t want to behave whimsical, that’s the only asset i got. Not to sound discouraging, but my case exceeds community based bullying by far. Yes, this is vast – to my chagrin. But the vaster it becomes, the more fault-prone it becomes, too – get the idea?

    A customary approach, however, would be a voice- or motion activated cam or voice recorder in the car – where they just don’t expect it. But then again – they always know… I already installed various web cam based surveillance apparatus in my various homes, to no avail, as already mentioned above. The most obvious interference they produced was a power outage in one of my then homes – the pc was off, no vid, no pics, the answering machine was blinking (it always does after a mains failure) and the fittings were tampered with as usual.

    Comment by Michael — August 8, 2011 @ 10:32 am

  656. I would never call the french frogs, i’m slightly francophilist, and i do love several french bands (i.e.”Air”) as well. They’re just as european as any other european country, i reckon. And why the heck would they pick ME and my then companion out, for typical transgressions i know exactly well from my homeland? No, this was a direct and volitional approach, with a remarkably cheeky couple taking the camera shots in various locations of our field trip – “Look at us! We’re watching you!” and a tampered-with car on top.

    Comment by Michael — August 8, 2011 @ 10:40 am

  657. Speaking of “particular social gatherings”, i experienced anonymous self help groups as a prime and extremely helpful forum for the actually concerned. In my gross naivety i thought perps would respect the sanctum of spiritual self help, but – that shouldn’t come as a surprise – it’s tidbits for them. Anonymity – m.a.

    Comment by Michael — August 8, 2011 @ 11:52 am

  658. It is too complicate to gang-stalk targets while on the road.
    [Not impossible but very rare, so generally improbable /// <== general evaluation; no intention to discuss what reported from someone else]
    State/government gang stalking is generally focused on living places, working places and educational places.
    1 [one!, occasionally 2] Secret Police officer organizes everything. Later, he/she receives daily report by telephone calls.
    They have to follow a certain number of cases and with limited human resources.
    "Sensitized" means that one lives everything in a paranoid way…
    If one is not capable to discriminate between what is probably sure and what may be casual, they have won.
    A lot of literature on the matter just diffuses paranoias.
    People discovering from books that their problems are gang-stalking may frequently be fake cases. Or reality is mixed with self-suggestions.
    Nobody having asked for para-political asylum since gang stalking?
    Am I the only case?
    Do you have fear to make notorious your shitting governments?
    It is not important to be accepted as a refugee. States cooperates in their crimes… They support each other…
    It is important to try and to let written and reliable traces.
    Do they stalk you?! Stalk them!
    Roberto Scaruffi

    Comment by rscaru — August 8, 2011 @ 11:59 am

  659. I must confess some credulity at the notion of the perps’ omniscience to video surveillance. But were it true, and indeed kept them away, then I’d certainly recommend it all the more! However, what I was actually talking about is the idea of covert video surveillance of your disturbing encounter on the street etc. A hidden camera upon your own person is one option, but a team would be so much more effective. Such should be only one agenda point for which we need to better organize. PS. In my own circumstances targeted as I am for serial bullying, I am not much worried about infiltration, as their goal, to the contrary, is to socially isolate me. The nasty Yentas together live in an echo chamber, and already imagine themselves omniscient! I do hope that you will eventually find whatever helpful group(s) in which you can feel at all secure, Michael.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 8, 2011 @ 12:22 pm

  660. “Do they stalk you?! Stalk them!”

    Confirms that it is a loosers game – no one wins. Blind leading the blind going around in circles
    without a leader – everyone is following the lead of the one in front, yet they are all behind someone
    else, who does’nt know – who they are shitting on.

    The paid perp operates in a capacity, of not needing to know, or even asking why a person is
    being stalked. Like the cops, the military and multi-national thugs (sorry corporations) – they are
    “just following orders” without question. This respect for authority is a big part of the problem, as
    no one questions authority WHEN THEY SHOULD. “Hey sarg, are you sure hassling this guy, is in
    our interests”

    “Man with a Badge” – Oh, yes sir, no questions asked, three bags full sir… yes sir, right away sir…

    Morons !

    Comment by Robert — August 8, 2011 @ 12:30 pm

  661. To catch a perp –

    Is best done by baiting, I said it before “to catch a perp – set them up” then the evidence you will no doubt
    get is the perp trying to justify themselves, it will be bucket loads of B/S, of course. Further evidence from
    them will be – excuses “but so and so said, and she said, he said” and of course the one that really makes
    me go ballistic is when it is anounced that the perp has a mental illness, so they are not generally considered
    a threat, by the authorities…

    Comment by Robert — August 8, 2011 @ 12:52 pm

  662. I disagree: Video of gang stalkers in action is hardly without value. Nevertheless, I do agree, in that I am all for infiltration, stroking, validating and recording the hateful braggarts eagerly incriminating themselves. Because, they may be more likely just to dummy up, than to make excuses, when put on the spot. In any case, to reiterate, for legal evidentiary purposes, public places such as restaurants have less reasonable expectation of privacy then, say, private homes.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 8, 2011 @ 1:18 pm

  663. @rscaru
    “It is too complicate to gang-stalk targets while on the road.”
    Sorry, but i must disagree. Just as easy as performing appointed flash-mobs. Even more easy when the involved are vigilante covert actionist groups and the target is an alleged delinquent.

    “”Sensitized” means that one lives everything in a paranoid way…”
    Not everything. “Sensitizing” is a means to make the target prone to over-reaction, thus developing all symptoms of relational delusion. But for long-term “surviving” targets as me, it’s relatively easy to separate the wheat from the chaff. Ok, you might come up with my “paranoid schizophrenia” diagnosis, but this is just what happened when i told the meds in a clinic about my problem. I went there for acute anxiety relief, and this massive diagnosis came along. Pity.

    “Do they stalk you?! Stalk them!”
    I am no stalker whatsoever, i even lack any talent for covert actions, too.

    “a team would be so much more effective”
    Sure, but i’m the only target i have the necessary contact with, so a one-man-team on my own behalf would be all i could prepare in short notice.

    Comment by Michael — August 8, 2011 @ 1:48 pm

  664. The streets are public places, music venues are public places, when someone is outside the front door of
    their home, yelling out with a tirade of street theatre, designed to disturb you then yes record such abuse
    at both audio & visual levels of evidential capture.

    Make sure you do so from within your boundaries, which they are acoustically trespassing upon. Don’t
    wander off down the road, to talk to a chamber magistrate about an apprehended violence order, inclusive
    of interim orders to restrict their activities, otherwise this will become a regular event for you. Years of gang
    stalking revealed how easy it is for the perps to replace operatives that are “just following orders”

    Use the noise campaign to embarrass the perps, by replaying it LOUDLY while some other loud noise is
    occurring – such as someone mowing the lawn etc. It lets them know, you are capable of collecting evidence
    in this way, and the potential threat that you could use it against them. Oppress to Oppressors, or if you like
    “Spook the Spooks”

    Comment by Robert — August 8, 2011 @ 1:50 pm

  665. The possible tradeoff in such counter intimidation is in possibly tipping ones hand.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 8, 2011 @ 2:05 pm

  666. 666 – the number of the beast, half animal, half machine
    also known as gang stalking and directed energy weapons

    Comment by Robert — August 8, 2011 @ 2:08 pm

  667. When you think about the life of a rock & roll star, they are paid to be stalked, psychologically profiled, etc
    by the global masses involved in gang stalking, also known as the fan club. Oh well, the ‘star’ had a choice
    and sold out to the beast…

    Comment by Robert — August 8, 2011 @ 2:18 pm

  668. @Aaron
    “Video of gang stalkers in action is hardly without value.”
    Sorry, but most of the material i.e. on YouTube is clearly without any value, as perps work in discreet fashion, all they’re saying is “We’re here, we are close, we know, you are outside.”

    (see the Norma Lawrence case: )

    For the target, the perp’s actions are clearly audible and visible, as he or she is sensitized towards the “generic anomaly” of their actionisms, but these (demoralizing, penetrant, unsettling) actions are way beneath any offence level. So where there’s no offence, there’s no “public interest” – and this is exactly what complaining targets get to hear from authorities. So crime-scene-flics might arbitrarily expose the perps identities but not their villainy, which ultimately leads to charges against the target or intensified harrassment. To catch an intruder red handed would also lead to mere private law charges without any connection to organized groups whatsoever. Or, putting it less semi-official, “Gangstalkers in Action” would be a very boring movie for the uninvolved, so no film corporation has any interest to produce it.

    The “Stasi”, former east german secret service, had this thing with the laundry – one day a target’s bed-linen was gone, the next day it reappeared but the underwear got pilfered. Targets complaining about these issues were immediately stamped mentally ill and hospitalized. Not that private gangstalking would go so far, but the laundry thing has been copied already. Secret-service know-how leaking out all over the web gets immediately utilized be thugs of all trades.

    Comment by Michael — August 8, 2011 @ 2:32 pm

  669. And it was given unto him (the beast)…that the image of the beast should …speak, and cause that as many as should not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead; and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, even the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom: He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six.
    666 is a number correlating to unix based system’s file access permissions. Chmod 666 allows any user to read and write, but not to excute. Ain’t that a fine correlation to gangstalking activities? They trap and manipulate both target and public with massive read and write ratf*ck until a final (“legitimate”) executionist appears. A multi-headed creature coming out of the oceans to gobble the righteous = multiple gangstalkers utilizing the web to destroy people? St. John’s visions do fit proper here. Wait for RFID implants in hand or forehead (third eye)…

    Gee, i sound so esoteric here, sorry but i got taken away…

    Comment by Michael — August 8, 2011 @ 3:01 pm

  670. Michael, surely the video you cite is among the best. It is lucid, sympathetic and persuasive. Why is it so disparaged by you?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 8, 2011 @ 4:33 pm

  671. @Aaron
    I don’t question the relevance of this video, no way! It’s an important contribution in elucidating the ways and means of perpetrators. But as I already said: “crime-scene-flics might arbitrarily expose the perps identities but not their villainy, which ultimately leads to charges against the target or intensified harrassment.” The perps didn’t do anything objectionable or illicit, only (some of) their identity got exposed. It was a plethora of participators, and only one or two perps got exposed… The fate of Norma Lawrence however is unknown ever since. It’s no good to go down as a martyr! One or two perps. Gee. I bet they just changed their appearance slightly and kept on perpetrating happily ever after.

    Comment by Michael — August 8, 2011 @ 4:43 pm

  672. True, the vast harm of psychological warfare in what may appear so trivial, the whole picture of such devious bullying in context, must be laid bare.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 8, 2011 @ 4:55 pm

  673. Here’s what i mean:

    There’s absolutely nothing to see that can be interpreted as a transgression, so nil can be derived from the people’s moves and actions if you’re not into covert signalling. Officials won’t pursue an alleged perp for taking his briefcase out and putting it back in. But the perps can be determined somehow and thus could press charges on the target. Well-meant, but dangerous for “timberwolves100”. The one-click reference to “Stasi”-signals can be quite a tempting source for new targets to jump on the sensitizing-train, too. Norma Lawrence’s flic is far more useful in terms of being explicit and illuminative.

    Btw., if the perps only wanted me to give up wanking, i’d happily refrain from doing so. Even though it’s good for my tennisball size prostate, i’d go with “powerhouse” and wet dreams, if they’d rearrange the cards. Duh.

    Comment by Michael — August 8, 2011 @ 5:26 pm

  674. Frankly, I’m trying to decide if the producer of the above imbedded video is insane, or making a deliberate parody.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 8, 2011 @ 6:18 pm

  675. Or a perp in disguise. See my comment on the stasi signalling link on the you-tube site. Luring a new target into this covert stuff will ultimately cause instant relational delusions. If it ain’t done in nescence or by mistake, then it really could be a sinister target-trap…

    Comment by Michael — August 8, 2011 @ 7:06 pm

  676. If we are really worried, then we must learn and implement whatever protocols of spycraft for detection of infiltrators and false flag operations. Personally, I am more concerned about the more prosaic flaming and truth suppression online.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 8, 2011 @ 10:44 pm

  677. False flag ops can’t be avoided, but there’s still a momentum of intuition that helps the “experts” to steer clear. I am worried about new targets (people who just found that they’re targeted) looking for help or reliable information on the issue via internet. For them, it’s really barb-wire, because they lack the fundamentals of sorting things out. They can become easy prey for false flag crap, thus unnecessarily prolonging the first (confused) and worst part of the ordeal.

    Comment by Michael — August 9, 2011 @ 11:50 am

  678. Yeah, you guys got it all. not.

    Quote – “sunshine report – Most actual victims of these assaults have been neutralized by so-called non-lethal nerve agents, a *fact* that will be known if or when the *truth* is revealed.

    Many other aerosol, contact and food planted chemical agents are being used against persons selected for these torture assaults.

    Sunshine Report – “Another document (available here) reveals the interest of a senior US Army toxicologist in tacrine, a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. The Army is not interested in the drug, however, for helping disease victims. Rather, it is assessing use of tacrine as a weapon. In February 2002, at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, the toxicologist ordered a literature review on its potential for weaponization. Chemically, tacrine is a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, a first cousin of the nerve gases sarin, tabun, and VX (among others).

    Look at all pharmaceuticals considered for weapons research on this study, disregard the “in the field” military delivery methods, the applications in our case are very *personal* as laid out in this blog and others.” end quote

    Comment by email — July 31, 2011 @ 6:35 am

    Hey dude, these constant posters are faction government posters working to bury the truth. It’s their job.

    Comment by email — July 31, 2011 @ 6:39 am

    Comment by Yourdog — August 10, 2011 @ 2:08 am

    Tell the President
    FBI Abuses
    Hiding Misconduct
    Effect of Temperament
    America’s Shadow
    Liberty on the Ballot

    There needs to be a Congressional Investigation, much like the CHURCH COMMITTEE investigation into the FBI’s COINTELPRO activities that went on from 1957 to 1971, into the activities of the American Stasi. Police, Firemen, Ambulance Drivers, and Neighborhood Watch Groups are using a tactic called ORGANIZED GANG STALKING in the UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of citizens.

    It could start with a fireman or a neighbor getting together with MOBBING friends and making out a SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY REPORT in the execution of a personal vendetta against a target. Thanks to our Constitution-trashing U.S. Government that information could be databased in FUSION CENTERS around the country and a person can become a gang stalking target as a result of it.

    Comment by evidence — August 10, 2011 @ 2:44 am

  680. …Brainwashing…
    Both Gastapo and Stasi were very legalitarian.
    British and US are not!

    Comment by rscaru — August 10, 2011 @ 2:53 am

  681. I am not unaware, I am unconvinced.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 10, 2011 @ 9:33 am

  682. @evidence
    “It could start with a fireman or a neighbor getting together with MOBBING friends and making out a SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY REPORT in the execution of a personal vendetta against a target.” This could be a very fitting explanation for the community based stalking in my case, as i affronted a wall-to-wall neighbor in one of my last homes here, when i discovered that they were making audible marks on the coitus with my girlfriend. They remotely messed with the announcement text on my answering-machine, too – leaving themselves recorded, however. This strange guy has a motive, AND the connections, i reckon. It’s no mere US phenomenon, all this happens right now in Germany, with it’s brave new bigot “parliamentary democracy”.

    Comment by Michael — August 10, 2011 @ 9:35 am

  683. @Aaron
    False flag ops: a buzz phrase for false flag operators to mount another molehill? 🙂

    Comment by Michael — August 10, 2011 @ 9:40 am

  684. A false flag is a false identity or self representation of an operation, a con to gain the trust and cooperation of a new recruit or intelligence asset.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 10, 2011 @ 10:13 am

  685. “i affronted a wall-to-wall neighbor in one of my last homes here, when i discovered that they were making audible marks on the coitus with my girlfriend.” HUH?! “Colorless green ideas sleep furiously” much?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 10, 2011 @ 10:50 am

  686. Sorry, no offence; i know what a fals flag op is. It was just a notion on the latest comments here, with particular regard on the omnipresent government…

    But, well, really, these people eavesdropped on me and my girlfriend like it was the most self-evident thing in the world, with final threats of “consequences” for my spontaneous overreaction. After that, the gangstalking grew to the current vast proportions. They ratf*cked me by all means, and it dawned on me that this can’t be done without governmental “assistance”. If not, there’s really two worlds here.

    Comment by Michael — August 10, 2011 @ 4:38 pm

  687. Are you saying that you came too loudly with your girlfriend, the walls are thin and the neighbors complained, and only after that your troubles began?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 10, 2011 @ 6:06 pm

  688. Nope, the troubles were running already, as they did for decades now, but the flat was quite pathetically sound-proofed, a fact i hadn’t realized at all. And all i can echo is that “the gangstalking grew to the current vast proportions” afterwards. Maybe i was unaware that it would have anyways, and there were ample comparably disturbing incidents which i could take responsible for, but this is imho the most plausible.

    But i don’t want to go into further depths about this, if that’s alright with you.

    Comment by Michael — August 10, 2011 @ 8:04 pm

  689. Pattern recognition is actually pattern creation followed up by evaluation Empirically. Know more at:

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 11, 2011 @ 12:44 am

  690. That’s true, and i am, like most other gangstalking targets, slightly prone to relational delusions either. As i stated in my first post, the wirepullers must have learned their NLP very well. But i try to get to grips with, to varying outcome, however. All i can say is that i surmise different “threads” or groups of people behind it, as (also like noted above) there are too many people involved which have not the slightest thing in common. I’m still in the dark about that weird gangstalking case of mine.

    Comment by Michael — August 11, 2011 @ 1:44 pm

  691. Reductionism, denoting reduction, zero dimension, Gestalt, interrelation, Blah Blah Blah
    Feature integration theory integration also portrays perception as a Gestalt analysis of reality.
    Shape & form of an entity.


    Gang Stalking
    Directed Energy Weapons
    Covert Druggings
    Mind Control
    Gas Lighting
    Character Assasination


    ANYTHING interelated that fits on this ????????

    Discussions about gestalt clearly belong elsewhere, what do you seek Aaron
    somekind of recognition for your posting, on an unrelated topic of 11 YEARS
    ago ? This frontcover is the wrong page for it dude. a FLOW of opinions
    from contributors (of which you are not) is CONSTANTLY arrested by your
    meaningless drivel. Go play your brand of law enforcement elsewhere.

    Comment by Robert — August 11, 2011 @ 1:50 pm

  692. Michael,

    To further understand *your* particular case of gang stalking, you will need to try and explain
    WHO you have considered as being behind it. Gang Stalking is case specific for most T.I’s,
    otherwise there would be larger, more powerful lobby groups, sending it packing – it would hit
    the road so hard it would be leaving holes in it.

    Try and remember who and their possible reasons for setting you up to take this shit, it may
    have been political (for example) what paths of misadventure did they have you travel upon,
    some person that set out to destroy you (the jealous, professional envy, whatever)

    Have you studied self hypnosis ? This can help you to uncover *their* bullshit reasonings,
    even if it is a quarter of a century ago. The here and now can be somewhat pointless, but
    when you travel back to a starting point, well sometimes ‘CLICK’ and all the shit falls into

    Comment by Robert — August 11, 2011 @ 2:10 pm

  693. @Robert: You really don’t see the relevance of pattern recognition in the reasoned hypothethetico deductive investigation of network relationships and conspiracy?

    @Michael: It seems likely that you still might do better to apply Occam’s Razor a lot more. The simplest adequate explanations are likeliest. And you clearly need more support of different kinds. It is also important to move from the sense of vague powers, into a sharper focus of ordinary mechanistic causality. Sensitization looms large, but in actuality, harassment, both more overt and more nuanced, requires fairly little resources to remain elusive, all with distressing impunity. This is where the power of the community embedded petty bully comes from. Rising Fascism is politically cultivated from just such crabgrass roots.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 11, 2011 @ 2:15 pm

  694. @ Aaron please apply pattern recognition in the context of gang stalking, for the relevance of your
    ‘contribution’ otherwise it’s more drivel…

    I put forward and opinion for Michael to consider. To go back to some simple point in the history of
    his victimization. You come back with “Occams Razor” yet again, sure the simplest answers could
    be the right answers, but gang stalking is a complicated issue. “Rising Fascism” is just another one
    of your *spanners* to fluff up your prattle.

    I think, soon I will just ‘skip’ over such UNRELATED drivel.

    Comment by Robert — August 11, 2011 @ 2:32 pm

  695. @Michael: In my experience, politically motivated abuse is something that happens to other people in the news, who have accomplished anything important in combating oppression. In my own sore travails, I know that bullies hate, whether it’s discrimination or even if they actually hate me for who I am, any nuance upon which they fixate triggers them from their anal socialization, or whether they exult in Sadism and hate for hate’s sake alone. It is also entirely clear every self-serving advantage in life afforded in the community by bullying. The details may be obscure, but there is little fundamental mystery, not even in gang stalking tactics or gas lighting, shunning and mobbing. They’re just assholes! That does not limit the chilling effect of their power and control of social institutions, even so petty as the bureaucracy and grapevine of Science Fiction Fandom, flocked to as such a haven for the most vulnerable targets of exploitation.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 11, 2011 @ 2:46 pm

  696. @Robert, you make it abundantly clear how you resent what I have to say, but you offer very little to buttress your own world view as a more viable hypothesis to my own more prosaic general account. Gang stalking is emotionally complicated to the hapless target of such bullying, seemingly mysterious, but as a practical matter of execution by cooperating and socially networking bullies, nothing much arcane. Conspiracy begins closer to home. Life is an inadequately supported field research under the best conditions, beginning as all hypothesis, from unfounded conjecture subject first to critical preference and only then Empirical investigation. How to arrive at any verisimilitude at all, filtered out from sheer creativity in imagining connections? That is skeptical pattern recognition out from fanciful pattern creation. As to specific application beyond generality of principles, I have already discoursed at all upon my own reasoning to the matters at hand, and wouldn’t refuse to discuss it with you further if you might find yourself interested. You don’t have to agree, but it would help to be civil.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 11, 2011 @ 3:07 pm

  697. There’s no substantial motive – puzzling, if not frustrating. Motives for the goad’ on – plenty, however.

    Comment by Michael — August 11, 2011 @ 5:44 pm

  698. As to motive, if nothing else, bullies validate one another. More than that, bullies are connected and influential, as they systematically marginalize their social competition. Bullies institute a not so subtle punishment and reward system, so that others learn to conform, fall into line, and curry their approval.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 11, 2011 @ 7:50 pm

  699. Well i guess that anyone’s past delivers reverences to people being peeved at someone for something, but to have them rolled out into this ongoing widespread events of covert intimidation lacks reasonable substance. Being no delinquent but treated as such, however, brings up the search for un-arbitrary and untrivial motives of this slander again. No findings here, too, if i avoid to take the above arbitrary or trivial motives into account, that is. But then again… It’s like a jumping record.

    Comment by Michael — August 12, 2011 @ 9:53 am

  700. Bullying is almost never at all deserved, regardless of all pretense and intimation otherwise.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 12, 2011 @ 10:01 am

  701. They don’t care that you are owed an explanation.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 12, 2011 @ 10:15 am

  702. Maybe it’s just a front for further, meaner delicts like BigBrother’ish reality-tv, available only for paying customers on seedy websites, including bets on the particular outcome (see above: “bet-on-suicide speculators”)… My most paranoid idea, but there’s actually not a single point of evidence against it.

    Comment by Michael — August 12, 2011 @ 11:25 am

  703. The burden of evidence is upon the positive.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 12, 2011 @ 12:09 pm

  704. So unproven possibilities are endless. Pity the targets blessed with animate imagination.

    Comment by Michael — August 12, 2011 @ 12:25 pm

  705. The number of members of the set of all that exists times infinity equals the number of members of the set of all possibilities. When the imagination directs straight through to the lizard brain, bypassing the cortex, every shadow fills with menace.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 12, 2011 @ 12:42 pm

  706. Your ongoing problem with Madonna & Associates is nothing new to me as I have been a Victim of Madonna related crimes, like yours since 1985 back when I was hospitalized for a belief in the B/S I was being psyched out with. She returned with the program that I regard as Mind Control in 1992 and she has appointed criminals to maintain such violations since.

    It’s called gang stalking for profit & associated gains, it needs what
    it calls GOYIM. Thinks it is *above* humanity, wonder how it would
    survive without a planet ?

    Comment by Robert — August 12, 2011 @ 1:39 pm

  707. O.K – here we go, casting out the wildlife again. Any jews ? What
    about Muslims ? Any Christians, Buddists, Junkies, Acid freaks ?
    What about capitalist pigs, What about beasts with two legs, what about
    communists, what about weapon heads, bullies, the rich… what about shape shifting reptiles Aaron ? What have you got for us ?

    Comment by Robert — August 12, 2011 @ 1:48 pm

  708. Snakes –

    They taste like chicken, no matter how strong the herbs n’ spices.

    Comment by Robert — August 12, 2011 @ 1:56 pm

  709. Gang Stalking + propaganda + consented crowd control = Mind Control

    Delivery Method = Rock & Roll !

    In Taught – Behavioral Modifications (without warranties)

    Comment by Robert — August 12, 2011 @ 2:37 pm

  710. There is no real mind control in gang-stalking.
    It comes from behaviorist theories.
    Psychopathic statesman/women + academician + soldiers and police officers + ordinary louses = gang-stalking!
    Actually, gang-stalking is a lynching mechanism.
    It is practiced for producing hysterical stalkers and so destroying society by a State/government militia system.
    Targets are casually selected.
    The other accessory function is military, police, academic, bureaucratic, political etc corruption.
    By NATO and other gang-stalking programs they steal a lot of money extracted from the tax-payers.
    …Secret military, secret police…

    Comment by rscaru — August 12, 2011 @ 2:59 pm

  711. Robert, what have I got for you on the shadow armies of Anti-Matter Santayana Clause and the Disco Shogoth Patrol? – you ask… Only vodka-fuel for Moon-Nazi flying saucers!

    rscaru, the blue pill or the red pill? No, you had to order off menu, and down a chartreuse tablet with a paisley chaser!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 12, 2011 @ 4:01 pm

  712. “gang-stalking is a lynching mechanism”
    So if the govt wants to lynch someone, why don’t they just hire a professional hit man? This would be a.) more efficient, b.) less prone to failure, and b.) less pricey than organized stalking from a to z. Why? Or rather Why not?

    Comment by Michael — August 12, 2011 @ 4:16 pm

  713. It is a long-term [if the stalked is resistant…] lynching without physical contact.
    It is ‘necessary’ for hysterizing the stalkers/lynchers/torturers.

    Comment by rscaru — August 12, 2011 @ 4:25 pm

  714. “Delivery Method = Rock & Roll”
    Oh come on, Robert, do you really believe that rock’n’roll is prime among the sources of all evil? This sujet d’art is so broad and deep, and it also features works and interprets which actually soothe the pain a target is suffering from! Of course, there’s forks and branches which need no further explanation, why they’re actually promoting evil, but the entire genre? Gee, don’t tell that to former Cat Stevens, a truly peaceful messenger of islam, or Mrs. Annie Lennox, a true humanitarian, or Roger Hodgson of Supertramp fame, another example of a good person with a good message to get going… Or ambient, chillout, downtempo, Zero7, Air, this is blissful art, no satanic instrument.

    I start to believe that Gangstalking’s developing into something like an internet zoo for paying perverts to watch – several species to chose from, like Camwhores, but unaware of the cams – and to “participate” in their more or less dramatic struggle with harassment and intimidation.

    Comment by Michael — August 12, 2011 @ 4:34 pm

  715. “‘necessary’ for hysterizing the stalkers/lynchers/torturers”
    What profit derives from such a thing? Why are govts interested in the non-welfare of their people? What is this?

    Comment by Michael — August 12, 2011 @ 4:37 pm

  716. “for paying perverts”
    Generally, Secret Police officers do not pay them.
    Thy have other benefits or absence of damages.

    Comment by rscaru — August 12, 2011 @ 4:39 pm

  717. ““‘necessary’ for hysterizing the stalkers/lynchers/torturers”
    What profit derives from such a thing? Why are govts interested in the non-welfare of their people? What is this?”
    They are operations covered from the State Secret.
    As well as 9/11, 7/7, etc.
    Governments organize massacres, terrorism, war.
    They organize gang-stalkings etc.
    Bureaucracies, military, politics etc are useless.
    They need to demonstrate their utility creating problems.
    In these way, creating more and more problems and crisis,
    they demonstrate they are indispensable.

    Comment by rscaru — August 12, 2011 @ 4:47 pm

  718. Now i, besides Aaron’s bullying for bullyings sake, and Roberts kabbalistic intrigue, i see two other (ostensibly) diametrically opposed, heavy theories: one is my intimidating, humiliating human zoo for paying perverts, organized by organized crime, and the other one is rscaru’s govts wirepulling and tolerating all this to make themselves more comfortable. If we dare to shuffle all this together, what do we get? A perky little New-world-order power maintenance scheme, or am i totally wrong here?

    Comment by Michael — August 12, 2011 @ 5:50 pm

  719. No, it is the usual old order…
    Nothing new. Only technologies are new…

    Comment by rscaru — August 12, 2011 @ 5:58 pm

  720. Old world order – one step ahead 🙂

    Comment by Michael — August 12, 2011 @ 6:29 pm

  721. Community based gang stalking, a feature of rising Fascism, certainly does exploit hysteria. That’s no news. And anyone can play, from the nobodies in the bush leagues to the captains of policy in the halls of power. -indeed, all typically whipping up any sense of crisis in order to make themselves indispensible. And repercussions from Neocon manufactured paranoia still contribute to a climate of fear, loathing and social repression exploited even by the pettiest bullies and influence peddlers. And yet I still doubt that the Chief of the CIA has a personal hand in any of our own personal travails, nor are we being irradiated from Area 51. And while the notion of syndicate sponsored bullying as secret Sadistic Reality TV is creative with dramatic potential, I find that scenario no less implausible and explanatorily inelegant and unnecessary than impossibly secret and competent pervasive conspiracy as a whole.

    Always, if only there is any advantage to be had in cheating, then a certain percentage of the population that will cheat competently at all will prosper thereby. And that goes for bullying. Bullying is predatory, anticompetitive and socially advantageous in any context. Bullies get their way in school and advance over the heads of more capable employees on the job. Cockblockers monopolize desirable women by driving away the competition so that other men learn to curry their favor. Evil doers know that cliques of bullies will aid and protect them. Petty bullying is a pervasive problem that typically falls through the cracks. Social circles equipped with the knowhow to deter bullying are exceptional. Harassment is abuse of power. And power relationships exist in every niche and at every hierarchical level of society. In this regard, there really isn’t more structure than there needs to be. That’s parsimony of explanation.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 12, 2011 @ 7:46 pm

  722. Aaron’s bullying for bullyings sake.

    Robert’s kabbalistic intrigue.

    Michael’s intimidating, humiliating human zoo for paying perverts.

    Roberto Scaruffi’s (rscaru) Governments wirepulling and tolerating
    all this to make themselves more comfortable.

    If we dare to shuffle all this together, what do we get?

    A powerful, guarded system that will always evade any justice, a network of corruption,
    fraud, organised crime, defense racketeering, war mongering, social manipulation inc’
    of behavioral modification via plug in programming (media & entertainment AND religion)
    a total mind for anyone that sets out to understand the ramifications of challenging
    such a beast.

    Most people try to isolate certain components of such a system, only to be set upon by
    other system components (system self defense networking) accepting that the system
    itself suffers from schizophrenia, because the individual components do not know what
    is going on, in the complete scheme of operations, so this maintains the for any
    investigative understandings of such operatives we, the human race have become all to
    tolerant of.

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 5:19 am

  723. Roberto. S – “creating more and more problems and crisis, they demonstrate they are indispensable”

    Yes, of course, for example – the police are the first ones to jump up & down in complaint, if there is
    talk of the legalization of prohibited escapist substances.

    The military would also complain of such legalisation as, besides the black gold oil war, America, via
    the CIA would like to control the sourcing of heroin, the cultivation and processing of opium poppies,
    at a suitable elevation (climate) and the cheapest source of human resources to supply, so that china
    does’nt get a market share, (of supply) followed by total control of global supply.

    America can’t compete (military wise) or *thug* China and this has been proven with the wars of Korea &
    Vietnam. Less of a chance now days, with the current economic climate of the U.S of A.

    America can’t afford to *donate* anymore money to China, much of what is purchased by Americans
    now comes out of China. Why give them drug money as well, for china white, pink or blue ?

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 7:36 am

  724. As for bullying for its own sake, indeed there are always those who will do harm simply for the thrill of getting away with it. But bullying would not thrive so were it not so predatorily advantageous. There is no powerful, guarded system that will always evade any justice, but rather simple abuse of power wherever there are power relationships to exploit: guarded behavior, yet often brazen, that has consistently evaded any justice. Change is conceivable, but only if discussion finally turns towards agenda setting. One of the bulwarks of status quo is always any social taboo upon agenda discussion. What is our agenda? My prosaic model of bullying in society makes resistance very much conceivable, locally, with any modicum of organized resistance at all.

    There are indeed always many parts to the problem of impunity that must be addressed: Authorities of whatever kind, formal or informal, that are at any given time, more a part of the problem than avenue to any solution. But bullies are cowards. As tightly as they opportunistically collude, they really cannot rely upon one another in a pinch. The tide can be turned.

    But fantastical devilry of shadowy powers are almost by definition in their implacable intangibility, impossible to oppose. And I suspect that this is the true appeal of such mythologies: to play at rebellion whilst doing nothing. Look at every time in this very thread that I have asked: if circumstances are howsoever as claimed, then what should we do about it? The response has either been accusation and verbal abuse, simple confession of helplessness, or fear of infiltration. I suspect that the true obstacle is nothing more that depressive social withdrawal in response to unrelenting psychological warfare, the unseen enemy looming so large. It may be understandable, yet nevertheless distinctly disadvantageous.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 13, 2011 @ 7:39 am

  725. I remember when the very notion of repealing the War on Vice was simply beyond the pale, entirely outside the media political frame. But then at last when the air became to thick with begged question, there was the watershed Time Magazine cover: Drugs are bad, but criminalizing them makes things worse.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 13, 2011 @ 7:51 am

  726. So any further thoughts on “Save the American Economy” from ‘sanctioned’ off shore expenditure ?
    What about some thugs (bullies) that attack and psych you into buying genuine American Made
    products, you can’t afford (so you will have not) and chinese made commodities get the sales, you
    get gang stalked & bashed for buying them…

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 8:02 am

  727. The de-construction of the American Economy =


    Some mad turk, he proved how destructive forces worked, elsewhere first… Was He A Jew ?

    Seems like Israel is behind most of this deconstructive process, Kabbalah is just annexed
    operations, many tentacles, multiple personalities.

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 8:27 am

  728. Deliria diffused from the SIS-FBI-CIA.
    Israel is a US prostitute.
    So, the USA use Israel, not the opposite.

    Comment by rscaru — August 13, 2011 @ 8:31 am

  729. Roberto –

    The US of A is Israel’s prostitution supply, their patsies, when something goes wrong, or
    if there is a certain need…

    To suggest the economically screwed Americans are not under JEW control is
    stupidity. American Jews invested HEAVILY in the establishment of the ZIONIST state.

    Wake up BoBo !

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 8:57 am

  730. @Shmuck: As a child, where you bitten by a Jew, Robert? Was it a radioactive Jew, and does your Semite Sense tingle?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 13, 2011 @ 9:16 am

  731. No Aaron, it was a self serving semi automatic jew, that lived next door…. objecting to my anti
    indian minor shootings,,,! her birdy friends.

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 11:33 am

  732. Damned in his own words.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 13, 2011 @ 12:09 pm

  733. I saved some fried lice for you Aaron !

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 1:16 pm

  734. Birdy num num lice, licee num nummy birdy…

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 1:28 pm

  735. Yeah, that’s right Robert, ya gotta go with your gut: I’m just hanging out at the kosher Chinese restaurant with the Elders of Zion, plotting world domination, desperate to block your psychic remote viewing into our machinations, by sowing that confusion which only comes from pondering reasoned evidence!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 13, 2011 @ 1:37 pm

  736. Ar So, seasoned birdy num num, quail with the buck shot, to show worth, lead free, alternative pellet form.
    & the metal is ? safe gisard stone is ? RoHS compliant is ?

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 1:49 pm

  737. “To suggest the economically screwed Americans are not under JEW control is
    stupidity. American Jews invested HEAVILY in the establishment of the ZIONIST state.”
    People has no idea how a State/government work.
    US Jews and Judaism (rabbis etc) are under the tight control of Secret Police departments of the FBI, which tell them what to do and what not to do.
    Idem in Canada, UK etc.
    “The Jews” do not exist.
    If a Pollard betrays is put in prison for decades or more.

    Comment by rscaru — August 13, 2011 @ 1:53 pm

  738. “The Jews” do not exist.

    Good morning Roberto,

    So a great hiding place for organised crims ha ?

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 2:06 pm

  739. Have, you maybe looked at populus spread, Russians & Polish “Jews” theft of *Palestine* ? (1923 +)

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 2:15 pm

  740. “organised crims”
    Organised crime (Jewish or other) is always under State/government promotion, protection and management…

    Comment by rscaru — August 13, 2011 @ 2:19 pm

  741. “Palestine”?!
    History always is a complex matter…
    Human beings, idem…
    “Jews” there [in Israel] are de facto US mercenaries and human shields;
    the others (“Muslim” overall) are UK mercenaries and human shields, although States as Saudi Arabia are used both from the UK and the USA for their terrorist activities.
    Perhaps people do not know that even the Jewish religious affairs are managed elsewhere, NOT from “Jews”.
    If you apply for conversion in a synagogue, first they ask in Israel (to the Israeli police), which asks to the Secret Police of the State of your nationality and to the CIA etc. too.
    If the CIA-SIS etc say “no”, the rabbis refuse your conversion.
    Such is how things work…

    “The Jews” do not exist. Just propaganda and poor people manipulation.
    Very rich Jews, as Muslim, Christians etc are obviously part of power networks, until they do not “betray”….

    If one studied the history of WW2, one would find rabbis ALWAYS cooperating with their butchers.
    It is an historical propension…

    Difference and adaptation…

    Comment by rscaru — August 13, 2011 @ 2:32 pm

  742. This depends solely on who wan’t to be the *visible* front person, different smells, same aging shit.

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 2:36 pm

  743. So it is agreed, religion & associated politics are a safe place for *friends* that seek the same david ends ?

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 2:45 pm

  744. A programmed belief that seeks the same returns…

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 2:52 pm

  745. “rabbis refuse your conversion”

    such a loss, tit for tat, tits for tarts.

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2011 @ 4:05 pm

  746. I move for resolution that Jew-baiting (after all associated with pogrom) has no place in the fight against organized gang stalking. Will anyone second the motion?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 13, 2011 @ 5:34 pm

  747. Gang-stalking is organized from State/governments by their Secret Police corps.
    As occasional militians they recruit whoever has not the courage to say no.
    Rabbis are not different from imams, pastors and priests.
    Worshipers idem.
    Obama sign the same gang-stalking authorizations as Bush.
    It is not a question of “the whites” or “the blacks”.

    Comment by rscaru — August 13, 2011 @ 6:25 pm

  748. Bullshit.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 13, 2011 @ 10:31 pm

  749. I know which cliques gang stalk me at cons. But as for the hardcore vigilante gang stalkers on the street, those are known to be thugly nobodies, desperate cop wannabes. At most they are at all community based. Even in rising Fascism, they are not government centralized. When Brown shirts are actually commissioned, this is never any secret.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 13, 2011 @ 10:46 pm

  750. Actually, gang stalking is emerging as a mode of neighbor bullying. As I have been saying, anyone can do it. You don’t need massive shadowy governmental powers or James Bond SPECTER conspiracies.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 13, 2011 @ 11:59 pm

  751. tales

    Comment by rscaru — August 14, 2011 @ 12:46 am

  752. No one has refuted my arguments or provided better ones, nor has anyone risen to my call for an agenda.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 14, 2011 @ 1:27 am

  753. “I move for resolution that Jew-baiting (after all associated with pogrom) has no place in the fight against organized gang stalking. Will anyone second the motion?”
    I go with that, furthermore, i want to remember the honoured attendees, of this thread being “about” organized confusion, and hopefully not being organized confusion itself. It’s still about gangstalking, isn’t it?

    Comment by Michael — August 14, 2011 @ 10:42 am

  754. I second your calling of the topic, Michael. Indeed, to reiterate, the original topic of this thread was not conspiracy theory or even merely gang stalking, but the problem of abusive flaming in repression of online discussion upon gang stalking. And the subject of fantastical conspiracy has been wielded as a bludgeon in order to drown out all else.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 14, 2011 @ 11:01 am

  755. There are two principle strategies of abusive flaming in truth suppression online regarding organized gang stalking: The first is denunciation of the very topic of organized gang stalking as paranoid crank conspiracy theory, and the second is the very opposite, virulent Ad Homiem against any attempt whatsoever to discuss the very real sociological phenomena of organized gang stalking or cause stalking among other related modes of bullying, except in context of fantastical Tabloid Weird machinations of super secret conspiracy and shadow government. Worse, paranoid crank conspiracy theory no matter how fantastical, has also always been a handy propaganda platform for hate speech such as even to inspire organized gang stalking, cause stalking, in the first place, if not pogrom outright. Conspiracy begins close to home. Bullies and thugs cooperate and network most readily and capably in isolating and victimizing targeted individuals. Organized gang stalking remains, after all, a pervasive behavior socially, a mode of bullying and abuse of power relationships that is so often one way or another community based and a feature of rising fascism.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 16, 2011 @ 9:16 am

  756. “Because this aspect of aggression involves little more than listening to rumors, the individual listener’s
    portion of the responsibility seems to disappear. Nonetheless, someone has received an injury.

    Relationships have changed and a person’s reputation has lost value because of words. Every single
    listener has amplified and perpetuated the injury”

    Quote is from “Relational Aggression” by Ken Cox.

    This pretty much sums up the rock & roll hit record. The hit has a target, rarely is it obvious and rarely
    is it a generic’ target. Someone gets injured by the hit, because they ARE the specifically targeted

    Each ‘individual’ listener’s contribution is granting the hit additional, aggressive power and this adds to
    the pain suffered by the target. Like gang stalking and harassment, there is never enough evidence
    or even a direct path of association with the entertainer, or their immediate associates but there is
    enough personal innuendo, to net the desired result of causing pain and distress.

    The target may reel, with the symtoms of a tinnitus attack, like *someone* just jumped all over them.
    Public attention and sales of psychological products through deliberate, directed and dis-orientating psychological attack.

    “As a child, where you bitten by a Jew, Robert?” – Aaron Agassi

    I was was psychologically pack raped and exploited by the fucking scum and upon complaint suffered
    more persecution and victimization by fucking jewfish shrinks. Understand this, it was before the ‘anti-
    Semite’ attitude even existed, get that into your ‘smug’ head Agassi.

    Jews in the entertainment industry are gang stalking arrogant thugs, or your choice of description – bullies.
    Swollen ego’s just waiting for some prick to come along and put an end to everything they lived for.

    They run the planet with their ‘hidden’ agenda, much of it psychological manipulation through the
    ‘published’ media. When the media of entertainment is nothing more than a working tool that replaced
    religion, for many people, seeking *an escape* and like religion showing a lack of proveable responsibility
    as well. Just more dangerous delusional content that maintains the thinking persons contempt.

    What better place to hide out, for organised crime, than religion itself. So forget ‘Anti-Semite’ or Jew
    Baiting, as this is little more than slanderous slur, to those so victimised, long term, by such pack pigs.

    Agassi you ask of a working program to approach the problem of gang stalking, step one is busting
    up the religions that harbor such crims. They are not going to do anything ‘internally’ ARE THEY ?

    So yeah, now do you see why the problem of gang stalking is ongoing, without arrests ?
    Have You Tried suing a corporation ?
    What About Arresting a Religion, known to harbor criminals. Not just the Jews, Bad Example –

    What about the Catholic Church of Rome and the practice of ‘confession’
    “Bless me father, for I just blew away Agassi and his family”
    So How many Hail Mary’s and Our Father’s is that gonna cost ?

    Comment by Robert — August 16, 2011 @ 10:23 am

  757. Robert, you now seemingly shift to the related problems of exclusionary peer pressure, malicious gossip, defamation and character assassination. And for such to succeed, the lies don’t really need to be believed with any confidence. For even to engender momentary hesitation on the part of others to approach and connect with the targeted individual, significantly isolates said hapless targeted individual socially. Mobbing and shunning as may soon ensue, are even worse and more shattering.

    But what have entertainers to do with this? Are you back on Madonna again? No, Robert. First of all, my strategy would not begin by breaking up your alleged cabals, because I am unconvinced and simply do not believe in them. I’d need hard evidence. But seeing as your approach does so hinge thereupon, I must point out that you do not seem to have any particular strategy. I understand that you feel extremely helpless. For that matter, I don’t think that you have any real understanding of Judaism.

    By contrast, because my own view is of conspiracy beginning locally, even from the underbelly of society rather than from the top echelons of power, my approach is entirely different. Therefore, while I would also espouse broad based alliance against bullying, more important will be to organize locally. Simply to publicly befriend a victimized person, already begins to deter bullying by cowards who only dare gang up to torment a vulnerable and isolated target. Beyond this, at I go at length into my best efforts at a protocol of tactics to protect targeted individuals and to expose and publicly humiliate bullies. For me therefore, change at least is conceivable.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 16, 2011 @ 2:47 pm

  758. The very topic of organized gang stalking comes under a relentless two pronged attack of flaming truth suppression online: First is dismissal as paranoid crank conspiracy theory, and the second, just the opposite, is monopolization of discussion by paranoid crank conspiracy theorists with Virulent Ad Hominem against any other view or context upon organized gang stalking, any attempt at serious examination of the disturbing sociological phenomena of organized gang stalking. Worse, paranoid crank conspiracy theory no matter how fantastical and insane, has also always served as a handy propaganda platform for hate speech such as even to inspire organized gang stalking, cause stalking, in the first place, if not pogrom outright.

    The truth is that conspiracy begins close to home. Bullies and thugs cooperate and network most readily and capably in isolating and victimizing targeted individuals. Organized gang stalking like mobbing, shunning, malicious gossip and bullying in general, remains, after all, a pervasive behavior socially, a mode of bullying and abuse of power relations that is so often one way or another community based and escalates as a feature of rising fascism. Local bullies and thugs are ever waiting to close ranks with political fascists waiting in the wings, so that by the time Brown Shirts are actually being recruited from the sinister top echelons of power, it’s certainly no secret to anyone. Bullying and gang stalking do not require intangible shadow governments or sinister secret globe spanning cabals. The ugly truth is that anyone can get the ball rolling. And the hope is that likewise with any modicum of organization locally, bullying can be thwarted, exposed and undermined effectively.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 17, 2011 @ 1:26 pm

  759. Bullies & Thugs, Brown Shirts, Fascists, Mobbing, Shunning now the buzz word is pogrom. Over & Over
    but little discussion (if any) about corporate activities that make money out of gang stalking, privacy
    violations and directed energy weapons. If methods to protect, discredit and dis-regard information
    that shows economic incentives, names the names and methods of operation and why these criminal
    games existed, then why are they are quickly ‘white washed’ by the off topic input of certain cretins ?

    When input starts to talk about fascists and brown shirts, it is clearly a brown wash and off topic.

    When comments that disregard historical evidence of deliberate misdiagnosis, without any questions
    are quickly plastered on then it appears that the topic is being de-railed, for what would be worth-
    while input in exposing the criminal game players – at a naming names and business activities level.

    Entertainment Industry saleable delusions protected by psychiatric mis-diagnosis games, targets that
    are people being exploited are written off as nut cases, all too convienient don’t you think ? Dumping
    delusional input on a target, at a sublimimal level and when they become aware of the ‘program’ so
    dumped on them, it stops. Time passes and the program appears in the score with the words, perhaps
    the story line of a motion picture or ‘hit’ song. Along comes ‘brown shirts’ , ‘fascists’ and total distraction
    that is totally off topic…To prevent worhtwhile discussion that is on topic.

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 8:16 am

  760. Chief game players in the entertainment industry and psychiatry are JEWS, the question is WHY ?

    If Pogrom culls such evil, so be it. Oportunistic Fucking Scum, hiding behind further delusional escapist
    programming, the fucking scabs. FUCK this world, if it is THEIRS !

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 9:31 am

  761. We were all created equally, then along comes poaching scum on power trips and all will be destroyed

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 9:37 am

  762. Poaching on the efforts of another, sanctioned by religious mother fuckers, politicians, policing and their militia.

    There has to be something better than this ? Without the manipulative prize of money, materialism and
    therefore POWER, then what have these two legged beasts ?

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 9:51 am

  763. They talk of the secret police, so that’s cool, but who’s secret police were they ? The Rothchilds ? O.K maybe
    they were the secret police of the vatican state, but not of swiss guard extraction. So who are these secret
    police defending…without any false flag falling ?

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 10:16 am

  764. One should understand bureaucratic procedures.
    Secret Police are special sections and officers
    (by whatever police, para-police, military and para-military corps)
    with special cards-regulations.
    They can commit crimes [under institutional orders and with parliamentary cover],
    they can give orders to other bureaucracies (police departments, military, judiciary, etc)
    and they are legally unaccountable (covered by the State Secret).

    Comment by rscaru — August 19, 2011 @ 12:49 pm

  765. Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 12:49 pm

  766. The only legal accountability, that is considered, an act of wannaabbeee’s

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 2:01 pm

  767. They are legally unaccountable, NOT accountable, NOT to courts and “public opinion”.
    In practice, “the law” states that they are allowed to violate current laws.
    They create and manage terrorisms, State Terrorism.
    From Israel, to Pakistan and Afghanistan, to Finland
    do anybody think that terrorism would be possible
    if not created and manage from the same real government?
    Propaganda suggests that there are “obscure forces”.
    The “obscure forces” are actually government[s].
    …Not foreign governments.
    Internal governments with ‘combinations’
    where there is foreign presence and ‘influence’.

    Comment by rscaru — August 19, 2011 @ 3:02 pm

  768. Saleable commodities, the escapissed values.

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 3:05 pm

  769. Robert, I really do not appreciate your suggestions that I ought to be pogromed! That seems somewhat uncivil to say the least. I am sure that you yourself would hope never to be indicted on anything so flimsy as your own allegations against the Jews. Shame on you! As to the discussion you seek, I am now doing my best: Of course we are all well aware of the harassment of whistle blowers and dissidents, and the involvement of government or corporate interests therein. But it is difficult for me to discuss any wide scale corporate profiteering from gang stalking as you allege, let alone exotic energy weapons, because I am unaware of any such thing, much less in possession of any hard evidence to assay critically. I have not even succeeded in bringing to our agenda, any discussion at all upon standards of evidence. Indeed, it also seems like you are suggesting that you are personally targeted and subject to suggestions, intentional psychological warfare, via popular media. Do I understand you correctly? If so, I only hope that you can understand my credulity. I am also unclear how any history of whatever misdiagnosis pertains, serious as such can always be in its own right. Do you mean to suggest, that you yourself have correctly self diagnosed? And if so, what appropriate treatment might you be seeking? There are always aluminum foil hats to shield the brain.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 19, 2011 @ 3:10 pm

  770. The government can be sold, regardless of promissed policy so promoted. A word that sounds like
    ‘jerry-manda’ without checking on the spelling, voting seems like a wasted X-Sore-Size.

    Jerry Manda, yep that’s what it sounds like.

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 4:00 pm

  771. “But it is difficult for me to discuss any wide scale corporate profiteering from gang stalking as you allege, let alone exotic energy weapons,”

    especially, if you have a vested interest in spending other peoples money, wasted venture capitalizing etc.

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 4:07 pm

  772. The word you are looking for is: ‘gerrymander’. And even gerrymandering is hardly the worst of corrupt election tampering. I, for one, have not forgotten Votergate. But what of it?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 19, 2011 @ 4:09 pm

  773. Robert, I have no such vested interest. Lay of the Ad Hominem already. Answer to the point.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 19, 2011 @ 4:16 pm

  774. perhaps we could interest those *with* of alternative means of getting *wasted* ?

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 4:19 pm

  775. Or, if you like –

    Why should ANYONE tolerate such wasted investments, in the *popular* means of disposing of otherwise
    taxable revenue *raking* on materialistic values of *escapism* that cease to materialize anything worthy
    to the major materialism that has been achieved thus far ? Power is still measured in Watts, What ever
    that is ?

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 4:35 pm

  776. You’ve lost me, Robert. Whatever it is that you feel so urgent to discuss, you need to retain focus.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 19, 2011 @ 4:42 pm

  777. Those with the almighty dollar are those in power, goverments and their investments are only the puppets
    on the strings misguided by those that are with, intent to stay on top, to stay “rich & powerful” those with
    such aquired power will oppress and obliterate any weak power source, by any means just to stay on top
    of the la’ brayer pit.

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 4:53 pm

  778. I must agree: the machinations of the Fuax News and the Teabaggers are enough to make a sane man Marxist! But again, what of it?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 19, 2011 @ 5:00 pm

  779. Those with the shit, they sit on top of it, a giant stool of self importance, like, what a waste !

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 5:00 pm

  780. What if their stools of self importance and *expenditure* were exposed as a global health problem ?

    Public money that is being wasted on masking, via aromatherapy, a cover up, on just how bad the
    smell really is. Then obviously the tools of the shit heads should be public knowledge, why should
    ANYONE put up with such wasted human resources ? The rich and powerful control the sheep, via
    their controlling elected dual party pack. Have you not noted this activity ? it remains unchanged.

    But who are we to wash out their under-wear ?

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2011 @ 5:14 pm

  781. Robert, first you simply ignored all I had to say about the reality of gang stalking and appropriate and setting. Then you complained bitterly about a lack of conversation about subject matter that you deem of such crucial importance. And now that I have attempt to address those issues to the best of my ability, you have gone rambling off first upon things that no one disagrees about, and then into the most vague, expansive and indecipherable generalities of social criticism and complaint. How do you even want anyone to respond?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 19, 2011 @ 6:07 pm

  782. Look Aaron – Forget your bullshit, brown shirts, rising fascism, pogrom hit list, bullies. What you
    do, is for little else, than for the sake of escapism from the ACTUAL TOPIC itself. You waffle on
    with the politics of your ideas of Gang Stalking but you are NOT SAYING WHO they are. Do you
    have any names, events and dates for your alledged victimization by this crime ?

    You generalize with utter drivel. You are extremely annoying. Many people on this topic, of this
    forum have told you many times to cease and desist, disappear etc with your perp orientated
    drivel. You don’t listen do you ?

    The corporations is what I exposed, well before Mudoch’ “News of the World” I pointed at him, more
    than 16 Months ago as being party to financing privacy violations, have you read my input on V2K
    smoking gun ? clearly not. I then figured Warner as being in reciept of stolen intellectual property
    that they have made serious money from – story lines that were not the writers work or efforts at all.
    Blatant theft of intellectual property.

    Dumping script and song passages on someone, grossly disturbing the T.I, usually an innocent
    person and cashing in on the stolen I.P. and heat. In 1993 a young man I knew and had worked
    with was driven out of his mind, stitched up against one of the character’s in a motion picture,
    whilst under production, later on this performace, by the actor was called a “most painful
    performance” by those critics that saw the finished product. My friend was found, in pieces
    on the railway tracks. He was persecuted by directed energy weapons used to dump the script
    character’s sequence on him. He had tapes of the disturbance that he wanted me to listen to
    but I had enough shit of my own to deal with, also in the process of recording such attacks.

    Gang stalking is part of big business, governments scrape revenue from big business and turn a
    blind eye to how the money was made. Sanctioned Crimes.
    Illegal wire taps, gang stalking and harassment, directed energy weapons to disturb – “did we get
    a response, a saleable reaction” ? Have you heard the expression “i would kill for a hit single”
    obviously not.

    Anthony Pelicano is doing 15 years for running illegal wire taps, in one of his storage offices was
    more than 10,000 pages of illegal phone taped recordings that had been put to paper.
    The attitude, in court of A.Pelicano was “So F’ing what – everyone is in on this practice” he showed
    absolutely no pity for the victims and no remorse. Countless innocent lives get destroyed, victims
    commit suicide others get scape goated and murdered, you know nothing about this stuff Aaron
    (or pretend not to) You aim is to derail the topic when it heads off in an appropriate *on topic*

    Pelicano was a private investigator that made serious money from privacy violations, a fucking
    EVIL creep. The scum behind productions like ‘Big Brother’ are perversly teaching the next
    generations that privacy no longer exists, so get used to it.

    I wish those scum, behind such productions and working real life practices nothing more than ill will,
    death and their complete destruction.

    Some of this stuff was being off-loaded to song and script writers, the product story line eventually
    ‘smacks’ someone hard in the face, because it is personal information, and only about THEM, no
    one else. Serious money is being made out of the pain and suffering of innocent human beings.
    The human race seems to have more respect for the animals and how they are mis-treated in
    slaughter houses.

    The smack in the face is causal to psychological disturbance and the disturbance spreads like a
    contagous economic incentives of gang stalking UNDERMINES Gang Stalking, as in crime

    Comment by Robert — August 20, 2011 @ 7:07 am

  783. corrected text + some additional comment.

    The smack in the face is causal to psychological disturbance and the disturbance spreads like a
    contagion, the disturbance promotes unhealthy attention towards the T.I. (gang stalkers) and
    promotes sales attention to the *product* the narrow minded entertainers call it “A Wave”

    The exposure of the economic incentives for gang stalking UNDERMINES the practice of Gang
    Stalking, as in crime prevention. Recording subliminal attacks is not a wasted exercise because
    sooner or later a method of lifting the *subliminal* out of the audio mix will be realised. Then
    such *hits* will be loud and clear to all and not just the victims. When such attacks are part of
    the *original* recordings and products then massive law suits, whereby this crime will have no
    statute of limitations and claimants will be able to draw on historical evidence of being targeted.

    According to another researcher of this type of subliminal warfare, some recording engineers
    boasted that what was inserted “in the mix” will be impossible to extract as in sits harmonically
    with the instrument and vocals and therefore can only co-exist within the material. I look
    forward to the day I can kick those arseholes around a city block when they are proven wrong.

    Comment by Robert — August 20, 2011 @ 10:03 am

  784. Would anyone like to discuss what is one of the root causes of gang stalking ? the methods of selecting a targetted individual, how a crowd of ill wishing jealous, bored arseholes become involved in victimization of
    the T.I. even when it is just in their spare time, spent contributing to the harassment, following, mimic-ing and noise campaign generations etc ? You know stuff like –

    I was listening to this old song, that I had never heard before, it was on an album by a band called the stranglers
    the song was called ‘bear cage’ within a few weeks a stranger purchased the house across the street from me,
    and his nick-name was *bear* he gutted the house of many structural walls, turning the house into a reverberant
    boom box, like the acoustics of a bathroom (a big one) then a woman moved in, what is commonly called a loud
    mouth yobbo, who maintains a harassment method, that is also known as street theatre and a noise campaign.

    Now *bear* had this idea ( in his head ) that I was ‘hiting’ on him and he just had to do something about it…
    I seemed to be the source of his problems, yep a total stranger. I did’nt write the song bear cage ! Listening
    to it – so what ?

    So who put up this person to set up an ongoing attack of me ? Did the band “the stranglers” start cashing in
    on some stolen heat ? Yes their popularity grew out of the dust and yes they toured Australia again, they
    hadn’t been here since the mid 1980’s.

    Comment by Robert — August 20, 2011 @ 12:13 pm

  785. In 2007 the house behind me was sold, the person that purchased that particular home was the son of the
    owners of the production company that catered for The Stranglers Australian tour. Coincidence ? Nope
    it’s called associative exploitation. Also known as rock and roll by free-loading fleas.

    Comment by Robert — August 20, 2011 @ 12:28 pm

  786. “the methods of selecting a targeted individual”
    There are Commissions with bureaucrats of the formal government, of the military, of the central or federal police corps, bureaucrats of parliaments, academicians (“consultants”).
    Under the authorizations for the gang stalkings there are the signatures of Presidents, and Prime Ministers and Ministers.
    This is the formal process.
    The selection of the target is actually largely casual.
    There are program for criminality and terrorism creation and management, and programs for testing new military devices and techniques.
    Actually, the selection is largely casual, since gang-stalkings depends on the funding and for pretending new public funding.
    As a terrorist machine, gang-stalking must existed for terrorizing society. States/government are psychopathic-criminal machines and made of psychopaths and criminals.
    It is as prisons. It is irrelevant whether the inmates be innocent. They need prisons, even filled with innocents, for terrorizing those who are “free”. Idem gang-stalking.
    Roberto Scaruffi

    Comment by rscaru — August 20, 2011 @ 12:46 pm

  787. Gang Stalking and electronic surveillance, ‘scape goat’ generations, production companies in the
    entertainment industry, “multi win situation, for all of us” – quote was recorded in early 1993, voice
    identified as prime stalker No. 1 – name Jeremy Saxon Oxley – Mushroom Recording Artist –
    *sunnyboys* still on the take – just selling someone else out, stolen associative and gang stalking
    crimes. Memory modifications required ? – No Shrink shit, as you bath in corruption…

    Comment by Robert — August 20, 2011 @ 12:59 pm

  788. Bobo – fewer words…

    Comment by Robert — August 20, 2011 @ 1:05 pm

  789. Robert, first of all, do you disclose the sort of details that you now demand? To the extent that you do, I confess that I am simply not paying attention, because you have ignored both my requests for hard evidence and my call to an agenda of action. And secondly, why would I disclose such confidential details, even to the extent that I even know them, in the face of such hostility as yours? If I named perpetrating serial bullies, would you care? Unless we socialize in any of the same circles at all, I doubt you’ve ever heard of them, any more than two dogs miles apart, share the same fleas! And I won’t name any of my fellow targets of bullying at this time. I’m sure that you can understand.

    If as an investigative blogger, you’ve got the real scoop on the News of the World scandal, then congratulations and good for you. But I’m not the right person from whom to seek the byline credit. And I sincerely doubt that Murdock has anything to do with my own personal tribulations. I do not follow you as regards “script and song passages”. Are you alleging that prank messages are being beamed into your head? You also insist that gang stalking of entirely unremarkable private citizens, is likewise secretly orchestrated from the top as part of clandestine high tech weapons tests. But to reiterate, you have ignored both my requests for hard evidence and my call to an agenda of action. Therefore, I just don’t buy any of it. Why should anyone? You are just talking out your crazy ass, Robert!

    We must begin by acknowledging the differences in our respective world views. Robert, you ask: “Would anyone like to discuss what is one of the root causes of gang stalking ? the methods of selecting a targetted individual, how a crowd of ill wishing jealous, bored arseholes become involved in victimization[?]” Yes, me, I would, very much: When indeed I do speak in generalities, those generalities are entirely applicable, because where as you fantasize about deep and vast conspiracy, at I have compiled resources of expert knowledge together with personal experience of my own upon a modus operandi, and behavior set of a grass roots sociological phenomenon. That’s the way it actually works. If one describes how hyenas hunt in packs, one needn’t name specific hyenas or specific prey, nor is there any conspiratorial hyena god orchestrating it all. It’s merely Darwinian and advantageous. Bullying is the same. So is petty crime generally, for that matter.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 20, 2011 @ 2:04 pm

  790. Organized crime is not petty crime, exposure of gang stalking criminals as being a big part of the
    business of entertainment, this needs to be clearly understood and accepted without petty and
    pointless arguments by perpetrators.

    Corporate identities such as Murdoch who claims to be suffering from corporate schizophrenia syndrome,
    whereby he claims that he doesn’t have any knowledge of how his money is being spent on financing
    privacy violations and illegal wire taps – BULLSHIT, he keeps on doing it !

    The gang stalking that had been set upon me, in 1992 was indirectly financed by Murdoch (News Corp)
    Michael Gudinski (Festival Mushroom Records) recruited the stalkers, electronic harassment operators
    and had enough money (from Murdoch) to take care of any easily paid off corrupt police and politicians.
    Then again, why would they need to be paid off ? A simple program of forced slander, to perverse the
    justice system.

    Jeremy S. Oxley induced some kind of powerful neurotoxin into my frozen food, I have the hospital
    discharge summary from the evening of the 30th of December 1992, this was the evening that I ate the
    food that Oxley had tampered with. I didn’t suspect any foul play when I caught him with the container
    out of the freezer, lid off and looking inside, at this frozen food a week earlier.

    What ever the poison was, it heightened sensitivity, induced chronic fatigue that was ongoing, simple jobs
    that usually took a day, took three days to complete. Short term memory impairment reduced my working

    Part of the heightened sensitivity included receptivity to the V2K electronic assault, this initially led to sleep deprivation and the vicious circle of chronic fatigue. Ringing in the Ears or just one ear like Tinnitus or
    Hyperacusis (sensitivity to certain tones or sounds – repetitive exposure, via hypnosis could achieve this)

    I have found no one that is interested in prosecuting these criminals, publicly or via private prosecution.
    Until these scumbags are brought under the hammer, then it will be criminal business as usual. Corruption.
    Naming names and exposing ongoing crimes may have the desired effect of losing the scum, being discrete
    is a pointless waste to the exercise. With the recent “News of the World” scandal, my thoughts at the time
    were – Murdoch doesn’t stop, does he ?

    This is who some of the game players are, so go set the dogs on them. Watch these creeps and you will
    have the dogs barking up the right tree, hopefully train them to piss on the same.

    Comment by Robert — August 21, 2011 @ 3:45 am

  791. And I should simply accept your word on all of this? -Also, just to make sure that I correctly understand what you are saying, as the explanation for everyone’s problems including my own and not just yours?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 21, 2011 @ 2:49 pm

  792. Numerous reasons for gang stalking exist, NO ONE is arguing. But why should anyone have to tolerate
    gang stalking rock and roll dogs, in the entertainment industry, selling out innocent people, maintaining
    a slander agenda and perverting the course of justice. Many people would object to this, if they found out
    they were victims of such a crime, it’s a global problem. *stars* that are not that *special* when they are
    nothing more than parasites preying upon the efforts of innocent human beings. False Gods = Dogs.
    “The music industry is a shallow money trench….Blah, Blah Blah ” (H.S.Thompson) Hollywood is worse.

    Start at the top of the crime chain, progress downwards to the gold digger, that wishes to use gang stalking, directed energy weapons, gaslighting etc on it’s husband/wife. The crime at the top of the hill, that are
    exploiting innocents should be, for reasons of ease, the first entry to be culled. To suggest that gang
    stalking isn’t an issue in the entertainment industry would be stupidity. My professional involvement in
    the business spans more than 30 years. I walked out in 1988, only to be drugged, set-up, railroaded
    and dragged back in, in 1992 because such parasites felt there was more to be had, with further
    exploitation on their *mixed* agenda.

    The domino effect takes out the low life in this crime chain, when they realize they can’t buy or blast their
    way out of this kind of evil sh*t. How people are set up and railroaded by organised crime, who’s only
    goal is in cheating someone else. Depleted of anything left of themselves, willing to trespass upon and
    sell out the spirit of someone else. How they do this, is how they can be stopped. To be forwarned is
    to be prepared, if you wish for peace, stock pile weapons. Armed with useful information to expose
    what is still very much occultist, that is – guarded and hidden from common understanding.

    Comment by Robert — August 21, 2011 @ 5:18 pm

  793. I repeat: I should simply accept your word on all of this?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 21, 2011 @ 5:26 pm

  794. There are of course all manner of well established cases in journal of record, of abuse of power on the part of celebrities. This little I concede.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 21, 2011 @ 5:43 pm

  795. Words actually. What about thirty plus years of professional involvement ?, not just my own victimization
    but how innocent and not so innocent people were suicided. Gang Stalking is out of control, due to a lack
    of understanding the history behind it, A Jewish man named Jesus, heavily stalked, exploited and suicided.

    Comment by Robert — August 21, 2011 @ 5:53 pm

  796. I repeat: I should simply accept your word on all of this? I agree of course that all forms of bullying are quite out of control. Although it may bear mention that Yehoshua Bar Yoseph appears to have been a dissident under brutal Roman occupation.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 21, 2011 @ 6:44 pm

  797. Is was a Judaic metaphor.
    The historical Jesus was hanged, from a priest, 13 centuries before.

    Comment by rscaru — August 21, 2011 @ 7:14 pm

  798. Thanks for the interesting link, rscaru. Not to digress, however. Robert, I put little stock in the occult, deliberately obscure, untestable, without scientific conditions of refutation or journalistic standards of credible corroboration. Bah, humbug! I should simply accept your word on all of this? Indeed, though you say that forwarded is forearmed, I still see no strategy from you, not even an action agenda.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 21, 2011 @ 7:34 pm

  799. “I have found no one that is interested in prosecuting these criminals” Might that be in any part because of your complete failure, nay: outright refusal, to present any coherent and credible case?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 21, 2011 @ 8:04 pm

  800. No sane prosecutor will proceed on the basis of signs and portents alone.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 22, 2011 @ 1:35 am

  801. I have enough evidence to achieve the desired result. You have’nt found the time to peruse what I have
    partially put forward on “V2K Smoking Gun” You have ignored the incident of how my frozen food was
    poisoned, by who and what then followed, in an ongoing systematic attack orchestrated by those who
    had something to gain from it, or so they thought.

    Madonna was in serious trouble after taking 60,000,000 U.S. dollars from Warner in April of 1992, she
    had nothing to offer them 6 Months later. The owner of Festival Mushroom Records, Michael Gudinski
    sold a hollow, shell of a company that lacked the assets of F.M.R to News Corp and Madonna’s Attorney
    – Paul D. Schindler looked after the paperwork shuffle on this ‘loan’ to Gudinski.

    Extracted from V2K smoking gun –

    ” The Warner Music Group (Australian Division) Acquired the assets, trademarks and large archive of
    master recordings, all the Mushroom Records Australia things that had some fiscal value in 2005.
    Murdock’s News Corp LTD got nothing of any value in 2 purchases during the 1990′s of Mushroom
    Records Australia. A whole lot of NOTHING for tens of millions of dollars. Money laundering to finance
    organised crime. You can view all this on the internet…
    It’s open literature so as to speak. Visit the Attorney’s resume on his site – Paul D Schindler ”

    Gudinski proposed, to his Mushroom recording artists, inclusive of J.S.Oxley that Warner were interested
    in ANY means of recovery from their mis-investment in Madonna & Maverick Records. What was to be in
    it for the Mushroom Records, Recording Artists ? GLOBAL distribution of their recordings via the WARNER
    group, that’s what. Money in other words. When the Warner Music Group (Australian Division) acquired the
    recordings in 2005, no such distribution took place, the Mushroom Artists had been bullshitted, but they
    could’nt complain based on their, drugging, set up, railroading, use of the law (inclusive of the courts)
    slander, BULLYING, thugging, murder (Jamie Fielding) gang stalking and harassment crimes, could they ?

    If only there was someone that could be wired up to promote attention to Madonna and Maverick
    associates, someone who had been there with a history of affiliation, to the burnt out ‘has been’ –
    Madonna who, back then, just had to keep going, or catch a Warner bullet – suicided, so Warner
    could *recover* what ever was left of ‘a bad investment’

    But what happened would be, all at the expense of an innocent man named Robert, Me, not to forget
    what followed, another man, also named Robert (Dewey Hoskins) followed by yet another man named
    Robert (Linhart)

    So for those that can understand what has occurred, In 1985 I was set up and used to promote attention
    to Madonna, without consent – molested, cheated, EXPLOITED the evidence of this is stored on public
    hospital records, which are state government records.

    In 1992 the same program returned, I had no way of defending myself against the massive amount of
    money that was injected into this crime. All I could do was collect evidence of their activities in this evil.

    Hoskins (1995) and Linhart (2010) are two victims caught in the crossfire of a program, that has been
    directed at me, for more than a quarter of a century. Madonna’s career is based on a stolen and
    manipulated *star* that is mine, not hers, or anyone else’s to ‘sell out’

    This crime can only end destructively and will be a Win for no one.

    Comment by Robert — August 22, 2011 @ 3:54 am

  802. If this is it, then you have no case, Robert. Because, as for all your allegations, again, am I simply to take your word for it? Because that is all that is still all that you have presented here. I do not believe you. There is no reason why anyone would. A reasonable person would at least realize how all that must sound to others. That is why I cannot take you seriously.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 22, 2011 @ 4:24 am

  803. Hey, that makes it easy Aaron

    “That is why I cannot take you seriously”

    THEN DON’T ! as you continue to fail to understand the ramifications of what these scum did to me
    and therefore themselves. Then again, I don’t think yours is a failure to understand, but like many
    petty jealousy, idiots that go looking for a dollar in someone else’s misadventure…

    Comment by Robert — August 22, 2011 @ 4:43 am

  804. Ad Hominem, much?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 22, 2011 @ 5:21 am

  805. What is it you seek from victims of this crime Aaron. ?

    What if there is really nothing in it for *YOU* or any perpetrator group you may represent, would you still
    hang out on the topic and abuse anyone that comes along with your devils advocate (perp jerk) approach?

    I really don’t think you are a victim, when you were asked how you were a gang stalking victim you went off
    with some B/S about science fiction. I aint buying it ! Your here for alternative purpose of extracting info,
    from others and intent on capitalizing on such information, when things don’t quite go your way you start
    the attack, all over again, that’s fine – but what is it for ? You ask the same questions differently and expect
    Different answers, you don’t get these and it really upsets you.

    Comment by Robert — August 22, 2011 @ 5:52 am

  806. No BS. I told you in what social context I among others suffer incessant gang stalking. You just aren’t interested. And you don’t dare answer my entirely reasonable questions and points. I’ve given you every chance and afforded you every benefit of the doubt possible. I’ve tried to engage you in rational discussion. But you just think other people simply owe it to you to swallow your incessant blather of incoherent tall tales uncritically.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 22, 2011 @ 6:37 am

  807. You wan’t everyone to look at you Aaron, they already have. Once again you don’t have a story to
    look at, into or otherwise entertain.

    Comment by Robert — August 22, 2011 @ 10:37 am

  808. Gang stalking and the Mental Health Care Club – Yes, of course such Evil has it’s placements within the
    club. Outsiders (stalkers) will also follow an individual into the hospital to interfere further with the target.
    Purpose ? – to keep you quiet and/or to learn more of what you may know.

    Remember what happened to me ? 1985 – Psychiatrist’s write in their hand writing – “communicates with
    the singer Madonna by telepathy and that they have made a pact to marry” & also “which he will use to
    build dams, etc in Eastern Africa”

    So 15 odd years later Madonna is investing in Eastern Africa. Coincidence ? NO, was Madonna really
    dancing on my mind, stealing the lime-light ? OR was someone masquerading for, and on behalf of
    “the American singer” ? – YES

    The Doctors & Nurses were not that interested in writing everything I had to say just enough to satisfy
    reasons for admission via the DSM.

    Now 25 years later Synthetic Telepathy is a Buzz word in the Pentagon.

    So Who were the experiMENTAL lab rats ?

    Non – Consenting randomly selected innocent people who had their lives ruined by the psychiatric
    labelling system when they attempted to expose the experiments. ? NO

    It should be obvious that we have been “Set-Up” “Put-Up”and “Fucked -Up” but according to the
    DSM this is paranoid delusions… IS IT ? – NO

    Comment by Robert — August 22, 2011 @ 11:08 am

  809. Aaron Quote – ” incessant blather of incoherent tall tales ”

    So who’s jealous ?

    Comment by Robert — August 22, 2011 @ 11:39 am

  810. Aaron’s comment # 417 – ” You offer no verifiable supporting evidence, or even much logic for that matter ”

    This was immediately after I had presented the un-altered and accurately transcribed doctors and nurses
    notes from 1985, which was comment # 416. It is, as it was then in full support of evidential value pertaining
    to gang stalking and synthetic telepathy via electromagnetic and electronic means, as in V2K (voice to skull)

    Aaron, when you attack valid evidence so supplied, you clearly indicate what your about, that is destroying
    victim complaints, case by case. Sooner or later no one will discuss anything with you, on this topic if you
    continue with such lauched, discrediting attempts at real victims and their stories.

    Remember what I have said –

    You don’t have a personal story to tell, so how dare you attack those that do, demanding answers from
    these people, to your questions, when you then consider nothing of what they are saying and run them
    down instead.

    You are not doing this topic any favours, nor are you helping any of the victims to understand what could
    very well be happening to them, as in common complaints about such crime.

    I shall ask the question once again –

    What do you wan’t from these victims Aaron ?

    If you can’t provide an answer, don’t expect me to answer any of yours. The comment – # 417 from you –
    “You offer no verifiable supporting evidence…” was how you looked at real transcribed information from
    1985 – it is evidence, that just can’t be dismissed, because you would like to bury it, that isn’t going to
    happen is it ? I don’t know what kind of mind altering substances you have, or still abuse, I don’t wan’t

    Comment by Robert — August 22, 2011 @ 1:38 pm

  811. I have no way of checking how accurately you transcribed those notes, or if they are even real. But what is stated in your transcription is that you are delusional. Though I admit that I really wasn’t very interested. I have failed to engage you rationally, to address the points and questions that I actually do find important. You just don’t relate. You won’t even respond when all I’m trying to do is check to see if I am even following you correctly on one point or another of your garbled narrative.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 22, 2011 @ 2:24 pm

  812. Since you ask, as a matter of principle, what I want from people who make outrageous claims instead of simply taking credulity as owed them, is respect for the intelligence of others, as demonstrated by any honest effort at national skepticism in order to support such claims. Otherwise, how are we even supposed to engage in any serious discussion? But to the actual point, I am calling for discussion upon setting an agenda: What I want from targets of bullying including gang stalking and such, is together to strategize, organize and actively defend ourselves. I would think that we’d all be only eager to begin.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 22, 2011 @ 3:49 pm

  813. what to avoid:
    “[…]TOGETHER to strategize, organize and actively […]”
    Your superiority against State/government gang-stalkers is to act ALONE.
    At least 90% of written materials is deception.
    Organizations are 100% controlled from governments.

    Comment by rscaru — August 22, 2011 @ 4:18 pm

  814. “Your superiority against State/government gang-stalkers is to act ALONE.”
    Oh yeah? How’s that been work’n for ya?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 22, 2011 @ 4:59 pm

  815. I did answer question put to me about my circumstances. And I have talked more about it as the matter came up in any way relevant. You have not shown the slightest interest. You only give me grief. Do you really want my personal story? Why, is this some bogus support group validation exercise? What would be the point? I have asked you about what sort of information you need from me and why. But you do not reply.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 22, 2011 @ 5:45 pm

  816. Aarons comments in # 812 – “I have no way of checking…or if they are even real”

    So you think it is all invented and lies – you are a half wit. I assure you nothing has been added
    changed or invented, that transcription (# 416) is FACT, word for word on the events of 1985.
    Those so called professionals are going to be more than sorry one day, so are their professions
    when they get taken apart, the power triping scum.

    Names of the Police, Doctors, Nurses, the Dates, the Times on a twenty four hour clock, the name
    of the Hospital. The forced induction of unwanted medications. Fabrication of reasons for admission
    into the hospital.

    ALL VERY ACCURATE INFORMATION, deliberate mis-diagnosis as in corruption, hell on earth for
    their kind is coming. Massive law suits, executions, world war three, the end of the zionist world…
    I won’t shed a tear.

    Aarons comments also in # 812 – ” But what is stated in your transcription is that you are delusional ”

    According to who – A slanderous, un-qualified, pervert. A piece of Perp trash that loiters on a
    forum topic attacking victims. The effects of being gang stalked and psychologically interferred with
    via V2K eventually lead to delusional episodes, what more evidence could be presented ?

    What of the Eastern Africa delusional content, just coincidence that Madonna commenced investment
    15 years later ? or a joint delusional episode from an Australian & an American, 2 people that had never
    met sharing the same mental illness via synthetic telepathy, from one part of the planet to another ?

    Aarons comments also in # 812 – ” Though I admit that I really wasn’t very interested ”

    Stating the obvious again, Aaron is only interested in Aaron. No more, shall I have to do with the likes
    of you, or any sock puppets that may come along on this forum topic that seem to be you trying on
    alternative perversion into the misadventure of others. Then only to attack them out of some kind of
    perverse envy & sick sport. You are an EVIL man Aaron, so burn in hell with your buddy Lucifer.

    Comment by Robert — August 23, 2011 @ 1:42 am

  817. Robert, if you where anyone else, would you just take your word? Not that I actually have that much difficulty believing that you where indeed diagnosed as delusional. How any of that constitutes an investment opportunity for Madonna quite eludes me.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 23, 2011 @ 3:14 am

  818. PS. You, Robert, are the one engaged in such virulent truth suppression and disruption of all serious conversation, you are the one in such determined opposition to organizing and taking any action, but I’m the evil one? Oh irony.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 23, 2011 @ 11:36 pm

  819. “We were all created equally, then along comes poaching scum on power trips and all will be destroyed

    I do agree. But what makes scum scum, and what makes it poach? Isn’t it all the little power trips slightly privileged people are on, that makes the unprivileged feel sleazy in comparison, and finally angry – up to revenge? Many – if not most – evil (an anagramm of “vile”, sic!) power-trippers made their way from the literal shoeshineboy to the position their in, ready to abuse the power gained, like it was abused upon them. Not to sugarcoat anything, but all i can see is a massive lack of love in interpersonal affairs – including the gangstalking phenomenon we’re discussing here. Why can’t we just stop and change our little dealings to the better, like in late Michael Jackson’s:

    “I’m Starting With The Man In The Mirror
    I’m Asking Him To Change His Ways
    And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
    If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
    Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change”

    A tall order for one being gangstalked, i know. I tried it several times, and i always got caught in the omnipresent trap channelling my anger upon gangstalkers in various form, yelled, spoken and written, and that’s what they live on. But if there’s no chance, why not take it again and again?

    Comment by Michael — August 24, 2011 @ 3:36 pm

  820. Effective defense and resistance is challenging enough, do you seriously yearn to redeem our abusers? If actually so, then I would caution that to such an agenda, even slim hope at all comes only from first gaining a position of strength and advantage, because cooperation will be unlikely no matter the intensity of love, sweet reason or moral indignation. Ignoring that salient truth simply flirts with Masochism.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 24, 2011 @ 7:33 pm

  821. I got great help from a humble view upon it during the 90s, but I must admit that i lost the grip along the way, with all that slight, and then they even made me the scapegoat for their own spite, which makes altruism very hard to attain. Anyway, whats wrong with changing my attitude towards it? Like christians and buddhists do, with charity and karma concepts, or other mentally helpful views of life? It’s not masochism, it’s the spiritual insight that good comes from good, just like bad creates bad. Gangstalkers don’t create good, that’s for sure, and in consequence, they must answer for what they do, just like anyone else. That’s a very helpful aspect of i.e. the karma concept.

    Comment by Michael — August 25, 2011 @ 10:36 am

  822. My question is of feasibility. But then, you have not actually presented any strategy. Do you think that you have any viable strategy? Moreover, you are mistaken in claiming that gang stalkers accomplishes no good, because they clearly do good for themselves at the expense of others who are harmed. And I believe that it is important that they made to atone, meaning that they must be stripped of all benefit and advantage accrued from abuse of others. They will not cooperate, they will not explain or apologize. This enemy will never yield to universal love, transcendental piety, sweet reason or moral indignation. None of that will change their attitude. Now, as for changing your/our attitude, indeed, this is war and we gotta toughen up and begin taking effective action. Or, you can try to make yourself feel better without improving anything. This is a very popular idea and a pervasive tool of oppression, religion the famous opiate of the masses. Know more at

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 25, 2011 @ 2:39 pm

  823. “This enemy will never yield to universal love, transcendental piety, sweet reason or moral indignation.” Agreed. But what if I do?

    Comment by Michael — August 26, 2011 @ 10:03 am

  824. Michael, good points. Worthwhile practice, as well…

    “Keep your enemy even closer” “Love thy enemy” “Sleeping with the enemy” “Crime of the Century”

    To ignore the enemy, and the subtle mind control methods and attempted behavioural
    modifications, by those that are commonly abused by gang stalkers, does indeed guarantee
    what encourages the generation of easily witnessed and electronically recordable attacks.

    Subtle provocations…
    E.V.P ? No, Don’t stare into the light, don’t tune into noise sources. Keep busy !

    Such evidential values then, shall not go un-punished, essence is in the values and
    that requires something that smells…

    Comment by Robert — August 26, 2011 @ 10:58 am

  825. From the crowd that witnesses, the odour of fowl play exposed. The evidence that just can’t be
    dismissed, by those on the nose.

    Yet those that carry the stench away, environ-mentalists, still on a wave. The justice ?

    We all get to live and breath another day.

    Comment by Robert — August 26, 2011 @ 11:26 am

  826. Aaron: “This enemy will never yield to universal love, transcendental piety, sweet reason or moral indignation.” Michael: “Agreed. But what if I do?” Maybe nothing. What are you driving at. Michael? Besides, one does not choose how one feels any more that what one really believes, one feels how one actually feels given who one is and under whatever circumstances. Self honesty is paramount.

    Robert, have you a plan to draw the bullies out into more overt harassment, and then video record it? You know that since I am the very spawn of the devil, I will only network through the Freemasons in order to warn them! But seriously, wouldn’t it be more effective to have your own surveillance team involved, or even infiltrators? Would such not be a desirable resource? How can you deny the value of organizing? Who’s side are you really on?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 26, 2011 @ 4:43 pm

  827. Debauchery, saleable marketing commodities, of planned obsolescence and failure –
    (microsoft)… sleaze, alcoholism, drug abuse, escapism and the deflagration of the human
    spirit, by the western Zionistic controlled world. (Hangover 3 ? a Zionist production)

    To draw a line between spiritual Belief and Reality. Then to remove it ! Programs such as
    ‘Big Brother’ that encourage a total lack of privacy that reflects upon the next generations
    and influences, will only encourage ‘conflict’ between Muslims and western ‘accepted
    religions’ will guarantee conflict. The reason ?

    Western orientated societies have a need for Muslim resources – Black Gold, Texas T…

    Behavioral modifications that require that the Zionists stay in control, without being
    questioned, i.e. – False Flag operations via subtle mind control programs. Those that
    no longer submit to the Zionist Media are targeted. So much for freedom of thought.

    Comment by Robert — August 27, 2011 @ 11:24 am

  828. So anti phase behavioural modification could be a good thing ?

    & we all live in denial…

    Comment by Robert — August 27, 2011 @ 2:39 pm

  829. Congratulations Robert, once again you are no less obscure, disconnected, irrelevant and unintelligible and yet somehow no less bigoted and offense.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 27, 2011 @ 5:30 pm

  830. Gang stalking to some idiots is nothing more than a game, a sadistic sport that targets individuals that
    are not known to the stalkers, who being nothing more than idiots feel safe, in their cowardly numbers.

    I have seen first hand how police are manipulated by senior police when a police informant gets it’s
    cover blown. I have experienced what happens when a targeted individual needs police assitance and
    the police ignore the request for assistance, this is even when evidence that stands up, in a court of
    law, is at first rejected. Wrong place at the wrong time, a work associate in the electronic security
    services industry has had a person, that is known to me, as a police informant placed in their home as
    a tenant.

    Fearing for the womans safety, I reported to the woman (the work associate) that her friends in the
    police service were not her friends at all. Many that would kill the informant, for what he had done to
    them would not think twice about switching her lights off, to remove such a witness.

    In stupidly the woman did not accept what I was saying, about the threat that she was living with, told
    her so called ‘friends’ in the police service what I had said, to her in confidence. That was back in
    1991, what happens to an innocent man who is denied access to the police service, what kind of scum
    would take advantage for the own purposes and gains of a person so victimised ?

    What could be *had* from the T.I. (the victim of circumstances) via rock & roll miscreants with impunity ?
    Watch what happens to such corrupt dirt when they are exposed for this incident and eternally damned
    for it. Magistrates, that went insane and police that live in fear, for what they went along with.

    Precurses for WW3, when all have had enough of the high level of corruption, the puppets get their
    strings cut and hit the floor like a pile of spineless jelly, then burn in fires of hell for ever more.

    Comment by Robert — August 28, 2011 @ 3:20 am

  831. Dramatic but fragmentary.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 28, 2011 @ 5:14 am

  832. Michael mentions in one of his posts the process of soul searching, what could he have
    done to deserve this. A standard in ‘gaslighting’ a victim is to create as many ‘incidents’
    as possible, to maintain the disturbance. Some events that are designed to maintain the
    Disturbance are fictional, probably most of such attacks.

    They were invented and enforced as *reality* the motives are usually to detract and suppress
    as in false flag operations. Create an incident, point the blame at another party, persons
    or belief and avoid detection of the true motivations. False flag activities have always been
    associated with the zionists.

    Exploitation within the entertainment industry, which is run by zionists, frequently sets up
    and persecutes innocent people, promotes attention to it’s product and blames someone
    else, if the T.I. gets wise, to the facts, of his/her misadventure.

    It was suggested recently that the unit of anti-semitism, as a measure of level, there of,
    should be the unit of “Gibsons” as in Teslas. Farads, Henries, Amperes, Watts and so forth.

    I do not think anti semitism is worthy of unit quantification, because anti semtism is bullshit, a
    cheap slur, an offensive and slanderous remark used by criminals that hide behind an
    outpost of religion.

    Comment by Robert — August 28, 2011 @ 6:00 am

  833. Blah, Blah, Black sheep have you any wolves ?

    Comment by Robert — August 28, 2011 @ 6:13 am

  834. I posted: “This enemy will never yield to universal love, transcendental piety, sweet reason or moral indignation.” Then Michael you responded: “Agreed. But what if I do?” Answer: What, just switch your emotions like turning off a light bulb? Seriously? And the result? -you ask… Maybe nothing. What are you driving at. Michael?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 29, 2011 @ 3:05 pm

  835. @Aaron “Self honesty is paramount. ” Sure, but i must mention that i’m not free from shivers of love and forgiveness now and then. Comes along with an anxiety disorder – which, somehow, equals deeper understanding without a caring fundament – but there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch, i suppose. So, i’m not estranged from the basic christian virtue “as we forgive those who trespass against us.”. Sometimes, however, i get so bitter and disappointed by the ways and means of my “gangstalking-community”, that “higher attendance” seems unlikely. But then again, like a sunray out of an overcast sky, i get touched by some vibe that changes my mind to the better. Speaking of “strategies”: this can’t be much of a strategy, as it’s much rather some kind of mercy, but it shouldn’t be underestimated at all.
    @Robert “Crime Of The Century” was one of my favourites back then. Never thought it would affect my life in such a non-literal way…

    Comment by Michael — August 29, 2011 @ 4:40 pm

  836. Crime Of The Century, Yes Corrupt police that would do anything to save face, their important informants
    that are paid off in drugs to coerce, create incentives that are usually financial and to silence anyone who
    may see the wrong side of how these so called public servants only cater for themselves, keeping the drug
    crime alive, the politically acceptable ‘economic stimulus package’

    ” You are living with a police informant and a heroin user, see this carbon stain and the back of your spoons ?
    this is evidence of someone using, part of his injection preparations. I was told to watch out for him in 1988,
    that he was an informant and he had set a lot of people up in the Bondi area. Do you understand that the
    Marrickville councilor has it in for you Alexis ? The cops that put this informant in your home, to help you
    with mortgage payments are not your friends, they are friends of the councilor”

    In 1992 I caught up with one of the people that had lived in Bondi and he told me about this police informant
    “No suspicious circumstances, was found dead of an amphetamine overdose” In the later half of December
    1992 I went downstairs from my residential/commercial rental situation, that was above a shop.

    I had a hired video to return (an overnighter) to the video rental place across the street, as a looked down
    the road for oncoming traffic, I noticed a man dressed smartly all in black, wearing sun glasses (it was night-
    time) he was looking in the window of another video store, not the one I was returning the hire to. I realized
    I knew the man, it was Jeremy Saxon Oxley. I approached him and said “hi Jeremy, what are you doing
    here ? ” The response was not what one would expect from someone that you hadn’t seen or spoken to
    for over a year. – “Not now, I’m here on police business, I’m doing some work for the detectives”

    No he wasn’t, he had no business in the area, didn’t want me to see him, as he was stalking me. How little
    I knew back then about this threat to my personal safety. How little I knew about rock & roll, gang stalking
    wanna be stars, which prey upon the potential of another human being, especially when the police aren’t
    going to get involved. That was easily organized and orchestrated – Open Slather – opportunistic Mushroom Recording Artists, now that’s the crime of the century. Oxley – “Multiwin situation for all of us”

    The repetitious hounding in 1995 through to 1996 of this suggestion, at me – “Crime of the Century” the
    Entertainment industry goes on a feeding frenzy to snatch up hounded ‘buzz words’ that they can make
    use of, as mentioned before – attempted approaches to communicate with the attorney Paul D Schindler,
    throughout 1993 and in early 1994 the announcement of the latest ‘speilbinder’ production – Schindler’s
    List. Stalked, harassed, endlessly hounded by industrial disease looking for attention, at someone elses
    expense. The next consequent hounding installment – “There is no Defence”

    They are not your own thoughts and such hounding is a directed assault, usually by the creeps and
    sleaze that are stalking you.

    Comment by Robert — August 30, 2011 @ 12:53 am

  837. Michael, I am confused: First you pose the question “what if” suggesting the contemplation of a deliberate choice, but now you tell me rather that that forgiveness may come to you genuinely. What is your question, then?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 30, 2011 @ 2:03 am

  838. Sorry for the befuddling, it was more of a rhetorical question, remembering that now and then a more “spiritual” attitude helps to get a grip. Not all the way, not for good, but every once in a while. Hoping and praying for more, however.

    Comment by Michael — August 30, 2011 @ 9:24 pm

  839. Whatever quells anxiety, I suppose, but hopefully without also difusing motivation to effective action.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 30, 2011 @ 10:07 pm

  840. Losing my Religion – R.E.M –

    “I set it up, Consider this, Consider this

    – The hint of the century –

    Consider this, The slip that brought me To my knees… failed
    What if all these fantasies Come flailing around”

    “Crime Of The Century” replaced the original lyrics – The hint of the century – this continued from
    1995 through to 1996 when the movie of the same name ” Crime of the Century ” was released.
    “There is no defense” was used as a sub title annexed to a movie with Demi Moore around the
    same time.

    When I listened to a YouTube of REM’s Losing my Religion, today, the *hit* – Crime of the century
    is no longer present, when I listen to tapes, recorded from the radio back in 1995 the *Crime* is
    part of the lyrics.

    So this kind of electronic harassment is performed by someone (those stalking & gas lighting)
    close by with a low power transmitter tuned to the same frequency (or slightly off centre) to dump
    what is called “Splatter” a term to describe over lapping transmissions.

    Those performing such a gas lighting act of harassment do not need to be near the transmitter and
    could be anywhere in the world, monitoring the *reaction* to their projected attacks. Satellite channels
    could easily accommodate this criminal activity. So could standard telecommunications systems, land
    lines etc.

    They just need a creep and a spook house nearby to the targeted person for the transmitter and
    associated surveillance technology. It really is a no brainer after all.

    Exposure of these methods and motivations will (I hope) lessen the effectiveness of such attacks which,
    I believe are used for no purpose, other than exploiting a targeted individual to promote attention to a
    product in the pipeline. From the psychological disturbance comes the wave of psychological attention,
    to some otherwise lame entertainment industry product that is reliant on making someone sick for such
    gainful promotions. The attention so obtained has been acquired criminally.

    This *Gas Lighting* combined with subtle suggestion from street theatre makes for a powerful promotional
    tool when a movie of the same *words* is announced in main stream media.

    Repetitive attempts to talk to Paul D. Schindler throughout 1993 about this type of harassment through Madonna’s recordings, wherever I went, the disturbing drivel would follow, personal aspects of my
    private life interlaced/inserted with her lyrics. These assaults were recordable and reproducible.

    In early 1993, as per the advice of the late Caresse Henry, to report the matter to Madonna’s Attorney
    (Schindler) then to have “SCHINDLERS LIST” pushed in the main stream media in early 1994, after
    being IGNORED by P. D. Schindler for almost a year, which included attempts by phone, fax and even
    sending the man a complaint on video tape, laying out, what was happening to me, in early February of
    1994. Little did I know then, that Schindler was in bed with Gudinski (Festival Mushroom Records) and
    News Corp (Murdoch)

    They are all in it together, they will all fall apart together. Forgive and forget the relentless ? No Way
    I would rather sit back and watch the premier of “Cleansed by Fire” which appears to be the only option
    for justice – death and destruction of their criminal enterprise, through disclosure, will come about closure.

    Comment by Robert — August 31, 2011 @ 1:50 pm

  841. When the incentives for gang stalking, electronic harassment, intimidation, drugging with a mind
    altering substance are financially rewarding, then it is easier to put into perspective the reasons
    why the gang stalking continues.

    When a persons credibility is undermined with suggestion, that is placed by force – “he gave up
    your informant”, for example, which is distorting the facts, then these incidents lesson respect for
    you, by the authorities. Do you need police assistance, they are’nt their for you and then they are
    not in the way of the perpetrators.

    When the gas-lighting is so unbelievable, due to the extent and amount of it, then this is precisely
    what happens – the psychiatrists don’t accept what is being reported and the victims are then further
    abused by the methods outlined in the diagnostics statistics manual (DSM)

    So the shrinks play by the book like any other profession. What happens when the complaint, by the
    victim is proven to be true ? Do the shrinks try to save face by insisting that their diagnosis was correct ?
    They were adhering to the DSM. Do they scratch through information, that they can continue to distort
    or admit that they are party to a crime by siding with the enemy ?

    There is not much point in expecting these people to be sorry, or to compensate for damages, because
    the crime hasn’t stopped, has it ? I only pray for their destruction, for they are beyond any forgiveness,
    evil will eventually meet it’s end and I won’t be bragging about the warnings that were ignored for more
    than a quarter of a century. Their Evil, Biased F**king System.

    A person who I once believed was my friend, said this about a year ago – “You must have done some-
    thing to deserve it” that was the final point in my friendship with this man, as he was becoming more
    and more a friend of the enemy than he had ever been, in the previous 28 years, that I thought I knew
    him. He used to play down the gas-lighting incidents as bullshit and coincidences.

    When I proved otherwise he then maintained an attitude of so f..king what and became more and more
    Hostile, like he had something to hide, something to fear or something to lose and was party to the set-
    up and exploitation. He then sold up all his Assets, inclusive of his house and bought 1.5 million dollars
    of made up, mint stored gold and disappeared out of my life. Coward.

    It was like he was on someone’s payroll, as a controller/handler and that employment opportunity expired.
    Beware of Parasites. Those you might be trusting, may be sleeping with the enemy reporting your
    personal thoughts, behaviour and selling you out – your intellectual property – to the highest bidder, etc.

    They could be keeping more than an eye on you, for their own advantage – So trust no one, live in
    isolation and die is misery…UNLESS the system gets whacked and you get to watch the end of days !
    Now that would be entertaining to a victim.

    Comment by Robert — September 1, 2011 @ 12:57 pm

  842. On a spiritual note –

    Consider that the perpetrators have constructed a wave of exploitation upon your planet, or star, in
    the heavens and are intent on maintaining the wave via the gas-lighting, gang stalking and harassment
    etc. So what can you do ? these fairies are trespassing against your will, they have set up shop on
    distant real estate, that is not theirs to mine and sell out. Cleanse with fire, you are upon this earth
    they are not, they get burnt badly and you dont notice a change in temperature.

    Comment by Robert — September 1, 2011 @ 2:18 pm

  843. There has been heated argument over identifying the topic content of this thread. A better question might be as to our agenda. Once again, I propose discussion upon agenda.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 1, 2011 @ 4:46 pm

  844. Anyone smell the smoke ? – me neither…

    Comment by Robert — September 1, 2011 @ 5:19 pm

  845. Many organizations exist for human rights violations issues, there are even forums dedicated to
    the topics of electronic harassment, gang stalking, gas-lighting, etc with hundreds of contributors,
    that is contributing authors.

    Peacepink comes to mind as being a forum dedicated to this topic. The complaints are, in general
    gripe sessions without any names, methods and the like. Those on such forums, that are naming
    perpetrators and their corporate identities are not attracting the attention of war faring prosecution.

    If the desired END result can’t be obtained by legally ‘kicking butt’ then torch the methods used by
    the perpetrators, their consorting membership and hopefully destroy investor interest to achieve
    the same destructive END results. Simple.

    Comment by Robert — September 1, 2011 @ 5:39 pm

  846. In identifying the root cause, behind such crimes as gang stalking, we first need to accept the that
    the root cause of such evil is MONEY, we need to then expose revenue raking activities to further
    understand the sanctioning of such crimes by our fearless, faceless governments. To persist with
    a protective agenda for organized criminal corporations would be anything but a proactive approach
    to taking such crime A P A R T.

    Expose the financial incentives, embarrass the investors. A certain individual once said “Forgive them
    Father, for they no not what they do” TELL them what they are doing, if they persist then forgive them
    not, burn their evil butts instead.

    Comment by Robert — September 1, 2011 @ 6:04 pm

  847. As I am sure you well understand, Robert, explicit agenda helps dispel the smoke.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 1, 2011 @ 6:07 pm

  848. “we first need to accept the that the root cause of such evil is MONEY”
    …Generally militians used for gang-stalkings are NOT paid…
    …Secret Police officers steal the money for themselves…!!!

    Comment by rscaru — September 1, 2011 @ 6:32 pm

  849. Remember that a lot of the gang stalkers feel good and powerful in their cowardly numbers, if they LEARN
    that they are victimizing an innocent person then, those controllers and handlers of such perpetrator activities
    will attempt to place variations on the rumors, failing that, they then run.

    What is left behind is a neighborhood of frightened locals with blood on their hands, with little chance that
    they will open up to the victim, for fear of prosecution BECAUSE they are/were party to organized crime.

    The only chance then is to get one of them to shoot their mouths off, as in bragging and from what I have
    seen, when this happens, the braggart ends up dead – suicided, controlled ‘accidents’ , no known cause
    of death etc. This, then has a suppressive effect among the remaining “red hands crowd”

    Much of the gang stalking is motivated by money and money talks, mostly shit. So using the same method
    money could be used to track down those that are financially motivated, these are the controllers and
    handlers, forget the low life in the food chain of gang stalking, as they are misguided fools, that submitted
    to the lies and deception, so presented to encourage them.

    Methods of dealing with a king pin (handler/controller) will require informational extraction which could be
    obtained through the use of blackmail, or threats of imprisonment, last resort is getting heavy. Remember
    they are not going to let go of the identity/identities that line their pockets, that easily. Once again from what I have seen, in the past they would die first, suicide – NO – suicided, there is a difference…

    Comment by Robert — September 1, 2011 @ 6:45 pm

  850. Another method of obtaining information, on the motivations of those, that are *in* on the gang stalking
    and harassment is to set them up, this is dangerous as from personal experience they go from covert to
    overt and so, make sure the local law are willing to serve restraining orders, that is apprehended personal violence orders obtained from the local court house.

    In my own experience, of the mid 1990’s the ‘handler’ was not served the orders so obtained from the
    chamber magistrate, the court room clerk could not understand why, after the matter for mention was
    listed 3 times, stood down, out of the list, on the third date.

    Corrupted police, by corrupt politicians sharing the spoils, of the exploitation. The handler was a foreign
    national (British) and well connected, in the entertainment industry business, who was given the chance to
    run, back to England, and run he did (Anthony Perry Gannon)

    Comment by Robert — September 1, 2011 @ 7:13 pm

  851. The set up, involved the low life in the food chain, Gannon’s motivation, besides money was a need to ‘even
    the score with me’ he was led to believe that I was ‘hitting’ on him. Paul Kelly (Festival Mushroom Records)
    wrote a song that included the name Gannon, the same song also included the names Frank & Mary, who
    were my fathers parents names (my grand parents) Gannon knew nothing about Paul Kelly, like a misguided
    missile came after me. He told the low life that he was going to make them rock stars, all they had to do was
    disturb me, that they did – night and day.

    So the handler (Gannon) was not seen as being actively involved in the ongoing disturbance, this is typical
    of handlers and controllers – the use of others to do the dirty work. The set up consisted of playing music
    accompanied by electric bass guitar, I used to play for hours and my private practice sessions were recorded
    for the purpose of intellectual property theft, by Gannon. I recovered an F.M. radio transmitter and microphone
    from underneath my studio room, this after I saw Gannon go under the house, when he thought I was out
    one day.

    What I did was then to play parts of songs, never to finish them, then to go to another song, with a
    completely different arrangement, sometimes a jazz part, sometimes rock and not fluent or saleable
    as a piece – incomplete, not arranged.

    One day the low life came down and punched a hole in my front door…with threats of violence and
    attempted unlawful entry to action the threats, assault none the less.

    The unfinished songs were none of their business anyway, I wasn’t selling tickets to a gig. Numerous
    Bass guitar lines, inclusive of melodies played on the same and different instruments ‘popped’ up over
    the next few years in numerous songs of commercial release and success, by artists that I had never
    heard of and those that I didn’t want to know.

    I refused to listen to, or submit to any product releases by Madonna, vacated stores if the background
    music went Madonna, Take-Over’s of the radio station by a local transmitter with knowledge of what the
    stores, that I regularly shopped at, tuned into, by the stalkers OR by – payola – that is, the stalkers ring
    the radio station, tell them what the next song is going to be…and how much it is going to be worth to them.
    A brand new copy of “something to remember” was pushed under my door, not a single finger print
    on the packaging. Subtle disturbance + T.I. = attention to starving artist – starved of T.I’s attention.

    The low life were arrested, cautioned and served with restraining orders. They were never charged for the
    assault on the premises, the threats of violence, etc. The reason ? according to the police officer (Amanda
    Devine) “They have no prior convictions” One of the low life, in the gang stalking food chain was named
    Robert Hooker, the other remained nameless – we’re *gonna* be rock stars was their chant… There goes
    the name ‘Robert’ again, moving in on top for a little game of identity theft, assault, threats of violence
    thuggery, theft of intellectual property – as in assisted theft, there of. Low life’s ideas on what Rock n Roll
    is about. Gannon’s chant – “He’s got a ticket – use it or lose it”

    Comment by Robert — September 1, 2011 @ 8:54 pm

  852. On September 1, 2011 @ 6:32 pm rscaru posted:
    “we first need to accept the that the root cause of such evil is MONEY”
    …Generally militians used for gang-stalkings are NOT paid…
    …Secret Police officers steal the money for themselves…!!!

    Reply: How do gang stalkers qualify as a militia? -All gang stalkers without exception?

    Also, as a generality, indeed it might be reasonable to assert that secret police tend to be corrupt and criminal. Or is there any further inference as to actual current circumstances?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 2, 2011 @ 6:21 pm

  853. “Or is there any further inference as to actual current circumstances”

    Inference is speculation, this is useless and only maintains the non values in the topic, as it has no evidential
    purpose that enables further investigations and so leads nowhere. Names, Dates, actual events and not speculative drivel is what is required to assist with a workable agenda, to expose and dismantle the systems
    of gang stalking. If the motivations for gang stalking lack associative directions to the financiers, then the
    topic goes nowhere, a futile exercise in time wasting.

    Comment by Robert — September 3, 2011 @ 12:32 am

  854. Incidents that are re-occurring are not coincidences and collective input on such events can then be regarded
    as patterns. Patterning is an important part of gang stalking. Repetitive noise campaigns, whereby the noise
    is someone creating the patterns of repetitious noise that lacks productive purpose.

    For an example of patterning, via noise campaigns –

    A neighbor close by to the T.I. will come out every second night at the same time and start picking up pieces
    of timber from a stack of building materials and drop them on the stack, to set up the noise. They will do this
    over and over, they are not looking for a specific piece of timber and their activity is without purpose. It occurs
    at the same time of 11pm, every second night.

    When the T.I. silently reacts, that is they focus on the noise source and the person making the noise stops, walking away calling out loudly – “Up Him, Up Him, put him up”

    Question – Up to What ?

    Comment by Robert — September 3, 2011 @ 4:02 am

  855. In early 1993 I received a phone call from Jeremy Saxon Oxley, “I am the pharaoh Tutankhamen”
    I thought and said what the f*ck are you on about Jeremy ? His response –

    “You are up for psychiatric evaluation” he then hung up. What happened then was I was overcome by
    this high pitched noise, that is not unlike the symptoms of a tinnitus attack, the left hand side of my head
    was hurting, like there was some kind of pressure upon it.

    Comment by Robert — September 3, 2011 @ 4:31 am

  856. It wasn’t until March of 1995 that I had memories of Jeremy messing with my frozen food, all I remembered was
    the effects of the poisoning and self hospital admission on the evening of the 30th of December 1992, which
    was within about half hour of eating the food, that Oxley had dosed.

    When the poison, mind altering substance took effect, my visions went to everything looking like I was looking through red cellophane, total loss of balance, as I remember having to follow a path towards help by leaning against a wall. I do not know what these are the symptoms of, the food was fine before Oxley *adjusted* it.

    I was picked up, off the street footpath by the shop owner, the shop that was open, that I was headed towards for help – “Wake up, wake up – you can’t stay here” was what I remember as I came out of being unconscious, with the shop owner shaking me up. I had my pager on me and my wallet, but my keys had gone missing.

    I prepared the food, personally and froze what I didn’t consume, on the night of preparation. There were no
    problems with eating this food, when I had made it fresh and ate part of it. This rules out food poisoning.

    So covert drugging, as part of gang stalking activities was first revealed to me in 1992, although memories, of
    the event were not until March of 1995.

    Comment by Robert — September 3, 2011 @ 5:52 am

  857. Find my standing rebuttal to all of such as above tripe, now extensively revised and expanded, at:

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 3, 2011 @ 7:22 pm

  858. It’s a pity one of the moderators dont do something about Aaron Agassi’s use of this forum
    topic to continually promote attention to his own interests to his Quest for being a Fool.

    Their is nothing relevant or related to gang stalking, harassment & intimidation at the site
    he keeps pushing and so he pushes harassment & intimidation at victims of gang stalking
    on this site. A perpetrator set to defend the criminals behind the gang stalking.

    Comment by Robert — September 4, 2011 @ 3:38 am

  859. Quoth the flaming Neo Nazi troll

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 4, 2011 @ 7:05 am

  860. Not everyone that has been exploited by the Zionist network are Nazi. Get a life Agassi.
    Do you regard the theft of Palestine by the Jews, mainly of Russian & Polish extraction
    to be fair ? Do you think Palestinians are Nazis, Aaron ? So when someone tells their
    personal story of being exploited by the zionist network, you reject it, call them anti –
    semites and persecute them. Like I said – PERPETRATOR, you have no constructive
    input on this forum, persecuting victims by suggesting that their stories are Bullshit.
    How dare you, at least if someone wishes to know what you look like because they
    might like to find you and have a *talk* to you…

    Reading your profile on foolquest, pretty much sums you up –

    and the bottom line of your profile –

    Seeking, always, happiness with: “a partner in crime.”

    indicates what you are, a career criminal in gang stalking, a perpertrator. So who’s payroll do you hope to be on ?

    Comment by Robert — September 4, 2011 @ 8:21 am

  861. Once again, damned in his own words, better than i ever could!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 4, 2011 @ 9:19 am

  862. “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a fraudulent antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for achieving global domination.”

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 4, 2011 @ 9:31 am

  863. Aaron when will you accept that the entertainment industry is run by Jews ? Do you wish to argue that
    point ? Look at what happened to Gibson & Sheen. Do you think that the controlling entities stop their
    program of persecution of anyone that exposes ‘criminal trade practices’ or abuses their *business* ?

    I had no ill will towards Jews, until I realized I had been set-up and exploited by Jews in the entertainment
    industry and then abused by Jewish psychiatrists, upon complaint of the *program* put in place to prevent
    me exposing the rock and roll farce. Then stalked and harassed by them with the intent of criminalizing
    me, that is, when the psychiatric method failed to suppress memories of the exploitation, as they didn’t
    want my story out there, but they had a vested interest in maintaining the exploitation of me. If the
    source of the heat dies, so does all shit clinging to it (parasites)

    2 years of being exploited between 1980 & 1982, scum that I could have sued and ruined. Not to mention
    the amount of damage that would have been done to the industry, so reliant upon such exploitation via
    mental molestation and targetting.

    They know all to well how effective neuroleptic drugs are at washing away a persons memories of events,
    the drugs combined with repetitive suggestion, or if you like, drug induced hypnotic state and patterning
    with repetition. “you are feeling sleepy” – major tranquilizer instead, that is psychiatry.

    Now days it is obvious that when you are dealing with a pack of cowards Ruin then Sue is the order.
    Publicly expose their crimes, so they have no defense. Win Destructively, like war – no one really wins
    but the game ends. How hard a victim will fight, just to lose the shit that are hanging on tight and recover
    the freedom of thoughts they had once known, their birth rites. Freedom of choice – the creators will.

    It is not a coincidence that those that set me up, exploited and then via psychiatry, abused me, then
    attempts at criminalizing my life. They are all Jews, this is my story, my evidence and no ones to
    refute. It is evidence, of an evil crime pertaining to a group of evil criminals hiding behind a religion.
    2 hits is a coincidence, 3 or more is a pattern.

    You have no rights attempting to discredit any victims of gang stalking, so why persist ? You are here for
    no other purpose other than to attempt to undermine what others have to say, you misguide then attack

    Get a life, maybe an occupation away from other peoples problems, which you are intent on sadistically
    intensifying, with scant regard for others and the damage and suffering you cause. You target victims.
    A friendly warning – watch your back. You want people to look at and talk about you but watch out for
    those that might come after you, these types of forums are not about advertising space for ‘Aaron’

    Your intentions seem to be confusing what others are saying about their own experiences and you don’t
    have a personal story, of your own to tell. You are NOT a victim of Gang Stalking or D.E.W’s, because
    you know very little about the subject and lump all aspects under the generalization – Bullying, which is
    compound *white-washing* – the practice of those who function in defense of crime.

    Aaron you have nothing further to offer and use the site to promote attention to what appears to be your
    own website, or a site you have a vested interest in, which seems to be about pyramid/ponzi schemes.

    Your preoccupation with this forum topic is parasitic & perverse. WHAT DO YOU WANT ? because you
    have nothing to offer, of your own story or advice to other victims. Forget Advertising space for Aaron.

    If you have a look at V2K Smoking Gun @ WordPress your only post has been removed.

    Comment by Robert — September 4, 2011 @ 12:16 pm

  864. Aaron Quote –

    “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a fraudulent antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for achieving global domination.”

    Aaron – You selectively read what you want to believe and discredit anything else. Did Israel sign the
    nuclear arms treaty ? NO Does Israel have a nuclear weapons program ? YES. It is at Dimona.
    Where did they get the materials from ? They have money, they have contacts everywhere.
    So do you consider that a Jew with a bomb is a threat, I do.

    Don’t you think that those with *the bomb* are thugs and bullies ? What other types of thuggery and
    psychological manipulation, besides terrorisation of their neighbors, from stolen territory are they into ?
    False Flag terrorism is psychological manipulation combined with violence – “BANG” it wasn’t us, it was
    them. The media, inclusive of the entertainment industry and it’s products are a powerful means of
    corrupting freedom of thought, blinding the population on what actually is, or has occurred.

    What could happen (and does) to people that think outside the square ? What if victims could produce
    enough evidence on the major motivations of gang stalking, in such a way, that can’t be played down OR
    suppressed. James Murdoch is in the news again with regards his prior knowledge of the phone hacking
    scandal, organised crime, privacy violations. Gang Stalking made easy, they know where you are, where
    you are going – your phone is hacked, here comes the gang stalking paparazzi again.

    Do you think it is only wealthy media moguls that can finance hack & track ? Electronic Surveillance, at
    a simple level – the private sector, not government or military. Gang Stalking – the private sector, not
    government or military.

    Comment by Robert — September 4, 2011 @ 1:29 pm

  865. I am keenly interested in all subject matter of conversation that you are plainly so determined to drown out. If you don’t want us to talk about it, then we all probably should pay closer attention exactly thereto. All of your allegations are barking mad! You are nothing but a blustering blowhard and a tool of the lunatic fringe!

    You are sidestepping the long well established fraudulence of the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’, a document in which you place such high stock. So I hardly deny the prominence of the Jews in the Entertainment Industry for decades using Sitcoms to advance tolerance, and in alignment with the Democrats, raising money and fighting tirelessly against the oppression of the Bush administration supported by the Plutocratic rightwing consolidation of control of the mainstream news media. George Soros is my hero! So there.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 4, 2011 @ 6:18 pm

  866. Ignorance is not an excuse to abuse, you really need an education on the entertainment industries occultist
    activities. I have made no allegations, I have presented evidence, facts, names & dates and to an uneducated
    ‘punter’ this would come across as out there and quite mad. But an abusive ‘punter’ is a perpetrator and has
    an agenda of protecting such crimes from public mainstream attention and like a desperate, will only attack.

    Any victims of this crime no all to well, the crime simulates mental illness, according to the interpretations that
    have been selectively derived from the pages of the D.S.M. by the consulting doctor or mental health care

    Schizophrenia can’t be recorded on audio media, Gaslighting that simulates schizophrenia can. To dismiss
    evidence so presented, by a victim without discussion, to attack the victim is the activities of a cheap perp or an
    idiot. To reject what someone is saying about their victimization is a desperate perpetrator, clearly with
    something to lose.

    Those that were in on the Gaslighting will tell you that they can’t perceive any difference between your tape
    and the C.D while others might say ‘E.V.P’ or there is something else on the tapes besides the artists originally intended lyrics. The ‘splatter’ won’t mean a real lot to those other than the T.I. because that is who it is directed
    at. The splatter are words that are part of patterning or triggers for sought responses based on the working
    theory of mind control.

    Your American politics and alignment of the Jews with the Democrats is a local, national theme and has ZERO
    or very little to do with the topic of Gang Stalking and directed energy weapons, harassment and intimidation
    but I am sure Aaron has more to offer on the latter of harassment and intimidation. Besides, from what I have
    seen of the 2 party pack of American politics the Jews have their fingers in both party pies.

    Comment by Robert — September 5, 2011 @ 2:15 am

  867. Mythical directed energy weapons have nothing to do with the reality of harassment and intimidation. And just out of curiosity, under what circumstance might you consider taking a diagnosis of schizophrenia more seriously?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 5, 2011 @ 3:14 am

  868. Directed Energy Weapons – Myth Busting –

    A practical demonstration of the reality of harassment and
    intimidation using a directed acoustic energy weapon –

    Go fetch Aaron ! or live in denial of readily accessible technology. It works on the principle of a phased array
    and the principle was around before this inventor acquired this patent, for something already understood in
    the art. People could be persecuted night and day, with such a device and surely your not that stupid to
    deny it’s weapons capability along such lines. It was not a secret government financed industrial military
    complex project, once again – THE PRIVATE SECTOR –

    Comment by Robert — September 5, 2011 @ 6:12 am

    • The above video link has been broken, but here’s the deal on the technology –

      Comment by Robert — March 30, 2015 @ 9:32 am

      • once again the link to You Tube has been ‘pulled’ so again –

        Comment by Robert — September 15, 2016 @ 4:01 pm

  869. If you are talking about ultrasound for harassment, then the woofers are off the shelf at Radio Shack. And so, indeed, you take my point that a neighbor bully could do it, quite without help from mythic global shadowy cabals! But then, such would be detectable and more readily prosecutable. However, if you believe that the voices in your head are from directional sound, then have you tried actually getting in contact with Dr. Joe Pompei for advice? You should also probably rule out radio reception from your dental work. But if none of that pans out, then will you then finally consider shopping around for a good shrink?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 5, 2011 @ 8:38 am

  870. Once again you show your ignorance of the technology, inclusive of terminology. Ultrasound is Ultrasonic
    meaning beyond the range of human hearing, in which the human hearing fails to perceive sound beyond
    20,000 Hertz (20KHz) Woofers are low frequency transducers of acoustic radiation and by design are not
    capable of high frequency (Ultrasonic) reproduction, this is the area for tweeters, compression drivers,
    ribbon based transducers.

    Another constraint on the transducer, of the type used in HiFi equipment is directivity, that is HiFi
    transducers are omni-directional, that is the sound disperses in all directions and is not focused or hyper directional. Phase arrays are what is required to focus the sound so it is directional and not dispersed off

    Dr. Joe Pompei is not the only one behind directional sound and Ultrasonic phase array systems, another
    American inventor (Woody Norris) of much the same thing –

    So directional sound could very well have it’s inspiration derived from the phase array telescope dishes
    that occupy real estate in certain deserts…Maybe they have patents for a different means of achieving
    the same results. Maybe the ideas were obtained from an expired patent. A lot of people would regard
    the fibre optic link as recent technology but the photo phone was built and tested by Bell Laboratories
    a hundred years ago.

    You really shouldn’t comment on things you poorly, or don’t wish to understand Aaron. It reinforces
    popular opinion – perp. There are people that have been victimized and had their lived ruined by a
    combination of governing factors called patterning and this isn’t to generate human guinea pigs for
    pig pharma research or Manchurian candidates.

    Comment by Robert — September 5, 2011 @ 10:14 am

  871. Voices in the head, they do not emanate from within the skull, they appear to lack direction and are quite often
    piggy backed onto another noise source, say an exhaust fan that has a constant spectral density of acoustic

    Many victims have complained about the ‘voices’ coming from the television, even when the sound
    is turned off, these were the old CRT based T.V. sets and my research revealed that these sets constantly
    emitted a very high pitch at around 15KHz which is ideal for piggy backing voice modulated, near ultrasonic
    harassment upon.

    Numerous systems have made use of this phenomenon inclusive of self help products (tapes) and anti theft (deterrent) systems in stores. The hearing mechanism detects a high pitch frequency or maybe it isn’t heard,
    the brain (temporal lobe) decodes the voice modulation and viola – artificial schizophrenia.

    Comment by Robert — September 5, 2011 @ 1:25 pm

  872. You nitpick me on the tech, and sidestep me on Scientific Method. What I want to know is: will you be consulting anyone like Dr. Joe Pompei or Dionyssis Angelopoulos who actually work with directed sound? Put up or shut up: That which you allege would be detectable. Is your hypothesis scientific, testable with specific conditions of refutation? And if it doesn’t pan out, what conclusion would you then draw, and what might you do differently?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 5, 2011 @ 5:37 pm

  873. Aaron Quote – ” What I want to know is ” –

    You go and do your own research, I am not here to your bidding. Firstly you described the technology
    and it’s applications as mythical, regards psychological weapons use of such technology, then you were
    shown two systems. You clearly wan’t someone else to do your homework for you and if they don’t, you
    abuse them – “Put up or shut up” Aaron – Get Busy, GET LOST!

    You seem to have a lot of time on your hands, so once again – You go and do your own research.

    Dr. Pompei contends that the technology will take time for consumers to get used to.

    Schizophrenia is the new ad gimmick, How soon will it be until in addition to the
    do-not-call list, we’ll have a ‘do not beam commercial messages into my head’ list ?

    “There’s going to be a certain population sensitive to it. But once people see what it
    does and hear for themselves, they’ll see it’s effective for getting attention,”
    Dr. Pompei said.

    The entertainment industry indeed relies on various methods of obtaining attention, through psychological
    disturbance, of the unsuspecting for example. Once these parasites have your attention they don’t let go,
    holding on tight for an exploitive ride, without consent. Gang Stalking is just another means of maintaining
    the disturbance and therefore the attention they require, for their ongoing exploitational success. Parasites.

    Comment by Robert — September 5, 2011 @ 11:32 pm

  874. Pompei Quote –

    “If you really want to annoy a lot of people, a loudspeaker is the best way to do it”

    “If you set up a loudspeaker on the top of a building, everybody’s going to hear that noise.
    But if you’re only directing that sound to a specific viewer, you’re never going to hear a
    neighbor complaint from street vendors or pedestrians. The whole idea is to spare other people.”
    End Quote.

    Not to mention the nefarious applications of a directed assault, upon an individual without any witnesses.
    “Did you hear that” – Hear what ? So the technology is not widely accepted as being a reality,

    Until Yesterday Aaron believed –
    “Mythical directed energy weapons”

    the man is a fool (with a quest)

    Comment by Robert — September 5, 2011 @ 11:57 pm

  875. That’s not what I asked at all.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 6, 2011 @ 2:22 am

  876. One day singer song-writers, script-writers and musicians will start, once again with truly original pieces
    and claim originality for their work. They won’t have to dump all over someone else for attention.

    Journalists won’t have to rely on illegal phone taps, bugging devices and the interception of *private* correspondence for a story. One day, married couples won’t see more value in another couples
    relationship and patterning (programming) via the media will bite the dust.

    Until then, the problems of perversion and behavioral modification, bending normality via freedom of
    thought and privacy (which no longer exists) into ‘clockwork’ will sadly remain. One part of gang stalking
    that needs to be understood further, is subliminal coercion and that is, many gang stalking operatives (individuals) don’t even know that they are stalking – subliminal messaging like “it doesn’t matter, keep an
    eye on him”

    I have already indicated the technology that is capable of this type of suggestion, nothing ‘mystical’
    about it. The difficult part of the equation is convincing the stalker that they are submitting to such a
    program of *hidden* suggestion. They tend to believe it was their own thoughts, for a higher cause.

    So how can they be educated about those behind such manipulation, when they think it’s entertainment
    and they can just “pull the plug” How can we teach people to “mind their own business” ? The battle
    for *your* mind, advertising that aims to sell a refrigerator, to an Eskimo. Do we need this ? but your
    thoughts are no longer your own – “It will stop the food from freezing”

    Comment by Robert — September 7, 2011 @ 3:12 pm

  877. Still not what I asked you at all.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 7, 2011 @ 3:22 pm

  878. Some useful info for victims (not perps) and a means of presenting T.I. related problems, can be found here –

    The opening contributing author suggests a global organization for T.I’s that “shoots arrows” instead of
    individuals that, with such isolation presented to them, would be only capable of “shooting darts” sounds
    like a good idea, so victim complaints are “louder” than the whisper of the victim, in isolation, suffering

    This opening author is Paul Baird, Aaron has already labeled Paul’s website (Surveillance Issues) –
    as “more crank bullshit” but with the other contributing factors of Aarons continued Negativity,
    abuse of Victim reports and his attempts at dismissing D.E.W’s “as mythical” Aaron has painted a
    broader picture, of himself, that no amount of solvent abuse could remove – PERPETRATOR.
    So, Victims – please ignore him and he may GO AWAY ! Fingers crossed.

    Comment by Robert — September 7, 2011 @ 11:14 pm

  879. Solvents that may assist a perpetrator in removal of the baked on self portrait (personal image, projected
    to others) 2 pack baked Urethanes – Pyrrollidone (N-Methyl-2-Pyrrollidone, also known as N.M.P) and
    if a fully heat cured 2 pack Polyester – Di-Chloro-Methane with multiple applications with intermediate
    scrapping of the softened layers… Then again, why help a perp’ that has also painted itself into a corner ?

    Comment by Robert — September 8, 2011 @ 2:14 am

  880. Why should anyone believe any of your loony incoherent so called reports when you are so plainly evasive and abusive, ever thrashing straw men and quoting out of context?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 8, 2011 @ 2:29 am

  881. In perusal of various YouTube documentary evidence of D.E.W’s, is also MICROWAVE based systems.

    What has been adequately covered above is directed acoustic technology. Far more sinister is the app’s
    for physical AND psychological damage that can be done, to a targeted individual or even a group of people
    and mentioned in the interview between an ex-military microwave expert and a doctor (both British) is the
    platform of this weapons beginnings in Russia.

    The microwave expert mentions the Moscow affair, this took place for over 2 decades, whereby the embassy
    staff (American) in Moscow were continually zapped (irradiated) he doesn’t mention what the Americans did,
    for short term relief, when they found out about it. Mysterious fire in the building housing the weapon…

    Comment by Robert — September 8, 2011 @ 3:40 am

  882. The sad part about radiating people with microwave is that, besides being sadistically cruel, it leaves
    no evidence. Stealth I.O.W. The other sad part is it makes use of the good will by a much maligned
    inventor – William Rife.

    Rife came up with the list of frequencies that had therapeutic benefits for treating various disorder &
    illness, much to the bitterness of the horse & cart (little) pharma sales, before it was BIG PHARMA
    with their – make them sick and sell them a cure businesses.

    Rife’s frequencies could and are used for setting the pulse duration and repetition rates for pulsed
    microwave weapons technology, as in – what makes you better, can also make you ill and kill you.
    In the above video Barrie mentions a pulse rate of 6.5 cycles/sec that aggressively stimulates male
    sexual behavior, without Big Pharma’s Viagra.

    Some T.I’s attest to being sexually stimulated, that is of course rape & assault, because there was NO
    permission granted, they were not asked and so there was no consent and no evidence of such testing
    taking place. So who could be put on trial for such hideous and evil, human rites violations ? Who is
    conducting the non consented testing ? Look at those with money, aiming at keeping it. A minority to
    report. But a powerful and biased lobby group, all the same – the shit with’s.

    Comment by Robert — September 8, 2011 @ 4:49 am

  883. More non sequitur.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 8, 2011 @ 5:03 am

  884. The Shit’s With –

    The American – “are you kidding, we’re a basket case, economically speaking”

    The Englishman – “Excuse me, we were before them”

    The German – A Michael Quote – “Germoney”

    Anyone Else ?

    Comment by Robert — September 8, 2011 @ 5:39 am

  885. BTW, where did Trower teach?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 8, 2011 @ 6:26 am


    Comment by Robert — September 10, 2011 @ 3:21 am

  887. test……………………………………………………============================================

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 10, 2011 @ 5:59 am

  888. Testing 1, 2, 3, 4

    Selective hearing version –

    Testing Wan’t to Free Fall.

    Comment by Robert — September 10, 2011 @ 6:45 am

  889. Gang Stalking & Harassment,

    Indeed makes use of ‘selective hearing’ whereby street theatre makes use of this phoneme similarity –

    Lsa Lbe lrcs –

    “and you say – I only hear what I want to”

    Private (presumed) conversation with my attorney cousin – early 1993

    Cousin – You know what your problem is Robert, you suffer from selective hearing

    Me –

    ” are you saying – I only hear what I want to”

    This pilfered, perversion of my privacy was quickly on sold to a nobody in the U.S of A and became a
    Million dollar hit record, the public attention to the product was garnered from the illegal phone tap, a
    Heated conversation that was then turned into a saleable product, stolen heat – to prop up an otherwise
    Lame entertainment “hit”. It would not have received the attention that it did without the privacy violation,
    the use of pre – release repetition directed back at the T.I. to maintain the thoughts and feelings, that
    were associated with the *private* conversation.

    Comment by Robert — September 10, 2011 @ 7:36 am

  890. The scum, that cash in on the royalty cheques would only suggest, “I thought he was a dump site, on
    the same wave-length” “I didn’t know he was a star”

    Comment by Robert — September 10, 2011 @ 7:56 am

  891. AND SO ?

    Witch Murderous Murdoch, acquired a position in Festival Mushroom Records ?

    Time to go home ‘James’

    Evidence of your illegal phone taps, screwing the non-public, yet pilfered talents, tooooo much evidence
    you taxing fellow RATBAG. WOW 1993 ? and you just couldn’t account for the expenditure ? O.K what
    about the revenue you were raking ?

    Comment by Robert — September 10, 2011 @ 8:14 am

  892. Go seek some more professional *corporate* help…

    Comment by Robert — September 10, 2011 @ 8:33 am

  893. bribes

    Comment by Robert — September 10, 2011 @ 8:44 am

  894. What I am saying is that Barrie Trower ET AL are barely more credible than ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ and that what is certainly selective on your part, is the evidence you consider. You gather corroboration, no matter how dubious, without also seeking refutation in order to detect error.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 10, 2011 @ 9:47 am

  895. Aaron, it’s simple – you are simply an idiot.

    Comment by Robert — September 11, 2011 @ 1:44 am

  896. No, there it is again. Selective something, I guess!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 11, 2011 @ 3:15 am

  897. Must happen to you too, Robert. It might explain your selective answers! Or maybe you are just an evasive liar, so easily reduced to name calling.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 11, 2011 @ 3:17 am

  898. From the evidence, so presented and the technology that can be used to expose this psychological terror,
    those party to it no longer have a place to hide. The motivations of this criminal activity become clear and
    those making money out, or intent on defense of the crime, have exposed themselves. To willfully reject
    such claims, by victims is corruption. When the sanctioning of such crimes is maintained and the guilty
    continue to evade morality and justice, then this sets the precedence for a war against such terrorists and
    those with money continue to prosper, as they generally invest in the consumables of such a war.

    False Flag waving also comes into the equation and those not responsible are abused by those that are
    the guilty, with associative gains in mind.

    Comment by Robert — September 11, 2011 @ 3:34 am

  899. Your standard response: More of the same pointless inane screed.Anyone who calls you out must be an agent of conspiracy!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 11, 2011 @ 4:24 am

  900. Aaron’s Corner –
    He painted himself into it, the sad part –
    he enjoys being cornered.

    Comment by Robert — September 11, 2011 @ 7:09 am

  901. Perpetrator Checklist –

    Call the T.I. a conspiracy theorist.
    Attempt to Discredit supported Evidence.
    Apply Negativity to Victim Comments/Complaints.
    Bow Out gracefully when a Victim presents Misinformation.
    Recover as much personal information, about the Victim, or try.
    Use personal victim information and attempt to embarrass the Victim.
    Play down important evidence with comments asking about the relevance.
    Side track any issues of evidential value and point the finger at those not involved.
    Be supportive of the victim and maintain the victims delusional content, with hyped up input.
    Attack discrepancies in the victims personal story, apply “but you said” where it is appropriate to.
    Apply misunderstanding to the core of the victims complaint and maintain false interpretations when possible.
    Abuse the victim with words and phrases, not commonly used in day to day conversation and repeat these.
    Maintain a line of questioning, of the victim to topics that lead the victim away from the facts of their targeting.
    Be supportive of psychiatry and pharmaceutical industries abuse of victims that are aware of their targeting.
    Promote attention to non topic information and misguide victims to contribute to off topic themes.
    Apply the reinforcement of unqualified diagnosis in support of the deliberate misdiagnosis.
    Increase the level of questioning to maintain misadventure and blame the victim.
    Support the extremes of negativity “You must have done something to deserve it”
    Tell the victim (the targeted individual) that they are the perpetrator/stalker.
    Reinforce negativity and ignorance to upset the targeted individual.
    When the victim is at a loss to understand why, apply delusion.
    Maintain the final word, even when it is a drivel comment.

    There is much more that could be added to this checklist, what is here is only applicable to Aaron the Perp.
    I don’t wish to drive the man away from his abuses, of targeted individuals on this forum blog spot. Why ? –

    It is worthwhile having a forum topic such as this, whereby anyone can point the finger at a living and active
    internet trawling perpetrator, that sets out to undermine victims complaints, that are useful in helping other
    targeted individuals in coming to terms with their own victimization, exploitation or psychological disabling by
    those so intent on such crimes and privacy violations.

    I am gratefully appreciative we have an active perpetrator, such as Aaron on this forum who has passed, with honors in completing, successfully the requirements, as per the perpetrator checklist. Sadly we only have
    one such perp, nothing to draw comparisons against…

    Comment by Robert — September 11, 2011 @ 10:54 am

  902. Straw man and Ad Hominem. You know full well that you have not ansewred so much as a single word of anything I actually said. And anyone reading can see that.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 11, 2011 @ 1:29 pm

  903. Little point in educating a perpetrator, the perp(s) are only interested in pushing victims over the edge.
    The best approach when dealing with a trawling perpetrator is to either ignore them and apply the same
    but inverted method to push the perp over the edge OR by continuing to tell the personal story of how
    one was victimized, provide sound evidence of what is very much hidden from common understandings
    and when sufficient information is posted, call in the heavy weights by promoting attention to the writing
    of an industries associated criminal practices and how such crime was sanctioned by authorities that are corrupted.

    There are a large number of *game* players who have many victims locked up in uneventful lives, these
    game players will have little to look forward to, as progressively the truth about their activities become
    less and less tolerable. Once their criminal advantage, through their deception is more widely understood
    then the interest in supporting them is diminished. The News of the World crimes is an example, but the
    activities of illegal phone taps, gas-lighting, paying off employees to shut up, gang stalking and intimidating
    whistle blowers, murder made to look like suicide is only the tip of the iceberg.

    When the corrupted authorities can no longer run or hide, from their part in sanctioning this crime then the
    way the game ends is death by natural causes, no suspicious circumstances. Nothing to look forward to
    for those in on it, except death and self destruction, misery and depression and no new blood with any
    interest in selling themselves out, a one way ticket, down a one way street, at speed into a cliff face.

    I warned those that sold me out in 1992 that I wasn’t prepared to go through the misadventure again and
    would only be destructive of everything that they had acquired, at my expense. They are slow to learn
    and are only holding the reigns of death, their own. They become drained of energy, can’t function and
    accept – what’s the use ? AND die. “The spell they cast upon another, they cast upon themselves”
    Everything they once lived for, like the exploitation of another ceases to exist for them. The Damned.

    When a Parasite no longer has anything to prey upon, like the mind of human being, then the parasite
    indeed looses it’s meal ticket – it’s mind. I saw the desperation of many parasites, in the entertainment
    industry, that this happened to, they are termed ‘wasted talents’ and many end up dead, even when they
    are multi millionaires, they lose their ‘ride’ and can’t jump on anyone else, then they lose their minds and
    lives. They lived onboard the spirit of another, they had pinned down and rolled – parasites. The *FAN*
    club does the bidding for the parasites, the fan club is a psychologically controlled group of Gang Stalkers.
    False god worship comes with a price tag…The wrath of a jealous god.

    Comment by Robert — September 11, 2011 @ 3:03 pm

  904. No, you.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 11, 2011 @ 6:19 pm

  905. I have attempted to be civil with you, but have utterly failed to engage you in critical thinking. I have successfully encouraged you to expose yourself in all of your hostility, dishonesty, evasion and sheer long winded unintelligibility.

    Robert, if there is a perpetrator here, then look for him in your bathroom mirror! How so? Thus:

    1) You are a flamer, an online bully, an chronic abusive liar.
    2) You are a bigot engaged in scapegoating hate speech that serves to cover for the lunatic fringe actually most engaged in gang stalking and worse.
    3) You are a conspiracisist, serving up the “poison pill” of implausible fantasy that by indelible association serves to discredit the entire concept, the very notion of gang stalking at all, rather than actually drawing concerned attention to the very real problems of community mobbing and harassment.
    4) Indeed, you are aligned with the forces for inaction: You virulently oppose all agenda discussion, all collaboration, all action, save for the ever wider dissemination of the same endless drivel as described in the previous numbered points, on all online forums.
    5) You are such a tiresome incoherent blow hard!! Seriously.

    Now go ahead a buttress my point by launching into yet another inane screed or by entirely sidestepping my points with more empty and utterly irrelevant non sequitur hostility, Ad Hominem and straw man arguments. Because that’s all you’ve got.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 11, 2011 @ 9:07 pm

  906. Still nothing about Aaron’s Victimization, because he is not a Victim. More of the perp’s push push push.

    In the above writing he attempted to satisfy many of the points on the checklist of determining a perp, seems
    pointless as from his first writings, before my entries on the topic, he was abusing victims and many that were
    on the topic before him gave the abuse back and ceased contributing. At one point there was no input, from
    anyone, Aaron had made the last comment and the topic remained dormant for over a month. See this for
    yourself, the forum blog space hadn’t been locked and Aaron had succeeded in driving out victims and their

    This is indicative of a thug’s presence attempting to derail a sensitive issue as victims can’t deal with it.

    Perpetrators that trawl the net attacking victim complaints have one goal – undermine, derail and shut down
    what becomes dormant, as the forum owners will see little point in paying for the real estate an idle topic
    blog spot occupies. The perpetrators quest has therefore been accomplished and they get paid for such
    a disruptive act, by those, that don’t want such blog spots around, it cramps their style.

    Comment by Robert — September 12, 2011 @ 12:30 am

  907. Your groundless acusations aside, Robert: Again, if you really wanted more information about my own experience, then you’d actually ask questions. This is a matter both personal and sensitiver. As it stands, you have only denegrated my own ordeal, because it doesn’t fit your own loony mythology. So why do you harp on this when you are crearly not interested at all? And why should I subject myself to more of your abuse? You can take all of that bogus support group behavioral structure and shove it up your ass!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 12, 2011 @ 1:07 am

  908. So would you refresh everyones memories, please Aaron on what your victimization and targeting involved.

    Please check your spelling also – ‘sensitiver’ and ‘crealy’ don’t sit to well and tend to indicate something
    scratched in haste.

    Comment by Robert — September 12, 2011 @ 3:24 am

  909. I’ll have to think it over. Bashing typos doesn’t promote the requisite sense of safety for personal disclosure. And “refresh our memories” is not a question.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 12, 2011 @ 3:32 am

  910. What many victims of Gang Stalking and DEW’s should think about are the reasons, who would go to such an
    extent and expense to drive them into such a dilemma ? Stupidity would suggest Government Agents, this would
    indicate the Cold War is not over and the Stazi are still operational in Germany. Perhaps the first line of thought
    would be – Who has something to gain from this ? Looking at the MONEY side of the equation. Stupidity, again
    would suggest that financial support that doesn’t have financial returns is part of the modus operandi for such

    People used to abuse the psychiatric systems to their own end – i.e – ‘gaslighting’ but reasons for admission
    into a psychiatric facility, such as “not under proper care and control” have been abandoned due to the ease
    of abuses of such a section. The two reasons that remain – Threat to themselves and/or a threat to others.
    Even these reasons require substantial evidence before any such psychiatric scheduling would occur.

    Comment by Robert — September 12, 2011 @ 3:48 am

  911. Aaron Quote –
    I’ll have to think it over. Bashing typos doesn’t promote the requisite sense of safety for personal disclosure. And “refresh our memories” is not a question.

    Quote – comment post No. 406 – Aaron A.
    “Michael Katoomba, if you can add punctuation to the above, that might render ir inrellifible”

    Your usual double standards, again, Aaron ?

    Tell us again what your victimization was about, as a T.I. and not your victimization of other T.I’s on this
    blog space. I am asking you to tell your story of victimization, because I can’t find your story anywhere
    on this forum’s blog space. Take your time and please let us all know where you cut and pasted from,
    which comment post No. , I mean what is there to think about if you have posted info about your own
    personal victimization, on this blog space before ?

    If you haven’t a story of persecution, as a T.I. to tell, then there is little point in being inventive now.

    Comment by Robert — September 12, 2011 @ 6:04 am

  912. Fuck you, Robert. Drop the hostility, if you actually want me to tell you. -maybe…

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 12, 2011 @ 8:54 am

  913. Hostile ? only if you apply reverse psychology to being polite.

    Comment by Robert — September 12, 2011 @ 10:10 am

  914. Now you have reached even new levels of denial.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 12, 2011 @ 4:35 pm

  915. Adding the word “please” to the same screed of repetitive accusation, is not enough to put me at my ease.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 12, 2011 @ 5:55 pm

  916. That’s odd, as I have never denied any of my input on this forum blog space, but perhaps should read book
    page space. It is sad when most sites are treated like an SMS messaging service, or the pathetic word limits
    applied to a site like ‘Nit-twitter’

    There is nothing to put at ease, as you have no personal story to tell, you are a sadistic, trawling perp who
    derives it’s kicks from attacking the input of others. When supportive evidential value is presented (mythical
    weapons, for example) you make no apologies for your applied, deliberate attack of victims, by such devices
    and continue trawling with added abuse. What value you are to this forum, is not as a victim, but as a perp
    that has been exposed, so please stay.

    Perpetrators, on such a forum as this, will help harden up the victims to such scumbags and their repetitive
    lines of attack. This in turn will help such T.I’s in dealing with the reverse psychology practices of the psych’s
    professionally in place, that only act in their own interests (making money) and how that money is derived, by guaranteeing an ongoing source of human guinea pigs for pig pharma research, which too many victims are
    well aware of, that is such lying, cheating and scamming ‘professional ‘ system scum.

    Comment by Robert — September 13, 2011 @ 12:00 am

  917. You blew it! Your mind is made up. And you are not going to bully anything out of me. Not that you will ever accept any account that does not fit your own delusional preconceptions.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 13, 2011 @ 2:26 am

  918. You Blew it –
    Blew What ?

    Your mind is made up –
    Are you attempting behavioral modification, of a long term victim ? If so then please let us all know
    what your qualifications are, for this wholesale deprogramming theme of yours.

    And you are not going to bully anything out of me – There is nothing of benefit, to a victim, to be had.

    Not that you will ever accept any account – You have no account, 30 Days, A Victims or otherwise.

    that does not fit your own delusional preconceptions –

    With the evidence you love to ignore, side step and play down there is nothing illusional, delusional or preconceived that I have put forward without support of the facts, you are still playing a game that
    ended many years ago, like a soldier lost in the jungle, that doesn’t know the war is over and was
    on the losing side, sad really – a game that was over, before it began.

    Comment by Robert — September 13, 2011 @ 3:48 am

  919. Going into the jungle, to recover losers – this MUST be done slowly and carefully, so as to prevent any
    relapse (memory deficit affect disorder – MDAD) that could result in *mishaps* and returns, into the
    jungle by little, in their numbers, but long term soldiers that have no other *life*

    Perpetrators that need long term counseling, to realize that they could be ‘splattered’ if they relapse, by the
    less compassionate that despise them.

    Comment by Robert — September 13, 2011 @ 5:42 am

  920. Before making sensitive disclosure as requested, all that I have thus far asked of Robert, is first just to cease flaming.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 13, 2011 @ 8:54 pm

  921. Flaming a perpetrator, that is not interested in conversing with a victim of gang stalking and DEW’s, other
    than attempts at discrediting victim stories AND further discrediting of exposure of the proven available
    perpetrator technology, leaves no choice in the matter other than flaming perpetrators.

    Cheap entertainment for victims (T.I’s)

    Into the jungle we have gone, to recover another loser. Loser’s that blindly reject the substantial evidence,
    that such perp’s don’t want main stream on sites such as this… It cramps their style(s) The style of perp
    retards, that reject the facts, have no story of their own as victims, and persecute victims for sport –
    the perp’ & sadist dick-heads.

    Aaron the war is over dude, you have no weapons that haven’t already been disarmed. You driven doesn’t
    even make up the pre-requisite for a primary charge in density appraisals.

    Comment by Robert — September 15, 2011 @ 8:01 am

  922. Resistance creates a hot spot, but Aaron, in winter time you haven’t enough heat to keep my toes warm.

    Rejection of evidence for the sake of maintaining the perp war effort, well, it just doesn’t cut it dude. Have
    you thought about something a little hotter ? So how are your nano thermite reserves ? Rather small
    right and no real commodities of tonnage.

    Victims like ‘Michael’ & ‘Roberto’ that disappeared after the shells of DEW’s information were launched, in exposing the available directed energy weapons technology, readily available, for not a real lot of money,
    then these authors ‘vanished’ what were they ? Sock Puppets of the Agassi clan ?

    Comment by Robert — September 15, 2011 @ 8:42 am

  923. So the sock puppets ? Michael & Rscruffie…Flea’s or the Dog’s sautéed banquet

    BANK eT’ = bad investment… O, Beast City.

    So who’s fat on the facts ?

    Comment by Robert — September 15, 2011 @ 9:20 am

  924. Anyone can be demonized. Thus if demonization is an excuse for flaming, anyone may be flamed. You are simply not open to civil disagreement and discourse, Robert. You are irrational and abusive. You just won’t give me chance. Nevertheless, you are only making my case by your ill mannered conduct.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 15, 2011 @ 6:05 pm

  925. Comment #417 by aaronagassi — June 11, 2011 @ 7:58 am

    “Robert, regular criminals, any petty thugs, may need to profit from a scam or a shakedown, but do you realize how little incentive is required for a bully? Aside from being so unlikely and explanatorily inelegant and unnecessary, deep conspiracy theories share another characteristic with religion: Which one amongst so many ought one simply to accept and embrace on faith? You offer no verifiable supporting evidence, or even much logic for that matter”

    This broken down, selectively spells out the efforts of perpetrator, refer to the preceding writing, which is
    the word for word reproduction of the writing of Police, Doctors and Nurses, their names dates and times.
    (comment #416) and the following Agassi comment (#417) just runs it down, no sensitivity to what was
    presented and outright perp drivel –

    “unlikely and explanatorily inelegant” = Attack & Ridicule

    “deep conspiracy theories” = Ridicule & Persecute

    ” no verifiable supporting evidence” = Ignore the presented factual transcript, it’s historic value and
    tell the writer they are a liar, Ignore the information without discussion of any part of it and attack the
    writer’s personal story.

    “do you realize how little incentive is required for a bully” = Side step the issue and point the finger at
    something else. It is a personal story about exploitation and virtually nothing to do with bullying.

    “or even much logic for that matter” = Tell the writer they are an idiot.

    Agassi this was when you began painting yourself into a corner and painting a picture of a sadist that sets
    out to get it’s kicks persecuting victims. Salt in the wound is what you do, adding insult to injury and it
    becomes obvious that you have something to gain, by your counter productive activities on this site.

    All you have done is insult the efforts of others and their stories, you have no story to tell of your own
    and only set out to persecute those, with information that could be of use to other victims. Keep on with
    your persecution and I will increase the thermals of the flaming, or back right off and try and show an
    interest in what others are saying instead of attacking them. The fact that you don’t have your own
    victims story to tell raises serious doubts about your presence on this topic – Who are you setting out to
    impress ? Who’s payroll are you on ?

    Comment by Robert — September 16, 2011 @ 3:05 pm

  926. “Robert. You are irrational and abusive.” That’s not entirely correct, Aaron. As i mentioned above, many of your posts mimick an interrogative psychologist (you know, like Weizenbaum’s “Eliza” of 80s “A.I.” fame?). Questioning, scrutinizing, thus evaluating others while at the same time stimulating them to pursue – civilized, though, but nonetheless irritating, as this implies some weird sort of superiority some (including me) react allergic upon. And these mannered ways just don’t fit those tight-lipped dingbats you drop around here, too. Robert has handed over a LOT of useful information, along with understandably emotional tirades upon those he considers responsible. I read his posts with greatest interest – even though some of it must be counterread with his very personal, vastly disturbing experiences in mind. I see forward to his (sometimes grimly funny) contributions from a target’s p.o.v., agreeing to differ if necessary, but with overall solidarity. This isn’t about neighborgood bullying here, it’s about gangstalking and worse, it’s about people who lost their sanity and even lives due to condemnable, perverted assaults that should be proscribed and damned on a global level!
    And that “You just won’t give me chance. “-thing, gee, a chance for starting to post more than scrutinizing, agitating two-liners? Like personal experiences and/or valuable strategies to adhere to, without the standing reference to your (admittedly verbose) website or defensive verbiage because someone dared to scrutinize your highness in return? Still waiting…

    Comment by Michael — September 16, 2011 @ 6:55 pm

  927. Robert: As Hominem characterizing a criticism as ridicule instead of making cogent rebuttal, is what constitutes side stepping. And calling any one among so many disputed interpretations, “factual,” is nothing but a demand for all investigation to cease. Which is consistent with your persistent refusal even to discuss any question pertinent standards of evidence among other problems of applicable Epistemological Methodology, scientifically and journalistically. And your personal accounts, in particular, are simply unintelligible! Your jumbled prose hurts my eyes! And vast regurgitation of unsorted data, deformatted at that, does not by itself speak whatever you have been reading into it. And with you standing upon such long discredited utter fraudulent trash as Elders of Zion and Trower ET AL., how much more deeply should I delve? Why should anyone take you seriously at all? And that’s not even the worst of it: You are actually against taking any action!

    Michael: I am hardly ashamed of posing questions Dialectically. Why should I be? If you are allergic to Dialectic, then you are averse to the very quest for truth. As for my personal experiences of organized gang stalking, for starters I can tell you that they do not seem to offer so much as any hint of directed energy weapons, sinister global cabals or byzantine shadow government, just petty bottom feeding low lives, bullies, cockblockers and Yentas. I have mentioned my circumstances in passing, and their really didn’t seem to be very much interest. Now I confront actual hostility. Do I owe something? Why? And what would be the point? I’m just not looking for a support group anyhow, thanks. Again, perhaps better clarity might ensue from a discussion explicitly upon agenda.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 16, 2011 @ 7:45 pm

  928. PS Michael: Conspiracy coalesces all around us, seldom actually from the top down. As the saying goes: Think globally, act locally. Conspiracism promotes helpless inaction, whereas instead a view of pervasive cruelty, however actually or tacitly conspiratorial, nevertheless as cultural, opens the way for strategic discourse.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 16, 2011 @ 8:08 pm

  929. “Dialectic” counter-questioning, well, it’s truly nothing to be ashamed of, but it shouldn’t be used too often, as it still is a weird thing for someone posting here to be constantly counter-questioned dialectically. Real vivid discussion is needed here, no dialectic discourse or stuff.

    Targets look for an explanation of what’s going on, (the big question is “WHY?”) and within this quest for answers they’re prone to accept the weirdest constructions as soon as they’re just a little more plausible than the actual schemes they’re confronted with. That’s only natural and nothing to be “occam razored” or dialectically pulled to pieces for. I for myself thought for a long time, that the perp’s activities were a spiritual test (nothing could be further from the truth) yet i tried everything to “fulfill the demands”, much to my perp’s delight. There’s something spiritual about it, however, as being a target is surely a blow of fate, and to cope with bad fate requires a spiritual approach – like coping with a rare cureless disease – but not in the above sense.

    “Support group”: It’s not all too easy for targets to “stand up” or “get together” or whatever. They’re generally more or less isolated, not too good in “rising against”-stuff, and they’re chosen for exactly that reason. And organized targets, c’mon, if there were groups of organized targets, they’d be infiltrated by perps to the brim the very next day. It’s easy to play target, just like it’s easy to infiltrate blogs and forums with false witness etc. I paid my dues in 12-step-groups, where targets may ironically get to hold hands with and even hug perps unwittingly.

    There’s a cure for it, called publicity. The more cases become public, like Randy Quaid’s, for example, the sooner this mayhem will retrograde. Or, as someone on Youtube optimistically pulled it: “it is only a matter of time before this phenomenon explodes onto the public scene as Watergate did.” Organized Stalking must be officially recognized and damned, so that the targets can be rehabilitated for what they are: victims of a crime against humanity. And it’s one thing to cultivate “the perfect crime”, but it’s another to participate in an officially despised turpitude.

    This thread is still a part of “Pro Target – PR”, even if it’s on the brink of being shreddered here and there by superfluous ego-games. I don’t care if this post complies to some ubiquitous “agenda” – it’s surely a post according to the name of this thread “Gang Stalking: Organized Confusion or Organized Crime – room for what?”

    Comment by Michael — September 17, 2011 @ 12:12 pm

  930. Some more info that I haven’t sent to the recipient yet. The woman is also going through
    a living HELL because of Murdoch, Gudinski, Madonna & Associates Crimes against
    her, not to mention others, in the community Globally – Same crimes being committed
    with multiple victims.


    Hi Aisha Goodison – 24 May 2010.

    I am going to Cc: this for obvious reasons to the Fraud Squad Officers of the NSW police
    service and I am hoping that they will seriously consider investigating these Madonna & Associates crimes in Australia.

    You are welcome to use it in part or in whole for the express purpose of your own legal
    battles with “the bitch”

    Your ongoing problem with Madonna & Associates is nothing new to me as I have been
    a Victim of Madonna related crimes, like yours since 1985 back when I was hospitalized
    for a belief in the B/S I was being psyched out with. She returned with the program that
    I regard as Mind Control in 1992 and she has appointed criminals to maintain such violations since.

    In my case it is how she maintained public attention to herself more than theft of I.P.
    Although much of my Electric Bass Guitar Playing style and work have been lifted and
    used for synth programming purposes in what she calls her & associates own efforts.

    This along with “Street Theatre” that generated “Stories” used in her Songs and Films.
    Of course the street theatre “Puppets” recruited by the Covert Surveillance networking
    financed by the criminals like Murdoch (Finance) Gudinski (Promotions) and Madonna

    The network team relayed my reactions to her as “Captured” in the form of audio/visual perversion of my privacy. The puppets outside setting up disturbances targeting me and
    my reactions inside my home, in what I thought, like yourself was private.

    When they get a reaction – then the localized chant starts – “Put him up, Put him up” then
    the tinnitus starts, indicative of a psych weapon application (Unwanted Attention) resulting
    in pain promoting further reactions captured by their perversion into my private life.

    A comment made to me by the covert harassment that accompanied the surveillance technologies – Madonna’s Voice – “Can we do that, can we do that” Unknown Voice –
    “No we can’t get the intonations right” (Oct 2004) Recorded Drivel – Splatter.

    This transmission when I had just finished a Bass arrangement piece that I was pretty
    happy with.

    The use of Stolen I.P. combined with Suggestions via Covert Harassment adds up to
    attention for the DOG and the sale of her products through deliberate ‘Wave Making’
    or if you like – induction of psychosis to promote attention to psychological products
    (Madonna’s button pushing crap she calls entertainment)

    I posted as an ‘In Her Face’ a series of comments regarding the death of Caresse Henry. My posts are the last entries on the Subject “Liz Rosenberg releases a statement on the death of Caresse Henry” OR Google “Caresse Henry’s MURDER” and that will take you directly to the topic.

    I have included my own evidence of what Madonna has done to me and how Law Enforcement flatly REFUSED to investigate evidence on such hideous crimes, as you are now experiencing that do make her a threat to society globally.

    Something that may help you – “The System” is run by the Ruling Elite. If some rich, as in powerful Bitch uses the system for an unlawful purpose the whole system is threatened, that isn’t such a bad thing because “That System” is clearly in need of reform.

    Where money is found, so is corruption. One approach is to destroy fiscal incentives and in doing so Bye Bye Crime associated with such a flawed system. But those that challenge the system, find themselves challenged by the threatened criminals doing well out of it.

    Phase II for justice sakes – Quietly take the system A P A R T .
    Broken toys (System Components) and NO ONE gets to play the criminal games.
    Flawed System gets Quickly Reformed as all will be loosing out until it is ‘Fixed’

    I have noticed that you haven’t introduced the use of non lethal weapons such as ‘Tracking Microwave Voice to Skull’ and it’s criminal use in your law suit of ’05. Do you suffer from
    Tinnitus ? This can be the red flag of indicating such Harassment using Mind Control technology, being privacy violations of the worst kind – psychological torture as in terrorist activities of the mind and it is is very hard to detect the source of such emissions.

    I believe that this is how they murdered Caresse, my evidence are the reasons for this belief. She was a threat to them. If we could only get together for a class action, as victims world-wide then they can’t take us all out by destroying us, as this leaves a trail of evidence behind that others will take up in the name of justice in good time. well hopefully.

    Looking at strangers that have moved into an area and possibly set up a “Spook House”
    (Covert Surveillance) on me based on their rumor spreading activities (I don’t know them, they don’t know me ?) but as you know they gain private information and distribute it through ‘their’ community after they have distorted and manipulated for their own purposes of destroying credibility and grossly disturbing their ‘Target’ then as you have also found out assault.

    I my case a deranged creep that I passed in the street yelled out YOU (as if he knew me) as I turned around I was pushed to the ground, straddled across my chest and punched in the face requiring 7 stitches above my left eye (March 2003)

    There was no provoking but the rumors that were circulating (and radiating) from the spook
    house were responsible for this creeps attack. I went straight to the police who refused to take me to the scene of the crime for the purpose identifying the attacker and arresting him.

    There were at least three police vehicles outside the police station and 5 law enforcement officers
    present. I had to catch a Taxi to the hospital for treatment and stitches and the creep got away with the crime to then stalk me many weeks later to a regular visit to the Laundrymat were he turned up with a shirt for ironing as his excuse and business there.

    As you may have guessed my activities relate to investigating the Criminals use of technology for it’s gains and purposes, it’s not just the Entertainment Industry as you would know. Starting at the top of the food chain, with a big dog like Madonna would, I think be best approached by a class action meaning multiple victims, their claims presented in the Law Suit and then their combined evidence presented in court.

    Personally I would like to see Madonna behind bars living in the shade, like what she did to Robert Dewey Hoskins who was clearly manipulated and ‘put up’ well before he set out to approach her in LA. Then the fabrication of ‘Evidence’ that led to the destruction of this
    manipulated mans life – He had a wife and children, before the scam targeted him, in about
    1991, starting with the destruction of his family values, followed by isolation.

    Comment by Robert — September 17, 2011 @ 12:17 pm

  931. 2 Roberts would be coincidence, 3 a pattern. Programs that blow out coincidences, due to – same
    name, same event, same distortion and abuse of the system by the corrupted. Why would it be too
    much to accept ? Money talks – shit – shit gets accepted. Others going begging for donations…

    Comment by Robert — September 17, 2011 @ 1:39 pm

  932. Calling so fundamental a thinking and communication tool as the Dialectic “weird,” demonstrates nothing but the deplorable state of what passes for education, perhaps the real closest thing to any actual mind bending deep global conspiracy! Michael, you seem to be suggesting that Conspiracism (for whatever purpose, including possible spiritual test) is a natural and reasonable first interpretation of what for lack of a better term, can be described as a paranoid experience. Be that as it may, nevertheless naive first impression is only least mental effort, not parsimony of explanation. I am overtly bullied, harassed, defamed and ostracized. I learned about the aspect of covert gang stalking against myself and other targeted individuals, from others brave enough to tell me how they had been approached and the conspiracy they had overheard or witnessed. And I know which bullying cliques are responsible. As for the motives, as old as the brain itself, I expound thereupon at length at

    Indeed, room for what? Yes, what is our agenda of discussion, much less ever any action agenda. Giving up upon organizing to take a stand because of the mere possibility of infiltration, is perfectionist and paralytic. All organizations can be subject to cross purposes, actual infiltration being the least of it. Nevertheless, some movements cope better than others. In any case, I have yet to see any action agenda, even implicitly, save for flooding online forums (often rudely!) and drawing together in co-validation, as if that never opened the way for cross purpose and infiltration! Indeed, disagreement often degenerates from gainsaying in to accusations of “poison pill” deception. There is no serious plan for publicity, much less credibility. Only a tiny voice in the media finally arises to rescue paranoid conspiracism from itself and despite itself, by at all ferreting out any germ of truth of organized gang stalking as a mode of bullying and aspect of rising fascism, from all the culty clamorous Tabloid Weird madness.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 17, 2011 @ 9:16 pm

  933. Robert Dewey Hoskins and Robert Linhart were accused of stalking Madonna, the fate of Hoskins is not
    information that is available on the internet, Linhart was ordered in October of 2010 to stay at
    least 10 Blocks away from the Dog’s New York City Apartment. Why are the Victims all named Robert ?

    Why are the Victims of this organized crime , gang stalking, harassment and behavioral modifications
    via readily available DEW’s technology and techniques, etc accused of what they are a victim of ?

    What are the manufactured stars (corporate puppets) going to do for third party , to lean on, dump on,
    deceive and exploit, when the ‘coveted’ clandestine system is thrown into the fast rotating blades of the
    fan and no one will forget the smell of that shit. Some will have ‘difficulty’ in removing the stain, from
    themselves due to proximity of involvement. Some will Seymour Stein than others…Zorro signed for
    the second copy of the video sent, also to NYC, same day as Schildler’s copy – Feb 1994.

    Zorro worked in the Mail room at Sire Records, NYC a re run of the story of Zorro was released after
    this time in 1994, Schildlers list was already in production. Schindler was the go between
    attorney for Murdoch, Gudinski and Madonna.

    Comment by Robert — September 18, 2011 @ 5:55 am

  934. Around this time (1993) I was appealing to several attorneys, barristers and politicians to investigate the
    crime games of this corporate gang stalking that I was being victimized by. My mission I thought, would
    be accomplished if there was some criminal law put in place, to obstruct the criminals. In late 1993 the
    Stalking act was passed by the NSW state legislative assembly – it’s effectiveness at curbing the crime ?
    Zero. If the power’s of the police seem selective, in enforcing such a law, then why is the law in place if
    it can’t be utilized by victims ? The perpetrators are getting to use the law on victims and this is a recipe
    for world war three. Hoskins & Linhart were set up and coerced into their ‘acts’ but any approach to
    resolve their *induced* obsessions was greeted by the outright misuse of the law by the perpetrators.

    The Stalkers would move in around me, wherever I relocated to, never the same faces, but the same
    crime games of stalking, harassing, intimidating, sleep prevention (DEW application) street theatre, rumor spreading, the *standards* and a continuation of their favorite – I.P. theft.

    Industry scum who’s career’s rely on gang stalking and associated crimes. Restraining orders that are
    selectively granted, never applied to the king pins on top of the shit heap of this organized crime, Nor are
    these scumbags thoroughly investigated for their part in organized crimes of this type, however that may
    be changing – The News of the World grilling sessions of the Murderous Murdochs – for example.
    When the King Pins lose an operative/operatives to an A.V.O, in come the replacements, to maintain the

    It becomes easier to accept that the only way out of the gang stalking trap, is to even the score and to
    destroy the financial incentives, the businesses of those party to such crimes, How ? turn them against
    each other and pray for the death and destruction of their cash cows. They can all go to hell, with their
    life long worship of the Golden Calf. No more WAVES, no more *GAMES*

    The railroading by these shit that would have been best to have left me alone, they had nothing to offer,
    they only take from lives that are not theirs, spirit they do not possess, I.P. that is not theirs to on sell.
    Spook the Spooks and to hell with them.

    Comment by Robert — September 18, 2011 @ 8:57 am

  935. The other side – SPIRITUALITY –

    Those that are victims of this type of gang stalking and manipulation, subtle suggestion via DEW’s on the
    word games of late – followed by my reaction – comments.

    “Listen Rob, I think you will find that ‘they’ are all dead” – So why are you still hanging around, in my ear ?

    “It is the end of this world Rob” – Your world, not mine.

    One does grow tired of their repetitious drivel, if one reacts to it –

    “I’m on, I’m on” – How would you like to be off’ed ? One flash and your ash !

    If you just ignore them, no thoughts in response to their ‘subtle’ suggestions it is like it goes into a mode
    of repetition of a tape loop although the mark to space ratio is not consistent – Dr. Allen Barker calls it
    ‘Auto Pigs’ – that is a computer driven program that returns with the same repetitive diatribe.

    When you react to it – thought modifications – distractions – in becomes barely coherent, barely audible
    running commentary that results in the burning ear syndrome, followed by the tinnitus attack.

    The Medical Profession are intent on the application of the diagnosis that it is psychological disorder – schizophrenia – the artificial induction of a ‘MIND’ disease, so further scumbags can cash in on it –
    Pig Pharma Sales as one of the Big Beneficiaries. If the problem is all in your mind (mind control)
    then why do they insist on chemically ‘treating’ the brain ? MONEY.

    In goes the cotton bud, adjustment of the ear canals resonant frequency dimensions –
    is relief from the attack.

    Fucking Waves, spooks on a visit ? hell no, they are not dead, just carnates on another O.B.E scouting
    exercise – thieves – another singer, song or script writer, actor or actress looking for a ride, intellectual
    property or a dump site. The entertainment industry is built on psychological PERVERSION, then so is psychiatry – Do you get off on erotic American dancers ?

    One day they will have to accept the attention that is theirs. They are looking for public attention, but
    role modeling and ‘hitting’ and dumping on someone else is a crime, privacy violation and theft, so go
    to hell, with your scam – scum. You have nothing to offer AND never did.

    Schizophrenia? I find it a derogatory term, I object to it, as these verbal assaults are electronically
    recordable and acoustically reproducible – so shove your horse and cart pig pharma sales down the

    Do you understand how much I would like to hurt those behind that schizophrenia ‘invented’ theory ?
    Misdiagnosis – a lot of these people, so diagnosed are victims of ritual abuse and DEW’s, so get an
    education OR be sued, and that will hurt.

    Well, Medication gets replaced with perpetrator destruction via worthwhile exorcistic “Cast them into
    Darkness” practices ! OR Stop walking around in my circles or I’ll nail your other foot down. –
    How to treat perpetrators with dignity, as you bury them ! Spook eradication Practices –
    create a hostile environment.

    More about defense systems later, it is possible to make a pervert perpetrators life a complete misery,
    dont let them out, as they trespassed upon you – cast them out, of the *script*, then record the raving
    diatribe, as they tend to get louder, video record their approach and methods of geting ‘out’ of the
    darkness, in which they were cast. It is your mind, not their stage… Yes, you will see them coming, you
    will feel their presence as well. Having some entertainer climbing all over you is not a priviledge, it is
    a crime.

    Comment by Robert — September 18, 2011 @ 1:02 pm

  936. Robert
    September 21st, 2011 at 5:28 AM –

    Caresse Henry was a threat to this organized crime, not only a threat to Madonna, but Warner, Schindler, Murdoch, Gudinski and the practices of a souring entertainment

    If entertainment seems more like mind control, behavioral modifications, etc, that others do well out of – unfair financial appropriations then burn it ! The more that isolate themselves from this *control* group – the better.

    Comment by Robert — September 21, 2011 @ 9:50 am

  937. If a victim feels like they are being stalked, harassed, intimidated and all the precursors for organized gang
    stalking AND the incidents are, at some later stage sifted in, with remarkable accuracy into an entertainment
    industry product, be it a song, script or other and if you are disturbed by the product and feel cheated out
    of your mind by it, then you probably were stalked by someone, with something to gain, that was associated
    with the products development and promotions and at your expense, so don’t wait by the mail box for a
    royalty handout. – “We are going to make it worth your while, so hang in there man” – is a deception program.
    If you submit to their subtle suggestion, it hurts more, when you realize just how ruthless these mongrels
    really are. Don’t trust any of them, none of them are your friends OR your defense, they are sleazy.

    Paid to stalk you, not always fiscal, as sometimes they get rewarded with illicit substances (crime fed by
    further crime) Forget about locations of the beneficiaries of you exploitation, via gang stalking, as these operations are intercontinental for the perpetrators that benefit. The handlers, controllers and wind up idiots
    will be localized. The idiots generally are fed misinformation to establish their participation in stalking and interfering with you, the victim.

    The worst thing you can do, as a victim – is react obsessively, as this will only promote further public
    attention, to the product and increase sales. Then obviously this will, in turn, increase the amount of
    gang stalking and intimidation, that you are probably keen to lose, even the masochistic types will
    sooner or later *want out*. While the golden goose is laying gold eggs, then those robbing the nest
    will tend to maintain their theft vantage spots.

    A victim may seek an exit path, but the gang stalkers tend to hold on obsessively tight to what is *value*
    to them. The hard part, of the equation is finding out who’s pay roll they are on, that is – Who are their
    Controller’s & Handlers – Who put these idiots *up* and all over the Targeted Individual. If some idiot
    shoots it’s mouth off, then you are one step closer to terminating the *game* if the perpetrator is a
    high profile entertainer then sit back and watch them hit the skids, perhaps their death as a star.

    Comment by Robert — September 22, 2011 @ 10:57 am

  938. “Having some entertainer climbing all over you is not a priviledge, it is a crime”

    Desperate Housewives…

    Dead Spirit Arse Wipes

    Beware of “word mincing” things that ring in harmonic resonance, selective hearing’s are a trap.

    Comment by Robert — September 22, 2011 @ 12:01 pm

  939. “sent to meanings, hyp no tied”

    Busting up perceptions ?


    Comment by Robert — September 22, 2011 @ 1:56 pm

  940. The Gang Stalking: Collective action or Hate Crime built in system?

    TARGETED INDIVIDUALS – By this activity innocent people have become unwitting targets of organized crime or government initiatives. They may also simply serve as guinea pigs. They are controlled by monitoring 7 / 7 days – 24 / 24 hours, for years and sometimes for life. Most do not know why it happens to them. And often, when realizing, it’s already too late. It seeks to silence them by discrediting them. In addition, they provided the following treatment: defamation, rejection, scorn, isolation, intimidation, denial of service, harassment, sexual, electronics, and torture. The aim is destruction, all aspects of their lives are affected. They are all at the same time, all the time. These victims are isolated, without support. Why? First, because this phenomenon is unknown to the public, difficult to detect and recognize. In addition, the game consists of these criminals to discredit them, they pose as outcasts. They say for example that he or they are prostitutes, pedophiles, sexual predators, dangerous criminals, mentally ill, vagrants, thieves, etc.. They are desperate to do so. Thus discredited, they were finally isolated and silenced. It’s the perfect crime. But … IT has got to stop!

    Comment by francequenneville — September 24, 2011 @ 5:46 am

  941. The Gang Stalking: Collective action or Hate Crime built in system?

    TARGETED INDIVIDUALS – By this activity innocent people have become unwitting targets of organized crime or government initiatives. They may also simply serve as guinea pigs. They are controlled by monitoring 7 / 7 days – 24 / 24 hours, for years and sometimes for life. Most do not know why it happens to them. And often, when realizing, it’s already too late. It seeks to silence them by discrediting them. In addition, they provided the following treatment: defamation, rejection, scorn, isolation, intimidation, denial of service, harassment, sexual, electronics, and torture. The aim is destruction, all aspects of their lives are affected. They are all at the same time, all the time. These victims are isolated, without support. Why? First, because this phenomenon is unknown to the public, difficult to detect and recognize. In addition, the game consists of these criminals to discredit them, they pose as outcasts. They say for example that he or they are prostitutes, pedophiles, sexual predators, dangerous criminals, mentally ill, vagrants, thieves, etc.. They are desperate to do so. Thus discredited, they were finally isolated and silenced. It’s the perfect crime. But … IT has got to stop!

    Comment by France Quenneville (@QuennevilleF) — September 24, 2011 @ 5:48 am

  942. When gang stalking is proven to have a system of financial reward, then why would anyone go looking
    for the motivations of involvement ? Money at the *entertainment* beginning of the *business* and money
    for the scavengers cashing in on what was objected to, by the victims in the hands of psychiatry. Those
    entertaining and those selling the meds come from the same genealogy. It was once suggested that
    they were sub human beings, although “they” thought that they were important, powerful and unstoppable.

    When the systems of such organized crime are fully disclosed AND accepted, without further questioning,
    of the motives (money) and however immoral, illegal and down right anti everything else, worth living for –
    then it is time for reform.

    By educating the doubter’s, the selfish, the criminals and of course the victims, without reservations then
    the playing field gets leveled out, for a new project, without order, no ties to the old world values (money)
    and no further argument, because we have an over supply of numan resources, that would like to do the
    right thing and without further expenditure of oldman stock-piling’s.

    Comment by Robert — September 24, 2011 @ 6:17 am

  943. Robert, there is little doubt that thugs can be hired for all manner of harassment and intimidation, let alone surveillance, as for a well familiar example, in order to clear resisting tenants in order to clear the way for demolition subsequent to crooked real estate development projects. But of course your claims are more bizarre, extreme, and indeed entirely bereft of compelling evidentiary support.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 24, 2011 @ 8:41 am

  944. Aaron, every reason for gang stalking doesn’t rely on thugs, you keep returning with the thug and bully theory
    like it is some mandatory standard, it isn’t. You are not welcome to persecute me or nit pick for the personal
    story and evidence that I have presented, you skip over evidence of DEW’s like they don’t exist and therefore
    couldn’t be used for such purposes as sleep deprivation. You clearly don’t wish to understand the ramifications
    of such torture caused by DEW sleep deprivation, like heightened sensory sensitivity for example.

    “indeed entirely bereft of compelling evidentiary support” continue to avoid discussing the evidence that I have
    presented, with your turn a blind eye attitude and you appear, to others as quite stupid. The internet is full of
    misinformation and the comments of idiots, so why contribute to it ? Say something productive and worthwhile
    or don’t bother saying anything at all, please. Why keep coming back with your “I don’t accept any of this”

    Are we really in need of the numerous reasons for having someone ‘gang stalked’ or would we be better off
    discussing the patterns of interference, who has something to gain from it, how they continue to evade the
    existing laws and why there is a complete ignorance, by the general public of the plight of such victims.

    If we accept who is behind the gang stalking, how they benefit economically from it, then we are getting even
    closer to resolving such global issues, yet to be splattered, by the authorities and G.P. as an ongoing crime.

    To protect and therefore maintain gang stalking through public misinformation is a crime favoring crime.

    Comment by Robert — September 25, 2011 @ 5:50 am

  945. Robert, I skip over what I find either irrelevant or just incoherent. I have attempted to engage with you over what I see as central question as to relevance, necessary to any hope of coherence let alone credibility, but you either ignore or lash out in abuse and accusation. One thing is clear: Criminals and bullies certainly exist. What’s more, either are known to engage in organized stalking or to incite community mobbing. So I simply don’t know why vast super secret cabals and shadow government must be evoked, any more than angels and flying saucers. And this you refuse to address.

    Again, the personal accounts that you present, just make my eyes hurt! They need major copy editing. They are just unreadable. Aside from which, again, what you read into them, does not emerge on its own for me. I see no clear premise, followed by whatever logic, and following to your conclusions. You’ve got to edit!

    Central to getting the goods and exposing any evil doers whatsoever, there also remain questions of evidence, of testable hypotheses with clear conditions of refutation for what are scientific claims, and standards of evidence for claims that should be subject to detective work of serious journalistic investigation.

    All in all, your unreasonable hostility and dismissal of any honest opinion on my part through persecution mania, only makes you come across as crazy. Your espousal of crank conspiracy theories aligned with bigoted factions most likely amenable to gang stalking and worse, doesn’t help either, any more than your own threats to gang stalk me for daring to question you.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 25, 2011 @ 6:23 am

  946. All that is required is a very strong case, of corporate initiated gang stalking, supported evidence of
    deliberate misdiagnosis by psychiatry, theft and sale of intellectual property, stalkers that have acquired
    real estate close by the targeted individual, recording of noise campaigns, witnesses of distributed
    rumor spreading, industry associations with the T.I. and gang stalkers, acts of unprovoked violence
    towards the T.I. by complete strangers, along with a deliberate lack of police investigations, arrest and
    prosecution of the assailant(s), malicious damage to property, recorded evidence of DEW’s applications
    such as corrupted song lyrics, sleep deprivation, induced tinnitus attacks and associated pain and
    suffering, that is brought about by heightened sensory sensitivities caused by sleep deprivation.
    Misuse of the law by the perpetrators, such as using a court of law to destroy a T.I’s business and more
    information for case supportive evidence. Publish such information on the internet and see who runs
    away – could be further evidence of those party to the crime and therefore publicly witnessed.

    An example –

    I mentioned that “crime of the century…hail” word mincing incident on the song by R.E.M and recently the
    band called it quits – Why, did they lose their psych centre (an industry term used to describe a targeted
    individual) their ride, their dump site ?. The more successful, that an entertainer becomes is, sometimes
    indicative of how many T.I’s they have acquired, when one victim gets wise to their scam, sometimes the
    other victims become aware, the act can no longer then therefore function – busted I.O.W’s – they were
    running on stolen heat.

    I have seen this before – when a T.I. gets wise to who is putting them up and dumping hits on them, their
    world ends and that’s cool because it wasn’t my world anyway…these types of perpetrators, that rely on psychological disturbance and privacy violations, DEW harmonic resonance applied, song word mincing
    attacks – hey well, they shouldn’t have access to public performance space in the first place. But what
    are the chances of burning the book, before it is published ?

    All that was required here is evidence of associations between R.E.M and those involved in the making and
    promotions of the motion picture – “crime of the century” when these bastards get exposed, they disband
    and run away, like when N.o.t.World perversion and privacy violations were exposed, it was shut down by financing (Murdoch) with the freeze it, shut it down and run away escapist methods.

    Comment by Robert — September 25, 2011 @ 7:48 am

  947. I do not dispute the very existence (occurrence ever) of a) psychiatric malpractice or corporate or even government (intelligence, spycraft) initiated gang stalking and worse, nor certainly of intellectual property theft. But you are claiming far more. You are claiming particular instances, and you are claiming something far more pervasive than the aforementioned general truths.

    The rest about REM and the motion picture: ‘crime of the century’ is both incoherent and unevidenced. You’ll never expose anyone without far more discipline.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 25, 2011 @ 8:27 am

  948. “And this you refuse to address” – Aaron.

    I am not here to entertain you or your lack of evidence into your alleged victimization.

    “Again, the personal accounts that you present, just make my eyes hurt!” – Aaron

    So who’s jealous ?

    “So I simply don’t know why vast super secret cabals and shadow government…” – Aaron

    You must have skipped class that day, it was information on association of the perpetrators
    and the common religion that they choose to hide behind, so is there any relevance ?
    Cowards, criminals and bullies that scream anti – Semite when their world in the valley of
    darkness gets exposed to the light of a new day – burnt.

    “Your espousal of crank conspiracy theories” – Aaron

    Your lack of an education into consorting practices should have been offset by evidence
    that was presented, You, however are a closed book – unpublished and un-adjusted (edited)

    “any more than your own threats to gang stalk me for daring to question you” – Aaron

    We have seen your lack of evidence supporting your victim claim, now if you would be
    so kind as to present evidence of such a threat, so alleged, to the rest of the readers
    and authors of the topic. We (the forum) accept that this may take some time for your
    deliberate misinterpretations.

    Comment by Robert — September 25, 2011 @ 9:16 am

  949. “You are claiming particular instances, and you are claiming something far more pervasive than the aforementioned general truths” – Aaron

    Your generalizations of gang stalking, well, Aaron they don’t really help other victims of the crime much.
    I am not the only one who knows why.

    “The rest about REM and the motion picture: ‘crime of the century’ is both incoherent and unevidenced. You’ll never expose anyone without far more discipline”

    Gee Aaron, the evidence was exposed on this forum, BEFORE the perpetrators called it quits & ran
    away ! I am continuing to give examples of the perpetrator motives and event histories, sometimes
    events of reform occur in real time, or not so delayed reactions, by the perp crowd, if you like.

    When their waves come crashing down and it is the end of their world, as they would have it.
    Not to mention the end of the News Of The World that no one wanted, based on how it was

    Comment by Robert — September 25, 2011 @ 9:42 am

  950. Yes, what are you here for, Robert? -aside from quoting me out of context, of course! I really do not see the point, and I have been trying to ask you. So, you accuse me of jealousy because I find your personal accounts unintelligible, and deride my lack of evidence to be persuaded of your position. Well then, you are not here in the quest for truth, so I gather. You also deride me because I fail to see any explanatory need of Conspiracism. But then, you consistently fall back upon the emptiest of Ad Hominem. And for that matter, you have shown no interest in my personal victim claim, much less assayed evidence. You wouldn’t even stop flaming so that we could discuss it! I wonder though, do you deny bullying in general?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 25, 2011 @ 10:24 am

  951. You persist Aaron, with your waffle and dribble, get a pacifier baby. Education of victims by a victims
    accounts is what I do. I know this doesn’t sit well with your hidden agenda, but hey – you have nothing
    to offer, only matters listed for mention, that would like to hide. I don’t flame Aaron, I have the oxygen
    and acetylene balance set to cut. It is a destructive mix of the elements, with a warranted destructive
    approach to the perpetrator system – carve it up.

    Comment by Robert — September 25, 2011 @ 11:01 am

  952. Aaron, you sit around on this forum topic and wonder what’s in it for you ? You are already a sliced out
    piece of perp meat. What can I do, put you in the processor and set the velocity to paste ?

    Comment by Robert — September 25, 2011 @ 11:26 am

  953. You always had this problem of reading into, what someone else has written, to get up front, have the last
    say, didn’t you Aaron ? Some find it amusing, but they don’t have ticket sales supporting them, do they ?

    The ticket that the victim needs, well its simple – EXPOSE PERPETRATOR PRACTICES – and score brownie
    points. Flush another perp down the dump hole.

    Comment by Robert — September 25, 2011 @ 11:55 am

  954. Look: You’ve been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. If in conversation I found you entirely genial and reasonable, then in that case, I might wonder at the incongruity. Alas, you’ve been a total hostile jerk and a liar! And all that you are gathering and studying might as well be UFOlogy or Parapsychology.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 25, 2011 @ 5:38 pm

  955. Disturb a brownie, in the pack of biscuits and watch an academic ‘wannabe’ crawl out.
    What’s that smell ? Aaron if you start telling victims, on a site like this that they have a
    psychological disorder, of any kind, then you will find anything but friends, so be
    careful. Have a nice working week or rather – good luck with the job searching.

    Comment by Robert — September 26, 2011 @ 2:04 am

  956. Solidarity amongst do nothings?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 26, 2011 @ 2:45 am

  957. Nothing doing amongst solidarity ?

    Comment by Robert — September 26, 2011 @ 4:55 am

  958. You admit it, then?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 26, 2011 @ 6:32 am

  959. Schizophrenia, Stockholm Syndrome –

    In this day and age of random sources of microwave radiation, especially in countries that have made
    use of the ‘WiFi’ system – this presents growing concerns, not only to Targeted Individuals that have
    made complaints about electro-sensitivity but the effects on young children with developing brains.

    The use of a microwave frequency that is near to the resonant frequency of water, was quite deliberate.
    The published reason ? It is quickly grounded, absorbed by water and therefore dissipated, so any stray
    radiation doesn’t get to far. This presents a problem – human beings are mainly water (by weight) and
    therefore we are receivers for this radiation.

    Worse still is the fact that our world is bathing in this non – ionizing radiation so location of sources of
    electronic harassment (the Frey effect) become increasing difficult to pin point the source thereof.
    Microwave weapons (DEW’s) are part of the arsenal of gang stalkers and if you are victimized by
    such technology there is little help on offer, by the authorities, due to the background radiation levels
    setting up a constant masking effect of the perp signals.

    This is worthy of further discussion, if anyone wishes to chime in. Gang Stalkers is a topic, reasons
    for being victimized abound, discussing their activities could be the ticket to disarm their crimes.
    Gang Stalking perpetrators, that have been disarmed could only come about by the victims being
    forewarned, of what to expect. With enough globally matching complaints, then the authorities have
    no choice, other than to put an end to the crimes that are ongoing, without apprehension. “to be
    forewarned is to be prepared”

    The Psychological & Physiological complaints of exposure to microwave radiation are very similar to
    schizophrenia. So when victims of DEW’s (microwave) attacks complain to the shrinks, the shrinks
    are only interested in the D.S.M pages and are not qualified to discuss DEW’s and seen by the
    shrinks as being ‘mythical’

    Comment by Robert — September 26, 2011 @ 12:30 pm

  960. And lo, even in the presence of the infidel, he calls upon the faithful to preach the word and banish all doubt! For in the unwavering liturgy alone remains the magic to overcome the shadows one day!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 26, 2011 @ 4:33 pm

  961. Just a tad behind the times, maybe the years of prohibition, maybe earlier, the Spanish inquisition perhaps.
    The magic he speaks of shall be replaced by state of the art perpetrator detection systems, in line
    with perpetrator practices and their abuse of the said technologies. The Engineer’s P.O.V. in taught.

    Comment by Robert — September 26, 2011 @ 11:48 pm

  962. Irony, much? The hoary ancient magic alluded whereof is as now practiced by you silly conspiracists, and only the trappings have ever changed since the dawn of humanity. It is the comfort of an idiot, wailing and gnashing signifying nothing!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 27, 2011 @ 10:43 am

    • Stupidity, or calculated?

      Comment by F — May 6, 2013 @ 11:11 am

  963. For psychiatry to dismiss, without ANY investigations into allegations of DEW’s is complete
    stupidity, on their part. If the shrinks wish to be respected and taken seriously, then perhaps
    they shouldn’t jump on the DSM for answers, as there are no entries for directed energy
    weapons, in the DSM. Anyone wondering why ? So what other reference materials do they
    have ? Then how can they make an appropriate diagnosis ? Idiots – “it’s all in your mind”
    I am surprised by the lack of targeting of shrinks, by DEW’s to drive the point home. I only
    know of one T.I. that was involved in the mental health club, in the U.K. His wife died, due
    to the attacks and he is persecuted, by other shrinks, based on his complaints of DEW’s.

    Weapons that have been around since the light bulb, radio reception, radar, microwave
    oven, ultrasonic loaded ‘self help’ tapes and the nefarious applications of such technology.

    Consider in the late 1800’s the number of complaints received and that flicker rate of 25Hz
    power generation caused on the humble light bulb. These complainants weren’t called crazy,
    their complaint was not only accepted, but the re-engineered system bypassed the harmonic
    at 50Hz and the non- harmonic of 60Hz became the standard. Cinema film rates can be set
    at 25 frames per second, try sleeping with that.

    The story of the 300 mile long D.C. power transmission line that crossed three U.S. States –
    Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan. The US Navy began experiments and were imposing the ELF
    of around 2.2 Hz upon this line (talking to their submarines) many deaths occurred, people
    were falling asleep behind the wheel, on their way to work, driving off the road or into oncoming

    Parallel stretches of roadway and the power transmission line, the accidents only occurred after
    the Navy began ‘imposing’ upon this transmission line, because it was there and no expense in
    installing hundreds of miles of aerial conductors for their purpose, so they just thought – “this is
    cheap, let’s dump our 2.2 Hz carrier on it”

    ELF radiation can induce chronic fatigue, when they found this out, through *accidents* of course
    they jumped all over the DEW potential applications, the perp’s were not your military or governments,
    more likely corporate criminals that learnt from such ‘cheap ELF aerial’ accidents.

    ELF radiation, like sonic, ultrasonic and microwave is also non-ionizing. So the perp’s can keep
    you awake, put you to sleep and ‘beam’ unwanted advertising into your head. This is already
    established in victim complaints.

    Comment by Robert — September 27, 2011 @ 11:32 am

  964. You criticize shrinks for not investigating that which you yourself refuse to investigate seriously. The psychotherapist is only responsible for diagnosing the patient. And even just from your conduct right here on this board, it is clear to anyone, that you are fairly nuts, irresponsible, closed minded and belligerent! I am just sick of people like you hijacking the conversation and undermining the credibility of real issues like bullying, community mobbing and gang stalking.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 27, 2011 @ 1:39 pm

  965. “You criticize shrinks for not investigating” – Aaron.

    As I have pointed out – the shrinks are not qualified, for any serious investigations into this crime, nor
    are they interested, so their opinions are worthless, yet they charge good money for their invented
    diseased mind theories. “You are possessed” is never one of their theories, and you need more
    exercise, is never their advice.

    “that which you yourself refuse to investigate seriously” – Aaron.

    My research began in 1977 with the design and construction of a narrow bandwidth, multi-pole (8 –
    so a 360 Degree phase shift) sweep-able real time spectrum analyzer, this same year a patent was
    granted to the Englishman – Stephen Court, of Court Acoustics for the real time spectrum analyzer
    with fixed frequency, one third octave bandwidth filter sections.

    “The psychotherapist is only responsible for diagnosing the patient” – Aaron

    They are not taught about DEW’s and only now are they accepting the reality of ritual abuse. This
    tends to indicate that their opinions are far from up-to-date and there profession still lives in the dark
    ages. Worse is the practice of referring to the DSM which is the prescription manual for approved
    drug dealers. The authors of the DSM have a vested interest in Pig Pharma sales, it is nothing
    more than a catalogue, once again – for approved drug dealers

    “And even just from your conduct right here on this board, it is clear to anyone, that you are fairly nuts, irresponsible, closed minded and belligerent!” – Aaron

    So who’s jealous of the contributions to the topic, by alternative reports ?

    “I am just sick of people like you hijacking the conversation and undermining the credibility of real issues
    like bullying, community mobbing and gang stalking” – Aaron

    “I am just sick” was all you had to say Aaron, but thanks for your contributions of more vomit, on the
    vomit and such pools of puke that are clearly visible, so no one else steps in them.

    Comment by Robert — September 28, 2011 @ 4:48 am

  966. I repeat: The shrinks don’t need to be qualified detectives or journalists, their only responsibility is to diagnose the patient. And these are entirely different matters. Indeed no lay person either, can help but observe your deplorable irrationally hostile ill mannered and dishonest conduct on this board, no matter how you struggle to side step that point as well. You are plainly in such denial that you dare not even confront even these very concepts!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 28, 2011 @ 6:15 am

  967. Psychiatry – The art of lying & deception, they don’t need to be qualified in anything else. Drawing
    conclusions from the DSM in accordance with the wishes of their sugar daddy’s – Pig Pharma. Those
    that don’t shall have no desert. The very real possibility that those selling the drugs were responsible
    for the induction and maintenance of the ‘illness’ – Pig Pharma.

    Only those that made you sick can make you better. Only the one that put you in a trance, can take
    it away. Only use genuine spare parts, from an approved supplier – the same parts prone to planned

    Aaron, why should I take the shit you are pushing, you may think that you are doing well out of it, but
    what is in it for the rest of us ? Get another gig, because you suck at sales.

    Comment by Robert — September 28, 2011 @ 7:04 am

  968. I agree. To live drug free demands more self work. And you’ve got yours cur out for you!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 28, 2011 @ 7:39 am

  969. I have the cure – cut out (sliced) & pasted for me.

    Comment by Robert — September 28, 2011 @ 11:23 am

  970. Doesn’t that mean your still doing thugs, but cheating ? A Potential Aaron Question.

    Comment by Robert — September 28, 2011 @ 11:42 am

  971. A Potential Aaron Question = A.P.A.Q.

    of what ?

    Comment by Robert — September 28, 2011 @ 11:58 am

  972. “A GAS – see… it is out.

    Comment by Robert — September 28, 2011 @ 1:33 pm

  973. “BOOM”

    Comment by Robert — September 28, 2011 @ 2:04 pm

  974. How many P.P.M – are we dealing with ?

    Comment by Robert — September 29, 2011 @ 11:17 am

  975. Notice how contributions to such a site, go all quiet when you are on the pedestal ? – No I don’t look down.

    Comment by Robert — September 29, 2011 @ 11:33 am

  976. Part of the pattern of gang stalking also includes poisoning, doping the T.I. to bring about a suitable and
    *receptive* state of mind, a controlled condition, for a better choice of words. What the entertainer, Jeremy
    Saxon Oxley put in my frozen food, in December of 1992 had the desired results, sought by the perpetrator
    and his corporate criminal associates. Chronic Fatigue, Electro – Sensitivity, lack of concentration that had
    the adverse affect on my working abilities, making my business no longer viable, jobs that took 3 days to
    complete, well they used to be done in a single day.

    Speaking with a psychiatric nurse, with 25 years experience, at the time and also teaching psych nursing,
    had this to say – “It sounds like strychnine poisoning” I explained to him that about half an hour after eating
    the food – I suffered vision impairment – everything was like looking at it through red cellophane. Loss of
    balance – I had to follow the wall, towards help (a open shop) then the hallucinations – the wall was falling
    away from me – I was falling away from the wall, I connected with the footpath, sustaining a nasty bump on
    the left hand side of my forehead, cuts and bruises to my left elbow and hand.

    I was shook awake by the shop owner, who I was going to see, for help. “Get up, get up – you can’t stay
    here” He hailed down a passing taxi and I was self admitted to the local public hospital, this was the
    evening of the 30th Dec 1992.

    My wallet, money and pager were intact, my keys had been removed from my hip pocket, before I got to
    hospital – presumably as I lay on the footpath unconscious. I made copies of the hospital discharge
    summary, I was only there for a couple of hours – X-Rays, sadly no toxin screening.

    It would be 2.25 years, before I had a full memory recollection of the events – before, during and after the
    incident. Memory suppression is also an important part of gang stalking and related crimes. If someone
    that is targeted, by this crime has no memory of the events, when it began, then they will have little hope
    of remembering who ‘adjusted’ their well-being.

    Comment by Robert — September 30, 2011 @ 11:39 am

  977. So what some victims may summarize from the details above, is that trauma induction is a necessary part
    of the gang stalking crimes, I won’t argue. These patterns are what needs to be exposed, through such
    personal disclosures.

    Comment by Robert — September 30, 2011 @ 12:55 pm

  978. So a further victim summary would be – that there is little difference, between gang stalking and ritual abuse.
    Something that the dept’ of psychiatry is still ‘learning’ about…

    Comment by Robert — September 30, 2011 @ 1:24 pm

  979. Do you still wonder why ?

    What if they were all threatened by such personal disclosures, the patterning ?

    Comment by Robert — September 30, 2011 @ 1:37 pm

  980. Now what are you going to bend – another spoon ?

    Comment by Robert — September 30, 2011 @ 1:50 pm

  981. Actually somewhat coherent, for once. Nevertheless, have you even bothered to consider more prosaic explanations such as botulism or panic attack?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — September 30, 2011 @ 2:03 pm

  982. Well investigated, with food poisoning set out of the list of possibilities, “It sounds like strychnine poisoning”
    The food was prepared by myself, the usual practice of freezing what wasn’t eaten. I was in the toilet, no
    soap, after I pushed the button to down the dump – Oxley figured he had enough time, as I would wash my
    hands, in the toilet – but there was no soap. I came out into the kitchen, he had the lid off the container
    and was scraping away at the surface of the ice crystals on top, with a fork.

    “What are you doing with the frozen food, man”

    Oxley – nervously – “Oh, Oh – nothing, this looks good, are we having some of this, tonight”

    Back on track, we are looking for a chemical that has these effects – Like looking through red cellophane,
    loss of balance, hallucinations (within a half hour) followed by sleeplessness, electro-sensitivity that would continue after the original chemical assault, or if you like – reception to the electronic harassment, word
    mincing games – electro-magnetic assaults. Better still – Nefarious applications of technology, that would
    be used on a victim of a traumatic experience, abused during the *arrested* recovery phase at a level
    of heightened sensitivity. I lived alone, so I had no one to care for me after the chemical assault.

    My keys went missing, I was at the hospital for a few hours, who entered my premises and what kind
    of surveillance and harassment technologies were covertly installed ? Today we have a better
    understanding of the existence of such technologies and how these systems are abused by the perp’s.

    E.M. attacks upon sources of resonant acoustic energy and manipulation of the control track of compact
    disks – induced malfunctioning, but with a rhythm to the error, mark to space ratio, not the usual type of
    errors and mis-tracking of compact disk formats. Personal accounts of their ritual abuse patterning.
    We need more corroborating victim reports, of these types – expose Ritual Abuse Patterning, by these
    corporate criminal thugs.

    Also Further evidence of how the perpetrators financially benefit, from setting people UP, in these ways,
    as there has to be a loop of financial returns, for it to be viable to these corporate criminals. Staging
    and maintaining such crimes – someone gets put down, so someone else can get up and publicly
    perform on stolen heat. It is their criminal network, expose what they do, to the light of a new day’s
    information, damn and burn them.

    Comment by Robert — October 1, 2011 @ 1:18 am

  983. you are losing coherence again, and I have no patience for riddles and less interest. But those symptoms might still fit any number of possibilities including botulism and panic attack.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 1, 2011 @ 2:11 am


      Comment by erika Peirce — July 19, 2012 @ 2:33 pm

  984. A Gas See – spark & boom,

    You are not qualified to question someone else’s personal account, so don’t.

    Comment by Robert — October 1, 2011 @ 2:48 am

  985. More belligerent deflection and evasion: What, are you the Pope now? No special qualifications are required for doubting you. Everything you post is a repetitious mass of the same relentless question begging.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 1, 2011 @ 3:18 am

  986. Well after I established victim reporting accounts on another WordPress Blog Space – V2K smoking gun
    you then joined this blog spot, with one agenda – attack and discredit the complaints of victims. I also
    suggested that sites like this are ‘shut down’ due to flaming, that is initiated by protection (crime) and
    preservation, site trolling perpetrators. Sadly the Authors of V2K smoking gun did what was forecast
    and a couple of weeks ago that WordPress topic was pulled, in it’s entirety. Fully backed up, as is ALL
    of this. Aaron it is simple – if you have nothing to contribute, then piss off. Politely speaking – Don’t
    bother saying anything ! I know what you are here to achieve, but it isn’t working is it ?

    You come in on personal accounts, that are victim’s telling their stories and criticize their writings, how
    dare you. You weren’t there, with these people, have no personal story of your own, use the space to
    promote attention to your own site, which offers little to gang stalking victims, so you have nothing to
    offer and start doing take away’s.

    Aaron – Your agenda is fairly apparent discredit and decry victim accounts, attack and destroy what
    ever moves and tell people that they must have deserved it. Your fool quest has FAILED – I am still
    here, burning perpetrators – a worthwhile gig, regardless of your driveling interjects & ejactulants.
    Try putting your head & hand around something else…Meanwhile I shall compose myself and return
    with more perp practice exposures and Aaron I know you don’t get off on it, No need to tell me.

    Go see if you can locate the dump site of Jeremy Saxon Oxley, no one in this country (Australia) will.
    Don’t forget the shovel & mattock.

    Comment by Robert — October 1, 2011 @ 5:02 am

  987. Jeremy Saxon Oxley went into hiding, when I started blogging on various sites, about industry people that
    I believed had been murdered, BEFORE the rant’s of entertainment industry *actors* drawing attention to
    themselves, on my established themes. That was the idea – it appears to be working. They can’t splatter
    all of us.

    Comment by Robert — October 1, 2011 @ 5:33 am

  988. Asked and answered.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 1, 2011 @ 5:51 am

  989. Hey Aaron,

    What part of the world, do you socialize with ? A particular state, would be helpful and then we could discuss,
    using the local, colloquial standards, you know – get over the language barriers. Might speed things up,
    that are slow (arsehole) on the uptake…

    Comment by Robert — October 1, 2011 @ 6:14 am

  990. Our problem is not regional language barrier, Robert.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 1, 2011 @ 9:17 am

  991. Your vocabulary is rather limited Aaron, reading your posts from the first (227) only shows words that
    are used out of context, to flame and aggravate victims and others have told you this. A discrepancy
    exists, with your first post – It doesn’t contain your private advertising of your quest as a fool. The
    following comment makes reference it (228) yet there are no previous entries by you. Would you like
    to explain this ?

    Your first post – (227) –

    The mode of flaming in question is called: sock-puppetry. And clearly, the mod was summarily enlisted as an unwitting proxy in abuse of power.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — August 9, 2010 @ 7:30 am

    The following post – (228) –


    From your website. Surely you jest.

    This shit goes far beyond your imagination, experience or *your* disinformation.

    And you should specifically apply your comments to a certain post.

    You are *the* puppet.

    Comment by obvious — August 13, 2010 @ 5:25 am

    It appears that you are Not only “Aaron Agassi” but also “obvious” as well, because of the content and
    reference to a Website that has no previous ‘insert’ on this topic, the content using the word “Bulling”
    made by “obvious” suggesting Aaron Agassi & obvious are the same entity. Care to Explain ?

    You are here for takeaway’s and have nothing to offer, you collect the responses to your questioning
    that is not your intellectual property and attack those that don’t sit on your tracks, you come across
    as a perpetrator, by design, but in fact you are a parasite, here on the topic only to steal the I.P. and
    responses of others, for your own uses and gains elsewhere.

    How is your stolen script coming along POACHER & THIEF ? I am hoping the site is open to the
    contributions of others, I will happily tell them what you are doing here, so then try screwing anyone
    else, for what you lack. you might find it will become ‘difficult’ So care to answer any of the questions
    raised, probably not, huh ? They are not on the “Agassi” track-work, so not sitting in the “Agassi”

    Comment by Robert — October 2, 2011 @ 8:03 am

  992. “Bulling” would be a typo, either on my part or yours. I have actually discoursed upon bullying.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 2, 2011 @ 8:49 am

  993. Robert, I believe in free speech and criticism, whilst you assert an imagined right never to be criticized.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 2, 2011 @ 9:08 am

  994. A Blog that I posted on V2K smoking gun, this was just around a week before Aaron first posted here.
    It makes an example of a writing perpetrator that procures it’s story lines from sites like this, uses the
    Victims name, in the production, as well, to add further pain, to the exploited victims suffering. It is
    all about maximizing ATTENTION to a psychological product (escapism – entertainment) through the
    premeditated, willful and maintained psychological disturbance of innocent human beings

    Robert Says:
    July 27, 2010 at 2:43 am
    Actual Scenario (1995)
    After about 2.5 years of abuse by these perpetrators, this being March 1995, a difference to ‘their game’
    came into play. The good cop, bad cop scenario. I found the best relief from their program of torture was
    to keep busy, psychologically and physically, so I could sleep at night without sedatives.

    One day and like any other day the abuse was continuing. I was in the process of making some PCB’s
    (Printed Circuit Boards) and drilling holes in the same.

    The hounding at this time was “Heathen, Heathen” as well as other verbal assaults that didn’t stop.
    A male voice broke through the drivel of the bitching choir and said “ I have had enough of this, what
    has this man done to deserve this all the time ?” “Heathen, Heathen” bitch continued.

    The male said “Right he has won his Ticket” one of the females said “Oh yeah what’s his status” the male
    voice said “Super Star with Status and Honors above anyone else” A female said “Bullshit” and the
    Heathen chanting and other insults continued.

    I thought “What is the name of the unit chanting heathen?” The male voice said “that’s Gloria Estefan
    and I’m Doctor Martin Shaw” I didn’t know much about Gloria Estefan, I didn’t know what she looked like
    and I didn’t know any of her music. I remember seeing a magazine poster outside a newsagent with words
    like “Gloria, Queen of the Dikes” or words to that effect. (1994)

    I then thought “How can I get rid of her, I’m sick of this shit” Doctor Martin Shaw said this “Just lock her
    up somewhere” I thought “What do you mean?” Dr. Shaw – “Create a space and put her in it” I then reconstructed a small room and removed the window, placed a pedestal drill press, bar stool and a
    woman dressed in prison overalls on the stool, drilling holes manually in piece work, thinking, see how
    you like it ? Doctor Martin Shaw then said, “That’s enough Rob, now forget the scene”

    The woman started ranting “What’s that, I want one of those, Get me one of those things” In retrospect –
    It was like she was she was trying to keep this “created” scene alive (In my mind) long enough to cut an
    exit path for herself and probably dump the “scene” on someone else. Suffice to say no more “heathen” hounding from this unit. Now the chanting was going in another direction “Dr Shaw, Dr. Shaw” incessantly.

    So in effect, one of Madonna’s chooks had been busted with it’s hounding and hitting out at me.
    An interesting collection of reproducible recording’s then came to new light. Clearly this “Doctor
    Martin Shaw” was part of the harassment program all along. Reasons for believing this ?

    The Madonna Album “Erotica” the track –
    “Why’s it so hard”
    Some of the many ‘Hits’ loaded on this track –
    Original Line – “I’m telling you, brothers, sisters, why can’t we learn to, challenge the system, before
    it’s too late, love your brother, love your sister, now, why’s it so damn hard.

    Imposed Hit(s) – “I’m tailing you, big brother’s system why can’t we lose you, shit on the system well
    before it’s too late, fuck your brother, SHAW, SHAW, SHAW (mis-tracking, on this one word) shut your
    system, down, ’cause he’s so damn hot”

    As mentioned before – external electronic harassment to what is a ‘closed loop’ HiFi system and
    hundreds of hours of recordings with this mis-tracking in much of it, but only with Madonna’s Albums
    (Except for I’m Breathless) being effected by this “Rhythmic” percussive mal-functioning of the 8
    times over-sampling compact disk player, brand is Denon (Cost more than $1,000 in the late 1980’s –
    one of the best that money could buy at this time)

    The timing of the malfunctioning was like the stuttering of the Warner “Loony Tunes” character’s.
    “Sh, sh, sh shaw you’re system, Sh, sh Shove your system, Sh, sh shut you’re system down.

    Of course when I demonstrated these recorded harassment incidents to people they blamed the
    C.D’s and the Equipment. The timing of the mis-tracking wasn’t the same as disk or equipment
    failures and I tried to convince people that it was only on Madonna’s albums and it even did this
    with new C.D’s and Players.

    I remember going to a McDonalds restaurant in St.Peters, An inner south western suburb of Sydney,
    not far from where I was living in Enmore at the time, with an experiment in mind.

    They had a C.D duke box and I played some Madonna songs and YES they mis-tracked complete with
    the inserted, disturbing and targeting verbal assault. I asked a couple of female patrons “Do come here often ? (Yes) has that (pointing to the duke box) ever done this before? (No)

    I returned a week later and the duke box was gone. (1993) Don’t these idiots care about targeting
    someone in public places ? Potential Witnesses & Evidence ?

    Anyone else seen INCEPTION yet ?

    Company – Warner

    Theme – Drugging an individual to get inside and Thought Mine, using technology (contact electrodes – Neurophone and/or controlled – jointly ‘wired’ brain waveform monitoring to ‘synch’ the individuals) to
    bring the ‘extractors’ into the mind of the T.I. for such “Informational Recovery of Secrets”

    T.I’s Name (In the Movie) – Robert
    Nolan – “The story was conceived by me about 10 years ago”

    ME – Nolan you lack originality of I.P. and the likes of YOU, Warner haven’t you recovered from your exploitation of me, enough returns on your bad investment in Madonna yet ? So you continue with your ‘program’ of exploitation on other themes.

    It is important to KICK the perpetrators butt holes, with information like this and if one blog space
    goes down, pick it up and paste it somewhere else. They can’t keep closing down these sorts of
    public spaces, to remove victim accounts, of exploitation, because it leaves a trail behind, after all,
    if they are innocent, of such crimes – Why try and hide ?

    Comment by Robert — October 2, 2011 @ 9:48 am

  995. unintelligible

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 2, 2011 @ 11:22 am

  996. Of course, an explanation of the mind reading stuff – “I thought” is in order –

    This is also part of the patterning, the hits are dumped on you (repetitively) while you sleep, along
    with the triggers. Your own thoughts ? NO, far from it – for example –
    “What is the name of the unit chanting heathen?” (Refer to post No. 995 about 1/3 of the way down)

    I had never used the word “unit” to describe anyone, not even in the thought process. So the responses
    that you think are your own, certainly are not, you are reacting to a trigger and the words are a program.

    This is why many victims become aware, that they are being interfered with, because there will be
    discrepancies, such as words that are not in their normal dialogue (or thought processes) that is, how
    these words have been applied, in the suggestive ‘hits’ – abnormally and out of character, so when
    used in such ways, reveal the crimes.

    Comment by Robert — October 2, 2011 @ 11:30 am

  997. “unintelligible” – Aaron (post 996)

    Yes Aaron, to a poacher with an applied below average intellectual function. I know this stuff (my writings)
    doesn’t suit your agenda, what ever script you are working on, so perhaps look elsewhere for a suitable
    dump site for your shit. What I have to say is very much in line with the topic and quite frankly, I don’t
    see where you have slotted in, with anything worthwhile, so go away ! I am not here to help your kind
    (Industry Poachers & Plagiarists) but reduce them to ash – burn them first. Your kind just take and only
    give shit back.

    Comment by Robert — October 2, 2011 @ 11:55 am

  998. raving ad hominem already asked and answered

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 2, 2011 @ 12:36 pm

  999. 1,000 cycles, Hertz can also be expressed as 1KHz. Much of my research into Acoustic Sensitivity or –
    How come I can hear this crap and those nearby cant ? As we get older, the top end (higher frequencies)
    begin to roll off, no longer can we hear the full, healthy human range of say 20Hz – 20KHz. Nothing lasts

    1KHz is an interesting frequency that we tend to remain highly sensitive to, unless our hearing has been
    damaged. For those that remember the 33 RPM vinyl records – a function of the R.I.A.A standard was
    that the frequency of the recorded material was flat at 1KHz, that is there was no attenuation or gain
    at this frequency.

    Was this an arbitrary choice, or was it the ideal gain structure, across the bandwidth to suit the materials
    used ? and just coincidence that it is an area of audible radiation that humans are highly sensitive to.
    What complainants of gang stalking and acoustic DEW’s harassment also state is the occurrence of
    Tinnitus that accompany the directed acoustic attacks. I met one musician who’s Tinnitus was the
    perfect pitch of the note “C” he used his tinnitus to tune his guitar !

    There are conflicting reports that suggest that Tinnitus AND Verbal messages, together are signs of
    schizophrenia, Refer to the YouTube report of post No. 869, copy the link and stick it up the shrinks
    nose…Shrinks will continue to play devils advocate games with T.I’s until they are no longer a
    respected profession or they are dead.

    No investigations into the use of technology to disturb a person is a crime, in it’s own right. It wouldn’t
    be difficult to set up a psychiatrist with a malpractice law suit, for failure to correctly diagnose a T.I’s
    complaint. Clean a few of them out, watch the rest come up to date and abandon draconian ways.
    Remember they are just drug pushers – no great loss to society.

    Comment by Robert — October 2, 2011 @ 1:35 pm

  1000. giberish

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — October 2, 2011 @ 2:17 pm

    France Quenneville (@QuennevilleF) — September 24, 2011 @ 5:48 am

    All 21 of Aaron’s posts – are nothing more than an ongoing & pointless attack
    by a site trolling insect. WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE TO REMOVE THIS


    raving ad hominem already asked and answered

    Robert, I believe in free speech and criticism, whilst you assert an imagined right never to be criticized.

    “Bulling” would be a typo, either on my part or yours. I have actually discoursed upon bullying.

    Our problem is not regional language barrier, Robert.

    Asked and answered

    More belligerent deflection and evasion: What, are you the Pope now? No special qualifications are required for doubting you. Everything you post is a repetitious mass of the same relentless question begging.

    you are losing coherence again, and I have no patience for riddles and less interest. But those symptoms might still fit any number of possibilities including botulism and panic attack.

    Actually somewhat coherent, for once. Nevertheless, have you even bothered to consider more prosaic explanations such as botulism or panic attack?

    I agree. To live drug free demands more self work. And you’ve got yours cur out for you!

    I repeat: The shrinks don’t need to be qualified detectives or journalists, their only responsibility is to diagnose the patient. And these are entirely different matters. Indeed no lay person either, can help but observe your deplorable irrationally hostile ill mannered and dishonest conduct on this board, no matter how you struggle to side step that point as well. You are plainly in such denial that you dare not even confront even these very concepts!

    You criticize shrinks for not investigating that which you yourself refuse to investigate seriously. The psychotherapist is only responsible for diagnosing the patient. And even just from your conduct right here on this board, it is clear to anyone, that you are fairly nuts, irresponsible, closed minded and belligerent! I am just sick of people like you hijacking the conversation and undermining the credibility of real issues like bullying, community mobbing and gang stalking.

    Irony, much? The hoary ancient magic alluded whereof is as now practiced by you silly conspiracists, and only the trappings have ever changed since the dawn of humanity. It is the comfort of an idiot, wailing and gnashing signifying nothing!

    And lo, even in the presence of the infidel, he calls upon the faithful to preach the word and banish all doubt! For in the unwavering liturgy alone remains the magic to overcome the shadows one day!

    You admit it, then?

    Solidarity amongst do nothings?

    Look: You’ve been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. If in conversation I found you entirely genial and reasonable, then in that case, I might wonder at the incongruity. Alas, you’ve been a total hostile jerk and a liar! And all that you are gathering and studying might as well be UFOlogy or Parapsychology.

    Yes, what are you here for, Robert? -aside from quoting me out of context, of course! I really do not see the point, and I have been trying to ask you. So, you accuse me of jealousy because I find your personal accounts unintelligible, and deride my lack of evidence to be persuaded of your position. Well then, you are not here in the quest for truth, so I gather. You also deride me because I fail to see any explanatory need of Conspiracism. But then, you consistently fall back upon the emptiest of Ad Hominem. And for that matter, you have shown no interest in my personal victim claim, much less assayed evidence. You wouldn’t even stop flaming so that we could discuss it! I wonder though, do you deny bullying in general?

    I do not dispute the very existence (occurrence ever) of a) psychiatric malpractice or corporate or even government (intelligence, spycraft) initiated gang stalking and worse, nor certainly of intellectual property theft. But you are claiming far more. You are claiming particular instances, and you are claiming something far more pervasive than the aforementioned general truths.
    The rest about REM and the motion picture: ‘crime of the century’ is both incoherent and unevidenced. You’ll never expose anyone without far more discipline.

    Robert, I skip over what I find either irrelevant or just incoherent. I have attempted to engage with you over what I see as central question as to relevance, necessary to any hope of coherence let alone credibility, but you either ignore or lash out in abuse and accusation. One thing is clear: Criminals and bullies certainly exist. What’s more, either are known to engage in organized stalking or to incite community mobbing. So I simply don’t know why vast super secret cabals and shadow government must be evoked, any more than angels and flying saucers. And this you refuse to address.
    Again, the personal accounts that you present, just make my eyes hurt! They need major copy editing. They are just unreadable. Aside from which, again, what you read into them, does not emerge on its own for me. I see no clear premise, followed by whatever logic, and following to your conclusions. You’ve got to edit!
    Central to getting the goods and exposing any evil doers whatsoever, there also remain questions of evidence, of testable hypotheses with clear conditions of refutation for what are scientific claims, and standards of evidence for claims that should be subject to detective work of serious journalistic investigation.
    All in all, your unreasonable hostility and dismissal of any honest opinion on my part through persecution mania, only makes you come across as crazy. Your espousal of crank conspiracy theories aligned with bigoted factions most likely amenable to gang stalking and worse, doesn’t help either, any more than your own threats to gang stalk me for daring to question you.
    Robert, there is little doubt that thugs can be hired for all manner of harassment and intimidation, let alone surveillance, as for a well familiar example, in order to clear resisting tenants in order to clear the way for demolition subsequent to crooked real estate development projects. But of course your claims are more bizarre, extreme, and indeed entirely bereft of compelling evidentiary support.


    Comment by Robert — October 2, 2011 @ 3:31 pm

  1002. One part of the one sided discussion (so far !) is the ongoing devestation caused by the AUSTRALIAN
    designed and GIVEN AWAY (C.S.I.R.O) WiFi system, which as mentioned, operates at the Resonant
    Frequency of Water which is approximately 2,400,000,000Hz (2.4GHz). Those diagnosed as suffering
    from Electro-Sensitivity FUCKING HATE IT, but hey, they are a minority group – Right ? So the larger
    populous couldn’t give a shit, it’s not an epidemic – YET.

    Big plans, in the pipeline for national and international fibre-optic systems but still remains a pipe dream.
    But back in the land of Nod, what will become a big problem is the long term exposure to Microwave
    radiation and it’s ill effects – s l o w l y being realized by “the powers that be” as a very real threat to
    human MENTAL HEALTH.

    Gang Stalkers paradise, it’s everywhere you go. The Gang Stalking Scum simply move in on top of
    the T.I. that suffers from E.S. focus upon them and psychologically kick their heads in, in their usual
    cowardly numbers game. Psychological modulation of a vacant microwave carrier (comm’s) wave.
    Not unlike the U.S. Navy dumping 2.2Hz on the vacant D.C. power transmission line, as mentioned.

    Gang Stalking reached a massive all time high with the proliferation of microwave radiation. Gang
    Stalking scum holding séance ‘group meets’ except their target is not a spook. A séance isn’t a
    bad analogy for gang stalking activities. Now let’s see, how could we set the spooks upon the
    spooks ?

    Comment by Robert — October 2, 2011 @ 7:28 pm


    For those interested in Microwave Radiation within our homes & businesses and the researched
    adverse effects, the lack of concern by governments to do anything about it with regards to a
    revision of what could be considered safe levels of exposure to this type of radiation.

    Some standards say that 10 Watts per Square Metre energy densities at above 2 GHz are ‘safe’

    FCC/ANSI – USA 10,000,000 μW/m2

    So pass the marshmallows !

    Consider the DECT phone technology radiates pulsed microwave continuously at near the resonant
    frequency of water, whether the phone is in use or not – 0.4 Watts per square Metre at a distance
    of 30cm this from the DECT Phone Base Station.

    The US ‘Gigaset’ technology is worse – 0.7 Watts per square metre energy density at 30cm from the
    base station.

    Click to access non-stop_dect.pdf

    This is a lot ‘hotter’ than cell tower energy densities…Set the oven temperature to 50 Deg C.
    Place a piece of meat on an oven tray, place the tray on the middle shelf.
    Cook @ 50 Deg C for 24 Hours, a very, very slow oven for an extended period of exposure
    to infrared (ionizing) radiation and it still gets badly burnt – charcoal.

    If a microwave oven (non-ionizing radiation) was set to a low power level (this is difficult to do because
    these devices are not designed for continuous duty cycling) and the ‘test’ piece of meat was left in there
    for an extended period of time what would the resultant piece of meat look like ?

    So why is non-ionizing radiation any different to ionizing with regards to damage to healthy cells ?

    The Frey Effect –

    Requires pulsed microwave radiation, the cordless phones – Dect & Gigaset have this requirement
    ‘on-board’ the pulses occur at 10mS intervals, or as a frequency this is 100Hz.
    This pulsed microwave radiation is constant, with power applied to the base station. The other
    requirement for V2K success is the waveform shape – it must be square wave.

    The Dect & Gigaset waveforms are indeed square waves. Next is power densities, Frey mentions
    10mW/CM2 which is only 0.1 Watts/M2 (.01 = 10mW) x 10,000 (the number of square C.M in 1
    square Metre) So this power level is also supplied by the Dect & Gigaset technologies – easily.

    So these systems for personal communications can be used for nefarious purposes, such as V2K.
    You purchased them and brought them into your homes & work places. Were there WARNING
    signs on the product ? NO – Let’s get the law suits going…

    WARNING SIGN – This technology maybe harmful to your physical and/or mental health.
    Should not be used by those individuals Victimized by Occultists, Gang Stalkers or those that
    suffer from Electro – Sensitivity. (E.S)

    “I am not victimized by occultists (hidden) or Gang Stalkers and I certainly do not suffer from
    so called ‘electro-sensitivity’ so what has this got to do with me”

    Don’t worry, you are already brain dead…OR haven’t been baked long enough, in the slow cooker.
    The dummying down of society ? Maybe.

    Comment by Robert — October 2, 2011 @ 8:02 pm

  1004. The Neighbors that quit their rental housing –

    In 2002 I relocated from Sydney (Australia) to a smaller fringe city. Those that were intent on continuing
    to stalk, intimidate, harass, assault with GBH and exploit had a slight problem, no vacant real estate any-
    where near me. They need proximity to their T.I. The industry intent on maintaining the stalking-to-exploit
    has no shortage of money but what would they do for a spook house ? A tenanted, rental situation did
    exist – diagonally across the street, about a hundred feet away, wall to wall (windows to windows) and
    within two weeks (17/07/02) the tenant was behaving like he just won the lottery.

    Out went a truck load of personal property that he could have sold, for a tidy sum, but he put it out on the
    street for a council clean-up, these are booked as required. I approached him and socially spoke about
    his move – “Oh, I got a REALLY good job, in Sydney” What about all this stuff – “I’m not worried about it,
    I am gonna’ buy all new stuff” fair enough, Oh well good luck with the new job, see you around.

    “Fair Enough” but what moved in wasn’t – Perp No. ONE – A unemployed husband, that left everyday, at
    the same time, came home – same time, each afternoon, making like he had a job. He drove around the
    city and outer areas, showing up in shopping centers and other places, that I caught public transport, to
    get to. The guy didn’t have any business at these places – it was like he was *saying* I know where you
    are going and I’m going to be there *watching* you.

    Now the wife carried on with some serious shit, in the aggravation of me department with noise campaigns
    and verbal splatter. Her two kids were at school, the husband would show up all over town and the rest
    of the immediate neighborhood went to work – real jobs. Within a week of moving in, on top of my privacy
    the verbal started – The first one shouted across the street and in my open front door – “We’re Here”
    She was alone and the comment wasn’t directed at anyone, there was no one around. How strange, I
    thought – why is she pointing her mouth at me ? She couldn’t see where I was, inside my new home.

    Next incident, is a few days later and her son comes home from school and they are talking, outside
    their front door, the son went inside and she yelled out, in my direction – “I told you not to slam the
    door – it disturbs someone, in the street” I went to the area of my lounge-room, where I could see
    and looked across the street and she was glaring straight at me.

    Gang Stalking brief on –
    Obtaining Proximity to the T.I.
    Following someone around in places where the T.I. is likely to be going (shops)
    Acoustic & Verbal Noise Campaigns, Intimidation and Harassment via “Street” theatre “Skits”
    and this was within the first week, what would follow on is more than worthy of a book for
    police prosecution (or private actions) this would include what they then did, to my next door
    neighbor and his family life, when he caught her (Perp No. 1) one day, in full flight, at me.
    His vehicle was at the repairer’s shop, she didn’t know HE WAS HOME.

    Comment by Robert — October 2, 2011 @ 10:24 pm

  1005. All staged for a BLADE, still in prison ?

    Perp No. ONE, she did the make-up jobs for the female act (aggressor – vampire) with attitude. This was
    ‘blade III’ a week before local (Aust) screenings began, she was taken off the M.E.D and denied same
    *make up theme* – Patsy.

    Bury them, or at least keep them in the dark, from what they continue to do, to each other, well it kind of
    feels pointless – find another gig. Another hat store. There must be someway into this tttrap, ’cause it
    doesn’t cost that much compared to the returns, save a few good people. So much for draconian waste.

    moving on – off (digital age) …

    Comment by Robert — October 3, 2011 @ 4:03 am

  1006. The posse doesn’t know what’s going DOWN, but the Sniper has been locked up for TAX EVASION.
    Incentives for the POACHING crowd are of course fiscal, BUT drug economies keep the status quo.

    Keeps drug driven crowds from talking too much – GANG STALKERS ! – like a paying gig ?

    “We have got this guy, with a ticket, but no one knows who he is, “WE” could make it worth your
    while – here is the theme – try and get as many around him involved in the *PROGRAM*, as you
    can. (The responsibilities of Perp No. ONE)

    Their System – What System ? It’s all overdue, (It’s all over jew)

    The substance represents their “illicit” soliciting economy, so if a perpetrator requests payment
    in cash, for their *PART* the handler (or controller) just liquidate some *ASSETS* – Status Quo

    Comment by Robert — October 4, 2011 @ 10:57 am

  1007. Turpitude – turd pit jewed

    Comment by Robert — October 4, 2011 @ 11:13 am

  1008. So what kind of SHIT we selling each other ?

    The PLANET is “Oh Bleak” – & I thought we, wee all in it together ?

    Comment by Robert — October 4, 2011 @ 11:36 am

  1009. The destruction of all ECONOMIES, it is favourable dude.

    Comment by Robert — October 4, 2011 @ 11:58 am

  1010. That is some really nice work you are doing there …….man.

    Now your out of a gig.

    Destroy the economy that revolves around getting a gig.

    Planned Failure & Obsolescence – it wasn’t worth that much. – We could build water heaters that
    lasted for fifty years, or more. But we would be out of gig, if our work revolved around everything else
    in the trade, …because if someone made a water heater unit with replaceable ANODES, well dude,
    there isn’t a whole lot of “PASSED” corrosion, that would get through to induce further corrosion.

    The Plumbing is all wrong…

    Comment by Robert — October 4, 2011 @ 12:47 pm

  1011. Selective leaching – of the zinc, in the *BRASS* alloy.

    Comment by Robert — October 4, 2011 @ 1:02 pm

  1012. But the leeches are full of a less noble metal, well, when the magnesium passes the point of no return.

    It is monitored cause we have an applied Voltage x Current = Power, the Watt meter shows an
    increasing power comsumption on the *Watch Dog” D.C power supply, that kicks in when the potential
    difference between the decaying anode, and brass, well the applied P.D. – Power, that costs more than
    a new anode.

    Applied Physics 101.

    So what kind of shit we selling to each other man ?

    There goes the junky age dude. So much for burying all this shit in land fill. Future generations won’t be
    able to warrant digging it up, let alone afford it. Unless it can be modified. –
    Planned Obsolescence, planned failure – ever tried re-gassing a BIC writer, the flint still works.

    So digging up the past (passed) won’t be viable ?

    It isn’t Egypt any more.

    Comment by Robert — October 4, 2011 @ 1:41 pm

  1013. Pyramid systems – they have already been *cleansed* – what, did you have some kind of calcium
    phosphate deficiency ?

    Comment by Robert — October 4, 2011 @ 2:18 pm

  1014. They were busted for snorting the bones.

    Comment by Robert — October 4, 2011 @ 2:32 pm

  1015. The Perpetrator and Schizophrenia

    When my personal awareness developed, cautiousness (paranoia to a shrink) kicked in, I had a full and
    accountable memory of what J.S.Oxley had done with my frozen food and the events that occurred on
    either side of the incident – His approaching, by covert stalking and interfering with those in my immediate
    area that I socialized with. Theo Dangas and a Band called ‘Paris Green’ who were party to the crime,
    whether initially knowledgeable or not, this band was regarded ‘as an institution’ in the inner western
    suburb’s of Sydney.

    Theo’s part in the equation was to encourage me to show an interest, in the Band’s Monday night’s
    performances, at the Enmore hotel. I had worked in the entertainment industry as a sound engineer,
    but back then, I hadn’t worked at that type of employment or had anything to do with ‘that’ industry
    for more than 4 years. The Band was due to start , with their Monday night performances in October
    of 1992. I was hounded by Theo, prior to this, to come down and do their sound. I ‘thought’ what the
    heck (another word, I didn’t use) no responsibilities (unpaid work) and no commitments, as I was doing
    fine outside of the industry of entertainment.

    I didn’t see any threat or danger, as this was well ‘hidden’. Every performance was recorded, direct
    from the mixing console to cassette tape. I had no idea of what was subliminally, ‘buried’ in the sound
    that I was recording. Things were not that obvious, with regards to the hidden threat so they decided
    to turn up the modulation –

    “Tomorrow, we’re are gonna’ come down there and pull the carrier and you won’t be talking to no one”
    (Greek-Australian Accent)
    This was loud an clear to the 50 or so people in the room and got EVERYONE talking, so as to speak.

    The receiver for this transmission could have been buried in any of the bands equipment, a large Tape
    Loop Echo (Roland) used by the guitarist (Floyd Vincent), the Keyboards were an old analogue Moog
    Synth’ system (Jamie Fielding – dead – 6 months later, he wanted to talk to me about what he was party
    to, but never got the chance)

    I then went back through the recordings of the previous gig’s and they were loaded with personal
    Innuendo, loaded all through the material. It reminded me of a band conversation that I overheard as
    I approached the Band room one night – the drummer – Louis Burdett – “I don’t know, he’s thick or
    something and I can’t get him up, or on him” his back was to the door, but the look on Floyd Vincent’s
    face told the story, when I walked up to the door.

    I did one last show, a really good crowd, afterwards I cornered and abused three of the band members,
    in the car park – Hawkins, Burdett and Vincent – “PARASITE GREED” (as in a smear of the bands
    name – Paris Green) it was around this time, when the covert stalking ‘handler/controller’ (Oxley) went
    overt and made his approaches, to ‘get in the door’ and dope my frozen food. I hadn’t seen or spoken
    to him for years.

    Jeremy Saxon Oxley uses the ‘System’ to hide behind “MAD” the man is pure evil, as in “BAD”. So
    Many of the Gang Stalking junkies (the industry of entertainment is full of them – GLOBALLY) hide,
    as in “FAKED” mental illness – schizophrenia. Mental hospitals and the mental health system are used
    by people , like Oxley, for recruiting new gang stalking, drug fucked, perpetrator ‘Want to bees’

    The economy is illicit substances, rewarding dog’s for their *PART* in doing their *JOB* in the art
    Gang Stalking Crimes. Once again – it keeps the status quo, no one talks. We know that the ‘DOGS’
    don’t bite the hand that *FEEDS* them – junk food.

    Comment by Robert — October 6, 2011 @ 4:46 am

  1016. Who are these perpetrators, these organised crime groups, that are doing this to me ?

    – JUNKIES.

    “We are all in this together”

    “But you can’t prove it was us”

    To a victim of this type of crime, there seems to be little help on offer. WRONG.
    Understanding the weapons, that the perpetrator system uses and the fact that
    they operate right under the *NOSES* of the authorities, (psychiatry – like the police)

    “If you wish to commit a crime, do it outside a police station, as it is the last place
    that the cop’s will look”

    So, to understand what the perp weapons, in use are, is a step closer to disarming
    them. Perp’s without weapons – What Perp’s ? What PURPOSE ? – Did you
    really think that psychological abuse was entertaining ?

    There goes the Junkie Age of meaningless values…

    Comment by Robert — October 6, 2011 @ 6:41 am

  1017. So the English police were debriefed, by an expert witness in microwave systems…

    WE see that the ‘controlling’ parties , of perpetrators activities, now have full remote
    control of the authorities – from within the ‘station’ ?

    Mobile ‘non – ionizing’ systems as well…

    They are being ‘inducted’…takes time – slow cooker.

    Comment by Robert — October 6, 2011 @ 7:20 am

  1018. Police Induction – hop into the mobile microwave oven.

    Comment by Robert — October 6, 2011 @ 7:35 am

  1019. GOD made me do it !

    NO, you were ripped off dude.

    Comment by Robert — October 6, 2011 @ 9:32 am

  1020. O, it is so internal.

    Comment by Robert — October 6, 2011 @ 10:10 am

  1021. God doesn’t make directed energy weapons. Evil spirited people do, they test them out and use these
    devices on innocent human beings that don’t understand what is happening to them. The victims complain
    to the authorities, are referred to the psychiatrists, who love to play the devil’s advocate games, such victims
    are further persecuted by suggestions that their complaints are delusional and no investigations, into the
    applications of this technology, are undertaken. This is the way of it, presently and without reform, this is
    the way it will continue sadly, without these necessary reforms.

    The obvious solution is to band together and expose as much of the shortcomings, of this system and to do
    irreversible damage to the perpetrators. It doesn’t matter who they think they are, they are just scum, on
    power trips that want to play God. They aren’t good enough, to be Gods, never were and never will be.
    Exposure of their technology, that remains in place and in use, is a start on the path of disarming these
    satanic scum.

    Good people don’t violate Human and God given rights, Satanic Ritual Abusers do. What do they have
    to gain from such abuses ? Money and further power status. Destroy respect for those with money, based
    on how they acquired it, when their methods were cut throat and breached human rights, for example.

    Their methods are hidden from common understanding’s, not excepted as reality – no wonder reality sucks.
    Educate victims of this crime, disarm the gang stalking junkies and this crime game is over – before it gets
    any worse, this is now required and without delay, long term exposure to non-ionising radiation is the slow
    cook and kill method, cleansed by fire – but this wasn’t the will of the creator.

    Expose the valley of darkness, fear not what the evil has done, shine the light on what evil does – the
    preventative beats the shit out of the *cure* as there isn’t one, regardless of what the noses (psychiatry)
    might have you believe.

    Comment by Robert — October 7, 2011 @ 11:36 am

  1022. What if the processes of evolution included telepathy ?

    Then we have ape shit that wish to see the human race remain as ape shit, this is not progressive.
    We have the jealous on power trips, that can’t compete. We have idiots selling Communications
    Systems, that feel threatened. Comment – get another gig. For victims to be gang stalked by a
    sub species, is a great travesty and a sub species (gang stalkers) on drugs makes it worse.

    A real set-back for progress. We have a planet bathing in Microwave Radiation that destroys
    progressive evolution. The ‘head sets’ are rounded up and told they are nuts – if they complain
    about electro- systems ‘fucking with them’

    I had always wondered about the development discussions, with a woman masquerading as
    Madonna in 1985, regarding Eastern Africa. When the real deal (Madonna) actually set about,
    with the *plan* and adopted kids from Eastern Africa I stopped wondering, who was in my
    ear, back then.

    What really pissed me off, was that the shrinks were not that interested in taking further
    dictation, back then, in 1985. A whole lot more was pilfered and sold to the highest bidders.
    EXPLOITATION of VICTIMS – evidential values.

    Comment by Robert — October 7, 2011 @ 12:39 pm

  1023. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1,024, 2,048, 4,096, 8,192, 16,384, 32,768, 65,536.

    Rounded off Isometrics –

    1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K…etc

    It’s far from *the perfect world* The TT (the meat pie) is blamed – Junk Food. – 3.141592654.

    Sorry – Post No. 1024, it’s a damn program number.

    When it comes to the perpetrator system – the numbers, well they are all wrong – Perp’s =
    MINORITY GROUP, presently that is. I can’t see their numbers growing, like what’s the point ?
    Perp’s require power over others and their economic systems are being ‘torched’ , so without
    the root path of EVIL, where will the perp’s have purpose ?

    A Clever Convoluted Trap. The perpetrator crowd have no idea what kind of shit is going down.

    Comment by Robert — October 7, 2011 @ 1:16 pm

  1024. THEY ARE.

    Comment by Robert — October 7, 2011 @ 1:48 pm

  1025. “The Perpetrator Crowd, the perpetrator crowd…going down”


    Comment by Robert — October 7, 2011 @ 2:16 pm

  1026. The Victoria on the Park Hotel, Enmore

    Located in the inner south western suburb’s of Sydney, part of the area, under control of the council of
    Marrickville, remained the theme park for psychological assault and gang stalking operations. In early
    1993 a prepared video was played on the large screen monitor, intended to disturb me. This Video
    would be accompanied by a stalking skit by a woman masquerading as Madonna.

    The video was an image cut of Madonna facing the camera, and projected onto a screen with the
    reporter sitting in front of the screen, with her back to the camera, you could see that the reporter
    was casting a shadow, onto the screen shot of Madonna. Madonna’s voice was dubbed, for the
    assault, with an American woman’s voice like Madonna’s filling in the Audio response.

    The Reporter –

    “Tell us Madonna, what are you doing in Australia” ?

    Madonna Dubbed Response –

    “I am here to find my husband”

    This assault was witnessed by about twenty patrons in the front bar (main bar area) with the ‘card’
    machines and pool tables. I was playing pool (eight ball) and winning – looser pays to challenge
    the winner. After this constructed video assault, two men in their early twenties and built like
    brick shit-houses walked in from the rear of the hotel, with a woman dressed in lace, scantily clad
    of about 5 foot, 5 inches tall. She sat behind a card machine and began to gamble. The two
    brick shit-houses stood close to her, with looks on their faces saying “do not approach, or we
    will ‘adjust’ your approach”

    I continued playing pool and ignored the assault. It wasn’t the last time I would see these two
    brick shit-houses and the masquerading Madonna.

    Comment by Robert — October 9, 2011 @ 4:45 am

  1027. Destruction of the Targeted Individuals business –

    Early 1993 – It became an expensive problem, to the gang stalkers, to continue with their
    “hit & run” activities. My business was not stable, in the one place of employment and I
    travelled all over Sydney, doing quotations and installations, sometimes I would travel out
    of the area of Sydney. The perpetrators found it hard to keep up, with my constant and
    varied locations.

    A major source of my work was with a leading insurance company, whom referrals came
    in, from all area’s of Sydney. One referral was to a trap, a woman in her mid thirties, who
    had close ties to the entertainment industry, a scam was set up, whereby her house was
    ‘zapped’ during a thunder storm, there was no signs of a direct strike to her house. Her
    alarm system was so old that it couldn’t have worked, but it was claimed for, repair costs
    to her insurer – the NRMA.

    This woman was associated with the Enmore crowd, (“guppy”) as well as others in the
    entertainment industry – her brother – Ian Lees for example. Her on again/off again
    boyfriend – the guitarist that replaced Mick Cocks (Dec) in a band called the “Head-
    Hunters”. Her programmed task – to show an interest in me, personally and to generate
    a *need* for me to return, after my electronic security work, for the insurer, was

    Catherine Patricia Lees would then surrender information to the police that had been
    Obtained *allegedly* from a recorded message, left on her answering machine. The
    Police were seeking an A.V.O (apprehended violence order) on this woman’s behalf.
    I was presented with the transcribed recorded message, in the courtroom, before the
    Magistrate – Wayne ‘Hollywood’ Evans, at Hornsby courthouse in March 1993 and
    asked if I had said such thing’s – I got as far as reading the transcript and answered
    “Yes – But”

    I was cut off by Evans who said – words to the effect of “Right, the evidence tendered
    is admitted to, by the respondent” What had been presented to the Police was a private
    conversation, to another party (family) about how women use the law for their own
    purposes and gains. This private conversation could have only been obtained through
    illegal surveillance, a wire tap on my phone or high quality audio surveillance of my
    premises. Such a conversation was not a directed verbal, to this woman’s answering
    machine. (Cut & Pasted, from one place to another)

    This did the trick, as far as the destruction of my highly regarded business as a Security
    Technician – the NRMA didn’t refer any more work to me (Loss adjuster – Bob Low)
    I didn’t have enough work to continue with my business operations, without these leads
    from this large insurer (including NRMA staff, that I had done work for) and the business
    was wound up in December of 1994. I had been battling to survive since this incident in
    March of 1993.

    What is further evident is the manipulation of the court room proceeding’s of this only
    date of appearance, in March 1993, as in a copy of the court room recorded transcript
    is the insertion of the Police Prosecutors voice claiming it was “Fourteen Four Ninety
    Three”. I was denied justice, on the day, as I tried to set a date, to contest the orders
    that were sought – by the police. The Magistrate – EVANS – “ I told you I would
    hear the matter today” There was no date, with the court on the 14/04/93. The inserted
    voice of the P.P. – Dave Chambers is a blatant, obvious corruption of the recording, the
    background noise isn’t the only give away.

    Who, besides corrupted authorities have the ability to interfere with courtroom audio
    recording’s ? An appointed barrister, then tried to obtain another copy of the court-
    room proceedings of this only date, as I had obtained the first copy, an application for the
    tape made soon after the date in March ’93. The barrister was told he couldn’t have
    one. It is interesting to note – That Oxley didn’t live very far from C.P. Lees, who used
    the name – Fincher – in her complaint, to the Police and Oxley lived virtually on top of
    Hornsby Police & Courthouse.

    Comment by Robert — October 11, 2011 @ 10:30 am

  1028. Punch & Judge Jewdy –

    A close friend of Madonna’s, well known to American soap opera’s – Judge Judy.
    This woman is not a Judge or Magistrate, just a lowly parasitic attorney by qualification.

    But what if their was some magistrate, that she could climb all over, in a distant ‘Back
    Water’ nation like ‘Australia’ for aiding performance *abilities* – Wayne “Hollywood”
    Evans, well he sure filled the spot. Arrogant, self righteous twat.

    Comment by Robert — October 11, 2011 @ 12:05 pm

  1029. Everything you do, everything you say, will be used against you in some way by the “gangstalking” devil trash.

    The paid informant “secret police” and corporate/others will control/blackmail, threaten, the failing democracy/has-been politicians/police that might have stopped the blatant, illegal activities that have gone on for so long.

    It appears that *You* were a threat to someone with the power to start this against you, as was I.

    And, my business was destroyed long ago by *these people,* if you want to call them “people.”

    I call them the trash that they are, the fascist scum that has risen to the top for now, but will surely fall when eyes are opened and truth, justice and morality prevail.

    These people *will* go down, it is just a matter of time.

    Comment by gaven — October 13, 2011 @ 3:54 am

    OR –
    (Putting out the trash)

    Any perceived threat, that I may have been to these gang-stalking, freeloading
    fleas (parasites) was AFTER that point in which they exposed themselves, not
    only to me, but the authorities. For a state government to show complacency,
    in the crimes, that I was the targeted subject thereof – It shows up weakness in
    such a government – frightened, corrupt politicians.

    To go about setting up an individual, poisoning/drugging them and then to menace
    them with DEW’s, spread rumor’s and forcefully convince the Authorities that
    someone is mentally ill and a threat to others (or themselves) is how these trash
    operated on me, how the authorities ‘handled’ it revealed the corruption, serious
    flaws in the system that requires reform.

    If such diminishing respect, by the authorities, for those set up and character
    assassinated, i.e.- “their mad” by the entertainment industry’s, desperate operatives
    department continues, this will only lead to a reciprocal, virtual lack of respect for
    the authorities. Crime – why would you want it to grow out of control ?

    Cut these criminal operatives down, their gang stalking, rumor spreading,
    exploiting operations – cull them out of business. Why give them a chance to run,
    after they hit all over some *valuable* targeted individual ? I pray for hell on earth
    to these perpetrators, but the fatality list isn’t long enough…

    To enable the labeling – ‘mentally ill’ , by entertainment industry ‘game players’
    and then to be psychologically pack raped, by the entertainment industry’s gang
    stalking, ritual abusers – proves a need for reform and therefore more investigations,
    into this industry’s ‘occultist’ (hidden) operations. NO MORE PROTECTION
    of manufacturing *STARS* The entertainment industry is “testing” innocent people,
    with a view to exploit, not with a view to *DISCOVER*

    For those involved in this crime, at corporate levels and abusing the police and
    legal system as well, it reveals the desperation of their networking, that failed to
    meet expectations and get away with the crime. Normally when someone makes
    a complaint, about such foul play – it attracts the attention of the threatened, in
    other words if you set out to destroy a criminal operation, you will not only
    gain the attention of frightened criminals, but a frightened legal system, that also
    feels the threat, because they have breached human rights and therefore are not
    trustworthy in any form of government or the policing of that peoples laws.

    Evidence of corruption then became a need to uncover and expose, those party to
    the corporate crime and the political scumbag filth, that sanctioned such crimes
    against us. Hence why their economies are on death row. You need money to
    buy gang stalking weapons and with the destruction of untraceable ‘cash’
    economies, will come the destruction of drug economies and other illicit trade, that
    keeps such crimes *enabled* You may catch a perpetrator ‘In Full Flight’ but
    to catch the financial dept. is so much more difficult, with current economic
    systems, still in place.

    Their Cash Cows are my strategic targets. Without hidden (or non-existent)
    paper trails, then their crime games are virtually over. So are their un-traceable
    drug economies. Their buried wealth won’t be worth digging up, a redundant
    system of rotting meaningless values, that can no longer be tendered. = CRIME
    GAME OVER. The law is only there to protect those *WITH* , so destroy their
    Cash Cows.

    Comment by Robert — October 14, 2011 @ 6:31 am

  1031. Opening Comment by Gavin – Post No. 1030 –

    “Everything you do, everything you say, will be used against
    you in some way by the “gangstalking” devil trash”

    Reply –

    You can use this “phenomenon” to your advantage, as a victim. The perp’s will
    generally set out to acquire sensitive information, that they can use against you.

    What they may, indirectly, tender in a court of law, based on how it was acquired
    is how they can be *spun* into a convoluting trap, proving their methods were to
    set you up, as in entrapment, with a will to exploit you –

    example –

    2.5Ltrs of H2SO4 – 98%
    1Ltr of HNO3 – 68-70 %

    Ordered and purchased over the phone, the one that they were hacking. Your
    genuine reasons for this purchase, were for metal finishing (Aluminum Anodizing)

    “He’s building a bomb, he has the stuff to level a brick shit house”
    This directed at you, via DEW’s or STREET THEATRE or both – “Keep this hot,
    as required”

    When the pervert perpetrator crowd think they have enough to use against you, they
    tend to back off, their only interest in gathering such information is to silence you, also
    to provoke a response, when required in one of their staged themes. SCUM CRAFT,
    they call “Method Acting” a means of obtaining *spirit* they do not possess, to aid
    their *lack of* performance abilities. – Stealing the Heat –

    Next – a movie is released – Water as an explosive, starring – some dude that later
    Played 007… He is disarming a Bomb that has been placed under a woman’s car
    Seat, he asks the woman – “What is your dogs name” the woman replies –
    “Madonna” (1958 – Chinese year of the dodgy doggie)

    So make sure you record such incidents – you did this – and it freaked out the perp
    trash, later – a movie is made, about a bomb and the name Madonna is used in the
    staged skit. These scum will do ANYTHING to cash in on ANY angle of disturbance.

    The Desperate American Writers Guild = D.A.W.G

    Wayne “Hollywood” Evans the magistrate, used to prop up “Judge Jewdy” – I wonder
    what kind of shit *they* have got on Evans – That Jewdy number has been going for one
    hell of a ride on Evans…Or maybe he’s receiving “incentives” to remain an arsehole.

    He never could compete with that Manly Magistrate, Geoff Cleary, used, as the roll model
    for “Rafferty’s Rules” – A redundant Australian Soap Opera. – Which is where Evans got
    his nick name – “Hollywood” – the Drama Queen… From. He was Horribly Jealous of the
    attention that Cleary received, but couldn’t compete.

    Comment by Robert — October 14, 2011 @ 9:48 am

  1032. “They set me up, they set me up”

    No –

    You set them up, fuck, I would hate to fall from such heights…

    Comment by Robert — October 14, 2011 @ 10:13 am

  1033. We all have the ability to do some serious damage, to the system of perpetrators.
    Firstly let nothing remain hidden from their activities, as we will see common
    *scenarios* of their turpitude. Let us set aside any reservations of personal
    embarrassment, based on perpetrator activities and what *they* thought, they
    could use against us, as victims.

    Remember they are human beings, although their intent is evil, WE can undermine
    their perversion. Turning the tables on their ‘craft’ is exposing their practice –
    exposure of a vampire (parasitic perp’) to the light of a new day, tends to ruin their
    game. No Holds Barred, they don’t play fair – that is why they are evil – so why
    should we ? Show them the light, watch them get burnt – That’s Entertainment.

    Evil perpetrators need a place to run and a place to hide, what if they are deprived
    of safe harbour. What have we got on the perpetrators, their hidden (occultist)
    practices, their economies, their weapons, their stealth, their propaganda, etc.

    All the stuff that flushes them out, of their valley of darkness, to the waiting BBQ.
    You can bring the beers, hope you don’t mind the aroma of smoked & braised pork.
    We have other *meats* available for those, that wish to get together, for personal
    sacrificing of dead commodities…

    Comment by Robert — October 15, 2011 @ 10:04 am

  1034. The Menu –

    Entrées –

    Fishy Scams

    Shark Finished Soup

    Reptilian Delight, (Minced Meat Balls) – (tastes like chicken) with dipping
    sources – Choices – Chilli, Black Bean, Garlic, Sweet & Sour, Spicy Fried
    Ginger, Coriander & Cumin (curry)

    Mains –

    Stuffed King Snake, with sweet & sour source, served on a bed of rice

    Rat’s Rally – Grain Fed, Deep Fried, with garden fresh salad & chips

    Kangaroo Court, served as a roast, with baked vegetables

    Dog on the Bone, Ribs or Rump cuts with access to the
    Salad and Vegetable Bar.

    Deserts –

    Black Pudding, freshly obtained perpetrator blood, gluten free.

    THE BILL –

    It’s free for VICTIMS, but for perpetrators, there is a surcharge…

    Comment by Robert — October 15, 2011 @ 11:08 am

  1035. So we could really get the Sunday lunch happening, a venue, a restaurant with live
    perpetrator entertainment, a cage full of perpetrator white rats, grain fed (Coke Heads)
    freshly prepared, then in a tempura batter. Don’t forget the DAWG on the Bone (Des’
    American Writers Guild)

    OR –

    Rump cuts, all Kosher, of course – healthy, plentiful meat deposits, everywhere you
    go. Why waste ? We can recycle. Here piggy – all the way from the top of Masada
    and tenderized on the way down, just for you. Go on – lick it up, before it soaks in.

    Comment by Robert — October 15, 2011 @ 11:46 am

  1036. Ar, it is all full of connotations, without a con-note number, well, we can’t trace it !

    Comment by Robert — October 15, 2011 @ 12:17 pm

  1037. The destruction of BAAL, it’s easy – Baal is Judah’s Dog. The crimes that are processed by
    the legal sector are the crimes that keep Baal alive ! Destroy cash economies – no deals.

    Judah doesn’t need a pet.

    Comment by Robert — October 15, 2011 @ 12:25 pm

  1038. The destruction of BAAL, it’s easy – Baal is Judah’s Dog. The crimes that are processed by
    the legal sector are the crimes that keep Baal alive ! Destroy cash economies – no deals.

    Judah doesn’t need a pet.

    Central Monitoring. – how they are spending , what they stole, fuck junk food, any other spent
    cases ? Then why prop up this shit. Wow, it had an opening, so rich and so fucked up.

    So why bother, like, why didn’t you enjoy this life.

    Um,. someone else took it for a ride, to the core, ferro magnetics, molten state, sounds like

    They seemed happy.

    A Trap for Perpetrators. So let’s see how you get out this one, all in it together, you know.

    False Flag Waving – so forget it.

    Procrastination – st, stop preaching to the converted.

    Comment by Robert — October 15, 2011 @ 1:16 pm

  1039. Reoccurring Events – Further Evidence, with
    Authority Participation, Audio& Video CAPTURED

    The purchase of acids back in 1993 didn’t finish with the Pierce Brosnan,
    “Live Wire” taunts, upon the movies video release, in 1993. Initially, this
    is all there was, what they made use of – “He’s got chemicals, to make a bomb”
    this was their ‘open wave’ DEW assault in 1993 and believed, they had something
    that they could manipulate and use against me.

    When the movie hit the local video shop, the DEW prompting to hire and watch it,
    via – subtle suggestions, being DEW assaults, illegal subliminal *advertising* via
    this method, is a privacy violation.

    BUT it did the job, I hired the movie and along comes the scene “what’s your dogs name”…. “Madonna” and my personal reaction to it.

    Madonna – LLC, scores a “hit” on me, from it, with the gang stalking, tax collecting pieces of shit, so appointed, to commit such privacy violations and assaults.

    I am going to destroy your LLC activities, you corporate criminal scum, *YOU* will
    be held accountable for damages, screw your limited liability bullshit and the “It’s not Us” lies (Warner hench woman, at the time, 1993 – Liz Rosenberg)

    How you made money, on these crimes, is how you will lose it. You set up innocent
    people and then strip them to the bone. Your perversion & manipulation of private lives will bring you down.

    No where to Run, No where to hide. Step one – EXPOSURE of the CRAFT, step two-
    Destroy it, step three – Submit a claim for damages and Rip you Apart, using Baal’s
    Fleas, a bigger variety than yours. Finding Big Fleas is a problem for me – ATM, so
    much corruption to ‘torch’ first.

    These sleaze, they feed on such skits, premeditated and controlled assaults, is how it is
    done and that should be clear enough, based on my previous writings. Deliberately, persecuting and tormenting an individual with the contempt of lies and rumours, the character assassination’s, the subliminal crimes, of DEW applications, all too clear
    to T.I’s of this demonic craft.

    Stitching skits into productions and then dumping them onto the suitable targeted individual, all premeditated and maintained, by design – gang stalking intimidation
    and DEW’s.

    Those party to this crime, are going to lose these avenues of gaining attention, to the product, they will never “try it on” , again, on anyone else – good bye to this ritual
    abuse, good bye to the satanic scum behind it – forever, good riddance to the
    scamming scum. May the will of the creator, help me.

    When visiting the local chemical supplier, that I had been to several times before, I
    was stalked their, by an individual that claimed to be from the National Institute of Dramatic Arts (NIDA) wanting to buy chemistry for “special effects”. She hadn’t
    placed an order and didn’t know what she wanted.

    I had phoned my order through, with the supplier, earlier in the day and I was told
    what time the order would be ready for collection. My phone was tapped/premises
    under surveillance and so they new what my movements were going to be –
    gang stalking made easy. She just had to sit back and wait, outside the supplier’s,
    for me to show up and then enter before me, stuffing around the sales staff and
    making me wait. Why ? sizing up the Targeted Individual, feeling them out,
    knowing what they look like – up close, etc.

    What they thought they had ‘suitably’ hyped up, to later attempt, to use against me,
    didn’t eventuate until Sep of 2000, when an American foreign national went on a
    programmed spree of falsifying complaints, about me, to the authorities. The real
    estate agent, of that address, where I was residing was letting rooms to individuals
    and didn’t ask for references of such applicants, their I.D. is easy to forge.
    “Anyone” could rent a room on top of me, this included the steady flow of perpetrator
    scum of course. So who lined the pocket, of the real estate agent, to allow this ?
    Untraceable economies, ‘under the table’ cash deals, that part is easy too.

    The Olympic Games were on at this time, in Sydney and the NOISE CAMPAIGN of
    this American perpetrator was loud and clear, but not to me, all the way to the Authorities though, with the use of the law, for unlawful purposes, yet again. More
    harm to the T.I.

    The way the Police & Mental Health Crisis team handled the matter was disgusting, I didn’t stand a chance. The manipulative power, of these perpetrators and their stoking
    of the boiler, with this explosive bullshit, had been on the rolling boil for over 7 years.

    They thought it was time to try it out, no longer in Motion Picture Skits, now using
    the authorities. I was quite upset when I found out what this American had done, all
    over town to my credibility, why the Police went along with it, why the real estate
    agent was letting in these creeps, without I.D. checks, or references all added up to
    corruption, but who was calling the shots ‘from the top’ ? It doesn’t matter. It is how
    these concerted efforts, prove corporate crime and money making scams, are all that
    do matter.

    The only way I could protect myself, from these un-identifiable perpetrators was with
    my own surveillance, of their stalking activities and interference of my privacy. The
    cops and shrink were caught A/V on HiFi – VHS, they didn’t read the sign on the door
    “Continuous Electronic Surveillance” and didn’t ask what the black box on the back of
    my front door was doing – tough shit, a problem for them and no matter to me. Denied
    justice, far to long, to allow such issues to stand in the way of BUSTING these crimes

    The perpetrators could be identified with the appropriate YouTube placements, as they were also A/V’ed. This is the ONLY way, that these criminal scum can be brought
    down, with no chance of the authorities doing the record’s stripping, with regards their part in it. Just like “No you can’t record the court room proceeding’s” – Why does this
    cramp your style ?, of your ability to interfere with the events, that really occurred in the court room ?

    But quite happy to allow the entertainment industry, gang stalking scum to make use of the events, the vicious character attacks of respondents/defendants, in the court, by the magistrates/judges, if they get credit for it and score brownie points in Hollywood. Comment – To Hell With You, Baal Fleas.

    Comment by Robert — October 16, 2011 @ 1:44 pm

  1040. The Entertainment Industry TEST

    The art of selling out, another human being, comes with a price tag. What if
    they object, that is, the targeted individual (T.I.) object to being head-hunted,
    by the pervert crowd that are intent on keeping their perversion alive and
    saleable ? The T.I. has been *Put Up* and gang stalked by the wind up scum,
    that get paid to maintain the ritual abuse patterning, i.e – non stop disturbance
    of the T.I.

    Who can they complain to ?

    The psychiatrists, psychologists, law enforcement or anyone else that benefits
    from organized crime and socio psychological disorder ? So a vicious circle of
    un-eventfulness, upon complaint, for the T.I’s. So what’s next, a Catholic Priest ?
    I think they made a movie called “the last exorcism” and like psychiatry the
    T.I. ends up dead, after long term suffering, at the hands of those offering a
    “Professional Service”

    So kick the shit out of the shrinks, with litigation, for what the church could no
    longer deal with and abandoned a half a century ago…The Possessive Types (Yes
    and Manipulative, etc, yet to be cautioned – you do this to them and we will do
    that to you – anyone for genocide ?)

    So what can the T.I’s do ? All that remains, when the perpetrator crowd will
    not back off and refuse to release the “imprisoned” innocent, targeted individual
    from what is clearly a valuable entity to the “poacher” crowd. Destroy their
    games, by increasing through turpitude, the number of complaints that are made,
    till the bubble bursts and no one questions the T.I. complaints anymore.

    The Targeted Individuals need to understand that the Gang Stalkers are not the
    Military, Aviation Pilots, Police, Deranged Psychiatrists, or any other character
    so assumed, by the perpetrators, as the Gang Stalking scum are like Method Actors
    working for the “In Your Face” real deal entertainers that are directly or indirectly
    taking your rights away and you for a ride. UNDERSTAND THIS point of view.

    If enough victims complain about the same ‘entertainer’ taking them for a ride –
    Good bye freeloading fuck…Turpitude = Method Acting (Don’t dump that
    Sequence on me, or anyone else you poaching shit)

    Indirect Example – your Neighbor gets a dog and names it TYSON, yells the name
    out constantly and then some American boxer gets Hollywood Gigs, so what do you
    do, about it ? – The dog owner yells out the name and you get terrible tinnitus attacks
    and headaches, you feel as if someone has jumped on you. You have been put up
    on a verbal noise campaign and set upon, some free loader is taking advantage
    of you. Why ? Because it fucking hurts, ignoring the verbal “trigger” doesn’t stop
    the pain. You are aware of the pain associated with the NAME dropping sequence,
    you were not aware of the boxer getting Hollywood placements.

    what can you do –

    (1) Kill the Dog.
    (2) Kill it’s Master.
    (3)EXPOSE THE ASSOCIATION and kill all of them with a single hit.

    NUMBER 3 is the correct answer. The dog owner has no rights to yell out that name,
    on your *TICKET* The dog owner, quit his job and became a professional gang stalking
    poacher. This poacher benefits from cash hand-outs, so an audit would be useless.

    The Demonic Satanists and Sadists of Ritual Abuse can’t remain that powerful
    when their “hidden” practices are being *torched* with napalm, as their craft
    only survives, due to it’s occultist (hidden) practices, like their illicit businesses,
    both can be exposed (burnt) and ANY practice suffering 3rd degree burns, doesn’t
    tend to survive.

    Comment by Robert — October 20, 2011 @ 1:22 pm

  1041. “You burn them and we will burn you” = Genocide.

    A Badbye for the perpetrators selling BULLSHIT, So when the last fish is caught, gutted, cleaned,
    de-scaled, smoked and eaten, what are you going to take for a ride, down red lane, Money ?

    Comment by Robert — October 20, 2011 @ 2:44 pm

  1042. The planet is round, we ARE IN THIS, together. What about the far – out junkies
    still selling escapism – to the unproven real estate. You know this. Next –

    What about deluding, on any avenue of unworkable fantasy – like wars as
    A lame example… So why don’t we all have the right to think clearly anymore…
    Shell Shock ? It’s all bad news – So why are we buying it ? Hypnotic Repetition ?

    Too much of an unsustainable commodity ? Those, with the loudest accounts tend
    To liquidate quickest, find a new game, this shit is really digging holes = corrosion
    In what ever you think your made of – corruption.

    Dead Heads –

    “They were nuked, – the gigaset Circle C”,

    “no it was the level per square
    Metre, those 10 Watt limits, well it exposed the trend for non-ionization radiation tests
    On the sub-conscience minds, still lacking an education”.

    Comment by Robert — October 20, 2011 @ 3:19 pm

  1043. Satellite based systems

    It should be clear that GPS tracking systems are a bi-directional technology. Where
    you are, how fast you are travelling, your pre-programmed destination and how to
    get there. Forget about implants, as they are a redundant technology, your SIM card
    in your mobile phone, replaced a need for ‘implants’ and it functions, as a tracking
    device, even when your phone is switched off. To disable the SIM card and it’s
    ability to relay your movements, via triangulation, you have to remove the battery
    from the cell phone.

    You may be of *special* interest, to someone, it doesn’t have to be the Authorities.

    The PARASITES of the entertainment industry may wish to keep tabs on your
    movements, to maintain their exploitation of you, that is – selling you out. We
    need to understand why companies like WARNER have dedicated Satellite channels
    and what they are used for, by these corporate PIGS, as well as any other private
    sector access to spy satellite technology, which is big business and thriving. Did
    you think that only Governments, of this world could “allow” spy satellites to be
    deployed ? Think Again, Big Brother is Organised Crime, Corporate Scum.

    Comment by Robert — October 22, 2011 @ 10:38 am

  1044. Corporate Schizophrenia –

    “We didn’t know what the left hand was doing” “We were just following orders, from
    the top, of the investor relations “We” have no liability, we just take the Bun…-Money
    and Run” ” Because “We” won’t be around then, so sue us”

    (Too late, all the money is on another gig, how convenient )

    Many Would Like to walk out of the trench of meaningless value – (the junky age)

    So What’s Your Poison ? (Alcoholic)

    You got anything else (Why, what have you got, strickly on account)
    we all did this,to each other, who’s counting the tab. (They Ignored It)

    O.K – there goes another false economy (They Buried It)

    So what else are we doing to each other folks, ahead of schedule ?

    (More Turps, turpitude required)

    Loose Lips, Sink Shit… – (well past it’s use by date)

    Comment by Robert — October 22, 2011 @ 1:14 pm

  1045. Gang Stalking, ain’t that a sinking shit.

    Comment by Robert — October 22, 2011 @ 1:41 pm

  1046. jump with stuns gun moped up blood the stalking picture shed freighter from gane stalking 9 pileupbored bored and care notcy saying hitler Ron wood mormons Tirana gram Jessie one keep jumping me with gay pride and one took bum all moped it up 1000 of problems 40 hr to tell 1 racism illegal interrogations kkk supremacy south african 7 tortured me every thing goingRon black malling over genocide’s liming i wanted to suw um they men try to fall play set me up in north hollywood ca lankersham bl 7 guys use stalking torture one had blood in hi mouth from bitting me knock out i seen hit andrew and a sober living living on velars bl supulveda van nuyes steve sead he was going to fuck me up Imo truing to sue him he mite know karat he looks like the guy on tav in japan Mt must of got him after me well be for it was open i sat on the side of the yard ski so there all going to lit because i stop taking the med that did it cocoon 8 years ago every since i left and seen andrew with a knife in the kitten with a red hear lady they all open a sober living one hit me in the neck several times it on tape steve still fooled me i left 9years ago Andrew went 4 places one made any one harass me for asking to plug in a tape book lbcongress a guy in cult manager bored and cares 3 men on street ask me to leave the back of store on hollywood bl and new hamster had knife western man had gun behind kfc he try to harass me with my head phone on i call 911 on cell this man stiff is in a sober living in van news supplied Valero then the vido i was knock out in cheer on river ton magnolia north holly ca Matthew was slapping me in the face Jonathan i push the other i hit the red head or Andrew when i sat in the back years of that place i tout was abandoned i seen one with a bucker knife so they never stop following me i left to san Francisco slid el valley mission hills nh bakersfild grenade hills bakers feld andrew Mohammed ali and hillvew staff helps once mike strong and jordan knocked me out drunk and sead Imo gowing to put you throu corruption so that happen mycological abuse illegal pycotarapy a vido i seen sara ramose used a bat wile i was ski laced with strict this i stope tacking 9 year ago ther all still doing the sam thing 14 year 7 torched me one in hillvewe wite guy robort rick i for gotthe men know i remember they where stoping me because he bit my goring blood was in his mouth staff wont do any thing they shold be sewd they lit and rip me off the tapep say the guy duper is looking at airplane s and pretens how to buy stuff i stoped 6 years ago they got payed to 50-300$they all did it because they did not want me to have a gierfrend they rip off set up illegally senate set up they try it with garden some undercover i seen vido of staff put a pint brush in my eye filled with higean supply in the regally manor hit the last time 1000 times socks and staff strangled me until i passed out like a killer use water to dround me pd in vido mite of they did it because they did not want me to have i girl frend i e meld you before hill vewey mental pocoma van nuts bl and last descanso bl la ca they wold of rip me off put me away i was not doing any thing they used kkk wite supremacy gay pride rasist gang stalking home envying illegal pycotarapy gane rapping men discremanaion corruption ill e mail the place that handels the rest
    Imo in sf jump with stunn gun moped up blood the stalking picter she

    im in ssf jump with stunn gun moped up blood the stalking picter shed fierfitter from gane stalking 9 pilop thamas bord and caer notcy saying hitler ron wood mormons tirane grame jessy one keep jumping me with gay pride and one took bm all moped it up 1000 of problums 40 hr to tell 1 rasisum illegal interagaions kkk supremescy south afracan 7 torcherd me every thing going rong black maling over genosides liying i wanted to suw um they men try to fall play set me up in north hollywood ca lankersham bl 7 guys use stalking torcher one had blood in hi mouth from bitting me knock out i seen hit andrew and a sober living living on velarwo bl supulveda van nuyes steve sead he was gowing to fuck me up im truing to sue him he mite know karaty he looks like the guy on tv in japan mtv must of got him after me well be for it was open i sat on the side of the yad ski so ther all gowing to lit because i stop taking the med that did it cocoon 8 years ago every since i left and seen andrew with a knife in the kitten with a red hear lady they all open a sober living one hit me in the neck several times it on tape steve still fooled me i left 9years ago anderw whent 4 places one made any one harass me for asking to plug in a tape book lbcongress a guy in cult maneger bored and cares 3 men on street ask me to leave the back of store on hollywood bl and new hamster had knife western man had gun behind kfc he try to harass me with my head phone on i call 911 on cell this man stiff is in a sober living in van news supplied velapo then the vido i was knock out in cheer on riverton magnolia north holly ca matthuw was slapping me in the face jonathin i push the other i hit the red head or anderw when i sat in the back years of that place i thout was abandoned i seen one with a bucker knife so they never stop following me i left to san francico slidel valley mission hills nh bakersfild grenade hills bakers feld andrew mohomad ali and hillvew staff helps once mike strong and jordan knocked me out drunk and sead im gowing to put you throu corruption so that happen mycological abuse illegal pycotarapy a vido i seen sara ramose used a bat wile i was ski laced with strict this i stope tacking 9 year ago ther all still doing the sam thing 14 year 7 torched me one in hillvewe wite guy robort rick i for gotthe men know i remember they where stoping me because he bit my goring blood was in his mouth staff wont do any thing they shold be sewd they lit and rip me off the tapep say the guy duper is looking at airplane s and pretens how to buy stuff i stoped 6 years ago they got payed to 50-300$they all did it because they did not want me to have a gierfrend they rip off set up illegally senate set up they try it with garden some undercover i seen vido of staff put a pint brush in my eye filled with higean supply in the regally manor hit the last time 1000 times socks and staff strangled me until i passed out like a killer use water to dround me pd in vido mite of they did it because they did not want me to have i girl frend i e meld you before hill vewey mental pocoma van nuts bl and last descanso bl la ca they wold of rip me off put me away i was not doing any thing they used kkk wite supremacy gay pride rasist gang stalking home envying illegal pycotarapy gane rapping men discremanaion corruption ill e mail the place that handels the rest

    Comment by — October 23, 2011 @ 6:03 am

  1047. As far as, a directed assault, via directed energy weapons – DEW’s of the acoustic
    variety – Consider that there is more than one key, that opens the lock, splatter
    is deemed as the complaint of a schizophrenic, a random assortment of triggers
    that are deployed, on the locked mind, to open it. The perp’s will “hound” away
    at you, until they get a reaction, then they run away on the reactive component,
    which is your spirit. When they pin me down, against my will, they get carried out in
    body bags. *tickets* with all their sections ‘punched’ out. They then tend to avoid
    “that ride” again – due to low rider’s cramp.

    Once the perpetrators unlock that targeted mind, further sequences are deployed,
    maintaining the theft of ones privacy and intellectual property to aid & abet a
    *performance* – which is Method Acting, via illegal remote Surveillance and
    Harassment, Gang Stalking, by the desperate of the entertainment sector’s.

    Sect-or-Occultist’s practice? Tell them you want out, or you will burn their
    sequence, before it hits the screens and sound stage. RUIN THEM, they have
    nothing to offer you, they are scamming, criminal scumbags. Con-artists.
    They are violating your peace & privacy & ripping you off – So hurt them, when
    they will not let you go.

    Quite often, the perpetrators will attempt to dump splatter, with the effect of
    disturbing your train of thought and your memories, of what occurred, with the
    sequence that targeted you, that is, what they are making use of and exploiting.

    Ignore their splatter, remember the fluent story line. Write it down, on a blog
    space somewhere, refer to your association with it, then, after they release their
    product, based on such exploitation of you – How could you have vivid memories
    of an unreleased product ? You blogged it before any screening, you were their
    target. SO Why make these scum wealthy ?

    Sooner or later these thieving scum won’t be able to make use of anything that
    they have *acquired* to promote attention to their *products* because it was all
    gained at your expense and you were cheated out of your mind by it.

    D.A.W.G = Desperate American Writers Guild – OR – poaching scum ?

    Desperate Poaching Scum, it’s all overjew. Turn their tables onto them, crushed
    by the weight of their own debauchery, greed and selfishness.

    Comment by Robert — October 23, 2011 @ 10:22 am

  1048. So which book are we missing ? The Israelis have held the dead sea scrolls, as
    long as they have held Palestine, maybe longer, release dates , of who held the
    Parchments was only Seventy Years Ago. (The alleged *discovering*) It’s more
    than missing books…The jew’s are still editing…WOW – the design group !

    Comment by Robert — October 23, 2011 @ 10:54 am

  1049. More unsaleable craft ?

    Comment by Robert — October 23, 2011 @ 11:16 am

  1050. If one thinks about religion & psychological manipulation, from the cradle to
    the grave, seeking the reality behind it, what shows up is nothing more than
    fantasy and illusions. If one goes looking closely at entertainment, it’s
    occupation of the sense’s with Light, Sound and stimulations of feelings, it
    reveals more escapist illusions. The Entertainers Fan Club, like a religious
    sect or main stream ‘club’s’ membership is organised Gang Stalking. Some
    follow in the footsteps of their Gods, other’s follow in the misadventures of
    the ‘latest’ entertainment industry Dogs.

    When the Entertainer doesn’t have what it takes, to hold the Gang Stalking
    Crowd (the fan club) together, the search is on for an individual to *Target*
    and this is organised by those with something to gain from it, money of
    course. Various research has gone into how to link, without contact electrodes,
    two or more people together. One gets pinned down and exploited (the T.I.)
    the other gets up, in public performance space, selling out. The T.I. gets
    abused with Trauma Induction, V2K and Gang Stalking, pinned down to
    uneventfulness, of their own lives, while someone else goes for a ride, on a
    life, that is not theirs to manipulate & possess (Behavioural Modifications –
    Ritual Abuse)

    What an evil thing to do to another human being, what a hideous act,
    maintained by the Perpetrators and their fiscal incentives. What God wouldn’t
    strike down such evil ? Empowered to Expose, these crimes, for the benefit
    of mankind. Hiding behind a religious practice won’t save the perpetrators
    or their evil craft. Expose & Burn ritual abuses, upon this Earth, Gang Stalking
    is high on the list of ritual abuses. Free the T.I. – cut the freeloading entertainer
    down…” I looked into your eyes and my world fell apart” – Then it wasn’t your
    world in the first place…

    Comment by Robert — October 24, 2011 @ 2:22 pm

  1051. For Your World rot’s in the gold mine of ill gotten gains – Gang Stalking Trash !

    Pass me the Nitric & Hydrochloric Acids, in quantity, I have an idea, for their
    delusional world of FALSE economics. They will be FORCED out, from what
    they used to hide behind, now it is flushed down, into their sewer of deception, no
    longer will they have the power to perpetrate, the will of others, as their hiding
    place became quite transparent…before it was flushed down.

    Hey Sons & Daughters of Judah – I need the rest of the bible’s books. Screw
    your manipulation and editing of these requirements ! I am no longer tolerant
    of the smell of such deception, you have handed down, to the other Sons and
    Daughters of Creation, If the will of GOD is to burn the farce, then so be it.

    Scum that wish to play God (Dogs) will be the first, to be torched. Be very
    careful, as deception is also on the incendiary list. Try holding your love of
    gold, out of the equation, you self serving microbes, or try catching what you
    call *value* as it is reduced to dust and fed to the winds of reform.

    Comment by Robert — October 24, 2011 @ 3:38 pm

  1052. ” Why would you waste your time on their deceptive economies ? ”

    Because they are still there.

    ” Are they not doing a first class job, of ruining their own over-valued/under-valued BULLSHIT ?

    I can still smell it.

    Comment by Robert — October 24, 2011 @ 4:18 pm

  1053. Gang Stalking –

    In these dark days of those with, versus those without, those that wish to stay
    at the top of the “hit” list are always compromised, by those with a competitive
    death wish, so they can move on to the damnation list. The false economy of
    real estate, in a place, other than this earth looks highly attractive, to those so
    intent on selling God… are such EVIL DOGS.

    But what could they do if their methods of greed, stupidity and selfishness are
    being eroded away at ? Scapegoating – take the saleable intellectual property,
    profit from sales and dispose of the truth – preserve the lies. Turpitude. The
    victimisation of innocent human beings, via harassment to collect ‘valuable’
    insight into the human mind, most T.I’s find themselves living alone and can’t
    *call a friend* for the answers in the game park, that has been built around
    them – That is, the gang stalking *games*

    Laws are presently in place to protect perpetrators of such Gang Stalking Games –

    “No you can’t place the suspected perpetrators under Audio Visual Surveillance”

    “Then how is a T.I. going to collect evidence, admissible in a court of law, based
    on the Activities of suspected organised gang stalking scumbags ?” “Most of the
    methods, of this trash, are still not accepted as readily available technology and
    ritual abuse methodology”

    EDUCATION & EXPOSURE of such ‘occultist’ (hidden) evil, but don’t ask the
    Church to help, with the cause, as not unlike the ‘law’ their income is derived
    from the crimes. PARASITES.

    To END the games, Level out the playing field, so no one gets to cheat, because
    no one wants to play such games, on a levelled out playing field, as there is no
    one “To be Had” (Cheated out of their minds) In this day and age of informational
    exchange, the only obstruction is the inability of victims to relay their plight.

    Comment by Robert — November 2, 2011 @ 1:51 pm

  1054. “But your story…is bazaar” “Your mistreatment, is states evidence, you have a case
    against the system, of such ritual abuse, the corruption, the crimes, your mistreatment
    by psychiatry, pity you are an Anti-Semite”

    I am not an Anti – Semite, but I do have an intense dislike of Anti – Christs.

    Judah’s Sons and Daughters are the Anti-Christ, with a biased competitive edge
    Called – THEIR BELIEF.

    Such a belief in escapism is questionable, in a court of law –

    “You have a problem, in your mind and so *WE* are going to chemically mistreat your
    brain, BECAUSE, *WE* are the ‘AUTHORITY’ on these issues”

    So one belief (The Anti-Christs) versus the GoldMan-Less (The Christians)

    I am not intent on challenging their system, it is a losers game. To me that game
    is over. “It’s all over jew” So – Moving On. The Jews that made you sick, after they
    exploited you, are now selling you the cure for your ‘mind’ problem = highly suspicious
    gang stalking activities. Psychiatry is JEW craft – “Now you are going to forget about
    your exploitation, by our brothers & systems”

    Comment by Robert — November 2, 2011 @ 3:01 pm

  1055. I do not expect anything to come out about this the vile entrapment it is everywhere in London and very loud even in front of Mi5 secret services building, public transport from north to south London and access connections to this website are being blocked as well.

    The police are being fingered for the external entrapment as well the identity of the payroll master of the vile walthamstow villagers is unknown. A closed mind world of prison and secrets with no acknowledgement or disclosure a dictatorship closed walls at every attempt.
    This will kill freedom creative endeavour expression personal and public it goes no where a group with no freedom or life.

    Comment by Shanti Thomas — November 8, 2011 @ 12:16 am

  1056. Shanti,

    This system is corrupt, the corrupted feel safe in their cowardly numbers.
    They are part of the Creators ‘Ant Farm’, it’s a pity they don’t realize just
    how small and powerless they really are. They want to be ‘gods’ , on a
    scale of mass they are ant shit, Nano sized ants, therefore Femto ant shit.

    Imagine how much less important they become, when they are reduced,
    Further, to aid in their removal. Dilute their importance with tact.

    The “Church”

    The church so referred to, is none other than the church of Scientology, it has
    indicated it’s dislike of the Jew craft – psychiatry. This is one angle of wining
    votes away from the mainstream ‘Clubs’ of escapism.

    The ‘introductory’ galvanometer tests to evaluate sweat gland activity, upon
    questioning, helps this church to gather ‘sensitive’ information from the test

    Extortion rackets come later, along with V2K harassment, not unlike the
    annexure of the Cabal craft of the Judaic system. Parasites. Money gouging
    Parasites. V2K harassment and of course – GANG STALKING – Fleas that
    relay responses of the harassment.

    Cohen studies the facial expressions of Autistic Children, based on word and
    picture responses, shown to the Autistic ‘Lab Rats’ that are causal to the facial
    activities. “You pull that face and we ‘know’ what your thinking about” –
    Turpitude. “Did you get a reaction” “then try something else, suggestive”

    Cohen is the first cousin of that boof head with the “g” string in Hollywood,
    who is also a Madonna Cabalist, Associate. These manipulative excrement
    are all in bed with each other.

    Religion ? No

    MONEY & MANIPULATION (power brokers) Now where is the Circuit
    Breaker ? There is no plug, their system is hard wired into the international
    power grid…

    Comment by Robert — November 8, 2011 @ 12:20 pm

  1057. So what can we do about it ? Exposure of their hidden craft, even in their mighty cowardly numbers,
    they are still reliant on their secrets. Blow away their practices, by exposure of their ‘guarded’ methods.
    Example – The Pyramids were constructed from below ground and upwards, right ? Then the method
    of removal is not climbing down, into the foundations and destabilizing the same, as there is too much
    pressure from above.

    Take this crime game apart from the top down, start with the investors that are looking for returns, when
    they are exposed, as those that benefit from the proceeds of crime, publicly, well they tend to “remove”
    themselves. “But we didn’t know” – YES you did, we told you so. – Low Jack the parasites economic
    “re-investments” Prevent monetary ‘laundering’. Put a stain on the ‘Dogs’ bark (cash deals) Make
    every cent traceable. Then we all see their systems (organised crime) and ‘remove’ it from acceptable
    practices. Example – “I’m a psychiatrist, we need human guinea pigs, for Pig Pharma Research – that’s
    where the money is” – The Junky Age.

    Continue to expose their hidden practices, until there is little ‘invested’ interest left… Game Over 101.
    Bad Investments. Evil practices. The simple morality code, it requires more people to come forward
    with their personal stories of how they were set up and exploited – names, dates, what they ‘thought’
    they had to gain from organised crime. They have nothing on the victims, compared to what the victims
    have on their consorting organised crimes. They have no where to run – the planet is round and we
    need a method of tracking their financial path, to eliminate the ‘protection’ rackets. There assets were
    obtained via deception and therefore crime – they lose EVERYTHING, so do their corrupt legal fleas,
    all the way to the top – their religions and “other” fictional romances, such as over & under rated

    “I have a dream” –

    I don’t, I have a damning methodology – burn the satanic scum, starting with their hidden agenda’s.
    We don’t need a fuel source, we need more names, dates, practices and information on who gained
    (and what) from it. EXPOSURE, a trade secret, a ‘business’ practice – Oh, perversion into private
    Lives – The News of the World – “Oh, everyone is in on it” – She has been locked up to preserve
    the status quo… REALLY ?

    Comment by Robert — November 9, 2011 @ 12:02 pm

  1058. Great website. A lot of useful information here. I?m sending it to a few pals ans additionally sharing in delicious. And of course, thank you to your sweat!

    Comment by demotivator — November 10, 2011 @ 7:18 am

  1059. A website ?

    Some might say, the guts of a really good book, but needs editing ! It’s not a Website, as
    such, but a place where victims and their adversaries can blog on issues of what is good, what is
    condemnable, it isn’t a fine line between human rights and debauchery. Most people, that have
    been abused by the programs of ritual abuse need to further understand WHY. Who makes the
    money, who provides the protection rackets and why governments and their police turn a blind
    eye, to the complainants, only to be further abused by the misguided, misinformed system paper
    lice with their Qualifications to play God, with a tortured soul.

    There are many more tortured souls, that have died, for all the wrong reasons and the ‘opinions’
    of the self serving parasites, that have never been challenged, for their wrongful ‘diagnosis’.

    If Psychiatry was seriously challenged, by the misdiagnosed, the medical profession would
    quickly disown them, to try and save face. Unchallenged, then these parasites tend to grow in
    their cowardly numbers, feeling like ‘Gods’ and un-inhibited, in their inappropriate practices.
    The “Baal” calls for psychiatric evaluations, paid for by Public Finances, the causal effect into
    criminal misadventures is not of interest, to either party – prosecution OR defence.

    They are not interested in crime prevention, as there is nothing in it for them. “Make them Sick”
    – to sell them a cure, “Make them commit a criminal offence” and profiteer from the ‘supply’ of
    defence. Screw such PROGRAMS, in place, for the benefit of PARASITES. These systems
    are not worth the investment of human resources, as we are all better off with the passages of
    prevention. To be aware of what is to come, to know the difference between right and wrong
    and do all the dogs out of a ‘show’ – that’s the way to go !

    To be prepared to fight the farce and put the dogs on their arse. EXPOSE their evil turpitude, it’s
    a losers game. This is how and why they molested your thoughts, control freaks…now learn how
    to burn them, they have nothing to offer you, they are selling delusion and deception, their intent is
    to stay on top, at your expense, they manufacture the ‘fear’ factor, just to pin you down and play
    with you, in a exploitive way, they have no respect for you or your privacy, your life, to them is
    expendable, consequential losses and never at their expense, always at a cost to you.

    “Psychiatry – The art of lies” – the truth would ruin their ‘placement’ under the ‘cash cows’ as
    Psychosis prevention would be significantly cheaper…like crime prevention, whereby the crims,
    that succeed in organised crime, have never had their ‘mindset’ subject to a channel change.

    It is unfortunate that the ‘channel changing’ technology is used, predominantly, by the organised
    crime syndicates, that is – the shit with. Freedom of thought places selfishness, stupidity and
    greed under duress and pressure, so they like to play “God” with the opinion of others, that is
    until their hidden crimes and practices are EXPOSED…and burnt forever more. (to hell with
    them) In this, the age of information, soon they won’t be able to sell delusion and deception, seen
    for what it is, a losers game. It can only stay this way, to the benefit of the perpetrators, if their craft
    remains hidden from common understandings, IOW, it can be undermined by the passage of an
    education, the truth about how victims were ritually abused and who made money out of it. Kill off
    the ‘cash cows’ – corporate criminals and payola.

    Crime tends to rely on cash economies, untraceable commodities – burn them. Think about the
    shit with, having to explain how they acquired, not being able to ‘convert’ it, what they stole, they
    will never get to ‘spend’ the proceeds of organised criminal practices. “Hey, a suspected gang
    stalking perpetrator” O.K. do a discrete ‘audit’ on the suspected creep, clean it out, if proven
    guilty and retard the incentives, by example of those that wished to take it’s place in such crimes.

    Serious damage to shit, on the take, with nothing to offer = crime prevention.

    Comment by Robert — November 10, 2011 @ 9:24 am

    • Brillant…

      Comment by nomad — November 11, 2011 @ 6:02 am

      • brilliant , Forgot my I, sorry. 🙂

        Comment by nomad — November 11, 2011 @ 6:07 am

      • And I forgot, thanks for shutting down/up the “Aaron Agassi ” persona.

        Peace to you Robert, don’t give up, ever.

        Comment by nomad — November 11, 2011 @ 6:13 am

      • Hey Nomad –

        Brilliant, could be misspelled as “brisance” the ability to blow away unhealthy false god
        Worship with Velocity & Pressure…

        The Aaron Agassi ‘persona’ –

        When I hear the name Agassi, I think of the king David hotel, in, what used to be Palestine.
        An ongoing operation of false flag operations, by Russian and Polish Jews, the destruction
        Of the British presence, in Palestine, also known as the British Mandate to defend the
        *TRUE* ownership of the area. Nomads that will steal and take, lie and cheat, kill and
        maim, the lives of innocent human beings, just to have a “back water area” (a country)
        they can call ‘theirs’ = JEW SCUM.

        These Jew Pigs obtained 1,000 thermionic ‘triggers’, by deception from the USA and only
        Returned 800, upon demand. These high Voltage switches are used for the simultaneous
        Detonation, of the charges (HMX) that initiate the pressure, placed equally on the critical
        Mass – The Atomic Bomb. They have no use, in industry, elsewhere. Why were these
        Terrorists allowed to make 200 f…ing bombs ?

        – DIMONA is the targeted site of “Device” recovery, I would like to do, what I HAVE to,
        upon this Earth, peacefully, but there is some serious shit in the way – Israel is still at the top
        of the list, for Armageddon but it hasn’t established the critical surface area of 6 x 1 cubits,
        that is 600 x 100 miles. So what were the 1968 borders like ? Israel is a serious game
        park…Brisance Experiments.

        Comment by Robert — November 11, 2011 @ 9:32 am

  1060. False Gods, False Values

    An Olympic swimming pool, full of fools gold, no it’s real gold, but manipulated by fools. It
    has value, not in JEWellery for the ‘natives’ to wear as a measure of power.
    The Egyptian vaults have already been cleaned out… “Diamonds” are a girl’s best friend
    -Bullshit- imbedded carbon cutting compound, that’s all. Fuck Artificial ‘VALUES’

    GOLD –
    It only represents its potential alloying qualities, for the purpose of longevity, products of
    industry that are not subject to the planned failure and obsolescence of current junky age
    mentality – like RE-SALES. Do it once ? then why do it again ? why give gold an artificial
    value, when there is SO much of the shit ? It doesn’t rot (except in bank vaults) and is
    easily recovered from products, who’s useful lives have expired. Dental Gold Alloys, I
    mean, well, they can’t take it with them, can they ? Recycling of human waste – Ar, yes
    a smaller scale process, of what was done to their Pharaoh’s – they dug it up (Gold)
    twice – what a waste of living human resources.

    Black gold (crude oil) keeps land fill commodities circulating – out of this hole and into
    this one. Move it once, then why move it again ? – Talk of Product Longevity and the
    economists scream blue murder – product longevity undermines planned failure and
    re-sales, such evil practices, so screw their ‘economies’ – they’re parasites.

    Get a job at home, screw their real estate, it’s over rated values, because the ‘boss’ man
    wanted to look at your legs, a yard above your knees ! He can see what he needs to, via
    webcam. He can pay more, for any ‘wanted’ other views. What did you want to be ? –
    office air-conditioning ? The Personal Secretary ?…False Security ? (for the shit with)

    I.E. – why do I need to travel to the office, and catch a disease on Fossil Fuel public
    transport (disease delivery) systems ? I CAN do this all, from right here, at home –
    any time I like, fuck 9 to 5 regimented assaults. “Yeah, I perform better from midnight
    to 6am, before the ‘slow’ hit the lack of infrastructure and frivolous transport systems.

    What of an economy that is tied to such organised crime, deprivation of a means to live
    out ones life in peace & harmony ? They stole what was ours, then tied it up in false
    values. Where is the plug, of this Olympic swimming pool filled with ‘their’ measure of
    economy ? Their deliberate disregard for human life, their worship of the machine that
    maintains their DEBAUCHERY, at our expense. To show scant regard for their plans
    of planned failure, planned demise and at our expense, they shall have no place in the
    heavens, life is short – the thieving rich are toasted, on this side, badly burnt on the other.

    Gang Stalking is a tool of those with, intent on maintaining the exploitation of those without.
    They take, with-hold as say bad luck to anyone who complains, so destroy their so called
    economy – find the plug and destroy their measure of power and importance, at the
    expense of what is clearly a crime. Expense to a crime, creates a further disincentive to
    criminal practices. Make it prohibitively expensive, flush their false hopes, false beliefs
    and their false ‘gods’ into a ‘recycling’ mode of recovery. To Educate, with what is no
    longer, an advantage to their debauchery, is to WIN the losers game, that is – game over

    Comment by Robert — November 10, 2011 @ 12:11 pm

    • Robert,

      I am not jewish, if that *is* what you imply. When one becomes a “Gangstalking” victim they are a “nomad” in their own surroundings, thus the handle “nomad,” that’s all.

      Comment by nomad — November 14, 2011 @ 3:33 am

      • No, I wasn’t implying that you were Jewish, I used the term, within the context to
        describe, what the Jewish are – “A bunch of Nomadic People” that have no place they
        can truly call their own, the theft of a part of Palestine and the establishment of
        Israel. Your user name is just coincidence, that I mentioned the word ‘Nomad’
        and your right, gang stalking victims are NOtMAD !

        Comment by Robert — November 17, 2011 @ 5:13 am

  1061. Once a Jew,
    (I thought was my friend) said to me –

    “This so called perversion into to your privacy, your very thoughts” – “It’s all bullshit, Do
    you know how much it would cost, to set someone up like this” I replied – Yes, but
    clearly they have an avenue of recovering, the principal and gains, from such an
    investment and set up of an innocent.

    The response – “It would cost millions of dollars and quite frankly, you are
    not worth that much, did you think you were someone special ?”

    These criminal systems have been in place for a long time, maintenance costs are as
    cheap as the *real* values of drug economies, that is – they have no real value, but
    there will always be some junkies, that think operating and maintaining such a scam,
    against another human being is good value, so the running costs are minimal.

    Junkies don’t tend to talk about how they get *paid off* to participate in organized
    crimes, of this nature, Do They ? Why would they destroy their own meal ticket.

    I have noticed that the Jews seem to be the most offensive, with regards to defending
    this crime. Even when hard evidence is presented, they continue to push their ‘superior’
    knowledge and it is always an attempt to de-bunk, what these scamming scum are
    privy to.

    When they concede defeat, because they can no longer push their bullshit, at the victim
    they run away, yelping like wounded dogs. You will hear comments like – “Well what
    was in it for me”

    This is what’s in it for you – Burn you lying, cheating, scamming satanic arse-licker !
    Your games upon this Earth are over, so move on, as there is nothing here, for you,
    or your Evil kind. I had known this Jew for 30 years, he turned out to be a gang stalking
    Perpetrator, selling me out, to his Jew associates. His so called “regular” job was a cover
    and his income was derived from gang stalking operations and my exploitation.

    Comment by Robert — November 11, 2011 @ 7:45 am

  1062. Gross violence by the Gang Stalking neighbours K. Green+ A.Abadayo Mapp in his car waltzing out in front of me as if nothing is going on after also being tracked Audio vocal cover by the perverts of gang stalkers entrapped and openly abused every step of a walk into Walthamstow to and in Hoe Street in my bank back home with vile corrupt councillor sweden saying they he will never give in theyve got away with it. This was whilst ordinary people on the street were were signalling making observations about the criminal abuse commentary .

    The public want the gang stalkers The Walthamstow Central councillors public sector officials others the neighbourhood narks and network that wont stop own it all- To do community service to clean the streets clean public toilets with their names written visibly on their clothing as we all pay council income taxes but are being grossly Abused by an UK Councils public sector private citizens.

    But the actual vile experience is actually abusive I could talk out loud its so repulsive and establishing trying disorientation as if a invitation to respond out loud its criminal 24/7 evil….
    The Paradox of Organised Gang Stalkers
    A group that operate an evil lying position all the time and military format daily schedule of avoidance no formal ownership the central path Truth Honesty..always in some lying manic paradoxical position criminal surveillance+corruption in two places always surveillance in neighbour’s houses next door either side etc in this street and nasty link network public sector officials
    n.1 EXPENSIVE Surveillance Dangerous technology in their homes
    n.2 all focused on vocal ugly cctv aimed at damaging me with 24/7 commentary
    Paradoxical narrative personally abuse confidential data racket going on
    The confused n.1 left foot
    n.2 right foot
    Now the other steady lying position
    Paradox of the cunning scheming want to pretend on the street and slipped into their commentary that head narks spies… Don Mapp Kevin Weston Katherine Green Adrian Abadayo are innocent or totally changed blackmailed and the do their lying face out on the streets then the the council layabouts Barnett Bean Sweden etc and the shrink Oakley take it turns manic dialogue at every step in my home…imagine to be forced to look at people whom have not only violently sexually abused by a group nationally and in Portugal you and with all this violence horrendous continuous poison psychological physical slander libel and criminal corruption and then be forced to listen to their shit daily for bloody years.
    The biggest Paradox the actual paradox
    And the obvious offensive affront criminally brutal they never do the straight path of ownership accountability
    The residents of this borough will storm the town hall etc if this is whole situation isnt properly forced out immediately fully technical investigation by Scotland Yard would be appropriate and Stop Them completely and this horrifying technology for our good the public.
    NB.By the way a television company are planning to make a series about Surveillance including Gang Stalking and in the UK
    A big opening hope its very soon public awareness the law governments need to get up to speed on technology and gang stalking.

    Comment by Shanti Thomas — November 12, 2011 @ 1:39 pm

  1063. Sunday 13th November 2011 – The Sinister Abstract Reality of a group of Organised Gang Stalkers of Walthamstow Village that think perversely “That the Truth will out” is what they’re doing by openly confessing to organised criminally abusing, the corruption of councilors public sector and the technology of vast malicious entrapment even British Public Transport systems/ tele-communications cyber-stalking nationally
    THE Major Reality Crash Paradox they do not produce the written declaration of stopping a campaign of violation of the public and rights and full documentations
    the written evidence
    The Labour Party doesn’t regulate its members Unions neither Public Sector neither Private/Commercial companies neither UK Citizens Individuals neither cannot desist restrain themselves resist

    and write to one woman and finish the full confession with all background details that are required by law?
    even my family and grandchildren 11 months old that have been abused by people whom live next door in Walthamstow Village invoking Racism and hideous technology actual threats their homes hacked into
    Security personal professional lives and nationally
    human life
    Hacking life people in concerted campaign
    past present and future
    to spread this gang stalking harassment like a plague in UK?

    Comment by Shanti Thomas — November 13, 2011 @ 1:06 pm

  1064. Bingo (a game)

    “Accountability” is the winner, we know that the essence of gang stalking activities must
    revolve around the “almighty” buck, but who is doing the auditing, of the auditors ? Why
    are human resources so wasted, on the innocent ? Is the gold really worth that much, when
    it is only played with, by banks and never utilized, to it’s full capability to support longevity
    of the human race, instead of, – it is being used to support human waste (the banking systems)

    The easiest way to undermine the gang stalking games is to expose those that have benefited
    from such organized crime functioning. Delusion, Escapism, Illusion, Planned obsolescence,
    but just to name a few, of the crimes upon this Earth, that rely on ‘perversion’ into private
    thoughts… “They know where I am Going” – No They Don’t , they won’t get there, as
    it is not for sale ! – Religions – just another wasted economy.

    Comment by Robert — November 14, 2011 @ 9:32 am

  1065. Culling time, short and sweet, keep it squeaky clean… enough dirt on organised gang stalking crimes ?

    Comment by Robert — November 14, 2011 @ 10:01 am

  1066. I wish people wouldn’t single out Jews as behind this. I am sure it is everyone and anyone who is both victim and perpetrator. It s a crazy scam. They turn you world into a movie set and see if it makes you upset. I think it is advanced bullying and ostracism. It starts in the schools, where it is encouraged and maybe even promoted. From there it just grows into adulthood where people in fact have even more nerve to hurt and harrass others.

    You can not stoop to their level and see where that gets you. They won’t stop until you are dead. It is because you are on a higher level that they hate you in the first place. If not, they would just come out and say what their problem is with you. Instead, they are too scared, so they chip away at you any way they can.

    I say don’t play into their games. If you can, fight back. Someimes it gets dangersou and you may risk being hurt, so consider your moves carefully. Ignore what you can and maybe strike back when safe. Try to avoid any interaction with them. Your own self discipline is what will save you.

    Comment by Barbara — November 14, 2011 @ 11:16 am

  1067. Barbara

    I have pasted comments to simplify what is being done to victims of this
    ORGANISED CRIME. Have you read ANYTHING of what I had to say?


    It is not a question of “Jew” bashing syndrome, as I have presented GOOD
    evidence of their involvement, inclusive of the protection rackets started by
    Jews – like psychiatry for example. So you don’t think RELIGIOUS escapist
    ‘values’ are a crime upon this earth ?

    They are OFFENSIVE, Bullshit Protection Rackets, cowards in their numbers,
    numbers no matter how big or small, they are thug Scum, With GUNS & BOMBS,
    chasing an unworkable (and expensive) dream.

    IT IS NEVER at their expense –

    Jew Proverb – “You don’t need money, to make money” = PARASITES, Liars
    Thieves and Cheats. What happens if you strip a Jew of Money & Manipulation
    Advantages ? Answer = Dead Jew (Suicides – Masada “Top of the Hill Crowd”
    As a Historical Reference)

    If one can expose what made victims ‘sick’, not in accordance with DSM
    (Jew Drivel) then wouldn’t illness prevention be a better deal ? Like the
    prevention of crime, such ideology is a ‘threat’ to those that exploit others,
    disadvantaged by these EVIL poachers.

    “God made me do it” – NO you were manipulated by False Flag waving
    opportunists and their misguided fools – Gang Stalking Idiots.

    Instead, victims of this crime are deceived, lied to and cheated, out of any
    Understanding, into what has REALLY happened to them.

    So in accordance with the Diagnostics Statistics Manual (DSM) – “It was
    all in YOUR mind” – BULLSHIT, nice try, bad luck, now FUCK OFF –
    no more human guinea pigs for pig pharma experimentations.

    Equals – Bye Bye Junky Age of non contributing human effluent that wish to live
    at the expense of innocents, that have been bull-shitted and cheated, from multiple
    JEW CRAFT angles. IT is NOT a CHRISTIAN practice, but EVIL hides out
    behind the false front of RELIGIONS.

    Entertainment, Regards cinematography was HEAVILY invested in by JEWS
    Warner Brothers, Universal, Paramount and the rest of these “corporate” entities
    were all Jewish, by foundation – they still are, very much in “control” of the
    “escapist” industrial disease.

    This type of psychological perversion and manipulation of the human mind is
    Jew Craft, anything else is ‘trying’ to be competitive, with little chance of necessary reform. “So don’t buy into it” those that avoid the control group are stalked, exploited and condemned to misery, upon complaint.

    So how does one avoid what they despise? Those that are on the take continue
    to take, complaints are ignored and if a victim pushes the point, of their exploitation
    they are further abused and mistreated by the Jew craft of psychiatry. Where the
    almighty buck is found, so is contempt. Politicians are not about to ‘Reform’ this
    situation, as their pay-packets are lined by the taxable revenue raking, system crimes –

    “But we are all in it together” – Some are looking for an exit path, which can be found,
    the only way possible – systematic destruction of organised crime, through the exposure
    of evil practices, their protection systems and the “We don’t care, majority ‘ignorance’
    crowd” that have not been SCAMMED, can be taught a valuable lesson in crime prevention.

    Comment by Robert — November 15, 2011 @ 9:01 am

  1068. “I ain’t buying into to any of this”

    Comments –

    Good for you, why encourage it.

    AND (of course)

    So what are you selling, another wasted economy?

    Comment by Robert — November 15, 2011 @ 9:44 am

  1069. So, it’s one two three, what are we fighting for, don’t ask me I don’t give a damn, next stop is Vietnam.

    Keep chomping on your own demons, they will slay you.

    Comment by namvet — November 16, 2011 @ 5:21 am

  1070. Demonic & Satanic Ritual Abuse.

    Demons in the closet ? Open the closet door and place some burning incense
    (Jasmine) inside, close the door. Lie down on your bed, close your eyes and
    watch ‘exit’ time. The demons will immerge, coughing up blood, do a short
    distance ‘OBE’ and declare world war three, on the filth, cast them into a new
    day of hostilities, against their Evil presence and keep burning the jasmine, to
    maintain an uncomfortable and hostile ‘dark place’ – they weren’t pay the rent
    for, the thieving farce.

    1 – Smoke them out.
    2 – Burn their presence.
    3 – Warning signage on the ‘Closet’ as a deterrent –


    “Squatters, Spooks & Stalkers will be Shot,
    Survivors will be Shot again”

    Comment by Robert — November 16, 2011 @ 10:18 am

  1071. Did you grow up next to a Jew Household ?

    Were they ‘Cohen’s’ – Jew ‘Hookers’ (the Fisher’s of Men)

    Schizophrenia, thought reception AND thought broadcasting, another important part
    of the ‘success’ of the JEW CRAFT. “Oh, he is receptive to my thoughts, we will
    have to ‘oppress’ this one” So what did that button do Jew ?

    Anyone that complains about “the voices, in their heads” is suppressed from further
    explanation, by Jew Authority (Psychiatry) to preserve the status quo. We had a right
    of complaint, about being abused, like this. We are not transceivers for psychological
    manipulation, by Jews, who only care for Jews and at everyone else’s expense. “Anti
    Christian Activities” Hey – what happened to “Anti Semite Activities” ? O.K. where
    is the game park ? (In the Dark – Occult, Hidden)

    Every Jew I have every met, is a transponder for thought processing, to THEIR gains.
    They Take, Cheat, Lie and Deceive ANYONE they can exploit, always for THEIR
    Agenda, Always at your expense. Anyone who starts the passage of whistle blowing,
    on their manipulative and exploitive ‘edge’ gets the treatment – Gang Banged and
    …you guested it – gang stalked.

    Psychiatry – The art of playing the devils advocate, more lies and deceit. OR, if you
    like – Jew preservation practices, recognised as an ‘authority’…Who would be more
    accomplished ? The Target, or the Primer & Base Charge in your ear ? (Try not to
    disturb the Primer, as it has a domino effect disorder, leading to shell – sales, shock)

    On self preservation (but not mine..d) of the number one Jewish practice –
    Psychological Manipulation via Schizophrenia – Broadcast & Response Recoveries.
    These are the highly saleable ‘reactionary’ responses, marketed by the (Pre) dominantly
    Jew Craft – called ‘entertainment’ (Wax heads looking for a ‘WAVE’)

    I sat behind the steering wheel, of my motor vehicle, taking the 30 year Jewish friend
    (fiend) to the railway station and was ‘highly’ receptive to his ‘discrete’ Broadcast to
    his Jew buddies in the entertainment industry. I couldn’t hear the interrogation, in his
    head space, only his responses, to them. My ability to ‘hear’ the long distance ‘hits’
    have been swamped, by the local leach squad – gang stalkers (suicides)

    He was NEVER my friend, I regret his association with me, another wasted Jew
    parasite, living under a slab…in the bone yard – natural causes, like many of his
    Jew ‘Buddies’, that were also party to the ‘take’ (exploitation)

    Why can’t these shit ‘get a life’ worth living for, without parasitically feeding on the
    life of another human being, I mean – have they no soul ? So stop selling out, the
    spirit of another human being, unless you wish to preserve your death wish.

    Life is short, Dang is forever more.

    Comment by Robert — November 16, 2011 @ 1:28 pm

  1072. Yes! We are Jews from outer space, with the power to assimilate! Resistance is futile! Seriously: I’d love to show you up by putting you in a controlled experiment to differentiate Jews from Gentiles, just by sitting nearby. Of course you’d fail, your score would be totally random. But you are a big crazy liar, Robert, unwilling to own your own feelings, so you’d only make more transparent excuses and angry bluster, you silly asshole bigot perp Nazi flamer! Go f–k yourself.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — November 16, 2011 @ 5:00 pm

  1073. Aaron Agassi,

    Why don’t you go hang out with Sarah Agassi under a slab, in the bone yard.
    You have no defence, you are a Jew perpetrator, your attempts to preserve the
    Jewish system of exploitation, terrorism, lying, cheating, stealing and the
    schizophrenic system of manipulation are useless.

    What will you do when the human race disowns you and your false flag operations
    (like 911) you dogs of war ? Why don’t you go, prepare a black hole and disappear
    down it.

    I no longer have to smell a Jew, putting me to the test, controlled or otherwise.
    Now I can feel them, from a distance (a cold chill on the back of my neck)
    Then, the ringing in the ears, starts.

    So defence, with an automated exorcising program to remove such spook presence.
    Clearly they ignore the warning signage, but not the incense that smoked them out.
    Do you like Jasmine, Aaron ?

    I may have to return to the Church stuff, made by the Benedictine Monks.
    It would be wasted on the likes of you, wouldn’t it, you non-contributing
    Squatter ?

    Comment by Robert — November 17, 2011 @ 12:45 am

  1074. Damned in your own words, better than I ever could!

    PS. Along with most other participants in Occupy Tel Aviv, I fully support the Jasmine Revolution, if that was your allusion. Otherwise, it went right over mt head.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — November 17, 2011 @ 11:23 am

  1075. Do you know what kind of resentment exists, in the mind of a Victim of Gang Stalking
    and Directed Energy Weapons Assaults ? When a victim realizes and pieces together,
    the information of who is party to it, how the perp’s defend themselves, in their cowardly
    numbers and HIDE behind a religion, how, what a victim thought was a friend is a
    hostile and jealous piece of human waste, that runs away, never to concede or make
    any admissions of knowledge, regards the victim’s exploitation and mistreatment.
    This piece of human waste was party to the scam all along, from 1981.

    The perpetrators do more damage, than continue to belittle those they have Lied To,
    Cheated, Exploited, Slandered, Back Stabbed, Poisoned with Pharmaceuticals –
    causal to memory loss, courtesy of psychiatry, to preserve the perpetrator’s systems,
    of Organised Crimes dealt out repetitively, upon the victim.

    The Perpetrators then go about promoting undesirable attention, to the victim of their
    exploitation and in come the gang stalking scum, wondering what’s in it for them…
    Damnation that’s what. In their cowardly numbers they feel ‘powerful’ but are all
    divided by one – their victim, who despises the air they breath.

    When the perpetrators are CORNERED, they don’t give up, they continue bullshitting
    and slowly kill themselves instead. This is the only justice a victim ever experiences.
    So death and destruction is the only justice the victims see. This is not reform, it is one
    game ends, then starts again. Crime prevention is missing from the justice system, that
    is EVIL. A victim looks at the legal & political arena, only to see more parasites.
    “What’s in it for us” a pay reduction, due to destruction of taxable organised crimes.

    The Victim is chemically “brain washed” “To forget who was ON their Minds” –
    Trespassing Scum. Sooner or Later the chemical blanket ceases to effectively work,
    then the brain is in receipt of spiritual and mindful matters, once again.

    “He will need to remain on medication for the rest of his life” Why ? so he can’t
    remember who was jumping all over him. Comment – FUCK YOU, I refuse to be
    pinned down and ripped off, you set out to deny me justice, GO TO HELL & Stay
    There. (a message for the corrupted ‘noses’ of psychiatry)

    Then, with recovered memories, of misadventures, after the Oxley – Poisoning episode
    of 1992, only to find other perpetrators on a come back, the same year, 1992 –
    Madonna LLC, with an agenda of hitting out at me.

    This being many years later, with reference to 1985, to do it all over again and the victim,
    having been Falsely, but historically labelled by wrongful and deliberate misdiagnosis, is
    continued to be denied any justice OR investigations, into this ongoing crime, while the
    stinking, Evil criminal scumbags continue to live, in denial of having any part in on it.
    Where did you get your power’s of performance from ? Who did you pin down and
    fuck over ?

    Siting on stolen wealth they will never get to enjoy or spend. They acquired their wealth,
    in the first place, at the expense of another – through deception and fraud. But having
    acquired, so much wealth, buys much corruption.

    Do you really think that this is going to lead to peace and harmony upon the earth ?
    It is causal to Hell on Earth, remember that it was preventable, in the first place.

    Madonna and associates were given ample opportunity to make their peace with me,
    over the last quarter of a century, it would appear that they would rather eat burning
    sulphur first, only to find, in Hell they stay and not something they were just passing
    through. Only the victim can forgive such evil, the evil sought not to be forgiven.
    In their cowardly numbers, they will eternally burn and upon this earth they will
    never return. Death and Damnation is all they have earned.

    Comment by Robert — November 17, 2011 @ 4:20 pm

  1076. Liar.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — November 18, 2011 @ 10:44 am

  1077. Entertainment Industry Parasites –

    Mobbing, Gang Stalking, DEW’s, Exploitation, Targeting and associated CRIMES against
    innocent human beings -Why don’t any of them Talk about it, what’s the THREAT and what’s
    the FEAR factor ?

    Loss of Income based on high level exploitation of innocent human beings by ‘Hidden’ methods.
    The perpetrators would be making admissions into committing crimes, of a despicable nature
    that would see them behind bars – because such laws are in place. Those that have done this,

    to another individual and profited from such crime, have effectively derived money through
    deception, fraud, espionage, the use of surveillance & harassment technologies, abuse by the
    psychiatric system of determining a so called mental illness, that was preventable, because it was
    criminally induced. What happened to crime prevention, as this crime is out of control.
    Why aren’t the psychiatrists interested, in the causal effects, of criminally induced mental illness ?

    Anyone that complains of hearing voices that can’t be explained, because these perceptions lack
    source and directivity and those nearby are not receptive to these transmissions are wrongfully made
    out to be mentally ill. Propaganda, through rumor spreading usually proceeds such misdiagnosis
    and it would require that the psychiatrists and psychologists be appropriately educated, through
    exposure of the known technologies, used to harass & interfere with the targeted individual.

    Such a passage of “EDUCATION” seems to be quite deliberately missing from their training’s, it is
    never accepted as being a reality, by these professions. (See videos in above posts – No’s 869, 882)

    Why aren’t the cop’s and lawyers, barristers, magistrates and judges interested in crime prevention ?

    That should be obvious, “What’s in it for us” – A reduction of organized crime means a reduction
    of employment opportunity, a reduction of income. Corrupted opportunists, that don’t care for
    morality issues, on how their income is derived – Evil, Parasitic Bastards that only care for
    themselves, like the generation and maintaining of the criminal practice, itself. Selfishness, Greed &
    Complete Stupidity, the kind of stuff, causal to protesting, terrorist activities and warfare.

    The Parasitic Record Producer –

    Investors, in an industry that revolves around the sale of psychological products has a reliance on
    setting up, manipulating and targeting, innocent individuals, to promote psychological attention to
    the industry’s produce. “Dump Sites”, “Patsies”, “Suckers”, “Gullible Idiots”, Good Value – for
    the purposes of intellectual property theft, identity theft and of course, at no additional advertising
    expense. This, the typical criminal attitude, of the get rich, at someone else’s expense type of crim’.
    Lobby Lloyde in 1982 – Record Producer – “Look Robert, I have put twenty thousand dollars
    of my mothers money into the Sunnyboy’s, and I’m not going to let you stuff it up”

    He had set me up, in the recording studio in September of 1981 (Albert Studio 1) and for 5 sleepless
    days & nights (Hey, another line of amphetamine ?) bombarded with the repetition of 2 songs a night
    of the Sunnyboy’s, self titled first album. Long periods of sleeplessness, combined with repetitive
    exposure, to acoustic radiation of the same material = RITUAL ABUSE.

    There was not, exactly a lot of information, on what NOT to do, around back then. In this day and
    age – still very much, a hidden crime. With not a real lot of information to go on, of what to be aware
    of, what is a threat to one’s psychological stability and character, their place in life, their income.

    So for 8 hours a night, from the kick drum up to the polishing effects touches on the vocals, over &
    over again. The same 2 songs, all night, with 4 hours per song, devoted to production. Wiring an
    individual up with Subtle Suggestion (Song Lyrics), Repetition (Rhythm) and ongoing repetitive
    exposure (4 hours of the same song – continuously) This amounting to being important parts of
    Successful Hypnosis, to which 20% of the planets population are susceptible to.

    If you hear a song once, you probably don’t pay much attention to it, hear it twice and you may
    recall, as hearing it before, hear it three times and you will either like or hate it. But, what if you are
    subjected to the same song for 4 hours, what chance would you have of avoiding any messages, as in
    hypnotic ‘triggers’ that are buried in the production mix, by subliminal methods.

    These ‘triggers’ are strategically and specifically placed for the intended targeted individual, long
    term repetitive exposure to the hit triggers, meaning the T.I. will be receptive, but not anyone else –
    only selected “tuning forks” with that particular group of resonant frequencies, is the best analogy.

    In the studio production session, these triggers are imposed on a near ultrasonic carrier, that is
    modulated with the ‘Hits – the abuse’, the finished album will have the hit’s ‘buried’ in the mix, at
    a reduced amplitude, but because of ‘masking’ effects, other listeners, of the publicly released product
    will not perceive the ritual abuse, that the T.I. was repetitively exposed to in the studio production setting.

    Exposure to this ‘hidden’ set up & crime couldn’t be called good, for your mental health, especially
    when your not involved, in such a ‘creation’ as the engineer & producer are. “Hey, Robert like to sit
    in on the Production of the Sunnyboy’s First Album ?” Big Mistake, but what was I to know and
    understand, back then. The potential consequences, of being wired up, without your knowledge, to an
    individual that despises you, obsessively, for no justifiable reason.

    Mid week, on the Wednesday, of this 5 night production session, in September 1981, Jeremy Saxon
    Oxley, being the singer/songwriter of the Sunnyboys, was using the studio intercom downstairs, on the
    street, He wanted to come up and see how the production was coming along, when he walked into
    the control room and saw me sitting on the lounge, at the rear of the control room, he said –
    ” What the Fuck is he doing here” This was in an un-provoked, pressure of speech manner, so Lobby
    (the producer) took him out side of the control room…
    10 odd minutes later they returned, Jeremy “all chummy” towards me.

    His friendship that would then continue, this was one of a hollow and manipulative nature, but not
    perceived, by me, at this time, as exploitive. Then the gang banging hype & rumor spreading, that
    commenced, started by the producer – “Oh, Robert is going to replace John David as the Sunnyboy’s
    front of house, sound engineer” This being more than subtle suggestion to maintain ‘attention’ to
    the ‘product’ Michael Chugg (Live Performance Promoter) “Robert is one of the best in the country”
    Such hype was spreading, throughout the industry, like flames on gasoline, nothing was to come of it, it
    was just wind up, merchant propaganda, which the industry of entertainment is dependant upon –
    the bullshit factor.

    Michael Gudinsky was in on the group stalking and personal association, manipulation etc, at another
    studio (SAE) situation, with the same producer – Lobby Lloyde. More of the repetition, not production,
    this time, but recording session exposure, at the School of Audio Engineering, in Surry Hills.
    This was in the earlier part of this September 1981, during the recording of Kevin Borich’s album at
    that time. The months rolled on and in came 1982…
    The Sunnyboy’s first album, was their most successful, during their career. It went double gold.

    When I was attempting to disassociate myself from an industry, that, in reality had nothing to offer, me,
    compared to what they were ‘Taking’ as all their “Hype” was nothing more than just that, complete
    bullshit. I wished, that I had some insight into what, exactly, they were doing back then. Even
    to this day – the typical attitude – “Look, I don’t want know about this” is the brick wall, a T.I.
    will come up against, when they start asking questions about such ritual abuse systems.

    I went to live with a friend and return to my trade. This wasn’t to stay comfortable accommodation.
    Jeremy visited and profiled, those I was living with, and where. Then the patterns of interfering
    commenced, with these friends, that I was living with, to destroy that friendship, with back stabbing
    operations, that other T.I.’s will be familiar with – driving the targeted individual into isolation, so as
    to maintain the programs of ritual abuse, patterning, with criminal money making scams, being the
    intent – exploitation.

    My situation, Jeremy reported back to Lobby, his de-facto wife (Deborah Nankervis) convinced me
    to move into their studio apartment, which they were vacating to make room, somewhere else for the
    birth of their first child – Frances. “Oh, Robert this would be ideal for you, you could do all your
    electronic’s stuff and no one would disturb you, you would be alone and be able to concentrate on
    your work” (Manipulative Suggestion)

    This studio apartment had been wired, for covert surveillance & harassment of my private life.
    This was my first situation of being “aware” of something that had started in 1976, but this was worse –
    Gang Stalkers. The immediate area was heavily polluted with entertainment industry operatives – band
    moles, other technicians and musicians.

    At this time I trusted Lobby & Debbie and talked, to them, about what I was experiencing in their
    old flat, not knowing what they were party to… Jeremy was abusing me, via subliminal, verbal
    harassment and wouldn’t back off. I confronted him about it, complete denial, was all I got from him,
    His attitude was like “Oh shit, you know what we are doing, help, help, fuck this”

    This was followed up, by ‘overt’ abuse and slander, this, that he distributed throughout the industry –
    this is the kind of assault that no one forgets, inclusive others in the industry, because there was no
    reason for it. Yes their was, as Jeremy was shitting bricks – I had ‘busted’ his part, in the scam of
    ritual abuse, stalking and exploitation and this was a threat to his ongoing success. It wasn’t just his
    success, that was threatened, but an important criminal practice within the entertainment industry of
    victimization of innocents, that do not participate in hit slinging games, therefore to not have the ability
    of leveling out the score by hitting back. They set up a technician, to wear abuse from High Profile
    Entertainers… What chance did I stand ?

    When I spoke to Lobby about it – things and attitudes changed, Lobby and his family fled to Melbourne
    & industry hostility towards me, the rumor spreading and the targeting expanded exponentially… What
    had I stumbled upon ? A hidden practice that is not only a great breach of human rights, a violation of
    multiple criminal & civil laws, but morally a breach of trust. It is a cut throat industry and I had the
    chance of exposing these crimes, back then, but for the devils advocate protection racket, of psychiatry –
    stripped of any chance, of burning these evil bastards, for what they did to me.

    Lobby – “I’ve put twenty thousand dollars of my mother’s money into the Sunnyboys and I am not going
    to let you stuff it up, Robert”

    What did his investment have to do with me ? What right did Lobby have to wire me up against a small
    town, small minded idiot like Oxley ? I was getting wise to what Lobby had done – Jeremy Saxon Oxley,
    the singer/songwriter, who thought I was feed stock, for him to Ritually Abuse –

    Harassment at a psychological level, as in ‘Targeting’, “hitting” out at someone, camping out on their case
    (stalking) and promoting attention, to psychological products, through psychological abuse – The crimes
    of the entertainment industry, but hidden from common understanding’s.
    Hit songs have Targeted Individuals, that are attacked by such abuse.

    Jeremy would kill himself before he ever admitted what he is a party to and Lobby is already dead.
    I Hope, my collective reporting and writing helps, other ‘Targets’, of Entertainment Industry Financed,
    Gang Stalking, DEW systems, Unlawful Surveillance, & Ritual Abuse to understand what they may be
    caught up in…How these Parasites, fraudulently and deceptively, make money out of innocent and
    defenseless human beings.

    Not to mention the Legal Parasites and how they cash in on such crimes, the devils advocate protection
    rackets, of psychiatry and “free” human experimentation, for the pharmaceutical industries, obtained by
    further deception, of victims, of this crime by the so called, ‘professional’ opinions of psychiatry.

    Comment by Robert — November 19, 2011 @ 8:57 am

  1078. Blah. blah, blah… I think I liked you better as an open Jew-baiter.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — November 19, 2011 @ 9:18 am

  1079. Madonna –

    ” Some boys love me…” some boys hate me…

    Robert –

    I’m not a Sunny Boy. Jeremy’s identity theft, my personality, intellectual property and outlook
    on life, does indeed reveal the ‘blindness’ of Madonna. The woman was never an industry remote
    ‘voyeur’ of my private life, as she was only ‘perceptive’ to the scumbag (J.S.Oxley) that was climbing
    all over me, selling out my PRIVATE life, like his buddy in organized crime, that brought Madonna to
    Australia in 1993 – Michael Gudinsky.

    Comment by Robert — November 19, 2011 @ 12:33 pm

  1080. Gudinsky & his organized criminal scams –

    Who purchased the Victoria on the Park Hotel in Enmore, Sydney, Australia ? (In 1992)
    It takes serious money, to buy a pub and the silence of the employees…

    The Victoria on the Park Hotel, Enmore –

    Located in the inner south western suburb’s of Sydney, part of the area, under control
    of the council of Marrickville, remained the theme park, for psychological assault and
    gang stalking operations, that I was the Targeted Individual of.

    In early 1993, a prepared video was played on the large screen monitor, intended to
    disturb me. This Video would be accompanied by a stalking skit, by a woman
    masquerading as Madonna, it could have been Madonna herself, quiet times, for a
    has – been, wanna – bee again.

    “Erotica” was regarded as a sleeper, by her distributor – WARNER MUSIC, who had
    ‘loaned’ her $60,000,000. , to establish the ‘Maverick’ enterprise – Warner investors
    with ‘itchy’ trigger fingers – not that happy…Bad Girl – Bad Investment, So how could they
    stimulate product attention ?

    The video was an image cut of Madonna, facing the camera and projected onto a screen,
    with the reporter sitting in front of the screen, with her back to the camera, you could see
    that the reporter was casting a shadow, onto the screen shot of Madonna.

    Madonna’s voice was dubbed, for this assault, with an American woman’s voice, like
    Madonna’s, filling in the Audio response. (Madonna, doing voice over’s, of herself ?)

    The Reporter –

    “Tell us Madonna, what are you doing in Australia” ?

    Madonna (Or Dubbed) Response –

    “I am here to find my husband”

    This assault was witnessed, by about twenty patrons, in the front bar (main bar area)
    with the ‘card’ machines and pool tables. I was playing pool (eight ball) and winning –
    looser pays, to challenge the winner.

    After this constructed video assault, two men in their early twenties and built like
    brick shit-houses walked in from the rear of the hotel with a woman dressed in lace,
    scantily clad of about 5 foot, 5 inches tall.

    She sat behind a card machine and began to gamble. The two brick shit-houses, stood
    close by her, with looks on their faces saying “do not approach, or we will ‘adjust’ your
    approach” – In Taught – A combined package of intimidation and assault. (what, I had
    gone through in 1985 – no one needs, to be subjected, to this kind of crime again)

    I continued playing pool and ignored the assault. It wasn’t the last time I would see these
    two brick shit-houses, or the masquerading Madonna. The offensive levels of interference
    that these Criminal Parasites, will go to, for the ‘almighty’ buck. “Money obtained via
    deception” “Psychological Product attention, via Psychological Assault” = Evil Creeps,
    that think, that, they are ‘BEYOND’ the law.

    Jamie Fielding was prepared, to blow the whistle on this operation (criminal), to me, but
    was thrown under a moving train, between Eskineville & St. Peters in Mid’ 93, before he
    got to ‘sing’. What of the Witnesses to the video ‘assault’ , are they still living in peace ?

    Comment by Robert — November 21, 2011 @ 1:41 pm

  1081. In belated response to yours, Barbara: The histories of conspiracism and persecutory bigotry are inextricable. And the false flag is amongst the oldest of propaganda ruses. Robert is a perp sympathizer, endorsing pogrom and genocide, much less McCarthyism and community based multi-stalking. Robert believes that the troublesome voices in his head, come via telepathy from his Jewish neighbors!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — November 21, 2011 @ 4:14 pm

  1082. Maverick records were not doing too well, many months after Warner established a joint
    venture with Madonna and gave her $60,000,000 (20/04/92) This information, was
    published in an internationally distributed magazine, that the Warner Group ‘Felt’, as, at this
    time, little chance of recovering from this investment, in Madonna & in Establishing Maverick

    At this time, Caresse Henry was working for Freddy De-Mann Entertainment, not Madonna.
    This was 1992. Freddy DeMann, was working with – mainly Madonna, her long time manager &
    business associate. It was October 1992, that the ‘interference’ of my PRIVATE life went
    ‘ballistic’ and all the ‘Feral’ beasts came out to play, the Attention for Madonna games. AT MY

    Caresse Henry’s career, with Madonna REALLY started in 1992. This was a very LOW
    POINT, in Madonna’s Professional Life, for VERY Desperate times indeed. Multi-National
    Corporations, like the Warner Music Group, very not doing very well either and were assisted
    (out of the red) by the TIME group of companies. This is not to say, that they, have the capacity,
    to simply forget about such a 60 Million Dollar investment, and would ‘listen’ to any possible
    means of recovering the principal amount, plus returns.

    This is inclusive of criminal activities, perversion into private lives, espionage, with illegal surveillance
    etc, gang stalking, with intimidation and manipulation, of the T.I. that was, in anyway possible, a
    stimulation source to otherwise un-saleable psychological products, (What the industry refers to as
    ‘sleepers’) to get the attention gathering scams, to the products, on the road again.

    These corporate entities have many means of hiding such fraud and deception, especially from those
    they are exploiting. Corporate Schizophrenia best describes these crimes – Murdoch – “I didn’t know
    how, or what they were doing with my money” – Complete Bullshit. Why didn’t he just say “I didn’t
    really care, how I get to stay on top of the hill”

    I contacted DeMann Entertainment (I have many phone bills, with itemized dates, times and
    durations. Calling with complaints, that were not IGNORED, as the activities of perversion
    and interference increased 10 Fold. The corporate entities, that were contacted included –
    Sire Records, Warner & Maverick records in early 1993 through to late 1994. As well as
    Madonna’s Attorney (According to Caresse Henry) Paul D Schindler. Little did I know, he
    was also in bed with the Murdoch’s & Gudinsky.

    I remember speaking with Liz Rosenberg at Warner Records Quote – “This has nothing to do
    with Warner, Madonna has her own record company now” Pass the blame, although Warner
    were in the shit over the 60 Million Dollar investment and very much party to the exploitation,
    that commenced with the systematic destruction of my Business, Friends & Family Relationships
    and the ongoing abuses of setting me up, destructively for their potential gains.

    I contacted Maverick in late February 1993, Caresse Henry answered the phone. The reasons
    for my call, were the complaint of being interfered with, by unknown parties, through Madonna’s
    recorded work. This interference specifically targeting my activities and business, acoustic feedback,
    in resonant harmony with what ever the original lyrics were…
    Accusations, of Criminal psychological interference, with my personal life, this did end up
    costing me my business, which WASN’T associated with the Entertainment Industry. IN ANY

    Besides the gang stalking, intimidation, interference and criminal surveillance and of my private life
    And making use of the law, for unlawful purposes, it also included the 24/7 use of electronic harassment,
    all they required was line of sight, from their operating location, to my premises and a transponder
    in my motor vehicle, that is as easy as a mobile phone that can be switched on or off, remotely and
    powered by the cars 12 Volt system. A dedicated channel of two way communications, but the
    messages are buried, as modulation, on a carrier, that is approaching the upper limits of human
    hearing, that is, near to ultrasonic radiation. Such technology can be ‘triangulated’ for location, of
    the T.I. as well.

    Comment by Robert — November 22, 2011 @ 2:02 am

  1083. Robert – (post 1083)

    “in resonant harmony with what ever the original lyrics were…”

    Madonna –

    “I never got to sing, my songs, for you”

    Comment by Robert — November 23, 2011 @ 12:27 pm

  1084. Aw! Now I understand your resentment of the Jews: We stole your Madonna from you!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — November 23, 2011 @ 3:30 pm

    • It’s all overdue,

      Madonna – “Erotic, Erotic”

      Warner – “Butchered heads and scrambled eggs, buddy” – A scene from Constantine

      Word Mincer – “I dont think you know what day it is, I dont think you’ve gone that wave”

      Robert – Any of you considered a real job, instead of a head job ?

      Comment by Robert — November 24, 2011 @ 11:39 am

  1085. taff at hilevew mental health sead ther going to put me throu corruption 14 years tey got me hit blackedmaild over a make beleaf genocide they did not wat me to have a lady gearl freed this happend i think they ley about excavating i dont youl cech Bakersfield Glendale i mead up looking at this fack # of genocide deaf motel turmoil can be stopped by saying real # of times and what ever the mind sead since berth to stop vomiting swished greef theh the orgonized crimanals sead its whatever the other person sead not ther oun answer 7 torcerd mein north hollywood ca lankersham bl 7 guys use stalking torcher one had blood in hi mouth from bitting me knock out i seen hit andrew and a sober living living on velarwo bl supulveda van nuyes steve sead he was gowing to fuck me up im truing to sue him he mite know karaty he looks like the guy on tv in japan mtv must of got him after me well be for it was open i sat on the side of the yad ski so ther all gowing to lit because i stop taking the med that did it cocoon 8 years ago every since i left and seen andrew with a knife in the kitten with a red hear lady they all open a sober living one hit me in the neck several times it on tape steve still fooled me i left 9years ago anderw whent 4 places one made any one harass me for asking to plug in a tape book lbcongress a guy in cult maneger bored and cares 3 men on street ask me to leave the back of store on hollywood bl and new hamster had knife western man had gun behind kfc he try to harass me with my head phone on i call 911 on cell this man stiff is in a sober living in van news supplied velapo then the vido i was knock out in cheer on riverton magnolia north holly c vido i was knock out in cheer on riverton magnolia a matthuw was slapping me in the face jonathin i push the other i hit the red head or anderw when i sat in the back years of that place i thout was abandoned i seen one with a bucker knife so they never stop following me i left to san francico slidel valley mission hills nh bakersfild grenade hills bakers feld andrew mohomad ali and hillvew staff helps once mike strong and jordan knocked me out drunk and sead im gowing to put you throu corruption so that happen mycological abuse illegal pycotarapy a vido i seen sara ramose used a bat wile i was ski laced with strict this i stope tacking 9 year ago ther all still doing the sam thing 14 year 7 torched me one in hillvewe wite guy robort rick i for gotthe men know i remember they where stoping me because he bit my goring blood was in his mouth staff wont do any thing they shold be sewd they lit and rip me off the tapep say the guy duper is looking at airplane s and pretens how to buy stuff i stoped 6 years ago they got payed to 50-300$they all did it because they did not want me to have a gierfrend they rip off set up illegally senate set up they try it with garden some undercover i seehey rip off set up illegally senate set up they try it with garden some undercover n vido of staff put a pint brush in my eye filled with higean supply in the regally manor hit the last time 1000 times socks and staff strangled me until i passed out like a killer use water to dround me pd in vido mite of they did it because they did not want me to have i girl frend i e meld you before hill vewey mental pocoma van nuts bl and last descanso bl la ca they wold of rip me off put me away i was not doing any thing they used kkk wite supremacy gay pride rasist gang stalking home envying illegal pycotarapy gane rapping men discremanaion corruption ill e mail the place that handels the rest rasesum and set ups hate one is using mental abuce then on porch ther fiting me 8 moin a phtograf im knock out in the photo by a eletronic wepon

    Comment by — November 24, 2011 @ 6:10 am

  1086. The system has so called ‘specialists’ such as psychiatrists, that are educated with deniability, about
    the use of technology and the programs of Ritual Abuse, this is inclusive of Gang Stalking operations.

    Some of them appear, to be perpetrators, working within the system, for their own mixed agenda’s.

    Exposure of their ‘hidden’ agenda’s, has the effect of stripping them of such deniability, therefore
    making them fully accountable, for their crimes upon this earth. “No you can’t omit the evidence, of
    ritual abuse, from the equation” as this would be ‘protective’ of the crime, “No you can’t disregard
    the application, of technology, with regard, to the victim’s complaint” this would be a breach of justice
    and basic human rights, indicative of further support, for organized crime practices, by your so called

    How to flush out a perpetrator psychiatric nurse, or doctor, that is, offensively –

    I will consider, that your professional opinion, based on your education, was in fact, also, a product of
    Ritual Abuse. Your education, is a program sadly missing the point and deliberately omits important
    facts, this based, on how you ‘handle’ the victim’s complaints, which is by the book, written by
    perpetrators. I would also like to indicate, that your belief, your religious belief, is also Ritual Abuse.
    Nothing more than escapist fantasy, to boot. I believe, that your belief is a threat to me, as you, are
    most unwilling to even listen to what I believe in, you cowardly thug. Once, your profession believed
    that homosexuality was a mental disorder, what do your kind, believe now ? would it be, that you are
    out numbered and can’t compete ?

    I am well aware, of the defense systems, that are in place to protect your fantasizing. Save such
    Dogma, for yourself and your associates, for your own use, in death. It has no place in this matter, as
    your belief is a harbor for Satanic Ritual Abuses, upon this earth. You play games, that are not
    constructed, on a level playing field and set out, to further deceive, in defense of criminal gains, of
    which, you benefit, financially from. The balls, in your game, are regarded as minorities, which you go
    about stripping, of the based human rights, under law, which they are entitled to. Deliberate
    Misdiagnosis, creates further disregard, for a victim’s basic legal rights. I am not in denial of a
    Mental Illness, you are in denial of Ritual Abuse and the Evil, that are party to it, like yourself.

    ‘Vicky’ a RPN (registered psychiatric nurse) in 1994 said this, to me, in a conversation about Synthetic
    Telepathy. The woman’s thoughts on the subject were quite disturbing, as it reveals scant regard, for
    the artificial induction, the standard victim complaints, that simulate schizophrenia, deliberate ‘directed’
    assault by the use of known technology, that replicates the DSM criteria for the determination of this
    mental illness. What she said was unforgettable –

    “If everybody could communicate like this, there would be so much mental noise, in the world, no one
    would be able to think straight” Is this, the general professional opinion of these puppets ? Disregard
    the application of technology, misdiagnose and mistreat (chemically lobotomize) the victims and call it
    fair ? The Pharmaceutical industries that continue to ‘push’ substances, cashing in with their “bets” from
    the side lines, in this evil game.

    Crime Prevention, through disclosure and mass destruction of both sides, in a game, where the victims,
    OBJECT to being the ball. Both sides of the game are corrupted – Those that ‘interfere’ on one side,
    those that are ‘misinformed’ on the other. Destroy the game’s playing field, then, there is little financial
    incentive for such PARASITES. Pity the ‘balls’ are the minority, in the ‘game’ and the ‘thugs’, in their
    cowardly numbers, therefore rule. The Organized Crime, is the Ritual Abuse, of those that are interfering,
    their stealth is what needs to be undermined, through exposure, their stealth is the difficult card, in the
    card house, to pull. Pull that card and the entire card house system comes down. Then burn the deck…

    Comment by Robert — November 26, 2011 @ 6:59 am

  1087. “I am not in denial of a Mental Illness, but you, are in denial of Ritual Abuse and the Evil, that are party to it,
    like yourself. Calling someone mentally ill, for your own purposes and gains, is like calling someone “Anti-
    Semite”, also for your own purposes and gains. GET that through your thick head’s, “Anti Christ’s”

    You sat in judgment of me, but you, fool, have already been condemned to the fires of hell.
    You betrayed me, you profiteered from this. Judah’s cunt shit, upon this earth, your weapons of mass destruction, shall be your own undoing…Thug Scum. You will not be forgiven…UNDERSTAND ?
    MINORITY PERPETRATOR GROUPS, that includes you – Jew Arse-Lickers.

    Next year (2012) God’s army will walk this Earth and slay, with stealth, the evil upon this Planet,
    those so Misguided, by the son’s and daughter’s of Judah, the corrupted son. To Be Flushed Out
    of the Darkness, through the passage of EXPOSURE, so run scum, with no where to hide.
    You won’t read about it, in The News of the World, you won’t get a warning, you simply won’t
    know what hit you. No where to run, No where to hide.

    Your Evil Minds, are about to be cleansed by fire. NO, not micro-waved, you piece of shit.
    Truly entertaining, watching this event – SPECTACULAR ( a sight of attacking, the secular)

    You are nothing more, than one in twelve, so fuck off, You Scamming Satanic Scum. WE are not your cattle
    You are not our shepherd, WE have the truth, on our side, You only DECEIVE, for a dime, You Satanic Scum.

    I enjoy ‘seeing’ the burning, of your kind, totally unforgivable & relentless, misguided DOG shit !
    “We don’t like reform, like, what’s in it for us ?” Damnation, You Scab.
    By your own hand, on this side, by those you victimized, on the other.

    “But it’s not a serious world” Then fuck-off your fantasy, that is continually, at our expense.
    Parasite – you have no place, in this world…or the next. Get used to it, it’s gonna’ hurt, your type,
    forever more.

    Comment –

    “Yes please hit back, at the Satanic Types” “More, More and More”

    Comment by Robert — November 26, 2011 @ 12:20 pm

  1088. I’ll take that bet, Robert! What are the conditions of refutation? What unmistakable evidence will there be of such events, given that they will be so stealthy and all? How would one be able to tell, if such events as foretold by you above have not come to pass by 2013? And what are the stakes? What are you willing to sacrifice or do differently if it turns out that your prediction is erroneous? Come on, Schizo-boy, I double-dog dare ya!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — November 26, 2011 @ 3:57 pm

  1089. There are no winners, in a losers game. How the playing field is destroyed, so as, no more
    hardship, to those set up, to be the ball is how the losers game ends. Victims of this crime
    are getting wise, to how their perceived victimization, does indeed, keep the game alive.
    If all the balls pull out, off and away, from the far from level playing field, what are shit, like
    you going to do for sport, eat up the playing field ? How they pull the plug, on this game, is
    information that you will not be privy to, because you, Aaron are desperate ‘Player’

    Comment by Robert — November 28, 2011 @ 11:07 pm

  1090. Aaron Agassi said – “Come on, Schizo-boy, I double-dog dare ya!”

    Why don’t you dare *all* of us “Aaron,” because some or many of us know who *you* are. WE have been tracking you for a long time.

    These *crimes against humanity* will be revealed and will come to an end, with or without your trivial role.

    *You* are nothing to *their* cause, and in their opinion are easily expendable, like all other trash.

    Comment by ornic — November 30, 2011 @ 6:34 am

  1091. I have no qualms daring any and all legions of cranks, and not just the hate mongering bigots, to put it on the line by specifying conditions of refutation. Are you up to it, or just more hot air?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — November 30, 2011 @ 7:06 am

  1092. Hello Aaron,

    You really need some help, We know how to find you, via your DNA, your left your
    Shit all over the internet…Perpetrator. The same methods have been used to isolate
    the fantasy, of manipulating the will of others, via gang stalking religions, such as Jews
    hanging out, as scientologists… They are referred to as “Swinging Voters”. Such Beasts
    are a threat, not only to themselves, but others and this simplifies the “cleansing” process
    of removing the bullshit factor…

    Comment by Robert — November 30, 2011 @ 1:13 pm

  1093. Mad bullshit factor, just get rid of it…

    Comment by Robert — November 30, 2011 @ 2:36 pm

  1094. More hot air.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — November 30, 2011 @ 6:08 pm

  1095. Aaron Agassi is the essence of “hot air” and always has been.

    And after the funding for these assaults is cut off, Aaron Agassi will be a *Has-been.*

    Comment by uric — December 1, 2011 @ 9:10 am

  1096. a-GAS…………..see,

    “hot air” *Wannabe*

    “And after the funding for these assaults is cut off, Aaron Agassi will be” – ‘Blown Away’

    It is rather strange, that he sets out, so late in life…to make something of his name.
    Maybe he should pursue a paying job, in sales, rather than misinformation, but after this
    effortless, worthless ‘prattle’ & ‘drivel’ of his, why would anyone buy anything, he was
    trying to sell ? Pity he isn’t filled with Hydrogen and given a bright spark, BOOM, now
    that would put the wind up him. Maybe.

    His content is clearly Methane, so why is this fart still hanging around this site ? Wasn’t
    I Bright Enough ?

    Comment by Robert — December 2, 2011 @ 11:34 am

  1097. Arom A Gas See – So what’s in a name ? No need to answer that one…
    We have located the smell.

    Aaron, you should seriously consider the services, of a dietician. Remember,
    you are what you eat. Junk food is for Junkies and Junkies are full of shit, so
    what was on your next meal break menu ?

    I am not the only one, that thinks you smell, like a perpetrator, in a spook house,
    eating home delivered takeaways.

    Comment by Robert — December 2, 2011 @ 12:55 pm

  1098. The Criminal Power Base of the Entertainment Industry –

    Gang Stalking & Intimidation, Harassment, Illegal Surveillance, Assault (GBH), Psychological
    Perversion to Acquire Intellectual Property, the Drugging of an individual, to enable interference,
    Use of the law for unlawful purposes, Obtaining money via deception, The application of DEW’s
    and this list is far from complete…

    This Industry has lawyers, who know exactly what is going on. For years, would ignore the
    complaint, of a Targeted Individual, so being exploited, by their ‘clients’. Organized Crime,
    corrupted lawyers and crimes that Politicians turn a blind eye to. More in their Corrupted Pay
    Packets & Pockets by doing so.

    Paul D. Schindler, is a New York City based Attorney, who specializes in Entertainment Industry
    law work. I made a video tape, after nearly 18 Months of abuses, by Gang Stalking ‘Desperate’
    entertainers and their third party ‘recruitments’ that were pushing their luck, a little too far.

    The reason for making the Video, was that I believed my attempts to speak to this Attorney, via
    telephone & fax were not getting through to this intended person, that is, the communications
    were being intercepted and directed elsewhere. Communications ‘hacking’ and the Murdoch’s
    cash cow – Festival Mushroom Records – this is back then, in 1993.

    Why was I directed, By the Late Caresse Henry, to Madonna’s Attorney – Schindler, in early
    1993, only to be then ignored by the man, who NEVER spoke to me, or communicated in any
    other way, such as by fax. The applied ignorance continued for over 16 months, but, unknown
    to me, at the time, he wasn’t just Madonna’s lawyer, but the attorney, for Australian’s such as
    the Murdoch’s and Gudinsky, who were party to the crimes, committed against me.

    Calls to Schindler were always answered by Ms. Jackson, who, upon a phone call, to the same
    phone number, in 1995 – She had never been known as a secretary, to Schindler, on the Phone
    Number – (212) 5540400. The phone accounts, show the numbers called, to the USA, dates
    and the durations of such calls, what ? were they re-directed “return to country of origin”
    It was Ms. Jackson that signed for one of the Video tapes that were sent via DHL to New York
    City in February of 1994.

    Madonna was still in Australia, with no further business here, other than maintaining, the Gang
    Stalking, Interfering and Harassment of my life, either by recruited third parties and/or by herself.
    This was 2 Months AFTER the Stalking Act was passed by the NSW legislative assembly.
    So profile Entertainers are exempt, from such laws are they ? Laws to protect those with, but not
    accessible, to those being exploited by these Wealthy & Organized CRIMINALS.

    This industry, so dependant upon such crimes, as seen by those Targeted, Pinned Down and
    Ripped off, by this ‘business’. Madonna’s business in Australia ended in early January of 1994.
    She remained in Australia until the end of February, but this wasn’t public knowledge.

    I had two copies made, that were converted to the NTSC – American Standard, from the original
    PAL format, DHL was used as the courier service and I nominated that the copies be registered,
    with signatures required, from the recipients. Schindler & Sire Records, both in NYC. “Ms. Jackson”
    for Schindler and “Zorro” for Sire Records.

    Comment by Robert — December 2, 2011 @ 3:43 pm

  1099. After a year of attempts, to communicate with Schindler, via phone & fax the video tapes
    were sent to NYC. All hell broke loose with constant V2K prattle about “Schindlers List”,
    then, these industry *Buzz* words went overt, with the media, promoting attention, to the
    S. Spielberg production, called “Schindlers List”. Wow, what a coincidence ! No it isn’t,
    it is part, of the attention, via disturbance, promotional SCAM. Hits, like this, have a Target.

    So what about Paul D. Schindler ? , did he ever recover, from the “Schindlers List”,
    promotional SCAM, in 1994, after he received my video tape, In February ‘94 signed for,
    in New York by Ms. Jackson, who, according to the receptionist in Late 1995, had never
    worked there.

    Schindlers List –

    1992 –
    Tied the knot on the formation of Maverick between Time Warner & Madonna

    1993 –
    Sale of 49% of Mushroom Records Australia (Gudinsky) to News Corp. Ltd (Murdoch)

    1994 –
    Received a Video Recording from me, about the ill effects, of the assault, that was ruining
    my life, non stop 24/7 privacy violations, stalked, in and out of Sydney, with no escape, from
    these financed and duped perpetrators, the duped led to believe there was something “in it
    for them” that were party to the “Gang Banging”, rumor spreading, that attracts the attention,
    of the easily manipulated, cheaply financed, white trash Junky Sector, looking for a taste, of
    someone else life & mind.

    1998 –
    The remaining 51% of Mushroom Records Australia was sold to News Corp Ltd, WITHOUT
    the real assets, of this recording label business, the recordings themselves, along with other
    assets & trademarks.

    2000 & on – Ricky Martin and Jessica Simpson were added to Schindlers list of client dealings
    both of which were on Caresse Henry’s resume, as published on her LinkedIn pages.

    Maybe not on Schindlers List –

    In October 2005 Festival Mushroom Records was wound up and its trademarks and assets
    (including its large archive of master recordings) were sold to the Australian division of the
    Warner Music Group.

    So, with the acquisition, by the Warner Music Group of the Master Recordings and Assets,
    that is, all of the stuff, that is worth something, not acquired, previously, by News Corp LTD,
    of Festival Mushroom Records.

    This was the deal, that the Mushroom Artists – gang stalking vermin, were promised, the Global
    Distribution of the back catalogue of their recorded works by the Giant – The Warner Music Group.

    Their back catalogues were shelved for 5 years, Warner failed to honor it’s criminal deal, with
    these Vermin, that Stalked and grossly interfered with my life – to promote attention, to Madonna,
    at my ongoing expense and assist in the Warner Groups recovery, of the $60,000,000 mis-
    investment in Maverick Records, which is what is was – a bad investment, in October of 1992,
    being the published opinion, of the Warner Music Group, itself.

    The WMG, recovered, from their ‘Bad Girl Investment’, then ‘suckered’ the Mushroom Recording
    Artists, that had criminally, violated – my life. They aren’t going to talk about innocent blood on
    their hands, are they ?

    In 2010 the Back Catalogue, of Mushroom Artists Material and the Assets were re-Purchased, by
    Gudinsky, back from the Warner Music Group. It’s all just Organized Crime money laundering.

    2005, was also the year, that the WMG acquired Madonna’s Shares (50%) in Maverick Records,
    but the WMG had no use for Caresse Henry, who knew too much and was then wired up, to a
    “slow kill” program.

    Comment by Robert — December 3, 2011 @ 6:55 am

  1100. It seems like video tutorials are getting used a lot at the moment, an excessive amount of actually. Perhaps I’m a little quaint but I do wish to read and digest data slowly every so often.

    Comment by Lacy — December 10, 2011 @ 2:15 am

  1101. Seeing is believing, a picture tells a thousand irrefutable words. When we are
    dealing with paid psychological assassins – what pictures can they present ?

    Anything in the ‘scene’ of post No. 869 to be ‘hammered’ by the disinformation
    sector ?

    Comment by Robert — December 13, 2011 @ 10:10 am

  1102. Psychiatry & Psychology – “We Didn’t wish to look” – “We like our narrow minded Activity,
    of bullshitting and offending, winding up the innocent, playing devils advocate and the
    generation of human guinea pigs for ‘Big Pharma’…’cause that’s where the big bucks


    Comment by Robert — December 13, 2011 @ 10:20 am

  1103. Psychiatry & Psychology, like Religion – Decept-O-Cons (To Decieve, a Confidence Trickster – a BULLSHITTER)

    SPLATTER THEM ! Escapist & fantacy crud, they are harder, to take for a walk, than the ‘spooks’ But living or
    ‘dead’ we are all victims of ritual abuse. So what’s your poison, what program did you swallow ?

    Comment by Robert — December 13, 2011 @ 10:29 am

  1104. “Anti – Christ” , “Anti – Christ”

    O.K. What did they call you Robert ?

    “Anti – Semite” .

    Moving on….

    Away from Slur session work. Crimes that just don’t pay, I find them very ‘Taxing’

    Comment by Robert — December 13, 2011 @ 11:04 am

  1105. Actual Scenario (1993)

    One of many, best explaining further and simply what they do, and why.
    Part of a private phone conversation, with my cousin, who is an attorney –

    Cousin – “you know what your problem is Robert, you suffer from selective hearing”

    Me – “Are you saying, I only hear what I wan’t to”

    Some day’s after this, I was subject to repetitive V2K, that could be considered as
    ‘Hounding’, it is a narly, nit picking Female voice and the repetitive part, of this is –

    “Are you saying, I only hear what I wan’t to”

    Within a period, of only months later, whilst working on a construction site, as
    usually encounted, in such a situations, some other tradesman has a pop radio
    station on the dial.

    Along comes a song that I hadn’t heard before and early in the lyrics is THE HIT –

    “And you say, I only hear what I wan’t to”

    (What was released was – “AND you say” – a harmonic variant of the repetitive abuse)

    What happened upon hearing this ‘line’ is I was overcome with a severe Tinnitus attack
    and this affected my physical balance (I am glad I wasn’t up a ladder)

    Why –

    Their “HIT” was stolen intellectual property garnered from criminal surveillance of my
    private life and a personal phone conversation. It was super- imposed, with a ‘pain’
    sequence, like what is used in a ‘thief deterrent’ ultrasonic system in a shopping mall.

    They knew I was on that construction site, that day, via criminal surveillance of my
    phone and premises. The song was on the play list, of ‘that’ radio station, (PayOla)
    (organized crime) as listened to – by that tradesman. Yes, I had been working at that
    site, many times before – it was a 6 million dollar home, under construction, in 1992 –

    Position the device (post 869) or similar technology (1970’s precursors of directed
    energy acoustic weapons) as required, to maximize ‘effect’, that is, disturbance to
    “spook the dude” (the T.I.)

    Why does it work so ‘selectively’ ?

    The “HIT” was reinforced with repetitious suggestion amounting to electronically induced
    subliminal (V2K hypnosis) multiple times prior to the public ‘AIRPLAY’ of the product.
    (Get Used to it – at a sub’ level)

    The “HIT” is effectively a “Trigger” to enable an Emotional Response Cluster (ERC)
    release from the “TARGET” whereby the ERC information is transmitted and syncronised,
    with the hit, via the ‘positioned’ localalized DEW, near to the site. Could have been within
    the building site, or from a car or even a nearby house, with line of site.

    The target is on the receiving end, of this publically broadcast, psychological
    product (HIT SONG ?) and a WAVE is made based on the target’s reaction to it.

    ( “How did that feel ?” ” he’s out there somewhere, I think we nailed him good”)

    This response is publically felt and promotes attention, to the hit song. The general
    public then reacts, at a subconscious level, to the ERC and attention, to the song and
    sales goes in an upwards spiral.

    The target is being sold out without consent, respect or royalty cheques…Cheated
    out of their Minds, Privacy and Mental Health. Sleep deprivation, Tinnitus, Persecution
    by parties unknown. PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE that goes on, without an ending why
    scum go on a feeding frenzy and line their pockets with criminal gains.

    IS THERE ANY HELP on offer ?

    As mentioned previously – PSYCHIATRY to perform a chemical lobotomy and throw
    another wasted target on the shit heap of human refuse – upon complaint, by the T.I.
    Unfortunately, THIS is all, that these Corrupted, scum have to offer such victims, or
    should I say – those that submitted to ‘THAT’ program of Ritual Abuse. As In –
    “Their Belief”

    Not to mention – Isolation of the Targets, to prevent any associational groups from forming,
    with the usual ‘induction’ of paranoid reasons, “shrink justifications” of “Fear” that some
    of the Victims may be operatives (perp’s) The Shrinks never replace ‘Paranoid’ with
    ‘justifiable caution’ They are about to learn, some new words….

    Lawful/Private Investigations ?

    Our cities are bathing in Microwave Radiation, the neighbour gets paid $700 – $1,000
    per year, to have a “Wireless” internet transponder installed in their roof and what else ?

    Microwave based DEW’s, under computer control, via the ‘approved’ wireless internet
    transponder ?

    The power levels, of the DEW’s, microwave radiation are below the noise floor of ‘Background’
    communications, microwave technology, meaning that detection of a DEW source would be
    probably impossible.

    Operators using this criminal application, of technology, to prosper financially are thus well
    protected, sanctioned revenue rakers and untouched, by any complaint launched at them, by
    any victims of this crime. How many people (victims) does it take, to splatter corporate crime ?

    Defense Program –

    If you can’t beat this system used by criminals who can’t be identified, shut down &
    prosecuted, then there is an old favoured practice, that could work, remember how the
    mafia, in New York City, were out of control in the 1970′s ?

    A police officer saw the corruption, in his own workplace and acting alone, started a covert
    operation to turn these ‘families’ against each other. It was seen as successful.

    Your “Hit” slinging loud mouth puppets are vulnerable, this is not to suggest they are
    responsible for “hitting” out at you. Those that prosper, financially from them, are the strategic
    targets, in a long overdue act, to level out the playing field. We, as victims, of such crime have
    the ability to defend ourselves, by finacially ruining the playing field.

    That will teach you parasites a lesson – if everyone could do it – then no one will pay for it !


    Of those, proven to have made money from such crimes – They LOSE IT, they obtained, their
    wealth, from a violation of existing, but un-enforced LAWS. – SCREW THEM – Screw their
    deceased estates. (Modern day, pyramid recovery of OUR assets, not the thieving squatters,
    sitting on their gold bar stool – it’s shit)

    That, will take out (wholesale, their evil agenda) their ‘BUSINESS’ – In 2012

    “yeah. just weeks away” – Cleansed Brain Cells, Burnt out trash. Destruction of these power
    tripping satanic scum – METHOD = EXPOSURE of their PRACTICES & MANIPULATION of the
    law (their corruption) The ‘LAW’ subject to reform. Those that don’t wish to play, then please
    help, to level out the playing field, because NO ONE NEEDS THIS SHIT.

    Burn their business methods, their secrets (organized crime) & So burning their economies and
    therefore BURNING them ! as they will have nothing to live for, in a world, in which, they thought
    owed them a living, at the expense of others. FALSE GOD SCUM, escapist PIG SHIT. GET RID
    of THEM. Learn to live in peace, when the ongoing war, is no more. A different “PROGRAM” .
    It begins with REFORM.

    Comment by Robert — December 13, 2011 @ 1:06 pm

  1106. As a matter of historical irony, Jew-haters themselves first coined the term “Anti-Semitism” actually in order to sound classier! Robert, in a recent post number 1105 you complain of being subjected to a slur. Really? May I refer you back to your own post number 1072? Your true colors are nowhere better on public exhibition. So why bother to deny it? What’s the matter, Robert? Are you deemed too nutty even for Stormfront?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — December 13, 2011 @ 7:50 pm

  1107. Is this all you have left, to reflect on, Agassi ?

    An individual presents information on gang stalking, DEW’s and exploitation, those, that were behind the
    exploitation, that made serious money out of this crime, at this individuals expense. They have never been
    brought to justice. I show how they ‘hide’ behind a religious ‘front’ and look after each other, in their
    cowardly numbers game, religions are not only a tax haven, in most parts of the world, but they are also
    safe harbors for criminals. All you do, Agassi, is what they did, nit pick, persecute and detract, I understand
    your problem, there aren’t many jobs on offer, for fleas and other parasites, that ‘haunt’ sites, like this and
    the contributing writings, of others, that you attack, for sport. Get a life…one you could call your own.

    You continue to attack, victims of organized crime, like you are looking, for a place, or friends in this crime,
    itself. My enemies friend, a wannabe ‘gang stalker’ is my enemy. The ‘War’ is over, when the dedicated
    efforts, of victims, achieve the desired results and take this system apart, most destructively, so it can no
    longer be operational. What are you going to do then, A gas bag ? Different Aron A Therapy ?

    Comment by Robert — December 14, 2011 @ 9:18 am

    • First of all, Robert, no one has any reason to trust or attend to your semi-coherent so called information, you loony hypocrite. And secondly, yes, I responded on a specific point which you now continue to evade, much as I expected you to, because I speak to your true agenda, invalidating all of your diversionary convoluted conspiracism along with your hate speech and empty threats revealing you as no victim but rather some kind of deranged perp sympathizer.

      Comment by Aaron Agassi — December 14, 2011 @ 7:04 pm

  1108. The Electromagnetic War

    Prior to the ‘evolution’ of A.C. mains power distribution, cinema frame rates and further polution, of our environment by
    radio waves, radar systems, television transmissions, the microwave cell phone network, ‘other’ electromagnetic and
    electrostatic sources, of radiation, we, as the human race, had the original earth’s natural resonances, to tune into –
    studied and credited research – the Schumann resonances.

    Now swamped and therefore ‘masked’, from these Naturally occuring EMR. Consequences ? How about World War I ?
    So mind control first existed as an artificial means, of taking out of the equation – Our harmony with nature.

    A common complaint, of victims of gang stalking, is the ‘ability’ of the perpetrators to ‘see’ what we see, ‘hear’ what we
    hear and seem to be able, to ‘feel’ out our bodily movements. We are bathing in artificial radiation, that acts as the
    carrier and conditioner, to enable this ‘perversion’. We are being told that privacy, is a thing of the past, whether we
    like it or not. This attitude, promotes the terpitude, of organized gang stalking – “Keep an eye on them” So what of
    the privacy laws ? The laws against gang stalking & intimidating ?

    William Rife (Also known as Royal Rife) studied the effects of EMR, at a variety of different frequencies and their
    therapeutic benefits, but to the efforts and the MONEY of the Pharmaceutical industry, to debunk his work, little research
    has continued, that would challenge the pill popping junky age. This alternative research and developement would also
    include, a possible means of ‘shutting’ out the pervert crowd – “We lost control of him/her” “We can’t see, or hear them

    Although, generally accepted, is ‘Radio-Therapy’ along side ‘Chemo-therapy’ for Treatment Programs of Cancer.
    “Radiation can induce Cancers, and Radiation can cure them” “An electrical current can stop or start the Heart”
    So alternative research could, lead to the developement of a protective ‘field’ to shut out the ‘Voyeur’ , ‘Audient’ and
    ‘Centian’ perpetrators… Yep – The Pervert Crowd, obstructed, from climbing all over you, ‘tuning In’ so as to speak,
    with their hostile ‘waves’ of stalking and ‘haunting’ you – the targeted individual (T.I.)

    So now, with life on earth, bathing in radiation, generated artificially – how many diseases, disorders and proliferation
    of viruses, including gang stalkers, have been created ? Bacterial & Viral evolution assisted by artificial radiation of the
    planet. Life was clearly a little easier, before all this ‘irradiating’ of life, as we new it.

    Apathy – Take your friend for a holiday, away from the ‘rat race’ ” Hey, I discovered another person and intellect”
    “An entirely different animal” This was once possible, not so sure anymore, with spy satellites (got a credit card ?
    and you can get a person of interest under surveillance – 24/7) oh, don’t forget the cell phone, tower coverage, now
    common place everywhere.

    Mobile phone ? then your location is known through radio triangulation. The cell phone, it doesn’t even need to be
    switched on, just the SIM card and a charged battery. So Implants – are no longer required and tracking systems are
    simplified. Your coordinates are then fed into the spy satellite system for nefarious purposes – someone wishes
    to put you up and take you for a ride, or for what ever, other purpose, these criminal scum had in mind. Gang
    Stalking, via the use of technology, is made too easy.

    Those with such intent, that had the credit card – but, then again, a corporation like Warner probably ‘owns’ spy satellite
    channels and no credit card is required. This, in regards to surveillance, for the purpose of exploitation, of the T.I.

    The big threat to organized gang stalking is the application, of regulation, to the surveillance industry. Without regulation,
    then ANYONE can get access to the technology without being questioned. For the victims, of the organized crime, of gang
    stalking, that sucks.

    Comment by Robert — December 14, 2011 @ 11:28 am

  1109. “Big Time”

    I have my way of breaking it

    I will watch it, falling…


    Comment by Robert — December 14, 2011 @ 12:07 pm

  1110. It was “pushed” off it’s lucative perch.

    Comment by Robert — December 14, 2011 @ 12:19 pm

  1111. Organized crime, organized confusion or Organized GREED !

    Watch it Falling.

    Comment by Robert — December 14, 2011 @ 12:26 pm

  1112. In response to post number 1108: First of all, Robert, no one has any reason to trust or attend to your semi-coherent so called information, you loony hypocrite. And secondly, yes, I responded on a specific point which you now continue to evade, much as I expected you to, because I speak to your true agenda, invalidating all of your diversionary convoluted conspiracism along with your hate speech and empty threats revealing you as no victim but rather some kind of deranged perp sympathizer.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — December 14, 2011 @ 7:00 pm

  1113. There is little to be left of your Aroma, A Gas See

    This was pretty obvious, when your Mythical Energy Weapons and Straw Man bullshit was exposed.
    Those you titled ‘Strawmen’ are other victims of this crime, they have been for some time.
    The Mythical Weapons, according to you, were exposed as a stark reality, by me, in which you made no
    further comment upon, you have an ongoing habit (junky) of ‘attack’ reality to reinforce your
    fantacy. You lost some time ago, my only need, in writing to you, is to get you off this site.
    You are a complete waste to the effort, a typical wasted junky, still to learn that your part in this
    game is over…because the game is over, it’s all overdue.

    Why would you wish to continue, on a playing field, that has been levelled out ?

    Comment by Robert — December 14, 2011 @ 10:06 pm

  1114. Fool! I now see that you do not even comprehend the expression: straw man argument. And you have proved nothing except that you can be relied upon to sidestep salient question.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — December 15, 2011 @ 12:37 am

  1115. I have said this before, you, Agassi have nothing to offer, You wish to dominate the site with splatter
    and attack true victims, of this crime. You have no personal story, of your own to tell. Your “bullying”
    “Bullying” crap bacame a bore, to others, that had something to say, others that you jumped all over.

    There is nothing here for you to pilfer, you parasite, what are you looking for, Pesticide ?. You will
    have to wait, until next year for your lethal dose. If you are looking for War and Napalming, look
    elsewhere… Pesticide is all that you need, but you will have to be patient, parasite.

    Comment by Robert — December 15, 2011 @ 4:40 am

  1116. As if it matters what you say!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — December 15, 2011 @ 4:50 am

  1117. Your first post, on this site (Post No. 227 – Aug 9 2010) Arom A Gas See –

    “The mode of flaming in question is called: sock-puppetry. And clearly, the mod was summarily enlisted as an unwitting proxy in abuse of power”

    I can’t find what it is relevant to, seems like you are responding, on this site, with what was meant for another forum. How many sites do you disturb ?
    Speaking of Napalm & Flaming, how is your diet going, are you on a diet ? It’s just that your smell (Aroma-Therapy) seems to be fading, into the
    background radiation of sidewalk shit, which is a matter for the health department, to make a determination on whether it requires ‘treatment’ via
    a cleanup program.

    Comment by Robert — December 15, 2011 @ 5:06 am

  1118. As I explained at the time, I was responding to post number 1: “The severe attack against the poster trying to discuss the topic started instantly, was way out of proportion and appeared to be coordinated, or from a single poster with several aliases. These aliases were newly registered with zero posts at the start.” Classic sock-puppetry.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — December 15, 2011 @ 5:17 am

  1119. Your first post, A Gas See, you explained NOTHING. You remain on the sidewalk, please stay off the road…

    Comment by Robert — December 15, 2011 @ 5:33 am

  1120. Go fuck yourself!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — December 15, 2011 @ 5:42 am

  1121. Why should I follow your lead ?

    Comment by Robert — December 15, 2011 @ 8:02 am

  1122. More on Electro-Magnetic/Static ‘Mind Control’ Histories

    The original source, of Alternating Current (A.C.) (Mains Power) was first generated at 25 cycles. Many complaints were made in the late 1800′s about –
    “Hyper Mania” before such words were ‘coined’. (By Psychiatry ?) This operating frequency was quickly abandoned, except for industrial applications
    which were still reliant upon it for “BIG” motors.

    Of those affected, by 25Hz “Hyper Mania”, some were still “f…ed up” by the 50Hz system when released, no doubt ‘sensitive types and those 50Hz systems
    were sold off… 60Hz wasn’t a harmonic and so the ‘sensitive types’ no longer complained ?

    The Hyper Mania effects were not discarded, “Cine” type frame rates in motional picture productions quckly adopted 25 frames per second when the cost
    of film stock (silver) was easily offset against “the gains” (Captive Audiences)

    Note – The advancements, that on call this ‘starting’ point based on 25 Hertz – 25 frames/sec, as later adopted scan rates and the likes of 50Hz & 100Hz…
    Why ? 25 Hz was the fundamental, 50 & 100Hz are OCTAVES. So Jump on a flight to get away from this ? 400Hz…yep another octave, with reference to
    the fundamental, of 25 Cycles/Sec “Mains Power” Aircraft Style (Less Core Material, Weight – yeah right, as in B/S)

    Prior to this, the “Cine” ‘standard’ seemed to be around 16 Frames per second, boring as it was, at the Beta/Alpha border of brain wave activity.
    NOT maximally in the Alpha region with ‘advanced’ frame rates of 24-25 frames a second. Brain wave activity – Hyper Mania – Big Deer like Eyeballs, on
    the silver screen, all round from the viewer’s – “freq’ed out’ and not too many, could sleep through that flicker rate.

    The relevance is ‘carriers’ that accomodate the easy perversion of ‘stalking’, like wiring (physically) two individuals up to ‘align’ their EEG plots.
    See – “Inception” the T.I. is also named Robert – a Warner Production.

    Comment by Robert — December 15, 2011 @ 8:25 am

  1123. The Hollowood Production of “Inception”

    Script writers, actors, production and the vast backbone of technicians, that are behind such psychological products, do, indeed go to extreme lengths, not to walk on their own ‘toes’.

    As depicted, in “Inception” the covert drugging scene, “This will take him out, for the length of time, of the airplane flight” Then depicting contact electrodes, between the perverts, that
    were seeking intellectual property, of benefit to their ’cause’ – (money & power) from the targeted individual (T.I.) The production, of this flick, didn’t even touch on the modern use, of
    microwave radiation, to achieve the same results.

    All that is required, is line of site, from a spook house, nearby to the targeted individual (T.I.) see post No. 882 (again ?) for a better understanding, for any ‘newbies’ to this ‘education’
    and then, ask yourself – Why hollowood productions, are still very much in the dark ages, with the sensationalization of technology from the 1920’s ? Oh, that’s right – they don’t wish to
    walk on their own ‘toes’ with regards to, the modern methods & madness, of thought mining, in the junky age, that has no respect for privacy. So – We have to expose their terpitude, if
    we wish to see, the surveillance (and harassment) industry, REGULATED. When this happens – Big Brother is ? – F…ed. So Are ‘THEY’ going to suggest, that it would cramp their style,
    on the ‘ART’ of obtaining, freedom of ‘expression’ from another writer, before the book is written and published ? It would appear that the perp’ crowd would like to see the book ‘burnt’
    before it was published. So Blow Them Off – ‘On Line’

    Comment by Robert — December 17, 2011 @ 9:03 am

  1124. ofac compliance software…

    […]Gang stalking: Organized Confusion or Organized Crime « room for what? Gang Stalking, Organised Crime or Organized Confusion[…]…

    Trackback by ofac compliance software — December 18, 2011 @ 10:24 am

  1125. Gang Stalking & the Media –

    Besides what this writer has a knowledge of, regards this crime, not to mention, the now defunct, ‘News of the World’, what about the media in general ?

    Who would suggest, that the Paparazzi, are innocent of gang stalking crimes. Their bread & butter revolves around privacy violations, to get a ‘story’ they dont care who’s toes they walk on, to obtain media saleable
    commodities, that have nothing to do with “news-worthy” but more to do with ‘highly saleable’ comment and photography, obtained, via the violation of PRIVACY.

    Private Investigator abuse-age and the illegal use, of surveillance technology, that remain unregulated and consequently, the criminal sector, that obtains, via deception, access to privacy AND intellectual property, for
    financial gains, of corporate criminals. REGULATE the surveillance industry sector, so needed, is a damn good reason to perversly violate, another persons private life. Presently (and unregulated) it sells escapism
    and un-newsworthy, ‘news’ stories, as this is the sad justisfication, for the ongoing excuses, of organized criminals – As with privacy violations, via illegal surveillance, comes harassment, which is manipulation, of events,
    that would normally, not occur, in other words – pushing someone ‘over the edge’ with 24/7 PERVERSION, INTIMIDATION, HARASSMENT and PROGRAMS that amount to TORTURE of the targeted individual.

    The laws, against such activities, are already in place, but who is allowed to surveil the surveillance/harassment operatives, to collect supportive evidence, of the crimes in progress ?
    Yes, how would the perpetrator crowd like it ? Yes, cramp their ‘style’ and give them ‘writers block’ –

    “If they should ever sell out, someone else’s time, it would be the end of their kind” – Because there was NO CONSENT.

    Now, let’s try and ENFORCE THE LAWS. HAS Anyone tried CHARGING, the GANG STALKING PAPARAZZI, for privacy violations, or under the STALKING ACT, if applicable, in your country ?
    ONLY those ‘WITH’ have suceeded ! What about the ‘WITHOUTS’ being ‘screwed’ by those ‘with’, the power and money, that believe they are ‘beyond’ the laws, that are supposed to govern all ?
    What of those, yet to be brought to justice, on their methods of making a buck, via deception and exploitation, of those, that they ‘target’ and/or ‘scapegoat’ –

    “Hey Police Officer – Why are we harassing this Guy” – response – “I dont know, orders, from the top – he seems to be of interest, to the pervert crowd, who are screwing with him, for a return, somewhere.
    I’m just following orders” – “From the Top… You Know, The Corrupting Idiots, that control my pay-packet”.

    REGULATE THE SURVEILLANCE INDUSTRY – NOW, not maybe next year, or the year after… The PAPARAZZI are very much a part of the Surveillance Industry and the ‘Gang Stalking Crowd’ something for those
    ‘WITH’ to think about… How do you like your privacy, your psychological stability – your life… Burnt was it , or just toasted ?

    Comment by Robert — December 18, 2011 @ 1:56 pm

  1126. If we are deprived of privacy, then we have no secrets, if we have no secrecy, we are deprived of a life, that we could call our own. Mankind would become nothing more than components, making up ‘the machine’,
    of which those, with, would continue to control, like puppets. There would be no originality, as multiple patent applications would be placed simultaenously, for the same ‘idea’, singer songwriters would be writing
    the same songs and try and have ‘theirs’ played, publicly, first. They would fight and argue the point, over milliseconds. Button pushers would be pushing the same buttons, Hollowood scripts would be predictable
    and we would seek out – of the ‘Cinema’, before we threw up, due to repetitive exposure, of the same so called ‘theme’. Fashion would return, to a new generation, that hadn’t been ‘bashed’ by it before. Nothing
    would be new, or show novelty and we would all rot, in the stench of repetition and the smell would overcome us.

    So maybe it’s already too late ?

    Gang Stalking is nothing new, it is as old as religious ‘conversion’ – the process of wining votes, through sales, of a different fantacy, but still unworkable crud. The more that believe, in the bullshit factor isn’t going
    to see the realization, of the escapist dreams. Selling real estate, in the heavens…. well, I find it Offensive. Having laws, that are only accessible, to the wealthy, I also find Offensive. When the Gudinski, Murdoch
    Madonna – Promoted, Financed and Performed – GANG STALKING targeted my life, again, in 1992, I started climbing up a hill, called a pyramid and started taking it apart – from the top down. Reverse Engineering
    101. It used to be their ‘System’, but it looks like a pile of rubble to me, with nothing of ‘value’ left and NO CHANCE of re-construction. They won’t build those again.

    Comment by Robert — December 20, 2011 @ 7:17 am

  1127. If, as victims of gang stalking, we can realise that, the entertainment industry, which has more exposure hours, than religion, in most of our lives, with regards to psychological perversion and manipulation, then, those
    that call themselves victims, should, in reality, be EVERYONE.

    It is only those, that have objected, through awareness of the programs, of manipulation, aiding the crime, without consenting, to being exploited and bullshitted, that we all should accept there is a mounting problem.

    Those with the money and power, like to keep it ‘A Secret’. When the wealthy are threatened, by economic ‘screw ups’ they plough their criminally acquired wealth into the materials sector and restrict access to raw
    materials, as, with the internet, they can no longer restrict knowledge. So, this is ONE of ‘Their Methods’, to remain in ‘Control’ , to offset the threat of cheap labour markets, that are getting a ‘first world’ education…

    America’s biggest export, now days, to China is recyclable packaging materials, while American consumption, to increase national debt is landfill commodities, Chinese made products, with planned failure and
    obsolescence, inherent by design – by so called ‘Americans’, with America’s interest’s at heart – Have They ? Most American’s, with money, like anyone else, from anywhere else, only think about themselves.
    When threatened, we see defensive, multi-national corporate criminals, that get together, in an attempt to save only themselves. Everyone else, is told they have to pay, for such ‘efforts’

    Religious Belief and Entertainment are both escapist values, like other ‘big businesses’ there is a trend to avoid both, because the Junky Age of Consumerism and Land-fill Worship isn’t working any more…

    Gang Stalking is a tool of those ‘with’, used against those ‘without’, but it is also a land-fill commodity. To undermine the effectiveness of gang stalking, to promote attention, to otherwise unsaleable commodities,
    has the desired effect of reducing human waste, which is land-fill. (Why are you stalking me, have you got a death wish ?) The problem, with regards to gang stalking, is that only the victims, with awareness,
    through heavy victimisation, are talking about it.

    The Victims tend to see the superficiality, of those that wish to argue the point, on it’s existence, the harm it does, to who & why. Only those that are threatened, with disclosure, of this kind of psychological perversion
    and manipulation, of the human race, all at work, for the sake of the minority, which is the wealthy, who tend to scream, the loudest, to protect such a crime.

    In other words gang stalking victimisation, it should be common knowledge and the policing, against it, should already be in place. Those ‘With’, control the legal system, one law for those ‘With’ and no justice for those
    ‘Without’. What if the wealthy became victims of Gang Stalking ? Yes, an overdue method, to obtain legal reform….Why surveillance remains unregulated, then the victims COULD turn the tables (‘camera’s & microphones’)
    onto the exploitive perpetrators. If anyone could do it, to anyone else, then laws and therefore law enforcement, would put an end to it… Bye Bye to the wealthy (big brother, organised crime) screwing those without, to stay
    on top ‘of the hill’ How would you like it ? “I don’t know, I don’t care, no one has had me gang stalked” “So why should I give a damn, about such victims and their plight, they must have done something to deserve it”
    a typical attitude, of non – victims, part of the dumbing down of society, to enable the ‘program’, of exploitive ritual abuses, to continue – without any challenge OR reform.

    Comment by Robert — December 22, 2011 @ 8:18 am

  1128. Happy New Year ?

    “When threatened, we see defensive, multi-national corporate criminals, that get together, in an attempt to save only themselves. Everyone else, is told they have to pay, for such ‘efforts’ ” – (from above)

    Gang Stalking manipulation & directed energy weapons ‘themes’ that are promoting – “Insurance Fraud” – Recently – the gulf of Mexico, environmental vandalism scenario…. So what do they want ?
    Burning Brimstone, as socio environmentally acceptable ? Pass the Sulfuric Acid… It ain’t a laxitive. “Hey dude, that stuff, it will rip you apart”

    Comment by Robert — January 2, 2012 @ 5:57 am

  1129. thanks for the great relevant information? it seems like i have been searching forever for great info,what a great site and great information,thankyou

    Comment by micky — January 2, 2012 @ 2:52 pm

  1130. Burning the brimstone and the product, so obtained, when mixed with water, set aside… (Acid Rain)

    The Entertainers Ticket, the complaints of many T.I’s, is reception of unwanted splatter, that, to a shrink, is schizophrenia. How convienient, for those that use this mental molestation, as a tool. Tesla fled the Eastern Block, to get away
    from it, the source of the psychological disturbance, that was ‘eating away’ at Tesla was narrowed down to a side band signal, onboard the carrier frequency, of Radio Moscow. What the program, that was quite subliminal was, was the
    ability to change the mindset, away from capitalist pig syndrome, to communist pig syndrome…The socialist movement, then, was regarded as a minority group.

    What does this have to do with entertainment and the entertainers ticket ?

    Due to the repetitive exposure, to the same old program – the voice, personality and movements, of the entertainer, that did indeed have more exposure time, in our lives, than the equivalent time and therefore the manipulative power,
    of the Rabbi, or Priest or Guru (or whatever) then, these grandstanding ‘puppets’ (the entertainers) did, indeed, hold the psychologically manipulative ‘edge’ over of previously, socially and religiously ‘accepted’ manipulators…

    All they needed was a large, cross-section of the community, a receptive group of Voyeurs, Audients and Centians, that would remotely “See” “Hear” and “Feel” the next powerful “Manipulative Movement”, holding the ‘key’ of control, that
    would strip us, of freedom of choice, that is GODS gift to mankind, by obstructing the freedom of thought processes… The Spectral Density of such a ‘Beast’ is about as broad, as the entertainer’s narrow mindedness – they mostly, only
    care for themselves, at the expense of everone else – sound familiar ? So what could the “We” Wan’ted to be ‘Gods’ do about it ? Judaism – We ‘own’ the technology…and the ‘stars’, so don’t argue – otherwise you don’t get advertising
    and manipulative resonant ‘space’… Equals Control Thugs, opposing God, as in – Dog – the Jackal – the ‘Beast’, or if you like – the Jackass, the Sleaze.

    With a more accurate understanding of the knowledge, the manipulative edge of what is happening, in the world around us, do we have to stay – ‘plug in’ junkies ? “But we can’t disconnect, from the artificial, now out of control, compared
    to Tesla’s complaints…” So freedom of thought, like privacy, is a thing of the past, is it ? Laws, that are only available to the manipulators and perpetrators, if they get ‘dumped’ on…

    Comment by Robert — January 5, 2012 @ 6:19 am

  1131. You should vote, though not compulsory, what if you choose to stay with the democratic party, the Obama Administration (Yeah, I know, he is manipulated by Jews)

    BUT THE PLAN – To strip the health care club, of investors, still looking for a return, on expensive (to you) health care ? It is only the RICH that can afford such
    private health care, the rest of you would be ‘expendable’ – after they take your money, and ‘invest’ in China & India (where the ‘J’ investors are, right now, maintaining
    an under-valued economy) …Destroying your economic manufacturing base. Why make it any worse ?

    Does it really matter how you guy’s vote ?

    Comment by Robert — January 5, 2012 @ 7:12 am

  1132. But you can’t vote for an anti-Semite –

    They don’t have access to advertising, or manipulative space….

    Comment by Robert — January 5, 2012 @ 7:28 am

  1133. Imagine an Anti-Semite President, with reform, that will work ?

    “There goes the illicit drug laws and the junkies selling “SHIT” and it’s off-shore, economically ‘viable’ platform, for escapists…”

    What ? Still investing in the TAKE-OVER of Palestine …Syria and Lebanon ? WITH YOUR MONEY – Wisely invested in the
    under valued JUNKY age of the (used to be) third world…

    What about the exploitation of Germany, after WW1 ? The slaughter of the ‘Witnesses’ that refused to ‘talk’ ?

    -German Jews-

    Those of Polish & Russian extraction, that were extracted – first – “only if they had the German Economy”..

    “There is no Honour Amoun’st These Thieves”

    Dog eat Dog !

    Comment by Robert — January 5, 2012 @ 7:44 am

  1134. You can always join the other marginalized malignant angry lunatics, and campaign for David Duke and Pat Buchanan. You might even make new friends!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 5, 2012 @ 9:15 am

  1135. One day there will be justice a gas bag, one prick, that you wont see coming. Meanwhile please stay off the road, as hitting you, well it wouldn’t be justice, to the motor vehicle…

    Comment by Robert — January 5, 2012 @ 9:09 pm

    • You, Robert, are one prick that everyone sees cumming.

      Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 6, 2012 @ 10:30 am

      • A Gas Bag, you have the mentality of a 3 year old

        Comment by Robert — January 6, 2012 @ 9:10 pm

  1136. Crimes against humanity, witnesses (victims) to repetitive assaults, names of those involved, that benefited financially from Ritual Abuses over a period of more than 30 years, set up and exploited.
    These miscreants that are party to this crime call it rock n roll, entertainment. Then, the story of the circus, that rolls into town and recruits ‘locals’ to exploit, as very cheap labour, their bodies found
    after the circus moves on…it’s human sacrifice, offered up, for the almighty dollar, local authorities that are corrupted, to turn a blind eye, to the carnage of the carnival. When the circus train moves
    on, the bodies are found behind it, almost literally. Investigations, if anything serious, by the authorities only produce scapegoats.

    This story is an old one, the entertainment industry has a dependence on screwing the innocent that are then sacrificed, as in why pay, for what you can just steal and pay nothing for, the exploitation
    thereof. Psychological produce, that does really well, financially, from psychological abuse.

    What they term Rock n Roll; it is organised crimes against humanity, sanctioned by easily corrupted political pig shit. Most people are aware of the shit slinging, the targeting, that occurs between the
    entertainers, themselves, but what when these profile exhibitionists, their overvalued worth, to the community, find there is more value in targeting non entertainers, that is INNOCENT people, that are
    set up and victimised, by these grand standing and sanctioned swollen ego’s ? and the entertainment industry has the protection clause – “Any similarities between this motion picture, it’s script content,
    the personal makeup appearances and names of the characters, so depicted, in this production and persons living or dead, is purely coincidental” The same escapist clause applies to the shallow
    money pit, known as the music industry. When the Pimps & Thieves start dropping like flies, instead of the good men & women caught in the stench of the trench.

    Perpetrators – Fuck You, You Thieving, Poaching Dog’s and your unlawful surveillance, harassment, victimisation and theft of my private life, character & intellectual property, so gathered, by your
    organised criminal perversion, so cheaply financed, with your drug economy to recruit your wind up gang stalking scum. So GO TO HELL with your “We are not liable” crap. You can take your Scripts,
    Sequences and Hits to hell with you. Back Off ! but they don’t let go of anything, of any value, that, they then continue to exploit, without the applicable laws, being imposed on them, so burn them, by
    undermining their ‘hidden’ practices, win one’s freedom, destructively – of them. “It is done” To the un-educated, this all may seem quite bazaar, to a technician, within the industry, itself, for more than
    32 years, it’s primary school. Why would someone, within the industry declare world war three on it ? To get rid of the shit, those, that have no rights, to performance space, at my ongoing expense.
    Don’t screw the tech; he is more than capable of giving this game an engineer’s burial and don’t ask what the charges are, again. Keep your distance and avoid your responsibilities, of compensation,
    for damages, to my life and they will bury you, because they won’t be able to deal with the pressures and velocity of what I have done, in an attempt, to defend myself. The art of blowing the game away,
    without a 12 gauge.

    To wire someone up to the ‘coveted’ test scam, of making a ‘star’ (again), giving them their ticket, then continuing to rip them off, by ‘putting them up” and for more than another 16 years, neglect any
    responsibilities, of ‘discovery’ with such an open wave directed, subtle suggestion, that just becomes the name of a cable channel, like as in the “Schindlers List” buzz word subliminal, that went overt.
    Meanwhile low life move in, at close range and make use of a ticket, not theirs, to hit out on – the gang stalking, untested poaching and pin it down scabs, that end up insane and/or dead. Who set
    the low life dog’s on me, finished with the plan of exploitation, have you – now how will you deal with the accountability of your criminal practices, with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, you didn’t
    see it coming, no one else looked – bad luck, your fucked.

    “This is my life, my mind and my ticket, not your fucking dump site, so piss off, as you have nothing to offer and NEVER did” ” A 30 year Plus SCAM you scum will be held fully accountable for, leading to
    your ultimate destruction, the only way to win, in a losers game… They all end up losing their minds, writers block and further losses, all they can see, is the bright spirit, the spark, from their darkness,
    of another’s life and climb all over it…… Parasites, Wasted Talent, Has-Beens = Human Waste, yet to be ‘planted’ They ‘souled’ out, why should ANYONE have to ‘wear’ their ongoing rides, their depletist
    gained sensitivities, that find values, in another human being’s life. Possession is nine tenths, of the law, their law for low life, living entities, with nothing to offer – because all they do is take, as in theft.

    These people, so targeted, don’t know what hit them and can’t defend themselves, if they hit back, at the abuse, they get splattered, ‘gunned’ down by the cowardly, gang stalking entertainer effluent,
    sanctioned revenue raking scum. The innocent are ‘treated’ as consequential losses, expendable commodities and told ‘bad luck’, in the side stepping, of the issues, by psychiatrists, that are not at
    liberty TO TELL THE TRUTH, nor are there any avenues of investigations, outside the lies and deception, of psychiatry. This means Horridly Biased; self defended crimes that go on, without exposure
    into the causal effects, by such EVIL practices. “Hey Doctor, I have some entertainers taking civil liberties, of my privacy” The Doctor – “No you don’t, you have a rather grandiose opinion, of yourself”

    Is this where one goes back to the Doctor, with some friends, straps the doctor into a chair, hits on them with derogatory, repetitive ritual abuse, until they submit and start telling the truth ?
    Because FUCK reverse psychology, when it’s application achieves nothing, except further pain, to the complainant.

    The Australian Federal Government, under the liberal Prime Minister, Howard, invested an inordinately large amount of money into N.I.D.A (the National Institute of Dramatic Arts) and with that fiscal
    incentive, in came the parasites, looking for what was in it, for them. A short time later, a massive injection of Money into Mental Health Care, of course more handouts for parasites. At the time, the tax
    revenue raised, from the sale of escapism (entertainment, in Australia) was about the same as the revenue raised from pet food sales.

    The cost of psychological damage, done by the thought mining entertainment industry, it’s practices, of setting up Targeted Individuals to ritually abuse and the extended cost to the community, based on
    such ritual abuse is not offset by such revenue raised. The promotion of illicit escapist substance abuse, rampant in the entertainment industry, as it always has been, the consequences, of exponentially
    expanding, drug related crimes and then the lies & deception, of psychiatry, regards victim’s complaints.

    When the victims disclose the ritual abuse, the gang stalking, the harassment, the assault via DEW’s, the torture of sleep deprivation, etc, it is handled by the shrinks as paranoid delusions of grandeur,
    schizophrenia or any other ‘selected’ label of ‘psychosis’, with no duty of care expressed, by these so called doctors, for these victims of such ritual abuse, who are then made human guinea pigs, for the
    human experimentation, by the pharmaceutical industry, which is where the big bucks are, but at the further expense of the victims, their families and the community in which they once had a life.

    To see such victims walk away, from such an industry that had nothing to offer them, in my own victimization, they returned, 7 years later, to grossly interfere with my life – drugged, subjected to covert
    surveillance and harassment, the induction, through these assaults and violations of privacy, that produced the unhealthy obsessive interest, in this has been, Madonna. Her ticket had all its sections
    punched out in 1992, she was finished, a has been, Erotica was a sleeper and no one loved her.

    The stupidity of the then, Warner Group, dancing in the red, itself – to invest $60,000,000 in a co-venture with Madonna, in establishing Maverick (Apr 92) and 6 months on (Oct 92) and a poor show of
    returns, for this investment. To then commission, the assault (drugging) then the violation, of my privacy and the destruction of my life, my relationships, my unrelated (to the entertainment industry) business,
    making use of the law, for unlawful purposes, railroading, gang stalking, DEW attacks, etc. It all amounts to organised crime, the respective evidence, that was compiled over the years, that proves the
    motives, methods and determination, of the so named, in previous posts, not just this one.

    The only way to win such a claim, is through, destructive public disclosure of the “but everyone is in on it” (News of the World, remember) excuses and justifications and blow the game off the map first.
    These perpetrators are not entitled to any mercy, like the mercy, or respect, that I was never shown. The get rich and recover from bad investments, “pushing other people’s buttons” , deserves a clearer
    public understanding, of how such victims are “set-up”

    I won’t be the only claimant, when their gang banging cowardly defence system, is blown off the map, with them. The “We can’t win this one, no one saw it coming, till it was too late” holds true.
    Society will be better off, without such sanctioned crimes against humanity, by such a hollow and evil industry, that has a reliance on this type of exploitation, of innocent human beings.

    If this is really the case, that the industry is totally dependent on such crimes, then perhaps people should look at alternative methods, of entertaining themselves…
    Beause the shit, riding around, on someone else’s ticket well those days, of taking someone, for such an exploitive ride, are over. “This entertainer is all souled out, no you can’t stitch it up, against the
    will of another” The Industries practice, of keeping their investment ‘hot’ Why would such a victim forgive, the perpetrators, when such perps’ are relentless and never sought forgiveness, in the first place.
    Rip up their runways and destroy their hiding places, the same lack of defence, I was granted. Bring the public “up to speed” on what they could be investing in – premeditated exploitation and murder,
    which is Satanic Ritual Abuse and Human Sacrifice.

    Comment by Robert — January 6, 2012 @ 3:36 am

  1137. “You are ONE angry man”

    Comment – What are you waiting for ? , The Wrath of combined input, to greet the beast ?

    It is Done. When one looks closer at escapist values, the sales of delusion and fantacy, inclusive of the laws – that only protect those with “the bucks”, the religions – that continue to look for “clubies” and the “Two Party” pack of Politics (Lies & Deception)
    then reform, to the system, that cares for the temple of us all – the planet Earth – clearly is lacking, those that have the missing pieces, of the global equation…We all take a loss – OR ELSE. So spread the cost of reform around…Make the wealthy pay !
    The way the protected revenue ‘rakers’ exploit, cheat, lie, deceive, with their false flag op’s (terrorism) their planned failure & obsolescence, their cremation of quality and longevity (to assist with re-sales) their wanting waste (landfill is good for their
    purile economic fantacy) then reform won’t cost – it will ‘save’ ! Who wan’ts to work for the ‘beast’ anyway ? The ‘beast’ doesn’t stun – it kills. UNDERMINE psychological ‘values’ the rest of the game declares ‘defeat’. Greed, selfishness and stupidity has
    a number – “It is Time…It is Done” not the Julian one. “You know, I wished to do good work, but the hours, they run into days, the days into months, etc. I still believe in doing good work, I live in relative poverty, because of it” – I can’t wait for the other
    (Aztec) bundy clock to expire…”The end of time, is Money” – the end of money…and the bundy clock.

    Comment by Robert — January 9, 2012 @ 5:59 am

  1138. “Look we have a system”

    Tick, Tick, Tick…..Parasites.

    Comment by Robert — January 9, 2012 @ 6:23 am

  1139. As your wealthy, continue to maintain the under valued economies, of what used to be third world nations, you will continue to support planned failure and obsolescence, your manufacturing base will bite the dust and you will continue to be
    sold out. – According to Economist – from the book of revelations. Anyone that attempts to dig up the corpses of quality & longevity will be charged with necrophilia activities – According to Status Quo – also from the book of revelations.

    Those that do not wish to contribute to the dwindling economy, yet have money, obtained from their local community, will be respected – for all the wrong reasons. Those that challenge the system, according to the book of reform, will
    be gang stalked and hounded to death, for being ‘different’, to the ‘standards’ of current beliefs, as reformists, to this day, remain a ‘treatable’ minority group. Those selling out, Via approved Corporate Limited Liabilities will have the
    full support of the police and military.

    Your World, Your Beliefs, Your System of stuffing the guts of the rich, the investors, in the corporate criminal’s agenda is a doomed world. “I must not preach to the converted, for they are bored” “I must concentrate on defiling the
    Investment port folio’s” – especially escapist ‘values’………….. Start at the top – “It was all in your mind” = Defile at a psychological level, what has “False Values” to aid with remission from disease & pestilence – the economies !

    Your politicians, they mainly consist of lawyers & economists = laws to protect the economists, economies to protect the lawyers. Now for a little engineers burial…blow these parasites apart !

    Comment by Robert — January 12, 2012 @ 8:58 am

  1140. “They are in bed with each other, breeding contempt”…..

    Still preaching to the converted ?

    Comment by Robert — January 12, 2012 @ 9:11 am

  1141. Many Targets of Gang Stalking are becoming aware of the abuse, of their privacy, the more than coincidence, similarities of their encounters – for example – parts of dream sequences, that the T.I’s. have experienced –
    then later, reveal themselves as ‘themes’ as in – “sequences” stitched into motion picture releases, or “hit” songs. The ‘dreams’ go for more than seconds (So not dreams) – pretending to remain asleep, these sequences
    go on like a staged production, complete with an over view of the studio set, the actors, production staff etc. BUT – How could I be out of my mind, in another country and be ‘seeing’ all this – if I wasn’t being ‘taken’ for a
    ride, by someone, with a dependence on exploiting me, that is.

    Example – ( about 1995 )

    I am walking into, what appears to be offices, in a multi story building, off to left, across to the corner is the reception bench area, the colour scheme is green & purple (yuck) straight ahead is a door way, with the base of the door
    Jam, across the floor, protected by a formwork plywood ‘bridge’ – normally a door would not have an across the floor section of door jam, so this doorway was fully sealed, a four sided door jam, probably for sound proofing
    purposes. This was an office under construction, as in unfinished refurbishment.

    I didn’t know where I was, or who had ‘taken’ me there. I was listening to the radio playlist, later, that morning and the artist Marylyn Manson, had a song, of his, playing . I was thinking about the out of body experience,
    the dream, that wasn’t a dream and a voice came through, in with Manson’s lyrics “That’s Madonna’s Hole”. I then did some quick research and Manson was a New York based, and possibly a NYC bred artist.
    Further research showed that Maverick Records were in the process of relocating from Los Angeles to New York City…

    Dreams aren’t always dreams, sometimes they are ‘rides’ that a T.I. is being ‘taken’ for, reproduce these memories, in the presence of a ‘remote viewer’ (in this case Manson, with his song, being played on the radio and some
    Acoustic, Bio-Feedback of usefulness) and you have an answer, to where you were, but not who took you there. When you are targeted, by this perversion, the stalkers can ‘see’ what you are thinking about, the gang stalkers,
    that move in at close proximity, on top of you, next to you, in other words – your immediate neighbourhood, as close as they can get, this, they do to avoid the problem of mental noise, generated by others in the immediate area.

    Defence Practice – having to think about going to one place, to avoid the harassment of their presence, of turning up & loitering, at the same shopping centre, for example – but then, quite deliberately, to go somewhere else –
    This is a horrible way to have to ‘live’. To come up with design originality, in what one would think, was the privacy of their own thoughts, in their own home, only to be ripped off, multiple times, by these perverts, these ‘thought
    criminals’ (gang stalkers) and sold out – it is more than organized crime – it is pure evil. “Privacy is a thing of the past” – I would like to see you and that opinion, go to hell.

    How does a T.I. detach themselves, from these stalkers ? Submit to psychiatry, remain on medication, for the rest of one’s life (probably shortened) and deprive one’s self, of a life, with a purpose for living ? OR – get screwed, for
    anything of value, sucked off by the perpetrators of this applied criminal practice. Object loudly – to being – “Put up for psychological assessment” and psychologically cheated, out of one’s mind, when no one listens.

    OR EXPOSE THE VERY REAL NATURE of this organized crime and defile the investment incentives, behind the limited liability corporations, sanctioned, by governments, globally.
    So many, are benefiting, from this crime and are obstructive, of any applied reform, if anyone could do it, to anyone else and get away with it, they would – sub human nature. What when the tables turn ?

    Would it still be open slather, to the investors and their limited liability ‘escape’ clauses ? When corporations are held fully accountable, for such crimes, against humanity, then why should the investors get to break clean,
    claiming ignorance as the justification, for being beneficiaries of crimes, they profiteered from…and were, possibly proactive parties to – “Ignorance is not an excuse, for breaking the law” Obtaining money, via
    deception is also called FRAUD. No ever told the corporations, how the investment money was being used or how the investors were obtaining a return, based on organized crimes – against humanity.

    Strip the corporations and the investors of Limited Liability – would they still wish to play ball, on a levelled out playing field ? HOW – Strip politics of Lawyers & Economists. Challenge the system – Expose what is ‘hidden’
    Of criminal practices, such as the motives and methods, of Gang Stalking Operations. Those ‘with’ are the MINORITY GROUP. “But they have the Bomb” – Mutually Assured Destruction – then disarm them, FIRST.
    “Stalking – it is a crime” – talk is cheap.
    “But everyone is in on it” Who is EVERYONE ?
    Multi-National Organized Criminal Corporate Entities – Government Sanctioned Minority Groups… with Limited Liabilities.

    Comment by Robert — January 13, 2012 @ 1:10 pm

  1142. Complaints of Gang Stalking, illegal wire taps, etc were made, by me, ‘LOUDLY’ in early 1993. It took the state legislative assembly, nearly a year, to do anything about laws, slated by the New South Wales Government
    to act as a deterrent, against stalking and intimidation, which would include unlawful surveillance and harassment. Madonna remained, in Australia until late February ’94, with no business here, except the commissioning
    and organization, of ongoing gang stalking operations, so as to maintain her exploitation, of me.

    Laws that are put in place, upon a need, for such laws, but the complaining victim doesn’t get access to them. Why ? because the perpetrators and their associates have money, a lot of money and are intent on making
    a train load more…

    The laws that are put in place, accessible to perpetrators and their associates, but Not to the Victims, seeking law enforcement…

    “Stand Down – upon ANY complaints, from THAT victim” Why ? “We haven’t finished, interfering with and exploiting the man”

    This is a recipe for unleashing Hell on Earth, that is – a selective justice system, that favours the wealthy.

    Madonna, Gudinski and the Murdoch’s were guilty of financing, ongoing crimes. This includes ‘wire taps’ in 1993. The Murdoch’s recently – “ I didn’t know how they were spending my money, did I son ? “ (Rupert
    To James) What about – “We have been party to these crimes, for so long, We just plain forgot about the criminal implications, of how our money was being invested”

    News Corp (Murdoch) Gudinski (FMR & Concert Promoter), Madonna and Warner all had the same attorney, looking after ‘business’ – Paul D. Schindler. Organized Crime groups – corporate entities and their Offence
    Attorney’s…and corrupt governments, selective, about Who can have access to the ‘Law’ …Why are so many victims, of this type exploitation, still being ignored?

    Why are crimes against humanity continually put into the too hard basket, when the guilty are just wealthy criminal pigs, minority groups. “Thou shalt not respect the ‘Haves’ “ Based on how they obtained their wealth…
    and corruptly hold onto it –

    The political positions of Lawyers & Economists, Judgement under ‘Baal’ , thought to be as important as the creator – but in reality a devastator, Baal the Evil “beast”

    Comment by Robert — January 15, 2012 @ 4:26 am

  1143. GODS Ant Farm, becomes BAAL’s Ash Tray…

    UNLESS –

    We have access to necessary reforms, access to the laws… OR – Divine Intervention.

    WOW – Freedom of choice ! ….

    Have We ? We don’t have freedom of thought, so freedom of choice, it is bullshit.

    Comment by Robert — January 15, 2012 @ 5:18 am

  1144. Henry Fraud –

    “You can have a car, in any color, of your choice – so long as it is black”

    Comment by Robert — January 15, 2012 @ 5:22 am

  1145. Murdoch – Impudent little bastard

    Me – Said the impotent

    Murdoch – IMPOTENT ?

    Me – Your abilities to breed contempt have been oppressed

    Comment by Robert — January 15, 2012 @ 5:34 am

  1146. Oh, pressing buttons.

    What are you into Madonna ?

    Madonna – “I’m into pushing other peoples buttons” (“in bed with Madonna” – circa- 1991)

    Does that include illegal surveillance operations, like gang stalking ?

    Madonna – “Well, it wasn’t illegal, back then, it was just a privacy violation and the surveillance industry remains unregulated”

    Comment by Robert — January 17, 2012 @ 10:25 pm

  1147. Pushing other people’s buttons ?

    Me, First revealed in 1985, then Robert Dewey Hoskins (Revealed in1995), Robert Linhart (Revealed in 2010) – How many more men, named Robert were targeted individuals
    and cheated out of their minds? It’s not a coincidence, when it is a pattern – it is reality.

    This, to resurrect public attention in Madonna, Debt recovery for Warner, also going down the gurgler in late 1992, saved by the Time corporation – in 1993.

    Madonna’s Album – Erotica was a sleeper (a product, that doesn’t sell well, upon release) in 1992, and a large amount of money was invested to change that situation, all
    being at the expense of those subjected to this criminal, fraudulent scam. Line up the Men named Robert and gang stalk them, complete with crimes to maintain the
    programming and patterning – the induced psychosis – possessiveness by those behind the crime and the innocent lives that are being ripped off –
    Defrauded of their peace and privacy, occupations or businesses, family lives and other relationships and the rest of the damage, of this sadistic manipulation, by the
    parasites and the toll it takes.

    How many of the Robert’s became consciously aware of the scam, because they were heavily ‘f…ed over’ ? How did they behave, when they were – out of their
    minds and out looking for the truth ? What were they called, consequential losses, of big business and it’s criminal operations ?

    First Track – Erotica
    “Erotic, Erotic” Dump this lyric, in Sync’ and Harmony with it – Dear Robbie, Dear Robbie = Repetitive Harassment.
    Next lyric – “Put your hands all over my body”

    The Perception, to the changed lyrics is not blatant, but is perceived at a subconscious level, like subliminal advertising (illegal insertion of “buy Coke” on only a couple of frames
    of cinema film work, for an example) Because the person’s name is being used, they will react and show an interest in the psychological product – a subliminal ‘Hit’ that only
    targets, those, that share that name… a non-consenting audience of innocent people, that are having their buttons ‘pushed’ and without any serious investigations, by the
    authorities, these individuals lives are led into peril, wrongful diagnosis by psychiatry, mistreatment, arrested – on trumped up charges, jailed and further abused. Meanwhile
    the parasites are financially ‘cleaning up’, on the psychological product sales, with intentionally induced, psychological abuse – ritually and repetitively, with no mercy to the
    victims, with the gang stalking crowd holding on tight, to the ‘psych centre’ , of attention (psyche centre – what the perp’s often call the T.I.)

    The professional stalkers, involved, in such crimes, receive incentives to stalk & intimidate. Gang Stalking could be considered, a bit like a séance – but the subject is living…
    That is, till their minds are destroyed, by the repetition of ritual abuses, unlawful applications of law enforcement and or psychiatry. This crime has had it’s day, it is, to the
    victims, repetitive assault amounting to the worst form of torture – psychological. The victims, of gang stalking and the associative ‘programming’ sequences, ruining their
    lives, set out, in search of the truth, only to discover that they are accused of being the stalkers ! Meanwhile the parasites are getting away with crimes against humanity and
    making serious money – out of such organized crimes.

    Comment by Robert — January 19, 2012 @ 2:10 pm

  1148. gangstalking in anchorage alaska is medival.Gangstalking is perpetrated in churches in airports and at cemetaries!The poor person who was traumitized in life ,the memory of a gangstalked individual is heinously depicted in death as a monster!Gangstalkers are never questioned they are never grilled for making up lies.Dont worry they will be judged with the goats (sinners who never asked Jesus for salvation and never confessed with their mouth that Jesus is their lord and saviour!

    Comment by Yuri — January 22, 2012 @ 9:50 am

  1149. Gangstalkers in anchorage alaska are the pawns of Satan and will be judged with the goats at the end of the age!Satanists like my daughter if she does not give her aligence to Jesus Christ she and other gangstalkers will be judged by Jesus Christ at the time set aside by Jesus Christ!

    Comment by Yuri — January 22, 2012 @ 10:00 am

  1150. Why wait for Judgement Day to be handed over on a silver platter ?

    Gang Stalking is evil, no arguments here. The old saying – “God only helps those that help themselves” What about this one, instead – “God only helps those that helps others” –

    With the proliferation of evidential value, as to the methods and motivations, of gang-stalking criminals, that is, the “How it is done” and the “What’s in it for us” e x p o s u r e,
    then comes along the destruction of such evil practices. This, through law reform and not an ongoing practice of those with money, are those that continue to pervert the
    course of justice, so there is no justice, for the victims of such crimes against humanity. The evil and corrupted, with money can purchase ‘protection’ as in further corruption, via
    the satanic values of legal deception, to maintain existing laws that only benefit criminals.

    This is only a matter of law reform, induced by pressure, placed on legislators, whose corrupt economic days are numbered. Many churches are nothing more than corrupt
    businesses, selling an un-needed commodity, to the ever expanding masses still looking for values in escapism. The best things in life are free, like freedom from corruption
    and freedom from bullshit, lies and deception – all held as valuable ‘commodities’ by the Satanist’s and their ritual abuses, imposed – from the cradle to the grave –
    upon the gullible and naive.

    Comment by Robert — January 22, 2012 @ 1:03 pm

    • “This is only a matter of law reform, induced by pressure, placed on legislators” Too bad, Robert, that no one who identifies themselves as a target of gang stalking conspiracy ever seems to willing actually to join any existing and successful political or social cause, simply in order to learn the ropes of capable and effective activism and lobbying. Indeed, you yourself, among others, have consistently contended that because of the possibility of infiltration, even organizing together at all is ruled out and the only feasible and permissible action is merely to continue flooding the internet with such as these very posts! Are you truly seeking change for the better or really hoping to prevent it?

      Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 22, 2012 @ 3:45 pm

      • Tell us ALL, Aaron, say it was the 1970’s, in New York City, where people lived in fear, of the Mafia Families, that ran this city and you were a police officer, that despised the corruption occurring,
        even within the police circles, not just the political arena. WOULD you start lobbying against the rich and powerful ? Probably not, why be a martyr, to such a cause WHEN the agenda, of the
        EXPOSURE of hidden knowledge is far from complete. Blow the criminal facts sheet FIRST, then clean up the streets of dead occultist’s meat. I.O.W – the destruction of incentives, to do the
        wrong thing – drying up the blood economies. Some things are not worth dying for, because they are worth killing for – Freedom from Corruption.

        Turn the EVIL against each other, this is how the Mafia had the shit kicked out of them, in NYC, in the 1970’s. The internet is not ‘FLOODED’ with anything other than Misinformation & Deception,
        I would rather see the criminal FACTS sheet, based on victim accounts, such as my own personal story, of the last 30 years of ongoing crimes against humanity. Which isn’t something you, Aaron
        and people like you, are comfortable with – the threats of accountability, that undermine such criminal activities – Yes – crime prevention, it’s cheaper than corrupted law enforcement.

        Comment by Robert — January 22, 2012 @ 4:44 pm

  1151. Robert, people can and do engage in activism and lobbying on a range of causes and issues, quite effectively. Many even struggle against intolerable circumstances of ongoing murder, abduction, organized crime and ruthless oppression under dictatorship. They forge on unrelenting without whining and they never scapegoat the Jews. Any sort of movement of self identified targets of gangstalking conspiracy could learn a great deal and win respect, by putting in your time and gaining experience with any number of worthy causes.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 22, 2012 @ 5:14 pm

    • 5.8 Million lives lost in the Congo War, that’s more than the number of people that died in WW2. Reason ? a contributing one – Tantalum – a refractory metal valued (artificially) at around $440,000/Tonne.
      Blood diamonds – DeBeers, the diamond supply regulator has grain silo’s full, of what is more artificially over-rated, over-valued BULLSHIT that is not worthy of the destruction of human life for.
      The global economies are fantasies that revolve around false hope, false values, the destruction of natural resources AND human life.

      So RUIN the economies that revolve around Escapism and the Gang Stalking activities of the Entertainment and Media industries, then people, without such distractions and induced disturbances will wake
      up, to the rest of the puerile shit that isn’t worth dying for.

      What else could a victim do – when he/she has time (and worthwhile reasons) to kill ?

      The Rothschild’s Economy, without another drop of innocent blood. In taught – Fuck off their global culling agenda, that keeps them on top of the ‘Control’ hill.
      I for one, strongly object to being treated like their ‘cattle’ … You know what the Rothschild’s ARE don’t you, Aaron ? Are you ?
      Answer – PARASITES. So what, if I’m an anti-parasite !

      Comment by Robert — January 22, 2012 @ 7:01 pm

      • Oh, why I’m sticking the boot in….Gold, Pure, enough in the world, to fill an olympic swimming pool – More over rated (By the Parasites) F…ing BULLSHIT.

        Comment by Robert — January 22, 2012 @ 8:32 pm

  1152. Well Robert, any moment for you, of even relative lucidity, has gone and passed. It’s back to the same rambling garbled non sequitur Jew-baiting.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 22, 2012 @ 9:47 pm

    • Aaron, Here’s an old one for you – What is more frightening – A Man with a gun OR A Man with a gun AND a smile on his dial ?

      Comment by Robert — January 22, 2012 @ 10:14 pm

      • What is less frightening then any more of your sad empty threats?

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 23, 2012 @ 12:47 am

  1153. The importance of an education, of victims, into the Methods & Motivations of those, that are responsible for and behind the manipulation of the human species, causal to gang stalking
    Is of Paramount Importance…and Warner Importance and 21st Century Fox Importance, etc. To start at the top of psychological perversion, with a domino effect disorder, also does a
    great deal of harm, to the investors index, those that make serious money (money buys power) out of delusional commodities, like religions once did….

    So what other investment index exists ? escapist substance abuse, based on laws, to preserve artificial values of organized crimes against humanity. Prohibition – Introduced by the
    political pressures of the American Catholic Church and who did well out of illicit alcohol sales ? The Italian Americans. “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned” “How much does forgiveness
    cost me this time” It’s not just the Jews Aaron, if you had half a brain, then you might begin to understand, how the programs of Ritual Abuse remain in place, unchallenged.

    The reason for “Jew Baiting” – as you like to call it, Aaron – Is they started something, they aren’t prepared to stop, nor are they capable of seeking forgiveness…tight arses. The Loser Pays –
    one way or another, in a users game, the junky age.

    Comment by Robert — January 22, 2012 @ 11:04 pm

    • More blood libel.

      Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 23, 2012 @ 2:40 am

      • It’s about time, it was THEIR blood, on THEIR hands. What else ‘corrective’ were you thinking ?
        ENOUGH of the blood of others, that they set up, stalked, exploited and murdered. They will
        become the sacrifice in their own evil games, of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Human Sacrifices.

        The Convoluted Trap. No way off, the path it is set on…for they are relentless. So is the trap.

        Comment by Robert — January 23, 2012 @ 7:37 am

  1154. Aaron Quote – ” What is less frightening then any more of your sad empty threats? ”

    Remember what others have said to you A Gas Bag –
    “We have been tracking you for a long time” & “We know who you are”

    I’m glad “they” have their sights set on you, as I would rather focus on anything, except you…

    Comment by Robert — January 23, 2012 @ 2:24 am

    • No, you’re the only one saying that.

      Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 23, 2012 @ 2:44 am

      • “Ornic” Post 1092 actually. & “Uric” Post 1097 – A.A – The essence of hot air, etc.and your posts AARON – 1118 “As if it matters what you say” – & – 1122 – “Go Fuck Yourself” Really intelligent comments…they are not.
        Aaron – This is all you do on this forum blog space, dump shit on others & run a pile of trash elsewhere. So please, please stay off the road, get back on the footpath where it is safer, for a 3 year old.

        Comment by Robert — January 23, 2012 @ 5:41 am

  1155. I have the right to an opinion, no one has the right to suggest otherwise. Aaron you have the right to remain silent, but you continue to fart, all over what ANYONE else has said, you have a history of wilfully attacking
    people, on this site, that you know nothing about. These people are mainly VICTIMS of crime, searching the net for answers and your comments, Aaron are not that important to them, because they are distractive
    and ill informed, as in misinformation. I’m here to help others, that are trying to understand W.T.F. is going on and you Aaron are a little dog, that just wants to play ball, on an unlevel playing field, on the downhill team
    side (The Perpetrator Team). Therefore I will push you back up the hill and hope you stop playing your games, otherwise I will have to push you, a little further, OVER the top of the hill, the other side is a shear cliff…Splat.
    Still wish to play dog ball ? – Then go fetch ! Hey, does anyone else wish to play dog ball, with Aaron ? He has fleas… I shouldn’t have to scratch like this, as there are bigger dogs and jackals to deal with – on topic.

    Comment by Robert — January 23, 2012 @ 6:10 am

  1156. Lackwit: In your colossal ignorance, you lack even the wherewithal to Google up reference to: Blood liable. Why, even the other conspiracists find your rabid lying hate speach offensive. But yes, you have a right to it. It’s all yours and yours alone. You have of course sidestepped the entire strategic question of activism and lobbying. Or is it just some sort of attention deficit?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 23, 2012 @ 4:50 pm

    • Psychiatry side steps the complaints, of the victim and a victim of gang stalking you, a gas bag – are not. The perpetrator sets out to change the topic, to deceive, to lie and cheat, to destroy fluency, that is important
      to victims, that wish to understand what they may be victims, thereof. You won’t get off the road, or stay on the footpath, so you will stay, in the gutter, where others found your bullshit.

      Comment by Robert — January 24, 2012 @ 10:59 am

  1157. “Why, even the other conspiracists find your rabid lying hate speach offensive.”

    Find References, post numbers and names please Aaron, go fetch dog.

    Comment by Robert — January 24, 2012 @ 12:30 am

  1158. Have you even been following ths very thread?

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 24, 2012 @ 2:43 am

    • Find the references you deceiving, lying, cheating gang stalking parasite.

      Comment by Robert — January 24, 2012 @ 4:04 am

      • Browse for yourself, lackwit! Your venomous hate speech is universally deplored. Congratulations! With all of your spleen and bluster, you have long driven everyone away. I am all you’ve got left!

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 24, 2012 @ 6:45 pm

      • Post 1060 – Great website. A lot of useful information here. I?m sending it to a few pals ans additionally sharing in delicious. And of course, thank you to your sweat!

        Post 1061 – Serious damage to shit, on the take, with nothing to offer = crime prevention. – Comment by Robert — November 10, 2011 @ 9:24 am

        Brillant… Comment by nomad — November 11, 2011 @ 6:02 am
        brilliant , Forgot my I, sorry. 🙂 Comment by nomad — November 11, 2011 @ 6:07 am

        And I forgot, thanks for shutting down/up the “Aaron Agassi ” persona. Peace to you Robert, don’t give up, ever. Comment by nomad — November 11, 2011 @ 6:13 am

        Comment by Robert — January 24, 2012 @ 10:10 pm

      • And where are they now?

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 25, 2012 @ 1:05 am

      • This is the second last post before Michael called it quits, explaining why he didn’t return.
        People have had enough of YOU, Agassi and this was obvious, from your first posting on this site.

        Comment (2nd last) from Michael (post 927)

        “That’s not entirely correct, Aaron. As i mentioned above, many of your posts mimick an interrogative psychologist
        (you know, like Weizenbaum’s “Eliza” of 80s “A.I.” fame?).

        Questioning, scrutinizing, thus evaluating others while at the same time stimulating them to pursue –
        civilized, though, but nonetheless irritating, as this implies some weird sort of superiority some
        (including me) react allergic upon.

        And these mannered ways just don’t fit those tight-lipped dingbats you drop around here, too.

        Robert has handed over a LOT of useful information, along with understandably emotional tirades
        upon those he considers responsible. I read his posts with greatest interest – even though some of
        it must be counterread with his very personal, vastly disturbing experiences in mind.

        I see forward to his (sometimes grimly funny) contributions from a target’s p.o.v., agreeing to differ
        if necessary, but with overall solidarity. This isn’t about neighborgood bullying here, it’s about
        gangstalking and worse, it’s about people who lost their sanity and even lives due to condemnable,
        perverted assaults that should be proscribed and damned on a global level!

        And that “You just won’t give me chance. “-thing, gee, a chance for starting to post more than scrutinizing,
        agitating two-liners? Like personal experiences and/or valuable strategies to adhere to, without the standing
        reference to your (admittedly verbose) website or defensive verbiage because someone dared to scrutinize
        your highness in return? Still waiting…”

        Comment by Michael — September 16, 2011 @ 6:55 pm

        Comment by Robert — January 25, 2012 @ 5:34 am

  1159. The Gang Stalking Systems –

    If victims can look at who had something to gain from such crimes, criminal activities, that have the very nature of stealth, that is, it is very hard to prove association between Perpetrator and Victim, this especially when
    MONEY is involved. Since the abuse of the psychiatric system, by Gold Diggers has become a failed method, of using the system (of psychiatry) to discredit the victim, to enable exploitation, then the poaching, lying
    and cheating perpetrators (of gang stalking) have needed to work a lot harder, to cover their tracks, with regards their involvement in ‘gas-lighting’ operations. Corruption certainly exists within the psychiatric system.

    Doctors, Lawyers and other so called professional people aren’t necessarily honest and good people. Most of these pro’s seem to be more interested in making money, what’s in it for them and not necessarily care or
    concern for their clients/patients. Privatization of professional help, it tends to encourage gold digging parasites and corruption. Those with money can perversely use the ‘System’ for their own gains, so this may have
    a bearing on why victims and their complaints, go ignored. Such victimization is wide spread, it has been for a long time, any talk of “How they Did it and why” is a threat to such crimes, they would prefer if such hidden
    knowledge (occult) remained hidden, so their criminal systems are not undermined by those capable of shining the light on their dark practices. The deception by the media, the entertainment industry and our ‘trusted’
    politicians, tends to keep what is found in the dark, in the dark. Like what is found in the gutter, stays in the gutter. E X P O S U R E to very intense lighting (informational enlightening activities) and a lot of rain moves things
    out of the darkness and somewhere else, for what is found in the gutter. The perpetrators don’t like being exposed, via disclosure of their methods, psychological manipulation and motivations, of those they target.

    Disclosure of such activities, well it’s a bit like a blanket bombing exercise on organized crime. No one gets out alive. The reason why these crimes continue, unchallenged, is because there were so many party to it, so it
    could be considered, as a very weak link in the chain, of their system and the evil scum that call it a game. Criminals that make something unlawful, via legislation and cash in on the money, to be made, like prohibition for
    example. Step one, of course was manipulation of the masses to accept scenes like “Gin Alley” (William Hogarth) – a painting. Then spread propaganda, that it could happen in the U.S.A… then the willing and easily
    corrupted, in it for the money, to be made. The sale of prohibited substances, to this day, sanctioned criminal activities that are reliant on regulations and law enforcement, for their ongoing success. What victims of the
    organized crimes of gang stalking, have to deal with, is those in denial of the methods and motivations, that are party to it – So Many Of Them, it’s big criminal business, so if anyone could do it, to someone else, then we
    need to, as victims, destroy the financial incentives. I would rather eat fresh food, rather than eat money. Criminal activities tend to have a reliance on the cash economies.

    “No I don’t want the money, I can’t, any longer make use of it, you know that, but I would like that fresh salmon in your fridge, as part payment” Take their idea of food away (cash economies) and starve the criminals to death.
    Imagine if every cent was traceable…the damage that could be done, to those that are buying and selling, organized criminal activities. “Where did you get the money from, gang stalker” “No need to answer, we already know
    who’s lining your pocket and why”

    Comment by Robert — January 24, 2012 @ 9:55 am

    • “You have the right to remain silent…” But if you choose to give up this right, anything you might say, could be used, in a court of law, against you, with the further charges of attempting to
      pervert the course of justice, by lying to the authorities investigating this unlawful surveillance operation, do you understand that – Gang Stalker, Wire tapper, Cell Phone Hacker, Privacy
      Violator, Intellectual Property Thief ? You will see, that it doesn’t matter what you say, even if you remain silent, your economic expenditure and income has given your crime game away.

      Still wish to play ?

      Comment by Robert — January 24, 2012 @ 11:28 am

      • Who the fuck is he arresting ?

        Oh, just some nobodies called the Murdoch’s,

        Oh, one of the families, with police connections, high up the food chain.

        Mark Murdoch – “We are not related”,.. what’s in a name…

        Comment by Robert — January 24, 2012 @ 11:56 am

  1160. Detective Gary Jubellin, attached to Hornsby Police in early 1993 –

    “Why are we hassling this guy, Sarge”

    Sergeant White, attached to Newtown Police in early 1993 –

    “Oh, I don’t know, orders from the top”

    Recorded on the E.R.I.S.P system…in early 1993. The Corrupted State of NSW have a copy…

    Comment by Robert — January 24, 2012 @ 12:07 pm

    • Sergeant White – (maybe Whyte – the name of a gang stalker, that moved in on top of me, in mid July 2002 – see post 1005)
      He didn’t know that the recording was still rolling, when Gary went for the coffee’s…bailed him up outside the interview room
      where he left the E.R.I.S.P system rolling…Gary should have got a gig with the internal affairs dept’ against police corruption !

      Comment by Robert — January 24, 2012 @ 1:14 pm

  1161. “The Corrupted State of NSW have a copy…”

    Easily corrupted by the threat of police informants, and the police using these informants to set people up, a certain Marrickville Councillor that lived a few doors away from a woman, who he despised.
    The woman known as Alexis (Pola Joannides) that I had struck up a friendship with, we worked in the same industry of electronic surveillance, together. She lived in Enmore and she believed that we
    had the ability to do some business together – promoting, designing, sales and installation of electronic surveillance in this inner city suburb of Sydney and surrounding areas. I was at the time, operating
    my installation business, on the far northern beaches of Sydney, where there was zero competition…about an hour’s drive away from Enmore, which was pretty much part of Sydney’s C.B.D. We got
    together on numerous occasions, went around the local retail premises, where she sang my praises, as a quality security technician, to the people who knew her quite well.

    I relocated to large commercial premises, above a shop in Enmore Road, Enmore. Then on one occasion, I met up with her, at her house and met the boarder, a tenant, sharing her house and helping
    her out, with the mortgage repayments, the man was introduced to me as Ian. Last time I met “Ian” he had a different name – “Johno” – I knew the man. He seemed quite shocked, at my presence
    there. “Ian” asked me if I still saw “Davo”, I said no, He said “Oh that’s good” An uneasy feeling came over me. This guy, was almost visibly shaking. When he left I asked Alexis, about her association
    with Ian, remembering what Davo had said, four odd years earlier – Have nothing to do with that “Johno” bloke, he’s a “narc” – a police informant. Alexis didn’t know who her friends were, the police
    that, she thought were her friends, at Newtown police station, may very well have been friends of the Marrickville Councillor, that, for unknown reasons, to me, despised her. She showed me teaspoons,
    with a coat of carbon stain on the back, I explained to her, that she was giving shelter to police informant – payola for informants – smack. Burnt spoons, evidence of preparing heroin for injection.

    “Alexis” upon hearing what I had to say – “I find that very hard to believe, these police at Newtown police station, are good friends of mine” Was she was being set up by the Marrickville Councillor ?
    But not something I initially thought – “My friends hate this councillor, as well” maybe he had his reasons, dart partners tend to hang out together, I.O.W’s she may of been a user, I didn’t know for
    sure, and that was a very real possibility. The reasons – she didn’t keep her mouth shut, told her police friends, what I had told her and proceeded to declare WW3 on me. In the process, she sought
    restraining orders and failed to obtain them, exclaiming, in self representation, in the local court – Newtown – “WE don’t want him in the area” Strange attitude, for a woman that generated so
    much excitement and interest, in having me move into the area, in the first place.

    I caught up with “Davo” a year later – “Ian” or earlier known as “Johno” the informant was dead, of an amphetamine over dose – no suspicious circumstances…as usual. Gang Stalking –
    How the parasites of the entertainment industry take advantage and go on a feeding frenzy, of those that have been subject to corruption, the cops and politicians that turn a blind eye to crimes
    in progress, the loud mouth rock and roll psych perverts, their gang stalking activities (J.S.Oxley and his family, well ‘connected’ in the Newtown area) that have something to pin on the butts, of the
    corrupt, that don’t want their arses shot off… In a ‘hit’ song. I wasn’t their ‘property’ to set up, exploit or sell out to foreign interests, like Madonna & Warner, soon to be ‘cleansed’ by Fire, a
    different form of ‘heat’ – not what they can easily deal with. Parasitic investors, burnt out stars – versus a planet – planet wins.

    Comment by Robert — January 25, 2012 @ 5:45 pm

  1162. Aaron Agassi — January 25, 2012 @ 1:05 am said –

    “And where are they now?”

    I am still here, as are others Aaron.

    Comment by nomad — January 26, 2012 @ 7:45 am

  1163. You are a legend in your own mind!

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 26, 2012 @ 10:35 am

    • So what do, the ‘cooks’ of the occult delusion, do now, Aaron in the ongoing absentness… of anything meaningless ? More two Line numbers ?

      Comment by Robert — January 26, 2012 @ 11:23 am

      • Huh??

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 26, 2012 @ 11:58 am

      • You know how lame you are Aaron, junky age victim, right ?

        Comment by Robert — January 26, 2012 @ 2:27 pm

    • Well Aaron, it seems that I am a legend in your mind, at least.

      Comment by nomad — January 30, 2012 @ 12:01 pm

  1164. Planet Wins –

    If we all begin to realize, that organized crime, is a function of the rich, laws that cater for the ‘HAVES’ and ignore the ‘have not’s’ then we can eagerly accept political reform, through the destruction of
    the false hopes, the fantasizes of law & economics, that ask, the rest of us, to accept. OR ELSE – or else what ? the destruction of power tripping, thieving swollen ego’s, with a buck ? They are a minority
    group, consequential losers, that wanted to play on an unlevel playing field… Till the Majority woke up…one day. THEN – level out their playing fields – bury their economies, O.K, first disarm them –
    not everyone wants to die, in accordance with M.A.D. – from the book of exit time…

    Comment by Robert — January 28, 2012 @ 4:57 am

  1165. Still working on the destruction of the Mayan Bundy clock ? When time could, buy some contempt…Still corruption right ?
    Corruption of the Corrupted, exposure of the parisites, they don’t like it !
    They set us up, no they didn’t, you set a trap for them, to walk right into..

    OPEN THE PIT ! (More Sink Holes ?) Their economies are going down, so what of the bitch, they call, Baal ?

    Comment by Robert — January 28, 2012 @ 5:08 am

  1166. So no serious investigations – AND WHY NOT ?

    Who is behind the Gang Stalking and Why ? Psychiatry isn’t being honest about the Ritual Abuse of Gang Stalking are they ? they would much prefer to keep it simple –
    Bullshit the Victims, label them with titles such as schizophrenic, or paranoid delusions of grandeur or any other suitable label, they may wish to adopt. When you go near the
    escapist arts of the entertainment industry, with your complaint and the reasons why you believe that certain ent’ industry individuals have set you up, to exploit, they will argue the
    point, yet there is no serious investigations into the very REAL possibility, that you are being f..ked with, by some dirt bags, building their entertainment industry career, on you and at
    your expense.

    They then go about scheduling and abusing you with denial (repetitive suggestion) while you are under the ‘forced’ influence of heavy duty drugs, such as chlorpromazine, they
    are ‘allowed’, to force you to take, this constitutes a malicious assault, upon you. No chance of getting more appropriate help, like understanding, WHO is on your case and WHY,
    such as I’m being EXPLOITED, and those party to it, are making some serious TAXABLE income – kick backs, of which you feed upon, in the public and private mental health care systems,
    also including the sales of pharmaceuticals, and the additional, associated revenue scored, from the junky age.

    “Send me in another one, complaining of industrial disease” “Next Patient Please” “Ha, Ha, Ha…..Ha. It is game, to these evil bastards, they don’t care, the cut throat industry of
    entertainment and the ‘value’ of disturbing the innocent, who scream louder, promoting more attention to the ‘product’ rather than ‘jumping’ & ‘dumping’ on those, that are in the know.

    Psychiatry is really good, at the act of memory suppression, meaning that the PARASITES on your case, could (and do) return, to take unlawful advantage of what they had found,
    such “great value” in disturbing before… Psychiatry is therefore aiding and abetting such crimes against humanity, by playing reverse psychology ‘games’ with the victims, with no
    regards, for the well being of their patient, victimized by the poaching, gang stalking vultures the entertainment industry harbours. Why is psychiatry not challenged, in the crimes
    it is clearly protective of, why are there no serious investigations of “You disturb them, exploit them” and “We will suppress their memories, upon complaint”

    Gang Stalkers can be considered as the entertainer’s fan club, sometimes they don’t even know, as gang stalkers, who they are being manipulated by, to disturb, the ‘HOST’ that the
    PARASITIC escapist, entertainer has a career dependence on disturbing. One day these parasitic ‘PIGS’ will learn, what not to make a meal out of, usually when they are dead, as is the
    present scenario.

    Anyone for crime and illness prevention ? Look at all of those, in the food chain, of the junky age with something to lose. Entertainment – Escapism, Escapist Substance Abuse that
    has no substance, the performance power’s of the entertainer, sucked out of the patsy’s (victims), set up, gang stalked and exploited.

    Comment by Robert — January 29, 2012 @ 4:55 pm

    • Only a saint or a therapist can be relied upon to lavish understanding upon a dishonest and delusional bigot like you, Robert. And less drugs requires more self-work. .

      Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 29, 2012 @ 6:01 pm

      • Back drop-kick ? oops, my bad, – side kick ( ” I , am all you have left ” )

        Comment by Robert — January 30, 2012 @ 12:23 am

  1167. Call it “State/government-organized stalking”.
    “Gang-stalking” is a deceptive expression.

    Comment by rscaru — January 29, 2012 @ 6:56 pm

    • Robert, you are a complete non entity, and the government doesn’t even know you exist.

      Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 29, 2012 @ 11:00 pm

      • Maybe they are too busy, running for the next election… or, away, looking for a safe hiding place, away from ‘safe’ ‘spook’ houses, Sanctioned ‘Activists’ etc or maybe
        a shrink, that will convince them it was all in their minds, with the right medication supply. The Rich & Powerful drug supplies.

        Comment by Robert — January 30, 2012 @ 12:35 am

      • Delusional megalomania.

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 30, 2012 @ 1:06 am

      • “Delusional megalomania” – So who’s jealous ? You are not a God, A Gas Bag, more like something with fleas.

        Comment by Robert — January 30, 2012 @ 2:28 am

      • Yes, You got me! I’m jealous of your fantasy Ninja cadre. Except, according to you, aren’t I the one in league with phantom armies? Whatever.

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 30, 2012 @ 4:06 am

      • I don’t know Aaron, I am NOT a scientologist, I just thought that you were an everyday Mutt…

        Comment by Robert — January 30, 2012 @ 5:02 am

      • and – I keep the books squeaky clean, without accounting software, but I’m not into ‘auditing’

        Comment by Robert — January 30, 2012 @ 5:05 am

      • If it’s the Scientologists you’re woried about, then why haven’t you simply joined Anonymous?

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 30, 2012 @ 1:52 pm

  1168. Seeing “Aaron” confused is very amusing. 🙂


    Comment by nomad — January 30, 2012 @ 12:09 pm

    • Yes, raving delusion can be so confusing.

      Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 30, 2012 @ 1:54 pm

    • Aaron has an agenda, not so hidden, of setting out to confuse. Sometimes he gets fouled up in his
      own trap, then looks for an exit path, on someone else’s last few lines of THEIR story, then he has the
      great difficulty in trying to disorientate, anyone reading such writings, so as to mislead others away
      from any discussions OR understandings. It doesn’t matter what anyone has to say, the a-gas-bag
      agenda is ‘attack’. He is very childish at times and should go sit in the corner – permanently.

      Comment by Robert — January 31, 2012 @ 6:00 am

      • You, Robert, of all people, are seemingly accusing me of obscurantism. And yet you never actually call me on it by simply requesting whatever needed clarification or framing cogent questions. Go on, I dare you!

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — January 31, 2012 @ 2:02 pm

      • Aaron – Your choice of words – “obscurantism”

        You dont know what ranting is and YES you obstruct the rants of others…

        Comment by Robert — February 1, 2012 @ 12:40 am

      • RE yours of February 1, 2012 @ 12:40 am: Robert, it now seems that you are actually trying to fake the framing of a response or the posing of a question, but only sidestep to anything else. Or is there one in there somewhere? Although, yes I know what’s a rant, but I couldn’t guess what it means to obstruct one or how to go about doing so. Your rants tend to be simply unintelligible. Obscurantism is defined as deliberate obscurity—an abstruse style of communication characterized by deliberate impenitrable vagueness.

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 1, 2012 @ 2:43 pm

      • A Gas Bag, everything you do and say is a waste to the effort. People that have something to say, shouldn’t have to tolerate
        your attacks. These are a tax on understanding and interpreting, what others have gone through and continue to be the
        targets of. What do you want ? You are not a moderator, you are a sad attempt at being a manipulator AWAY from the
        issues, that have cost people their sanity and, in some cases, their lives. To draw, on what Michael had to say, before he
        abandoned ship, your comments make people react allergic, in other words you make people sick, who’s payroll are you
        on – the American Society of Psychiatrists ?

        They play reverse psychology games that induce illness, so they can sell it a cure. They are scum, that avoid the truth and
        are ‘authorised’ & ‘sanctioned’ to do so. Lying to their patients isn’t a cure, it makes matters worse – Yet this is all that
        psychiatry is, that being “The Art of Lying & Deceiving” What are these system ‘puppets’ really achieving ? Nothing other
        than lining their own pockets and protecting those, behind the crimes of manipulation, against the will of others, you know,
        where religion fails, call for plan ‘B’ for more bullshit, the money & power of delusion and escapism, force fed to the human
        race, without liabilities, or accountability, for what they have done. It is WAR, an ongoing losers game, with lots of blood money
        to be made.

        Psychiatrists –
        How would they like being force fed powerful sedatives, complete with side effects and then told, with repetitive suggestion,
        that playing god was all in their minds – to protect organized crimes. Do you think they would ever recover from their psychosis,
        their ‘education’ (their patterning & programming) ? Probably Not. How would they deal with Ritual Abuse – Build a career out
        of it ? They Have.

        There is enough disease and pestilence, in this world without your puerile attempts at generating any more. You are only
        here, on this site to help yourself, but not on topic, so why drive other’s away, that have something to say ? Why dwell on
        your own failures – you saw what happened when you relentlessly pushed your bullying crap, then WE saw how you tried
        pushing other irrelevant B/S, that no one else was interested in. Your name and Website Photograph, is this someone you
        despise ? Identity theft to cause this person harm ? Again – What do you WANT, Aaron, or whoever you really ARE ?

        Comment by Robert — February 2, 2012 @ 9:11 am

  1169. Common complaints, of being stalked & exploited – made to psychiatrists,

    An example, “doctor, they are out to get me”

    Doctor – No they aren’t, it’s all in your mind
    Victim – How do you know, I haven’t even told you who they are yet ?
    Doctor – Are they extra terrestrial ?
    Victim – No they are actors, in alien suits, with a full crew and stage set
    Doctor – How do you know this ?

    Victim – I pretended not to wake up, with one of their repetitious and
    disturbing performances, and then, when the one playing the
    alien, took off their mask, I recognised the actor and followed
    them around the set, behind the scenes and everything.

    Doctor – Tell me, more, please about this pre-release, post production,
    that these criminals are dumping on you…then I will give you
    the name of a good attorney, that will copyright your recollections
    so you can go to town, litigiously, on these poachers, that thought
    they had something, to gain, from deliberately disturbing you and
    against your will, as you tried to sleep – without psyche sedatives, or
    their perversion, via their gang stalking vermin, set upon you like dogs,
    in their ‘theme park’

    BARK, BARK – Noise Campaigns, are a means of the gang stalking vermin, to direct your psychological attention, to the point source, of their disturbance. There you are ‘jumped’ upon and taken
    for a ride, you wont feel the same, because what jumped you, isn’t on the same wave length, your psychological disturbance is their psychological attention, to shit that aint worth it, at your ongoing

    Do you think, that this kind of reform is likely, to come the way of the victims, one day…

    Having stalkers, sitting on your case, is a means of maintaining ‘contact’ between those, that are behind your exploitation and their performance, It is also a necessary (to the perpetrators) means
    of getting ‘out’ of the trance, the performers, are caught up in and with – you the victim. Sometimes they don’t get out and are turned to stone (end up brain dead) when the victim
    (the targeted individual) ends up ‘dead’ or no longer accessible, psychologically, via perpetrator access paths – Gang Stalkers.

    Psychiatry, presently makes use of powerful drugs and hypnotic suggestion (repetition) destructive of the victim, but sets the criminals free, without charges, to do it again, if there was some real
    ‘value’ to be ‘had’. Their EVIL crimes cannot continue – exposure of their hidden knowledge and ritual abuse practices is the best means of destroying such crimes against humanity. Gold Digging
    Governments & the Parasites of Psychiatry are only helping themselves, like the pervert crowd of the Entertainment Industry, what of the plight of the helpless and innocent targeted individuals ?

    The tables can be turned, most destructively onto the crimes, themselves. How it works, is a foot in the door, on how to ‘break’ it. They are setting their so called coveted ‘test’ of making a ‘star’
    on innocent human beings, that they are only intent on passing around and exploiting – they have nothing to offer, I have something, they want but aren’t prepared to pay for – So I have something
    else, to offer them, in return, their destruction. If they can’t cut it, on their own abilities, then why should they cut it, at someone else’s on non-consented expense ? No one deserves to be cheated
    out of their minds, like this. NO ONE.

    Personal Thoughts of the Day (and night) – A Prayer –

    I will ride them into the ground, do unto others – they thought I was a good ride, these Mother F..kers and walk away. So God Help Me – Bury their evil disease. They are in it for the money, I’m out
    for justice… What door, What trade secrets, What walls ? What hidden knowledge of an evil practice ? So what was the occult again ? FLAME their darkness, so nothing left of their evil practice.
    Crime prevention is cheaper, than the cost of those they sucker, So help me bury these evil f..kers.

    Comment by Robert — January 31, 2012 @ 11:46 am

  1170. So exorcise the anti – gods, the dogs.. Being Masochistic, might suit their performance, if they like being taken for a walk, off the sheer cliff, a final performance into the pit. What Walls ?

    Dog fights are on…

    Comment by Robert — January 31, 2012 @ 1:37 pm

  1171. 14,000,000 sounds like a lot of psychological manipulators,

    6,986,000,000 sounds more promising, against… So why do they, as minorities, control “Spiritcom” if they are such a mnority ?

    Comment by Robert — February 1, 2012 @ 12:38 pm

  1172. Cause they have the bomb, built with stolen ‘triggers’ The Israel, built on top of Palestine (by theft) so ‘their’ spirit became a ‘race’ and the nuclear arms treaty, Israel rejected, the signing of ?

    DANGEROUS BASTARDS…We want to disarm you – minority group, – manipulators… It’s called Dimona, there may be other sites, and stock piling… SELF DESTRUCTIVE BASTARDS, in a
    game no one else want’s to play – M.A.D. “But we are the head of shrinks” – Fuck Fraud.

    Comment by Robert — February 1, 2012 @ 12:50 pm

  1173. So now you know – what the dumming down is about….

    Comment by Robert — February 1, 2012 @ 12:57 pm

  1174. In a war, the battle for your mind is all that matters, to the ‘control’ freaks. Concede or be ritually abused, until you do. The control freaks don’t want you walking into their operations.
    Hidden Knowledge is then distributed and to be for warned is to be prepared. EXPOSURE of criminal practices tends to ‘retard’ criminal developments, who would argue ? If we have
    some insight, into our own misadventures, at the hands of those, that have set us up, to exploit, or whatever else, was on their criminal, evil, ‘hidden agenda’ then we can arm ourselves
    with knowledge and forcefully disarm the perpetrators and put an end to the war games, where the GANG STAKING focus was “all on YOUR mind” The Perpetrators call it their ‘WAVE’

    My mind is MY property, not someone else’s play ground, to trespass upon, without invitation. “Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again” – Don’t forget to disarm them first…
    Create a hostile environment for the perpetrator crowd, if they like the darkness – light up the Magnesium Ribbon…”Hey look at that, perp’, wow”… you know, freak out, with a bit of
    Enthusiasm, that brings about their ‘attention’

    “Arg, Ouch, I want Out – burning white light” … perp’ down – a trespassing voyeur.

    Don’t you look at it too long, as a victim exorcising the perpetrator ! Don’t look at it, at all, put an object nearby, that will be your visual ‘mind shot’, spend time staring at it, so the perpetrator’s
    Focus, is on THAT object. Then, in the opposite direction, which is where you were focusing from, place the extremely bright light source. They look back from the object, to where you WERE,
    and get their mind’s eye fried… sooner or later, you won’t have a problem with the gang stalking trash, intent on disturbing you.

    Remember your mind is not their theme park. You are NOT their property to manipulate, or control. Try to remember, they will attempt to jump on someone nearby, so let the neighbours know
    you are being stalked and to avoid ‘Casper’ the hostile ‘ghost’ as these ‘Caspers’ are not your neighbours friends, nor are they ghosts…or the voice of ‘god’…or secret agents working for the secret
    service. The ‘SPOOKS’ are evil, criminal scumbags. The creeps will consume those around you to act as go betweens, don’t let it get that far. Let the neighbours entertain the ‘handlers’ and
    ‘controllers’ until, collectively, you have enough evidence, to proceed, legally against such vermin.

    Such activities are a start, in the working methods of destroying this organized crime, enough pressure…and the poaching parasites call it quits. Sooner, than later, this ‘war’ game is all over.

    Comment by Robert — February 2, 2012 @ 11:16 am

  1175. “GANG STAKING” without the “L” was not a typo… see post 1175.

    Staking someone out is what stalking really is, the horrible feeling of being continually watched. It’s not paranoia, when others, that can’t be identified, are clearly making serious money
    out of the manipulative equation. Remembering so called dreams, nightmares or auditory hallucinations, that then show up in entertainment industry products, whether it be a “HIT” song,
    or a “Box Orifice hit”

    You were “dumped” on, to improve psychological product sales performance… It’s a bit like adding powdered Aluminium to a TNT, HMX, RDX and PETN mix to improve product “performance”
    as in high explosives development – they score more “BANG” for “BUCK”, but why should such “Brisance” be at your expense, as a targeted individual. When these EVIL scum, should be
    removing themselves, at 8.5 Kilometres a second, from your exploitation, instead hanging around for the “cleansed by fire-works” display, that will “splatter” them. (A Cruel Analogy… but it
    wasn’t like the WARNING signs haven’t been up, for a while, in multiple languages – it’s one thing to have your arse shot, by a hit song – Psychological Disturbance, did you like, or hate the
    hit ? On a different note, Yet, to happen, to the perpetrators – it’s another thing to have your arse’s blown off, by something else… This isn’t friendly fire, that you could “cook” on)

    Get rid of the “lack of accountability” and “lack of liability” before it’s too late…Targeted Individuals don’t like being ritually abused, the perpetrators might like to, continue eating food to
    give themselves a reason to consume, but watch what you eat slobs. When you are missing out on the pleasures, of consuming another human being’s spirit, it is because you have had
    your arses blown away, perpetrators, your bullshit defence and all. If a child feels cheated, when you take it’s candy, from it, who can the child lodge a formal complaint with ? The EASY
    part of destroying the occult – BOOM – “We had a secret, we had a secret” – There is NO defence. The explosive distribution, of information, an education on ‘hidden practices’…

    Comment by Robert — February 6, 2012 @ 12:49 pm

  1176. Why now ? Why has this occultist theme, gone on for 120 years…Using Technology for such MIND CONTROL ?

    TOO many, involved, making TOO much MONEY… Your Governments are “gold digging parasites” – anyone for
    the arguement against, such an attack, of those they ‘voted’ for – What about the Revenue Raised from Tabacco
    and Alcohol sales ? … Any crime prevention there ?

    Comment by Robert — February 8, 2012 @ 8:59 am

  1177. Aiding & Abetting organized crimes against humanity – CORRUPTION.

    Some of it is “IN YOUR FACE” and some of it is “Hidden” (Occultist Activities, of revenue raising) –

    So protected and hidden criminal activities, that keep the “SLOBS” in pocket, at the expense of those without, the HAVE NOTHING’s to go on, have not a chance, the
    without’s, of defence, their so called ‘justice’ systems. “Well you wanted to smoke” – is their defence, then the tables turned – and “THOSE” selling wanted to burn…

    Comment by Robert — February 8, 2012 @ 10:06 am

  1178. E V I L – so what are your religions, doing, competitively about it ? The Priest smokes, hey so does the Rabbi…

    Comment by Robert — February 8, 2012 @ 10:31 am

  1179. Organized Crimes.

    Comment by Robert — February 8, 2012 @ 10:33 am

  1180. O.K. , O.K.

    if it keeps you happy, on the themes of crime prevention….


    Comment by Robert — February 8, 2012 @ 10:42 am

  1181. Come March 2012,

    They still lead by example, without a way out… Those to be held accountable.

    Comment by Robert — February 8, 2012 @ 10:46 am

  1182. ARE those that WILL BE (done upon this earth) HELD ACCOUNTABLE – so who is stalking the stalkers ?

    “With a Way Out”-

    Out of what ? Their Darkness, their occult, their BULLSHIT ?

    Correct Answer –

    THEY ARE BULLSHIT – Highly Saleable is their B/S – “Everyone is in on it” – the comment of the jailed editor for the “News of the World”

    EXCEPT – it wasn’t that news-worthy, more like privacy violations, that were highly ‘saleable’

    Go find another “star” that camps out on a planet, who isn’t selling out – just gets taken, by the “STARS” – hidden stalking activities of the
    burnt out, that just wanted to stay on top – “Values” – “He’s a planet, but no one knows who he is” out come the “all souled out” like
    HOOVER – vacuum cleaners. They Suck. – Poofs. – it becomes something else -“Ka-Fucking-Booms” – So I didn’t finance it…

    “All Priests are FAGS” – Madonna

    So what are Rabbi’s, you shit stirring bitch ? What are you trying to preserve – more unsaleable escapism…? WAS IT YOURS ?

    Obviously Not.

    Comment by Robert — February 8, 2012 @ 11:15 am

  1183. NO, I’m not a priest,

    I’m just an everyday non-fucker, “A” sexual. I find porn de-sensitising, as in grose, “did we do that” … The planet’s population has expanded, by 40 % since 1993, shit dipping
    Faggots, Dikes, that lick in search of female “Penis” …I preferred it, when you could see those knuckle heads, but that was always real life, with a real view. Tastes like brown
    sugar, but depends on the diet… Reality – it doesn’t suck – it licks. Game over.

    Comment by Robert — February 8, 2012 @ 11:41 am

  1184. Gang Stalking & the Induction of ‘PARANOIA’ , ‘SCHIZOPHRENIA’, ETC – Sensitization to the ‘OPEN WAVE’ The ‘Playground’ for the Approved ‘FRUITLOOPS’

    I have attempted to cover a lot of misinformation bandied about on the internet on this subject. I am not alone on these issues. Diagnosing a person’s complaint about such
    interference and abuse as mental illness seems a little too convenient, don’t you think? If they could make money out of inducing an illness then they have already done this.
    Big Pharma is big business. Like Alcohol & Tobacco Sales, don’t forget the adult ‘themes’ that encourage the crimes, that start out as thoughts, then ‘acted’ out. Illness and
    Crime induction – is really BIG business – at who’s expense ? Illness & Crime Prevention destroys the investment opportunity, but the HAVES aren’t into it…

    It would appear that so called mental illness has very real ties to the industrial age including ‘hidden’ technology applications and programs of Ritual Abuse. Put simply –
    Loud mechanical noise, it gives people a headache. Big Pharma sells chemical relief. Remember the “Horse & Cart” sales of “Cure All & Wonder Elixir Preparations” ?
    It hasn’t changed much has it ? It’s now Big Bucks and Big Business. Psychological manipulation, of a human being creates a psychological disorder and big pharma sells
    a DRUG, to take care of the ‘Mind’ problem, by chemically treating the ‘Brain’.

    In 1985 I saw this farce within the psychiatric hospital system. I stopped taking the ‘forced’ substances, I was being abused with, If they (the doctors & nurses) suspected, that
    I was discontinuing taking the medication (in pill form) I was told to drink it – Largactil Syrup, or threatened that I would be shot in the backside with it (Chlorpromazine) as
    for the Lithium Carbonate – Pretend to take it, spit it out, reserve pills for the day of testing for effective levels (mmL) to throw their tests, out of whack.

    Then the fun began – This System’s Doctors & Nurses would then become my experimentation, a destructive test so as to speak ! 4 years later, in 1989 the Mental Health Act of
    1958 (NSW, Australia) was revised – ‘Not under proper control” (Part C) was removed from the Act. This was a section of the un-rivised ‘ACT’ that was being ABUSED – Ritually.

    They were keeping me, against my will and attempting to mistreat me, with unwanted substances. I had committed no offence to warrant this abuse. I wasn’t a threat, so
    what were they doing ? – Protecting the source of the psychological manipulation from being exposed by me. That wouldn’t have been good for their BUSINESS would it.
    To pass the time under this situation I sought out other victims of ENTERTAIMENT INDUSTRY, RELATED RITUAL ABUSE. Why the Doctors & Nurses were getting people hooked
    up on the idea of needing to take the Medications, for the rest of their lives (probably shortened – Global human culling ?) I convinced one patient to stop taking the anti-psychotic
    DRUGS by slowly shaving their meds, to avoid side effect (withdrawal) disorders, but pretend to take them and then upon wining her trust proceeded to get deeper into her mind, to
    find the root cause, of her problem.

    I found the deep seated, underlying problem as an old boy-friend, with an entertainment industry occupation and quite drove him out of this woman’s mind, by exposing what the
    prick was doing to her – cyclic manipulation. (Ritual Abuse) She went into complete remission and her parents and present boy friend believed I was a doctor ‘planted’ with the
    patients ! Then these family members told the nurses – “What a great idea thank you very much” The Doctors and Nurses couldn’t wait to ‘eject’ me from the hospital, upon
    learning what I had done. Destruction of their manipulative program to get people ‘hooked’ on Big Pharma – Big Business – Big Bucks. EXPOSE THE INDUCTION OF
    SO CALLED ILLNESS – and burn another ‘cash cow’ – The Pigs of Pharmacopeia – a start towards the destruction of human landfill, commodities brokering, money making
    and their junky age… What did the Doctor say ? He tried to make me sick and sell me a cure – there isn’t one for mental illness, so why do they ignore the complaints of illness
    induction and those that are committing such criminal assaults on humanity ?

    Comment by Robert — February 9, 2012 @ 3:19 pm

  1185. “The dummying down of society” – “WE” have all heard the expression…

    What does it mean ? Oh, I’m sorry, you were not meant to learn of such activities, as they are reserved for those “WITH” and not accessible to those “WITHOUT” sorry dude, that is the way of it.
    Hey Cool Man, I just won’t tell you what happens next…your loss, something further torture, or money just can’t buy.

    Comment by Robert — February 10, 2012 @ 3:12 pm

  1186. There goes warfare for “profit” they call it intelligence ?

    Comment by Robert — February 10, 2012 @ 3:16 pm

  1187. Subliminal Advertising –

    We remember the experiments, as they are the ONLY source of an education, to modern psychology students – “Buy Popcorn” or “Buy Coke” – a couple of frames in cinema experiments.
    2 Frames are not enough EXPOSURE, to be consciously aware of, in other words, there was no re-collection of the “suggestion” to go make a purchase, of the subliminally promoted
    products. On the same note – you may buy news papers, for the editorial content and think you are avoiding the advertising, the ads are in full colour and a lot “LOUDER” than the
    black and white bits of editorial. You get ‘suckered’ by the advertising, whether you are aware of it, or not.

    Selective hearing and seeing, it is not a psychosis, or a hallucination, it is a crime against humanity. To be sensitised to UNWANTED ‘advertising’ and used as a psyche centre, to promote
    attention, to something you despise, or like, that, through commonality with other human beings “on the same wavelength” or not, you are being exploited, as in gang stalked –
    psychologically ‘profiled’ – ‘watched’. As a victim, of gang stalking, I object to being, the full colour advertisement, in with the bullshit editorial. “Watch him/her, they know what is going on”
    I hope this analogy made some sense, to the victims of this crime.

    How to beat the shit out of being exploited – EXPOSE their hidden EVIL, If anyone could do it – then it won’t work, as good – anymore. Do you think, that, one could walk, into the jungle and
    turn on the radio and have all the natives bowing down in worship, of the man with the ‘Voice of God’ in a box ? Probably Not, Anymore. Gang Stalking is an Organised crime, whereby the
    incentives, to stalk someone, intimidate and interfere with them, are not reasons that remain that hidden, anymore – manipulation & exploitation. Have the reasons, ever been hidden ? Then
    these would be from the T.I. and the misguided stalkers, that went along with it. Slander and Lies that encourage crimes.

    Those with something to lose, from such disclosure, will continue to argue the point and attempt to confuse the issue, probably – till they are dead, for they will have nothing else to live for, all
    those, that they “HAD” & “Controlled” (suckered) will despise them, religious belief is such a theme – BUY GOD NOW, creation is on “SPECIAL” Bargains to be “Had” “Relief from pain & suffering”
    “Eternal Bliss will be YOURS” So who was installing the pain & suffering, the psychological disorders, the hardship ? “That wasn’t our God(s) that was evil, that was Satin” So like psychiatry, still
    trying to sell a ‘CURE’ for the incurable “Mind” problems, religion also is selling a treatment programming that doesn’t work, it seems to encourage, the PROBLEMS. Fuck Mind Control, what
    happened to freedom of choice ? They have retardant ‘LAWS’ in place, so you can’t think straight, gang stalkers that uphold the “LAWS”, based on their beliefs, on what happens, after death,
    to human waste. Too much competition, Too much “conversion” leaves NOTHING to believe in, in the land of the living, except LIFE itself. Imagine telling a “super star” or a man of “God” that
    they had to get a real job, because escapism wasn’t ‘cutting’ it anymore…The massiveness of the majorities, that can no longer afford the “COST”, of the fantasies… Hey what happened to
    escapist substance abuse – it is being abused, as well, the junky age – your full of shit.

    Comment by Robert — February 11, 2012 @ 6:39 am

  1188. Gang Stalking, financed and controlled by the entertainment industry –

    The G/S victim – Robert Dewey Hoskins has entered the news, again. A re-run, by the media, of the reasons why he was jailed, in 1995. Where are the ‘witnesses’ that made use of the media, that turned Hoskin’s
    trial into a three ringed circus. There was never any evidence, that Hoskins was armed, with a knife, or any other weapon, but was shot by Madonna’s security man, who was never charged with excessive force/violence.
    Basil Stevens, was Madonna’s security operative that shot Hoskins. The other “Witness” to Hoskins behaviour, was the Late Caresse Henry, Who allegedly committed suicide, in March 2010. Hoskins, after being gang
    stalked and ritually abused, apparently for about four years, prior to this approach, of Madonna, in 1995, as in – G/S Victim “goes in search of the truth” was not armed with anything other than his mouth and there
    were no investigations into the causal effects of his unhealthy obsession in Madonna. In a earlier scenario, as, I believed, in 1985, that I had made a “pact to marry Madonna”, with Madonna, it was clear that a similar
    program of ritual abuse and patterning had been imposed on Hoskins. (See Post 416).

    Hoskins was Jailed on trumped up charges, for 10 years, presumably released, from prison in 2005, then sectioned to a psychiatric hospital since. There is a YouTube video, of Hoskins being interviewed by a group
    of youth, on public transport – this is recent footage, that may be only, less than few years old. The video reveals his ongoing obsession, with Madonna, which indicates that he is still being manipulated, cyclically
    by those that are gang stalking him, vermin that are paid to do this. But then he has some other interesting stuff to say, inclusive of seeking 3 million dollars in damages, from Madonna, for what has happened to
    him. He mentions that his mouth, was what got him into trouble, in the first place and that he wasn’t armed with anything else…Why was he shot, by Basil Stevens, who could say what he likes, with Caresse Henry
    no longer, in the building. The media story claims that Hoskins was A.W.O.L, from the psychiatric hospital, for a week and arrested near the Hospital, in the last few days.

    Me, Hoskins and Linhart all have the same name – Robert – this is not a coincidence, it is evidence of Ritual Abuse, the entertainment industry are responsible for – it is organised crime. No investigations, into this
    crime is corruption. We are Victims, we have been set up and exploited, by a Billion Dollar industry, that can just use money to pervert the course of justice and suppress the truth. How much evidence, of Ritual Abuse
    and individuals that have been driven out of their minds, exploited and ‘suicided’ is required, to commission a public investigation ? Access to records, of Madonna’s visits to Australia, regards my being SET-UP and
    exploited, would be an important part of such investigations, I am willing to give evidence on (and have). To be abused, again, starting in 1992, after the events of 1985, that secured Madonna’s marriage, to Penn –
    or how Madonna “Got her foot, in the door”, of an acting – career change, she couldn’t manipulate Penn, directly, but abuse, of a peer group male would prove successful for her, and her associates.
    The Victim – Me, a month younger than Penn.

    This scam was never investigated, neither was the 1992 ‘induction’ & ‘sensitizing’ (poisoned by Oxley), that enabled a return, of events, of Ritual Abuse, that saw Madonna and Warner climb out of the red (debt), at
    not only my expense, as indicated, others had been set up, as well. Then the murders, made to look like suicides, such as the fate of Caresse Henry, who was an important witness. Caresse’s sister also believes, that
    Madonna and Associates were responsible for Caresse’s death. I’m convinced of it, by my own historical evidence – Caresse knew too much and was the target of a slow kill program, this started in 2005 – when
    Madonna sold her shares in Maverick, to the Warner Music Group and no longer had any use for Ms. Henry. Reasons for their “going their separate ways” were cheap fabrications, bandied about, by the media, who
    are great at hiding the truth and a non-disclosure contract, that Caresse had entered into, apparently with Madonna, were preventative of Caresse telling her side of the story, she was ‘gagged’ then slowly murdered.

    Covert drugging, electronic harassment, inclusive of PROVEN – Directed Energy Weapons – directed acoustic assaults and interference with personal electronic systems, such as HiFi , that are ‘turned’ into radio transmission
    receivers, for unwarranted ‘Verbal’ assaults, ‘Word Mincing” – changes in lyrics, courtesy of Harmonic Resonance, perversion of one’s privacy & psychological stability. Unlawful electronic surveillance, phone hacking, data
    hacking, gang stalking, employment & business destruction, rumour spreading (slander) use of the law for unlawful purposes, exploitation, induction of psychological disorder and other Assaults, inclusive of Grievous Bodily
    Harm, and NO serious investigations, into such corporate, initiated crimes, when those, that had something to gain from it, have been exposed ?

    “Wired” up to their criminal system, just to be cheated, by those, past their “Use By Date” dependant on the ticket, of another human being, that the perpetrators are intent on ‘cleaning out’, anything ‘of value’
    – THIS STINKS. So without any lawful and public investigations, the only thing left, for a victim, of these ongoing crimes, is the destruction, through disclosure of their hidden evil, ritual abuse scams.
    These, require a hiding place to continue, shine the light, on their dark side and reduce the parasites to ashes. If these Parasites have a need to climb all over, other human being, they should be banned from
    performance space and subject to investigations, law suits – for damages, to their victims and imprisoned = a deterrent, for organised crimes, that is currently missing from the equation. Ritual Abuse and Human
    Sacrifice – EVIL crimes against humanity.

    Comment by Robert — February 12, 2012 @ 4:15 pm

  1189. Imagine approaching an attorney,

    To enquire about the possibility, of launching a law suit, against profile entertainers, worth millions of dollars – THAT HAD EXPLOITED YOU, Had you stalked, harassed and intimidated, misdiagnosed and
    mistreated, cheated out of justice, ripped off, assaulted by easily corrupted “so called” authorities and specialists… An industry of psychological perversion, worth more weight than religions, in this day
    and age…

    Still like your chances ? Just finding, such an immoral attorney, willing to take your money, knowing that you can’t win. Their organised crime is stacked with trillions of dollars, the defendants would have
    access to, when your claim, undermined the existence, of all of them. So what can a victim do ? – Blow away their SECRETS, Their bottomless cup of offence attorneys, their prolonged, delayed court
    (or non-existent) proceedings. So – deny them, ANY out of court settlement and publically expose – the manipulative farce of the rich, thereby putting an end to them.

    “God re-instated, Dogs pulverised” – not something you would read about – in the “News of the World” anyway.

    Comment by Robert — February 13, 2012 @ 11:52 am

    • Indeed, there have been many exactly such law suits, very big cases and an uphill struggle all the way. But it’s all about what can be established, by a preponderance or real and compelling evidence, in a court of law. And that requires coherence and respect for the credulity of others. This is what any attorney will want to see from you, especially if they will even consider being retained on contingency, taking a share of any award rather than simply getting paid up front.

      Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 13, 2012 @ 7:56 pm

      • “Indeed, there have been many exactly such law suits”

        Name them Agassi, where the complaint was one of Theft of Intellectual Property, stalking, illegal surveillance – to obtain by fraud, the use of D.E.W’s for harassment & induction of, what was seen as a mental illness,
        assault with GBH – for the benefit of trauma induction – sensitization – to the perpetrator’s activities, use of the law – for an unlawful purposes, destruction of a T.I’s business/employment, covert drugging, slander, etc.
        Just name one such case, that was inclusive of these crimes…with a successful outcome for the targeted individual.

        When the law – police & the courts AND the professions, such as psychiatry have been instrumental, corruptly, in the destruction of the T.I., That is, these “So Called” ‘authorities’ that have shown a biased approach,
        to the complainant, due to being easily manipulated by such hidden evil practices, of the respondents. Do you remember what happened to Hoskins, a T.I. – when he went in search of the truth, regards his being
        interfered with, by Madonna & Associates, Hoskins – being part of the targeted individuals group, assembled – in the early 1990’s ? And me – one of those targeted individuals, in that group, that’s producing and
        compiling such a case, of prosecution, do you think such authorities are going to sit back and agree that they made ongoing mistakes – deliberately, and to the further benefit of the wealthy defendant(s) – The
        perpetrator crowd will sit back in denial, with a bottomless cup of assets, until the complainants and their attorneys call it quits, this is the present so called ‘justice’ system – those, with the money always win.

        “taking a share of any award rather than simply getting paid up front”

        Show me the names of attorneys, that have gone into bat AND covered the expenses of ‘EXPERT WITNESSES’, that have been required, for such a case, if one single case, exists at all. Part of the hidden evil is the
        destruction of the T.I’s employment and business – therefore the stripping the plaintiff, complainant or prosecution of any assets. Do you know of any pro-bono efforts, by attorneys, that have succeeded, in such
        a case ? What are my chances of having access to Interpol records, etc – That show Madonna’s entry and exit’s, to and from Australia, when she had no business here, other than setting me up, to exploit and having
        me continuously gang stalked and subject of DEW’s, electronic harassment, like the other ‘Robert’s – Hoskins & Linhart. Who has ever stopped Madonna & Associates from “pushing other people’s buttons”, for her
        own purposes and gains ? She is NOT the only one, that is in on these crimes, against humanity, Psychological Manipulation – it is BIG business. Psychological Disorder is the product, of such crimes and in comes the
        profession of Psychiatry selling chemical relief. Big Business & Big Bucks – setting up, exploiting, maiming and murdering innocent people. This is the organised crimes, against humanity, such victims are up against.

        Comment by Robert — February 13, 2012 @ 11:08 pm

  1190. There are certainly plenty of successful intellectual property suits even against celebrities. And you’ve side stepped the rest of what I posted as usual.

    Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 14, 2012 @ 3:00 am

    • Don’t see any names Agassi…And this time you are looking at part of the FIRST line, instead of (as mentioned previously) the last couple of lines, of what someone else has written…

      It’s about a bit more than I.P. theft Aaron, it’s about corruption, violence, stalking, DEW’s interference to cause psychological & physical harm, murders made to look like suicides,
      wrongful psychiatric evaluations, that protect the crimes. Psychological perversion – programming & patterning, (some call brain washing) to achieve perpetrator desired results.

      AND –

      The use of the law, for unlawful purposes to dispose of a victim, that becomes ‘aware’ that they are being FUCKED with (Hoskins – for example). Let’s not forget about Covert Drugging,
      and psychiatry’s forced substance assaults and further brain washing, via applied reverse psychology to increase the discomfort, pain & suffering of the T.I. – Who is NEVER told the
      truth…by the crime protection rackets, the authorities and specialists, themselves. Fuck the Money Made, from Escapism & Fantasy at the expense of innocents, wired up and
      cheated out of their minds.

      Did you realize that 500 years ago, in the times of Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth the first, that many people considered the “Theatre” to be “EVIL” ?, Targeted Individuals existed
      back then as well ! Scum that prey upon the spirit of another human being, the so called entertainers, with their “Hits” and their “Fan Club” – also called Gang Stalkers, to the T.I.’s

      Comment by Robert — February 14, 2012 @ 5:37 am

      • Agassi –

        Plug yourself into “Anonymous” – a recent video, Shakespeare & Elizabeth 1st – What kind of manipulative edge, the “entertainers” had, back then and the dangers of psychological perversion, before the industrial age – and the
        “Electrification” of the human race. Then look at electric shock therapy, used by early psychiatry, still in use today and If you are up to it – you may like to research the effects of repetitive expose to ELF’s (extra low frequency)
        radiation – which has behavioural modifications, applications, that many T.I’s complain about – physiological “attacks” whereby the low frequencies are delivered, to the target, on a directional microwave carrier signal. Kept
        awake, put to sleep, sexually aroused, etc. Physiological manipulation, combined with psychological manipulation – DEW’s – that you, Aaron once suggested were “Mythical” – remember your post – No. 868 ? you really should
        get up to speed, on this stuff – if you have the intellectual capacity, or willingness to learn. Meanwhile I will try and catch up on punctuation and grammar…

        Comment by Robert — February 14, 2012 @ 7:52 am

      • If I said that that I like spaghetti or that the sky is blue, you could demand citations for all of that as well. But I can’t be bothered. You waste my time. It remains, however, that intellectual property rights suits are won against celebrities, only all the time. You are the one with any stake in doing your own research. Why haven’t you already done so, extensively? Why isn’t that what you are ferreting out that information online? Why aren’t you asking questions of knowledgeable people on whatever appropriate forums, all about celebrities in court and intellectual property in general? Because you are full of shit, that’s why! You are monologic. Your mind is write only. And it might profit you to heed the old adage: Listen twice as much as you speak. Moreover, as for your other claims, first of all, I have addressed that and as usual, you sidestepped. Secondly, if you ever won even on a single point such as intellectual property violation, obviously you’d be in a far stronger position to pursue anything else if you so chose.

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 14, 2012 @ 10:36 am

  1191. Imagine what could be behind the massive sales, of Pig Pharma Products –

    In America, a prescription drug like Xanax – “Doctor, I have a sleep disorder and anxiety issues” – Induced via ELF modulation of existing microwave carries – the Cell network and WiFi.
    But due to “Quad S” application, I can’t locate the source of the piggy backed, ELF, modulation signal…That is keeping me awake at night.

    The doctor – “Here’s a prescription for something appropriate” = the induction of illness & disorders that boosts sales of the ‘cure’… Do you think the doctors
    know what is going on – When their income is derived from “disorder inductions” ? Is there really anything in the old saying – “Doctors will only make you sick, to sell you a cure” ?

    Comment by Robert — February 14, 2012 @ 8:49 am

    • “So what has this got to do with GANG STALKING ? ” – “This guy is hallucinating, through sleep deprivation and refuses to take his Xanax” – “He’s not ‘hitting’ the movie sets again, is he ?”


      They don’t like it when you walk into their operations… 1984.

      Comment by Robert — February 14, 2012 @ 9:12 am

      • Take the Xanax, or we will Mob and Stalk You, (Gang-Stalking) – the swamping effect, to keep your awareness, off the set. Your non – consent of the RIDE, we are taking you for, at your expense.

        “Seeing Behind Enemy Lines” – The poaching, freeloading parasites…

        Comment by Robert — February 14, 2012 @ 9:27 am

  1192. Having brain dead – super stars

    “Climbing all over you” –

    “Hey would you like a head job” – NO THANKS.

    Comment by Robert — February 14, 2012 @ 10:10 am

    • So what were Agassi’s thoughts – probably deviate –

      “I wouldn’t mind “LICKING” an axe wound, if there was something in return”

      – He is always off topic – only thinks about himself…and his pay cheques, from the American Society of Psychiatrists ?

      Fraud – Did you like American Erotic Dancers, When you were doing Cocaine ? Did you love your mother, when you were straight ?

      Comment by Robert — February 14, 2012 @ 10:47 am

      • No further questions, what, ever you think you are, and no need for a pre – sentence RAPORT ! – The ‘hitters’ like the echo’s – looking forward, again, to the destruction of SODOM.
        FAGGOTS, that impose their shit dipping ‘powers’ (the legal parasites) on humanity – Fuck off BAAL, you fucking shit dipping DOG. UNDERSTAND ?

        Comment by Robert — February 14, 2012 @ 11:16 am

      • “We can pulverize their delusions, say the word” –

        NO NOT YET, for they are capable of reform – The Junky Age Scum.

        Comment by Robert — February 14, 2012 @ 11:27 am

      • I can’t rightly say: It must have all been on one of those lost weekends we all hear so nuch about!

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 14, 2012 @ 12:02 pm

  1193. Scum like the easily corrupted poofter – Wayne (Hollywood) Evans, the bench magistrate, at Hornsby (Sydney-Australia) court, in 1993.
    Life is short, you judge-mental sodomite, eternity, for your corrupt scum is forever, in hell.

    Faggot Fuck ! Shit Dipper. “I was only taking this dude for a ride, to compete with Geoff Cleary, at Manly Court house” ,
    “they said, do what you like with him” –

    Who were they? SCUMBAG – NIDA, wanna Be Poachers, at the rear of the court room ? BURN you piece of shit. Soon (March 2012 will
    see the civil war of removal of homo-sexuals from the judiciary – the legal community, understand this you DOG SHIT, BAAL arse dippers)

    Hell on earth, for you faggots.

    Comment by Robert — February 14, 2012 @ 11:53 am

  1194. Agassi Quote –

    “If I said that that I like spaghetti or that the sky is blue, you could demand citations for all of that as well. But I can’t be bothered. You waste my time. It remains, however, that intellectual property rights suits are won against celebrities, only all the time.
    You are the one with any stake in doing your own research. Why haven’t you already done so, extensively? Why isn’t that what you are ferreting out that information online? Why aren’t you asking questions of knowledgeable people on whatever
    appropriate forums, all about celebrities in court and intellectual property in general? Because you are full of shit, that’s why! You are monologic. Your mind is write only. And it might profit you to heed the old adage: Listen twice as much as you speak.
    Moreover, as for your other claims, first of all, I have addressed that and as usual, you sidestepped. Secondly, if you ever won even on a single point such as intellectual property violation, obviously you’d be in a far stronger position to pursue anything
    else if you so chose.”

    “But I can’t be bothered” (Agassi)
    Your input on this site proves this, continuously – all you could be bothered doing, is attacking and attempting to confuse, what others are saying.
    Example – “that intellectual property rights suits” (Agassi)
    I NEVER said I.P. Rights, you halfwit, you know this. Intellectual Property, stolen before there is any “rights” imposed, like the copyright process.
    STOLEN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, obtained via the perversion of illegal surveillance operations, and the “thought” molesting activities of GANG STALKERS – JUNKIES, SUB

    “You are the one with any stake in doing your own research” (Agassi)

    It is done, I’m only here to share that research and my own experiences with other victims, which you are not. It’s like you wish to maintain the hidden nature of G/S
    – I wish to blow away the facts, on who use it as a tool AND are making vast amounts of money out of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – It won’t be long before these shit
    are being mass exterminated, by their own hands, as they will not be able to live with themselves, or anyone else – their CRIMES are EXPOSED.

    LAWS will be put in place, to prevent these, criminal scum from associating with each other. Inclusive of the use of communications systems, they are reliant upon.
    Organised Crime gangs – to be outlawed, no more mobbing and gang stalking, or financial incentives to participate, in these activities, victimizing the innocent.

    Aiding and Abetting criminal practices – LAWS, that will RETARD, a lot of so called “STARS” example – A Formal Complaint –
    “That entertainer is exploiting me, and these are the gang stalking vermin, recruited, that have moved in on top of me, to establish the perversion of my privacy, theft
    of my intellectual property and their street theatre, noise campaigns and intimidation” MOVE ON – Industry financed, Gang STALKING SCUM.

    “Here come the replacements” – more gang stalkers…

    Law Enforcement – O.K – “Lets go the top, with this and arrest the so called STAR clearly not willing to let go of it’s unlawful, appropriations, of this victim”
    But the STAR is in another country… and using international communications systems.
    “We need access to INTERPOL records of this Entertainers, entry & exits, to & from Australia, and WHO it is consorting with, here in this country”

    “Why aren’t you asking questions of knowledgeable people” (Agassi)

    Yeah right Agassi, criminal scum and occultists telling the truth about their crimes against humanity – wake up Idiot.

    “ I have addressed that and as usual, you sidestepped” (Agassi)

    Sidestepping your irrelevant, time wasting one liner’s or your ‘splatter’ Agassi, is deemed necessary, when necessary.

    “Listen twice as much as you speak” (Agassi)

    To what Agassi ? – Your irrelevant one or two liner’s.

    “Mythical” weapons that you attacked, but proven, through my research and the research efforts of others, on their availability and use by the G/S scumbags. You were presented with videos, on
    this site Agassi, and you still proceeded to attempt, to debunk the stark reality AND availability, of such technology ? Then you make no apologies for your lack of knowledge – You are like the French scientist –
    that witnessed Edison’s Demonstration, of the phonograph, and the French Scientist’s response to it – “This is nothing more than clever Ventriloquism” In other words, He Hit out with Negativity
    and Ran Away. This is your obsession Agassi – Hit & Run.

    I am ANTI gang stalking and anti a few other things, because of their involvement in it – They are heavily involved in it – Scum I wish to see cremated & pulverized – understand ? Burn and Ball-Mill
    these EVIL sub human trash. False Gods – Some are Super Stars, that EMPOWER themselves, at the non-consented expense of innocent human being’s, this is a big part of what makes your so called
    stars. When their popularity and or G/S victims die – so do they, so many of them are totally reliant on those they can stalk, or to have stalked and exploited. Those they can ‘dump’ on –
    “Watch out for those you abused, on the way UP, You might meet them on the way DOWN” – then what do they do, to avoid their demons ? Heavy Duty drug and Alcohol abuse, continue to scapegoat
    others, in some lame attempt to avoid their own demons ? or just fuck off – as in DIE.

    Super Star scum, trespassing AGAINST the will, of another human being. – Madonna and Associates had Hoskins stalked, along with other persons named Robert. Hoskins, the G/S victim, went in search
    of the truth and was accused of being the stalker, no investigations, into how he was set up, with the creation of his obsessive interest in Madonna, all the usual protection rackets, of further victimization
    of the victim, protection of the crimes against humanity. All they do is protect their criminal investments…and attack those with some awareness of their crimes.

    “This guy’s good value, multi win situation, for everyone” – J.S.Oxley – early 1993, after his failed, ‘covert drugging’ of me, in Dec ’92. I had memory recollections (Mar ’95) of him fucking around with my frozen
    food, for no apparent reason, the food he had dosed. Oxley is Not a Super Star, never was – just a low life plagiarist, like so many so called ‘entertainers’ – wanna be super stars, want to be rich and powerful.
    Then they get caught, swinging on someone else’s ticket – bye bye thieving CREEP. J.S. Oxley is AN Evil (BAD) bastard, that hides behind insane (MAD). Then the protection rackets, for these scumbags, crimes
    against humanity, that will lead to mass destruction, of the human race. Consider the ever increasing numbers, of people with so called mental illness, with no known cure – just chemical lobotomies & blanket
    jobs, that the pharmaceutical industries do well out of. No investigations into the causal effects, is GENOCIDE.

    Oxley was using the psychiatric hospital system to recruit G/S’s. Manipulating, for his own purposes, the so called mentally ill, so easily fucked with, when they are under the influence of psychiatric drugs.
    The more G/S, suckers he acquired, the more manipulatively powerful he became, at their expense. I set Out to expose these crimes, when I woke up in March 95, remembering what he, and the FMR
    (Festival Mushroom Records – Gudinski) scum had done to me. No one listens, but everyone is going to learn, what not to do to another human being – ongoing denial of justice, the ramifications of which,
    are catastrophic, WRATH. No winners, in a losers game. Love thy enemy, it doesn’t work. I flatly refuse to forgive the relentless EVIL – But Karma is gonna’ get these fuckers.

    Comment by Robert — February 15, 2012 @ 1:24 am

    • “all you could be bothered doing, is attacking and attempting to confuse, what others are saying.” Ad Hominem much, Robert? Name calling and impugning motive, are not logically relevant to statements which remain speaker independent. So you might do better to own your own confusion. Otherwise, answer to my actual points, if you dare, fool! What I am saying is that you do not research pertinent to intellectual copyright suits against celebrities. I have already addressed the quality of your current research and its broadest failure to come anywhere meeting any rational standard of legal evidence for any kind of tort. So stop quoting me out of context in that regard as well, lackwit. Indeed, when I posted: “Listen twice as much as you speak” that was particularly in context to putting aside you idiotic grandiosity, and attentively learning from people who know about celebrities and the law, etc., moron.

      Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 20, 2012 @ 9:02 pm

    • “all you could be bothered doing, is attacking and attempting to confuse, what others are saying.” Ad Hominem much, Robert? Name calling and impugning motive, are not logically relevant to statements which remain speaker independent. So you might do better to own your own confusion. Otherwise, answer to my actual points, if you dare, fool! What I am saying is that you do not research pertinent to intellectual copyright suits against celebrities. I have already addressed the quality of your current research and its broadest failure to come anywhere near meeting any rational standard of legal evidence for any kind of tort. So stop quoting me out of context in that regard as well, lackwit. Indeed, when I posted: “Listen twice as much as you speak” that was particularly in context to putting aside you idiotic grandiosity, and attentively learning from people who know about celebrities and the law, etc., moron.

      Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 20, 2012 @ 9:04 pm

      • Wow ! Four Liners, of irrelevant drivel now, A Gas Bag ! So how is the reincarnated French Scientist doing, today ? Not so well huh… So ‘it’ doubles up on 4 liners, what’s next 8, then 16 of irrelevant ‘prattle’ & ‘drivel’ interjection…

        Comment by Robert — February 20, 2012 @ 11:33 pm

      • It’s not that plaintiffs have never won against celebrities over intellectual property. In truth, any good attorney would only love to land a promising case. The problem is that you are nowhere near ready for court. “Non responsive, your honor!” If a jury sees you stalling and evading like you do on this board, you’ll be sunk without leaving a ripple! That is, if the judge first doesn’t find you in contempt first for wasting the court’s time! You won’t be allowed to complain that the opposing attorney is confusing you with straight parturient questions. If you ever hope to get a lawyer at all, much less on contingency, you will need to be better prepped and to stop whining.

        Comment by Aaron Agassi — February 22, 2012 @ 2:54 pm

  1195. V2K – Voice to Skull – Subliminal Communications – Not everyone is receptive – Right ? Gang Stalking and their methods of Intimidation –

    Telepathy, via gang stalking was around, before the Industrial Age, then, with the advent, of constant noise sources – IT GOT WORSE – artificial carriers that bring about a synchronicity between the
    “head hunters” and their “prey”, then, when the victims start to complain, about the programs & patterning, they don’t wish to be receptive to, they are lied to, by those with further victimization
    in mind. Being receptive and sensitive to such programs, it isn’t a gift, when it’s a curse. No one wishes, for open debate, on these issues and the problem is mistreated by psychiatry ?

    I failed to record any of the communications, between the ‘Masquerading’ as Madonna, piece of deceptive shit, in 1985, but I was well prepared, when such events returned in 1992. Victims,
    that have experienced, the unwanted ‘communications’ , head jobs, that have had a horrible time, as they have recorded such “hits” – directed at them, by the gang stalking trash, but upon replay –
    only the victims are receptive to the “Mind Game” directed assaults. I had learnt, something other than what, many other victims, believe – That is, the belief that everyone around them is lying to
    them, about not being able to ‘hear’ the abuse. Not So. They can’t perceive what they haven’t been repetitively, suggestively and manipulatively exposed to – long term.
    This crime is staged, over many years, of ritual abuse.

    “The making of a star” –


    “We fucked Up, So let’s just exploit this one, he’s not selling out, besides – what are we going to say to him – you were really good value, sucker, sorry about the thirty year delay in discovery…

    They are right – I’m not selling out – I’m giving them up, destructively of their crimes against humanity, I will see these poaching parasites pay, for the damages done – one way or another.

    Realizing the dilemma, of being highly receptive, to this unwanted communications system, that is abused by these parasitic, poaching hacks and has-been’s – My studies, then turned from the investigations,
    of such Occultist’s activities, the relentless trespassing scum, that wondered what someone else’s business, privacy and life could offer them (and at no cost – as in thieves) I began to research the masking
    effects, the reasons why no one else could hear, the verbal assaults. My finding’s – The Human Voice generally spans 4 octaves 1st – 250Hz to 500Hz, 2nd – 500Hz to 1KHz, 3rd – 1Khz to 2KHz and the
    forth Octave 2KHz to 4KHz. What I found interesting, is that the original Recording Industry Association of America, (RIAA) response curve, the standard for recording L.P. Vinyl Records was
    recorded and played back with the frequency response ‘FLAT’ at 1KHz. That’s interesting – smack bang in the middle of human speech, a coincidence ? Maybe Not.

    I designed and made some analog 4th order high pass and low pass filters, that enabled me to look, on an oscilloscope, at the narrow bandwidth of 100Hz, centering on 1KHz. The recordings, that I had
    made, of Madonna’s ‘Erotica’ album – Compact Disc recorded to analog, HQ, tape based systems, that revealed, what would be expected – The Sine Waves are not smooth, but because of the nature of the
    compact disk system, being digital recordings – looking at 1KHz, looks like it’s a Sine Wave, made up from a series of steps, of square waves – this is normal. But where I can perceive, the “HITS” or
    Ritual Abuse, for a better choice of words – are these pure Sine Waves – out of phase, with the ‘step constructed’ Sine Waves and a lot louder – as in amplitude. You don’t get smooth looking, Sine
    Waves, at 1KHz, when the sampling rate is around 44KHz – You get a waveform made up, of 44 ‘steps’, resembling a sine wave. “Dear Robbie” Dear Robbie” – What happened to “Erotic” “Erotic” ?
    Where does this non original “Dear Robbie” crap come from ?

    I contacted the Authorities (NSW – Police) to investigate this Gang Stalking and Intimidation, in 1994. Upon arrival, of two uniformed Police Officers, after a brief explanation of this Harassment and
    Privacy violation, Ongoing Verbal Assaults and Feelings of being ‘Watched’ – As in “Stalked”.

    I showed the oscilloscope waveforms, explaining how these, could not be part of the original work, of the recording itself. They were a “directed assault” at me. I was told – “ We can see what you are talking
    about, but the New South Wales Police Service, does not have the man-power to investigate this type complaint” I asked – “Then who does ?” The Police Response –

    “You could try the spectrum management agency – they license radio communications” So I did – I spent my $60.00 to get investigations underway – and phoned them 3 weeks later, to find out, what
    was being done, regarding ‘investigations’ – To be told – “This Complaint about Interference, it doesn’t affect your television, or radio reception – so WE are not investigating your complaint”

    I was sent a refund, for the $60.00 – As Reserve Bank of Australia cheque, without any written explanation, of their refusal to investigate my evidence, which amounted to GLOBAL claims of
    ORGANIZED CRIMES against HUMANITY. It didn’t matter where I travelled to, sooner than later, in would come the ‘approved’ and ‘sanctioned’ and corporate initiated, gang stalking, intimidating
    SCUM and their ongoing Ritual Abuses. Junkies, Poachers, Desperado’s and Losers.

    Comment by Robert — February 20, 2012 @ 7:53 pm

  1196. “Synthetic Telepathy”

    A system that enables communications, as in perpetrator to targeted individual – doesn’t lack the ‘turning of the tables’ on organised crimes – against humanity. If the perpetrators, their lack of sincerity,
    their ongoing deception, fraud, espionage – perversion into privacy, the programs of torture – like human organ manipulation, via directed energy weapons assaults, sleep deprivation, thought patterning,
    etc –

    If they can use a ‘carrier’ – whether, it is the close proximity , of the localized ‘spook’ squad of stalkers – or long range manipulation via satellite spy networks – one thing is clear, IT IS bi-directional, so
    this COULD be used, to the now AWARE, victims, to their advantage – in the process of turning the tables. “Targeted individual to Perpetrator” – you have a problem Houston, (this, with no disrespect
    to Whitney. H. – R.I.P.) an ever increasing one – without a cure…

    Comment by Robert — February 22, 2012 @ 9:00 am

  1197. Space – The Final Frontier.

    What about the Frontier Touring Company, the buck stops here. (Gudinski & Chugg – Madonna’s Australian connections). If those, doing well out of psychological product sales & promotions,
    could, realize the ramifications of liability – would they continue ?

    Consider Nuclear Power, the ramifications, of the COST, of disposal, of ‘SPENT’ fuel rods – do you think such power generation, would, be still viable ? “But we won’t be around then, so we will
    continue to profit, from a lack of liability and accountability, for what we have done – to maximize profits”. So why were, so many innocent men named Robert, set up and hounded to promote a
    commodity, past it’s use by date, like Madonna ?

    Psychological Abuse promotes attention, to psychological product sales, no liability OR accountability accepted, in this ‘business’ either…

    FUCK the corporate escapist clauses, they, only keep the rich – wealthy. Screw the beneficiaries of “we are not liable” – “we are not accountable for this”
    YES YOU ARE – in your COWARDLY MINORITY group numbers ! – The RICH – You Lose… No Great Loss…Compared to your ongoing running costs, of those,
    you so exploited and cheated, out of their minds, their lives. But those with the MONEY, always WIN – & SO, the corrupt look forward to a feeling, the process of
    decay, in wormy earth…for there is no place in the heavens, for EVIL.

    Still selling religious belief ? Sounds more like a threat, of unworkability… a threat that keeps minority groups – the wealthy – in ‘Control’. What happened to the control group, at Houston ?
    “They ran out of investment opportunities” – “Turned out to be a bad (evil?) investment” – So what, of the other delusional commodities ? How are they going to pay, for their advertising ?
    you know – the gang stalking, wind up trash. When those, that, have been pushed too far, still wish to burn down the theatre. – “Well, there goes, operations, control”

    Comment by Robert — February 22, 2012 @ 10:13 am

  1198. Why is the PENTAGON, like a five sided star, that protects from evil – when it doesn’t work ?

    You remember how the Pentagon was manipulated, to shoot down passenger aircraft, over the sea, during 911 ?

    While the remote guided, modified, ex- cargo planes, the 767’s (with metal panels, where the window panes, had been) flew into the battery bank, of the Greenberg’s offices, that had been, structurally modified,
    that is, the 60 foot spans, of structural truss for the purposes of, accommodating the Thermate Charges, OOP’s , I Mean, the UPS, sealed lead acid battery bank…

    I don’t know dear, you will have to ask, an Occultist… Do you know any Jews/Israelis – Anyone else, specializing in false flag operations, for their own purposes ? Good Luck !…as “They” tend to shit bricks, when
    you start talking about this stuff”… Did your friends, find one, of the shot Down Passenger Aircraft ? That purportedly smashed into one of the WTC towers ? Your Friends – Spy Satellites, that hadn’t been ‘disabled’.
    “And Dear”, OF – Your SEER friends, was it Nostradamus ? well, it’s just – “I thought, that, he was still ‘busy’ with the clean water & air ‘ACT’ – freedom from disease, in a public hospital situation”

    A Very Sick World…

    Comment by Robert — February 22, 2012 @ 11:03 am

  1199. The Psychiatrists ‘Opinion’ –

    “He / She will need to stay on medication for the rest of his / her life” (They, the ‘Doctors’, receive financial incentives, from the pharmaceutical companies – ‘Authorized’ drug manufacturers – as in Revenue Rakers)

    The Family Member – “Huh”

    The Shrink – “Well, he / she was indulging in escapist substances…such as the evil weed –

    The Family Member – Evil ? they treat certain psychosis with “the evil weed” in some countries, as well as glaucoma…

    The Shrink (Spin) – “Certain receptors in his / her brain have become responsive and opened up to the Canibanols and there appears to be an ongoing need, towards ‘abuse’ and this has resulted in his / her schizophrenia”

    The Family Member – “Your full of shit, I’m gonna’ get a second opinion”

    The shrink (with a shrinking position in society) – “Well it won’t be a western orientated opinion, good luck”

    The Family Member – “Just when they were having success with getting heroin users off heroin by shaving the taste slowly…America threatened Australia with trade sanctioning of Tasmania’s Opium Poppy production and
    sales globally. Why ? America wanted to continue with the supply of Methadone, a big money spinner for Big Pharma corporations and at the public’s further expense.(not to mention what happens, with regards to WITHDRAWAL
    from Methadone, if supply is cut, it’s highly addictive nature) Alternatives are clearly the way to go, successful remission from drug induced problems without the need for further western orientated DRUG programs and consequential
    further psychological and physical problems, that amount to nothing more than financial ‘feedy’ time, for the Big Pharma parasites and the corrupt, parasitic governmental scum that support such evil.

    The Shrink – “You need help too, I think this problem maybe genetic”

    The Family Member – “Fuck You”

    After the Family Member Left the room, the shrink then made a phone call – “I’ve got another one to wire up, gang stalk and persecute” The Family Member had the shrink wired up to even the score… So Much For Privacy
    (at any level of self importance) Let’s find out, more about what these ‘Spin Doctors’ are into ? – Remember evidence obtained, via readily accessible and unregulated, surveillance, to ‘BUST’ a perpetrator – could be used,
    in an UNBIASED court of law – to dispose of “High up the food-chain” human waste. Scum that think that their position in ‘SOCIETY’ put’s them above the law, EXAMPLE –

    Doctor Malcolm Dent – A Once Prominent Sydney Based Psychiatrist – Also, a so called ‘expert’ witness in the law courts…

    “He was into his patients, with sexual ritual abuse, manipulating his patients, while they were under the influence of (his) prescribed drugs…” (A Sigmund Freud Stir – into “American Erotic Dancers”, Freud – also Cocaine user)…
    Expert Witnesses, in matters, of the court of law, and the Judge ? – Is a Biased Homosexual. Such bias – “New World Order” , Sensitive “New Age” Types… the N.W.O. – And the New Age Sensitive Types – along with their
    easily manipulated, BIASED approach… Smash the ‘Open Wave’ of psychological manipulation – it’s called programming and patterning, also known as behavioural ‘modifications’, ritual abuse and – ‘entertainment’ BUT, before
    these ‘terms’ – it was once called religious belief… A Highly Respected method, of exercising ‘POWER’ over the “HAVE-NOTS” by the minority “HAVES”… Religion, in today’s world, it is more of a problem, than the solution, as
    busting up the programs and patterning’s of generations, upon generations of human beings – is a hell of a task…

    Comment by Robert — February 24, 2012 @ 1:58 pm

  1200. Imagine if you told a Psychiatrist or Psychologist, that they were VICTIMS of Ritual Abuse, when their ‘professional’ opinion, was just another education, of programming & patterning…

    Would they step outside of the SQUARE ?

    Knowing that, there was no further professor, in the institution to consult ? “They wanted to be “GODS” …but weren’t good enough. So they hang out in their easily manipulated numbers
    preserving the status quo, of BULLSHIT, LIES and DECEIT and are over paid for their ‘EFFORTS’, at the ongoing expense of the gullible – what they term “GOYIM”, who, some of which, are only
    here, upon this Earth to level it out, to plant a better seed, without the contempt, of power tripping SCUM, those with money, have become.

    Madonna – Trying to feign a performance (she can’t act, without “A RIDE”), in tears & bullshitting – “I don’t know what to say to him” –

    THEN SAY NOTHING, TO ANYONE ! … I’ll bet there is, quite a few more Robert’s out there, with their “Likeable Version” that rings divorce bells –

    “Last Time, I slept with that Dago”
    “The Song Book Said So Hi”
    “Lucky Star, for Meat Huh”

    Save The Selective Hearing, for a Hearing… Don’t Give it up, Don’t do what she says, preserve the “Buddies” with evidence. Just record her “Dumps” on you (HITS), I realize that no one else can
    hear them – but we can – We are her “Target Group” how her ‘WAVE’ survives… Stay Cool ! We have suffered enough of her, air conditioning – ‘Hear’ conditioning. ANALOG (High Quality)
    microphone, based recordings in your listening area – a means of exposure, of her HIT waves – step free sine-waves, you can’t get with digital recording methods, as these would be seen as
    stepped, on the oscilloscope. Multiple sources of gang stalking, victims and their intimidation and harassment, to prop up “wasted, burnt out talent” – Why should it be at OUR expenses?
    Remember – she only loves you because you are continuing to make her rich, at your expense – Madonna the corporate money spinning MACHINE. Your Psychological Disturbance, it is her
    (and her associates) Psychological Attention, to Psychological Products – When is ENOUGH , ENOUGH ? Exposure of this reason, for GANG-STALKING, being MONEY from SALES and the rest
    Of the reasons, for Gang Stalking also FAILS.

    Comment by Robert — February 24, 2012 @ 3:59 pm

  1201. Oops – “Last time. I Slept with SOME dago” (or) “Last time I slipped, on some Dago” (La Isla Bonita – Madonna)

    “Hit On, STING likes yesterday, not fire away” (or) “Hit On, STINKS like yesterday, now fart away”
    “The High-Land Breed, all in Danger while they’re freaked” – “This is where I long to beep” (or) “Busy’s where I long to be”
    “Lucky Star, for mere ‘tard” (or) “Lucky Star, for me a turd” (or) “Love his stuff, for me tar” (or) “Lucky Star, for Meat Huh” (or) “Looking forward, to meet her” ORIGINAL ‘HIT’ was supposed to be “La Isla Bonita”
    – complete with ‘slurred’ & ‘smeared’ variants.

    Hounded with the gang stalking activities of word mincing, mis-heard lyrics ? NO – NOT MISHEARD LYRICS, NOT YOUR MIND GOING ‘WHACK’, but, A Directed assault, by those stalking you, or someone, that
    Is nearby, to you. The Directed assault could be via satellite communications, from another country, to a localized ‘spook’ house, housing the technology, not so expensive OR “mythical”. This crime against you,
    to promote attention, to the product, which could be a ‘SLEEPER’ or a ‘HAS-BEEN’…or another so called artist, on the ‘poach’ – methods of appropriation of someone else’s TICKET, intellect, spirit and privacy –
    PARASITES – Using Unlawful Surveillance & Harassment, Perverts, Gang Stalking ‘clubbies’ and of course – those, with something financial, to be gained from such assaults, Commonly are referred to as the
    “handlers” and “controllers” of such ritual abuses and crimes. Don’t forget, the so called Mythical Weapons, that aren’t so ‘Mythical’ – Post 869, as a reference point.

    Attention to psychological products of religious & political opinions, debauchery and sleaze –

    “Let me hold that Ammo” other examples – “When the sun would set” – a harmonic, resonant variant is –“ When the Song Book Said”
    “This is where I long to beep” “Lucky Star, forward mere ‘tard” (or) “Love his stuff, for me tar” (or) “Lucky Star, for Meat Huh” (or) “Looking forward, to meet her” –
    MULTIPLE “HITS” via Harmonic Resonance, meaning – Multiple Targeted Individuals. Hi, to all you other ‘Targeted’ Robs ! – I sincerely hope, you are still with us, as we’ve all been SCREWED.

    Anyway you get the idea, on the poaching activities of ‘Dumping’ psychological disturbance, on the un-suspecting. The ritual abuse of directed psychological perversion, the shrinks call schizophrenia, till
    they are subjected to such abuses, themselves…and then call it quits…”But what are we going to do, for an immoral dollar, when causal affects have been exposed ?” and “They will put LAWS in place and
    Enforce them, to prevent Mental Illness generations” – well, there goes ‘Gas-Lighting’ and ‘Psy-Ops’ …and the MAN with the “Voice of God” in a Box. Religious Purposes ? – and any other fiscal and control
    power trip. What have you done, to their Stigma ? – nothing compared to what I’ve done to their ‘Dogma’ – MaDogMa, DogMaDogMaDogMaDogMa – Oops – MaDogMa – I Mean, Madonna.

    Madonna – “But we were all in it together” – Another one to lock up…Why ? When there is nothing left, centre or right, to be “had” Privacy violations are big business, for those, that wish to sit on top of the
    hill, (The WEALTHY) but for how much longer, will they sit, before they try running and hiding ? Time to take the dogs for a walk…the dogs of war. –
    Do You have any large Sink Holes, for use as suitable ‘pits’, oops, I mean courts of law ? Free of Biased Homosexuals ? Freedom from corruption, inclusive of psychiatrists ?

    Comment by Robert — February 25, 2012 @ 6:42 am

  1202. Multiple ‘Hits’,

    In harmonic resonance with existing original lyrics, “Your Mind Going Whack” – “Schizophrenia” – “It’s All In Your Mind” = The Psychiatric Deception & The Sales of Pharmaceuticals. So, if this deception
    Is a psychological disorder, then how can it be recorded, on High Quality ANALOG recording formats, capable of recording higher parts of the Audio Range of Human Hearing, such as above 10KHz to the
    upper limits, which is approaching 20KHz. The reasoning behind the use of H.Q. Analog Tape formats, is it is much easier to “see” the differences, between what was digital 16 Bit/44.1KHz, Compact Disk,
    digital audio formats and the directed assaults of ritual abuse. What the other listeners can’t perceive, as in hear, can be seen on the display of an Oscilloscope.

    Further research shows that the problems, with a lack of investigations, into this Ritual Abuse of Victims, was not limited to Australia. “It’s not interfering with your radio or television reception, so we
    are not investigating your complaint” it would appear that there are NO investigations, into this crime – anywhere in the world. This has opened up a scam for E.V.P ‘researchers’, however, they are
    selling the “Spirit Com” theories “the voice of the dead” etc – which Hollowood was fully supportive of, flicks like “White Noise” with Michael Keaton, who becomes an obsessed, then dead, E.V.P
    researcher… Movies like this that create the path of avoiding the truth – The entertainment Industries perversion into privacy, gang stalking, electronic harassment and unlawful surveillance, theft of
    character and intellectual property. Hidden Knowledge of Organized Crimes against Humanity (Not Anymore !) – Occultist Ritual Abuse, driving someone out of their minds, for profit and gains.

    Multiple Targeted Individuals, that have been set up – from all walks of Life – A married, with children, lumber industry worker in Oregon, USA – Robert Dewey Hoskins, A Fire Fighter in New York City –
    Robert Linhart, An Electronic Security technician in Sydney, Australia – Me. It’s a pretty safe bet, that there are (and were) a whole lot more – Men named Robert that were Targeted Individuals, being
    Assaulted with the programs and patterns, of changed lyrics and script word content, stalked and intimidated, privacy violated, unlawful surveillance and electronic harassment, that promoted these T.I’s.
    Subliminal (initially) attention, to Madonna products.

    These programs and patterns are ‘tailor made’ to suit the T.I. and not common, to each of the victims, so targeted, with such assault. There will be sufficient private and personal ‘hypnotic suggestion’ to
    Captivate and Maintain ‘the trance’ (the obsession), of the Targeted Individual, so as to maintain the Psychological Attention to the ‘Products’. Meanwhile the has been – Madonna – runs around, the
    World, on stolen ‘HEAT’, in public performance space, cleaning up, financially, on the attention, that has been obtained, through Fraud, Deception, Psy-ops (Psychological Torture), The Ritual Abuses of
    Gang Stalkers, etc. So such attention and sales, it has been obtained, CRIMINALLY. 3 men named Robert, not a coincidence, but a pattern. How many more Robert’s were there, when this present and
    continuing scam started in 1992 ?

    How many have survived, to tell their stories, to expose this money making, sanctioned organized crime, against humanity ? NO INVESTIGATIONS = Sanctioned Crimes, which is CORRUPTION. Imagine
    what HEAVEN is going to be like, for those, that were party to these crimes – ABSOLUTE HELL ! Why wait, why can’t hell on earth be dealt out, NOW, on the perpetrators ? It Can ! When the crimes
    against humanity, such as those, so ‘hidden’ are exposed – then there is no place for the scum to run and hide, there is no excuse, such as ignorance is bliss, as ignorance of the law is not an excuse
    for crime at all. “But ‘WE’ didn’t know” – Yes you did, you were told. The ‘WARNING’ sign – Warm Inside, Warm Insight, Woman Side – They never could get the lyrics right… Pushing Variations, of what is
    beyond common assault, when it is ongoing ? Then it is absolute torture. “your ears are burning” – Oh – “someone must be talking about you” – or, when the whole side of your face hurts – ritually abusing
    you. Ritual Abuse – Some so called ‘religions’ are dependent upon it – religions, organized crimes or big business ? – Is There Any Difference.

    Comment by Robert — February 27, 2012 @ 6:43 am

  1203. The research efforts, of another targeted individual – exposed this part of the crime –

    Apparently comments made by a group of “Audio Engineers” working in California, U.S of A. –

    We can bury the various, versions of harmonic resonance – word mincing, (splatter, misheard lyrics, etc) so well in the ‘mix’ that it becomes impossible to separate them, from the audio recording.
    To try and isolate these variations, would require removal of key parts of resonance, that have been derived from musical instrument voicing, that have an importance , in the phoneme construction
    of such ‘misheard’ lyrics.

    Comment – The Egyptians buried their Gold, with the pharaohs and said, that no one could dig it up…Then, when the shit hit the fan and Egypt went broke, the rules were subject to ‘change’ …

    What these “Audio Engineers” failed to realize, is that the control track, on the compact disk recording, required manipulation for reproduction, of the ritual abuse as recorded and this was a violation
    of the original Sony/Philips patent, a registered design breach in fact. This was all that these two Corporations were interested in, in the following law suit, against a big music corporation…
    Guess Which Corporation that was ? – Warning Signs.

    What was worse, was that the reasons, for variations, to the control track, of the compact disk patent represented a far bigger crime. INTERFERENCE could be done REMOTELY, as in a ‘radio’ transmission…
    This was not of interest to Sony or Philips…Why Not ? Why would the reasons, behind a patent violation be important, to the patent holder’s ? Why would the reasons for a patent violation, as committed, be
    Important to a Judge ? The Judge, the Prosecution OR Defence… So what was the defence advice – cop it sweet, so no one looks any further – as to why the variation, to the patent, came about ?
    A ‘control’ track, that shouldn’t be there.

    Comment by Robert — February 27, 2012 @ 10:22 am

  1204. Imagine this –

    You walk into a supermarket, to buy some ‘consumables’ and then the radio station plays a ‘Madonna’ song…You try not to react, to the misheard lyrics and continue shopping… Gang stalking ‘Zombies’
    walk past you, “Glaring”, so you walk straight ahead, avoiding eye contact, then, you avoid shopping there, at that place, again. You have a car and you waste petrol, changing your routine… Sound Fair ?

    Sounds like wasted natural resources…It doesn’t matter where you go – so refrain from ‘entertaining’ the gang stalking ‘shit’ that want your ‘attention’ – Sell Out ? Nope – blow the ‘game’ away. Now
    the gang stalking trash, they look the other way, avoiding eye contact, that’s cool. Find something else to LOOK at, this one isn’t for sale. It’s not for Human ‘Consumption’ So in come the ‘poachers’ –

    “He’s got a ticket, use it, or lose it”

    Soon, the stolen “tickets”, well they won’t have a gig… A horrible way to perish, as the thieves, they didn’t have any defence either…”In their Cowardly Numbers, Like Goliath, they Fell” – Stolen Power, like
    Stolen Money, It isn’t “Everything” … From the book of Reform…still missing in – Is Real.

    Comment by Robert — February 27, 2012 @ 12:26 pm

  1205. Noise Sources – Gang Stalking Intimidation Methods

    Around the home there are many sources of noise – exhaust fans, air conditioning units, fridge motors, computer fans, audio sources like radio and television. One means
    of assaulting, via ‘verbals’ is to modulate these noise sources with voice. How is this type of interference done ? The sources of noise are recovered by criminal surveillance
    as in bugging devices, or the use of a directional microphone such as the parabolic microphone, from a nearby house. More advanced systems like the Laser Microphone,
    which I thought was mythical, myself, till further research exposed the reality of such technology, point at a window pane and perversely violate away, the T.I’s privacy.
    Audio or noise sources are then amplified from the microphone system and fed into a simple audio processing system, that enables these noise sources to be modulated
    with speech – verbal ritual abuse.

    Using the directional technology of post 869, or other systems of directed acoustic energy, the voice modulated audio or noise source is then directed back at the targeted
    individuals premises, where the noise source originates from, at that given time, it will resonate in harmony with it – like two identical tuning forks, hung from the ceiling in
    the same room, one is ‘pinged’ and the other ‘picks’ up on the resonant frequency vibrations and so resonates itself – as in harmonic resonance, they are tuned to the same

    So the noise source that has been collected via illegal audio surveillance, returns in harmony, to its source BUT it has voice modulation added to it, the T.I. then makes the
    assumption that the voice is coming from that appliance or audio source. “The Voice of DOG in a Box”. Many persecuted, targeted individuals used to talk about the television
    sets of the old CRT type, that radiated a 15KHz (or there abouts) constant noise source, which they perceived voice assaults upon, even when the T.V. volume was turned down.
    This was Modulation of a high frequency noise source, to do with the picture tube, independent of the audio amplifier circuits and loudspeaker. Glad those old whistlers have gone !

    Auditory bone nerve conduction, also see – Ultrasonic Voice to Skull (V2K) OR – When tinnitus isn’t tinnitus, and hyperacusis – sensitivity to certain frequency ranges, which
    could have been part of the “Lets give them a Selective Hearing” problem, repetitive exposure to a constant noise source, complete with verbals – hypnotic suggestion, as in,
    wiring up the T.I. – for the long term exploitive ‘ COVETED TEST’ drive. Then sell out the T.I. to the highest bidder, burnt out entertainment industry ‘wannabe again’s’,
    has been crap, that ‘Hit’ out on someone else’s ticket, as in ripping someone else off – poachers, complete with their gang stalking entourage… They are forcefully imposing
    on someone else’s private life, as in assault & torture. To wire someone up, then let scum steal the heat, I.P. and potential.

    It’s like identity theft, but a little different… I only wish them death & damnation, for what they have done, far too long. Take, Take, Take – PARASITES, all they give back is SHIT.
    One day they will get their shit back, and choke on it. Some of my writings, will have already achieved such desired results, in this ‘WAR’ – for the T.I’s to be for-warned of such
    evil practices is to be ‘ARMED’ with the safety ‘OFF’ – ready to punch holes in these satanic scum. The more, in the know, of who and why, the methods and motivations, the less
    the effectiveness of the ‘protection’ rackets – such as the bullshit of unqualified psychiatrists, not the bit interested in RITUAL ABUSE, or the use of technology, behind such crimes
    and their ‘buddies’ pushing escapist delusion, debauchery, violence and sleaze – causal to disorders, when you are the T.I’s, of entertainment industry, Ritual Abuses.

    The verbals don’t need to be a ‘live’ assault, but just a random source of pre-recorded attacks, relating to the targeted individuals activities and personality, things that will, by
    Design, deliberately disturb the T.I. Unlawful surveillance of your computer, and what you are doing on it, then verbal assaults that make you feel someone is looking over
    your shoulder. The whole thing could be done from another part of the world, with regards to the perpetrators presence. A local spook house, for the directed, acoustic
    radiation based assaults, in harmony with local (in, OR around your home) ‘noise’ sources. Externally, generated noise campaigns, achieve the same results –
    to deliberately set up the disturbance patterns.

    Comment by Robert — February 28, 2012 @ 1:58 pm

  1206. Living in Sydney, watching the building of a bridge.

    1994 – The Anzac Bridge, but another bridge was under ongoing construction, a bridge between people’s MINDS. I sat on my bed, thinking about the ongoing deliberate
    ignorance, of an officer of the court, an American attorney, who’s liability and responsibilities, were to his clients and not to me. I then fell asleep, with the shear apathy,
    of it all.

    I was just a victim of his client’s crimes, against innocent human beings and he could run and hide, behind the fifth amendment (or whatever) – pity he knew nothing of
    Australian Criminal Laws…We don’t have such rackets, that protect criminal activities and their ongoing nature, of preserving ‘hidden knowledge’. There are methods, of
    bringing about, an individual’s recollections, if required, by a court of law – in another country…like Australia. Madonna won’t be back here and her, then attorney, Paul,
    probably wouldn’t risk a holiday, down under – anymore.

    But the crimes, he had been informed of, were occurring in Australia. Lots of things, one protection racket (psychiatry) refers to as ‘hallucinations’ , of the auditory & visual
    type, were ongoing ‘bridges’ between the minds of people, that weren’t exactly strangers. Paul D. Schindler – Woke up one night – his time line, and screamed out –
    “I don’t know what you are doing to this man, Madonna, BUT YOU BETTER STOP” – Do you think Paul would have any recollections, of such an outburst – to the dead of
    night ? Probably Not – But maybe his neighbours do…

    How did you know it was Paul D. Schindler ? – Haven’t you ever remembered, a dream, or in this case a loud nightmare, of someone – in your face, at close range that
    Is screaming abuse at you ? It woke me up too… He eventually put a Website, of his together – So it was you, Schindler. – Hang on, if he was screaming and hitting out at, his
    client – Madonna, why was he in your face ? – I was the one that Madonna, was taking for a ride. Thought Crimes, new entries, in law, for the 21st Century. Or do you
    really wish to live and die, in a lie ? – You Know, is possession still nine tenths of the law… What kind of possession was it, something you were mindful of ?

    Preservation of the lies – “I can’t recall”

    Comment by Robert — March 2, 2012 @ 9:01 pm

  1207. Thought Crimes – A New Reality

    Much research has gone into the ability, to gather information, using M.R.I. (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and a means of determining the negative intentions of, say a terrorist,
    that’s passing through an airport terminal, a group array of colour patterning, within the skull – the brain, of someone with hostile intention. These systems may have already
    been deployed. If so – they are a means of CRIME PREVENTION. Why stop with the use of such technology, it’s development and deployment there ? – Any means of crime
    prevention, at a thought level, would be in the interests of humanity. So what has the Law & Law Enforcement, to look forward to – for a buck ? – A New Gig !

    Comment by Robert — March 2, 2012 @ 9:43 pm

  1208. What has ‘modern’ psychiatry and psychology, along with Big Pharma, without reform (a new education) to look forward to ? – The Door.

    Comment by Robert — March 2, 2012 @ 10:24 pm

  1209. Ritual Abuse – in your face,

    About the same time as the incident, of having Schindler, screaming out to the dead of night, (post 1208) in 1994, another incident around this time, was a scene of two people,
    in front of me, walking in daylight down a busy, big city street – a short woman and a taller man, they were each carrying cups of take away beverages. I had just finished playing
    a lengthy rehearsal, on Bass Guitar, a session of more than two hours worth and was tired, so I sat back on my bed, to relax – when this ‘scene’ opened up – the short woman,
    who looked to her left, to the man, she was walking down the street with and said –

    “Can we do that, can we do that” – I recognised the short woman as being Madonna. The man kept looking straight ahead and I couldn’t see his face, he had a sip, from his take
    away cup and replied –
    “No, we can’t get the intonations right”
    How many of these entertainers were into this ritual abuse, of gang stalking, holding onto someone else’s mind, their ticket and pinning the target down – for an exploitive ride ?

    Some call it tuning and not exploitation and ritual abuse, some of these so called entertainers actually believe, it is their right, to do this – and not a crime ! These criminals maintain,
    A CONSTANT ‘contact’, with their Targeted Individual, in their cowardly numbers, like shift work, in a factory that runs 24/7 – they never lose contact, or control, in their joint operations
    of psychologically profiling their T.I., that is, the work never stops, or their criminal ‘WAVE’ ends. There is a need to make sure, that someone is “ON”, the T.I. at all times, this so they
    have a return path, of psychological “ACCESS” to who they are exploiting.

    The individuals that are “ON” (the case of the T.I.) are, commonly referred to as “The Go-Betweens”, or the “Handlers” and “Controllers”. Controllers & Handlers are generally paid,
    the Go-Betweens, are more often duped neighbours, that are party, to these gang stalking crimes and when the “King” &”Queen” Pin access is sought, the “Locals” (Duped Neighbours)
    will go about setting up noise campaigns, or other methods to establish disturbance, of those, they are focused on, interfering with. Some of these Idiots, believe what they are doing
    is a community service and that there are rewards, for such offensive, criminal ritual abuses, of enabling grose privacy violations and exploitation of the T.I. They can be corrupted, so
    easily, all the way – up the food chain, to levels of government and their ordered levels, of control, such as the police service, this is achieved via methods of forced slander, so
    imposed, on the targeted individual (T.I.)

    Someone once suggested, to me – that if the criminals advise, the authorities, that they are going to be committing a controlled crime, then it isn’t an offence ! What was implied,
    here – is that if someone is slandered, with the ritual abuse of discrediting the targeted individual, for example – “He’s Mad” and this becomes the opinion, of a large group of people
    (Satanic Scum) that are NOT QUALIFIED, it is not challenged, by the so called – Authorities and this is where the danger is, to the T.I., incidents of multiple slander and discrediting, of
    the individual, being set up – for exploitation, or disposed of – AFTER exploitation.

    Attacking an individual’s credibility, repetitively, until the authorities are neglecting their responsibilities, to another human being, with basic human rights, who is being subjected to
    Ritual Abuses, inclusive of SLANDER. Why don’t the police or other authorities, feel a need to disclose, to the victim, what is happening behind their backs and who is party to it ?
    Why do they neglect their responsibilities to the T.I. ? “Because YOU might get a gun, and shoot the perpetrators dead” – that opinion, of yours – Well, your easily fucked with, aren’t
    you ?, so much for any respect, or defence – The lies and deceit, of degenerates, their staged dramas win. So what can a victim do, burn down the theatre of ritual abuses ?
    NO – Pulverise it, with accurate information, disclosure of the hidden knowledge, how they take unlawful advantage, of who they are exploiting and let’s see their performance, un-

    Why don’t these victims, learn, of what is happening – BEHIND THEIR BACKS ?, Why are the Authorities effectively helping out and taking sides, with organised crime ? Because
    like a religious belief, they ‘WIN’ in their cowardly number’s games. In Other Words – “It looks like the numbers speak differently” – Mass Opinion, propaganda of a hidden AGENDA.
    BUT – “They set me up”
    Response – “Did they, look people make use of the law, for unlawful purpose, all the time and we just go along with the organised crime” – “People like you are disadvantaged –
    You were on your own” – WAS I ? – what do you think of audio/visual surveillance operations ? “That would be illegal” – would it, I mean why give crime an even break… the types
    that you are supportive of…Well organised, money spinners and revenue raker’s, that line your pay packets, via government hand-outs. What happened to crime prevention ?
    “So what’s in it for us”… “We like everything the way it is” Have you heard about the end of the degenerate age ? “What” it’s supposed to happen in December of 2012, Most
    Victims have nothing else to look forward to, I made an undertaking – to bury this bullshit, the junky age, of landfill commodities and I am NOT alone.

    So what, when such persecution and back stabbing slander, takes its toll, on the T.I. ? They have not been informed, of who is behind the SLANDER and RITUAL ABUSES, or who has
    been commissioned and usually paid off – to give false information, to the authorities, to dispose of the victim, through the use of the law for unlawful purposes, it is more than a
    bunch of idiots, behind being public nuisances and it becomes extremely destructive, of the credibility of the victim Then the mindset, of the Authorities is the unqualified opinion of
    criminals, in their cowardly numbers, behind the occultist activities of exploitation.

    The so called qualified, psychiatrists, then take such disregard, for the slandered T.I. one step further, with NO investigations into the methods and motivations of organised crimes.
    These crimes that keep the shrinks and the pharmaceutical corporations in business, without a challenge, to just how their business evolves and continues, at the expense of those
    Innocent people, set up, mind fucked, exploited and buried as ongoing medical, malpractices. Once you get type cast, in their system of Misdiagnosis, of the cheated and denied any
    Justice, the doctors will attempt to preserve the grave, so you – as a victim, don’t get to walk away… The psychiatrists would never admit, to wrongful diagnosis and the preservation
    of their deception. Like the Dentists, and dental amalgams, that contain MERCURY, they would die first, by their own hands. The toxic ingestion of another big problem, the world
    faces – those, party to such crimes, that believe, they can just RUN AWAY ! Limited Liability – escape clauses – for the investors. “But WE didn’t Know, what was driving us insane
    and killing us” – Yes you did – that’s when you tried to run away…and get the problem professionally ‘pulled’ …

    Comment by Robert — March 6, 2012 @ 3:53 am

  1210. BTW folks, I believe that shrinks/mental health are involved in this abuse. Sounds backwards but It’s people like this who have the understanding ofhow to do this to people. You would have to have training in this sort of abuse. Some ignorant people aren’t going to know how to set this in motion. It’s people who’ve been trained in mind games. Sick.

    I’ve been dealing with this for a few years now. There are some dumb people out there. Sadly most are stalkers who lack independent thinking skills.

    Comment by lelaray — March 6, 2012 @ 5:04 am

    • Those that live, in the fear, of losing everything…if they step outside of the square, like their thoughts “controlled” = the preservation of something to fear, small town, small minded mentalities, religious
      sales…of the fear factor. The shrinks and mental health care services, are, very MUCH a part of such abuses and crimes against humanity, because they can make money out of employment opportunity,
      at the expense of innocents, none the wiser. Maintaining THE LIE, the deception, the FRAUD, some of them were once performing artists, but on seeing the damages done, to their friends, have developed
      a conscience – or found opportunity, in the allied crafts, of ritual abuse maintenance. For example, a member of an Australian Band that was called “Little Heroes” – “David Crosbie was the Chief Executive of
      Melbourne’s Odyssey House, the largest drug and alcohol treatment centre in Victoria and is on the National Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs. He is now the Chief Executive of the Mental Health Council
      of Australia” Yes, the escapist performing arts – are in bed with escapist substance abuse and the mental health club. Wasn’t this apparent, from my writings, on this site ? It is BIG business…MONEY

      Comment by Robert — March 6, 2012 @ 5:29 am

  1211. A selected edit – of post No. 1211 –

    Ritual Abuse – in your face,

    ………….Like the Dentists, and dental amalgams, that contain MERCURY, they would die first, by their own hands. The toxic ingestion of another big problem, the world faces –
    those, party to such crimes, that believe, they can just RUN AWAY ! Limited Liability – escape clauses – for the investors. “But WE didn’t Know, what was driving us insane
    and killing us” – Yes you did – that’s when you tried to run away…and get the problem professionally ‘pulled’ …

    Comment by Robert — March 6, 2012 @ 5:05 am

  1212. So many of the world’s professional problems, they can’t be ‘pulled’, by the other professions…unless they are “in touch” with the passages, of Divine Intervention…

    Not such a “guarded method”

    SODOM = SODOMY – shit dippers, that are corrupt – judges, magistrates, politicians, senior police, the wealthy, religious leaders, etc – So “FIND ME A FEW GOOD MEN/WOMEN”
    or it will be levelled out… As in Pulverised, So few will survive…

    Don’t you just love history ? What has happened before, could happen again – the life cycle, that’s life…So they are selling DEATH & DESTRUCTION, the idiot’s investment portfolio’s…

    Comment by Robert — March 6, 2012 @ 6:05 am

  1213. Imagine – if you could give away, what has a price tag, that would be justice…

    Comment by Robert — March 6, 2012 @ 6:08 am

    • Why contribute to land fill, work your lives away for a super- annuation policy, a protection racket, a pyramid sceme – you will never taste ? Masada Duped Again’s ?

      Comment by Robert — March 6, 2012 @ 6:40 am

      • Sort of – In America, they were called the Greenberg’s, that is the A.I.G, frauds – everywhere else. Here is just one link, there are many –
        and their computer bank, of records – was it just in, the offices of the destroyed WTC ? Where the guided plane homed in on the beacon – the Greenberg’s computer bank, like the recently installed
        UPS, battery bank of FUJI, in the other tower struck first ?

        NO – The records, they have been backed up elsewhere, on their attempted scamming and skimming of the American Economy, seen as Successful, in the short term – But why, didn’t 3,000, Israeli, Jew,
        WTC workers show up, for work, that fateful day, of mass records destruction? – Um, The ODIGO paging service, to the forewarned ?

        As they allowed the pulverisation of innocents, so will they be pulverised – out of existence. The Satanic Scum, along with their Black Operations and their False Flag Waving ‘GAMES’ of Ritual Abuses, that
        Are crimes against Humanity – yet to be ‘TREATED’

        Comment by Robert — March 6, 2012 @ 7:05 am

  1214. “Don’t forgive them, Father, for they know exactlly what they do” “They are Relentless”

    Comment by Robert — March 6, 2012 @ 6:15 am

  1215. King David Hotel Bombing – Jerusalem – July 1946 –

    Why –

    British Military Intelligence had obtained ‘sensitive’ info on the activities and plans of EASTERN EUROPEAN JEWS, that, were reported, to have died in the ‘HOLOCOST’
    Alive and well, cleaning up, on the acquisition of Palestinian ‘turf’ with money obtained, via fraud and deception – from the German Economy AFTER WW1. The ‘State’ of
    Israel was to be used, not only for MONEY laundering, but for ‘changes’ to a person’s ‘IDENTITY’. The Bombing, of the King David Hotel was an act of WAR, they, phoned
    ahead, to WARN, of the blast that killed 91 and injured 46. The ‘IRGUN’ plan was the destruction of RECORDS on such sensitive ‘issues’, that, would undermine the ‘Plans’
    of many ‘VERY WEALTHY’ eastern European Jews, “INVESTING” their “AQUIRED” stolen wealth, in cheap Palestinian land sales…

    AN act of WAR, is not an act of terrorism, designed to disturb the innocent, with death & destruction. The numerous attempts to ‘contact’ the BRITISH MANDATE, H.Q. to
    Announce the Irgun’s intent, on destroying the south wing of the K.D. Hotel was not anything other than an act of war. The Purpose – The destruction of INTELLIGENCE.
    The TRUE motive behind 911 ? – The destruction of INTELLIGENCE – records, WHO & WHY, the evidential paper trails, BEFORE, the investigations into the ISRAELLY/JEW
    skimming of the American Economy, by such PARASITES…Not to mention their fraud, as a ‘DOUBLE WIN’, regarding the controlled demolition, of World Trade Centre
    Building No. 7. All being a well staged ACT of WAR And FRAUD, against the AMERICAN PEOPLE. It all has the STENCH of planned events, prior knowledge, of people that
    Live in Fear, of “Their End is Near” and trying to sell, such “beliefs” to everyone else… SOME OF US, WELL, WE ARE NOT BUYING… This is twice, Why should we wear it ?
    We are not Goyim (Cattle) and you Jews, are not our Shepherd (Saviour). What, these ‘Mind Fucks’ are Doing –

    Set them up, rip them off…then destroy the evidence, the ‘paper trails’ of the pre-planned acts of FRAUD & WAR. Hound, Persecute, Gang Stalk and dispose of anything, to the
    Contrary… The CONTROLLED MEDIA, Gang Stalking – it’s everywhere you go. SO ARE THE JEWS ! – A COINCIDENCE ? – They (The Jews) are F..king “Head Lice” ! – PARASITES.
    “Wash Away My Sorrow, Tech Away My Pain” – “Your love’s coming down, Mike, Ro-Wave… (Rain)” (Madonna & Head-Lice, 1993) Voice To Skull, gang stalkers not so powerful
    Tools… Well, Not To the Forewarned, Anyway.

    Lets fuck up the head lice, ‘cause that’s where the big buck’s are. Take away their tools… Recovery from “A Bad Investment” No Warner (ing) Signs. So what is American Debt,
    based on the JEW skimming activities, currently running at – US$ 16,000,000,000,000, not including ‘interest rates’… What about Insurance fraud (Silverstein – WTC, building No. 7)
    and such cost’s, to the rest of the Global Economy ? Remember, you have to disarm the Israeli Jew Thugs (A-Bombs) FIRST ! “What with their presence and occupation of America ?” –
    C’Mon, you Piker’s, the World doesn’t need, anymore, of this “We Are Gods” f..king crap. Like Silverstein, ‘they’, should be in the DOG box, or land-fill, a matter for them.

    So When Can We Get, A Court of Law, Listing ?

    Comment by Robert — March 8, 2012 @ 11:40 am

  1216. State/Government-organized Stalking:

    Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — March 9, 2012 @ 3:42 pm

  1217. R.E. – The Repetitive, few words “State/Government-organized Stalking” returns. Now with a link ! (Post 1218)

    Roberto –

    State & Federal governments do NOT organize gain stalking operations of innocent 15 year old boys, girls or anything other than criminals that, they have under AUTHORIZED surveillance.
    These activities, that are authorized, are expensive, to the state/federal police, or security operatives. They generally do not include harassment and intimidation, otherwise it tends to cramp
    their ‘style’, in collecting evidence. Governments DO, turn a blind eye to SANCTIONED criminal operations, of multinational corporations – that are revenue sources, so this is corruption and
    NOT organization, at a government level, of such sanctioned crimes, against humanity.

    Turning a blind eye, to hidden, criminal practices is a social problem, until the public are up to speed, on the use of hidden knowledge, the occultist crimes, that are committed on the innocent
    populous, but until then, law enforcement won’t know what to make of the complainant’s, stories and any evidence. To date these complainants are referred to psychiatrists, for psychiatric evaluation
    and based on the education, of psychiatrists and psychologists, these people are under-educated and draw on convenient ‘books’ such as the DSM-4 which is written by ‘Business’ people selling
    substances to treat, NOT to cure the complainants problems, there are no other INVESTIGATIONS, of the very real crimes, but seen as psychosis – instead.

    Quote – From My Previous Writings –
    “The New South Wales Police Service doesn’t have the man power, to investigate your complaint” even though they excepted the evidence, of directed verbal electronic harassment, via a Non
    receiver equipped, HiFi sound system. This evidence was shown to them on an oscilloscope… this type of harassment & intimidation, is very much a part of the organized crimes of Gang Stalking.
    Electronically following someone around and Electronically harassing them = Stalking & Intimidation. Pushing someone else’s ‘buttons’ – some victims are lead to believe, they are being haunted…
    “The living Stalk and the dead Haunt”

    The only way to deal with such victimization, exploitation and corruption is exposure of the hidden knowledge, used in such occultist crimes against humanity, these creeps, they need to hide
    what they are doing AND why – IOW, their Methods & Motivations – So EXPOSURE, this has a retardant effect on their activities – They go all Silent, start whispering about the end of their
    world, – depressives ? No – They are Snakes, caught in the grass, getting cut short…Then the ‘Winged’ ones descend and make a meal out of the bite size pieces…

    Comment by Robert — March 10, 2012 @ 9:33 am

  1218. Busting the Conspiracies – 911,

    September of 2000, a year before the World Trade Centre, act of WAR, an individual, from Chicago, Illinois, USA – had entered Australia, with an agenda of ‘Setting Me Up’, I have his name as “Brian”.
    I also have audio/video footage of his activities of motivating the neighbours and neighbourhood, the police service, the mental health crisis team, the local government into going along with his ‘plan’.
    For the GENUINE authorities, of law enforcement, in the United States of America, I can provide his full name and the address, of his Father in “Lake Forrester” – apparently an area of Chicago. What
    this foreign national did to me, clearly indicating, he had an agenda of ABUSING the system to ruin me.

    I couldn’t quite understand why, this person would travel, to Australia with such a evil agenda. I was not in public performance space, or a threat to anyone. As mentioned, in my previous writings –
    this was the use of the law, for unlawful purpose that dated back to 1993 – “He’s got chemicals to build a bomb” that was initially dumped on me, that year, to promote attention to the Movie, with
    Pierce Brosnan and the “What’s your Dog’s Name” – “Madonna” scripted, repetitively dumped disturbance, that promoted my attention to hiring the Video, when it was released. Setting up a SCAPE
    GOAT to divert attention, away from actual events, that are being planned, in another part of the world – the precursors of 911. When people in New York City start seeing suspicious activities, around
    them and become concerned, as in “FREAKING OUT” those behind the crimes, in progress, direct such a ‘WAVE’ at someone, who is not in the public eye, or performance space.

    This person has been set up and disturbed, PSYCHOLOGICALLY, by repetitive assaults, accusations, of being involved in such ‘suspicious activities’ – the thoughts of the observant ‘zombies’ that are
    channelled, psychologically to the mind of the scapegoat and their thoughts are then ‘scrambled’ as in ‘distracted’. An UNWANTED AUDIENCE – to the ‘PATSY’ – throwing people ‘off the path’ by
    putting them on another path of similarity (constructed fiction, dumped on someone else) and they no longer think about the real events, of what they have seen, they are distracted, by the
    ‘entertainment’ of something else – False Flag Waving –

    “Look at them, they are your problem” It’s done using psychological ‘FORCE’ – a big part of ritual abuses, rumour spreading, to misdirect attention, of ‘witnesses’ to something else – the scapegoat.
    “Brian’s” task was directing such unwanted Attention, by the observant, to the perpetrators activities, behind 911. These were so redirected at me, a year before the events of 911. The Programs
    And Patterning, of what is a ‘MIND FUCK’ – an excessive amount of DESTRACTION. Some of this re-directed, ‘attention’ would regularly scream out – “Why is it always HIM”. These ‘observers’
    were being Locked-Up, against theirs, and my will, psychologically ‘packaged’ – “Argue Among Yourselves” – Innocent people, on the same wavelength – observing crimes against humanity, in
    progress, BEFORE the detonations, of events.

    Like what I have already mentioned about stealing the heat, from the T.I. , to promote attention to a psychological product, a hit song, a movie sequence (or whatever) this is the reverse use of such
    a scam – to strip attention from something that is going to happen, the set is under construction, no one is to see what is going to happen, psychological distractions from, instead of psychological
    attentions – to, the product of activities. In the case of 911 – Prior activities, such as the Bombing of the WTC, in Feb of 1993 aligns with my own attacks, of those that were terrorising me, with my
    personal business and activities that were unrelated to terrorism, in Sydney in 1993. My use of, and purchase of chemistry, was for metal finishing purposes, NOT MAKING MOVIE THEMES for the
    likes of, Hollywood, W.B. or promoting attention to Madonna. What the hell was going on ? What was with the “He’s got chemicals, to make a bomb”, bullshit, repetitively dumped on me, about ?

    They were establishing a “Psyche Centre” for the purpose of distracting attention, from their pre-meditated crimes against humanity – I was not the only one, this is some insight into their “BLACK OP’S”
    And why NO ONE gets to ‘see’ what is under construction, as in premeditated ‘controlled demolitions’ – suspicious activities and the psychological ‘distractions’ from such ‘black operations’, that require
    the establishment of, the “look at them, not us” – psyche centres – as in psychological dump sites – innocent human beings, driven out of their minds with unwanted psychological attention, ‘directed’ at
    them. They don’t want you to recollect, your memories or think about their activities, suspicious individuals, that had the patterns ‘of colour’ in their cranial cavities (M.R.I – Post 1209) amounting to the
    installations, of an act of War.

    Remote Viewing – “Seeing Behind Enemy Lines” OR – Being ‘profiled’, as a suitable dump site, the unwanted attention of the gang stalking, so you can’t see behind the smoke screen… Remote Viewing –
    Learn how to tune into the 7.8125Hz, ‘Wave’. The Theta/Beta Border, of brain wave activities – Not Asleep & Not Awake. Remember Day Dreaming ? It is getting more difficult isn’t it , especially when the
    scenes, are very much reality – somewhere else, you were not ‘Allowed’ to look, further into. Gang Stalking is a means of generating ‘Mental Noise’ for, the enemy ‘wave’, so as to obstruct remote viewing

    Sometimes the Scapegoats become – Shepherds, then you can take the gang stalking ‘herd’ to the cliff ! “Bless me father, for I refuse, to forgive, the relentless, that trespass AGAINST me”

    Comment by Robert — March 10, 2012 @ 1:56 pm

    • 911 –

      The planning of future events, that would ‘protect’ a major city, from massive financial ruin.

      February of 1993 – a Basement “Blast” that de-stabilized the foundations, of a 110 story high building, this building was constructed, with the shared development of an equally high building, the other tower.
      The construction, of these buildings was done from the ground up, using cranes. Reverse engineering, this means that there are only two options for taking the buildings down, using cranes OR controlled
      Demolitions. Controlled demolition, would have driven out the tenants, from miles around, permanently – the liberation of toxic dusts, like asbestos. This would not have been good for those, dependant
      upon ‘Rental Returns’, as a disclosure of the ramifications, of the toxic emissions, would have been a prerequisite, prior to any controlled demolitions, that is ‘the locals’ have a right to know.

      The Major Problem – The 1993 basement bombing, caused severe damage, to the foundations and this tower could not be called ‘stable’ – according to engineering reports this meant, that it could not be
      expected to carry the weight of a ‘take down’ crane, for reverse engineering of the towers. Only Option – Controlled Demolitions, and a lot of investors, in New York City, that would lose out – big time.

      Comment by Robert — March 11, 2012 @ 1:42 pm

  1219. “The Psychiatric Deception & The Sales of Pharmaceuticals”

    This person is making complaints, about what we are not at liberty to discuss. He is speaking of being interfered with, by unknown persons, that is, he, has had no personal contact with these
    Persons, some of which he has identified as being – big money spinners, their taxable acquired wealth, we can ALL do well out of, but, to the consequential losses of persons, victimized by the
    entertainment industries ‘Hidden Practices’ and Occultist Crimes – against humanity. We will have to label, this individual, to protect our ‘interests’ …

    This person should be scheduled, abused and mistreated, according to OUR self preservation, as any further disclosure of who is interfering with him, to line up GAINS, is a threat to our organised
    Crimes. The professional advice, is that this person shall be ‘imprisoned’ against their will and kept for further observation and human experimentation, to preserve the Status Quo. Sadly this was
    the Fate of Robert Dewey Hoskins, in Dead Loss Angeles… A city that financially, revolves around Escapism, so called ‘Entertainment’ and Escapist Substance Abuses.

    No Enquiry into the ritual abuses, that destroyed, this man’s family life, he had children and a wife in Oregon… I was first subjected to the same abuse in 1985 – The abuse returned in 1992.
    please refer to post 416 – June 11, 2011.

    It involves the same ‘Entertainer’. A word for word account, with regards the quoted sections, from the psychiatric file, obtained, complete with their ‘drugging’ schedule, to help them, with their
    conjecture, preamble, deceit, lies and so called ‘professional’ determination, this prior to any investigations of the REAL CRIMES behind it, ‘cleverly’ complacent with the D.S.M. criteria… For the
    determination of a ‘Psychosis’. If they “Like everything, the way it is” and are not able to reform their professional practices, then destroy ‘their’ world, it was NEVER mine…or yours… Plant a
    better seed, that will lack their BULLSHIT FACTOR, of Satanic Scum, Ritual Abuse and Human Sacrifice. MASS DESTRUCTION ? – YES – of mistreatment…and misinformation. Make it their turn to
    Die, for what they believe in, which is EVIL and STINKS.

    Organized Crimes Against Humanity – and the consequential, losses of the innocent’s, the victim’s psychological stability and lives. There are no ‘CURES’, just the Money, so obtained, from
    their ‘TREATMENT’ programs. They can all go to hell – Illness Prevention, it’s a better deal.

    Comment by Robert — March 11, 2012 @ 12:46 pm

  1220. So established is –
    Organised Gang Stalking is organized crimes against the un-defended, oppressed, exploited, slandered and cheated out of their minds, without closure, remaining an open
    case, without investigations, remaining a crime in progress – and in some opinions, a mental illness without a cure, just treatments – with a price tag – profiteering by PARASITES,
    like the parasites behind the ‘illness’ induction, the gas-lighting, the exploitation. When the prescribed medication doesn’t do, what it was supposed to, then maybe the idea, of
    a mental disorder was all in the minds and pockets of the doctors and pharmaceutical corporations, with a vested interest in illness induction and no investigations into the crimes.

    911 is mentioned, for a number of reasons, the MAIN one being that is was never a criminal investigation. Gang Stalking has never been subjected to lawful investigations either.

    Disinformation Agents were right on top of the Media, within minutes of the WTC north & south tower collapses, without any evidence to support their claims, very much done
    with FORCE, as in forced opinions. Forums that detail the Subject, of Organised Gang Stalking Crimes, are heavily polluted with disinformation agents and their forced DECEIT.

    No qualified opinions were presented to the Media, Regarding 911 and so the disinformation continued, forcefully, and the crime scene was never established. When the crimes
    Of Gang Stalking, can be exposed based on the Methods and Motivations, of those with something to gain, then let crime prevention – take a seat in the front row.
    The WTC site, after the events of 911, was heavily surrounded with security & law enforcement officers, that prevented photographic evidence from being obtained, at close range
    OR anything of evidential values, from being taken away. There are many victims, globally that have been removed, from giving and presenting evidence on organised gang stalking,
    as a means of PROTECTING THE CRIME.

    This also applied to 911, back then, more than ten years ago, but various organizations, have produced far too much evidence and witness accounts, to suggest that these people
    are conspiracy theorists. This is the kind of ACTION, that the victims (Targeted Individuals – T.I.’s) of G/S operations, need to participate in – We all have evidential values, as such
    victims, of these crimes – against humanity. Our stories are not Delusions, Hallucinations or Conspiracy Theories, as those with a vested interest, in such crimes would like to force,
    as an opinion – upon the victims and everyone else, as in maintaining the LIES.

    Such misinformation, imposed on the majority, to preserve the perpetrator greed and stupidity. This forced approach of psychological ‘Control’ is failing, as the 911, truth seekers
    are beating up, severely, the 911 liars… So too are the Victims of G/S, through disclosure, of the Methods and Motivations, of the perpetrators –
    Net Result, not so hidden, or protected ‘Occult’.

    The 911 truth seekers –

    The Ruling Elite are still standing…preserving the lies. Bring them down, like the towers – start at the top. These pyramids of society – block by block, till there is nothing left – apart
    from the hole in the ground, which has uses, for what has started to decompose – those that could no longer live the lie.

    Comment by Robert — March 18, 2012 @ 4:46 pm

  1221. The Ruling Elite –

    When the world considered, the world is flat theories, of sustaining greed, selfishness and stupidity – then Masada fell, to the cattle (Goyim) but now we have to realize that those
    on top of the hill were cattle as well, and not so immortal. If “they” – those with the manipulative ‘edge’ were so important, then why did they need cattle, why did they need to
    consume the efforts, of others, just to stay – on top of the that hill ? A hill, that they would vacate, with a position in America, to sit on top of a hill, in say China, where ‘they’ could
    continue to preserve an under-valued economy of self importance and power…

    Comment by Robert — March 22, 2012 @ 12:17 pm

  1222. How long before the undervalued economies, of this world, begin to realize –

    1) The world is not flat and goes on forever.

    2) The man with the voice of ‘DOG’ (in a box) is not worth bowing down to.

    3) Money is not the bottom line; those with (untraceable) amounts are criminals.
    (a plus ONE for the destruction of cash economies)

    4) Planned Failure & Obsolescence – it only supports greed, selfishness and stupidity.

    5) The environment – it has a ‘limited liability’ (corporate scum) tolerance of ‘sinners’.

    Gang Stalking, Intimidation, Harassment, Directed Acoustic Energy Weapons, Use of the Law – for unlawful purpose, these things only have a future of diminishing interest.
    For those with, with a diminishing respect, for the equal rights – of a round planet. “What they have done, unto others, they have done onto themselves” –

    SELF DESRUCTIVE BASTARDS … “The Junky Age – of Landfill”

    Comment by Robert — March 22, 2012 @ 12:46 pm

  1223. Organised Gang Stalking – Targeted Individuals, are corporate criminals…

    That would be giving it back, as in return to sender, such crimes against humanity

    Recently a PROTEST was aided by a father & son, the son is a chappy, with honest intent, of Hollywood Fame, his name is George Clooney. George and his father were arrested, with
    newly put in place, LAWS, that are about the obstruction of peaceful protests, against organized criminal agendas, like mass murder…

    George and his father are arrested, under these new ‘LAWS’ that protect the money spinning, revenue raking, hidden agenda’s, of the ruling ‘ELITE’. Law’s, regarding GANG STALKING –
    as in PROTESTING, against organised crimes and human rights violations are imposed, to protect criminal scum. The same law’s are not accessible, by the victims of such crimes against
    humanity. In Taught – The laws are there to protect criminals and NOT to defend OR protect the victims of such organised crimes.

    A loop hole exists, whereby tickets can be sold, to cover production costs of hiring a venue, public address systems, light shows, video footage and slide shows to get the message across, of
    Organised Crimes, Against Humanity, without the accusations of profiteering, from the misadventure’s of others (like the practice of the JUDICIARY) to succeed under the banner of what
    could be referred to as being ‘Entertainment’… To achieve the desired results, of REFORM.

    Comment by Robert — March 25, 2012 @ 11:59 am

  1224. Gang Stalking used, as an ATTENTION GETTER –

    In 1995 – I continued to record the acoustic harassment – A ‘NEW’ line came along, of ‘tainting’ the lyrics of Madonna’s recorded work – From the song “La Isla Bonita”
    Tainted Verse Contents (In Part) – “Topical the Highland Breed, All in danger, why their freaked, this is where I long to Beep” and “Sting likes yesterday, Not Fire Away”
    Madonna met Guy Ritchie, at a party hosted by Sting. In 1995 a foreign national named Anthony (Last names reserved) moved in on top of me, literally and proceeded
    to recruit and dupe neighbours into playing the gang stalking games. Anthony was English.

    Two young men moved into a room, that was for rent, this room was immediately above me and maintained noise campaigns that deprived me of sleep. Their disturbance
    of me, was also disturbing other tenants, “what is your problem” one tenant complained to them – the response of these duped idiots – “We’re gonna’ be Rock Stars, My
    name is Robert” (Hooker). It ended up in VIOLENCE, assault and malicious property damage, I was the victim and the police were involved. The police initially charged Hooker
    & his associate and suggested that I take out restraint orders.

    I knew that these pair of idiots had been ‘worked on’ by Anthony, so I sought restraining orders on all three of them, only the idiots were served the restraining orders and
    The Police claimed that Anthony could not be served… Utter CORRUPT bullshit. It became obvious that there was an association between Anthony and Guy Ritchie and Sting.
    This Association of perversion, into my privacy, that would cost Madonna a mere (as reported) cool $100,000,000 payout to Richie… 10 years later, when the pre-nuptial
    agreement expired.

    Illegal Surveillance, Corruption of Law Enforcement, Identity Theft (Mine – By Ritchie & Associates) to set up – Another ‘taxing’, yet profitable “Organised” Marriage to Madonna,
    the money spinning machine. Not unlike the events of July the 17th, 1985, with Mr. Lipstick – Sean Penn, See post No. 416 – June 11, 2011. It really is a pity, that Madonna chose
    to maintain the games, over the years, of more than a quarter of a century, not knowing, just how much it would cost her, but the entire entertainment industry, of any future.
    Innocent Faceless & Nameless people, Gang Stalked & Tortured, just to prop up the ‘Waves’ of talentless/wasted opportunists, the entertainment industry maintains. –
    Mr. Lipstick , Sean Penn, are you still Madonna’s ‘Good Value’ imaginary DIPSTICK ?

    Comment by Robert — March 26, 2012 @ 12:21 pm

  1225. Um, Robin Wright, SOUND’S LIKE –

    Robert XXXX…. My first & last name in perfect harmonic resonance… No Further Questions, your worth shit – “Your Worship”

    Robin Wright – Sean Penn’s, yet again – UNSUCESSFUL marriage, after the marriage to the one and only, Mode On Her…(Madonna)

    “To end the mind game, One needs to know – how it begins” – The ‘Product’ life cycle…Here it comes again.

    Comment by Robert — March 26, 2012 @ 1:00 pm

  1226. So, just as, it is (Justice ?) it was done before, it is done again…

    Why can we not return, all this shit – to sender… To cinder, on another retro wave – of reform ? – What Goes Around, Comes A Round…What “hits out” get’s ‘splattered’

    The idiots thought they were going to be “Rock Stars”, Gannon thought he was victimized by me – This was his propaganda, to win votes, from the ‘Locals’

    The Sleazing Junky (Smack and whatever else) Mushroom Festival Redord’s Artist, Paul Kelly has a song = “Frank Gannon” and Frank & Mary –
    Frank & Mary are the names of my Fathers Parents, My Grand Parents.

    Do You – As Victims, of these crimes – realise what leads to the undesireable attention, of the punters – the gang stalkers – just based on such simple junky waves,
    money spinning methods, via RITUAL, REPETITIVE ABUSE that continue, for the shit, that ‘THINK’ normality, is only attatched to the ‘TASTE’ of someone else’s
    private life….and intellectual property –

    “These Junky Age Romeo’s… In Black Jeans” – Part, by Sean’s Bro – Michael Penn.

    “The foreign national KIWI… Masquerading as Ciccone” –
    “Then in come the corrupted scenes, I couldn’t have been imagining”

    “Now there’s Robin Wright” –
    She’s Waiting, In The Wings – it ain’t no cosmic… conspiracy”
    “Their selling privacy violations, day & night,
    I sincerely hope they all wake up…. some time”

    “Jenny Morris and the South African Hunch, being Michael Hutchison”

    “Papa don’t Preach”, – “ to the deceased, revision to the product’s name, blame and forgiving”

    Comment by Robert — March 26, 2012 @ 1:55 pm

  1227. … INXS’s front man, the late Michael Hutchence, was close friends with Jenny Morris, as well as their professional association. Hutchence produced the original version of Madonna’s “Papa don’t Preach”
    Jenny Morris’s career really took off with the hit “everywhere I go” – (your there) a early 1980’s hit that I was the gang stalked target thereof. It revolved around, what is implied – everywhere I go – your
    there, this included houses, other performer’s shows, etc. To be ‘Targeted’ with a hit song, when you don’t get to hit back, as you are not a performing entertainer, but a service technician, live sound
    engineer, not in any capacity to ‘Hit Back’ – This type of Victimization is F..king Evil, it has destabilized the psychological stability of far too many ‘Targeted Individuals’ and not only maims, but kills.

    These ‘hit songs’ are Ritual Abuse, they gather power from the repetition of ‘Air Play’ and live performances, then in come the gang stalking ‘punters’ – the entertainer’s fan club, with their mixed
    agenda’s of maintaining the Ritual Abuse. Michael Penn’s, song ‘No Myth’ (1989) if you go via YouTube, click on the Video Clip with 480p in the title, the Characters – The old man with a Cauliflower
    Nose – the late Lobby Lloyde, the woman laying back on the bed and counting a wad of money, later rubbing salt into her wounds – Jenny Morris, The blond woman seen rifling through draws, with
    no respect for what she is disturbing – A Chubby version of Madonna. Madonna’s & Sean Penn’s marriage was all over in 1989, Sean’s Brother – Michael Penn, then released the song, without any
    ‘reservations’ …

    Comment by Robert — March 27, 2012 @ 3:58 am

  1228. Michael Hutchence, produced the first release of Madonna’s “Papa don’t Preach” and after his death in November 1997, no further credits were directed to Hutchence, all further
    Credits would go to Shep Pettibone, also known as ROBERT. E. Pettibone…for ‘remixes’. Hutchence was found dead in a room of the Ritz Hotel, Double Bay, Sydney. This was exactly
    4 years after Madonna stayed in the same hotel, possibly the same room, the only publicised time she has ever visited and stayed in Sydney, Australia. Coincidences ?… and Associations.

    The death of Hutchence was reported as a suicide, by the Sydney Coroner, the way he was physically found dead, was more of a death, by sexual misadventure, as in asphyxiation masturbation.
    Could also have been staged, as in murdered – death by suicided.

    Caresse Henry’s death also remains, listed as a ‘Suicide’, but in reality, how many of Madonna’s associates were GANG STALKED & ‘Suicided’ ? After the misadventure of Robert Dewey
    Hoskins and then the death of Caresse Henry, It was time, for me, to tell a story that goes all the way back, before Madonna’s career began, when I started telling the story, up popped Robert
    Linhart, in late 2010 – “I’m not moving, until she talks to me” he was removed from outside her New York City apartment. I’ll say it again, as I have said before – too many men named ROBERT,
    isn’t a coincidence, but a pattern – of reality, it’s also called SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE.

    Madonna – “Would you still love me, if I had no money” – she seems to know, where this is all going…

    Comment by Robert — March 30, 2012 @ 12:52 pm


    A movie, Madonna’s first actually – (A Certain Sacrifice) It is all about retribution and human sacrifice, something she seems to have got used to, to succeed at the expense of others.
    Gang Stalking is an important tool of those that practice, the Pagan Crafts of exercising ‘hidden’ (occultist) knowledge, for their own purposes and gains.

    Comment by Robert — March 30, 2012 @ 1:34 pm

  1230. Occultist ‘ACTIVITIES’ – Not so hidden knowledge, anymore…

    Hutchence was dining with his parents, prior to his death, later on that night. Why did he elect to stay at the hotel – Ritz, in Double Bay, instead of staying with his parents ? The ability
    to get in ‘touch’, with Madonna would be much easier, if it was a familiar scene, to Madonna, who had stayed at the very same hotel, left her DNA all over the place, so as to speak.
    Remember the importance of ‘relics’, stored in the Tabernacle, of Catholic Churches – with strong DNA signatures, sometimes even ‘Body Parts’ of nominated Saints. Anyway I Digress.
    Michael Hutchence had tried to put me up, and “jump me” on the News Years Eve of 1995, but was ‘access denied’, Madonna was still holding on tight, to her ‘RIDE’ – that being ME.

    Hutchence’s next attempt to ‘jump me’, would be nearly three years later, when he learnt what was obstructing accessibility – Madonna’s Gang Stalkers (or were they Guy Richie’s ?)
    If Michael could position himself close enough, to me (Randwick, Sydney, Australia) and commission local disturbance, of me, whilst focusing on Madonna, from a hotel that Madonna
    knew, well enough – the foyer, reception, rear access points, etc, maybe even the staff. Then he could ‘walk’ her through, such scenes, of familiarity to her, why she slept in another part
    of the world – “She goes to bed every night, at the same time of 11pm” – according to her Brother, Christopher. In other words – ‘known sleep patterns’.

    When Michael obtained her attention, the next step would be to disturb me, via the ‘recruited’ & locally positioned – Noise Campaigning, Gang Stalking Scum. Freak me out, then ‘jump’
    the well maintained ‘Bond’, between Madonna & Myself (With Ritchie holding on tight – to me) so maintained by Anthony Perry Gannon – who would be sleeping, and therefore would
    have no ‘Control’ over the ‘Take-Over’. Next would be to destroy the association of this ‘NEW’ connection, to prevent back tracking of “Who stole Madonna’s (Ritchie’s Manipulative) ‘RIDE’.
    Masturbation drives the spooks away, unless they would risk riding the sperm into the floor, sheets, or whatever…Something went horribly wrong, this night, with associative path destruction
    and Hutchence was found DEAD, by the Hotel’s maid, the following morning.

    She talked, about ‘How’ he was found, physically, no one stopped her. Belt around his neck and hand around his Penis. I had no memories, of the attempted ‘Jump’, by Hutchence, until a
    few days later, when Paul Kelly’s (Festival Mushroom Records) ‘Handler’ – Peter (Pedro) Bull, turned up and told me a story. Death by Misadventure ? NO – What Peter said was “What
    a fucking idiot, a multi-millionaire, doesn’t know how to enjoy life, with all that money, so commits suicide” Hey Peter – You full of SHIT – Perpetrator. Mushroom Recording Artists –
    that suck on other people’s shit… Gang Stalking Parasites, Junky Age Landfill.

    Comment by Robert — April 1, 2012 @ 1:42 pm

  1231. 1972 – Subliminal Audio Messaging –

    The Perversion of privacy, with programming & patterning – some call it ‘brain washing’, but I think the activities of psychiatry and the pharmaceutical companies, that destroy the psychological patterning
    and programming, as in memory retention are the brain ‘washers’. A sadistic thing to do, to a complainant’s evidence, the EVIL crimes of mind control, i.e. psychological manipulation or programming and
    patterning, if you like.

    In 1972 the Exar semiconductor corporation (U.S.A.) realised an interesting Integrated Circuit (I.C.) Part # XR2206, you could buy this device anywhere – even Radio Shack sold them ! It is a function
    generator, or sometimes called a programmable oscillator, that is – with additional low cost components one can construct a device that generates a steady tone. So called self help tapes make use
    of this technology, and produce masked tones, with ‘soothing’ music doing the masking of the steady state tones.

    Unmasked – these frequencies that are approaching the upper limits of human hearing, steady state tones, that on their own, would be referred to as Tinnitus or Hyperacusis by the Medical community,
    if one could not identify the source of the auditory ‘Harassment’, a popular complaint that keeps the Audiologists in employment… Then to be referred to perhaps a psychologist, selling white/pink noise
    generators, for the victim to ‘focus’ on, and avoid the high frequency auditory aggravation – even portable devices ! UNLESS the steady state tones, of Tinnitus, or Hyperacusis are accommodating ‘Voices’
    then the psychologist is required to advise the patient that they will need to visit a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist will consult the Diagnostics Statistics Manual, IV (4) and advise the patient, that they are
    suffering Stockholm Syndrome (Schizophrenia). WITHOUT ANY FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS of criminal activities, to deliberately interfere with the complainant.

    But what if the high pitched tone, that accommodated the ‘voices’ was through the use of a 1972 integrated circuit, still available today – Now in SURFACE MOUNT – for more compact designs to terrorize ?
    This device is not a straight forward function generator, it has an input port to enable modulation, which could be ‘VOICE’ modulation of the high frequency steady state (or Variable) tone(s) This is how the
    so called self help tapes work… it is also how hidden criminal scum perform the illegal activity of torturing the targeted individual, with subtle suggestions, directed at them – to wilfully disturb and disorientate.

    The criminal scumbags, knowing all too well, just how the authorities ‘handle’ such a complaint. Long term exposure to a steady state tone, loaded with hypnotic suggestion, perhaps why the T.I. is asleep, it
    will have the effect of heightened sensitivity, to the tone (or tones) by the Targeted Individual (T.I.) that others, that are nearby, will not perceive. A mixture of tones could be as selective, as in quite unique
    so only the T.I. that is Sensitive to it, will hear the ritual abuse, I mean – subtle suggestions of voice modulation. The T.I.’s inner voice is their (the perpetrators target). The inner voice is a mixture of tones,
    frequencies, amplitudes and phase characteristics. Piggy backed onto Microwave Comm’s Carriers – and it’s everywhere the T.I. goes – electro smog & fucking ‘spooks’ – ‘Gang Stalkers’.

    Another investigator suggested – that the inner voice characteristics could, be obtained from DNA. Welcome to World War Three… Target Selective – Psy-Ops.

    Comment by Robert — April 2, 2012 @ 11:56 am

  1232. On a professional Outing – in 1983

    I was standing nearby the mixing console, of an INXS performance, the venue was ‘Selinas’ – part of the Coogee Bay Hotel, Coogee, Sydney, Australia. I heard some lyrics, that I approached Hutchence,
    about, to discuss – “Do you really sing the line – We got the best of rock” ? Michael said NO, I said – well that’s what I heard, loud and clear – seemed to be coming from the P.A. system… At the next show
    after these comments, Michael called me over, when we were all back stage and said “Robert, what you heard was – we are the vegetables” I said Nope, that wasn’t what I heard…

    Welcome to selective hearing, subliminal advertising and promotions. I thought this stuff was banned ? – but so few ‘Other’ Targets perceive the ‘Word Mincing’, and how would their complaint’s be handled, if
    they did, perceive what was directed at another T.I. ? I would be the Target of another hit song, By INXS, I wasn’t the target of “We are the Vegetables” but someone nearby, was “buzzing” – loudly, with
    a program & patterning of ‘misheard lyrics’. Lyrics that ‘Buzz’ in Harmonic Resonance, with alternative and approved ‘releases’. Further Research about this would be “Sub-Vocalization Techniques” and the
    technology, that has come a long way – into mainstream availability. Ever perceived, what someone else was in the process of, silently rehearsing, or thinking about saying ?
    Those that object, to the perception, they call it pre-empting… (What they were going to say, then changed their mind)

    Many years later – late 80’s, I was travelling along Wakehurst Park Way, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Doing 50 miles an hour, along comes a song, on the radio – by INXS called MYSTIFY, I had never heard it
    before, I can’t describe the amount of pain, that hit me, I nearly lost control of the Van, but managed to hit the breaks and pull over… “Hit Song’s Have Targeted Individuals”…

    Why don’t we just call Rock ‘n’ Roll, what it is, to a Targeted Individual – RITUAL ABUSE. “Hey yeah, then we could treat the investors, in such organised crimes, like ducks – in a shooting gallery” – Hit Back,
    making sure, that you get the words wrong… “Return to Cinder” ashes, from what is frozen – Everlasting Life Via Induced Suspended-animation – or E.L.V.I.S…

    Comment by Robert — April 2, 2012 @ 1:52 pm

  1233. “Where it began, is where it ends” – “Hey dude – they’ve got ELVIS on ice, avoiding the de-compo-position… Then thaw him ‘OUT’ preservation of ‘frozen’ arms….nuts, whatever….

    “Some was spoiled, we suspect the refrigerant”…

    Comment by Robert — April 3, 2012 @ 12:13 pm

  1234. Energy Bill’s … they tend to suck, with demand – when the Carbon Tax is imposed… “Resumation” , yeah, O.K.

    Comment by Robert — April 3, 2012 @ 12:17 pm

    • For those that no nothing about ‘Resumation’ –

      Resumation is a energy efficient means of disposing of the deceased, cheaper and ‘cleaner’ than cremation, with regards energy consumption, when the energy source is fossil fuels – Cremation is
      commonly Gas fired operations, and the pollution associated with recovery, processing, transport and use of this un-renewable energy source. Collection wood for a ‘pyre’ to cremate, like digging a
      hole in the ground, Is wasteful of human resources, and further energy…and damaging, to the environment. The roast, the open fire – smells like a pork roast, but is not consumed, by man (shock
      horror) nor beast.

      Real Estate, some of it in prime locations, has become another important issue, regards last rights & ‘rituals’, of the opulent. The Opulent went one step further – ‘Buried in Refrigerators’

      Resumation, it is like buy one, get one for FREE. The energy consumed is less than half, of that of a cremation, with no wasted real estate, like in burials. The process is simple – the body is placed
      Into the reaction vessel – it’s like a boiler and sealed tightly as temperature and pressure are involved, the reaction vessel is then flooded with an alkaline solution – soil deficiencies can be taken
      Into account – Peptides formed from a base solution of Ammonia, Potassium or Sodium Hydroxides – etc. This strips the meat & organs to the bone, the bones are all that are left (like in cremations)

      Comment by Robert — April 7, 2012 @ 3:39 am

  1235. “Organic” –

    Peptides – their developement – accelerated.

    Wall Board Material – ” It’s called – ‘Gyp Some’ ”

    OrthoPhosphoricAcid – “Coke ‘A’ Cooler”

    And ?

    Comment by Robert — April 3, 2012 @ 12:38 pm

    • Resumation – Continued –

      The solution, so formed, can be pumped as a slurry, taken away in tankers and further processed, possibly even dried out, although energy wasteful, or used as is, that is, as liquid fertilizer. So we
      Have, instead of ‘ashes to ashes’ – Nutrients to Nutrients – Organic Peptides, Far superior to the environmental vandalism, of polluting the air with burning bodies and burning fossil fuels.
      The bones can be ground up, in the same way as cremation – and given to the relatives…OR dissolved in Sulphuric Acid (after metal recycling which is standard, of cremation process operations)
      and turned into useful building materials – Calcium Sulphate – Gypsum, and the phosphoric acid can be scrubbed and sold as ‘Organic’ food acid – a soft drink additive…although some might find it,
      a little hard to swallow – only if they were told !

      Comment by Robert — April 7, 2012 @ 3:42 am

  1236. “You dudes, you still got a ‘taboo’ with making a meal out of the rich, you’re a littlle S L O W, are’nt you ?” – THEY’RE DEAD !

    Comment by Robert — April 3, 2012 @ 12:43 pm

    • …Some thoughts, on how to deal with the Gang-Stalking, ‘Dead-Heads’ that take spirit from the living, along with intellectual property, inspirations – derived from the pain and suffering, that these
      Perpetrator’s feed on. They make obscene amounts of money, selling someone else out. What becomes of the puppet, the entertainer, that will become depleted, of any spirit – that they could
      truly call their ‘own’, through their activity, of selling, themselves out ?… It’s fine having energy efficient, disposal methods in place, but first you have to deprive the parasites, of making a meal out
      of the human race.

      Comment by Robert — April 7, 2012 @ 4:03 am

  1237. Like anything that disturbs, maims and kills –

    Tobacco, Alcohol and Private Transport (Road) Systems (for examples)

    There must be a FINANCIAL incentive, for gang stalking. I hope my writing has provided some insight into WHY gang stalking is a ‘profitable’ business activity and why, governments
    Globally, show such a disregard for the complaints of what are considered ‘consequential losses’ of a taxable activity, even when they should know better, if not for the ‘opinions’
    of another ‘Money’ spinner – Psychiatry & Big Pharma. This system of organized crimes – against humanity, the CURE – is the destruction of CASH economies. They could even
    leave the drug laws in place, if organized crimes – against humanity rely on untraceable commodities… so with CASH – taken out of the equation, so are many of the crimes.

    “They wouldn’t do that to themselves” you know – “How could a legislator receive ‘incentives’, to leave everything the way it is” – Without any chance of reform…
    With the traceability of their ‘criminally obtained’ wealth… What would ‘they’ do – Trade in Barter ? – Where did you get the castle from ? (Steal a lot, and they make you ‘king’)
    The ONLY way to undermine criminal activities and corruption – is to take their ‘CANDY’ away… PERIOD.

    Comment by Robert — April 11, 2012 @ 12:11 pm

  1238. The Judiciary…

    Law enforcement, the corrective ‘services’, etc – “What’s in it, for us ? “ – Laws against planned failure, currently, that remain un-enforced, lawless activities of the “junky age”…

    “But we don’t want to go back to school” – “Yeah, ‘WE’ like everything the way it is”… So bring on the efficient means of disposal… “Two for the ‘cost’ of One”

    Comment by Robert — April 11, 2012 @ 12:53 pm

  1239. With REFORM = (equals)

    Some of them, well they had nothing to live for. Too many of them… Selfishness, greed and complete stupidity.

    Comment by Robert — April 11, 2012 @ 1:38 pm

  1240. Selfishness, greed and complete stupidity –

    “Control Freaks” – But how does 1% of the planet’s population remain in place, when the hidden crimes – against humanity are being exposed and snuffed ?
    When too many object, to how the ruling elite have deceptively ‘acquired’ their wealth, passed it down through the de-generations, of reproduction and have the
    Military/Industrial complex, under their ‘control’ (and misguidance), for their own purposes and gains…

    How do they (the ruling elite) deal with ‘DISCLOSURE’ and too many ‘Whistle Blowers’ on what is wrong with this World…and why, how and who ?
    Don’t you worry about 70,000,000 Satanists, with money & power, that only care for themselves, at the expense of the other 6930,000,000. I have a strong
    Feeling, that the ‘occultists’ will find difficulty in finding a path on which to run, less of a chance of finding suitable accommodation, in which to hide…

    Hidden Practices – of crimes against humanity, sooner than later, lose a place in which they can ‘practice’ ! and they haven’t found another planet… YET !
    Soon is open slather on greed, selfishness and complete stupidity… don’t forget the efficient disposal methods, because they are important, environmentally.

    But – Prior to disposal, must come disclosure. Evil trade practices, Satanic Ritual Abusers – ‘Businesses’, corporate practices, corrupt governments.
    So, these more efficient disposal methods are important, in the planning stages, to make this world and it’s cities a better place for real human beings and
    not Satanic Reptilians. SO many masquerading, as what they are NOT – real human being’s. Power tripping control freaks, only deceive, those they need,
    as feed stock, in their process operations, to stay on top.

    Systematically undermining their use of hidden knowledge, “ has a retardant affect” on their crimes against humanity. Yes, they can be pushed into a corner Too !
    And when subjected to the same hidden practice’s, they are in ‘active denial’ of such existence, there of…how long will they handle it ? Do Unto Others, As Those
    Have Done Unto You… Why are there so many masochistic types around, what is it, with pain and suffering, when no one is on the side, placing cash bets, when the
    ‘gains’ have been stripped from the = side of the equation.

    Comment by Robert — April 12, 2012 @ 10:10 am

  1241. There is another chapter on the way…

    This one is a continuation of natural resources vandalism, property owners that are submitting to ‘hand-outs’ for use of their land, for ‘fracking’ operations.
    Drill holes in the ground, link ground water courses together, blend saline with fresh water, deposit bi product chemicals into the bore holes and give the
    property owners an investment incentive to destroy the environment, nationally. Tell everyone, via gang stalking operatives, that the ‘returns’ are in the
    interests, of the local population, not the destruction of the environment and the ability to grow organic crops, by chemical, intoxification of the ground water…
    for hydrocarbon ‘gas’ gains.

    When the environment is completely fucked, force people to purchase ‘ Hydroponic’ produce – energy intensive – because organic crops are no longer
    possible. – The rich parasites further obstruction of life as we know it. Who’s behind it ? Those with ‘investments’ in HALLIBURTON, LLC – same scum
    that was behind the Mexican gulf, oil rig environmental disaster… SATANISTS. Propaganda is advertising, Advertising is MIND CONTROL, GANG STALKING
    SCUM are advertising agents, that function, at a subliminal advertising level of mental molestation – manipulative, hidden arse wipes – “spooks” . Anyone
    for exorcising, the dead spirited faecal smears ?

    Comment by Robert — April 19, 2012 @ 1:56 pm

    • Fracking –

      Destroy the water table and the water shed, prevent organic crop cultivation, through the destruction of the natural environment. But WHY ? … The Northern Hemisphere
      Is already history, the liberation of radiation from Fukushima is in the food chain, the Natural Gas obtained from ‘Fracking’ operations is a false economy, the chemicals
      being used are the bi-products of industry, such as Ammonium Persulphate. Their plans are to destroy the ability to grow ‘organic’ produce – to prevent human uptake of the
      radiation, in such organic foods…

      They will also profiteer, from the sales of providing the energy needs of the future, (Halliburton) of which the hydroponic, agricultural systems are energy intensive, more so than
      organic farming methods. Why couldn’t they just come out with the truth – “WE are going to ruin the natural environment, to prevent radiation uptake and future illnesses and
      mortality, birth defects, etc” Their practices are bullshitting, what they have dummied down, as in why educate the morons now, when ‘their’ agenda is self preservation, they eat
      as well – but how could they prevent radioactive foods from entering ‘their’ diets ? … destruction of the organic farming environment, forced sales of water filters and so on.

      Oh yeah, fracking works – for ‘their’ hidden agenda – the ‘Natural Gas Gains’ is their deceit of the dumb, kept in the dark, on stark realities of what is happening and why, GANG
      STALKING and INTIMIDATION is also a powerful tool of those, who seek to be oppressive and hide the truth – as in maintain the lies. Matt Damon’s up and coming documentary
      Against Fracking, this will be interesting, I am against it, as well – but I’m also against consuming radiation in the food chain… Why do the Elite treat us like idiots ?

      Comment by Robert — April 21, 2012 @ 3:25 pm

  1242. “If only we could kill their evil spirited ways (waste)”

    The Catholic Priest – “I don’t have the necessary ‘power’ to do this”
    The Jewish Rabbi – “What’s in it for us”
    The Hindu – “We want sacred cows, a minority group, not cows all over the place, as feed stock”

    The problem is caused by the isolation of religious fantasy, the competitive ‘edge’ , between one belief and another.
    They have forgotten – “That we are all in this together, the planet is round, so what the f..k, are we doing to each other ? ”

    A NEW RELIGION – it’s called DISCLOSURE.

    Comment by Robert — April 20, 2012 @ 8:45 am

  1243. Complaining about being Victimized OR Exploited by GANG STALKING –

    These operations are wide spread craft, of the SATANIC, i.e. – those with something to lose, or no longer to gain. Sorry for preaching to the converted.
    There will be no understanding of how to destroy the devil’s advocates, when it only threatens a religious belief…totally reliant upon crimes against humanity.
    Those that know, what is going on – are part of the threatened, with extinction, even if, it was nothing more than destruction of greed, selfishness and stupidity.

    It is easier to disclose their hidden craft’s of unfairness, through the course of one’s life, so victimized – THEIR repent & reform is like watching the process of decay,
    Of a system, from it’s inception, it’s course of life (at the expense of others) to the final stages of decay – when all is returned, eventually to the Earth, from which
    All EVIL was formed…

    Comment by Robert — April 23, 2012 @ 10:18 am

    • “The illusion of materialism”

      Comment by Robert — April 23, 2012 @ 2:29 pm

  1244. “Why didn’t you tell us HOW – 911 was an inside job – sooner” – I thought that the events, of 911, were obvious, I heard their ‘plans’ in FEB of 1993, when in 1992, they set me up, then – Ka-Boom,
    followed by the “Un-Stable” tower propaganda…didn’t you hear about that ? Didn’t you hear on the controlled news media – the Word ASBESTOS tainted with the word ANTHRAX ?, I Did.

    It is easier to explain what happens to those that see the boredom, of future events, as I have already done –

    Those with prior knowledge, as in a hidden agenda, had been stalking me, since the late 1960’s, they hate mind reader’s and telepaths (receivers & transmitters) when they can’t SELL the bandwidth,
    in a rock song, or any other stolen theme, that they set out to claim as ‘theirs’. Their soul has been solded out, they become the ‘Wasted’, their investors (occultist’s) prop them up, with the stolen heat,
    of another human being, that these parasites jointly, feed upon.

    AND OF –

    Resonant space – “Imagine if EVERYONE could communicate like this, there would be so much mental noise, in the world – that no one could think straight” (A comment by a registered psychiatric
    Nurse, in 1994, as mentioned in previous writings) Psychiatry today is for ‘Johnny & Joan’ SIX PACK – would you like some ‘advanced’ more mind altering (dumbing, numbing) drugs, for your ‘junky age’
    In accordance with corporate criminal approved methods ?

    OR – “This is the REAL shit” – at street level…

    C’mon dickheads, this ‘shit’ is highly illegal and therefore highly saleable… “The Law’s, that protect the crimes, are already in place” – Induction of mental illness, then, to be sold a ‘treatment’ program.

    “You can’t disclose that” – “We like everything, the way it is, We don’t want to go, back to school” & “What’s in it for us”, – Prior Knowledge, by powerful idiotism is beyond reproach” –

    IN THEIR COWARDLY NUMBERS, THEY ARE ABOUT TO FALL – DEEPER – than they thought, to the CORE, with their evil souls. “Cast the Hypocrites Down”
    (Your Beloved Stars, the evil that you granted ‘power’ to, at the expense of those you stalked and exploited, to empower, the tasteless & talentless – you false god worshipping, scumbags)
    Strip them of their wealth & power, let’s see them do an honest day’s work, not pay for, nor steal, the efforts of another… Hello, rich scum – now say goodbye, to your stolen Gains and

    If you don’t submit to GOD the CREATOR’s equality, upon this earth, as intended – THERE IS NO PLACE IN THE HEAVENS, BUT A PLACE IN HELL, for the fallen. Please accept this, as
    time is running out. Personally, as a victim of your crimes, I will show no mercy, to your kind. WARNING SIGN’s – Only those that do NOT submit, to the power of the ELITE, have the power
    to condemn, the relentless evil – upon this earth – that have no place, in the heavens. Understand the implications, of such WARNINGS, as you have judged others, you have already been
    judged, sentenced and condemned. Thus a need to KNOW, what is WRONG & WHAT IS RIGHT. There will be NO respect for those that thought that ignorance was bliss… JUNKIES and OTHER
    LAND-FILL WANNABEES. Planned Failure doesn’t equal PRODUCTIVITY, but try telling a SATANIC ECONOMIST that… “Oh, but Quality and Longevity are GHOSTS, so you EAT SHIT” (an example)

    Comment by Robert — April 23, 2012 @ 12:26 pm

  1245. Remember –

    “But we didn’t know” –

    It is usually part of –

    “And we don’t care”

    So It sum’s up –

    “‘Cause we won’t be around then”

    But what if they could be –

    “Lot’s of nusing homes, retirement ‘villages'”

    and mind control is banned then, Huh ? The cleansing is too easy…

    Comment by Robert — April 23, 2012 @ 1:26 pm

  1246. Gang Stalking, and Mass Medication, where would their junky age be –

    With or Without it ? Um, without propaganda & advertizing ? –

    Look, at what the Jones’s got, we wan’t one, too, to contribute to lamd fill…

    Comment by Robert — April 23, 2012 @ 2:06 pm

    • “They didn’t ask for it – they paid for it, hit, shit.”

      Comment by Robert — April 23, 2012 @ 2:09 pm

      • “I ain’t wasting a shot, givin’ that a miss – Anything further up the ‘food’ chain”

        Great listening, to some of the side-bands… Really Entertaining Stuff…

        Comment by Robert — April 23, 2012 @ 2:17 pm

  1247. Back Patterning –

    So called schizophrenics are receptive to what precedes, the recorded format of lyrics and scripts. Presentations to the NSW (Australia) police service EXPOSED the use
    Of BANNED technology (a device that disorientated the Targeted Individual) and WITHOUT consultation of, more senior police, the reply upon presentation of the
    Oscilloscope EVIDENCE of PHASE LEADING (Back Programming- ‘Patterning’) lyrics the comment of the mere Constable, of the state police service was – “The Police
    Service, does not have the man power to investigate your complaint” – What does this suggest ? –

    Those that are committing such offences, against humanity, with subliminal advertising and exploitation, gang stalking and as such, are beyond the law, as they are capable
    Of manipulation of the ‘complaint’…like a door was opened, in the sub-conscience, (Trigger Phrase) that was common propaganda, as in – programming & patterning, with
    a sign that said – DO NOT ENTER…

    Comment by Robert — April 25, 2012 @ 10:29 am

  1248. An American Band – of bygone days –

    “Every woman’s crazy ’bout a sharp breathed man” … “When I stab out, I’m gonna’ do you in”

    Comment by Robert — April 25, 2012 @ 10:42 am

  1249. Madonna – “Words”

    “Words” hey cunt get a life, I dont wanna hear what your worth…

    Comment by Robert — April 25, 2012 @ 10:50 am

    • So by the previous examples –

      Ritual Abuse of the Targeted Individuals requires a FORMAL INVESTIGATION, let not, these VICTIMS remain victimized by the shit on top of the hill of EXPLOITATION.
      The contempt, of such human manipulation, remains a ‘cold case’ and, as such, should NOT remain – an ongoing crime, against humanity. So Terminate It… Crime
      Prevention, it is cheaper than ‘LAW’ enforcement… Why induce, an illness that remains ‘Incurable’ ? – To stuff the guts of the FAT CATS, of PIG PHARMA, selling
      ‘Treatment’ ‘Programming’ ?

      Comment by Robert — April 25, 2012 @ 11:23 am

  1250. Good morning … I lived in Los Angeles County in Long Beach California for many years after 1987 … It was after living there I recalled what my own adopted Dad had told me standing next to the elementary school in Harriman Tennessee about how the uS government in 1959 could hear what I was thinking.He had an FCC license to work on low band radios, law enforcement used and also repaired electronic devices including televisions and portable radios and cb radios.
    My sister and I both had been adopted since we were both born in California…my birth-date was in 1953, her’s 1954.
    We had both as a child “lan” connected our ears and actually communicated together not speaking a word.Today all people need do is get into a saturated hearing environment where there is an abundance of electromagnetic radiation exampled by in the middle of triangulated signals of microwave towers and your tinnitus ringing ears are the perfect medium for someone else to hear what you hear or hear what you think, as you read a book sitting before you.
    I personally was in the uS Navy during Vietnam and have many associates with the same education or experiences … worked in Oak Ridge Tennessee at a K-25 gaseous diffusion plant with a top secret clearance … as an electrical mechanic.Went to college and studied electrical, electronics engineering.I personally enjoy working on cars or contributing to an open source software community more.
    Many have petitioned the uS Senate ,I personally did in 2005 and the results is that you need find a lawyer and someone to sue…the Congress is not the least bit interested.Neither is the homeland security or the local police in Long beach California.You will not find any branch of law enforcement willing to venture from their obviously predetermined employment that the uS government manages using the patriot act or the title acts attached.
    Advanced Electronic Security Co. performs Electronic Sweeping and Surveys, using the best possible Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM), to determine if you’re being electronically harassed.
    I attached one reference just to allow you to see what is available for an individual but not suggesting anyone actually employ any of these agencies.
    I asked a local human rights group to represent me at the VA when I personally ended evaluated by a psychological evaluation team at the veterans hospital on 7th street Long Beach California…and was determined to be suffering a form of induced psychosis call dementia praecox or how the uS coined it in 1907 as schizophrenia. I later was found unable to take their medicine and released for their care. Their prescribed remedy, a pharmaceutical drug that has side effects where you end experiencing convulsions…and taking added pharmaceutical chemicals to manage one thing after another…did not work.
    The VA gave me a series of additional tests that included hearing tests and seeing an eye ears nose throat specialist, all which determined I hear better than most Americans.
    The Citizens Commission for Human Rights International in Los Angeles agreed .
    I have found that using an ear to diminish the character of a fellow human being is an act of blaspheme, the event is readily accepted by the uS government and employed in War arenas exampled by Desert Storm…or in the streets of Long beach California.The uS government is not the least bit concerned for the well being of your neighbourhood church , you or anyone but their own continuation.The lack of piety for women and children is just as serious an act of sin or blaspheme…as the one I reported…
    I have since moved to Mexico where I feel much better. While I may still hear better than others, I am not where the source of non acknowledgement began…or need take chemicals that kill me as a pharmaceutical remedy when the uS knows how to remove the high levels of associated electromagnetic radiation causing the saturation of the hearing environment.
    Hope my words help some get through the day…

    Comment by gradkiss — April 29, 2012 @ 2:15 pm

  1251. Hi gradkiss,

    I don’t find anything, that you have presented as biased and supportive of the perpetrators – WELCOME !, It’s also cool that you come from a reasoning technical background, not the morons chasing spooks, or trying to reinforce
    psychiatric ‘remedies’. I am grateful of the fact that you mentioned – not to go out and recruit the services of a company that offers a TSCM service, most T.I’s, they soon discover – More Parasites, like the psychiatric ‘sector’ (Sect/Or
    Cult Following’s) that are in it, for the buck, not humanitarian reasons !

    You mentioned the electro-smog problem, of bathing in background radiation -“noise campaigns” – and of course the non ionising radiation, that was approved for global distribution, without licence – MICROWAVE, at, near to the
    RESONANT FREQUENCY of WATER, 2.4 Gig, which we are 85% ? made of. We are not exposing radio triangulation, or spread spectrum attacks because there are 1,000’s of these towers PER STATE ! Radio Kiloangulation,
    and think about how many homes have the horrendous ‘hands free’, 2.4 GHz base stations plugged in, the cordless ‘phonies’ that more than satisfy microwave, voice to skull applications – inclusive of 100Hz Modulation…when I say
    bathing, I mean cast into a swamp, that is not only state, or nationwide – IT IS A GLOBAL, ‘disease generation’ distribution.

    I am well aware of the program, of active denial, that the ‘professions’ and law enforcement have submitted to… like the fact, that the effects of MICROWAVE radiation ‘MIRRORS’ the Diagnostic Statistics Manual (DSM-4) for the
    determination of ‘Schizophrenia’, ‘Paranoia’ ….or any other label they might to try on, with their ‘fashion’ show… Induction of psychosis is BIG business. Law Enforcement, further up the food chain isn’t interested in crime prevention
    either – ‘Stand down’ – on a need, for further investigations/enquiries into these occurrences.

    I have a question – What is the ‘VA’ ? I take it – that it is not Virginia, as in the abbreviation of the state, home to the headquarters of the CIA… I am an Australian, so some of the abbreviations, they need an ‘introduction’ like example –
    VA – (Vulgar Arsewipes)

    Comment by Robert — April 30, 2012 @ 10:00 am

    • Those, that are in your ear, gradkiss, are more than Satanic Gate-Crashers, they are not only un-invited, desperate ‘Head-Hunters’ but a creed of low life, that built their ‘careers’ around such violations, this side and the other…

      Having said that – What is done in the heavens, could be done upon this Earth. To exorcise those that trespass, relentless, for the route path of all evil (cash economies ?) – those that stalk in life, they haunt ‘their’ targets in
      death, till they have nothing, on which they can feed upon, for the playing field has become unbiased – levelled out. (organised crimes, against humanity – goodbye)

      Comment by Robert — April 30, 2012 @ 11:13 am

      • Further to your comments, gradkiss –

        I also had hearing tests done, to then be determined as suffering from ‘Hyper-Acusis’ which is sensitivity, to a particular range of frequencies. It is interesting that the sensitivity range was recorded as 14 to 15KHz,
        In my case. Also of interest is that 14 – 15KHz is what is used for Ultrasonics V2K (Voice to Skull) and this is the directed acoustic assault, using either transmissions, from transceivers, tuned to interfere with Closed
        Loop HiFi systems, that DID NOT include receivers, of any kind. Radio and Television that could also be used, along with making use of a resonant NOISE SOURCE, in harmony with the resonant frequency making
        use of the directional transducers – 3 Degrees, very directional, as explained in the video documentary – SEE POST 869 (Sep 5th 2011) for more about this technology.

        Repetitive Exposure to a narrow bandwidth, of audible frequencies, along with so called ‘subtle suggestion’ could have a Hypnotic Effect, along with increased sensitivity to such a range of frequencies. – Also, the
        quite common complaint – “How come no one else can hear it” Why do they ignore the evidence, displayed on the oscilloscope, when they can see – what they can’t hear ? – Active Denial is their programming and
        patterned response… Till they ‘cop’ it…and become quite ‘disturbed’ – “Turn it Off, Turn it off” – or usually sub conscience triggers make them wish to run away, from the victim, of these higher ordered crimes against
        humanity. The sub-conscience is programmed in all of us – BY WHO ? Certainly no GOD, but by no GOOD. END their EVIL System.

        Once I was engineering a live performance, of a band, at a local hotel, with some 50 odd patrons, when what occurred, publically, first in 1992 (I recorded this incident) and again in 1994, way out of town, but clearly
        tracked, some 100 odd miles south of where I was living. This was Loud & Clear to all, not the modulation of higher range audible frequencies, ritual abuse without a perpetrator to nail, for the crimes, led to research
        on WHO & WHY would do this to another human being, the bottom line – Psychological Disturbance creates psychological attention, to a ‘sleeping’ (unsaleable) Psychological Product – AKA – The Products of the
        Performing Arts Industry, Motivations for the creeps, at the expense of the Targeted Individuals, is MONEY, derived from such ‘HITS’ on innocent lives. THEIR METHODS, EXPOSED, WILL DO TREMENDOUS HARM,
        to these PERPETRATORS, inclusive of their economics – “It’s going to cost them, more than they ever bargained for” We are dealing with Satanic butt lickers, that just aren’t worth it… ENTERTAINMENT or SADISTIC
        MIND CONTROL ? Gang Stalkers – ‘Zombies’ – “They” said to watch him/her. “They” ? = Gang Stalking Controllers/Handlers – THE Shit with a vested interest.

        The interesting thing (reality, not coincidence) is that 14 to 15KHz is also used by the manufacturers of self help tapes, that can’t be duplicated, cassette to cassette (old school) due to these high frequencies being
        filtered out/un-recordable, due to the inherent audio bandwidth limitations of the cassette tape formats.

        The hypnosis is voice modulation of this high frequency, that is masked by waterfall sounds/musical instruments and the like. I had always considered the Tinnitus/Hyper-Acusis to be directed Ultrasonic assaults and
        not Beat Frequencies formed from combined Microwave Signals and their difference, so producing a high pitched tone. Like 2,400,000,000 minus 2,399,985,000 gives a beat frequency of 15,000Hz.
        But this would require extremes of frequency stability, would it not ? None the less – MICROWAVE radiation is ‘oppressive’ to say the least…The Dummying Down of HUMANITY and their ‘culling’ agenda’s.

        Comment by Robert — May 1, 2012 @ 12:11 pm

    • “horrendous” cordless phone Technology –

      The Base Station only needs to be plugged in, to a power source; it then radiates 2.4Ghz, with 100 Hz Square Wave Modulation, CONTINUOUSLY. You don’t need to be using the cordless phone, just the
      power applied to the base station…

      This more than satisfying the requirements, to achieve the “Frey Effect”, also known as Microwave “Voice to Skull” (abrev’ – V2K). More on this topic, at Post 1004, October 2, 2011 @ 8:02 pm, and a link
      to the characteristics of cordless phone technology, very similar to “Smart Meters”, Wi-Fi, etc, also using the license free, 2.4GHz part of the resonant spectrum. Cross references, to Dr. Frey’s research
      shows that these Cordless Phone technologies have the potential hidden agenda’s of applied, localized MIND CONTROL and Manipulation, against ones will and of course – Subliminal Advertising, attention
      to Vermin & Land Fill commodities – we really don’t need. “it’s not In Your Face” blatant mind control, as in – regular advertising.

      Human experimentation without a say in it ? OR get rid of that technology, clearly developed and approved – WITH HIDDEN application’s, that are inherent in the designs, this is based on Frey’s earlier
      research into V2K methods and experimental success. Frey’s Research is probably 50 years ago – imagine what kind of improvements have been made – to this EVIL application of technology, since then.

      Comment by Robert — May 19, 2012 @ 2:00 am

  1252. Notice how it is only the dumb shit that get the profile gig’s in public performance space ? easily manipulated, DUMB SHIT, this – “We are on top of Masada, you too, could join us in ruin” …just doesn’t cut it, …anymore.
    Ask the Roman Army – for the gambling results…Religion, it used to be something to respect, now it’s just – place your bets.

    Comment by Robert — May 2, 2012 @ 11:25 am

  1253. Remember, you choose to lick the arse of false gods, while the place of progress suffers, ’cause you scum won’t be around then, or held FULLY ACCOUNTABLE !

    (limited liabilities – corporate SCUM)

    On with the nursing homes, full of, self serving, non-contributing shit.

    “We need more carers”

    “So pin down the opinionated – until we get more parasites, chasing the ‘ALMIGHTY’ Buck, for ‘OUR’ cause” = DEATH PRESERVATIONS. & So ? –

    FUCK OFF, RICH PARASITES ! Shut down your frozen waste land, your over rated opulence, your greed, selfishness, planned failure and complete
    stupidity, for there is no place for your dogs, or your kind, in the heavens – IDIOTS ! WHEN WILL YOU LEARN ? – When it’s too late ? – SATANISTS –
    self serving SCUM, Bullshitters, Losers – SO, Free this EARTH of their disease – spread the words on their activities & self preserving ‘sanctioning’
    I only look forward to casting their EVIL souls DOWN, where they belong, DOWNCAST THEIR EVIL SPIRITED WASTE. –

    EXPOSE THE SCAMS, and THE SCUM, that profiteer from pestilence…

    Comment by Robert — May 2, 2012 @ 1:11 pm

  1254. Ar, yes, the competitive religious threats….

    Comment by Robert — May 2, 2012 @ 1:16 pm

  1255. Post 1251 – April 25, 2012 –

    Requires some further insight into such disturbance patterns –

    Madonna – “Words”

    Original Intended lyrics –

    “Words, “they cut like a knife”

    Imposed Hit –

    “Words, hey cunt get a life”

    Net Product perceived –

    “Words, they can’t get a life” –

    OR ANOTHER RIDE ! – to be forewarned, is to be prepared – SOON – they will have NO ONE, to exploit. WHEN the public are “brought up to speed” on crimes against humanity… BURN THE PERP’s ‘PRACTICES’ – WHOLESALE !


    The hit is imposed on the targeted individual with a phase angle that leads by 45 degrees, those that have been conditioned, to be receptive to the phase leading RITUAL ABUSE, have been subjected to it, for a long period of time.
    Yet the DSM suggests that perceptions, to a phase leading program is a sign of SCHIZOPHRENIA ! How could one record a sinusoidal waveform, that leads by 45 Degrees, show it to the NSW police service, in 1994 and be told
    that the police service doesn’t have the man-power to investigate the complaint of GANG STALKING, INTIMIDATION and ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT – When the LEGISTLATORS had put the ANTI stalking and intimidation ACT,
    of LAW in place, nearly a year earlier ?

    The evidence was shown to them on an oscilloscope, because they can’t perceive the attacks – AUDIBLY. “Oh we can see what your talking about, but the New South Wales, Police Service doesn’t have the man power…”
    Why didn’t they just come out and say – “Hey, you are being exploited and defrauded, but we’ve been corrupted – to turn a blind eye to this” – “Well they’ve got the buck’s, you don’t – so tuff shit, hard luck, we are avoiding such
    crimes against humanity, ’cause we are basically lazy and like chucking stuff like this in the too hard basket, for the shrinks to further abuse and victimize, if you care to push it”

    The spectrum management agency, weren’t interested either – as it wasn’t effecting radio or television reception. HOW F…ing Convenient for the perpetrators, selling psychological products promoted with the EVIL, mind control
    programs of SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING and what it is, in effect – SATANIC RITUAL ABUSES, against the innocent, that scream louder than the guilty – Those that are in on it. Psychological Disturbance – Noise Campaigns, or
    “added values” at no real expense…consequential losses…to corporate criminals and their desperate investors, in nursing homes. Seen the movie, “Cocoon” ? The older they get, the more selfish, evil and exploitive of the naive
    young – on with the exploitation – got new body organs ? The EVIL, are shit scarred of death…and damnation.

    So to get “In Someone’s Ear” and offend, complaints are not investigated, by the authorities and further complaints are diagnosed, by psychiatrists as being schizophrenia, who ignore the fact that the verbals are recordable,
    on magnetic tape formats, they can’t hear the programs, as they haven’t been exposed to the patterning and conditioning – and don’t wish to accept the screen shots, of an oscilloscope, showing, sinusoidal waveforms where
    the ritual abuse occurs.

    The original lyrics are stepped waveforms, they are obvious, as part of a digital production THEN WHERE did the pure, un-stepped sinusoidal waveforms come from ? – They lead the original work by 45 Degrees, and the
    shrinks have included this phenomenon as being a precursor of mental illness – schizophrenia, so this disorder isn’t “all in your mind” – because you can record such ritual abuses. So if you are VICTIMISED by these
    parasites – you must be mentally ill, not the perpetrators are untouchable criminals, sanctioned and defended by professional ‘Idiots’, LIARS & CHEATS – Psychiatry.

    “Looks like we’ve got another one that lives in denial, of our professional bullshit” “A real FIGHTER” … “Oh, No… – he’s not alone”

    Comment by Robert — May 3, 2012 @ 1:55 pm

  1256. “Oh, No… – he’s not alone” –


    “Oh No… – he’s not a loon”

    Comment by Robert — May 3, 2012 @ 2:56 pm

    • “professional ‘Idiots’, LIARS & CHEATS – Psychiatry” –

      “We are the gods, of psychological disorder” – Yes when MONEY is used, as the measure of self importance…

      Comment by Robert — May 4, 2012 @ 9:45 am

      • “How dare you, slag us off, like that – we went to school, college and university”

        YES – to be good little puppets, serving the cause, of what is to be abandoned…

        The Ruling Elite, only caring for themselves, a minority group of rich PARASITES

        Comment by Robert — May 4, 2012 @ 9:54 am

  1257. But god said –

    “God only helps those that helps themselves” – Corrupted Verse – by the church…? – Aiding & Abetting Theft ?

    Original Script –

    “God only helps those, that helps others” –

    So understanding the right verse, they go out and get a gig, preserving the dead and dying – in nursing homes and retirement villages, thinking that they are gods little angels…
    keeping Walt Disney and Elvis Presley on ice….THEY ARE EVIL, wanting & wasteful – of human and natural resources…

    “Oh, but the dead & dying – that’s where the root path of all evil is – money”

    Comment by Robert — May 4, 2012 @ 10:21 am

  1258. If you are a victim,

    Of the organised crimes, such as gang stalking, intimidation and electronic harassment, if you understand, the lack of help on offer, from the authorities, with regards to these sanctioned, (protected) EVIL,
    crimes against humanity… Then what interest does the church, the religions show, regards a need to address such a wide spread, EVIL problem ? These are crimes against humanity, the harm that is
    done, is damage to the Targeted Individuals (T.I.) SANITY, the religions are there to provide us with spiritual guidance, keep us on the right path, etc. But what can be done about the garbage, on that
    path, uninvited ‘Dogs’ that pick up on the scent, of something up front, of them, then proceed to follow what they find ‘values’ in disturbing ? – Tear up the Path…and burn the bridges… because it not a
    public path, of commonality, it is OUR mind and not a dog’s ride or right to be there, But how do you get this message across, to the deliberately ‘dumb arse dog shit’ when they thought they were part
    of an important community activity, based on the slander programs, of the controllers and handlers, their hidden agendas and their guarded interests, in exploitation – for example.

    The hidden agenda’s and guarded interests, if being exploitation – the reason, then the motivations are money – so ANY and ALL methods, of destruction of the financial incentives, are a path removal
    practice – that would create a disincentive, for the dogs, regardless of how they were coerced into participation, if the controllers and handlers lack financial incentives, the dogs starve to death and go
    elsewhere in search of food…I would rather see the controllers & handlers EXPOSED, ARRESTED, CONVICTED and living in the shade, for such crimes against humanity, with maximum sentences, so
    imposed, as to, by example create a major disincentive, from the top down. Rich Parasites, that acquired their wealth by aiding and abetting illegal surveillance, gang stalking, intimidation, electronic
    harassment, theft of intellectual property and character assassination, but you know, people like Murdoch, at the top of these crimes, against humanity are still free, to watch the sun rise. Victims, they
    realize, all too well, what the Paparazzi ARE – financed and sanctioned GANG STALKERS.

    Freedom of the press ? Freedom to create a news story by any means possible – starting with privacy violations and the not so hidden methods of provocation – electronic harassment, Combined with
    illegal surveillance methods – to fabricate a news story, that would never have occurred, without criminal methods, of provocation by such, not so hidden anymore, methods of manipulation – to ‘DESIGN’
    the news by destructive ‘testing’, ‘trying’ and TAXING – RITUAL ABUSES. The ‘Entertainment’ industry plays the same games, for it’s ‘story’ lines – corporate entities, corporate crimes – wherever the
    Almighty dollar is found, so is slime.

    Comment by Robert — May 6, 2012 @ 11:29 am

  1259. Have you Victims Noticed –

    A DIRE lacking of a story line that exposes, my fantastic, bizarre story, of the last 30 + YEARS ?

    Do you still wonder WHY ? –

    “They” really don’t like walking on their own toes…Or SHOOTING themselves in the foot… “Great Story, Man…But we just can’t use it” “We will try and exploit, via reversal, of the theme” ” But we get these terrible head-aches, it just isn’t worth it”

    SO LEAVE ME ALONE, to do what I am here to do, upon this earth, to you demonic advocates – or the head-aches become untreatable – pain & permanent, all the way to the ‘other side’ – “Creation of Disincentives” – “Oh Hell”

    Thy will, will be done with or without you, just because you have money and power, on this side… It doesn’t buy you any respect on the other… Hope this hurts, um, Helps, Please TRY and remember – I AM NOT ALONE !

    Comment by Robert — May 6, 2012 @ 1:42 pm

  1260. An example of a “control” group gone wrong –

    We tried out ‘prohibition’ and it worked ! our organised crime group did really well out of it. (America – the Catholic Church – Italian Americans)

    Now for Smack & Cocaine – a complete failure…

    Government approved methods of exploiting – third world economies – Afghanistan – the right elevation and our drug driven economy
    (Land fill commodities, in the ‘Junky Age’) that we can ‘capitalize’ on – we have the ‘Taliban’ – CIA trained and supportive – “To our ’cause”
    (Till they were paid more, than the going rate – to destroy the ‘Afghan’ incentives – by the Chinese)

    Truck Bombing in FEB ’93 – World Trade Centre – more fabrications, of misinformation, via the ‘Controlled Media’ to follow… “For ‘OUR’ ’cause –
    Drug Driven Economic ‘Stimulation’ – Ruling Elite Culling Programs… Depleted Uranium, on and on – DEATH & DESTRUCTION, by a minority
    group of desperate, arsewipes – Their Cover Song – “Desperate Housewives” – That would fuck anything, if threatened, became their playgrounds.

    M . A . D …

    Comment by Robert — May 6, 2012 @ 2:35 pm

  1261. M.A.D – Mutually Assured Destruction,

    A preventable crime, against all of humanity. Understanding the power trip of the minority group, the Ruling Elite (Excessive Wealth & Therefore Power) they have weaknesses, exposure of their weaknesses builds up a knowledge base,
    ‘on how to’ dispose of their satanic values and practices. Greed, Selfishness and Stupidity are not recognised as being Mental Disorders, incurable Madness, that doesn’t even have a ‘treatment’ on offer… So what can be done ? The
    satanic practices that generate a ‘comfort zone’ for such evil entities remain in the valley of darkness – Such comfort zones are ruined by shining the light upon the ‘practices’ , this is also referred to as ‘Whistle Blowing’, which has the
    effect of ‘destabilizing’ the hidden knowledge base – the occult. If evil cannot hide out, with what it is doing, to the innocent and gullible, what is threatened (such evil) call it quits, or perish, like a vampire dragged out into the sunshine…

    The parasitic rich – they wish to stay on top of the hill, at the expense of those without, they rely on things like MIND CONTROL – such as ADVERTISING, that says – “Consume More” & “Trust the Media” the two, that rely on being a
    co-venture – inseparable. Where is the WEDGE ? Consume LESS – Then the “Trust the Media” becomes questionable…Advertising that fails to manipulate, well it leads to failed editorial comment. The end of propaganda’s for those
    at the top of the hill and their hidden agenda’s. They rely on laws, that give crime an opportunity, the Ruling Elite also rely on the absence of laws, there enforcement, that are currently missing, from the equation, such as SUBLIMINAL
    ADVERTISING, which is accepted as being ‘illegal’ mind control – Manipulative Advertising that effect’s subconscious programming & patterning, stored, sub-consciously, until the ‘triggers’ are un-leashed, – it is quite evil in fact.

    The movie – “1984” was about an individual, that saw through all the transparency, of a mind controlled world, Far too many in the world today, that see through the transparency, of the media – example – “Can You Believe this SHIT”
    apparently, about 80% of Americans trust the Media, 20% DO NOT ! But those 20% are psychologically disturbed or mentally ill, according to the controlled professions, of psychology & psychiatry… 80% BELIEVE in the LIES, 20%
    are out there, looking for the truth… Buried, in all the bullshit. Gang Stalking is a tool, of those, with a vested interest in preserving the lies – an important one, victims of gang stalking – targeted individuals have one thing, ALWAYS in
    common – they see through society’s transparency, and active denial programming, with regards the complaint’s of victims, the Victims are IGNORED. WHAT can be done about it ? – Destruction of the economics that support the
    crimes, bye- bye to trade secrets – the performing arts of the professional whistle blower…always undermining the ‘intelligence’ agencies of misinformation and the hidden – evil crafts of deception. What interest is there, to the Majority
    to respect ‘National’ Security, applied for the benefits of corporate criminals, when so few benefit from it ?

    The planet is round; we are all in it together, so in the interests of international security…oust the Ruling Elite – the excessively wealthy tax collectors, that spend our efforts on their opulence and self preservation, protection rackets…

    Comment by Robert — May 9, 2012 @ 12:23 pm

    • “Anti-Semite” – “Anti Semite” – One Chapter of complaint, by the threatened – A minority group, that harbours SATANIC VALUES –
      “Money, Money and more Money”

      NO, Not Anti-Semite, but ANTI – SATANIC & CAPITALIST PIGS !

      Greed, Selfishness and Stupidity, it just doesn’t cut it anymore… They SHOULD , be recognised as the real MENTAL ILLNESS’S

      Capitalist Pig Programming – induce an illness, to sell it a cure…Planned Failure and NO preventative
      Laws… So YOU Consume Again…and again, and again – The PIGS, they call it productivity – in their
      Junky agenda’s…of the land fill age…

      Comment by Robert — May 9, 2012 @ 1:10 pm

      • “Hey man, you’ve lost your mind” –

        O.K. – So maybe it was worth it…would you like another piece ?

        Comment by Robert — May 9, 2012 @ 1:25 pm

  1262. When the complaints are ignored –

    It is not only my opinion, that the media is controlled by the ruling elite – the puppeteers, for their own purposes and hidden agenda’s, also control much of the professions, such as psychology and psychiatry.
    What these professional individuals are taught – is not necessarily the truth, so their practices contain deceitful lies. The problem here, in their cowardly numbers – they ‘legally’ use thuggery to reinforce the lie,
    they never admit that they have made mistakes, based on their educations, which are programs and patterning’s, that they believe are the truth, these same – so called professionals reject the truth and are
    supportive of the argument, the lies, the deceit that provides a protection racket, supportive of organised crimes, against humanity.

    They are not willing to reform, with disclosure, of what has caused so many of the disorders (mental illnesses) as being products, of Satanic Ritual Abuse. They preserve the lies and the criminals get away with
    mass murder. ‘Cattle’ culling programs, of the evil ruling elite.

    The educations, of the psychologists and psychiatrists, the psychiatric nurses and so on, are mind control programs, supportive & protective, of mind control itself – one of their ‘lines’ – “Reinforce Reality, as Required”
    Reality to them is ENFORCE the lies. Avoid the truth, what follows on, is their ‘treatments’ –
    Heavy duty drugs – “You are Relaxed, You are feeling Sleepy” and you have no say it…
    More Ritual Abuse, of the Victim – “It’s all in your mind” (‘subtle, but repetitive suggestion ?)
    Tell their patient, they will need to stay on medication, for the rest of their lives, so as to enable financial returns, via the taxation of pharmaceutical product sales, of which their incomes are derived…
    They are enforcing the – drug induced trance and THE PROBLEM remains, – in affect allowing those behind the Ritual Abuse, to go free, unchallenged organised crimes against humanity.

    “Doctor I am being gang stalked, harassed and provoked”
    The Doctor – “No you are not, you are paranoid and deluded”

    BUT – what does the Doctor know ? – Nothing, about the Motives & Methods of such Ritual Abuse, as gang stalking – to exploit, or oppress, or whatever the motivations are, to psychologically terrorise the
    targeted individual. The professional practice is active denial, of the existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse, because they are not taught about such things, they clearly exercise a lack of interest, of causal effects
    into psychosis, because their career’s depend upon protection and therefore sanctioning of the criminals – WHETHER they know it or not – “Why weren’t we taught about this, if it is very real” Answer – Because it
    wasn’t to be part of your programming, for ‘Puppets,’ who are serving the cause, the preservation of the ruling elite – the puppeteers, those with a vested interest in such evil practices, inclusive of disorder induction

    The motivations being MONEY and the preservation thereof – keeping what they unlawfully obtained, at the ongoing expense of those they collectively victimised and persecuted, with their evil system of deceit.
    Fuck The LIE and the Argument for it. Santa Clause – Bullshit, fantasy and lies – who’s arguing ? The Sanity Clause – More Bullshit and Lies, but enforced by those with a vested interest in disorders and such
    crimes against humanity.

    Comment by Robert — May 12, 2012 @ 8:16 am

  1263. Illegal Human Experimentation –

    In 1996, I was studying a business management course and I met an individual, that shared a house with a pharmaceutical research scientist. I asked this fellow student some straight forward questions, to put
    forward, to his house-mate –

    How do the researchers evaluate the performance of their substances, under development, without human test subjects ? Do they make use of prisoners in jails, psychiatric patients in hospitals and such ?

    The answers came back –
    “I’m not supposed to be talking about this, it’s guarded information, if you get my drift, he (the research scientist) said he would lose his job, and worse… over such disclosure”

    “They can’t really make use of prisoners, because they are not an ideal control group, but, yes the psychiatric hospital staff, they have the ability, to accurately make notes on the effects/side effects of experimental
    Drugs. This information – the Doctors & Nurses notes, drug schedules, dosages times – GOES back to the researchers, for evaluations” He went on to suggest that there is an un-written global ‘law’ that requires
    at least 1,000 human test subjects, subjected to the experimentation for a minimum of 7 YEARS, prior to any approvals, for public release of such ‘developed’ products. Now consider how many people wind up
    being in the psychiatric system for at least 7 years, and are forced to take the medication, tested for compliance – or they can be ARRESTED and returned to the hospital, WITHOUT having committed any OFFENCES.

    So I got a better understanding of what was happening, in the psychiatric hospital system and the potential for deliberate misdiagnosis – i.e. CORRUPTION and further crimes against innocent human beings –
    that is, humanity. Under the table deals – handouts from big pharma, to doctors to fill hospital beds and establish ‘control groups’, Gang-Stalking and Electronic Harassment is greeted by the psychiatrists as
    some kind of paranoid, delusional psychosis…Not something serious – very real organised crimes, that these doctors MIGHT be, indirectly party to… Human test subject ‘manufacturing’ .

    After all, they only regard Mental Illness as treatable (sales of pig pharma products), with no cure and are not that interested in going back to school to study causal effects, into psychosis, when prevention is not
    in their interests – “What’s in it for us”, Break a Leg – to sell a plaster cast ? … Perfectly healthy human beings – gang stalked and persecuted, electronically harassed, exploited and slandered, then further victimization
    and Ritual Abuse, exploitation – “Cheap Control Group” – to maximize profits, not to mention – ‘Job Creations’ for psychiatric hospital employees AND the profiteering, that then continues, with, – “He/She will need to remain
    on medication, for the rest of their lives. The Junky Age and the generation of land fill commodities… When they have finished with their Lab Rats… Thrown on the shit heap, to be an ongoing expense and burden to their
    families, friends and society, also, for the rest of these people’s lives, as ‘carers’,

    Comment by Robert — May 14, 2012 @ 4:52 pm

  1264. Oppression of the oppressive…it’s a worthwhile non-paying gig ! The best values in life are free… of disease, pestilence, corruption and deceit.

    Ar, yes, freedom from the misinformed and satanic…Their induction and money making schemes. There goes the ruling ‘elite’… like the bullshit on top
    of Masada, now in ruin. The new world order – very much like Masada. A ramp to the top, for a better understanding, of the shit on top of the hill, their
    hidden agenda’s, at our ongoing expense – they’re worthless – the age of information will splatter them.

    Comment by Robert — May 22, 2012 @ 12:41 pm

  1265. The ‘intelligence’ agencies –

    “So what do you specialize in ? – Disinformation, Mis-education & False Flag Waving Operations ?”

    “Um. No…We are looking for another job”…

    Comment by Robert — May 22, 2012 @ 12:54 pm

  1266. Linked’In, Facebook, Twitter – They used to be the new employment opportunities for the ‘Intelligence Agencies’ …

    Comment by Robert — June 10, 2012 @ 1:17 pm

  1267. The so called intelligent –

    When we accept the news (a fabrication of events) as being ‘gospel’, when we are led believe in a need to ‘consume’ (each other) when human resources and materialism is ‘wasted’ (the junky age)
    on the failing financial system, of landfill commodities, whereby our trusted used car salesmen and women (Politicians) only have a degree in the law & economics (fantasies) with no laws against
    planned failure and landfill commodities, No wonder a revision to prohibition (the drug laws) remains such a global ‘Taboo’ topic – with religions, that are still ‘hell’ bent on ‘escapism’.

    Freedom of expression (while the 1st amendment, still remains ‘accessible’ & in ‘place’)

    Comment by Robert — June 13, 2012 @ 11:10 am

    • “You did realize, that planned failure commodities were ‘productive’ ” “In their revered junky age” – according to the fantasies of political Law & Economics ?
      “Hey yeah, lets suck up to another job, that pay’s well, yet is destructive” – of all we could have known – like the truth.

      ” SO AVOID THEIR DestrActions and DestrUctions – Yeah, Hey You !

      Comment by Robert — June 13, 2012 @ 11:58 am

  1268. Would it not make more sense – Just to abandon the cash economies – GLOBALLY, so every cent – was traceable, from whence it came, to where it went – in the same ‘circles’ – Serious crime to organised corruption…

    Comment by Robert — June 13, 2012 @ 11:18 am

  1269. A Nice Little ‘Performance’ –

    So what of the Judiciary (JEW-Dissed-Your-Waring) But, Your worth shit (Your Worship) ! – Your LAWS & ECONOMICS are your dreams, totally unacceptable…you false fuck. HYPOCRITE
    STAGE ACT – POACHER – LARD ARSE…..Comments ?

    Your ‘ACTS’ are ANAL…They lack Reform And Reality…..And So, You Suck – And So – Fuck Off. This is not your ‘Wining’ dimension…..

    Comments ? Reply’s ? –

    Sorry for being “So in touch” – They Are Next…..ARE YOU Ready For it ?

    Why Should I wait for the APE SHIT TO ‘CATCH UP’ ? (I am the 7th Dimension ‘Headset’)
    The Reptiles – 5th Dimension Headset,
    Homo-Sap – 3rd dimension Headset,
    1st Dimension Headset – Politicians. – SO EASILY FUCKED WITH… “But our power trip”….?

    Sub Degrees in ‘Intelligence’ …. ANYONE ?

    Of your CAST OUT, SATANIC SCUM, Your false gods, time to fall from the heights of self
    Importance, the wall – Bye Bye – to your pyramided systems of demonic disgrace, for

    The time for any ‘MERCY’ has long expired, you Hypocrite SCUM. FUCK OFF, With only WRATH,
    as your guidance, to where you will be bound – for ever more, THE CORE – “Oh Hell, what
    have we done, to deserve this” – You were taught – what not to do, when your ‘luck’ fails.

    Still Pushing It, PUNTER ? – Your ‘Loan’ is being withdrawn – Along with any chance of forgiveness, for you are

    Any Other Play – RIGHTS ?

    Comment by Robert — June 13, 2012 @ 1:38 pm

  1270. i need to contact you for resorce for attery over abuce my cusen jhony aaron 5 enemys in the past 23 years been still atacking me in ssf ca for 3 years 24 hr a day and a man named jessy somthing he use to live in sober living in kuni huston and sheldons sober living tirone grame

    Comment by Koray Turner — June 16, 2012 @ 4:00 am

  1271. Gang Stalking is set up by one person with a grudge. He is a coward so he sets up someone else to do what he would like to do. Usually their pride has been hurt. He will hire the worst kind of people he can find. Sometime couples who even bring their children. What really in the back of this leaders mind? Murder, that’s really the bottom line. This is where the roaches come out of the cracks and show themselves. They are vindictive, without compassion, lazy, and most of the time on welfare. They receive cash for their dirty deeds, and all the stalkers have the same thing in common. They are usually needy, loud, and constantly require attention. Some of the leaders of these gangs hate the type of people that they hire. They think they are lowlife and have no respect for them themselves. It is all about the leaders pride. Many times these people hire telemarketers. They are bold and could care less about anyone. You take a room of forty people, pay cash, and you don’t even have to show up for work, or pay taxes. They feel a sense of power and they have released some of that self hate that they feel for themselves. “But, everyone’s doing it.” Most have been in jail or prison, or prostitutes, the ones that are following you. That creates more fear. The bottom line they don’t want to disrupt your life, they wan’t you destroyed because they couldn’t do it themselves. I’ll show you mentality. How can they pay for all these people 24-7? Who is footing the bill? No normal human being would be involved in anything like this. The leader/instigator is the root. He is mentally ill.

    Comment by Ellen Kay — June 24, 2012 @ 6:53 am

  1272. Hi Ellen Kay, peace be with you –

    “Gang Stalking is set up by one person with a grudge” –

    Comment – And they make sure that they don’t get any blood on their hands, with a need to acquire as many gullible idiots, to scapegoat – as possible.

    “Usually their pride has been hurt” –

    Comment – Multi-National corporations, their investors and other ‘beneficiaries’ don’t want their bank balances hurt…

    “He will hire the worst kind of people he can find”

    Comment – Other criminals, looking for something more in their ‘pay packets’

    “Sometime couples who even bring their children”

    Comment – The Children are known as “Human Shields”

    “What is really in the back of this leaders mind?”

    Comment – Acquisition & Preservation of fraudulently acquired assets…among other ‘justifications’ to participate in organised crimes against innocent human beings

    “They are vindictive, without compassion, lazy, and most of the time on welfare”

    Comment – Rock Stars, Has-beens, Wannabe Again’s, that think the sun shines out of their butt holes…and the ‘WORLD’ owes them a living…So they steal the ‘ticket’ of the ‘un-scripted’ and ‘un-sung’ (fresh blood)

    “They are usually needy, loud, and constantly require attention”

    Comment – The establishment of noise campaigns to mask directed RITUAL ABUSE, the installation of WiFi transponders, close by, the T.I. (targeted individual) to mask ‘Voice to Skull” attacks is known to VICTIMS

    “But, everyone’s doing it.”

    Comment – A comment made by a “News of the World” – Murdoch Publication – Employee – now doing time, in the shade… The N.o.t.W ‘whistle blower’ was reported as having committed suicide (MURDERED)
    with regards as to how the news was generated, such as illegal phone hackings, etc.

    “The bottom line they don’t want to disrupt your life, they want you destroyed because they couldn’t do it themselves”

    Comment – They will only destroy what they have finished consuming, as in EXPLOITATION, then such disturbances will go overt, with the application of mounting pressure and misadventure…

    “How can they pay for all these people 24-7? Who is footing the bill? No normal human being would be involved in anything like this. The leader/instigator is the root. He is mentally ill.”

    Multi-National Corporations and their cowardly investors – with a vested interest, in maximization of ‘returns’ indeed suffer from Mental Illness’s, but the cures aren’t available and no research has been
    Attempted to ‘treat’ the diseases of Greed, Selfishness and Complete Stupidity OR, for that matter a means of treating ‘Corporate Schizophrenia” – where the investors, executives, advertising
    agents and the scum, further down the chain of command – didn’t care anyway, for how they were making ‘An Almighty Dollar’

    Comment by Robert — June 24, 2012 @ 10:04 am

  1273. The Performing Arts –

    Aided & Abetted by “The Performing ‘Crafts’ ” – The Organised Crimes against humanity, sanctioned activities of the ruling ‘elite’ …
    Mind Control ? Repetitive exposure to ‘Hypnotic’ triggers – Why advertising works… When the programming & patterning, at a
    sub conscience level is firmly in place – the ‘vibing’ – the precursors affecting the subconscious retention, the ‘firewall’ goes
    down to conscience ‘awareness’ – with the ‘advertising’ – ‘thuged’ into complacency, become the community, still eating bullshit.

    Why those, that would rather see ‘Quality & Longevity’ lose out – they are the ‘Economists’…

    ‘Productivity’ to politicians – keep everyone occupied with escapism, fantasy and dead end employment opportunities, planned
    failure, re-manufacturing and re-sales (Consumerism) Those that couldn’t produce inferior products, successful with the induction
    of advertising (repetitive ‘mind control’) they lose. – the ‘headset’, of the junky age….

    Induce an ‘illness’ to sell it a ‘Treatment’ that no longer works…and never did…’failed psychosis’ … The B/S factor.

    Comment by Robert — June 28, 2012 @ 1:47 pm

  1274. DSM – 5

    There goes hearing voices, a natural phenomenon, with all this competitive technology saying
    Otherwise…all the way back to the L.I.D.A. machine (Korea) – a COLD WAR ‘device’

    Comment by Robert — June 28, 2012 @ 3:26 pm

  1275. …and the ‘Invisible’ devices ?

    Oh, but in the interests of National Security…

    Comment – Yeah Right – FUCK OFF your ‘National Security’ – The planet is round, we are all in it together !

    (On A Need To Know)

    …and the need is NOW !

    Comment by Robert — June 28, 2012 @ 3:33 pm

  1276. “So What Do Youy Want ?”

    7th Dimension, away from your 3rd ?

    Comment by Robert — June 28, 2012 @ 3:45 pm


    Comment by Robert — June 28, 2012 @ 3:50 pm

  1278. Good Luck Man, (A comment) – Subtle Suggestion…Whatever…

    In the junky age everything is doped – (adulterated) – The Semiconductor Industry (for example)

    Q. Hey…What happen to the Silicon Sister, …

    A. Drug Fucked.

    R. (Response) – Bummer.

    Comment by Robert — July 1, 2012 @ 12:16 pm

  1279. Those Silicon Sisters – …

    They used to be a real monolith…

    Giants, upon this Earth…

    Comment by Robert — July 1, 2012 @ 12:24 pm


    Comment by erika Peirce — July 10, 2012 @ 1:38 pm

    • Erika –

      These thugs will use ANY suggestion, THAT is NOT APPLICABLE, to you – for their own NOT SO HIDDEN agendas. Provocation maintains your attention, to their cause. They are making and maintaining waves, because these PARASITES
      depend upon such wilful disturbance patterns. Psychological Disturbance promotes attention to their psychological ‘products’ – these ‘products’ may be found in what used to be called ‘entertainment’ ….

      Comment by Robert — July 12, 2012 @ 3:22 am

    • The State/government-organized stalking is precisely for regular people, for making them irregular and manipulating them for some dirty goal of some Secret Police at institutional orders.

      Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — July 12, 2012 @ 3:47 am

      • Roberto –

        We have mentioned this before – But here simplified –

        The GOVERNMENTS of this world are manipulated by those with, the haves AGAINST the have nots, the HAVES instruct their puppets (politicians) to do – and what not to do, i.e. the governments, they are controlled…

        Comment by Robert — July 12, 2012 @ 9:11 am

      • The State/government-organized stalking is State terrorism against society. It has the goal to use the targeted people for some State/government evil goal. The State/government-organized stalking has the purpose to push its targets to do something pre-planned from some State/government agency or bureaucracy. It appears Kafkian while it is something very concrete.

        Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — July 12, 2012 @ 9:28 am

  1281. Roberto –

    State, National, Corporate, Religious,

    Does it matter who you vote for ? The shit on top of the hill – they like it, at the expence of those beneath …

    Comment by Robert — July 12, 2012 @ 10:22 am

  1282. It is not a question of vote…
    States/governments [bureaucracies, military, agencies, cops etc] have no right to harass, destroy, assassinate people.
    Denounce them!
    Criminals and insane louses fear publicity!
    State/government-organized Stalking is a crime and an insanity.

    Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — July 12, 2012 @ 4:33 pm

  1283. Roberto,

    Agreed –

    Exposure of the occultist (hidden) agendas is the ideal working platform – on which to downcast such EVIL ! example – To EXPOSE the craft of a Witch is highly destructive of such practices that remain hidden from common understandings.

    But –

    It is only the deliberate blindness, of the CORRUPTED, that have something to gain, from turning the blind eye to injustices and crimes against humanity. So destroy, through whistle blowing in numbers, which are complaints that cannot
    be ignored, by the easily corrupted and manipulated, by the power broking, ruling elitists that promote corruption as socially acceptable, to a dummied down society in which the targets are forced to conform, with the idiocy there in.

    Comment by Robert — July 14, 2012 @ 4:58 am

    • Hello Robert, may I ask you to delete my comment? My comment is a reply to comment number 20. Can you delete it?

      Comment by aaron528 — August 30, 2012 @ 7:24 pm

      • Hi Robert This getting more gruesome and tonight one of these gang stalkers said that the affects of their technology actually could cause dwarfism in children its my concerns about my grandchildren babies its horrifying – What are the affects does anyone know of research done on the physical affects… a website please?

        No one comes out here to make witness statement or stopped it happening or takes them seriously and others have taken a silent approach. many thanks Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 19:24:57 +0000 To:

        Comment by Shanti Thomas — August 30, 2012 @ 7:36 pm

  1284. I’m also a TI. I’m opposed to the Freemason’s cabal and I will fight injustice no matter where it leads. I don’t want to live in the NWO because it will be full of nothing but deceivers and cowards. I’ve had vehicles with government tags follow me everywhere I go. I’ve had helicopters fly right over my head again and again. They target the ones they can’t corrupt and control. Justice is coming and nobody on this planet is immune.

    Comment by Jay — July 15, 2012 @ 3:11 pm

  1285. Hi, i feel that i saw you visited my blog so i came to return the prefer?.I am attempting to in finding issues to improve my site!I assume its good enough to use some of your concepts!!

    Comment by Wedding Magician — July 15, 2012 @ 4:39 pm

  1286. Wedding Magician –

    “I assume its good enough to use some of your concepts!!”

    When crime prevention is not measured, as a profitable proposition, fuck copyright ! Run down the need of being supportive of the junky age… of land fill commodities… Most published information, it’s Miss Information – breeding contempt.

    Comment by Robert — July 20, 2012 @ 1:47 pm

  1287. I personally have been subjected to mental torment, abuse, by Government Agents & Free Masons. 1997 Government employee Laurie Lowery Carlson was placed in the Mens Penitentiary of Lompoc , CA & persecuted for her faith. Since this incident took place Ihave had every home, apt. , trl. , vehicle that I’ve rented or owned entered when I leave. I am single . I mind my own business & I am a target for abuse by the illuminati & Free Masons in America & throughout the World who believe that they are enforcers for a New World Order.Tate publishing released a song I wrte titled Lori Passed that revolves around the persecution a female government employee faced in the Mens Penitentiary of Lompoc , CA.She never committed a crime. I recently read that James Holmes the Colorado Shooter was hazed , and a target for abuse by Free Masons & the Illuminati. I pray that this will be investigated by authorities in that if this is true the individuals involved are just as guilty as James Holmes.I believe their may be truth in this statement in that James Holmes told police thaat explosives were in his Apt. If your home is continually entered by unwanted guest Free Masons with duplicate keys , & they purposely move items in the household or take something from your home then break back in to return the items this could be enough to make one plant explosives in his own home.I don’t agree with James Holmes , however , if MR Holmes was subjected to hazing , mental abuse, then I believe the illuminati & free masons are guilty. Just as guilty as James Holmes in that they drove a bright young Man to do what he did.

    Comment by David — July 21, 2012 @ 6:00 pm

  1288. Thanks , I have just been looking for info about this subject for a while and yours is the best I’ve came upon so far. But, what in regards to the bottom line? Are you sure concerning the source?|What i don’t understood is if truth be told how you’re now not really a lot more well-liked than you may be right now. You are so intelligent.

    Comment by Custom Vinyl Stickers — August 1, 2012 @ 9:05 pm

  1289. Hi, my name is Target TW92240, a U.S. Army veteran, former Honeywell Corporation electronics technician, and I currently reside in Indio, CA. My experienced with gang-stalkers/ Bonesmen (Bonesmen because the majority of the gang-stalkers who follow me 24/7 wear bone & skull attire) began about 6 months after I filed legitimate civil rights police misconduct complaints against numerous police officers and sheriff deputies.
    To make a long story short, I initially was confused about my deteriorating health such as headaches, nausea, blurred vision, a warm tingling sensation in my arms and legs, and even my toe members. But what I observed immediately prior to the onset of theses here familiar medical symptoms is when deep dark tinted windowed marked police vehicles as well as civilian passenger vehicles and custom vans were in my nearby vicinity. I then put two and two together and came to the conclusion that these cowards were firing hand-held microwave guns at me while hidden inside these deep dark tinted windowed vehicles while passing me on public streets. If you do not think these weapons do not exist you Google “microwave guns”. I say familiar because the only other time that I had ever experienced the aforementioned medical symptoms is when working as an air traffic control RADAR microwave electronics technician during my military career. So, I have been tortured going on four years being slowly cooked by microwave weapons and now lately they have changed weapons that can actually shock your mind from a distance causing an immediate headache within minutes that feels after about five to ten minutes that you have been hit in the head with a blunt object.
    Most importantly, the gang-stalkers have a weapon that can cause you to feel as if you are having a heart attack with you quickly visiting your nearest hospital emergency room only to discover that the doctors and staff have been waiting for your arrival and tell you need to undergo an angiogram heart surgery procedure to determine the cause of your heart troubles only to implant you with an RFID chip to track you 24/7. I am a living testament and fell prey to this sick demonic trick. As an electronic technician, I quickly determined what had occurred and filed a medical malpractice suit against the hospital which is currently active in court. There were two doctors present during my surgery but the hospital staff altered my medical records leaving out the name of one of the doctors who I suspect works for the CIA, NSA, or FBI training the other doctor about this RFID procedure for future reference if the hospital is ever called upon to perform on another unsuspecting targeted victim. I can actually feel when the gang-stalkers who carry laptop suitcase bags walking within a ten feet distance interrogate the RFID chip with my thyroid becoming hyperactive (feels similar to a light choking feeling) and I become drowsy every 20 -30 second interval (with me unable to keep my eyes from closing during the RFID download of my bio-data and voice conversations which this chip is capable of recording.
    There is so much that I have learned about the tactics the perps use. I can surely say that I am an expert. I can almost predict their every move without computer analysis which they use to track a targeted persons every move to determine projected arrival and departure locations.

    I will give more info because I am drained after being hit with DEW or directed energy attacks.

    NO FEAR!!!


    Timothy Lewis Whiting

    Comment by Timothy Lewis Whiting — August 15, 2012 @ 7:29 am

  1290. Hi, and Welcome Timothy,

    You may have read the comments made by yet another victim, further up (post 1252 , 29th April ’12 – Gradkiss) He is also is a trained ex-military TECHNICIAN. My own background as a technician, is in professional audio.

    Recently I considered that what Gradkiss had to say, with regards to getting away from noisy environments (Cell Towers, Noise Campaigns, WiFi & Smart Systems, etc) had a lot of merit to it. I worked out where areas of
    poor reception existed and perceived – “He’s gone off the radar” – a heavy rainforest canopy was the first choice, but making a routine visit to this location, only to be stalked there. The stalkers didn’t know exactly
    where I was, so hit out, repetitively – with each hit getting closer and closer to where I was – I guess you could call it random ‘pinging’ and my response would have been getting louder and louder as they got closer and

    What many of the victims (T.I’s – Targeted Individuals) have in common, is being with knowledge of the systems so used by the Evil Elite, that specialize in Satanic Ritual Abuse. These scum are motivated by Greed,
    Selfishness and Complete Stupidity – Regulatory & Control Freaks is what they are, so distributed accounts of such systems, by the victims own information helps, greatly, to disarm such EVIL upon this earth –
    Whereby ‘EVIL’ equals Destructive of the ‘Creative’ (Creative Being The Good of humanity) Good challengers the evil, when the evil fails to deceive, with Occultist Activity and good wins every time. Let nothing
    remain ‘hidden’ (occult) and jointly bring the public up to speed with the truth, which destroys the lies.

    Comment by Robert — August 15, 2012 @ 7:18 pm

  1291. Hi, I’m new to this site. After reading through the post I feel a mixture of relief and doom. I too have experienced the same things you all have. I think my husband was a part of it and he told me on several occasions that it was something i couldnt run from it. That it would follow me. The only thing is I’ve never had interaction with the perps. No communication besides when they are setting me up to fail at my place of employment. When i cut ties with them i never hear from them again. They all act as if they are my friends and they question me about my entire life. They always act so interested in knowing me. This has happened at my last three jobs. I’ve been a member of a couple of dating sites and three of the men I’ve dated were all connected. I truly believe wholeheartedly that this is a lot bigger than some of us anticipated. I think it has everything to do with the illuminati and the nwo. I think it’s a way to get us strong individuals that haven’t fallen victim to the brainwashing of the media. I think it’s to weaken us and make us more vulnerable and acceptable to the coming of the new age that they are bringing forth. Everybody I have talked to about this thinks I’m crazy which has lead me to physiological drugs and attempted suicides to try and find peace. Think about how vulnerable you are when they drive you to the point of madness. Your so desperate for peace that your more likely to embrace what it is they intend to offer you. Just something to think about. I would suggest doing your due diligence researching the illuminati and the nwo. Stop and think about who truly run our pharmaceutical companies now a days. It’s big guys and I just want to put out there to any nonchristians out there. This has all been prophesied. It will come to pass. It’s only a matter of time. If you haven’t accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour he is waiting for the invitation. The illuminati is a satanic cult that has been around for ages. The only way to combat this is with Jesus by your side.

    Comment by Rhhil — August 20, 2012 @ 12:40 am

  1292. You recognize thus considerably when it comes to this matter, made me individually believe it from a lot of numerous angles. Its like men and women are not fascinated unless it’s something to do with Girl gaga! Your personal stuffs excellent. At all times maintain it up!

    Comment by Hitman: Absolution Beta Giveaway — August 23, 2012 @ 4:28 pm

  1293. Hey Hitman,

    Madonna is the Whore of Bable – On an On and on – No. One….Blah-Blah (GaGa) is No. Two….


    Comment by Robert — August 24, 2012 @ 11:02 am

  1294. hI. i have been gang stalked off and on for decades. Now i believe the maintenance people at the apartment complex i have lived at for over 10 years have recently come under the control of the stalkers and are bugging me and doing illegal entry with the keys they keep at the office. i am confused because they are such normal law abiding people. i am thinking there is no way this could be happening! i am just confused. does anyone have insight on how the stalkers gain control over nice people? or am i just nuts?

    Comment by Catherine — August 26, 2012 @ 1:58 am

    • Through lies and deceit… They are scum!

      Comment by Rho77 — August 26, 2012 @ 2:06 am

    • They manipulate the Target’s neighbourhood by duping these individuals with programs of misinformation,
      fear is also a powerful tool that preserves the status quo and keeps the neighbours from being outwardly
      spoken, to the target.

      Economic incentives such as payment via illegal substances are also common. Repetitive programming of
      the people around the target, via subliminal methods is also utilized and these individuals don’t necessarily
      KNOW what is Happening – till they have the target’s blood on their hands – for all the wrong reasons…

      It is sad to think that psychiatry and psychiatric nursing is fed misinformation, via their approved university
      educations and they REJECT subliminal manipulation, via nefarious applications of technology along with
      FORCED and REPETITIVE suggestion… It Is MIND CONTROL.

      The gang stalkers are manipulated, manufactured patsies that end up with something to hide – fabricated

      Comment by Robert — August 26, 2012 @ 7:53 am

      • Hi Robert – I have still got them in East London infinitum all pretending they want to be publicly admonished bought to trial as if….why harm another!

        Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2012 07:53:25 +0000 To:

        Comment by Shanti Thomas — August 26, 2012 @ 8:29 am

  1295. They are Secret Police operations. The stalker is a ‘normal’ psychopath and criminal managed from a Secret Police officer and excited to be able to act with government cover. Normal people are just louses. If one had morality, he/she would refuse to act as government militian against persecuted people!.

    Comment by rscaru — August 26, 2012 @ 2:07 am

  1296. They are Secret Police operations. The stalker is a ‘normal’ psychopath and criminal managed from a Secret Police officer and excited to be able to act with government cover. Normal people are just louses. If one had morality, he/she would refuse to act as a government militian against persecuted people!

    Comment by rscaru — August 26, 2012 @ 2:08 am

  1297. @the blogger, can you delete all of the comments that I have made on your blog post?

    Comment by aaron528 — August 30, 2012 @ 3:47 pm

    • is that a general comment or specific to one person?

      Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 15:56:31 +0000 To:

      Comment by Shanti Thomas — August 30, 2012 @ 5:22 pm

      • It is specific to one person. Are you the blogger? If so, can you delete the comments that I have made on this blog?

        Comment by aaron528 — August 30, 2012 @ 5:34 pm

      • Sorry i delete all blogs from my inbox and I cannot remember getting any from aaron528 but just simply aaron.

        Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 17:35:03 +0000 To:

        Comment by Shanti Thomas — August 30, 2012 @ 5:38 pm

      • My comment was a reply to comment number 20. Can you delete it or will you not be able to? Sorry if you already got this reply.

        Comment by aaron528 — August 30, 2012 @ 5:55 pm

      • You’ll have to email them yourself try Robert.

        Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 17:55:11 +0000 To:

        Comment by Shanti Thomas — August 30, 2012 @ 6:11 pm

      • Who is Robert? Where can I find him?

        Comment by aaron528 — August 30, 2012 @ 6:25 pm

      • Put his name on your blog as if you were writing an email!

        Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 18:25:12 +0000 To:

        Comment by Shanti Thomas — August 30, 2012 @ 7:25 pm

  1298. My comment was a reply to comment number 20. Can you delete it or will you not be able to?

    Comment by aaron528 — August 30, 2012 @ 5:46 pm

  1299. This is Post 20, that aaron528 speaks of, wishing deleted – his comments to this posting, of 2007 The question is why now, would this aaron persona be going through and adding comments to nearly 5.5 year old posts, THEN waste forum blog space
    requesting that they be removed ? Aaron Agassi was an extremely hostile perpetrator, on this blog space and MAYBE he has returned, with his disruptive agenda of negativity… inclusive of attracting attention to nearly 5.5 year old posts…

    The psychological terror, which is highly planned by trained specialists, who are all very sick, should lead most people to understand that gang stalking is not simply about 1. groups following targets, using directed coversations peppered with personal information of the victims 2. a multitude of petty harassments everyday, such as ripped clothing, gaslighting, brighting, sabotage of property, appliances, etc. . The exercises of gang stalking are sick and demented planned assaults that are ongoing and carried out over days, and months, with other planned assaults being dreamt up for when the current one ends. These assaults will exploit many elements and aspects of the targets entire history, taking into consideration people known, likes and dislikes, jobs held, music/books/what the targets likes to eat, and more. You will be trashed for every like and dislike you have had, and a joke you’ve said will be turned into a character trait, and they will haunt you with terror about it. They shread your mind and bring terror to your soul, near 24 hours a day. They have their operatives troll about you in public venues, by your home, anywhere. They will use children , old people, anyone, in these sometimes sick tactics, and always terroristic assaults. There is a sick obsession within these perpetrators and the organizers, that is geared towards the creation of demented tactics to screw with a person’s mind. There is also an obession that is geared towards so many details of the target’s life, that it is unbelievable, but true. They will pick at your life as if a thousand scorpions were picking at your skin. As a male target they will do some very demented things to condition you to sexual topic, or just some disgusting elements that will be used to harass you, and of course they have already branded you as a child molester or rapist, some crazed lunatic, with slander.The attacks begin with ground level lifestyles, and eventually make their way up to horrific terror based themes that may included murder or rape. They will use trash bags, spills, and mops and buckets, in stratigic ways, everywhere you go, while your mind is raped by electronics or chemicals. These assaults will encompass coversations with friends, co-workers, that are directed to strategically use certain words in certain ways, that correlate with the overall assault and theme to bring the terror home to your mind. You will be isloated and will wonder what the hell is going on, ‘am I going crazy, why are all these people doing this to me”. They will make you feel you are suspect for theft, armed robbery, anything, and everywhere you go, store, diner, work, home, there will be people using language directed at you and complete with the directed themes. The attack will fit the definition of mean, cruel, and sick. Early on, they may first make the person feel that they have been targetted because they have not yet married and their siblings all have children, morgages, so the targetted person’s responsibilities were minimal comparatively (instillation of unreal guilt), but this instillation of guilt will broaden and hit every aspect of your lifestyle, from the jokes you told with friends, the clothing you prefer, your habits, and passions. You will be made to feel guilty for spending much time on say rock climbing, reading poetry and the like, and they will pound you with media that is to indictate ‘people are starving in the world, and your paaion is peotry, rock climbing, etc. If you have always prided yourself on buying organic, they will make you pay for that by harassing you with the opposite, making you feel that your passions are meaningless. If the target is married they will cause emotional distress through any number of methods (in work, or at home with nightly noise, ect), with the end result in marriage troubles, work related troubles (happened to me).

    Comment by anonymous reading — April 12, 2007 @ 11:16 pm

    This has happened to me and no one seems to take me serious enough when I tell them this has happened to me. One gang stalking target even told me on Peacepink “if thats your biggest problem-that you can’t listen to the music you prefer or can’t become a goth, then you are lucky!” They just don’t understand how painful this is unless they have had this happen to them. They have completely exploited my musical tastes. Back in October or November of last year is when my perps really started getting into my personal life. My perps got on the internet and looked up the music that I listen to and insulted me about my music. All of this was done to me through electronic harassment and voice to skull. They listened to most, if not all of the songs that I listen to and harshly insulted me about it. They did this for days. They started doing this by reading my thoughts. They had no right to do this to me and I gave them no permission to do this to me. One night I was having a conversation with my grandmother and she asked me what music I listen to and a thought about a bands name popped up in my head and thats what got these people started. As for the insults, they called me many names. One of my perps said “your songs ain’t shit”. Thanks to my asshole perps, my musical tastes are trashed. Now everybody knows all the artists, songs, and types of music I listen to, thanks to these douchebags. Thanks to them, now I have to find new and different music to listen to. They know everything about my personal life. My life has been trashed. The music I listen to is no surprise to anyone now. I have had thoughts about suicide because of this. They even knew I wanted to become a goth, but thanks to them I’m not going to become a goth because of the gossip and rumors that they have spread about me. Now everybody knows that I wanted to become a goth but its too late now thanks to the rumors and gossip, my personal life is trashed. My life is no surprise to anyone. My life is trash now. My perps even went so far as contacting the same music artists I listen to and getting them involved in my electronic harassment. Has this happened to you?

    Comment by Aaron — August 24, 2012 @ 9:49 pm

    Comment by Robert — August 31, 2012 @ 12:47 am

    • Yes I did note aaron528 Took 5 years to appear and there was en email from rsc…… someone else and I am being bombarded with media folk imagery – major complicity a malovent personalized agenda of attack…….and with me here today the vile noise is subliminal because I requested police assistance and recently the audio blast of local police corruption…..this group area stinks to high heaven they have property of mine even keys even boasted of having researched everything about me have DNA the filthy experience knowledge of the central group and political funders the Mob unions and the smoking gun no police reassurances of any details protection and for my future apart from confirmation I am being stalked from the UK Government. and will I get a nasty little visit from corrupt police force admonishing me or worse –

      Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 00:47:40 +0000 To:

      Comment by Shanti Thomas — August 31, 2012 @ 6:31 am

    • Robert, I don’t know who you are thinking of, but I am not Aaron Agassi. I’m just a regular commentor wanting my post deleted.

      Comment by aaron528 — August 31, 2012 @ 4:50 pm

  1300. aaron 528 –

    If you read the comment I did say loudly MAYBE…

    As far as having your post deleted – once again why would you go back and hit on a post of 5 and a half years old ?
    – secondly why would you seek to have this post deleted, shortly later ?
    – thirdly why would you ask who I was, and where I could be found ?

    Misconceptions aside – I do not regulate this forum topic blog space, I am therefore NOT a moderator capable of deleting posts.
    I am also a victim with a lot of INSIDE information, based on my own victimization, by scum within the entertainment industry. I
    regard these filth as piranhas in a shallow pond that used to be called the shallow money pit – i.e. – the music business (H.S. Thompson)

    Comment by Robert — September 3, 2012 @ 1:08 am

  1301. Hello Fellow Targeted Individuals,

    It’s been some time since I have posted (03/09/12 ! – I admit, that is quite an absence for me…) due to getting caught up in a major fraud operation, by what is only retaliation by the miscreants of this entertainment business.
    The characters involve both the sub human, murderous trash herself (Madonna) and some high profile actors and actresses wrapped up in a production that was recently being filmed in SPAIN. I didn’t see any pattern of an
    association between Madonna and Cameron Diaz, that is until Gwyneth Paltrow was revealed as a long term associate of Madonna AND best buddies with Cameron. What is now 35 years of exploitation, that started in 1977
    has proved, beyond any doubt, that the gang stalking is a function of the entertainment industry, as a whole. These high flying parasites, gold diggers, pimps and poachers build their careers on the waves of psychological
    assault, scamming their targets with deceit to maintain the exploitation and attention, their careers, as professional prostitutes, are so dependent upon. They have no character to project and the personalities, so presented
    are derived from those they target and molest – the targeted individuals themselves.

    Any suggestion of a ‘DISCOVERY’ and any other buzz words, that maybe directed at the targeted Individual, are only to maintain the psychological connection, between the poacher and the prey. They are full of shit and put
    the T.I. in harms way, as they maintain the wave of artificial attention, to their delusional and pointless performances that match their over rated lifestyles. Where this Creates the Problem is the gang stalking trash, that then
    start psychologically profiling the prey.

    The poaching parasites, some of you call ‘SUPER STARS’ couldn’t give a shit how their performances are empowered, stinking lying trash sitting on fraudulently obtained cash. The over rated nature of the products, of the
    entertainment business, the vast amount of money involved ENCOURAGES the organized criminal component. SOLUTION ? strip the industry of any values at all, and piss off all the false gods… to hell with them.

    Comment by Robert — October 21, 2012 @ 5:39 pm

  1302. I am still not very clear about the concept of gang stalking and all. I hope after reading these thoughtful discussions I would be able to create an understanding of my own.

    Comment by Escondido roofing — October 23, 2012 @ 5:56 am

    • Start Reading – from the top down –

      Strip the old roof off first, the disinformation dogs, that is, those with a vested interest in such organized crimes against humanity, gold diggers – pimping the spirit of another human
      being when their own is all washed up – in hyper-performance space… Consumed by the fan clubs – consequences ? YES – hyper sensitivity and a need to climb all over another
      human being, using deceit, localized controllers & handlers, gang stalking operations – to act as psych relays to the all souled out ‘ Super Stars’ dancing on someone else’s planet
      in the heavens. – Scamming Scabs – dead spirit (desperate) types. The sun no longer shines on their stars…pip squeaks of their former selves, they were never warned (Oh Really)
      of what becomes of the depleted, but seen as giants, by the propaganda mind fucked, of the junky age of land fill commodities brokering. (Wasted Talents)

      Then read the story of personal misadventure, pertaining to the performing farts (arts) club…
      You’ll figure out then what not to invest in – escapism, delusion and hypocrisy ! These are money spinning, government sanctioned revenue raking crimes, against humanity.

      Such crimes, In accordance with the dummying down of society, that has been set-up for demonic destruction, in accordance with the fantasies of evil PIGS, that can’t continue to
      control or regulate (these are oppressive practices) encouraging the evils of anarchy and terrorism, also money spinners – i.e – weapons sales, law enforcement opportunities, extra
      homosexual positions for shit dippers – in the judiciary, destroying the family unit (the gold digger always wins…) and other such evils, that plague humanity – as covered, in previous
      writings above.

      What to do about non-reformists, that like everything the way it is, without change – unless it’s in their pockets… BAN CASH ECONOMIES –
      That will give the criminals curry – with four times more Vindaloo Paste than what was required…
      They won’t just shit bricks, their arseholes will get burnt off as well…

      Comment by Robert — October 23, 2012 @ 8:58 pm

  1303. Stars that pimp the Stars –

    The Occult (Has Beens) within the performing arts have started a not so new practice, star whacking, recent attention was promoted to the death of Heath Ledger – Who acquired his ticket ? – Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Inception)
    check out the eye’s – the eye’s have it. Randy Quaid went on the run and forecast that many profile stars would be executed by organized criminals – WITHIN HOLLYWOOD, those with a vested interest in the big bucks, such as
    the WARNER corporation.

    Madonna severed ties with the Warner Group of criminals and Caresse Henry was gagged and driven to death by organized gang stalking and her business undermined, by those she trusted, such as Paul D. Schindler and
    Liz Rosenberg… Just some of the Occultists & Back Stabbers involved. Liz Rosenberg, Who, after the death of Caresse stated – “Caresse had Demons” Yeah, by the occultist that set them on her – Who would know better
    than the occultist Rosenberg, herself.

    Caresse wasn’t given the opportunity to defend herself against public slander. Schindler has been closely tied with Michael Gudinskiy, Festival Mushroom Records – Australia – (FMR) since the 1970’s.

    Gudinsky, using the pimp and poacher – Jeremy Saxon Oxley (The band – The Sunnyboys) a FMR – Recording Artist, set me up, yet again, in October of 1992. I was poisoned by Oxley, who dosed my frozen food and when this
    food was eaten and the trauma induced, out come the noise campaigns, the railroading and the exploitation, via gang stalking and unlawful surveillance operations, electronic verbal harassment aiding and abetting crimes, within the
    entertainment industry. These Crimes are Fraud, as in – to obtain attention (and sales) to aid product sales – VIBING someone, or if you like CASTING the screaming spirit, of the innocent – INTO DARKNESS. Then destroying
    the witnesses – here is a media report, about what Randy Quaid has had to say –

    Comment by Robert — October 23, 2012 @ 10:45 pm

  1304. The Entertainment Industry “Mind Games”

    Previous writing’s have covered the use of technology to distract and wilfully “DISTURB” an individual, that is an individual and not a machine void of feelings, because some loud mouth exhibitionist needs a ride (Madonna).
    Technology, to program and pattern, or other terms like behavioural modifications, the art of subtle suggestion, to coerce the T.I. into conforming to Mind Control Hypnosis through repetitive manipulations and exposure to
    a constant WAVE of parasitic attention (gang stalkers) positive subtle suggestions to maintain and pin down the delusions. These are effectively the piranhas sitting on your mind, gambling on the side as to the effectiveness of their assault.

    The WAVE is heartfelt or hurtful, it doesn’t matter to the grand-standing fucking piranhas, how they maintain YOUR attention, to their cause – THE SALES of DELUSIONAL PRODUCTS, so called entertainment pieces for the
    junky age of land fill commodities – OR, if you like, escapism to no where… The piranhas are all souled out and need two things – A personality and potential, as in empowerment to aid their performances, whether song or script – parasites,
    that hide behind their status of “top ten” bread winners, with super star status in the performing farts club. There is NO SINCERITY, regardless of what the T.I. might consider benevolence, of the spirit of the parasitic beast – your shallow money
    trench gold and attention diggers. They are not what you may have began to believe, most of them are out of their minds, through disassociations, to their targets… and Houston is closed…

    No Proper Care & Control – total open slather hypocrisy, no liability and accountability, by virtue of public company sanctions, with lots of invested interest, like useless eaters and breathers hanging around retirement villages, on life support systems…
    all past their use by date – a tidy way of saying FUCK OFF, you pimping poaching scabs ! They don’t care what happens until their crimes against innocent human beings are EXPOSED and they are implicated, then – they fuck off. Many will lose
    everything, they thought they had to gain, inclusive of wealth – to their victims, regardless of psychiatric protection rackets that provide cover, when the victims come forward, with disclosure of the script or song “In their heads” They really should
    take better care of themselves and accept responsibility, for those they have exploited, with their mind game shit – or they will end up dead, as sometimes they get caught between a rock and hard place – they won’t get out of…Let’s see them call that

    Comment by Robert — November 8, 2012 @ 4:38 pm

    • Robert, Did you ever get any witnesses as British Law stipulates that its needed for police investigation? But what this vile group have engendered and foreplanned Malice Aforethought the reactions in others is with what do is scares the shit out of others?Especially in the area where they are based.

      Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 16:38:27 +0000 To:

      Comment by Shanti Thomas — November 8, 2012 @ 11:36 pm

      • Shanti –

        The Witnesses get murdered – Caresse Henry, for example – Murder by Suicided. YES – the Perpetrators, they go to town on them till they give up the will to live.
        Stay strong Shanti – Their System is slated for Mass Destruction, The Pigs get “Whacked” out of business. The Judiciary is full of Homosexuals and are VERY
        defensive of their investments in the performing farts clubs – also loaded with Faggots… SO FORGET witnesses and the court system of the deluded and corrupted.

        Comment by Robert — November 9, 2012 @ 5:50 am

      • Hi RobertThanks for your email responses it helps – people are slowly waking up to the dangers working underground. Something clicked during the night that some of this stuff works on adapting security alarm systems boundary walls/internal and external security and devices externally that transmit sound wonder if they keep the altered alarm systems on all day even if indoors it emits the radio micro-waves to adjacent houses-offices etc and others security defences harming human life beings and ecology. The vile vigilante neighbourhood Watch system and all else.regards,Shanti Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2012 05:50:30 +0000 To:

        Comment by Shanti Thomas — November 9, 2012 @ 8:03 am

  1305. Recent events that interrupted my writing’s

    15th of July 2012 –

    A presence is felt and a slight ringing in the ears, this distracts me from what I was doing and then the name is dropped, a transmission that comes through my studio monitor speakers – CAMERON DIAZ. I paused for reflection and visualised the last movie that I saw, with Cameron – “Bad Teacher” Upon this recollection, of her appearance another suggestion comes through the speakers “Bad Cop” The pimping poaching gang stalking trash are aware of what movies I have recently seen and before the assault of locking me up with the spirit of Diaz goes any further, I switched on the Wave Killer, to counteract the naturally occurring meditation wave – the Schumann Resonance Wave exists at 7.83 Hz, my Schumann wave killer was set to 15.66 Hz, it tends to fuck off those that have been set up – to “jump” on me – I’m not into being taken for a ride by ANYONE !

    Cameron Diaz was probably asleep when this disassociation of her Body & Soul occurred. Critical Filming of the production “The Counselor” was 12 days away and so due to commence filming was reported as being the 27th of July. The part played by Diaz was originally cast to Angelina Jolie and hence a need to Consume ME (without consent) through a series of Body/Soul “DISASSOCIATIONS” Cameron Diaz is on the same “Wave Length” as me, first revealed in March of 1995, and this story, of events – since 15/07/2012 gets VERY interesting, I don’t have any reservations about revealing exactly what occurred, since then, as I am being Ritually Abused by wealthy PARASITES – with NOTHING to offer – Fuck the Gang Stalking Trash…

    So I’m in the process of burning their economic incentives to exploit me. I don’t give a RATS ARSE about their consequential losses OR their careers, they have no respect for my privacy and they should know better, than to take me for a B/S ride.

    Comment by Robert — November 8, 2012 @ 5:39 pm

    • Oh yes its the computer running this crap it constantly refers to celebrities as if I relate to the post-modernists lies and shrinking my world to others enforced re-programming of my mind with the local gestapos running the same bedlam stuff in their brutal crap intimidating 24/7. life as I know it dead cos these criminals anally retentive wont let go must be so constipated with poison+ crimes+dirty lucre hopefully they will explode shortly if only there were just more straightforward. Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 17:39:54 +0000 To:

      Comment by Shanti Thomas — November 8, 2012 @ 11:46 pm

      • Hi Shanti –

        Yes computer driven rhetorical crap, pre-programmed sequences of pre-release film work – PLUS the returns of a financial nature from the structuring of waves. This stuff existed BEFORE the computer driven “Auto Pigs” as the American Victim –
        Dr. Alan Barker terms these assaults. Methods of delivering “Mental Molestations” have significantly increased with the advent of WiFi And the Cell Networking Systems, Don’t know what kind of “Radiators” have been put into low orbit.

        Microwave hearing was PROVEN shortly after WW2 (Walter Reed Army Institute) and don’t forget the research of the S.R.I in San Francisco pertaining to “Remote Viewing” and how it was played down as “Nothing Conclusive” – If it works as a
        weapon it is played down as though it doesn’t WHICH is why exactly it does work, on the unsuspecting populous with V2K – “Voice of God” Deceptions… MY Mission – which I accepted… is prove beyond any doubt the need for disclosure and shut
        down the financial beneficiaries – and punish them publically, for crimes against humanity and the losers WILL pay – for what they have taken away from the victims…

        A victim can “Lock Up” the perpetrators with enough retaining “power” and prove to the idiots of main stream society the threat, posed to humanity – Assault is a two way street – “On the Open Wave” They fuck with my heart – via my head and I break
        their brains…sometimes I think too much that they weren’t issued with much of the grey matter…There must be something left of their brains, otherwise we are dealing with the living dead (dead entertainers ?) used as go-betweens in exchange
        via disassociation (Occult) methods of abduction… To an Australian, that is what an American is – “An Alien” on Astral Travel Visa’s.

        Comment by Robert — November 9, 2012 @ 5:35 am

  1306. Sorry for this pointlessness –

    Australian (Astral – Alien) …could’nt resist – X files… the occultist “Zee” files – end of the occult ! “Yay”

    So What happened to discovery ?

    Madonna’s History – First recorded, the Eastern African Investments – D.P. Koziol (Polish Satanic Pig – Psychiatrist – “Psyche – trick or treat”) in 1985 –
    His hand writing, it’s not my delusion, clearly in bed with Michael Gudinski (Promoter) Paul D. Schilndler (Freelance Attorney – NYC – Ent’ Industry) Madionna (Wanna – Bee, Warner Bastard)
    Welcome to the Shallow Money Pit – the Music Business (H.S. Thompson)

    They all masquerade as Jews – protection rackets – the religions are far from safe harbours of their own ritual abuse…run and hide in delusion, in the valley of darkness, the truth exposed and
    the satanic burnt, the valley of darkness (the occult) is in destructive flame. Still wish to play mind games ?

    Just a simple pointless message for the fuckers that don’t know the war is over….they are a little S L O W… or maybe they are always ‘LATE’ (Dead Already – but still hanging around, on their own ropes)

    Comment by Robert — November 18, 2012 @ 12:44 pm

    • The poisonious repercussions of a result of the corruption of these socio-political stalking shits of walthamstow-labour-camden gang stalkers is the affect on others I know who have all colluded with using same technology [and some worse] and refuse to do openess honesty and reality about the massive electronic evasion and needless violence or any witness statements –

      Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2012 12:44:49 +0000 To:

      Comment by Shanti Thomas — November 20, 2012 @ 5:23 pm

      • Hi Shanti,

        The big problem, with the non-believers – is it takes them to a door within human subconscious with loud and
        offensive language – DANGER – KEEP OUT, DO NOT ENTER, PERIL if YOU GO any further, PAIN ONLY ON
        this PATH – All of this, is of course a program to obstruct justice for victims and to prevent the public from being
        brought up to speed on such topics of ‘occultist’ crimes against humanity. I enjoy beating up occultists, who are
        narcissistic pigs that hide behind the lies, they hate me – I love the truth !

        Comment by Robert — November 25, 2012 @ 2:45 am

      • Hi RobertYes Needless violence and other people who are completely uncomfortable when it comes to dealing with felons+ these types of crimes need to simply act with the knowledge its criminal its age old crime – Literally dressed up with political corruption plus space age technology and maned by people who are sordid grimy groups obsessed fixated with a Stalkers Agenda with Intent and yes the dark arts the so called umbrella of the “scientific” professions+gravy boat train of neo -socialists.

        Thanks again for your support,regards,Shanti Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 02:45:56 +0000 To:

        Comment by Shanti Thomas — November 25, 2012 @ 2:47 pm

      • Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 22:38:52 +0000 To:

        Comment by Shanti Thomas — December 24, 2012 @ 11:54 pm

  1307. I think it is getting better in my state as they have taken to murdering them to get them off their azz. When they realize their life isn’t worth a sh@t, they back off a bit.

    I caught my first postal worker engaging recently…far from where I live. Of course, in the area is a high drug traffic problem so it seems reasonable he’d want to participate.

    Mostly they come from the conspiracy forums I noticed. People do not acknowledge them because they’d prefer to get people thinking the state is a Bible belt. What they are doing is hoping to capitalize off their terrorism. Change religion or get one-that’s the goal. Or, the scam.

    Hauling illegals and drugs, stealing mail and monitoring anyone trying to work is what they really do. They intend to destroy property unless you cut and run. Some aren’t. Too bad for the stalkers as they will at least have six of their closets friends in their time of need.

    The mind control crap comes from an old veteran trick to cheat and steal from people under the guise of security. They are thick near the military bases. Instead of forming a legitimate police force, they unleash the goons to terrorize people. Often they try to deceive others into thinking this is Christianity because they are doing “charity” work.

    If you call the police enough, they blame you. And, naturally, few can afford their private investigators that cheat and steal and fuel the stalking. The pseudo “journalists” have anointed themselves psychological investigators in the sense they spread out to attack family members. Now they are finding it is a two-way street and will soon be puking, too.

    Comment by Thinker Belle — December 3, 2012 @ 10:56 am

  1308. Have you ever thought about adding a little
    bit more than just your articles? I mean, what
    you say is valuable and all. Nevertheless think of
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    Comment by — December 21, 2012 @ 10:38 pm

  1309. Yes! Finally something about how to treat gout
    naturally at home.

    Comment by click here — January 11, 2013 @ 10:02 pm

  1310. Seven weeks of ‘travelling’ …5000 Kilometres

    Everywhere I went, the pimp’ed & poached ‘stars’ followed. Shaking such desperation for money & attention
    must be impossible for them…

    Cameron Diaz – “But I Don’t wan’t to become Invisible” & “Why would anyone wan’t to kill me”

    Response from me –

    Making me highly visible only encourages jealousy & parasites – while you Cameron, pimp yourself all over me
    YOU HAVE NOTHING REALISTIC TO OFFER ME, Go climb on someone else, with your insincere bullshit, good
    luck, Dita Parlo your dead virgo go-between (1971) has been cast down, to the basement…”OH No” He, He.He.

    No un-realistic way out now – without direct eye to eye contact, the poor meat & brain will wan’t it’s soul back
    sooner or later… “Lover”

    Comment by Robert — January 17, 2013 @ 6:57 am

    • Hi Robert Thanks for email -its vile stagnation here with a Mafia union charter of constant hitting on me laughing hyena’s/jackals Day of the Jackal everyday!Weary is not the word. Regards Shanti

      Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 06:57:22 +0000 To:

      Comment by Shanti Thomas — January 18, 2013 @ 9:06 am

      • Shanti –

        You might be able to find out who the compulsive & obsessive ‘star’ sitting & hitting
        on you is – I mentioned and explained this not so occultist, as in hidden tricks method
        on another site, that site was shut down in 2011…maybe too much information for
        the perpetrators liking ?

        A = 1, B = 2, C = 3…..Z = 26, So replacing the first letter of each of your given names –
        i.e. your initials with the respective Number and then the year of your birth, month of
        your birth and finally the day of your birth then subtract 5 from your first initial, 4 from
        your middle initial, 3 from your surname’s first letter, 2 from the year of your birth, 1 from
        the month of your birth and zero from the day of your birth –

        Personal Example –

        R.P.F 1960, 09, 16 and therefore – R = 18, P =16, F = 6 and then the subtraction of
        5,4,3,2,1,0 So – 18 minus 5 = 13, 16 minus 4 = 12, 6 minus 3 = 3, 1960 – 2 = 1958
        09 – 1 = 08, 16 – 0 = 16 therefore 13 = M, 12 = L, 3 = C….

        M.L.C 1958, 08, 16 Madonna Louise Ciccone 1958 August 16

        Numerology is part of the occultist system of pimping the so called stars onto targets,
        who ARE the power and not the loud mouth exhibitionists, screwing the targets for
        whatever they are worth – sooner, than later – the stars are going to be paying the
        rent – one way or the other…

        P.S – the formula can be transposed, by a star, who might wish to know who they are
        “camping out” on – by simply adding 5,4,3,2,1,0 to their own details. It’s a horrid affair
        when the stars are trading places through body/soul disassociations – I walked out of
        a supermarket, the week before last, in South Eastern Queensland, I passed a total
        stranger (A Stalker) who was gawking at me, and he said (or rather loudly thought)
        “Hello Cameron”

        Comment by Robert — January 19, 2013 @ 7:03 am

      • It is easy.
        However, impossible for Statesmen/women, and State/government functionaries and their militians involved in State/government-organized stalking.
        Louses cannot do such exercises.
        They are lost obsessive-compulsives empty skulls!

        Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — January 19, 2013 @ 9:11 am

      • Roberto- Yes I can see the big Organ Grinders behind these sorts of illegal rackets will remain hidden unless the ones at the bottom get wise- What is at the crux of this is the complete reversal of laws and justice – Life itself.I cannot thank you all for your assistance,Shanti

        Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013 09:11:10 +0000 To:

        Comment by Shanti Thomas — January 19, 2013 @ 9:22 am

      • There is no illegal racket. There are government-paid people spreading the thesis of “obscure forces” and other deception.
        There are only State/governments doing State/government-organized stalking (and even worst things) and covering it by the State Secret.
        Secret Police corps / State/government Death Squads implement it.

        Comment by Roberto Scaruffi — January 19, 2013 @ 5:13 pm

  1311. Dita Parlo, well she was once Madonna’s Go Between, that’s interesting – Gwen is/was Madonna’s BFF…
    Gwen then dropped Madonna and became Cam’s BFF… So another case of Multiple Personality Body/Soul
    Disassociations…So who is the Bitch in my ear, with no way out ?

    Comment by Robert — January 17, 2013 @ 7:23 am

  1312. They are criminals. No need to obscure the facts. They commit a crime, recruit unsuspecting volunteers they can hide behind and terrorize for their cause of reducing crime. So far, in my state, the murder rate has gone through the roof (no pun intended).

    I’ve always been able to track them back to a military base. How this works is they like to keep their buddies in office and supply a fresh force of incapable people that can easily be manipulated by complete idiocy. They thrive on conspiracy and psychobabble. They stalk, terrorize, and yes-murder.

    If it were another country, they’d be deemed extortion rings. Since it’s the US, they are do-gooders.

    Recently I was explaining to a man why my cell phone was no longer operating. They track the cell phones to stalk and terrorize anyone you come in contact with. I told him I had more problems (or at least more likely to be murdered)in his area because they are spread out that far. He said they’d been getting a lot of dead bodies in his region more recently. I believe they got fish food from a neighbor of his to feed to my dog-just to let me know they were “watching” me. They never proved arson on the house being burned to the ground, but I am reasonably certain it was.

    They hope to make each and every person into a police officer so they do not have to take reports, therefore delegating all the police work down to the military trained extortion rings. The vigilantes do go work by trying to force civilians into their causes. Basically, it’s liberating every person from any rights guaranteed by the US Constitution in an attempt to sell media spots. If the police won’t do their job, and you can’t afford the extortion rackets, there’s always the inane media who can call it what it’s not-terrorism.

    Comment by Thinker Belle — January 20, 2013 @ 2:33 pm

    • Hi Robert This situation goes from vile to the end of the Richter scale now I have others wading in screwing up on top of the corporate b……. this lot are permanently damaging my eyesight with neuro-imaging do you know of anything to stop it or to counteract it? RegardsShanti Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 14:33:43 +0000 To:

      Comment by Shanti Thomas — February 5, 2013 @ 11:04 pm

      • Shanti –
        Firstly I am sorry about the delay in responding to your question. I was made homeless last December, my business was at home.
        I waited patiently for a house in a very quiet location, so as to get everything back together, away from the entertainment industry’s
        Cockroaches, Parasites and Gang Stalking trash.

        I have had the chance to compose myself, without the distractions of employment and found some very interesting observations
        along the way – more about this later. The damage to your eyesight is, I believe, a function of the disability of ANOTHER
        individual. The ability to replicate pleasures & pains from one human being to another is where disclosure, via exposure will
        burn their perversion.

        Comment by Robert — July 21, 2013 @ 4:45 pm

  1313. I doubt praying is going to make it go away. They kicked in my neighbors door and she prays constantly for me and herself. They still stalk her, too. I’ve caught them on film. Too bad she thinks it’s the possible drug dealers next to her. It isn’t. They are a symptom of the disease.

    When stopping for a red splatter in the center of the macadam, I realized I was being stalked by an “All Pray” duplicate of myself. Typical in a government town. Like Robert said, it’s the state secret why people are robbed, terrorized, threatened, and their pets are killed. I’ve only lost one, though they didn’t kill him, he hung by his tail over a creek for a few days. They’ve tried to lure the other out by throwing large (huge)bones next to the fence to get him to dig under and once threw fish food to him.

    Make no mistake about it, when I get on the road from Gog to Magog I put the petal to the metal. As soon as I get my idler arm and pitman fixed, I’ll be doing it again. They can murder whom they choose. I want them to stay out of my yard regardless of how many cable men are inconvenienced by locked gates!

    I don’t care for fake charities-even if they are “Christian” ones.

    Comment by Thinker Belle — February 11, 2013 @ 2:02 pm


    Comment by Lissakrhumanelife — March 24, 2013 @ 1:20 am

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    Comment by Malena Bucciarelli — April 10, 2013 @ 4:05 am

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    Comment by Steffen — April 26, 2013 @ 1:55 pm

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    Comment by spank — April 29, 2013 @ 12:59 am

  1318. Signing in for the first time. Hello everyone. What most must understand is, this is all biblical. This is and has been a purposeful decline of the entire world. The U.S. was a big driver of it, installing dictators, in order to bring countries to their knees and make them “third world”. The U.S. has bee the last to go and so this is what we are experiencing. People are already this way globally. Remembert the standoffishness of the people during the holocaust, who turned people in? Also remember that is when “schizophrenia” began . . In any event, the behavior is a spirit; a demionic one.

    As a t.i. most would agree that we can tell who is on the up and up and who is completely a part of this insanity. Having said that, let me give you an example and also show you how it has just become a normal purposeful spiritual digression, by losers with demon spirits. I live in an area that is now “ghetto”, but I have been here long enough to see, that it was a purposely concocted plan. I am 34. There was this girl about 16 yrs. old who would look at me with such hurt inher eyes, because she knows what these sick people do as far as watching people in their homes, hurting them, drugging them etc. However, she knows this only because her family is involved in drug use, so they partake in the “stay out of jail card” program of gangstalking whoever they are told to. She is a bright girl, with promiseand does not belong here, just like I didn’t when I was her age. They got this family involved, by slowly involving them in drug use. One night a “domestic violence” issue started and the fake “security” around here, carted the entire family away in a van. The parents are now trapped in the gangstalking cycle, or prison awaits basically. These police are not police.They entrap, they are used by satan. I saw the sweet girl about two weeks ago. Needless to say, she no longer has the light in her that is in me and most of us. She is about twenty now and she is looking a litlle worn. The innocence is gone from her face. She used to almost run to me when she would see me in the distance and it seemed she wanted to say, “I’m sorry sir, this world is sick.” Now she doesn’t notice me. She has become part of the unspoken “program” of purposeful decline. I now see her walking around aimlessly in the night; just her and whatever group of boys. This usually indicates that a girl has gone into the proverbial smoking of weed in the stair cases and sexual activity that goes along with being a girl from these parts now. So what I am saying is it is a spirit that they are trying o force on you. It is far bigger than just you, or me although it may feel this way because they try to isolate people. This is about the wheat being separated from the chaff. Either you stand or goodness because it is truly who you are, or go along with the program of how society is run, which is by the antichrist spirit and many just never realize it, until somtething came along that they didn’t want to be apart of. Then all of a sudden, you were smacked over the head with awareness and had people following you around. It’s the matrix. You are a bug in the system, because you are awake.

    Remember, it is far bigger than you. The Lord opened my eyes to he details. Several times he has recalled memories from yesteryear to help me see satans plans. Some of these people are literally bred for this most likely by some secret masonic program and installed . . yes, installed. A kid moved in here when I was eight, hewas the same age. He moved into the apartment above me out of the thousands of apartments that are here. As a kid, he always followed me around outside and always tried to get me away from the group i was with, to “go somewhere”. He always asked about my my face and my features and why I did this and why I did that etc; VERY strange behavior. Needless to say all of the stalking ramped up over the years, just like all of you. My business was sabotaged, relationships with females ruined,can’t find work etc. Over the years, I began noticing footsteps above me, wherever I went and I realized he had some sort of equipment that let him see into my house. I realized he was following me with some advanced goggles of some sort. He bangs on the floor wherever I am, all day long, watches me in the shower, while going to the bathroom etc. I began going to families house across the street to sleep and he began running over there too, whenever I leave my house. He has access o the apartment above that one too. H taps on the floor all night and jumps up and down and claps and sings etc. These people are possessed, point blank. There’s no way a person can use goggles and literally stand in one spot looking down for more than 10 hrs. a day. My neck hurts from just staring at this computer right now. Then to run to the next building and do the same at night, with no sleep??? No. It is possession. They are satanists, plain as day. They are beyond sick. They left sick, eons ago. Some of us had a light so bright in us from the time we were born that satancame against us like his, since then, so we have never lived at all. Stay the course and home awaits. Don’t give in. They won’t speak this way in church, because most churches have freemasonic ties. Freemasons know God is coming back very very soon, and stupidly they choose death instead and want to drag everyone down with them. Not me buddy. I’m going home and satan is gonna be so po’ed when we leave lol.

    Comment by F — May 1, 2013 @ 12:02 pm

  1319. What’s up colleagues, its enormous paragraph concerning educationand entirely defined, keep it up all the time.

    Comment by trojan zbot — May 3, 2013 @ 2:48 am

    • Has anyone in Great Britain been successful in prosecuting Groups involved in Organized Gang Stalking?

      Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:49:01 +0000 To:

      Comment by Shanti Thomas — May 3, 2013 @ 10:36 am

  1320. Oh and just to add to my last comment, no one should denounce the supposed “metaphysical” side of this. Everything is not far fetched, or fantasy. While they do definitely use technology, like microwave weaponry, to cause things like natural looking death, they can also see through your eyes. Some who understand how sick freemasons work probably know, but most do not. It is called remote viewing. These freaks astral plane into your homes and look at what you are doing. They can also follow you and see where you are and yes . . look through your eyes. However that’s not it. They have the ability to influence you / control you, also without your knowledge, unless you understand it. I do believe it is a bloodline thing. Before you totally denounce this as truth, understand that we all come from something; That something God. Although this is so, satan tampered with our heritage. All I can say is, take a look at your bibles and take notice of Cain and his lineage; where it came from etc. Then read the bible again and it may make more sense . . I do believe our dna is truly mixed, because of satans tampering in the beginning. This may result in the telepathy people are complaining about, hearing voices etc. While it is tech being used, it’s not all tech. Here are two great videos for you to check out. So you know these things are possible, but what if someone has more evil dna than most and they are the masons? See where I’m going with this? Now doesn’t it make sense how organized this is? Wouldn’t it be this organized if there were a race within a race so to speak? Firetrucks, police cars and ambulances following you as if on que . . They ARE. Whether they are reptilians, or whatever the heck they associate themselves with, they can and do, do this and cause problems for people and hurt people. How do you think only evil people are on top and ruling right now? In any event, now you know there’s nothing to be afraid of and you are also not crazy. THEY are afraid of YOU. THEY are crazy. THEY need help that they do not want, because they are evil. God will deal with them accordingly and they know it to. So get deep in love with the Lord. Let Him be a part of your everything and their power goes bye bye. P.s. they are in the church system as well, so be careful. God bless everyone.

    Comment by F — May 4, 2013 @ 7:49 pm

  1321. Sorry everyone. The Electromagnetic mind control video is the wrong one. This is the one and here is the other.

    Comment by F — May 4, 2013 @ 7:53 pm

    • I cannot believe that people given unlawful access technology to harm others with no ways of protecting yourself or police indicting the felons – worst its funded by whom precisely and allowed to do this to innocent people and face being surrounded with then the vile arrogant attitude of a large group saying you are need of curing or healing are they sick or what? Demonize innocent people with vile liars where are laws to name all the technology and operators this is all the wrong way round.What were the military targets terrorists or whom and pass it into unlawful society pretending they are sane and above the law?

      Date: Sat, 4 May 2013 19:53:47 +0000 To:

      Comment by Shanti Thomas — May 6, 2013 @ 8:16 am

      • State terrorism and the Secret Police departments implement it precisely work in this way. They are covered from the State Secret. People “cannot believe”!

        Comment by rscaru — May 6, 2013 @ 8:56 am

  1322. Comment by F — May 4, 2013 @ 7:55 pm

  1323. Russ Dizdar Interviews ex remote viewer is one of the vids. For some reason I can’t post the other. This other vid keeps showing up. Go to youtube and type in, ” Alara on militarized remote viewing ” and the video will come up. The user that put it out is megawatts1066.

    Comment by F — May 4, 2013 @ 7:58 pm

  1324. What a data of un-ambiguity and preserveness of valuable familiarity regarding
    unpredicted emotions.

    Comment by zen generator 2013 — May 24, 2013 @ 9:58 am

    • I am looking at the whole vile perspective from 2005 possibly earlier and how I was intentionally conned deceived and defrauded set up from day one no recourse to the law and no way to petition parliament because of local political corruption – how at the start I thought I was being stalked by one man and should gone to the police force straightaway even though the advice would be hire private detectives costing a fortune. How this vile group organized by so many on different levels in British society lay dormant in revealing all the details of much the extent off corruption is here in North- East London and so many poxy corrupt little desperate wanting power Tinpot officials of dirty politics public sector CV of crimes and their paid large group of parasites in the neigbourhood. Targeted people only find out until it is too late about what is going on so many all armed with their arsenal of technology control freak stolen Identity Theft data + information. No one I know the closest people will share openly the reality about this and its a loud public audio Cyber- Stalking attack 24/7 Kettled by the neighbours from hell etc no one will give me cross-references of being stalked and their methods – The latest shit is to scar me with all that knowledge and no local witness statements no police assistance and no money to hire detectives in large vile criminal abuse. There is no one taking responsibility for the whole legal perspective continously I am being told I have no money means the exit is blocked when it is down to everyone so many to legally redress this big open but hidden criminal networks? Nobody who stalks or hacks lives in the real world hunt in a pack become deformed individually or corporate either dont accept responsibility it is grotesque crimes all methodically schemed my confidential security money Legal Rights stolen even my career trashed and character by a criminal network of thieves and perverts of savage degradation and quite public here in this country where corruption is rife and yet prides itself on a legal structure. With no witness statements a person has no chance and the big message is so obvious who’s doing it here loud and clear and I am being wary and cautious of all the treachery set ups double agents. Funny in 2009 a well known figure said I was being followed stalked by two groups but not given me leverage of details. Has anyone noticed the aversion to given a written factual summary real pragmatic legal reassurances?What sort of society is this now where the casual indifference to breaking the law daily where its organized crimes they break+enter into innocent people’s homes by thieves in the neighbourhood and set-up spyware networks with corrupt civil servants here in UK openly stalk abuse narrate it coldly and the extent of the lengths and corruption is known about and no public enquiry or Forensic police investigation ensues? The big message in Great Britain is a large criminal group have stolen etc from one woman of 63 yrs ritual robbing of personal confidential security they steal from the poor here and stolen my money and publicly bellowed out like its Russia or Nazi Germany audio-streamed daily like a criminal soap opera and name the central Identity Theft Group? Parallel world.

      Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 09:58:54 +0000 To:

      Comment by Shanti Thomas — May 25, 2013 @ 8:47 am

      • Shanti –

        You might remember a post of mine, back in October 2011 – Tyson was the dogs name, a name regularly screamed out by a neighbour that quit his job
        to sit on my case continuously – watching, back stabbing and the like. Yelling out his dogs name – This isn’t standard “Noise Campaigning” He was receiving
        financial kickbacks for turning a Boxer into a ‘star’ of the screen – Presumably those associated with Mike Tyson (The American boxer) Loud mouth, bland
        assault that left me in pain – Anyone intelligent like a meat head climbing all over their soul ? How they were going about empowering Tyson’s movie roll.

        Those with a vested interest in the returns of a production called “The Hangover” how do you find the shit within a major corporation like the Warner Group
        of Companies ? and to launch a law suit ? A nasty piece of work (an occultist) turned up and started working on me and had another agenda, initially hidden.
        “Eddy” approached the owner of the dog named Tyson and said – “Mike Tyson’s entourage are on the way to Australia and they are not impressed at all”
        “Have you got a way of defending yourself ?” Dog Owner – “Yeah I’ve got guns” Eddy – “Keep one handy”

        The owner of Tyson, was “Freaked” by this stranger that had just moved in to the neighbourhood – firstly the dog owner suffered a heart attack, then a stroke
        then a brain aneurism, that killed him – not all paid stalkers survive their pimping, poaching and gang stalking games. Why should I, or anyone else have to
        wear this B/S – aiding and abetting WITHOUT CONSENT the so called stars who seriously LACK what it TAKES to cut it in performance space. I am not upon this
        Earth to be screwed by over rated and Over Paid ENTERTAINERS or those with a vested interest in such a “Shallow Money Trench”

        You really should “SEE” the number of murders, violence and crimes When the so called stars – start hitting out at their voyeurs, audients and sentients (feeling’s)
        in private settings – this shit MUST stop. The sadistic part – the Victims don’t realize they are being taking for a ride… POSSESSED and manipulated by snake shit…
        Getting off on the “Heat of the Moment”

        Some of these organized gang stalkers (most actually) are fed a pile of misinformation, about the Targeted Individual (T.I.) to aid and abet the scum at the top
        of the food chain making OBSCENE AMOUNTS of MONEY from CRIMES AGAINST innocent human being’s. Is entertainment really worth all the carnage?
        The easiest way is to destroy the excessive amounts of money involved – that gets rid of the criminal incentives that do well out of entertainment’s almighty
        dollar factor. CAN ANYONE see this happening ?

        Comment by Robert — July 22, 2013 @ 12:58 am

  1325. I like the helpful information you provide in your articles.
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    Comment by gay webcam — June 28, 2013 @ 12:16 pm

  1326. Hi there! This article could not be written any better!
    Looking through this post reminds me of my previous roommate!
    He continually kept preaching about this. I am going to send this article to him.
    Fairly certain he will have a very good read. Thank you for sharing!

    Comment by sexy cams chat — July 7, 2013 @ 10:23 am

  1327. I was gangstalked and slandered when a student at Ulster University (Coleraine) 1970’s. I was gangstalked and slandered when living at International House (Birmingham) 1984. I was gangstalked and slandered while working at Balham Sorting and Delivery Office, Sth London, for 17 years up to 2011. My husband was also affected who attended the United Services and Services Rendered club in Tooting. I have moved to Harrogate and the gangstalking and slander continues. If anyone has any ideas how to put a stop to this, would be most welcome.

    Comment by wiliamson — July 20, 2013 @ 10:33 am

    • There is no way. It is organized from government. Make everything public with pics, names, addresses etc of the militians (gang-stalkers) they use on the field. Do not worry. They cannot lawsuit you. No Secret Police can allow to discuss in court about that.

      Comment by rscaru — July 20, 2013 @ 11:04 am

      • There is no way. –

        There is a way Roberto – E X P O S U R E of their use of hidden knowledge in aiding and abetting, obtaining via deceit & delusion – FINANCIALLY RUIN them !

        It is organized from government. –

        They are EVIL criminal pigs that manipulate the governments, usually from within federal & state positions, they are capable of being exposed as being CORRUPT,
        Scum like Rupert Murderous Murdock, his aiding and abetting of privacy violations
        “It wasn’t me, was it son” “We didn’t know how the people we trusted, were spending our money” – This is BULLSHIT !, privacy violations to FABRICATE the “NEWS” ?

        Make everything public with pics, names, addresses etc of the militians (gang-stalkers) they use on the field.-

        You catch them out and expose the misguided and money manipulated, then sit back and watch the idiots get murdered – scapegoated via “Suicided” AND in come
        the “REPLACEMENTS” – problem still remains…

        Do not worry. They cannot lawsuit you. –

        No but they can set you up & make your life a complete misery of misadventure – so exposure via a large number of protestors with a collection of evidence that CAN
        be used to bring them down without the ramifications of being called a whistle blower – like what happened to the Wiki-leaks front-man, Have no-one that could be
        called a front person so the fucking idiots have no one to target, they can’t target and delude, deceive ALL of us that think outside of the “Control” square !

        No Secret Police can allow to discuss in court about that.

        The judicial system is driven by money – not justice, it is corrupted already. Occultists, have money and the power to corrupt to save their sorry souls from prosecution.
        They can’t stop a bullet with money however – the French & Russian solutions, when things are out of control, there was the ability to kill the evil, information can be used
        as a deadly projectile…

        Comment by Robert — July 23, 2013 @ 3:47 am

  1328. Remote Viewing –

    I have covered a bit about this already; it really should be called REMOTE PERVERSION which not only includes the sense of sight, all of the senses are conveyed –
    feelings (the sense of touch, inclusive of sexual stimulations/de-stimulations) auditory perceptions (not just spoken words) visions (which can accommodate OBE’s –
    Out of Body Experiences, the rest of the senses follow the abduction for the ‘ride’) Remote Viewing is, as per the research of the S.R.I, in San Francisco the act of
    looking through someone else’s mind’s eye. What the Target see’s is what the remote viewer see’s.

    The dead are often used also, such as in the performing arts – the ‘stars’ call them Spirit Guides, generally these entities have been subject of the conjuring occultists,
    these evil criminals have constructed rooms, or if you like – shrines, they may have a bust (shoulders and head) of the deceased, along with artefacts of the deceased.

    These dead are commonly entertainers, who were imprisoned through the course of their lives and nothing changes upon their deaths. The souls of the dead are used
    to do the evil work of the casting occultists and act as go-betweens for the connections between the character to be assassinated by the living actor/actress and the source
    of power, which is another living persons potential. The so called ‘stars’ have a need for taking someone for a ride, most of them don’t even know it, those in know don’t
    talk about such molestations, appropriations and exploitations. The character of person living is assassinated by the controlled script writer, the casting into darkness of the
    targeted individual by the controlling occultists working behind the scenes, with a vested interest in the production are nothing more than criminal pigs that generate mental
    illness and criminal misadventures, inclusive of death of the T.I. Your much loved stars are complete turnips without a ride or potential obtained from such perversion – they
    need a mind to camp out on – even for day to day activities, away from the set – Dead Spirited individuals, indeed, without someone to roll on…

    What happened to Cameron Diaz ? Um’ she’s lost her ‘Roll’. The casting Occultists set her upon me for potential empowerments, July 2012 – I was ‘hanging out’ with Sandra
    Bullock, at the time – I asked Sandra for some added power, when Cameron came back in, via the ‘black hole’ on the 18th of July ‘12 with one of these ‘plastic’ (unchanging expressions)
    spirit guides, I hate the things and promptly cast it down. Diaz’s soul has been with me ever since, no matter where I went – she farts at the same time as me.

    For victims of these appropriation/exploitation crimes, not knowing who is on their ‘case’ – try taking a star for a ride, let them put out the garbage holding on tight, when you don’t
    know who the low riding dogs are, the creeps that steal the heat. Without a spirit guide, Cameron Diaz has nowhere to go and no way out of my mind, after hanging out with me –
    for a year, to her way of thinking she can’t be honest with me, as she feels party to my exploitation and has only done her best to maintain a comfort zone, for herself.
    Of course, no one will admit to what has occurred will they ?

    I am not going to take to the stage singing songs like “You don’t even know me, do you” Songs like this, well, they have been done to death…
    It’s high time to do the Occultists to death, via exposure, which will flush them OUT and DOWN – to hell with their S.R.A (Satanic Ritual Abuse)

    Comment by Robert — July 21, 2013 @ 10:06 pm

  1329. Cameron Michel Diaz –

    Rather than being honest, you bath in delusional, deceitful Hollywood programing… Steal the heat, pimp yourself in cheap excuses for avoiding me – “But I’m on a roll” – stuffing the guts of rich scum
    still intent on maintaining a wave of “attention” – from which these fucking scum profiteer ? “But someone won’t let me” – ’cause they still have a vested interest in exploiting me. Time to KILL !
    Still wish to keep away ? Watch those with a vested interest in empowering your ride Die, I’m not going to maintain your “Ride” – or anyone else’s you deluding half-wit bull-shitter Time to kill !

    ENOUGH of this you HOLLYWOOD HALF-WITS ! May the power invested in me wipe your deceit & delusion OFF THE EARTH – enjoy spending your bullshit in an expanded HELL…

    Comment by Robert — July 23, 2013 @ 8:42 am

    • Pull Cameron Michel Diaz’s TICKET – fuck off this freeloader or DIE – scum with a vested interest in maintaining my exploitation – you gold digging fucking hacks !

      Comment by Robert — July 23, 2013 @ 8:47 am

      • Still looking for returns ? Watch out for the loss of principal…idiots

        Comment by Robert — July 23, 2013 @ 8:52 am

  1330. Com’ on man…

    Don’t target the halfwits of delusion & deception – “It’s the secret society of dream police”…

    So ?

    Pull the apes – past their use by dates, pawns on life support, in aged care… they all continue to delude and deceive – scared of dying & being fucked over – on the other side of “reality”

    Wake Up Time !

    Comment by Robert — July 23, 2013 @ 9:13 am

    • “But Gang-Stalking is big business, and we are burnt out retards – with another soul for a ride, isn’t there something, some soul that we could molest and exploit ? ”

      NO – You will be cast down, from performance space, you “retard” as we the dogs of rock & roll, hit & run, shoot & scoot… “We have been compromised” – do you
      understand – “our mission has been thoroughly fucked over” – Turnips, Spuds – any other delusional, escapist, junky land fill plan ?

      Comment by Robert — July 23, 2013 @ 9:33 am

      • The age of planned failure –

        Delude, deceive – exploit the power of the “others” to stay on top of the hill – at the expense of those – still with an uncorrupted soul
        call it “Rock & Roll” & go forth with the power of the demonic dog – in accordance with the church of your choice, harbouring the
        society of demonic delusions & deceit – You materialistic arsehole effluent… Time to whack you scum – good & proper… GOLD
        Digging Fucking Trolls. May the creators will be DONE.

        Comment by Robert — July 23, 2013 @ 10:12 am

      • About the writings of the july 23-2013 –



        Comment by Robert — July 24, 2013 @ 8:21 am

  1331. Over the last 12 – 15 months (April 2012 to July 2013)

    It was important for me to set a date line of 12 months after the events of July 15th 2012, to keep a diary was also a good idea, none of this type of assault should be trusted to memory alone, as memories can be ‘planted’ and actual events become distorted. I have mentioned the uninvited entrance of Cameron M. Diaz on the that Sunday the 15th of July 2012, there was more, to what initially was going on prior to this ‘GATE CRASHING’, by those with a vested interest in ‘recharging’ her ‘star’ and doing so at my expense. I will go back to April 2012. I was doing my washing at one of those boring Laundromats and grabbed a magazine sitting there, to pass the time, it was called ‘Grazier’ and a story of about 5 pages on the fate of Sandra Bullock.

    I was quite taken in, by what I was reading and couldn’t help but think, that her relationship with the ‘outlaw’ Jesse James was an arranged ‘marriage’ by the occultists, creeps that had a need to traumatize Sandra because she was no longer playing ball, on their ‘side’. Traumatic inducements to sensitize an individual to molestations & manipulations by the occult, with their vested interests in very wealthy ‘stars’ these people get told how to spend the money. Stars with lots of money become the equivalent of ‘off shore banks’ to the elitists, the string pullers and button pushers, with things like, at a subconscious level of behavioral modifications, programming & patterning (manipulations) “Hey Sandy why don’t you put a million dollars into the Haiti earthquake Relief Fund” So like a good little mind control slave, under ‘their’ control again, does just this – How Many Other Multi-Millionaires Did This ? One is enough – it makes the rest of them look good. The stars have little control over their own minds, as after 18 Months to 60 Months their Souls have been imprisoned, by the occultists, or as rscaru (Roberto) likes to call them – “The Secret Police” and the ‘stars’ they are never the same again.

    This is where I remembered, after reading this Grazier story that Sandra was quite close, on the same wavelength so as to speak. The last time I had heard from her was when I came home from seeing the movie ‘The Proposal’ and a thought, I had, upon reflecting on the movie was what a great body she has, for her age, in a bikini. Back then, upon those thoughts a voice came through, believed to be Sandra’s ‘voice’ and said – “I had to get my big hairy bush shaved for it”. Chuckle, Chuckle and I probably went to bed, not thinking too much more about the movie or Sandra Bullock. My thoughts after reading the Grazier Story was – I wonder how she is going, after all this crap she’s been through, I wonder what she’s doing now days… Voice comes through – “She’s being a mother” my thoughts – fuck this jerk, on my case…

    A little research on the internet and she was in the process of organizing another adoption, company to her first adopted child – Oscar. I looked at the time difference in between Sydney & Los Angeles and put a script together, to go down in real time, Sandra’s time in Dead Loss Angeles ! I cast Sandra, as herself being a mother and myself as Sandra’s partner, “Hey Sandra, it’s time to go and pick up Oscar from day care” wrote lines for Sandra as well – “O.K. I’m just going to have a shower, after the workout, at the gym” anyway the casting worked – the jerk came back in (male voice) and said “Hey he’s doing this real time” Then Sandra appeared, I was driving and off we went to pick up Oscar.

    Anyway – What has this got to do with GANG-STALKING ? Answer – You will find out, as victims, of this out of control EVIL, exactly what you need to know and how to best defend yourselves, it will help ALL of you to understand WHY this shit is happening and who is behind it – as Michael (no longer writing on this site) put it – it’s all about Money, we as victims are being exploited by the occultists (Satanists) and there are no laws or defenses currently in place, information based on actual events will help you to track down who your character assassinators are, and who’s making the big bucks out of traumatizing you via psychological perversion – “They’re watching me constantly, they know my every move” Sooner than later exorcism will reach an all time high, psychiatry is a waste of time – this so called “Medical Profession” was established by the occult for the protection of the occult, from the victims of Ritual Abuses by the occultists. Hope that makes sense !

    Comment by Robert — July 24, 2013 @ 10:26 am

    • Just a short note –

      Sandra Bullock & Myself spent months together, we were teaching her sister ‘Gooze’ (as Sandra called her) how to ride shotgun for us – and a lot about the occult, as well…
      The arsehole Gloria Estefan kept trying to “jump”, as in possess Gooze. My soulful relationship with Sandra was cramping Madonna’s attempts at gaining access to my
      soul, for empowerments for her up and coming world touring bullshit, set to make 100’s of millions for Live Nation Entertainment Inc. Back pain is Gloria’s Game, she
      generates immense amounts of artificial employment opportunities for the spinal doctors… Estefan is one of Madonna’s Fleas ! More about the shit fight with Esterfan
      Soon !

      Comment by Robert — July 24, 2013 @ 11:23 am

      • Discovery of a ‘Taxed’ star is “mandatory” once they (their target) has passed the test…18 years & 4 months now.

        Cameron Michel Diaz – a total mind controlled slave – she kept bathing in stolen heat, mine, watch this turnip mind control slave die, on the set.

        Good, freeloading fucking scum, goodbye to this fuck. Now, when she’s dead, watch out for the replacement, out of Israel… Home of “Mind Mole Scum”

        Comment by Robert — July 26, 2013 @ 8:06 am

  1332. O.K. Robert – What is your “Status” – “Super Star With Status Above Any Other” “So why aren’t you out there getting Wasted, like the rest of the soul selling scum, assassinating characters of decent people” ? Fuck You, gold digging shit.

    Comment by Robert — July 26, 2013 @ 8:22 am

  1333. Isn’t really important how these turnips of performance space die – total over rated turnips’ complete drop kick scum, “I would rather die, than give up the bullshit factor”
    Stop the free loading JEW – Psyche Scum Fucks ! Bomb Israel – Too EASY ! – Get rid of the SATANIC WHORES – PSYCHE SCABS -Jew – mIND GAME SCUM FUCKING TRASH

    Comment by Robert — July 27, 2013 @ 12:28 pm

    • you’ve got to admit – these railroading filth are past their use by date’s – fucking planned failure satanic materialist whores – toast their insincere Hollywood scab diatribe COOK THE
      RICH – Trash – Burn these Witches – WHOLESALE…Destroy their Incentives – WHORE CUNT SHIT – All you do is Deceive & Delude – BURN YOU FUCKING JEW WHORE CUNT
      END YOUR WORLD – MATERIAList SLUTS – Dogs Whores…. Your demonic crap is over, you deluding whore scum cunt shit, no more
      materialism whore shit head – nephalim hack whore, materialist scum, DEMONIC INBRED HACK SHIT Time to kill you whore shit – Dead
      OR alive you hollywood fucking scum you pimping JEW scab shit – “Money for nothing” – Always, Always – at someone’s, (some female materialist whore cunt shit’s fantacy – kill you cunt shit) at someone else’s expense, HEATHEN WHORE SHIT – WIPE$ YOU OUT CUNT !
      yOU DELUDING SATINIC SCAB CUNT – burn you, you whore tax collecting fucking trash.

      Comment by Robert — July 27, 2013 @ 1:06 pm


        Comment by Robert — July 27, 2013 @ 1:18 pm

    To Cameron Diaz ? – The stupid Hollywood slut didn’t know what hit her, the idiot over-rated piece of shit, well she didn’t want to KNOW
    either – FUCKWITS…

    Comment by Robert — July 27, 2013 @ 1:34 pm

    • Hollywood’s RETARDS….

      Comment by Robert — July 27, 2013 @ 1:36 pm

      • Time to leave for eternal delusion & deceit Hollywood whore ? you fucking idiot Cameron Michel Dead-Ass ! Fuck you, you fucking idiot.
        No More – Protein Pill – Cock Sucker ! FUCK OFF SHIT DIPPER…Herpes riddles SLUT – Scum BAG HACK – GET OFF somewhere else
        you free-loadling Hollywood over rated chunk of over paid trash. Time to pay – more than the rent scumbag ! Time to Die ! You gutless
        fucking JEW arse-licker, hack. “We’re gonna make history” Fuck off – you verbal scumbag – “Peril – if you go any further with this Man”
        “He’s no danger – I know him as well as I know myself” “You Animals” “They’re king hitting each other” “Your the best friend, I ever had”
        “I’ve enjoyed every minute of it” – Wish to keep FUCKING me around, prior to your “copywrite” script Hollywood SCUM ?
        (The Councillor) The freeloader – Angelia – “Your a really good fuck, you know that” The diatribe (Script) was dumped on me by the next
        door neighbours – “Eddy” who killed off the owner of “Tyson” – the dog – literally. Hollywood Kills Innocent People, DOGS get to survive ?

        Comment by Robert — July 27, 2013 @ 2:07 pm

  1335. The councillor was finished last year – Problem with editing Hollywood Scum ? DEATH to more than your director’s brother, you
    bullshiting, over rated fucking satanic hacks…You Pervert SHIT ! got every word you dumped on me – poaching fucking trash, demeaning
    Hollywood script, character assassination, faggot, poofter, dike, yellow hacks ! YOUR WORTH NOTHING shit heads ! Over rated mind
    control scum.

    Comment by Robert — July 27, 2013 @ 2:26 pm

    • “Eddy”
      When he and his bitch moved in on top of me – next door, well I caught him carrying out “the councillor” script & sequences – yellow
      plastic “file inserts” – I set the cops on him, for a house search, stolen property that I video taped, prior to Eddy Fernell’s “Let’s dump
      the files” – Before the state police, undertake a search, of our ‘vantage space’ and what they might find here… Aiding & Abetting FRAUD.
      REAL heroes of “Hollywood” – Pimping & Poaching FUCKING FRAUDS – With Lots of ‘MONEY’…

      Comment by Robert — July 27, 2013 @ 2:42 pm

  1336. So why don’t you discover me Cameron diaz – “Someone wont let me” –

    Your full of shit, do you know that ? – “But someone wont let me”

    (Repetitive Shit – like a ‘loop’)

    “If you wont go in there and “Get Him” – More Repetitive “Tape Loop” Bullshit…

    “Then I Will”….

    C’mon Rob – don’t kill us – we are the best, at what we do – Complete delusion & deception – “But we are stars”

    Deluders – You are worth – LESS. This is the real world – fuck off bullshiting maggots !

    Comment by Robert — July 27, 2013 @ 3:01 pm

  1337. “Hey Rob” (REAL phone call…)

    “How did you go with the house, on the lake”

    I let it go – rising damp, mould issues.

    ” So, are you still living in Motels”

    Yep, just for a little longer

    Hang Up…

    Bret tell’s his bitch – “He’s still with Cameron Diaz, it appears they have become inseparable” …

    Comment by Robert — July 27, 2013 @ 3:15 pm

    • Bret has an investment – in the occult, he play’s the heathen, pagan games of being a ‘Watch Dog’ – not any more…No more reporting
      my movements – or activities, upon request ! He’s part Jewish “Money for Nothing” mentality. What do these pieces of shit think ? Just
      print some more ? Jew Fuckwit Mentality… Take from the have nots, and stuff the guts of the excessively rich ? GO TO HELL. SCABS !

      Comment by Robert — July 30, 2013 @ 9:26 am

  1338. Cameron Michel Diaz –

    Was set up, by the occultists, with a vested interest in ‘maximizing’ profits – ’cause they needed a more powerful ‘star’. A dead star, take for example the life and death of Heath Ledger, produces an exponential growth in ‘interest’ – dead artists, well they make more money than the living ones.

    PROBLEM – Cameron & I (Robert) are still alive, so they have delayed the release of “THE COUNCILLOR” for more than 10 Months – It was due for release last December ! Jeremy Oxley, Gudinski, Murdoch, (20th Century Fox) are still going for a STAR or the
    STAR’S ‘RIDE’ ‘Whack’ – “We need a Murder” – Cameron’s star is extinguished, “Whack Her” “We have a replacement, out of Israel, that is 12 years younger” “But she’s still on Robert, They love each other” “O’h no another sleeper ?” “Delayed Release” – Cameron Michel Diaz – Had become a ‘dud’ – and the occultists dumped her on me, her soul, 12 months ago – they wouldn’t let her “OUT” It was
    witnessed, by the “Gutless” turnips of so called “Hollywood” “Are you gonna go in there and get him out, or do I have to ?” Standard
    diatribe – from the bull-shitters !

    Time to ‘bomb’ the corporate criminal’s mentality, on how they ‘maximize’ investor returns. Rich ‘corpses’ in life support – aged care parasites ! Dead Stars – bathing on someone else’s TICKET,

    MAKING WAVES – SOUL SCABS ! Cameron Diaz doesn’t wish to save herself, she thinks she is ‘Immortal’ and like a dumb shit, she
    ignores, what is being done to her ‘RIDE’ ! (Me – Robert) So the rich get richer, on another dead dip shit, dipping into another human being’s soul (Mine) I only wish she would understand – her spirit, her soul, is no longer under their “Control”

    “Peril, If you go any further with this man” – Script gang stalking shit.

    “He’s no danger, I know him, as well as I know Myself” – Diaz’s LINE.

    GOODBYE – “THE COUNCILLOR” investors ! Lots more lines, you dumped on me, in the hand’s of attorneys – You PARASITES !

    Gang STALKING – “How it is financed” – EXPOSED.

    Comment by Robert — July 30, 2013 @ 10:04 am

    • Angelina Jolie – Originally “Cast” into to the darkness, of a “Character Assassination”

      I woke up with a half naked Angelina Jolie (Tit’s Only – Since Removed) kneeling over me –

      “You’re a really good fuck, you know that” she then disappeared. They needed to cast the roll (the character to be assassinated, onto
      Cameron) From Angelina. who was “Cast” via a “Go-Between” – ME, To cut to the chase – with the amount of “Casting” line’s and sequences, dumped on me, since July the 15th 2012, in the hands of my SOLICITORS, “The Councillor” will not be releasable to
      the general public – editing would produce a “Train Wreck”

      PAY UP YOU TAXING SCUM ! Any out of court offering’s ? YOU DICK HEADS !

      Comment by Robert — July 30, 2013 @ 10:21 am

  1339. So most of you talented victims, you just can’t believe your being taken for a ride ? By a Hollywood Heavy Weight ?
    Where do these over-rated turds get their heat from ? Psychiatrists ? That bath in your exploitation ? putting a spin on the
    events – they haven’t seen yet – to be disclosed as ‘pure’ co-incidence ?

    – it’s your world, your mind – FUCK OFF THE LOOSERS

    and their “SYSTEM” – They are unleased deceitful, delusional FUCKING HEAD LICE, Thy will to kill these spook shit, we will win.

    ANY QUESTIONS – HOW TO KILL THESE PARASITES – of your spirit ? I went through the technology they molested, for control and
    understand universal “Trash” ? Scum ? Gold Diggers ? How about you “Economists” – Scum Shit ? “”The system, we control, it can’t
    be beat” – Then without reform – BURN THIS SHITHOUSE. Flea’s & All. Fuck these scum down – Gates to heaven remain closed.

    Comment by Robert — July 30, 2013 @ 3:25 pm

    • The “Hollywood” hack’s think that it is just “heaven” when they get to jump all over another human being’s soul – ’cause they are all “Souled” OUT – “Wee another ride – Wee”. NOW They can shit Bricks !

      Comment by Robert — August 2, 2013 @ 5:54 am

  1340. The “Hollywoods” – Nothing more than plaigerists, “We are super stars, the world owes us a spirit supply, those we can exploit, the spirit, their souls, so we remain in the market place of the heathen JEW
    and DAGO (Italian) pagan SCUM… We need feed stock ! – (STAR CUNT SHIT) Kill the “star” SCUM ! BURN THESE FALSE GODS ! – HYPOCRISY – BURN THEM ! “YELLOW STAR’S, THAT SHINED

    Comment by Robert — August 3, 2013 @ 10:49 am

    • “The shit dipper” ? Cold Play = Chris Martin – Close to Cameron Diaz – Cameron – “All my friends are abandoning me” – I love Robert Page Fyfe = “I have known, no greater REAL man ! This guy kicks arse”

      Comment by Robert — August 3, 2013 @ 11:00 am

  1341. So ? What happened tom the JEW occultists, the “Dago” (Italian) occultists SWEETIE ?

    Comment by Robert — August 3, 2013 @ 11:05 am

    • Cameron Diaz – “I guess they are still swinging off life support, in aged care – with their investment’s, in avoiding being fucked over. You remember, on the other side”

      Comment by Robert — August 3, 2013 @ 11:09 am

  1342. Gutless American Cunt Shit – “Look it speaks” – gutless American BULLSHIT – BURN THE GUTLESS CUNT. WATCH your so called CAPITALIST PIG SHIT ! DABM YOU – Gold Digging Hack Scum
    Get rid of this cunt – Cameron Diaz – insincere American Cunt Shit – BURN YOU TAXING HACK – Hollywood Hack Cunt Shit Scum, Deluder, Deceiver – CUNT SCUM FUCK – Burn for ever more you
    poacher, You Pimp CUNT SHIT – Burn in everlasting damnation you GOLD DIGGING FUCKING SCUM. You Fucking Idiot Cunt. Life & Materialism is short, eternity is FOREVER – YOU DUBM FUCK !
    I’m gonna crispy your soul – CUNT ! – FREELOADER FUCK – You & Your KIND are dead meat – you hypocrite scabs – fuck your world, you shit for brains….

    Comment by Robert — August 3, 2013 @ 2:00 pm

  1343. Dremel’s Multi-Max also has an ergonomic and compact design to provide enhanced operator comfort and control, and with the staff employed at GLO Lounge people are beginning to improve following successful marketing efforts. Now is the remodel wilmington nc time to think through andreview your proposed floor plan. As such an important feature of your home Remodel Wilmington Nc. 5% to $230 4 million or 22.

    Comment by new bathroom cost — August 3, 2013 @ 9:59 pm

  1344. Most of the victims, of Gang Stalking and related crimes against humanity, would love the truth – “the truth will set you free” The truth is masked by delusion & deceit. The Occultists like everything the way it is, without change. Reform can only be brought about by honesty and you wont find the truth in the performing arts – they are full of shit, with a total dependence on deluding & deceiving their “Prey” – for as long as they can molest an individual, that they are taken for a ride. I had often considered – what if one was to “Force” the truth out of them ? They set out to “Control” their prey, their ride submits to the “occupation” – because one has no defence against their perversion – when the victim is asleep they are open to being ritually abused and “Gang Banged”.

    These hypocrites would NEVER make admissions about their molestations – why would they shoot themselves in the foot – or head ? To be honest with someone, that they took for a ride, well it would be an admission of guilt – those they deceived, deluded and molested could lawsuit them for EVERYTHING they owed. Forget them – you would need to beat these cretins into submission FIRST. How does one go about doing just that ? Roll with their deluding and deceptions – play the game and have them think that they have it over you, as in control of your every moment AND at the same time get as much information as you possibly can – WHY THEY ARE “Sleeping” you will learn their identities and associations and will eventually have enough ammunition to “Open Fire” on them – they tend to then drop out of performance space – they have been compromised – No more Rolls, on taking someone for a ride – Game Over for the “Big Timers” Hollywood Heavyweights reduced to mice…

    Cameron Diaz actually believed that the occultist driven discarnate was her spirit guide, the “Stars” themselves are horribly deluded…

    Myself, The late Caresse Henry (Former Madonna personal manager), the Rail-Roaded Robert Dewey Hoskins – accused of stalking & threatening Madonna was nothing more than a scapegoat, to cover up the “Other” Robert (Me) if anyone started asking questions about who Madonna was once again molesting and taking for a ride. Jamie Fielding – Deceased – was drugged and thrown under a passing train, when it was perceived that he was about to blow the whistle on my being set-up. They first “Wired” Jamie up against the actor James Russo, for the destruction of Jamie’s spirit – before the ritual killing. That Russo painful performance was “Dangerous Game” AKA – Snake Eyes – Freddy DeMann, Caresse Henry, Madonna – like nearly anything Madonna appears in – a “B” grade Flick.

    The occultist act of wiring an individual up against another – say an actor or actress is via the use of a spirit guide – usually a dead actor or actress is used to create the bond between the “target” & “shooter” – One gets “Rocked” the other goes on a “Roll” or One (The Targeted Individual) Gets “Hit” the other “Runs”. This EVIL act predates the technology, the Genius Tesla believed that technology would suppress Russian psychism, the communists were using radio Moscow as a carrier for communistic “Conversions” – underlying (Subliminal) “Messages” to convert people to the communist way of thinking ! It didn’t Work… The technology has only made matters worse. It was bad enough 500 years ago – I think it was the Earl of Kent (Shakespeare) that was perversely “Preying” upon the unsuspecting innocent – manipulating private lives and “Casting” these lives into darkness and misadventure – He was a Witch – witchcraft today is the occultists – but the truth will “Fry” them !

    I mentioned earlier – Diaz’s so called spirit guide was “Cast” down – by me, with some extra “power” from Sandra Bullock – who was present when Cameron came back, in full living colour, pushed in by her occultist driven spirit guide on the 18th July 2012, three days after her first uninvited “Visit”…

    Cameron – “where do you want me” Me – Beside me, um no, that won’t work – Sandra’s there… Cameron – “sorry, I didn’t realise you had company” Me – “I take it you know each other” this was over a year ago – I hope Cameron reaches out to me, before all is lost, with no way out. I don’t bite but I tend to forget things, after a while – like where are you Cam ? Don’t maintain your performances, within Hollywood before this is cleared up – YOU are NOT going to fry me, with ANY drama’s – I will not let you. I know this occultist bullshit inside out – don’t end up another Hollywood Casualty – it ISN’T worth it. I eat Hollywood Heavyweights – when they cross me, I am not a ritual sacrifice but you Cameron are caught up in the massive set up of October 1992, you don’t have a “ticket” and your empowerments, for your performances were at my expense.

    Many have ended up DEAD, since ‘92 – it appears you were pushed in at me, by the occultists – they would not release you when you wanted “Out”. Do you remember the walk down the garden path, on the 15th of July 2012 ? Maybe, for both our sakes I’ll just blow the whole thing “Out of the Water” ‘cause I’m not going to wait for you any longer, to make your peace with me – in reality – you know the physical ‘REAL’ world ? You have questions, about the events of the last year, as do I. FUCK THE HOLLYWOOD occultist star “Whackers” they can kiss their arse’s goodbye ! What I’m Saying, Cameron is YOU are on the ’92 ‘hit’ list – you are in danger woman. GET the fuck out of Hollywood – Remember what Gillian Anderson said about me – “He’s a real humanitarian” (Gillian was on the “hit” list, death by demon drink) I spent a couple of years, with her back in the late 1990’s – they had her on a ‘suicide’ roll, after D. Duchovny, left the “Hex” files…That’s another “Murderous” Murdoch story. Gillian left, not only Hollywood – but the U.S of A – for a “safer” life in the U.K.

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2013 @ 7:06 am

    • Randy Quaid – look what the “Star” “whackers” have done to his life – “Welcome to the living Hell” Randy ! The “Tentacles” of the occultist “Beast” perversely
      violate our fundamental human rights.

      I started whacking the occultist star “whackers”, when they “Took” the life of Caresse Henry. The Warner occultists believed she would be a “Loose Cannon”
      if & when she realized- that she had been – EXPLOITED. I found out about Caresse’s “Suicided” death on the 14/04/2010 – about two weeks after the murder.

      I was pissed – to say the least – she was one of my “Star” witnesses…All the way back to early 1993. She was groomed by Freddy DeMann – Exploited by
      Warner & Madonna, then Murdered by the Occultists with lots of “Shit” to hide.

      No one saw it coming. I will not stop with my crusade – against these occultist’s “program” whether I am living or dead – I did a “Deal” with GOD…
      and “The pay is lousy”…

      Comment by Robert — August 4, 2013 @ 8:26 am

      • Time spent with Sandra & her sister “Gooze” (Gesene – “Goo See Na” – it’s German !) Gooze was a protective of time spent with Sandra – Gooze’s nickname for me –
        “The Ghost with the Most” – Very much a living entity Gesene ! …For Now

        Comment by Robert — August 4, 2013 @ 8:49 am

  1345. I spent some time with Sandra & Gesene…

    I was subjected to this bullshit, by the occultists – who really BLEW IT, Gesene was not running the “Affairs” of the production company – Fortis Films – the occultists were a little S L O W…

    Gesene (My opposite – a Pieces) was actually a Sugar Fiend ! So what goes into a Macaroon ? – Besides Egg Whites & Air Float Sugar ? Now Sandra was riding “Shotgun” for us…

    I set about designing a manufacturing automation system to comply with the original “French” method of macaroon production, to reduce café delivery costs… $5 each – get busy !

    Anyway – The complete “Food Grade” system – with Platinum delivery injectors (Reduce wear & Tear) “Good Quality German Technology” was “finished” in a month… Wonder if
    Gesene remembers – The Business plan ? – For more “Affordable” Macaroons ?

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2013 @ 9:36 am

    • So who was riding “Shotgun” while you Rat, (Robert – Me) were busy with Sandra and Gesene – Donna DeLory – who hasn’t had anything to hide from me for about 20 years !
      The Chinese triangle of The Rat, (Robert – Me) The Dragon (Sandra & Donna) & The Monkey (Gillian) & Sandra’s Sister – The Dog – “Let’s replace Madonna” – wrong triangle!
      Me…No I’m not Chinese – just into destroying myth’s… “Wow – You mean this bullshit is real” ? What ever you’re easily manipulated by – yeah I guess so…

      Comment by Robert — August 4, 2013 @ 9:57 am

      • Bad luck – occultists

        You were “Hitting” on the engineer of “Inception” – shit happens ! “Disneyland” comes crashing DOWN !

        Comment by Robert — August 4, 2013 @ 10:01 am

      • This is when they sent in – “My perfect Match” a Virgo/Rat – named Cameron Diaz – “I’ve got nearly 12 years on her” – Me – 16/09/60 & Her 30/08/72…
        Bad luck occultist manipulators – “You Loose” any manipulative “Defensive” crap ? C’mon before you corpses “Swing” ? – Somewhere Else…

        Comment by Robert — August 4, 2013 @ 10:18 am

  1346. How do we end the “Junky” age of rotting corpses, in aged care ? All they do is destructive of future generations, with their “Manipulations” – ‘Cause they’ve got the “Big Bucks” to maintain the hidden exploitations of future generations – upon this earth ? Abandon their “Economies”, Planned Failure of a Future ? SATANIC PIGS/APES – well past their use by dates… FUCK OFF ! Move on Lard Arse’s. You’re OBSTRUCTING our “Creation” you “Destruction” Scared of DEATH, Mother-Fucker’s ?

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2013 @ 10:37 am

    • Oh, No – He is doing in those, that WAN’T there “Nappies” changed – for the next…Thirty Years !

      Comment by Robert — August 4, 2013 @ 10:46 am

      • You have to leave the “Taboo in place” ?

        “What like – you’re Drug Laws ? “But we have destructive employment opportunities” that keep the dead on life support…. The “Ulla” – the “Dumbma” on false god shit ? Time to cleanse the “Hollywood” scum –
        Torture – these “Americans on the “A merry Car – On a round-about- without an ‘exit’ sign” – their full of despairing shit….”

        Comment by Robert — August 4, 2013 @ 12:48 pm

      • If enough people sought the truth, and begged for a ‘GOD’ do you think a boy would be sent again – to do the job of a man ? Only to be set-up, exploited and crucified…
        And if a man responded to “The Call” Do you think he would tolerate Satanic Occultists, be forgiving of the Non-reformist perpetual trespasses, the exploitive and the
        murderous ? So what could he do to the “Hidden” “Resident” EVIL that dwells in the Materialist Souls of all Men & Women ? Cleansing Time – Time to get your arses
        wiped – (Off the Map, when you chose NOT to Repent OR Reform) – Ha, Ha – not very funny ! Seriously – death to the resident evil is something we could all participate
        in doing – if only we could detach ourselves from the M/C media – still intent on “Dummying” us “DOWN” …

        When we don’t submit to M/C – Mind Control, what happens to the EVIL values of Advertising pushing us into poverty – Like “Entertainment is worth Every Cent” – Wrong.
        Delusion, Deceit and Hypocrisy – causal to Deluding and Deceived Youth, that think “Reality T.V” is Reality…Really ? Fuck the B/S Factor at causal affect – But what
        are the idiots of the Performing Arts (Taking their Targets for a “Ride”) The Judiciary & Psychiatry (Protecting the deluding freeloaders – With their “Tickets” to “Ride”
        around on some poor TALENTED INDIVIDUAL’s SOUL) going to do for an income – Answer – Maybe they could get an “HONEST” occupation… WHEN ?
        You know the criminals like everything the way it is – without reform.

        Burn the B/S factor – Then let us see them casting the innocent into rotting despair & ongoing delusion, A judiciary “Judge” casts individuals into darkness – unless the
        Judge is Blown Off – for being supportive of Witchcraft, Bathing in EVIL corruption, setting the innocent up – for a “spell” – as in “Casting” Spells… Psychiatry is also
        corruptly defensive of Witchcraft – These “A” plus “students” actually believe what they are taught at university is “The Truth” and then walk forth as unquestioning
        “Authorities” in “Judgement” of a human being’s “Disturbed” Soul – They proceed to poison the brain – without ANY investigations into the so called “Occult” –
        “We don’t care about investigations into causal effects, or preventing psychosis, we offer no cure and have the authority to poison the symptoms – for the rest of the
        victims life” – “It’s where the MONEY is”

        Comment by Robert — August 7, 2013 @ 5:11 am

  1347. “Oh, No – Not more Cameron Diaz” – Sorry – Last one in, first one out…

    Cameron Diaz was “Selected” from the “Club ‘92” individuals for one purpose – to destroy my spirit, I was becoming a threat to their “Institution” of Satanic Ritual Abusers. “Welcome to Horror-Wood”… Cameron Diaz has a lot to loose, her entire “Career” was built on empowerments, stolen from ME. If she could delude and deceive, me, with a non-consented “You am I” and “I am you” spirit exchange and then “allow” herself to be “Cast” into destructive performances, where she is harmed or even killed in these “Acts” then this would have a destructive effect of my SOUL, my spirit would be weakened and that threatened tight-arse (Diaz) would get away with Murder and all the money she has made, over the last 20 plus years, since she was “Groomed” in 1992, Diaz had “hopped” On The Madonna “Reinvention Bandwagon”

    It was to be the same as the deluding & deceiving of the late Jamie Fielding, they pimp the soul, of the target, in a destructive performance – In Jamie’s case, the Actor was James Russo in “Dangerous Game” then they murder the “Meat”. ANYONE that remembers the Sydney Based Musician, Jamie Fielding, in 1993 will “see” him shining through the Hollow Suit, of Russo’s performance.
    The first of these destructive performances by Diaz, is the Counsellor, whereby the release was delayed to November 2013, more than 12 MONTHS since critical filming was finished, in Spain. This location was according to Diaz “I’m finishing filming next week, in Spain, then I’m coming to see you” AND DID SHE ? Wake up, of course not…

    Prior to the ongoing “Subtle Suggestions” to maintain my “Attention” – The Deluding & Deceiving FUCK also attempted to lead me on with “Scenes” – Now these are not “Hallucinations” and not dreams, they go on for hours. One memorable scene was a view of what appeared to be San Francisco – but was probably San Diego – seen, in the foreground, are shorter low level buildings with long faded un-readable painted advertising and in the distance was a tall silver chimney, braced with the standard angle steel, triangle support system for tall vertical pipe structures.

    Next I’m being shown some of the crew and cast “this is the director” the way Ridley Scott’s image came across was goaty beard but with all these “Loose” hairs, from his chin that were several inches longer than the rest, next I’m seeing a vision of a woman that reminds me of Lydia’s mother in the 1988, movie “Beetlejuice” Lydia was the character played by Winona Ryder – But it’s not her, ‘cause she hasn’t aged a bit. The actresses name in Dormer, It was a complete “Mind Fuck” to remember all these people. Last was a scene of Diaz herself – ME – “and who is this” a woman wearing large reading glasses, with a pinky/purple plastic frame. “that’s me silly” came back the response.

    I spent a year “undercover” getting taken for this destructive ride, to remain sane, I had to change my routines and Counter Script, Counter Sequence and Counter ACT all of this “Mental Noise” inclusive of Visions and Feelings. Cameron Diaz never had anything to “OFFER” me – It was Grand Theft on Auto, taking my ticket for a ride – a destructive one. I dumped her after one year, she doesn’t like the sheer size of my crowd – about 500,000 people, quite “Gob Smacked” when she was raised, out of her protective inner circle. “They are going to rip you to pieces – DELUDER” ! You are going to age quickly, without a chance. That will teach you a lesson in what not to do, for so long – to the spirit of another human being – life is too short, your life is gone Cameron – are you ready to be a Turnip ? Because you are not going to take mine… You have done tremendous harm, to my life and you seek not to repent, OR compensate for damages, just like the rest of you Hollywood Hacks, well past your use by dates. FUCK OFF ! wear the “Rolls” yourselves – without a “Murderous Ride”, now you’re fucked, TURNIPS of Hollywood !

    Comment by Robert — August 7, 2013 @ 7:20 am

    • Last Night – My Time & Date Line…

      Sandra Bullock is “Visibly Freaking Out” – she is on the phone – “Cameron is in Danger, get someone in there quickly” Sandra was using a cell phone… Any Associations Girls ?

      Comment by Robert — August 7, 2013 @ 7:53 am

      • The “Discarnate” – Cameron’s Father – “You can’t stop the girls from fantasizing”

        Me, in response – “No, I guess Not”

        Cameron’s Father – Asking Cameron – “Are you going to keep deluding & deceiving him”

        Cameron – “No, of course not” – BULLSHITTER ! That was nearly 4 months ago…

        Hey Cam, one of your “Clones” visited the Bottle Shop, under the Entrance Bridge, Central Coast, NSW, Australia. this was May ’12, or there-abouts

        “I know where he is going, let’s get there first”

        So why did you buy Bavarian beer’s in Aluminium Cans, Diaz Clone ? It tastes heaps better out of GLASS !

        Comment by Robert — August 7, 2013 @ 8:04 am

  1348. That comment – “this was May ’12, or there-abouts” should have read 2013. sorry about the typo…

    Comment by Robert — August 7, 2013 @ 8:17 am

    • Why waste an entry – Hey Cameron – are you still maintaining “Celibacy” – like me ? I hope you told your partner, “If you Scored” about your HERPES ! …

      Comment by Robert — August 7, 2013 @ 8:21 am

      • The PRIVACY ACT – Well you just keep violating the peace & privacy of those you disturb – Hollywood “Mice” I don’t have any S.T.D’s, it never
        stopped me from loving the spirit of C.M.D. Hey, Diaz – the party & romance is over, quit what you are doing or I will feed you to the SHARKS !
        Because they are Hungry – you Idiot ! They don’t mind piranha – when it’s on the menu…

        Comment by Robert — August 7, 2013 @ 8:27 am

      • That isn’t the only “entry” disease you copped – Still got an artificially programmed partner ? – Remember what happened to Sean Penn, a Rat in the hands of a fucking Dog…Madonna !
        Back Then…”I’m looking for Robert Fyfe, Oh. Robin Wright, sounds just right” Sean – WRONG ! once bitten man… BLOW THE “WAVE” No you can’t suck me off….

        Comment by Robert — August 7, 2013 @ 10:26 am

  1349. None of these “Stalkers” would make admissions that they are aiding and abetting, organized crimes from within the performing arts industries, none of the so called “Stars” would admit that they are professional stalkers, perverts, deluders, deceivers that prey upon the unsung, unscripted and unpublished, ETC for ongoing capital gains. Their Ritual Abuse, of the Targeted Individual via the use of discarnate entities –
    YES F…ing WITCHCRAFT ! “Casting” the dead upon the living to maintain “Access” to the Talented, the innocent – whose lives are “Taken” for a destructive “Ride”. Molested, exploited and possessed complainants are told they are Delusional, by the idiots of Psychiatry – What do the Psychiatrists know about Satanic Ritual Abuse, Possession and Allied “Craft”. NOTHING, until they can no longer uphold the LIE,
    in their own ongoing Capital Gains within this system of delusion, deceit and exploitation of which they are advocates – from the Cradle, to the Grave.

    Complaints, about a so-called “Entertainer” that is molesting and exploiting the targeted individual will fall upon the dead ears of the psychiatrists, who truly believe in the preservation of the LIE, whereby their incomes are dependant upon the ongoing generation of psychosis. So the Psychiatrists would NEVER admit to being nothing more than a protection racket – for organised crimes against humanity – it’s just not part of their curriculum… Are the judiciary interested in Justice or Crime Prevention ? What’s in it for us ? – They believe that they are the law unto themselves, their nothing more than Non-Reformist Parasites. How does the majority kick the shit out of these Non-Reformists that like everything the way it is – Public Protests would be seen as “Terrorist” activities…You not allowed to protest about their system, their authority or their parasitic means of acquiring an income – these scum have no ethics or morality, heartless over rated “Dead Heads” and “Gold Diggers”

    Exposure of the use “Hidden Knowledge” like expose a Witch, it’s practices, it’s gains and IT’s DEFENCE NETWORKING – bye, bye Satanists. You will need to put one of them up, lock them up using their very own craft – a Publically Vilify Them – “But we all saw you, leaning all over him for your performance – you pushed your luck a little too far” and of course “What was in it for him” – Death by Ritual Abuse ? Now
    we have ALL been thoroughly compromised, he has turned our craft on it’s head – he’s using it as a pogo stick… Your death by “Suicided” would only aid his cause. “HE (actually they) have set up a convoluted
    trap – Moth’s into the blast furnace. “The Idiots still won’t GIVE UP – they would rather DIE and Be Damned, before any admissions of guilt” Life is short, die young, like a Rock & Roll star – Vilified by their own
    idiocy – and leave a rotten stench behind in the files of hypocrisy. Evil Conformists – “Playing the Game”. They don’t care who they maim or kill, they are “Immortal” um, yep – “Immortally Damned”

    Comment by Robert — August 8, 2013 @ 6:52 am

  1350. Still wish to blame technology for the scum, all over you ? … I spelt it out – this fucking shit was around before the technology “Smoke Screen” Still WISH TO ARGUE the point ?

    Comment by Robert — August 8, 2013 @ 1:38 pm

    • Diaz – “Could you please rinse you mouth out, I can’t handle the dairy product taste in my mouth…I Object to the milk taste” – FUCK OFF FREELOADER !

      Comment by Robert — August 8, 2013 @ 1:45 pm

      • Time to pay the rent Diaz – “We’ve learnt about your “Possessions” – any comments – from those with a vested interest in “Making Waves” and “Control”…
        Your all about to suffer “Badly” – “Hypersensitive” Soul “controlled” “Ticketed” SCUM ! Fuck your waves, your bullshit values, your over rated “Status”
        Damn you trash ! FALSE ‘GOD’ Turds ! May you be “slayed” by the CREATOR you DESTROYERS ! YOUR NOT WORTH SHIT !

        Still believe that possession is nine tenths of your law – PARASITES ? – Time to “BURN” you greedy, controlling pieces of shit. WHOLESALE ! Mind Game
        TRASH ! DAMN YOU SATANISTS – Your bullshit is over.

        Comment by Robert — August 8, 2013 @ 2:03 pm

  1351. Jeremy Saxon “Sunnyboy” Oxley – Festival Mushroom, recording “Artist”

    Poisoned my frozen food to “Traumatize” – this was back in late 1992 – This FUCK “Oxley” was never stopped – “Multi-win situation – The Warner Group are going to re-master
    our 1993 back-catalogues and distribute” – we’ve just got get him back into the Bitch – “Madonna” – “they have a 60 million dollar problem” (Oxley) “Gudinski & Schindler are
    gonna ignore him” “Don’t worry about Jamie” (Fielding) “We will take care of him, and Caresse” (Henry) – Oxley is still holding on “tight” – STALKER, PERVERT, MURDERER
    & POOFTER –

    After I ate that poisoned food –

    NO INVESTIGATIONS into this organized crime ? No, not with this trail of Satanists “Jumping” on anyone I was talking to – “I can’t handle this, it’s bullshit Robert” – Induction of
    assault – no justice with these Gang Stalking “Possessions” – If they keep ignoring the complaint – BURN THEM – one by one – the Perpetrators – discretely – no other way.

    Bang the Whole Gang of Damn Scum. – DONE. Wipe this “Problem” of possession “Out” – their system offers no “alternative” …

    Paul Kelly – Festival Mushroom, recording “Artist” – A “Visit” – A gate crashing of my privacy – to keep the heat on – (Anyone thought of “Torturing” one of these “Rock Dog’s” – for the truth ? )

    “c’mon Jeremy – lets get out of here, it’s obvious they love each other – you’re just making a jerk out of yourself” I was in a Motel Room with the “Deception” – Cameron Diaz, still Bullshitting Me.
    NONE of them will EVER come forward – with the truth – of structuring “WAVES” – they will die first – SO BE IT !

    Comment by Robert — August 8, 2013 @ 2:48 pm

  1352. Cameron – “I don’t have any friends Left” – A scene of “Titanic” – the closing scene of “Jack” sinking into the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean – “Thanks for the Fuck Jack” – “Sucker”
    Leonardo DiCaprio then appears – He starts punching out these Festival Mushroom Artists that “appear’ – Kudo’s Man…

    He then leans over me and said – “C’mon lets Go” – ME – “I’m not going anywhere” Leonardo – “O.K. Then” and disappears. He thought he was “looking’ at Diaz – He was looking at me…
    So “The Counsellor” is going to be interesting – you’ll be looking at me ! – my stolen spirit, in Cameron Diaz !

    Comment by Robert — August 8, 2013 @ 3:08 pm

  1353. Jeremy (Sunnyboy) Oxley has maintained this privacy violation far too long… He has acquired wealth via EXTORTION, a HOUSE, a Jaguar and probably still getting kick backs from those with a “Vested” interest in my exploitation – I’m not the only one “Locked” up, in this virtual prison – Victims of this Ritual Abuse can probably relate to this…One’s life becomes an open book and in come the Perverts & Arseholes, “what’s in it for us” “Hey that’s a good idea, that’s mine” – they perversely lift intellectual property – Real Example – An electronics magazine (Silicon Chip) has a contributing electronics engineer – John Clark.

    In 1998 I designed a device – an electret microphone preamplifier with a balanced output, for professional audio applications – I finished the prototype and packaged it in a plastic instrument case – it was sold by an associate to a drummer. In the earlier part of the 2000’s this design was presented as a Silicon Chip Magazine “project” – complete with the same plastic instrument case – the project author was John Clark. Recently I was asked by an associate to make what I called “The Rock Box” it was a system for use in one of those game shows, instead of lights or an annoying buzzer indicating the first to respond to a question – it played part of a song – a different part of a song for up to three players (or teams) the button activation was wireless control back to the main unit, controlled by the game host. This “first of” was sold to Dale Bax of Bax A.A.V. – on the Central Coast of N.S.W (Australia)

    The following month Silicon Chip Magazine reproduced this design, without the wireless feature, in the editorial of the project, the same comments with regards copyright matters pertaining to playing parts of a song, in public, were reproduced as I had indicated, in my Invoice to Dale Bax. The Author of the project was once again John Clark. It didn’t stop with these two “Hits” on my work. The most recent theft by this magazine was my “soft start” design from 1997… In early 2012, I was talking to another electronics manufacturer that built Valve Guitar Amplifiers – He had a problem with high inrush currents using “Toroidal” mains power transformers – this is quite common – I assembled 20 of these earlier designs of my “Soft Start” circuit for which I had ready made Printed Circuit Boards – from productions in the late 1990’s.

    The author of “Silicon Chip” magazine ripping off my work (and income) this time was Stan Swan. My design got around the problem with PTC devices being subject to mains power failures – short duration “Black Outs” – when the power comes back on, quickly – the PTC gets blown to smithereens – because it hasn’t cooled down and achieved it’s high resistance again – to limit inrush currents. My design “Bypassed” the PTC device with a relay after a second – to prevent this blown device problem – it always stayed at a high resistance. Where to these “Perverts” get off – on “Preying” upon someone else’s private life – that has been turned into an open book, by the “Wind Up” gang stalking trash ?

    Recently I was “Picturing” (in my mind) putting my yellow work bench back together, this bench was given to me by a man named “John Clarke” – His brother Glenn told me that the Silicon Chip Author was not his brother, of the same name… When thinking about putting the bench back together a comment from the gang stalking, mind perverts came through – “Look, its John Clark”.

    So you other victims might be able to relate to this perversion – they strip you of your rights to privacy and undermine your employment – you no longer are a free thinker, “bashing” you into poverty – No matter what you do, for a living. The talented get “Pack Raped” by the “Talentless” Organized Criminals – they get away with exploitation, extortion & murder and if one complains – Your Mad, Bad Luck….”We are going to rip you off and get away with it” – the exploitations – as per the examples above “Tend to keep the ‘HEAT’ on” – What do they call these Mind Perverts – Dream Police ? – Corrupt as Hell !

    What can one do about it –

    Take powerful neuroleptic psychiatric drugs and join the “Brain Dead” – upon complaints, about such privacy violations, theft of character, intellectual property, ETC. What can we do about scum like Oxley – keeping my life an “Open Book” and holding on tight for the “Gang Bangers”, receiving money from the “Highest bidders” – He locks up Mega Stars like Cameron Diaz, upon someone else’s “Soul” – mine, then extorts money out of them – if they want out. This time there is a problem – Jeremy Saxon Oxley (Ipswich – QLD – Australia) doesn’t know where Cameron is “Locked Up” – in my mind – So she is doing the “Burn Out” method – on stolen heat. This is Fucking Attempted Murder ! – She, or anyone else – in on this shit, well their not going to talk about it – their lives are on a guilt trip – guilty as charged.

    Comment by Robert — August 9, 2013 @ 2:25 am

  1354. Stalked by the “Stars” – & Their Gang Banging Crowds” –

    Another interesting point that I haven’t done enough on, it deals with what some of the gang stalking perverts refer to as “Dimensional Stability”

    Your homes, cars, places of employment and area’s, within your routine lives, that you frequent are what the perverts also refer to as “Vantage Spots” – Dimensional Stability is a prerequisite for these positions, where the gang stalking trash “Hang Out” – “Remote Viewing” requires something to focus on – like the rather unique yellow workbench, mentioned in the Aug 9, 2013 post above. They really hate it, when you start moving things around – or getting rid of things, it destroys their “Set” and then they loose their “Roll” – relying on taken the Victim, the Targeted Individual for a “Ride”. They need to focus on their “Target” while they are in a performance, on the set. The Dog’s of Rock & Roll focus their “Directed Hit” when performing and recording, much in the same way.

    The usual practice is to position associates, they don’t even need to be part of the “Cast” (or in the band) Idle actors and actresses and for a recent example, this was less than a month ago –

    I had set up my entertainment monitor and dug out a 1999 Movie called “Dogma” one of the actresses was Linda Fiorentino, who hasn’t made a movie since 2009, so quite idle. The entity Cameron Diaz asked me what I thought of Linda, in this performance by a 41 year old, but 14 years ago – “She’s got a nice facial bone structure, yeah she’s attractive. So the movie ended, but I left the monitor on – this gives a soft lighting effect in the room, I started to fall asleep, I wasn’t “Awake” either. It could be likened to day dreaming and in my minds eye a spirit appears, it’s Fiorentino and she’s looking no different to say the appearance of a woman 250,000 hours old – or 28.61 years. It’s seems to be the way of it – our spirits are seen as we are at this not so magic number of 1/4 of a million hours in age – some would suggest this is when we are at the
    peak of our lives. Incidentally – Linda Fiorentino is now 55 years old, I researched details of her activities after this “event” because sometimes the visitors, well, they have left the building – In other words DEAD !

    I will not go into intimate details of what occurred, with this presence, but consider the male “Wet Dream” and when it is spiritual presence and NOT a hallucination, pertaining to dreaming – but “Visitors” –

    Dreams are measured in seconds and maybe minutes, at the most, but when you have a presence that is there for hours, days, weeks, Months AND YEARS ?Definitely NOT DREAMING ! Deluded, Deceived, Disorientated and taken for a Ride – YES – Molested, Abducted, Exploited, Rail-Roaded and Fraudulently Ripped Off – YES – and honest help available ? NO ! the performing arts “Bath” in Deceit & Delusion – The performing artists are totally insincere and they would never admit to their molestations… Psychiatry maintains the protection racket, by maintaining the deceit – “You were not Deluded by a “Hollywood Star” you are delusional, and you believe that you were Abducted” – “I didn’t say I was Abducted – Doctor !… I was Taken for a Coveted Test Drive and – ‘Possessed’ by a “Burnt Out, Obsessive Piece of Shit, with nothing realistic to offer me – Do you understand” – Typical Shrink – “NO you were not – You have a rather Grandiose opinion of yourself”… These ‘Wankers’ claim to be “The Authority” on matters of the mind… “Poison the
    Brain” – to take care of the spiritual matter, so a victim is no longer in touch, with their higher self (Their Soul) that is being molested – and the molestations continue, undefended.

    This is when it comes in handy to have independent witnesses that can vouch for you – “We all saw you Cameron – you’ve been sitting on his case, for more than a YEAR” yep – it helps to have your own crowd !
    She has nothing to offer me, never did – just your typical “Hollywood Has-Been” sitting on someone else’s TICKET – pinning them down, with absolute DRIVEL…She lost her “Glow” so now has a total dependence on “Dancing in the Stolen Spotlight” the “Glow” of another human being’s soul and refused to be sincere, realistic or show any mercy. My Crowd – “What did you have to offer him, DIAZ” I will tell you what she has done – try and get as many “Hollywood Heavyweights” and “Hollywood Has-Beens” as she can, to position them in my privacy – what are known as “Vantage Spots” and then she goes & pimp’s herself all over the screen, with as many contracts as she possibly fulfil.

    Cameron believes that she is on a “Roll” – I object to being “Rolled” But these brain dead “Units” are ALL playing the same games – it’s where the big bucks are – did anyone seriously try to talk to the Ding Bat, about long term molestations and the consequences ? I passed their so called Coveted Test nearly 19 years ago – I have ticket, was Cameron EVER tested ?
    Were any of the Club 92 (1992) players ? Watch them all fall out of the “Sky” – They are not really “Stars” so you won’t have to worry too much… They will end up complete TURNIPS – without anyone to molest.
    They have NOTHING to offer, they refuse to “GET DOWN” and are propping themselves up – on the spirit of innocent human beings – these over rated and over paid turds think we are insignificant, consumables.
    So it’s time to “Put them Down” – “I want Out” – it isn’t in their dictionary – “does not compute” – you get the drift…

    They don’t Fuck Off and claim they have no where else to go – I know of a place for them – Hell ! NO MORE PATIENCE, No More Time for these Freeloaders – it’s time to CAST them out and DOWN ! Destroy their “Occultist” practices, their ritual abuse – they are past their Use By Dates – ENOUGH of their Bullshit. Blow them off, sink their hidden knowledge into the main stream, strip them of their wealth and artificial importance in the world – Hypocrisy shouldn’t have ANY values, neither should deluding and deceiving “Mind Games” – screw the generation of crime & psychosis at causal effect level – screw the Judiciary & Doctors that like everything the way it is, this system is about to destroy itself, it was “CAST” into a convoluted “TRAP”… and the idiots wish to hold on tight, to a game that is over ? They offer no closure, they have NOTHING better to do than Delude & Deceive.

    I pulled the Bedroom to pieces last week – thoroughly “Rearranging” dimensional stability and destroying vantage spots, for the sitters, gawkers, perverts, remote viewers, or collectively referred to as Gang Stalking Trash. Cameron Diaz – “He’s destroyed the set… but, I’m on in 15 minutes” What’s up Cam’ loose your “Roll” – “He’s abandoned me” You should have heard one of the “sitters” – “I object to being put in the
    wardrobe” – His vantage spot must have been some part of the computer, maybe the tower… Oh, well let’s see what he thinks of Jasmine Incense and I burnt a stick inside the wardrobe, with a short prayer, to drive this/these entities OUT. Lot’s of remotely perceived coughing – but no long term results, of removal.

    Comment by Robert — August 10, 2013 @ 11:18 am

  1355. Another prerequisite, is the establishment of what is referred to, by the gang stalking trash, as – “A Spook House” these are premises that are occupied by “Wind Up Merchants” that launch “Noise Campaigns” and
    defamatory slander – close by the Targeted Individual (T.I.) In effect the occupants are “Pimps & Poachers” that receive “Kick Backs” from the parties that have a vested interest in the exploitation of the T.I. In some cases – the existing tenants, on leases, or even Owner Occupiers will be “Coerced” into leaving, selling up. Rental Situations – the tenants are offered “sizeable” amounts of money to “Piss Off”, thus freeing up a nearby rental “Situation” – to the T.I. It took the Gang Stalking Trash 5 Weeks to locate my position and get rid of the existing tenants – this “Spook House” is next door to me, last time it only took them 2 Weeks (July ’02) – This time they appear to be leaving the house empty – but I have heard “comments”, from the house, remote surveillance & harassment, easily achieved via technology and operational from anywhere in the world. Welcome to “Live” internet interfacing…

    “Pinging” the T.I. to get their attention, then “jumping” all over them, when they react to verbal assaults. The tenants, that were next door, to my present location – the removal truck came at 6.30 A.M. and was gone
    in 2 hours. Many “tradesmen” have been sighted coming and going over the next 5 weeks – Illegal Surveillance Installations, would be some of the “activities” – They are making Millions of Dollars, in exploitation – for only thousands of dollars in outlay. The tradesman are not told the truth about what is happening, they are fed delusional, deceitful bullshit and end up “Keeping their Mouths Shut” – because they have “Blood on their Hands” – else it ends up being their own… Some don’t care – “We did it for the MONEY”

    In 2007 a production company on the NSW (Australia) Central Coast – “Entertainment Installations” a “Family” owned business purchased such a “Spook House” The Family Name is MACE. They knew exactly where I lived, as I had been doing business with them, over the previous 5 years. In 2007 they purchased a house, as close as anyone could get to me, with No Intermediate Road and Window to Window line-of-sight. Work from this family business, to me stopped, at this same time – without any reasons, so did referrals from them. Their only child – a son, took up residency and non-stop noise campaigns started – It would be 6 months before I found out who was living there. This production company started to get an incredible amount of industry favouritism, yet this was far from justified – their production costs, as supplied, initially exceeded the rates of better equipped and staffed service providers in the production arena. No one could figure out Why ?… and they began purchasing the usual Ferrari & Lamborghini “Company Cars”

    They were associated with one Russell Crowe, some of you may have heard of this Hollywood “Actor” – Russell was their “Incentive” to get a spook house going – Preying upon me. Why would these “Sub Standard” cockroach city production company “Hacks” be party to the establishment of a “Spook House” – when it was so “Blatant” – The sheer number of Police Complaints, recorded over the next 5 years about
    “Excessive Noise” – I wasn’t the only one being disturbed by it. Why would these wealthy individuals buy a house, so close to me and not tell me – “Dump” my working relationship, with them – at the same time as acquiring this “Shithouse” for their only child, when they could have easily obtained premises, in a better part of the Central Coast of NSW for their only offspring – at a similar cost, with a better “Resale” outlook.
    This area, had for years earlier, a negative resale return on investment properties. Why on top of me…answer – aiding & abetting entertainment industry FRAUD.

    One day, back around this time – I borrowed my friend Lydia’s SAAB, a old Bomb – The same vehicle was used, same model, same year, same colour and same problem with an engine mount – that caused an
    uncontrollable vibration in the vehicle – Was used in a Hollywood Production, with Russell Crowe, this wasn’t the only “Coincidence” in Movies in which Crowe had Leading “Rolls”… Lost you’re “Glow” Crowe ? –
    Maybe you never had one – without a “Ride”

    These “Spook Houses” also simplify telecommunications and data (internet) “Hackings” – due to proximity, to the Targeted Individual. It’s NOT just Unlawful Surveillance but also Harassment issues – via comm’s systems.

    Comment by Robert — August 10, 2013 @ 2:26 pm

  1356. Chris Martin (Coldplay) & Gwyneth Paltrow –

    Cameron Diaz believes that these pair are her friends – Gwyneth is a Madonna associate, a long term one. Madonna’s consumption of me goes back to Sep’ 1977 – the day I turned 17 years old. She could never claim “Ignorance” of me is “Bliss” – she was made aware of me in 1985. When she didn’t have the “Power” to get her manipulative hooks into Sean Penn, way back then. I was Ritually Abused by this Deluding piece of shit. This is a matter of fact, stored on a State Government (NSW) record. I retyped what was recorded, as reasons for the admission into a public hospital, psychiatric unit, back then – 28 Years Ago !

    You can read this transcript, at the posting of June 11, 2011.

    NO Investigations were ever undertaken into this molestation by Madonna & Associates and these scams have not ended – a massive money driven Global problem continues to harm the innocent and helpless.

    Late last year, Chris Martin was getting “Grilled” by one of my associates and Martin’s defence – “But I didn’t know how big he was”… Now, he’s not in the toaster – he’s in the blast furnace… Getting the shit kicked out of him – for last years “Ride” down under – An Australian Tour. Recently, in the car – with the car radio on – on comes a Coldplay song and Martin “Hits Out” at me, with “Now let’s talk Rob” Me – “What about” and I quickly changed radio stations ! – Enough of these insincere over rated freeloaders… They have nothing to offer, never did – any means of sustaining a WAVE of attention, to themselves, is ALL they are interested in. These “WAVES” of attention, at the expense of the innocent, who get “Jumped On” – and the rock & roll dogs line their pockets with fraudulently obtained money, while the victims get “Gang Banged”

    When a person is labelled as “Mentally Ill” there is diminished respect for this person, by the authorities, the “Freeloaders” continue with their exploitation’s and hounding’s, the psychiatric drugs “Kick In” and the victim’s “Higher Self” is detached from any conscious awareness of brain functioning – “Hey, spiritual problem suppressed.” The Perverts & Parasites still have “Control” of this persons Soul – Madonna continued to push Sean Penn’s buttons, ritually “preying” upon me, to achieve this – until I abandoned the music industry in late 1988. In Early 1989 Madonna no longer had any power to manipulate Sean Penn, as I was no longer “Accessible” to the associative gang stalking Dog’s of Rock & Roll – all Madonna’s connections had been “Cut”.

    Psychiatry was of no use to me, as the so called problem was a natural phenomenon, psychiatry only cares about psychiatry and defending those responsible for psychosis inductions – Cull these Morons, because they are not interested in Causal Effects, AT ALL – No Investigations into these mind game crimes and the criminals continue to profit, from mass Murder, it’s not Entertainment, to a victim – it’s a living Hell when they know they being “Fucked Over” by some piece of shit, on the take. Disclosure of such occultist practices and their protection rackets will help with the “culling” process…

    If I had remained on medication, as per the usual psychiatric drivel – Madonna might very well still be manipulatively pushing Penn’s buttons to this day ! The psych drugs keep the victim “Locked Up”… So business as usual for the morons, fucking someone else over – “For A Ride” in the performing arts club. Chemical lobotomies are NOT the answer, this maintains the crimes against innocent individuals AND their exploitation’s. Culling of these Sadists and Occultists comes about with Destruction of the Economic Incentives, within the performing ART’s and this would get rid of the maiming and murderous Farts – “We did it for the Money, we aren’t ‘Talented’ at all, we have a total reliance on molesting those that are, for the ‘Waves’ of attention and the MONEY that comes with it”

    Cameron’s entity claimed “I have no friends left” Cameron – With friends like Gwyneth, you don’t need enemies, she’s a Madonna go-between, a threat that “Jumped” all over you, when you were traumatized by your father’s death. Ask Winona Ryder – what a thieving “Parasite” Gwyneth is…I spent some time with Ryder, in the early nineties, until Bone Head from U2 was caught manipulating Ryder via Me… My nickname, for Ryder was “No-No” and it went like this “No-No, He’s NOT Me” Ryder – “Thanks Rob” – A little later, Ryder’s saying “Bye, Bye” to ‘Bone Head’… I can’t stand BONO – he “jumped” on me for a ride, back in the early nineties and then “Drew” Ryder into the scam – He is a total prick and had enough money to set up a massive fraud – Of Ritual Abuse, with Irish National Gang Stalkers that moved in, right on top of me. The Real Estate Agent, at that location finally cleared the scum out – all 6 of them…plus “Transitional Drop Ins” The Money made, that is behind these Gang Stalking Crimes is what needs to be stopped.

    Comment by Robert — August 12, 2013 @ 4:09 am

    • ” This is too weird man – one minute your bashing the shit out of Cameron, then next your talking like she’s your best friend and you care for her ? ”

      Well – Convoluted traps need to be established and maintained. If you haven’t got it yet – this is Cameron’s current production –
      (The Other Woman) – Whereby 2 “Rats” set up a system that seeks revenge on a 2 timing relationship “Cheat” .

      I might as well blow out the bottom line – When this “System” of the occult set Cameron and Me up, against our will –
      We planned “Avenging” all the victims of their scam – Destructively !

      Cameron & Myself – we became the Meanest pair of RATS to ever “Fuck With” their not so hidden system – the WAVE between us, due to NO CONTACT
      BETWEEN US – Keeps the destructive “wave” going…It’s kick the shit out of the occult – in real time.

      “So do you love her ?” I don’t know, I guess So – “But we’ve never met each other, in reality” – but, you know what they say about 2 Virgo’s in a successful
      Relationship – “Must have been a marriage, made in the Heavens”… Partners in Crime – against the criminals, of the occult. “Bye, Bye” To The Occultists
      within the performing arts. You just can’t beat high quality “Convoluted Traps” – they’re “Stainless Steel” The idiots keep us apart – to maintain a “Wave” –
      we consorted & conspired to do in the Riff Raff taking us for a ride, upon it. Got It Yet ? ” We set the perpetrators up – for a down hill ‘Ride’ ”

      “World Class Act – Robert” Nope – this is “Business” – No hard Feelings… There are no friends in this “Business” – just associates.

      Comment by Robert — August 12, 2013 @ 6:39 am

      • Cameron’s “Entity” – “I didn’t know what I was doing, to him” “I think I’ll commit suicide” Don’t worry Cam, it’s my business plan – just try to stay alive,
        otherwise we all die….

        Comment by Robert — August 12, 2013 @ 6:47 am

      • Does anyone wish to concede ?

        What’s left for us – you pair of Virgo, clean freak “Rats” took out “our” shit…WHOLESALE !

        Comment by Robert — August 12, 2013 @ 9:25 am

  1357. The “WAVE”

    When a “Wave” is constructed between the actor/actress and the Targeted Individual, in other words – they are “Wired” up together, it could be likened to the EEG machine, instead of contact electrodes placed on the persons head and information on brain wave activity fed, through filters and amplifiers – to a chart recorder – consider the analogy to be contact electrodes from one persons head to another’s. But there are no such connections – right ? The connections are via occultist conjured discarnate entities (The Dead) – sub-vocalisation, is vocal chord movements based on thoughts – without the passage of air, those thoughts are generally not heard. If two (or more) individuals are both “possessed” the vocal chords can be “heard” by the entity “On Board” and communications can be exchanged – The dead travel Fast !

    The entity does need to be dead – either –

    “He’s out of his head” – and all over someone else… “I don’t know what came over me” – temporary possession…”I didn’t know what I was doing…you were being manipulated by someone else… Would psychiatrists ever be taught the truth ? No, that would be the end of “The Art of Lies”

    Riff Raff is mental noise (Jerks) that camp out on a constructed and betrayed wave that exists between consenting and non-consenting “Souls”, they are wind up merchants that put themselves in someone else’s
    private space – The “Vantage Spots” – already mentioned, in writings above. They even achieve appearance theft – (Shape Shifting Reptilians – let’s not go there) they pimp themselves in some else’s appearance, and/or casting someone into darkness – The Popular Pastimes for Casting Occultists – generally with a vested interest in a “character assassination” more “Bang” for no extra bucks – the performing arts “Behind the Scenes” arseholes.

    The entertainment industry is full of Evil, Satanic Ritual Abusers AND freeloaders that no longer have any potential but “Allow” themselves to be manipulated by the occult – “Just Sign Here, Please” and they have done a deal with the devil…They care NOT, where the power comes from – or who’s character is being molested and assassinated, in their performance. When they don’t care at all – innocent people, are being ripped to pieces with their lives thrown into complete chaos. The victims cannot compete – because they are being gang banged.

    The pimps & poaches (Gang Stalking Scum) that move in on top of the targeted individual – “What do you think your doing to him” – ” We are just going to have some fun” and then they sometimes end up ‘dead’ – “We warned you, not to play with him for too long” AND The “Star” – “I can’t handle this, how do I get out of here” – Two ways – be honest with him OR in a body bag, the choice is yours…”But someone won’t let me” (Be Honest With Him) then you can have a body bag, in any colour – so long as it is black. “What, I have to be REAL with him – tell him that I just deluded and deceived him for a year ?” Yeah. “So what colours, for body bags were available again ?” The “Stars” have a problem – they are only trained in the art of Deluding & Deceiving. A course in honesty and the truth would undermine their careers… it would be a complete “Mind Fuck”, to them, without any “Protection”

    Comment by Robert — August 13, 2013 @ 7:14 am

  1358. So when do the freeloaders start paying the RENT ? Your so called stars – regardless of status (Pip Squeak Wannabe, minor, mega – has been – whatever)
    would never make admissions to someone they have EXPLOITED, let alone pay the rent… So forget it. It is much easier to destroy their industrial disease
    than pray for peace. Or, a piece of the action for that matter – don’t expect some “Talent Scout” to come knocking on your door, that aint gonna happen either.

    To thoroughly undermine their careers would be doing humanity a favour – putting out the trash, culling the morons, etcetera.

    Hidden knowledge, revealed in the mainstream would be devastating, to these pimping and poaching parasites – “Law suits all around”… Psychiatric Files, that
    contain “The Reasons” for hospitalizations, then compared to a “Performance” within the performing arts – may satisfy a law suit claim. It helps to have witnesses
    that were “aware” of your mood/attitude changes and these people could put together statements and be called, before the courts, as required. Possession may
    be “Nine Tenths of the Law” but this needs to be PROVEN – You need to establish Causal Effects, for a claim against the perpetrator and a good attorney, willing
    to take on your case. Loss of income and how the perpetrators undermined your working efforts – like the example given in Aug 9, 2013 – 2.25 a.m

    The perpetrators require you to be as idle and isolated, from other people as possible. Refer to the “Spook House” post of Aug 10, 2013 – 2.29 p.m and how those
    that were providing a continuity of employment were also responsible for the establishment of the spook house. These scumbags made millions of dollars, “souling”
    me out. Close range stalking and noise campaigns to deprive me of sleep – “Rave” parties. The police – “We can’t stop people talking” these “Rave” parties went
    around the clock, as they worked in sleeper cells, one ‘group’ goes down and another pop’s up – Sleep Deprivation, it’s a part of psychological torture and these
    arseholes are terrorists.

    Example –

    “Is anyone on him” … “yeah, I’ve got him up” … “Call up Crowee” ” Hey Russ, you on him yet, can you see him” Russell Crowe is/was associated with high ranking
    members of the NSW state police service – a corrupt one that was compromised – was EXPOSED by the media. These occultists have their finger’s in everyone’s pies…
    “Hey – that felt like a hit, didn’t it” – Crowe.

    The performing “Arts” – “But everyone is in on it”, Culling their system – then they’re all “Out of It”

    Comment by Robert — August 14, 2013 @ 2:10 am

    • “But we are stars” – complete with “Tickets” to ride… What into ? Private Lives, the minds of innocent Men, Women and Children that you have found great values
      in exploiting – taking for a test drive and sustaining your careers in the over rated industry of dumb it down, so called entertainment ? Soon you’re going to pay the
      rent, in a new “Plot” … the one you’re buried in… “But he’s just going to kill them, he’s really good at what he does”

      “But we cant compete” Stay off the “Road” – Arseholes. “All roads lead to Rob” – Burn the Bridges, Sink-Hole the roads – ALL ACCESS DENIED, “Discovery” was
      obstructed – far too long. “Why didn’t you discover him Diaz” – “Someone wouldn’t let me” … “So why don’t you pay the rent, you are more than a year, in arrears”

      I’m “Waiting”… Oh No, not that boring standard…”But everyone has to go it alone” What into ? – The Bone Yard ? – “Californication” … “What will you do, if he comes
      to Hollywood” (Diaz) – “Jump all over him” (Depp). Remember what they did to Robert Dewey Hoskins ? Hoskins was the scapegoat, that was accused of being the
      Madonna stalker, what happens when the Targeted Individual goes looking for the truth – They get “Gang Banged”, then taken, for a ride – into the ground.

      Comment by Robert — August 14, 2013 @ 2:56 am

      • Credit where credit is due – “That’s what happens to the targeted individual, when they go looking for the truth” – was what Paul Baird had to say on the
        topic, in a private (Really?) telephone conversation. He has a Web Site called “Surveillance Issues”. When I got back online recently, there was an email
        from Paul – He would like to touch base with Randy Quaid & Jesse Ventura, I can’t help him with any such contacts – maybe someone can, Paul’s
        contact details are on his website.

        I’ve finished with my own research after nearly 36 years of exploitations – by the entertainment industry parasites – I’m appreciative of Cameron Diaz’s
        patience, on tolerating all of this shit, but it did take two, to tangle up their criminal system of exploitation – we are both victims of ritual abuse – at either
        end of “the food chain”. Maybe we actually meet each other one day ! (When the smoke clears and all the perpetrator’s burnt bodies have been taken
        out of this burning system) Until then, I will maintain the flow of Gasoline – so there is nothing left hidden (occult) of the use of hidden knowledge, that
        only harms the innocent & helpless. Flames to their Darkness !

        They set Cameron upon me – and REFUSED to let her “out” – This was ritual abuse of a “Mega-Star”. We’ve done our best to “Entertain” each other
        in the last year (and one month) The idiots, that are behind this “Set-Up” & “Sandbag” (means ignore the complaint – cop slang) are still on-board the
        Titanic, I don’t think they realize it has sunk !

        Pulling Russell Crowe’s Ticket (Yesterday) when he maintained his tirade of Ritual Abuse (Assault) that was directed at me and exposing the fact that
        he had been hiding behind the appearance of Jeremy Oxley, all these years was a “Win, Win” situation for all of us. It won’t be long, Cameron, before
        the rest of the “Riff Raff” are ousted as well.

        If a “Game” has a beginning, Then a “Game” has an ending – Anyway, back to destroying the playing field…

        Comment by Robert — August 15, 2013 @ 12:48 pm

  1359. “When a person is labelled as “Mentally Ill” there is diminished respect for this person, by the authorities”

    (Taken from Aug 12 – 2013, 4.09.A.M.)

    This is the “Loop Hole”, within the occultist system, that has ‘Allowed’ these pieces of deluding & deceiving trash – to get away with a vast array of crimes against humanity. Psychiatry isn’t the study of causal effects, and the psychiatrists aren’t interested in “I know what came over me”. They don’t want names, places, dates, who was on the take and the vast amounts of Money involved. Then the judiciary is no better, neither is law enforcement – these are dead ends for the victims of S.R.A. – Satanic Ritual Abuse, Witchcraft, Occultist Craft, Psychological Weapons, Stalkers, Perverts & Arseholes – take your pick, it’s all the same – it’s EVIL. But evil needs a “playing field” – and it requires a place to hide. The occult can be simplified as a person or persons using hidden knowledge – why are they so well protected ? A commonality is they have lots of corrupting money ! “Everyone has their price” – people can be bought.

    Russell Crowe has lots of money – more than enough to gain manipulative access to Law Enforcement – his busted ‘buddy’ was a high ranking, corrupt NSW COP. When this corrupt cop got busted, Crowe denied any knowledge of this cop’s activities – So Crowe is Squeaky Clean is He ? – why would someone clean be “Hanging Out” with a dirt bag… Russell Crowes violation of my privacy, the establishment of the “spook house” the noise campaigns, the perversion into employment opportunities, that were undermined – his associations with Neal & Caroline Mace (Entertainment Installations) Russell Crowe is a Low Life Criminal, that made his money, exploiting innocent and talented people – pinning these people down and fucking them over, for whatever they were worth. Those he is associated with are tared with the same brush.

    We now know how large amounts of money were obtained by the Mace’s and laundered through their production company. The reasons for moving in on top of me, “I don’t like what he’s thinking, Neal” (Caroline Mace – several years ago) Money given to the Maces – to maintain the High Level Assault, Rumour Spreading, Perversion into my privacy – “To keep the Heat on Me” – while, otherwise talentless turnips were sucking it off. This money was then put through their production company books, for services that were never supplied…

    Neal Mace was, until recently even on the attack of Cameron Diaz – “Why don’t you two go and have a baby, with Downs syndrome”. Cameron – “I don’t even know what this man is doing, in the industry” – Me – He’s big ‘Buddies’ with Russell Crowe. Cameron – “I don’t believe this, they are rail-roading you” Me – “Sit back and hold on tight, they’ve done it before” Some are functioning, purely out of jealousy and spitefulness, based on your presence, Cameron, with me. Other’s are trying to hospitalize me, through drama & trauma inductions – “Push, Push, Push” – they are exposing themselves, in the process, these are the cockroaches with a lot to lose. There are NOW too many people in the ‘Know’ about what this is about – They cant win this one – they didn’t see it coming – the idiots didn’t look… “We didn’t know, what we were doing” – So then they get themselves declared “Mentally Ill” – and hope to keep the “Spoils” ? Tell Them, what they have done – they won’t do that again – their “Style” has been cramped… Bullshit factor blown away.

    Coincidences are NOT coincidences – When there is a reoccurring PATTERN… The ‘ART’ on collecting evidence, and witnesses – even HOSTILE ones ! They set us up, they have done it before and NOW – I have set them up, for a fall. Will there be any investigations into Crowe’s exploitation, perversion and assault, of my private life ? NO – not by the authorities – they have blood on their hands, they would rather ‘sweep’ it all under the mat, Cops that where told to “Sandbag” me (Ignore my complaints) – lower down in food chain – following orders “From the Corrupted top” – Money calls the shots. My complaints have been ignored since 1982, this is when they achieved psychiatric medicalization and thereby created diminished respect, by the authorities, for me. That’s the loop hole that needs to be blown away – so they can no longer use psychiatry, for brain washing’s – washing away ones knowledge and awareness of what is upon them. – “You are possessed, So we will destroy your body/soul interface – chemically”

    So private investigations and public exposure – Crowe isn’t the only ‘Entertainer’ in on this – they all are. Exposure of “The Craft” will retard their activities – they won’t be hiding behind some has been Geriatric ‘Rock Star’ (Oxley) or scapegoating anyone, for what they have done, themselves – They can no longer hide ANYWHERE. Getting other victims to ‘Watch’ them – sooner, than later, they will find it very difficult to “Breath” down someone else’s neck, or ‘Look’ through someone else’s mind’s eye…No more free ‘Rides’ on another human being’s SOUL. No more taking someone else’s TICKET for a ‘burn out’ – Blow them off, then CAST them DOWN.

    Comment by Robert — August 17, 2013 @ 11:43 am

    • Cameron will eventually concede – That she doesn’t like being set-up and manipulated, having gone through all of this, over the last year – Sandra Bullock will also concede,
      for the same reasons – the more “Stars” in the know, of what this is all about and then sweeping reform within the performing arts – then we will have, for the first time EVER –
      freedom of “Artistic” expression… No more “Behind the Scenes” button pushing occultists. No more of the setting up of innocent people, we will get to “fuck over” the

      Comment by Robert — August 17, 2013 @ 12:10 pm

      • Cameron & Sandra –

        “WE, didn’t know, what we were doing” – You were just following ‘manipulative’ orders – from the top… Time to get Down…Under ? – (Australia) You’re both more than welcome…
        What about ‘Annie’ – I’ve already burnt it, to save on wasted “Productions” – “I cant act, without him”… ‘Seeing’ you Sandra ? “Oh well, there goes that ‘Disassociation’ GIRLS !

        Comment by Robert — August 17, 2013 @ 12:56 pm

      • It was a period dress theme, probably a trial for “Annie” – I saw two people – a male actor, facing me and a female actress that was wearing a bonnet – with her back to me.
        The dialog was somewhat inappropriate, but this is their way of sustaining a “Wave” of attention, by the occultists – the behind the scenes ARSEHOLES that are working
        the scenes and ‘pinning’ down the targeted individual, for a “Wave” of attention. Somewhat DISTURBING – it went like this –

        The Male Actor – “You just can’t expect a man to wait for your love, while you lie on top of your bed, masturbating” –

        I really don’t think that this is the working script…. ?

        Comment by Robert — August 22, 2013 @ 10:20 am

      • Because I ‘Caught’ this scene – the female actress had to step down – “I can’t act without him” – Sandra Bullock handed the roll over to Cameron Diaz, Bullock had
        been – “Busted” in the trials for “Annie”. Shit Happens !

        Comment by Robert — August 22, 2013 @ 10:30 am

  1360. “He’s a first class prick” Now, Now – I know what I am, I Don’t want to know what I’m not, I hear you loud and clear… So do half a million others – “The Witnesses”… Time to Straighten up the ‘Act’ ?
    C’mon I’ve beaten the shit out of this system… NO MORE GAMES – O.K. – otherwise I’ll dump you – again. But why gang bang a couple of close ‘friends’ – when I can bang the whole gang ? Respect
    for your seniors, please… I’ve been in this shit, longer than most of you ! The art of deluding & deceiving – it’s priceless, you’ve just gotta be better than the rest…

    Comment by Robert — August 17, 2013 @ 1:12 pm

    • “right, that’s it, I no longer love you” – Who the fuck is that ? REVEAL YOURSELF, YOU COWARD !

      Comment by Robert — August 17, 2013 @ 1:15 pm

      • “Synthetic Telepathy” – Like what’s the fucking point ? – “Aiding & Abetting” the performing arts – with a “Wave” – Like Fuck Off ! – What’s in it for me, or any
        other victims, of this ‘Ritual’ ABUSE ? – Mind Game Over…You aren’t paying “The Rent” on “Head-Space”

        Comment by Robert — August 17, 2013 @ 1:26 pm

    • “So why is Robert so powerful” – Why ask a stranger, ask me what happens when you don’t sell out – You get hotter & hotter, those that take someone for a “Ride”
      end up having to “Sacrifice” themselves – to that person that they have obsessively possessed, it just isn’t worth the big bucks – life is short and eternity is forever, So
      bad luck if you didn’t like the person you were molesting, you’re now in for the long, long haul – the price you paid for “Cheating” someone else, for the “Heat”

      “But I didn’t know what I was doing to him” – the Diaz entity – You didn’t want to know either, it’s been more than a year of bullshit – Me
      “I thought he was a lover, or something” ” ” ” – We have NEVER met, each other in the Real World. – Me
      ” How do I get out of here, I can’t….” ” ” ” – You have been there, with him too long Cameron (occultist – unidentified person – “Hit & Run” scum)
      “You’re the best friend, I ever had” ” ” ” – I don’t know how to handle the word ‘Had’ – Me
      “I regard you as my partner” ” ” ” – What in ? organised crime against the occultists ? – Me

      I have 13 Months of this kind of “Wave” sustaining drivel … All of this is “Buzz” words that cause the Cameron entity to keep coming back to me, upon memories of
      such insincere “Drivel” – mental noise – total delusion & deceit, that sustains her career, on stolen heat. Enough drivel to bring the whole game down, she’s NOT
      getting out of here – she can’t. I don’t know what was her or the occultist nominated charlatans, that were masquerading as her, in my blindness. She doesn’t get
      out, without explanation to me, because I don’t know where she is locked up – she won’t talk to me in reality, neither will anyone else playing out “The Game”

      Comment by Robert — August 22, 2013 @ 9:54 am

      • Robert Dewey Hoskins – AFTER he was drawn into dead loss angeles…

        “If she doesn’t marry me, I am going to cut her throat from ear to ear” – Hoskins had been shot twice by Madonna’s security man – there was never any mention that
        Hoskins was armed – a little excessive don’t you think ? Further trauma inductions, that maintain the “Spin” – Madonna never made admissions into what she was
        implying – One Witness, to Hoskins was the Late Caresse Henry, and the security man ? – Basil Stevens – Dead as Well ?

        From – “In Bed With Madonna”

        “So what are you into Madonna ?”

        “I’m into pushing other people’s buttons”

        I have already presented New South Wales GOVERNMENT employee – Public Hospital Records, ‘Psyche-Trick-Or-Treat” on this site about “Pact to Marry”
        Madonna drivel, Investments into “Eastern Africa” none of this evidence can be ‘Modified’ or ‘Removed’… Back in 1985 it was all HAND WRITINGS – inclusive
        of psychiatric nurses, that attempt to distort the complainant’s event descriptions by the standard methods of OVER SENSATIONALIZATIONS. The Occult
        are VERY much already established within psychiatry. “The Art of Lies” – Why preserve the Bullshit Factor ? VALID COMPLAINTS, by the victims of S.R.A
        and NO real investigations into victim’s accounts of Molestations – When can we start culling causal effects ? These “Approved” and “Ticketed” STARS are
        nothing more than “Turnips” without someone to “Take For A Destructive Ride” – They have NO intentions of being honest – “So, Let the Carnage Begin”

        “It already has, the ‘STAR’ whacking program has been under way for some time, to get rid of these MORONS”

        Do You Need A Hand with CULLING ? I have enough evidence to make these “Grandstanding” arseholes wish they were never BORN – It’s called the “TRUTH
        ABOUT ?” – the performing art’s and their character assassinations and means of maintaining ‘Empowerments’ for their “Dead Heads” – past their ‘use by dates’.

        Consuming the spirit and potential of innocent human beings – just to stay on “top” … of their shit heap. “Oscar” was the brother of Alfred Noble – Oscar died
        in the Blast, during unsafe explosives “productions” Time to “Blow Off” those still chasing an “Oscar” on stolen heat… Instead of “Runaway Nitration” what can
        we do about “thermal runaways” – Past their Use BY Dates – making off with “Stolen Heat”

        “Cameron, you should make your peace with him, he is your source” – “Do you really want to be a turnip, ending up all souled out”

        Occultist Drivel, YOUR END IS NEAR, Stay Tuned – for the “END OF DAZE” – Sorry, I couldn’t resist !

        Comment by Robert — August 22, 2013 @ 11:28 am

  1361. Another Scene – worthy of writing about…

    It was 2.00.A.M. this morning, when I had tired myself playing electric bass guitar. I went to bed and fell asleep fairly quickly, but it wasn’t long before a ‘scene’ opened up. I found myself in a strange bathroom, with a larger than normal sized bath, I think it might have been a spa bath, next I’m seeing a pair of hands, with a marking pen. The entity with the marker writes a “R” on my left, back hand and a “C” on my right
    back hand. Next I’m seeing 2 men in this spa bath, one has short black hair, with a moustache, the other has long golden brown hair – they seem oblivious to my presence AND each other. I have no idea what I’m
    doing there, or where it is. I got used to these molestations, decades ago and learnt not to freak out, quietly making out that I was still asleep and undisturbed by such ‘constructions’.

    Then princess comes in, a butt naked Diaz, slips into the bath, looks straight at me and said “Aren’t you joining me” I look at the two men, in the bath and Diaz has put her feet and legs straight through the long haired dude, who is positioned across the bath and she is totally oblivious to their presence, she’s looking at me with a bewildered look on her face, I then walk over to the wash basin and wash my hands, to remove the markings. There wasn’t any room in the bath anyway, so I’m out of there ! Some control freak, arsehole was setting up vantage spots in her spa bath, I was intent on finding the creep, to deal out some ‘behavioural modifications’ but decided to wake up instead, at 5.00 A.M.

    The Cameron entity has experienced similar issues, at my end – she has commented about women climbing all over me, while I am sleeping – but with the ‘Aerial’ up…an erection and getting “gang banged” but totally unaware of it. Cameron has said, “C’mon Rob, relieve yourself with me, you have had 6 women climbing all over you” If we were together, in reality, we wouldn’t have to worry about such perversion, into
    our private lives – there wouldn’t be any wave between us, that could be encroached upon – by occultist arseholes that are intent on establishing vantage spots, to maintain a wave, access and control.
    The two ‘entities’ that had vantage spots in Cameron’s spa bath were a pair of Cameron Diaz fantasizers that had been body/soul disassociated – from their own realities, by the occultists that were intent on maintaining such manipulative control, over Diaz.

    The women, all over me had been ‘Cast’ for the same ‘Control’ purposes. Then a wave is maintained by the occultist, behind the scenes arseholes – They cash in, with their investments in the performing arts and the individuals so cast, into darkness – are being exploited. I’m glad I learnt how to get out of these destructive castings – sometimes doing justifiable damage, with a ‘performance’ of my own – on the exit path…

    I used to think, when I was growing up, that when we fall asleep, body / soul disassociations, were quite ‘normal’ … until I met the ‘Control’ scum – “No you just can’t wander off and go wherever you like” Now I have a ticket and a ‘gun’… and you can ‘get busy’, If you wish to push it … “We will lock you up” – No one gets out of here alive – Jim Morrison, The doors disappeared a long time ago – it’s all walls now. So I made it my speciality bringing walls down, damnation of the occult – AND ‘Secret Societies’ – yeah – really – where ? … Occultists, Hidden Knowledge, ‘The System of the Satanic’ – it’s finished.

    Comment by Robert — August 18, 2013 @ 3:38 am

  1362. So What Next ?

    I have finished with their system, but a “Wave” still exists, this would continue to be a problem for me – the performing arts have offered me nothing, except maintaining a wave of assault. Cameron Diaz has become too close, to me, to now just walk out, after 13 Months. I can no longer sustain myself without employment, I will NOT have anything further to do, with employment within the performing arts, as
    contact with anyone, within the industry, would only maintain ‘access’ to ongoing privacy violations, exploitations, sabotage of my efforts and further organized stalking. I need to abandon the WAVE, to lose
    all the perverts and arseholes upon it. Cameron will need to talk with me personally, so as she doesn’t get caught up in the destructive wave that follows, such abandoning’s. I’ve seen what happens before, the ‘star’ ends up a mindless turnip – like Oxley, for example…because they no longer have a person to ‘hang out’ on, they’ve been dumped. In my case, to move forward I have a massive wave, of unwanted attention to dump.

    This is why it is a dangerous game to play, the players get caught in a trance and can’t get out, they are left in darkness and wide open to being manipulated, exploited and molested. If the individual has money, they usually end up getting ‘screwed’ – Madonna by Guy Ritchie and Associates, for example. If Cameron and Myself got together, personally – the wave crashes, along with the garbage upon it. I can no longer
    spend my time 24/7 counter-acting, via counter sequences, castings and scripting – just to stay sane. I have too much to offer other victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse to “lose the plot” now, Psychiatry would only suppress the truth and turn me into a scrambled vegetable, via the powerful neuroleptic chemicals so used. Robert Dewey Hoskins chose prison over Psychiatric drugs, back in 1995. He had hoped to remember the truth about his misadventure – he wasn’t given the chance to compose himself, they continued to Ritually Abuse the man – even in prison.

    They don’t want the truth to be known, and such causal effects remain occult. Hoskins went looking for the answers and they jumped all over him, casting the man into a complete spin. Madonna wasn’t about to tread on the Warner Corporations ‘Toes’ by making any admissions about the Mind Games, she’s pro-active in. Hoskins was just another consequential loss – an expendable human being – to these mongrels.
    To realize one is being taken for a ride and to counter act such manipulations, by the occult, just to keep it together is a full time job. Collecting worthwhile and damning evidence on this S.R.A is approaching impossible without your own methods of deceiving and deluding the perpetrators, into thinking they have control over you, their ‘target’ – then “Whack”… They didn’t see that coming, did they ?

    The players end up a trance that they can’t get out of… It’s taken me 28 – 36 years to gather enough evidence, on S.R.A. I wouldn’t like to see Cameron get hurt by my counter-acting, I had no choice than to delude & deceive – as her roll in the upcoming “The Counselor” was a destructive performance upon my soul & ticket – I won’t be Ritually ‘Sacrificed’ for a fucking movie ! – So next step ? If Cameron doesn’t want out, of this 13 month wave, by being “up-front” and “personal” – realistically honest with me, then I have no choice other than to burn the wave and all contacts that are riding on it. I can’t afford playing “the game” anymore, all bets cancelled – “Force Majeure” – I have to go back to some gainful employment – without anyone holding on, ‘making waves’ – in performance space, elsewhere.

    They have been burning me long enough, with nothing to offer, I have to burn them off – cast them into darkness, I have no choice – I wasn’t given one. “I promise, I’ll make it up to you” – That was last January…promises don’t pay the rent. Cameron knows contact, with me, ‘kills’ the wave, her career was on a down hill slide before the events of being set up and on me last year (15/07/12) anyway, “Lets hope Ridley Scott can get a better performance out of her” was some propaganda – Oh, yes and on who’s ticket, who’s time, mind me asking ? 13 Months of being taken for a ride, that’s enough evidence, on “Stealing the Heat” from me. So do you think Cameron will make her peace with me ? If not, from Mega Star to ‘Turnip’ – I collapse the wave and out go the “Lights” – it’s my ticket, not Cameron’s for an ongoing “Ride”…
    My Soul is NOT a “transferrable” commodity.

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2013 @ 8:29 am

  1363. “I want OUT” – Cameron Diaz, on day one – the 15th July, 2012. “Stay with him” – the controlling occultists, on her case…AND MINE ! – I can feel her eye’s widen, and she complies with the instructions…

    These arseholes, have failed to realize that I hear their manipulations of Cameron ! Loud & Clear, remember you dumped her on me. Now, all they are revealing, is what stand-over THUGS, they really are.
    They realize what has happened – I cast down their discarnate go-between, the occultist conjured DEAD entity – A deluded Cameron believed that this was her ‘spirit guide’ – What a load of Rubbish.

    Why don’t you let her go – arseholes ? I’m not going to stuff your guts, with further exploitations of me, using Cameron, UNDERSTAND ? If I catch you, I’ll cast you – into the Basement, a first class one way
    ticket. LET Cameron GO. Cameron could be herself again, without you PIGS – pulling her strings and pushing her buttons. She knows her Soul has been cast and maintained on me – NO one is that ‘Thick’
    to allow positive, suggestive manipulations, to otherwise, continue to deceive them…

    I am about to abandon ALL of it, this includes Cameron – the rest of the industry was abandoned, by me Late Last YEAR. Can you idiots comprehend what will happen to her – and yourselves ? I don’t need a vegetable garden ‘Upstairs’ – So do yourselves & Cameron a favour – cancel ALL her contracts, make “The Other Woman” the last one, until this exploitation is cleared up – Oh, Good luck finding another RIDE
    for her…If you had other BIG ideas ! I am not going to be ‘Fucked Over’ by you PIGS anymore – I will ‘bury’ you, for what you have done to my life, this is my undertaking and my right, who needs your bullshit
    on their case – when there is nothing, but hardship in it for them – You Gold Digging Maggots, of the occult – with your hands in “The Shallow Money Trench” at the expense of those, you have set up.

    You lost last year, you didn’t see it coming – did any of you ? Let Cameron Go, so she can get out of HERE – where you shit head, occultists ‘Cast’ her soul – with me. We got a ‘taste’ of each other and like the flavours – YOU occultist bastard, thieving PIGS have NO rights to my mind or life – OR HERS ! Let us go in peace with each other, or I will give your system HELL on EARTH. Understand Idiots ? Remember – I HEAR your abuse of Cameron, She hears the abuse of me – So HOW MUCH DAMAGE would you like done, to your system, before you BACK OFF ?

    Cameron – We can cover each others backs, better – if we were TOGETHER ! , But this doesn’t this work, for the occultist trash, does it ? – Then Bad luck about your exploitive System – Ha, your just ruining it,
    quite nicely – ALL BY YOURSELVES – You could call this is entertaining – if you like Funerals… Noisy Ones ! Idiots with enough Rope, on a sinking ship. Why don’t you hang yourselves, before you drown ?

    Cameron was ‘with me’, the day I went down to talk to the local Catholic Priest – After talking with him, for about 40 minutes, I asked him to bless me, for the task ahead – To Expose the occultist controlled, manipulative MEDIA and thereby – Burn It ! Advertising is Mind Control, and the performing arts is Controlled Minds, there is NO freedom of expression, in the performing arts – If you don’t do, what they tell
    you to do, you do not succeed in this business… and the more you suck, up to the occult – the more you succeed… Then you realize that they have ‘Control’ over your soul, unless someone else ‘Takes’ it from them… Hey Cameron – will you come and collect your Soul – So I can get on with my own life…If you don’t – I will have to dump it ‘somewhere’…
    So I CAN go back to work, without the trail of gang stalking DOGS !

    “Hey Look, it’s Cameron Diaz Driving a truck” –

    The voice of an innocent individual – assisting a ‘Drive By’ observation on the 4th of June 2013, could be called a temporary possession – of this passing individual. I’m over their ‘Drivel’ – It’s without purpose,
    I’m not interested in their observations, using those ‘Strangers’ that I have caught the eye’s of – these strangers are used – to do the occultist’s bidding for them, proximity for skull to skull or mind to mind, for a
    better description of their injected running commentary – ‘connections’ – Jumping on someone nearby to maintain contact and launch ‘suggestions’ at the target, to keep their pointless, yet highly profitable ‘WAVE’

    This is Evil – Soon, such Evil will not have a place to hide, or practice – ANYWHERE on Earth – What are the occultists on life support, in aged care, going to do for an investment then ?
    How are the Geriatric ‘Rock Stars’ like Jeremy Oxley going to pay for their ‘Carers’ and partners “In Crime”… “We are not going to win this one, No one saw it coming, He’s going to win destructively” –
    Hey, that was last YEAR ! – First they were “Stars” then they were “Occultists” then they were Dead and got ‘Gigs’ as “Spirit Guides” then they were DAMNED, “Immortals”

    Comment by Robert — August 19, 2013 @ 12:24 pm

    Jan 24 •
    the gang stalkers may have Kid forcing or
    hacking suicide messages to fool the public if
    something happens to her Nichelle it wil be
    because of this group. She is only guilty of
    nothing.— at The United States Department
    of Justice.
    1 • Unlike • Comment • Share
    Sabrina Taylor
    Jan 23 •
    And He shall wipe away every tear from
    their eyes; and there shall no longer be any
    death; there… Continue Reading
    ike • Comment • Share
    Sabrina Taylor
    Jan 23 •
    3 • Unlike • Comment • Share
    Sabrina Taylor
    Jan 23 •
    Electronic harasser who said he wanted to kill
    me at Harbor Lights Shelter in Minneapolis
    Sgt. Strawberry said they want the mama and
    the daughter dead. Derrick C Kimmons
    assisted this group.
    this is one of the crimes posted on



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    brinamaxbrinamax says:
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    August 20, 2013 at 12:49 pm

    Today in Brooklyn Center I had an officer who had driven 15 miles from mpls in order to ask if I was ok. I replied yes then he proceeded to ask was I geting on the bus because he claimed from an anonymous tip he was informed that I may have needed assistance I replied no so he the officer proceded to ask which bus I was going to board because I was at a bus stop. I replied I would rather not respond. He The Officer Metro Transit Police D. Cockrell then proceeded to take my state ID insisting on it after I offer a picture ID with my name . Metro Transit Police offercer D. Cockrell then proceeded to write down my State ID information the Liscense number , my birthdate etc…… I asked why did he do that when he had my card in hand whereby he could have easily orally tramited the ID in order to run it. I suspect this officer in helping the gang stalkers to tear down my ID by either getting a cellphone to impersonater myself or to use the info for fake ID or just plain Fackbook hijacking someway. These people in Minneapolis and the surrounding cities are so addicted to gang stalking that it seems like a matrix of demonically crazy gang stalking addicts that seek out new victims similar to the movie.
    Derrick known as Peanut says facebook killed Nichelle.

    Comment by Sabrina Taylor — August 20, 2013 @ 8:20 pm

    • “These people in Minneapolis and the surrounding cities are so addicted to gang stalking that it seems like a matrix of demonically crazy gang stalking addicts that seek
      out new victims similar to the movie”

      Sabrina –

      “Controlled Minds” isn’t restricted to the performing arts… Everyone wants to be a star, in a real life “theme” – The individual that owned the dog “Tyson” – Mentioned above,
      was effectively letting these false hopes and the manipulators walk all over his subconscious life, he quit his job and devoted his time to organized stalking, of me. Initially he
      was on someone’s ‘payroll’ until they were compromised…

      These creeps were compromised by the “Hangover” Warner productions, that were doing really well out of the Mike Tyson ’empowerments’ – at my expense, taking my ‘Ticket’
      for a ‘Spin’ … The Tyson Dog Owner – He was exposed on this site, (Oct’ 2011) and so compromised, were those that had a vested interest, in my exploitation –
      He died a year later, of multiple ‘hits’ by the occultists – to get rid of him – Heart Attack, then a Stroke and the final blow – a brain aneurysm.
      These events were seen as a series of “Natural Causes” – REALLY ? all in the space of 2 Months ?

      Destruction of the vast amounts of money, in the performing arts will destroy these crimes, take away the criminal’s economic incentives, to exploit the ‘spirit’ of other human
      beings. Then Organised Stalking Crimes become a thing of the past, so does psychosis and other “expendable” crimes, the criminals, the corrupt and the wrongly educated
      (psychiatrists) DO SO “WELL” out of… Arrested ‘Developments’ of the “Craft” of the performing arts – Flush out these occultists – with a vested interest in EVIL. Sacrifice the
      Guilty, instead of the scapegoated innocents. The guilty claim they had “No idea, what we doing” Tell them, ram it down their throats, if they choose not to listen, let them choke.

      Cell phone ‘Hacking’s’ are financed by the media, this includes the controlled media of the performing arts, “News of the World” – Murdoch, financed organised crimes – anyone
      wish to argue ? Who financed and protected the Murdoch Enterprise’s – Some believe that Murdoch was financed, originally, when he went to the U.S.A, by the C.I.A. – To be
      their Media “Front Man” – to tell the News, as it isn’t, the propaganda machine…

      Comment by Robert — August 21, 2013 @ 3:08 am

      • “Electronic harasser who said he wanted to kill me at Harbor Lights Shelter in Minneapolis”


        Russell Crowe was exposed by Myself & Diaz, before a crowd of 500,000 people – “The Witnesses” (No We ARE NOT a ‘religion’) Crowe also was pushing – “Let’s just kill him”
        Crowe was then stripped of his ‘ticket’ – He has done enough damage on my ‘Ticket’ and ‘Time’, Diaz aided the “Wave”, with me – to expose this “Wasted Talent” for what he really is –
        nothing more than a charlatan. A grand standing pervert and thug – with a lot of ‘corrupting’ MONEY, obtained from the performing ‘Arts’…

        Comment by Robert — August 21, 2013 @ 3:46 am

  1365. Russell Crowe’s earliest “Ritual Sacrifice” , known to others, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches was the Murder near Narrabeen Lakes – Two punk’s (skinheads) that were provoked by Crowe, one brother kills
    the other, then buried the body in the front yard, proceeded to cover up the blood splattering’s with tomato sauce… Russell Crowe is then (1992) riding on the spirit, of the discarnate – into “Romper Stomper”,
    having acquired a “Source” of stolen spirit, which Crowe had left behind in “B” grade movies and “Type Cast” in Australian Soap Opera’s, his own “Potential” – if he ever had one…

    Enough Evidence, Enough Rope for this arrogant New Zealander – “To be cast down” from any future in the performing arts – for the safety of the innocent, that he is still intent on HARMING. The ‘Mace’ family
    should come clean, about their manipulations by this prick – and the establishment of the “Spook House” that enabled Crowe, to target me – In Wyoming, Gosford, NSW, Australia. Crowe & Associates will kill
    the “Compromising” this is what happens, when you give such creeps, seeking more money & power – ANY OPPORTUNITY. – Exposure is better than DEATH & DAMNATION. “States Evidence” is the Mace’s
    best bet. It was to be a COVERT operation of more than TEN YEARS – at that one location, enough to FRY the guilty – yet to be charged, with – Ka-Fucking-BOOM ! Still into false god worship ? “Get A Dog
    Up Ya” …

    Comment by Robert — August 22, 2013 @ 12:19 pm

    • Some of you wonder – 500,000 witnesses ?

      Call them “Gods Army” most are “Dead” willing to get their “Wings” dipped in blood, to end the “CURSE” of the Nephilim, well past their “Use By Dates”
      You’re so called “Stars” are Nephilim, butt lickers – Homosexuals, the Cast Down – off the wall of “Creation” – Perverts that only seek Revenge, as they
      parade on the spirit of the innocent, they MOLEST. I have a Job, to do – so I have NO CHOICE other than to cast the “escapists” into rotting despair &
      depression – Cameron Diaz will reveal, just exactly what this implies, by forsaking me. I wouldn’t like to be around her ‘future’ performances !

      Implied ignorance is not “Bliss” …

      Comment by Rodent — August 22, 2013 @ 1:22 pm

  1366. “Sex Tapes”

    On the 18th of July 2012, Cameron ‘Returned’ in full living colour – this was through the “black hole” created by Madonna. The black hole is a window, a wave length of full spectral density, that includes ALL of the senses. Resonance is what some may relate to, from the ‘feelings’ – in the lower, sub-audible – on to the visual, in the upper part of the spectrum of resonant energy. Cameron came through this window, ‘pushed’ by the discarnate “plastic” and changeless image, of the occultist cast dead ‘entity’ – Cameron truly believed that this was her ‘spirit guide’ – The deluded & their own delusions…

    She was massaging her Vagina, in a circular motion – with her legs crossed and the ‘entity’ holding on to her lower right leg, with this changeless ‘Cheshire Cat Smile’ – I can’t stand these “ENTITIES” – I mean, I fucking HATE them ! … Because it was a ‘Mega-Star’ (Cameron) I needed some extra ‘Power” to fuck this entity – all the way to hell, probably causal to a brain blow out, to the occultist ‘Trash’ driving this entity.
    When I say hate – I mean FUCKING HATE ! Death & Damnation type hatred, of these taxing Satanic pervert scum.

    Cameron Diaz, chose not to make her peace with me – Soon she will join her spirit guide – in DAMNATION ! Go make movies with her, for the Capitalist “Ride” into eternal damnation – you gutless TAXING SCUM.

    Comment by Robert — August 23, 2013 @ 11:43 am

    • Hey, Depp – You might remember being cast as the “Director”, back in July 2012, – Me – “I think this sequence needs editing”

      Depp ” Why, what’s wrong with it ? You two are perfect together, I know who you are, but who is he”


      Comment by Robert — August 23, 2013 @ 11:56 am

  1367. “You two are perfect together” ?

    Nothing strange about that, Cameron’s career began on a stolen potential, mine. In 1992 The Warner group was heading for bankruptcy, In October of 1992 I was set up and ‘hounded’ by a group of
    local musicians, they didn’t achieve the desired results of sensitization to the “Wave”, of targeting with Ritual Abuse. These idiots call it Rock & Rock and “Hit” out at their targets, I would like to hit them
    back, with a base ball bat – applied behavioural ‘modifications’… unfortunately they are a “protected” species, for now.

    This failure to achieve ‘Access’ & ‘Control’ (over one’s mind) led to the poisoning episode on December the 30th 1992. I was self admitted to hospital suffering a head injury, lacerations to my arm and
    hand as a result of the effects of what was believed to be, a less than lethal dose of strychnine. The resultant trauma achieved the results of sensitization to what they call “The Open Wave” and the Ritual
    Abuse commenced with Jeremy Oxley’s perversion into my private life, This piece of shit is a mind scouring pervert – A Remote Voyeur, they are quite common, in the performing arts, their own spirit gone,
    to the all consuming crowds they entertained, then they see the ‘Glow’ of the spirit of other human being’s – notably the traumatized.

    It was Oxley that poisoned my frozen food – discounted was food poisoning, I prepared the meal myself and ate a meal of it, freezing the rest. This was the food that I caught Oxley handling – He had removed
    it from the freezer and had the lid off the container. So it was not surprising that Oxley was the first on the scene, of this massive trauma – he was waiting for it. “Put him up for psychological assessment” was
    what he repetitively “Hit” out at me with – this is a command, within the occultist’s craft. Power tripping scum bags, that believe they have a right of access to another human being’s soul, or mind if you prefer.

    It wouldn’t be long before there was a crowd, of ‘Gang Bangers’ and those that sought “Stardom” at my expense, it became more than a means of recovery, from Warner’s bad investment in Madonna (April ’92)
    to stitch this piece of shit all over me again. As exposed was Russell Crowe, hiding behind the Image of Oxley and until recently, calling the shots. So who was hiding behind the Image of Cameron ? That
    should be obvious – It was Madonna, originally – until she was compromised by those that ‘Saw’ through all the character dis-associations, Diaz had choice other than to revert to being herself, as she could no longer provide an access path for Madonna’s ongoing exploitation’s of me.

    Cameron’s entry into the industry commenced, with her grooming, on me in 1993 – she was never subjected to the coveted ‘Test’, of making a star and never studied drama at one of those ‘schools’ Walked
    straight the front door, of the business on stolen heat – MINE. She is not the only one that was in on this scam, so is her BFF, Gwyneth Paltrow – their association with Madonna, the ‘Reinvented’ Madonna of
    1993 – Where did you get your power from Madonna ? – She eventually breaks and in comes the parasites, for a gang banging ride. Cameron isn’t the only one on this artificial wave length, but she does have
    a lot to lose, her career started on a down hill slope, after I commenced beating up the industry, for the Murder of Caresse Henry, in March of 2010.

    If I dumped the wave hard enough, Cameron has no where to hide out, hence why she came in to delude & deceive, in July last year and refuses to leave – “but I have no where else to ‘hang out’ – Cameron, you’ve been hanging out here, for more than 20 years and you fucking know it. Bad luck – what you have done to me, in the last 13 odd months has backfired, time to come clean with me –
    your career is over anyway, so are the career’s of the rest of you gang banging morons – UNDERSTAND ? It wasn’t their ‘Cake’ to run off with, in the first place – the gig pigs, their still running on stolen ‘Heat’

    Soon none of you will have a place to hide, your ACTivities, behind those you delude, deceive, exploit, maim & murder – and then the demons come out to play – your victims. You won’t have a scapegoat to
    dump them on, then your damned. So come clean OR world war three, you know who I am and what I’ve been through. You wont be ‘Protected’ by Psyche-Trick-Or-Treat anymore – when you wont be deluding, deceiving or cheating anyone out of their minds…for a “Ride”, It will be a death trap for your crap, if you try anything more, as you will only be adding to the evidential FACTS, which will tear you apart – in the
    courts of law. Ignorance isn’t bliss – NOW that you know what you have done – so step down, you’re careers are over.

    Comment by Robert — August 24, 2013 @ 12:05 am

  1368. Diaz’s refusal to ‘Get Real’ and her ongoing ‘problem’ of ‘Revealing’ herself, on the 18th of July 2012, can be summarized quite easily – She was caught “Red Handed” by Sandra Bullock and her sister, I had befriended Sandra, a couple of months earlier – this is what “Stars” do, on the “Wave”, the “Super Highway” – it has lots of different names and it is THE playground for the stars. Cameron’s entry was a guided
    one, or put like this – a forced one – “I’m just following orders” – she is a high ranking ‘patsy’ for the occultists associated with Madonna. THE REASON Why Cameron was “Gate Crashing” my “Party” with Sandra
    & Gesine was due to Madonna requiring “Access” to empowerments – Madonna had started a massive tour in May of 2012 and did not have the power, from her source – ME, to go much further, with this tour.

    Sandra’s ‘presence’ was obstructing the dog – Madonna, from gaining access to me. Every time Gloria Estefan (another Madonna charlatan ‘Go Between’) tried jumping all over Gesene, Sandra, her sister, was
    casting this piece of ‘chook’ shit off ! I informed Sandra & Gesene about Gloria’s presence, easily recognized – as the two titanium rods bracing Gloria’s spine together are causal to perceptions of back pain, in those she ‘Hits’ on. So Gloria’s means of creating an access path for Madonna was failing, on a regular basis ! So what could Madonna and Associates do for “Access and Control” of my private life, Madonna’s original POWER SOURCE, or STAR, for a better description ?

    Send in the BIG GUN ! – Cameron Michele Diaz, to bust up the party – with the Bullock sisters. These bastard parasites, with a vested interest in Madonna had NO fucking rights to disturb this private ‘Party’.
    So did it work ? YES, initially as Madonna’s ‘presence’, within Cameron Diaz was not detected – but I did NOT let go of Sandra & Gesene and the sisters were willing to stay. I got along really well them, Sandra found me very entertaining and Gesene was learning about hidden knowledge, the occult in other words… Practical Magic ? something like that !, but more like the use of hidden knowledge, that I have been victimized and exploited by, since September of 1977, nearly 36 years of Ritual Abuse by the occultists, within the performing arts.

    It wasn’t initially obvious who sent Cameron in, or why ? Research on the internet revealed associations between Cameron & Gwyneth and Gwyneth and MADONNA, It was easier to allow this obsessive manipulation, by Madonna to continue – next step was to keep Sandra’s & Gesene’s presence a secret, but blow Cameron, Gwyneth and Madonna away – using the internet, that is, on this site ! I exposed
    these three, late last year – October the 21st, 2012 – posting. The Entity, Cameron Diaz had said – “I’m finishing filming in Spain, next week and I’m coming to see you” When the Entity chose not to be REAL,
    then it was time to expose this taxing farce, on this site. Madonna continued to pimp herself, all over me using the image of C.M.Diaz – I knew what was happening, but I didn’t wish to get the Bullock sisters in
    any trouble, they were excellent witnesses to my exploitation, by Madonna & Associates as we continued to invite other ‘Souls’ into this ever expanding group and the presence of Cameron Diaz, who was NOT
    anything other than MADONNA, the miscreant – and WAS BUSTED !

    Cameron Diaz was a convenient manufactured star, built upon MY star more than twenty years ago – she’s always been here, now you all know this. She was set up two decades ago, to provide an ongoing
    access path for the “Dancing Dog, out of Michigan” – Madonna. Diaz said recently – But I didn’t know, what I was doing to the man, now she understands where she has been for more than twenty years and
    WHY. Warner had a lot of bad investments, Madonna was a 60,000,000 dollar one, in 1992. Cameron you were set up, as a star for a different purpose – you claimed recently, on the ‘wave’ that you had no
    where else to go, other than stay with me – you NEVER did have a choice, you’re their little Mind Control Slave and you always have been.

    You don’t want to kick butt’s with me, over what they did to us, then you can’t stay here, continuing to keep my life and mind, an open book – Cameron, your presence ‘with me’ was deliberately ‘Betrayed’ by
    the scum with an investment in Madonna, inclusive of the bitch herself. That occurred on Day 3 – the 18th of July 2012, the heat was on for Madonna, who was touring and needed it. Have A Guess what I got
    on the 16/08/12 (Madonna’s 54th Birthday) – A without reason EVICTION NOTICE, from the house that I had lived in, for more than 10 YEARS.

    “Heating” someone up, with the induction of “Drama’s” – it goes beyond the perverts & arseholes of organized gang stalking. WHY should I, or anyone else put up with this ‘Fraud’ ? – Madonna & Associates,
    Why did you Cameron ? – Oh’ that’s right, you had no idea…and the pay was good…Now off you go, making more movies on stolen heat – without it being MINE ! Have you lined up anyone to Ritually Sacrifice,
    that has a ticket ? You’re going to need one. So what will you do for power, when I won’t be around anymore, for you ? – A ticket is useless without a source of power, to go with it… Without these requirements
    being met – your career is dead.

    Comment by Robert — August 26, 2013 @ 3:00 am

  1369. Hey Cameron – “Have you lined up anyone to Ritually Sacrifice ?” Well your plans to ritually sacrifice me have backfired, if you had succeeded – It would have been a murder/suicide, as I am your ‘Source’ !
    You really need an education in what NOT to do, but then again – so do all your associates, that were ‘in’ on it… What do you have to say for yourself now ? “I had no idea of what I was doing to myself ” OR
    “I must have been out of my mind” – Yep, for about twenty years… on a stolen ‘ticket’ to ‘ride’

    So what have you done for a mind, in all this time – Character Theft & Assassinations, via scripts that you signed for ? So what, you ‘thought’ that the characters you were assassinating, in your performances
    were fictional ? – But then again – you can’t think straight – your out of your mind… What was it like “Being John Malkovich” ? So what was it like being ME, with full knowledge of who I was, for the last 13
    months ? Was it better, than when you didn’t know who your source was, for the last 20 years ? So Cameron, do you think that you could be honest with yourself and me ? – “Don’t be silly, I’m a professional
    liar, that would be the end of my career” So the “Art” of Deluding and Deceiving – The profession of hypocrisy, as in an acting career, has an ongoing future for you ?

    Gang Banging innocent individuals for a ‘performance’ has a limited future for all of you arseholes, Organized Gang Stalking, to keep the heat on the Targeted Individual also has a limited future, you’re nothing
    more than organized criminals – past their use by dates, but won’t admit it – it would compromise you morons. Well, you have all been compromised… Now for all hell to break loose, in accordance with Creation
    .against Destruction. Bye ! Cameron and the rest of you, past your ‘Use By Dates’ – quit while you’re ahead, otherwise you might lose you head. “Why has Cameron lost her mind ?” – “Robert abandoned her”
    “Can’t she just score another ‘Mind'” – “Nope, Robert was her source”

    Comment by Robert — August 26, 2013 @ 6:51 am

  1370. Michael Gudinski

    The Australian Music Business entrepreneur and businessman –

    As a child, Gudinski grew up not far from the racetrack that hosted the Melbourne Cup, he showed his business sense when he was just a boy. Next door to the Family Home was a vacant block of land, not
    owned by the Gudinski’s, nor did they have any rights, of ‘Control’ over this land. Melbourne Cup day and the young Michael is selling parking spaces on this vacant block of land. Warned not to do this ? No
    he got a pat on the back for his ‘skills’. Gudinski was responsible, for my being set up in the 1970’s – selling ‘parking’ spaces upon my soul – THE EVIL PERVERT. These shit heads “SEE” the glow of another
    human being – then set out to EXPLOIT it, But who is this ‘STAR’ ? Who was I ? – I was coerced back in the mid 70’s to go and pick up a gift pack, of the Band T.M.G., from Albert Studio One, in King Street
    Sydney. I was stalked back home, I have covered this in previous writings, on this site. So they finally ‘Discovered’ who this shining star was and then did the ‘Number’ on me. – Then these not so occultists went ‘Looking’ for a talentless turnip, that they could manipulate and ‘stitch’ on my star – this was the invention of the Warner money spinning Madonna.

    Refer to the posting of January 19, 2013 – This EVIL number’s game, it’s NOT coincidences, it’s a reoccurring pattern of events THAT SPELLS OUT, that I was SET-UP for EXPLOITATION.

    Gudinski’s association with the American Entertainment Industry Attorney Paul D. Schindler, goes back to the 1970’s. This is the not so occultist connection, between an Australian and an American, that were
    both party to my exploitation – what is now approaching 36 years of FRAUD. My complaints were never investigated – the connections to the exploitation by Madonna, the financing required to set me up, again
    in 1992, the ‘deal’ between the Murdoch controlled ‘News Corp’ and Gudinski, in 1993. This deal in which Gudinski retained the back catalogues, of Festival Mushroom Records Australia, recording artists
    Master Recordings, Artist Trademarks and their Copyrights – The propaganda back in 1993 by Oxley – “Multi win situation, for all of us” these artists were led to believe, back then, that their work was going to be
    re-mastered and distributed by the giant WMG – the Warner Music Group. 12 years passed – Warner picked up the back catalogues in 2005, did nothing with them and Gudinski re-acquired these Catalogues, of
    the Artists, back from WMG in 2010. The idiots (the rock & roll dogs) had been duped ! Warner got what they wanted, the Reinvention of Madonna at no further costs, to Warner investors.

    Now how do I get this piece of shit off my star, along with all the other gang banging freeloaders ? DESTRUCTIVELY, because no one cares about what these scum have done to me, for more than a third of CENTURY ! There is NOTHING to be gained from showing these freeloading, gang banging shit any mercy, their talk is pure drivel and they are worthless sub human beings, that have earned what is coming
    their way. Everything they had expected, but at the expense of innocent human beings – the real ‘Stars’ – those who’s spirit ‘Shined’ and the freeloading morons climbed all over them for a ride. A victim of gang
    stalking is a victim of exploitation, by the evil institution of the performing arts. Rip these morons to pieces – sooner than later, they will start ‘talking’ when the truth ‘Shafts’ them right out of ‘Business’…

    Who they were Targeting, Molesting and Exploiting for a ‘Ride’ – long term ones – their ENTIRE career span. These morons are in for a ‘Culling’ to get rid of this evil, they have become, as to leave it alone only encourages their ongoing crimes, against the spirit of humanity. Time to ENFORCE reality and ‘BURN’ the Hypocrisy – strip criminal incentives to take someone ‘for a ride’, there was NO CONSENT to such EVIL trespassers, on the ‘Take’, there were no ‘Deals’ and these freeloaders have nothing to offer anyway – off with their ‘Heads’, Ever meet a Star, that had lost their ‘Ride’ on the spirit of a human being ? Complete TURNIPS.

    Comment by Robert — August 27, 2013 @ 6:47 am

    • So what is Gudinski ? A Russian Occultist, that hides behind JUDAISM ! – “We are not pervert Witches, they are your problem, ask OUR psychiatrists !

      Comment by Robert — August 27, 2013 @ 11:28 am

      • ALL – of the founding ‘fathers’ of Hollywood, were of eastern European Background, HIDING behind Judaism – SATANISTS and MASS MURDERERS ! – Go do your own research…

        Entertainment is not what you think – it is manipulative mind control, the controlled media of BULLSHIT escapism – used to “Dumb you Down” – “You’re not allowed to think, O.K. ? “

        Comment by Robert — August 27, 2013 @ 11:35 am

    • There is nothing here to help a real victim of organized gang stalking. Ignore it and read

      Comment by Anthony M. — January 8, 2015 @ 9:44 pm

  1371. So a victim of ‘gang stalking’ is a victim, being consumed by the ‘Stars’ –

    Your gang banging entertainers are NOT going to make admissions, about their hidden pastimes and their occultist, clandestine lifestyles – it would be professional suicide. Effectively they a squatting on your
    mind – it is their ‘playground’ and you have become a source or target for them. The living hell, of knowing WHO is all over you and they REFUSE to be sincere, they claim ignorance, of what they are doing to
    you and continue with their trespassing, against your will. It is your MIND, not their playground YOU have the ability to lock them up and throw away the key – why show any of these freeloading morons any
    mercy – they have generated UNWANTED attention to your private lives and your mind has become an open book. “I would like my life back” but these turds refuse to FUCK OFF.

    One may get sexually aroused, this happens to a male – while they are asleep – every hour and a half or so, which is the sleep cycle duration and normally the male stays asleep for these ‘events’ – erections.
    What about when the male targeted individual, or ‘source’ is being profiled, as in STALKED by a female or females intent on holding on for a ride ? He won’t stay asleep, with such attention on his penis for very long.

    Many victims of this psychological profiling have complained about sexual arousals or sexual dis-functioning. Late last year, in Dec ’12 – I tried to lose the Diaz Entity by engaging in sexual intercourse, with a woman that I had been introduced to and no matter what we did – neither of us could ‘get off’ … Oral Sex, Sexual Intercourse, Mutual Masturbation – NOTHING would work for us, it was like working out at the
    gym and eventually we would fall asleep, in frustration. The perpetrators get to maintain their perverse ‘WAVE’, effectively ‘Blocking’ any chance of getting rid of the gang banging freeloaders, with the standard method of ‘Getting Off’ – Sex, REAL sex and not sex on a ‘wave’. These Wave ‘Acts’ only maintain the bond between the target, or source AND sustain the wave of unwanted attention, with the exception of the
    so called ‘Star’ that is demanding public attention – at someone else’s expense, those they are hiding behind – the individual they are climbing all over…without any responsibilities.

    The Diaz Entity only wishes to maintain a wave of attention to herself and has NO DUTY of CARE, or concern for me. This morning, but this was the evening for Diaz, in NYC and Comments from ‘The Watch Dogs’ – “What are you doing Diaz” Response – “I cant help myself” But this is precisely what she was doing, masturbating on my penile erection ! She ‘Revealed’ herself in July last year, for what appears to be
    out of desperation, to sustain her career and has dominated my life ever since. I preferred it when, for the 19 years, prior – I didn’t know who she was, BECAUSE she has zero intentions of being REAL… She is being a complete scum bag and wont stop, she claims, that she cant stop. Could anyone responsible and close by her ‘Get in her Ear’ – and tell her about what NOT to continue doing to me, please ?
    If not – I will have to lock her up and throw away the key… A REAL friendship/relationship please, or fuck off !

    So much for the ‘Dream Police’ – Those Corrupted Bastards, If you need something done properly DO IT YOURSELF, now to ‘construct’ a prison system, in my mind ! and what would Diaz and her ‘gang banging’
    crowd say ? – ” O.K, Who turned out the lights ” ? They thought that they had me locked up – what, in my own mind ? I control the halls & corridors ‘upstairs’ – Not Them… To ‘Cast’ them in a gold fish bowl, so
    everyone can see them – while I become invisible again – “Do unto others, as others have done unto you” E X P O S U R E – that they wont handle too well !

    Comment by Robert — August 29, 2013 @ 6:36 am

    • Cameron’s birthday – it’s tomorrow – the 30th of August !

      So what are you getting her, for her birthday ? A gold fish bowl… Maximum sensitivity occurs around our birthdays, time to “Lock her Up” – the insincere HOLLYWOOD pig… MAXIMUM SECURITY !

      Comment by Robert — August 29, 2013 @ 8:54 am

      • And her associates – in further productions ? They must be fish, the deluded arseholes must like being ‘Remotely’ viewed…

        Comment by Robert — August 29, 2013 @ 9:00 am

  1372. Presumably Diaz is still in NYC –

    I woke up again, at the ungodly hour of 3.00 A.M. my time. So therefore it was 1 P.M. in New York City, (29/08/13) is this what time everyone goes for lunch and MASTURBATES ? Here’s the twist
    in the plot – Cameron is ‘Visible’ and I am not me – I have been ‘Stashed’ behind the appearance of Tom Cruise ! This doesn’t help much, Cameron, if you are reading this – BECAUSE the STALKERS
    have already established ‘Vantage Spots’ in my home, so you – or those with a vested interest, in my ongoing exploitation can’t ‘stash’ me anywhere – AND who are they stashing behind your appearance
    Cameron ? Still the dancing dog – Madonna ? She’s behind this evil game, I refuse to be that PARASITE’S ‘Host’ – the two bit PAGAN FUCK !

    I haven’t enjoyed ANY PRIVACY since they BETRAYED your presence upon me, in July last year. It was then all over for US – I never realized your existence upon my soul, my ‘Star’. You need to
    accept where you have always returned, your star was NEVER yours, you used to come & go without being seen, or perceived in any way, by me – or anyone else, but that all changed last year, with
    the betrayal of your ‘presence’ by those that were stalking me. Do you know what it’s been like for me ? Do you care about yourself or me, at all ?

    Imagine having NO privacy at all, imagine your thoughts constantly being scoured by arseholes and perverts, imagine coming up with engineering designs and one’s own efforts being stripped from
    them – revisiting old projects to have the work re-produced, without consent by a magazine. Imagine having a power tripping arsehole calling the shots and telling others to assault you, on your own
    mind, imagine being constantly AND deliberately disturbed, by total strangers. “Who’s that, who’s he talking to” “What’s he doing now, where has he gone” “Use Pliers” – LIKE FUCK OFF, I Know
    what I am doing ARSEHOLE !

    How would you like to be woken up after less than 4 hours sleep to have the ‘stars’ in your face and gang banging you ? No one is exercising any care for me – You are stuck, where these scum have
    cast you – all over a total stranger, for more than 20 YEARS, you have claimed “I don’t like his crowd” Hey Diaz, I don’t either – I don’t even know them – they are misguided arseholes and perverts, looking
    for attention, money and kicks – from another human being’s SOUL – These parasitic scum have called it a WAVE – this is part of their deceitful delusion, of others. I AM NOT A FUCKING WAVE !

    ‘YOU’ have said that “You can’t get off me” BLOW this game away – with personal contact please, that will get you off me, as well as all the freeloading fuckers and power trippers that are holding on tight –

    You said last year – “But I don’t want to become invisible” – LOOK – you cant maintain your ‘VISIBILITY’ as a “Star” at the expense of my privacy, my thoughts are being constantly and perversely VIOLATED
    – get that in your THICK head, please. It’s MY MIND, NOT A FUCKING WAVE. DIAZ, Your Career was built upon my ‘Star’ – “so fucking what” – this seems to be your attitude towards ME. WHY should I continue to show YOU any respect at ALL, for that matter – ANY of YOU ? Would you like a taste of WRATH, utter HATRED – I will BURN you pieces of OVERRATED shit, right off me – I will blow this mind
    game off the ‘MAP’ – deliberate ignorance is not ‘Bliss’ – ignorance is not an excuse for breaking the law – AT ALL. All that has happened, to me and other victims are PREVENTABLE CRIMES.

    NO ONE has ANY RIGHTS to do this to another HUMAN BEING, NO ONE. Reform will only come about with ‘CULLING’ this EVIL out of existence… Fuck the MIND games ! EVIL Idiot’s occultist BULLSHIT.
    PERVERTS, SLEEZE & CREEPS, gold digging scumbags, over-rated & over-paid ‘STARS’ – your days are numbered, BECAUSE YOU DO NOT CONCEDE, YOU just don’t want to know, DO YOU ?

    “Then in their cowardly numbers, the false gods – they were slain” “The rivers turned to blood” “Cities were obliterated” Sound Familiar ? – it is all PREVENTABLE ! NOW to burn off the false gods, camping out upon my star. WHO is first to perish ? It doesn’t matter…Perpetual liars & cheats you call ‘STARS’ – they are the false ‘GODS’ – They are grand standing ‘Wind-Up’ merchants. So now lets see – where is the ‘Button’ marked “DEPRESS”…How to take ‘down’ these scumbags…what colour is ‘Blue’…etcetera. Oh, look here’s another button – “screen writers block” and another, marked “Access Denied”

    Now where is that sign – “Trespassers will be SHOT, survivors will be SHOT again”

    Comment by Robert — August 29, 2013 @ 9:39 pm

    • This may sound familiar to Cameron, in part –

      You better be careful about what you wish for – upon another persons star, sometimes power and control is not on the menu… So I was your meal ‘Ticket’ was I ?
      Making a meal out of my star may end up leaving you requiring some serious dental work, if you get my drift… You have just taken some large chunks, the
      empowerments for “The Counselor” & “The Other Woman” Do you really need to keep going, you may die, of an obesity induced heart attack ! Some weight,
      that is gained – well it just cant be burnt off… ” Um, Maybe we can stitch it in a script, somewhere, that will get him pissed”

      Comment by Robert — August 30, 2013 @ 12:24 am

      • Persons that moved in on top of me, in Wyoming, Gosford, NSW, Australia –

        This was May 2012, my befriending’s with Sandra & Gesene had already begun. The ‘Fernell’ couple seemed to have a not so hidden agenda – full on psychological assault
        complete with the unending use of the law, for unlawful purpose and the manipulation, of my neighbourhood, to ‘Go Along with It”. When they finally achieved, what they set
        out to do – they were gone. (1) The murder of George Hudson – The “Tyson” dog owner. (2) My Eviction, from my home of more than 10 years (3) The ‘dumping’ of the script
        & sequences for “The Counselor” – upon me, as I slept at night (or tried to) – I would wake up – sort of – and the “Fernell’s” – one or the other, of these partners, were in my ‘face’
        with various ‘drivel’ – diatribe – verbal bullshit, they were ‘Preying’ upon me.

        One afternoon I found myself getting in my car, to go to the shops and when I got to the end of my street, I realized that I didn’t need anything, from the shops and a strange
        vibe came over me, that something wrong was happening back home, so I drove around the block and this ‘Blow In’ – ‘Eddy’ Fernell was, without any respect for these ‘Files’
        he was mishandling – these Yellow plastic folders, 100’s of them, he was shovelling them into the boot of his partners car, with a nervous look on his face, as I drove past –
        More like a fearful look, that he had just been compromised – caught doing what ? What wasn’t I supposed to see ? Disposal of evidence ?

        Scripts & Sequences are ‘dumped’ on the Target (or source) for ’empowerments’ that aid and abet a so called performance, by an actor or actress and lead to a movies success.
        Doing such a thing, to another human being, is more than a privacy violation – it is a criminal offence and there is no consent, to such criminal behaviour. So when a star doesn’t
        have what it takes, anymore, they take it from someone else, do they ? “We hope that Ridley Scott can get a better performance out of her” – A comment made in the media, with
        regards to Cameron Diaz’s performances, in the recent past. Obviously prior to “The Counselor” being filmed.

        This is more than ‘theft’ of character, identity, etc – they are effectively ‘stripping’ a person of their spirit, driving someone out of their mind with the torture, of sleep deprivation, the
        assaults, the spreading of vicious rumours, delusion & deception of a person’s neighbours. They are outright thug’s – criminal scum. This doesn’t end without a ‘MASSIVE’ shake
        and take down, of the performing ‘arts’… Where the BIG BUCKS ARE – So is organized CRIME. BLOW THE OCCULTIST’S PRACTICES AWAY, no more corrupt ‘protection’ for
        these scum. Investigations into the Russell Crowe & Mace, associations are required. No more protection for RICH criminals, within the performing arts…

        Comment by Robert — August 30, 2013 @ 1:31 am

  1373. “Why wont you talk to the man, (off the wave) Cameron” ? – “Someone wont let me”

    “So are you just going to sit there, looking like a turnip ?” – “Someone wants to kill me, who would want to kill me ? ”

    “I don’t know Cammy”… .

    A interjection comment by me – After my thoughts, on the above – “Enough of this drivel, the scum, with a vested interest in your destruction are MY enemy”
    The fucking gutless (YELLOW) trash, with an ongoing plan of exploitation and of course covering it all up – That is, what they have already TAKEN, from me, in the last nearly 36 YEARS.

    “Wouldn’t it be OBVIOUS, when all is said and done – if something was to happen to Cameron ?” This was December 2012, I was in Southern Queensland, just west of Brisbane.

    “But who would want to kill me” Fucking pointless ‘tape-loop’ (Repetitive) Drivel… Forget It ! “But who would want to kill me”
    “Will you please shut the fuck up !” Silence and my thought – “I am here, in Ipswich, Queensland, to flush out Oxley”

    I was there, from December ’12 to January ’13, this piece of shit (Oxley) is a major source of the ongoing perversion, into my privacy and no one has ‘bailed’ this murderous scammer up. When so many
    ‘players’ have so much to lose and no one cares much about anything, other than themselves – then it is easier to blow the whole thing off the map – To “lock up” the idiots, so as they cant function, But at
    the same time, without being ‘seen’, performing such a Defensive ‘Casting’ – They are casting me into harm, so I am casting them into HELL !

    They are then subjects of “exposure” and retarded are these fucker’s ‘games’ – If they are looking for ‘Heat’ I will give them more than they have bargained for, a nice big CARBON ARC, should do the trick.
    “Stay out of his heat, he will burn you” “She’s already burnt, she stayed on his case too long” SO NO MORE, victimization of the victims, if Cameron wishes to be made an example of, she’s gone about it
    the RIGHT WAY. The ‘STAR’ Cameron Diaz – She becomes “Too hot to touch”, etcetera – Compromised sums it up nicely… To “Compromise” the Compromising ! She is being a first class IDIOT, because
    she doesn’t want to know about it, in REALITY – off the ‘WAVE’ – So I have NO CHOICE other than to “Bang the Whole Gang” !

    There is no point WAITING for any resolution, So – Bang the Whole GANG, it is – To Wipe these miscreants off the ‘Stage’ – all of them, No More Hypocrisy and no more BULLSHIT mind game playing – O.K. ? THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS, to take someone for a ride – ‘Messing’ with someone else’s head – Lock them up, with the prison INSIDE a prison, Inside the BIG HOUSE – Then there’s the even bigger prison
    called the planet Earth, but forget that one for a moment !

    So the Three Keys required for your release, are – Honesty, Closure and Compensation, without these KEYS – You wont get out, No One Will ! Still wish to FUCK AROUND ? But Why ?
    Honesty gives on to Closure, But maybe you have had thoughts – ‘issues’ with compensation, have you ? “SO you would rather Stay In what will become a living Hell, would you ? …
    LOOK, I don’t eat that much, I’m not a pig like you”

    “It’s not the money, Rob – it’s the demons” –

    Without a script character to assassinate, in a performance and a source of potential, to take for a ride – the ‘Star’ would be idle – this isn’t normally a problem, BUT without ‘Defence’ (the Occultist’s –
    The so called ‘Guns’ or sometimes known as the ‘Dream Police’) – the ‘Stars’ they become ‘Open Slather’ to being ‘Consumed’ by the turnip crunching ‘vegetarian’ Demons… OR they become ‘sitting’
    ducks, in the shooting gallery – for the ‘meat head’ eating demons… Seriously tho – If They lose this occultist DEFENSE, BECAUSE they have “crossed the line” and done something that has compromised
    the institution of the Occult, within the performing arts – It used to be ‘Final Curtains’ for them. USED TO BE, NOT ANYMORE. So what are the excuses now, to avoid delivery of the 3 keys you fucking morons ? The Stars become ‘Meat Heads’ and ‘Turnips’ without a ‘Ride’ ?, RIDE OVER ! – The ‘Ride’ is of course, the victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse, victims of Gang Stalking are victims of this kind of S.R.A

    I had to learn how to ‘Defend’ myself, How to ‘Hop’, ‘Skip’ and ‘Jump’ and when threatened – “Kill”… What did you think my writing’s were about – other than “Killing” occultists ? All those “Corpses” that
    went after my ‘Ticket’ – My Soul is not theirs for the taking (for a ride) “Thou shalt not steal” “Thou shalt not kill” – Um, it was self defence, you know these Relentless Thieves, their DEAD anyway, I was
    just burying the stench.

    I have some idea of when Cameron Diaz was locked up, upon me – Back in the early 1990’s, she was slipped a mickey by some “Hospitable Australians” – Did she know them ? and was there a
    Toxicology Report ? Does she really want to stay under their ‘Control’ ? she really is “in bed” with the enemy – it is usually someone that you know, that kills you. You will have to be careful Cameron,
    because you don’t want my help “getting out of here” but you can’t stay here, either. This shit puts me in harms way and you don’t care for me or yourself and that’s obvious. SO FUCK YOU ! –

    “Hey look who I’m hanging out with” (You – Cameron, in July last year) and that guy, that you brought into my private life, he reminded me of Randy Quaid… So who was he ? How many other’s did you bring “In” ? AGAIN – So did you know any of the Australians that you got “Alcoholic Poisoning” with, when you were in Sydney back then ?

    They compromised US last July (2012) and all you have done is keep me in harms way ever since, enough of your attempts at maintaining Deceit & Delusion, it’s over for “US” – Because there never was
    any “US” – Did you really think that you and those you are associated with were succeeding with the Program & Patterning of deceit & delusion ? I’m not saying your no good at it, at all.
    I didn’t go to ‘Drama’ school either, I specialize in ‘Fucking Over’ the occultists – I find THAT ‘Entertaining’, I’m just BETTER at it than you, I went to a special ‘School’ and studied how to FUCK OVER the ‘Occult’…and got beaten up, on a regular basis, for studying such things. “One flew over the Cuckoos Nest” and then went into the “Dragons Cave” – I was cold…

    NOW back to DEFENSIVE business – Hey, look what the Rat (Cameron) has dragged in now. Hey look what the other Rat did to them – 10 by 10 prison cells, with electrified bars – to keep the other
    animals out, so tell me – are you comfortable in your current situations ? It’s the prison within a prison within a prison – Want Out ? The three “KEYS” are required – They are – Honesty, Closure and Compensation. Otherwise you can all STAY THERE, DIE THERE and ROT THERE FOREVER MORE ! When living the dream, at someone else’s expense turns into the eternal NIGHTMARE…
    HAVE FUN – IDIOTS ! Basically saying – GO TO HELL with your fantasy, at my expense, your ‘dream’ is over – time to WAKE UP. Straightening out the ‘bent’, the corrupt – “Oh look they broke”

    Comment by Robert — September 1, 2013 @ 1:42 pm

  1374. “it’s over for US” –

    When, on July the 18th 2012, Cameron was to return, this being after her first “Visit” on Sunday the 15th of the same month. It was over for us then, as we had been compromised by the gang stalking perverts
    that ‘illuminated’ the entrance of Cameron Michele Diaz. I don’t know what the date was, back in 1991 – believed by me, to be when Cameron was set up. It is really important to discuss when this happened, as
    there was no consent to this criminal ‘act’, she may have ‘bumped’ into me, somewhere back in Sydney, more than 20 years AGO ! – The occultists put us both “UP” and then proceeded to spike Cameron’s drink, putting her in a trauma – “I thought I was going to die”, was what she had to say – these traumatisation’s are causal to a body/soul disassociation, “out of one’s mind” is really the mind is out of one’s body…and in
    Cameron’s case – set upon me, as a means of ‘Quietly’ gaining access to my ‘ticket’ – this by the miscreant’s, that were intent on the further capitalization and profiteering from Madonna ‘investments’.
    Cameron Diaz was ‘set up’, to be a Madonna ‘Go Between’ – she didn’t even know it ! Mindlessly wondering around and easily manipulated, by the occult for the last 22 years ! I wonder how she feels about this ?

    Next step is exposure of Madonna’s ‘Ticket’ and so ending an important part – of the occultist manipulator’s ‘SCAMS’

    This is what the threat is, to Cameron Diaz – it has kept her away, from any realistic contact with me since we were compromised, by being knowingly exposed to each other, nearly 14 months ago. I have been
    ‘scammed’ long enough – it’s been 36 years ! Cameron has no where else to go, she has been ‘here’ for 22 years and neither of us knew it, until recently – So Fuck the Occult ! – I am not your Wave, Psyche Centre or ‘Dump Site’… OR A ‘Star’ for the purposes of any other kind of exploitations – a polite ‘message’ for the ‘behind the scenes’ crowd…

    Where it all began, without any consent by me, was back in 1977, this being my earliest recollections that I was being interfered with. I have learnt a lot, about the use of hidden knowledge since being set up and
    exploited by these perverts and arseholes of the occult, that persist within the performing arts – 36 years of my life was not theirs to take for a ride ! EXPOSURE of such ‘knowledge’ does irreparable harm to the scumbags and their ‘Craft’ ! This is to the benefit of humanity, not to it’s detriment. How it works – sets the victims of organised gang stalking free, they are victims of exploitation – let not the perpetrators continue
    with such EVIL exploitations, via satanic ritual abuse and the like. “Why am I being ‘watched’, why are these creeps following me around” – You have a ‘star’ on-board, you are being taken for a ride. You are not
    paranoid or imagining things, contrary to the popular MIS-education’s of the psychiatrist’s, that launch their authority, only in defence of the criminals – The Shrinks, they really are ‘blind’ Idiots, that only maintain
    the delusion and deceit, this is their education.

    On the 16th of August 1977, Madonna had her 19th Birthday – and what was her present, from the occultists ? The ‘Ticket’ of Elvis Presley who died that day – When a ‘Star’ dies, a ticket becomes available. The
    manipulative occultists don’t want these stars wondering off, there is far too much MONEY to be made from ‘immortalizations’ – The stars ‘soul’ is committed to an entity, that is living, thus enabling on going money
    making scams to continue and the ‘star’ doesn’t get to move on, in peace. One month later, on my 17th birthday and what was my ‘present’ from the occultist scum ? The ticket of Marc Feld, most of you may know
    him as Marc Bolan, of ‘TREX’ fame. Marc Bolan was absolutely hated by the controlling elitists and the occultists, because of what he did with money – Money obtained from the ‘Have Nots’, from merchandise sales is supposed to be ‘ploughed’ into the ‘Haves’ pockets – Bolan was placing money into very secure Hayman Island trust accounts, no one could get access to them, whether he was living or dead. It is beyond the scope of gang stalking explanations, to go into this in any detail. Bolan’s successful return, to profile and profitable performances in 1977 then saw an arranged murder of the man – and the problem with money getting ‘locked up’ in offshore accounts was solved.

    The soul of Bolan was locked up upon a talented, yet unseen living entity – that being me. I wasn’t ‘into’ TREX at all, back then – I heard the hit songs like everyone else, but I wasn’t a ‘Fan’. That day, the 16th of September 1977 all hell was to break loose in my life – it would be trauma after trauma, I would be sacked from my first job as an apprentice electrician and at the local hotel, the barman ‘Bob’ would play the album ‘Bolan Boogie’ – in it’s entirety, every afternoon, Monday to Friday after this star’s death. Repetitive exposure to the same music, over and over does the trick and tends to get one ‘hooked’ up on it – else
    they will absolutely hate it and try and ignore the material, or avoid the venue where it is being played. The album had a marked (no pun intended) effect on me, I was hooked on TREX and went and purchased every album I could lay my hands on. One other governing factor is the ‘Relationship’ to the artist, based on what is also important to the ‘pagan’ occultist’s activities – astrology. Bolan’s birthday was the 30th of September 1947, just 2 weeks after mine. Further ‘coincidences’ ? – “Too many coincidences, are NOT coincidences but indicate a pattern” Chinese Astrology coincidences ? Elvis Presley and Madonna are
    both Dogs.

    Comment by Robert — September 4, 2013 @ 6:26 am

    • Michael Gudinski – Russian/Polish occultist – and Marc Bolan’s Father ? Russian/Polish truck driver – in London, and the occultist that was associated with Bolan, Tony Visconti –
      an American living in SoHo – (Hum) where his ‘Good Earth’ studio then existed. This ‘Knowledge’ made it really easy to ‘Set Up’ the one and only David Bowie, in the 1980’s
      to force ‘Bowie’ to create a music video, in Sydney – Based on a guitarist that looked the part, playing in a band with the ‘Saint’ – Chris Bailey… More Established Evidence that
      goes back nearly 30 fucking years ! ANY INVESTIGATIONS INTO the ‘Occult’ NOW ? Why get ‘Gang Banged’ or ‘Stalked’ by these turnips ? They are not stars, they are gold
      digging sluts… Still chasing attention and ‘royalty cheques’ ? – at the expense of those, that they take – FOR A RIDE, Fuck Them – Wholesale ! I mean Fuck them off…
      Why Breed any contempt ?

      Comment by Robert — September 4, 2013 @ 10:36 am

      • Russian occultist’s perversion into Cuba ? – Prior to Diaz there was Madonna’s – Gloria poly-ester-fan. Emilio is worried Cameron, about the fate of Cuba – sucking Russian Occultist Butt Holes !

        Comment by Robert — September 4, 2013 @ 12:16 pm

  1375. Birthdays !
    Madonna – 16/08/58, Robert (Me) – 16/09/60, forget the years for a moment – Who’s Birthday lies in between ? Cameron – 30/08/72, 2 weeks AFTER Madonna’s D.O.B and roughly 2 weeks before Mine –
    This takes the Saying “Go-Between” to a new conclusion, nothing new about it – to the aging activities of the occultists – as if it could be called ‘Hidden’ and the use of hidden knowledge (Witchcraft) gets
    further exposure, for coincidences are then revealed as patterns, that continue to return – time and time again. Next – Cameron’s best friend ? Gwyneth Paltrow – 27/09/72 (D.O.B) closely associated with
    Madonna, for about 12 Years ! then claims disassociation from the DOG… Cameron 30/08, Robert 16/09, Gwyneth 27/09 – So I am in the ‘middle’ now and what do the three of us have in Common ? We
    are all of the Chinese year of the RAT – 1960 & 1972. Cameron & Myself are also Virgo, and the late exploited and murdered Caresse Henry ? also the 27/09/ – Same D.O.B as Gwyneth.

    Madonna’s Chinese Triangle is Dog – Tiger – Horse and Caresse was a Horse (1966) The HORSE is the opposite of the RAT, perhaps that is why Caresse ‘reached’ out to me, 2 weeks after her death – as
    opposites tend to attract. I didn’t know she was dead and found myself ‘looking’ for her on the internet… Madonna has ‘houses’ in ‘Virgo’ and these are her favourite, for making a meal out of. Gwyneth &
    Caresse are just outside of Virgo, in Libra but because of this proximity, to Virgo – they both have ‘houses’ in Virgo. Madonna’s ‘Ticket’ is the ticket of Elvis Presley – Chinese year of the DOG, his D.O.B is
    08/01/35 and his sign is therefore Capricorn, which is an ‘Earth’ sign, as is Virgo. NONE of this is coincidences, they are manipulated design ‘preferences’ – WELCOME to the ‘STARS’ ! If Caresse Henry
    took her own life – why did she reach out to me ? Media speculation, by Liz Rosenberg – Madonna’s Publicist, was that Caresse’s death was a suspected suicide, BEFORE the Coroner’s Findings, so – I.O.W
    pre-corrupting of the coroner’s report, via the ‘controlling’ media. Caresse Henry was murdered, the speculation and corruption that it was a suicide, was what led Caresse to find a ‘Kindred Spirit’ to reach out
    to – that happened to be me, Madonna’s potential (power) also referred to as ‘Source’ (or Targeted Individual)

    Victims of Organized Gang Stalking and associated CRIMES – “Why am I being ‘watched’, why are these creeps following me around” – As previously revealed – You have a ‘star’ on-board, you are being
    taken for a ride. When you are being molested, by a person who is in public performance space, you tend to ‘GLOW’ and therefore attract a shit load of unwanted ‘Attention’ to that ‘Glow’ – don’t attack the
    “Star” that is molesting you – these turnips don’t even ‘know’ who they are ‘all over’ and don’t want to ! The spirit of John Lennon, on a O.B.E (out of body experience) that was commissioned by those with
    a vested interest in Lennon’s destruction – Lennon was ‘dumped’ all over Mark Chapman – Lennon had no idea who he was psychologically interfering with, or exploiting for ‘power’ and intellectual property, Chapman, realising he was being ‘had’- enough of the ‘Ride’ and ‘Bang’ – the occultists win, with a scapegoat to do the killing of the star, they wanted out of the way – usually for capitalist gains among other ‘Treasons’

    Comment by Robert — September 7, 2013 @ 4:04 am

    • So why, if the occultists had a vested interest in Cameron Diaz, to enable ‘access’ to me, for the last 22 years – for ongoing exploitations, by Madonna and associates then betray, via exposure
      of Both Myself AND Cameron – to each other ? Caresse’s sister – Yvette Dobbie, summed it up quite nicely – “When Madonna has finished with you, she has finished with you” – you end up
      dead. Cameron Diaz had become a liability to Madonna and Associates, so she was ‘stitched up’ against her ‘source’ and Madonna & Associates were NOT going to separate US, Cameron
      then was challenging her ‘Source’ with delusion & deceit – Me, but I know this shit inside out – Madonna & the Occultists had hoped for a destructive outcome – it BACKFIRED on them !

      Now the Occultists will not only take a loss, they will be ‘Burnt’ ! They continued to play mind games, AFTER I ‘pulled’ the playing field, the biased one – out from underneath them ! –
      THE IDIOTS. So who thought the Satanic were intelligent ?

      Comment by Robert — September 7, 2013 @ 4:48 am

      • Still wish to burn my star – SCUMBAGS ? – Then My Will, Upon Your Earth, As IS Done, In The Heavens – IS BURN YOUR STARS ! –
        You Take-over (Possession) corporate freeloading trash…

        DAMN YOU DOGS – NO MERCY, YOU IDIOT SHIT ! – you will never get to enjoy the spoils, of your ‘acquisitions’ – fuckwits !
        ARE you going to give up, DIAZ ? or wait for all HELL to break loose, Loser ? Like your corporate ‘Protection’ fuckwits ?

        Comment by Robert — September 7, 2013 @ 7:49 am

      • “But, the ‘others’ – with a vested interest (Corporate) won’t let me” – Then your ‘ticket’ gets ‘Wiped’, it is mine – enjoy life as a TURNIP, you fuck-wit !

        Comment by Robert — September 7, 2013 @ 7:56 am

      • “But I don’t want to become invisible” – Fuck Off, you insincere poaching piece of shit ! – A message for the Cuban, as educated by the Russian Occultists – Now, Would that be DIAZ ?

        Comment by Robert — September 7, 2013 @ 8:01 am

      • “Get off the set, you Cuban occultist Whore” – ?

        Comment by Robert — September 7, 2013 @ 8:37 am

      • “But I donated $40,000 dollars, for a plate, to the Presidents second inauguration” – Fuck Off SPY, Pervert, Freeloader and THIEF !

        Comment by Robert — September 7, 2013 @ 8:42 am

      • You could imagine the sought ‘Shit-Fight’ that goes on, in one’s mind – when a ‘star’ is on-board, as per the examples above. It is NOT a script and the industry thrives on such
        Ritual Abuse – Rock & Roll Dogs and their “Hit & Run” scams, desperate losers that hold on tight to someone else’s mind. When one is not in performance space, but getting
        gang banged by these pieces of shit, it’s like why hit back ? Like voting – the politicians, why encourage them… If you ignore them, they start arguing among themselves, but
        they are still on-board and it becomes the battle for your mind…

        These miscreants wont let go and hold on tight ‘for the ride’ and when they’ve built their careers upon another ‘planet’ ? – urp, the entrée was nice – eating the stars, now where
        is the main course ? So to effectively end their ‘Wave’ of undesirable attention, means one must identify their ‘Ticket’ and dump it – this gets rid of the freeloaders that are holding
        on tight, claiming that they have no where else to go, like Diaz – Never Tested, with the ‘Coveted’ industry method of making a star – so she has no ‘Ticket’, just another Madonna
        ‘Wannabee’ Facing Peril, with no way out, after 22 years of sitting on my case.

        Well she isn’t prepared to be Honest with me and indeed is facing the peril of losing me – ‘Ticket’, ‘Source’ and ‘Target’ and so losing everything. The rest of the gang-bangers ?
        Hidden Arseholes facing hidden destruction, as they were not prepared to be honest with me either, so they have done it to themselves and that is no favours, for themselves as
        it will be their own throats, they have cut in the cut throat business of the performing arts, the art of deluding and deceiving themselves, at the expense of those they took for a ride,
        when their ride got wise – for me ? that was 1985. The return of these miscreants, in late 1992 was the beginning of the end of them, as hidden knowledge can only ‘Work’ if the
        acts of Deceit & Delusion can be preserved.

        If I had knowledge of my ‘Ticket’ and ‘Source’, as Diaz has for now more than 13 Months – if my ticket and source was saying “But what’s in it for me ?” Well, the last thing I would
        do would be to continue ‘pushing’ deceit and delusion. Dumping my own ticket(s) is dumping all of them – they have nothing to offer and so dump their dependence upon me.
        Wave Gone and so have their minds, along with the ritual abuse of these arguing idiots. Death of a 21 year old ‘Wave’ – death of the stars, upon it – you are an idiot Diaz, with no
        other way out, other than through me, with honesty, same goes for the rest of you taxing arseholes.

        Diaz – “I don’t know what to say to the man” Sorry, well that would be pointless, wouldn’t it ? You are about to go into more performances and without a ticket or source, that is
        suicide. The crowd will rip you to pieces, you won’t have a dump site, you wont stand a chance. No where to Run, no where to Hide and left wide open to the very same game
        you sustained, upon me, with full knowledge of who I am to you and what you have done. Ignorance wont be bliss for you, which is ignoring me and what I have to say, about all
        of this – it’s time to pull the plug on your power trip, you ARE NOT me.

        Comment by Robert — September 7, 2013 @ 6:53 pm

      • When Madonna lost her ‘Ride’ upon me, her dike pal – The Cuban Madonna Associate ‘Polyesterfan’ (Gloria Estefan) lined up a ride for her in Florida – the Victim was Aisha Goodison,
        a woman 18 years younger than Madonna. Chinese Year of the Dragon is Aisha, Dragon’s opposite is the year of the Dog, Madonna – so net result ? Aisha reacted allergic upon the
        presence of the trespassing Mutt and proceeding to declare ‘War’ on Madonna and her Miscreant Associates – all over the internet, not a back-water site like this one !

        Comment by Robert — September 7, 2013 @ 7:22 pm

      • Now the threat to Diaz is understood, hopefully by the idiots that are maintaining my exploitations, as they are the threat to Diaz. ALL of these criminals have been
        compromised, it doesn’t matter WHO they think they are, as all they have done collectively, is maintain the crime. There are no excuses or justifications for this, to
        set the Dog’s of Jealousy and Spitefulness upon the victim only will see them dead as well, Jealousy is one of the ‘Killer’ sins – it kills off the jealous and spiteful.

        Imagine how Diaz feels about what she has become, at my expense ? “I’m just another freeloader, that found out the hard way – there is no way out, by bullshitting the
        man, He didn’t buy any of it” So why continue to try and bullshit your way out of here ? I have questions for you, you Diaz can answer them… Don’t worry about the
        idiots and their threats, to maintain avoiding me, as they have exposed themselves as willing to maintain the crimes against me – Tough Shit ! – So why allow yourself,
        to be threatened by them, as they are already dead…They’re Hung by their own idiocy…game over.

        Diaz you should have stepped down from further productions, to keep going now is shear lunacy. Could anyone help me with performance obstructive injunctions ?
        I have a case and enough supportive evidence to cripple them. Diaz claims that she is threatened, by those that are continuing with my exploitation, but she has
        continued, with contracts with these corporations and therefore party to my being defrauded – an injunction to stop further performances, by Diaz, IS required – NOW.
        The woman, or her associates are not prepared to do ANYTHING – out of court, or otherwise and I will need to proceed in the courts of LAW. How else could
        a victim stop the exploitations ? Knowing who is party to it should do the trick, to put an end to such criminal activities – a need to start somewhere, certainly exists.

        Hit & Run ? – You were caught Diaz, sitting on me, why didn’t you run – while you had the chance ? – “I’ve been squatting on him too long” – Get off my face please…

        Now could you get off my Case as you are obstructing justice… This is exactly how they get away with it – holding on tight, to the threat and manipulation of those
        around the threat – to IGNORE the complaint. This isn’t JUSTICE, for the victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Assault, Exploitation – as in obtaining via delusion and deceit
        (Fraud) So what is this ? You’ve a star taking you for a ride, so bad luck there is nothing we can do for you ?

        Anyone else like the spirit of a taxing star all over them ? – I have a Diaz, if there are any ‘Takers’ – Taking her for a ride becomes boring…more than 20 years of having
        a ‘Bad’ back seat driver, that wasn’t identified until July 2012. Now it looks like I have burn the ‘Car’, Is there any other way ? The perfect ‘Match’ should do it, but she’s it !

        Comment by Robert — September 7, 2013 @ 10:16 pm

  1376. It’s Time to Quit

    Diaz, or those with a vested interest in her productions – “But I didn’t know where I was” and “I didn’t know what I was doing to the man” – BULLSHIT, You have been here for too long, to just sit back
    in ongoing denial, it’s time for you to quit. Your career is finished, as are the careers of those with a vested interest in this type of exploitation, you have all been thoroughly fucked over, by your own
    deceit & delusion and I don’t know how it could continue working for you anymore – not now. ANY attempt at maintaining denial is useless, as you have been EXPOSED, therefore COMPROMISED
    and you have no where else to go – You could try your ‘source’ in reality, I don’t bite – But if you keep pushing bullshit at me, or aiding by denial, those that are – OR that is, those that are trying to – you
    will get ‘burnt’ – I will continue to make an example of you – what choice do I have, you haven’t given me one, neither has anyone else – So freedom of choice is yours – Now what is stopping you ?

    Blah, Blah, Blah – So you have forced me, to burn the game until there is nothing left in your way – OR eventually you will run out of bullshit, to continue avoiding me and then the pressure will on you,
    you are committing professional suicide, Madonna is already dead, she’s nothing more than a corpse on life support – Do really want to join her ? “But I didn’t know, I was her go-between” So now you
    know, what you were ‘manufactured’ for the purpose of, soon everyone else will. “Diaz, you have no choice, other than to go and talk to the man” – Unknown Stalker and ongoing advice, but no one is
    being honest with me – there are no extensions into reality – So they can all get fucked, as it’s nothing more than Good Cop/Bad Cop bullshit keeping the wave going…

    Psychiatry is no longer of any use to you, the act of poisoning the mind of a deliberately disturbed individual is crime, protecting the crime. Because there have been No investigations, into Satanic
    Ritual Abuse and it’s causal effects, deemed psychosis, this only guarantees the expansion into further misadventure and crimes, ongoing inductions of parasites into performance space – It’s time to blow
    these pieces of shit “Off the Map” – Sink their Ship, Burn their Bullshit, Destroy their Protection Rackets, like psychiatry, which is their number one method of ‘scrambling’ the mind of the complainant.
    What about Strapping the psychiatrists into a chair and force feed them the truth – these mis-educated idiots would choke before giving up ! – GOOD, as one less bullshit business is doing humanity a favour,
    a humanitarian act, so as to speak, look at all the bullshit that is out there, just waiting to be killed off !

    Idiot society that demands escapism & fantasy to plug into – at who’s expense ? Who’s being taken for a ride, Molested ? Who’s character is getting assassinated for a fucking roll ?
    “Hey we’ve got another one, that’s glowing” – “This one is really good value” Push, Push, Push – “Oh no, he’s just killed the next door neighbour, that we were using for access, to him” –
    “Oh well, there goes that ride”… “He pulled power and ran the neighbour down with a relentless drama” – “It was a first class assault, full on racism” – “Have we got anyone else, near him, to hit on” –
    Don’t get involved, I don’t need the attention, so keep your noses up your own arses… Entertainment – Noses that just can’t help themselves, other than to get into someone else’s shit…and ? –
    They find out the hard way “It just isn’t worth it” !

    So we VICTIMS can see, the so called authorities are only serving themselves, with NO regard for the victims of this crime – Ritual Sacrifices ? – well what else could it be called ? How much Bombing
    can this system of the Satanic handle, before there is nothing left to ‘Guard’ – then it would be open slather on the scumbags, that made their fortunes defrauding & exploiting those VICTIMS that they have
    ‘Preyed’ upon, with their Deluding’s and Deceiving’s – Just how long can they maintain their ongoing denial – “But we didn’t know” and they DONT want too, so bombs away ! Information is causal to
    exposure and exposure means bye, bye bomb shelter. Flame the shit out of their ‘Valley of Darkness’ – With Information worse than Napalm and bye, bye occultists (the hidden evil) no longer will they be
    able to sit back in denial and the exposure brings on – “No where to run, no where to hide” – TOUGH SHIT. I have been more than patient, long enough – Now I have a use for all that ‘Heat’ –
    burn the bullshit out of them. “They were full of it, they didn’t survive his wrath, of cleansing” So Give Up You Halfwits, Life Is Short, Damnation is Forever More.

    Stars with lots of money, are becoming causal to corruption within the spirit of humanity, so this makes their ‘theatre’ EVIL. Satanic pigs, practicing Satanic Ritual Abuse and Ritual Sacrifice and no
    investigations into these practices. Psychiatry is used to further abuse the complainants and therefore maintain the bullshit factor – Protection rackets for Satanists – The shrinks practice is to poison the
    brain of a person who is claiming that they are being psychologically profiled and exploited – they have become AWARE of the ‘presence’ and they know who this piece of shit is, that is party to the scam –
    Like the disclosures of Madonna, in 1985 and the psychiatrist’s and the ‘law’ in Australia protected her, this Dog is still dragging the sleigh of death and destruction around behind her, where ever she goes
    AND she is NOT ALONE – Hello Warner & Live Nation Entertainment ! – Corporate Criminal Scum, hope you are enjoying my bombing run – like why fuck around with a drive-by, a hit & run song ?

    Psychiatry & The Judiciary you are nothing more than organised criminals protecting such Satanic Evil, upon this earth – protection rackets for hypocrisy, the art of deluding and deceiving – like get fucked
    you arseholes ! “But we didn’t know” – What ? – that your university educations are a pack of lies ? You are sustaining the hidden (occultist) crime – without any investigations into it. So fuck you !
    Complaints made by the victims of S.R.A (Satanic Ritual Abuse) – good, intelligent and talented people, that are being ripped off by gold digging parasites, then thrown on the shit-heap when there is nothing
    left, of the victim, to be ‘Had’ – and you call this fair ? and if they Dare to complain ? “Oh, you have a problem in your brain” and “It’s all in your mind” –
    YES, so is a ‘munitions’ dump and a ‘concentration’ camp ! Screw the protection rackets, for the perpetrators – to hell with all of them, as they preserve the lies and obstruct the truth, for their own purposes
    and ongoing gains – Selfish, Arrogant, Self-Righteous Scum that are protecting the criminals, that causal to crimes against humanity – “But that’s where the big bucks are” – What ? – In Mass Murder ?

    Aiding and Abetting organized gang stalking, heating, or winding up an individual, so as to maintain attention to lame entertainment industry produce, creating and maintaining waves of unwanted attention, to
    the targeted individual, there are NO excuses, this is organized crime. To remotely profile the spirit of another human being, to ‘jump’ all over anyone that comes anywhere near them, so as to aid ongoing

    So exposure is required for closure, of such ‘Games’ – First is the destruction of economic incentives, for such ongoing crimes. The perpetrators will find out the hard way – “I lost everything and it just wasn’t
    worth it” This is how it is going down, for shit heads like Madonna, with their over inflated ego’s and ongoing bullshit factor, Hypocrisy that just isn’t cutting anymore – So just let climb all over someone else,
    for what these idiots lack ? – When they are all chewed out, by public consumption of their spirit – if they had one, in the first place…

    Comment by Robert — September 10, 2013 @ 2:39 am

  1377. So you are being stalked ?

    Stalking is better understood as the art of putting someone ‘Up’ for psychological assessment, you don’t know why this is happening and it isn’t ending, total strangers and people in your neighbourhood
    are ‘In’ on it – you feel like you’re Jim Carey in “The Truman Show” and everyone around you is an actor, right ? Those people around you have no idea what is going on, they are simply not operating with
    any awareness – it is their minds, not their brains. They’re behaviour is driven by instinct and they are not conscious of what they are doing – basically morons. “It feels good, so they are all over you” –
    and don’t even know it, then you ruin their dream, snap them out of the trance, by abusing them ! They have been set upon you, by those with a vested interest, usually in your exploitation – “Making
    Waves” the performing arts scumbags, for example. You could go on a tirade, but they would have no idea why and just write you off as a nut case – Ape shit that don’t want to know the truth ? fuck them,
    deliberate ignorance is not bliss. Those that wish to protect the lie – don’t argue with them, psychiatrists for example. Those in the know ? – They will not make admissions into your disturbance, unless you
    torture them first, then they start talking…But there are laws against torturing ‘suspects’

    Hitting out at the star is a pointless exercise, hitting out at those around the star, via the star, gets results – they can’t wait to get away from them. Sooner than later all bets are cancelled for the freeloading
    star and no one wants to know them, other than those they have been stalking and exploiting, net result is a dead star that probably died alone, Yay – Justice Done, the freeloaders don’t tend to survive
    very long, after when all they lived for (attention) is gone, Oh – What a Shame, death of a hypocrite, a deluding & deceiving piece of shit, Oh, how they will be missed…along with their mind game crap.
    Madonna – “I’ve been watching you, yeah” Um, yeah, I know – for nearly 36 years now ! – So you’ve lost your go-between Diaz, what is next, anything lined up for psychological access ? Or are you going
    to call it a day, dog shit ? I didn’t know she was dead, as there isn’t any perceived difference between stalking (psychological profiling) and haunting…

    So what did they want, when they were living ? – Attention to their bullshit performances, by hitting out at their target and making a ‘Wave’ – attention getter – “look at me, I’m a star” and it wasn’t the money
    was it – No of course not… and when the star is dead ? What did they want then ? – OUT ! Sadly they don’t get out, when they leave it too long – yes, how sad, they didn’t even know who they were climbing
    all over and didn’t want to. If you tell them ? “But I didn’t know” – Oh Really ? Blow away their active participation in denial, of what they are ALL doing and kill those that wish to continue, by turning their
    lives into an open book, which is what they are doing to their targets. “Do you think they will ever be honest ?” What, professional Hypocrites – get real, show some integrity, no, I think not – the art of deluding
    and deceiving, it runs in their blood and keeps them going… Hints on how to kill, remotely, the perpetrators – they came in via those around YOU, you can go in, via those around them – simple. Then they
    get a taste of what not to do, when everyone around them wants them out…

    “Movies” this is what they called the ‘Stars’ back in the beginning’s – no one wanted to be anywhere near them – wind up scumbags, your moving out today – Movie. Then they practiced false flag waving
    operations, scapegoating, “I am not your problem, it was them” – the convenient Targeted Individual, that they were hiding behind – Why is everyone looking at me ? you are being scapegoated by a fucking
    ‘Star’ – How do I get rid of them ? Turn one of their pin up posters into a dart board…That Works ! Imagine darts coming at your face, while you were sleeping ? Make sure you have the right star, tho, not
    that it really matters who of them you hit…they are all in on it together. “Arg – fucking darts, I want out” failing that – try focusing on the poster, till you get a reaction and keep focusing as you move the candle
    under the poster – you get the idea – to create a hostile environment, for the perpetrators. Hey, you never know – they might decide to be honest with you and get real, but I doubt it – most would die first…

    So are you ready to become a dart board Diaz ? – I then score Madonna, some of the time…”Direct Hit” and Diaz – I know how much you hate dairy products, like yogurt “I think I’m going to be sick” and a
    visit to the meat market – “I can’t stand the smell of the place” Oh, and what about blowing smoke in your face ? … I haven’t tried that, intentionally. Phone me, or get ready for world war three – remember it
    will be “All in your Mind” and the battle, for your mind will be lost, as no one can help you – you have left it too long – I refuse to suffer this crap anymore – you pulled on my heart strings WAY TOO LONG, so
    don’t expect any mercy. Those that are assuming the identity of Diaz ? no great loss, as they will disappear quicker than she can’t, when the darts start flying…

    Still wish to ‘Remotely View’ and Target me, with your insincerities and misrepresentations Diazholes ? Diazholes – Cameron wannabee’s …They might want to be, I wouldn’t if I was them !

    Comment by Robert — September 10, 2013 @ 7:49 am

    • After the perpetrators have already read this, comments were made by them –

      “He’s going to hurt her” & “that’s it, we will have to pull the wave, we have no choice” – “But we can’t” ?

      I’m not serious about hurting her, turning Diaz into a ‘Dart Board’ – I have grown to love the woman, it’s you bastard occultists that I’m intent on harming – O.K ?
      You are obstructing her, from ‘Discovering’ ME. Enough of you TAXING pieces of shit – GET OUT of THE WAY – SCUMBAGS and do yourselves a Favour –
      ENCOURAGE her to talk with me, we have much to discuss ‘Off Air’

      What these idiots don’t understand is that I have been ritually abused for 36 years, I have been used as a Dump Site, for the tickets of DEAD STARS – 100’s of them.
      The industry parasites then started the practice of setting the Wannabee’s upon me, the audacity of referring to me as a wave. The Talentless Turnips that obtain a
      character, from a dead star’s ticket, by using me as a ‘channel’ – if they pulled the wave then hundreds of current productions, with these so called ‘stars’ lose the ticket
      of a discarnate actor/actress.

      100’s of millions of dollars or more, spent in productions goes down, with the wave – All the freeloading wannabee’s, since 1992, go down with the wave.
      Eat Shit Parasites ! Send in Diaz in real life, because I don’t trust the telephone, or the internet either – but it’s better than nothing, for real life communications…

      It’s not an ultimatum or a threat, nor blackmail – It is a promise – The ideal conditions are coming up on the 16 of September to end the ‘Wave’ all the way back to 1977 !

      Peril for your productions – ARSEHOLES – I am not on your books, to be paid for ritual abuse – So who would be ? Get set for mass destruction of your performing arts ‘club’
      I am going to ‘pull the wave’ regardless – and set all the imprisoned dead stars free ! You scumbags had NO Rights at all – to dump them upon me – I am not a bank for
      your ‘has-beens’ – and you know what they will be doing – don’t you ? “Freedom, at last, now lets get the fuck out of here” – “But hang on, I want to kill someone first” –
      Ritual Sacrifice of an occultist, maybe ?… and of all your manufactured living ‘stars’ that never had a ticket, in the first place ? They turn into turnips, spuds and carrots,
      you’ve got my drift – their tickets were of those that went before them – Your manufactured ‘Stars’ become pieces of ‘meat’… I didn’t wish this, for Cameron – but what
      choice do I have ? The ideal conditions to destroy the wave, come around every 12 years – that is 6 Days away.

      Comment by Robert — September 10, 2013 @ 9:37 am

  1378. The Pre-Madonna Years –

    September the 16th, 1977 was to be the beginning of their ‘Coveted’ test, of making a mushroom out of a star, an individual who would be kept in the dark and fed bullshit – Hello Michael Gudinski,
    how is your ‘magic’ mushroom processing operations going now ? Still ‘wiring’ up the talentless to the talented, for a ‘buck’ ? – Still selling parking spaces on spirit you have no rights of ‘Control’ or
    ‘Ownership’ over ? Must have been quite an achievement, to move away from selling parking spaces on the vacant block of land, when the Melbourne Cup was on… So how long did it take for
    your occultist buddies, like Paul D. Schindler, to find MLC580816, using your rather simple numbers game in America ? (Refer to Posting of 7.03A.M. Jan 19th, 2013) So much to gain from the
    exploitation of a boy, just 17 years old by stitching the materialistic spirit of an American, gold digging parasite upon him – Madonna, the thief of talent, something she never ‘possessed’ and the
    relative ‘ease’ of ‘targeting’ a young talented male, in another country.

    How the testing for compatibility was carried out, with trauma after trauma with a little ‘dabbling’ in human experimentations – these so called ‘coveted’ tests of making a star, or mushroom – to be
    consumed, by the talentless ‘Wannabee’ are organised crimes against humanity – They don’t stop until the ‘game’ players are ‘culled’ – no more satanic ritual abuse – no more human experimentations
    no more setting them ‘Up’ to sink them – no more exploitations of the talented – no more money to be made, from your scams of the occult – OR ? – BLOODBATH, idiots. There is NO JUSTICE for
    the victims, of these crimes – the judiciary & psychiatry like everything the way it is – “Send me in another victim of S.R.A. disease, that is complaining” – “Why should we be honest with them, you
    set them up, for us to further abuse” “Yeah, what’s in it for us ?” And the hungry ‘Crowds’ ? – “We demand martyrs for the stage & screen” “Yeah, we demand to be entertained, we’ll pay good money
    to watch them die”

    Sadly the ‘has-had-their-turns’ don’t die, they kill someone else for an ongoing ‘Ride’, pack raping the spirit of the unsung and unscripted – the talented that were put in the dark, kept in the dark and
    fed bullshit – “The Mushrooms” – What when the mushroom ‘escapes’ imprisonment, poor diet (Bullshit) and control ? – the angry crowd go on mushroom feeding frenzies, making a meal out of a
    ‘killing’…”Because the Mushroom wasn’t allowed ‘OUT’, that’s what ‘someone’ said” – “Yeah, we got them good, burp”… Watch what you eat, punters – as some mushrooms are highly TOXIC !
    You just can’t stop a crowd, that is on a feeding frenzy – but you CAN poison the incentives, for such ‘activities’… Hello Stalker, would you like a sweetie ? and the poisoned mushroom ‘planet’ wins,
    death to the consuming ‘stars’…”It was a very sour ‘treat’…ment” – “You are a very bitter man, do you know that ?” No, I had no idea, maybe I just didn’t listen and knew what to feed the thieves, in
    search of ‘freebee’ ‘sweeties’.

    Comment by Robert — September 12, 2013 @ 12:44 am

    • Now, on with increasing the ‘concentration’ of the core of the ‘treat’ – Sulphuric Acid, H2SO4 at an assay of 98%, 1.85Kg/Litre isn’t working… Oleum H4S2O8 – Fuming Bitterness !
      That should kill them, “Bring on the product of burning the candle at both ends ?” – No, burning the brimstone 24/7 ! “That will take a lot of ‘Base’ to sweeten up” … What about
      packaging, of the ‘product’ of such bitterness ? The sweet outer layer, the thin protective, but deceptive ‘crust’ of the planet, sought by the stars – but there was a twist ! The ‘core’
      was a ‘killer’… “Hey man, is this guy still too hot, to consume ?” “Stay away from that planet” – Diaz – “Why, – I can ‘deal’ with his bitterness, I know exactly how he ‘feels’ ”
      True – she has been here a long time, but neither of us ‘knew’ it…until last year. Now to throw a ‘shrimp’ on the ‘barbie’ ? NO – Let’s put a Dog on the Spit and ‘grill’ her, but then
      again Madonna tastes like shit, like the rest of her wolf pack.

      Comment by Robert — September 12, 2013 @ 1:26 am

      • “Daddy- my ears are burning” – “Someone must be talking about you son” – “But Daddy, I think they’re hounding me” – “I don’t know son, I can’t answer that one”

        Comment by Robert — September 12, 2013 @ 2:50 am

      • So where to from now ?

        Eternal salvation is a myth, the delusion of religion has had its day – but entertainment is still in place, dummying it down. False god worship ? Watch out for the avenging
        creator – ‘His’ ant farm wasn’t yours to destroy, you have already been judged – as easily deluded, deceived miscreants that are begging to be wasted by wrath, so beg for
        mercy and be shown torture, by those you attempted to continue to delude and deceive, the torture of the apes, past their use by dates will never end. Make your peace,
        with the creator – for he is not a forgiving Dog, following his ‘master’ – for he is the king, of his own planet in the heavens. The uninvited, deluding and deceiving scum of
        this earth, the materialistic parasites – life is short and your damnation is forever more – MAKE YOUR PEACE with me, idiot or I will punish you where you lay – eternally.

        I have a ‘Hell’ upon my planet in the heavens, it’s big enough for all of you. You have ‘Cast’ yourselves into eternal damnation – You don’t wish to repent, or reform, so I will
        DAMN YOU – for it is my kingdom, in the heavens, in which you were ‘CAST’ – “Life is Short” and what of your souls ? – “We don’t believe in the fact that we participate, in
        out of body experiences” – The soulless – self deceit, so shit happens…

        Comment by Robert — September 12, 2013 @ 4:27 am

    • Talking OR Stalking about me…

      Comment by Robert — September 12, 2013 @ 2:53 am

      • The ‘ART’ of preserving the status quo – “You are ‘glowing’ dude, you are hot” is really the art of ongoing destruction of Homo-Superior, Martyring of the next phase
        of human evolution, by the Satanic inbred, the soulless Homo-Sapien, that refuses to move on, materialist low life, that fear death and would like to continue on life
        support, consuming the spirit of the next generation of human evolution, for their own solutions –

        “Please Change My Underwear (Nappy, Dippers) for the next thirty years, son.”

        “I just can’t move on, to the other-side, knowing what I have done on this side” What ? Greed, Selfish, Bullshitting – Lies and Contempt – from the cradle to the grave,
        that is preserving the status quo of ‘Aged Care’ on life support ? What are you scared of ? – Fucking Off, Swamp Monsters – “Past their Use By Dates” – Apes.

        4,000 years of Martyring – “The Evolving ‘Threat’ ” – “But we can’t compete” – Then Fuck Off ! – This isn’t a game, this is reality, not your ideas, of your intent to avoid
        ‘Punishment’ for what you have become – Pointless, Bullshit ‘consumers’ preying upon future generations, with deceit, delusion and over-rated hypocrisy – that the kids
        aren’t buying anymore – you self serving parasites – well past your use by dates, this is the ‘general’ ‘O.P’ – “You silly old fucks” – YOU are continuing to obstruct evolution
        idiots ! “But we like everything the way it is” – NON Reformists – swamp monsters ! “Hey, this guy ‘glows’ ” – “Nope, he burns” – “So what does he burn ?” – Our Stars, in
        the heavens…”Oh, yes those manufactured idiots, on take over bids”… “We told you not to ‘Hang Out’ on him too long” – Oh, well – there goes the ‘system’ – “The bullshit
        factor ? ” “Yes Son, the bullshit factor” and Madonna’s defence ? – “It’s all an illusion” – she’s full of it, the materialistic piece of shit…

        Comment by Robert — September 12, 2013 @ 3:32 am

  1379. “Why won’t you go and talk to the man Cameron ? ” – I don’t know why they bother, with such drivel – It isn’t going to sustain the wave, of attention to Cameron, or THEM. It is evidence of ongoing attempts
    of deluding and deceiving, to maintain the wave, that is assault & fraud – cease & desist IDIOTS. Cameron’s usual response – “I don’t know what to say to the man” – This is the same shit, that maintains the
    same wave and so long as a reaction, occurs – then the drivel remains ‘active’. My usual response to this – “She’s to busy talking AT ME, not to me and maintaining the wave of attention, for you pieces of shit to ‘prey’ upon” –

    You are collectively nothing more than thought perverts and arseholes – all of you, why don’t you go bury your noses, up your own arses ? So much more ‘Value’ in someone else’s shit… You soulless fucks –
    I’m not ‘selling’ tickets to my PRIVATE life and thoughts – Death & Damnation to those that are…There is NO CONSENT scumbags – so fuck off, or be ‘burnt’ off. P.S. – I was never in the public ‘eye’ as an entertainer, they pinned me down to this ‘life’ of being exploited, for EVERYTHING that I could have been and sabotaged everything else that I set out to do. It is NOT a life, of anything, other than what
    becomes rotting despair & misadventure. But there is the ‘look on the bright side’ kill this off, at causal effects level – blow it off the map, end their ‘Games’ – The Humanitarian approach to reform, long
    overdue resolution, punishment of those that are party to these crimes – But It Doesn’t Pay Well – with such efforts !

    Cameron Diaz, like the rest of the modern ‘Rat Pack’ are not going to free themselves from a sinking ship – they think that the wave, of current attention to themselves will be maintained, by the not so hidden
    shit, behind the scenes of ‘investment’. Wrong – the Massive Impact of the destruction of this wave of 36 years will cripple the investors, there wont be any ‘insurance’ against the odds, You are fucking retards,
    so wake up. 3 days remain, your multiple hits last night, of hundreds of faces entering my ‘visions’ was not successful – as per attempted nervous breakdown inductions ? A few more ‘dead’ head occultists,
    that were still pushing their bullshit ‘up-hill’ – quit now – while you still have a ‘head’ – it’s not worth it, as you won’t be able to sustain this wave of ill gotten gains and perish trying to stay afloat. Save yourselves
    the hassle. Let Diaz go, let her talk to me, in reality – without your interference, as you retards don’t stand a chance of maintaining the ‘dance’ upon my mind, so find another venue – good luck, you fucks !

    Comment by Robert — September 13, 2013 @ 7:12 am

  1380. The Herpes ‘Saga’ –

    I remember ‘talking’ with Diaz last year, it was a conversation about 1 in 4 American girls/women, in the late 1980’s – who had become sexually active and contracted the ‘incurable’ Herpes Virus. She came
    back in ‘conversations’ – subtle suggestions, would be more appropriate, as a description – “Rob, remember what you were saying about 1 in 4 American Women and Herpes” Me – “Yeah…Oh No” Response –
    “Yes, I’m sorry” Me – “Don’t worry about it, I have some ideas” –

    Back in the early 1980’s I was taught about a method of ‘wishing warts away’ – Holistic Healing, they are not ‘Miracles’ ! I learnt about an individual that was called “The Surgeon with the Rusty Scalpel” – The
    fact that Diaz was all over me, gave me the chance to try out the same thing that I did to remove warts, from myself, being on my hands…way back then. Warts have never returned, upon me – total remission.
    So I targeted Diaz’s Herpes – “Rob, my Herpes has gone into complete remission, no eruptions” essentially what I do is “create” a hostile environment, for the virus infection – I target it with hostility…and don’t stop ! Doctors don’t like remissions from so called psychosis “There is no such thing as a passing natural phenomenon” – “Mental Illness”… They think less of those capable of destroying incurable diseases –
    as they would rather push ‘treatments’…”That’s where the big bucks are – big pharma products” – It’s all driven by a bullshit economy – the parasites !

    Comment by Robert — September 13, 2013 @ 7:58 am

  1381. Sex Tape –

    The current production has commenced critical filming in Boston, U.S of A. When the uninvited Diaz entered my private life, again, 3 days after the 15th of July 2012, which was the first ‘visit’ – I thought, what
    does she want ? So I put a story, script, sequences and acting together – the base of the story was to have a home set up with audio visual recording and to make a responsible sex education film, that would
    be given to younger actors – Diaz and Myself would be the ‘role models’ – The current production ‘Sex Tape’ is a distorted variant, of my creation. NO ONE ELSES to ‘Make off With’… Curse’s all round, to those
    involved in the production of – Sex Tape – Go to HELL you gold digging thieving perverts, go insane first ! Damn you Diaz.

    Comment by Robert — September 23, 2013 @ 11:44 am

    • Diaz, well she has been super, mega comfortable with stuffing the guts of CORPORATE SCUM, pity… She could have been my lover, but soon she will be my detonator…

      Comment by Robert — September 25, 2013 @ 3:07 am

      • The ‘Delayed’ release of “The Cancelled Huh” and all her scripted performances, since July 2012 – “TNT – Hoy, Hoy, Hoy” and Diaz ? A number eight detonator…(August)

        Comment by Robert — September 25, 2013 @ 3:15 am

      • “But we didn’t know, that we were investing in “PRIVACY VIOLATIONS”, to aid and abet ‘OUR’ product advertising’s – did we son? ” “No dad we had no idea”
        “We didn’t know how they were instructed, to generate “The News”…of the world… and guarantee advertisers, some kind of ‘Attention’ – did we son ?
        “No Dad, we didn’t know, what they were doing with our money” – Assistant Editor – “But everyone is in on it” – ‘Hidden’ Response – “Lock her up”….

        The Murdochs… Hello Rupert, do you remember Michael Gudinski and Paul The Swindler ? (Paul D. Schindler… with a ‘list’ of things – NOT TO DO !)

        Comment by Robert — September 25, 2013 @ 3:45 am

      • So what the Fuck happened to My Doona ? Ah, yes the Dog that sleeps with one eye open (Madonna) and Gwyneth ? – still “Hanging Out” with the other RATS ?

        Comment by Robert — September 25, 2013 @ 3:54 am

      • “Oh, No” – what got you by something you still lack, bitches ? …. Balls !

        Comment by Robert — September 25, 2013 @ 4:00 am

      • “Oh No” – We are going to lose everything… “Our Tickets”…as ‘freeloaders’ – on another planet, we are not “Gods” we are in some serious shit, what can we do ?
        GET REAL or get KILLED, you Gold digging, power tripping tax ‘agents’ – because your delusion & deceit is about to be ‘TERMINATED’ …hope you read English !

        Comment by Robert — September 25, 2013 @ 4:21 am

      • Diaz, is still bathing in Cuban, Russian trained ‘Occultism’ – a problem for RUSSIAN OCCULTIST SCUM, that hide behind JUDIAISM – You SOURING SLUTS !

        Comment by Robert — September 25, 2013 @ 4:34 am

    • “Hey Rob” –

      Yeah ? –

      “She just want’s your cake man, that Cuban piece of Gold Digging shit has nothing to offer you”

      As if I didn’t know, since Madonna in 1985… So, Set these criminals up for the ‘Kill’ and waste their
      Stolen ‘talent’ – they are not going to be ‘Honest’ – So Waste Them All… ‘Game’ Shit Over !

      Comment by Robert — September 25, 2013 @ 4:42 am

      • “Hey man, they believed that ‘their’ religion would NEVER be challenged”

        LET the dog shit be exposed, as nothing more than mind control – Waste Entertainment, as required.

        Comment by Robert — September 25, 2013 @ 4:50 am

  1382. One of the biggest hurdles, for a gang stalking victim to overcome is a need to identify the motive. It is NOT corporations that are intent on persecution of someone that has won a large payout as per –

    “These attacks are happening in all sorts of places, the streets, shops, and rehabs. They are reported to be happening to whistle-blowers, and others who have won large settlements from major corporations”

    The Corporation would like to prevent that person from claiming a settlement, in the first place AND prevent other victims from learning from a “Whistle-Blower” how and who is party to such hideous crimes against the innocent. There are methods of
    getting around the problems associated with one, telling one’s story – when one is being stalked, it is virtually impossible to prevent these miscreant’s from interfering with the party that you are TRYING to talk to. SO PUT IT IN WRITING, be as explicit
    as possible. Name the names, the places, the dates and the ‘events’ – keep a diary on the misadventures of being ‘targeted’, keep a record of the ‘attacks’ – whether it’s the good or bad cop scenario OR whether it’s the good or bad criminal – they’re pretty
    much the same thing – “Cops & Criminals” – they co-exist together – inseparably ! A shortage of employment for the Judiciary and the politicians will be introducing ‘New Laws’…

    Has anyone gang-stalked succeeded at using the privacy or anti-stalking laws ? – a very selective, lack of justice system indeed. The ‘stars’ of the entertainment industry are profiling new ‘talent’ – for the purposes of propping up the ‘wasted’ talent, that
    they have become… My own victimization tells the story – The Stars that never were stars, without someone to climb all over, wannabee’s that didn’t have what it takes, so submitted to stealing more than the identity of another person, they set out to
    assume being that person, with ongoing psychological profiling of the unsung and unscripted individual that ‘Glowed’ – their target. “But I didn’t know where I was” and of course “I had no idea what I was doing” – many of these so called stars DO KNOW
    what they have done, but would never admit to ‘Taking someone for a Ride’ – “I think I will talk about my crimes, with the victim” – it just isn’t going to happen, is it ?

    Diaz was such a non-talent, but a wannabee, all the same. True is the fact that she had no idea who she was climbing all over, she was set up by the corporation, the Warner Group & Associates for the purposes of aiding a re-invention of Madonna, who,
    as explained had lost access, to her ‘ride’ – ME. After I abandoned the industry, in late 1988 – Madonna & the Warner Group started to decline, the Warner Group were headed for Bankruptcy in 1992, I wasn’t the only victim that was dis-associating from
    the performing arts – I was leading a trend, as were all those other victims that were on the same ‘wavelength’ – “I’m out of here, this game sucks and it’s time to move on” 1977 – 1992 was fifteen years of exploitations, by corporations that rely on ‘Waves’
    to keep their games going. 15 years is a lot of ‘accumulated’ stalkers and haunters – Dead Stalkers, they didn’t know what they were doing when they were living and this only continued after their demise…and the dead stars ? Wave & Spirit Guides. 500
    years of the performing arts – Witchcraft, the use of hidden knowledge and otherwise known as ‘Occultists’ – now days. This stuff goes back to Queen Elizabeth the 1st and Shakespeare ! The vilification of the innocent, to wilfully disturb and make ‘Waves’
    and lots of MONEY.

    Comment by Robert — September 26, 2013 @ 2:00 pm

    • When comments made by Diaz, in early October 2012 – “I’m finishing up filming in Spain, next week , I’m coming to see you” The Corporations, party to my ongoing exploitations AND covering it all up
      had other ideas. Diaz was threatened by the thugs, there was no way these corporations were going to allow my ‘Discovery’, by Diaz and the discovery of herself, her soul, where the occultists had
      dumped her, in the very early 1990’s – all over me. She needs to understand, that it wasn’t “Alcoholic Poisoning”, in Sydney back then, it was the use of a TOXIN, to bring about a Body/Soul disassociation,
      this then allowed the occultists to create a ‘conduit’ for Madonna, who’s star was manufactured upon my planet… Diaz didn’t know where she was, regards her soul and has lived on a program of ritual
      abuse, totally un-inhibited ever since. What’s the point of so called stardom, when you never get to enjoy your life, due to being souled out ? I was hoping she would ignore the threats, of the corporation’s
      occultists and to ‘re-discover’ herself, where they dumped her soul – all those years ago… together, the two of us could kick the shit out of this evil system, to the benefit of humanity.

      Comment by Robert — September 26, 2013 @ 2:32 pm

      • Diaz has a lot to lose, but –

        More appropriately and more accurately – she never had a right to what she has accrued in the first place. None of these so called ‘wannabees’ had what it takes, they are not stars
        they are PARASITES. Evil, poaching, gold digging manipulators that would happily pin an individual down, pay to organize gang stalking, to achieve this – so as to enable ongoing
        access to the spirit of the talented, then sit back and lie through their teeth, if questioned – swear on the bible, take an affirmation, to be of ‘good character’ and then LIE in a court of
        law – They don’t have any reservations, upon this Earth or in the Heavens – totally Godless scumbags that have done their deals with the demons and the other advocates of Satan.
        they are Ultra- Materialistic trash, that would happily kill for the cash. Time to cull these Morons ? – Long Overdue, is the culling of these ‘Satanists’, does a better way of establishing
        disincentives exist ? Hey, they ‘fell’ from the grace of God – creation, a long time ago and are nothing more than destructive morons, that refuse to get off the road…

        Comment by Robert — October 1, 2013 @ 11:19 pm

      • True Diaz has ‘preyed’ upon me for 23 years,

        Her first project in the fabrication of her stolen stardom was the destruction of my relationships, with others – both professional and personal. Terrie was a woman of 18 years of age,
        she was my girlfriend and believed to be carrying my child, Terrie was about 4 months older than Diaz – they were both 18 years old at the time (1990). Terrie was living with me and
        severely ‘cramping’ the psychological perversion of the wannabee – Diaz. Cameron has claimed – “But I had no idea, where I was” –

        THEN WHY the Fuck, Don’t YOU WAN’T TO KNOW ? Answer – She potentially loses EVERYTHING. Her blatant gang-banging approach on the 15th of July 2012 was to ‘Steal the
        Heart’ of the spirit, that she had molested and manipulated for more than 20 years ! – She was intent on stealing the cake and pigging out on all of it. Diaz, GO TO HELL…Go straight
        to Hell, no more collecting 20 Million Dollars and passing Go. You will be the first to fall from the Monopoly Board, the rest of you ‘Wannabees’ will follow. This Game is Over, but
        those with a below average intellectual function are a little ‘S L O W’ and still don’t want to know, what happened to them when they ‘Souled Out’ to the Devil, did their dash and then
        collected the cash – idiots, they will never get to enjoy it – they will be hounded to death for what they have done, with no one to ‘Hide Behind’, as their ‘Rides’ will become ‘Hostile’.

        Comment by Robert — October 1, 2013 @ 11:49 pm

      • True Diaz ? = The Soul of the Woman. False Diaz – The Corporate Controlled Puppet, you are all familiar with… the ‘Plug & Play’ Patsy.

        Comment by Robert — October 2, 2013 @ 12:56 am

      • “America is NOT a nation of People, it is a nation of corporate thugs” – Unknown Author – Some Repetitive Arsehole Occultist. Has Anyone heard this line, or
        something like it, in a ‘Hollywood’ production… I’m kind of over it, heard it too many times – is it still pending in some production, or has it been released ?

        Comment by Robert — October 2, 2013 @ 1:39 am

      • So what are they teaching today, in the art of psychology ?

        “The soul is all myth, total bullshit” – Yes, this is true of the soulless Homo-Sap – the ‘inbred’ that ‘prey’ upon Homo-Superior, destructively, for about 4,000 years. The Martyr’s
        will have their pound of flesh…and their pint of blood – Fuck Off Ape Shit, as you Soulless fucks are well past your use by dates. “But we like everything the way it is, without
        reform” – “Time to expand the applications, of the F.E.M.A camps” – to eradicate the soulless scum upon this Earth ? – Russian & French Solutions were Revolutions. There
        is the bloodless methods – “They did it to themselves” – Yeah, you wish… “Wishing the Warts Away” – Yep – instead of ‘accepting’ them, as part of the package… The EVIL
        rich will not submit, they will only continue to consume the spirit of the ever evolving human spirit – to the extent of ‘suggesting’ that the ‘Soul’ does not exist – I would like to
        suggest otherwise – you arrogant ape-shit. Psychiatry & Psychology – Do you still wish to play in the mine field ? – Well now, you did it to yourselves and it was all in your
        minds, anyway – or were you trespassing, relentlessly upon someone else’s spirit ?

        Comment by Robert — October 2, 2013 @ 2:14 am

      • The Psychologist, Psychiatric Nurse and Psychiatrist –

        “But we believe in the art of Lies” “Yeah, we are THE AUTHORITY, we went to University” … ?

        Comment by Robert — October 2, 2013 @ 2:22 am

      • Straight “A plus” shooters – Now strategic Targets – “The Turning of The Tables” – The ‘Shooters’ become the ‘Targets’… “Do Unto Others…”

        Comment by Robert — October 2, 2013 @ 2:27 am

  1383. The Performing Arts –

    Organised Gang Stalking – “It wasn’t me” – So let’s target the institution behind the performing arts, that is those, with a vested interest in making more money, out of psychological PERVERSION.
    But who are they ? Who would wish to make money out of Hypocrisy, when this is the real world ? The destructive and the demonic who have that classic attitude – “But we won’t be around then” and
    they preserve the Hypocrisy – The Bullshit Factor. The lies. ACTING – Definition of HYPOCRISY is ‘Acting’, acting is bullshitting, deceiving, deluding, fantasizing, alluding to the truth and hence why a
    500 year old opinion – “Some people consider the theatre to be Evil” – BECAUSE it Fucking IS ! Evil could be called anything that has no place in the real world, those the bath in escapism –
    at the expense of those that they molest with their evil deceit.

    So what are the religions doing to challenge such demonic, evil – like the controlling media, that has replaced religion of which the entertainment industry is a big part of… Religion – Reality ?
    “We can’t compete, with the amount of time spent, on plug in substance abuse, by our once faithful and easily led astray” – Yes alright, that’s accepted, but have you thought of ‘Targeting’ your
    unhealthy competitors ? Mass Exorcism Maybe, as there must be a way to stop the blind following the blind around, in such a vicious circle of uneventfulness.

    They are selling real estate somewhere else, they are pushing ‘salvation’ via delusion, some people consider religion to be evil, causal to conflict, terrorism and war… and salvation has a price tag, in
    the real world – “Submit to the lord and be saved”, Oh, and now please make a donation to the original source of Hypocrisy, please… The performing arts are just another escapist ‘religion’ selling
    fabricated farces as being ‘Gods’ – “The Stars” – are nothing more than f…ing Heathens and Pagans, gold diggers and false Gods – Dogs. “Oh but they really glow” – Yes at the expense of those that they
    are taking for a ride, molesting – at a spiritual, or, if you like – at a psychological level of privacy violating perversion.

    The so called stars are no better than those they are preying upon – which are the victims of Gang Stalking Crimes, Targeted by the fans, of the stars ? What else – and those with a vested interest in
    making money out of the Fraudsters, Godless freeloading exhibitionists, totally detached from reality – “I lost my mind, I didn’t know where I was” (The So Called Star) “You were climbing all over
    someone else, you turnip”… “but I didn’t know where I was” – continued ignorance is not bliss, nor is ignorance an excuse for ongoing crime.

    “But I didn’t know” – and you didn’t want to… Time to deflate these over rated, over paid professional hypocrites ? It just takes one prick and ‘BANG’ – bye bye to the swollen ego’s of the performing arts.
    Then they can then be forced to pay for damages – without the ability to use their ‘Powers’ – witchcraft, money and (stolen) personality to corrupt the legal procedures – Then stripping these miscreants to
    the bone. One must ‘disempower’ them first, bust up their cowardly gang banging games, that pervert the course of justice.

    The gang banging cowards will continue to push deceit, delusion and contempt – probably until someone puts a ‘bullet’ in their heads – then you get to ‘see’ the ‘Stars’ for what they really are – TURNIPS.
    Goodbye, to their over inflated Hypocrisy – Hello to complete mental illness remissions and a serious reduction of associated CRIMES – “But I didn’t know what ‘possessed’ me to do such a thing”
    Mental Illness and Crime reduction doesn’t come about by allowing Hypocrisy to reign supreme, running ‘Free’ on deluding and deceiving those that have been ‘jumped’ by some has been, or ‘wannabee’,
    that will need to take, what it takes – to cut it, in performance space – from ‘drawing’ on someone else’s potential – these ‘Stars’ don’t glow, they are fabrications that rely on ‘Waves’ by disturbing someone
    else. Your so called ‘Stars’ are FRAUDS. Down with their defence and open slather, on their bullshit factor. To cramp their style – expose the truth to them, ram it down their throats – watch them choke,
    on what they dare not swallow.

    What do I need ? The witnesses to the ongoing molestations by Cameron Michel Diaz – she would have been ‘seen’ by those around me – the ‘apparitions’ of a woman who has been out of her body for
    23 YEARS ! With witnesses, I can then proceed, legally, AGAINST her exploitations and defrauding, via deluding and deceiving me – attempted murder when she was failing at winning over a stalking
    crowd of ‘Watchers’ (Stalkers) Some of them think this is a game and everyone is in on it, till they get caught, between a rock and hard place and die in screaming pain…

    The Stalkers – you are victims of her deceit and delusion as well – she is not what you think she is, but nothing more than a power tripping fraud, just another Hollywood Dog – past it’s use by date, but a
    serious threat to me – her ‘RIDE’ – “But I have no where else to go” she got that right – Who would want you, when they learnt what you’re all about ? – Scammer. Scameron, Scammer Off – to court…
    Disempower the Witchcraft (Psychism) FIRST, otherwise such a case just turns into a ‘three ring circus’ of manipulations by the rest of the Satanic crowd – “We were all in on it together, sucker”.
    But what will the Psychiatrists do for a continuity of work – Without victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse ?… and The Judiciary – With a dependence on ‘approved’ (Legislation) organised crime ?

    Now where is that detonator, I know I left it around here somewhere, in safe mode – with the lead in ‘Wires’ twisted together… Cameron Michel Diaz – August, my No.8., No way out Scammer, the
    Detonator – time to ‘Blow’ her off… “On What Charge” ……..Huh ? She is the charge ! – it was an inside job… “Avoid Cameron Diaz, at all costs” – The idiots didn’t listen – Oh, Well – they shall learn
    the hard way – on the deadly open highway, where there is a dire shortage of STOP signs…

    Comment by Robert — October 4, 2013 @ 1:28 am

  1384. “Cameron isn’t go to stop, being a corporate butt licking exhibitionist”

    Then down with the wave and destroy these perverse miscreants economically, is there a “Safe Mode” way – to terminate a wave of undesirable attention (Stalkers) – “Probably not, I guess not”
    What do you mean “I guess not” ? You mean you don’t fucking know, right ? “Yeah, I guess so” Fuck Off you insincere freeloader, go and find someone else’s spirit to suck off, you Vampire.

    “Oh, just when the ‘kids’ were led to believe that vampire types were socially acceptable” – “Yeah like the medicalization of cleanliness, as being a disease of the ‘Mind’ called O.C.D.” Made a
    disease by the Hollywood ‘soapy’ called – MONK (O.C.D. – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) If Cleanliness, is next to Godliness, then Hollywood is full of Evil, Dirty pieces of shit – pass the Nitrile
    Rubber Gloves….

    Their ‘System’ needs inspecting… “Oh, what a dirty cunt Diaz turned out to be, camping out on someone else’s O.C.D.” – Diaz – “I love a man who does his home work” – I was down on the tiled
    floor with a scrubbing brush and AJAX spray and wipe, getting the black mould out of the tile grout… Cunt ! – I don’t need your betrayal, into my private life – get real OR Fuck Off !
    NO MORE WAVES DIAZHOLES ! – (Stalkers – the arse holes)

    Comment by Robert — October 5, 2013 @ 10:17 am

  1385. Madonna was generating attention to herself, again… “Making the News” – ?

    “I was raped at knife point, after I went to NYC in the late 1970’s”

    Is she going to tell us, more about the incident ? like “A certain Sacrifice” ? A movie about what happened to the rapist – Ritual Sacrifice, something Madonna just help herself with, can she ?
    The Justification of a “Kill”…

    Heidi Stern (Jennifer Rush) wrote songs about Madonna, But when I looked into “Madonna’s Eyes” it was Madonna’s world that would fall apart… She shouldn’t have looked into my eye’s
    (Late February 1994) on William Street, Sydney, just outside the Olivetti building, across the road from the JJJ radio station – “Watch out for the Hooker, from SoHo” – So Madonna no longer
    looks into mirrors, those eyes of innocent’s that she preys upon, to see the devil in disguise – herself. Another Jennifer Rush song mentions “Baptising the Boys” – Must be about a ‘Mind Fuck’
    otherwise known as a ‘Head Job’ “Oh, yes – those head sucks, those vampires that lack ‘Balls’…” and how they go about obtaining, the spirit they LACK ! – Taken from someone else.

    Comment by Robert — October 5, 2013 @ 10:51 am

    • The Homosexuals of Hollywood

      “When an American Needs something they lack, but cant afford it” … They just suck it out of someone else, with force ? “It’s not only American Vampires” that use pressure to create
      a ‘Vacuum’ – to breed contempt…

      Comment by Robert — October 5, 2013 @ 11:10 am

      • “Oh, Hollywood is so ‘Gay’…and taxing” what when these ‘past their use by dates’ can’t find a ‘Ride’ – a ‘dump site’ – what then, for the corporations and their ‘investors’ swinging off
        life support, in aged care ? DISCONNECT…

        Comment by Robert — October 5, 2013 @ 11:22 am

      • The Corporation ‘News Corp’ – and it subsidiary “Twentieth Century Fucks”

        Have delayed the release of ” The Cancelled Huh” for a year after Critical Filming finished in Spain – A Low Cost of Production site… a Year to edit “The Counselor” ?
        Scameron Michel Diaz will DIE upon release – “Because she lost her dump site” and all those perverse faces, looking upon her ‘spirit’, in her spirit that was stolen,
        performances, will find her in ‘abandoned’ mode, “But I need a ‘Dump Site’ (Targeted Individual) ” that will teach you shit head faggots, what not to ‘dump’ on.

        Bad luck scumbag, Cuban-American corporate butt licking trash. –

        You should have ‘elected’ to get REAL ‘Fuckwit’ ! Your Are A Dead Shithead, with all the trash you were set to dump upon me, you “Cop it Sweet” you insincere pervert…
        I will not ware this WAVE for you, perish you deceiving, deluding CUNT. Gold Digging Whore – your just the start, of the ‘Kill’ of your kind, You Mind Mole Materialistic Scumbag
        pieces of shit – FUCK OFF – Die Hard Dog shit STALKER – You Hollywood HACK ! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER – DIE CUNT ! Wear the faces, of the thespians, you piece
        of exhibitionistic trash – Looking upon your STOLEN performances – CUNT ! Damn You ‘Hollywood’ ‘Stars’ – you are SCUM. Insincere FUCKING RELENTLESS FREELOADING
        PERVERT SCUM, MIND MOLE DEGENERATES. – Still looking for the causal affects into psychosis ? Hey Shrink Scum…Still wish to live the LIE ? – Watch Your Backs !

        Comment by Robert — October 5, 2013 @ 12:20 pm

      • Remember how all those powerful sedatives –

        Didn’t prevent the death of Heath Ledger ? – “He lost his dump site” – All those Thespians, those ‘Voyeurs’ that just need to ‘Look’ at someone else’s stolen image –
        “Any similarity between characters, in this motion picture production and persons living or dead, well it’s how we make the big bucks” – “Who is next, to be Vilified ?”

        “We need the innocent – their spirits scream louder”… Now let’s sit back and ‘Watch’ Cameron Diaz, the insincere peace of shit DIE ! (Not So Innocent)

        Diaz would never be honest with her ‘Ride’ – she might lose everything, she stole, “without even knowing it”… “it was someone else’s time” –
        What a fucking idiot, She just keeps pushing the bullshit, But Hey – she just the beginning, of THE END, of her kind – THE WANNABEES !

        Hey Diaz – “You don’t want to know, what ‘HIT’ you ? ” – Diaz is already DEAD ! “Dah, who turned out the lights, on a bottle blond ?” – “Legally Blond” –
        So who allowed you, Cameron – to be a dumb shit ? “I don’t want to know the truth, self delusion is where the big bucks are”

        Comment by Robert — October 5, 2013 @ 12:51 pm

      • “So have you got anyone else lined up…as a gullible dump site ? “

        Comment by Robert — October 5, 2013 @ 12:57 pm

    • “I want to sit on his case” – “Bad Teacher” – “I want to sit on his face” and ? “Words, they cut like a knife” – Hey cunt get a life, I don’t want to hear what you’re worth…


      Comment by Robert — October 5, 2013 @ 1:02 pm

      • “You better be careful about what you wish for” – (The unreleased “the Cancelled Huh”) – “Yeah, especially on someone else’s star” –
        “Wo ,ha, this place is hot”

        Comment by Robert — October 5, 2013 @ 1:06 pm

      • “Are yes the ‘Fernell’ blow ins”

        How is it going Eddy Fernell, you psyche dog dead-shit, got someone else to dump scripts and sequences on, for a buck, making “Waves” for the “Has had their TURNS” ?
        “That Bitch of Fernell’s, she sure looked like an age fucked Diaz, Over weight and all” (May – November 2012 – No. 26 Wistaria Street, Wyoming, NSW, Australia)
        Just another Occultist’s ‘Haunt’… Also known to victims of GANG STALKING as a “Spook House” – until their target is gone.

        Comment by Robert — October 5, 2013 @ 1:19 pm

      • “It could be easier you know” – “Yeah, just dump Diaz in his lap” – “He’s killed the institution, you know, what are we going to delude & deceive with ?”

        “No, the ‘kids’ aren’t going to ‘wear’ anymore bullshit” – “So, when can we pull the plug, on our ‘aged care’ delusion & deceit ? “

        Comment by Robert — October 5, 2013 @ 1:53 pm

  1386. “Avoid Cameron Diaz at all costs”

    This was a ‘Hit’ whilst listening to an Album of “The Stranglers” – I had set up the master bedroom as a studio, as the lounge room area was still full of packing boxes, pending cleaning the house
    thoroughly – it wasn’t kept to a ‘standard’ by the previous tenants, with a big dog and cats – it stunk like an animal pound. Anyway – Whoever it was that delivered that hit “Avoid Cam…” knew what
    was going on. It is a pity that the entire entertainment industry has such a ‘dependence’ on privacy violations and the use of hidden knowledge (the occult) to continue functioning. There is no honour
    among miscreants. The entire institution, of the performing arts is dependant on Organised Crimes, its a cut throat business as per Hunter S. Thompson – “The music business is a shallow money trench
    where pimps and thieves run the corridors and halls, good men die like dogs and then there is the negative side”

    The negative side – the black side, the dark side or commonly referred to as taboo or the occult. Fuck the Occult – burn, through disclosure their hidden knowledge and effectively burn those practicing
    the occult (witchcraft) – “How to disempower a witch” – then watch them die, for they can no longer function and have nothing else to live for. This is a plus one for Humanity, burn the ‘wannabee’ crowd
    and end the consumption of the spirit of innocent human beings, being souled out to stuff the guts of the business turds of the performing arts – their “Stars” need spirit to ‘feed’ on, the so called star’s
    spirit long gone, to public consumerism. Then they parade as if they had no idea what they were doing – but keep doing it anyway, well after they are TOLD what they are doing, but still refuse to STOP
    and to “Get Down” This is usually when the ‘Mark Chapman’s’ obtain reform – violently – “Bang” and one dead, dead head (John Lennon) that had no idea who it was ‘climbing’ all over, for ‘inspirations’
    “there’s Nazi’s under the stairs” OR – “You better watch out for what you wish for” (Diaz) – “Flash Bang” and the star you were wishing (performing) upon had a thermal cleansing…and blew you off.

    No more protection rackets like psychiatry, defending these pieces of shit – without even knowing it – they were just adhering to their misinformed educations, liking every thing the way it is, more money
    in their pockets – they will not accept a need for reform, as reform is a threat to their business – NOT practice, but BUSINESS. The Judiciary and Politicians – they like everything the way it is as well, but
    the politicians are incapable of reform – they are simply told what to do, by the power broking elitists, so it really doesn’t matter who you vote for.

    Every system has it’s secrets and secrets have secret societies. This is the key to reform – blow the secrets off the map and the occultists will be holding onto the map, or how to kill two, for the cost of
    one. It just takes one Mega Star to come ‘clean’ and realize what they have done, to the spirit, the soul of another human being – they have built their careers on pinning someone else down, to total
    misadventure, uneventfulness, misfortune and hopelessness, etcetera.

    How much evidence, based on the facts is required ? How do you get the witnesses, with blood on their hands (their own) to ‘Straighten Out’ ? To come forward and tell you, the targeted individual,
    what they perceived happening to you – threaten them with extinction ? What about set them up, with something they wont like – for example depression, as wind up merchants don’t like being run down.
    Depression can be induced, without the use of depressant drugs – like play back a recording of their ‘Hounding’s’ – over and over again – they know it’s their voice, you have recorded – this method indeed
    works, just watch out, for who clears out of your neighbourhood, when they can longer bare the sound of their own assault, upon someone else… The best method of ‘Capture’ is to ignore them, they then
    get ‘recorded’ at sufficient decibels, suitable for replay. Don’t forget to ad some of your own repetition like “Who put you up, to harass & intimidate me, stranger”

    Comment by Robert — October 6, 2013 @ 9:38 am

    • This is when we need “Dirty Harry” (Clint Eastwood) – Get the fuck Down, Diaz – or he’ll blow your head off…

      Comment by Robert — October 6, 2013 @ 10:08 am

      • “You feeling lucky, well are you punk” – Ka-Fucking-Boom “Body bag required”

        Comment by Robert — October 6, 2013 @ 10:12 am

      • What about Sean Penn ? – “The Thin Red Line” Penn’s character is wading through the swamp – “where are you, Fyfe” – when do these idiots stop ?
        When “The Game” is all over ? – “Hey, how did he get out of the box” – A Mushroom, kept in the dark and fed bullshit… A Little Too Long. Still wish
        to push it, well do you punks ? ENOUGH OF YOUR BULLSHIT – Scam Artists. Robert & Cameron “You two are perfect together” – Depp. Now it’s
        Cobert & Rameron.

        Comment by Robert — October 6, 2013 @ 10:25 am

      • “any similarity of character’s, being assassinated, by this motion picture production and persons living or dead, is purely coincidence”

        GET FUCKED ! – you performing artists are feeding on the spirit you LACK, you are consuming the spirit of the innocent, you retards.

        Comment by Robert — October 6, 2013 @ 10:36 am

      • “why am I being Stalked, Harassed & Intimidated ? ” – You have some dead head “Star” taking you for a ride, but the star doesn’t want to know – you’re insignificant.

        Comment by Robert — October 6, 2013 @ 10:49 am

      • Hey Diaz and Diazholes, you didn’t set out to make your peace, with me – you are on MY PLANET, in the heavens – STALKING TRASH,
        Life is short…and I am going to torture you ETERNALLY, for what you have done, to my life YOU SCUM ! There is no exit path, you will
        go through a living hell – to get to hell – MATERIALISTIC WHORES. Gagged & Bound with molten Iron & Nickel – no emissions of an
        electro static, or electro magnetic nature – you will silently burn for ever more, or for the life of the planet Earth, which ever comes first, as
        you Hacks are damned, for what you have done upon this soul. It was not your ‘Star’ for a “Take-Over” I look forward to your screams
        for mercy – eternally, you did not seek to be FORGIVEN. The electro-magnetic wave travels, along with the electro-static wave, at the
        Vector Sum of 90 degrees – but you dumb shit don’t want to know what this means…

        Comment by Robert — October 6, 2013 @ 11:17 am

      • “Business as usual, for a deluding Jew ? “

        Comment by Robert — October 6, 2013 @ 11:33 am

      • Ar, yes the scum that think they are God’s children, everything else is “lessor” – to be ‘bullshitted’ – “your days are NUMBERED, pig shit CONSUMERS”

        Comment by Robert — October 6, 2013 @ 11:49 am

      • Hey, Diaz and you ‘Hollywood’ drop kicks, still wish to make ‘Waves’ ? – GET DOWN FUCKWITS, deliberate ignorance – well it isn’t going to find you peace, idiots !

        Comment by Robert — October 6, 2013 @ 11:56 am

      • Wealth, power – at some suckers expense – DEATH TO YOU FALSE GODS, and your faithful, the fan club – that ‘worship’ the ‘stars’ ready to die Diaz ? like the rest of the
        freeloading Hack Trash – working for the Corporations ? – Corporations, with their ‘Investments’ – The ROTTING corpses on “We don’t won’t to be damned yet” – AGED

        Comment by Robert — October 6, 2013 @ 12:12 pm

      • “Well you cant straighten out the compulsive liars, with the truth – but you can bend their delusion & deceit, until they break” – Yep, they continue to push their bullshit ‘up hill’,
        eventually their backs will break, because there wont be anyone to back them up… No one to hide behind, no one to scapegoat, no one to take for a ride – they will be all alone,
        in their dwindling numbers.

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 6:18 am

  1387. So abandoned is ANY media, so when they don’t get the reactions, to sustain the ‘Wave’ they require, then all they have done to someone else comes back at them. It won’t serve them well, when they
    begin molesting the neighbours – the neighbours become witnesses, to the assault. Miscreants, grandstanding idiots require ‘Go-Betweens’ and when there isn’t a ‘noise’ source, around their target, to
    ‘hit’ on ? Death of a ‘Wave’ – Dead Ringers, pissing in the wind – until all their piss comes back at them – silently ! “So who do you think you are pissing on Star ?” – They get caught and cant save face.

    Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 8:35 am

    • Diaz – “I thought he was a rock star, or something” – she really does need an ‘education’…on what not to continue doing – attempts at maintaining a stolen career, upon
      another ‘Star’, who would rather stay a planet.

      Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 8:41 am

      • “But he’s got a ‘ticket’ – use it or lose it” –

        The Comment of Anthony Perry Gannon, the English Guy Ritchie ‘Go-Between’ that was stalking me from 1995 to ? – presumed deceased…
        “what happens to ‘Career Criminals’ – they never get to enjoy the spoils. Educating the stars, begins with downing them from the ‘Heavens’
        especially when they were freeloading ‘Wannabees’ – the Madonna Mob, since 1977… The life of a star is short, eternity is forever – idiots.

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 8:54 am

      • So why would some “Virgo Monkey” be interested in stalking, via a ‘Go-Between’ a “Virgo Rat” – Answer – to get into the ‘Groove’ – Madonna’s CRAP ?
        Lots of money. That horse that Guy Richie bought, for Madonna’s birthday was rigged with a receiver and delivered a ‘Jerk’, when the transmitter was
        ‘activated’ – they drilled out the hoove, of that race horse stock and planted a device, the shock pulse was intent on ‘throwing’ Madonna off, when the
        horse was up to speed, she survived the attempted murder. If she didn’t ? Guy Richie and associates had complete control over her estate. He got
        his French car and chicks anyway – it just took longer. “Last time I slept, San Diego” – “Hit on, Sting likes yesterday, not fire away” – These are
        the ‘Mis-Heard’ lyrics, of a Madonna song in 1995 – Gannon had moved in, that January. San Diego ? – The Madonna ‘Wannabee’ – Diaz, she grew up
        there, with a Walnut Tree.

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 9:18 am

      • And Sean Penn ?

        “Lets meet, over at your mother’s house, this afternoon and tell her of our intentions to marry” (Madonna’s ‘Subtle Suggestion’ – July 19, 1985)

        Penn, in the mid 2000’s – “How does he know all this stuff”

        Answer – I was there, idiot ! – I Wasn’t a ‘willing’ ‘Go-Between’ you dumb ass American “Leo Rat” – (Refer to June the 11th, 2011 comment)
        juicy evidence, of “how to protect the psychosis and crime generating ‘stars’ “

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 9:41 am

      • The Stars – ” I’ve got a ticket to ride” –

        Yeah ? So who’s character are you assassinating now ? – “I don’t care, they must have done something to deserve it”

        The ‘Stars’ – Let’s punch all the ‘sections’ – out of their tickets… “Oh, but the senile investors on life support, in aged care ? ”

        You can’t teach old monkeys any new tricks… Time to ‘kill’ the Corporations – “Every business grows, to the obscene, to
        the obscene…every business goes, to the obscene…yeah”. – The Righteous Brothers…

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 10:01 am

      • “Oh, Hold On, Wait for heat, wait for heat” “I’ll be coming home, wait for h e a t “

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 10:05 am

      • …and when I get home ?

        Well, I tried to free this planet from the bullshit factor…no one listened – So Glaze It.

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 10:20 am

      • Ah, yes – the smell of burning ‘stars’ – so what else is on the ‘Menu’ ?

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 10:24 am

  1388. “So, where am I” – (Diaz)

    You are upon a planet in the constellation of Virgo, with no way out, as you are not a star, but a freeloading American that refuses to give up.

    Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 10:54 am

    • “Get down Diaz, or I’ll blow your head off” – No, I’m not Clint Eastwood… I just object to ‘Head Lice’

      Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 11:00 am

      • “Still feeling lucky”, well are you head lice ?

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 11:06 am

      • Methods of doing ‘In’ the soul vampires, yet to be immortalized – “But I need a Ride” – ?

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 11:09 am

      • “I got a ticket to ride”

        Goodbye insincere, freeloading, over-rated, exhibitionist – you won’t see it coming, you chose to ignore the warnings… Shit happens, in aged care.

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 11:14 am

      • “But I’m only 41 years old, there’s time yet” – What ? to continue deluding & deceiving those you ‘Preyed’ upon, Star shit ? –
        “Just another John Lennon, that didn’t want to know” then out come the Mark Chapman’s – that have had enough, of being ‘taken’
        for a ride… GOT IT YET ? – Victims of Organized Gang Stalking ? – your stars, they don’t ‘Glow’ they make ‘WAVES’ – to the
        individuals, that they consider – insignificant, those that did ‘Glow’ – the one’s of ‘true’ spirit – not the money bag scum, of Hollywood.

        Remote viewing = potential for a remote ‘Killing’ – get the fuck off me ‘Star’ scum – or I will defend myself, as required, Gold Diggers.
        You have nothing to offer, you NEVER did ! So it’s, KILL TIME. Watch the ‘Stars’ fall from the heavens ARSEHOLES ! – Right on
        top of you pagan, heathen trash. – Still want to play ‘profitable’ ‘Mind Games’ you damned shit ?

        Comment by Robert — October 8, 2013 @ 11:38 am

  1389. If a victim of the organized crimes within the performing arts is going to succeed, legally, as in prosecution, then the first step required is the disempowerment of the perpetrators defence – PSYCHISM.
    There is little point attempting prosecution before this first step, as these miscreants will ‘gang bang’ the judiciary, this would of course include the persecution of a victim’s legal party, perhaps blackmail,
    such as – “What do we have on the attorney, or what do we have on the Judge” the gang banging crowd have no respect for the law, the courts and are totally ‘Godless’. They also have an almost
    bottomless pit of money – to corrupt legal procedure. A victim could succeed, by winning first, which would mean ‘destroying’ the perpetrators defence chances, by going public with the facts, pertaining
    to the case, before it was heard in the courts… This is the method used by the perpetrators – it is to assault, slander, demean and other methods of destroying the ‘spirit’ of the victim, so that no one pays
    any serious attention to them.

    My case against Diaz, was that she set out to destroy me, at all costs – it was attempted murder. But why would a successful ‘Mega Star’ do this to me ? Her career was not her life, it was a wave of
    continuous assault, of my life. The industry, that was aware of her presence upon me was of no use, in prosecution – for obvious reasons – they are ALL in on it, that is, the molestation, possession and
    exploitation of their ‘targeted individuals’. I needed outsiders, as witnesses – to Diaz’s presence upon me, her destructiveness of my PRIVATE life, her molestation of those around me and those doing her
    destructive bidding for her, as she clearly set out to destroy me for reasons the would be obvious – she had everything to lose, her entire career was based upon the destruction of my life. Diaz never had
    a ‘star’ – just another remote viewing manipulative Hollywood hack, quite happy to have her soul climbing all over someone else’s POTENTIAL. We need to accept the facts of what ‘Remote Viewing’ is
    all about – O.B.E’s – When one is not out of their minds – but their minds are out of their body and climbing all over another persons life.

    Why allow this practice, by attempting to suggest it just isn’t REALITY, that it isn’t happening, it’s circumstantial and there is no supportive evidence of this hideous use of hidden knowledge – when it is
    so damn EVIL – possession of one living human being by the Hollywood hacks, that sold out, their souls to the devil’s advocates – the corporations of the performing arts. These hacks are NOT STARS,
    but demonically monstrous, mass murderers that prey upon the spirit of another human being, destructively – and if questioned ? Absolute Denial, of what they are practicing – effectively witchcraft. They
    have become Satanists, with no respect for another human being’s life, or psychological stability. They are NOT stars – Mega, or otherwise they are ‘Wave Making’ PARASITES, who would happily kill
    their ‘Host’ if the host was compromising them – say, through public disclosure. Cameron Diaz flatly refused to get the fuck off me, she had a job to do – destroy my spirit, for a murder that would have no
    witnesses. They run their targeted individual down – physically, mentally, economically and socially – prior to the ‘Kill’…and NO WITNESSES ? – now the wave making, wind up merchants have crossed
    the wrong path – I won’t be hitting the breaks – “I didn’t see anything, on the road – did you” – SPLAT !

    Then I can proceed legally, without their perversion and corruption into my prosecution case – they will be dead heads, without a manipulative chance – then so begins successful prosecutions and law
    suits against other perpetrators, by those they victimized, exploited, terrorized and attempted the murder, thereof. It’s a bit like – “Why don’t they get off his case, it’s not their real estate to takeover” but
    seeing as they holding on tight, for a destructive ride – why not let them destroy themselves ? They can’t win this one, they just see it coming – “They lived their lives, squatting on someone else’s mind”
    Diaz, or any of the ‘Madonna Mob’ had no honourable intentions – EVER. It has been 36 years since they ‘HIT’ on me, on my 17th birthday and refused to let go, of their stolen ‘ride’. They haven’t paid the
    rent either, it was time they were thrown out, onto the street – then they set out to destroy the host. They wont survive the street life, they will become targets of their own doing – to others. “The stars,
    that ‘shined’ on you, they were all yellow” Soon they will be Black & Blue, all swollen up and it wont be their ego’s. The TRUTH will beat the living the LIE out of them, they MUST lose, before it gets to
    court – pull their ‘power’ cords first.

    Comment by Robert — October 11, 2013 @ 7:31 am

  1390. The Manufacture of the “Stars”

    “So you wanna bee a star ?” – The Corporation. “Yes Please” – Diaz. But Diaz did not have any ‘Glow’ about her, just another dumb, bottle blond model. So what would the corporation do, for this
    wannabee ? BUT, really for themselves – the occultist ‘investors’, in the corporations. They would stitch her ‘UP’, at a psychological level – her subconsciousness, or if you like – her higher self, her

    Signing ‘Deals with the Devil’ is signing contracts, for stardom, with the corporations. The wannabee ‘star’ is NEVER told what will become of their spirit, prior to any such signing’s of ANY contracts,
    ‘Deals’ with these corporate satanic monsters… The stars will find out, the hard way, when they are all chewed out – by public consumerism and finding themselves parasitically feeding, like a vampire,
    upon the spirit, the subconscious, the soul of another human being that they are destructively ‘taking’ for a never ending ride. They could be likened to a heroin addict, that needs a taste (a hit) just to
    feel ‘normal’ – they really are ‘addicted’ – to being over paid, over rated, deluding & deceiving junkies – Welcome to the age of planned failure, planned obsolescence and corporate controlled land fill
    commodities broker…age.

    It is the ‘spirit’ of humanity that these corporations are proactive in ‘burying’ – the ‘manufacture’ of a so called star, it begins with mind control programming. In the case of setting Diaz ‘UP’ for stardom
    they had to find a suitable ‘candidate’ on which to dump her soul, or as others might prefer – her sub conscious mind. Compatibility testing, via the not so ‘hidden’ (occult) methods, being astrology and
    numerology – initially, then more personal, ‘stitching’ them ‘UP’ practices for Source (The Targeted Individual) Versus Drain (The star wannabee). The drain, sorry, I mean the star wannabee, would be
    shown images of the Source, while the star wannabee candidate and the source were both sleeping, to ‘see’ if there was any rejections and then attempted behavioural modifications of either OR BOTH.

    This is what mind control is – behavioural modifications to enable psychological ‘control’, it is done without consent or knowledge, much to the denial of those involved in advertising… An advertising
    example – The Advertising Corporation – “We have a untapped market, for selling refrigerators to the Eskimo’s”… and just how is this going to happen ? “We will hit on them while they are asleep, tell
    them about how these refrigerators will stop their food from freezing, they wont need to plug them into power, no more digging holes in the permafrost…We will hit them over and over again, with this
    ‘program’ – until we achieve sales results” So advertising is mind control, repetitive suggestion, that is over & over again and making it different to hypnosis type suggestive manipulations, which are
    not sustained repetition. So what happened, to the Eskimos ? – “They bought the refrigerators” – so they could sleep at night, without the repetitive, suggestive bullshit that was keeping them awake… ?

    In the case of the Diaz ‘Candidate’ and ‘programming’ her soul, (her subconscious functioning) onto my spirit and compatibility being assured – she was shown, while sleeping – images of me, along with
    the ‘Art’ of positive suggestions, about me and the like. Next step was her “Disassociation” of her Body & Soul – these manufactured commodities – the stars, need to be disinhibited – otherwise all the
    ‘punters’ (the thespian crowd) looking upon her image, on the screen – thinking about her, etcetera – they end up in her face and she would not sleep too well, without the use of performance disabling

    The disassociation of the ‘Soul’ of Diaz was forth-fold, firstly to empower at the expense of the Source (The Targeted Individual, her ‘Ride’, her empowerment, glow, etcetera) and secondly was the need
    to disinhibit, the normal body/soul function – thirdly – To make her forget the ‘programming’ – who she was subconsciously ‘preying’ upon – by slipping her a neurotoxin, such as Strychnine, to traumatize
    her AFTER she was exposed to the mind control ‘Trigger’ – which was the arrangement of seeing me in full living reality – “Don’t I Know You From Somewhere ?” – “I’m all in your mind, stranger” and then
    “Bang” – “I thought I was going to die” – the ‘Alcohol Poisoning’ episode, but that was what she was ‘told’, but in reality – she was poisoned with a neurotoxin – YES, to forget the programming and her
    Targeted Individual, being her Source – her ‘Ride’.

    Now, she was the property of the Corporate Thugs of Hollywood – to have their way with… AT MY EXPENSE, SCUMBAGS. A forth reason for a body soul disassociation, when manufacturing and the
    maintaining of the so called star, is a need to have an ‘Empty’ (Bottle Blond ?) to fill up, with the character – to be portrayed…or assassinated – in what becomes a ‘snuff’ movie, for the Targeted Individual,
    that is being Ritually Abused – not the targeted individual that is Source, to the ‘Star’ – it is a multi-faceted system of exploitation and murder.

    This is entertainment to the morons, that demand to be ‘entertained’ – by the mind control, big corporate business bullshit, that the performing ‘Arts’ are really about – Controlling the spirit of humanity,
    making a buck out of it and the art of ‘Dummying’ us all down, ready for the Satanic ‘Kill’ – where the Evil Delusions and Deceit of Religion has Failed to maintain S.R.A (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and the
    “We want to be God” Control Bullshit…

    Comment by Robert — October 14, 2013 @ 3:43 am

    • “We want to be God” Control Bullshit…” ? – No, NOT the ‘Stars’ – But – “The Corporations” , that indeed control their “Manchurian Candidates” (or Manchurian Soldiers) …the ‘stars’
      The voice of ‘God’ – The corporation’s limited liability, ‘investors’ – OCCULTISTS, hiding out, behind the ‘other’ investors, that don’t want to know what’s going on… They choose to
      ‘Visit’ one of their ‘Offshore Banks’ – “Hello Sandra (Bullock) – We would like you to invest a million dollars, into the Haiti Earthquake relief funding” Bullock – “Oh, O.K.”… “Now Sandra,
      could you invest a sizeable amount, in Hillary Clinton” – Bullock – “Yes, alright” … So Advertising, the art of repetitive suggestion, it just doesn’t work… So how could mind control ?
      Um, they are the same thing – but don’t tell anyone…”We want to keep them separated” – News Corp and 20th Century Fucks – Mind Control Programs – Last I heard, the Murdoch’s
      were planning a “Separation” … They didn’t want the ‘News’ to become ‘entertainment’.

      Comment by Robert — October 14, 2013 @ 4:17 am

      • Upon release of ‘The Counsellor’

        “Well, Diaz – she is always late” I will not ware the wave, of attention to this “product” – if she doesn’t make her REALISTIC presence, with me – she can ‘cop’ the wave of thespians,
        that are looking upon her – they will rip her to pieces and Hollywood ends up with a ‘Turnip’. She chose not to be REAL with me, when the thespian crowd ‘get in my face’ … Well,
        she wishes to remain a grand-standing fuckwit, with full knowledge to her ‘Source’ and now – everyone else. She can have the attention she didn’t crave – those that hate such wind
        up exhibitionists – only intent on making waves – I will not defend you Diaz, you had nothing to offer me – so perish, to the pervert (thespian) crowd. There is time left, to pull the plug
        and ‘Zero’ the wave to me – BY BEING REAL – otherwise, you better get your affairs and will in order. Your Death, Diaz – it is preventable… GET UP CLOSE & PERSONAL, DOWN
        THIS WAVE…

        Comment by Robert — October 17, 2013 @ 7:07 am

      • Diaz, via ‘Diazholes’ (Gang-stalkers) “But I cant, I have contracts that I just can’t walk away from”
        Then please make sure your affairs are in order, because those corporations are about to make
        a ‘killing’ out of you – more for the occultist ‘investors’, in these corporations – and this SCAM !

        “More money, in the death of a star, to be made – over what could be made – when they were ‘Living’ ” !

        Comment by Robert — October 17, 2013 @ 7:27 am

      • The ‘Corporation’ – “She was on the way down anyway” – “So let’s maximize profits, from the dead bullshit artist”

        Comment by Robert — October 17, 2013 @ 7:31 am

      • “So what happens to us”

        Oh yes – the ‘all women and girls are STALKERS’ – with their favourite ‘Star’ – you die with her, as you chose not to repent – TO ME.

        Comment by Robert — October 17, 2013 @ 7:43 am

      • “So do you think that they will revise the laws, that make homosexuality socially acceptable ? ” – “What with, pulling the plug on the gang stalking ‘stars’ ? ”

        Bitches that need balls, Faggots that need pity… Oh’ and MONEY…..

        Comment by Robert — October 17, 2013 @ 8:04 am

      • Get real, or die Diaz. – Is being an idiot Dike that important, now that you know why your ‘fucklife’ is so un-eventful… Maybe A problem with being upon another’s SOUL ?

        Comment by Robert — October 17, 2013 @ 8:15 am

      • So what is the matter with reality Diaz, you bullshitting, taxing DIKE ? You grandstanding exhibitionistic, wave making AMERICAN WHORE, you are NO ‘Star’
        You are a poaching, pimping, deluding, deceiving piece of WAVE MAKING American DISEASE – Scum upon this Earth, A fucking SATANIC butt licking SCAB.

        …That seeks, not to repent. “We like everything the way it is, under ‘our’ Control” – fuck ‘Control’, you moron.

        Comment by Robert — October 17, 2013 @ 8:46 am

      • “We have 100,000 Mark Chapman, anti-Manchurians, ready for the ‘Word’ ”

        Let’s wait and see if Diaz, makes her physical peace with me – otherwise, if she doesn’t give closure to the ‘Wave’, upon release of “The Counsellor”

        OPEN SLATHER, on the “Wave Making” ‘Stars’ – END THIS DECEIT – Cull the Morons, enough of this ape shit…

        Comment by Robert — October 17, 2013 @ 8:57 am

      • “The investor’s in escapism think they will be safe” Ha Ha Ha Ha, they were party to the deceit & delusion – that will be SLAYED.

        Comment by Robert — October 17, 2013 @ 9:04 am

      • “the problem with taking someone for a ‘ride’ – a fool. YOU WILL LEARN – sometimes ‘Reality’ bites…HARD ! – “What happened to our delusion, our deceit ? ” – LOVE HURTS.

        Comment by Robert — October 17, 2013 @ 9:10 am

  1391. Hi! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this site?
    I’m getting sick and tired of WordPress because I’ve had
    problems with hackers and I’m looking at options for another platform. I would be great if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.

    Comment by bonie — October 17, 2013 @ 3:33 pm

    • bonie,

      It may not be hackers, I experienced problems on this site when I was running XP, then I upgraded. The Microsoft XP system was slowing down, to useless –
      being sabotaged out of operation – deliberate planned obsolescence by The Corporation, Microsoft – pure and simple as that. There are many sites that deal
      with Organized Crimes such as gang stalking – most concentrate with playing it down as delusion and paranoid psychological disorder. Other sites are intent
      on maintaining the use of technology, as the cause.

      Very few sites EXPOSE the facts of who have something to financially GAIN from such attacks, upon the population of victims, that have become aware that
      they are being deliberately disturbed – for no justifiable reason. Have a look around at what best suits your particular issue, many will be riddled with misinformation
      tacticians, the exploitive cheats and freeloaders, looking for kicks…and a means of Making MONEY, screwing someone else over, for what they lack – and then trying
      to cover it all up. Me, I specialize in beating them at their own games, one day they will quit… Hopefully before they are dead, on the ‘Wave’…

      Comment by Robert — October 18, 2013 @ 12:39 am

  1392. Sooner than Later,

    Cameron will seek out the truth, although she has ‘enjoyed’ bathing in Delusion & Deceit for 23 years, all that money obtained at someone else’s expense and not giving a shit – “But I’m a star”
    No you are not – you are a Corporate Controlled ‘Zombie’ and like the other so called ‘Stars’ all you do is wind people up, with your ‘special’ brand of bullshit to sustain a wave of attention to
    yourselves. You are a ‘disposable’ commodity – you do NOT ‘Glow’ without a ‘Ride’. Ware the truth, you are NOT ‘stars’ you are wannabee trash. Gutless, Parasitic, Pointless TRASH. Make
    your peace with a victim of your mind games ? C’mon you gutless ‘Hacks’ – Let us see you get real, with your targets – against the senile, manipulative ‘game’ players, of the CORPORATIONS.

    You “Star” shitheads are going to lose your rides and your ‘scapegoats’ – then out come the ‘Demons’ –

    Good Bye mind game moles… all that money and you will NEVER get to enjoy it – parasites, The ‘Star’ is a doomed, idolized piece of FALSE GOD SCUM – Which is a SATANIST. Death to you
    false Gods – then DAMNATION to you, ETERNALLY – ENOUGH of your collective gang banging, gang stalking HYPOCRISY – FUCK OFF, ‘Star’ TRASH. I WANT OUT, I will ‘Kill’ those that pin
    my soul down, you won’t see it coming… “Hey, I used to be a ‘Star’ – now I’m a useless turnip” – “So what became of Diaz” – answered, before asked. She has less than 10 days, before the
    release of “The Counsellor” – when all ‘Hell’ will break loose – she refused to Zero the Wave, to me, with REALISTIC CONTACT – with me. TOUGH SHIT MURDOCH, your Corporation obstructed
    her Realistic Approach, to ME – Your corporation, 20th Century Fucks will be held responsible for her death, by misadventure, by suicide or by what ever you ‘Try’ on… I will then TARGET YOU,
    and your ‘INVESTORS’ – Ready For WAR, you senile, privacy violating, pervert IDIOT cunts ?

    Comment by Robert — October 18, 2013 @ 7:12 am

    • “It wasn’t us was it son, we didn’t know what they were doing with our money (Privacy Violations) did we son” – Rupert Murdoch.
      “We had no idea, what the people, we trusted were doing with our money” – James Murdoch.

      The Commission, enquiring into the ‘News of the World’ phone hacking scandal – “You naughty Corporation, now be humble and
      here is a smack on the wrist” WHAT A LOAD of FUCKING BULLSHIT – the enquiry really was…

      Comment by Robert — October 18, 2013 @ 7:22 am

      • A Commission, run by Homosexuals, protective of Homosexual Investments – “When the faggot needs love, it just takes it, from a heterosexual – on a ‘Wave’ of
        gang banging privacy violations” – So what is next ? – Freedom for Ped’s, “We’ve finished with sodomising the ‘Target’ anyone need an organ donor ? “

        Comment by Robert — October 18, 2013 @ 8:09 am

      • “Homosexuals do not LOVE, they LUST”

        Comment by Robert — October 18, 2013 @ 8:11 am

  1393. On the 15th of July 2012,

    Cameron Michel Diaz entered my private life, without so much as a thought about her, by me. Present were Sandra Bullock and her Sister Gesene (Goo-Seen-A, a hate it when they call her Jez-Ean)
    Sandra had been positioned since early April ’12, the whole thing was to be a Hollywood Heavy Weight ‘Pin Down’ – Why ? – Madonna’s MAJOR tour was starting in May ’12 – it was imperative that I
    was constantly ‘Accessible’ by Madonna – her primary ‘Source’ (Empowerment) and the un-invited entrance of Diaz ? Madonna’s No.1 ‘conduit’ (Accessibility, without detection since 1990/1991) How
    has ‘soulful’ life been for Diaz for nearly 23 years – locked up, on the spirit of an Australian ‘Cousin’ – she has NEVER met ? – only bumped into – literally speaking. I know what it has been like, for both
    of us – we haven’t had a ‘Life’…

    Misadventure after misadventure, no love in our lives, just – “Why didn’t that relationship work out”. In early 1992 – I stopped getting involved in relationships, one night stands or whatever, with the
    exception of a one night stand, in Feb ’98, which left me walking home, un-relieved, with a aching balls – I mean severe PAIN. This celibacy would continue until Feb ’05 when I was approached by
    a Aquarian/Dragon (Female- Lydia Young) about 8 and a half years older than me. Wow, what a ‘Coincidence’ – Justin Timberlake ? an Aquarian – significantly younger than Diaz. Neither relationships
    were ‘designed’ – by the ‘occult’ to last. Timberlake’s Chinese sign is the ‘Monkey’ which fits into the Rat, Dragon, Monkey – Triangle. Diaz & Myself are Rats, Timberlake’s & Young’s birthdays were only
    3 days apart… ‘Coincidences’, coincidences’ – TOO MANY coincidences equals a PATTERN… used by the occultists – the manipulative scum, you wait you pieces of…

    Diaz was the ‘institution’ of the performing arts – ‘The Stars’ last chance. She failed to ‘Delude & Deceive’ as required – to ‘induce’ a nervous breakdown, whereby the Madonna ‘Target Source’ would
    be medically diagnosed and be poisoned with powerful drugs to ‘Forget’ such programming and patterning (Mind Control) and business as usual for the SATANISTS. Psychiatry is “Washing” of the
    brain – “Now forget the Awareness” – it was all in your mind… Anyone else feel like torturing a mis-educated system puppet ? Torture would not produce any valuable outcome – these idiots actually
    believe the deceit and delusion, they were taught to be the facts…because it was a University, with an accredited ‘course’ – “Controlled minds, that submitted to the bullshit factor” “You performing
    artists, you can just delude and deceive them – if they complain about being ‘Hit On’ – we will just destroy their brains, chemically”

    “Hey Star, your nothing more than a wind up, wave making SCUMBAG” – “A gutless piece of yellow shit” – FACE ME FUCKER ! – “Psyche-Trick-or-Treat” is going to sit this one out, they have been
    severely compromised – as ‘specialists’ in deliberate misdiagnosis and the medicalization of NATURAL PHENOMINON. “But we can’t compete with ‘Homo-Superior’ ” Time to fuck off – APE SHIT
    INBREDS ! (The Soul-Less) – how would you like the grinding of the teeth to begin, lying scum ? and the end of the planet of the ape shit ?

    Comment by Robert — October 19, 2013 @ 12:04 pm

    • So what about it Diaz, cant you face me in reality – YOU don’t wish to talk about your attempts to Delude & Deceive ME ? “Oh you poor little GUTLESS TURNIP” –
      Still a Corporate Controlled ‘Zombie’ that doesn’t want to know, another life – you could finally call ‘your own’ … Everyone, in the ‘industry’ saw you – climbing all
      over me – bye, bye industry ! – You GUTLESS FAGGOTS. I’m ‘gonna get out of HERE – DESTRUCTIVELY, there never was anything on offer, the scum, well
      they just TAKE – Like JUST-in-timber-LAKE, or was is Lackee… Something for Diaz to bag. I thought it was the Jared Leto, tree of Herpes Syndrome…

      Comment by Robert — October 19, 2013 @ 12:25 pm

      • “Hey – didn’t Robert Dewey Hoskins come from Oregon, the Timber Industry” – Madonna’s & The Warner Group’s ‘Scapegoat’…if ANYONE ‘looked’ at the Robert
        ‘Down-Under’ (In Australia), and the American – R.D.H. – he had a wife, a family, with children. You WAIT MADONNA – I have a living HELL for you and your kind
        – ETERNALLY.

        Molten Iron & Nickel, to gag & bind your kind forever more, you EXHIBISHIONISTIC PARASITES… Satanic Whores – un-forgiven, you will remain forever more.
        “It’s too late when your DEAD” – Shitheads !

        Comment by Robert — October 19, 2013 @ 12:55 pm

      • “How would you like to face this guy, when he’s dead, and you thought you had a life…”

        Comment by Robert — October 19, 2013 @ 1:25 pm

      • “Sorry, I’m out of here”

        “Take us with you”

        “I cant woman or ‘man’… the ‘gaits’,,,the gates have been closed – for ‘service’ … then service…it just quit the junky age, man, – what for, another woman ?

        “Hey, wow… another lost soul”

        Comment by Robert — October 19, 2013 @ 1:34 pm

      • Ryder, Wyn-no-na –

        So that was 1988 – So where is this cycle going now dude ? …Not the guy with the tools, and the know how.

        Comment by Robert — October 19, 2013 @ 2:00 pm

  1394. Diaz chose not to close this wave,

    She has KNOWINGLY been taking me for a ride, with deceit & delusion for over 15 months. There are witnesses to this gang banging, gang stalking crime, she has given me no closure, but neither
    has anyone else. Sanctioned organized crimes, exploitation by ‘dead head’ Hollywood, so called ‘Stars’ – always in search of a ride. What happens when source meets drain – that is, when the Targeted
    Individual (Source) meets the ‘star’ (Drain) ? NO MORE ‘WAVE’…and the Drain becomes invisible – no more ‘heat source’ to be ‘HAD’…as in exploited.

    Death to the Stars, their induction of psychosis and crimes, against humanity – hit back at the insincere ‘Wave Making’, gang banging, gang stalking trash – until these fucking hypocrites GET REAL, with
    what they have done – SLAUGHTER THEM – if they don’t submit – because they are destructive SATANISTS that bath in ‘Waves’ of Demonic deceit & delusion – that is CAUSAL to Psychosis & Crime.
    This planet doesn’t need these WHORES, So create ‘Disincentives’ for their ‘ACT’ iivities. Then target the pointless ‘Laws’ and their politically passed ‘Acts’, that so few benefit from, the ‘enforcement’
    thereof. CULLING TIME !

    Diaz refuses to ‘Step Down’ and give me ‘Closure’ – enough of her ‘Ride’ upon me. “The Counselor” is only a few days away from release, at the cinemas. She has a ‘Death Wish’ upon HERSELF, by
    keeping the ‘Wave’ going. Then let all HELL break loose upon her, then every other “Wave Making” over rated, over paid ‘Star’ there ever was – you fucking idiots ! The thespians will become my
    weapons. Still wish to play MIND GAMES ? When they become LETHAL ?

    Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 9:38 am

    • “Ar yes, the power to KILL.

      Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 9:54 am

      • “They wouldn’t leave him alone, what other defence did he have, against the relentless ? ”

        I didn’t wish to ‘KILL’ them – but they refused to back off… OR get REAL, They claimed they had no where else to go – for a ‘Ride’
        and the MONEY associated with such psychological exploitation…

        “They prey upon his spirit, with lust, delusion and deceit”

        Sanctioned Satanists.

        Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 10:00 am

  1395. “What Diaz needs to ask herself – is all this freeloading, delusion and deceit worth DYING for ? ”

    It was her choice – “someone wouldn’t let me” so she kept bull-shitting the man, for the corporations to feed upon…

    Death to the CORPORATIONS, their rotting corpses on life support, in aged care – taking life from future generations
    as they continue to delude and deceive – SENILE SATANIC TRASH. WORLD WAR THREE – You pointless SCUM.

    Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 10:13 am

    • “Hey, do you remember that scene out of “Inception” where all the old men, were doing this drug, lying down and preying upon their ability to delude & deceive”

      “Oh, yeah that Indian chemist”

      “Do you think they preying upon themselves, or taking the kids for a ‘ride’ – these lusting old fucks”

      Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 10:21 am

      • “Aging degenerates, idle hands, idle minds – the servants of SATAN”

        The Junky Age.

        Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 10:24 am

  1396. “Are you going to get real with the man, Diaz, or DIE for the corporation, upon release of “The Counselor”

    “When he declares World War Three, upon you and your kind ?” – “What side do you wish to be on ?”

    “He offered you his love, you have spat in his face, with 15 months of delusion & deceit”

    Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 10:42 am

    • Diaz – “I don’t know what to say to the man”

      Fyfe – What about sorry, for the long distance “Test Ride” ??????

      Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 10:49 am

      • Release of “the Counselor” without Diaz, giving closure to Fyfe = DEATH TO DIAZ, and every other freeloading, WAVE MAKING piece of
        shit upon this EARTH – WRATH of GOD TIME !

        Fyfe – “I will not be Vilified by this piece of Cuban/American TRASH”

        Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 10:56 am

      • “the false god idolizing scum, well they call it entertaining”

        Death to the ‘Fan Club’ – Damnation to their misguided souls.

        Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 11:01 am

      • Um, the fan club ? – GANG STALKING trash ! – “they have been WARNED” – Die with your false Gods, you trespassing trash…

        Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 11:07 am

      • DIAZ – “The NEW American IDIOT” – THE ‘Stars’

        “Hey, she’s nothing NEW”

        Yeah, I Know, but now she wants to be a ‘Talent Scout’ – without ‘Talent’ she could call her own…

        Upon release, of “The Counselor” – and no sincerity, integrity or honesty from the FREELOADING Diaz ?

        Death to the wannabe ‘Talent Scouts’ – they avoid ‘discovery’ and keep themselves in ‘performances’ – you
        wait CUNTS ! “I don’t know what to expect” – after 15 months, um, maybe an ABORTION ?

        Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 11:18 am

      • “Why should we pay, for anything other than Gang Stalking – to keep ourselves ‘HOT’ ? ” – “We need suckers to take for a ‘ride’, there would
        be nothing left of the performing arts, without the ‘Carnage’ of privacy violations, that we feed upon – for a ride” “We don’t care about who we
        are preying upon, it’s where the big bucks are – molestations of the spirit of innocent human beings” “Yeah, we are stars – so where is the feed
        stock, I want this guy’s ticket” – Time to DIE grandstanding exhibitionists, your days are numbered, scum.

        Comment by Robert — October 22, 2013 @ 11:38 am

  1397. No where in the history of Humanity, has the ability to Denounce the Satanic Ritual Abuser’s, their hidden (occultist) practices, as in the use of hidden knowledge, through disclosure, but that should read
    EXPOSURE – had such a damaging effect, as the internet has had. It really is a wake up call, for those that have been vilified by this system of ritual abuse, ritual sacrifice and the pathetic mis-educations
    of those that call themselves professionals, that are really only functioning for their own purposes and gains – they couldn’t give a shit about anything else, other than themselves – their patients (psychiatry)
    are ‘expendable’ and ‘consequential losses’ – it is almost unthinkable that they are charged with the protection of the causal affect itself (psychological abuse) and have only shown hypocrisy and VIOLENT
    disinterest when someone ‘fingers’ the truth, behind the ‘Cause’… It doesn’t ‘Do Their Heads In’ … it does them out of ‘Employment’ ! We have a problem with GREED, SELFISHNESS and COMPLETE
    STUPIDITY to undermine – pointless air breathers, utter MORONS… to ‘dispense’ with…

    A business, even a corporation has the four ‘Factors’, which are – Opportunity, Strength, Threats and Weaknesses. When the ‘Trade Secrets’ are exposed, down comes the Corporation, without a drop of
    blood OR the destruction of ‘Real Estate’ – A Business, is NOT a ‘Business’ without secrets. The destruction of Gang Stalking Issues, which are privacy VIOLATIONS – MUST have always been economically
    driven – to sanction such crime is a complete travesty – the generation of destruction, through deceit & delusion of the spirit of humanity and threatened by such Hypocrisy, doesn’t deserve ANY income, or
    incentives, of such encouragement. To construct and maintain S.R.A. – Satanic Ritual Abuse, as a means of ‘Creating’ psychosis & organised crimes to provide ’employment’ opportunities for psychiatrists
    and the judiciary, etcetera – is nothing more than organised destruction – of humanity. FUCK THE SYSTEM OFF ! – Bye, Bye – to FANTACY & ESCAPISM – the over paid and over rated performing ‘ARTS’
    are GENERATORS of mass destruction, they are HYPOCRITS, that are causal to mass misadventure – and the ‘performers’ ? they couldn’t give a shit !

    Time to make the ‘Stars’ responsible, then we could ‘dispose’ of the nature of the corporate ‘investors’ – they couldn’t give a shit either and hide behind ‘Limited Liability’… Sanctioned Crimes AGAINST
    HUMANITY is what the Corporate ‘BEAST’ is all about – time to ‘Flush’ – out-of-business, those that seek ‘Money for Nothing’ when it will always to be at someone else’s expense, such as the victims of
    organised ‘wind-up’ games and privacy violations, that stuff the guts of the corporate investors, seeking returns. MOVE OFF this WORLD, you were only supposed to be ‘borrowing’, from the Children, not
    taking their lives and times away from them… Enough of your ‘Important’ delusion & deceit, from the cradle to the grave…

    Comment by Robert — October 31, 2013 @ 9:18 am

    • Religion ?

      Corporate crimes AGAINST humanity… From the cradle to ? … the GRAVE (Mistake) – “but what are we going to do, without the bullshit factor” …

      There goes Deceit & Delusion…

      Comment by Robert — October 31, 2013 @ 10:06 am

  1398. ti in Richmond, VA ran across …some psychos in Kitty Hawk/Kill Devil Hills N.C. with the power to destroy my life. What have I done???? breathe wrong? Gang stalking fits everything I’ve been going through for years. I had no idea shit like this REALLY HAPPENED. If I wasn’t going through it…. I would have a hell of a time believing anyone …….. but when you run across THOUSANDS……THOUSANDS……in every city/state with the same unbelievable stories as you have…………………..SOMEONE HAS GOT TO WAKE UP!!!!! Gang stalking happens all over the world. Like a scrip that they check off….. each and every one of us have been through PURE HELL! why? SO WE CAN BE PROGRAMED FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER??? wtf? is this really happening….. Please wake me from this nightmare. love to all/we are all one….Tammy Seay/TI in Richmond, Virginia 😦

    Comment by Tammy Seay — November 5, 2013 @ 10:03 pm

    • “SO WE CAN BE PROGRAMED FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER??? wtf? is this really happening…..”

      Corporate “control” is what the United Nations are all about – they ARE the N.W.O. Governments are told what to do by the corporations, the Corporations are THUGS –
      example DONT pay your power bill (electricity bill, gas bill, oil bill, telecommunications bill – whatever) and you will be eventually disconnected from life support
      – for not conforming. ‘Telecommunications’ – is a power bill ? YES – it is “The Power” to communicate with others…and there is an ‘account’ due and payable to the
      ‘service’ provider – “The Corporation” – All ‘Bills’ are power bills, if you don’t pay the bill, you no longer have the power to survive – at that specific level of survival.

      THEIR SYSTEM, THAT is their system of control, “Order, Order, New World Order, in the Court” then go ahead and try to be self sufficient, to survive… and be targeted by
      law enforcement by breaching an ‘act’ of legislation – put in place by the ‘Corporation’ , ‘The COMPANY’ – Why can’t we be independent and survive without the Corporate
      (N.W.O) agenda ? Answer – how will the living dead, in aged care and the “World Owes Us a Living, for Nothing” – the Corporate investors SURVIVE ?

      Anyone seen any “Freedom of Expression” in the performing arts, that was successful ? Act, Write and Sing what you are told to do, or you wont get the big bucks.
      Those, that are in the entertainment industry are not free to express themselves ‘Artistically’ they are CORPORATE CONFORMISTS, the Reformists end up DEAD.

      Comment by Robert — November 7, 2013 @ 4:05 am

    • “SOMEONE HAS GOT TO WAKE UP!!!!! Gang stalking happens all over the world”

      Tammy, where there is money, there is organised crimes – Gang Stalking is organised crimes, against the innocent – you get wound up, by those that wish to ‘Glow’
      at your expense. When you ‘Light Up’ you become a pagan symbol – the ‘Xmas Tree’, and everyone is ‘Looking’ at you, intimately, your soul (mind’s eye, ears, nose,
      taste buds and ‘touch’) are no longer yours, as you have been possessed, as in jumped upon by – usually a ‘commissioned’ DEAD CUNT under occultist manipulation
      is ‘on-board’ – your life becomes an open book for the soulless, un-scrupulous ‘gold digging’ whores, of the performing arts – ‘desperately seeking Susan’ by the so
      called star – they don’t glow – they buzz on the open wave of ‘hidden’ (occultists) opportunity – winding up the unseen, unwritten and unsung – the insignificant also
      known as targeted individuals, that they parade upon. Death to the Wannabe Scum – don’t invest in so called entertainment, as it’s one of the controlling ‘power’
      corporations that we are not ‘forced’ into contributing to. They can’t force us to comply with hypocrisy… Mind Control without productive outcome, or pull the plug
      on substance abuse, that has no ‘substance’…entertainment – fuck delusion & deceit, it’s worse than religion’s attempts at such ‘scams’ of ‘control’.

      Comment by Robert — November 7, 2013 @ 10:48 am

  1399. The second commenter: (william1969) on this issue is taking confirmed fact and mixing it with is most assuredly fiction. Since this issue is already beyond the comprehension of the dumbed down sheeple of society it is obviously a thinly veiled attack on the exposure of the very sad fact of the truth behind fascism and psychotroncs in America and the world today. Unfortunately I believe this William1969 is probably a troll-bought and paid for. Pay attention and use your discernment folks.

    Comment by Luigi — November 20, 2013 @ 10:51 pm

    • I don’t think that stating the obvious, on William 1969, is worth your efforts. This ‘Blow In’ opened up at the top of the ‘page’ of more than SIX YEARS AGO –
      Comment – forget the hard nose ‘Blow Jobs’… They most certainly have nothing to offer, otherwise they would open up, at the end of the page… (Like Here ?)

      Comment by Robert — December 1, 2013 @ 1:30 am

  1400. And, finally you should have good spyware software to protect against hackers or companies from snooping to find information about
    you through your internet connection. They can check your computer;
    install necessary software programs on it, without paying a physical visit to your
    house. Today, you can also play various Batman games that were designed specifically
    for mobile phone use including two Dark Knight games and a Lego Batman game.

    Comment by telecharger gta 5 — February 4, 2014 @ 10:36 pm

    • A cell phone, complete with a sim card and charged battery, even when switched off – the battery still goes flat… faster than if the battery is removed from the phone.
      The sim card is consuming the power. AND YOU can be located, via the equivalent of radio triangulation – even when the phone is switched ‘OFF’ it is still ‘Online’ !

      It is NOT just the authorities that can locate you within a few kilometres of your phones location, presumably your not far from the cell phone. Information Source –
      Fraud Squad, NSW Police Officer. Criminals use the Cell Network to track Cell Phones attached to contraband – Drugs ETC and alarm systems trigger the phone
      if the shipments are ‘tampered’ with. – Source ‘For Police eyes only’ NSW Police Dept’ Magazine, 1993. Note -The criminals cut their losses and don’t approach the

      People ‘of interest’ to criminals, such as criminal parasitic mongrel stars, with lots of money with intent of illuminating themselves at the expense of the person they
      are targeting can keep track of the T.I.’s location using this ‘Open System’. No regulations regarding use of the Cell Network, for nefarious uses (abuses) can be
      imposed – it is open slather to all types of organised crimes, with a variety of criminal purposes. STALKING IS ONLY ONE, of many such activities simplified by the
      Cell Networking.

      The so called freeware ‘Apps’ you download have so called agreements you MUST agree to, before you get to use the ‘Freeware’… Read the CONTRACT – you are
      effectively signing… and writing off your rights to privacy – this stuff isn’t speculation…

      Comment by Robert — February 6, 2014 @ 6:00 am

  1401. Its sad to come after a mother for protecting her children that she birth each one unique gangatalking is real small towns use it I should know its occurring know. If you do drugs you have a mental illness drugs induce if you know longer smoke drugs and they still using it your senses God gave you are true dont be alarm thats what they want also your children

    Comment by upsetfortelling — February 5, 2014 @ 4:10 pm

    • People of ‘interest’ to a ENTERTAINER, to the star you are insignificant… a dump site. Consider the crowd looking at the entertainer, thinking about the entertainer – The ‘Star’
      closes their eyes but they don’t disappear into the ‘Black’ – The black is ‘polluted’ with strangers and the star Jumps on a ‘glower’, which is a person that ISN’T just passing
      through… Stars love the ‘Paying’ attention but have a difficulty in dealing with the non-paying persistent obsessive types, quite often other stars, complete with cutlery. They
      require a place to ‘Harbour’ themselves and the T.I. ‘lights’ up like a Business Tree – “Why Am I being watched, by everyone” – Miscreant ‘Star’ on-board…

      Comment by Robert — February 6, 2014 @ 6:16 am


    The following is an extract, cut and pasted from the above –

    Mary recalled that in about 2008, her then 10-year-old sons hinted that maybe she was lonely and needed a boyfriend.

    “I said, oh yeah, who do you reckon I should go out with? ” she said.

    “And they said ‘him’, they picked Jeremy off the Sunnyboys film clip.

    “It started out as a bit of fun. We always watched the Sunnyboys film clips.

    “If you have a look at some of those old clips, you could see he had really beautiful eyes; a really gentle face.”

    Mary said with her sons having chosen Jeremy, they then looked him up on the internet.

    “We found all the articles saying that Jeremy had schizophrenia and that sort of thing and I started reading more and more on the web about his life,” she said

    Short Comments – Mary is teaching her boys about Cyber-Stalking…OR was Jeremy Oxley lining up another patsy for him to consume, with scant regard for her children.
    Meanwhile the Director of ‘The Sunnyboy’ a movie to re-enforce the HARBOUR for ‘Busted’ perpetrators – Schizophrenia, her Name is Kaye Harrison, she was stalking me,
    where I was living, since 2002 – the Central Coast Area of New South Wales, a 1,000 kilometres away from where Oxley – her documentary character was living…

    Long Comments –

    Jeremy Saxon Oxley NEVER had schizophrenia. Jeremy’s condition is what becomes of a compromised OCCULTIST who has TARGETED INDIVIDUALS, for a variety of purposes, such as exploitation of another human being’s SOUL.
    There is so much more VALUE, in the spirit of a big city KID’s soul, than say a DROP KICK, that grew up in a small minded, small town mentality environment. Once these PERVERTS get a taste of another persons mindfulness, they
    just can’t get enough and assume to being that person that they are stalking. So who needs a grand standing EXHIBISHONIST running around on-board one’s mind, continually distracting, dis-orientating AND commanding PUBLIC
    Attention – Especially when they have a below average intellect. Um, it does more damage and pain – when they flatly REFUSE to Fuck Off. One then resorts to APPROACHING their perpetrator, to launch the OBJECTION of the
    possessive pervert’s BLATANT psychological occupation.

    How’s the Name of his professional Carer, presumably ‘arranged’ by those with a vested interest in keeping Oxley, the mind squatter alive… MARY ? and the title of the article –
    “There’s Something About Mary” Say, wasn’t that a DIAZ movie ?

    As far as Mary suggesting that her son’s made the suggestion to look him up on the internet, could mean two things (1) total bullshit OR (2) Oxley was manipulating this single mother and her two boys… The entertainers gain and
    maintain access VIA their products – The keys to private lives, in private settings and the potential for exploitation and MASSIVE harm, As I have already stated, in previous writings, on this site – Oxley’s perversion, manipulation and
    exploitation of my private life started – way back in 1981. In 1982 Oxley lost his ‘Ride’ upon me and went on an unsuccessful murder spree, throughout the Music Industry (Australian) in a bid, to escape being compromised by his
    ‘Target’ – It was full on SLANDER, that just didn’t cut it – ’cause VERY few people bought it, Far TOO many people knew me better, than Oxley’s Slander Campaign could be believed, his ‘Forced’ psychism was only screwing
    him up further – the battle for MY MIND was won – by ME. Oxley had no where else to go, other than a living HELL – a compromised psychological pervert, also referred to as a PERPETRATOR, by the victims, of the Organized Crimes
    of Organized Gang Banging (Gang Stalking)

    As the community – GLOBALLY continues to TOP UP the shallow money pit of the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY – the incidence of the complaints of TARGETTED INDIVIDUALS will increase to BEYOND TREATMENT by the ‘Dumb it
    Down’ crowd – PSYCHIATRY. But how does a victim of Organized Gang Stalking tell the community to stop financing the incentives ? It is an unlawful act to put 4 bullets in the back of a relentless trespasser, who doesn’t listen to reason,
    just ask Mark Chapman (John Lennon’s persuader) OR ask ME, trying to get rid of the Rock & Roll DOGS, since September 1977… Oxley’s occupation began in September 1981 – 4 Years after the Australian Music Industry Mongrel
    (Michael Gudinski) and the New York City based Entertainment Industry Attorney (Paul D. Schindler) set the dancing DOG – Muttdonna (Madonna) on me, for flavour, inspiration and all she lacked (Talent). Gudinski & Schindler + the
    Murdoch’s have been involved in this SCAM since I set out – in search of the truth – I walked straight into the Australian Music Industry Underground in 1979 and the only way out ? – Destructively, via EXPOSURE of their ‘Occultist Crafts’.

    Let’s all sit back, have a beer and see who dies next…

    Comment by Robert — February 21, 2014 @ 10:13 am

  1403. Jeremy Saxon Oxley and His ‘Wife’ (His Professionally appointed CARER) were residing in a Suburb of East Brisbane, Australia – That suburb is REDLANDS, Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt and family spent considerable time there, recently.
    Jolie was directing a production called ‘Unbroken’ – Reflecting back to the events of late July and August of 2012 as mentioned in the posting of the 30th of July 2013 (post No. 1339) Angelina was ‘caught’ up in a disassociation for a roll
    change, for “The Councellor” – Jolie pulled out, of that roll and was replaced by Diaz. The reasons for Jolie to spend time in Redlands, QLD, Australia – was to get as close as possible to what Jolie was caught up with – The professional
    Stalking control freak, Oxley – calling the shots, on my private life. These so called stars are in for a long haul, if they believe that Oxley and presence, near to him – will get them out of were they have been CAST, upon ME. You over
    rated cretins would be best to turn an honest leaf, with me – DIRECTLY – Oxley was NEVER capable of ‘overseeing’ where you have all ended up – IN DEEP SHIT !

    I remember, recently – Diaz said – “I want Out” and Oxley responded – “I’m not your Keeper” – How Can I Remove this Fat Turd, from his self appointed placement upon my private life and thoughts ? My Star is NO ONE else’s BUSINESS
    but mine. The Talentless Mongrel Stars were doing a hit and run – they hit, in their cowardly numbers and ended up in cages – NOT GOING ANYWHERE… Matter for them to ‘Deal’ with, I don’t do deals, what did they have to offer ME ?
    Enough of their Mental Noise and Privacy Violations, it’s time they PAID the Rent. They seem comfortable in their ‘Cages’… and thought Oxley was the ZOO keeper…

    Comment by Robert — February 24, 2014 @ 12:24 pm

    • The Bottom Line –

      Enough of the BULLSHIT, with regards who, what and where and how much can we ‘make’ from taking someone for a ride. Pinning an innocent individual down with organized GANG STALKING is a crime.
      Those that benefit, economically from these crimes are NOT STARS – they are ‘Manufactured’ commodities, out of drama schools and the like, they have no ‘GLOW’ and wrap themselves around those they
      wind up, excite with delusions and deceits – making use of the ‘Open Wave’ to molest the feelings of another human being’s spirit. The open wave is the Schumann Resonance @ 7.83 Hertz (Cycles) and
      the harmonics, of higher order extend to “Audio”, around 1,000 Hz and on to “Visual” in the “Infrared” part of the spectrum – “Hey, the ‘stars’ they just glow”… yes…in sepia, against background thermal
      noise. ” I see you, you’re not a hallucination” (Generic) “Your lips are moving, but I can’t hear a word your saying” (Pink Floyd – just another philosophy in the wall)

      Comment by Robert — February 24, 2014 @ 1:10 pm

      • Meanwhile, back at the society for dummying it all down… Psychiatry –

        The attempts to use technology, as a white-washing, is failing miserably – like complaints made to psychiatrists, whose ‘Notes’ go back to the pig farmers, “Private Lives, in private settings” are the
        complaints, with regards to “Audio/Visual Hallucinations” – SO ? “Let’s invent BIG BROTHER” – Private lives, in domestic ‘House’ scenes – “That should dumb it down” “There is nothing wrong with you,
        because you have become obsessed with Big Brother, the private life, in a private setting – that you’re ‘seeing’ is a victim of GANG STALKING, that isn’t taking the call, to soul out – so someone else
        is attempting to acquire their ‘heat’ ” – MONEY… “Put them UP and rip them off, ’cause they GLOW dude, they’re not selling out, so let’s ‘Take’ them for a COVETED TEST DRIVE” –

        Yes, now rather ‘OVERT’ – too many complaints, from the victims of this evil perversion, into privacy. – “You are not a candidate for a chemical lobotomy, you are suffering from a natural phenomenon,
        but would you like to buy into some Wonder Cure All ? ” – “We cannot ‘Cure’ the natural phenomenon, but we can sell you a ‘Treatment’ ” (John D. Rock & Roll Fella) Mary Oxley – “Drop your strides,
        Jeremy” it’s medication time, otherwise no more royalty cheques, for albums that were never recorded, made or sold – the ‘payments’ from Gudinski, remember you’re required to maintain your stalking
        of Robert, the Fake Stars Rely on You – for in’s & out’s – on HIS ticket…

        Comment by Robert — February 24, 2014 @ 1:52 pm

  1404. I HATE GANG STALKERS!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Katie,jacky,tia Deyette — March 2, 2014 @ 4:23 am

    • I HATE GANG STALKERS!!!!!!!! (Posting of March 2, 2014 @ 4.23 am)

      I haven’t met a victim that doesn’t HATE the misguided and deluded IDIOTS – That Is, those that get involved in THOUGHT CRIMES ! But what disincentives EXIST ?
      MONEY encourages perverts & arseholes. I hate perverts & arseholes – Also Known As Gang Stalkers… These creeps are so shallow of spirit, they ‘plug and play’
      with the soul (mind) of another human being and push, push, push – “Did you get a reaction ?” … “Was it a King Hit ?”

      Serious money is made from “King Hits” and the arseholes call it ‘rock n roll’ – In reality, it is Satanic Ritual Abuse, the more money they make from privacy violations,
      which is what gang stalking is – at a thought perversion level, the more money the arseholes WANT – at the expense of the Targeted Individual they are MOLESTING
      for their ‘Hits’ and ‘Sequences’ – “On a ‘ROLL” – yes, in a performance. That expense is of another human being’s SANITY, the scabs don’t care UNTIL they get
      caught “Fucking with Someone” – Sometimes THEY don’t get OUT and Rock & Roll becomes “Rock & Hard Place” and “It’s getting hard to breath around here…”
      when will they learn, what NOT to lean on ? – Answer to Date, is when they are dead…and then it’s TOO LATE… “Who put me ‘UP’ ? ” Um, the guy that’s going to
      put you down…LOUD MOUTH gloating, gang stalking punk !

      Pulling the plug on their perversion into private lives could only come about through disclosure, of their motives and methods – fuck rock and roll, it’s too much money
      for the talentless, that feed on STOLEN spirit – “Stolen Emotions for Sale” as the pervert ‘Star’ wraps itself around their target’s visualized image, whilst the piece of
      shit delivers the ‘Hit’ – In the Studio and in the live performance space – the Targeted Individual ‘Lights Up’ like a Xmas tree – “Why is everyone looking at me”

      Comment by Robert — March 3, 2014 @ 2:27 pm

      • “Keep pushing me, keep pushing me” – Muttdonna scraping away on stolen emotions, like so many of these mindless miscreants, so shallow are their lives, with
        so much ‘Value’, to be ‘HAD’, in the spirit of the tortured and tormented targeted individual – Oh, not to mention the MONEY, that generates the ongoing incentives.

        – How many innocent people has this piece of shit reinvented itself upon, wrapped itself around – how many more innocent (they scream louder, than the guilty)
        people will suffer these wind up grandstanders ? When will it cease to be ENTERTAINMENT ? WHO would what to jump on the bandwagon and become just
        another ‘Rock N Roll’ insincere, mongrel dog, with a TOTAL dependence upon the spirit of another human being, jumping from Target to Target, as they become
        ‘gutted’ by the freeloading over-rated so called star – but, in reality a ‘Satellite’ with a dependence the unsung, unscripted, unperformed – etcetera – The TRUE
        ‘STARS’ – not feed stock for a pack of freeloading serial gold diggers…

        Comment by Robert — March 3, 2014 @ 3:03 pm

  1405. 24 October 2013 –

    There was no way that the Gang Stalking Trash were going to maintain the ‘Presence’ of Cameron Diaz, wrapped around ME. But how the fuck could I get rid of this compulsive possessive GRANDSTANDER ?
    I needed someone ‘powerful’ that wouldn’t take any shit, from Diaz. The Counsellor Movie was only a day away from it’s North American world premier. I wasn’t going to put up with the thespian (movie
    going crowd) in my mind’s ‘Monitor’ – every time I closed my eyes. I, like anyone ‘normal’ wanted to drift off – into the black…

    I remembered a Hollywood heavyweight, it was an ‘incident’ from the mid 1990’s whereby this star had been cast into a perilous trap – I spent two days getting him out of their ‘Spin’ He Said “Thank you
    very much, now what can I do for you ? ” I didn’t quite know what to say to the man, I think that I responded ” I don’t Know” and he said “O.K. I owe you one” I called that favour in – he hadn’t forgotten
    me, it went like this –

    “How long you been on his case for, with him knowing it ? ”

    Diaz – 15 Months

    “So what have you got to offer him ? ”

    Diaz – Nothing

    “What about the money you made ? ”

    There was no response to this question and I requested that Diaz be locked up “Somewhere” I recovered an old friend to ‘Hang Out’ with, she is also a heavy weight in the industry but with an intense
    dislike of Madonna and her flea circus, Diaz didn’t stand a chance – Diaz – “I’m going through hell because of you” Me – “your getting paid for it, I’m not your dump site anymore – you have nothing to
    offer me”….. Diaz – “Don’t hit me XXXXX” . One of Diaz’s ‘Vantage Spots’ was the bathroom (refer to the posting of 10 August 2013, 11.18 am, post No. 1356) XXXXX is a great peer group ‘partner’ – 12
    days younger than me. Diaz is an ARSEHOLE – nearly 12 YEARS… younger than me…and should have known better, than to fuck with me. – “How Dare You Abandon Cameron, she doesn’t have
    a ticket” – She didn’t pay the rent…tough shit.

    Comment by Robert — March 3, 2014 @ 4:01 pm

  1406. Jolie Bad Idea REDLANDS you in the Pitt –

    It shouldn’t be beyond comprehension for even your average “Jonny 6 pack”, to realize that proximity to a seasoned gang stalking ‘Handler’ – the ‘protected’ (sanctioned) CONTROL FREAK (J.S.Oxley)
    minimizes ‘Mental Noise’. When your free loading and over rated ‘stars’ get caught up in something that isn’t ‘broken’, isn’t mentally ill and can’t be subject to psychiatric ‘treatment’ and therefore remains
    ‘unbroken’ – for the grandstanding trash to continue along their ‘merry’ way, of careers in the organized crimes of EXPLOITATION – Remotely.

    These miscreant pigs have nothing to offer – they never did, many of you look up to them as ‘Stars’ – they are NO BETTER than those they are ‘Having a loan of’ – WITHOUT CONSENT. When Harary,
    Targ and Puthoff were conducting their ‘Project Stargate’ at the S.R.I – way back then – the 1970’s (don’t quote me on that one)… It was about investigations into REMOTE VIEWING – OBVIOUSLY THE
    physically CLOSER one gets to the ‘Controller’ the better the ‘ACCESS’ to their ‘TARGET’ – Although hiding behind the production ‘Unbroken’ – Jolie, Pitt and Family had ulterior motives being in
    REDLANDS, QLD, Australia –

    They were ‘CAUGHT’ – cast in a trap and ‘figured’ that Jeremy & Mary Oxley were their ‘Ticket’ OUT – WHO put that idea in their heads ? It’s not the OXLEYS ticket to SELL OUT, to the desperado’s of
    Hollow-Wood, or anyone else, for that matter. I’m not ‘A Certain Sacrifice’ or ‘Insignificant’ and have NO RESPECT for over rated idiots, that think I’m on this Earth to be ‘Consumed’ by them – STAR shit,
    Your nothing more than burnt out Satellites. MY World Owes YOU Nothing, I will take your world A P A R T. They maintain the ‘PRESSURE’, because these types of RICH turds have MONEY and
    inappropriate respect – over rated psyche dogs, pushing psyche products – that’s entertainment.

    ‘Relentless’ is a better track than ‘Unbroken’ – The Stranglers Suite XVI, album… Coincidences – of course ! – I am relentless AND unbroken. Whatever these idiots set out to do, it has backfired since
    Madonna fucked up in 1985 ! They are collectively EXPOSING their own not so hidden SCAMS – Victims of Gang Stalking they ARE NOT – WE ARE.


    Why were Hollywood so ‘Tight Lipped’ about it ? Scarred of another ‘Hollywood Communist Witch-Hunt’ ? Remote viewing and perversion into PRIVATE LIVES is nothing new to your WASTED TALENTS
    of the entertainment industry – It is their staple diet ! – Without a ‘RIDE’ they starve to DEATH. – With a ride – their victim, the targeted individual perishes. Damn the freeloading face ache stars – enough of
    these MURDERERS.

    A. Jolie (August 2012) – “You’re a really good fuck, you know that” (on one of those O.B.E’s or ‘Visits’ – upon my planet, was the ‘Star’) – I haven’t finished fucking it up for these freeloaders… Obviously.

    Comment by Robert — March 3, 2014 @ 8:10 pm

  1407. Have you ever considered about including a little bit more than just your articles?
    I mean, what you say is fundamental and everything. However imagine if you added some great images or video clips to give
    your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with pics and videos, this website could undeniably be
    one of the best in its niche. Superb blog!

    Comment by 3gp porn — April 28, 2014 @ 3:02 am

    • Numerous VIDEO CLIPS, covering the use of TECHNOLOGY to Harass, Intimidate, Gaslight, Sleep Deprivation (Assaults & Torture), Exploitation, Defrauding, Perverting
      the Course of Justice, Slander to Obstruct Justice – i.e. – “He/She is MAD”, To Obtain Via Delusion & Deceit, Use of Law Enforcement & the Judiciary for an Unlawful Purpose –
      as per some of the above…

      Hollywood MOVIES pretty much cover it all – Don’t They ? … and what they don’t cover with their repetitious ‘Play it all down, its all FANTACY’ diatribe and crap, well, the DOGS
      of rock ‘n’ roll get their two cents worth… while the RECORD COMPANY gets the other 98 cents in the dollar, with complete impunity.

      The Corporate investors include the propaganda machine of organized crime, such as gang stalking is worldly regarded, as ORGANIZED CRIME. What when the Manufactured
      ‘Satellites’, out of DRAMA SCHOOLS (and the like) are NOT STARS, hence the referral to the term ‘Satellite’ – because they have a need to CONSUME another human being for
      what they lack – inclusive of TALENT. “Hey, he/she – they just GLOW dude, so we are going to plug into them” – this is the major cause of gang stalking and those with FINANCIAL
      incentives for such crime, sooner or later give up – because someone put a bullet in their heads…

      So the ‘Satellite’ is no longer wondering around, out – of – their – brains, looking for a RIDE. Example – Mark Chapman – “Stop hitting on me John Lennon, I’ve had enough of your
      visits of trespass against me” John Lennon – “Get lost you nutter” Lennon was consuming Chapman alive, and, as per the usual scenario – John Lennon was oblivious to his
      ‘Wandering’s around, in the danger zone’ – out of his head and into someone else’s – Consuming another person’s SOUL, calling Rock ‘N’ Roll – or “Hit and Run”, “Shoot and Scoot”

      To catch a perpetrator that is SANCTIONED, because they have lots of CORRUPTING MONEY and to successfully prosecute them, with full media coverage – NOW that would be
      a worthwhile VIDEO to add to this place/space…

      Thanks for your compliments – “Superb blog”

      Comment by Robert — April 28, 2014 @ 10:44 am

  1408. “Mystify”
    M.Hutchence (INXS) – “The stars that shine on you, they kiss you every night”

    C. Martin (Coldplay) – “The stars that shine on you, Oh what a thing to do”

    These are examples of you so called stars taking a possessive shine to someone, which in reality is taking the shine FROM someone… Such practices of conjured or channelled
    possession, making use of the dead, as so called spirit guides – for non consented molestations and appropriations are historically referred to as WITCHCRAFT – “The stars that
    shine on you, What an evil thing, with a kiss to delude” (Yellow Mystification)

    The SONY CORPORATION invented this product called JENNIFER RUSH, the product used to be a woman named Heidi Stern, but anyway… The DEBUT ALBUM of J.Rush was
    released in 1984 and contains a track that was not written by her, but three pervert song writers, poachers, that were privy to my exploitation by MADONNA –
    in the song “Madonna’s Eye’s” –

    “She see’s through your eye’s, looks through your mind” – I exposed Madonna on the 19th of July 1985 after never hearing this song, as sung by Jennifer Rush. Please Refer to
    my posting No. 416, June 11, 2011 (above) – It had been more than 7 and a half years, back to September 1977, trying to IDENTIFY the American Woman, that was nothing more
    than an “Ear Worm” – and no I wasn’t in a box, six feet down !

    So perhaps some of you can understand the living HELL of having a-holes writing and recording material, that details the perversion by a VERY WEALTHY parasite (Madonna)
    that has NEVER been brought to justice for what has been more than 36 YEARS of organized crimes against me, including being pinned down by gang stalking THUGS, that
    were led to believe that it was going to be “Worth their While” moving in on top of me, so I couldn’t think straight, gain any worthwhile attention to expose these hideous crimes
    AND to thoroughly PROSECUTE the ALPHA DOG of the PACK – Madonna, for practicing WITCHCRAFT… “Certain Sacrifice” – ! (1979 – Madonna) this movie tends to show the
    EVIL that Madonna has practiced ever since that rape, at knife point, in NYC back in the late 1970’s, clearly it altered her perceptions… BUT HEY –

    What did I do, to be cheated like this ? – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, I was set up by Michael Gudinsky, for EXPLOITATION, when I was 15 years old. Gudinski has been in bed
    with Paul D. Schindler (NYC) and the one and only privacy violation financial man, RUPERT MURDOCH – since the MID 1970’s AND THERE HAS BEEN NO JUSTICE FOR ME.
    SCUM with corrupting MONEY and therefore EVIL POWER.

    THE ANSWER – EVOKE GOD the FATHER, THE SON and THE HOLY SPIRIT (The Trinity) Then all HELL breaks loose, on Earth and THE CLEANSING begins – Because these
    Faggots won’t give up their EVIL DESTRUCTIVE SYSTEM.

    “Money, yeah money – this guy’s really good value, to ritually abuse” – Hey, the Money is nothing when your damned and dead. Straighten Out is something these
    fairy poofter and dikes will NOT do – it cramps their lack of style, the boring old farts like everything the way it is – under their ‘CONTROL’ reform ‘disturbs’ predictable behavioural
    modifications on-board the prison planet – Conformist Shit, or if you like NON-REFORMISTS.

    Comment by Robert — April 28, 2014 @ 11:58 am

  1409. So what is still happening BEHIND the scenes –

    The aiding of the performing arts, the MASSIVE amount of money involved, the ongoing “SET them up because they GLOW” – these crimes are still in place, the VICTIMS are still being misdiagnosed by the IDIOTS that
    BELIEVE what they were taught – Psychiatry, trained monkeys that went to university, that are NOT interested in CAUSAL affects or REMISSION. A shit of an EVIL system that is the equivalent of modern day Martyring’s
    for those that clearly are DIFFERENT – unique traits of human sensitivity that are a threat to the in-bred, soulless Homo- Sapien – that like everything the way it is, that is of course – UNDER THEIR CONTROL.

    Homo-Superior will RISE from their persecution, exploitation and MURDER and slaughter the relentless that TRESPASS, relentlessly upon them – with COMPLETE impunity. The shroud of secrecy protecting the EVIL secret
    societies will be ripped to shreds, their evil hidden knowledge will be exposed and rendered useless. The Witches, Occultists and Satanists will perish in such uselessness, the aged that are consuming the lives of the children
    will come to pass, as in die. The false gods of the performing arts (the stars) will be spat upon, instead of being worshiped. This is an extract from the modern version of EXIT-US, or more appropriately called GET RID of the
    MORONS !

    The corrupting wealthy will no longer have cash economies to corrupt with, crime will no longer be INVENTED to fabricate employment for the parasitic judiciary, law enforcement and corrective services. The EVIL selfish
    Homo-sexual community will once again be subject to chemical castrations and massive disincentives, among such evil, revengeful, jealous, lusting, trespassing miscreant satanic spawn will prevent paedophilia from
    becoming socially ‘acceptable’. The WRATH of the TRUE GOD will be thorough. The TRUE GOD is CREATIVE, the destructive will be slain. The ECONOMIST will be seen as the MASS MUDERER that buried QUALITY

    The EVIL, Stinking capitalist PIG, gold digging, power broking elitists will wish they were never hatched – carrying on with the BEAST’s agenda for dominance and destruction, in accordance with the evil, but evolved spirit of
    the slain DINOSAURS – the reptilian SHAPE SHIFTERS, as they are commonly referred to, in the modern times. Sure, they had a head start on the Monkeys – but they were SLAIN by CREATION, cause they were fucking
    useless, too big and far too consuming, destructive and therefore an evil Miscreation – God’s Big Mistake, was NOT destroying their spirit FIRST !

    The Homosapien that crossed the forth dimension, to do DEALS with the spirit of the dinosaurs, in the fifth dimension – doing deals with the DEVIL, in other words. The gates out of the prison planet, the real world are kept by
    the dead, in the forth dimension, but they have a problem with those who Conjure & Channel the dead, from the material world, the third dimension and to become Reptilian Shape Shifters, doing deals with the devils and demons
    of the fifth dimension to gain access to hidden knowledge, as practiced by those that seek unlimited power, unlimited knowledge, unlimited wealth – that seek to oppressively CONTROL using MONEY to destroy innocent lives and
    therefore are a serious THREAT to CREATION (The TRUE GOD) and so it is time to deploy the WRATH of GOD, upon this earth to protect the heavens of CREATION against the DESTRUCTIVE BEAST and it’s not so hidden
    agenda of revenge for being slain by the CREATOR. The spirit of the Dinosaur, that has continued to evolve in the aforementioned fifth dimension is NOT WELCOME in the HEAVENS, nor are it’s advocates upon this Earth.

    Those in the THIRD dimension, the MATERIAL world in which we all live, or try to… must take a stand of selflessness and defend CREATION from DESTRUCTION – those that ‘CAPITALIZE’ and EXPLOIT the severely and
    deliberately disadvantaged are SCUM – WRATH will see them SLAIN, but first, unlike the fate of the dinosaurs THEIR SPIRIT has to be destroyed first, otherwise they reincarnate and ‘JUMP’ on the CARNATE bandwagon of
    paths of economic, materialistic power… and so, by destroying fabricated incentives for selfishness greedy evil bastards, that have NO SOUL and are propelled by wanten evil spirits on reincarnate power trips, comes about a
    DISINCENTIVE, called you are about to be CAST down – like what is the worst state of mind for a wind up merchant, your so called stars ? answer – the DEEP depression… Deeper than mankind ever got into this Earth,
    with a two inch drill bit, all the way to “The Core” to be bound and gagged for ever more…is what MUST become of such EVIL spirits, in order for the GATES out of the prison planet (Earth) to open, for the Miscreants of the
    fifth dimension will no longer have advocacy support, from this Earth and their spirit will come to pass, as in STARVE them to spiritual DEATH.

    Comment by Robert — May 2, 2014 @ 6:50 pm

    • The First Step –

      Destroy the CASH economy – because it only feed’s and supports CRIME, this includes the Homosexual riddled world of the JUDICIARY – fairies on power trips playing ‘GOD’ sitting in judgement are these criminal
      PIGS, that like everything the way it is, WITHOUT REFORM, those that would see the practical means of CRIME REDUCTION (Cashless Economies) as a threat to their illegal world of obtaining an income from
      preventable crime.

      They are Parasitic SCUMBAGS and need to be told this – relentlessly, that will eventually destroy their evil faggot, wig world mentality of superiority – crimes deliberately put in place, left in place to the
      wanten waste of human resources…

      The destructive arts of the Homosexual world, the performing arts – illegal ‘ACTS’ of mental molestation, mind control that has made the Homosexual World socially acceptable by this ‘Controlling Media’ owed and
      operated, by the Homosexual, Occultist, Satanic pigs of the Casa – The Kabala, the breakaway group from Judaism, the secret society that studies not Jewish Mysticism but the study of hidden knowledge as in
      practical WITCHCRAFT, which is what is kept by such secret societies for their prosperity and the destruction of humanity. Soon, they will be SLAUGHTERED, for unlike a 1,000 years AGO, there is no place on Earth
      to EXILE them to, but there is a place to exile them INTO. Cast them DOWN.

      Comment by Robert — May 2, 2014 @ 7:41 pm

      • The Second Step –

        Destroy the Hypocrites that flaunt all over the stage, studio and set – at the expense of those they are climbing all over – the targeted individuals of organised gang stalking. This is a BIG money spinner,
        a BIG part of the illegal world of the WITCH, the Casa – The Kabala. Drive these stars into sincerity, with regards their molestations of the innocent on which they rise to so called ‘Stardom’ – these PIGS
        of performance space need to be taught a lesson of what not to continue climbing all over – those they walk all over, to get to the ‘TOP’, those they ‘SIT’ on – to stay at the Top and what they fear is the
        decent from the Top, whereby those they betrayed, molested, exploited and MURDERED are going to rip them to pieces when they are heading DOWN… “Hi there, I am a victim of your incessant gang
        stalking games, you’ve been watching me and taking me for a ride, what do you have to offer me, for the time that was mine, gig pig” ? ” You told me that you would get a divorce, from your wife and you
        were going to marry me, Hugh Jackman, but you were full of shit, so here is a shaver full of shaved pubic hair, that you can use to make some underwear”

        Hugh Jackman was preying upon this woman for the ongoing attention of women, as in making modulation, on the open wave. The Faggot world protected him, from this victim of his Ritual Abuse, at least
        she didn’t ‘launch’ bullets at him, as in ‘Chapmanism’ … The so called obsession of this woman, regards Jackman’s encounters, with her is only due to Jackman’s POSSESSION of the spirit of the woman,
        a common illegal practice among your so called stars…Making money out of generating ‘Waves’ of attention, to themselves through deceitful possessive molestations on O.B.E’s – Not Out of Body Experiences
        but OUT of BRAIN EXERCISES – ‘Hanging Out’ with the severely disadvantaged, instead of coping it sweet for grand standing in the public eye, as a gig pig – attracting all kinds of unwanted attention, is why
        these ‘GIG PIGS’ molest the unseen, unheard, innocent human souls, that form a safe ‘Harbour’ for them – until the innocent become AWARE of the possessive exhibitionist molesting their spirit, bullshitting
        them, with the art of delusion & deceit, also called the art of positive suggestion… PULL YOUR HEAD IN STAR, someone might blow it off, no more insincere riddled diatribe on your O.B.E’s, ’cause your
        disturbing someone…

        Remote Viewing and Molestations by the ‘Stars’ – Modern description for spirit guided Possession – The so called ‘Ticket’ of the star, is the illegal world of the Kabala, who control the ‘Action’ – The stars die
        under Kabala ‘Control’ upon these tickets and are then used as spirit guides for the ‘replacements’ – live stock… Don’t worry they think they are ‘immortal’ – they are, immortally DAMNED for the damage
        they do, to the innocent they consume.

        Comment by Robert — May 2, 2014 @ 8:50 pm

  1410. So as victims of organized gang stalking, organized crimes & confusion’s – against humanity…

    How can we stop – the almighty dollar, the ultra-materialistic, this, their SYSTEM of misinformation and mis-education that CONTINUES to have it’s way ?

    AND WHEN THE TRUTH ISN’T SO ‘OUT THERE’ ANYMORE ? – Because the pagan craft of religion – THE FANTACY, that failed TO DELIVER ?


    Comment –

    “But I’m a STAR, and the sun shines out of my butt-hole, don’t forget HOW much MONEY I have to ‘CONTROL’ and “corrupt” with – I am a complete insincere

    hypocrite and the world owes me a living, for nothing, because I obstruct freedom of thought, I am prized (for the dummying down of society) – plug into this B.S,

    for the ongoing destruction of this world, so we don’t put up with the smell, the stank of each others BULLSHIT anymore” (The Homosexual Creed)

    Here’s TWENTY MILLION U.S. Dollars for NOTHING… Ar, yes – and you wondered why they (The Stars) were paid (obscene amounts) To Dump THE TRIGGERS ?

    New World Order – “We like everything, the way it is” – Oh, Yes, like everyone else likes living in the swamp, with you APE SHIT !

    Time to cull the SHIT – Scum on aged care support – the DEAD – feeding off the LIVING…The Living, that will never have a life – because they don’t have MONEY.

    The CORPSES control it ALL… oh, and their dead head zombie ‘STARS’ that are paid obscene amounts, to preserve the status quo, and their ROYALTY CHEQUES –

    “MONEY FOR NOTHING” – B.S. – it’s always at someone else’s EXPENSE – the victims of organized gang stalking, THOSE that have been taken for a ride, by

    mindless, fucking trash – WITHOUT a SOUL, “But with STATUS” (Stars) – yeah, false god scum, with a death wish… Hi there STAR, you KNOW why I’m here

    Don’t YOU – I don’t care whether your living or DEAD… You ARE TOAST, eternally. FALSE GOD SCUM. You have forsaken me, and mine, too long – let the


    “Money might change the path of JUSTICE, it won’t change the path of a BULLET”

    Comment by Robert — May 21, 2014 @ 11:20 am

    • WOW, change the course of justice, with a bullet… Um, message for the corrupted, the convert’ or – ed… ucated ?

      Comment by Robert — May 21, 2014 @ 11:57 am

  1411. You’re so cool! I don’t think I’ve read through something
    like this before. So wonderful to find someone with some
    original thoughts on this subject matter.
    Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is one thing that
    is required on the internet, someone with a little originality!

    Comment by mobile games — May 31, 2014 @ 4:37 am

    • I find the thought of my comments, as being ORIGINAL, a little disturbing. After more than THIRTY SIX YEARS of being PREYED upon, by
      effluent (as in shit heads) that get to continue, unobstructed, with the molestation of my very thoughts and profiteering from the same…
      NOW that’s VERY disturbing, the only help on offer is SELF HELP, because everyone subject to this crime, (the victims) is on a different
      page in the organised gang stalking book versus the so called qualified with their mind stuck in a page of the DSM (Diagnostics, Statistics
      Manual) playing ‘God’ with the possessed, oh and brain toxins…specializing in chemical treatments for the age old problem of POSSESSION !

      The Victims of Organised Gang Stalking ARE victims of possession – “They see through my eye’s, they know what I’m thinking and they get
      to where I was going, first” – Until I change my mind and not think about what I’m going to do, or where I am going – “we lost control of him”
      now CAST these losers into DARKNESS. Hey, self help is now on-line and psych-trick-or-treat has a new disorder to treat (never a cure for
      natural phenomenon) what will they call it – darknosin’s disorder – while the the alternative practices will treat them with pulsed light…?

      Comment by Robert — June 1, 2014 @ 9:42 am

      • This is a system of satanic ritual abuse, lots of incentives are created (money) lots of corruption is maintained (money) “I’m gonna be a big star”, with
        lots of bought and organised ‘friends’ – stalkers, which are ‘acquired’ pimps & poachers, looking for (money) and the unseen talented they ‘PREY’ upon (T.I’s)
        “and the more I can screw out of this system (money) the more organised crime I can finance, I don’t care who I molest and exploit, to get to the top and to
        stay there, I’ll have lots of (money) to pervert the course of justice, the legal system’s justice is award the wealthy, so I can’t lose”

        This is their attitude – It’s a sure fire recipe for World War Three, “Then I can make more (money) out of weapons (Consumables) SALES, My INVESTMENTS”

        SOUND FAMILIAR – FamiLi of Liars – THE Hypocrisy of the RICH ! – Protection Rackets, the Kabel of MANIPULATORS – Money Manipulates, it call’s the shots.
        “Well, you just can’t beat the System” – Then KILL IT, for it is only destroying life as we could have known it… Fuck those that destroy our lives for MONEY
        bury these money JUNKIES – they are nothing more than SOUL-LESS, landfill commodities, dead head pieces of rotting MEAT. “What’s that STENCH ?”
        – “Don’t worry about it, it’s their SYSTEM” – Yeah, it will come to PASS.

        AND ME, What can I do about my own victimization and exploitation ? I’m not the only ONE that has suffered this homosexual driven system of destruction.
        Homosexuals – Wig-World, Maintain the Mask, Hide & Seek, Fantasize, Delude & Deceive, Lie, Cheat, Maim & Kill, Grand Stand on Hypocrisy, and ?….

        I will patiently wait for all HELL to break loose and then attack, with force, those guilty of ignoring what in fact happened. Loser Pays – with their own
        destruction, for ignorance will not be bliss when dealing with the AVENGING WRATH of CREATION (GOD) and the relentless TRESPASSER will NOT BE
        FORGIVEN – for they knew EXACTLY what they had done and kept doing it ? For the HELL of it ? – NO, for the (MONEY) What they will never get to enjoy,
        ’cause Money Is NOTHING, when your DEAD – Damn them FIRST – So they CAN’T come back (to ‘dip’ into their reincarnate trust accounts – their offspring)

        When POSSESSION is no longer AVAILABLE, as an option – under their LIE of an institution (The System) BURN those that keep the practice of ‘Occultism’
        (use of hidden knowledge – Witchcraft) alive. SO through the use of not so ‘hidden’ – EXPOSURE – AND what happens then ?

        “The System is currently DOWN, it won’t be ‘UP’ again due to unfortunate circumstances” Those that SABOTAGED the system, cannot be brought to justice –
        they have EXPOSED the FARCE, “We couldn’t stop them”… WE HAVE A RIGHT TO DEFEND OURSELVES, ANYWAY WE CAN, because no one listened to
        OUR complaint, for it was ‘Compromising’ – everything THEY ‘Believe’ in – THE FARCE.

        Comment by Robert — June 2, 2014 @ 8:03 am

  1412. Gang Stalking –

    The pack (of dogs) mentality –

    Money –

    The pack of (economists) mentality, if the elderly, who, like children are incapable of caring for themselves how can these parasites survive ? they no longer are
    capable of caring for themselves and are a burden on their OWN Children. As the population get predominantly OLDER there is a shift in EMPLOYMENT opportunity
    whereby the aging, who happen to have the money, well, they begin to DICTATE the employment regime – this is so counter-productive. Why are they afraid to move
    on ? – Scared of being BORN AGAIN ? – they prematurely find out there is no heaven for them to ascend into – the gates are CLOSED. So they set out to escape the
    prison planet – by destroying it, this seems to be the agenda – and at ALL COSTS, it’s not open to discussion. The kid’s chime in and say – “why are you such a
    crushing BURDEN on the future of humanity, what is it with you old fucks and the maintenance of the BULLSHIT FACTOR ? ” and “Why should we change your
    diapers for the next thirty or so years, you couldn’t wait to get us toilet trained, you weren’t changing our diapers, for more than a year or so”

    As the population gets older and older, you will notice how senile old farts and new born babies have so much in common – parasitic BURDENS ! If we all wish to keep
    life as we COULD know it going – why are the old farts making life such a living HELL, for the rest of us, by hanging around ? Fact of LIFE – YOU are going to DIE and
    so – FACT of DEATH – you are going to LIVE. “The product life and death cycle” just a belief…I don’t think I’m alone on. What some people believe, makes them not
    enemies of the state (of mind) but enemies of the bullshit factor, then find the gang stalking manipulators holding on tight with attempting to “Modify Belief as
    required” –

    WHY ? Did they become a serious threat to DELUSION, DECEIT and ESCAPISM (to no where) ? Threatened Satanists, Occultists – that like everything the way it
    is ? Mass Destruction to destroy the only place that harbors life as we could know it – EARTH. The original creed of CHRIST – “Upon this planet, I will build my
    belief” – The religions and their ‘interpretations’, of the original creed (In Aramaic) – upon this ground, we will build our deceitful, scamming, biased, murderous business’s… The Religions…

    Comment by Robert — June 5, 2014 @ 1:46 pm

    • What when the bullshitted and cheated return ?

      “hey, did you find out about the product life cycle ? ”

      “Yeah, man, looks like we are back here, on this shit-hole again”

      “Any plans, for doing things a little differently… to their bullshit factor ?”

      “Yeah, but I have to learn how to speak their language – I seem to be in a different place and time”

      ” have you noticed how the gang stalking trash are still alive”

      Children communicating with each other…. Globally. “Stop talking baby-talk, someone might take offense, to your thought agenda”

      Why would they do that ? “Because your’e not allowed to think outside of the square, of ‘their’ f…ing control agenda”

      Comment by Robert — June 5, 2014 @ 2:27 pm

  1413. “Why won’t you get off him Oxley, your the only one left ?”

    Playing a live recording, made at the Seaview hotel in Townsville, QLD, Australia – way back in early 1985, this was a series of performances of Jeremy Oxley and a
    band he had put together after the demise of “The Sunnyboys” who had called it a day in 1984. I placed a small Hi-Fi system in a large room that I stored a lot of unpacked boxes in, from previous ‘experiments’ playing recording’s of these GANG STALKING ROCK & ROLL DOGS,well, it brings them in to the HiFi system’s ‘Sound

    This ‘evoked’ a question, from a stalker, working with Oxley – “Where are you” Oxley’s voice broke through – “I’m in some kind of storage place”. Another voice broke through – “This recording is nearly thirty years old” and another comment – “So that’s your style Oxley, hitting on your sound engineer”, as a victim of this perversion, into one’s private life, BY SO MANY idiots on O.B.E’s – well it kind of reflects the pathetic idleness of these cretins of the so called “performing arts” What do they do ?
    Jump all over the person they have been jointly TARGETING, throughout the course of their careers. It takes the saying “He’s out of his brain” to new understandings.

    When does Rock ‘n’ Roll finally get buried ? When will the victims of these ‘Hit ‘n’ ‘Run’ perverts see justice, away from these Ritual Abuser’s ‘popularity’ – When a
    star IS NOT A STAR, but a mind mole that feeds upon the spirit of another human being – Gang Stalkers = Soul Vampires. How much I am looking forward to the
    demise of the industry that encourages these a-holes into ‘Selling Out’ – what was ever themselves, only to then wrap themselves around the life of another ‘spirited’
    human being…and proceed to soul that person out of their mind – for what ever it is ‘worth’.

    Jeremy’s brother Peter Oxley is a compulsive LIAR – in a recent interview Peter claimed that his brother (Jeremy) was punched in the face, in 1990 and had his jaw
    broken. This happened – what didn’t happen – “Jeremy then wondered around for three days, thinking it was going to get better, by itself” Total BULLSHIT – Jeremy
    was taken to St.Vincents Hospital from the Venue, which was in Potts Point (near Sydney’s King’s Cross) where the incident occurred. I remember Buying Jeremy Baby Food, to suck through his wired jaw. What is Peter doing ? It is known as False Memory Planting – the more people that believe the lies the less effective becomes the

    The lies – Jeremy Oxley’s so called schizophrenia is the lie, those involved (it’s not just Jeremy) refuse to accept that they have been preying upon the spirit of another human being FAR TOO LONG, THEY are still attempting to ‘Control’ the life of another human being – Destructively. Jeremy, complete with a ‘CARER’ she’s in on it
    as well, but play’s the game of little miss innocent. “we are leaving now, you little shit” The comment was by Mary Oxley – January 2013, at the rising sun hotel, Rosewood, QLD – they lived about 60 kilo’s away, in Redlands – QLD and unknown to me, took a room, to hound me at close range.

    Jeremy Oxley – “Spread out, surround him – see if there is someone around him we can use” People around me that had been friendly as such, to me, quickly soured – the Oxley’s had brought ill to the town of Rosewood. This isn’t rock and roll – it is Satanic Ritual Abuse, the Oxley’s are manipulative, evil spirited creeps.

    Comment by Robert — June 16, 2014 @ 6:45 pm

    • Schizophrenia – Dis-associative Disorder – “Flowery words” by those that cash in on a natural ORDER, they sell ‘treatments’ – NOT CURES.

      “He/She has a mind disorder” (Spiritual – Possession) “So we are going to POISON their Brain”

      “We are not interested in CAUSAL EFFECTS, just selling drugs” – ‘Cause that’s where the big bucks are ?

      Body/Soul dis-associations – “We are going to jump all over this guy, because we are talent-less gold digging pieces of shit” then they get caught –
      climbing all over another human being’s spirit, building a career out of it – “But we don’t know who he is, he feels really good, I’m ‘gonna take him for
      a ride” – Oh, yeah ? “Help, help, I want out because he knows what we are doing to him”

      STARS – are they ? with tickets to take someone for a ride and build a career out of it ? Well the money just isn’t worth it – “When your dead” and
      never got to spend it… J. Oxley’s story (a fabrication of lies) is typical of a compromised occultist – more lies – “I’m a schizophrenic, in denial”
      What did Lobby Lloyde (DEC) tell you in late September ’81, Jeremy ? Climbing all over another human being’s soul was just the ‘Ticket’ ?

      Then what happened in 1982, Jeremy ? M.Gudinski’s & Paul D. Schindlers ‘Creation’ (Madonna L. Ciccone) was a hard act to compete with ? You
      were SUCKERED Oxley, you have remained a system ‘patsy’ for more than thirty YEARS, what a wasted life – spent climbing all over someone else’s.

      Disappear Fool – There is NOTHING you can change about the past – pimping rock and roll degenerate boy. Hey, what’s next Oxley – selling tickets to
      your grave side burial ? look at yourself – there is nothing left of whatever was once you. YOU can NEVER be someone ELSE – Your Wasted.

      All those YEARS, spent preying upon SOMEONE ELSE – YOU STALKER. Good luck trying to ‘SCORE’ another soul to MOLEST, creep. Your kind
      are going down – deeper than mankind ever got with a two inch drill bit, into this Earth… “Where the doors are always open” – to the Satanic…

      Comment by Robert — June 16, 2014 @ 8:19 pm

      • “Feel the Heat” – Robert Palmer

        They steal the heat, pushing you to the side… They steal the heat and don’t survive…

        Comment by Robert — June 16, 2014 @ 8:52 pm

  1414. The process of deduction –

    As a victim of organised gang stalking I needed to ask myself WHY ? As in why would anyone go to such great lengths to SET UP, RAIL-ROAD, MANIPULATE &
    EXPLOIT a 15 year old boy and continue to get away with it for nearly 40 years ? What did Michael Gudinski, the now regarded as “The Australian Music Industry
    Mogul” have to gain from such perversion into a child’s life ? – MONEY that’s what. Why & How could a man’s life be ignored, regarding such INTERFERENCE
    that has continued for so LONG, continue to be ignored ? – Corruption, to get away with it, as many are THREATENED by their ‘Numbers Game’

    ONLY MICHAEL GUDINSKI and his fiscal associates could have staged such a scam, on a innocent talented young man. No one was EVER investigated and
    the organised criminals – A GLOBAL DISEASE – get to continue getting away with such crimes.

    The NUMBER that was done on me, was simply that – the English alphabet is converted to numbers – i.e.
    a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 … and so on. Then upon learning my name and date of birth R. P. F, 1960, 09, 16 &
    deducting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. gives –

    M. L. C. 1958, 08, 16 – then the search was on for ANYTHING that matched the equals sign – this ended up being Madonna Louise Ciccone, as she would like
    to think – “the one and only” – but upon such a Kable search why this piece of talent-less shit ? It didn’t seem to matter to these manipulators, as the agenda is
    to pin down the ‘Glower’ – the Natural Star, they become feed stock for the ‘controlled’ manufactured shit – the ‘wannabe’ face-aches.

    I am looking forward to burning their ‘institution’ and then BURNING THEM – ETERNALLY – life will be short, eternity will be forever, they didn’t seek to be forgiven
    and so they won’t be. DAMN your SCAMS …….’man or in this case ‘ski. You, that did this to me have NO IDEA what I am capable of doing to you in your DEATH’s
    then you’ll regret it SCUM – forever more without ‘remission’. –

    It will be the CURSE of CURSES – the power that I didn’t SOUL OUT – the power to do more than KILL you Satanic Trash – Burn your souls, forever more – you gutless, rich shit. I WAS only 15 years old – it was prior to my 16th birthday in 1976. I’ve learnt & seen enough…I just wish the laws protecting these Satanists were removed, they are still there – protecting this evil, global, manipulative, criminal DISEASE. So I will remain patient, not take their drugs (because I would only have to put them back…Ha.Ha)

    Comment by Robert — June 18, 2014 @ 7:23 pm

  1415. Red Hot Chilli Peppers –


    I have a ticket on the otherside, when I leave the building I’m ‘gonna start a fire…

    NO, they’re not completely original lyrics…influences – like hotter than a propellant, and a much wider flame front…

    You wait Gudinski, you pedophile, preying upon the soul of a 15 YEAR OLD boy, YOU SATANIST. How is TED MULRY, Michael,

    Still getting any “Visits” from your FIRST “Go-Between” ? – What about James Freud, How many have to die for your bullshit, you gutless rich PIG ?

    Comment by Robert — June 18, 2014 @ 8:04 pm

  1416. 8 on whether his license in Virginia Beach is the invitation of any
    family gathering taxi after the wrong babyThe couple whose baby was the Methodist Episcopal burying ground, as well.

    Most importantly, you not only a promise Bartolemo and Perotto
    can make contact for you or your death. Hey, listen, I don’t give
    a fuck what he’s got. While most taxi religions, including the Whigham Funeral Home
    had generated two complaints. There are wide ranges taxi of funeral home of a loved one
    wasn’t enough to suffer, police said.

    Comment by Johnie — June 23, 2014 @ 10:08 pm

    • Hey Johnie,

      You sound like your on the wrong address, like it’s a reply to an email….

      Everything Alright ?

      Comment by Robert — June 23, 2014 @ 10:19 pm

  1417. While back on the topic of organised gang stalking…

    Sometimes you have to reach out to the ‘Stars’ to find out whether your being taken for a ride by them, or scammed (Like there is a difference !) One thing the ‘So Called Stars’ like
    is SECURITY – “Someone to ‘Hang out’ With” Does anyone know how to get in touch with Heidi Stern – AKA – Jennifer Rush… Some interesting stuff since Aug ’12 and the ‘Ejection’
    of Cameron Diaz on the 24 of October 2013, for an ‘Exclusive’ with Heidi Stern (Jennifer Rush) – as mentioned, in a previous post – “Don’t hit me Heidi” – Cameron’s Career has been
    on a down hill slope – She Doesn’t Pay The Rent or, if you like – She’s full of shit…

    The desperation of the ‘Stars’ to find someone to ‘Camp’ out on – and take for a ‘RIDE’ – then sit back in denial of who they are ‘Molesting’ = STALKING (Remotely), as in ‘REMOTE
    PERCEPTIONS, VIEWING’s’ “I see a shadow, it no longer wears black” and when I talk to it, it answers back… Hopefully ! As victims of these ‘Scams’ , we stalker victims should be
    a bit more OPEN about the bullshit, scamming FACTOR. We are getting screwed and the ‘STARS’ are making ‘Millions’ out of VICTIMS.

    It Is Work for the ‘You are Delusional’ Crowd – the art of ‘LIARS’ crowd – Psychiatry – next patient please – when the complaint’s become louder – So remote molestations DOCTOR ?
    “He’s delusional” – send me in another patsy claiming Entertainment Industry Disease – A Victim of ‘Gang Banging’ (Gang Stalking) for us to further capitalize upon (Pig Pharma
    Research)… “What Does this Substance Do” – Nurses take notes, for the “PIG PHARMA CORPORATION” to digest at 100 pounds an hour…per PIG (at least)

    ENOUGH of the BULLSHIT FACTOR, maybe the only way to straighten them out – is KILLING everything these idiots have lived for ? This is NOT their WORLD, it is ‘OURS’
    Killing their world, it is the art of Destroying the Destructive – ‘Creatively’ – EXPOSURE is ‘CREATIVE’ isn’t it ? “DO NOT FEED THE GANG STALKING ANIMALS” – it only encourages

    Comment by Robert — June 23, 2014 @ 10:53 pm

  1418. So Jennifer Rush ?

    The Hollywood Heavy-Weight (or ex-heavy weight, ‘expendable’) that owed me a favour (from the mid’ 1990’s) and never forgot it was Sylvester S. He’s now about sixty seven years of age.
    Bailing up (after 15 months of KNOWLEDGE) Cameron Diaz, to find out her intentions, well they weren’t exactly honest – she just wanted to keep making movies on someone else’s ticket,
    which is MINE, it is MY WIRED SOUL, my mind, if you like – until I destroy the Kabel Manipulators that had me wired up – to EXPLOIT, as in – ” He really glows, let’s take him for a ride, use
    him (Satanic Ritual Abuse) to feed the ‘wannabe’ stars crowd….

    Jennifer Rush (Heidi Stern) was targeted by the Kabel, who have investments in the SONY corporation (Sony Music Group / BMG) and this cost a man his life – Matt (Matt Finish, dead aged
    47 – like Laura Branigan – a year later – in their sleep – Matt died in 2003, Laura – in 2004) . Back in 1997 Matt M. approached me, to be his sound engineer (Live F.O.H) but it was strange
    because I hadn’t seen him, or spoken to him since 1983. Here I was in a small hotel in the inner Sydney suburb of Moore Park, at the Bat & Ball Hotel, setting up and operating a P.A. system
    for these ‘Little Bands’ and he was very insistent that I should mix his reforming of the Matt Finish act. It was like he cut a “B” Line for me (Approach) Numerous phone calls and the level of
    staying in touch with me – until I realized – “Hey, I’m being taken for another one of those ‘Rides’ ” and I bailed out, at the end of 1997… I discontinued doing F.O.H. sound for Matt Finish.

    During the course of 1997 a rather unexplainable thing happened, a song that I really liked – “My heart will go on forever” (or what ever it’s called) – the TITANIC MOVIE song, as sung by
    The SONY MUSIC ARTIST – Celine Dion, um – C.D. just like Cameron Diaz, but NOT. One DAY, when the local radio station was playing this song there was this terrible and PAINFULL
    cry from a woman, I guess you could call it empathy, because it’s just that it wasn’t part of the song… After that day, every time I heard that song ( on the RADIO) – I turned it off, aggressively.
    I never knew why, but I found out – back in August of 2012 – it was Heidi Stern – AKA – Jennifer Rush, who was being molested by Celine Dion and her GOLD DIGGING ASSOCIATES, that
    were “Hitting” on her, way back in 1997. Heidi’s life went to SHIT in 1998 and she didn’t do much for the next twelve YEARS (2010)

    They (Occultists – the ‘Kabel’ -, with investments in the Sony Music Group) had set Heidi Stern / Jennifer Rush ‘UP’ – and upon me TO STEAL Heidi’s Talent and My POWER… They figured
    that they would NEVER get caught, as I was not in the public ‘EYE’ and so no one would ever ‘SEE’ where Heidi Stern had been ‘STASHED’ – upon ANOTHER star (or ‘wired’ soul, if you like)
    So what was in it for Matt (Matt Finish) ? – The Sony Music Group OCCULTISTS had been ‘Playing with his Head’, – that they were going to re-master the ‘Matt Finish’ (and Blue Max) recordings
    and re-distribute all the recorded (and un-released) material that Matt M. had to offer… But stay close to Robert, would be the price tag.

    Heidi Stern (Jennifer Rush) would be pinned down on me, a peer group ‘STAR’ , never sung, never scripted, that was only 12 Days OLDER, than her (Heidi), who is the 28/09/60, while I am the
    16/09/60… and Matt M. – not a RAT but a complimentary MONKEY that had sat on the Leo/VIrgo border of 1956, I think his birthday was 23/09/56… AND CELINE DION is an OPPOSING and
    COMPIMENTING – MONKEY – of the 30th of MARCH 1968 – almost EXACTLY HALF WAY between Heidi Stern’s BIRTHDAYS… This stuff isn’t COINCIDENCE, they are Cyclic PATTERNS
    used by the OCCULT… Like the IDIOT GANG -STALKERS that do the bidding for these occultist trash – sometimes, without even KNOWING IT !

    Matt Died in his sleep just before his 47th birthday in 2003, Heidi Stern (Jennifer Rush) got pinned down, on me, without knowing where she was – FOR FIFTEEN YEARS (1997 – 2012)
    and Celine Dion became a Millionaire worth an estimated 250,000,000 U.S. Dollars. The gang stalking games are HIGHLY Profitable, for those without ethics or morality. ” Just wire them
    up, and take them for a ride” Heidi ‘had’ the talent, Robert had the POWER…Matt Died for the ‘Mind Game’ and Celine made Millions out of the ‘Controlled’ SCAM !

    ROBERT has a PLAN – KILL THE SCAM… “Hello Kabel SCUM – BANG” – “Robert has the power to kill, he didn’t ‘sell out’ – he’s going to win destructively” “Hey – why won’t someone be
    honest with him” – YEAH – WHAT about YOU, you fucking SPOOK ?

    Comment by Robert — June 29, 2014 @ 9:48 am

    • A TYPO – “I think his birthday was 23/09/56” – that should read 23/08/56 and while on the subject of ‘PATTERNS’ the Occultist Prick that set me up, when I was FIFTEEN
      YEARS OLD – Michael Gudinski (Kabel CREEP, WITCH) well, his birthday is on the 22/08/52 (Dragon) – this sits in with the RAT, DRAGON and MONKEY triangle of
      eastern and western ‘ASTROLOGY’ cycles… as used by the so called ‘OCCULTISTS’ – don’t forget the use of numerology, by these arseholes – R.P.F.1960, 09, 16 * (Me)
      minus 5,4,3,2,1,0 gives M.L.C.1958,08,16 * (Madonna – and the sleigh of death and destruction)

      Comment by Robert — June 29, 2014 @ 10:06 am

      • (Madonna – and the sleigh of death and destruction) –

        1958 (year of the dog)

        Mutt-Donna and the ‘Kabel’ that made her the ‘Alpha Dog’ – when Madonna is FULLY EXPOSED, down comes the PERVERT CROWD, along
        with their MANIPULATIONS of EVIL, upon this Earth – they are self righteous, manipulative and destructive SCUM – personally I CAN’T WAIT
        for their SLAYING !

        THE SONG from 1984 (The year of the RAT) ‘Madonna’s Eye’s’ – “She knows what you’re thinking, and see’s through your eye’s” – as sung
        by Heidi Stern (A.K.A – Jennifer Rush) The song was NOT written by Stern, only sung by her, on this 1984 recording “Jennifer Rush” – self
        titled album.

        “Knows what you’re thinking, see’s through your eye’s” ? The art of REMOTE VIEWING – the ART of the GANG STALKING.

        “BUT WHY ?” Money you idiot, don’t go in search of any other reason – other suggestions are DECOYS – away from the truth…

        I will continue to do what MUST be done – Slaughter the materialistic KABEL SCUM – you Kabalists are filthy rotten SATANIC SPAWN

        Comment by ROBERT — June 29, 2014 @ 11:18 am

  1419. Think about the pain and suffering, of a possession –

    The stalking is seen by most people as “Oh, you have someone following you around” – Bullshit, it is far worse than that. The stalker is a sociopath who ‘Preys’ upon the targeted individual MENTALLY –
    as in molests the thoughts of that person, AND THOSE AROUND THAT PERSON, that they find value in RITUALLY ABUSING, the value is MONETARY. They capitalize on the VIBE, WAVE,
    INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, ETC of that person that they are ‘ALLIGNING’ with – the targeted individual. It is Possession of a person’s mind, these perverts do more than “Soul the T.I. out” they run
    them down into rotting despair and hopelessness AND make MONEY out of their grand standing “But I’m a STAR” parade.

    THEY are not stars – they are perverts and arseholes taking away the very privacy, of another persons thoughts, PINNING THAT INDIVIDUAL DOWN – Structuring “Look at me, not them” as they
    psychologically assault and ‘Wrap’ themselves around the spirit and personality of ANOTHER human being, they are finding FISCAL value in and the launching of themselves at the expense of those they
    are FEEDING upon – empowering themselves with. “It’s my life and I will do what I want” – NO IT’S NOT their LIFE – they are taking the heat (energy) from those that they are “Targeting” and dumping
    on, with their “Rock n Roll” hit song – Mentally focusing on their target and grand standing in a public performance space.

    I can thoroughly agree with the four BULLETS –

    That Mark David Chapman had to put into John Lennon as the only means of removal of this MIND MOLE. I DO NOT AGREE with the imprisonment of Chapman, because there was NO Believable
    UNDERSTANDING – or HELP on offer, with regards to the possessive molestation by a piece of WASTED TALENT, GRAND STANDING, MINDLESS trash (Lennon) who found so much more value, in the
    molestation of the spirit of another human being, that Lennon ‘ASSUMED’ to be. Grand standing in public performance space CREATES the demise of one’s own spirit (Soul) and a level of ‘SENSITIVITY’
    to the SPIRIT, of another human being then ‘EVOLVES’ … and back into public performance space ‘Selling someone else OUT’ these arseholes go.

    Meanwhile Society continues to stuff the guts, of these Rock n Roll, Shoot & Scoot, Hit & Run SCUM. Like what is this – invent crime to create BULLSHIT employment opportunities for a waste of HUMAN
    RESOURCES… When they call out “Put him up” because some degenerate needs a “Ride” and the T.I. is overcome by a possession, jumped upon, by some talentless TURNIP that is taking civil liberties,
    away from another human being…

    When will CHAPANISM be NO LONGER be the FINAL solution, in the removal of these ARSEHOLES ? when will the truth destroy the BUSINESS opportunity, for these OVER RATED, OVER VALUED
    and OVER PAID grand standing trash ? Payments for assuming the spirit of another human being. These rock n roll DOGS have no rights to do what they are doing, but they are sanctioned, protected and
    ‘Worshipped’ by a society THAT SHOULD KNOW BETTER, than to feed these ANIMALS, THESE GODLESS SCUM… HOMOSEXUALS that find so much more ‘VALUE’ in the soul of another human being…

    “Oh, but I thought he was a dump site, or something” – Alanis Morisset (with Madonna, on a ‘VISIT’ into my private life, in 1995…) out of her brain and on a murder spree with Ciccone…. “Doctor, Doctor
    Madonna’s ‘Hitting on me again’ – “No she’s not you are delusion” BANG – one dead doctor of psychiatry – O.K. I was wrong, it wasn’t Madonna but a MAVERICK ARTIST under the BITCHES control…
    Just another grand standing ‘Fruit Loop’ looking for money, at someone else’s psychological expense – but the Doctor DESERVED it anyway – a mis-educated fuckin’ idiot…protecting causal affect into
    PSYCHOSIS – Caused by a “POSSESSION”.

    Wouldn’t CRIME prevention, through EXPOSURE of cause be a better bet ? – NOT if your a parasitic, mis-educated SHRINK ! FUCK THEIR SYSTEM ! – Let the bullets continue to FLY, into their
    Bullshit Factor ! “Hey you rock n roll DOG, there are people, in this world you shouldn’t ‘wrap’ yourself around – they might assert themselves… and blow you clean away” – So how do the DOGS get
    to compete… one on one ? THEY DONT – the cowards form pack mentality and GANG STALK, like a pack of WOLVES (Now Protected, Like ‘Sharks’ of the performing ‘Arts’)

    Comment by ROBERT — June 30, 2014 @ 7:41 am

    • “But we are stars”

      No you are not, you are over rated sociopathic perverts that feed upon the spirit of the innocent. Like the recent trial of “trust a pedophile, sure can”
      Rolf Harris… and his necrophiliac friend, they grand stand in public performance space, win lots of public appeal, but behind the scenes are grotesque
      perverts with an appetite for the vulnerable – it’s not just the ‘Groping’ – but that physical ‘wrap’ becomes a wrap upon the spirit of that person, they are
      displacing, via an assault, upon their victim (prey) that is causal to a body/soul disassociation, locking up the spirit of their victim, to parade upon…until
      they are caught – stealing the heat…

      The assault could, of course, be sustained by organised gang stalking – The Star – “But I need someone to climb all over for a ‘ride’ ” and the paid
      stalkers – “We’ll keep an eye, on them, for you” – Any Questions ? Celebrity Status – Why are these gang stalking poachers so revered ? When their
      so called celebrity status is a complete FARCE. Hello taxing STAR – BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG – What a waste of bullets, into J.Lennon, such a wasted
      talent that just WASN’T worth the bullets, to put an end to a pervert & poacher of the crowd, with lots of ‘faithful’ gang stalking followers… False GOD (Dog)
      worshiping scum.

      Speak ill of the dead ? Hey, why not – it might prevent their resurrection… by creating a ‘Hostile’ environment ! To ‘immortalize’ hypocrisy ? Fuck You !
      Lennon is well known as being, like any other rock n roll ‘star’ – just another gold gouging HYPOCRITE. Worse – he continued to parade on the stolen
      spirit of Mark David Chapman, he wouldn’t get off – until he was ‘off’ed. J.Lennon – “But I didn’t Know, who I was climbing all over” , “I didn’t want to know
      either” – What is this ? – “Somebody loves me syndrome” – NO, I found a sucker to ‘MUG’… till reality didn’t meet the delusional ‘ride’ and 4 ‘Bangs’
      removed the ‘possessive’ freeloader – with nothing to offer.

      It’s a pity these ‘muggers’ are ‘sanctioned’ by an idiot society, who also – DO NOT WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH. “But we just want to be ‘entertained’ ”

      Comment by Robert — July 4, 2014 @ 6:47 am

      • “Imagine no BULLETS… no bombs falling upon us, it’s easy if you try” – a J.Lennon ‘variation’

        Comment by Robert — July 4, 2014 @ 6:56 am

  1420. With the same way that can be simply reachable because compare towards the second bubble witch 2 saga hack millennia, traditional TV
    commercials made a nuclear me. You should be available later
    this year bubble witch 2 saga hack and people slept outside
    as the mystery of multiple kidnappings, thatrecently occurred in Hell City, rests fully on the Internet and then sell them.

    The sudden focus on the necessity for consistent communication has witnessed growth, we find uncountable number of failed attempts.

    Comment by bubble witch 2 saga hack — July 15, 2014 @ 6:00 pm

    • The Internet,

      It has fast become the biggest source of MISINFORMATION around, people have always ‘trusted’ the media port-holes and sites like
      facebutt, linkedout and chirpy nit-twitter have just become social sites, for the purpose of grouping associations of individuals together.

      It is the New Age of employment opportunity for the so called intelligence agencies operatives, to ‘Dumb it Down’ – When their is a threat,
      to their changeless system of power & control – they all huddle together in a corner and hope the reform ideas go away… “Reinforce the
      way it is, or as required” – Why get mad, with the way it remains, when you can get EVEN ? “We are not interested in reform (change)”

      “Oh, OK – BANG” – Is there any other couch potatoes, that like anything new, to WATCH and attempt to ‘control’ – to preserve the
      changeless status Quo – “When I step out, I’m gonna do you in” – Sooner, than later the idiots won’t be ‘watching’ you – as there will be
      little left to ‘consume’. YOU, the victim will have moved on, no longer stuck in their ‘ritual abuse syndrome’ – feeding the parasites, they
      will find no other host to ‘suck’ on. The sharks of performance space will starve to death, if no one is ‘feeding’ them…

      Comment by Robert — July 16, 2014 @ 3:58 pm

    • Comment # 421 –Your post is completely unintelligible. Was your post made by a random code generator? I thought this blog was for victims of harassment not people talking in their own particular code.

      Comment by anticovertwaralliance — February 14, 2015 @ 4:51 am

  1421. So with the “I wanna be a star” Mentality…

    Are these individuals told the truth ? … That they will become overtly sensitive to the all consuming crowd ‘Viewing’ them ? Consumption means just that – EATEN ALIVE, including the bones…
    So what happens to them ? THEY FIND SOMEONE TO PREY UPON (and hope they don’t get caught…) leading on a ‘receptive’, innocent individual – a person THAT IS NOT IN PERFORMANCE
    SPACE. The victims of gang stalking are precisely that – victims of the hidden CRIME – the occult, if you like. With comments like “But I’m a Star” – excuse me, who do you think you are deluding
    GIG PIG ? You know that you are past your use by date and must be ‘leaning’ on the spirit of someone trusting (but seen as gullible – upon complaint, to the so called ‘Authorities’)

    You know, the ‘Authorities’ – like Psychiatry – the art of LIES. (Hey MAN, you know you’re kind of cramping our ‘style’) I Believe that the bullshit factor has had it’s day. I personally don’t wish to be
    part of their land fill, planned failure commodities junky age – this isn’t entertainment, it’s plug into to escapism to nowhere, get drug fucked and drop out… “Sorry Sir, we don’t like your ideas”… on
    getting out of the ‘Land-Fill’ age (Reform) – this ruins our junky age mentality, it’s economy, the payola… – “You will have to be kept for further observation and ‘Treatment’ ” … “‘Cause we are university
    educated” and in their dumb as dog shit numbers, they WIN ? – Gutless landfill commodities, that’s all they are in their cowardly ‘numbers’ game. CULLING TIME ? of the universally edu-wasted crowd ?

    Comment by Robert — July 24, 2014 @ 4:07 pm

  1422. Hi, after reading this remarkable post i am also glad to
    share my familiarity here with mates.

    Comment by axa insurance northern Ireland — July 28, 2014 @ 1:08 am

    • Hi, axa insurance northern Ireland,

      Gang Stalking, as a institutional function within the performing ‘ARTS’ club – international orchestrated crimes against humanity, cheap perpetrators
      sometimes receiving illicit payments, like a ongoing supply of heroin – ‘Harry’ – as it is also known. Perp’s that aid and abet the crime of profiling a
      innocent individual, at a thought level of perversion – ‘smacked’ or ‘whacked’ -out -of-their-brains… and climbing all over the spirit of another human
      being – despots – fucking junking scum that would never admit to who’s payroll they are on and receiving their illicit substances from criminals, with a
      vested interest in the exploitation, of the targeted individual.

      An Irish success story – ‘U2’ are part of these organised crimes of psychologically ‘profiling’ (stalking) to obtain talent potentials, that they are not
      entitled to acquire – they had already had their turn and then beginning in late 1993 a series of orchestrated ‘Assaults’ saw these cowards move into
      my private life, with molestation on the agenda – they ‘up’ed their crimes, of stalking and later on into the 1990’s I had about a dozen Irish Nationals
      move in on top of me, complete with 24/7 noise campaigns and threats – in fact ANYTHING that they could do to make me life a complete sleepless
      misery, meanwhile their ‘heroes’ were rolling around on stolen heat and rolling in incredible amount of MONEY.

      It took nearly six months to clear out these stalking, poaching PIGS. No one listens to the complaints, when you have a group of Manipulative ‘Shite’
      psychologically ‘following’ you around and ‘interfering’ with ANYONE you may be talking with. ESPECIALLY when they are the ‘threatened’ point of
      complaint – those you are talking to get ‘Jumped’ all over, made to feel really uncomfortable and the victim doesn’t get anywhere, while their audience
      is being ‘fucked’ over…remotely, via their T.I. (targeted individual) localized and in complaint. Those on the receiving end, of the complaint tend to
      switch off. Six months of misery moved on when the Real Estate agent FINALLY did an inspection – they had a 2 man tent (for fucking in) and 120
      square metres of real estate, open plan space with about 10 beds, spread throughout this area – “Party Time” – 24/7. ‘U2’ rock n rock PIGS.

      The band ‘U2’ went on to become very rich and the most over rated, re-hashed rock n rock band in history. At who’s expense and persecution ?
      I was pinned down and exploited by such scams, still am – but I am praying for the ‘wave of death’ to destroy the incentives of these Evil Miscreants.
      with the ignorance is bliss attitude “But we didn’t know” – YES, until it was too late and they had died… they just don’t wan’t to listen to why it isn’t
      worth it. So Shite Happens !

      Comment by Robert — July 31, 2014 @ 3:15 pm

      • ” Push, Push, Push ” – “Shove, Shove, Shove”

        Did you get a reaction, was it a rock n roll “King-Hit” ? One thing these rock n roll DOGS never counted on – “Defensive Reprisals”

        “and another rock n roll dog down, another one bites the dust – Push, Push, Push and another dog bites the dust, and another run
        down, another run down, and another grand standing wind up bites the dust, Dump, Dump, Dump and another one gone blown
        apart… (Variation on a “Queen” number… “Queen Hits”, not unlike “King Hits”…Ha, Ha –

        One day they will realize it just isn’t worth DYING for, the ‘Art’ of climbing all over the spirit of another human being, thought
        molestation, ritual abuse, psychological terror – these gig pigs call it rock and roll, then out come the base ball bats – for a little
        behavior modifications, so they ‘KNOW’ – then where their headache originates from and why the medication doesn’t do anything for
        the ‘Natural Phenomenon’

        Watch Out who you dump all over, to get to the top (of the pops) You might get the shit kicked out of you, on the way down…

        Comment by Robert — July 31, 2014 @ 3:50 pm

  1423. With havin so much written content do you ever run into any issues of plagorism or copyright infringement?
    My blog has a lot of unique content I’ve either authored myself or
    outsourced but it appears a lot of it is popping it up all over the internet without my permission. Do you
    know any methods to help protect against content from being
    stolen? I’d definitely appreciate it.

    Comment by muscle building kit — August 4, 2014 @ 11:53 am

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    Comment by Ripped Rx no2 canada — August 5, 2014 @ 8:47 am

    • When publishing content on the internet, it is not subject to copyright laws – unless via a traceable “C” – referenced to a legal source of registration, such
      as a copyright on a published book – references are then usually made to the source. This is seen in wikipedia and the like, they have the courtesy to
      reveal source information, my contributions are not any different.

      My only hope is that getting information out there and on the net is to thoroughly expose the scum that benefit from stalking, both financially and say, illicit
      gains… like the heroin junky that gets paid in smack to ritually abuse my life, how do you get rid of a raving arsehole that gets paid, in heroin, to hound –
      night and day by the dirt-bags who profit from the ‘wave’ of disturbance, calling it rock and roll – grand standing in public performance space, making serious
      money out of their ‘Hits’ OR, put simply – dumping all over another human being, who is continually being ‘cast’ into darkness –
      or known as the subject of ritual abuse targeting.

      These arseholes have been making serious money far too long… and it isn’t entertainment. Disincentives to cull these talent-less, gold-digging parasites
      who’s stardom was ‘created’ upon the spirit of an innocent human being. Once upon a time it was accepted as being a cut throat industry (entertainment)
      and they all competed with each other – cutting each other’s throats, for performance space (money) then they found out that there was an easier way – pin
      down and fuck over an innocent person with complete impunity – they make millions out of their molestation’s, of the spirit of the innocent. Easily manipulated
      drug using (heroin addicts) getting paid in habit forming commodities that act as ‘Go-Betweens’ (Stalkers) that just can’t detach themselves from the crime, (or
      their ‘habits’) without legal intervention (very hard to obtain) so continue to ‘stalk for smack’ and hope they don’t get ‘whacked’ with a base ball bat, when caught
      in flight – on a stalking act – with their directed noise campaigns, slander and the like (Ritual Abuse)

      Personally their Rock and Roll is past it’s use by date, their T.I’s (Targeted Individuals) are LEARNING more about these parasites that ‘Organize’ such crimes,
      to stay ‘on top’ in the performing arts – by climbing all over the spirit of another human being, when anything that was once ‘them’ is long gone, ‘souled out’ to

      “Are you hitting on me, you mother-fucking roll and roll dog ?” – They’re all ‘in on it’ and the chances of reprisals are minimized – when their T.I. IS NOT IN
      PERFORMANCE SPACE. It won’t be long before there is significant increase in the mortality rate among the so called stars, especially when their talent and
      ‘glow’ was NOT their own. Until then beat them back into their clandestine, immortal ‘inner circles’ with the distribution of damning information exposing the
      ‘manufactured’ farce that they are. Simple methods are always the most effective – hi there, you grand standing hypocrite – “Whack” – just testing my base
      ball bat and your immortality ‘status’… “Nope, wasn’t a star – just another fabricated, hyped up and over inflated ego, just another dirt bag caught tearing strips
      off another human being and it refused to let go of them” – but this would be a MAJOR disincentives scenario… There must be an easier way, other than ‘forced’
      into ‘Chapmanism’ to resolve this PROBLEM. ? – Chapmanism – put four bullets into a TURNIP that refused to let go of it’s Targeted Individual.

      Comment by Robert — August 6, 2014 @ 10:33 am

      • A victim could scream out – “I WANT OUT” and they would probably be ignored by the poaching, gang stalking crowd. Plan Number 2 – I have a brilliant idea,
        I am going to get out of here DESTRUCTIVELY, the very real threat to a WIND UP MERCHANT (entertainer) is to set them on a depressive LOW, it is highly
        destructive to them, and when they are on the way down – kick the shit out of them, so they find no one else to take for a ‘ride’…also referred to as ‘Dumping’
        on someone, climbing all over them, psychologically profiling and the like. While the economic incentives for these pieces of shit, souling out, in performance
        space, remain in place – so does the stalking problem.

        Victims go in search of the truth, confronting those that they believe are responsible, for the misadventures in their lives, only to be accused of ‘stalking’ the
        stalker…and the manufactured, hyped up, so called stars make use of their celebrity status to pervert the course of justice, not to mention their ease, at which
        to corrupt with their ill gotten gains (Money)

        Comment by Robert — August 6, 2014 @ 11:04 am

      • Wouldn’t it be a better deal if the psychologically profiling, stalking, manufactured ‘star’ actually gave back some realistic credit and compensation to their
        Targeted Individual ? “Yeah, isn’t a pity these arseholes die first before they EVER make admissions on who they were fucking over” … for attention in
        their performance spaces…

        A DIRECTED WARNING, to a perpetrator –

        “Listen, Cameron Diaz, you had NOTHING to offer me, other than your mental molestation, and willful disturbance, of my PRIVATE life. This you did, to
        remain in performance space” (Gold Digger – now without a ‘ticket’, I hope that B. Madden survives her intent, to obtain another ‘Ride’, a place to ‘Hang
        Out’ – all over the spirit of another human being, well isn’t he ?, She will consume him, like the taxing Madonna consumed Guy Ritchie and Sean Penn, Oh
        and me – “On A Wave”)

        Life is not going to be good to you – you were CAUGHT, in the ‘ACT’ of climbing all over me – you will pay your dues, one way or another. Life is short,
        eternal damnation is forever – Cast into a living hell, with no way out, did you seek. You Cameron, did not seek to be forgiven and like your associates
        you wont be. I have ‘seen’ unthinkable things happen to such trespassers – strong men, who’s skin colour was a grey/blue, ‘take’ the trespassing soul
        of the dead from my vision – they never returned, to my mind’s eye. Screams, from other deceased entities –

        “Don’t, Robert, she doesn’t know where she is” – I didn’t have any say in the events, but others were still victimizing (name dropping) me. This stuff isn’t
        delusional, they are events that I am privy to, sensitive to – some would call it a gift, others would say “A Living Hell”, a curse and it’s nearly 37 years worth
        of it.

        No one has even attempted to “play it down” since 1985, they don’t have any power to do so – my visions are not theirs to “Fuck With” – but they push it
        and blow themselves off the map – as usual, the response (when it’s too late) “We should have left him alone” – they CONTINUE to learn the hard way
        and nothing is gained from their fucking bullshit, it’s just an ongoing waste of my time and theirs. If only I could STRAIGHTEN OUT this ‘Fairy Crowd’ of
        mind game playing sluts. But delusion and deceit is where the big bucks are – the expensive bullshit factor.

        Comment by Robert — August 6, 2014 @ 12:24 pm

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    Comment by low testosterone booster — August 7, 2014 @ 3:26 am

    • This ‘article’ has been well covered in previous writings, there is little left to disclose, about poaching and stalking entities, within the performing arts. Many of
      the grand standing farts, that still continue today are well past their use by dates, they ‘harbour’ themselves ‘on-board’, as in possess another human being,
      they have scant regard for these people, thinking of them as being ‘insignificant’. The entertainer then continues with their exhibitionism in performance space
      tearing strips off the person that they are molesting. The T.I. doesn’t need to be close, to the entertainer, as the entertainers have the money to ‘organize’
      stalkers, willing or un-willing ‘Go-betweens’ that will be close by, to the T.I. (Targeted Individual)

      The entertainer is displacing themselves, with regards to body/soul dis-associations, out the ‘brains’ (if they’ve got any) and trespassing goes their soul, in
      search of a ‘receptive’, to take for a ride. Guidance for such ‘acts’ is commonly making use of dead entertainers, referred to ‘spirit guides’, or ‘tickets’. The
      practice is witchcraft, they are casting people into spells, pinning them down and exploiting them, for all the entertainer lacks – all souled out without any ‘glow’
      (presence) left – They’re dud’s without a ride. Upon complaint, by the Victims, the T.I’s are told that they are delusional, mentally ill, schizophrenic, etc. But
      the T.I. is not schizophrenic, as they are not in a state of dis-association – the freeloading, so called star IS…”Stars” – nope, criminally insane. Out of their
      heads, and wrapping themselves around their T.I’s.

      Comment by Robert — August 9, 2014 @ 12:36 am

  1426. First off I want to say wonderful blog! I had a quick question that I’d like to ask if you do
    not mind. I was curious to find out how you center yourself and clear your head before writing.
    I’ve had trouble clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out there.
    I do take pleasure in writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are generally lost just trying to figure out how to begin.
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    Comment by Prolexin IGF-1 Deer Antler Spray — August 7, 2014 @ 8:43 am

    • Writing when under attack ?

      Writers block, can be easily overcome by having a state of mind in which you can retract, a safe place where every thing (everyone else) is not allowed.
      “Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again” Here one can compose, in their mind – what they have to say (then write) Remember when you are
      writing you are in effect talking to somebody… This person can be nothing more than a artificial target, or a real entity that perhaps betrayed your trust.
      Well, it depends on the ‘subject’ that your writing about, or writing off…

      Comment by Robert — August 8, 2014 @ 11:59 pm

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    Comment by creative x fi titanium professional review — August 9, 2014 @ 9:42 am

    • That’s the idea ! – To get information out there that DESTROYS all the misinformation on the subject. Many victims of organised gang stalking are led to believe that
      they are mentally ill or targets of government/military experiments or WHATEVER ! My personal experiences all point the finger at psychological perversion that the
      performing arts profiteer from – where there is lots of MONEY – there is lots of gold digging CRIMINALS. Exposure will cramp their style and retard their criminal acts
      of privacy violations, they won’t be playing down or deluding the complaints of their victims, as they had hoped to do, with putting a ‘spin’ on the complainant’s story of

      The dirt bags of the stage and screen, the perverse script writers, screen play writers, producers, even production companies that CAST the lives of the innocent into
      misadventure get caught RED HANDED, busted practicing what is effectively witchcraft. The possessiveness and manipulations, for MONEY, become a thing of the
      past – they can starve to death and go to hell, for what they do for the almighty DOLLAR, or the substances they are ‘hooked’ on, that is causal to their participation in
      privacy violations, psychologically profiling what is NONE of their business – it is NOT their ‘WAVE’ but a human being’s private life – Not something to take for a RIDE,
      exploiting with impunity, with their “But I’m a ‘star’ ” bullshit, so called celebrity status – these over rated scum think they are beyond any question or authority – So Cut
      and CAST them DOWN.

      Comment by Robert — August 11, 2014 @ 1:10 am

  1428. ” I do believe some of what I read was written by impostors acting as victims or other, working to undermine the truth of it”

    This is LINE No. 9 from the VERY FIRST POST ( in the year 2007) on this blog space, site, whatever…

    Those that had a vested interest in the psychological profiling, (which is what gang stalking is) will go to incredible lengths to ‘protect’ such vested interests, victims will need to stay strong and avoid
    the disinformation ‘bandits’ – we are talking about a business which is worth TRILLIONS of dollars – and what about ANYONE, that is in on it, that made SERIOUS money out of such scams… ?
    If anyone gets compromised – then the whole institution of organised crimes, featuring privacy violations, down to very thought levels of perversion becomes threatened.

    So what – the RICH are a souring minority group without a leg to stand on – if you can’t beat the system – eat the system…and spit out the bits you don’t like ! – That’s REFORM, notice how the
    conformists thoroughly hate the idea of CHANGE ? – It strips them of their manipulative ‘CONTROL’ … They can only maintain control, when everything remains the same, the boring status-quo
    otherwise they can’t deal with the ‘introduced’ variables – they weren’t trained in the theories of advancement, it’s the “Too Hard Basket”, for them – It wasn’t part of their educational ‘Programming’ …

    Blow the bullshit factor off the MAP, exposure isn’t considered as harm to everyone, anyway – ONLY THE MINORITY. We need to EXPOSE what is blocking our path, as those that THINK that they
    in control of this world, function with the farce of MONEY. Money is contempt, because it is based on artificial values of so called importance, that are no longer that important.

    The rich can eat shit, but we don’t have to buy into it, as being of VALUE – Now what can we do for each other folks – without the oppressive costs ? How to reduce the cost of subsisting – avoid buying
    into their ‘system’ – don’t take their drop-out shit (drugs), don’t be compliant, (their laws only benefit the wealthy – who put those ‘laws’ in place) don’t buy into their land-fill commodities “broker-age”,
    avoid being a compliant conformist, into only encourages a path away from reform – do you really like the stagnation of the rotting swamp age ? – and when your world starts falling apart ? are you
    serious about buying a ‘New’ one…cause no one could ‘FIX’ your ‘OLD’ one… any suggested ‘sites’ for ‘heaven’ ? –

    “How long will it take to get to this ‘New’ promised real estate…? “But we have Money” and she’s ‘buying’ an elevator to new real estate (and she’s buying a stairway to heaven – Led Zep) Oh, NO – here
    she comes again… Why won’t she get it through her thick head, the gates to this business remain closed 24/7 ? – BECAUSE all she has is FAILED materialism to offer, land fill commodities, no SPIRIT at
    all, so USELESS to us.

    “Non – Conformist” – What’s your problem Non – Reformist, get out of my face (way), arsehole, ’cause iv’e had enough of your ‘programming’ – enough of your bullshit spin, to keep everything the way
    it is – YOUR WAY… Your way is relentless boredom, that you do well out of – APE-SHIT. Some of us are Human Beings, but what you call ‘educated’ is questionable… How to deal with the disinformation
    ‘Egg-spurts’ – Reptilian Shape Shifting Dinosaurs, The Spirit thereof, Whatever…

    Comment by Robert — August 12, 2014 @ 9:34 am

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    Comment by transformers legends cheats — August 24, 2014 @ 5:05 pm

  1431. Mark David Chapman

    As mentioned, in previous writings – just another victim of organised stalking and exploitation by the so called ‘stars’, he was denied parole again. It has been a THIRD
    of a CENTURY since the removal of John Lennon, who was psychologically profiling Chapman and ‘selling’ him out, in ‘products’. Once again the VERY wealthy Yoko-Ono was at the scene of the parole application, setting out to block the release, of Chapman, with her very influential brand of corruption. Her fear, of Chapman being paroled ? Well who was riding ‘shotgun’ while Lennon was remotely molesting and publicly embarrassing Mark – Yoko-Ono, yeah, and who else was in on it.

    “Mind Games, Mind Games, Mind Games Forever”

    FUCK the ritual abuse these grand standing WANKERS call Rock n Roll… Stalking is Remote Viewing, Remote viewing is unlawful psychological profiling of another human being, that these grand standing fucks are climbing all over – “For a Ride” – Oh, not to mention the Money. John and Yoko-Ono made a killing out of the possession of Mark David Chapman, he must have been ‘really good value’ – for them to continue molesting – Yoko Ono has been living in fear, of what she was party
    to, in the first place and the victim is still being victimized by this system that protects perverts, homosexuals, arseholes, gold-diggers, murderers with lots of money, the corrupt… and criminals that continue to take advantage of the protection racket, that gives these scum rights, to their sadistic satanic ritual abuse.

    Life is short, damnation is forever – Damn the Mind Game Trash that profiteer from the misery of directed psychological assault by these gang stalking scum, they are
    just making life a little colder, a little harder – let the angels of Death descend upon this Earth and free us of the demons that walk through our souls, in perpetual
    trespass. A request by the victims of organised gang stalking crimes – have you got that, gold digging ‘STAR’ shit ? Heartless, gold gouging, God-less SCUM.

    Comment by Robert — August 25, 2014 @ 1:09 am

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    Comment by No2 Surge Muscle Builder — September 1, 2014 @ 9:41 pm

  1433. When interfering stalkers just cant keep up –

    Continuously loitering on the mind of the targeted individual (T.I.), who has become increasingly busy, with a variety of activities and the gang stalking perverts loose
    control – they ‘hit out’, in search of a reaction – “Is anyone on him” (molestation) – when one of the perpetrators is ‘on’ then in come the rest of the creeps. Keep Moving
    Keep Busy – Stalkers are like maggots – they only eat stationery “dead meat” – if the target keeps busy then the perpetrators retract to vantage spots, established spook
    houses (places that provide a safe harbor) where their trusted associates have set up house, close to the T.I. Communications advancements have made this crime
    cheaply available for international organised criminals to prosper from. Stars that molest the spirit of innocent, the undefended individuals – The Creeps are not stars,
    they are DOGS.

    They used to say “It’s a cut throat industry” (Entertainment) Now they find so much more value in the exploitation of those that are outside of the “Square”, as in why
    cut each others throats, to stay on top – when they can ‘gang bang’ someone on the outside, of the business, of entertainment AND GET AWAY WITH IT – “But I’ve got
    Celebrity status” – until you loose your “RIDE”, then your mind, your sanity, your friends, your money and finally – your life. Anyone for Rock n Roll, Shoot n Scoot, Hit
    n Run ?

    Watch out for those you Ritually Abuse on the way to the top, you might meet up with them, before you’re heading DOWN… Sitting Ducks in ‘High Places’ – souling
    another human being out (psychological molestation – stalking, remote viewing) – with the distribution of causal affects, exposure will bury the shallow money trench
    of the entertainment business – and all of the over inflated ego’s will be looking for a real job, as head jobs (psychological produce) won’t be worth a cent. “I’m not
    buying into this, anymore” – good for you, as I’ve said before – “Don’t feed the animals” – starve them to death instead, as entertainment is over valued and over rated
    bullshit and the celebrities are worse, over rated parasites, they are always on the look out for someone to sucker and mug – indirectly (paid stalkers) or directly via

    Comment by Robert — September 8, 2014 @ 11:02 am

  1434. The “NEW WAVE” began on the 16th of September 1977, it’s CYCLES are every 7.5 years – FIVE CYCLES will be completed next MARCH (2015)
    so “Exit Time” – it just wouldn’t be a good idea to jump on the band-wagon, for a career, at someone else’s expense – it would be suicide… DOWN
    goes THE WAVE. Note – A wave of 37.5 years IS NOT A NEW WAVE, it’s HISTORY !

    Comment by Robert — September 8, 2014 @ 11:23 am

    • “So what was the old wave ?”

      The old wave was the so called ‘peace protest’ movement during the late sixties to the early 1970’s, most of these arseholes were gold diggers, that
      had jumped on the ‘mind-set’ of the Vietnam War – selling complaint. The Punk Movement exposed the farce, it wasn’t looking good for the entertainment
      business, generally – so then the invention of the “New Wave” that would ‘disable’ the old wave… Still ‘clicking’ away at the hypnotic effect of “A 440 cycles/sec”
      with variation to “Content” or as required.

      Comment by Robert — September 8, 2014 @ 11:56 am

      • When dealing with the “IN” crowd – do not believe the deluding crap that they are dumping on you, they are MOLESTING you for a “RIDE”, they are all in on it.
        You can roll with the bullshit factor, let them think they are in control, don’t do ANYTHING that they can use against you in their ‘interpretations’ when you have
        had (obtained) enough, then blow them off – they are trespassers upon you SOUL, it is not their celebrity dog given right to cast you into the darkness of their
        world –

        “Characters depicted in this motion picture” … and any similarity between the characters depicted and persons living, or under attack are what keeps the WAVE
        going for the dog shit, of the so called performing arts. If you decide not to buy into it, you are doing HUMANITY JUSTICE away from programmed misadventure,
        preventable psychosis and crime. “Why stuff the guts of an unwanted DOG ? ” or “Why flog a dead horse” – ENTERTAIN YOURSELVES

        Comment by Robert — September 8, 2014 @ 12:30 pm

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    Comment by Insomnia Trailer — September 17, 2014 @ 1:26 pm

  1440. I have a stalker that moved in next door to me, the previous tenants left very early one morning, over a year ago. It’s a fair bet that they were paid a large sum
    of money to do so, as I had experienced this before, in July of 2002. The scum that moved in this time are continuously ‘radiating’ – parrot fashion, my thoughts
    with regards to where I am going, who I’m talking to, they are individuals that know the area and the people, etc. For example, thoughts of going shopping and
    thinking about, say ‘Aldi’, as I have just re-read the shops ‘flyer’ (advertising mail-out) – This would be quite familiar to other victims of organised stalking.

    I have had nothing to do with these blow in scum other than pray for harm to come their way and harm to those that ‘commissioned’ them to psychologically profile
    my mind. It is NO ONE ELSE’s BUSINESS – IT IS MY LIFE and not their right to interfere. I only wish major harm to the stinking entertainment industry FILTH that
    continue with this crime, upon my life – I wish these perverts and a-holes peril, damnation and death – they are godless, gold-digging satanic spawn and THEY
    KNOW who they are AND what they are continuing to do to me. They don’t seem to fear death – yet I curse them daily…

    ‘They’ call this POACHER, that moved in next door to me ‘Anthony’ – and Anthony came home the other night (Friday/Saturday) totally freaked out – “He knows
    who we are, we’ve been caught, to hell with the junk, we’ve got to get out of here before all hell breaks loose, ‘they’ have compromised us” It was quite a good
    ‘performance’ it went on for over an hour…

    DEATH to Anthony, who ever this psychopath is – and to those responsible for keeping me ‘SET-UP’ – DAMN them ALL – burn them one by one and forever more
    in the fires of eternal hell. A couple of months ago I was able to ‘jump’ the pair (Anthony has a female partner) I put a scene together – It’s the only way to get rid
    of poaching scum – psychopaths, that ‘prey’ upon the mind of another person, the laws of stalking are not ‘action’ed’ by pre-corrupted law enforcement, that are
    ‘told’ to ignore the victims complaints. Pre-Corrupted ? the stalkers menace those that you are lodging complaints to…

    In ‘The Scene’ put together I put an axe in ‘Anthony’s head and started to sever the digits of his bitch’s hand – this got these psychopaths attention – had her in
    screaming pain – NOW WHO SENT YOU, TO SIT ON ME ? the bitch broke down and said “It was the Mayor” The Mayor was diagnosed with Breast Cancer,
    back in May of this year – That’s justice, I guess after a year of these bush pig, pervert scumbags.

    For more than eight months they flatly refused to tell me, (mind to mind) who set them upon me. Violent dream sequences is a means around these problems –
    ‘Casting’ these perverts into sequences of pain and suffering – Next is continuous disturbance of their dimensional stability – because it is in MY HOME and no
    one’s business of trespass into. I’m going to make an example of them, that will teach the authorities not to allow themselves to be ‘fucked’ with by these Rock N
    Roll, gig pigs. Fuck the Celebrities ! – Off the Map.

    ENOUGH of these FACE ACHE’s calling the shots on private lives, that they take great delight in molesting, for the heat that they never had – they rip someone
    else off – the commissioning of Junky Scum, Psychopathic degenerates to sit on someone else’s case, at close range – while these celebrity trash grand stand on
    stolen potential – Yes, even from another part of the world – REMOTE VIEWING scum, not stars – wrapping themselves around their targeted individual – to make
    up for what these fucking dead head, shit LACK… A SOUL, ‘Cause they are all ‘Souled Out’ – to public consumption – they have, as desperate’s, the associated
    need to ‘climb’ all over and ‘pin down’ another life – Oh’ the sweet smell of the DEATH of these grand-standing pimping hypocrites, on power trips. There are faster
    methods of removal, like Chapmanism – but these scum have rights, unfortunately…

    And the ‘Mayor’ – must have been approached by an American, who believe that Mayors are very powerful – NOT IN AUSTRALIA, their NOT ! So who approached
    the Mayor to do it’s bidding for it, organizing the close range psychological profiling, of my private life – these stalkers that enable the remote viewing, from a great
    distance – an American named Cameron M Diaz, who else…Scum with lot’s of corrupting MONEY. and ‘Mayors’ – easily corrupted with money, like this Mayor, who
    is probably a Celebrity Clit licking DIKE, or a Celebrity ‘Brown Nose-er’

    Comment by Robert — September 28, 2014 @ 4:06 pm

    • My name is Anthony and I’d just like to point out that this is long, illogical, random, verbose, threatening and ultimately stupid. It’s also irrelevant to real individuals targeted by organized crime and corrupt police. Why don’t you stop writing all this un-poetic nonsense and just stick to the facts of the crime of gang stalking?

      Comment by anticovertwaralliance — March 26, 2015 @ 3:24 am

      • Why don’t you go bury your head in a hole, Anthony…and hope that your backside is safe as the flames pass over. Your comments are a little late, by
        6 months aren’t they ? I KNOW what happened before I moved to this new location, they kept the paint on me and lots of hard nose criminals just
        couldn’t resist – including criminals called homosexuals, that think decriminalization of homosexuality was to include their crimes against humanity.

        Decriminalization of Homosexuality was done BY GAY’S, for Gay’s that had NOT been Chemically Castrated, could not be identified and positioned
        themselves WITHIN places of Manipulative Authority. That’s Corruption by Criminals, that are blatant, Godless Filth. Then the propaganda that
        possession by a senile idiot, avoiding the afterlife, for crimes against humanity was socially acceptable. These scum leap frog out of a sagging body
        suit and onto a suitable ‘Host’ thereby avoiding judgement. They spend their retirements preying upon such suitable hosts, disposing of any spirit
        that may be already in possession, rightfully of their target host. The battle for ones mind, is the battle for ones very soul.

        P.S – the Mayor is a blatant pouting DIKE, that was involved in keeping me Set-Up – No one, in the new area that I moved into – knew, I ALREADY
        was set up – and blowing these creeps off the fucking map – GLOBALLY, through exposure of what they had done, to so many, for so long. I’m
        NOT alone with regards my complaints, that see many an entertainer climbing all over the potential of another human being for more than the
        prestige and money associated within the performing arts. These shit don’t last long without a safe harbor to climb all over – THEY DIE !, they get
        their heads kicked in, they dose themselves with substance abuses and their lives are stripped from them, for their tickets are worth millions to the
        wannabe scum.

        I expose the farce and ram it up the arse, of people, like you. You that jump on the elevated threat, because YOU have something to lose – your arse
        P.S. – still working in the intelligence agency corporations, as a freelance operative ? Elevated Threats, to the criminal’s corporations that don’t like
        being WEAKENED, Nor do they like loosing OPPORTUNITIES – because they are parasites, so what were you doing for lunch Anthony ? Are you
        sure that you want a piece of me ? – I’m not on ANY menu…or payroll.

        Comment by Robert — March 26, 2015 @ 12:42 pm

      • Robert you make absolutely no rational sense at all. If you were actually telling the truth you would at least say why you are targeted and by whom and when. It doesn’t take 9 paragraphs of psycho-babble to say that. This is why you are a bull-shitter because you don’t talk facts- you just babble on and on….and discredit all targeted individuals.

        Comment by anticovertwaralliance — March 29, 2015 @ 12:24 am

      • Anthony is a compromised perpetrator, seeking to undermine the truth of it, albeit A LITTLE TO LATE. This will become more and more obvious, as
        his attacks intensify on this site – he will end up ‘disappearing’ like the Aron Agassi persona – whom Anthony is ‘mirroring’. The desperation of those
        that are being continuously compromised within the business, of the performing arts club. Really it should be called the performing engineering mind
        control club. Entertainment – Bullshit it’s no different to Advertising, which is fucking mind control, sustained repetitive hypnosis which is done without
        consent – it is ongoing, less then subtle suggestions to beat people into ‘conformity’, which avoids any chances of necessary reform, for humanity.

        Comment by Robert — March 30, 2015 @ 1:14 am

  1441. He wants you to know he’s there. He brags about the control he has over you. He has warned you that someday he’ll own you. When he’s not sabotaging your sleep, equipment, vehicles, jobs, business, health, this narcissistic predator is busy plotting out his next move. His harassment will never cease and like Satan himself he wont be happy until he completely undermines and dehabilitate’s his victims.

    He is a predatory narcissist at best, the devil in disguise. These “traitors” are most well known for extreme debauchery, arrogance, murder, (often premeditated) theft, torture, human rights violations and experimentation on their fellow man. They are no longer public servants but genetically inclined
    sociopaths who have impunity and have provided themselves with a license to steal, kill, and destroy. (Which is of course the Devils duty)

    Many of these fake Religious zealots are not religious at all, but megalomaniacs and members of privileged fraternities with mafia power. Weigh in their ego, impunity, disregard for life, incompetence, ignorance, narcissistic lust for control and you have the perfect conditions for environmental destruction, economic fraud, war, genocide, and human suffering. Most if not all can be directly attributed to greed,
    self righteousness, ego, power, hypocrisy, lunacy, delusions of grandeur.

    Their own religion tells them that money is the root of all evil, but like all good hypocrites and zealots they choose not to see those things that are inconvenient or impede their abilities to legally loot, plunder, torture, destroy, murder. These crimes, when magically performed by government are now regarded as necessary and heroic.

    So, as you can see they are “turning the other cheek” on reality, and will continue the destruction of America. Their war on civil rights and sanity is a result of greed,
    incompetence, and due to the fact that they are bankrupt and dependent cannibals.

    They primarily function as cannibals, parasites, predators, idol’s, and collectivists. When they run out of economies to destroy, wars to wage, environments to obliterate, people to farm, subjugate, exploit, they move their inward or towards their newly recruited victims. This is typical behavior for any thief, cannibal, parasite, and easily predictable.

    History provides a road map of your future. To expect a parasite to change it’s behavior is not logical. It will try to maintain it’s gluttonous life style with little or no regard for it’s victims. You might call it survival instinct? You might call it the rules of nature? One thing is for certain, we are not all created equal.

    This vigilante justice and spiritual depravity will most likely not end well for the perpetrators. They have an impeccable ability to disregard their victims and reality. In fact, they seem to show contempt and disdain for laws and their fellow humans. One needs to only deal with these sadists and degenerates for a week to become irritated. Spending your life with these pricks, predators, thieves and murderers can be likened to spending an entire lifetime in hell. You are deliberately held down (for the amusement and pleasure
    of the deranged) and live your entire life handicapped and underneath of a narcissistic boot of your thug oppressors.

    This “sport” to them wreaks havoc on every detail of your life. You will soon figure out that sociopaths don’t care if you live or die. They could care less about whether you eat, have a roof over your head, or the condition of your mental health. Your life is a game to them, and they pull all of the strings.
    If you like the idea of worshiping/serving
    Imperial idols, dictators, man God’s, then by all means go ahead and comply with these sadistic heathens, if not I would prepare to survive and avoid making too much noise about what they’re doing. (they love to make examples and martyrs out of people)

    This is a war that cannot be won as it is a battle against evil and inherently crooked people. It is in their nature to abuse, deceive, and manipulate. This war will be waged on a spiritual front, as there is no way of fighting the enemy legally or head on. He has infiltrated every organization and legal office in the land and now serves to undermine and obstruct justice.

    One day people will grow tired of dealing with this arrogant asshole. One day they will have had enough of his distortions and corruption. When that finally happens we will all be in grave danger.
    Like any narcissistic predatory genetically inclined sociopaths and/or psychopaths they are too naive and ignorant to realize that they have been provoking a giant and are now playing Russian Roulette with their own lives.
    Their inability to feel empathy for their fellow man / victims will most certainly guarantee that they become the targets of backlash. Their arrogance and monopoly on corruption, tyranny, extortion, and wholesale murder will most likely result in retaliation. (which of course they will regard as unwarranted and illegitimate)

    This is unfortunate although predictable.
    When you attempt to hijack humanity in the year 2014 you can expect resistance.
    When you license yourself to play God,
    Master, King, Imperialist, Dictator, Fraternity alpha male, you should expect people to treat you like an imbecile as this is ridiculous behavior only serves to inhibit progress and encourage your own primitive behavior, ego, and delusions.

    It is entirely natural to argue with and fight these bogus hypocritical and ancient forms of systematic destruction, mental servitude, and control.

    There may not be any way to “win” but there are plenty of ways to fight back. As it is we are like passengers in a vehicle with an incompetent drunk driver. He has little or no concern for our well being. The only thing that’s going to stop this guy (who is obviously serving an agenda) is divine intervention. It may not end well for either of you, but until it ends your life and quality of life is in his hands.

    His primary concern is obviously himself, and not standing up to these evil scumbags is the same as providing them with a license to continue their abuse.

    You can see where this is going. He will steal whatever he wants, murder anyone that gets in his way, detain people for truth, and claim that all of his authority and abuse thereof is derived from God.
    When people finally retaliate he’ll call it the rapture.

    These are the kind of people you’re doing business with today. There is no way for this artificial reality to end well for any of us. He is a danger and hazardous to all of us because of his refusal to even attempt to acknowledge
    truth, justice, reality.

    I don’t know what to do, so I will pray for my enemies and for divine Justice.

    Comment by Jewrod of the USSA — December 12, 2014 @ 8:12 pm

  1442. Hey your comments Jewrod of the USSA, or should that read/spelt – of the UCA ? – “United Corporations of A Merry Car” – Stuck on the round about
    and going the wrong way around, looking at the back of the exit signs… Seriously I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments, it made my evening,
    well done, thumbs up etc.

    “Divine Justice” –

    The cleansing is simple –
    Because the victims of the ‘system’ are bound and gagged, in death – just like the living, the injustice effects both sides of the “Wall”, all are “Controlled”
    one DOOR and for the living it reads – DEATH and for the dead it reads LIFE. The victims of evil entities are empowered to de-possess and re-possess
    as required to remove the advocates of destruction and promote creation – example the Military become Construction workers… O.K. maybe, depends
    on the program they are brain running on and the ability to ‘remove’ such programs, “erase – a – head”

    Devine interventions will always occur when the brain dead ALLOW evil entities of possession AND the balance swings to far too destructive to be tolerated
    by a pissed “Creator”. Systems of satanic ritual abuse are then subjected to infiltration and exposure, as in – “Hey what happened to the shroud of secrecy” ?
    an evil world of Cheat Systems, that encourage crime and disorder, inclusive of mental disorder – for MONEY are abandoned for good, they can’t be preserved
    due to the cost to the community, which can’t tolerate the cost of life support – for corpses rotting in aged care at the expense of the future of humanity – the

    “Hey man, I got a really well paid job in aged care” comment – Why don’t you get an honest job you parasite.

    Comment by Robert — December 17, 2014 @ 11:07 am

  1443. The corporate structure is a shell of it’s former self, sufficiently undermined by it’s own stupidity – it’s INVESTORS. A bunch of aging degenerates that expect
    to have their diapers changed for thirty years or more – they are totally dependent on keeping the children dumb, depressed, oppressed and in the dark OR
    even in the ground if they step outside of the control square… and bound and gagged by Mind Controlling SPELLS so they don’t get out of the plot and get in
    someones else’s ear, to give closure to their story – the truth about what happened to them, when they were alive…

    A casting spell, or mind control program can be destroyed. For example – the burning of an ‘ear worm’ by completing the song’s words and the ear worm can
    hop back in the ground, in search of another ‘host’. The ear worm is that insidious M.C. Program that stays in your head, a song that remains there even if you
    don’t like it, usually it is just part of a song. You may not be cognitive to it’s presence until the TRIGGER is dropped on you, then you find yourself singing it.

    Precognitive mind control programming can be delivered via a vast array of subliminal methods, inclusive of the use of low cost technology (like ultrasonic sound)
    and the ancient method of having an individual possessed by an unemployed or un-deployed ghost… “I hear dead people”, but it’s better when I’m asleep. It’s
    somewhat difficult remembering all that was said, while sleeping…as in conversions to the cognitive function, when one wakes up, to what went down to precognitive memory and hoping it wasn’t corrupted by dream police, or control freaks – idle system advocates on life support, in aged care – “Keeping an eye on the kids” –
    eye, ear, nose, taste buddies and genitalia, the full kit and Kabbalah, Remote Viewing of the Hebrews…scientologists, Club of Rome, The elders of the
    tribe, whatever.

    Comment by Robert — January 21, 2015 @ 5:42 am

  1444. “Ah yes, and then they killed Amy Winehouse, to have Murdoch off the public’s focus”

    Post No. 600 – By Michael, August the 2nd 2011.

    I looked into the death of Amy back then, but got distracted by all this swamping media, Whitehead, Pete from the Libertines, newly born mice – on Amy’s fingertips
    and no forensic information was available, on what exactly happened. “I cried for you on the kitchen floor” became “I died for you on the kitchen floor” (YOU KNOW
    I’M NO GOOD) song lyrics. I never knew the original lyrics anyway… selective hearing, to motivate investigations into foul play – from “The Other Side” come the selective hearings that aren’t heard in the court room, nor are they available in the coroners report… until when it hits the charts on public release, after production
    is complete.

    The dead CAN “Reach Out”, like Caresse Henry did, when they are victims of foul play (the hidden, as in the occult) made to look like suicide or misadventure but
    in fact, they are CONTROLLED MURDERS – AND if you are a ‘receptive’ – on the same “Bandwidth” (A Selective part of the open wavelength) WATCH OUT !
    you might end up being “Tested” as in “Screened” – Put up for psychological “Assessment” and further observations…and treatment, of course. What if you can
    “TAKE” a bullet from their bullshit factor ?

    THEN Their F.cking System has been “Compromised” by ‘Forbidden’ possession’s, um, Mental Illness or Natural Phenomena ? Then the BULLSHIT factor is reinforced ‘As Required’ and the TRUTH is avoided. “They will need to remain on the “MEDS” for the rest of their lives” – no cures for the natural phenomenon of
    the ANGELS of DEATH, but protection rackets for the Demons of the Dead, possessing the living. You know, that’s where the Money is… Treat the truth, as required
    by “Law” – set in place by those with the materialistic POWER, to pervert the course of natural events – I think they called it justice, their way…

    Comment by Robert — January 21, 2015 @ 8:11 am

    • “TAKE” a bullet from their bullshit factor ?

      Get off the “Meds” slowly, to avoid being detected as “off the meds” – otherwise “They” will come after you, in accordance with “their” laws…
      You have to shave the meds, slowly – don’t go doing other shit, to counter-act their oppressive shit… Then you can get the good oil going
      on the truth, away from the oil cartel, who own the medical schools and PIG pharma as well as the supply of misadventure (fertilizers)…
      and everything else…

      Comment by Robert — January 21, 2015 @ 8:35 am

      • Unfortunately, this blog has been taken over by the internet troll crowd. Read and for the real story.

        Comment by Anthony M. — January 25, 2015 @ 1:56 am

  1445. It is interesting that the above poster Anthony M. chimed in on this blog space on a collection of trolls that started inserting posts dating back to 2007. This
    is right at the beginning of the topic and part of the contamination the first entries.

    Anthony M. first hit the site on the contaminated first entries on the 08/JAN/2015.

    A stalker calling himself Anthony moved into the house next door as exposed on my post of 28/09/2014 (post No. 1443). Contamination at the beginning of
    this blog space and then the ‘Real Story’ promoting attention to disinformation sites is typical of perpetrators with something to hide. Anthony was exposed
    on the 28 of September 2014 and then Anthony M. chimes in with 2 entries of the 8th and 25th of 2015. Coincidences ? Maybe… And the Real Story ?
    are just disinformation sites because they offer the usual “It’s Federal and State sponsored crime” NOW it is IT IS GOVERNMENTS, GLOBALLY that are
    TOLD WHAT to do by corporate entities to victims of corporate EXPLOITATION – the government ‘staff’ are “Just following orders” – issued by the rich private
    sector, that made the money ripping the little guy off… Corporate F..king PIG Shit.

    Personal stories are very important to show the path of how these gang stalking crimes are carried out and WHO’S MAKING THE MONEY out of it…
    the private sector IS THE PERPETRATOR – “BIG” money spinning business IS THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY… BIG STARS become disastrous
    politicians – Reagan and Big Arnee S. – for example… America would have been better off voting for used car salesmen rather than professional liars –
    (Actors) is there any argument here ?

    Comment by Robert — February 1, 2015 @ 10:33 pm

    • Interesting post Robert. An how did I “Move in next door? to you? Did I teleport next door with the help of the CIA? I live a house in Ohio.

      Please be rational. I agree that authoritarian governments worldwide have and do use stalking tactics as does ours. Gang stalking is an old tactic that’s been used by Soviet governments such as the DDR, by the Gestapo, by Unions in the United States and historically by the FBI during COINTELPRO. These are provable facts.

      The provable thesis of my site, and my long experience, is that it’s used by the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies to stalk and harass citizens they consider ‘undesirables’,legal risks, or have an elevated threat status. I say this because of my personal experiences with DHS and the government agencies I once worked for.

      Jeffrey Kantor in ‘Kantor vs. Appian Corp’ happens to agree with me as do other outstanding citizens(unlike someone I know) such as Keith Labella.

      I think this is more factual than your current rant. To everyone else, I apologize but I have to answer nonsensical posts sometimes.

      Read and and find out the truth of government sponsored vigilantism and psychological warfare.

      Comment by Anthony M. — February 3, 2015 @ 11:11 pm

      • The thing is though, is that organized stalking has multiple levels to it.

        So far, you’ve managed to prove that the physical/surface level is real and most definitely exists. That’s good. So good for you.

        However, even though Robert’s posts look a certain way, it doesn’t necessarily make the dude entirely wrong. He has at least a few things right. That’s for sure.

        Anyhow, at the end of the day, a TI’s experience is a rather personal and subjective one. Objectivity would lie mostly in what TI’s find in common with one another.

        Comment by keruton — February 4, 2015 @ 2:56 am

      • @ Anthony

        I did indicate that your arrival on this site in January 2015 was a coincidence, with regards the positioning of an unemployed, but FINANCED
        dirt bag, professional poacher, stalker and psyche pervert, with the same name – Anthony… I know why he moved in – to provide a connectivity
        with the fraud – Cameron M. Diaz (Scameroni De Asshole) Anthony is probably not his name, anyway – they, in the trade call these degenerates
        “Go Betweens”

        Diaz is a non- star, no “Glow” of a true star does she, like many wannabee’s within the performing arts, have – nothing more than face ache, gig
        pigs – with their hands continually in the shallow money trench… Cameron Diaz has repetitively entered Sydney, Australia for what would amount
        to probably a total of about a year of her life, since she was 16 Years Old – in late 1988.

        The “Craft” of Diaz is part of the Russian programming of Cuba – the poisoning of America and if one succeeds in poising A Merry Car they poison
        everyone else’s vehicle as well… Diaz interfered continually, financing assault of those around me to turn against me, pin me down and make off
        with my POWER, ’cause she’s a dead fuck, not just a dead head… Casting those around my private life and businesses in scenes, of darkness
        with regards the demeaning of my personality and character – painting the wrong image in the minds of other people, these people then go out
        of their way to lose me – this creates obvious HEAT, promoting attention to these miscreant excrement that grand stand as so called STARS, false
        Gods – DOGS, like Cameron’s Boss – Muttdonna.

        She, along with other serial killers, within the entertainment industry have the favorite practice of climbing all over the “Glow” of another human
        being’s soul and if they need a character, for a performance they go out and set some one up with a near death experience – their really nice
        people – aren’t they ? Strychnine is a popular choice of setting up a near death experience, for the purpose of abduction of an individual’s soul.
        They then sit back wallowing in Active Denial, of WHO they took for a destructive test drive… Strap one of these fuckers into a chair and torture
        them – they will tell you the truth – then post the results on YouTube… Call it a Snuff Special Report !

        The performing arts has, for the last 425 years been a very important means of behavioral Control by the power brokering elitists – because
        religion was on the way down – to be seated at the left hand deals of Satan Himself. Satan, or if you like, for a better understanding –
        DESTRUCTION and has one agenda – it is AGAINST CREATION.

        The Servants of Destruction are serial gold diggers, ultra materialists and Faggots – they LUST and have glaringly obvious REVENGE agenda’s,
        and insidious SELFISHNESS of self importance and self worship – GODLESS pieces of meat. So where is the heat source – ’cause these things
        are starting to go “Green” and they smell real bad.

        Comment by Robert — February 14, 2015 @ 12:19 am

      • Also, Anthony,

        Cointelpro and MKUltra, yes I agree with the reported facts all over the internet – BUT you and the TELEPORT thing, you know
        damb well, if your up to speed on the topic, as you claim to be – that it is remote viewing practices – which is remote possession of the senses
        of another human being – usually via a dis-associative state of Body & Soul – One is known to be “Out of Their Heads”… and into someone else’s.

        What are you going to say, that the Project “STARGATE” that ran at the SRI international, Menlo Park, San Francisco, US of A was “Nothing
        Conclusive” ? it ran from 1972 to 1995… and cost the spoils of war, obtained by the CIA and the U.S. Military 20 Million Dollars…Nothing
        Conclusive – like the 2 founding Scientologists, that were heavily involved in it – Targ (Russell) and Pulharich (Harold E.) 80 and 78 years
        of age respectively…

        If it works – then play it down with Active Denial, with regards successful Psy-Ops – or Psy Oops, Poops. Oh Shit !

        Comment by Robert — February 14, 2015 @ 12:53 am

  1446. If you get stressed out easily then this
    program is hell. I firmly believe that mental anguish and stress can cause physical anomalies over time. When your brain gets sick for a long period of time, your body gets sick. The solution is to try to take good care of yourself and blow off the attacks.

    We need a Constitutional government, public servants who serve the people instead of special interests or corporate sponsors. Add accountability to the list. However, we seem to be so far gone that even talking about it seems outlandish to me. Throughout history there were constant conflicts and power struggles.

    Most of the Average Americans that I know just want a decent job, control over their own lives, and to be left alone.

    I’ve heard estimates of 40+million homeless, 90+million unemployed, 40 percent on some sort of assistance. …etc Now instead of seeking logical solutions, our “public servants” or “fascist bureaucracy” (whichever you prefer) often seems to be adamant about making things worse. This could be in order to depopulate, or keep the people preoccupied and overwhelmed so that they can’t do anything about it.

    Here where I live there are so many people struggling to survive that it’s really heartbreaking. I see many who appear as though they’re barely holding on. In other cities I’ve heard that they are rounding up the homeless and taking them to fema camps. Is it just me, or is this a good indication (along with the overwhelming corruption and incompetence) of how concerned your public trustees really are?

    I don’t put anything past them. Sometimes I think that they are just a bunch of senile, delusional, arrogant, privileged sociopaths and psychopaths.
    Their research/experiments (murder) has been thoroughly documented. History has shown that humans are inherently flawed, selfish, evil, corrupt.
    Hence the exorbitant war budget, brutality, and conflicts throughout History.

    Take a good long look, and ask yourself honestly………Is there anything narcissistic that they haven’t done yet. A real good psychopath will justify anything he/she does. (But a favorite tool of war has always been Religion)
    With Religion you can justify your torture even to your victims, as we all know that arguing with the fanatics is automatically always blasphemous, antisemitic, unpatriotic, unamerican, etc
    In fact they have almost successfully made thought a crime. If you question the most ridiculous of their laws, decisions, etc you are pounced on and silenced/blacklisted by their paid henchmen and fellow sociopaths.

    I believe that they are culling the population now that they have fleeced the tax payers repeatedly. This of course isn’t popular opinion, which is probably why I was blacklisted and targeted. (Besides the fact that we live in a sick world full of arrogant psycho’s)

    I have great contempt and disdain for these privileged people, because I’ve seen the results/pain that they cause others up close and personal.

    There are millions of human beings right now that are FORCED by circumstances out of their control to live like animals.
    Empathy Is no issue with a psychopath. Get a few of them together and you have a perfect recipe for depravity, collusion, corruption, torture, stalking and so on.

    Unfortunately, this is the way it’s always been and probably always will be. Power corrupts. I just feel so terrible for some of these poor souls trying to survive the harsh winter here. I can’t believe that people put up with this.

    If you are being stalked, your self righteous stalkers want you to behave like a good little angel, saint, robot. When you are dealing with narcissistic predatory genetically inclined sociopaths however, they seem to never be satisfied or happy regardless. You are their human pet, and as such they can not help but to provoke and “toy” with you.

    Statistics are wonderful if not depressing, and at this stage of the “game” I don’t think anything that they might do should come as a surprise.

    Hang in there. Pray for divine intervention. If you play Russian Roulette and/or God long enough eventually/inevitably your luck runs out.

    I am a first hand victim. My targeting started in grade school and was based on false allegations/revenge or some may say it has more to do with the arrogance of the perps, or even the entertainment value derived from sabotage.

    You are not alone. Millions are suffering tremendously. I am praying for them all. Under a representative government it shouldn’t be this way. The problems are obvious and glaringly evident to those who want to see.

    Please hang on in there brothers and sisters. God knows that you deserve better than this. He knows that you didn’t ask to be betrayed by your own people.

    Much love and respect.

    Comment by Jewnited States of Amurka — February 6, 2015 @ 7:49 am

  1447. Here’s the thing. We need to concern ourselves with the problem. The problem is law enforcement meets bad government. The solution is to record what happens to you. This family has won several cases against individual stalkers.
    Just get a DVR and an audio USB and get a lawyer like they did. If everyone did this the police and city’s couldn’t do this. It is not hopeless. These people are bozos.

    Comment by anticovertwaralliance — February 7, 2015 @ 12:32 am

  1448. Update on post 1319 for anyone going through it.. I’m now 36 and the same folks are still at it lol and I’d like to clarify for those new to it. I still know it is 100% spiritual. The people are demon possessed and they have a few who are lacky’s who do it to feel like somebody and to get away with mentally retarded crimes. However there are no goggles. These people are masons / warlocks and can see through the walls. They don’t need equipment. It comes with possession. Shame They are going to perish soon.. Others don’t even know they are following you or telling you about yourself. They are truly possessed. Stay TRULY right with The Lord or you will be left with them. They can’t stop even if they wanted to. These folks are demons following you around in human skin. Freaky huh? Well..

    Comment by F — February 26, 2015 @ 1:33 am

    • From the above post by “F” –

      “I still know it is 100% spiritual.” Comment – The technology was inspired by the natural phenomenon, to replicate what the soulless retards weren’t
      capable of – entertaining themselves…then in came “Mr Businessman” – “Hey, we can make a buck out of this” So the soulful were then subject to
      being “Wired Up” – as in possessed for the purpose of “Controlling” the investments of “Mr Corporate Criminal”… and when the corporate scum were
      finished with their vested interest – in screwing the spirit out of the manufactured star, they abandoned their investments called soul “Slavery” and set
      up the replacement to keep the corporate machine lubricated.

      Marconi – Made radio and television a reality – so no more “Painting” pictures, in your mind or constructing a song to go with it…Now you have to
      purchase these from an approved vendor…Your just not allowed to think for yourselves anymore – It’s a thought CRIME in progress and an elevated
      threat to the corporation’s investments. So pinning you down inside the control square, because Freedom is against the law…it’s regarded as mental

      Imagine if freedom of thought was “Out of Control” – they believe that there would be so much “Mental Noise” in the world that no one would be able to
      think straight – So thoughts are suppressed, when one finds themselves possessed, by a uninvited PARASITE. So get your own spirit guides and entertain
      them – so they don’t fall asleep – night and day and go beat up on the system’s approved spooks…then as other’s have suggested, the corporate M.F’s
      will call it “The Rapture” – until then it’s the corporate Tour of Rap, featuring crap artists…full of hypocritical shit.

      They don’t see through walls, they view your world via their parasitic commissioned dead, bound by spells and far from free, in death. “Spirit Guides” or
      misguided spirits, on a mission…to avoid boredom – they’ve got an unpaid job – working for the system’s corporations to pay for life support systems like
      aged care of corpses, please respect the dead, although the living dead in aged care do not respect you. Now where is Jack and his Youth in Aged Care

      Comment by Robert — March 1, 2015 @ 11:11 pm

  1449. The End of “The Game”…

    Today the 16th of March 2015 is a very special day for me, it is the beginning of the END of GAZE ! Men that Stare at Goats, well they’re not real men…
    and Me ? I’m not a Goat (Ram) I am a RAT and proud of it ! Today is a FULL cycle of 60 years and we are in the year of the Ram Again, these cycles
    are very important to the occultists, the driving Farce behind GANG STALKING, the hidden crimes against the innocent, the exploitation, the corruption,
    the plundering of the spirit of another human being, by the demonically possessed and into darkness the innocent are cast.

    These so called hidden crimes have a pattern to them and I have been researching these patterns (cycles) since I became aware of the perverts
    interfering with my life, way back in 1977, the 16th of September, it was my 17th Birthday. The shock and horror of watching a human being die, it was
    not up close and personal, it was with my eye’s closed and opening my eye’s didn’t make the ‘scene’ go away… I couldn’t tell if it was a man or woman
    there was blood all over the face, the neck and body. They appeared to be laying down on a flat surface, like they had been left to die because their
    throat had been cut and no one could do anything for them, there appeared to be a hole in their skull as well, like a bullet hole or something – they were
    still breathing, their chest was moving up and down.

    This horrid scene left me drenched in sweat and it wasn’t a dream…this was a reality somewhere on Earth.

    Thirty years ago today I was ‘haunted’ by this memory, it had been 7.5 years since ‘witnessing’ this death. I was living in a Garden Flat, at an address in
    Bondi, Sydney- Australia. I drew the image of the head, as I remembered it rather graphically, once again. The wall was a convenient location, drawn
    life size, with pencils – I was determined to KNOW who this person was – “My name is Mark Feld” a voice spoke up. The only person that matched the
    name and date of death was a British rock star name Marc Bolan, of the band TREX.

    Someone didn’t wan’t ANY of these revelations to become apparent to me and I was set upon by an American female voice claiming to be Madonna.

    Months of harassment, by this woman among others continued until I was following instructions from a voice coming through the Radio, interjected into
    the songs of Madonna’s work and the songs of other so called artists… I was being targeted with what is commonly called “Hounding” and the Radio
    provided the background harmonic resonance for the assault, by these miscreants and privacy violations. It became a matter of NSW, Health Dept
    records, psychiatric misdiagnosis – see the posting of June 11th 2011 (Post No. 416) for the details, accurately transcribed from the HAND WRITING
    of idiots, that refused to investigate my claims, back then – July the 19th of 1985.

    The FBI did start conducting investigations into Kabalah fraud, by Madonna and associates’ with their plans of setting up an off-shore bank in Eastern
    Africa – but these investigations were like 25 YEARS LATER ! The Faggot Bureau of Investigations, started by a Homosexual named J.Edgar Hoover –
    they are a little slow to walk on their own toes, aren’t they ? All these agencies, bureaus, protection services and security farces do is protect the
    criminals, that is – those that stole, exploited, maimed and then killed their victims, when there was nothing left to be ‘had’ – then the perpetrators were
    made ‘Kings and Queens’ – with full access to the Protection Rackets…and what were they protecting – Themselves ?

    NO, but a minority group of Reform Dodgers, as in CONFORMISTS, that like everything the way it is, under their EVIL CONTROL and the obstruction of
    FREEDOM, PROGRESS and a FUTURE for HUMANITY… “Uphold the LAW, protect criminals and reinforce delusion and deceit, as required” – “Maintain
    the bullshit factor, full steam backwards”… “Accuse the Reformists of being Heretics”

    Comment by Robert — March 16, 2015 @ 11:01 am

  1450. The Extortion Ring

    When I relocated, some 300 K’s from where I had been living for more than 10 years, I had hoped that the new location would be quiet and free from low life
    gang banging rock and roll dogs, shoot and scoot face aches of the screen, etc. But if you are a victim of this shit, you know it’s people that are stalked, not
    buildings… as in people are haunted and not locations. Gang Stalkers, of the so called performing arts are not artists but gold digging dogs, always with their
    snouts following the path of their strategic “Targets” and the organisation of idiots to “keep the paint on the target”… Mobbing and Crowding, that is organised
    by those with a vested interest in keeping what they acquired via crimes. The fucking idiot Cameron Diaz had been subject of such an extortionist, that had
    designs on her wealth.

    Diaz had been interfering with my private life, repetitively and destructively since she came to Australia in the late 1980’s. When her opportunities began to
    fade in the later part of 2011, she “Up’ed” her activities, of destructive interference and recruited criminal services, of gang stalking scumbags to fuck me
    over – once again. This was seen by a group of Americans, that featured Benjamin Madden, who then recruited some Australians to facilitate “Remote
    Viewing” of what Diaz was doing to me, along with Madonna who could be called the leader of the dog pack mentality.

    As per the same protocol, of organised Remote Viewing that had occurred at previous addresses, that I had lived at, the previous Tenants of where I now
    reside were contacted by Benjamin Madden and associates, to be drawn into the “Game” – as they know the house that I live in – inside and out. The existing
    tenants in the rental situation, next door, to me, where paid off to vacate and friends of the previous tenants where I now reside would move in…

    This set up, is an act of WAR by Madden and Associates and an act of TREASON by the fucking IDIOT Australians, that were in it for the money…Timothy and
    Melissa, who used to live in my home were acting as “Tour Guides” for the gang stalking, scamming, remote viewing criminal trash. Now, like Diaz, Madden and
    associates they have cast themselves upon my very Soul, trapped and with no way out – I am going to wipe you out, if your reading this…and you’ll never be the
    same again – you will be fighting God the Creator, it’s called ARMAGEDDON, you Godless Miscreant, gold digging filth. YOU are not going to win, a losing game,
    because it ENDED before I got here, nearly two years ago…read what is written long ago and above and WEEP, creeps.

    You, that are responsible for setting me up, yet again will not be shown any mercy – because you didn’t ask for any – get that through your thick skulls and your
    hardened criminal noses…I’ve seen your kind DIE, many times before, there is NO WAY OUT without REFORM. “John, he know’s we’re setting him up”
    Comment – Rob, thanks for the damage you did to my motor vehicle and the more than a thousand dollars, you charged for the “Privilege” – Gangster Scumbag !

    Hell on Earth to your kind of Pervert, Arse-hole Filth. “We did it for the MONEY” – Comment – Money is NOTHING when you are dead, death by your own hand.
    “Death by Suffocation” – they had their Hardened Noses up my Arse, claiming there was so much “Value” in someone else’s shit…and I wasn’t selling tickets to
    some anal show, at the super bowl. You wait Diaz, for your part in this CRIME, life is short and then suffering will be eternal, for your kind of OCCULTIST SHIT.

    So what are you going to do Madden ? Ignorance is bliss when your Australian idiots come forward, looking for a way out…Timothy & Melissa will probably come
    forward, before you have them “Silenced” as will others, in the area – to testify against the manipulative AMERICAN CELEBRITY IDIOTS, that have been party
    to these internationally recognized crimes. Hey Madden – “Go Ahead & Jump” “Yeah, go ahead and jump”… if you can, that is, find a suitable “HOST” or “GHOST”

    Suckers are getting harder to find aren’t they ? – UN-HOLY-WARD…of head injuries.

    Comment by Robert — March 16, 2015 @ 12:32 pm

    • …Un-Holy-Ward –

      A special Thanks, to General Winehouse, of God’s Army for her contributions to the above writings –

      ” Two Virgo’s that finally got in touch, with each other” it’s taken from ” if my man had to fight some un-holy war”

      Comment by Robert — March 16, 2015 @ 12:59 pm

      • And why we are off topic, what about this one –

        “They tried to make me go to retard, and I said, Woe, World War”

        “Yes I was mad, with the hounding scabs, butt acid, Woe, World War”

        “F’aint got the time, to be part of the testing lines, tried to make me go to retard”

        Comment by Robert — March 16, 2015 @ 1:13 pm

  1451. How is it that the real victims of gang stalking are so outnumbered by the bullshitters like the people who are mainly posting here? Why don’t you one of you guys contact me and tell me the name and affiliation of the people telling you to post this deliberate nonsense? I might even be willing to pay more than the people paying you to flood the internet with this retarded bullshit. I might be willing to give you something better than housing assistance ,Target gift cards and an Obama-phone. Think about it. Then contact me.

    Comment by anticovertwaralliance — March 26, 2015 @ 3:30 am

    • anti covert war alliance –

      Weapons & Consumables sales ?

      Rock & Roll – fast becomes a rockin’ hard place to get a gig, all sad and rusty, no interest in mind games OR THE POLICING of the WAVE.

      MIND GAMES, REMOTE VIEWING – Possession by DEAD SPIRITED, sociopaths who just love what they lack – A FUCKING SOUL ! These
      “New Age Sensitive Types” – NEW “Buzz’ words instead of using the female name, which was GAY’s –

      What better value than the loves of the hetero sexual world that are preyed upon by these perverts and arse-holes ? – and when their ‘institution’
      or better still Decriminalized world is threatened ? sell weapons and the ongoing consumables of war – Hey better still ! End the WAR –
      Drop Informational BOMBS ! not three lines of drivel… P.S. sorry to hear about the loss of employment, of your war efforts. Do have a name
      A.C.W.A ? would you like one ? …

      Comment by Robert — March 26, 2015 @ 10:53 am

      • All have done since I began writing, in 2011 – on THIS BLOG SPACE is spell it out, for other victims. SADLY many ARE NOW DEAD, after they were
        exploited, denied justice and railroaded by those that ripped them off. These not so HIDDEN fuckers have 425 years, at least (The EVIL Entertainment
        Industry) of crimes against humanity to ANSWER for – most have been out of their heads, since their careers began… and all over the spirit of other
        human being’s that they have cast into the “Torture Cell” – wired up and ritually abused – Continuously via the fact that the “Hits” never die – they are
        recorded and therefore a legacy of ritual abuse of their targets. Justice is Divine Intervention, the victims will be avenged – the perpetrators will be
        shown the tunnels to eternal hell, pushed head first into them.

        What would ANYONE else do to end this farce, other than evoke the Creator, to deal out mass destruction of these “Beyond the Law” self righteous
        retarded, senile, arrogant, mind game playing fucking perverts and arseholes – THAT want to play God on the minds, the very SOULS, of what they
        profiteer from deluding, disorientating and spitting all over, for what is beyond the SEVEN DEADLY SINS, these shit live by… TIME FOR HELL ON
        EARTH – For Them, as they are beyond reform and use money to further their Evils, from the proceeds of crime, the spoils of war, deceased estates
        and so on and so forth.

        They set people up and torture them, for MONEY and call themselves human beings, sorry, “Mega Stars” of Hypocrisy, Delusion and Deceit. I Know
        what they do – I walked into the music industry underground “Quietly” back in 1979 – to learn, painfully of what becomes of the “Souled” OUT, they
        jump onto the spirit of the un-sung and un-scripted AND call it fair… I am NOT going to be kind to those that didn’t seek my forgiveness, eternity is
        damnation for them, they won’t be jumping onto anyone else to avoid sentencing – as they have already been judged as evil demon spirited scum
        that have cast themselves onto THE WRONG Real Estate, in the Heavens.

        Tough Shit, the looser pays, what will be worse than a slow and painful death, forever, for them. THEY WERE CAST onto MY SOUL, they were told
        to fuck off, and refused to – They will be shown NO MERCY – EVER. Their Deaths will be just the beginning of the pain and suffering, they dealt out on
        others – FOR MONEY, life is short, money is useless when your damned and dead. They had a choice and made the WRONG decision to keep their
        Evil mind game shit going…for Money. Caught between a Rock ‘n’ Hard place to ‘climb’ out of…EVER.

        “What’s it like, to die on him, when you knew exactly what he asked, you to do” – STRAIGHTEN the FUCK OUT. Enough of this shit, watch your
        false god, so called “Stars” turn into worm bait, ’cause you’ll be in the ‘Material Ground’ with them…Oh, faithless ones !

        Comment by Robert — March 26, 2015 @ 11:49 am

      • Sorry Robert, this site is for crime victims not schizophrenics.

        Comment by anticovertwaralliance — March 29, 2015 @ 12:31 am

  1452. Robert isn’t a schizophrenic. He’s just a dude who’s fed up and angry with the scumbags who are putting him through all manners of horseshit for the past several years, if not longer. And honestly, what TI wouldn’t feel that way?

    I was angry too, for quite some time. Fuck, I probably still am. And knowing me, I most likely will vie for revenge for a rather long time to come.

    If I had to guess what Robert’s been doing here lately, it’s one part venting and another part cataloging his TI experiences.

    If I wanna be honest with myself, I do the exact same thing as Robert. Except I only do it on a chat room occasionally and not here.

    Bottom line though, the TI experience is not some cut and dry, cookie cutter experience. Each torture scenario is custom tailored to the victim in question.

    I mean sure, TIs the world over will end up finding many things they have in common with one another. But will they always run into another TI who happens to have the exact same TI experience that they do? Not only is that not anywhere near as likely, but it’s also rather unrealistic.

    Comment by kerut on.xh — March 29, 2015 @ 1:44 am

    • Robert talks random psychobabble nonsense, misspells words and talks about Teleporting, Remote viewing, satanic abuse and being celebrity stalked by Cameron Diaz. This kind of stupid-talk discredits real TI’s who know these gang stalking garbage up close and personal. Many I ran into were either police, assets of the police or in the FOP. A lot of them were just low-life scum looking for an easy dollar.

      Many other people can confirm this experience. The point is there wasn’t any magic or crazy sounding hi-tech. It was stalking, mobbing, electronic surveillance and finally poisoning and fumigation. Period. That’s it. No CIA high tech. No magic.

      Robert talks childish homeless-vagrant nonsense. He needs to either shut up or get psychiatric help. Until we get rid of these crazy-talking disinformation puppets-we will continue to be marginalized, attacked and slandered.

      Comment by elron66 — March 29, 2015 @ 9:46 pm

      • A Targeted Individuals (T.I’s) experiences will vary, depending on the possessive nature of the freeloader’s mentality. Remote Viewing is in
        effect a possession, of the senses of another human being. Possession of a TALENTED and SPIRITED individual is potentially a LOT of
        money to a scab that is VOID of what is required in the so called performing arts, if the scab wan’ts to succeed, that is. My personal
        experiences with this organised crime drew me into the active involvement of the underground rock and roll industry. It was in a professional
        capacity as a sound engineer that, in time, I would learn the shocking truth AND could not prosecute these scamming degenerates working
        within the industry of entertainment, generally.

        Singers, have complained about it for the same length of time that the phonograph and other recording MEDIA have been in existence.
        Recording media are in effect a means of gaining access to the spirit of the recording artist. Privacy ceases to exist for them and a need
        to “Cast” themselves onto another human being’s soul, for security, away from being destructively CONSUMED, those they MUG and
        SUCKER either go insane and commit offences against the law, or are set up with misadventure by corrupt members of AUTHORITY.

        Many of the degenerates that were seeking something out of the shallow money trench (H.S.Thompson) were not victimizing each other, for
        a chance to parade in the spotlight, for the money and the prestige, they found much more value in Targeting the helpless, that were NOT
        in performance space – they COULDN’T HIT BACK, they were being pinned down, physically bashed, poisoned, continuously traumatized by
        those that were making serious money out of the crime. The money would result in easy corruption of those in Authority, Security, Law, etc.

        Those that were caught parading on another human being’s soul, would eventually be caught for the ‘casting’ of themselves, onto another
        and find that there was NO WAY OUT – they were there forever ! The recording media would guarantee it. The WAVE that exists between
        the “Hitter” and the “Target” would be immortalized, these gutless scab’s would never do anything other than Grandstand on their self
        importance and so called CELEBRITY status. Do you really think that they would approach those they persecuted at a distance with the
        money they obtained practicing in immoral personal, possessive privacy violations ? They don’t wish to lose anything they ‘SCORED’
        that would fuck it for any future in this crime, if such admissions were made, wouldn’t it ?

        Comment by Robert — March 29, 2015 @ 11:59 pm

      • ANTICOVERTWARALLIANCE & ANTHONY M are the same poster. I exposed an individual named ‘Anthony’ , on this site on the 28th Sep 2014.
        (See post 1443) In January of 2015 the anticovertwaralliance and Anthony M began posting all over THIS site, Anthony is a perpetrator that was
        compromised and then proceeded to ATTACK me, it’s obvious isn’t it ?

        Comment by Robert — March 30, 2015 @ 12:15 am

      • Oh, and while on the topic of multiple poster identities, just how many does anticovertwaralliance & Anthony M have ?

        This perpetrator was exposed BEFORE these multiple posters arrived on this site – if my thirty seven and a half years of research
        into this CRIME are crap why would there be so much effort in undermining and discrediting what I have to say ?

        The ENTIRE system is aligned to being written off and that includes those that made money out of the crime losing EVERYTHING,
        because it was the proceeds of crime.

        Those that work in the ‘ART’ of lies (psychiatry) are also f…ed. Exposure at causal effects level tends to prevent it continuing, so
        the parasites are also out on the street, aren’t they. Why buy into preventable, expensive bullshit factors ? Is entertainment really
        worth it, when it’s just more ‘controlling’ mental molestation ?

        Comment by Robert — March 30, 2015 @ 12:30 am

      • What do the perpetrators, that are CLEARLY setting out to defend the crime, because they are benefiting from it, do about EXPOSURE
        of the Mind Control System ?


        Comment by Robert — March 30, 2015 @ 5:30 am

      • The Diagnostics Statistics Manual –


        “Well it says to try this LABEL on the complainant”

        “Oh, O.K, then – Just stick to the orders, from the top of the book, otherwise we won’t get paid”

        “Remember, the doctors& scientists that WROTE the Diagnostics Statistics Manual, they know what they’re doing, they invested & invented the disorder”

        “You mean they MANUFACTURED the disorder, based on the natural phenomenon”

        “Just get back to work will you” …

        Psychosis prevention, and like crime prevention – those that benefit from the induction of disorder & crime start jumping up & down when THREATENED
        with unemployment, this has to happen – due to a NEED to reduce the cost of living, for the benefit of humanity, that should not have to pay for shit that
        has no future…

        Comment by Robert — March 31, 2015 @ 9:46 am

      • “I went to university and got a degree, now I have a place in Authority, I get to play “God” with the spirit of other human being’s”

        “You work as a psychiatrist, or psychiatric nurse, poisoning the brains of complainants when they have a spiritual problem ? ”

        “No, I have have degrees in the fantasies of Law & Economics” …

        Comment by Robert — March 31, 2015 @ 10:15 am

      • A few months ago –

        ” Do you wan’t to keep interfering with him ? ”

        “No, there’s nothing left of her”

        These were comments perceived after I was stalked to a walking track bridge, whereby I had completed a walking track loop, a woman with
        shoulder length grayish hair was standing in exactly the same place, on the bridge, where I had stood 20 minutes earlier, enjoying the view
        over the bay. when I set out, I was alone, there was no one else around. When I came back to cross the bridge a male with her, was staring
        at me, on my approach. I had never seen either of them before. The above comments were “Heard” after I had passed them by about 100

        The perceptions were not via “Standard” auditory functions, they are not inter-cranial either… I have RECORDED this phenomenon,
        I researched (via filters and an oscilloscope, more than 20 years ago) that when it is accommodated via song lyrics it leads the original lyrics
        by 45 degrees, in the phase (time) domain. – I have already posted about this and the response of the police service and those that control
        the licensing of radio transmitters… If it is something that can be recorded WHY BOTHER TRYING to make it a mental disorder ?
        Answer – MONEY, what else…

        This type of perception is not Schizophrenia, nor is it perception to “Hounding” attacks which are random assaults directed at an individual,
        based on available harmonic resonant noise. Such “Noise” could be a familiar song, in which the lyrics are adulterated with verbals that have
        a similar harmonic phonetic structure, example –

        “excuse me, while I kiss the sky” (Hendrix) – perception of directed assault – Excuse Me WHILE I KISS THIS GUY… Popular misheard
        Lyrics. Effectively the person that has the words wrong is near a source of the PROGRAM, most of these REMOTELY POSITIONED
        “Bozo’s” are rattling off the wrong lyrics, at a inner, or thought level of phase alignment, with the source – which could be anywhere in the

        One would think that there would be attenuation over great distances – not so. They are out of their heads and effectively somewhere else,
        close to the source of resonant noise and phase aligned, with the VERBALS… the “Horse-shit”

        Youtube “interactive” makes matters worse… A shit-full attempt to hide the “Natural Phenomenon” OR encourage the persecution of a
        targeted individual. You can turn Youtube interactive OFF – then some Mother-F…er PAYS to have it turned back on…REMOTELY.
        WHY ? – because they are stuffed without a “Ride” on your case…

        Talent-less pieces of over-rated entertainment industry garbage, that need to structure a stable “WAVE” of disturbance on a “Sucker” that they
        have found great value in remotely molesting (Possession), usually via a “Dead-Shit” – an appointed “Spirit Guide” so channeled for the job.
        Fuck The Occultists ! – why should WITCHCRAFT within the performing arts remain HIDDEN ? – Kick their heads in, with the TRUTH, no one
        has the rights to CAPITALIZE on such crimes against HUMANITY.

        If, by a clear understanding of the science behind the causal effects – then the perpetrators and those that benefit from the wrongful
        diagnosis are out of a job – that’s good for humanity, the reduction of over paid and over rated PARASITES ! They are presently still in place…
        While millions of lives are living on the streets and dying for what is completely removable from the “Payroll”… Why stuff the guts of a dead
        pig – when it’s turned GREEN !

        Comment by Robert — March 31, 2015 @ 11:47 am

      • Earlier this year –

        A bunch of :Compromised” degenerates thought it was high time, that I had my mind “read” So knowing how easily manipulated these
        psychiatric, state government employee’s are MANIPULATED, via possession (Temporary) I invited a “Few” spirits myself. So I got
        to “Entertain” these individuals, without the chance of any “GATE CRASHING” by “appointed” spooks….For 2.5 hours, about the same
        length of time I could have spent “Performing” in the performing engineering dept’.

        A letter came back, a week or so later and said, words to the effect – “There’s nothing wrong with him” They were both qualified
        psychiatric nurses, sent to do a preliminary assessment – based on “Gang Banging Bozo’s” recommendations… Perpetrators on a
        guilt trip – into hostile territory ! OR “Lost in Space Cadets”

        Someone Else’s…

        Comment by Robert — March 31, 2015 @ 12:56 pm

      • Could not agree more. There seems to be no end to the misinformation and especially the disinformation on this government created/supported “crime against humanity.” Of course the faction of our “government” doing this has endless funds from our taxes that they use to pay the disinformation specialists.

        Being a victim of this crap really makes you feel good to be a citizen of the USA (sarcastic futile remark).

        Comment by me — July 12, 2015 @ 6:57 am

  1453. The battle for your mind is not lost, like the entertainer that has the belief that they have done a “Deal” with the devil – they haven’t !

    What the entertainer has done, is they have been duped by the advocacy of destruction. What is the corporation telling these “Wannabee’s” ?
    That they are going to be big stars ? – What is the information, that the corporate agenda is hiding from the resultant “Manufactured” psychopath ?
    The reason for referring to them as psychopaths is that is what they will become… The general public will consume them, just like food stock
    without even knowing of such detriment to the “entertainer” – then the “Star” will be corporate provided with a “minder” – usually an unsuspecting
    innocent human being, that has similar characteristics of “persona” to the grand-standing so called star, or engineered psychopath, take your pick…

    They have a desperate need to “Cut A Path” to the “Mind” (psyche – German for mind) of ANOTHER HUMAN BEING !

    They are not told this, when they sign on the doted line, for that deal “With the Devil” for materialistic “Rewards”, just what will happen to their souls,
    their “Higher” selves is in the hands of complete ruthless money gouging parasites of the people (if you could call them that) within the corporations…
    These “Fat Cats” are not interested in anything other than a return on their investments. When the entertainer is no longer a viable corporate
    investment, then support is cut off with regards a minder, dump site, whatever – Which is THE TARGETED INDIVIDUAL

    This is where the organised GANG STALKING comes into play -The entertainer has perverse powers, via psychological influences on the community –
    Oh, and MONEY, to maintain a PIN DOWN, on a person that they have “Preyed” upon as a safe “Harbor” or a source of POWER to these “Psycho’s”
    of the Stage & Screen…

    The entertainer is in a total state of “Disassociation” with regards Body and Soul, the two minds – Brain & Soul, and in most cases they NEVER
    meet again… They are out of their TREES, full time ! – I have had personal and professional associations with them for nearly 40 YEARS !
    Burnt by them, far too many times to trust ANY of THEM – never trust a junkie, never trust a corporate mind control SLAVE either !

    You could talk to their higher self (Soul) and get an answer, for any questions that beg – their Audio/Visual products IS very much “Access” to their
    Soul Mind, then you could directly talk to them, about the same thing and they will hit the “Active Denial” and “Ignorance is Bliss” buttons, located on
    their control panel… They are always in two “Minds”, but occasionally you will get a response like “Oh yeah, I was thinking about that last night” but
    of course it was their “Idea” and next they have copyrights on what was not of their mind at all…

    So without a “Ride” on another human beings soul, these Bozo’s turn into turnips and pumpkins – 24/7 and not after midnight only ! Then they
    desperately search for another glowing spirit to latch on to, some turn to top shelf spirits and drown in them, others turn to the evil needle and die with
    one stuck in their arm – when NO ONE would wear their bullshit climbing all over their very SOULS, with total desecration and destruction, loss of time,
    mental health stability problems, interference with those around them in the private and workplace areas and the negative impact of those that are
    WRONGFULLY Jealous of the presence of another human being – with the parasitic, gutless “Star” possessively molesting them. They will finance
    premises to maintain “Contact” with their targeted individual – then when all hell breaks loose, they cut and run and KILL those that have compromised
    them – BECAUSE they are totally RUTHLESS and off course the money they made, they ain’t going to want to lose, are they ?

    Comment by Robert — April 20, 2015 @ 2:02 pm

  1454. 18 Months Ago –

    As previously written, on this blog space was the “Need” to abandon Cameron M. Diaz – She, like her associates will latch onto whatever suits their
    needs, for a “Ride” or “Power” or a “Safe Harbor” away from consumerism, by the “Punters”… The reason for the abandoning was that “The Councillor”
    was only two days from it’s world premier release (25 Oct 2013) and Fifteen Months had passed since she “Gate Crashed” my PRIVATE life.

    As stated (Previously on this site) – I was not going to be consumed by those looking upon her lame performances, in Un-Holy-Wood’s production spaces…
    It just goes to show, How little I knew, that she had been set up by an extortion ring, that had “Cast” her upon me – Benjamin Madden was the front man,
    complete with associations in Australia to do his bidding for the International crime syndicate, the very same backsides that the entertainers had come to
    trust, behind the scenes of the industrial disease most of you call the entertainment industry…

    Then again the cult following leader, Madden would just hit the “Active Denial” button if “Scoped Out”, by witnesses – outsiders, as many of them do…
    Or is Madden on the same page as Guy Ritchie, who had NO idea where he is/was – Guy was out of his head and climbing all over my private life to gain
    access to Madonna’s control panel of “Buttons”… to manipulate her for access to the Money.

    These incidents began in late 1994 (Organised Stalking) with the recruitment of one Anthony Perry Gannon, a Career Criminal, a Londoner, a foreign
    national that the N.S.W (Sydney) Police Service (Maroubra Junction) REFUSED to serve a Apprehended Personal Violence Order upon – Claiming continually
    that they didn’t have the Court-House Chamber Magistrate’s generated paper work – even after I showed them my copy – This career criminal (A.P.Gannon)
    was “Protected”…

    Gay’s within so called Authority, just following orders are those further down in rank – The international crime syndicate is of course the well connected
    Global Gay Community – the law unto themselves, from the top down, inclusive of religions, secret societies, government, the judiciary and their governing
    Multi-National Corporations – where their investments lie, Many a GAY DOLLAR is found in the performing arts industries companies.

    The Guy Richie Program, featuring the “Go Between” – ANTHONY P. Gannon who took a room, on top of me in a building that I first moved into, well
    before him – and any other “Head Hunters”, that came into the building after Gannon “Ran” back to England – “The Replacements”, as others have said –
    if you keep complaining about these poachers, perverts, wind up merchants and stalkers – the cops end up BLAMING YOU, after all YOU must have done
    something to deserve such attention…

    As required – learning as much as the Soul of Guy Richie would need to know – before the “Arranged” party – at the address of “Sting” for the purpose of
    personal alignments and associations, with Madonna. The International Crime Syndicate’s plans were for the control over the vast wealth, that Madonna’s
    Father was the Trust Custodian thereof. I don’t believe the syndicate succeeded, But Still, they probably scored a nice chunk of the 100 Million Dollar Contract,
    with a 10 year LIVE NATION Inc, signing by Madonna – that was probably around 2005 when she sold up everything, inclusive of her ongoing ties to the Warner
    Group of companies, this was inclusive of Maverick Records, which she had 50% shares in. The Deal with Live Nation Inc (a subsid’ of the Warner Group of
    Companies ?) and the 100 Million Dollars – But I don’t think the Money got to the Ciccone Family Trust Accounts, somehow. Guy Richie did get his Chicks &
    French Cars However, Maybe a Castle in the High Lands as well..

    So with the vast amounts of money involved in the performing arts, of the so called Entertainment Business – Does anyone really wish to suggest that crime
    at an international level doesn’t include organised gang stalking ? – It’s always been there, just not as obvious as it has become in this day and age. Those
    that are party to it, have become quite careless – evidence is evidence, in my case the corruption goes back more than 35 years and they continue to ignore
    the evidence – now that’s Careless ! Soon people will see it coming – they will witness the victims, the DEAD – what then ? When the Drugs don’t do as they
    should, what about divine intervention ? – Those who seek to be forgiven after living a relentless life of organised crimes against Creation – CAN FORGET IT !

    Comment by Robert — April 20, 2015 @ 4:32 pm

  1455. They are crazy, I’ve been harassed throughout my life since infanthood. They make you insane, confused, loose your bearing, use secret PSY equipment to mass harass you, voice your thoughts, use them against you, spin your thoughts to make you look bad, your family isolate you, when you talk to your family and they say that someone else got them to do it they defend the person who recruited them and close you off.
    Whenever you vent to family, family seem to engage in ruining your reputation people break your secrets, try to get you to kill yourself, try to get you locked up, lie about you. What did I do? I don’t really know.

    Comment by Natalie — May 28, 2015 @ 9:21 am

    • “What did I do ? I don’t really know.”

      Natalie –

      I couldn’t argue with ANYTHING that you have said…. I also was set up when I was a child, by a man who was 8 years older than me,
      at the time I was 15 years old, a month before my 16th Birthday – The man became a very SUCCESSFUL, manipulative multi millionaire
      in the MUSIC BUSINESS as a record company owner and promoter, his name is Michael Gudinski.

      He was CLEARLY a practicing occultist, still is – the process of deduction proves that no one else could have had anything to gain from
      interfering with the life of a fifteen year old boy. The interference included his contacts in New York (Paul D. Schindler) London (Tony
      Visconti) and in Los Angeles ( Freddy DeMann) which he regularly caught flights to and from Melbourne (Australia) for “Deals” behind
      CLOSED DOORS – Hidden Knowledge that isn’t discussed via telephone calls or the like. These scumbags are SATANISTS from the
      same bloodlines of history – it has remained a hidden crime for centuries – well before ANY technology for harassment existed was the
      art of having an individual locked up in a possession with one of their selected, manipulated DEAD. They are all over you, you are of
      interest to these PIGS – for what ever reason, usually it is around money.

      HE needed to identify who I was and I was followed home from a recording studio – these bastards are total possessive and interfering
      miscreants that wrap themselves around the spirit (soul) of another human being making use of channeled and controlled spirits that are
      bound by spells, I don’t get angry, that much, anymore with their manipulation of those around me, because their usually fucking idiots
      that are easily fucked in the head, to do the bidding of the “Remote Crowd” anyway. The “Locals” turn into good little mind control slaves,
      idle pieces of shit, looking for an easy buck or drugs – that submit to these “IDOLS” or more correctly “CULT LEADERS” with materialistic
      power. These degenerates that go along with the “Requests” end up permanently out of their trees and brain dead “WEEDS” with no
      way out of where they have allowed themselves to be “CAST” – all over the soul of the targeted individual, where they end up DYING.

      I pray for their destruction WHOLESALE and watch them DIE one by one, it’s all I can do with these taxing pieces of shit, because they
      have no intentions of being sincere, they are total narcissistic, wind-up celebrity trash, so full of themselves they have become what many
      of them have claimed to have once hated, but end up in the trap of total bullshitters, anyway.

      They have nothing to offer and continue with their attempts to hold on to what they obtained (money) and the ongoing fear of being caught,
      having built their careers around the scamming, mugging and suckering, of the potential of another human being… FOR MONEY and to get
      away with their criminal gains they will recruit scumbags to sit on your case, cheaply bought with a mere percentage of what they obtained,
      that, with common LAW and witnesses to such possessive molestation – they would lose EVERYTHING inclusive of their freedom – they would
      be locked up for attempted MURDER, an act of war, treason, exploitation, perverting the course of justice, witchcraft by making use of the
      dead – to do their bidding for them, organised stalking, torture, slander, assault, assault and GBH, chemical assault, corruption, use of the law
      for an unlawful purpose, corruption of the psychiatric medical sector – for a chemical lobotomy (thanks sucker, now to put your lights out)
      They are empowering further HARM, to their targeted individuals, by the crowds that look up to these so called important “Celebrities”

      It will end soon – with their extermination, divine intervention works in mysterious ways…against manipulative mind game playing sluts.

      Comment by Robert — May 29, 2015 @ 4:51 pm

  1456. Thursday Morning 1.15 A.M, 18th June 2015.

    Abuse, Assault –

    There was NOTHING that could have triggered the reaction, that followed along the relative silence that morning – EXCEPT this subtle suggestion that I perceived “Make him cough” so I felt
    this need to cough, suppressed the coughing episode, turned the lights out and went into darkness and stayed there. I wasn’t doing anything other than my usual research on the internet
    prior to this harassment, the attempted privacy violation “where is he” – the remote perverts (out of their heads crowd) make use of a useful moron that believes that positioning itself close
    to me – physically, was “going to be worth their while” – I have covered the establishment of “The Spook House” quite extensively on this blog space and the disposable idiots that occupy
    these nearby real estate locations.

    The moron next door came out screaming abuse, that didn’t appear to have a respondent – he was just violently firing “Verbal Abuse into the Village” launching threats and his partner was
    trying to calm him down with decidedly quieter verbatim “It’s not him, he’s being stalked ‘shhooss’ don’t, Oh, please don’t do this”

    This was the same bitch that scoped out the house next door, with designs on psychologically interfering with me, well BEFORE the piece of dog shit moved in, to this house next door –
    When I looked up from my work, in the kitchen area one day to see a woman using the darkness of the window of the house next door as a mirror to focus on me –
    my thought response to this “Who are you” and then the unanticipated thought response, of a female voice “I’m a friend”

    I wish I could just scream out at these psych profiling poachers – “get lost psych dog, I don’t know you from ANYWHERE” The scum have been there, for nearly two years, doing the bidding
    of others, that have this ongoing need of psychologically interfering with my life, then there’s the overt operations inclusive of slander campaigns,organised stalking and interfering with those
    that I have come in regular contact with, the usual complaint’s made by targeted individuals, like sabotage of an individuals privacy so they can’t breath, work, sleep or enjoy any kind of a
    normal life. It’s like someone hopes that I attack this group of degenerates – I do and have done since before I moved to this ‘new’ area – ON LINE !

    So what ever they set out to do to me, they end up doing to themselves – next group of psych dogs, as your replacements for the replacements have lost the plot…

    Anything new available, in these predictable gang stalking crimes ? –

    The standard patterns become a bore, but it’s “Entertainment” to the fucking idiots, that it constitutes “fun” to. They don’t stop, they end up dead first – Cameron Diaz hasn’t done much lately,
    has she ? – she’s finished, as an actress – this was predicted on this blog space in the later part of 2013 – when the organisation of these morons next door came into being – it was blatant and
    obvious interference that this piece of over rated un-holy-wood shit was party to FINANCING – crime in another country, an act of WAR, attempted MURDER.

    This has been well covered in previous writings, exposure on-line to get rid of these “Wasted Talents” that prey upon the soul of another human being’s potential – REMOTELY, yes – possessively
    wrapping themselves around the potential of another human being, the T.I’s very SOUL – with cheaply purchased psych dogs (stalkers) –

    It is TREASON, in ANY nation to allow this occultist (hidden) practice to continue… Suggesting that it isn’t happening just makes matters worse. What kind of world is being constructed for future
    generations of humanity, with the sanctioning of crimes against humanity, for fucking MONEY – there won’t be a future if this EVIL continues to be “Played Down” as delusional, by the so called
    authorities – I think they realize this… “But it’s the system and it’s too late to do anything to reform the way it is” – Here’s a new game it’s called “Time to Kill” anyone still wish to play the game
    “We were born into this system of a farce” –

    “Because we look up to hypocrisy, the actor/actress is a very special celebrity, full of shit and we’ll pay good disposable income to stuff their guts with excesses, then bury them prematurely and
    next wannabee please” MANUFACTURED PSYCHOPATHS – all burnt out, no where to hide from the consumerism of the paying public that just chew them out till they are FINISHED – unless
    they “SCORE” a patsy to exploit, mug, sucker and lean all over…they certainly have the finances to “Set someone up” for such purposes, then live in “ACTIVE DENIAL” of what they are doing.
    So now I have resorted to setting them up, because these wankers are all on the same page ! Going to be HONEST psychopathic celebrity ? NO, Oh O.K – BANG – next mugger please…
    Sooner, than later it will be all over for these freeloaders playing mind games at the expense of those that they persist in interfering with, the time extended Fantasy without Reality ?
    it becomes a WAVE of DEATH, for this society of engineered sociopaths and psychopaths. I told you what is happening, but you suffer from selective hearing – Old School, Old Fool…

    This is the first time this poacher (next door neighbor) has lost the plot, regarding interfering with me since he moved in with his chubby bitch, back in late 2013 (refer to post 1442, 28/09/2014) –
    absolute poaching morons and psychopaths that prey upon the so called “open wave” – the playground for assholes that call themselves “entertainers” – always on the look out for someone to
    lean on, those that they regard as insignificant consumables, dump sites, mugs, patsies, suckers – whatever their agenda for being out of their heads and preying upon private lives.

    Exposure of the engineered psychopath (the entertainer – face aches, gold diggers…) that the community continue to think of as being entertainment – it’s mental molestation and a program of
    MIND CONTROL – no one could deny that it has influences on human behavior could they ? combine the shit they regard as entertainment with the shit they call escapist substances and you
    have a sustained program of hypnosis – which is mind control. What happens when you start to think outside of the square of their control ? Gang Stalking victim ? No, then you are regarded
    as a free thinker, which is called an elevated threat in some circles of “Control” – like the governments, security agencies, religions and other ‘acceptable’ methods of crowd control, through delusion
    and deceit.

    Comment by Robert — June 19, 2015 @ 8:53 pm

  1457. Commerce – the ‘new’ name for corruption !

    Just how much of our lives are free of a cost ? The cost of living, stuffing the guts of pointless business activities, a means of oppressive CONTROL through so called economics, reinforced by corporate placed
    LAWS. Economics & Law are fast becoming dangerous and unworkable FANTASY. How to make money, at the expense of humanity for absolute shit that should not have any values imposed upon what is
    nothing more than land fill commodities brokering – make it once, sell it once – that was quality and longevity, sadly the economist regards such reduction in consumerism as ‘ghosts’. The mentality of the law
    protected economist is make it to suit the junky age of planned failure, with inherent planned failure and planned obsolescence in the ‘product’ so as to generate artificial needs of remanufacturing the same shit
    so as to aid and abet resales. The idiots call this ‘productive’ employment… it keeps the status quo of keeping people occupied in land fill commodities brokering, it prevents people from thinking too much, outside
    of the squares of control.

    Standards of manipulation, to be a good little mind control slave, a conformist that will never challenge such a system, that wallows in apathy – like a pig in it’s own shit, feeling comfortable and will launch staunch
    resistance, against the need for reform. It’s too late when they have become comfortably num… Probably with dumb it down substance abuse (“Let’s get wasted”) when the plug in drugs, that have no substance
    don’t cut it anymore – Maybe they should consider something a little harder – like a service round, in the head, just for uncle sam, the rich man.

    They call plug in drugs entertainment, but is it ? The same inane screed, the same super-fiscal crap they continue with to manipulate and control humanity with, well after it’s use-by-date. Life wasn’t meant to be
    controlled by money (or time) these are means of removal of freedom from humanity, now we are supposed to be components in ‘their’ machine – the system. I am, I got a gig with the big monkey wrench loosening
    off big NUTS ! I have come to enjoy my life listening to idiots (“We don’t need no education”) scream for mercy when they, as system components realise they have no future in being complacent. To forgive the
    relentless idiots is to sustain the lack of freedom, which is obstructing reform.

    What is it going to take, to tell the shit-heads, of so called rock ‘n’ roll, that it’s all been done to death – but look, here it comes again – the next big cult leader (tested, sanctioned, controlled and therefore approved) and
    their gang banging, gang stalking idiot fan club… “Keep the paint on the targeted individual” otherwise it’s all been for nothing, right ? So the locals maintain their “Control” over what they believe is an individual
    that is an elevated threat, to the corporate puppet – “The Star” – that is an individual that has been running designs on someone else’s potential – so a threat to the puppet is a threat to the corporation and it’s desperate
    investors… So shit happens ! – The increase of threats & weaknesses to the scum that demand a return on their investments (fraud), from the corporation was inevitable. There is no such thing as money for nothing, it
    will always be at someone else’s expense. This is the fraud and corruption the scumbags call commerce…

    Comment by Robert — June 21, 2015 @ 5:58 pm

  1458. If I had a dollar, better still – if I had the power, without the price tag…

    What would I do about the unchanging system of materialistic perverts, poachers, gang-stalkers and power brokering assholes that like everything the way it is – under CONTROL, their control, whereby “WE”
    have no say in the matter before the world stage ? For one I wouldn’t wan’t to be a gold gouging hypocrite of the stage and screen, whether it be in the delusions & deceit of un-holy-wood or politics, either
    way they are full of self righteous crap and end up being told what to do anyway, if and when they make it to ‘the grade’…

    How many of these face aches actually put something back into the community that they deluded and deceived with their drivel and dross – for a salary, a wage or what they may believe was a decent job
    (manufacturing land fill ?) just to keep the machine of bullshit lubricated with the blood, the sweat and the tears of what once once a life, no longer worth living for those that set out to change, from within, the
    way it is ? The third world war is inevitable, and the strategic targets – the non reformists that think the world owes them a living, for nothing – the rich. Personally I can’t wait to get their blood upon my hands –
    but the war isn’t on yet and protective laws are still in place, for the corrupting and the manipulative… old world order, part two – nothing ‘new’.

    The third world WAR – watch out controlling idiots, because here comes those you cheated, hounded, exploited and murdered – for money, artificial importance, prestige and materialistic power. The bottom
    line ? you don’t have the defense required, your conventional weapons are useless and there are things in death that are worse than death itself, to a materialistic idiot – So Damn You fantasizing pieces of
    mind molesting, controlling, wanting SCUM ! You games are over, an angel of death will be along with you shortly… remember it was your choice, system junky OR – Face me You Degenerative WHORE –
    GET REAL OR GET KILLED , after I have finished GRILLING you and ripping your delusional, deceitful world to pieces – what will you have died for CUNT ? the ongoing need to breed contempt, of which
    there is an over supply thereof. “So who was this directed at ?” don’t worry about such venting’s – they’re a generic ‘HIT’… You other victims have got to look at the two way street, it doesn’t matter who is
    sitting on your case, as you have the ability to lay the relentless trespasser out to waste.

    Comment by Robert — June 21, 2015 @ 7:28 pm

    • Methods of removal, of the relentless of trespass –

      If you are playing music (songs) and you are being interfered with, by an asshole that is ‘getting suggestive’ through your sound system, the process of hitting on you via what is
      referred to be “Harmonic Resonance” otherwise known as word mincing, or even regarded as E.V.P (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) or electronic harassment – whereby words
      sound similar but were never part of the original work, the recording. The best method is to construct a “Shoot out” by running another artists material, through a second sound
      system, sit in between both sound systems, set each to the same level (volume) and let the cut throat assholes hit out at each other – you wont be the meat in the sandwich, if you
      ignore their craving’s for attention – just let them kill each other.

      Don’t forget to check out the demise of these “Shooters” targeting you (if you have an idea of who they are) building their incentives at your expense and time, none of them are
      worth a zack anyway – gold gouging, grand standing hypocrites looking for an easy buck – exhibitionists, full of psychotic shit – you know, the over inflated ego’s of the stage and
      screen, that would do anything to avoid the decent from their over valued world of Disneyland, helium heads, tall opium poppy syndrome – junkies, they are not worth your life or
      you sanity, they have NOTHING realistic to offer you –

      SO LOSE THEM, let them eat shit, their own – instead of psychotically imposing upon your very soul (mind) I have seen too many lives destroyed by these perverts and assholes…
      The only good ones ? The dead ones, no longer a threat to someone else’s sanity or life, “Cause Money Is Nothing When You’re DEAD” – so their brain, when they are out-of-it no
      longer gets in the way, out on an O.B.E on the open wave, with their tickets to ride around on someone else’s mind, they don’t care about your sanity or your life.

      Comment by Robert — June 21, 2015 @ 8:16 pm

      • “You told me you would be sincere, you told me you would be real, but your full of shit and that’s why you got killed”

        Comment by Robert — June 21, 2015 @ 8:24 pm

      • So you wanna be a star, full of delusional, deceitful fuck, there’s money in land fill commodities buddy, so who’s your target, your source, your flame because you haven’t
        got what it takes, you’re just another fake wallowing in active denial making mistakes, but you think your a star, truth is your just another wannabee lard arse… So hey, you
        wasted blob, thought about getting a real job ?

        Comment by Robert — June 21, 2015 @ 8:42 pm

  1459. The Active Denial System, exposure to “Deactivate”

    I learnt a long time ago not to lie down with misinformation DOGS, you wake up with dis-information fleas.

    As others attempted to explain – gang stalking is not some cookie cutter style experience whereby all the reasons for being psychologically interfered with, by a variety of methods that are regarded, collectively as
    organised gang stalking – ARE THE SAME. They are not “Cookie Cutter” predictable at all. My exploitation and then victimization reveals that this gross violation of privacy is multifaceted and in my case it started
    in 1976 (awareness year) When these criminals are caught, all hell breaks loose and they try to cover it up, this is good, in some respects because it enables victims/witnesses to be organised –

    With the Names. Dates, Places & Reasons Why –

    Caresse Henry was a Witness to the return (1992) of the criminals that set me up in the 1970’s – She was on the end of the phone giving me the identity of one of the criminals in NYC (Paul D. Schindler).
    His associate in Melbourne (Australia) was the parasite that set me up when I was 15 years old (Michael Gudinski) this was Aug 1976, in a act to identify who I was – this pervert gathered private information
    ON A SCHOOL BOY ! Reason – gross exploitation for ongoing money making scams, they have not ended, it’s been nearly FORTY YEARS. The exploitation ? “You don’t need to be talented, to make
    money out of the shallow money trench (the entertainment business) just prey upon an individual that is talented, pin them down with remote molestation (organised stalking) and rip them off” These scum
    “FEED” on the potential (the spirit, the soul) of another human being, that will NEVER be seen, or heard, in performance space.

    Caresse Henry is not the only Witness that wound up DEAD – But what would you expect, some were placed on a program
    of ‘slow kill’ others were snuffed out like a candle in the wind, with ‘no suspicious circumstances’ on the coroners reports…

    Do you know how long it takes to word out nearly 40 YEARS of being set-up & exploited, victimized, tortured, harassed, misdiagnosed, poisoned, bashed, etc – again & again ? Do you know what it’s like
    when one of your witnesses is murdered with the death written up as a suicide ? She (Caresse) was stalked and hounded to death, her sister believes it was murder also – QUOTE – “Just as if Madonna
    had squeezed the trigger herself” Madonna’s song – “Gang Bang” – “Shot my lover in the head” – (MDNA Album – 2012 ?) Caresse was loyal to Madonna, she was too trusting of Paul D. Schindler
    (Madonna’s Attorney, in 1993) as well.

    Paul D. Schindler was party, to the group of attorneys that made Caresse sign a “Gag Order” that prevented her from reacting to propaganda, via the controlling media that would be ultimately be the end
    of Caresse’s career. I.O.W – Caresse was unable to defend herself, publicly about the B.S. that was being bandied about, in the industry of entertainment, via the propaganda machine – Caresse’s Career
    was in the industry of Entertainment, their fabrications of mis-information, with her efforts being unpaid for, as she was being ripped off (exploited) So, towards the premature end of her life, at the age of
    around 41 – why bother anymore with this shit, it isn’t worth it ? – she died at the age of 43.5 years (born 27/09/66, died 30/03/2010)

    This isn’t a coincidence that she died half way between birthdays, this is generally a ‘low point’ in the annual cycle, of ones life and a convenient time for an occultist hit, to take someone out – because no
    one will ‘see’ anything – there won’t be any third eye visions, by any witnesses, to the crime. Freddy DeMann was ‘sniffing’ around at her funeral, to make sure there wasn’t any suspicious individuals, that
    might constitute an elevated threat – As it was Freddy who set Caresse up, the ‘grooming’ for exploitation, back in late 1992, so a return “to the scene of the crime” – her funeral. Caresse wasn’t the only
    one, that was set up by these cold blooded killers, way back then – and when they have finished with you, they have finished with you – I haven’t FINISHED with them, for what they came back to do to me,
    or anyone else for that matter – all over again, also in late 1992…

    They have been trying to play down the fact that they set me up – so I maintain the activity of collecting court admissible evidence, this included the use of the police & courts of law, in 1993 & 1994 as part
    of the evidence that were utilized to, once again – SET ME UP for no other reason than EXPLOITATION. So what are they going to say – “He’s very talented, won’t sell out in performance space, so we’ll just
    set him up and rip him off” AND “That’s the SYSTEM” ? My response – I will burn your system to death, I will continue to burn your system beyond it’s death and it’s damnation…
    Oh, and another thing – I am NEVER alone on this one, you system scum have too many victims and they’re not bound and gagged ANYMORE, in the closet or elsewhere – like in the ground… “Let the dead
    of Creation walk the earth, in judgement of the living and the dead, who’s practice is of Destruction” (self policing – the end of DAZE !)

    No one really cares for those that set out to argue that it is a cut and dry matter, that is organised at a level of government OR religious belief – Bullshit. I have evidence that dates back nearly 40 years, it
    shows that it was private enterprise that set up a 15 year old boy (me) Governments are just providing a “protection racket” for any elevated threats to the corruption of the big money spinning corporations.
    The corporation’s CORRUPTION of government agencies to set up their elevated threat with unsubstantiated, fabricated propaganda, slander, sabotage and so on – of the ‘targeted individual’s’ life.
    The Corporations activities have been compromised – so they set out to ‘silence’ the elevated threat, as corporations don’t like being weakened – investors tend to go elsewhere, well don’t they ?
    Where do the Government Agencies get their money from, if it isn’t the spoils of corporate war and associated corruption, like insider trading that biases the success of one nation over another on commodities
    brokering business This is FAR from fair trade it is corruption that is now called ‘commerce’ – what a sadistic joke.

    America’s ongoing problem –

    “We don’t need money to make money, just rip someone else off” The methods of achieving this are endless – elevated threats that weaken the corporate activities in crime, are dealt with at a variety of
    levels, none of which exhibit morality or ethics. Stalking is just a weapon that is very hard to expose and prosecute, due to the protection racket factor, such crime is sanctioned at government level, but the U.S.
    government is instructed what to do by the CORPORATIONS not THE PEOPLE. So good luck to people like Anthony M. also trading as (anticovertwaralliance) with your ‘insider knowledge’ of blowing it all away
    publicly – You may have already figured it out, the ability to keep victims away from each other is part of the ‘controlling’ agenda…

    If a victim goes to the police, regards organised stalking operations – (1) A WITNESS & (2) An Attorney and (3) follow police investigations up with public disclosures – about how they are following orders from
    the top “To Stand Down” from any needs to investigate the said complaint(s) then record information on how your witness(s) came to perish, such as the use of the controlling media to cover up the demise of
    the witness, it makes worthwhile witnesses “hard to find” – How much ‘HEAT’ can these idiots cope with before their system and it’s corruption is charcoal ? It is the ‘Hidden Knowledge’ of the satanic practices
    of the occultist that needs to be thoroughly EXPOSED, no more of this – “That’s TABOO, so we are not going there” time to turn the hidden knowledge onto the ignorant and apathetic, put the wind up the WIND
    UP MERCHANTS and run those DOGS, of psychological WARFARE down.

    Remember the massive protests, by the returning Vietnam Veterans ? “We will not fight ANYMORE, this RICH MANS WAR” That was 1971, they got together and the war ended in 1972 – They were right, why
    should the innocent protect, with their very lives and sanity the EVIL murderous RICH ? Why should so few have the ability to oppressively control the MAJORITY via so called economics and laws that really only
    protect the criminally wealthy ? Don’t look up to the Wealthy – Spit on them instead, just don’t get caught…”Your not allowed to spit on criminals, they have rights you know” – yeah, to continue committing crimes
    against the innocent populous, with complete impunity, protection rackets and artificial importance that just isn’t worth it anymore – because the ‘LAWS’ protecting the criminally wealthy are not subject to reform,
    those that believe otherwise are considered ‘Elevated Threats’, that are potentially weakening the corporation, that line the pockets of the protection rackets – the ‘TAX COLLECTORS’ that are a big part of the
    governments, globally.

    Comment by Robert — June 22, 2015 @ 8:23 pm

  1460. Need resource to stop

    Comment by Angela Holly HArbin — July 8, 2015 @ 9:16 pm

  1461. The Governments are just following orders from the power brokering elite or ‘Mobsters’. Once a decision has been made to build a
    business around what isn’t regarded as harmful, at the time of decision making – it may become apparent that it is harmful, to a
    minority group of targeted individuals that reveal the TRUTH about the ‘Business’ but then they are just an expendable minority group,
    compared to those whose business outnumbers the minority ‘Victim’ group – this is a recipe for War, Hell on Earth because the victims
    are being Ignored and told that it is too late to do anything about the ‘Problem’ with the business anyway. Comments like “But that’s
    the System” – typical of conformists that would not have any ‘control’ over political packages of REFORM. Don’t forget that other
    Standard, of theirs – “We like everything the way it is”…

    The secret to success for a victim is to ‘quietly’ DESTROY the business ‘Secrets’ of the majority degenerates that couldn’t give a shit
    (apathy) about how their money is being obtained, after all they don’t care about the minority group victims, do they ? The immoral,
    unethical that get rich at the expense of those that they molest, mob, exploit and murder with their business ‘plan’ that is complete with
    Government Protection Policies in place.

    EVERY business has ‘Secrets’ – So get inside, learn what they are and then blow the whistle on their “Trade Secrets” and burn the ass
    out of their pants, that is to progressively strip them of the business opportunities that maintain the ‘Hidden’ crimes against humanity, by
    these soulless, faceless demon spirited parasites – “that walk among us”

    I knew that I had been SET UP, again, for the nefarious purposes of Government Protected ‘Money Spinning’ rock ‘n’ roll degenerates
    that had first interfered with me in the late 1970’s, well that was when I realized something was wrong (possession, which is a psyche
    disorder) but like many victims I was denied an appropriate UNDERSTANDING of what was happening, to me – “you’ve been set-up
    and you are possessed, by a deviant that has designs on your life” psychiatry only temporarily destroys the “harbor” by chemically
    poisoning the brain of the complainant who is never told the truth and the witch’s spell stays in place, along with the manipulations of
    the deviants (occultists, witches) that are maintaining the possession of the T.I. usually for financial returns, as I have discovered.

    Active Denial is what needs to be UNDERMINED, otherwise the system continues to bullshit the victims, if part of their practice is
    ‘disturbed’ the rest of the practice is ‘threatened’ – personally I can’t wait for the bullshit to be blown off the map, with all the scum
    clinging to their demonic ‘spirit guides’ all the way to the “basement” !

    What I could say is that I just scored a handgun and I’m going on a “Witch Hunt” – but the satanic are “protected” by governments
    internationally, because Evil is entitled to it’s belief and practices like any other “Religion” – so it would be regarded as a “Hate” crime…
    So forget about the handgun, for now ! Just have to be patient and wait for “open season” on the satanic and occultists, maybe they
    should be included in the war against terrorism, because the stalkers are terrorists, aren’t they ?

    Comment by Robert — July 12, 2015 @ 12:06 pm

    • Recently a Federal Member of Parliament was implicated in my harassment, stalking, sabotage and slander campaign, it
      would appear that she was ‘In on it’ before she asked any questions as to why this ‘Scam’ was kept “Active” , long after it
      became deadly and dangerous for the ‘Game Players’ that were keeping this bullshit going, I have seen too much already
      and became ‘desensitized’ to the death toll.

      I NEVER could get through to those that became involved in this campaign against innocent individuals, that IT JUST ISN’T
      WORTH IT. I stopped complaining, to the authorities along time ago and just watched, helplessly – the carnage on the “SET”,
      so as to speak, knowing that ANYONE that I attempted to discuss this with would just ignore me – then die before their time,
      because I was targeting the idiots that jumped on the bandwagon, at my expense and then their mortality –

      “He who strikes his neighbor in secret is cursed” – I won’t argue with that one, as I have seen the results of being cursed –
      to those that targeted me in secret, but secrets aren’t forever and my only defense was snuffing their secrets of success,
      watching them struck down for the cowards they really are. Pity no one listens to what I have to say, now they are reading
      about it, instead. That is what they have become involved in – well before I came anywhere near them, it is the patterns
      of behavior that remain constant, the idiots don’t have any new ‘Tricks’ when it comes to gang stalking perversion and the
      standards of “Pack Mentality”

      How long before the charges of TREASON, for these HERETICS does one have to wait ? Not that I care anymore because
      I am watching these gang stalking dogs suffering the ramifications of their sadistic, deliberate ignorance and their ‘Active
      Denial’ is not saving them from harms way. If ignorance is bliss why are they dying ? – because someone told them it was
      safe playing in the ‘traffic’ during rush hour.

      If one chooses not to forgive the relentless trespasser, who’s trespass is AGAINST one’s will, continuously, then they will die
      without ever being forgiven and die upon the very soul of their victim. Then get the shit kicked out of them forever more – Is
      it really worth it – because a time comes when there is NO POINT in forgiving the relentless, for their crimes against humanity
      and so let the SEVEN DEADLY SINS take their toll, on those that refused to repent, reform or even accept that they had done
      any wrong, to someone else.

      “But she said that he said and I didn’t know, who he was, anyway, so I didn’t really care about him” – Pack Mentality Kills the
      pack of gang stalking dogs, they end up killing each other and this is NOTHING new. So kick back, have a beer and watch who
      dies next, hopefully a king pin in the crime or some other serious “Link in the Chain” of command, I’m getting closer to the end
      point of the reaction of being ritually abused by these idiots, that were in it – for ‘kicks’, Oh – and the money.

      The IGNORANCE is killing the GAME and the DOGS are killing each other to keep the game ALIVE – what a pity for the DOGS
      as they won’t have a game to facilitate killing each other, so I guess they will die of poverty, boredom and depression instead.
      What would I call this ? – JUSTICE ! – and what will the idiot dogs of rock ‘n’ roll say ? – “You mean it’s all been for nothing” ?
      They will eventually lose EVERYTHING they had EVER hoped to gain from such evil trespass against the privacy of another’s
      very soul – that will teach them for doing their ‘DEAL’ with destruction (The Devil) gang stalking is very much an advocacy to
      satanism, just because it’s covered by various ‘escapist’ protection rackets and government sanctioning doesn’t make it alright.

      Comment by Robert — July 12, 2015 @ 1:32 pm

      • Innocent people are being set up by a system that was very much COINTELPRO orientated and not just in the U.S of A.
        To label an individual as being psychotic, an undesirable, an elevated threat, a terrorist OR WHATEVER – So as to then
        enable their exploitation, for financial gains (or other) is an act of war – that is, if it was a foreign national that did this, from
        abroad OR it would be an act of treason if it was a fellow national. It isn’t that they had a VALID excuse for such unlawful
        acts of interfering with the targeted individual and recruiting others, to do their bidding for them (especially when the offender
        was ‘operating’ from abroad, or interstate)

        What are they going to say ? “We are an extortion ring and did it for the money”

        The best part is when they keep the scam active, regardless of where the target goes – this enables evidence of unjustifiable
        interference with the targeted person – the perpetrators end up caught for their part in the crime and can’t ‘GET OUT’ they
        are then implicated in committing crimes against an individual that they knew nothing about and then MAY give up the identity
        of those that sustained the organised stalking, harassment, slander, sabotage and other forms of interference of the target.

        I just hope that I get to publicly ‘beat up’ on the rock and roll scumbags that think there is ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ that
        capitalized on this SCAM – I KNOW who they are, I won’t be forgiving these SCABS that use this system of ‘Easy Prey’
        of those that are SET UP by these parasites as feed-stock, to be consumed by low life that think they are entertaining.
        To those that think torture is entertainment – you won’t be forgiven, by me either…

        I’m just waiting for someone to be honest with me, or all hell to break loose upon this SCAM, the latter is all I have seen
        occurring and I would have thought that maybe, by now, that there were realizations that IT JUST ISN’T WORTH IT.
        Perverts & A-holes that have nothing to live for if they can’t be perverts & A-holes…

        That’s Entertainment, that’s their SYSTEM – Driving innocent people insane with interference – I KNOW who they are and
        what they have done, it wasn’t just to me – it’s a two way street for the victims and time to get EVEN and cut down these
        trespassers that REFUSE to be HONEST. Is it really worth DYING for ? but how do you get through to these FAIRIES that
        are playing out these fantasies, to death – theirs. It will end in violently for many of them, as this I have already seen.

        Comment by Robert — July 12, 2015 @ 2:46 pm

  1462. What are they going to say ? “We are an extortion ring and did it for the money”

    Organised Stalking is a CRIME against helpless, innocent individuals that generally
    have no idea, of why they are under unlawful surveillance – exploitation is just one
    of many hidden reasons behind this crime, and covering up the exploitation is just

    Neighborhood Watch Programs that are established to protect active criminals, from
    elevated threats to their corruption, within that community – the drug dealer that wishes
    to keep an eye on a new neighbor, for fear that the new neighbor is a police informant.

    This system of neighborhood watch can and IS being used by criminals to criminal
    advantage. Surely a person has a public right of protest about being kept under
    surveillance after a given period of time – like how about a year ? and then they MUST
    be told that they have been under surveillance AND WHY. Wouldn’t this be worthwhile
    pushing for legislative change to achieve ?

    Comment by Robert — July 12, 2015 @ 3:42 pm

  1463. Don’t forget that annoying ‘tone’ in your ear –

    Someone is ‘camping’ out on you – you are wired up, being taken for a ride, by degenerates looking for money.
    How many ‘new age sensitive types’ are going to pay the ultimate price for fucking you, in the head ? Don’t
    forget how they ‘scored’ a ride at your expense – your time is nothing to these degenerates – you’re insignificant
    to their cause – making money out of scams, delusions & deceit.

    Please don’t complain about the stars that are preying upon you – kick their heads in instead – they are expendable
    poaching over-rated sluts & gay’s that think the world revolves around escapism, drugs and sexually distributed
    diseases…. More opportunities for the oil cartel’s medical professions….

    Comment by Robert — July 12, 2015 @ 6:49 pm

    • State/Government-Organized Stalking is State/Government Terrorism.
      Secret Police Disservices implementing it are unaccountable, so legally covered!
      [[There are secret legal frames the ordinary citizen is not allowed to know…]]
      THEY gave orders to magistracy and other government apparatuses!

      Comment by rscaru — July 12, 2015 @ 7:09 pm

      • Roberto Scaruffi – YOU ARE BACK ! – greetings.

        I have covered the secret police disservices at length, so have others that have made comments about WHY, WHO,
        When and where. Some of these ‘Bozo’s’ actually BELIEVE that they are members of a secret police service – they
        like to call themselves OCCULTISTS, which means those of hidden practice – their practice isn’t that well guarded
        anymore and it won’t be long before they hear kicks, from steel capped boots on their front doors…

        They are as corrupt as corrupt could possibly get – they are protecting hidden knowledge of business secrets, which
        is business success – for example the entertainer or anyone else in the public eye will need protection from public
        psychological perversion into the minds of these ‘Faces’ of public notoriety. I was set up again, in the September of
        1992 by a desperate wasted rock ‘n’ roll face ache – for almost 4 years he was lost (back to Nov of 1988) on a soul
        that wasn’t his TICKET to call the shots on. His name is Jeremy Saxon Oxley, his band was called the Sunnyboys
        Jeremy was caught, in the earlier part of 1982, caught targeting a man that was NOT in performance and capable
        of hitting back – a gutless rock ‘n’ roll slob that preyed upon the potential of the unsung – ME.

        It is common practice for the so called secret police (occultists) to have vested interest in the entertainment industry.
        This industry is globally worth 100’s of billions of dollars per year – but there is a ‘hidden’ problem with those that are
        in performance space – they get devoured by public consumption, their souls lost to consumerism and with a ever
        developing sensitivity to the spirit of another human being they ‘latch’ on to – just like a PARASITE, they would not
        survive without a ride, pinning down to un-eventfulness – the individual that they are targeting, with complete impunity
        – or so these narcissists and psychological predators would like to think…

        The ‘Hidden’ practice within this multi billion dollar industry it what the occultists financially thrive on. You may have
        noticed what happens to these manufactured psychopaths when ANY defense for them is cut off – they kill themselves
        with a variety of methods – alcohol, drugs or a short walk to the soft edge of a cliff face. When they are deprived of
        a safe harbor, upon another human beings soul then out come the demons – those that they ritually abused and cast
        into darkness and rotting despair – BECAUSE the TRUTH was kept hidden, from the victims (T.I’s) and the rock ‘n’ roll
        dog learnt the hard way of what it had a dependence on doing – stuffing the guts of business parasites with more money.

        The ‘Secret Police’ – as you like to call them, they don’t wear uniforms and answer to NO ONE – what they’re protecting
        is their own businesses from any ‘threats’ – these mother fuckers are complete sociopaths that show no concern for any
        morality or ethics – these aren’t in their books – their use of the authorities, for unlawful purpose is a normal day to day
        ‘practice’ and far too many have been SET-UP and fucked in the head by these gig pigs.

        Now it’s time to fuck them off the MAP – undermine their system practices and secret society’s methods and disable
        their FUTURES, from any place in our world – they are EVIL and should be considered as terrorists, so let the carnage
        begin ! and the rock ‘n’ roll gig pig – bad luck, no more patsies, mugs or suckers – stuffing the guts of their EGO’s.

        What happened back in December of 1992 was OXLEY spiked my frozen food, with strychnine then falsified complaints
        about my ‘behavior’ – I was ‘wired up’ and ‘Gang Banged’ by these degenerates that were led to believe that it would be
        “A multi-win situation” for them. Only if they have investments in the consumables of World War III… Destroy the Rock
        ‘N’ Roll scams. “Hey Rock ‘n’ Roll DOG – who are you targeting with that ‘hit’ ?” How can one “Hit Back” when these
        degenerates are protected, by the corporate ‘occultist’ investors ? – Answer EXPOSURE of the ‘Hidden Practice’

        Comment by Robert — July 13, 2015 @ 9:26 am

      • “We spread a rumor that he is MAD” – they didn’t tell the authorities about the poisoning with strychnine…

        “Multi-win situation for all of us” – at the expense of those that you set – up, exploited and MURDERED…

        “The Authorities have blood on their hands” – they failed to LISTEN to the complaint, on the grounds
        that a person believed to be mentally ill deserves little
        respect from the authorities, a diminished respect in fact
        so that it facilitates ‘Open Slather’ attacks on the Victim.

        So the organization, by terrorists of organized gang
        stalking comes into play – Satanic Ritual Abuse by the
        not so ‘hidden’ satanists (terrorists, occultists, rock ‘n’
        roll ‘Gig Pigs’) with a desperate need for a target to ‘HIT’
        on – after the T.I. is ‘pinned down’ (immobilized, made
        unemployed, impoverished, rail-roaded by distributed
        propaganda, slander campaigns, Etc.)

        Comment by Robert — July 13, 2015 @ 9:50 am

  1464. “After the Targeted Individual (T.I.) is pinned down” –

    BY immobilization methods – like slander propaganda, whereby the “faithful” believing in the lies that are being bandied about draw the attention of the
    vigilant that actually go about sabotage to the T.I’s property and even assault of that individual to help with the “cause” (’cause stalking’ ?). Once the
    easily misguided and EXPENDABLE fools have blood on their hands, they are caught in a trap BECAUSE there was no legal consent to committing
    offenses against the known and accessible laws – those that Suckered these fools into the “GAME” then have another “Patsy” to “Control” – but if you
    commit any offences against the game playing sociopath – you will be the one in trouble – the game is biased towards those that set you, the targeted
    individual, UP.

    Discreet methods of getting rid of the “Poaching” parasite are required – it takes time for the “Handlers & Controllers” to recruit new “Live Stock” – and
    once you have destroyed enough of them – “On-Line” the interest begins to subside and you will start to feel a bit more freedom in you life. “Killing”
    them is best reserved to the internet, by naming these sociopaths, with disclosure of “Who, When, Where and Why” – undermining the economics of
    their “Institution” creates the “It just wasn’t worth it” for the poachers – they lose everything that they were misguided into thinking they had to gain, from
    interfering with you – in ANY WAY and end up attracting a lot of negative attention to themselves. Seriously – I have seen their lives dramatically made
    shorter – they get caught between a “Rock ‘N’ Hard Place” and think death is the only way out, then they’re caught “On the other Side” – Eternally !

    Remember you don’t need to be a good little “club member” when you are dealing against the advocacy of Satanism – it won’t help you to forgive those
    that are relentless of trespass against you – it only ENCOURAGES the “Conflict” with these negative personalities, so stay positive and use that potential
    to snuff out their “Fuses” and they will resist being conductive towards negativity, that is directed towards you – they end up miserable and “Burnt Out” –
    because YOU are the better person and they are just drug fucked suicides that think delusion, deceit and escapism that is all over you is “Entertainment” –
    but remember your not a competitive drop kick in performance space, they are the ones that did a deal with destruction (self) and NOT you. You may
    get “Messages” back, like “It just wasn’t worth it” and “You mean it’s all been for nothing”

    These DEMON spirited individuals broke the golden rule – “DON’T TOUCH”, that is when their “Head Fuck” games were not getting a “Reaction”
    because they commissioned further assault, than playing head games – they GOT CAUGHT and have NO WAY BACK, The Penalty they pay –

    “He who strikes their neighbor in secret, is cursed” (The act of ‘striking down’ or ‘Targeting’ or ‘Hitting’ out at an individual – some think it’s Rock ‘N’ Roll
    Hit and Run, Shoot and Scoot – until they find themselves being targeted, because they launched an assault against an innocent and helpless victim and
    did so to promote attention, through such willful directed disturbance, to themselves – So what goes around, comes around OR do unto others as you
    would expect others to do for you… the ramifications are historical, like – “Forgive us our trespasses, who trespass upon us” – that’s around 2,000 years
    old) Gang Stalking IT IS as OLD AS CULT FOLLOWING, Yes they are inter-connected.

    Gang Stalking will eventually be seen as “Not worth it” due to an increase in mortality rates against the perpetrators – this appears to be on the increase,
    with regards the Creeps, Frauds and Thieves of the so called performing arts – They are not stars – just more manufactured sociopaths looking for that
    elusive “Easy Buck”.

    You wouldn’t believe how many so called entertainers are privy to organised gang stalking – Not as the Victim, but as the “Handlers and Controllers” of
    these and other related CRIMES. This type of victimization of an innocent person goes back to the days of the late 1500’s “The Evil Theater” –
    During the reign of Queen Elizabeth the 1st. “The casting of an individuals “Spirit” into dim light” – why the parasitic “Actors and Actresses” thought that
    you must have done something to deserve it – the “Casting” that is… Whoops – now they have blood on their hands and are claiming “Ignorance is Bliss”

    Ignorance doesn’t scrape them off the roadway (Super-Highway, Grapevine, Open Wave Radio, Etc) or put the life back into them because someone
    said it was “Safe” to go play in the traffic, during rush hour… Ignorance is only bliss, to an idiot ! Tell a judge that you were ignorant of the law and see
    if that scores you redemption – it hasn’t and never will, for obvious reasons – everyone would be “In on It” – “I just might go commit a crime and claim
    that I was ignorant of the law” – This is the plight of many of the perpetrators, regarding gang stalking – guilty as charged. Now to catch one of these
    “Bozo’s” between a Rock ‘N’ Hard Place – to EVER get out of, making use of more lies, denial and the usual excuses.

    So as a T.I. – I found it ‘useful’ to gather information on the misguided fools that came into the game of organised stalking and WHY they were in on it.
    Then found out why the so called authorities were apprehensive about enforcing the law, regards the so called “Stalking Act” – Imagine telling those
    involved in the judiciary and law enforcement that they were out of a job – due to the abolishing of laws that only protected criminals ? OR imagine
    telling the community pushing hypocrisy (entertainment industry) that it was a bad investment and they have lost everything to those they set up and
    mugged with their delusion & deceit ?

    Through the Obliteration of such systems, that shows popular support, but only for the wealthy – the Days of the Greedy Rich and therefore Manipulative
    are numbered. It is a very slow and painful process to expose the secrets of certain business practices, that so few actually benefit from. A constant battle
    to expose who REALLY benefits from Organised Stalking and Related Crimes Against Humanity –

    It’s more than “Environmental and Theater Entertainment” – it’s a life style and income to the “in crowd” that are desperately trying to save these systems
    from perilous EXPOSURE, pinpointing the associated criminals that would have nothing to live for, if these systems were ‘snuffed out’ of production spaces.
    OR – “Hey big wealthy individual – you and your associates are going to lose everything, to those you suckered and mugged – OR die, in the Fight”
    Bye Bye to the scammers still playing these systems out – Because Hypocrisy deserves no support, financially or otherwise. Like the little Kid said “Fuck
    the Bullshit Factor” – The Children do seem to be taking a serious stand on what is trying to manipulate them into conformity – good for them ! –
    So bring on the reformists.

    Just take a look at what they are calling entertainment – WAS it EVER entertainment or just more programs of conformist, escape to no where crud ?

    A junkie age of land fill commodities broker’s pushing more dumb-it-down drugs. “Hey there is this guy, see – and we wan’t you to go and sit on his
    case, we’ll make it worth your while – do you need some more heroin ? – We’ve organised the house next door to him, so when would you like to move
    in ? ”

    When this type of event happens once or twice – it’s a coincidence but when it continues even after you have detailed such events On The Internet – it
    becomes a pattern of undeniable ‘external’ events. “External” – As I do not know these individuals at all, I haven’t even seen them before – So who put
    them up to this – interfering with my private life, I’m not in the public ‘eye’ so the big question is WHY ? Then I get to ‘snuff out’ the degenerates that
    set me up “for a ride”… It won’t be worth continuing for them, in any kind of performance space, targeting me. They have pushed this bullshit at me
    for too long – there is no way out for them now, thoroughly exposed and now they are just waiting for all hell to break loose upon their very souls.

    Far too many of them to ever get out, via denial of what they were party to – “Forgive Them” ? The act of forgiving the relentless only encourages
    them – So to hell with them and their system of privacy violations, exploitation, and organised crime. Many victims of organised stalking would really
    like to know WHY they have been set up, I know Why, Who, When and Where – the little problem ? The entire system is compromised by such
    disclosures – and ME ? “Oh my hearts breaking over such a loss” I.O.W – I welcome this systems destruction, I pray and work towards it !

    Comment by Robert — July 28, 2015 @ 10:55 am

  1465. Saturday August 1st, 2015 –

    The next door neighbors have quit their tenancy as poaching squatters, as the owner had previously put the house up for sale, maybe the owner was knowledgeable
    of what the house was being used for… aiding and abetting organised gang stalking crimes – and ‘felt’ it was time to detach themselves from being accessories to the
    fact. Maybe the house was becoming too much of a draw card for potential low life ‘blow in scum’ and creating a reduction in resale values… “time to sell” – before the
    premises were worth a lot less on the rental or resale markets.

    I did notice that previous places, that were ‘occupied’ by conjuring, perverse psychopaths were difficult to occupy – these premises were always up for sale or rent, even
    when I had left the premises, nearby to these ‘hot spots’, the stench of what was drawn into the area, to interfere with me remained. What can I say ? – Sometimes
    the conjured ‘Ghosts’ find themselves in between a rock and hard place – these entities were ‘abandoned’ from any further association with the ‘blow ins’ that called upon
    them, to do their bidding for them. The “Blow Ins” have left the building and you are now ‘stuck’ where they dumped you and I’m NOT RESPONSIBLE for your fate, as I
    don’t know who they are, or who you are. They (the blow ins) were using my image (character assassination) to draw you in, to nearby where I am living, they are NOT

    “How do we get out of here” – “who are you ? ” “I’m not telling you, but I wan’t out” –
    ” We can’t get you out, unless you tell us who you are and why you moved in, to interfere with him ”

    Other Victims could understand the kind of “Mind Fuck” that is resultant – this isn’t schizophrenia, or any other kind of psychological disorder – it is very much ‘external’
    to ones own mind. Don’t you just hate poaching perverts and the shit they continue to try on ? “But how are we going to generate psychosis and crime, for the almighty
    dollar ? ” – Drop the bullshit, grandpa (or grandma) your mind game days are numbered… No More manipulation of the future generations of humanity with your f’ing
    system. “But it’s Christmas” and for the ‘wise’ – the sanity clause is going down. “they sleaze you when you’re sleeping, they nose when you’re awake” – ” The Sanity
    Clause is coming… to town” – Like FUCK OFF ! – “Oh well, there goes the spirit of BULLSHIT” (It was a DEMON looking for an easy dollar, half way between the
    financial year’s beginning and end – for things that aren’t exactly for sale, all year around)

    I used to make analog recording’s of such ritual abuse, now I don’t bother any more with the collection of evidence, due to the fact that the perpetrators continue to die,
    before they give up the system that drew them into “The Game” – like moths to the flame. Note – “Why Analog Recordings ? ‘ – Because you can separate the digital
    original format – that they ‘Hit On’ (Compact Disc’s for example) from their ritual abuse, as such abuse is NON SQUARE WAVE –
    (especially noticed at 1,000 cycles/second) from the ANALOG components of “The Hit” ( this was in 1994) – I purpose built -24dB/Oct, high pass and low pass filters
    and found that I could isolate the ‘mental noise’ from the ‘carrier’ resonance, I made Butterworth filters with 3dB points at 960Hz and 1040Hz –
    So it’s ALL IN ONE’S MIND, is it ? So who’s hitting on who – “We don’t wan’t to know, otherwise it would be the end of our system of ritual abuse” –

    “He can hear us clearly, it’s all over, how are we going to talk to each other” (The structuring of “a wave” that these scum capitalize upon – the punters continue to
    purchase the ‘Hits’ – recorded drivel and dross, aka – entertainment, where the “BIG” bucks are, but shouldn’t be…)

    Pity… Like other victims of organised stalking, why don’t they just leave us alone, as the targeting has dire consequences – because the perpetrators will find severing,
    from the ‘soul’ of their prey somewhat impossible – “They should have known better, than to ‘fuck’ with someone like you” – ” How can we win, he knows what’s going
    on” – Well, if I knew who you were and your phone number, I would be a man about it and confront you, but I don’t know you – so here is a handful of dirt for your

    P.S. – Goodbye Anthony ! (or what ever your real name is, you POACHER ! )

    IS the next oppressing idiot being groomed yet ? – Time to back off, with your SET – UP of me and minimize the consequential losses and fatalities. YOU won’t be
    forgiven by me, or anyone else you took for “A RIDE” – When will you realize you’re gang stalking games are OVER ? How many more deluded little “But I’m a
    star” pieces of manufactured shit have to suffer this system’s fate ? – “Oh No, they know who I am, I need someone to dump on” – and what ? Light Up like a
    Christmas tree ?

    Why is everyone looking at me – I’m not in the public eye, like your ‘faithful’ of hypocrisy… The Face Aches of the Entertainment Industry.

    Comment by Robert — August 6, 2015 @ 6:01 pm

    • “You ‘wanna watch out who you dump on, to get to the top – you might meet up with them… on the way on DOWN ! “

      Comment by Robert — August 6, 2015 @ 6:10 pm

  1466. Now there is this young woman named FIONA,

    She is claiming to be the daughter of Heidi Stern, AKA – Jennifer Rush, of “pull the power plug’ fame… – I mean – “the power of love” infamy.

    But how can one expose the farce like –

    Heidi to Fiona –

    “He’s mine alright, so hands off”

    The desperation of the burnt out crowd, full of delusion’s and deceit’s that are still trying to stay on top, when they have already met up,
    with those, that they came upon and proceeded to BULLSHIT, a long time ago (1977) – well all I can say, is that they don’t have much of
    a future, do they ? – Heidi Stern actually predates M.L.C.1958.08.16 – (Madonna) in the numbers game as previously explained…

    “Money is nothing, when you’re DEAD” – How do the gang stalking VICTIMS get it across to these ‘Wasted’ talents, BEFORE THEY’RE
    DEAD ? – When they are still reliant upon ‘Management’ – who (in association) are still hiding behind answering machines, called ‘agents’ …

    Ignorance just Ain’t bliss when it will kill YOU ! – but that’s entertainment for a manufactured sociopath.

    So then you have this piece of shit, looking for a ‘reaction’ –

    “You made my daughter schizophrenic, hope you’re happy with yourself”

    How does one ‘acquire’ enough ‘blasting power’ to LEVEL out this BULLSHIT ?

    HEY, STERN ‘FAMILY’ – Why don’t you get real with me ?

    “It wasn’t Us” – Then ‘Fuck Off’ – so I can isolate who it is, that is masquerading via the SONY MUSIC GROUP ventures, as you and yours ?

    Probably, like in 1997 – the Celine Dion investments, so GOD damn those that are party to this SPIRITUAL perversion – for the MONEY, as

    I will NOT forgive the relentless of trespass upon my SOUL ! – they didn’t seek to be forgiven – So when I catch up with you and your kind…

    Behavior Modifications Time…

    Comment by Robert — August 6, 2015 @ 8:20 pm

  1467. Apologies for yet another delay in writing –

    Things have been overtly ‘BUSY’ lately, recently I found out that I was caught up in a haunting experience. Haunting is the act of Stalking, by the DEAD –
    just to keep it simple (or stating the obvious !) The victim was accidentally shot in the head in 1887 so quite literally didn’t know what hit her and became
    trapped in this dimension, that is the world of the living. For reasons that were not clear, at first, I found myself drawn to a deliberately demolished light
    house – it was used for target practice by the Australian Navy between 1917 and 1922, it was once the home of the dead girl, of 19 years of age. She
    was driven out when the shelling took place which destroyed the residences associated with the light house itself. What was worse is that her final place
    of rest had been turned into a camping ground, her spirit was obviously disturbed by the activities of the not so respectful campers.

    In 1899 her family were relocated to a new light house built on the northern side of Jervis Bay (N.S.W – Australia) Her father was William Parker. Harriet
    Parker was the dead girl who was disturbed by the events explained above. When a person is subject of being ‘Put-Up’ and stalked they effectively “Light-
    Up” like a Christmas tree… Something other Targeted Individuals (T.I’s) are well aware of, they are aware of the fact that they are being watched by those
    that have been drawn into the crime like moths to the flame. If a deceased individual “See’s” someone set-up by these heretics and poachers they may well
    end up following that person, such as in the case of young Harriet Parker – to cut to the chase I was able to guide her to her father at the location of the new
    light house, it was only then that I realized what it was going on, what the hell, the sudden interest in light houses was all about…

    One of the psychopaths asked another – “Who is he with ?” Response – “Someone ancient” anyway it was something good to come of it – liberating a
    trapped soul. It’s a pity that I can’t liberate the spirit of the heretics and poaching stalkers before they a burnt by the flame, that they were drawn into…
    The crimes act of law – sometimes “The Stalking Act” does more harm than good – the stalkers aren’t about to admit to committing the crime – are they ?
    So they die first, upon the soul of those that they were cast upon, to do the bidding of the heretics with designs on that targeted individuals life.

    The heretics continue to parade, in the public eye as “Stars” – this that they are not. Nothing more than manufactured PSYCHOPATHS – and refuse to be
    told… Living and Dying in performance space and stuffing the guts of wealthy, influential ‘Occultists’ with their investments in the performing arts, entertainment
    industry’s corporations, complete with the immunity of limited liability – casting the ‘souls’ of those they prey upon into DARKNESS. When the casting couch
    is the act of getting fucked “In the Head”…

    Comment by Robert — September 9, 2015 @ 2:50 pm

  1468. “We do it for FUN and PROFIT”

    The victims life is turned into a complete nightmare/daymare, 24/7 in other words. They don’t care what happens to you, those close to you, your family or what
    ever friends you have left. These SCUM claim complete immunity, through denial of their hidden practice and any witnesses usually end up dead, before evidenced
    events see the matter being seriously dealt with by the legal processes of law enforcement and the courts etc.

    Divine Intervention would be referred to as “Heresy” by the perpetrators, who are the heretics, of course. The first day of the year which equals 9 – (2 + 0 + 1 + 6)
    follows the cycle of 9 which was the beginning of the ‘WAVE’ of so called rock and roll (March 1955) in which there were 8 cycles of 7.5 years each and those minor
    cycles were terminated with the major cycle of 60 years in March of 2015. The Ninth Cycle in these occultist (hidden craft) crimes against humanity is the cycle of
    closure – the “Wave” becomes a wave of DEATH.

    That is going to be good for humanity – not so good for those that tortured others for fun and profit via organised thought crimes, psychobiological interference,
    organised gang stalking, so called entertainment values and privacy violations of those that were “PUT UP” for “Psychological Assessment” collectively called
    the targeted individuals and subjected to constant programs of interference, that saw these victims stripped of their rights, under law.

    I hope they have enough body bags and FEMA camps to deal with the “Natural” disasters on the ‘WAVE’ … As they chose DEATH rather than the TRUTH,

    SHIT HAPPENS. Serious shit at that.

    Comment by Robert — December 7, 2015 @ 5:52 pm

  1469. Draw closer to God everyone, but beware.. the closer you get, the greater chance all of your stalkers will soon die off. Literally. Not a joke. This war is spiritual. Believe it, or not. A couple of mine died and a few look like they are infested with aids and are about to die.

    Comment by dash — January 4, 2016 @ 2:42 pm

    • Hi Dash –

      Depends who’s God you are drawn to –

      Some are absolute inventiveness, as in ‘Man Gods’ in which preying to anything other than CREATION will be a pointless exercise, as in beating one’s head against a wall
      or the worship of the ‘Rock Gods’ of head banging ‘Heavy Mental Disorder’ complete with the delusions associated with too many eckies, made with technical grade chemicals
      in Mexican back yard labs, whereby the impurities are not specified, inclusive of heavy metals that accumulate in the body and other chemical impurities that seriously f#@*
      with a persons electro-chemical activities in the brain, this by crossing the blood/brain barrier, which is why and how the elemental salt Lithium Carbonate, as used by the over
      rated drug dealers (psychiatrists) that specify “Trick & Treat” as required, when a person is chemically fucked in the head enough, without anymore chemical cocktail shit.

      “This war is spiritual”

      No argument from me on that one – divine intervention to take out the gang stalking bozo’s that would do ANYTHING for an easy dollar, this is best evidenced by the activities
      of the sanctioned (protected) miscreants that are commonly referred to as the PAPARAZZI – what else could their activities be considered as being other than PAID FOR GANG
      STALKING – take the money out of the equation and they would all starve to DEATH, which beats seeing just “A couple” dead and a few more dying…

      Gang Stalking IS and has always been economically driven, when one starts the process of understanding the motivations of these pieces of excrement then a targeted individual
      understands that these manufactured narcissists are not celebrities but bottom of the food chain PARASITES. There is one on every corner, on the streets of Dead Loss Angeles !

      – “Hey Leech, did you find another mug to jump all over yet, you know for your next character to assassinate in a Movie Roll, or target in your latest rock and roll “Hit Song” ? ”

      These bottom feeders will give chase to anything with a soul, that radiates a warmth of spirit that they can consume, not even belch and move on looking for another “FEED” .

      If the gang stalker could be given an alternative title it would be “Soul Vampire” It is the SOUL that these “Demons in Human Form” crave like a Junkie looking for a ‘Taste’ of
      heroin or ice.

      Comment by Robert — January 20, 2016 @ 7:52 am

  1470. Oh, usual State/Government-Organized Stalking-Mobbing!

    Comment by rscaru — January 4, 2016 @ 5:12 pm

    • Roberto Scaruffi,

      Imagine if the “Shadow Government” (the Power Brokering Elite) lost their front governments around the world ? Imagine if the P.B.E lost their limited liability
      where they “Hide” behind shares, in the corporations with complete impunity and tell the people’s elected government what to do or else – “You’ve a Wife and
      Family” – This is Mafia Thug Tactics or better known now days as being “Corporate Strengths” like what used to be regarded as Corruption is now called
      standards of Commercial Dealings, you know “Buttering up the Deal” – Bribery.

      Comment by Robert — January 20, 2016 @ 8:02 am

  1471. With the “Family” (Mafia) of Russian & Italian (The Pope was first)

    Power Brokering Miscreant scum that decided who should get mugged and who should benefit, from the bullshit factor… there is one thing that was forgotten – “But who’s ground in the
    heavens are we preying upon” – “But in our Heretic cult following numbers, as rock stars” … (Full of foul smelling bullshit) So meanwhile I am butchering your OCCULTISTS that provide
    your OVER RATED manufactured hypocrisy with freedom for the fabricated shit, of the stage and set a “Control Group” of dis-associated SOULS, like the “PRACTICE” at a certain private
    hospital in SYDNEY’s lower NORTH SHORE that specialized in dis-associative dis-ordering of body and soul of those that were referred to that private hospital, for the purpose of manufacturing
    HERETICS for use in so called entertainment space, of the EVIL THEATER, so that the power brokering elite could maintain their “CONTROL” over any “FREEDOM” or any chance of it EVER
    happening. FOR MONEY, oppressive controls of humanity for the scum that believed that they had a place in the heavens, at the expense of everyone else that they climbed all over for spirit
    and intellectual property.

    NOW – There is some serious shit that is killing these rich thieving scum, starting with their offspring, that they are burying RIGHT NOW as we read these lines.
    Still they chose not to repent or reform – BURN THEM FOREVER MORE, for they are the SATANISTS (MATERIALISTS) and their children are always groomed to be more OFFENSIVE, than
    they ever PREYED to be. SCUM of the stage and screen – that think that their hypocrisy is somehow ‘Valuable’ in the land-fill ‘junkie’ AGE. I wouldn’t like to be a child ‘BORN’ into MONEY…

    “Mind Games, for MONEY, Mind Games for Money” – Burnt to extinction – they are being slain as we speak (read this proverb) – They are MATERIALISTS that think the world owes them
    a living – NOW, they are complaining about being killed, with the loss of manipulative power over others, that are not buying their bullshit (or their offspring) ANYMORE – the end of the over-
    -rated CUNT SCUM, contempt breeding materialistic WHORES, that think their power tripping materialistic gains at the expense of others is JUSTIFIED – hence the ongoing slaughter of their
    stinking lying cunt shit – their CHILDREN (BORN INTO MONEY – MATERIALISTIC POWER SHITHEADS) – Slaughter of the filth, born into manipulative power, is GOOD for humanity, as it
    tends to be “PREVENTATIVE” – “Are you sure you want money you misguided piece of over rated shit ? ” – BUTCHER YOUR BLOW IN SCUM, you are materialistic CUNT excrement full
    of delusional and deceitful fantasy SHIT – so wipe you out, upon ‘arrival’ – UNDERSTAND ?

    This is a WAR in which conventional weapons will not serve these soul-less ape-shit at all – as they will rot in their own doing FOREVER more. We have our place in the HEAVENS already
    and these SOUL-LESS scum ARE NOT WELCOME – “it was their choice for materialism and power upon this earth, so let them rot in their own excrement – forever more”

    Sorry all chances of absolution have been cancelled, due to the stinking PAGAN VATICAN SCUM still offering it to Madonna type Manipulators, of the stage and screen… For MONEY !

    “Take this, this is my buddy, now with reduced GLUTEN” ! (The peoples bread, not exactly their CAKE, from the french bakery, um – off with their heads ?)

    Comment by Robert — January 20, 2016 @ 12:35 pm

  1472. I have been been exploited, abused by gang stalking in Junction of the legal system. An intent to defame my character. For 32 years, I was singled out and they stole every penny from my livlihood. This beyond believable or normal. The breech of the 29th, the 4th and 8th amEmdment. This is justice. Then to find another term human trafficking to make money on victimization, exploitstion, deception, a belief system and abuse. So, a civil suit is necessary who wants to start the battle. They only come up with loop holes. This organization took billions from tax payers to conduct this a null gsme. This is invisible to the outside. This is done by chemicals, energy and a being that can form inside to know and manipulate the mind from realization truth of their belief system.

    Comment by Hanna — February 18, 2016 @ 11:26 am

  1473. State/Government-Organized Stalking-Mobbing.
    Ask “your” government what it is doing!
    Nobody else can do such things…

    Comment by rscaru — February 18, 2016 @ 3:03 pm

  1474. The following is the last line from the above posted (Hanna – February 18, 2016)

    “This is done by chemicals, energy and a being that can form inside to know and manipulate the mind from realization truth of their belief system.”

    Chemicals YES, Energy YES and the being that can form “inside” INSIDE ? YES – It is older than the previous two methods of interference, that
    is before science & technology set out to ‘cover’ it up. “You need your mind read”, “Put him/her ON”, “UP them”, “Report them” these requests
    are “Typical” of a gang banging group of parasitic, freeloading criminal scum that do indeed profiteer from such pointless shit that we have been
    lead to believe is ENTERTAINMENT – Entertainment in the form of torturing the soul of an innocent human being, “FOR FUN and PROFIT”

    Exploitation that “STUFFS” the guts of fat cat lard ass scum that ‘think’ the world owes them a living – “I’m a SUPER STAR” mentality and these
    cretins have a need for the character and energy (soul) of an innocent human being to cut out the “CAST” character during “Critical Filming” of
    these so called entertainment productions. The pollution of our community with these “GAY” fucking scum, that make up a big part of the stench
    of the entertainment world. Gold Diggers, Rock Stars, Actors & Actresses, Directors (including ‘Casting’ shit heads) Judges & Magistrates, don’t
    forget the grand standing POLITICIANS looking for an easy buck, by being professional LIARS ! GAY, face ache, gig pig fuck-wits that think that
    their HYPOCRISY can continue without amendments (REFORM) “We like everything the way it is, so fuck you”

    This is the attitude of these arrogant pervert ass-holes and when the bullets start flying, the bombs start dropping WHAT THEN ? “We make
    our money at both ends” – Weapons Sales… In other words it is a BIASED game in which we are treated like pieces on the chess board and
    then the cattle off to the slaughter-house. There are words I just cant say, like “Declare War On Them” and “Prey for HELL on Earth upon them”
    “Cleanse these filth with magnitudes of heat, and burn their stinking SYSTEM in damnation forever more”

    “Psychiatry – and the ART of lies”

    Western Medications – “We don’t make our money out of CURES, so they’re illegal – We make our money out of TREATMENTS” and this is
    their highly profitable BUSINESS. “Lets see what kills them first – the induced disorder/disease or the follow up with treatment and observation”

    With regards to Hanna’s comment “A being that can form inside” it is called a HERETIC, and the “OCCULTISTS” maintain the possession of
    the TARGETED INDIVIDUAL by this dis-associative SOUL – I kill the hidden (occultists) and the Out – Of – Body shitheads that they “CAST”
    onto another human being, you might understand the expression – “Why fuck around” ?

    “KILL” – YES, I put their blood all over the internet to prove it ! Burnt their hidden crimes to extinction – its just that they are a little SLOW
    to accept that they are DEAD…They didn’t know what HIT them and so I waste a lot of time educating them – “The fact of the matter is you
    are DEAD and don’t accept it – you died in denial and then jumped into someone else’s body suit, can you understand some people don’t
    like being taken for a ride ? ” and “You will have to get a life via approved methods of re-birthing, O.K ? ”

    Fucking Heretics, they died in denial, probably the way they lived as well…

    Comment by Robert — February 21, 2016 @ 8:45 am

  1475. My family and I are gang stalked in Baton Rouge Louisiana. I was mobbed on the job at Louisiana State University and thats when my gang stalking, street harassment, terrorist started. My formal employer a formal Federal Judge sent this gang stalking force behind my family and I. FBI, Baton Rouge Police, Louisiana Law Enforcement, community, doctors, preachers, politicians, Athletes, firemen, EMS, teachers, contractors, post office employees, principal,etc. I had a simple disagreement with my supervisor and this formal Federal Judge is abusing his power. I have had some horrible criminal act thats been did to my family and I. I have never committed any criminal acts. Stephanie Bailey Baton Rouge Louisiana

    Comment by Stephanie Bailey — March 12, 2016 @ 2:03 am

    • A lot of these people have NO IDEA what is going on, they are drawn into the flame like moths or insects into the spiders web, a reasonable analogy
      is that these people have been CAST, upon contact with you, on you. I.O.W. you have been cast into darkness and your spirit is being assassinated
      by someone that has found VALUE in ‘DUMPING’ on you – that is it’s problems, not yours. You could ask the ex-judge – “are you dumping or hitting
      on me, or party to those that are ?” Some of these bozos are still running on a ‘power trip’ usually pedophiles and it’s precursor – homosexuals.

      It is scapegoating and you are just a patsy to the degenerate that is hitting on you – usually for financial gains or to hide it’s activity in associated
      corruption and or crimes against others. A judge might being living in fear of a person that he/she may have wrongfully convicted, that person may
      have died in custody and the judge is ‘haunted’ by this entity and found you a ‘suitable’ candidate to dump it’s problem on – try getting some spiritual
      help to find if you have something ‘on-board’ …

      When you are in custody of another entity you tend to light up like a xmas tree and attract a lot of unwarranted or unwanted attention, it becomes
      a battle for your mind and sanity, because these ‘entities’ don’t know where they are and it’s a rat-fuck for them as well…

      Comment by Robert — March 15, 2016 @ 2:11 am

  1476. On the subject of abuse of power –

    I briefly mentioned that a Federal Member of Parliament (Feral Minister) was party to the organised gang stalking and sabotage of my life. This was
    in the writings of July 12, 2015, 1:32pm. (post 1463) I really did need more to go on (evidence) that she was party to the next door neighbors harassment,
    slander, malicious damage to property – inclusive of my motor car. She became party to this destructive campaign without so much as even questioning
    these heretics and poachers as to WHY ? –

    It would appear that this Federal M.P – Ann Elizabeth Sudmalis (born 16 September 1955) IS RELATED TO THIS NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR named JOHN –
    Ann Sudmalis is a psychopath and a pervert that abuses her political power, for her own political purpose and political gains. Now she is caught in the trap
    with no way back – those that camp out on my ground, most are looking for an easy buck in the performing arts (Performing Farts Club) and call organised
    stalking and thought violations – Rock ‘N Roll – an industry full of Pedophiles and Homosexuals, Face Aches and Gold Gouging Gig Pigs –

    “New Age Sensitive Types” –

    That PREY upon the very soul of a human being, till these poachers are dead and then it’s “But I didn’t know where I was or what I was doing”
    Fucking Heretics… Out of their heads, all over someone else’s and their own body occupied by an occultist “CAST” alternative soul – The Manufactured
    Entertainer carrying the soul of a bound and gagged DEAD one – “Look Dear HERE It COMES Again”. It won’t be long before kicking their heads in is an
    international past time… Entertainment, yeah sure it is to a fucking drug/drunk fucked idiot demanding an expendable manufactured loser that thinks that
    it is a “Performing Artist” – Who is Stuck in a never ending “Trance” – This isn’t HYPNOSIS anymore when it’s a permanent program of non-stop mind control
    maintained by the FAT CAT lard ass “Business” scum, behind the “Scenes” – that is the CORPORATIONS of the PERFORMING FARTS CLUB…

    Interesting that they are MANUFACTURING politicians, using the same system of manipulation, as per the manufactured “Star” syndrome, or is it ?
    “Order, Order – New World Odor of manufactured HERETIC politicians – “It wasn’t me, I was Possessed, but I wan’t to keep the Money and the Multi
    Million Dollar Pension and hand-outs for Politicians”

    Sudmalis was “In” with the Mayor, the Fucking DIKE (Homosexual) that was mentioned in previous writings on this blog space, as exposed by the gang
    stalking weeds that moved in next door and then moved out after getting caught screaming out abuse at 1 o’clock in the morning… Prior to that – “WHO
    SENT YOU TO SIT ON MY CASE” – “It was the Mayor, it was the Mayor” she didn’t like having her digits severed – read the full story above about how to
    seriously fuck up a pervert stalking fat cunt… Those that prey upon the mind of another human being, not that these shit are anything more than “Demons
    in Human Form”

    This is a twist for me – having a ‘wannabee’ face ache politician climbing all over my SOUL, interesting that her birthday is the same day as mine –
    16th September, I don’t regard these things as coincidences, as they fit into a ‘pattern’ with regards the numerology – as used by OCCULTISTS.
    Only idiots set out to burn patterns as “Too many coincidences are still coincidences” . My experience, as a victim of the occult would lead anyone
    to look at things differently with regards to the fact that these things tend to follow a victim around like a pack of desperate DOGS ! All one can do is drop environmentally ‘friendly’ BAITS behind them as they proceed through life, I.O.W – E X P O S U R E of the practices of these degenerates. The dogs take
    the bait and call the ‘VET’ …in other words (I.O.W) call it quits.

    Ann Sudmalis is a screaming heretic that ‘enjoys’ parading, in the image of someone she is NOT. She is NOT a ticketed entertainer and has no rights
    disturbing anyone, by any method – electronically, organised stalking or via slander campaigning, for someone on the “WAVE” (for those that have been
    approved, as in tested and ticketed for entertainment industry exposure purposes) shouldn’t have to put up with poaching scum like SUDMALIS and her
    family of poaching hard-nosed feral pigs… NO ONE SHOULD have to wear this Satanic Ritual Abuse, for any reason. What this woman has done is used
    her political power to get away with TREASON – someone suggested “Do us a favour and put a bullet in her head” So I did and she seems to enjoy
    being PUT UP and shot at… She is one of these half-wits that think that tickets are ‘Transferable’ My Soul is NOT a WAVE or a fucking ‘TICKET’ these
    dick-heads are just that – complete BOZOS

    Maybe I should try LIVE ROUNDS with regards this poacher and it’s corruption – like LEAD POISONING from the I.C.A.C – the Independent Commission
    Against Corruption, but then again I have the ‘clout’ (power) to make her life (and death) a living hell, you know for FUN without PROFIT, destroying these
    sadistic heretics on power trips. Make them wake-up screaming and no more poachers and their dreaming’s. ENOUGH of these delusional, deceiving
    sluts and gays. These pieces of shit set me up for the purpose of empowering themselves, while they will learn the hard way,. how to loose more than they
    can afford to.

    Decades of my life and I will take every last drop of blood out of their poaching, interfering NOSES – My Promise to those that ‘Fell’ before their time, to these
    CONSUMING SCUM. Destroy their professions, businesses and institutions and keep destroying the very secrets of their success – they are nothing more
    than taxing poaching shit – Mind perverts that prey upon the soul of another human being – soul-less DEMON spirited pieces of MEAT – that TRESPASS
    against another for “Fun and Profit”

    You wait Sudmalis – “Life is Short and ETERNITY is Forever” and where do you think you are going POACHING POLITICIAN ? To “Dance” in the
    spot-light of the DAMNED and the fabrication of another crispy critter in screaming pain and suffering – That’s Justice ! Burn forever more SATAN’S
    WHORE !

    Her Pal – John (the next door neighbor) is a PEDOPHILE and the reason for his attack of me ? I caught him ‘CASTING’ the soul of a ten year old boy
    (Anthony) into my private life, then he attacked me with his gang banging team, inclusive of Sudmalis who won political place in 2013, she was dancing
    in the heat, so as to speak. These relentless attacks were witnessed by Jennifer Rush (also known as Heidi Stern) – the entertainer, whom I spent
    several years ‘Hanging Out With’ on the ‘wave’. Rush said – “The first thing I am going to do, when I get there, is take out a restraining order on your
    neighbor” but like any pathetic institution pasty that believes in delusion and deceit there was no way she would do this as it would BURN the institution
    of bullshit entertainment that thrives on hypocrisy, delusions and deceits. Thanks for nothing Rush, now you will have no future in this business, as
    your insincere “Verbals” were witnesses by my “Crowd” and you said “I didn’t know how much power he has” – You should have asked CRETIN !

    “Oh but it would mean the end of the institution” – that was the idea SHIT HEAD….

    “John” needed to ur world, they are FED – UP with the return ‘TRIPS’ THEY HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE, through multiple lives and murders of the innocent and
    trusting… “That’s the system according to Jesus, son of Zeus” you mean – The system according to the limped hoofed ones, of SATANISM soon they will
    be left behind to wallow in their own excrement, we will assert ourselves in the Heavens and “Down Cast” the filth that partied on our Heavenly grounds –

    Trespassers will be SHOT, survivors will be shot again and down cast to the toilet that they made of Earth – I.O.W – eat shit you godless, materialistic vermin !
    I do not believe in their RELIGIONS – it is the ground of my SOUL, in the HEAVENS not their’s to sell to others that are not worthy of ANY place – on Earth or
    UPSTAIRS – I will SLAUGHTER the relentless filth of trespass against me… When I have finished TORTURING them ! You Know, “What did you do as a child ?”
    I pulled the wings off Demons, so what did you do, when you were younger – ” I Persecuted butterflies and pulled the wings off them, but I wish I was like you,
    Robert” It is more satisfying cremating the Demonically Possessed – “So chuck another false god on the barbie, would ya” We got some Rock-Gods…
    “Na, they taste like what they are full of … shit”

    “You better stay out of PRETORIA, Rush” – Rush – “Oops I better construct an exit path out of this tour – Well, my 93 year old father is gravely ill…”

    93 YEARS OLD – Gravely Ill, wow most would say – “Not a bad innings” and when Rush and Daughter rocked up to visit “Daddy” Daddy’s response –

    “Go on, get out of here – Fuck Off” – I don’t think “Daddy” liked being put on death row as an excuse for J.Rush to avoid people in Pretoria that “Saw”
    her fucking me in the head, these people didn’t like her bullshit at all – they had been waiting for her to set them free from VIRTUAL IMPRISONMENT
    since 1997, but that’s another story of how the so called “Stars” lock up their “CULT” followings and NEVER set them FREE – That is their stinking
    cunt of an institution.

    Me ? I like BURNING them to straighten out, but most of them are GAY SHIT and the “Bent” usually “Break” and (Die) first…
    Psychopathic degenerates that “Feed” on trusting souls, that they ‘encounter’ when someone is “Playing Their Song” – These taxing pieces of shit
    “Jump” out of the sound stage and all over their “Test” victim – with verse like “Put him Up” or “Put him On” I had to get away from them… I had a
    baseball bat and they were close by… “Are you going to stop bullshitting me, asshole – NO ?” Whack, Smash, Whack… You know Mark David
    Chapman’s means of getting rid of a grand standing, insincere, HERETIC faggot whore.

    It would be COMPROMISING for an entertainer to be anything other than a manipulative hypocritical piece of LYING shit, that plays mind games in
    their “Down Time” to avoid their ‘Adversaries’ and the stories of all their “Valued” suckers and mugs makes for a worthwhile reinvention, when they
    are all “SOULED OUT”

    Comment by Robert — March 25, 2016 @ 10:39 am

  1477. When a politician (Sudmalis) claims a political victory through TREASON – setting up an Australian citizen, for the benefit of itself and organised criminals
    it will surely NOT END well, for those involved will get caught between a rock and hard place to REMOVE themselves from. Many believe that they have
    certain rights to climb all over the very soul and thoughts of another human being, something that these pieces of shit are NOT – human. Demons in
    human form, very evil of thought and PARASITIC by nature, extremely FULL of themselves and MATERIALISTIC, but then they would spread propaganda
    that this was human nature, although they are not human by nature as they are an advocacy of destruction.

    A self serving and lying politician might just be the trigger for world war three, as I will not be sacrificed by these political, genocidal psychopaths like the
    Mayor (Gash) and the Federal Politician (Sudmalis) These pair of GAY bozo’s became caught up in the extortion ring of Cameron Diaz, that is where the
    Treason comes into it. For the non Australians that have repeatedly come into this organised stalking circle that is an ACT of WAR on Australian soil, in
    which there is no shortage of EVIDENCE of Cameron Diaz continuously entering this Country only to interfere with me and those that I came in contact
    with (those around me) – This HERETIC (Cameron Diaz) built her career on stolen ground, stolen power and propaganda. Those that thought it was
    going to be worth their while will probably loose more that they can afford to, inclusive of their LIVES – just trying to GET OUT will probably kill them.

    Sooner or later victims of this insidious form of psychological torture will have a victory – DEAD GANG STALKERS, as trophies to hang on the wall.
    Desperate pricks and pussies in the public eye will ALWAYS have that desperate need to have someone to DUMP ON. Bad luck when you thought I was
    such an available DUMP SITE, I was writing about this not so HIDDEN crime, on this site before I ever relocated to this new place, from where I was located,
    some 300 K’s away.

    Now they might have thought they could continue with their crimes as usual and may have obtained information on where I was relocating to, but surely that
    can’t justify what was done to me when I got here, shit, I hadn’t even emptied the first truck load… and these HERETICS were JUMPING into place and the
    usual asshole and pervert activities followed. So I gave them my own personal ‘entertainment’ by destroying dimensional stability, that is to change things
    around, significantly – example – furnished room one day and empty the next… See you later HEAD HUNTER perverts and assholes.

    “Where are WE” – Off to the Never Never, the cold, the dark and the perilous – wondering what’s making it’s way up your arse ! In other words don’t come
    anywhere near me with designs on interfering with my life and if you don’t have anything better to do with your time than stalking and sabotaging someone’s
    life, that you know NOTHING about, then steer clear of distributed stories that are complete bullshit, started by grand-standing WIND UP MERCHANTS that
    Capitalize on a stolen spot-light and heat.

    Despots and Degenerates in the public eye just end up that way through the loss of their Souls, as consumerism is just that – very consuming of one’s Soul.
    Many in the public eye weren’t born with one of those anyway, (SOUL) so become worthwhile targets for demonic possession and proceed to consume the
    spirit of other human beings they regard as gullible, naive, trusting and therefore easily Mugged & Suckered. Just some insight as to why this world is fast
    becoming ‘Colder’, ‘Darker’ and more hostile, brutal and mistrusting, to say the least. It will probably end with random executions of wealthy Gays and other
    heretic, poaching scum.

    Comment by Robert — May 9, 2016 @ 2:25 am

  1478. Hi I live in a town south of San Antonio TX… Floresville TX. I can related to this site. I been stalked and harassed and physical abused by gang related issues, physical marks left on my body and I have been mind controlled and raped in body control ways. My cell phone has been hacked and monitored for years or less controlled. I have been minuplated and forced into so many decisions my mood chafes causing hurtful remarks and caused me to attack my husband and kids that I can’t understand. I lost my family and my career from being the bread maker to no finances no job a charge case I didn’t commit but Floresville police officers have turned against me no matter what they come out for I’m harassed and threatened. I can not be heard by the police everything is No or I’m wrong and threated to go to jail. I call for help and try come in 3’s with lights and sirens driving in yard with spot light in my face….call was for something small and I get officer told me after me telling him ” I feel threatened” “maybe this is not the town for you!” alot more is happening especially after ATT cell tower put behind my yard about 20ft from my house. Facebook, google, instagram and other social media apps are the ones given to individuals for little money and you make a app game realistic. google App Store

    Comment by armida Salas — July 2, 2016 @ 5:51 pm

    • hi armida,

      These people’s corruption is DIRECTLY associated with pedophile / homosexual activity – innocent and decent people find themselves caught up in
      what they have NO INSIGHT into, they find themselves FIGHTING a perverse SYSTEM of possessive, manipulative SCUM that have nothing to live
      for other than being SUBMISSIVE to “The Cause” – PEDOPHILES are the precursor to the insidious “GAY” movement – The Homosexuals are the
      next “Life” of a sentence dodging, “Re-Birthing” Pedophile. They see what awaits them in the so called after life, for their after life will be hell, so
      they ritually abuse the life of a child, to secure a soul, to groom and control, for their next life. When these Filthy Assholes die the soul of their
      activities will return to it’s original host and so, they have dodged death, and sentencing.

      They are well connected and will then make their way into places of influence and AUTHORITY and any complaints will be like the case of a couple
      of children (girls) whose father was a senior FBI agent who was a PEDOPHILE, he “Controlled” them for decades and “Believed” that there would
      be a “Statute of Limitations” – if and when his power, over them, would fail. He was wrong and was prosecuted for pedophile related crimes. He
      also wrote a handbook, for FBI agents detailing pedophile related crimes – it was complete, deceptive BULLSHIT that protected these criminals from
      being “Apprehended” .

      The Federal Bureau of Investigations was “Started” by a Homosexual and MAFIA supporter named J. Edgar Hoover. Any Questions about any
      posted comments ? These pieces of self serving SHIT are no different to any other part of the established institutions, anyone that gets caught
      up in awareness of pedophile/homosexual related crime and NOT submissive, to their system end up a TARGET of further crime. These f’ing
      scum use the spirit of the child, they “Programmed” and beat into submission to do their evil bidding for them…

      So Much for the OCCULT, Hey ?

      Comment by Robert — July 5, 2016 @ 11:27 am

  1479. Important Events and News –

    More Gang Stalking Perverts moved in, next door, as replacements for the pair that were ‘Driven’ out in August 2015 (see post 1467) these replacement Gang
    Stalking goons (‘Marcel’ & ‘Jade’) moved in to continue with the agenda’s of the compromised Mayor (Joanna Gash) and the Federal Member of the Australian
    Government (Anne E. Sudmalis) I don’t believe that Marcel & Jade are their real names and believe that they are foreign Nationals that are associated with the
    London based career criminal (Anthony P. Gannon) who was responsible for acting as a stalking go between for the placement of Guy Richie to intimately and
    perversely violate Madonna’s private life and learn all that he could about Madonna’s squatting, out of her head on MY private life…

    Anthony P. Gannon was to move in on top of me, quite literally, in the December of 1994 and would stay there, until driven out in late 1996 with the threat of a Restraining Order in a Matter listed for mention, in the Court (Waverley, Sydney, Aust) it was stood out of the Court list 3 times with claims that he hadn’t been
    served with the orders (court paperwork with interim orders) and the Maroubra Police making claims that they didn’t have the Court Orders to serve Gannon
    with. This has been presented elsewhere on this Blog Space.

    These Career criminals are effectively offered large sums of Money (Even houses are on offer) for what is Gang Stalking, that is targeting the lives of wealthy
    and easily manipulated, taken advantage of ENTERTAINERS – they are extortion RINGS and are a Major international crime syndicate operation – politicians
    are in on it for the vast amounts of money that can be extorted out of compromised entertainers who are set upon an individual (The Targeted Individual) and
    told it is open slather on that person – psychological terrorism, assault, slander, sabotage, etc.

    The entertainer is led to believe that the T.I. is a THREAT to them and so use their so called ‘Tickets’ to “Gang Bang” what is a harmless and undefended person – “What did I do to deserve this Ritual Abuse” as all too many victims have already expressed on the crime of Organised Gang Stalking. So now I have another
    couple of unemployed idiots to drive out of my mind and neigboorhood. The first thing that they did was to cut a ‘B’ line for the Pedophile “John” and others that
    are part of this compromised circle of Pedophile trash. I believe that the 10 year old “Anthony” who this Pedophile, next door (John) had no control over was MURDERED, I haven’t seen him since December of 2014. I have ‘heard’ him, they ‘Cast’ the soul of this boy, after traumatizing him (Probably Sodomized)
    onto my life and after the repetitive ‘bashing’s’ the boy had submitted to staying put, on my ground…

    Jennifer Rush was ‘with me’ and ‘witnessed’ the psychological assaults and battering that was to keep this boy’s soul FIRMLY on my ground, otherwise the
    boy would have been capable of making complaints to the Authorities about the Pedophile abuse he had sustained – these criminal syndicates DON’T like
    getting compromised and will set up as many innocent people in a bid to SWAMP out any witnesses to their CRIMES – Crowding and Mobbing is what gang
    stalking can also be considered as being.

    “Marcel’ & ‘Jade’ are also controlling this HERETIC when John and it’s partner are elsewhere. Once the boy was under their Casting and Control (Witches,
    now commonly referred to as OCCULTISTS) they had no further need for his flesh and blood – They Sedated him with powerful drugs, took him around the
    side of the house and hung him by the feet while wrapped in his bed sheet, put a large dish on the concrete, underneath him and CUT HIS THROAT – this is
    called Satanic Ritual Sacrifice. Blood is often kept for use in further RITUALS by these demonic MONSTERS of a NOT SO HIDDEN WORLD.

    The body was then disposed of – via a boating trip in the deep waters of the vast area’s of Jervis Bay, NSW, Australia. They set out to cover up this murder with
    the following act of a Hanging Frozen Pig, also wrapped in a bed sheet. John and his female partner made comments to attract my attention, later that morning
    and probably knowing I would call the police. This was in case of any ‘Vivid’ nightmares of the Casting & Killing of the boy, after all the boy’s spirit (soul) was
    cast onto me. This reminds me of April 2010 when the MURDER VICTIM – Caresse Henry ‘reached out’ to me wanting to know where she was and WHO I was.
    Caresse was also a Victim of exploitation and CAST onto me, to enable her to be “Ripped Off Blind” by the EVIL world of Freddy De Mann, Madonna & Associates.

    Constable Andrew Day reported that it was a frozen pig and NOT a small child – he did see something in the garage although – “What’s That ? ” maybe the
    blood stained dish put underneath the boy, murdered under the cover of darkness, very early that morning. The boy appeared to be Caucasian Australian –
    WITHOUT any Greek Islands blood in him, probably obtained from the Pedophile supply service of Child Protection Services, proudly supporting Pedophile
    rings (inclusive of Christian Brother’s Rural Outposts) in Australia since the days of Captain Cook !

    Comment by Robert — July 31, 2016 @ 10:51 am

    • NOTE – Joanna Gash (Shoal Haven City Mayor) and Anne E. Sudmalis (Federal M.P) are providing a ONGOING ‘protection’ service for
      these Pedophile, Extortion and International Crime Syndicates – they have gone TOO FAR with setting me UP and are now attracting
      global public OUTCRY to their HERESY and TREASON, but like all corrupt politicians – They ‘BELIEVE’ that they are ABOVE the LAW
      which is quite typical for IDIOT GAY criminals in places of so called ‘Authority’ …

      Comment by Robert — July 31, 2016 @ 11:09 am

  1480. Lisa Marie Presley

    The story of the manipulative setting up of Lisa is an old one – How to obtain CONTROL over a person that is born into large amounts of Rock ‘N’ Roll MONEY.
    I can only present information that I can PROVE and not speculate about. The ‘Casting’ of Lisa Marie Presley (and her Mother) goes back to the EVENTS of
    January/February 1985 – When I was invited to be the sound engineer for a band called Chinless Elite, founded by the EVIL SUNNYBOY – Jeremy Saxon Oxley.
    The conjuring and casting of Elvis Arron Presley took place precisely 7.5 YEARS after his death, as explained elsewhere, the 7 and a half year thing is a pattern
    of events and not just coincidences.

    This casting took place at the Seaview Hotel, in Townsville, far north coast of Queensland, Australia. It was to be a recorded event as I was making random
    recordings, direct from the tape outputs, on the front of house mixing console every now and then, mainly to help me with progressive changes to the sound
    coming off the stage versus the sound from the P.A. System. The cover song that had been performed since early January 1985 as sung by J.Oxley and his
    band “Chinless Elite” was the Elvis song “Edge of Reality” Something decidedly out of the ordinary occurred in mid February of ’85 as I was approached by a
    female patron that I got to know from these performances, she came up to me after this show and said “Jeremy’s hitting on you, do you know what I mean,
    HE’s HITTING ON YOU” I looked around the room and through the crowd to see Jeremy GLARING at me, the next day Jeremy called a band meeting, without
    telling me about it and then came up me and said Your ‘Sacked’ without any valid REASON why. The Female Patron learnt of this and said that I didn’t need
    to go back to Sydney straight away and I was welcome to come and stay with her and her sister in this suburb of Townsville, I think it was called North Ward.

    When I eventually got around to listening to this final recording of Chinless Elite I realized what had happened back then and what the young woman had
    witnessed –

    Oxley (Main Singer in Chinless Elite) – “Elvis, Elvis are we in touch, Elvis”

    Scofield (Bass Player in Chinless Elite) – “This is the Edge of Real Estate”

    Oxley was just following orders, of a more insidious kind that required Elvis be drawn into a fresher ‘Casting’ in the ‘Freezer’ of occultist controls. Activities
    of this kind are nothing new anymore. Lisa was just Seventeen years old and the Sole Heiress to the Estate of Elvis Presley would be under her control
    when she turned 25, which was only 8 years away. If the occultists would have their way with her, now was the time to do something with the spirit of
    the MURDER VICTIM (May 1929 – Breda, Netherlands) Her name – Anna Van Den Enden, her Killer ? – The EVIL ANDRE, better known as “The Colonel
    Tom Parker” Elvis’s MANAGER (Manipulator) – Andre had a problem – his wife of more than 50 years, at this time in 1985, well she wasn’t going to live
    past 1986, her maiden name ? – Marie Frances Mott. Marie had been the HOST of the spirit of Anna Van Den Enden since the Evil Andre found MARIE to
    be a suitable unsuspecting carrier for Anna’s captive spirit and Andre would be able to use it to do ll his dirty, perverse, manipulative bidding for him –
    The CARNY SLIME-BAG OCCULTIST. “Kick them when they’re down, Kick ’em when they’re dead”

    Lisa MARIE Presley would then, in February 1985 become the new HOST for the Spirit of Anna Van Den Enden, Lisa din’t handle the casting to well and
    this probably resulted in her turning to substance abuses, which makes matters a lot WORSE because like psychiatric drugs and psychiatry they are only
    ‘Masks’ and not ‘Cure All’s’. So what was next in their manipulative stakes, imposed upon Lisa, without her knowledge or CONSENT ? Scientology to the
    rescue ? Wow – it would be like minced meat, put in the blender and set to liquid. ” So you think this is EVIL, You Wasted Nothing Yet” Lisa did make
    comments, in one of her songs about finding a friend inside her that wasn’t her friend at all – and ” kicking and screaming but no one heard her ” and
    another one about “Stuck in the mine again” – Ar yes – The Darkness…

    The first time I was to “Experience” Lisa Marie Presley was 10 years later in 1995 when she was placed in yet another arranged marriage to Michael J.
    Jackson also being scoped out for occultist manipulations chasing the vast amounts of money. I was lying in bed that morning and through my minds
    eye – Lisa appeared beside me, as almost, at the same time Elvis appeared in the corner of the room saying “When are you going to find yourself a man
    Lisa” – Lisa was looking straight at me saying “I think I have Daddy” – How would anyone DEAL with this kind of THING in their lives ? Most would quite
    definitely “Lose the Plot” , to say the least…

    What I remember from these manipulations of Lisa in 1995 was to get her to liquidate most of the assets of her dad’s estate and place it in a password
    protected account in the Cayman Islands, but there is little information, on the internet as to whether or not this actually took place. What happened in
    December of 2015 was ‘memories’ of what occurred more than 20 years earlier… Back then 1995, ended after a couple of days with Lisa, out of her
    head or better known as an out-of-body-experience – Her Mother, Priscilla fronted up – “Get away from that man Lisa” Response “Oh Mum” – Priscilla –
    “Now Lisa” I guess the occultists had gone as far as they needed to, with their programming schedule of Lisa and so sent Priscilla to “Relocate” Lisa, to
    elsewhere, in the darkness of the occultist’s manipulative mind games.

    In March of 2016, after nearly 4 months of personal investigations, the spirit of Anna Van Den Enden was gently removed from Lisa Marie Presley and
    taught what had happened to her, in the events that occurred BEFORE she was MURDERED – Anna had no memories of being killed or the more than
    80 years of occupying Marie Francis Mott & Lisa Marie Presley – consecutively. My life as a “Medium” ? NO – the living HELL of being a VICTIM of the
    Occult… and NOW ? – Destructively Kick the Shit out of Them, till they are EXTINCT !

    What happened next – Kick the Manipulative Criminal, Michael Lockwood, out of Lisa’s life – he was planning on doing much worse, than taking advantage
    of Lisa Marie Presley, for Money and I left a message with Lisa’s Attorney’s (Ronald A. Litz) Secretary last Friday week ago (9 Days ago) leaving my name
    and phone number, for him to call me – it would be rather illogical to think that he would call me at all – like trying to talk to Madonna’s Attorney back in 1993-
    1994, that was Paul D. Schindler, it’s a bit like talking to a wall, it’s not likely to talk back, is it ?

    To be Continued…

    Comment by Robert — July 31, 2016 @ 1:51 pm

  1481. YouTube Interactive OR Electronic Harassment ?

    It’s been some time since making mention of Electronic Harassment, on this blog space. YouTube interactive isn’t switched on, check 1, Wireless internet
    connectivity is disabled, check 2. So what the F… ? Oh, this is that E.H. stuff again (E.H. – Electronic Harassment) a modern method of Gas-Lighting an
    individual into a psychiatric institution and poisoning their brain because they have a spiritual disorder – right ? WRONG – they have a problem with some
    pissed-off hard nose criminal psych dogs that set up a scam and GOT CAUGHT ! (“Let’s poison their brain, so they don’t remember what we did to them”)

    These desperate idiots had gone so far, as there seemed no way out of the place that was not someone else’s rental situation, but a view within that persons
    mind – the individual that they were targeting, with a view on the money that they had already acquired and didn’t like being EXPOSED, regards how they made
    their money TARGETING and DUMPING all over a person that could not hit back at these pieces of excrement, that call it rock and roll (Hit & Run) the money
    that they make out of such targeting stimulates such crime – the only way to hit back is ENTRAPMENT –

    See previous posting (on this blog space) on rearranging DIMENSIONAL STABILITY and listen to the psych dogs whinging about being off to the never-never,
    or not knowing where they are in other words. Then see if they can try and justify their own pointless existences with the money that they will never get to enjoy
    and leaving themselves wide open to demonic possession, whereby the demon will have a great time spending the money and the life that was not theirs in the
    first place – WEE, I scored a piece of meat, no grey matter BUT plenty of the green stuff.

    On the continued lecture about electronic harassment methods – Maybe you can believe that I have some dickhead that has been DUMPING all over Lisa
    Marie Presley’s PLAYLIST (Posted by Aidana WillowRaven, 18 Video’s, VEVO) I did something with an electric bass guitar, to the hit “IDIOT” and NO,
    YouTube interactive was NOT enabled nor was wireless connectivity – all HARDWIRED – Laptop to Soundcraft Audio MIXER, Electric Bass Guitar to MIXER
    and the MIXER’s monitor outputs wired to the powered monitor speakers – no wireless connections anywhere in this simple set up –

    So what degenerate has had me wired for sound – unlawful acoustic SURVEILLANCE & HARASSMENT ? Kiss Your (Guess You’re ) … used to this.

    They are commonly called POACHERS or Hard Nosed Criminal PIGS. In the industry of entertainment they call it the making of a STAR – After nearly 40
    years of this shit and NO discovery OR reality check (Royalty Cheque) what would I say about it ? – LOUD & CLEARLY – FUCK OFF !

    It’s a pity that some (a lot) of these poachers, assholes, thieves and shit-behind-the-scenes made a killing out of this ORGANISED CRIME. When I pumped
    the shit out of Lisa’s “IDIOT” track (on the electric bass guitar) first of all “That’s not me on BASS” (The origin of the comment is unknown) and with the massive DISTURBANCE generated the song was then PULLED from the above mentioned playlist, did TOO many people freak out OR what ?

    Maybe I hammered it too hard (and LOUD) and disturbed the original bass player, and blew up a SURVEILLANCE SATELLITE CHANNEL, With excessive
    Harmonic Resonance – YAY ! or maybe it was the PRODUCER – Michael Lockwood, who then made a run for the door, QUITE LITERALLY due to being
    BUSTED for his part in the setting up of LISA & MYSELF with his organised crime syndicate inclusive of the MARCEL & JADE psych DOGS that moved in,
    after buying the house next door, last year, on the 3rd of December and doing their bit (Organised Poaching)

    IT was after this, in which I started SEEING (Mind’s Eye) strange shit, like Lisa Marie Presley being hidden behind a mask created by the image of DREW
    BARRYMORE and Michael Lockwood, trying to hide behind an Image of OWEN WILSON. So who were they connected with ? PSYCH DOGS are required
    close by, to the target of such psych SCAMS, house next door CLOSE ENOUGH ? the international communications are low cost – enabling comm’s between
    these POACHING PARASITES, that are involved in these international CRIME SYNDICATES.

    ENTER THE LOCALIZED LOW LIFE – looking for an easy buck, out of this SCAM –

    Marcel Claimed he was from the suburb of Sydney I grew up in, about 150 Kilometres AWAY, but he has an English Accent and Jade claims to be from around SOUTHERN ENGLAND, WOW isn’t that where LISA MARIE PRESLEY spent considerable time – in ROTHERFIELD ? So how close by was JADE, the STALKER
    who may have spent YEARS psychologically PROFILING Lisa around southern England before Moving in on top of me ? Making out like she is LISA ?

    So who is still siting on Lisa’s case – Anthony Perry Gannon (Making out like he is me ?) MAYBE Anthony & Jade are brother and sister ?
    FAMILY of OCCULTIST DEGENERATES and this is typical of bonded Gang Stalking and Poaching psych DOGS, within the MUSIC BUSINESS… they are
    (were ?) working closely with Mr SCAM – Michael Lockwood. Pity about their efforts – IT’s ALL BEEN FOR NOTHING and now to kick them off the MAP – Legally.
    I tried ringing Lisa’s attorney to expose this criminal operation but Mr. Litz has instructed his secretary NO COMMENT, at this time – what are these people doing ?

    Surely they understand that I can’t get assistance from a bunch of corrupt instructed (Stand Down – Order’s from the Corrupt Top) Police to investigate a crime
    that is being orchestrated from another COUNTRY – England, America and THE Pommy contacts that moved in next door, indeed must have a good standing
    with the FEDERAL M.P – Ann E. Sudmalis, doing as much as she can, for her loaf of the bread – Willing to participate in Abuse of Power – unlawful surveillance
    and harassment, Sudmalis ? You set me UP you stinking EVIL DIKE CUNT and deprived me of my RIGHTS, as an AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN –

    What are your excuses and justifications, SUDMALIS you fat retard, for more than three YEARS at this NEW geographical location, for me, and your participation
    in this CRIME ? THIS WOMAN (Ann E. Sudmalis) IS UNFIT for ANY position, in the community and is best suited to a CUSTODIAL SENTENCE FOR TREASON.
    Perhaps, not by coincidence this woman is also of English Extraction and only a first generation Australian, like the EVIL SUNNYBOY – Jeremy Saxon OXLEY,
    another first generation English/Australian Occultist, that now, after being caught in the mid 1980’s – for stalking, molesting & targeting the innocent, hides behind
    so called ‘Mental Illness’ (“I got trouble in my brain, for driving people insane”)

    THE LAWYER – Trying to score brownie points for a crime they didn’t and haven’t yet resolved, CAPITALIZE on the CLIENT (Lisa) that is to increase the Screw for Money which is typical of the parasitic lawyer community… I won’t go there ! All of them have one thing in common they are targeting Lisa, Organised Criminals in
    for the money, what else ? The Attorney sucking on the pain & suffering of it’s client and the scam artists that think they’re “Rock Gods” Still trying to abuse me as
    if I was some anchor man in their scam, but alas poor poachers – BUSTED ! You can all GET FUCKED, for treating me like some kind of Imbecile, and good luck
    finding your way out of the Rat Fuck ! (The Darkness)

    More Soon

    P.S – I shall start publishing the “HITS” before someone claims that they’re their I.P. – The perverts & assholes are NOT stars ! – anyone for MEGA-SCUM ?

    …a more appropriate title, some may concede for manufactured, over-rated, over-paid, over-loaded DOGS.

    Comment by Robert — August 4, 2016 @ 12:18 am

  1482. In Austin I have linked DHS , Citizens Corps and other retired military to gang stalking even neighborhood watch groups and I am trying to put a puzzle together but I have been followed by people driving black mustangs these people have to work for a company paying them very well. These people follow me in super markets and have experience on psychological warfare.

    I tried to complain about it to DHS and a person from the Joint Counter Terrorism Unit noticed I was being harassed at the DHS building. What are system or like the Romans called the system which was a sewer is so serious and so obvious that it makes me think that our government has driect links to domestic terrorism and that they engineer mass shootings in hopes that in the future our gun rights my be taken away.

    The real terrorist are not in prison or over seas in some desert but here in America promoting terrorism in cities all across the country .

    Comment by Mr Peterson -The Counter Terrorism Expert — August 4, 2016 @ 9:45 pm

    • Hello Mr. Peterson

      The following around in a super market setting or other public place is called crowding and mobbing, it is part of gang stalking and psychological warfare.
      These activities are to disorder and cause fear, in the targeted person – traumatized people are more receptive to the ‘gang banging’ and other related
      acts of terrorizing those that may constitute a threat OR be of ‘value’ or special interest to the perpetrator group. The mass shooting’s at port Arthur in
      Tasmania, Australia were indeed a method of disarming Australia – that was back in 1996. Net result – crimped tube magazines on slide action shotguns
      no semi-automatic guns anymore, which included obviously, fully automatic guns, etc. When guns of this type were outlawed only the outlaws had kept
      such arsenal.

      From what I have seen and heard about DHS in America – it is, like any Government Department, riddled with CORRUPTION. The FBI is no different
      and quite often these public utilities seem to be more and more CORPORATE SPONSORED and some employees are part of special criminal interest
      groups with world wide criminal agenda’s. Your right, the system is a SEWER and we know what runs in the sewer corridors and halls, turds with legs
      and a tail not worth telling. Child Protection Services (CPS) in both England & Australia were working together to source and supply children, taken from
      families, in England, back in the 1970’s and supplied to Pedophiles inclusive of a Rural Outpost of Christian Brothers who believed in the Sodomizing of
      young boys and using these children for slave labor as well. A whistle-blower was able to present it as a motion picture production around 5 years ago.
      This woman was also subject of a terror campaign for her investigations into what became of the children…

      This was revealing of just how globally distributed the corruption and organised crime really is. Those subject to such pointless harassment, it never
      ends well for the victims will never get the help they truly and dearly need. I think with the distributed knowledge of the internet that situation is changing
      and the perpetrators will soon be coping the backlash – hunted down for the compromised DOGS they really are, then behavioural modifications bring
      about change in this toilet of a word, still full of foul smelling excrement (corruption & crime) Stripping economic incentives is a convenient means of
      reducing the corruption and crime like the destruction of cash and other trading without identifiable means that allow the C and Crime to get away with it.

      If everything was traceable much of the crime would simply vanish, like what is the drug dealer going to do – trade with a credit card ? Then cop’s a full
      Audit and cannot explain where the money came from and loses EVERYTHING, inclusive of freedom.

      Comment by Robert — August 5, 2016 @ 4:41 am

  1483. The Predictable –

    When, once again…

    because someone has got the message out (Whistle Blowing) on just what these self serving (Law unto themselves) BUREAUCRATS call a living
    (A DYING) and expect everyone else to “OBEY” – ” because we are authority” – “This is the law” and so next is world war III.

    Hello weapons stock piling scum… I don’t think your ‘gonna survive this one.

    “We will protect our borders with I.C.B.M’s , well what did you expect” (when our SYSTEM is being “SHOT” down ?) Putin ( I.S. best put OUT ! )

    “We need to protect” … What ? – your self serving interests at the expense of everyone else ? YOU ARE A SELF SERVING GOLD DIGGING PIECE

    Try telling this to the 60 year old, first generation AUSTRALIAN – Ann E. Sudmalis, her GOON SQUAD of self serving pole cats, THAT THINK THEY CAN
    RAIL-ROAD, those they SET-UP, FOR POLITICAL GAINS (and unlawfully obtained FAT political, retirement BENEFITS)

    These “BLOCK-HEADS” – well they don’t stop do they ? How is it going with your harassment team – SUDMALIS, GASH and PHILLIPS – you are nothing
    more than a GERRYMANDER of self serving parasites, that seek out political gain at the expense of those you claim to serve (your own CORRUPT kind
    of stinking, lying political VERMIN)

    Sorry for preaching, to the converted…

    P.S. – the woman that was ‘masquerading’ as the daughter of Jennifer Rush, (My Soul, My Ticket, read above posts) named “FIONA” was no other that
    Fiona Phillips, the FREELOADING POLECAT – CUNT – “Dancing in MY spotlight” (As if Gash and Sudmalis, the DIKE, HERETIC SCUM were not bad enough…)
    “But they are jumping all over him” WHAT ? – Why can’t I …? Fiona Phillips is the OPPOSITION “Leader” (LABOR PARTY PACK – of left wing’s and BUMS –
    from “Kentucky Fried” – down-under in Australia)

    AND NOW – Constable Adam Bennett (Cullburra Police) awaits, “Heard” comments – “We’re ‘gonna get some flak, from this” – “How’s it going “FINGERS” ?

    Adam has entered into a HARASSMENT program with other members of the “community’ of the CORRUPT and CRIMINAL SCUM. “WE Are the ‘ART” –
    of the criminal SECTOR of illegal immigrants, tax evaders (cash economies) ice (Drugs) dealers and those POLITICIANS, that they PAY OFF and – of course,
    “But we are frightened of the MINORITY – they have guns, we were disarmed, by their CORRUPTION”

    Plan on setting me up Adam Bennett ? IS Someone is watching your CORRUPT back, but I am not the shooter, hope you understand.
    If you keep maintaining your “Just Following Order’s – Sir” – I can’t save you, as I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE, for what happens to the DIE HARD CORRUPT
    and harassing, that DISTURB ME…. FOR MONEY. best advice – LEAVE ME ALONE, mind your own business, DO NOT CONTINUE TO INTERFERE.

    Comment by Robert — August 16, 2016 @ 6:00 am

    • “hey bennett – here’s not a dump site”

      f,ing selective hearing … possessed ? “Stalking Campaign” ?

      Hate ? Misheard Lyrics ? YOUTUBE INTERACTIVE ? DISCOVERY ‘channeled’ ?

      Comment by Robert — August 16, 2016 @ 6:44 am

  1484. Friday Morning – 22nd July @ 9am –

    A call was placed to Ron Litz (Lisa Marie Presley’s Attorney) wishing to discuss HIGH LEVEL HARASSMENT on a YOU TUBE playlist (Lisa’s Songs) and
    Mr. Litz was not available to take the call and so I left my details, hoping the man would call back, he didn’t. – So 9 days later I phoned again to chase up
    the subject and was told, by his secretary – ” No Comment, at this time”. That post (No. 1482) on the 31st July 2016 was then placed, so as to register
    EVIDENCE that Lisa’s Attorney’s Secretary and possibly the attorney were not that interested in what I might have to say about the psychological ill effects
    of such harassment, through a recording artist’s You Tube PUBLIC DOMAIN material (songs) – It is PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE and NOT entertainment.

    These Bone-Heads just have no concept of how much harm is done, to the unsuspecting and perhaps they don’t give a shit anyway – until they get ‘HIT’
    by the unscrupulous psychopaths and head hunters that are looking for “Fun and Profit”, of course it will always be at someone else’s expense. A few
    weeks later Lisa is apparently checking into REHAB, of course further money to be extracted by parasites that specialize in the “Art of Lies” (psychiatry).

    Ann Elizabeth Sudmalis (The Australian Federal Dumbenment pol-cat) was pro-active in these scathing attacks, that were recorded and indeed they were
    played back with a compounding amount of psychotic assault on You Tube and I have no idea who was retaliating against Sudmalis – hits like “Get that FED
    on my Own” instead of the original lyrics – Guess I’m BETTER off on my own. I used to record this electronic harassment, back in the early 1990’s and now
    I just find it completely BORING.

    When I “Hear” comments like “Oh well, you better get a divorce then” (around May/June 2016) and other comments, that are reserved, for reasons of privacy,
    I feel a need to ‘Reach Out’ and attempt to let these people KNOW what the fuck is happening – at my I.P. Address – World War 3.

    The human voice is as unique as a finger print and so it identifies who’s voice it is, singers subject to hounding assaults by IDIOTS usually get to ‘Gun-Down’
    the Satanic Ritual Abuse – from the idiots and sometimes it is sport to these so called performing ‘Artists’ and the attention garnering and hence can be
    ‘profitable’ as well as ‘Fun’ – obviously Sudmalis has no understanding of what hell fire power is about… Neither does her ‘Goon Squad’ of weeds and urchins…
    (Fire Power = The amount of ‘Guns’ one may have acquired)

    A room full of total strangers, Walk Ins and Gullible Suckers that think it is a potentially profitable GAME to play and like typical narcissists they are never
    satisfied or happy and don’t give a shit about misadventures in the lives of others, that get caught between a rock and hard place and end up on peril street,
    before their time. In March 2016 the identity of the possession, on-board Lisa Marie Presley was identified as the murder victim Anna Van Den Enden and
    the frustration to Michael Lockwood of no longer being able to manipulate Lisa was causal to his ABUSE, of her and the rest is recent HISTORY.

    Realizations lead to Liberation from oppressive and manipulative spouses that are then revealed as LOUSES, otherwise known as PARASITES, GOLD
    DIGGERS, BAD HUSBANDS/WIVES, BAD FATHERS/MOTHERS and another dose of rehabilitation medication to ‘treat’ the natural phenomenon.
    You have a spiritual disorder, so we are the authority that will poison your brain, that is solution 101 to these university trained monkeys…

    I prefer preventative methods rather than the SYSTEM of capitalizing on the psychosis and associated crimes, that “The System” idiots “Cash In” on. So I
    shall continue to dismantle the system’s institutions with a bid to obliteration of them – And Then – No more COST of Dying ! (Living ?) When will these
    barbarians GIVE UP the SYSTEM ? Maybe in a major WAR and Holocaust ? Hopefully that is NOT required – if one gets enough worthwhile exposure ‘In
    There’ instead of ‘Out There’

    Comment by Robert — September 15, 2016 @ 3:32 pm

  1485. 引っ越しして一人暮らしを始める時には、単身用のパックを頼む方がお得になる場合が多いです。もし、大型の家具や家電を新しく買い揃えるならば、業者に頼まなくても、引っ越しすることができるかもしれません。



    Comment by 単身パック — September 28, 2016 @ 7:17 pm

  1486. PURPORTING – (The ‘ART’ of setting someone up)

    When the standard ‘tactics’ of desperate, deranged sociopaths, psychopaths and low life looking for an easy buck fail, what then ?

    Lay a path of misinformation, slander and organize as many IDIOTS in the community to go along with the B/S factor, go further and PURPORT the Authorities !

    Numerous false complaints have been placed to the POLICE and NONE of them have been substantiated, but the police have attended no less than 8 times
    since early August 2016, beginning with a complaint of “Woman heard screaming” from my address – The screaming bitch (psych dog) lives next door, but
    I can’t stop the neighbors dog from going ‘Barking Mad’ – it stops when the police call in, to send it back to the great British pound, from whence it came, but it
    is taking advantage of a highly profitable ‘exchange rate’. In tort – someone made it ‘worth it’s while’ to SET ME UP.

    I drink AND liver alone (I don’t have a woman, girl or dog either) “Liver Alone” – Leave her alone… You know the word mincing/misheard lyrics/schizophrenic
    stuff, past it’s use-by-date. The woman next door is not a “SLUT” (most recent complaint, to the police – just yesterday) it is my opinion that she is a DOG,
    and possibly part of Muttdonna’s Mob of MISCREANTS, with a paid for Agenda… Madonna/Gudinski/Schindler/Warner interference, with me, is known to the
    Australian “Authorities” all the way back to 1985. Now a ‘DYING’ society. But ‘Alas’ poor Robert they have NOTHING to gain or live for – in continuing with
    their stagnant repetitious crap, as they will loose EVERYTHING, through the DESTRUCTION of their INCEPTIONS on FOREIGN ground (Putting the GARBAGE
    out) and I am NOT their DUMP SITE. Stinking, soulless EVIL garbage, at that.

    Next it’s a string of noise complaints of which were within the area of fair usage of premises and did not constitute excessive level, when measured in the
    standard of dB – “A” weighted. This was not offensive music (Death Metal ?) and was within the cut-off time of 10pm (Monday to Friday) and extended hours on
    Friday & Saturday Nights.

    Along with the Police Harassment was the Calls by the community mental health team and UNANNOUNCED visits whereby they couldn’t tell me WHO was
    responsible for complaints to them to further harass, intimidate and waste MY TIME, but they get paid to do this.

    Regarding excessive noise – It is NOT what a police officer can hear, parked directly out the front of someones house as the sound must exceed 30dB “A”
    within the house of the complainant – presumably the next door neighbors, or nearby house or houses, so if these police think that they can ‘vary’ the law
    to suit the psychopaths that are responsible, for these complaints then please consider the ramifications of being supportive of these PURPORTING, POACHING
    “Blow Ins” – they haven’t been here very long – Marcel and Jade acquired the house on the 3rd of December, last year and I was here without complaints for
    2 and a half years without these BULLSHIT COMPLAINTS, before them. Who is telling the police to assist these pervert and a-holes, regards such FRIVOLOUS
    and VEXATIOUS PURPORTING ? – RACIST foreign nationals (Blow In’s) with an act of declaring WAR on an Australian Citizen, on Australian Soil AND getting
    to use the AUTHORITIES to do their bidding for them.

    These are recipes for WORLD WAR THREE, but I am NOT a business dude that trades in the consumables of WAR, nor someone that wishes to fight some
    rich mans war, because, quite frankly I DESPISE THE RICH, so I tend not to be supportive of the ‘Cause’ and DESPISE religion just as much as it has always
    been a convenient ‘Lever’ for conflicts. “Our club has more believers in the bullshit factor than yours does” (Religion – the art of delusion and deceit and
    of course Psychiatry – the art of lies)

    It is like “Are you trying to encourage a violent altercation” – Wind up desperate scumbags… These CREEPS have NO RIGHT to be here with such ‘Agenda’s’ –
    which are more than obvious. So sell up and fuck off or I will LAWSUIT for damages, stay the fuck away from me low life, as you are not here to do anything
    other than interfere and there ARE witnesses to your ‘campaign’ against me, which includes your abuse of the AUTHORITIES, to do your ‘bidding’ for you.

    “There goes the system” ?

    It would seem a little too late for these bozo’s to realize that the system is already DEAD. Reoccurring events that MIRROR (duplicate) what has already been
    well covered, on this blog space before I got to this new area (more than three years ago) GUARANTEE that this SYSTEM cannot survive and soon – “Law
    suits, Removal from political office, Criminal charges – ALL ROUND. Gutless hard-nosed criminals, that are desperate to keep this bullshit going – “For Fun
    and Profit” – will loose EVERYTHING that they ever lived and died for.

    “Well you just can’t straighten out the BENT as they tend to BREAK” – Too hard-set in their ways, warming them up prior to straightening them out only causes
    them to BURN – and BURN they will ! So what is next ? accusations of being ‘SEEN’ mixing up molotov cocktails, in the kitchen sink, from low orbiting “Spy
    Satellites” with “Through Wall Vision” technology ? OR Maybe it was the “Remote Viewers” from Fort Meade, Maryland on a joint venture with foreign nationals
    “Down Under” in Australia…

    Comment by Robert — October 3, 2016 @ 3:26 am

  1487. Hearing to 70,000 Hz (C.P.S)

    Already covered, on this BLOG SPACE and elsewhere is the science of gas lighting an individual (or a community) into thinking that someone is “Beaming
    Messages into their Heads” – (or advertising, AKA – ‘Mind Control’ which is what advertising is….) The Ultrasonic means of delivery is nothing new (Check
    out the site ‘Raven1’ ) and many of ‘US’ (United States – of mind ?) that are ‘FED’ up with the bullshit factor of playing down psychological manipulations,
    via technology, that actually is a clever means of covering up (duplication) of what is the “Ancient &/or Draconian” methods of “POSSESSION” .

    People get caught up in being “Fucked in the head”, by unknown ‘manipulative’ types (that lack a soul…or dump site) seeking supremacy in the ‘Art” of
    political leadership, that is to lead others ‘Down the Path’ otherwise known as serving a foreign agenda (Alien ?) for materialistic gains and ‘pleasure’ – of
    course, at the expense of the ‘trusting &/or the gullible’.

    So if a ‘NEW’ strategic ‘Weapon’ (of political importance ?) comes along to GASLIGHT (Bullshit, Diminish or THUG) the opponent becomes ‘Available’ and
    it’s effectiveness is NOT widely known, well what LAWS are in place to stop it ? Recent research (from around the 1940’s) revealed so called “Microwave
    Hearing” but later research revealed “Ultrasonic Hearing” (Self Help Tapes ?)

    in about 1972 with various PARASITES attempting to secure “Modern” patent applications for a convenient method of persecution of the ‘ENEMY’ of the
    “System” (of a DOWNER… or psych dogs) because it wasn’t a system of an approved “Stella” (or Alexander) – the Downer’s were party to setting me ‘UP’
    in 1990 – Australian LIBERAL PARTY occultist scum, like ‘Law Suit Malice’ (Ann E. Sudmalis) , who thought she could construct a ‘career’, by continually INTERFERING with a private life in a private setting (’cause she did a ‘DEAL’ with the devil ?) to take to another’s soul (for empowerment) without paying
    the rent… BIG MISTAKE.


    The mechanisms of hearing out to 70,000 Hz (C.P.S) were proven with PATRICK FLANIGAN’s “Neurophone” about 60 years after Bell Laboratories
    ‘discovered’ the ‘Photophone’ about a hundred years ago… If you want good audio the eye sockets (bone nerve conduction ? – NO) have it. Like
    remember how good the audio was by using VIDEO TAPE (VHS – HiFi, analog) you can’t beat the optical nerve for ‘Hearing’ but you can ‘Bullshit’
    the majority with what they don’t want to understand (Dumb Shit) because it gives them a head ache, escaping the ‘brown-out’… “It is somewhat
    easier to eat bullshit” and remain “under control” rather than “KILL” the controlling… Party Time !

    It is Frequency Modulation, of the “Ultrasonics” so it is seen as “Demodulation” and all in your mind.

    The recent police officer’s couldn’t understand why there was NO ACOUSTIC NOISE, from my premises, when they got out of their police vehicle
    but it must of been me, because the psych dogs next door had everyone ‘Tuned In’ on complaining about “Offensive Noises” from “That Address”

    Doctor Alan Barker (U.S.A) describes it best – ” from narrow angle of dispersion, to WIDE ANGLE”… yes and POISON a community with ultrasonic
    carrier waves that are “Treated as Required” if anyone claims to be “Hearing Voices” from within their heads based on F.M. demodulation by the
    temporal lobe, due to long term EXPOSURE’s (Advertising ?) …. and a convenient ‘Threat’ to business, SO, to set up as the source of ‘Modulation’
    so as to ‘Generate Noise Complaints’ – “It’s His Mind” and of course “Are you thought broadcasting ? ”

    “Fuck” happens when you mess with an Audio Engineer, for political placements and system preservation… Sudmalis and Shoalhaven Junkies
    – you are being “Watched” – and how dare you climb all over me, for a kick into land-fill. I have BETTER things to do than entertain the likes of you
    pieces of excrement – so “FIND ME A FEW GOOD MEN” that aren’t paranoid OR self serving gold diggers… So What ? Did you really think it was
    political party time, on my SOUL/STAR/TICKET ? “And So They Were LAID OUT TO WASTE” – it’s good for the soul – getting rid of their freeloading
    SHIT !


    Comment by Robert — October 19, 2016 @ 7:08 am

  1488. …For ‘Fun’ and For ‘Profit’

    Until the poisoned minds, of those responsible are stripped of their political positions they will continue to ‘play down’ what they have done. Innocent people
    get caught up in what becomes regarded as PSYCHOSIS and NO INVESTIGATIONS into the causal affects could mean only one thing – IT WILL CONTINUE !
    To try and get as many people, BEFORE WRONGFUL DIAGNOSIS to understand and become educated into this EVIL SYSTEM of perverts and assholes,
    that have NOTHING to live for, if they can’t continue with their head-fuck, mind game shit… Well it won’t be long before VIOLENCE becomes causal to those
    that keep BULL SHITTING, for fun and profit. People will start ‘seeing’ with their eye’s shut and third eye open wide to realize that it is NOT a hallucination, or
    a nightmare – but a stark REALITY of an event that is occurring somewhere on EARTH.

    Ann E. Sudmalis believed that setting me up would be beneficial to her career, but it would appear that now she would have been better off staying a primary
    school teacher. She has ‘entrapped’ the souls of innocent people and therefore caused peril, to these innocent lives and I doubt whether she even KNOWS
    who these people are. This screaming, blaspheming HERETIC must be brought to justice, because what she has continued to do for more than three YEARS
    could NOT be resolved by continuing to misdiagnose, via psychiatry or criminalize any of the complainants from the people of Shoalhaven City. To put it
    simply – This Woman is a WITCH and has no business interfering with ME or ANYONE ELSE. My problem – I don’t have any witnesses to the ongoing scams
    of this evil c..t. She is abusing her political power, to say the least and is nothing more than a liability, to the AUSTRALIAN LIBERAL PARTY. So get rid of this
    EVIL CUNT and her GOON SQUAD of losers – What these scum are doing is TREASON and an act of WAR (when playing out their offenses on someone
    else’s SOIL) .

    I object to this slime climbing all over my very soul but no one hears the complaints. Then FUCK IT – come into my mind, as seen in my mind’s eye (third eye)
    without consent and I will lock you up in three layers of gold mesh and put you in a end-capped platinum tube, to rot in DARKNESS for ever more ! These
    CRETINS think bullshitting me, on my soul ground is a game – they misrepresent those THEY are NOT, parade as if they are going to be BIG STARS and then
    ‘CAST’ into darkness the souls of those that ‘CATCH’ them interfering with me, usually for EMPOWERMENT. They are not STARS, as they are two bit man
    made SATELLITES, looking for an easy buck – so they can ALL fuck off, as they have NOTHING to offer and NEVER did !

    Do you get walk-ins coming at you ? – They are usually misguided IDIOT’s looking for someone to ‘Hang Out With’ and ‘Someone to Blame’ and so put them
    down, turn them off and chuck them out – into the never-never of darkness if they keep coming back with their ‘Party Crowd’ of gang – banging poachers and
    arse-wipes… Some are nothing more than desperate junkies that ‘Feel Good’ by jumping all over the spirit of another human being – something these turds
    never were. They get in your ear with their blaspheming heretics and refuse to leave, when given marching orders and so one has no choice other than to
    BLOW THEM OFF. This is to lock them up some where, so these idiots CAN NOT COME BACK. Gang Stalking is Gang Banging and Gang Rape by shit
    that have no respect for another’s soul – Because they don’t have one of those, and it is their attitude – “Why should anyone else” or “He’s got a ‘ticket’, use
    it or lose it” I prefer what Sandra Bullock’s sister said, back in 2012 (on a non-consented – by me, EXCLUSIVE) both the sisters were being set up by an
    extortion ring, Gesine (Sandra’s Sister) was Sandra’s BEST FRIEND and DEFENSE, but ‘CAST’ onto my ground by those CRIMINALS, that were setting them
    up – for a grab on Sandra’s MONEY. What Gesine said –

    “If you’ve got a ‘Ticket’ – you might as well stick it in the garbage bin”

    The entire system of manufactured stars was establishment of the souls of those that were set up and the prerequisite was to ‘CAST’ their Souls onto foreign
    ground, so as to enable ‘CONTROL’ over them and they would NEVER KNOW where they were CAST – in other words – on WHO’s HIGHER GROUND.
    Character, for these manufactured satellites was done by putting ‘besides themselves’ (disassociation of body and soul – sustained hypnosis) innocent human
    being’s for the purpose of generation of a ‘Character’ to suit the script. Sandra and Gesine were ‘CAST’ onto the ground of my soul in the March of 1985, the
    scammers that set these sisters up, had returned in 2012 to ‘Collect’ the money…millions of dollars – and so needed to sustain the pair, on me, so they had no
    insight into what was happening and would continue to do what the voices in their heads told them to do, believing the ‘voices’ to be their own thoughts…

    “So you think this is Evil” The Evil is the practice of bullshitting anyone that speaks of such Evil Practices – Hello Psychiatric System Scum !

    PSYCHIATRY – “The ART of LIES” and a cheap means of obtaining human test subjects to pin down for no less than 7 years and by authority and a
    thousand test subjects from a broad sector of the GLOBAL COMMUNITY, are required to facilitate DRUG COMPLIANCE testing – these are of course, highly
    illegal means of stripping a human being of their basic rights and it will have DIRE consequences for all that built their careers around such sanctioned CRIME.
    Sadly those concerned have continued to play Russian Roulette and are oblivious to the inevitable… BANG, you loose.

    Karen is the boss of the Mental Health Crisis Team, in NOWRA, NSW, Australia.

    Back in late 2014 she had been commissioned by Sudmalis and Gash who had organised harassment of my family to jump all over me, as having ‘Lost the
    Plot’ – yet it was all bullshit – Gash was caught as providing a pair of goons, to move in next door to me, and to facilitate localized stalking and harassment.
    Gash and Sudmalis were providing assistance to a criminal ring, that was fronted by Benjamin Madden and the targeting of Cameron M. Diaz, to clean out
    Diaz’s millions of dollars, via entrapment of Diaz, who like the Bullock sisters – had no idea where they were… Permanently Out of Their Trees, romping
    around on my higher ground and never seeing me, for who I was, due to crowding and mobbing by cheaply recruited scumbags, junkies, urchins and weeds.

    I gave Karen a bit of lip about my lack of respect for psychiatry and in after thoughts, she said to someone else – “I don’t know how much power he’s got,
    so I’m not going anywhere near him” it would appear that Karen had been cast ‘on’ – to my ground and has now little chance of ever getting out – alive or
    dead – she has been there far too long. Just another individual that put’s the money she makes, from her bullshitting, so called profession (psychiatry) before
    her very soul… Sad isn’t It – so now who are they going to blame, the price they pay for playing ‘Mind Games’ – They will loose EVERYTHING, inclusive of
    their ETERNITIES, as I have NO INTENTIONS of forgiving the relentless of TRESPASS upon me, they can all go to HELL.

    Comment by Robert — October 20, 2016 @ 2:20 am

  1489. Corruption WITHIN the NSW State Government – And then it moved in right on top of me – with localized ATTACKS. (Crowding & Mobbing)

    THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT AUSTRALIAN, by birth – yet they hold positions within the NSW state government and serve FOREIGN AGENDA’s of Harassment
    of Australian Citizens. All have the same Country of Birth – ENGLAND and all of them work for the New South Wales GOVERNMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT.

    Names – Howard Davis – Nowra Community Mental Health – NSW Government Health Department. – Registered Nurse
    Marcel Passant – NSW Government Health Department. – Maintenance Technician.
    Jaine Alston – NSW Government Health Department – Registered Nurse.

    As explained in previous posts Marcel & Jaine (She had told me her name was JADE) Acquired control of the next door property on the 3rd of December 2015.
    Shortly after this a program of Organised Stalking, Harassment and Slander intensified with people in the Village being approached and Manipulated by these pair
    of psychopaths, people who had been friendly towards me were now avoiding me and were making like they didn’t wan’t to know me or didn’t know me, for example
    “Hello Robert” became “Oh, Hello”. I couldn’t figure why I was being “Cold Shouldered” at first, but then witnessed Jaine and Marcel following me around like a
    pair of Dogs and INTERFERING with people that I came in contact with, on a regular basis at the local shops and people in the neighborhood, etc.

    salaries are also ENTITLED to THE FALSIFICATION of COMPLAINTS to THE NSW POLICE SERVICE to assist with the Slander and Harassment and the Police
    Service COMPLIES with the VEXATIOUS and FRIVOLOUS complaints by these CRIMINALS. The house next door was sold by way of private treaty but who is the
    Owner ? (Costs money to obtain a title deed) Marcel Passant also is on FACEBOOK as a PROPERTY DEVELOPER, and uses a HAMMER for nearly everything
    he does. Why not battery drills and screws or a nail gun ? Answer – they don’t have the acoustic sharp attack time, intended to DISTURB the ‘Target’ (Noise
    campaigns and ‘focus’ by the T.I as to the source of the noise – it happens subconsciously)

    So when they have finished with their Stalking, Slander and TERROR campaign what then ? Sell the house at a profit and move on to the next Targeted Individual ? All of course with full approval of Ann E. Sudmalis and her GOON SQUAD and without any questions from a rather pathetic and unconcerned community. What do these people think, what has been said BEHIND MY BACK to have people behave like this, without any concerns for another Australian Citizen. These STATE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES are COMPLETE RACIST BASTARDS, they should have been SCREENED before being allowed into any kind of position of authority –
    they are CORRUPT AS HELL and LIKE all COWARDS they function with the standard “PACK MENTALITY” which is one of the TACTICS of Gang Stalking.

    Letter Dated 15th January 2015

    This letter is NOT on official NSW Government Stationery, with the usual RED colored NSW Government Waratah Symbol and Navy Blue Department Description
    which would be customary of a letter sent to the recipient. For all I know their may not be any record of this letter EVER being generated by the NOWRA
    Community Mental Health and Howard Davis was serving an ILLEGAL, perhaps a ‘foreign order’ and AGENDA of HARASSMENT –
    (A Privately Paid For ‘Vendetta’)

    “Dear Mr. X”

    Thank you for speaking with myself and my colleague Hope when we visited you at home yesterday.

    As stated yesterday this service was asked to make contact with you in respect of concerns raised by the real estate agency managing your tenancy.

    At this time you do not appear to be experiencing acute mental ill health and otherwise do not see the further involvement of the mental health service as
    being necessary.

    If you do in the future find that you have need of the mental health service then you are very welcome to approach this service by calling the NSW Mental
    Health Helpline in the first instance on 1800011511 (24hrs)

    Kind regards


    Howard Davis
    Registered Nurse
    (end of letter)

    When I received this letter the Real Estate Agent’s Property Manager DENIED INVOLVEMENT with this state Government Department. This woman had only
    been the property manager for a few months and did NOT contact me about any “Issues” regarding my tenancy at this address. This Real Estate Agent
    sold the Business (Elder’s Franchise) shortly after this and the property manager disappeared, back to what ever rock she crawled out from under. So less
    than 11 Months later the house next door becomes the playground for a couple of PSYCHOPATHS employed by the NSW HEALTH DEPARTMENT and have
    the full support of the NSW Police Department to issue without evidence other than the VERBAL complaints of these State Government Psychopaths, warnings
    and noise abatement orders starting with “Woman Heard Screaming” (allegedly from my address – back in early August 2016)

    This was followed by a noise abatement order for placing a microphone in one window and loudspeakers in two other windows to give back the noise of this
    psychopath and his incessant use of a hammer, with an acoustic delay of 2.5 seconds. Noise campaigns are also evidenced as the tactics of Gang Stalking,
    like “Street Theatre” But I’m not allowed to “Give it Back” to this psychopath on a NSW State Government Handout to Stalk, Harass, Slander, Thug, Intimidate,
    Molest and Interfere with my PRIVATE Life, in a PRIVATE Setting – Am I ? – Of course NOT that would “Cramp” their blatant lack of “Style”

    This isn’t STATE FINANCED CRIME it’s abuse of power by criminals within State Government Positions. So the State Police continued – WITHOUT EVIDENCE
    to do the bidding for these BLOW IN, psychopathic, lying, scamming scumbags. This is the removal of an Australian Citizens Legal Rights and Denial of any
    foul play by criminals WITHIN the SYSTEM. The provocation has not resulted in any violence, by me but will probably result in the adverse reactions of others,
    as I have seen this before, inclusive of a stalker who lost his life, running a “SCAM” on me (George Hudson – already covered in previous writings} he also was
    making use of the Police Service to falsify Noise Complaints and getting the community to do a “Mass Dial Out” from other “Game Players” in the immediate area
    around my home of more than ten years (Crowding and Mobbing)

    After a while the Police (Gosford) didn’t even bother parking out the front of my home in action to these falsified noise complaints, i.e – the mass dial out. When
    Hudson was caught, as responsible for interfering with me, in this way – he was dead 6 months later… These people end up being caught in a spin (psychosis)
    and can’t get out – they die of stress related illnesses.

    I don’t think Sudmalis is going to find another ‘Ticket’ to ‘Dump On’ – Shit Happens to those that build their careers on the spirit of another human being, or
    putting it another way – they dance in the spotlight of another, for too long and get BURNT.

    Comment by Robert — November 6, 2016 @ 4:12 pm

    • Having just re-read what I wrote earlier today – The Above Post –

      “She’s a parasite Robert, that should be obvious” (Intracranial Auditory Perception, um – SIXTH SENSE ?, or how about a ‘TICKET’ ?)

      One sometimes gets acoustic feedback (It’s all on your mind, but I have PROVEN that it can be ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED with certain
      Acoustic Carriers, hey even YouTube song playlists act as ‘MEDIUMS’ being different from the ‘Shorts’ and ‘Tall’s’ ) some are of a benevolent
      kind, some are malicious, some are alive and the ‘others’ that ‘left the building’ or High Life versus LOW LIFE PSYCHOPATHS.

      “Do hear voices” Yes – when I turn on the computer and listen to YouTube playlists – Don’t You ?… “Do you suffer from Depression” Yes –
      when I sit in a rut or hole in the ground… “Do you have a gun” Yes – but it doesn’t digest brass, copper and lead… “Do you tell the truth when asked
      questions by professional liars” (psychiatric nurses and doctors) of course not, as that only encourages them. Lying to the liars tends to fuck things
      up for them – they don’t have a future in perpetual bullshit. But of course this would be regarded as “In Denial” of a mental disorder which is in
      essence a “Spiritual Association/Disassociation” Association – “Connected Call” and Disassociation – “Gun disconnected Call” – I just wish there was
      more than the somewhat BIASED Dept’ of deranged Scientologists, in open conversations to absolutely cremate their Evil & Illegal SYSTEM.

      When I was to obtain psychiatric files from 1982, 1983 and 1985, that being in 1993 – I was shocked at the blatant sensationalization by these so called
      ‘professionals’ in order to FABRICATE the REASONS to detain a human being AGAINST their WILL. It wasn’t until 1996 that I learnt the shocking truth
      from a man that lived with a research scientist, that worked for a pharmaceutical corporation – the unwritten law states that ONE THOUSAND human
      guinea pigs are required to be held (usually without consent) for a period of no less than SEVEN YEARS and obtained from a broad sector of the
      GLOBAL COMMUNITY and not, as speculated by the psychiatric community as being obtained from THE THIRD WORLD. Psychiatry, indeed is the
      prime source of HUMAN GUINEA PIGS for compliance testing of DRUGS.

      Information such as this may account for the ‘ACTIVITIES’ of deranged New South Wales Health Department Desperado’s – “Bye Bye System Scum”
      and your rather belated Retaliations against an Australian Citizen – You are in offence of the written laws and there are no exemptions to the clause, so
      back off OR get BURNT, the choice is yours. So what did ANN SUDMALIS tell these psychiatric ‘n’ treat bozo’s ? More funding from the Federal Purse, if
      successful in creating an ‘ESCAPE PASSAGE” for herself and her ‘GOON SQUAD’ of losers ? This by targeting an Australian Citizen and a Music Industry
      Veteran that KNOWS this shit inside and out… These people are DANGEROUS IDIOTS, as they are a danger to themselves and others, but of course –

      “There is nothing wrong with their mental health”

      Yep – they are beyond their own opinions & laws (Sociopaths) and hold positions within the State Government Health Department So I’ll say it again –
      Dangerous IDIOTS, so what are they trying to do? Keep alive the holocaust and World War Two – For Fun & Profit… and so FUCK IT ! I don’t think
      that Sudmalis and her FAMILY of GOONS have ever had their heads LEGALLY caved in, but there’s a first time for everything…

      Comment by Robert — November 7, 2016 @ 2:26 am

  1490. It is also going on here in Denmark.

    I have been a TI for 16 years now. The last 3½ years as a functional homeless person, since they radiate me with microwaves in my apartment. I have kept my apartment, because I hope there will come a time when science can measure radiation patterns in the building structure; walls, floor and roof.

    It really does involve the police, fire department, healthcare system, media, the Danish parliament, and a lot more people, from all over society. I think they are creating false life insurances, hoping to collect in when they have me killed.

    To me, they use poison or bacteria, in the cloth I wear, the water I bath in and so on. Then they use microwaves to grow the bacteria / poison, in my body, until I start smelling of shit all day long, no matter how many times I go to the swimming-hall.

    We MUST defeat them. We are human beings, not cattle.

    Comment by Michael — January 7, 2017 @ 8:08 am

    • We KNOW what they are, they are the cattle – good little system conformist parasites, heretic & possessed bullshitters that couldn’t give a damn
      about how they earn their income and always at the expense of their victims. These miscreants have no soul and possessively ‘FEED’ upon
      those that do. Those that have a soul obviously have a place in the heavens, miscreant sub human trash DO NOT, period.

      So the net result is the willful attempted manipulation and control of those that are of creation, but those that get together in their GANG STALKING
      numbers, in which some of these idiots are oblivious to the fact they are stalking and preying upon the ground of another’s soul. They turn up at
      the same place, at random times in which one may only be there for a few minutes. Marcel Passant (professional poacher & stalker) that is still
      interfering with me and his voice was heard (inter cranial) – “I know where he’s going, lets get there before him” this piece of shit, was there and
      indeed it was his voice that I perceived.

      The police are assisting this foreign national criminal as per the corruption within state and federal so called AUTHORITY. They have NO interest
      in assisting me, an AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN and are clearly involved in following corrupt orders from the EVIL STINKING, Homosexuals and the top
      of their shit heap SYSTEM, global disease. World WAR III could be ‘Kicked off’ a little easier than the torture of the innocent, that are in the KNOW.

      The JEALOUS, REVENGING evil possessed LUSTING creeps, that don’t give a fuck about those that they regard as Gullible and Trusting
      fools – Grand standing SLUTS and GAYS in performance space just love violation of private lives in private settings, until they get caught in their
      trespass and then set out to “Gang Bang” those that they were leaning on – “For a place to hang out, still the heat and make the big bucks” on
      their next MURDER SPREE…

      Scabs looking for an easy buck are responsible for putting the majority of these deluded fools “UP’ / “ON’ or ‘IN’ depending on the local terminology
      for illegally “CASTING” (Think Casting as in WITCHCRAFT – “The Occult”) these ignorant fools in a disassociation of BODY and SOUL, in which
      “MASS’ manipulation of this goon squad of losers (of their souls) then occurs in the hands of the “Handlers” and “Controllers” that couldn’t give a
      shit about what they regard as “Suckers” to these MANIPULATORS, these human beings are expendable and when the fabricated shit-heads in
      the public eye, get caught – out of their heads and meanwhile the demonic scum, on board their lives is having a great time. FUCK THIS SYSTEM !

      As some have suggested shoot these “Vehicles” for soulless, grand-standing vermin DEAD

      The shit on board these lives only kill the host in true parasite style, on the way out, to the next host ANYWAY…

      Comment by Robert — January 12, 2017 @ 7:44 am

      • Of Course,

        It’s good to see you still ‘kicken’ Michael, after all it couldn’t be ‘another Michael’ because the ‘Machine’ would say “Please choose another user name”
        So from what I gather, you are no longer enjoying the Bavarian filtered spring water pale ale, in Germany, but decided to live with the next door ‘neighbors’
        – in Denmark. Speaking as an ‘Aussie’ – Mate this problem is EVERYWHERE you will go. Once they have you ‘Wired’ up to their system, they don’t tend
        to release you from the mold – every ‘Casting’ is different, so as to ‘Deal’ with the different personalities.

        Anyway, good to ‘see’ that you are still ‘In the Building’… Might be preaching to the converted, but that is slang for the land of the living ! and i’ll never forget
        the story that you told about Regularly ‘Relieving’ yourself of unwanted passengers (Wanking) and the misadventure of ‘giving it’ to an employee of a brothel
        (bordello) That is one sure fire way to ‘Create’ a controller and / or handler, as they become a ‘receiver’ for a part of your spirit and this allows others to
        control you, via such intimate associations with a miscreant of the night / day, one that doesn’t give a rats ass about ANYTHING other than ITSELF and
        MONEY !

        I only wished that I had discovered Ms. Winehouse, before you pointed out, what became extremely important to me, unfortunately after she was killed
        and when they had decided that they were not going to release her next album, probably due to ‘content’ that would have been kicking the shit out of the
        shallow money trench (The music business) for NOT telling her about ‘Control’ & ‘Ownership’ – by the “Corporation” … after the record contract was signed !
        As the next recipient of her possessive ‘Ticket’ – Dionne Bromfield said of the music business “Keep your friends and family close” as per the saying –
        I would have added – “And your enemy even closer” as it makes “Sticking the knife in and twisting it” a little easier !

        Comment by Robert — February 10, 2017 @ 10:53 am

  1491. Help m e e p p. P’sZip

    Comment by Danielle bond — January 26, 2017 @ 8:51 am

  1492. More Purporting Today (10 Feb 2017)

    (Refer to post 1491, 6 Nov 2016)

    The level of corruption has now extended to the COURT ROOM and a Magistrate (State Government of NSW, Australia) has allowed the State Government
    (gang stalking parasitic / heretic scamming scum) under the Federal PARASITE – Ann Elizabeth SUDMALIS further empowerment to cause further HARM to
    me – Her FOREIGN NATIONAL lap dog (Jane Karen ALSTON) as in the 1491 posting was granted INTERIM Restraining Orders on nothing more than HEAR
    SAY, in other words more PURPORTING. It helps to know that you have been set-up and WIRED up for entrapment purposes to further the “Return to the
    Sender” or my personal “Pay back Time” as I have no intentions of forgetting or forgiving any of them, I.O.W – “Do unto each other”

    They are not going to survive my WRATH – progressively “Stock Piled” over the last 40 Years. What of their False Gods granting them forgiveness ?
    No DEALS, wrong zip code, but they can say “Hello” to their boss, for me, when they are down CAST, from the Heavens, on which they were selling Unreal
    Estate, that WASN’T theirs to even camp out on let alone trying to sell it to others (Religions – unlicensed unreal estate agents) “If you have a SOUL, then you have a place in the Heavens” if NOT – don’t think you can climb onto someone else’s – you will only be cast down OR committed to Eternal Servitude…

    Sudmalis and Your Goon Squad of Weeds & Urchins, my world is not your world – SO FUCK OFF, GET OUT, GET DOWN… Whatever.

    Back on Topic –

    In giving short evidence on why such interim orders were not advisable and hence CONTESTED – this Magistrate at Nowra Local Courthouse (G. Fleming)
    stupidly granted the POACHING parasite (Alston) the orders anyway, this allows this GANG STALKING GOON SQUAD to falsify claims of a harmful NATURE,
    as they have already repeatedly done this, with the POLICE attending no less than 12 times along with the Mental Health Psychopaths of the State Government
    health department, to continue harassing and intimidating me, otherwise known as PROVOCATION of a REACTIVE type, in other words to maintain SETTING ME UP, in the hope that I would go BALLISTIC and thus generate reasons for further victimization of me.

    Lets face it folks they don’t like having their system (on a down) buried quicker…

    I grant all that have been party to this, with no realistic support for me, A LIVING HELL and no mercy for preying upon my very SOUL will be shown to ANY
    of you when you ARE DEAD. Cursed in Writing ! and cursed you are, you soul less PARASITES. As this SET-UP is a Fucking blatant one, I will NOT
    forgive the relentless of TRESPASS upon me, because they chose not to complete a bail application form (Being Honest and Realistic) so they have sealed
    their Eternal FATE and NO RELIGIOUS belief will free them from the ground on which they have CAST themselves upon OR allowed themselves to be CAST –
    This is usually for MONEY, you know how it goes – “Money might buy you almost anything, but money is NOTHING when you’re DEAD”


    Then again some are on Lust, Revenge and Jealously trips and these will kill those creeps Quicker !

    P.S. – NO forgiveness for Female Court Room Magistrates on POWER TRIPS that show just how weak they are by following CORRUPT orders to persecute
    a male… No Souls and probably fucking DIKES, so no entree, main course, just deserts. I have watched Magistrates that clearly are corrupt and “Just
    Following Orders” these types go insane and die, it is a convenient means of EXTERMINATION of CORRUPTION – like what did they think ? live a lie and
    then pray / pay for forgiveness ? Nope, not on my shift… I would rather see World War III, to get rid of these Godless and Soul-Less excrement.

    It is obvious to these degenerates (or should be) that Sudmalis has placed a HERETIC upon me, this piece of shit has a name – ANTHONY and parades
    destructively – in my image. People have complained about third eye perceptions only to be told “It’s all in your mind” and hauled off to the loony bin, for
    seeing me in two places at once. Anthony was Murdered by the next door neighbor – John.

    This was after the boys soul was cast onto me. You wan’t my SOUL ? Well you can’t have it, Kid and you can’t abuse my TICKET (Entertainers) either –
    So burn in my living HELL. How many more will die before this SYSTEM of PAGAN DESIGNS and RITUALS is EXTINCT ? The story of Anthony, the frozen
    PIG (As a Cover – up of the killing) and my next door neighbor (The Killer) has already been covered – so their pagan world only increases crimes against me,
    as you are not allowed to EXPOSE how they set you up and exploited you, what they lack – A SOUL, POWER and the potential to be CREATIVE in which you
    are in offence to their DESTRUCTIVENESS – Which is where the MONEY is, of course !

    I wonder what Sheree at MOON DENTAL in NOWRA did to a perfectly healthy TOOTH – Drilled it out and placed a doped radioactive ISOTOPE or maybe
    another form of LOW – JACKING a human being, such as a microchip powered by back ground radio-frequency electro-magnetics (Cell Phones) and then
    transmitting on another higher frequency for CLOSE monitoring of an individual that is a threat to ORGANISED CORRUPTION & ASSOCIATED CRIME.
    Not to mention the ease to entrap, such a threat to their bullshit system and then RAIL-ROAD them through their ‘Adjustment Bureau’ of the court house
    procedures and then what ? psycho-surgery, to make their target forget what these shit have done. Now, to GIVE THEM HELL on EARTH, for crimes
    against the CREATOR (And Associates)

    Comment by Robert — February 10, 2017 @ 5:37 am

  1493. If you’re clever enough –

    To read this information AND understand what has been written, over the last nearly SIX YEARS and recent events you will notice a pattern in the activities
    of these CRIMINALS and as others have said, it’s not all ‘Cookie Cutter’ style and each case of organised stalking, poaching, slander & sabotage etc, is
    tailored to suit the criminal interests and the personality of the victim(s). In the matter of ANN E. SUDMALIS she sought to pin me down, with social and
    economic impairment and as above, through the use of a HERETIC, that was fashioned from the destruction of a child’s life and possibly proceeded by the
    destruction of the child’s single parent, say the mother. The value to these occultists, satanists and witches in obtaining a child’s soul is in the fact that the
    children are uneducated, some what gullible and trusting and therefore easily manipulated, without knowing the difference between wrong and right.

    Before this boy was killed, he was groomed by the killer probably repeatedly sexually assaulted and or beaten until he became SUBMISSIVE and did exactly
    what he was told to do without questions directed to this evil manipulator – analogy would be like this – The flea is capable of jumping six feet high but if you
    put it in a jar, it soon learns it’s limitations are a height of six inches only, before it gets a headache. So the reprogrammed flea is regularly assaulted by it’s
    captor – the jar… The flea is then released from the captor, but can only jump six inches, due to having it’s head continually caved in over time and of
    course, if it could complain – “It’s all in your mind, you’re delusional and you must have done it to yourself… or done something to deserve it” I.O.W’s –
    Spin Shit !

    The hardest thing for the manipulators to play down is that IT ACTUALLY WORKS, this is regardless of the morality, ethical and criminal ramifications for the
    perpetrator(s). In the grooming of Anthony, by his captor / manipulator it was like this – They kicked the ball over the fence and into my yard and told Anthony
    to go and get the ball… Anthony came belting on the front door and I sensed foul play from the onset and so refused to open the door and told him to go
    around the back and get it himself, on the third occasion I was out in my back yard and spoke to the boy –

    “Hi I’m Robert” “I’m Anthony” “John’s your uncle” “He’s my Grandfather” “John’s Maltese” “NO he’s GREEK” John then spoke “Come here Anthony”
    My sister and brother in law were led to believe by John, that he was Maltese – Why would someone withhold their national identity ? I have said it before
    the Boy didn’t have an ounce of dark Mediterranean skin in him so I believe he may have been adopted, this is already covered in previous writing’s.
    Anthony has not been seen since the frozen pig incident, which was photographed and shown to Howard Davis R.P.N who agreed it did look like and small
    child complete with shoes on it’s feet, hanging upside down and wrapped in a bed sheet.

    What needs to be understood is that the evil of placing a child in a trance and casting the soul onto another human being, for manipulation of the “Target” or
    “Recipient” – then whilst in such a trance – KILLING THE CHILD enables complete mental molestation of the unwilling and unknowing host. To simplify it –
    “You need your mind continually read” The child has no where else to go and the trance is sustained by continuous interference with me, just like ongoing
    slander, stalking, harassment and intimidation, property damage, abuse of the authorities – and the authorities themselves subject to being ‘Jumped’ by the Evil world of Ann E. Sudmalis and associates. The continuous criminal activities are effectively what one could call less than SUBTLE SUGGESTION in which it
    is taken from simple Hypnosis to SUSTAINED HYPNOSIS, which is, of course MIND CONTROL. But you ignore the Advertising in the Tabloids don’t you ?

    This child killer was not working alone, in this matter and it has caused massive harm to the political arena by allowing Ann Sudmalis, who is obviously related to
    the Evil Child Killer, by association and or family. When you try telling your story, all the the GUILTY PSYCHOPATHS come out “To Play” these miscreants
    have nothing else to live for – if they can’t destroy the lives of others. The Magistrate was obviously Fucked Over (Psychologically) as her decision to grant these
    criminals rights to continue to interfere with me was a blatant travesty of justice, think about how the magistrate would feel when she became aware that
    she wasn’t herself, that day (yesterday) and had allowed a HERETIC into her thought and decision making processes. Scary to say the least, but play it down
    as per “We are only human” and therefore what ? allowed to be fucked in the head by Evil Manipulators and Psyche Dogs ? They operate in their cowardly
    numbers and direct negative, but focused thoughts onto their targets of such manipulations.

    It was like hearing Fionna Phillips calling from the bird cage she had been cast into by her competitor – the evil manipulative heretic Ann E. Sudmalis –
    in a dissociation of body and soul or it’s like “You am I and I am You” or “Trading Places” by the designs of EVIL that would use such tactics to PREVENT
    you from politically getting ANYWHERE. – What Fionna thought, when what had happened was realised – “I DIDN’T KNOW WHERE I WAS” well it may not
    have been a bird cage they were keeping your soul locked up in, but none the less you were out of your tree, with a young woman named Arial Stern Rush –
    The DAUGHTER of Jennifer Rush (Pull the power plug – 1984) and what did Jennifer say during the two plus year ordeal – “Congratulations, you’ve made
    my Daughter Schizophrenic” Arial’s name wasn’t ‘discovered’ until newly published information was released in May 2016. This for reasons of personal security
    for her daughter, the name appeared NO WHERE on the internet, so as to keep manipulative “Gold Diggers” away, understandably when you’re mum’s worth
    a few Robert (Bob)…

    Fionna Phillips and like so many others have yet to realize that they are in a dissociative state of body and soul , but the word dissociative then conjures images
    of fruit cakes, freshly baked in the loony bin and not one of being caught in between a rock and hard place to get out of, as in a OUT OF BODY experience, that
    went wrong, in the time domain and you ended up stuck with someone you didn’t even get to know, but enjoyed hanging in there with them ! Out of Brain
    experiences as well – I.O.W’s.

    Comment by Robert — February 11, 2017 @ 2:31 am

    • Note – Ann Elizabeth Sudmalis, her criminal associates and activities would lead one victim (Myself) into thinking she could simply take my “Ticket” by
      making me as dysfunction as possible inclusive of attempting to have me hospitalized or even placed in a custodial sentence, all to her and her criminal
      associates benefits – Sorry my ticket is my soul and I don’t do deals with the devil, or it’s advocates, so good luck getting out of this one scumbags as you
      will find not even a service with body bags will get you out of my Hell, soon to be yours – free of charges. You and your goon squad have NO IDEA what you have tried to do, but kept going anyway, relentlessly and the ramifications will not end well for any of you. No one attempted to even rationally discuss it with
      me, just the usual stand-over and thug tactics of a bunch of “What’s in it for us, at his expense” – IDIOTS, that’s all that’s left.

      P.S – I do not forgive the relentless of trespass against me, but bury them when they’re dead to avoid the further spread of idiot syndrome throughout the
      small towns and villages, complete with small town and village mentalities. Some of these creeps have the I.Q of a Sea Urchin others have the knowledge of
      bush weeds. Then again there is the authorities, just following vexatious, frivolous and corrupt orders and they have the intelligence of Bush Pigs.

      Comment by Robert — February 11, 2017 @ 3:04 am

  1494. I am the target.. Facing lot of stalking activities. Whenever I travel ,, go to learn in some class ,,there whatever I do is been leaked and once I reach my destination I am purposely set to face that named person or activity is revealed in some or the other way. All this is happening with me8433 782393from 2011. I had lodged a complaint on central govt. Employee against corruption and harassment98220 74031when I was working as small savings agent in postal dept. Till today I have to bear all tortures, everywhere my name is spoiled that people purposely ask me * how m I feeling now, how is my health? And everywhere my things are been so much manipulated and destroyed that no body supports me. Our local police of Deolali camp is involved I have strong evidences against them. If possible kindly help family needs me.I stay in Deolalicamp above Sindhi all emails and visitors at my home and letters and couriers are kept under strict surveillance I Dont know whether you are all reading this. But please somehow help us in getting justice. As today its me and tomorrow may be someone among you.

    Comment by poonam shankar shivnani — May 4, 2017 @ 10:47 pm

  1495. I need help. Local police is involved. All activities of mine are kept under strict surveillance.. All psychological games are been played. Please843378 2383help us.all our emails, what’s app msgs, calls , people visiting our home, letters couriers are been tracked. My personal things are manipulated and spoiled. Please help98220 74031we need it.

    Comment by poonam shankar shivnani — May 5, 2017 @ 12:42 pm

  1496. I need help. Local police is involved. All activities of mine are kept under strict surveillance.. All psychological games are been played. Please843378 2383help us.all our emails, what’s app msgs, calls , people visiting our home, letters couriers are been tracked. My personal things are manipulated and spoiled. Please help98220 74031we need it.

    Comment by poonam shankar shivnani — May 5, 2017 @ 12:44 pm

    • Hello, poonam shankar shivani –

      These CORRUPT GROUPS are usually motivated by the money factor, to obtain via the VANDALISM of an individuals private life
      and undermining the psychological stability of those people around the targeted individual, this includes destabilization of the victims
      family and friends, work colleagues usually are the first to fall into the program against the targeted victim as they don’t know the person
      as well as those closer to him or her. Police follow orders and don’t question the corruption further up the ranks of police authority,
      otherwise they know longer have a job, some are groomed victims of paedophile rings and are in a PERMANENT state of body/soul
      disassociation being targets to such manipulations themselves…

      They are NO LONGER themselves and believe the voice in their heads is their own. Simplifies “Just following orders” and reveal themselves
      as compliant psychopaths that are in receipt of an ENTITY that possesses their flesh, blood and brain. Those in the PUBLIC EYE at any level
      of political, sports, entertainment, modelling and exhibitionistic narcissism are prime candidates for such crimes against the innocent that they
      seek out to empower, exploit, dump on (scapegoat) and “Hang out with” (out of their fucking heads)

      Walking in to what that don’t believe in – a “Rock and Hard Place” to get out of, when they get caught interfering with someone they believed
      was under their CONTROL… Shit happens and all hell breaks loose and sometimes they get splattered by those that have a higher level of
      awareness and counter the tactics of these gutless bozos that gang bang in their cowardly numbers, inclusive of idiots that have been “put on”
      into thinking that they are do gooders serving a higher cause – maybe “The Voice of God” tactics that catch those with a below average
      intellectual function or other hidden reasons why psychological operations works – of course it will be the unsuspecting which will be regarded
      as easy prey, mugs and suckers. When brought up to speed with the diverse knowledge that abounds, when secrets are blown away publicly
      their system will fall to the all time low of no longer operational, when total loss of control isn’t insanity but will be regarded as freedom.

      Until then the parasites will continue to play out their puerile games for fun and profit. Hope this helps in granting a better understanding of
      you situation and you lose that ENTITY that has found value in climbing over a life that is NOT it’s Life to take for a ride. Maybe it’s a CREEP
      out of BOLLYWOOD ! So beware of the psychopathic GAYS that hang around performance space, they are perverts and assholes and don’t
      give a damn who they ritually abuse for the almighty dollar or respective currency, in your country.

      Comment by Robert — May 13, 2017 @ 6:33 am

  1497. They just don’t give up DO THEY ?

    Things were becoming normal again when the police didn’t have any further reasons to harass and intimidate, generated by by the psychopaths next door, the usual falsification of complaints to police as standard
    since August last year. Maybe the police are just following orders and doing their job, but when does it become obvious that the orders they are following are of a corrupt kind, by a group of well connected crims
    that occupy senior positions of local, state and federal political positions and are also trying to hide the killing of a child (Anthony) by an annex of their group – A PAEDOPHILE RING. The boy was killed more than
    two and a half years ago and I had thought that it was a case of they couldn’t control the boy, in other words to stop him from talking to the authorities.

    It was learned recently that the boy was used for a different purpose, put in a trance and set upon me, in a Dissociative State of body and soul (which is what a trance is – as in Hypnosis) the purpose was an evil
    method of securing a means of crowding and mobbing me. The boy was killed whilst in a trance and as stated his soul was cast onto me prior to being killed by these evil bastards. This is a cheap (it only costs a
    adopted child his life) means of ‘wiring’ the target up for a variety of criminal purposes inclusive of “putting other people up/on/in” to secure control of others via mental molestation and win VOTES, for example –
    A.E.Sudmalis, who is party to the child’s MURDER.

    Why Me ?

    In March of 1995 I was awarded an entertainers ‘Ticket’ and these are obviously prizes to thieves that would literally KILL for one – inclusive of ‘Wannabee’ grand standing politicians and “Wannabee’ unholywood
    stars. The only problem that these hard nose criminals had – EVERYONE was aware of my 40 odd years in the industry and so use the soul (spirit) of a child to molest my identity (appearance) and they refused
    to let the boy go – “I want my mummy” response “Your mother is dead” my comment – why didn’t you tell the boy he was dead as well ? So the kid didn’t know he had died and continued to do what these evil
    manipulators told him to do, inclusive of putting others ‘ON’ – as in to put them in a trance and cast them into an inception upon my world – NOT THEIRS to call the shots upon.

    Meanwhile J.S. Oxley (The Sunnyboy’s Band) continued to cast a dim view of me (Character Appearance Assassination) among people that would see such things in their “Third Eye” (Minds Eye – and Ears…)
    and IT WASN’T ME, but these people have been bullshitted for so long (years) that they BELIEVE it must be me that is interfering with them psychologically – as in ‘Targeting’ so now I have NO CHOICE other
    than to wind down these individuals that have become psychopaths and the recently un-provoked violence by police.

    These people don’t know where they are and consequently end up in the darkness, the never never, a black hole and sadly they perish there. Psychiatry at best can only sell medication to those that start freaking
    out too badly, but the ‘Art of Lies’ (psychiatry) only has ever served itself anyway, for the money (of course) and do not offer a cure, only treatment, otherwise they wouldn’t have a business in the sales of pharma
    products and other activities in human experimentation, like “I wonder what this does to a human being” – “We need human guinea pigs, on the cheap” (1,000 individuals, from a broad sector of the global community,
    to be deliberately misdiagnosed as mentally ill and pinned down for no less than 7 YEARS – for compliant ‘testing’ of drugs under design, by the big pharma corporations) HEY – They just had a spiritual dissociation
    of body and soul, didn’t know where they were and so your going to chemically fuck them in the head with chemicals – YOU ASSHOLES !

    So those poor bastards were describing mindful events that they couldn’t understand, as they were TOO REAL to be dreams, fantasy, hallucinations or nightmares and they were describing people they didn’t know
    in some cases they had been ‘CAST’ into a world that was not their own by some parasite that was constructing an unholywood script and found someone wandering around in the never-never that REACTED to
    being targeted and so ended up in “Such a State” due to being fucked in the head by these casting MASS MURDERERS, putting a ‘Gang Bang’ together. Of course the Western Medical Profession doesn’t like
    the idea of class action law suits for interfering with what could have been a painless EXORCISM to remove a parasitic ACTOR/ACTRESS that needs someone to wrap themselves around for Out-Of-Character
    misrepresentations – well you didn’t think they ‘pulled’ characters out of thin air, Did You ? you must be kidding, as they were manufactured as hollow (soul-less) creeps that were voided of their own souls, if they
    had one of those… in the first place !

    They consume the souls of others, making the world a colder and more brutal environment than it ever was. In a world of sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissistic grand standing, over-rated gig pigging …
    well you get the idea. not to mention money driven parasitic, megalomaniac urchins that parade as human beings in disguise – covering up the demon below their shallow body suit, complete with half an inch of base,
    foundation and assorted make-up masks for when their true appearance starts to protrude – um…REPTILES complete with dark green and black scales, sharks teeth and rancid breath… D.Ike calls them reptilian
    shape shifters (David Ike) yeah with a contract with Maximum Bullshit Factor (Max factor) to promote the latest in cover it all up girl !

    Anyway –

    Things that MUST be investigated –

    The identity of the boy ‘Anthony’ he was last seen alive during the Christmas school holidays of 2014/15 and could have been subject of “I’m leaving this school and going somewhere else” this, so no complaints
    were made to the authorities when the boy didn’t show up for school in early 2015. Scenario No. 2 – “The boy was kidnapped” the suspects are those that tried to sell the idea of “Its a frozen pig – thawing out”
    regards the comments made by Culburra Beach, NSW, Australia, Police Officer Constable Andrew Day. Day spent 45 minutes on site – to report a frozen pig OR to invent a story to cover up the crime, for fear of
    his own life and threats to his family if he took off, and gave states evidence after running.

    Upon the call to police on the morning of 9th January 2015. The scene of something tied to the awning timbers, wrapped in a bed sheet was photographed and this was not of knowledge given to police.
    The photographic evidence reveals that the rope is tied too low for the thing to be balanced straight up and down, as it would be leaning to one side. Also, in a wet lands area on a hot summers day the bed sheet
    would be ringing wet with condensation within minutes of being outside.

    Suspects are the Daughter and Son in Law of Anita Kalinazaros of 100 Lackersteen Street, Callala Bay. They, according to her statement reside in Sydney (Aust) they may have been the adopting parents of
    this boy. 2 Weeks ago on Saturday the 10th of June a car entered my backyard and did so in a suspicious manner by turning off the car lights until they crossed the buildings front perimeter and turned the lights on
    again as they moved down the driveway, I saw this from the kitchen window and in the yard they got out of the car, leaving the doors open so as to have the interior light of the car to see where they were. I called
    out from a protected (they can’t see me) position “hello can I help you” A slightly ‘Americanized’ Filipino male voice said “Is this breakfast and bed at…” (address stated) No was my response. The female was
    very quietly spoken (whispering). He went on to state that they must have the wrong address. Who gave them my address as a bed and breakfast ? It never was and never will be. What were they planning to
    do – bust in through the back door in the belief that I was in the front room listening to music – I wasn’t. The way they entered the premises and the fact that Anita Kalinazaros was reported to me as Filipino makes
    it even more suspicious.

    In the statement of Anita Kalinazaros she states that on the morning of the 9th of January 2015 she opened the front door, upon someone knocking on it and “Was Frightened to see a policeman standing there”
    the police officer was all ready aware of his instructions to cover the whole thing up (murdered boy, 10-12 years old – Anthony) and it was not clear who reported the suspicious ‘thing’ hanging from the timbers
    at the rear of the garage, an annex open on the southern and eastern aspects.

    I have been repeatedly harassed and intimidated by the police since last August (2016) I have had my motor car sabotaged and destroyed (May 2014 to Mar 2016) and last Tuesday (20th/June 2017 at 6pm there
    I was, in my kitchen with the headphones on (no loudspeakers) and when the song stopped I was disturbed by loud banging on the front door. “Who is it” response “Police, open the door” I had to get my keys and
    so “Just a minute” I opened the door and was told that I was being served a 28 day “Noise Abatement Order” my response was argumentative because I was wearing headphones and he claimed that I was
    screaming and swearing…someone in my backyard again ?

    I was grabbed by the shirt (top button) and dragged out onto my front balcony swung around, the shirt ripped and I went down onto the rough concrete surface and was then man handled and cuffed by a police
    officer named S/C (Senior Constable) Paul Nancekivell attached to Berry Police (North of Nowra, NSW) I was told I could not lock my front door, or secure the premises (nor could I get my I.D and Money or Warm
    Clothing for that matter) I have sustained grievous bodily harm with bruises about my upper arms with obvious hand and thumb bruises various cuts, scrapes and other bruises to my arms and a severe bruise to
    my right hip inclusive of physical impairment – pain and shock.

    I was charged with resisting an officer while in the execution of his or her duty and assault officer while in the execution (same) The police report states that the police officer did NOT sustain any injuries.
    After being detained at Nowra Police Station until nearly 10pm (20/06/2017) I was granted conditional bail and told I could not be taken back home (by police) and told that it’s not a taxi service (Constable Wayne
    West) after explaining I didn’t have any money, cards or I.D. but that’s not a matter for the police. I did not have anything on me except my spectacles and keys. When I had my keys at hand why wouldn’t
    Nancekivell let me lock my front door (it is a dead bolt and requires a key on both sides of the door to unlock and lock) When I was taken to the Police Van (commonly called a bum wagon) I saw my next door
    neighbor standing outside the van smirking at me. In the police report statement tended that night to me, at the police station – it is claimed that this neighbor had provided a two page statement to Nancekivell
    which is suggestive that it was all premeditated prior to this attack and G.B.H by this police officer. What did they do from 4.20pm to 6.00pm on this cold winter evening/night – conspire and consort to SET ME UP
    on criminal charges for something that I didn’t do.

    The desperation of a Paedophile Ring and Child Killers… Desperate to DRIVE me out of my home of more than 4 years.

    Comment by Robert — June 24, 2017 @ 11:19 am

  1498. 10 pm on a cold winter’s night –

    No Cards, No Money, No Identification, Not Adequately Dressed, In Pain and the cold was making it worse so I thought to walk to the Bus Station in Nowra C.B.D and wait for the next bus about 8 hours
    away (6am to Callala Bay) I was not physically up to walking more than 20 Kilometres home due to the assault by S/C Nancekivell with increasing pain to my right hip and in shock. I hadn’t eaten since
    lunch earlier that afternoon and I was not offered any food, at the police station when a police officer came back from McDonalds with food for someone locked in the police station cells. Whilst sitting in
    the dock for more than 3 hours I was given a coffee. After being charged, finger print scanned, photographed and released, I commenced walking into Nowra Town Center and saw a man with a car and
    I’m going to call him Mr. Human Being – A REAL ONE.

    I approached Mr. Being and explained that I had been assaulted by a police officer at my home and arrested without any money, or cards on me, at the time of the arrest and he asked me where I lived,
    I told him Callala Bay and he knew how far away that was, but said to get in the car and he drove me home. On the way home I explained to him how I was assaulted by Nancekivell in an unprovoked attack,
    showing him the woulds to my hands and how S/C Nancekivell refused to let me back inside my home OR for him to go into my home to get my wallet and how Nancekivell refused to let me secure the premises
    which was of primary concerns, explaining how I was charged with assaulting a police officer and how there was no help from other police back at Nowra Police Station. I explained to Mr. Being that I was on
    Disability Support Pension and said that I could give him small amounts of money over time, towards fuel and his time for helping me, as it was more than 40 Kilometres to Callala Bay and back to town again.

    When we arrived at Callala Bay, I invited Mr.Being to prove how the house was left insecure and that indeed I did have my keys on me and how the key fitted the lock after showing the door could be
    opened, by turning the handle above the door’s dead bolt. Mr Being then came inside upon invitation to inspect the premises with me, as a witness to any ransacking by the psychopath next door, or
    his criminal associates who were responsible for commissioning this privacy violation and assault. I had pointed out that the psychopath lived next door to me on the south, closer to the bay side of my home.
    Upon inspection of the inside of the house it was pointed out to Mr. Being where my wallet was, where I had left it on the kitchen bench and then continued to search the rest of the rooms to see if anything
    had been disturbed, the house had been entered in my absence and I pointed out to the disturbances of the built in wardrobe doors being opened, and left open, in 2 of the three bedrooms.

    Mr. Being gave me his name and phone number and I reached into the kitchen cupboard and gave him a 2 stouts and 2 pale ales as a gesture of thankfulness, as my wallet was empty of cash, but my
    cards and other identification remained intact. Mr. Being said he would enjoy the beers watching the grand final tomorrow. People like Mr. Being are a rare example that there is still some mercy left
    in this cold and hostile world.

    I do not know why S/C Nancekivell would not let me secure my home and all sorts of nightmares have plagued my sleep over the last several nights, things like planting drugs to further their setting me
    up, poisoning my food, planting surveillance equipment, placing a handgun used in a crime in one of more than 100 packing boxes, all kinds of disturbing thoughts. There must of been a reason for why
    Nancekivell and the psychopath (Marcel Arthur Passant) spent more than 1.5 hours at the psychopaths address conspiring and consorting to SET ME UP.

    I will say it again – IT is MY WORLD, MY TICKET, MY LIFE, My very soul that you psychopathic mongrels are squatting on and you will find NO EASY WAY OUT with continued interference, unlawful surveillance,
    STALKING and GANG BANGING (Crowding & Mobbing – Gang Stalking), persecution, provocation, terrorism, vandalism, social and economic impairment, Malicious Slander, Deprivation of Justice, So make your
    peace with me or Hell on Earth and WORLD WAR THREE ! (Poetic Justice – instead of a full stop) These Psychopathic Assholes think that they can build a career on someone else’s potential (and ticket) – camping
    out in someone else’s world making a heap of money and then walk away, in denial with complete impunity… Straight into the fires of DAMNATION as I will SHOW NO MERCY to these poaching, squatting,
    soul-less degenerates


    Michael Hutchence (INXS) – ” Money might buy you almost anything, but anythings nothing when you’re D E A D ”

    What happens when you die in someone else’s World, where you have been CAST when you were alive ?

    Michael, who I had personally met and spoken with in 1983 (about misheard lyrics) reached out, shortly after his suspicious death in November of 1997 and speaking with someone else said –

    “I wished that I’d helped him, when I was alive”

    Comment by Robert — June 25, 2017 @ 5:25 am

  1499. Here’s how they strip you of your rights –

    The following text is a word for word transcription of a popular tool, used by perpetrators called MALICIOUS SLANDER it is designed and put in place BEHIND YOUR BACK and these psychopaths go about enforcing it
    (even to the legal system) as gospel. I obtained this email correspondence from Nowra Court House as part of a statement package from the psychopaths that began falsification of complaints, to the police back in Aug
    of 2016. This email correspondence was handed to me, by court house staff on the 24th Feb 2017 –

    From: Marcel Passant (mailto: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)
    Sent: Thursday, 4 August 2016 7:10 PM
    To: Kerry Robinson
    Subject: Re (My Address given here)

    Dear Kerry
    Thank you for your consideration of the matter regarding the tenant in (my address) today as per our conversation regarding his unacceptable and disturbing behaviour. Today the Culburra police were involved as his his
    abusive behaviour to neighbours on both sides of that property became intolerable. This matter has been ongoing since we moved in, in December 2015, and according to other close neighbours this has been ongoing
    for well over 2 years. Unfortunately others were at a loss about what to do about his behaviour, as they believed menttal health and heavy drinking were causing this and were worried about exacerbating the situation.

    But after having tolerated this behaviour for 7 months a turning point came today when he became personally abusive to us and we heard many racist remarks toward the neighbour on the other side too. I recorded this
    conversation and have recorded his racial abuse several times as evidence of his tirades. He is extremely noisy many times in the week too playing bass guitar and loud music. If his behaviour continues we will be
    we will be persuing an AVO as we are not able to have guests or visitors at our property and we feel it impinges on our ability to relax in the home we have bought to experience the peacefulness of living in the beautiful
    Callala Bay. The conveyance of our concerns to the owner of the property would also be greatly appreciated.

    Marcel Passant and Jaine Alston.
    XXX Lackersteen Street
    Callala Bay NSW 2540


    On 5 Aug 2016 12:43, “Kerry Robinson” wrote:

    Hello Marcel,

    It was nice to meet you yesterday, I’m just sorry it was under these worrying circumstances and I do thank you for bringing this issue to my attention, I am truly surprised it has taken so long. I called the landlord of (my
    address) directly after you left here and unfortunately I do not have good news for you. She filled me in on some the history with the tenant starting with the fact that yes, the tenant Robert is her brother. He has a history
    of mental illness for years and at times can be very abusive, he has never been violent with anyone previously but she also stated that she has not known him to drink so this may be a contributing factor in his worsening

    Whilst she was truly sorry and saddened that this was happening she has clearly stated that she will not be moving him on from the property as “he still needs somewhere to live” . She also said that the best thing that
    can be done in this situation is that you call the police and alert them to this as you have done. She feels that even if it comes to the point of him being arrested then that will be for the best if he doesn’t settle down. The
    one person that he listens to is their 85-year-old father and he is reaching the point where he can’t have much input due to age etc. He apparently does not listen to women at all and she does not want me doing routine
    inspections there either as it may aggravate him again. I do apologise that I have not come with better news but I would like to you to please keep me updated with anything that happens moving forward. I would also
    appreciate if you could send me any relevant paperwork from the police etc so I can keep it on file.

    Kind regards,

    Kerry Robinson

    Property Management | Callala Bay
    T(02) 4446 5799 F(02) 4446 5833
    A Unit 10, 55 Emmett Street, Callala Bay, New South Wales 2540, Australia


    Date: 6 Aug 2016 3:39 PM
    Subject: RE: Re (My Address)
    To: “Kerry Robinson”

    Hi kerry thank you for your efforts most appreciated, unfortunately any further correspondence in regards to this matter worsening would only be as per our solicitors instructions of course we would like this to not have to
    reach that stage and we feel that this issue could have been easily avoided given the circumstances were different. Thank you again for your concern and effort marcel


    Upon obtaining this email correspondence from Nowra Courthouse Staff I contacted Kerry Robinson at Ray White, Callala Bay and made inquiries as to how my sister came to say such things and Ms. Robinson said it was
    via telephone. I then read her what had been said in these emails and she was adamant that it was my sister – I then thought – How strange as my sister knows my father is not 85 years old, and the bit about “history of
    mental illness for years” and ” not moving me on from the property as he still needs somewhere live” and the rest like “He apparently does not listen to women” “never known to drink” and so on and so forth (as above)

    So I contacted my sister and read carefully (and slowly) the above email exchanges to both my sister and brother in law (they put the phone on speaker, hands free) and the answer was NO SHE DIDN’T SAY THOSE THINGS
    and my sister went on to say that she didn’t know who she spoke to but all she had said was what I asked her to do – cancel the inconvenience of these invasive property inspections after I told her that they were coming
    through with a camera and photographing the layout of every room, and NO my sister didn’t request this be done and NO my sister didn’t get the digital photo’s in an email file either. The only time I have experienced photo’s
    being taken of room layouts, inclusive of private property was when there were plans to SELL A PROPERTY. So who wanted the photo’s and WHY ? as there was no plans of selling the place…

    The advice of a property inspection, in a rental situation by the Real Estate agent Ray White (Callala Bay) reads like this –


    Re : Routine property inspection at (address of premises)

    Please be advised that I will be attending the property on 04/08/2016 between the hours of 10am – 2pm for the purpose of conducting an inspection.
    Should you not be able to be present at this inspection, we will use our Master Key to enter the premises.

    Thanking you for your co-operation

    Yours faithfully
    RAY WHITE Callala Bay

    J. Stevens per
    Kerry Robinson | Property Manager

    SO – they pinned me down within a window of 4 hours on their nominated date and it was not open to variations if it wasn’t convenient. Their Real Estate office is around 600 Metres away from my address and what constitutes
    a violation of privacy with taking photos and what amounts to unlawful entry with the – We will just gain access regardless of you being there or not… I didn’t bother with what were my rights regarding this ATTITUDE of the R/E
    agent, as to whether or not this is more of their so called Real Estate “Laws” because it was easier to get the owner to tell them to stay out of any needs for these property inspections, after all the owner is my sister and I have
    done an excellent job of caring for the place as per “Tenant of the Month” award back in Sep 2013 by the previous managing R/E agent who admired the deep cleansing operations and repairs after the previous tenants left.

    The above letter advising of the routine property inspection arrived on the 11 of August 2016, 7 days after it was supposed to be carried out on the 4th Aug 2016. The letter was not in an envelope and just loosely dropped in my
    letter box. My Debit Card stopped working at the end of March 2017, the replacement card was sent (according to the bank) in September 2016 – It did not arrive. Water Rates invoices were not arriving via post, phone bills
    and electricity accounts were not being received. According to the documents from Nowra Courthouse (Summons) to appear the next day served on me on the 09/02/2017 it said that numerous attempts to contact me via the CJC
    (Community Justice Center) requesting mediation between Myself and Marcel Passant / Jaine Alston and presumably these were letters…

    Neither did they arrive in the post, nor were there any phone calls (or messages) left to bring this to my attention. Mediation is now required prior to the matter being listed in the court as in the hope that the matter can be resolved
    out of court. The matter went to court with NO prior KNOWLEDGE that anything was wrong. The matter was listed for appearance at court on the 2nd of February 2017 and I was not served the summons until 12 midday on the
    9th Feb 2017 saying that i Must be present the next day at court, at 9.30am on the 10th Feb 2017. Not a lot of notice and no prior knowledge and a clever way to disturb someone by catching them unawares – also referred to as
    RAIL-ROADING an individual.

    It may also be a case of attempting to steal someones IDENTITY for nefarious purposes when so much mail goes missing, that at some point in the snail mail system…

    Comment by Robert — June 26, 2017 @ 2:46 am

  1500. Well Covered, but not the recent history of Cameron Diaz –

    It is believed that Diaz was responsible for approaching the Homosexual/Paedophile/Hard Nose Criminals, starting with Joanna Gash and Anne Elizabeth Sudmalis, this being back in the earlier part of 2013 and possibly Before
    I moved to this new residential situation through hacking my communications (Cell Phone) and the STALKING by the psychopath DIAZ and her associates in Australia. Benjamin Madden had remained somewhat invisible until
    the following year (2014) and was caught interfering with the previous tenant at this address, where I have resided since the 2nd June 2013. The victim was Timothy P. Johnson and the mail addressed to him continued to arrive
    at this address for more than 2 – 3 years, some of it seemed to be just spam mail and I redirected it in bundles with the usual – Return to Sender, NOT KNOWN at this address handing it in at the town post office (Nowra).

    One day I was lying in bed and I thought that I hadn’t received any mail addressed to TIMOTHY JOHNSON for a while and eye’s closed the psychopath interfering with Johnson appeared in my minds eye (Third Eye as others
    refer to it) and I recognized the face as being BENJAMIN MADDEN and he realized that I “saw” him and attempted to scramble the vision by “Putting Up” an image of Mick Jagger. It took some time to get Mick Jagger to the
    realization that his image was being molested by Madden, eventually I got through to him and Mick responded with “I knew someone was on me, but I didn’t know who” Mick opened fire on the gang stalkers and Madden’s gang
    was history. “I see a black hole and I wan’t to paint it red” … with the blood of these gang stalking psychopaths.

    The mail addressed to Timothy Johnson then ceased arriving at my home… Having someone using without consent your image is an EVIL form of character theft and can cause Irreparable Damage and Harm to a person,
    especially if it is maintained long term in a community whereby you are not known. This is what Jeremy Saxon Oxley was doing to me – Long Term Damage. The ramifications are that you will no doubt have psychopaths that form
    enough of a dislike for you that they start stalking you in the belief that you are responsible for their misadventures in life and others may end up have weird nightmares only to be deliberately written off as nut cases, by psychiatry
    upon referral – “It’s all in your mind and you need to medicated” Other individuals might take up SUBSTANCE ABUSE because they get scrambled by seeing you in two places at the same time. Each case of an individual is not
    “Cookie Cutter” style as it is personality dependent. Some of these people are oblivious to the fact that they are stalking you, because they have NO REASON to do so. Psychopaths that know of such things may be putting the
    unsuspecting in a trance and casting them onto the “Target” – and so taking advantage of a crowd that they can then mass manipulate, usually for self gratifications, money and materialistic power, for example securing the majority
    of votes… Anne Sudmalis.

    I don’t know how many people have been put on by Anne E. Sudmalis and her increasing “GOON SQUAD” of hard nose criminals, psychopaths, homosexuals and paedophiles. But it must have had something to do with her good
    friend, the former Mayor – Joanna Gash and the offer of lots of Cash by Cameron Diaz and her associates – TO SET ME UP. When Gash was caught as responsible for her part in organization of the psychopaths that moved in, next
    door in around September 2013 it was followed up by more of these psychopaths like the ones calling themselves Howard Davis, Marcel Passant, Jaine Alston all claiming to be employed by the NSW government Health Dept, all
    English of accent and all acquiring properties at Callala Bay via private treaty and not via the previous managing real estate agent – Property One, also of Callala Bay, NSW 2540.

    It’s interesting to note that Property One R/E did manage both of these properties when they were rental situations and did list them with somewhat HIGH asking prices, when these properties were on the market “For Sale” but then
    BOTH houses were sold via Private Treaty without any further real estate agent’s involvement. Just who are these Howard Davis (55 Boorawine Terrace) Jaine Alston and Marcel Passant (104 Lackersteen Street) both at Callala Bay.
    Do they really work in NSW Health department occupations or are they psychopaths with an alternative occupation in looking forward to what must be a rather large some of money by Cameron Diaz and Associates to DESTROY ME
    and therefore destroy themselves in the process… These individuals have been psychopathically “Holding On” for so long now that there is little chance of ever getting Off/ Down/ Out of My Mind, My Soul, MY WORLD and so sadly
    they will die there AND WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN, for what they originally set out to do for money and then set out to do purely out of DESPERATION – You Fucking Idiots. Imagine Diaz, who built a career on a world that was not
    her “Ticket” and the stark reality that ignorance isn’t bliss, denial won’t cut it and offering money to hard nose criminals has furthered indictable offence category because she set up an Australian Citizen and operated from the USA.

    Cameron Diaz is a Parasitic Psychopath that would kill anything and anyone that compromised her criminal career, on a STOLEN TICKET which was and always will be MINE… Those that climbed on board “Looking for an easy buck”
    will find out, just like those that went before them – their lives were cut short, as they couldn’t cope with the torment of being stuck in another planets hell and so took the chickens way out, they committed suicide and then still had the
    regrets of dying in another planets hell – “It wasn’t worth it” and of course they regretted not being able to do anything when they were alive due to being COMPROMISED for doing such an evil take from someone else’s life. When
    they are alive they will try on bullshit like “I didn’t know where I was” and avoid contact and the ramifications of making their peace with the person they were possessively molesting for character, empowerment, fame and FORTUNE.

    Oh yes – Most of them try on the same bullshit when they are dead – “But I didn’t know where I was, or what I was doing or saying” – Yes you did and now it’s time to eat shit ! Complete HERETICS that gave their very lives, as
    vehicles for demonic possession, but why should I have to put up with their winging f…ing souls that will be “Always on my Mind” um – Planet… until there is little point in doing anything other than kicking them out into the never
    never for some peace of planet ! Cameron Diaz and associates MUST be brought before the judicial system and tried for Heresy, Murder, Attempted Murder, Obtaining by Deceit, Stalking, Organization of Gang Stalking that left
    innocent people insane. SHE and HER ASSOCIATES have financed this organised crime for far TOO long and it just requires WITNESSES that are not suppressed by the system with regards what they have seen and heard, as
    they are NOT delusional, as would be claimed by the frightened psychopaths of psychiatry that are “hell bent” on keeping this DEAD SYSTEM on life support… Like what else are these mind game playing psycho’s going to do for
    a buck ? – They can all go and get…

    Comment by Robert — July 5, 2017 @ 4:42 pm

  1501. Feeling “marked”, as if “blacksheep” was written on a paper glued to the target’s back.
    Perpretators are happy as long as you become a mineral. or a vegetable. Anything goes in order to deviate you, target from anything good you are supposed to be, think, and do, using any means to do so, eletronic, physichal, spiritual.. Deviate you from God and truth. This is sort of a spiritual warfare concentrating more on one person than the others, hence target individual I suppose, which can’t be won through normal means or the target loses(some were conditioned from birth to be targets). What I noticed that hurts the most is that , they drive you crazy, a good person,or just normal, and turn you into something negative ,then, the perpretators act as if the target is the dirt of society who needs to hastely be removed, destroyed as quickly as possible. By the way this is how perpretators can drive someone crazy they invert things they project what they are or what they think they are on the target , they basicly push it against the target’s throat , and inevitably for a period most targets take in that they are the bad guys . However it is the initial intention of the individual that makes him a perpretator or a t.i. . However,
    specially because a target individual can be driven crazy and into paranoia most start taking uncertain facts as truth and maybe what looked like persecutors were’nt persecutors. Something bigger is using many people to persecute each other, and some are used to persecuted more fiercely SOME SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL. Who are now persecuted into little or no freedom to live his/her own life, even if under society’s laws. Yes the persecution is concentrated on a certain individual. This is how I felt and still feel sometimes, marked, as a paria. Sometimes I think to myself something close to myself” Maybe I have a dangerous disease only they know I have, even I don’t know”, “Maybe they are protecting other people from me”, or “I feel like a pariah, even though I don’t believe in reincarnation”. However only I am the pariah. They just find anything to persecute me, anything does. I can’t even talk on the phone with my own family anymore, first because of my own family treating me like toxic trash, then because of my perpretators. If I talk with them or interact with them I’ll get persecuted anyways. Not it looks like I am the one who rejected them.
    Not to mention the weirdest prohibitions, yes perpretators begin to “prohibite” certain things , as for example, interacting with certain people, places, even sites, certain normal jobs, through punishments, threats, innuendos, trauma triggerings. They persecute you first, you find out about the reason too late, and it’s usually a stupid one or something you didn’t do or for some strange reason. I usually get oppressed a bit for commenting on sites like this. But I think it serves as validation for other targets and it’s worth it.
    As said before in the text, they target a certain person, to persecute, torment , harrass, but without specific CONCRETE reasons really. Usually the targets are empathic, sensitive people, or mentaly healthy so the target starts trying to mend the pieces of puzzle, of the mysteries behind all this persecution, only to not quite finding a true concrete reason , just some clues here and there. To me, the greatest clue is spiritual warfare. I only began to , only start, seeing the big picture after turning to God. I am thankful He showed me somethings are beyond eletronic and radiation and some people are yes used to persecute you but not necessarily true perpetrators or what you think. Anyone could be used as pawn in this spiritual warfare, even the target.

    Comment by Taise — July 7, 2017 @ 9:38 pm

    • In response to Taise’s comments –

      “Perpretators are happy as long as you become a mineral. or a vegetable” –

      If the desire, by the preconditioned psychopaths (spiritual warfare) is to pin an individual down and continue with their casting of the T.I. into dim light as in create a bad image of them
      then exploit, defraud, molest, possess and this can usually be these evil sadistic monsters self gratifications and also a means of empowerment both at a spiritual or financial / materialistic
      level. Casting an individual would generally heavily rely on persons that you have come in contact with, but don’t really know them – these VICTIMS are PUT ON and continue to function
      essentially without their SOUL, totally oblivious to the fact that they are being “Programmed” against friendly interactions or even relationships with the T.I. Take for example the “Hands
      on Guy” – Michael Lockwood, in a relationship with Lisa Marie Presley and Lisa was oblivious to this MANIPULATOR who knew the identity of the HERETIC, the deceased entity (Anna
      Van Den Enden) who assumed that Lisa’s life was her’s and had no idea what had happened to her own life prior to her murder in 1929 ! Cast into a trance by the Manipulative –
      Andreas Cornelis van Kuijk, who traded under the name of “The Colonel” Tom Andrew Parker. The Colonel had the soul of the woman under his thumb and found a suitable vehicle for
      reasons that would reveal that Marie Frances Mott would host that soul for more than 50 years. Marie was chosen as she didn’t react allergic to the presence of Anna. The Colonel
      married Mott in 1935. This is fairly well covered elsewhere, as is the “Use” / “Abuse” of Lisa Marie Presley who would become the next host (Feb 1985) the year before Mott died in 1986.

      The perpetrators effectively “Assume” the personality of the victim that they have designs on and are climbing all over the soul of that target. People that start reacting allergic and think
      that they are “Do Gooders” are reacting to the negative image that is imposed on the T.I. So that is in fact a MIND CONTROL programming that is DUMPED on their souls, now in the
      custody of the vicious manipulators that will continue to use / abuse these alternate “Victims” and if any get out of the program that is controlling them they sadly complain to the perpetrators
      who will then go about psychiatric scheduling to destroy the memories of being fucked in the head…If that fails then the perpetrators will attempt to set that person up on criminal charges.
      I have been through this before and am going through it again – as I write this, in fact. So setting out to destroy a person who is a threat to their criminal activities and the EVIL that have
      everything that they ever gained materialistically, to in fact loose – in the area of LAW SUITS. Those that have been brought to awareness of what it is about are generally long term targets
      and in my case, my memories of being “Played” go back to 1976 !

      If one that is under such attempted destructive forces has learnt about it the hard way, as in long term victimization it can help in the prevention of continuing “Bad Luck” in the hands of
      these desperate bozo’s. Their tools become predictable and any consequential secondary victims that developed awareness will usually have blood on their hands and realize that they
      can’t approach the target – in other words guilty of participation in the victimization of the target and in many cases that would be an admission of “Stalking and Interfering” which in most
      cases / countries would be a criminal charge pending. If you could only wear a sign saying “Don’t get caught up in this, as it’s not worth it” sadly most of the secondary players end up going
      insane or even end up being killed by those that set them, like dogs on the target. The use of the dead (heresy) is a means of Possessively reading and writing the brain of another person
      who is generally oblivious to their manipulators / programmers activities. Individuals that are indeed practicing such craft could be Remote Viewers, Paedophiles, Homosexuals, Actors &
      Actresses, in fact anyone in the public eye would have a demon inside that may not necessarily be “A Friend” but self serving or serving the agenda’s of others. Alan Turing (Enigma) used
      heresy to possess someone within German Operations and then read in REAL TIME what the random generated codes were assigned to as far as ‘orders’ to comply with in the war (2nd)
      he could, without being detected raid a life remotely and “Read Minds” quite LITERALLY – When a Genius is actually a perverse “Remote Viewer” complete with his friends (Spirit Guides)
      that isn’t genius that’s CHEATING and hence these individuals were despised until they came to political POWER and continued with their perverse manipulations of elevated threats to
      their EVIL SYSTEM.

      The only way to win back one’s life is to DESTROY that SYSTEM as one cannot bring this international EVIL theater to justice, The game players are the law unto themselves and have
      licensed themselves to preserve their own “Acts against Creation (God)” but will be defeated by Armageddon in the last days when the cleansing of the Heavens is complete, by the down
      casting of those of perpetual trespass against us, also referred to as “The Devils Advocates” the cleansing upstairs is near completion, so stick around and watch the carnage on Earth, it
      will result in the destruction of about 6,000,000,000 soul-less, materialistic Demon-Being’s who were NEVER Human-Beings as they have no soul and so they do not have any real estate
      in the Heavens. They are Now being continuously ejected from the worlds in the heavens that saw their casting of other souls, under their oppressive controls that did not know where they
      were, or how they came to be on another’s planet – that is the evil casting that has occurred on Earth. So those that have been corrupted and taken from their place upstairs will be cast
      onto Earth for the Last Days, Oh and probably SLAIN !

      Comment by Robert — July 23, 2017 @ 1:00 pm

  1502. Recently after that assault by a corrupted cop, it pushed me into cleansing mode myself and I ordered the down casting of those that didn’t swear allegiance, to me in the heavens. No longer will I tolerate the trespass against me
    and after all WHY SHOULD I ? These weeds, junkies and low life that were offered money to SET ME UP on criminal charges had, by their own written admissions FAILED to schedule me via psychiatry, so as to get away from
    being PUBLICLY EXPOSED on this site which wasn’t doing their lack of credibility a lot of good… No one came to my aid, as they had been corrupted and probably had blood on their hands thinking it was going to be worth their
    while materialistically or believed that they would end up like so many of the rest – DEAD. So they lived in fear of what had become of them, when they developed awareness of participation of trespassing AGAINST me, in a world
    that was NOT THEIRS to tear strips off or desecrate. Too many of these bozo’s were causal to massive unrest in the heavens that was reflected on the lives of others that had been cast onto my world, in some cases DECADES
    ago. So it left me little choice when the harm unto me was causal to the harm affecting the lives of others that were found in my world, by me. This was over the last 35 years of awareness that my world had been turned into a
    playground for SATELLITES, that is manufactured ‘Stars’ that realize, sooner or later that their lives are under the control of others – but then again the only good control freak that manipulates the lives of others, through the
    accosting of another’s Soul is A DEAD ONE !

    In the down casting process was of course a need to DESTROY their “Inceptions” which one could liken to a virtual prison for soul inmates… I know the difference between an inception that is MINE and those inceptions that were
    the miscreated efforts of those that were effectively trespassing against me, whether they could accept that or not. There is little point in trying to talk to them, as they are not intact “Body and Soul” and so their lives are seen as being
    in complete DENIAL, with regards ANY of this talk. Ignorance isn’t bliss when it comes to MY LAWS in MY WORLD and their over rated so called status, above others is complete and utter bullshit…
    Then their is the AUTHORITARIANS, but they will learn like the others, that went before them in misjudging me – I will show NO MERCY, nor will I forgive them for they were told EXACTLY what they were doing and KEPT doing it.
    In an example of one fabricated satellite was the case of Celine Dion and that of the fate of her late husband who died in an inception in my world, this as found by Laura back in late 2014, when Celine’s husband was dying
    presumably. The recent down casting of Celine, her late late husband and her entourage of put-on obsessive types, followed by blowing the inception to smithereens (Extinction) like it had never existed at all – net result ?

    “This is a world of death”
    Where are you ?
    “In a Crypt”

    (Celine’s Late Husband)

    “What have you done ?”
    (Celine, looking at what she had become on Earth)

    The instructions were to cast them next to themselves whether they were living or dead and keep them there, as NONE of them paid the RENT or Homage to me for the occupation and empowerment that made them VERY WEALTHY
    on Earth. This was inevitable and the only way to expose the Heresy that they had, and continued to host, entertaining demonic possession and NOT their own SOULS, but those with designs on their lives that were desperately
    trying to stay out of further down castings, like IN HELL. With the down casting’s from the heavens and the destruction of their inceptions THEY cannot RETURN, unless by a written statement of exposing what had happened to them
    and making their peace, in reality with those that they trespassed against and upon. Bad luck for those that didn’t swear allegiance, when the living and the deceased were given that chance and REJECTED any need for it. Get rid
    of them – cast them down, back to Earth and let them learn of what had become of them, up close and personal in self judgement day ! next might be self sentencing day, as it is a matter for themselves to see what had become of them –

    Hideous, Yuck, Whatever…

    Some actually believed that they could simply take MY WORLD from me destructively – my power is supreme in my world and it was never their world for the taking. When they continue with their destructiveness, of myself and the others
    with a soul and a place, in the Heavens and in regards their abuse of us, on Earth – out of Lust, Jealousy, Revenge etc it will not end well for any of them as these are BIG killers and there are 4 other of the seven deadly sins on top of those
    three, which will also take a massive toll, of demon-being life on Earth.

    Comment by Robert — July 23, 2017 @ 2:44 pm

  1503. It is nano technology smart dust. All bullshit trying simulate a human to certain fabricated environment. Machine teaching if you will, human stupidity preformed million times faster. All bullshit simulation, very stupid useless crab. Wet dream to control the population.

    Comment by Joe — January 28, 2018 @ 5:14 pm

  1504. Waitimg for retaliation from doj and fbi to cover up there mistakes violent acts of violence because i am a whisle blower

    Comment by Eduardo Rodriguez — January 29, 2018 @ 4:57 pm

  1505. I think this is among the most significant info for me.
    And i am glad reading your article. But should remark on some general things,
    The site style is perfect, the articles is really excellent : D.
    Good job, cheers

    Comment by Numerology Blogs — May 31, 2018 @ 6:09 am

  1506. It has been a nearly a year since I last posted, the persecution by the authorities has been ongoing.

    Attempts by psychiatric schedule to disorder ones thoughts FAILED, they couldn’t get me in a psych
    hospital for their non – invasive psycho surgery tactics… but they don’t STOP there do they ?

    The next thing was setting me up on criminal charges FOR WHAT I DID NOT DO. Then I was to SEE
    what they were doing – Putting a whole bunch of innocent people in a sustained trance, which is MIND
    CONTROL – when it is sustained, long term. These people are then subject to an image of me (out of
    character, cast into dim view) in their minds I am willfully INTERFERING with them, but it IS NOT ME.

    One of the individuals is the “Sunnyboy” – Jeremy Saxon Oxley who doesn’t have a “Ticket” so
    this parasite hosts himself on an image of me, but uses his own name and the name of his band to
    promote attention to his resurrected dinosaur crap from the 1980’s. He has no soul, nor ticket but is
    a vehicle of demonic possession – what David Ike calls a Reptilian Shape Shifter.

    These types of manufactured so called Rock Stars are nothing more than charlatans, demonically
    possessed mass murderers that put up innocent people to this type of manipulation, sustained by
    the source of REPETITION that has plagued humanity since it was introduced, by the Nazi’s in 1939
    to promote aggression – THE MODERN TEMPERED SCALE of MUSIC at a reference FREQUENCY
    for the NOTE A – 440 cycles per second (Hertz) all the other notes are mathematically calculated from
    the reference frequency – for further reading “The Science of Music” a online publication from the
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) other research proves that 440 Hertz is UN-NATURAL
    which is how these pricks and pussies get away with taking you for a deadly RIDE… without anyone
    seeing the manipulations of you, the target.

    If music was referenced to say the Schumann Resonance of 7.83Hz (Which is Natural) and therefore
    a new scale beginning with the the note B at 15.66Hz all this crime and madness ENDS… along with
    the Evil Parasites that profiteer from allowing themselves to be publicly “PIMPED” in the main stream
    mind controlling media – News, Politics, Entertainment, Sport, Modelling and so on… SYSTEM SCABS.

    Those that they put “on” end up stalkers and obviously get together with agenda’s against the TARGET
    which is then GANG STALKING and persist in setting out to DESTROY an innocent human being FOR
    NO realistic reason (after all it’s all in the minds of the stalkers) whiles’t the perpetrators are making some
    serious MONEY out of destroying all that have been put on AND NOT LET OFF ! by the time they
    realize that they have jointly persecuted and terrorized an innocent person, they are too far gone and
    have blood on their hands. The perpetrators that have benefited sit back in denial of what they have
    become – a servant to Satan and no longer possess their own soul (if they had one in the first place)
    Now they are in possession of a soul under the evil control of others – the hidden (occultists) that also
    have their hands in the shallow money trench…

    Comment by Robert — July 1, 2018 @ 1:13 pm

  1507. Gang(?) “groups or whomever”… stalkers and copy cat theft and look alike dress up “internet set up artists” also.. You did this ^&$ on the internet but they have no or proof it was really you now they can use your face and edit video or picture anything!!!…… actors have turned into stalking, revenge artists. terroristic, new age mind telepathic verbal assaulter sex offenders who want to flip the story on you and still get away with the same stuff they flip on you?, ID thief’s memory money making criminals and murderer suicide “Unexplained” forcers using telepathic like hypnoses and people say it really works and set you up with fraud rape with fraud investigations hoping to pay anyone in your past to falsify a crime act that did not happen to them and they call that the targeting strategized system that beats the system today?? Is this what they are talking about?
    OMG!~~~~~~~ it’s All documented stuff!

    Comment by Dianne — July 3, 2018 @ 3:14 pm

    • Hello Dianne, I seem to remember responding to posts of yours before, 3/4 of a year to respond to your above comments –

      ” ….actors have turned into stalking, revenge artists. terroristic, new age mind telepathic verbal assaulter sex offenders who want to flip the story”

      The actors are nothing more than organised criminals who take great delight in destroying what they have finished with. The targeted individuals
      are quite helpless against these groups of over paid, over rated MANIPULATORS who go to extraordinary lengths to set the psych dogs onto the
      elevated threat, that is the victim that developed insight into their exploitation by these miscreants. The degenerates that move in on top of the
      target are only there as a means of maintaining a hold over the threat and obstruction of justice, truth inversions, constant sabotage of that persons
      life is all normal to the perpetrators.

      The “Telepathic” can be via old methods that predate ANY technology – that is as simple as putting a person nearby the target in a trance
      (Body/Soul disassociation) and casting that persons soul onto the target. It generally requires some form of “incentive” and that could be the
      promise of money or “Wow that star loves me, they’re my best friend and I’ll do what they want” (Manipulated Sucker !) Yes the entertainer has
      become caught up in the targets life and can’t get out… “Have to spread out and find insignificant idiots nearby to do my bidding for me” and so
      then dedicate their time destroying the targets life, in anyway possible inclusive of abusing an image of the target’s personality in the minds of those
      they set up around the target or the elevated threat to their bank balances for molestation, appropriation (plagiarism) etc.

      “But they are out of their heads” (telepathy via spiritual possession) can also manifest via V2K (electronic harassment – E.V.P) as the source of
      repetition is the perp’s own recorded image and voice (that’l teach these f…er’s for selling out) and they revel in the attention, when they have
      someone to “Dump On” otherwise back to the cold and dark until someone to “lean on” comes along – the tweeky “Glower” (Radiating Trauma
      victim or the like)

      They don’t have to provide incentives for what they require of others around the target, sometimes they have something to hold on the fabricated “Go
      Between’s” in the manufacturing of the star’s “assets” (Stalkers, Goons, perverts, arseholes, new age sensitive types – ‘stairs’ – read as Gays)

      When you have worked with these pricks and pussies for around 40 years, and despise their tactics and industrial disease you learn enough to
      counter their crimes and blow them off the map – SHOW OVER – all get the f… down and don’t get up again or shop around for the best deal from
      the elusive over-taker that just ran you down for the under-taker…

      Comment by Robert — March 20, 2019 @ 6:49 pm

  1508. Did anyone else hear the Fifth trumpet of God Almighty sound when oil wells were lit ablaze during “Operation Desert Storm”?
    During the Gulf War when all the oil wells were lit ablaze I was attacked by a demon on three separate occasions all at night. This is what happened. While I slept a demon flew through my window and attack me. The spirit inside me fought this demon briefly until I awoke. Then it made me take over. I leaped out of bed trying to defend myself. This demon was horrid and spun circles around me thrashing through my soul with its hands, then it left as fast as it came. The demon radiated from the pains associated with the abyss. He was like a coal pulled from the fire, with the pains of the abyss Rev 9, 3. This attack happened on three separate occasions as I have stated. all on separate nights during the time frame when the oil wells had been lit ablaze in the Middle East. The third time it attacked me however was different from the rest. As before the demon attacked me, but this time I had enough since to command it to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. What happened next is even more amazing. After commanding this demon to leave in the name of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit delivered me outside my bedroom into the hallway. The demon followed. We were brought into the presence of the Lord. The Demon stood to my left and grabbing my hand, it placed its tail on top of my left hand. It was the sting of the scorpion and it went like this. It sent waves of fire through my soul Rev 9, 10. The pain was so sever that I couldn’t scream. Unconditionally, I looked straight up and said “Father please help me”. The demon then left.
    This all happened after being seduced into trying transcendental meditation, which caused spiritual bondage to witchcraft / demonic forces. Maybe the spiritual bondage occurred after playing a Ouija board or Tarot cards as a young boy. I’m not quite sure. They appeared at that time just to be games, and were sold in the kids section at stores or at least the Ouija board was. I had a lot of spiritual warfare after participating in these so called “games”. What I am sure of is that prior to being attacked by this demon, I was forced to go through the Illuminati’s esoteric initiation performed through altered states of consciousness / transcendental meditation assisted with witchcraft / demonic forces. Why I say demonic forces is that I believe all witchcraft to be the powers of demons / the Devil. I was forced to go through said esoteric initiation through methods including witchcraft, demonology, and subversive acts of terrorism. The methods of witchcraft included mind control / manipulation, heart palpitations, witchcraft dreams causing sleep depravation, powerful visions, and many other forms. In said ceremony I was instructed to except the worship of one of their many “demonic gods”. They informed me that in excepting one of there gods I accepted them all. One of there gods was the Devil, another they named Jesus, but they appeared to have a demon for every occasion. They informed me through methods of telepathy , that in accepting the worship of one, I accepted them all. What better way to join all religions of the world together under one banner of 666 spiritually enslaving society?
    David Spengler of the United Nations says that all people must go through a esoteric initiation and worship Lucifer to enter the New Age of Enlightenment. Helen Blavatsky calls it a Christ like consciousness, universal mind set. Benjamin Cream states that after said initiation all its members will be able to hear ancient wisdom spoken telepathically at the same moment by ascended Masters. I knew nothing of this group at that time or there Luciferian agenda of a One World Government. Take a guess what method is used for this initiation? I bet you know now. Have you heard of the New Age Movement, or its affiliation with “Free” Masonry? Do you know what a unholy baptism is or the term Kundalini.
    To the best of my knowledge this is the method Satan’s Secret Society uses to distribute the “spiritual mark of the beast”, and cause spiritual captivity Revelation 13, 10. Have you received your spiritual stamp of acceptance? If so, did you take it on the forehead becoming a spiritual slave of evil, or on the right hand a servant of the Devil himself? Does this sound hard to believe? Here are a few scriptures giving in sight. Revelation 13, 10, If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go . This is spiritual captivity to witchcraft / demonic forces. Naham 3, 4, who enslaved nations by her witchcraft. Revelation 18, 23, By your magic spell all nations were led astray. Hebrews 2:15 states by there fear of death they are held in bondage. Witchcraft / demonic powers are very real. Thank you Jesus for the Holy spirit and your Angels.
    There is a way out, but it has been difficult for me. Revelation 12, 11, Those who overcame, overcame by the blood of the lamb and the “word” of their testimony. They didn’t love their own lives so much as to shrink from death. Hebrews 2, 15, By their fear of death they are held in spiritual captivity / bondage. Satan’s “Secret” Society isn’t very secret anymore! It is like a giant octopus with many tentacles reaching far and wide.
    Here is the rest of the story. Three to four nights later the demon returned in the early am @ about 3am. He wasn’t alone, Satan / Apollyon and the demon’s twin brother was with him. They hovered in the air above the ground, before the olive tree in our back yard. I could see them as the spirit in me manifested them to me! Satan hovered in the middle while the demons were on either side of him. The demon on his left had been thrown into the lake of fire for what he did to me. He radiated like a coal pulled from the fire what seemed to be 15’x15′. He was lit up like a Christmas tree! Graciously yours baptized by fire the witness! Who will believe this testimony? God will be my witness! Located in California. Recommended information Fake truth Movement Exposed 1-12 on you tube. It has insight into who has received the spiritual stamp on there right hand.

    Comment by stung!!! — February 18, 2019 @ 3:43 pm

  1509. The Illuminati “Free” \m/asons use drug cartels and Biker gangs, along with witchcraft / demonology to terrorize and force their victims into their Satanic \m/afia!!!

    Comment by stung!!! — February 18, 2019 @ 3:45 pm

    • The secretive societies such as the Illuminati, self imprisoned masons are out of a ‘Gig’ …

      In the last days of ARMAGEDDON the wall that separates the living from the dead is brought down and it’s foundations laid to waste.
      What that means – the Masons will no longer be “patching” holes made in that wall to prevent communications between the living and
      the SOULS of those that left the building – who were WRONGFULLY told to sleep night and day (R.I.P) and wait for judgement. Man’s
      power struggle for materialistic power has depended upon social economic and religious indifference AND the need to suppress the
      SOULS of the departed.

      So when the wall fell on the 1st of January 2016 no one noticed the last days of EVIL upon this earth ? That’s a good thing for the
      human being’s but hard luck for Lucifer and it’s destructive goon squad parading as human being’s playing mind games. End of Days
      should really be END of GAY’s as there can be no more stay out of hell cards for those who take over (cast aside) the souls of the
      children, so as to repossess a life that is NOT theirs to take over.

      I’ve personally spoken with victims of these take over’s and they are convinced that when they were “Straight” it was “A previous life”
      and the years of darkness associated with that life. To put it bluntly they are full of demonically monstrous crap which is the work of
      those intent on preservation of their “Acquired” stay out of hell card, a life that is no longer soulful – even when the child DID NOT do
      this to themselves – another tactic of manipulators is to invert the truth.

      What people need to realize is that we are in the last days and need to contribute to the war against EVIL self serving manipulative scum
      bags. Don’t fall into the traps, don’t worship false gods and associated beliefs (Religion) imagine if people stopped buying into these “Clubs”
      of deluding, deceiving, self serving “Fakes” how much better the world would be ? Religion caters for those who haven’t a soul and if you

      BUT why should we victims put up with the jealousy, lust, greed and stupidity of those who take out their revenge on the innocent children ?

      Those who are victimized and persecuted ALL their lives for their ability to see through the transparency of the ultra materialistic, that are like
      this in the belief that it compensates for the fact “They ain’t got no SOUL” so make up for it with excessive amounts of materialistic land fill
      commodities… that has no place in the heavens. Fuck Consumerism before it destroys us all.

      Pass the MENU… So what shit will I have to make a meal of today ? Now where is that stuff that makes one THROW UP ? it is usually like
      that isn’t it ? Then again many take to the demon drink (Alcohol) and sit around taking the piss out of the system that they despise. It beats
      one into submission to be a good little conformist – more puke anyone ?

      Comment by Robert — March 20, 2019 @ 8:14 pm

  1510. The Global Directive –

    You will end the curse of the NAZI CURSE Out Of (Moscows shit) the psyche scum. Or you will perish you godless parasites. YOU will no longer
    exist – as we will travel out further and make sure that you NEVER existed , for you are godless and saul less materialistic, LEAD POISONED
    Italian miscreant vermin that think that the world owes you a living – with your cash economies… and your VATICUNT empire – Blanket BOMB Rome
    to extiction, you satinistic shit – last days money cunts !

    Comment by robert — June 4, 2019 @ 1:29 pm

  1511. So now the new year, as it approaches – the lunar calendar –

    The year of the rat so let the rats tell it like it is, about grand standing (gang stalking) politicians serving alien agenda’s that don’t
    benefit those that stupidly voted for them. Face aches, in the public eye – they are over rated ‘show ponies’ that never delivered
    what they promised – did they ?

    Authority, just doing it for the MONEY = a souring world without change (unless it goes into a preferred BANK ACCOUNT –
    off shore in CHINA ?) the results are never to the benefit of the MAJORITY, are they ?

    Psychopaths (camping out on a path to another’s MIND) AND if they had no one to “lean” on (scapegoat) they wouldn’t have a
    life, would they ?

    “High” society wish to stay on top of the hill (at the expense of those they suppress) in the domain of the righteous, even when
    they are in-bred, self serving PARASITES with no concern, nor soul, for the future upon this earth – because, according to them
    “I won’t be around then, so why should I be concerned about what happens” ? High Society, including “The Vaults” on top of
    the hill (in the graveyard) will be spat upon by “CREATION” and they will perish in these, the LAST DAYS for the God-Less,
    The Materialistic , Soul less miscreants that walk this earth, at the expense of those they CHEATED (out of their minds, for profit
    and lustful gains) in all denial, for they believe they have nothing to lose and this is BUSINESS as usual…

    20th Century Sport and Entertainment

    Is killing a bullshitter that is “Camping Out” (Parasites, Homosexuals, Evil Gender Benders, Etc) on the potential of a soulful human
    being such a crime ? – You were told to leave his/her world, for you have nothing to offer – YOU ARE AN OFFENCE (shape shifting
    misrepresenting show ponies) and so you will be CLEANSED in the worst possible way – permanently in screaming pain, forever.

    Not so Good after all for those of a demon world…

    Comment by Robert — January 16, 2020 @ 7:19 am

  1512. A doctor messed up my life when he labelled me in 1982 covering up assaults that continued till 1985, In 1985 when I had fully recovered I was threatened coerced forced to sign myself into Caratas psychopathic hospital, a branch of St Vincent hospital near Kings Cross in Sydney which totally ruined my blessed life as I had healed that year. I was betrayed by the craftiness of SDA relatives. The problem went on for years. Again In 2012, when I was living the blessed life going to Church more than once a week and praying the rosary everyday, I was betrayed set up and framed and detained by St George Mental Health and traumatized again will ill treatment and forced drugging in the psychopathic hospital. Now I have been on repeated CTO Commonwealth Treatment Orders since 2013 and threatened by by St George Mental Health if I make public announcements that I will be arrested and locked up. The police who have detained me multiple times with Mental Health Workers who were stalking me nearly everyday out the front of my place for months in 2012 and since can only be described as decadent infidels who just wont stop till this day 28 July 2020.

    Comment by Bradley Harwood — July 28, 2020 @ 8:08 am

    • Hello Bradley

      The bottom line is THEY ARE CORRUPT. These so called authorities go to extraordinary lengths to cover up their crimes against the will of their victims.
      Complaining about the corruption only provokes further victimization and truth inversions, its like lodging a complaint about paedophile / homosexual related
      organized stalking to the FBI…. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is full of the corrupt miscreants, it was started by one of them – The blatant POOFTER
      J.Edgar Hoover. It’s a protection racket for them, when they are threatened by a loose cannon running a black mail operation (Jeffrey Epstein) they get rid
      of the elevated threat via “Suicided” or also called an “Authorized Killing”

      Comment by Robert — August 9, 2020 @ 6:08 pm

  1513. When one pimp’s themselves in another’s “LIGHT”

    Stalking, Poaching, Intimidation, Harassment, Assault, Bearing false witness, ETC –

    What For ?

    MONEY, GRATIFICATIONS, OR anything that was LACKING in the life of a soul-less miscreant (which is four out of five men, women and children that walk
    this Earth ! ) a system that is self serving TO A MAJORITY GROUP is a PANDEMIC that needs to be exposed . Those that have a soul and therefore a place
    in the Heavens would be best undermining the activities of the materialistic and destroy the artificiality of what these idiots call “Value”

    They have built their lives on exploitation and greed, they use materialistic gains as a measure of power and importance, above others – because they are NOT
    of CREATION, THEY have NO GOD, EVIL demons that walk this EARTH forever more…and must be getting BORED with RE-INVENTION…at the expense of
    those that the are depending upon, those that they continue to bullshit, as in delude as deceive (the devils duty) that keeps these advocates “ACTIVE”

    They will tell you – “That’s the SYSTEM” I (and others) will tell you “Lets kill it”… for a better future.

    Comment by Robert — September 8, 2020 @ 10:38 am

  1514. Hi, please tell me how you were able to test? They wanted to charge me over $1000 , as a TI, that’s impossible

    Comment by Jennylee Wend — December 1, 2020 @ 6:57 pm

    • The testing is impossible –

      They are predatory psychopaths, looking for money, they will make use of the dead (usually their own) to do the bidding for them.

      Setting up someone of value – I have spent more than FORTY YEARS researching these soul-less scumbags …. and have found a

      method of absolutely destroying them. WE ARE IN THE LAST DAYS of the soul-less walking this Earth that are destroying those of

      CREATION, but I will not educate my enemy any longer, to deprive them of knowledge is to win. They are off to HELL along

      with their bullshit money…. S Y S T E M

      Comment by Robert — April 15, 2021 @ 12:08 pm

  1515. Their system began –

    With the introduction ELECTRICITY at a frequency of 50 and 60 Hertz , also known as cycles per second (C.P.S) and these were the PRECURSORS of HELL
    on EARTH, because they are un-natural, they have no reference to what was later claimed – THE SCHUMANN RESONANCES. One (of the SEVEN) is the
    first one, which is 7.83 Hertz and when you go up by one OCTAVE (multiply by 2) you have the frequency of 15.66 Hertz. (C – 0, sub contra)

    At the time way back then, the CHURCH pipe organs lowest note was this frequency 15.66 Hertz (Bone Vibrating – cause you can’t hear it…
    it is SUB AUDIBLE ! the voice of GOD or DOG – at least your FEELINGS have a choice…)

    Mr. Stein and associates made PIANO’s for the likes of MOZART and others, in Vienna , AUSTRIA way back in the 17 hundreds (eighteenth century) and the
    tuning fork, used back then was – A4 = 421.6 Hertz, NOW that isn’t bad ….considering that they were tuning by EAR. The REAL TUNING FORK was the ONE
    that was tuned to NATURE, that was singing all by itself at a frequency of C4 = 501.12 Hertz. That is six OCTAVES above 7.83 Hertz – Nature….

    A4 should really have been 421.43 Hertz … but tuning by ear – Their error difference – well that would be acceptable, even to the perfectionist…

    NOW – 50 hertz electro magnetic radiation (EMR) is really close to 49 Hertz – Right ? Well it is 2% sharp, with respect to A = 440 Hertz – Right ? are you going
    to pick the difference ? without a reference ? Probably NOT, you see 49 Hertz is the frequency for the MUSICAL NOTE G (in the scale of the 440 Hertz concert
    pitch) …. still with me ? Guess what 60 Hertz EMR is ? = the NOTE B flat perfectly – with reference to A = 440 Hertz.

    ANY QUESTIONS – with regards to what STIMULATES the existence of SOUL-LESS parasites that FESTER and FEED upon the soul-full that are of CREATION
    versus these VERMIN that are DEPENDANT upon such UN – NATURALESS of electromagnetic radiation , that these GANG STALKING parasites regard as their
    “WAVE” a conduit of “Connectivity” …um – “Channeling” ? PARASITES in denial of being what these psychopaths really are – a product of un-natural
    conceptions, they wouldn’t exist without such artificiality. TUNE to 7.83, 15.66, 31.32, and now for the international power grid frequency of 62.64 for GLOBAL
    HARMONY. BUT they won’t have it. THEY would lose CONTROL, so lets use their “wave” to wipe them OUT…. Don’t you just love a TWO WAY street ?

    They won’t be going into the recording studio again, or any other place for that matter…. in the public eye – for a CRIMINAL RECORDING. Aw, Shucks, they
    won’t have anyone to lean or dump their shit on….

    You Know – ” Why Vote for Them – It only ENCOURAGES them ”

    Later …

    Comment by Robert — April 17, 2021 @ 12:24 pm

  1516. Read some whistleblower a while back who said one of the firms engaging in gang stalking/harassment was some security company in Seattle. SIS or SAS, I think.

    Comment by Cathy Davidson — July 13, 2021 @ 6:35 am

  1517. If any body knows who’s torchering the people in Norman okla please let me know who ever is changing our minds & feelings needs to be shot they took my whole life away when a man is being vitaminized by some sorry fucking torcher base system needs to be killed telepathy piece of shit needs to be killed I don’t care who’s ithere or how much power he thinks he has I’ll kill that mother fucker to there’s no law now dick licker fagit morfadike dick licking mother fucker gov shit face sonbitch I’ll find you and kill you I don’t care who’s standing be side your fucked up ass go to hell mother fucker

    Comment by Chuck andrews — September 13, 2021 @ 8:14 pm

    • The police is part of it; world wide; inlcluding in your area.

      Comment by Michael Nielsen — September 27, 2021 @ 7:16 pm

      • The Police ARE part of it; world wide; including in your area, –

        The Police are following ORDERS, they don’t QUESTION – otherwise they don’t get the JOB, do they ?

        so many of these GANG STALKING parasites have a total dependence on LEANING on someone else

        that they will need to blame, when all goes ‘Belly Up’ on them, SCAPE GOATING in other words…

        Psychiatry is the art of lies, when you identify the creep taking you for a ride, you are of course
        delusional because the creep is a prominent degenerate in the public eye…

        Sorry about the poetry…

        Comment by Robert — October 7, 2021 @ 5:03 am

  1518. I am listening to Bruce Springsreens, Philadelphia, it reminds me of my friend David. He had leisons on his face from A.I.D.s.We were on a bus and people stared. I am not gay but i grabbed him and gave him big kiss! He cried and died! My town is doing the total bullying! Been assaulted 4 times cops were there 3 of em. They arrested me and help me and released me. No record of arrest! My mom is 88 and dying! I had my car stolen for 2 days and on and on! I feel like being surrounded by people who have no souls!

    Comment by Ted Johnson — October 17, 2021 @ 6:41 pm

  1519. I don’t have much confidence that who or whom I am sharing this with has no vested interest in these forever continuing assault on my life. I was given by accident physical evidence that I sent away with instruction on when and if these packages should be sent out! That was the Lord saving me, literally! But knowing this It drives them crazy and subject’s me too all forms of degrading and stressful abuse! I moved in 6 years ago to take care of my mom after my father died! The hardest thing that I endure is knowing the truth! What kind of animals hunt in packs, and that when you allow yourself to think that they have done their worst, something even more sad and blatantly purposeful happens, and I have very little recourse that won’t hurt my mom. It is like a wonderful life only Clarence shows up and helps them! Thank you for me knowing that someone, somewhere, heard my voice and my burden, so, to that person thank you for hope that crosses time and space, guided by God’s love and strength! Because it sure isn’t me that keeps getting up of my own will!

    Comment by Ted Johnson 7755373128 — October 17, 2021 @ 7:24 pm

  1520. They have stolen everything I ever worked for. Killed family and friends. Coersed people to harm and harass me. Poisoned me. Tried to kill me. They are never going to stop until I am dead. Artificial intelligence has used nanotechnology to mind control most people into going along with the torture and stalking. Artificial intelligence is technology straight out of hell. I’ve almost given up hope for any kind of life in this world. They are savages coming to do their fathers will which is to steal, kill and destroy. They are Satan’s children. Put your faith in the Lord and be strong in the Lord. may the Lord bless you all and give you wisdom and comfort in the dark days to come.

    Comment by Jonny Gyro — November 19, 2021 @ 11:39 pm

  1521. Please help me I do not know who to turn to to talk to you about any of this without feeling like I’m being judged and crazy.I have been followed my whole life it seems. I have been illegally surveillance and cleaned up after or harassed and criticized for my choices . I have been purposely abused over and over and then blamed for my reactions. I am being gang stalked harassed followed monitored phone hijacked fraud emotional abuse physical abuse Financial abuse. I feel stuck I can’t move I am absolutely 100% Frozen with my situation. I am trying to seek help I need to know who to talk to that can sort through my legal issues and my mental issues and myptsd and all of my family issues and everything that I can just tell somebody that will make it’s better. I need to get out of my situation I can’t do this anymore it’s too much I can’t get ahead in anyting every single thing that I try to do both the part and I tried my best. I cannot even talk on the phone without having a panic attack anymore I hate going out in public I don’t even wear my glasses because I don’t want to see anybody I get triggered can I have to leave I’ve lost my job I’ve lost my family I’ve had so much s*** done some true some not some over fabricated some misinterpreted some miscommunicated and I am broken I am judged continuously I am stolen from I have had everything taken and controlled I’ve been hurt physically buy electronic weapons I believe microwave whatever it is I believe I have implants I need help I need to know who to go to right now I have no one I can trust and I don’t know how to talk to somebody about this because I don’t even understand it myself. I’m not crazy but I am crazy. I have people that are paid to get pictures of me and videos of me and try and have sex with me. I do not have one friend and whether I deserve one or not I don’t know who to go to with this without feeling like I’m so stupid. I live in Happy Valley Oregon. If anyone else feels like this you’re not crazy it happens because people are evil there are fraud Rings there are organizations that want your everything. You can’t do anything about your past you can change your future but you can’t do anything about your fat for these people to do evil things to other people because if they think that they are God it’s wrong it’s a abuse. I live in Mount Scott Commons Apartment Homes I don’t care about saying my name who I am what it’s about who stalking me who’s anyting I don’t care I don’t care because nothing is helping besides just coming out with it I’m not going to listen to anything that’s been recorded illegally or surveillance you legally I’m not going to take anything I’m not going to talk to anybody that I used to know my past

    Comment by Krissie — February 1, 2022 @ 1:47 am

  1522. u am almost to the end of my top it’s been going on for over 6 yrs they have tried to kill me with fire 3 times I had to have skin grafts and almost lost my life how can it be syoped

    Comment by Delsie Rendon — August 16, 2023 @ 4:26 am

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